WEBVTT 00:02.245 --> 00:05.988 Wow, that was like a hot toddy of strong coffee. 00:06.248 --> 00:08.710 Yeah, that's some heavy metal from the 1970s. 00:08.991 --> 00:09.831 I like heavy metal. 00:10.492 --> 00:20.640 And it's by Jet, who actually, no, it's from the 2006s, and that's called Put Your Money Where You... They haven't given us the full title on a piece of paper. 00:20.680 --> 00:21.201 What's it called? 00:21.221 --> 00:22.722 Where You... Marsha, you know about music. 00:22.742 --> 00:24.163 Where Your Mouth Is. 00:24.183 --> 00:26.145 Oh, I thought it was Put Your Money Where You Go To The Lavi. 00:27.250 --> 00:28.331 Which would have just been weird. 00:28.351 --> 00:29.232 That's disgusting. 00:29.612 --> 00:32.634 Or put your money where you keep... You're disgusting. 00:33.014 --> 00:33.895 Am I disgusting? 00:33.915 --> 00:34.996 You're disgusting. 00:35.016 --> 00:35.657 Do I revolt you? 00:35.977 --> 00:36.197 No. 00:36.377 --> 00:37.518 OK. 00:37.758 --> 00:38.619 Hi, this is Adam and Joe. 00:38.899 --> 00:46.305 Welcome to one hour, 50 minutes of great music, great chat and great sex here on XFM. 00:47.125 --> 00:48.366 This is our penultimate show. 00:49.347 --> 00:49.547 Right. 00:49.968 --> 00:55.232 We are going to take a break after next week's show for a while because, you know, we've got a lot on. 00:55.892 --> 00:56.613 What have you got on, Joe? 00:57.193 --> 01:02.224 Just jeans and a t-shirt. 01:02.324 --> 01:06.493 Get ready for more of the same for the next one hour, 50 minutes of madness. 01:08.289 --> 01:12.510 Before Jett, you heard, incidentally, the Arctic Monkeys as if you needed to be told. 01:12.750 --> 01:13.951 David Cameron's favourite band. 01:14.151 --> 01:14.771 Are they really? 01:14.911 --> 01:15.231 Yeah. 01:15.631 --> 01:16.112 Since when? 01:16.312 --> 01:17.512 He's going to be the Prime Minister. 01:17.572 --> 01:18.772 It's been decided already. 01:18.792 --> 01:19.192 Has it? 01:19.473 --> 01:19.693 Yeah. 01:19.713 --> 01:24.134 Well, I'd rather have him than... I like Sir Ming Campbell. 01:24.674 --> 01:24.974 Ming? 01:25.234 --> 01:27.455 I was watching the Liberal Democrat Conference. 01:27.475 --> 01:27.875 Ming the merciful. 01:27.895 --> 01:28.615 I like Ming Campbell. 01:28.895 --> 01:32.377 You know the difference between Ming Campbell and David Cameron and Tony Blair? 01:32.637 --> 01:33.457 Ming Campbell's old. 01:34.297 --> 01:39.361 Like there's a chance he might actually know something and have had some experience. 01:39.681 --> 01:40.801 He's stuffed though, isn't he, Ming? 01:40.882 --> 01:43.143 Because he doesn't know who the Arctic monkeys are. 01:43.183 --> 01:43.903 He's out the picture. 01:44.064 --> 01:48.646 Isn't it funny how the Arctic monkeys have just become a touchstone for being in touch with the youth? 01:49.007 --> 01:49.967 Yeah, for old kids. 01:50.007 --> 01:51.568 All you have to do is just say their name. 01:52.449 --> 01:53.790 And that's sort of enough, isn't it? 01:53.810 --> 01:55.131 Is it? 01:55.451 --> 01:56.832 Marsha's looking at me like I'm mad. 01:59.705 --> 02:01.026 Marsha's a professional DJ. 02:01.086 --> 02:02.606 Yeah, she's heard more music. 02:02.626 --> 02:04.107 She doesn't want to abandon the studio. 02:04.127 --> 02:12.011 She's heard more music than Jesse rubbish monkeys in the last six months As you two will listeners, you know, that wasn't a very good sentence. 02:12.071 --> 02:16.913 Yeah Anyway, we've got a competition coming up very shortly and it's a sort of a one-off competition. 02:17.654 --> 02:22.096 Oh, it's Shane McGowan based good So if you think that you can translate 02:22.836 --> 02:27.777 the words of Shane McGowan into English, then stay tuned because you could win a prize. 02:27.957 --> 02:29.017 If you can speak McGowan. 02:29.117 --> 02:30.178 If you can speak McGowan. 02:30.238 --> 02:32.198 We'll be teaching you how to speak McGowan later on. 02:32.218 --> 02:34.858 We've got copies of Inside Little Britain to give away. 02:34.998 --> 02:40.820 It's a book about Matt Lucas and Dave Whalums, written by Matt Lucas and Dave Whalums. 02:41.240 --> 02:43.880 And Boyd Hilton, editor of Heat magazine. 02:43.900 --> 02:45.501 So we might be reading some excerpts from that. 02:45.581 --> 02:47.341 Jacket Photos by Sam Taylor Wood. 02:47.701 --> 02:48.081 Wow. 02:48.401 --> 02:49.782 This is like the hippest book. 02:50.022 --> 02:51.742 This is a slice of someone's hip. 02:52.302 --> 03:03.318 right here right it's a a big uh zeitgeist brick and we've got loads to give away here on the show uh so stay tuned great music right now from the raconteurs 03:10.592 --> 03:12.613 That's the raconteurs with broken boy soldiers. 03:12.633 --> 03:14.034 It's Adam and Joe here on XFM. 03:14.514 --> 03:17.796 Joe, have you gone out and bought the re-released Star Wars films on TV? 03:17.876 --> 03:18.896 No, I refuse to. 03:19.016 --> 03:19.717 That's a good question. 03:19.757 --> 03:20.377 I refuse to. 03:20.557 --> 03:20.977 Yeah, why? 03:21.517 --> 03:24.659 Because they're really bad quality apparently. 03:24.959 --> 03:25.299 No. 03:25.540 --> 03:26.080 Yeah. 03:26.100 --> 03:27.601 First of all, they're very bad quality. 03:27.801 --> 03:27.941 Yeah. 03:28.261 --> 03:29.421 They're not properly letterboxed. 03:29.902 --> 03:31.803 They haven't been properly transferred or restored. 03:32.163 --> 03:32.423 Really? 03:33.023 --> 03:34.224 Yeah, they're just in 2.0. 03:34.944 --> 03:35.985 Old-school stereo. 03:36.085 --> 03:36.945 Yeah. 03:37.006 --> 03:37.686 He hasn't bothered. 03:37.726 --> 03:42.389 Basically, it's his plan to rip off Star Wars fans, sort of, as much as he can. 03:42.589 --> 03:44.290 How could Lucas sanction such a thing? 03:44.830 --> 03:48.332 Cos he's a big, jubbly-chinned loser. 03:48.532 --> 03:49.913 No, he can't be. 03:50.253 --> 03:53.235 He's still got the beating heart of a genius, surely. 03:53.255 --> 03:54.095 Do you think? 03:54.115 --> 03:57.057 Somewhere deep inside his jabber-like husk. 03:57.757 --> 03:58.517 It's true, isn't it? 03:58.557 --> 04:00.458 But I don't know, he's been taken over by greed. 04:00.478 --> 04:02.019 That's weird, isn't it? 04:02.079 --> 04:02.919 Why would he do that? 04:03.140 --> 04:06.121 How many other things can they possibly release, Star Wars-related? 04:06.141 --> 04:08.202 They're gonna release all three films in 3D. 04:08.962 --> 04:09.262 No. 04:09.322 --> 04:10.963 No, all six films in 3D. 04:10.983 --> 04:11.723 Are you joking now? 04:11.743 --> 04:12.544 No, I'm not joking. 04:12.564 --> 04:13.344 That's happening next year. 04:13.604 --> 04:20.207 They're gonna release, like, a 10-disc remastered, like, complete set of all the films. 04:20.828 --> 04:21.108 Yeah. 04:21.508 --> 04:22.889 Because they're still deleted scenes. 04:23.309 --> 04:23.689 Oh, no. 04:23.829 --> 04:27.912 Yeah, there's that scene with Luke and some, you know, I forget his name. 04:28.253 --> 04:29.413 There's a famous deleted scene. 04:29.453 --> 04:29.894 Conrad. 04:30.454 --> 04:31.395 That's right, Conrad. 04:31.695 --> 04:32.176 No, Phil. 04:32.256 --> 04:33.156 I think he's just called Phil. 04:33.737 --> 04:38.501 With Luke and Phil at the gas station talking about Rolos. 04:39.481 --> 04:40.222 Getting the munchies. 04:40.242 --> 04:41.083 Yeah, getting the munchies. 04:41.143 --> 04:42.404 Oh man, I gotta have some Rolos. 04:42.464 --> 04:43.605 I gotta smoke and have a tree. 04:45.806 --> 04:46.427 I got a billa. 04:47.452 --> 04:48.172 You've got a what? 04:48.412 --> 04:50.373 It's just street talk Adam, you wouldn't understand. 04:50.393 --> 04:51.933 I don't understand what's happening on the street. 04:51.953 --> 04:56.534 It's good street talk that if you don't understand it, you won't be offended by it, but if you do, you'll be excited. 04:57.735 --> 04:59.455 That's a deleted scene to look forward to. 04:59.515 --> 05:04.657 Yeah, so basically he's gonna, and this week he released the Star Wars video game, Lego Star Wars video game. 05:04.717 --> 05:07.437 Well at least that is like a worthwhile spin on the whole thing. 05:07.457 --> 05:08.858 Apparently so, it's supposed to be pretty good. 05:08.938 --> 05:09.118 Yeah. 05:10.078 --> 05:16.260 But honestly, George, if you're listening, because I know he likes to show, what are you playing at, you ludicrous ponce? 05:16.480 --> 05:17.080 How wooed. 05:17.700 --> 05:18.240 How wooed. 05:18.300 --> 05:18.920 How wooed. 05:18.940 --> 05:22.741 Well, now you've cheered me up by doing a Jar Jar impression, because I love Jar Jar. 05:22.821 --> 05:23.181 Oh, Jar Jar. 05:23.562 --> 05:25.982 Competition time very shortly, if you think- Mr Competition. 05:26.482 --> 05:27.242 Mr Competition. 05:27.303 --> 05:28.023 Mr Competition. 05:28.243 --> 05:29.363 Me like a competition. 05:29.783 --> 05:31.324 Can you speak of Shane McGowan? 05:31.704 --> 05:32.564 That's not so good, is it? 05:32.604 --> 05:34.664 Shane McGowan could be a Star Wars character, though. 05:34.764 --> 05:35.325 Could be. 05:35.345 --> 05:35.485 Yeah. 05:38.456 --> 05:56.956 beginning of a yoda noise where's the pub where's the pub you didn't say it backwards pub where is that there you go bang shortly uh it's competition time if you believe that you can speak mcgowan if you can translate the words of the genius irish boozer and poet and singer what about giving the telephone number in advance 05:57.276 --> 05:57.776 Oh, you reckon? 05:57.896 --> 06:01.598 Yeah, 0-8-7-1, 2-2-2, 10-49. 06:01.999 --> 06:03.600 That's 0-8-7-1-2, 22-10-4-9. 06:04.120 --> 06:08.922 But first, here's the first of our three plays. 06:08.962 --> 06:11.464 This is a Devo with gut feeling. 06:11.484 --> 06:13.085 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 06:16.587 --> 06:20.129 That's Devo with gut feeling, stroke, slap your mammy. 06:20.329 --> 06:24.111 This is Adam and Joe on XFM and it's... competition time! 06:25.117 --> 06:53.009 You could win a DVD or tickets to a show You just never know So sharpen up your brain and get ready to play Now this is a kind of one-off competition this week because I was watching BBC 4 last weekend and they had a brilliant series of programmes about the record label Stiff You know, who of course are responsible for putting out all Madness's records Yeah, the show was called If It Ain't Stiff It Ain't Worth a F**k 06:55.190 --> 07:20.912 was the full title and it was a good show and then they had a brilliant round-up of Stiff acts playing Top of the Pops, people like Ian Dury and Kirsty McCall and Madness and of course The Pogues and they had an interview with Shane McGowan as part of the documentary where Shane was talking about how the title of the album Rum, Sodomy and the Lash came about which was their sort of most successful album I suppose on Stiff 07:22.006 --> 07:45.680 and uh he you know he as usual was being interviewed in a pub and he seemed pretty chipper like sometimes shane mcgowan is interviewed on things and he's barely alive you know yeah there was a documentary on him was it about 10 years ago now yeah where he looked as if he might be so ill he might pop his clocks that's why he seems to have sort of recovered he seems he's got a lot better i think yeah i think maybe he switched to 07:46.420 --> 08:03.230 maybe lemon hooch maybe or uh something a bit more peppy what did you say and i don't know switch to anyway it occurred to me like uh i mean it was almost impossible to understand what shane was saying in this little bit of interview that i'm gonna play you in a second 08:03.770 --> 08:05.991 But he wasn't subtitled, do you know what I mean? 08:06.571 --> 08:08.831 And it seems like, well, obviously, why would he be subtitled? 08:08.851 --> 08:11.532 He's Shane McGowan, he's still... He's speaking English. 08:11.592 --> 08:12.612 Yeah, like in England. 08:12.692 --> 08:13.992 His brain is absolutely fine. 08:14.272 --> 08:15.913 What he's saying is perfectly fine. 08:16.073 --> 08:19.533 It's just the actual way that he's saying it is very hard to understand. 08:20.093 --> 08:32.036 And, you know, like, for example, when they have someone who's got a proper speech impediment or is disabled in some way, in a way that affects their speech, in however mild a way, they subtitle them sometimes, 08:32.176 --> 08:32.636 Do you know what I mean? 08:32.656 --> 08:39.060 Even if you can perfectly well understand what the person is saying, they just think, oh, well, we better subtitle them, you know, because they're slurring or whatever. 08:39.540 --> 08:40.461 But no subtitles. 08:40.481 --> 08:41.401 Yeah, booze doesn't count. 08:41.461 --> 08:42.642 No, booze doesn't count. 08:42.942 --> 08:44.343 You get away without subtitles. 08:44.903 --> 08:51.627 Because, you know, if you start subtitling boozers, everyone's going to feel a bit paranoid when they go out on a Friday night and they suddenly need subtitles. 08:51.647 --> 08:51.967 It's true. 08:52.107 --> 08:52.987 Anyway, that's by the by. 08:53.448 --> 08:59.391 Listeners, what I want you to do is translate this snatch of McGowan for me, OK? 08:59.831 --> 09:00.612 Now, it's quite long. 09:02.109 --> 09:04.471 So do people have to write it down, transcribe it? 09:04.531 --> 09:05.632 I would think so, yeah. 09:05.732 --> 09:07.893 I'll play it a couple of times throughout the show, right? 09:07.933 --> 09:09.054 How long is it, ten minutes? 09:09.254 --> 09:10.875 It's about fifteen or twenty minutes. 09:11.275 --> 09:13.777 Okay, so that's gonna, this is gonna last forty minutes. 09:13.837 --> 09:14.858 It'll last forty minutes. 09:14.898 --> 09:16.359 And people have to transcribe. 09:16.879 --> 09:17.139 Yeah. 09:17.299 --> 09:17.960 For forty minutes. 09:18.000 --> 09:19.441 Every word of what Shane's saying. 09:19.461 --> 09:21.562 This is a good competition for stenographers. 09:22.003 --> 09:22.883 Is that the right word? 09:22.943 --> 09:24.224 Stenographers, yeah, from courts. 09:24.264 --> 09:24.424 Yeah. 09:24.804 --> 09:25.785 Who bash away. 09:25.805 --> 09:28.467 Who managed to type on a typewriter with three keys. 09:28.587 --> 09:29.728 Yeah, everything they need to know. 09:29.748 --> 09:30.348 I don't know how it works. 09:30.368 --> 09:31.349 I don't understand either. 09:32.249 --> 09:32.929 No idea. 09:33.129 --> 09:34.149 It's a total mystery. 09:34.349 --> 09:39.030 If there's any stenographers listening, just give us a call and explain what the heck you think you're doing. 09:39.430 --> 09:44.131 No, but just the basic gist and some key little parts of this is all I really need. 09:44.191 --> 09:46.572 Like, just ring me up and talk me through what Shane is saying. 09:46.592 --> 09:47.072 The thrust. 09:47.212 --> 09:47.372 Yeah. 09:47.692 --> 09:48.952 I'll tell you what, here's how we'll do it. 09:49.212 --> 09:49.912 Right. 09:50.012 --> 09:56.053 If you think you can translate it, we'll get you on the line and then we'll play the clip and you can translate as Shane is speaking, all right? 09:56.393 --> 09:57.013 That's how we'll do it. 09:57.053 --> 09:58.694 But this is the clip I want you to translate. 09:58.754 --> 09:59.474 Here's Shane McGowan. 10:00.874 --> 10:02.875 from the group, sort of the title, yeah? 10:03.575 --> 10:05.936 Which is a club from Churchill, yeah? 10:06.076 --> 10:13.378 All the name you do is Rum, Sudder & Lash, yeah? 10:13.518 --> 10:19.520 You know, pretty typical Winston Churchill sort of thinking, you know what I mean? 10:19.540 --> 10:24.742 But just take it out of context, Rum, Sudder & Lash, it just sounded great anyway, you know what I mean? 10:25.142 --> 10:27.463 And then be able to touch the press page. 10:27.543 --> 10:29.284 Why do you call it Rum, Sudder & Lash? 10:30.657 --> 10:35.098 Well, that's a sign by Sir Winston Churchill, isn't it? 10:35.118 --> 10:36.378 You find a British name? 10:39.439 --> 10:41.840 Apart from the fact that that's the best. 10:41.880 --> 10:42.540 What's that noise? 10:42.560 --> 10:44.080 That's the best laugh ever. 10:44.120 --> 10:44.800 That's a laugh. 10:45.241 --> 10:48.201 I thought he was having liposuction or something. 10:48.421 --> 10:48.821 Live. 10:48.942 --> 10:50.362 Well, of course, you know what it reminds you of. 10:56.880 --> 10:59.262 Right, do you know what I'm saying? 10:59.282 --> 10:59.722 Yeah, Muttley! 10:59.742 --> 11:01.303 There you go, that's what it's like. 11:01.363 --> 11:04.345 Is that real, Muttley, or have you just put McGowan in there? 11:04.365 --> 11:05.486 No, that's McGowan! 11:17.779 --> 11:18.860 That's McGowan giggling. 11:19.100 --> 11:20.081 That's extraordinary. 11:20.622 --> 11:26.728 So, you know, that is quite, quite, I mean, if you're, we're wearing headphones in this studio, so that was actually, I found that quite easy to understand. 11:26.748 --> 11:28.050 Did you understand all of what he was saying? 11:28.070 --> 11:31.974 I'm just saying that because I think people are going to need to get it maybe verbatim. 11:32.594 --> 11:32.794 Right. 11:33.155 --> 11:34.376 For it to be a genuine challenge. 11:34.636 --> 11:39.021 Having said that, if you're in your car or you're in your house and there's background noise, it might have been a bit harder. 11:39.241 --> 11:42.502 Well, if you think you can translate that, I'll play it one more time in just a second. 11:42.522 --> 11:47.803 If you think you can translate that, then get on the phone and I'll play it again and you can translate as you're going along. 11:48.163 --> 11:50.943 I mean, it is, it's easy to understand most of it, right? 11:51.163 --> 11:55.904 There's a couple of little bits there that I had to play about six times before I could understand what he was on about. 11:55.964 --> 11:56.644 Here he is once again. 11:56.984 --> 12:00.265 Andy, from the group, sort of the title, yeah? 12:00.705 --> 12:03.065 Which is a club from Churchill, yeah? 12:03.205 --> 12:06.446 All the name he did is Ralph Sutter and Lash, yeah? 12:10.151 --> 12:11.112 There you go. 12:39.165 --> 12:43.569 Alright then, get calling now, the number is 08712221049. 12:44.069 --> 12:46.411 We'll be back after these ads and some music. 12:49.653 --> 12:54.517 That's Razorlight Within the Morning, the first single from the London quartet's self-titled album. 12:55.658 --> 12:57.700 Mmm, that's kind of old news, isn't it? 12:58.040 --> 12:58.360 Razorlight? 12:58.380 --> 12:59.261 Let's just out that album. 12:59.341 --> 13:00.342 No, not the... Oh, is it? 13:00.402 --> 13:00.902 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 13:01.022 --> 13:01.543 Oh, it's a new one. 13:01.903 --> 13:02.704 I think so, isn't it? 13:04.713 --> 13:21.664 oh no no sorry that is old news you're quite right that's their first album uh we're in the midst of a competition listeners uh it's a kind of one-off competition no no no it was their self-titled second album man uh you know sorry we've made a mess of it let's not try and recover it we don't even to be honest with you we don't know who razorlight are 13:21.984 --> 13:22.124 Oh, no. 13:22.204 --> 13:22.705 Razor one. 13:22.745 --> 13:22.945 What? 13:22.985 --> 13:23.565 Razor one. 13:23.605 --> 13:24.286 Arctic Monkeys? 13:24.546 --> 13:24.826 Yeah. 13:24.906 --> 13:25.186 Yeah. 13:25.366 --> 13:25.807 Yeah. 13:26.047 --> 13:26.867 I know all about that. 13:27.168 --> 13:27.608 MySpace. 13:27.848 --> 13:29.069 They had a thing on MySpace. 13:29.109 --> 13:29.409 Did they? 13:29.449 --> 13:30.270 They went to number one. 13:30.650 --> 13:31.230 Was the internet. 13:31.550 --> 13:31.751 Yeah. 13:31.891 --> 13:32.151 Yeah. 13:32.351 --> 13:33.912 Anyway, listen, we've got Jack on the line. 13:34.092 --> 13:34.472 Hi, Jack. 13:34.492 --> 13:34.893 How you doing? 13:35.093 --> 13:35.513 I'm great. 13:35.553 --> 13:35.973 How are you? 13:36.073 --> 13:36.474 Yeah, good. 13:36.614 --> 13:37.074 Hi, Jack. 13:37.114 --> 13:38.535 I just like saying hi, Jack. 13:40.496 --> 13:41.317 Sorry about that, Jack. 13:41.377 --> 13:42.518 Jack, you sound very close. 13:42.578 --> 13:43.718 Do you live in central London? 13:43.738 --> 13:46.320 Not in central, in East London. 13:46.640 --> 13:47.241 Oh, that's nice. 13:47.441 --> 13:48.842 This is just a nice phone line. 13:48.882 --> 13:50.243 Are you talking on a gold phone? 13:51.005 --> 13:52.026 Er, it's a bit silver. 13:52.727 --> 13:54.309 Ooh, a silver phone. 13:54.830 --> 13:58.574 Are you a robot plugged directly into the mains? 13:59.455 --> 13:59.995 Er, yes. 14:00.276 --> 14:00.916 Biddly-biddly-biddly. 14:01.557 --> 14:01.877 Hey! 14:01.917 --> 14:02.918 That's a good response. 14:03.139 --> 14:03.579 What robot? 14:03.599 --> 14:04.901 Was that, er, Buck Rogers' robot? 14:04.921 --> 14:05.561 That was Tweaky. 14:05.742 --> 14:06.342 That was Tweaky. 14:06.402 --> 14:06.943 Yeah, it was. 14:07.363 --> 14:08.445 Is that the noise that Tweaky makes? 14:08.465 --> 14:08.545 Yeah. 14:08.565 --> 14:12.409 Biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly-biddly. 14:12.729 --> 14:14.291 He was a dreadful little robot. 14:14.371 --> 14:14.931 I loved him. 14:15.071 --> 14:15.772 No, you didn't. 14:15.812 --> 14:16.593 I still watch it. 14:16.753 --> 14:17.894 Why do you like Tweaky? 14:18.014 --> 14:19.055 I don't know, I was just young. 14:19.335 --> 14:20.276 I liked him, he was great. 14:20.336 --> 14:21.477 I liked that woman as well. 14:21.817 --> 14:22.257 I loved her. 14:22.297 --> 14:22.818 She's sexy. 14:22.878 --> 14:23.879 Erin Grey, she's extraordinary. 14:23.899 --> 14:26.701 They should bring back those, um, those skin-tight lycra suits. 14:26.941 --> 14:28.263 They should bring back those women. 14:29.130 --> 14:29.330 What? 14:29.991 --> 14:31.071 Jack, sorry about that. 14:31.452 --> 14:34.794 Uh, so listen, um, you think you can understand what Shane is saying, do you? 14:35.094 --> 14:35.514 Roughly. 14:35.815 --> 14:37.236 Yeah, I mean, it's pretty easy, of course. 14:37.276 --> 14:38.677 He's not completely unintelligible. 14:38.877 --> 14:41.178 What are we gonna do, stop at- play through it and stop and start? 14:41.198 --> 14:42.979 Uh, well, let's have- let's have a go. 14:43.019 --> 14:44.681 See if you can translate as you go along. 14:44.701 --> 14:45.001 Okay. 14:45.261 --> 14:46.362 Okay, are you ready for this, Jack? 14:46.462 --> 14:46.662 Yes. 14:47.062 --> 14:48.023 Okay, here we go. 14:48.483 --> 14:58.528 And people asked me from the group where I got the title of the album. 14:59.068 --> 15:00.149 What's he saying there? 15:00.469 --> 15:01.509 I don't know. 15:01.549 --> 15:06.172 People asked me where I got the name of the title of the album. 15:06.332 --> 15:08.933 Jack a little shaky at this point. 15:09.053 --> 15:11.054 Couple of mistakes there. 15:11.154 --> 15:12.735 Okay, let's see how you do with this section. 15:18.749 --> 15:19.149 Correct. 15:20.910 --> 15:25.312 Pretty typical Winston Churchill sort of thing. 15:25.332 --> 15:27.413 Pretty typical of Winston Churchill, yeah? 15:27.633 --> 15:28.273 Yeah, that's good. 15:28.553 --> 15:29.454 Typical Churchill. 15:29.474 --> 15:34.316 But just take out Crumpet's rum, sodomy and lash, it just sounded great anyway. 15:34.356 --> 15:41.339 Check out the thing there, which is the title, which is rum, sodom and lash, which is pretty typical or something. 15:41.759 --> 15:42.720 Just skidding around. 15:42.760 --> 15:44.661 Doesn't he say take out the something? 15:46.201 --> 15:47.602 Mate, yeah, take out 15:48.112 --> 15:50.033 take out the rum, sodom and lash. 15:51.073 --> 15:52.874 Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack. 15:52.914 --> 15:54.855 It all started really well with you, Jack. 15:54.915 --> 15:57.276 And now it's just a nightmare. 15:57.656 --> 16:02.118 And then be able to press say, why'd you call it rum, sodom and lash? 16:02.158 --> 16:04.119 Well that's insane. 16:04.199 --> 16:09.221 Why'd you call it rum, sodom and lash? 16:09.401 --> 16:10.582 That's pretty insane. 16:11.388 --> 16:14.674 And I said, oh, it's come from Winston Churchill. 16:14.734 --> 16:17.700 You know, I think he's just finished his Coca-Cola. 16:18.521 --> 16:21.306 And yeah, he's just sucking the last bit out of the glass with a straw. 16:21.366 --> 16:22.408 That's what's happening there. 16:23.680 --> 16:26.662 So you think this is the sound of Shane drinking the dregs of his coke? 16:26.882 --> 16:29.743 Yeah. 16:29.763 --> 16:34.366 Yeah, he's just got an incredibly powerful suction capabilities. 16:34.446 --> 16:36.647 Listen, Jack, you got the gist of it, of course. 16:36.967 --> 16:37.707 Yeah. 16:38.147 --> 16:39.108 I don't think it's good enough. 16:39.168 --> 16:39.968 It's not quite good enough. 16:39.988 --> 16:45.591 No disrespect, Jack, but the bits, you've got the easy bits, but the difficult bits are like the extra words. 16:45.731 --> 16:50.594 You proved my point that it's not possible to understand the whole of what Shane is saying. 16:51.014 --> 16:55.857 Yeah, I wrote it all down and I thought I had it and then I realised that I just wasn't even close. 16:57.098 --> 16:59.840 Listen man, we appreciate your call anyway and you did very well. 16:59.880 --> 17:01.601 Would you like a copy of the Little Britain book? 17:01.641 --> 17:01.881 Yeah. 17:02.121 --> 17:02.942 Yeah, why not? 17:03.022 --> 17:06.124 Apparently it's the greatest comedy series of the 21st century. 17:06.364 --> 17:06.824 Little Britain? 17:06.904 --> 17:11.387 They've been into the future and they've discovered that there's going to be nothing better for 96 years. 17:11.607 --> 17:13.548 I don't believe them. 17:13.609 --> 17:15.129 You guys always go on about the mighty Boosh. 17:15.470 --> 17:15.650 Yeah. 17:16.190 --> 17:18.931 I'd love it if you could send me a copy of that. 17:18.971 --> 17:19.891 Worth a mighty boost. 17:20.151 --> 17:21.551 It's just picking your prizes. 17:22.252 --> 17:23.692 We're not like a branch of Woolies. 17:23.712 --> 17:24.852 Can I have one of those? 17:25.132 --> 17:30.054 And also, can I have one of them Frisbees and a... I'm a big fan of cars. 17:30.574 --> 17:34.595 Could you send me an Audi TT like they're used in that video? 17:34.875 --> 17:37.237 Also, could I please have 25 pounds? 17:38.217 --> 17:45.903 Unfortunately, we don't have any Mighty Boosh, much as we'd love to only give away Mighty Boosh merchandise, because they are fantastic. 17:45.923 --> 17:49.726 We don't have any, but man, little Britain's not a bad substitute. 17:49.746 --> 17:51.267 This book's an incredible artifact. 17:51.907 --> 17:54.049 In about 20 years, it's going to be hilarious. 17:54.369 --> 17:55.670 I'll sell it on eBay. 17:56.232 --> 18:05.314 OK, listen, Jack, we'll send that to you, and we'll get someone else on the line before midday to see if they can completely translate what Shane McGowan is saying, but before that, hear some adverts and some more music. 18:05.334 --> 18:06.514 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 18:08.754 --> 18:10.535 That's the Muse with Starlight. 18:10.675 --> 18:11.975 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 18:11.995 --> 18:16.856 Now we have Ben on the line, who believes that he can translate the words of Shane McGowan. 18:17.236 --> 18:19.256 He's got a special advantage, though, hasn't he, Ben? 18:19.296 --> 18:21.877 Yeah, because I think he produced the programme. 18:22.157 --> 18:22.757 Did you not, Ben? 18:23.257 --> 18:24.177 Uh, that's right, yeah, I did. 18:24.500 --> 18:25.660 Did you produce it or direct it? 18:25.680 --> 18:27.381 Because in your text... I did both. 18:27.421 --> 18:28.041 You did both? 18:28.942 --> 18:29.122 Yes. 18:29.162 --> 18:29.322 Wow. 18:29.342 --> 18:31.183 Produced or directed by Ben, what's your surname Ben? 18:31.623 --> 18:32.223 It's Warley. 18:32.643 --> 18:33.704 Ben Warley. 18:33.844 --> 18:37.425 And Ben, so are you a massive fan of the Pogues? 18:37.665 --> 18:38.626 I love Shane. 18:38.886 --> 18:42.987 Shane is a living legend and contrary to... A barely living legend. 18:43.367 --> 18:45.428 Yeah, he's still alive. 18:45.468 --> 18:46.969 Contrary to popular belief, what? 18:47.449 --> 18:48.129 He's still alive. 18:48.390 --> 18:48.690 Yes. 18:49.110 --> 18:53.192 And did you know him before you made this documentary, or was making the documentary your introduction to him? 18:53.632 --> 18:57.814 I'd met him a couple of times in a... in a boozer in north London before. 18:58.134 --> 19:01.376 What, just like, as a punter, like coincidentally, you'd gone up to him? 19:01.796 --> 19:05.118 Well, there is a... yeah, yeah, yeah, basically. 19:05.418 --> 19:08.039 You're not involved with Stiff or anything or anything? 19:08.079 --> 19:09.680 No, no, no, no vested interest. 19:10.120 --> 19:13.542 But he seemed, I mean, you know, what he was actually saying was completely fine. 19:13.562 --> 19:15.443 He's totally compost mentis, isn't he? 19:16.053 --> 19:19.917 He is, he's a really, really, well I think he's a genius basically. 19:20.357 --> 19:22.620 He was reading a book on Sanskrit on the day. 19:24.402 --> 19:25.863 He went to the same school as us. 19:26.323 --> 19:27.605 Quite a posh school. 19:27.965 --> 19:29.547 He was booted out. 19:29.787 --> 19:31.469 He was a contemporary of Thomas Dolby. 19:32.270 --> 19:32.470 Right. 19:32.650 --> 19:47.457 At this school and Thomas Dolby and Shane McGowan used to hang around for a while until their musical proclivities diverged and McGowan went off to chew people's ears off in the hundred club and Thomas Dolby went to become the king of synthpop. 19:47.717 --> 19:58.062 But Ben did you in terms of understanding McGowanese did you find it difficult at first and then you know gradually gain an understanding of the nuances of his speech? 19:58.763 --> 20:07.991 Well, I think that bit of interview you've played, I must have listened to it a thousand times before it kind of, it kind of hit me what the general gist of it actually was. 20:08.011 --> 20:09.452 Okay, so listen, translate as we go on. 20:09.472 --> 20:11.654 I'll play little chunks and you can tell us exactly what he's saying. 20:12.035 --> 20:12.375 Here we go. 20:13.016 --> 20:16.378 Andy from the group, sort of the title, yeah? 20:17.279 --> 20:19.621 Andy from the group, sort of the title, yeah? 20:19.882 --> 20:20.582 Ah, correct. 20:20.622 --> 20:22.784 Which is a quote from Churchill, yeah? 20:22.944 --> 20:25.787 Over 90 years, brown, sugary, and lush. 20:26.880 --> 20:32.341 Which is a quote from Churchill that maybe needs is Rum, Sodomy and the Lash. 20:32.641 --> 20:33.201 Yeah. 20:37.662 --> 20:39.143 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 20:39.343 --> 20:45.804 You know, pretty typical Winston Churchill sort of thinking. 20:47.184 --> 20:49.545 Pretty typical Winston Churchill thinking. 20:50.485 --> 20:53.926 But just try to get out and confess Rum, Sodomy and the Lash. 20:53.946 --> 20:54.846 This is a tricky bit. 20:54.926 --> 20:55.846 Anyway, you know what I mean? 20:56.946 --> 21:17.808 but uh taken out of context run sodomy and the lash uh i think i'll have to hear it again taken out of context that's the key bit yeah i had to listen to that it's like what is he swearing or what's he saying there and then be able to touch the press saying why do you call it run sodomy you're asking god well that's insane why so what's the church doing 21:19.378 --> 21:24.720 Something about the press, and then... Why do you call it Rum, Sodomy and the Lash? 21:24.740 --> 21:26.481 Well, it's the same by Winston Churchill. 21:26.601 --> 21:26.821 Yeah. 21:27.101 --> 21:27.321 Yeah. 21:27.481 --> 21:29.502 Yeah, exactly. 21:35.931 --> 21:54.168 about the british navy about the british navy exactly why'd you call it the press being able to tell the praise talking about how nice it was to be able to tell the press why'd you call it rum sodomy in the lash say the press well that's the saying by sir winston churchill about the british navy said shane so there you go hey listen ben thank you very much for calling in one last question ben was there any kind of subtitle debate 21:55.451 --> 22:00.234 There was really, but you know, we felt we'd be doing Shane down a bit, really. 22:01.055 --> 22:03.536 He deserves to be in audio. 22:03.736 --> 22:04.357 Yeah, you know what? 22:04.417 --> 22:05.637 People should learn McGowan. 22:06.298 --> 22:10.140 People should come to him rather than him come to us. 22:10.200 --> 22:12.021 But listen, Ben, congratulations on the show. 22:12.061 --> 22:13.062 I thought it was fantastic. 22:13.282 --> 22:16.124 And I'm sure it'll be repeated again on BBC 4, won't it? 22:16.464 --> 22:20.206 Yeah, it's out Friday in one 90 minute slot, Friday the 29th. 22:20.366 --> 22:21.287 Friday the 29th of this month? 22:23.808 --> 22:24.289 Fantastic. 22:24.349 --> 22:25.789 I bet it'll come to Terrestrial as well. 22:25.809 --> 22:27.630 They'll probably show it on BBC too. 22:27.730 --> 22:32.213 It was really good, beautifully made and really reminded me what an amazing label Stiff Words is. 22:32.573 --> 22:35.114 So many fantastic hits and of course Madness. 22:35.254 --> 22:38.396 All it lacked was a voiceover by us. 22:39.657 --> 22:42.038 For a lot of money. 22:42.098 --> 22:43.599 I mean we're expensive but we are. 22:43.699 --> 22:44.379 Exactly. 22:44.479 --> 22:46.660 You press yourself out. 22:46.781 --> 22:49.422 I caught your agent and I came back with my fingers burned. 22:51.030 --> 22:52.092 Ben, thanks a lot for calling in. 22:52.112 --> 22:52.873 No worries. 22:53.113 --> 22:54.055 Take care, have a good weekend. 22:54.295 --> 22:57.720 This is Adam and Joe on XFM and here is Shane McGowan with The Post. 22:57.740 --> 22:58.642 This is Sallie McLennan. 23:02.861 --> 23:03.321 There we go. 23:03.361 --> 23:11.025 That was the Bedouin sound clash with When the Night Feels My... Song. 23:11.205 --> 23:11.425 Song. 23:11.565 --> 23:11.786 Song. 23:12.306 --> 23:20.570 See, what happens is we get these little sheets that tell us what music we're playing from XFM, but sometimes the titles get cut off, you know, because there's not enough room on the piece of paper. 23:21.130 --> 23:22.051 So you have to guess the end. 23:22.771 --> 23:24.352 Then it's written in smaller letters underneath. 23:24.553 --> 23:29.156 That's an interesting little insight into what it's like DJing at XFM for you. 23:29.176 --> 23:30.718 This is Adam and Joe here. 23:30.938 --> 23:35.181 And before Bedouin Sound Clash, you heard, of course, the Guillemots. 23:35.942 --> 23:37.603 Some people say Gilles Meaux. 23:38.564 --> 23:39.285 Guillemot. 23:39.865 --> 23:41.206 I say Guillemot, just to avoid it. 23:41.226 --> 23:42.267 I say Guillemot, yes. 23:42.367 --> 23:42.887 Guillemot. 23:42.947 --> 23:43.588 Guillemot. 23:43.648 --> 23:43.908 Guillemot. 23:43.928 --> 23:44.268 Guillemot. 23:44.889 --> 23:46.450 And that's trains to Brazil. 23:46.730 --> 23:47.631 Guillemot. 23:47.691 --> 23:48.271 Guillemot. 23:48.371 --> 23:48.611 Yeah. 23:48.852 --> 23:51.454 It says underneath, pronounced, Guillemot. 23:51.474 --> 23:52.134 So there you go. 23:52.154 --> 23:52.654 That's the end of it. 23:52.674 --> 23:53.095 All right. 23:54.456 --> 23:55.617 Now we were just chatting. 23:55.777 --> 23:56.277 Just chatting. 23:56.317 --> 23:57.358 Just have a little bit of a chat. 23:57.378 --> 23:57.898 Just talking. 23:57.938 --> 23:58.759 What is that big problem? 23:59.039 --> 24:13.735 about people watching TV like at home, you know, with their girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, partners, whatever you want, and just some of the things that become irritating to you when you're like watching TV. 24:14.255 --> 24:18.577 Yeah, we're talking about TV tyranny, listeners, in the nicest possible way. 24:18.977 --> 24:20.358 Do you cohabit with someone? 24:20.858 --> 24:26.720 And if you do cohabit with somebody, do they kind of apply a tyranny to your TV schedule? 24:26.740 --> 24:33.943 I'm talking about a gentle tyranny, because this happens with my beautiful, lovely girlfriend, who's the most beautiful person in the world. 24:34.023 --> 24:34.723 I can vouch for that. 24:34.863 --> 24:38.145 But she's so emotionally lovely and sensitive 24:38.965 --> 25:05.025 that and it's not like she but she bosses me know about what we watch on the telly but she just whimpers and kind of sighs and leaves if i'm watching any of the following anything exploitative yeah uh like anything to do with an audition process where you're laughing at someone right so basically every program on television all tv all tv she sighs and leaves the room if i'm watching anything to do with horror 25:05.525 --> 25:22.336 or death or killing or frighteningness or suspense which is all films I like she sighs and looks sad if it's anything to do with war or suffering or starvation or political conflict anything like that really even if it's like a documentary or something 25:23.545 --> 25:50.066 yeah well that's maybe not necessarily true but but you know she's very uh... sensitive and and knowledgeable about what's happening in the world so uh... and you know i'm just a cynical old idiot sitting on my sofa like in new york to everything uh... you know i don't care if you don't i'm a nimby and nimby what's that no i'm not buying a backyard you know what i mean i i can have a distance from whatever's happening in the world but she's more informed and uh... 25:50.686 --> 25:51.647 cares more. 25:51.667 --> 25:59.111 But the upshot of this wonderfulness is that there's very little we can watch on television. 25:59.151 --> 26:04.374 Can you hear the sound of a man frantically tiptoeing around impending argument? 26:04.394 --> 26:06.735 But it's true, I'm being honest. 26:06.935 --> 26:16.000 Because she's so, and this is quite an important point to make Adam, that this is not the tyranny of kind of anger and suppression. 26:16.060 --> 26:18.762 Not the tyranny of evil men, as Sam Jackson might quote. 26:19.082 --> 26:23.211 No, it's the tyranny of just, you know, it's a gentle tyranny. 26:23.412 --> 26:23.672 Yeah. 26:24.053 --> 26:24.875 A sweet tyranny. 26:25.788 --> 26:53.745 a good journey so we want to know whether sexy tear sexy tear we want to know whether whether your partner or cohabity uh... applies a similar tyranny to you i'm not allowed in my house i'm not allowed to watch things like uh... like funny uh... cartoons that appeal to adults as well as children you know what you mean like the simpsons and family cousins family guy anything with like a kind of weird self-referential postmodern cynical flourish in going on why not 26:54.705 --> 26:59.446 I think because it's not, because it's in danger of engaging the brain in some way. 26:59.466 --> 27:00.366 Do you know what I mean? 27:01.147 --> 27:05.728 And in our house, TV is used purely as a relaxative. 27:06.128 --> 27:06.468 Right. 27:06.488 --> 27:07.588 Okay, can I call it that? 27:07.688 --> 27:08.408 Yeah. 27:09.369 --> 27:12.569 And it's like, as soon as the, I mean it does change when you have children. 27:12.609 --> 27:14.510 When the children are in bed, you feel like... 27:15.090 --> 27:17.631 you're into the reward section of the day, you know? 27:18.031 --> 27:24.232 And you don't really want to have your brain engaged in any meaningful way by the telebox. 27:24.872 --> 27:25.872 I can't believe I said telebox. 27:26.832 --> 27:27.452 By the television. 27:27.953 --> 27:30.613 And it's nice to just have things that wash over you. 27:30.653 --> 27:35.874 So we watch a lot of stuff like, you know, 24 and Lost and all that kind of enjoyable garbage. 27:36.654 --> 27:40.255 But stuff like, if you want to watch any kind of cutting edge comedy, yeah? 27:41.161 --> 27:42.642 That's not on, I have to go into my nuffy box. 27:42.662 --> 27:44.884 I tell you the problem, there's too much telly, there's too much choice. 27:45.265 --> 27:46.666 I think this is a contemporary phenomenon. 27:46.726 --> 27:50.529 Now there's so many channels, you really can watch exactly what you want. 27:50.970 --> 27:54.573 And I don't think, there's probably very few couples who like the same things. 27:55.474 --> 27:57.355 Because my girlfriend just watches golf. 27:58.396 --> 28:00.999 And gardening programs all the time. 28:01.019 --> 28:01.879 That's tough, man. 28:01.940 --> 28:02.400 All the time. 28:02.620 --> 28:07.421 Jeez, Louise, if my wife suddenly started getting into a snooker or something... Ah, it's a nightmare. 28:07.461 --> 28:12.763 I'd have to... Luckily, I've got my own nutty room and I can go off and watch what I want. 28:12.803 --> 28:17.524 Yeah, but this is my 32-inch plasma with surround sound. 28:17.844 --> 28:21.765 This is starting to sound like one of those programs, like Grumpy Old Man. 28:21.785 --> 28:22.505 The Man Show. 28:22.545 --> 28:23.126 The Man Show. 28:23.186 --> 28:27.247 Yeah, just a stupid gender-biased show. 28:27.607 --> 28:31.428 Anyway, if you've got any similar conflicts or any ideas of how to cure them, 28:32.108 --> 28:33.809 text us in 83XFM. 28:34.229 --> 28:39.251 I might write a book about it, I might call it Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. 28:40.231 --> 28:41.332 That's, that's good. 28:41.912 --> 28:43.153 That's a really good idea. 28:43.173 --> 28:46.034 Yeah, no, that's brilliant. 28:46.114 --> 28:46.614 I'll start now. 28:46.654 --> 28:47.354 Do it, do it, do it. 28:47.634 --> 28:48.755 Here's a free play for you right now. 28:49.915 --> 28:52.977 This is Delacota with a track called The Rock. 28:56.684 --> 28:58.085 Delacota with The Rock. 28:59.065 --> 29:00.246 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 29:00.867 --> 29:02.107 It's advert time now. 29:03.508 --> 29:05.169 Joe, I'm going to tease a couple of the ads for you. 29:05.229 --> 29:05.810 That's exciting. 29:05.830 --> 29:06.950 What have we got here? 29:07.110 --> 29:09.532 Because I've got quite a lot of disposable income this week. 29:09.732 --> 29:09.992 Yeah. 29:10.172 --> 29:10.773 Fosters. 29:11.493 --> 29:12.173 Fosters, great. 29:12.213 --> 29:13.854 It's important to keep Fosters cool. 29:14.735 --> 29:17.156 You keep it cool in the shade of a woman's breasts. 29:17.877 --> 29:20.839 If you're a tarantula, you might even wear mittens. 29:21.579 --> 29:23.980 Because the beer is so cold. 29:24.100 --> 29:28.701 I think that's what's going on on bus stops around the country this weekend. 29:29.221 --> 29:30.622 Shopping original, it says. 29:30.802 --> 29:31.702 Shopping original? 29:32.082 --> 29:35.563 That's just a campaign designed by all the shops have got together. 29:35.883 --> 29:37.624 They want people to buy more original things. 29:37.644 --> 29:41.965 They're fed up of, you know, swiping the same products through the barcode reader. 29:42.225 --> 29:44.026 Come on shoppers, be more original. 29:44.046 --> 29:44.946 Be more original. 29:44.986 --> 29:47.828 Why don't you buy a hedgehog in a tiny bus? 29:48.248 --> 29:49.008 What's wrong with that? 29:49.068 --> 29:49.829 Why don't you buy that? 29:50.089 --> 29:55.672 Why don't you buy like a brick that you can eat made of brick? 29:56.627 --> 29:57.989 Yeah, because no one sells them. 29:58.309 --> 29:59.390 Well, that would be original. 29:59.531 --> 30:00.592 Yeah, what other ads? 30:01.273 --> 30:03.195 It just says stick revised. 30:03.916 --> 30:05.298 Yeah, they've revised the stick. 30:05.398 --> 30:06.479 They're selling sticks. 30:06.699 --> 30:08.361 Yeah, they've withdrawn all sticks. 30:08.441 --> 30:10.284 Have you not noticed there have been no sticks around this week? 30:10.304 --> 30:11.065 They've got new sticks. 30:11.105 --> 30:12.086 Yeah, they've revised them. 30:12.226 --> 30:13.808 They've got MP3 players in them now. 30:15.276 --> 30:15.596 Yeah. 30:16.137 --> 30:20.820 I didn't even realize... All sticks, all twigs can now store up to a thousand songs. 30:21.240 --> 30:21.581 No. 30:21.801 --> 30:23.242 Yeah and have a battery life of four hours. 30:23.262 --> 30:26.644 My stick is just made of wood and bark on the outside still. 30:27.065 --> 30:27.365 Well. 30:27.725 --> 30:28.826 That's disastrous. 30:29.006 --> 30:31.428 And then at the end it says drummer live. 30:32.088 --> 30:33.049 Yeah that's the drummer. 30:33.609 --> 30:35.150 He's going to be playing live this week. 30:35.210 --> 30:35.991 And you can buy him. 30:36.051 --> 30:39.453 Drummy the drummer is playing live at the Hammersmith Apollo. 30:39.534 --> 30:40.334 This is exciting. 30:40.414 --> 30:42.936 So listen out for all that and these adverts ladies and gentlemen. 30:48.015 --> 30:55.722 That's the Foo Fighters with D O A. This is Adam and Joe here on XFM on what I consider to be one of those beautiful afternoons. 30:55.742 --> 30:57.143 I can remember Joe. 30:57.523 --> 30:58.084 It is beautiful. 30:58.144 --> 30:59.065 It's been lovely, hasn't it? 30:59.165 --> 31:00.886 It's my favourite kind of crisp. 31:01.667 --> 31:01.867 Yeah. 31:01.907 --> 31:10.354 And don't anybody worry about global warming listeners because on a day like these days in this modern day, as soon as the sun comes out, people start bleating about global warming. 31:10.394 --> 31:13.017 And when I say I sound like Nick Ferrari when I use the word bleating. 31:13.057 --> 31:13.217 Yeah. 31:13.917 --> 31:15.098 Like bleeding heart liberals. 31:15.459 --> 31:15.759 I agree. 31:16.039 --> 31:21.184 Obviously global warming's real, but my mum says that it's always sunny in September. 31:22.978 --> 31:27.399 And she said when she was a girl, they always used to take their holidays in September because it was always so nice. 31:27.499 --> 31:27.980 It is nice. 31:28.000 --> 31:31.341 I remember when I was at university, well, one term when I went to university. 31:31.881 --> 31:35.342 I went to university and it was. 31:35.382 --> 31:36.722 It was really nice and sunny. 31:37.022 --> 31:38.923 And you sort of think, oh yeah, the summer's not over. 31:38.943 --> 31:40.623 This is bonus summer. 31:41.244 --> 31:42.024 It's good, isn't it? 31:42.044 --> 31:43.184 Yeah, it's going to be a great day. 31:43.224 --> 31:45.645 I think everybody in the country is going to have a wicked day. 31:46.485 --> 31:47.586 That's pretty bold, man. 31:47.706 --> 31:48.406 Oh, I think it's true. 31:49.301 --> 31:50.261 It is gonna be wicked. 31:50.441 --> 31:51.482 It is gonna be wicked. 31:51.522 --> 31:54.562 Yeah, but in either sense of the word, it might be just evil. 31:55.963 --> 32:04.285 Speaking of evil, yesterday I fell for a scam from a beggar. 32:05.045 --> 32:05.305 Right. 32:05.665 --> 32:07.826 Now, you know, like, I don't know about your attitude to beggars. 32:07.846 --> 32:08.806 There was a funny scene in Extras. 32:08.846 --> 32:10.826 Hang on, beggar might not be the right word. 32:10.846 --> 32:11.727 Yeah, yeah, yeah, beggars. 32:11.747 --> 32:12.567 People who beg for money. 32:12.787 --> 32:13.267 Simple as that. 32:13.327 --> 32:13.527 Right. 32:14.167 --> 32:15.788 Is there a more PC word of saying beggar? 32:15.848 --> 32:17.248 What's the more PC word, Xanthi? 32:18.433 --> 32:19.735 No, it's nothing to do with being homeless. 32:19.775 --> 32:20.876 It's someone who begs for money. 32:20.896 --> 32:23.219 That's a different thing. 32:23.299 --> 32:25.162 I'm not talking about all homeless people. 32:25.182 --> 32:27.064 What about housely disadvantaged? 32:27.184 --> 32:29.768 No, it's nothing to do with them being housely disadvantaged. 32:29.788 --> 32:31.189 I'm not talking about people who are homeless. 32:31.209 --> 32:32.151 What about monetarily... 32:35.319 --> 32:36.680 I can't think of the next bit. 32:37.860 --> 32:40.321 Monetarily... Disadvantaged. 32:40.341 --> 32:41.001 Sub-changed. 32:41.382 --> 32:41.962 Sub-changed. 32:42.022 --> 32:42.462 That's nice. 32:43.843 --> 32:51.826 Anyway, I just fall... Basically, if someone asks me for money on the street, I'll generally give it to them. 32:52.046 --> 32:52.666 What was his line? 32:52.906 --> 32:53.907 What did he get in with? 32:53.947 --> 32:54.527 It was a lady. 32:54.567 --> 32:56.548 And this was like round the corner from my house. 32:58.589 --> 33:01.530 And I was listening to my MP3 player. 33:02.651 --> 33:03.851 And with headphones. 33:04.191 --> 33:13.996 And this lady pulled up on a bike, right, totally normal, nice looking young woman, and sort of was flagging me down, trying to get my attention, take my headphones out. 33:14.036 --> 33:15.517 She said, Oh, yeah, sorry. 33:15.577 --> 33:16.257 Sorry about that. 33:16.958 --> 33:20.119 I was just wondering, I'm wondering if you can help me out. 33:20.179 --> 33:22.100 I've been so daft. 33:22.401 --> 33:24.642 I just moved into the flats over the way there. 33:25.362 --> 33:26.483 Um, number 53. 33:26.523 --> 33:27.643 Do you know those flats over there? 33:27.663 --> 33:29.024 I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 33:29.564 --> 33:32.566 Yeah, um, anyway, listen, I've locked myself out. 33:32.586 --> 33:35.427 I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come back, but I need to feed the meter out there. 33:35.447 --> 33:36.468 I just need a pound. 33:36.968 --> 33:38.389 And I haven't got any change on me or anything. 33:38.429 --> 33:39.970 I just feel so stupid asking. 33:40.030 --> 33:41.731 I went through this whole thing, right? 33:42.391 --> 33:43.472 Totally credible thing. 33:43.712 --> 33:46.273 And I didn't really listen to the logistics of what she was saying. 33:46.313 --> 33:48.314 Like, I didn't add it up in my mind. 33:48.334 --> 33:50.755 You've locked yourself out, but your boyfriend's coming back. 33:50.835 --> 33:51.516 You need to what? 33:52.216 --> 33:56.877 I just sort of said, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, and I reached in my pocket and I had like a 50p, a couple of 20s and a 10. 33:57.097 --> 33:59.978 I said, sorry, that's not a quid, but is that going to do the job? 33:59.998 --> 34:01.538 She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, great, great. 34:01.578 --> 34:02.038 Thanks a lot. 34:02.398 --> 34:03.638 Oh, and my name's Emily, by the way. 34:03.678 --> 34:04.178 What's your name? 34:04.859 --> 34:05.239 Oh, I'm Adam. 34:05.259 --> 34:07.059 She's like, yeah, where abouts do you live, Adam? 34:07.079 --> 34:08.319 I was like, yeah, just over there. 34:08.819 --> 34:10.560 Number, yeah, over there, yellow door. 34:11.120 --> 34:13.540 And she's like, oh, right, great. 34:13.580 --> 34:14.080 Okay, listen. 34:14.140 --> 34:15.461 Well, thank you so much, Adam. 34:15.481 --> 34:16.081 I'll drop this round. 34:16.741 --> 34:17.061 About seven. 34:17.081 --> 34:17.602 Are you going to be in? 34:17.982 --> 34:18.922 Great, I'll drop it round then. 34:19.003 --> 34:19.403 Thank you. 34:19.443 --> 34:20.043 Sorry to ask. 34:20.483 --> 34:20.984 Off she goes. 34:21.124 --> 34:23.846 Of course I never hear from her again, you know. 34:24.266 --> 34:25.367 I just thought, what a jerk. 34:25.547 --> 34:28.989 But it was the best one because I get those scams round there quite a lot. 34:29.229 --> 34:30.410 Last time I gave someone... Stockwell. 34:30.650 --> 34:32.271 Both Adam and I live in the Stockwell area. 34:32.291 --> 34:33.452 They do that a lot in Stockwell. 34:33.472 --> 34:34.272 That can't be peculiar to Stockwell. 34:34.292 --> 34:35.273 What about fundraising ones? 34:35.293 --> 34:36.013 Have you had one of those? 34:36.774 --> 34:39.636 Yeah, but I checked the guy out and his credentials checked out. 34:39.716 --> 34:39.856 Did you? 34:39.876 --> 34:42.698 Because there's a guy who came round to get me this... 34:42.998 --> 34:43.198 Hello! 34:43.958 --> 34:44.839 I'm just doing a fun run. 34:45.219 --> 34:46.159 The kids are doing a fun run. 34:46.480 --> 34:47.520 The kids are having a fun run. 34:47.740 --> 34:48.841 I'm getting money for the fun run. 34:49.521 --> 34:49.821 Like that. 34:49.921 --> 34:50.161 Oh yeah? 34:50.381 --> 34:51.722 Yeah, the school round the corner. 34:52.082 --> 34:52.562 Ah, St. 34:53.102 --> 34:53.463 Peter's. 34:53.483 --> 34:54.223 Ah, fun run. 34:55.523 --> 34:59.125 And I was like, oh, wow, you can't not give money to the kids. 34:59.505 --> 35:02.766 But his, and then you look closely and his hand was trembling. 35:03.027 --> 35:03.907 And he couldn't look you in the eye. 35:03.927 --> 35:04.747 Incredibly quick. 35:04.787 --> 35:05.007 Yeah. 35:05.047 --> 35:09.109 And he had, I want crack written in huge letters on his face. 35:09.169 --> 35:10.110 That's usually a good boy. 35:10.130 --> 35:10.210 Yeah. 35:11.270 --> 35:13.012 It's the details that give it away, isn't it? 35:13.032 --> 35:13.172 Yeah. 35:13.432 --> 35:16.594 Well, this other... I mean, there's a guy, I think he's... I'm pretty sure he's legitimate. 35:16.674 --> 35:27.243 He's got, like, a little card, and I wrote down a number that he said, and I rang up the place, and it was just a recorded message, but it was a voice that wasn't him saying, hello, you've come through to the local community. 35:27.783 --> 35:28.143 No. 35:28.383 --> 35:28.604 Yeah. 35:28.724 --> 35:29.905 So was that part of the scam? 35:30.025 --> 35:32.527 Well, I don't think... He'd set up, like, an answering machine. 35:32.547 --> 35:36.129 If you start thinking like that, then you're in, like, the game, you know, that David Fincher film. 35:36.250 --> 35:37.711 Yeah, but imagine the money you'd make. 35:38.464 --> 35:39.065 I suppose so. 35:39.125 --> 35:40.906 We make more money than we make from this show. 35:40.946 --> 35:41.947 Well, this is the thing. 35:41.987 --> 35:42.527 This is the thing. 35:42.607 --> 35:45.830 If beggars show a bit of initiative, like they don't need to show very much. 35:46.210 --> 35:51.554 All you need to do is go one step above just sitting on the street and writing something on a bit of cardboard. 35:51.574 --> 35:54.136 You're paying her for the effort she put into the story. 35:54.316 --> 35:54.797 Yeah, exactly. 35:54.837 --> 35:56.318 I mean, that was you gave that woman a quid. 35:56.778 --> 35:57.178 Quid, yeah. 35:57.198 --> 35:58.099 That was worth a quid. 35:58.119 --> 36:00.000 That's like a novella or an article, isn't it? 36:00.200 --> 36:00.460 Yeah. 36:00.780 --> 36:03.481 But it was a shame, though, because I thought she seems like a nice person. 36:04.022 --> 36:07.644 And then she stabs me right in the face and doesn't give me the money. 36:07.884 --> 36:08.344 What's that? 36:09.505 --> 36:10.526 She stabbed you in the face. 36:10.626 --> 36:12.328 Yeah, metaphorically. 36:12.788 --> 36:13.729 Can we play my free play? 36:13.909 --> 36:14.390 Yeah, go on then. 36:14.610 --> 36:17.513 Yeah, we played a track by this group last week, listeners. 36:17.533 --> 36:18.674 They're called North of Ping Pong. 36:18.974 --> 36:21.537 They're my new favourite band and this is another one off their EP. 36:22.398 --> 36:23.579 What's this one called Xanthi? 36:23.599 --> 36:24.120 My Reeboks. 36:24.780 --> 36:25.901 Yeah, I've censored it a little bit. 36:25.981 --> 36:26.862 It was a little bit rude. 36:27.623 --> 36:28.904 But this is very good. 36:28.944 --> 36:29.345 Listen to this. 36:33.032 --> 36:33.352 There you go. 36:33.432 --> 36:34.333 That's north of Ping Pong. 36:34.573 --> 36:37.875 Yeah, I think you can get that there EP at places like Rough Trade. 36:37.915 --> 36:40.437 It's quite hard to get hold of, but it's around. 36:41.298 --> 36:43.879 It's rare, which means it's very cool. 36:44.800 --> 36:46.601 And yeah, they're brilliant. 36:46.661 --> 36:47.762 They've got a good website as well. 36:47.802 --> 36:50.424 You can check that out and that's got all their stuff on it and details. 36:50.444 --> 36:51.625 They're playing tonight in fact, aren't they? 36:52.805 --> 37:15.070 in Kingsland Road somewhere check out the website details are on there incidentally speaking of gigs and stuff I'm doing a gig next Friday night Friday the 29th of September which is coincidentally when that excellent stiff documentary is being repeated on BBC 4 so tape the documentary and come out and see me at Madame Jojo's I'll be doing a bit of character comedy Joe 37:15.310 --> 37:16.311 Isn't that a drag club? 37:16.331 --> 37:18.654 Are you going to be dressing as a lady? 37:18.934 --> 37:22.037 It might be a complicated way of getting me to go and dress as a lady. 37:22.077 --> 37:22.638 I don't know. 37:22.938 --> 37:27.162 But I think it's a comedy night and I'm going to do a couple of short little bits there. 37:27.783 --> 37:29.104 It's not a drag club at all. 37:29.365 --> 37:30.386 It's a proper club. 37:30.426 --> 37:31.707 It does all kinds of different nights. 37:31.747 --> 37:32.168 Exactly. 37:32.268 --> 37:32.428 Yeah. 37:33.048 --> 37:39.690 £10 entry, but if you mention this XFM show, or indeed my blog, you pay twice the amount. 37:39.910 --> 37:41.311 You pay five times the amount. 37:41.631 --> 37:41.891 Really? 37:41.971 --> 37:42.771 And you get a smack. 37:43.052 --> 37:45.052 I thought you'd grow up. 37:45.272 --> 37:47.233 No, you'll get in for less. 37:47.673 --> 37:48.813 For about seven quid, I think. 37:49.314 --> 37:53.455 Anyway, so that's Friday 29th of September, next Friday at Madame Jojo's. 37:53.915 --> 37:56.376 Come along, it'll be a fun night. 37:56.416 --> 37:57.496 This is Adam and Jo on XFM. 37:58.597 --> 37:59.077 XFM. 38:01.598 --> 38:03.839 That's The Kooks with Ooh-La. 38:04.159 --> 38:06.521 And that's a radio edit of Ooh-La. 38:07.221 --> 38:11.684 Yeah, thanks for your response, listeners, to our sort of rather badly thought-out text competition. 38:11.704 --> 38:13.024 I thought we were even gonna ignore it. 38:13.044 --> 38:14.665 We were just gonna move on and pretend it never happened. 38:14.685 --> 38:15.926 Well, I was about to say that. 38:16.106 --> 38:22.590 We're running out of time and it wasn't very good and it's just ended up with me insulting my girlfriend slightly on the radio. 38:22.690 --> 38:24.631 So, you know, we're just gonna move on, I think. 38:24.851 --> 38:25.091 Yeah. 38:25.391 --> 38:26.612 Move on, pretend it never happened. 38:26.632 --> 38:26.952 Yeah. 38:27.092 --> 38:28.473 Just don't... We'll do a good one next week. 38:28.553 --> 38:29.274 Don't dwell on it. 38:29.554 --> 38:29.734 Yeah. 38:30.094 --> 38:43.373 yeah next week yeah that's going to be our last show next week yeah our last show before our christmas break christmas break yeah christmas has started already don't you know october is when christmas generally starts though isn't it yeah no now it started 38:44.660 --> 39:13.332 not in September yeah in fact next week I'm gonna play some Christmas records that's a good idea let's have a Christmas special Christmas is gonna get Christmas over early yeah and then we just go on holiday over Christmas hey you know what we should do though is we should do a like Christmas on our Christmas Eve special because we always do Christmas Eve Oh what for XFM yeah yeah if they'll have us that would be nice I think from our shack in Leicester Square that's where we do the Christmas Eve show that'll be nice and then 39:15.455 --> 39:16.276 Oh, what are you doing? 39:16.356 --> 39:18.397 Adam's just staring at a CD. 39:18.737 --> 39:21.099 I was just testing you to see what you would do if I stopped speaking. 39:21.139 --> 39:22.360 Well, I've got something we can talk about. 39:22.380 --> 39:24.081 But I was being polite. 39:24.241 --> 39:24.501 OK. 39:25.002 --> 39:27.704 Now, on Thursday night, me and Adam were down at the NFT. 39:27.744 --> 39:29.825 We hosted a night for the COI. 39:30.826 --> 39:31.867 What does COI stand for? 39:31.887 --> 39:33.188 Central Office of Information. 39:33.228 --> 39:33.588 There you go. 39:34.228 --> 39:48.055 And they're the people responsible for, since 1946, making public information films like the Green Cross Code Man films, Charlie Says, all the Think Before You Drink Before You Drive, all those kind of- Protect and Survive. 39:48.295 --> 39:54.678 Yeah, the kind of slightly propaganda-y, but also helping civilians of Britain stay alive. 39:55.098 --> 39:56.759 And there were lots of special guests down there. 39:57.139 --> 39:58.420 Dave Prowse turned up. 39:58.720 --> 40:00.941 He played Darth Vader and also the Green Cross Code Man. 40:01.101 --> 40:01.321 Yeah. 40:01.441 --> 40:02.182 Incredible guy. 40:02.982 --> 40:04.244 Uh, Jimmy Saville turned up? 40:04.424 --> 40:04.945 Sir Jimil. 40:05.265 --> 40:06.367 Sir Jimil turned up. 40:07.483 --> 40:09.424 in his full golden tracksuit regalia. 40:09.444 --> 40:11.925 Now then, now then, now then. 40:12.265 --> 40:13.926 With all his Mr T stuff on. 40:14.966 --> 40:18.408 So I was genuinely excited about meeting Sir Jimmell. 40:18.648 --> 40:18.828 Yeah. 40:18.968 --> 40:19.568 Weren't you Adam? 40:20.049 --> 40:25.471 Oh no absolutely a little bit intimidating because I'd seen him on like the definitive Sir Jimmell artifact of recent years. 40:25.491 --> 40:26.752 Yeah Louis, Louis Theroux's documentary. 40:26.772 --> 40:29.493 You know I'd seen him on there and he's quite a tough customer. 40:29.513 --> 40:30.934 Scary character in a way yeah. 40:31.094 --> 40:31.794 Scary do you think? 40:32.054 --> 40:32.554 A little bit yeah. 40:32.574 --> 40:33.575 He just knows his own mind. 40:34.557 --> 40:34.757 Right. 40:34.837 --> 40:36.058 Yeah, you think he might be cuddly. 40:36.258 --> 40:37.698 There was nothing that scary about him. 40:37.978 --> 40:46.842 The only thing that emerged from that documentary was that when people tried to sell drugs in one of Sir Jimmell's nightclubs, Sir Jimmell might pop them down the basement and knock them about a bit. 40:47.262 --> 40:49.943 I don't know if he knocked them about but he chained them to the pipes. 40:50.183 --> 40:50.663 Verbally. 40:50.743 --> 40:50.944 Yeah. 40:51.264 --> 40:52.284 Tied them up verbally. 40:52.544 --> 40:53.925 What he actually said in the documentary was, 40:54.625 --> 40:57.966 He tied them up, but then he later in an interview said he meant verbally. 40:58.746 --> 41:00.646 He tied them up with riddles and words. 41:01.286 --> 41:02.186 He confused them. 41:02.326 --> 41:03.107 Yeah, I believe that. 41:03.827 --> 41:07.227 Anyway, he was very nice, but when I first saw him, I went, there was like a green room. 41:07.887 --> 41:11.088 And there he was, Sir Jim O lounging in a chair with a cigar. 41:11.908 --> 41:13.388 And so I thought, I gotta go and talk to him. 41:13.408 --> 41:17.589 So I went over and talked to him and said, hello, my name's Joe. 41:17.609 --> 41:19.090 I'm one of the people hosting the session. 41:19.750 --> 41:20.870 And he just looked at me and went, 41:21.850 --> 41:23.531 Uh, how does Jimmell talk to your Jimmell impression? 41:23.651 --> 41:24.691 Well, uh, you told me what he said. 41:24.711 --> 41:28.792 He said, I'm Robert De Niro, the famous Hollywood actor. 41:29.372 --> 41:31.713 I said, all right, Jimmell, are you? 41:32.193 --> 41:33.013 Oh, that's interesting. 41:33.614 --> 41:37.195 And he basically just started coming at me with crazy tangential jokes. 41:37.455 --> 41:37.715 Yeah. 41:37.915 --> 41:39.795 I said, are you coming through to the auditorium? 41:40.276 --> 41:41.316 He said, aren't you if I'm told. 41:42.469 --> 41:43.170 What do you say to that? 41:43.270 --> 41:48.334 I said, oh yes, I need four white stallions and a beautiful lady to tow me. 41:49.555 --> 41:49.975 Now then. 41:50.215 --> 41:50.555 Now then. 41:50.575 --> 41:52.397 Oh dear, it was very odd. 41:52.597 --> 41:53.518 So I was a bit worried. 41:53.578 --> 41:55.219 I thought he'd gone fruit loopy. 41:55.359 --> 41:58.942 Yeah, we were saying just before the thing started, maybe we shouldn't talk to Sir Jimmell. 41:59.122 --> 42:00.143 Maybe Jimmell's gone mad. 42:00.183 --> 42:01.424 Because it's just going to go all wrong. 42:01.624 --> 42:03.926 Because let's face it, he dresses like a lunatic. 42:04.775 --> 42:05.836 He's a lovable lunatic. 42:06.016 --> 42:06.296 He is. 42:06.357 --> 42:07.257 He's an eccentric. 42:07.398 --> 42:07.578 Yeah. 42:07.638 --> 42:13.343 But sometimes when you're eccentric and you get into your senior years, the eccentricity can take over. 42:14.104 --> 42:15.385 You know, the normality can vanish. 42:15.625 --> 42:21.171 But you know, at the end of the day, when we talked to him during the session, he was amazingly lucid and he told a brilliant anecdote. 42:21.471 --> 42:22.031 He was 100% professional. 42:22.091 --> 42:22.972 And he was fantastic. 42:23.172 --> 42:26.474 And it also made me think, where have the people like Jimmy gone? 42:26.494 --> 42:28.715 I mean obviously Jimmell's there, but where are the Jimmell's of the future? 42:28.896 --> 42:29.356 Jimmy Carr. 42:29.636 --> 42:31.177 Where are those classic, do you think? 42:31.237 --> 42:31.657 Jimmy Carr. 42:31.857 --> 42:36.900 But like Jimmy, he's a fundraiser, he's a sportsman, he's a DJ. 42:37.000 --> 42:37.681 Like Jimmy Carr. 42:38.041 --> 42:39.002 He's so just talented. 42:39.042 --> 42:42.164 His talent is being amazingly altruistic. 42:42.244 --> 42:42.664 Like Jimmy Carr. 42:42.684 --> 42:43.164 Do you know what I mean? 42:43.364 --> 42:45.886 Like Jimmy Carr and Justin Lee Collins. 42:46.246 --> 42:47.167 Dave Prowse was there. 42:47.207 --> 42:49.368 Dave Prowse, an amazing sportsman, actor. 42:49.869 --> 42:53.773 Where are the people who are like, they're like superheroes, those 70s people. 42:53.853 --> 42:54.954 David Walliams. 42:54.974 --> 43:00.721 Well we were discussing this afterwards, I said this to Adam and he came with the comeback, David Walliams. 43:00.941 --> 43:04.345 He is, he's like a man, an all-rounder for the noughties. 43:04.365 --> 43:05.807 Because he's become a sporting hero. 43:05.907 --> 43:09.130 He's a sporting hero, he's got a generous spirit, he's a character. 43:09.150 --> 43:10.472 Like Roy Castle was another one. 43:10.632 --> 43:10.792 Yep. 43:11.412 --> 43:15.013 Someone with amazing sporting prowess and also a terrific entertainer. 43:15.113 --> 43:15.313 Yep. 43:15.833 --> 43:17.493 Walliams is a terrific entertainer. 43:17.913 --> 43:19.934 He's good for tabloid fodder. 43:20.014 --> 43:21.534 He's got a colourful private life. 43:21.814 --> 43:24.375 But Walliams has got to, he's too talented a comedian. 43:25.235 --> 43:28.236 I think you've got to just be a presenter and a sportsman. 43:28.256 --> 43:29.376 More of a Jonathan Ross type person. 43:29.416 --> 43:30.976 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 43:31.956 --> 43:33.537 See, Jonathan needs to do more sport. 43:35.737 --> 43:36.678 He does a lot of tennis. 43:36.718 --> 43:38.559 He plays tennis with Ricky Gervais, doesn't he? 43:38.579 --> 43:38.899 Yeah. 43:39.220 --> 43:39.860 But do you know what I mean? 43:39.880 --> 43:41.901 Where are those amazing 70s heroes now? 43:42.522 --> 43:43.743 What's happened to all the heroes? 43:44.403 --> 43:45.544 Which other ones are you thinking of? 43:45.764 --> 43:46.524 Just the two of them. 43:47.265 --> 43:48.506 Dave Prowse and Jimmell. 43:49.026 --> 43:50.127 And maybe Roy Castle. 43:50.487 --> 43:51.968 Well, unfortunately Roy Castle's dead. 43:51.988 --> 43:53.049 I tell you who, Ian Wright. 43:53.729 --> 43:54.430 Ian Wright Wright Wright. 43:54.530 --> 43:56.832 Yeah, he's the Jimmy Saville of the future. 43:57.793 --> 43:58.053 Right? 43:58.073 --> 44:00.676 I still think it's Walliams personally. 44:01.536 --> 44:08.002 Now listeners, if you're a fan of the podcasts, I should say as well, sorry, but again, we we missed our 44:08.743 --> 44:32.123 Friday night slot but who's counting okay they're coming out around about once a week and the next podcast will be out on Monday morning or Monday afternoon okay so um apologies for being late on that one don't forget if you want to come along to this gig on the 29th of September that's next Friday night that's at madam Jojo's uh you can check out my blog for details adam-buxton.co.uk it's all up there 44:33.743 --> 44:34.824 But that's it for us this week. 44:35.144 --> 44:54.548 Thank you very much indeed for listening for calling in if you did and stuff like that Yeah, next week's our final show before our Christmas break So we'll try and make it a bit special and we may even be previewing our our finished version of Robbie Williams's Rude Box Yeah, we're gonna go back into the studio and really although I just read in the paper that Robbie Williams is suffering from depression. 44:54.668 --> 44:55.508 It's not our fault man 44:55.868 --> 44:56.248 Is it not? 44:56.368 --> 44:56.928 Nah, nah, nah. 44:57.068 --> 44:59.269 Cos we're not being horrible, it's just like a tribute to Rude Box. 44:59.289 --> 44:59.689 It's an homage. 44:59.989 --> 45:00.629 Did it chart? 45:00.649 --> 45:01.670 Has Rude Box charted? 45:01.810 --> 45:03.070 It's riding high in the charts. 45:03.310 --> 45:03.590 Is it? 45:03.710 --> 45:04.310 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 45:04.330 --> 45:04.870 Well, there you go. 45:05.010 --> 45:05.711 It's done very well. 45:06.691 --> 45:12.012 But, you know, I don't think Robbie is aware of our existence, but I'd hate to think that we'd contributed. 45:12.132 --> 45:13.072 No, no, we cheer him up. 45:13.373 --> 45:13.833 OK, good. 45:14.813 --> 45:18.034 Now, here's one final free play for you folks this afternoon. 45:18.074 --> 45:20.514 This is Chris Montez with a track called The More I See You. 45:20.534 --> 45:21.875 Thanks a lot for listening, we'll see you next week. 45:21.915 --> 45:22.575 Bye, love you, bye!