WEBVTT 00:01.485 --> 00:02.485 Nah, it's just a horse. 00:03.265 --> 00:04.546 Have you never seen a horse before? 00:04.686 --> 00:05.926 No, no, it looks like a monster. 00:05.946 --> 00:07.727 It's not, it's just a, it's just like a horse. 00:07.787 --> 00:08.407 That's a relief. 00:08.447 --> 00:09.427 They've been around for years. 00:09.627 --> 00:11.467 You know the guy that screams in that record? 00:11.487 --> 00:12.408 Yeah. 00:12.748 --> 00:13.488 Er, in that band. 00:13.528 --> 00:16.469 There's a crazy guy that, he just seems to be mad all the time. 00:16.549 --> 00:17.909 He's properly nutty, I think, yeah. 00:17.969 --> 00:19.129 Well that's what I was going to say. 00:19.209 --> 00:20.850 I've heard he just screams all the time. 00:20.870 --> 00:24.190 That literally if you go up to chat to him after a concert. 00:26.811 --> 00:28.432 That's how he talks to you, apparently. 00:28.452 --> 00:28.972 Yeah. 00:28.992 --> 00:29.972 When he answers the phone. 00:31.934 --> 00:33.115 I'm waving my arms around as well. 00:33.135 --> 00:35.616 And when they signed their contract the other band did their signatures. 00:35.656 --> 00:39.858 He just scrawled all over the thing, ripped it up, puked a little bit on the contract. 00:39.878 --> 00:40.658 He's pure rock. 00:40.738 --> 00:42.139 He's a pure little nugget. 00:42.159 --> 00:44.200 He's a test tube rock man. 00:44.440 --> 00:45.720 He's exploding everywhere. 00:46.461 --> 00:49.382 Anyway that was the automatic in case you weren't familiar with that track. 00:49.582 --> 00:53.324 Yeah and good morning this is Adam and Joe on XFM with you today till noon. 00:53.624 --> 00:57.526 Our third hour has been curtailed and instead it's going to be the best of the X list. 00:58.257 --> 00:58.940 That's right, yeah. 00:59.643 --> 01:01.450 And, of course, after that, Mick Rock. 01:01.510 --> 01:02.414 Is Mick still in the house? 01:03.226 --> 01:03.786 Nick Rock. 01:03.906 --> 01:04.386 Fantastic. 01:04.807 --> 01:07.047 I just picked up a copy of Heat magazine. 01:07.388 --> 01:08.548 Why did you do that, you idiot? 01:08.788 --> 01:10.088 Well, cos it was lying around. 01:10.549 --> 01:11.349 OK, you didn't buy it? 01:11.489 --> 01:13.130 No, I didn't buy it cos I would never buy it. 01:13.490 --> 01:21.633 And, er, but I went to go and get some... some food from the sandwich shop just before I came in, and it was lying on a table just outside. 01:22.013 --> 01:22.713 So you stole it? 01:22.733 --> 01:25.314 So I thought, well, no-one wanted it, you know, it was lying there. 01:25.754 --> 01:28.355 So I thought, I'll have that, I'll have that copy of Heat magazine. 01:28.715 --> 01:30.596 I might be able to ask Joe about Nicky. 01:31.116 --> 01:32.837 because there's an interview with Nicky there. 01:33.337 --> 01:35.359 She's answering all your questions at last. 01:35.459 --> 01:36.859 I don't have any questions. 01:36.940 --> 01:37.340 You do. 01:37.440 --> 01:38.400 You know all those questions you've got. 01:38.420 --> 01:40.822 I don't think anyone has any questions apart from, will you go away? 01:41.082 --> 01:41.822 Well, she's answering that. 01:41.842 --> 01:42.503 Does she answer that one? 01:42.543 --> 01:43.343 She's answering that question. 01:43.363 --> 01:44.404 Why don't you sod off? 01:44.484 --> 01:44.884 And others. 01:45.024 --> 01:45.685 I want to find out. 01:45.705 --> 01:46.465 You mad haystack. 01:46.545 --> 01:47.946 You haven't read that issue of Heat, have you? 01:48.146 --> 01:50.328 No, I haven't read any issue of Heat for about ten years. 01:50.348 --> 01:52.750 I'm gonna test you on Nicky's questions and answers later on. 01:52.970 --> 01:59.656 But then while I was, after I took the mag, it suddenly occurred to me, maybe it's a heat... advertisement. 01:59.776 --> 02:00.997 Maybe it's an outdoor heater. 02:01.377 --> 02:02.138 No, no, it's not. 02:02.198 --> 02:03.879 I never thought that it was a heater for a second. 02:03.999 --> 02:05.180 I always knew it was a magazine. 02:05.441 --> 02:09.484 But I thought maybe it's like an advertisement and they've planted a copy of Heat. 02:09.544 --> 02:10.285 And you're being filmed. 02:10.325 --> 02:11.045 And they're being, you know. 02:11.346 --> 02:12.467 And you'll turn up on telly. 02:12.607 --> 02:12.827 Yeah. 02:12.927 --> 02:13.908 I can't resist heat. 02:14.368 --> 02:16.789 It would be the first time I've been on telly for a while, so I'm quite excited. 02:16.809 --> 02:18.290 Yeah, well, that's something to look forward to. 02:18.771 --> 02:25.915 Prize-wise, this morning, listeners, we've got a pair of tickets to an exclusive XFM screening of Clerks II. 02:26.255 --> 02:28.297 I never know whether to say Clerks or Clerks. 02:28.885 --> 02:30.646 Well, the Americans say Clerks, don't they? 02:30.666 --> 02:31.366 We say Clerks. 02:31.746 --> 02:32.026 OK. 02:32.206 --> 02:35.207 Well, then it's Clerks 2 on the 20th of September. 02:35.508 --> 02:36.068 That's exciting. 02:36.088 --> 02:37.048 It's supposed to be very funny. 02:37.548 --> 02:38.749 Is it even funnier than the original? 02:38.869 --> 02:39.789 Yeah, it's very funny. 02:40.430 --> 02:42.951 They've somehow managed to pack more laughs in than the original. 02:43.551 --> 02:44.091 Fantastic. 02:44.871 --> 02:45.892 And wait for it. 02:46.352 --> 02:49.013 Two copies of Scrubs, the complete fourth series. 02:49.293 --> 02:51.174 Scrubs, starring Zach Raff. 02:51.974 --> 02:52.935 Is that what he's called? 02:53.135 --> 02:53.695 Zac Braff. 02:54.115 --> 02:55.136 Ladies love Zac Braff. 02:55.156 --> 02:55.916 They love a bit. 02:55.936 --> 02:59.858 He's a sort of scraggly haired, anxious looking, sexy nerd. 03:00.038 --> 03:00.978 He's a sexy mop top. 03:01.078 --> 03:02.799 He's sort of David Schwimmer gone right. 03:03.299 --> 03:06.281 He's like a nerdy, even more nerdy internet version of David Schwimmer. 03:06.301 --> 03:08.502 Yeah, because women don't really like David Schwimmer. 03:08.522 --> 03:11.063 Today you can see that he's too kinda like this. 03:11.183 --> 03:12.304 He's too whiny. 03:12.324 --> 03:13.964 He's too pathetic and whiny. 03:14.365 --> 03:15.045 Exactly. 03:15.325 --> 03:17.386 Whereas Braff has got an off-kilter sense of humour. 03:17.526 --> 03:19.548 Yeah, but apparently he's a bit of a dork. 03:20.248 --> 03:21.289 Off-screen, I hear. 03:21.489 --> 03:22.649 Well, I did, I saw him on Punk'd. 03:23.050 --> 03:23.690 And he was an idiot. 03:24.170 --> 03:24.891 Right, right, right. 03:25.191 --> 03:27.132 I've seen some of his blogs on the internet as well. 03:27.492 --> 03:28.113 He's a nerd! 03:28.433 --> 03:28.933 He's a nerd. 03:28.953 --> 03:29.894 He's a lovable nerd. 03:30.354 --> 03:33.476 Anyway, we've also got great music and a few free plays that we're going to stick in. 03:33.616 --> 03:35.477 Plus a crap commentary competition in a second, sorry. 03:35.497 --> 03:36.138 Yes, exactly. 03:37.058 --> 03:38.559 Anyway, here's the first of our free plays. 03:38.579 --> 03:40.320 Yeah, stay tuned for a crap commentary. 03:40.600 --> 03:41.801 We'll probably do that very soon. 03:41.961 --> 03:42.982 But first, here's Lou Reed. 03:47.591 --> 03:51.998 That's Lou Reed with Crazy Feeling from the album Coney Island Baby. 03:52.018 --> 03:54.762 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM and it is... 04:02.475 --> 04:03.896 You just never know. 04:04.556 --> 04:08.738 So sharpen up your brain and get ready to play! 04:08.758 --> 04:12.059 That's told everyone that it's competition time, but what competition is it? 04:12.559 --> 04:13.640 Which competition is it? 04:14.440 --> 04:15.701 That's what we need to know next. 04:16.441 --> 04:18.562 So any minute now, we will know. 04:43.747 --> 04:46.869 Oh, is that jingle? 04:46.909 --> 04:48.030 I think that's jingle overload. 04:48.050 --> 04:52.472 I think that's over the nutritionally recommended limit for jingles on a Saturday morning. 04:52.492 --> 04:54.554 We're going to have just jingles this programme. 04:54.814 --> 04:55.634 A pure jingle show? 04:55.654 --> 04:56.235 Yes, all going to be jingle. 04:56.255 --> 04:56.815 That'll be quite good. 04:56.835 --> 04:58.676 We should just do all the links in jingle form. 04:58.696 --> 04:59.517 Yeah. 04:59.537 --> 05:01.258 That'll be unlistenable. 05:01.718 --> 05:03.680 Anyway, yeah, it's crap commentary corner time. 05:03.700 --> 05:04.681 Don't forget the number is 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 05:08.384 --> 05:08.564 That's 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 05:11.387 --> 05:15.330 If you can guess the answer to this competition, and the competition goes like this. 05:15.370 --> 05:18.033 We play you an excerpt from a DVD commentary. 05:18.773 --> 05:22.815 This week, it's an actress telling us about the experience of making one of her films. 05:23.135 --> 05:30.518 You just have to call 08712221049 and tell us who the actress is and what the film that she's talking about is. 05:30.878 --> 05:32.278 Now, we've had this lady on before. 05:32.999 --> 05:38.401 She's very, very sexy and very, very stupid, which makes her even sexier, in my opinion. 05:38.421 --> 05:39.861 That's my favourite combo. 05:40.021 --> 05:41.042 Favourite type of lady. 05:41.642 --> 05:43.463 But we've never had her talking about this film before. 05:44.523 --> 05:53.571 right that's good enough is that good enough yeah so uh so so here we go with clip number one who's this lady and what film is she talking about 05:55.270 --> 06:05.600 Hello, my name is and I am starved and I'm here to do the commentary and I brought my two Little friends with me. 06:05.680 --> 06:07.181 They're my two miniature Maltese. 06:07.241 --> 06:15.689 So in case you hear bark or something What what bubble Bubble 06:19.637 --> 06:20.939 What, Bubble? 06:21.219 --> 06:24.622 She turns into, like, the costume lady from The Incredibles. 06:24.743 --> 06:25.684 What, Bubble? 06:26.024 --> 06:29.047 What is it, you little miniature barking poof? 06:30.188 --> 06:31.570 I'd like to be one of her dogs. 06:31.610 --> 06:32.150 Can you imagine? 06:32.831 --> 06:34.693 I thought she was going to talk about something else at the beginning. 06:35.114 --> 06:39.678 I'm here with my two friends, and I'm just going to jiggle them. 06:40.992 --> 06:42.033 Oh, that would have been quite good. 06:42.373 --> 06:43.254 Shall we hear clip number two? 06:43.294 --> 06:49.878 Don't forget 08712221049 if you can tell what actress this is and what movie she's talking about. 06:49.898 --> 06:50.739 Here's clip number two. 06:53.620 --> 06:54.181 This is gross. 06:54.241 --> 06:55.061 I can't watch this. 06:58.464 --> 06:59.724 This is awful. 07:00.145 --> 07:06.309 It's the funniest thing because I'm totally like one of those people that 07:08.306 --> 07:15.108 I do all these action films, but I can't actually watch them back because... What is the point? 07:15.168 --> 07:15.829 What is the point? 07:16.409 --> 07:17.249 Of having that commentary? 07:17.269 --> 07:18.209 Of having that commentary? 07:18.390 --> 07:18.550 Yeah. 07:18.690 --> 07:20.450 What did anyone learn from that? 07:20.530 --> 07:21.471 I'll tell you what the point is. 07:21.731 --> 07:21.911 What? 07:22.031 --> 07:23.491 So we can make a competition out of it. 07:24.091 --> 07:26.752 I think that's the sole point now of issuing those things. 07:26.992 --> 07:27.432 That's right. 07:28.073 --> 07:31.354 Adam and Joe need some more stuff for their crap commentary corner. 07:31.794 --> 07:35.215 Could you come into the studio on Tuesday and just talk a load of total crap? 07:35.795 --> 07:39.036 Well, that's what she did, and if you know who she is, 0-8-7-1-2-2-2-1-0-4-9. 07:40.236 --> 07:48.599 If it's too tricky, we've got another good clip coming up, but in the meantime, here are, I believe it is, the athlete. 07:55.748 --> 07:56.208 Very nice. 07:56.248 --> 07:58.029 That's The Coral with In The Morning. 07:58.069 --> 08:05.553 Now, we are in the midst of our competition, Crap Commentary Corner, and we should probably remind people who the voice is of this week's competition. 08:05.673 --> 08:07.935 We're not gonna tell them who the voice is. 08:08.415 --> 08:09.776 No, but I mean play them the voice. 08:09.796 --> 08:10.876 I just ate her hair. 08:10.896 --> 08:11.477 That was horrible. 08:11.497 --> 08:12.237 Where did that come from? 08:12.457 --> 08:13.257 What, like a rabbit? 08:13.418 --> 08:13.718 Dunno. 08:14.498 --> 08:15.699 No, just a hair. 08:16.039 --> 08:18.980 Anyway, we've got Lee on the line who thinks he knows who it is. 08:19.680 --> 08:20.800 Is he called Leon or Lee? 08:21.060 --> 08:21.901 Just Lee, I think. 08:22.321 --> 08:22.761 Hello, Lee. 08:23.201 --> 08:23.421 Hiya. 08:23.661 --> 08:24.141 How you doing? 08:24.462 --> 08:24.882 What's up? 08:25.162 --> 08:26.282 Yeah, yeah, yeah, good stuff. 08:26.422 --> 08:28.123 And so are we going to play another clip? 08:28.343 --> 08:29.003 Yeah, let's play another clip. 08:29.023 --> 08:30.624 Let's play one more clip of this nice lady. 08:30.924 --> 08:34.285 How confident are you, Lee? 08:35.626 --> 08:37.466 Not very confident. 08:37.606 --> 08:39.427 I'll have another think while you hear this clip. 08:40.007 --> 08:40.527 Woohoo. 08:41.368 --> 08:42.188 Well, obviously, 08:43.601 --> 08:51.663 You know, Kurt wanted, like, a gratuitous shot of my butt, so that's what this is for, I would imagine. 08:53.663 --> 08:55.463 Apart from the fact that it looks really cool. 08:55.924 --> 08:58.524 Took so long to get the lights ready this day. 09:00.685 --> 09:03.125 Okay, honey, go back to one. 09:03.865 --> 09:04.645 Drop the robe. 09:05.746 --> 09:08.766 She is... I think I know who it is, and the thing is that she is very attractive. 09:08.786 --> 09:10.447 She's got a sensational butt. 09:10.647 --> 09:10.887 Yeah. 09:11.627 --> 09:11.887 Lee? 09:11.987 --> 09:12.627 What do you reckon, Lee? 09:14.315 --> 09:16.098 Sandra Bullock talk us through your reasoning there. 09:16.139 --> 09:17.461 Have you ever seen Bullock interviewed? 09:19.785 --> 09:21.708 She does she's not a she's not a goof bag. 09:21.989 --> 09:23.391 She's quite intelligent Sandra Bullock 09:24.403 --> 09:24.603 What? 09:25.303 --> 09:27.384 You're costing aspersions over Bullock's genius. 09:27.965 --> 09:28.785 That's not Bullock. 09:29.045 --> 09:29.705 It's not Bullock. 09:29.805 --> 09:30.446 Lee, you're wrong. 09:31.026 --> 09:31.366 OK. 09:31.626 --> 09:32.506 I'm sorry about that. 09:32.587 --> 09:33.427 No problem. 09:33.447 --> 09:33.967 Good try, though. 09:34.147 --> 09:35.668 Is there any way we can reward Lee? 09:35.728 --> 09:36.668 I don't think so. 09:36.728 --> 09:38.829 I think he should be shamed. 09:38.869 --> 09:40.270 We've got to reward Lee somehow. 09:40.710 --> 09:45.172 Xanthi, are you into a box set of scrubs, Lee? 09:45.672 --> 09:46.152 Yes, I am. 09:46.473 --> 09:47.633 OK, we'll send that to you. 09:47.673 --> 09:49.014 So the competition is still open. 09:49.034 --> 09:52.716 0-8-7-1-triple-two-one-o-four-nine, if you know who that lady is. 09:52.916 --> 09:54.036 Thanks very much for calling, Lee. 09:54.076 --> 09:54.777 We appreciate that. 09:54.797 --> 09:55.057 Thanks, Lee. 09:55.117 --> 10:01.400 She's a lot, um... It would be rude to say stupider than Sandra Bullock, but she's a lot more sort of fancy-free. 10:01.620 --> 10:02.081 Carefree. 10:02.981 --> 10:04.883 I think stupid is probably the word you're looking for. 10:04.943 --> 10:06.183 She's just more full of fun. 10:06.404 --> 10:10.807 Sandra Bullock's a, you know, a very somber lady who's interested in politics. 10:10.827 --> 10:14.810 This lady's just a party girl who likes to have fun all the time. 10:14.830 --> 10:19.954 Yeah, no, I've got no right to call anyone stupid, but full of fun is a much better way of putting it. 10:20.094 --> 10:22.696 Yeah, only just there's nothing but fun. 10:22.736 --> 10:23.476 She's full of fun. 10:23.496 --> 10:24.397 She's stuffed full of fun. 10:24.437 --> 10:25.298 You're really full of fun. 10:27.139 --> 10:28.860 Just driven out everything else from Insider. 10:29.321 --> 10:33.204 So 0-8-7-1-triple-2-1-0-4-9, if you know who that is. 10:33.905 --> 10:34.525 Give us a call. 10:34.565 --> 10:36.066 In the meantime, here's Scott Matthews. 10:39.549 --> 10:40.270 Always really nice. 10:40.370 --> 10:40.890 That is nice. 10:40.930 --> 10:47.416 That's elusive by Scott Matthews, and that's taken from his album Passing Stranger, which is very good, I recommend it. 10:47.656 --> 10:48.597 Now, we're having a problem. 10:49.217 --> 10:51.619 Yeah, we're having a... This is, for the first time ever, I think. 10:51.799 --> 10:51.959 Unusual. 10:51.999 --> 10:54.982 Nobody's getting this crap commentary competition. 10:55.242 --> 10:57.363 Everyone's just randomly saying the names of women. 10:57.383 --> 10:59.304 We've had people like... Courtney Love. 10:59.324 --> 10:59.965 Courtney Love. 11:00.025 --> 11:00.705 That's not right. 11:00.885 --> 11:01.666 Paris Hilton. 11:01.886 --> 11:03.667 Paris Hilton is a good guess. 11:03.707 --> 11:04.908 This is in the right area. 11:04.968 --> 11:07.629 It's a kind of ditzy, slightly insane lady. 11:08.230 --> 11:09.811 But we're going to give you some more clues. 11:09.831 --> 11:11.932 Jessica Simpson, people are saying it's none of those. 11:12.092 --> 11:12.492 Do you know what? 11:12.512 --> 11:13.573 Here's one clue. 11:13.773 --> 11:13.973 What? 11:14.133 --> 11:16.254 She's much sexier than any of those. 11:16.555 --> 11:17.075 That's true. 11:17.615 --> 11:21.898 She's in a film where she falls out of the sky and lands in the back of a cab. 11:22.518 --> 11:26.782 And she can't speak English and she's wearing tiny little bandages. 11:27.723 --> 11:41.477 And it just makes the film brilliant because regardless of the story or anybody else in it, you can, as a man or a lady who likes ladies, sit there happily waiting for one of her nipples to pop out, which alone, which never happens. 11:41.537 --> 11:44.399 But but, you know, the dream is worth clinging on to. 11:44.459 --> 11:45.120 It certainly is. 11:45.180 --> 11:47.042 It's popped up in my subconscious many a time. 11:47.222 --> 11:52.787 She's so attractive that the fact that she's as fun-loving and ditzy as she is makes her even more attractive. 11:53.948 --> 11:59.132 And she's also starred, these are very big clues, she's also starred in quite a lot of video game adaptations. 11:59.372 --> 11:59.572 Yeah. 11:59.833 --> 12:01.854 She's queen of the video game adaptation. 12:02.435 --> 12:04.517 So this is a fairly recent film, right? 12:04.557 --> 12:05.918 It is, it's a very recent film. 12:06.118 --> 12:06.318 Yeah. 12:06.899 --> 12:11.242 And in terms of DVD release, 0 8 7 1, triple 2, 1 0 4 9, it's also a stinker. 12:12.163 --> 12:13.704 So I wouldn't be surprised if no one had seen it. 12:13.744 --> 12:14.165 One more clip maybe? 12:15.040 --> 12:18.102 Okay, this is her saying goodbye at the end of the commentary. 12:18.982 --> 12:21.484 Yay! 12:22.884 --> 12:24.745 So thank you so much. 12:24.885 --> 12:28.908 It was really fun talking to y'all, and I hope you enjoyed the movie. 12:29.228 --> 12:29.728 Bye! 12:31.289 --> 12:31.789 She's so fun. 12:31.809 --> 12:42.495 Listen, just play the next clip, number five, because this is her saying what you've just heard her say, but this is slowed down, and listen to how she sounds like an enormous friendly monster. 12:48.240 --> 13:00.132 So thank you so much It was really fun talking to y'all and I hope you enjoyed the movie 13:03.993 --> 13:04.533 Who is that? 13:04.573 --> 13:06.034 That was slowed down, of course. 13:06.234 --> 13:06.454 Call 08712221049. 13:08.635 --> 13:12.936 Amazing prizes to be won if you can solve this apparently impossible competition. 13:13.276 --> 13:16.457 We'll be back soon. 13:16.837 --> 13:19.118 Chelsea Dagger, that's the Fartellis. 13:19.558 --> 13:21.099 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 13:21.379 --> 13:25.280 And I think we have someone on the line who might even have the right answer. 13:25.320 --> 13:25.901 Is he called Ed? 13:26.521 --> 13:26.941 Yes, he is. 13:26.961 --> 13:27.141 Yeah. 13:27.661 --> 13:28.221 Hello, Ed. 13:28.301 --> 13:29.142 Hello, Adam and Joe. 13:29.562 --> 13:31.102 Ed, you sound a tiny bit sarcastic. 13:31.122 --> 13:32.183 No, I'm not sarcastic. 13:32.203 --> 13:33.123 I'm a bit sarcastic. 13:33.803 --> 13:36.204 OK, so I'm sorry to accuse you of being sarcastic. 13:36.524 --> 13:37.164 Why are you tired? 13:37.184 --> 13:38.305 What were you doing last night, Ed? 13:38.845 --> 13:39.765 Really? 13:39.785 --> 13:41.046 Eco-related accessories? 13:52.581 --> 13:54.283 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 13:54.623 --> 13:55.504 Just focus on this. 13:55.524 --> 13:55.964 Shut up. 13:55.984 --> 13:56.385 Shut up. 13:56.605 --> 13:57.646 He can plug his show. 13:57.686 --> 13:58.467 He can plug his show. 13:58.547 --> 14:05.673 He's got to earn the right to plug his show by making us laugh by slightly mocking his girlfriend's eco-related accessory. 14:05.954 --> 14:06.454 What are they? 14:06.514 --> 14:07.015 What sort of thing? 14:07.631 --> 14:12.034 They're sort of bags and necklaces made out of found materials and things. 14:12.054 --> 14:12.414 They're lovely. 14:12.434 --> 14:12.914 They're really beautiful. 14:12.934 --> 14:14.675 Necklaces made out of frozen peas. 14:14.915 --> 14:20.819 So they find like broken chairs and old suitcases and cut them up and make beautiful bags out of them. 14:21.019 --> 14:21.800 Who's going to buy that, mate? 14:22.180 --> 14:22.900 Who's going to buy that? 14:22.920 --> 14:23.821 People want new bags. 14:23.841 --> 14:25.342 People want new necklaces. 14:25.462 --> 14:26.142 Who's going to buy it? 14:26.162 --> 14:26.642 Wasting their time. 14:28.043 --> 14:31.445 Ed, in your house, have you got like furniture made out of boxes and stuff? 14:31.966 --> 14:32.706 Are you a tramp? 14:32.866 --> 14:34.607 We've just got lots and lots of broken furniture. 14:34.707 --> 14:35.608 Are you Stig of the Dump? 14:36.687 --> 14:37.887 Yeah, I am sick of the dump. 14:38.307 --> 14:40.068 You're like contemporary cave people. 14:40.868 --> 14:41.328 Exactly. 14:41.348 --> 14:44.429 So listen, Ed, you've been listening to our crap commentary competition. 14:44.669 --> 14:49.491 Do you think you know the identity of the sexy woman who we... Let's just remind listeners of what she sounds like. 14:49.891 --> 14:50.471 Woohoo! 14:51.231 --> 15:01.534 Well, obviously, you know, Kurt wanted like a gratuitous shot of my butt, so that's what this is for, I would imagine. 15:03.004 --> 15:03.684 Yeah, there you go. 15:04.285 --> 15:05.245 So what do you think, Ed? 15:05.265 --> 15:05.786 Who is that? 15:06.446 --> 15:09.848 I think it's Mila Jovic, the girl from The Fifth Element. 15:10.108 --> 15:10.989 Completely correct. 15:11.229 --> 15:12.550 You pronounced her name very well. 15:12.770 --> 15:13.771 Do you know what film that is? 15:13.791 --> 15:18.193 I thought it was Resident Evil 2 or something, but... No. 15:18.313 --> 15:18.854 Probably not. 15:18.934 --> 15:19.774 What's she been in recently? 15:19.834 --> 15:20.274 I don't know. 15:20.294 --> 15:22.116 You kind of haven't officially won, really. 15:22.536 --> 15:22.956 Oh, okay. 15:22.996 --> 15:24.177 Can you give me a clue, maybe? 15:24.397 --> 15:26.118 Well, I'll give you... We'll just tell you what it is. 15:26.178 --> 15:27.039 It's Ultraviolet. 15:27.719 --> 15:28.479 Oh, yeah, okay. 15:29.040 --> 15:29.940 Yeah, have you seen that one? 15:30.381 --> 15:31.261 No, I saw the poster. 15:32.867 --> 15:33.768 Yeah, well that's good enough. 15:33.788 --> 15:36.111 I think you can say you have seen it. 15:36.131 --> 15:36.912 No, you have seen it. 15:36.932 --> 15:37.973 Yeah, I've seen it. 15:38.013 --> 15:38.734 It's good, yeah. 15:38.774 --> 15:40.956 She just waves her sword around and that's pretty much it. 15:41.076 --> 15:42.498 And shows her bum. 15:42.858 --> 15:44.039 Her lovely butox. 15:44.240 --> 15:45.842 So congratulations, Ed. 15:45.962 --> 15:46.362 What pride? 15:46.382 --> 15:48.745 Do you want to win a copy of Zach Braff's Scrubs? 15:49.522 --> 15:51.224 Do you have anything else to offer? 15:51.244 --> 15:54.246 Well, you could take the tickets to the Clark's screening. 15:54.266 --> 15:55.467 Yeah, that's a good price. 15:55.607 --> 15:56.368 That's a good price. 15:56.408 --> 15:56.728 Oh, yeah. 15:56.748 --> 15:58.290 The screening of the original Clark's or the new? 15:58.450 --> 15:59.310 The new Clark's too. 15:59.551 --> 16:00.552 Oh, that would be awesome. 16:00.592 --> 16:01.452 Thank you so much. 16:01.693 --> 16:04.875 OK, one pair of tickets to that coming to you. 16:05.135 --> 16:06.096 So go on. 16:06.136 --> 16:07.377 Give your girlfriend's show another plug. 16:07.397 --> 16:08.238 Where is it happening? 16:08.258 --> 16:12.682 It's at a place called Trinity Boy Wharf, which is just opposite the Millennium Dome, South River. 16:12.742 --> 16:13.923 It's called the Eco Design 2006. 16:14.824 --> 16:15.625 Come down today. 16:15.645 --> 16:17.306 Starts now to finish in the sixth. 16:17.426 --> 16:22.447 Yeah, get there fast, because most of her products will have decomposed by half past twelve. 16:22.947 --> 16:23.467 So hurry! 16:23.687 --> 16:25.868 Has she got any bracelets made out of fruit winders? 16:26.648 --> 16:28.588 No, that's not what we missed out on, man! 16:28.608 --> 16:32.149 You know, if she did, they'd probably last about a hundred years. 16:32.549 --> 16:32.969 Additives. 16:33.269 --> 16:35.270 Anyway, thanks very much indeed for calling in, Ed. 16:35.310 --> 16:35.610 Cheers. 16:35.630 --> 16:37.090 Thank you, guys. 16:37.110 --> 16:37.170 Bye. 16:37.310 --> 16:37.630 Bye-bye. 16:37.850 --> 16:39.790 Okie-dokie, it's time for another free play now. 16:40.090 --> 16:41.791 This is one that our producer Xanthi brought in. 16:41.811 --> 16:42.511 What's the name of the band? 16:43.883 --> 16:45.044 North of Ping Pong. 16:45.164 --> 16:49.645 And it starts off with a guy trying to hail a cab on a Friday night or whatever it is. 16:49.665 --> 16:51.126 Yeah, this is a slice of life song. 16:51.206 --> 16:51.966 Having no luck. 16:52.086 --> 16:55.268 It's kind of like, it's almost like the streets except with a better sense of humour, isn't it? 16:55.288 --> 16:55.828 Yeah, it's good. 16:55.908 --> 16:56.468 Check this out. 16:57.248 --> 16:57.729 This is crazy. 16:59.082 --> 16:59.662 Come on, mate. 17:00.402 --> 17:02.883 Thought I'd take a rain check on the cheese grater. 17:02.923 --> 17:04.883 Xanthi, this is fairly strong for a Saturday morning. 17:04.903 --> 17:07.624 We're having to switch this off because it's lyrically naughty. 17:08.464 --> 17:09.165 That's good, though. 17:09.185 --> 17:10.265 Get your coat, Xanthi. 17:10.645 --> 17:11.465 You're so fired. 17:11.765 --> 17:12.045 Again. 17:12.765 --> 17:13.826 For the sixth time, this one. 17:14.326 --> 17:15.086 That was fantastic. 17:15.146 --> 17:15.886 I really like that. 17:15.926 --> 17:16.906 The chorus is great. 17:16.947 --> 17:18.107 What's going on with the vocals there? 17:18.127 --> 17:20.347 They turn into a kind of weird harmonium. 17:20.988 --> 17:21.568 Yeah, yeah. 17:21.588 --> 17:22.308 Is that the right word? 17:22.788 --> 17:23.808 That's really, really good. 17:23.948 --> 17:26.609 Sounds like the specials or something all updated. 17:28.976 --> 17:29.636 what are they called again? 17:29.657 --> 17:57.176 they're called north of ping pong north of ping pong watch out for them they're a hot tip for the top yeah you heard it here first this is adam and joe on xfm now very shortly it's going to be time for the news then we're into our second and final hour this week the news the news we can't afford to have the news we've only got two hours nothing important has happened has it the pope said something stupid and is going to spark off the third world war uh that's all that's happened there's the guy who's been held on suspicion of 17:57.876 --> 18:02.559 talking about bombing the Houses of Parliament and did you read about that guy? 18:03.059 --> 18:03.220 No. 18:03.340 --> 18:17.309 He was just, he's being cross-examined, they picked him up in 2004 I think on suspicion of maybe being involved in some like terror stuff right and he was just talking about, yesterday we were just reporting the fact that he was talking about 18:18.260 --> 18:24.465 by, you know, blowing up the Houses of Parliament like as a joke with his mates, and this has turned into a really big part of the trial. 18:24.625 --> 18:29.069 I'm gonna call the police and report you for talking about them talking about it. 18:29.209 --> 18:30.210 That's probably true, isn't it? 18:30.230 --> 18:31.151 And you're gonna be arrested. 18:31.911 --> 18:41.319 Is it true that you said on a radio show that you were talking about someone blowing up the Houses of Parliament and you sort of giggled about it as if it was amusing? 18:42.368 --> 18:42.629 Yes. 18:43.310 --> 18:44.171 Would you stand up for me? 18:44.471 --> 18:44.691 No. 18:45.352 --> 18:47.615 You'd shock me immediately. 18:47.775 --> 18:48.957 I'd turn you in instantly. 18:49.578 --> 18:50.959 To Tony Blair's thought police. 18:51.240 --> 18:53.422 Tony B Liar's thought Gestapo. 18:53.442 --> 18:55.865 Who needs the news after that? 18:58.969 --> 18:59.790 That was the news. 18:59.930 --> 19:01.110 We should be balanced though, shouldn't we? 19:01.311 --> 19:02.231 Yeah, he's wicked. 19:02.391 --> 19:02.972 He's cool. 19:03.112 --> 19:03.632 He's brilliant. 19:03.712 --> 19:05.673 I hope he carries on ruling for years. 19:05.753 --> 19:09.055 So do I. He's only... He's improved the place massively. 19:09.075 --> 19:10.436 I think he's done a nice job. 19:10.716 --> 19:12.877 He's made the atmosphere in the country really wicked. 19:13.178 --> 19:16.339 Everybody's friendly and everything's fine. 19:16.560 --> 19:22.263 And you know, finally, after years and years, it's possible to have a nice time. 19:22.883 --> 19:23.764 Thanks, Tony Blair. 19:24.304 --> 19:25.024 Big thumbs up. 19:25.324 --> 19:26.345 Thanks, Tony. 19:27.165 --> 19:35.009 Coming up in the second out, I want to play you a Bob Dylan track from his new album, which is really good. 19:35.329 --> 19:38.490 But there's a couple of lyrics in there that I want to ask you, Joe, about. 19:39.551 --> 19:42.312 If you have the album, I'm sure you'll know what I'm talking about, listeners. 19:42.812 --> 19:43.232 Bob Dylan. 19:43.313 --> 19:43.913 It's all right, Joe. 19:43.973 --> 19:44.353 Don't worry. 19:44.373 --> 19:45.474 We're just doing this radio show. 19:45.494 --> 19:46.694 I thought you mentioned my name. 19:47.474 --> 19:48.035 I was reading. 19:49.035 --> 19:49.796 What are you reading? 19:50.036 --> 19:50.516 Texts. 19:50.716 --> 19:51.497 Texts. 19:51.617 --> 19:52.378 He loves to read texts. 19:52.398 --> 19:54.959 Someone's saying the video to that single, What Goes Up, is brilliant. 19:55.500 --> 19:56.480 Xanthi's saying it is. 19:57.201 --> 19:57.521 Has it? 19:57.601 --> 19:58.002 Has it? 20:01.044 --> 20:01.424 Really? 20:01.704 --> 20:03.045 What, Ray Winstone? 20:03.145 --> 20:03.345 No. 20:04.066 --> 20:07.909 That's probably on YouTube, don't you reckon? 20:08.449 --> 20:09.490 Yeah, we'd better check that out. 20:11.251 --> 20:12.572 North of Ping Pong website. 20:13.132 --> 20:15.514 Okie dokie, we'll be back after the news and some music. 20:15.534 --> 20:16.254 This is Adam and Joe. 20:16.274 --> 20:18.056 XFM. 20:21.425 --> 20:22.967 There's a little jazz accord at the end there. 20:23.007 --> 20:25.890 Yeah, it sounds like it's going to become a completely different song at the end. 20:25.910 --> 20:27.752 It's like... A sort of a lounge number. 20:27.772 --> 20:27.972 Mm-hmm. 20:28.092 --> 20:30.014 It's like a sort of sting for friends or something. 20:30.154 --> 20:31.255 Exactly, yeah. 20:31.275 --> 20:31.976 Just before the break. 20:32.136 --> 20:33.558 That's right. 20:34.018 --> 20:36.381 Oh, Monica, I've lost my book. 20:37.123 --> 20:59.795 that sounds like an exciting episode that's the one where ross loses his book where where is it in the end he it turns up under the bed under the bed but guess who's bed who's phoebe's oh no imagine she's so ditzy she forgot it was there she thought it was a plant did she yeah that's a brilliant you should make notes she wrote a song about it you should write a spec script for friends i did this is what happened 21:00.015 --> 21:00.375 Really? 21:00.395 --> 21:00.475 Yeah. 21:00.495 --> 21:01.656 It's Friends, aren't they? 21:01.676 --> 21:02.617 They've cancelled it, haven't they? 21:03.338 --> 21:04.218 That's right, yeah. 21:04.238 --> 21:05.659 It was the final one years ago, wasn't it? 21:05.679 --> 21:06.780 What are you talking about? 21:06.800 --> 21:07.521 I don't know. 21:07.961 --> 21:08.322 Friends. 21:08.762 --> 21:09.823 They cancelled it? 21:10.103 --> 21:10.603 Yeah, man. 21:11.384 --> 21:14.766 Oh, that's why I haven't heard anything back about the script. 21:15.387 --> 21:16.027 About your script. 21:16.047 --> 21:17.669 Well, maybe you'll get to it right for scrubs. 21:18.189 --> 21:18.449 OK. 21:18.889 --> 21:19.750 Starring Zach Braff. 21:19.910 --> 21:20.850 I'll send it to the scrubbers. 21:21.110 --> 21:22.691 By the way, this is Adam and Joe on XFM. 21:22.711 --> 21:26.573 We're here for another just under 50 minutes, just over 50 minutes. 21:26.613 --> 21:27.613 Mm, 52 and a half. 21:27.633 --> 21:27.954 52 minutes. 21:28.554 --> 21:30.855 Coming up at noon is, of course, the best of the X list. 21:31.235 --> 21:35.517 And then at one, it's Mick Rock live from New York with all the latest rock gossip. 21:35.837 --> 21:38.379 When I say the latest rock gossip, I mean rock gossip from the 60s. 21:38.499 --> 21:45.342 This is Mick Rock live from New York, the city. 21:47.043 --> 21:49.064 This is me, right? 21:49.665 --> 21:50.485 New York, the city. 21:51.666 --> 21:52.307 So that's coming up. 21:52.347 --> 21:53.528 That's going to be exciting. 21:53.908 --> 21:55.309 And is it time for a text competition? 21:55.769 --> 21:56.930 Yeah, why not? 21:56.970 --> 21:57.711 Which one are we going to do? 21:58.271 --> 21:58.831 I don't mind. 21:58.891 --> 21:59.892 We could do the Banksy thing. 22:00.393 --> 22:00.653 OK. 22:00.993 --> 22:02.834 All right, listeners, here's our text competition this week. 22:03.215 --> 22:07.298 Some of you might know the contemporary artist Banksy. 22:08.178 --> 22:11.761 Right, he does kind of thought-provoking graffiti around London. 22:11.801 --> 22:16.544 He's probably the most famous, one of the most famous graffiti artists in the world, Banksy, wouldn't you say? 22:16.944 --> 22:18.305 Surely, certainly in the UK. 22:18.686 --> 22:19.566 Certainly in the UK. 22:19.826 --> 22:26.691 Now, he's over in Los Angeles, and this weekend he's opened a special exhibition, and it's the talk of Tinseltown. 22:27.292 --> 22:30.014 It's the tinsel of talk town, as well. 22:30.814 --> 22:32.956 You have to, er, you get, it's a bit like a rave. 22:33.236 --> 22:35.457 There's pictures of Brad and Angelina. 22:35.817 --> 22:36.978 Yeah, they visited it. 22:37.038 --> 22:37.719 At the show, yeah. 22:38.079 --> 22:40.921 Anybody who is anybody is visiting the Banksy show in LA. 22:41.681 --> 22:44.103 He only released the address two hours before it opened. 22:44.603 --> 22:45.964 So it's like an underground rave. 22:46.044 --> 22:48.746 Did he spray it on someone's face? 22:48.786 --> 22:49.346 Probably. 22:49.486 --> 22:50.127 Probably. 22:50.667 --> 22:51.728 And it's in a warehouse. 22:52.028 --> 22:54.650 Did he write it on a policeman's forehead? 22:54.830 --> 22:55.270 Probably. 22:55.290 --> 22:57.592 You're pre-empting the competition slightly here. 22:58.012 --> 23:21.266 Some of Banks's works of art in the exhibition include, the exhibition's called Barely Legal and some of the exhibits include a classical painting of a woman reclining with dogs staring out of a window at a beautiful countryside vista in oils and in the middle in oils is a system error window on a computer. 23:21.286 --> 23:25.589 He's painted a computer system error window in the middle of a classical oil painting. 23:26.189 --> 23:49.814 it says a system error has occurred reset or cancel clever huh yeah that why i don't understand that one come on because it's juxtaposing a modern problem problem with an old painting painting yeah here's another one yeah he's built a living room uh he's papered it with flop wallpaper right like old style 50s style yeah yeah yeah mom and dad might have had granny and nanny 23:50.154 --> 23:50.775 Wise up. 23:50.895 --> 23:57.061 There's an elephant, a live elephant in this living room and the elephant is painted with flocked wallpaper as well. 23:58.542 --> 24:00.024 Is it a statement about colonialism? 24:01.075 --> 24:03.177 or cruelty to elephants? 24:03.217 --> 24:04.478 The elephant doesn't look very happy. 24:04.618 --> 24:06.160 Or is it just about wallpaper? 24:06.180 --> 24:08.602 Like, why don't they get some better wallpaper? 24:08.622 --> 24:09.883 This probably is what it's about. 24:09.923 --> 24:11.284 You know, he's fed up with the wallpaper. 24:11.304 --> 24:11.905 OK, how about this one? 24:12.145 --> 24:19.452 Another period oil painting, this time of a rearing stallion, you know, one of those beautiful 18th century pictures of a horse, a beautiful horse. 24:19.812 --> 24:24.617 It's rearing up, but riding on its back is a riot policeman brandishing a scythe. 24:26.983 --> 24:27.223 Right. 24:27.644 --> 24:28.225 Thought-provoking. 24:28.365 --> 24:29.266 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 24:29.906 --> 24:32.650 There's an image of the HMV dog with a bazooka aimed at the gramophone. 24:33.310 --> 24:40.319 Okay, so it's Banksy's main modus operandi, or modus operandum, to use the singular. 24:40.419 --> 24:40.979 Latin, correct. 24:42.701 --> 24:48.204 is to juxtapose the fiercely modern with the very cosy and traditional. 24:48.224 --> 24:51.306 Yeah, or put a subversive twist on things we're very familiar with. 24:51.346 --> 24:54.628 For instance, the Paramount logo at the beginning of the Paramount Pictures movies. 24:54.948 --> 24:57.169 He's changed the word Paramount to paranoid. 24:58.578 --> 24:58.838 Yeah? 24:59.118 --> 25:03.741 He's a little bit, he's on the very verge of like doing those kind of t-shirts. 25:04.002 --> 25:04.462 Exactly. 25:04.602 --> 25:05.583 The Pope smokes dope. 25:05.743 --> 25:07.024 Adihash and things like that. 25:07.044 --> 25:11.647 So basically our text competition listeners says come up with your own Banksy-esque bit of subversive art. 25:11.927 --> 25:15.309 We want the best idea for a bit of Banksy-style subversive art. 25:15.369 --> 25:19.612 Texted to X, what, 83XFM, if you can think of anything. 25:19.632 --> 25:20.132 Here's another one. 25:20.353 --> 25:27.878 His most famous one was a phone box sort of crumpled as if it had fallen to the ground, like kind of like a slouched corpse with a pickaxe in it. 25:28.838 --> 25:29.158 Yeah. 25:29.418 --> 25:30.559 Is that a comment about street crime? 25:31.059 --> 25:31.539 I don't know. 25:31.599 --> 25:32.060 Probably not. 25:32.220 --> 25:36.182 Is it about just people shouldn't, should take more care of phone boxes? 25:36.262 --> 25:37.462 It was a red telephone box. 25:37.522 --> 25:37.843 It was. 25:37.863 --> 25:40.204 Do you want to hear my idea for a Banksy style work of art? 25:40.364 --> 25:40.864 Yeah, hit me. 25:40.984 --> 25:46.267 Nelson's column, only instead of the telescope, you replace the telescope with a big jazz cigarette. 25:46.427 --> 25:48.388 Because Nelson's, yeah? 25:48.568 --> 25:48.848 Yeah. 25:49.148 --> 25:50.389 Smoking joint. 25:50.649 --> 25:50.849 Yeah. 25:50.909 --> 25:52.410 He does it over, he does it in the night. 25:52.630 --> 25:53.150 In the night. 25:53.170 --> 25:56.652 And in the morning, people on the way to work can't believe it. 25:57.392 --> 25:59.774 Well, there's something wrong with the landscape. 26:00.775 --> 26:06.920 Lord Nelson, the proud icon of Britain's past, has been subverted by Banksy. 26:07.500 --> 26:09.622 Lord Nelson will never smoke a spliffy. 26:10.142 --> 26:11.463 I'm going to write to someone. 26:11.924 --> 26:13.745 Banksy's dirty. 26:14.125 --> 26:14.466 Imagine. 26:14.486 --> 26:19.530 So send in your Banksy style subversive art ideas to 83XFM quick as you can. 26:19.570 --> 26:23.493 There's only 45 minutes left and we'll give an amazing prize to the best one. 26:23.653 --> 26:24.534 Here are the Zutons. 26:27.213 --> 26:30.898 Look what you have done, Stacey! 26:30.918 --> 26:32.300 Look what you've done! 26:32.340 --> 26:33.842 Wipe it up, Stacey! 26:33.942 --> 26:35.725 Wipe it up otherwise! 26:36.065 --> 26:37.527 I will smack you all, Stacey! 26:38.988 --> 26:40.649 It's a horrific little portrait you've painted there. 26:40.689 --> 26:40.989 Isn't it? 26:41.029 --> 26:41.289 Isn't it? 26:41.369 --> 26:42.030 Frightening stuff. 26:42.070 --> 26:43.090 Of domestic angst. 26:43.751 --> 26:53.076 Now, how do you feel, Joe Cornish, about documentaries that more or less are just an excuse to play a load of indie music that the producer likes? 26:53.296 --> 26:54.537 I feel very angry about it. 26:54.577 --> 26:55.078 Yeah, good. 26:55.538 --> 26:57.499 And I want someone to do a little segment. 26:57.619 --> 26:59.260 Do you know what I'm saying, though, Xanthi? 26:59.601 --> 27:06.586 You watch, like, a thing on... And I've voiced over a couple of these things myself, so I should know things. 27:07.166 --> 27:09.128 And I'm not talking about anything specifically. 27:09.148 --> 27:18.535 Now, when you say documentaries, do you mean proper documentaries, or the kind of thing that passes for a documentary... Well, Joe, that's a whole conversation in itself, isn't it? 27:20.077 --> 27:21.638 What do you think? 27:22.358 --> 27:25.681 What is a documentary these days, and what is not? 27:26.161 --> 27:26.582 I don't know. 27:27.442 --> 27:29.223 I'm just going for a little nap. 27:29.643 --> 27:31.524 Tell us, so what makes you angry? 27:31.544 --> 27:33.424 Because the BBC do it a lot, don't they? 27:33.444 --> 27:43.308 I'll tell you what I'm talking about, I'm talking about things like some overview of a family on a council estate or whatever, or maybe some investigative thing, just 27:44.708 --> 27:51.193 And it's just wall-to-wall indie hits and quite good music a lot of the time, you know what I mean? 27:51.253 --> 27:52.874 Music that people care about and love. 27:52.954 --> 27:56.556 But they only ever use the first... It's a bit... They do it in movies as well a lot, don't they? 27:56.576 --> 28:01.780 They just use the very beginning of a record to get you excited and then fade it out after about 10 seconds. 28:01.880 --> 28:02.781 In movies at least... 28:02.981 --> 28:07.264 Yeah, in movies at least they're setting a kind of emotional scene, do you know what I mean? 28:07.524 --> 28:10.006 That's very seldom the case in documentaries. 28:10.046 --> 28:12.608 It's purely illustrative in the most banal way. 28:12.728 --> 28:16.270 It's abusing and exploiting the power of the very beginning of a good record. 28:16.390 --> 28:16.671 Yeah. 28:17.051 --> 28:20.013 It's kind of like exploiting that little burst of excitement you get. 28:20.193 --> 28:21.274 I've done my own version. 28:21.534 --> 28:21.874 Oh good. 28:22.234 --> 28:26.778 Of a fictional crap documentary, lazily peppered with great music. 28:27.498 --> 28:32.222 And this is called Jimmy Big Nuts Investigates, this documentary. 28:33.003 --> 28:34.364 I'm obsessed with Jimmy Big Nuts. 28:34.985 --> 28:36.046 And here it is. 28:38.888 --> 28:44.713 Tonight on Jimmy Big Nuts Investigates, Jimmy travels to Russia to track down the men behind a scam. 28:53.784 --> 29:04.493 Upon arrival in Russia Jimmy hires a car which he drives to a town But when he gets to the town it's completely deserted Except for a couple of horses 29:25.171 --> 29:30.775 Jimmy manages to climb onto one of the horses and rides to a nearby village where he waits for a man. 29:35.378 --> 29:39.461 Finally the man arrives and Jimmy Big Nuts asks him a question about the scam. 29:44.844 --> 29:48.206 The man says he can take Jimmy to the place where the scam happens. 29:54.588 --> 30:00.635 But when Jimmy gets there, he finds that the man behind the scam has gone and won't be back until late November. 30:00.655 --> 30:06.262 With all hope of uncovering the scam gone, Jimmy Big Nuts is forced to go home. 30:21.658 --> 30:23.039 That's the end of the Jimmy Big Nuts. 30:23.059 --> 30:24.060 What an amazing story. 30:24.700 --> 30:28.703 It was quite a convenient series of events, musically speaking. 30:28.883 --> 30:29.423 It's all real. 30:29.884 --> 30:30.224 Really? 30:30.304 --> 30:34.026 It just happened to match those records. 30:34.066 --> 30:35.087 Yeah, yeah. 30:35.267 --> 30:35.868 That's what happened. 30:35.888 --> 30:37.929 You know, the story was there. 30:38.209 --> 30:39.050 He investigated. 30:39.330 --> 30:41.251 I found the appropriate music for the story. 30:41.852 --> 30:42.612 That's how it works. 30:42.692 --> 30:43.292 That was brilliant. 30:43.312 --> 30:44.854 When's that on the Jimmy Big Nuts show? 30:45.574 --> 30:46.535 It's been cancelled. 30:46.775 --> 30:47.355 That's a shame. 30:47.415 --> 30:51.258 It used to be on Sky every day, all the time. 30:53.160 --> 30:53.440 Wow. 30:53.840 --> 30:55.822 It's how funny, how strange that I missed it. 30:55.842 --> 30:56.363 That's right. 30:56.643 --> 30:57.404 OK, free play now. 30:57.444 --> 30:58.204 This is one of yours, Joe. 30:58.465 --> 31:02.428 Yeah, this is from the new Blue Tones album that's being released on October the 9th. 31:02.529 --> 31:07.033 I think the album's called Surrender, but it's fantastic and this is a great track. 31:07.253 --> 31:10.316 It's not the single, it's an album track that I've chosen myself. 31:10.376 --> 31:11.397 It's called Head on a Spike. 31:11.477 --> 31:12.298 This is the Blue Tones. 31:19.366 --> 31:19.966 That's right. 31:20.207 --> 31:24.369 We're just talking about the dove advert with the sexy but normal-looking ladies. 31:24.389 --> 31:25.229 Have you seen that one, Joe? 31:25.590 --> 31:27.010 Yeah, I don't like normal ladies. 31:27.030 --> 31:28.231 Well, that's your problem though, I think. 31:28.291 --> 31:28.851 I like models. 31:29.092 --> 31:29.732 They're saucy. 31:29.872 --> 31:30.512 Bring back models. 31:30.572 --> 31:31.073 They're lovely. 31:31.753 --> 31:34.175 That was Jack Johnson, sitting, waiting, wishing. 31:34.195 --> 31:35.815 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 31:35.976 --> 31:37.516 Yeah, and we're running our text competition. 31:37.536 --> 31:42.059 Listeners, we've been asking you to come up with Banksy-style contemporary art ideas, and we've had some very good ones in. 31:42.539 --> 31:43.340 Yeah, well, hit me. 31:43.680 --> 31:44.520 OK, here they come. 31:44.541 --> 31:45.101 No, just hit me. 31:45.981 --> 31:47.923 I'd like to, I can't reach you there across the desk. 31:47.963 --> 31:48.583 I'll do it later. 31:48.603 --> 31:49.444 Just kick me later on. 31:49.464 --> 31:50.045 Yeah, okay. 31:51.045 --> 31:51.666 So let's begin. 31:52.446 --> 31:53.087 Here's the first one. 31:53.367 --> 31:57.530 Velasquez's, Velasquez, his famous picture, Lathmenas. 31:57.590 --> 31:58.951 Oh, this is going badly, isn't it? 31:58.971 --> 31:59.972 Lathmeninas. 32:00.553 --> 32:06.897 Okay, that painting, accompanied by a heatstroke hallow style magazine label, you know, with the bits of flab ringed. 32:07.658 --> 32:08.899 That's quite a good idea, isn't it? 32:08.919 --> 32:09.800 That is a brilliant idea. 32:09.820 --> 32:12.041 Like, oops, and that sort of thing, you know? 32:12.101 --> 32:13.562 Yeah, that's genius, man. 32:13.622 --> 32:14.163 Who's that from? 32:14.603 --> 32:15.925 I think that's an anonymous one. 32:15.985 --> 32:17.567 That's the winner right there. 32:17.807 --> 32:18.127 Do you think? 32:18.147 --> 32:19.769 Well there's other good ones. 32:19.789 --> 32:20.870 How about this? 32:21.251 --> 32:28.099 Ben Miller from Clapham, well this isn't so good really Ben, says put red and green flashing landing lights on all London's pigeons. 32:29.249 --> 32:31.151 That's a bit ambitious to put them on all the pigeons. 32:31.171 --> 32:33.874 Mind you, Redken's killed most of the pigeons, hasn't he? 32:33.955 --> 32:34.776 He's mangled their feet. 32:35.076 --> 32:36.978 He's done a pigeon cull, so there's not many left. 32:37.018 --> 32:37.859 It might not take long. 32:38.400 --> 32:39.241 Okay, how about this one? 32:39.301 --> 32:46.689 Matt in Reading says, like a model of Tracey Emin's bedroom, after her mum's been round and tidied it up and done her washing. 32:46.950 --> 32:47.530 That's nice. 32:47.610 --> 32:49.272 And neatly folded it and popped it on the bed. 32:49.913 --> 33:12.162 that's quite a good idea isn't it that's good dave suggests uh six people running around a greyhound track being watched by an audience of greyhounds you flipped it around there dave this is a good one helen says uh imagine the statue of liberty but instead of holding whatever she's holding the bill of rights whatever it is holding a copy of heat magazine 33:12.682 --> 33:13.423 Heat magazine. 33:13.443 --> 33:13.743 Yeah? 33:13.883 --> 33:15.184 Yeah, even the Statue of Liberty. 33:15.424 --> 33:16.365 That would be a good advert. 33:16.405 --> 33:18.287 Heat magazine are probably working on that for their own advertising. 33:18.307 --> 33:19.648 For their own American launch, exactly. 33:19.668 --> 33:19.748 Yeah. 33:20.549 --> 33:27.675 Uh, Ayn says, uh, in reference to that famous sculpture of a boy holding a dolphin's fin in Chelsea. 33:27.855 --> 33:28.796 That's brilliant sculpture. 33:29.036 --> 33:32.319 What about replacing the dolphin with a games console controller? 33:32.799 --> 33:34.560 Cos kids are obsessed with... Yeah. 33:34.681 --> 33:39.665 You know, next week on Tonight with Trevor McDonald, they've got a whole thing about are kids addicted to video games? 33:39.765 --> 33:40.045 Really? 33:40.065 --> 33:41.986 Can you believe they're recycling that old chestnut again? 33:42.006 --> 33:42.687 Man, I look forward to that. 33:42.727 --> 33:43.468 Let's video that. 33:43.548 --> 33:43.808 Okay. 33:43.868 --> 33:44.568 And talk about it. 33:45.269 --> 33:45.950 Here's another one. 33:46.070 --> 33:47.251 Did I say this one from Phil? 33:47.851 --> 33:50.053 A traffic light with three red lights on it. 33:51.058 --> 33:51.418 Nice. 33:51.558 --> 33:52.799 I think that might have been done before. 33:52.899 --> 33:53.300 Stop. 33:53.900 --> 33:54.400 Stop. 33:55.101 --> 33:56.922 Exactly. 33:56.962 --> 33:59.404 And here's a good one from Jo in Highgate. 33:59.844 --> 34:12.974 The snap, snap, crackle and pop are the characters from Rice Krispies and basically what she's suggesting is that they are in hoodies and they're lurking kind of, you know, they're standing on the packet by the bowl of Rice Krispies. 34:13.534 --> 34:18.137 She's suggesting they're wearing hoodies, they're looking shady and they're smoking ciggies and maybe they've got weapons. 34:18.377 --> 34:18.798 How about this? 34:20.197 --> 34:23.698 crack, snapple, and rock, they could be called. 34:24.279 --> 34:30.141 Because one of them smokes crack, the other one's got a rock of crack, and the other one's got a snapple. 34:30.541 --> 34:33.062 So keep them coming in to 83XFM. 34:33.182 --> 34:36.844 We'll, uh, you know, we think there's a better one out there somewhere. 34:36.904 --> 34:39.165 I'd be amazed if anyone gets better than that Velasquez one. 34:39.605 --> 34:41.626 Okay, we'll see if you can beat that on 83XFM. 34:41.746 --> 34:42.146 I had one. 34:42.686 --> 34:43.447 This might be better. 34:43.467 --> 34:43.727 Go on then. 34:43.747 --> 34:44.147 What about this? 34:44.167 --> 34:46.388 A full-sized London bus, full of people, 34:47.088 --> 35:03.410 but you get rid of all the doors so there's no doors and you only notice it after a bit that there's actually no way in or out to the bus but yet it's full of people it's just like a big red box big coffin yeah what does that mean that means that we're sort of uh living in death 35:04.431 --> 35:05.512 In a big red bus. 35:06.553 --> 35:07.594 That's quite good, isn't it? 35:07.614 --> 35:07.855 Yeah. 35:08.135 --> 35:08.896 I don't know what it means. 35:08.956 --> 35:09.216 OK. 35:09.236 --> 35:10.497 That probably means it's quite good. 35:10.777 --> 35:13.920 Listen, I just got busted by some of our intelligent listeners. 35:14.301 --> 35:15.141 For getting your Latin wrong. 35:15.161 --> 35:16.082 For getting my Latin wrong. 35:16.142 --> 35:20.046 I think this is the first time this has ever happened on any radio programme. 35:20.066 --> 35:20.466 That's right. 35:21.127 --> 35:35.996 DJ is corrected by saying, for boasting about the fact that I was saying modus operandum, thinking that it was a singular, actually modus operandi is genitive, not plural, so it is the right word to use, is that right? 35:36.557 --> 35:40.159 You know, I don't understand, and I wasn't paying attention in Latin. 35:40.768 --> 35:42.831 No, that's because it was really quite boring. 35:42.911 --> 35:43.973 It was quite boring. 35:44.393 --> 35:46.796 The Romans, they go over the bridge. 35:47.678 --> 35:48.339 That's English. 35:48.779 --> 35:50.822 Yeah, but that's a tense, isn't it? 35:50.862 --> 35:53.265 That's like a perfect subjunctive. 35:53.506 --> 35:55.228 I don't know and I don't understand. 35:55.288 --> 35:56.270 Play some stupid rock music. 35:59.673 --> 36:00.474 That was very good, wasn't it? 36:00.494 --> 36:03.195 That was The View with Superstar Tradesman. 36:03.275 --> 36:03.716 Very good. 36:03.756 --> 36:04.476 Well done, The View. 36:04.516 --> 36:05.357 Well done, The View. 36:05.657 --> 36:07.638 Maybe they should call themselves The Vue. 36:07.938 --> 36:09.519 Yeah, The Vue Leicester Square. 36:09.559 --> 36:09.719 V-U-E. 36:10.080 --> 36:10.580 The Vue. 36:10.880 --> 36:11.961 What a marvellous Vue. 36:12.961 --> 36:13.602 Look at The Vue. 36:14.758 --> 36:16.319 Why do they call themselves Vue? 36:16.459 --> 36:17.119 You know what I'm talking about? 36:17.139 --> 36:17.719 The cinemas? 36:17.900 --> 36:18.160 V-U-E. 36:18.180 --> 36:18.440 What is that? 36:18.460 --> 36:19.680 Yeah, yeah, I know what you're talking about. 36:19.700 --> 36:20.221 What is it? 36:20.241 --> 36:20.921 What does it mean? 36:21.501 --> 36:22.102 The Vue cinema. 36:22.122 --> 36:23.062 They're a chain of cinemas. 36:23.162 --> 36:24.383 And it's like, enjoy the Vue. 36:24.443 --> 36:25.683 In fact, that's their logo, isn't it? 36:25.763 --> 36:27.504 It's a big sort of frame floating in the clouds. 36:27.524 --> 36:29.625 So why not spell it V-I-E-W? 36:29.805 --> 36:32.046 Yeah, they've got to spell it special, because they're special. 36:32.166 --> 36:32.426 The. 36:33.067 --> 36:33.407 Vue. 36:34.047 --> 36:34.968 A room with a the. 36:35.848 --> 36:55.427 so listen our text competition is still underway and thanks to everybody who's uh texted in we're getting some very high quality art ideas it's almost as if it's quite easy to be Banksy no man don't forget we've got creative listeners that's true unusually creative that's true okay so do you want to hear some more yeah uh phil has suggested and i really like this one a zebra crossing on a motorway 36:56.443 --> 36:57.164 Isn't that quite brilliant? 36:57.184 --> 36:58.004 That's brilliant, man. 36:58.384 --> 36:59.065 Phil, you're clever. 36:59.245 --> 37:00.266 Maybe Phil is an artist. 37:01.066 --> 37:05.489 I should also say that the guy that thought of the Velathqueth one... Am I saying that right? 37:05.509 --> 37:25.883 Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Velathqueth Vel 37:26.903 --> 37:32.227 Doesn't look a thing like Jesus. 37:32.527 --> 37:33.748 What are you talking about? 37:33.848 --> 37:34.148 Sorry. 37:34.229 --> 37:36.330 How could you have mistaken him for the Messiah? 37:36.390 --> 37:37.311 I'm really sorry. 37:37.371 --> 37:38.832 I just wanted to write a song. 37:40.069 --> 37:41.150 It's artistic license. 37:41.590 --> 37:43.131 Well, he doesn't look a thing like Jesus. 37:43.231 --> 37:44.512 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 37:44.532 --> 37:46.534 We've got about 12 minutes of our show left. 37:46.614 --> 37:48.355 Coming up at noon is the best of the X-list. 37:48.375 --> 37:52.358 Then coming up at one is Mick Rockles, live from New York. 37:52.398 --> 37:56.701 But first of all, we're going to close our Banksy-style art text competition. 37:56.721 --> 38:05.067 We've been asking you to text in, you know, what you would do to get one up on Banksy, a kind of subversive street art idea. 38:05.347 --> 38:06.708 And we've got Phil on the line. 38:06.728 --> 38:07.328 It's a bank off. 38:07.768 --> 38:08.169 Hello, Phil. 38:08.669 --> 38:09.089 Hello. 38:09.109 --> 38:09.989 How you doing? 38:10.709 --> 38:11.550 Not too bad. 38:11.570 --> 38:12.550 Enjoying my Saturday off. 38:12.910 --> 38:13.130 Good. 38:13.250 --> 38:14.430 Are you a professional artist? 38:15.210 --> 38:18.231 No, but I've also got other ideas which probably couldn't be broadcast. 38:18.571 --> 38:19.271 Yeah, yeah. 38:19.311 --> 38:21.091 Keep them to yourself if they're rude. 38:21.131 --> 38:21.671 What do you do? 38:21.711 --> 38:24.592 What's your main line of work then, Phil? 38:24.692 --> 38:25.432 I do flooring. 38:25.452 --> 38:28.092 Anything to do with wood stripping it. 38:28.212 --> 38:29.273 You're wasting your time. 38:29.553 --> 38:34.754 You realise that your ideas are as good as Banksy's and you realise that nothing in his show sold for less than £100,000. 38:34.794 --> 38:35.294 Well, that's it then. 38:38.479 --> 38:42.242 pack in the flooring. 38:42.962 --> 38:46.184 Well this is a very good idea, I mean it's a kind of a lethal idea. 38:46.705 --> 38:47.085 Yeah! 38:47.125 --> 38:51.648 But it's thought provoking, just explain it, you sound excited about the lethal aspect in particular. 38:52.148 --> 38:59.193 Well it's completely useless, I mean no one really walks on the motorway, the traffic hardly moves on the motorway so why not stick one there? 38:59.713 --> 39:02.135 Just describe it again, what your idea is in simple terms. 39:08.076 --> 39:16.821 So there'd be obviously, it would be shocking to people, there'd be death would result for the drivers approaching it and slowing down and for the pedestrians crossing it. 39:17.681 --> 39:20.103 But what would it be saying there Phil, what are you saying? 39:24.679 --> 39:26.240 Generally, it's completely useless. 39:26.640 --> 39:28.780 I mean, the modern stuff is absolute crap. 39:29.121 --> 39:31.121 Well now, steady on Phil, steady on Phil. 39:31.141 --> 39:35.403 Listen, I think that you don't know how good your own ideas are. 39:35.543 --> 39:42.985 I think what your idea is saying is that modern life is so fast that normal roads have become like motorways. 39:43.485 --> 39:49.448 And getting anywhere in life, you might as well be walking across a zebra crossing on a motorway. 39:49.468 --> 39:50.388 Do you know what I mean? 39:51.869 --> 40:17.226 you've done it so brilliantly and you've used you know existing things in the world and counterpointed them in an exciting and meaningful way you're you're more brilliant than you realize how about this Phil you come up with the ideas and we explain them to people yeah we'll manage yeah no 80 20 Joe drives a hard bargain so congratulations you're the winner of our text competition today yeah well you've got a choice I'm afraid the tickets to 40:17.606 --> 40:18.567 Clark's too have gone. 40:18.627 --> 40:19.408 I've lost my piece of paper. 40:19.428 --> 40:20.269 We've got some hobnobs. 40:20.929 --> 40:22.470 How about a copy of Scrubs? 40:22.511 --> 40:22.891 That's all. 40:23.131 --> 40:23.892 You've got no choice. 40:23.912 --> 40:25.153 Oh, copy of what? 40:25.333 --> 40:25.954 Scrubs. 40:26.054 --> 40:30.257 It's like the American version of Green Wing. 40:30.418 --> 40:30.658 Yeah. 40:30.758 --> 40:31.939 Right, well I'll give it to somebody else. 40:31.979 --> 40:33.140 I'll give you their address instead. 40:33.801 --> 40:34.842 I'm very charitable like that. 40:34.982 --> 40:35.702 Oh, that's good of you. 40:35.722 --> 40:36.243 Phil, well done. 40:36.263 --> 40:38.705 And thanks a lot for listening and for texting in and stuff. 40:38.845 --> 40:39.766 That was brilliant. 40:40.146 --> 40:40.627 No problem. 40:40.647 --> 40:41.047 You are brilliant. 40:41.147 --> 40:41.908 I'll be very jealous. 40:42.328 --> 40:43.190 Have a good weekend, man. 40:43.530 --> 40:43.991 You too. 40:44.091 --> 40:44.812 Cheers, take care. 40:45.453 --> 40:46.474 He's a very nice chap, wasn't he? 40:46.494 --> 40:47.816 That is a brilliant idea. 40:48.077 --> 40:52.984 But I have to say that the Velazquez one with the Heat additions was excellent as well. 40:53.004 --> 40:54.866 Yeah, from what's-his-name Richard, was it? 40:56.152 --> 40:56.793 Thanks, Richard. 40:56.833 --> 41:00.736 Sorry, I think we might have kept you hanging on and then just cruelly cut you off. 41:01.037 --> 41:04.360 Thank you very much to everyone who texted in. 41:05.160 --> 41:10.305 All your suggestions were brilliant and we really appreciate them. 41:10.665 --> 41:15.889 Now, on an art tip, here's a track from someone that every self-respecting artist 41:16.590 --> 41:17.871 would have enjoyed at some point. 41:17.991 --> 41:20.332 This is Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band. 41:20.512 --> 41:26.254 This is from the reissued album Shiny Beast Bracket's Bat Chain Puller. 41:27.875 --> 41:33.037 Not a typical bit of XFM music and not necessarily typical of Captain Beefheart either but it's really good. 41:33.097 --> 41:34.318 Harry Irene this is called. 41:37.586 --> 41:39.887 It's got a kind of Parisian flavour to it. 41:40.147 --> 41:42.108 Yeah, a little bit of Reeve goes whistling. 41:42.268 --> 41:42.528 Yeah. 41:42.848 --> 41:45.410 That's a beef heart in the Magic Band with Harry, Irene. 41:45.450 --> 41:46.871 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 41:47.291 --> 41:49.852 Now, Joe, I don't suppose you've got the new Bob Dylan album, do you? 41:49.872 --> 41:49.912 No. 41:50.693 --> 41:51.853 Modern Times, it's called. 41:52.493 --> 41:54.835 And it's number one, I think, or at least it was for a little bit. 41:55.635 --> 41:59.397 And the opening track, Thunder on the Mountain, it's a really good album by the way. 41:59.817 --> 42:04.079 The best thing about it is that he's not trying in any way to sound modern. 42:04.379 --> 42:05.139 Do you know what I mean? 42:05.339 --> 42:08.801 It's just the sound of an old bloke... He hasn't got Timberland in to produce him? 42:09.061 --> 42:09.261 No. 42:10.462 --> 42:17.045 It's just the sound of an old bloke doing some old bloke music with some other old blokes and it's really nice and your mum would like it but it is... 42:17.745 --> 42:40.146 really good you know his voice has totally changed as well it's like a real old croaky yoda voice he's got he is turning into yoda essentially bob dylan uh but he doesn't speak backwards the only concession he makes to modern times uh is some some lyrical flourishes like on the first track check this out uh listen to what he's singing about 42:43.712 --> 42:57.669 Couldn't keep them quiet when she was born in Hell's Kitchen I was living down the line I'm wondering where in the world at least your kids could be I've been looking for her even clear through Tennessee 42:59.597 --> 43:01.058 So he's banging into Alicia Keys. 43:01.559 --> 43:04.121 Yeah, was he suggesting that... Was he born in Hell's Kitchen? 43:04.261 --> 43:04.661 Bob Dylan? 43:04.681 --> 43:05.562 Where was Bob Dylan born? 43:06.242 --> 43:06.843 She was born. 43:06.883 --> 43:14.008 He's saying, I was thinking about Alicia Keys, couldn't help from crying, but when she was born in Hell's Kitchen, I was living down the line. 43:14.028 --> 43:14.569 Well, there we go. 43:14.729 --> 43:20.313 So he's imagining her being born while he was living just down the street, does he mean? 43:20.673 --> 43:21.334 Yeah, I suppose so. 43:21.414 --> 43:24.156 And now she's grown up into a beautiful woman. 43:24.396 --> 43:24.696 Right. 43:24.716 --> 43:28.880 And he's thinking, why didn't I make friends with her mum or babysit? 43:29.480 --> 43:32.202 And then I'd be in there, you know, with Alicia. 43:32.222 --> 43:35.045 Why didn't I make a move sooner? 43:35.105 --> 43:36.486 She was down the road. 43:36.506 --> 43:38.007 Now she's foxy. 43:38.468 --> 43:41.650 She is a very beautiful lady, Alicia Keys. 43:42.291 --> 43:45.354 I can imagine her and Bob Dylan making sweet love. 43:45.554 --> 43:46.775 There was a rumour I heard. 43:47.055 --> 43:50.338 Like a tortoise eating some sort of a fresh fruit. 43:56.103 --> 44:02.110 Delicious, young mango. 44:04.232 --> 44:12.361 I heard some... Unsubstantiated rumour that he was snogging Lisa Lohan? 44:12.401 --> 44:13.002 Lindsay Lohan? 44:13.182 --> 44:13.463 No. 44:15.209 --> 44:16.989 Oh, that would be like a scene out of Life Force. 44:18.050 --> 44:22.651 You know when the space vampires drain the lifeblood from the voluptuous women? 44:23.651 --> 44:23.991 Wow. 44:24.411 --> 44:26.971 Maybe Bob Dylan should go into, like, nudie modelling. 44:27.352 --> 44:28.072 Sexy mags. 44:28.172 --> 44:30.572 Beautiful you are. 44:30.592 --> 44:34.253 You know, it's a frightening thought that when one is that age, how old is he? 44:34.273 --> 44:35.513 He's at least 65. 44:35.873 --> 44:37.894 That all your sexual cogs are still whirring. 44:39.074 --> 44:41.474 Must be so, I don't know, frustrating. 44:41.494 --> 44:43.615 He's actually not that dissimilar from my life now. 44:46.174 --> 44:47.755 That's pretty much it for us this week. 44:48.715 --> 44:53.999 Hey, listen, podcast fans, I'm sorry if you feel messed around, you know, by the way it's been going the last couple of weeks. 44:54.019 --> 44:55.861 We've just been terrible busy during the week. 44:56.081 --> 45:02.886 We're just really busy, you know, we're gonna probably have to stop doing them for a while in a couple of weeks, but we still got a couple more to go, okay? 45:02.986 --> 45:05.708 And the next one, I promise you, will be out on Monday. 45:06.228 --> 45:08.910 Don't forget that, you know, it's free and everything, all right? 45:08.970 --> 45:11.032 So just don't give us too much of a hard time. 45:11.192 --> 45:15.534 Yeah, and you can download the Adam and Joe podcast at xfm.co.uk or on iTunes. 45:15.634 --> 45:18.395 It's got highlights of the show and also brand new stuff in it. 45:18.775 --> 45:21.036 Yeah, in fact, it's mainly brand new stuff a lot of the time. 45:21.537 --> 45:22.577 So do check them out. 45:22.857 --> 45:25.378 And I think you can't even get the whole set anymore, can you? 45:25.398 --> 45:27.379 No, I think numbers one to 10 have been archived. 45:27.579 --> 45:29.040 Yeah, they're good as well. 45:30.000 --> 45:31.021 We might charge for them. 45:31.721 --> 45:33.303 Well, yeah, that would be good, wouldn't it? 45:33.504 --> 45:37.229 Wouldn't it be great to make some money, finally, after one day? 45:37.309 --> 45:38.170 After ten years. 45:38.431 --> 45:40.514 Anyway, thanks a lot for listening, we really appreciate it. 45:41.175 --> 45:42.196 Stay tuned for the X-list. 45:42.336 --> 45:43.197 We'll be back next week. 45:44.079 --> 45:44.359 Bye-bye. 45:44.499 --> 45:45.901 Cheerio, bye, love you, bye!