WEBVTT 00:03.288 --> 00:04.388 You're listening to Radio 2? 00:04.468 --> 00:08.029 That was the feeling with Never Be Lonely. 00:08.429 --> 00:10.950 That's not the sort of thing XFM usually play, is it? 00:11.670 --> 00:13.670 You're listening to Nice FM. 00:14.091 --> 00:15.551 That was Captain and Tennille. 00:16.491 --> 00:18.132 You make me feel nice. 00:18.172 --> 00:19.272 Never Be Lonely? 00:20.232 --> 00:21.752 It's all soft and sentimental. 00:21.852 --> 00:24.833 XFM's about being sort of... In your face. 00:24.873 --> 00:26.453 ...hung over and in your face and edgy. 00:27.054 --> 00:28.074 Right up in your face. 00:28.094 --> 00:31.275 That's just like softly rubbing a kitten against everyone's faces. 00:31.515 --> 00:32.555 Oh, it's nice. 00:33.035 --> 00:34.275 A very poncy kitten. 00:34.515 --> 00:38.617 A lovely kitten called Malcolm. 00:38.977 --> 00:39.697 Malcolm? 00:39.717 --> 00:40.317 Malkey. 00:41.097 --> 00:42.458 Oh I love you Malkey. 00:43.378 --> 00:43.678 Yeah. 00:43.698 --> 00:45.319 Even be lonely. 00:45.899 --> 00:47.239 That's the third single from them. 00:47.259 --> 00:48.639 As long as I'm with Malkey. 00:48.739 --> 00:50.200 London based quintets. 00:50.220 --> 00:53.801 My lovely little catty with the tiny soft skin. 00:54.369 --> 01:15.132 new album 12 stops and home we'll try not to play that again listeners oh come on don't be nasty about the feeling i'm not being nasty about them i'm they're very good that's just doesn't sound like xfm usual sort of stuff listen if you start criticizing the playlist like that hey i'm trying to put uh xfm listeners in a pigeonhole in a box and that's what they hate right yeah 01:16.113 --> 01:16.873 Why are you doing that? 01:17.194 --> 01:18.194 Well, because I'm a cynic. 01:18.474 --> 01:18.974 Yeah, yeah. 01:19.214 --> 01:24.396 Before that you heard, um, Doctor in the TARDIS by Kasabian. 01:24.616 --> 01:25.557 No, that was Empire. 01:25.757 --> 01:28.618 That was one of Kasabian's new singles. 01:28.998 --> 01:32.420 That was the new single from the Leicestershire Quartet's second album, Empire. 01:32.720 --> 01:36.781 I just read a rave review for that album in the NME, so... A rave? 01:36.841 --> 01:37.402 A rave. 01:37.742 --> 01:39.623 Nine out of ten stars. 01:39.983 --> 01:44.985 It's like getting into a really strange future bath reading the NME. 01:45.905 --> 01:47.406 These days, because I haven't read it for a while. 01:47.486 --> 01:51.910 I've been reading it for the competition Rock and Reel or Rock and Rubs, which is coming up later on in the show. 01:53.011 --> 01:54.913 You know, just to get stupid band names out of it. 01:55.554 --> 01:59.397 But it's a weird thing, like all they're going on about is all these new genres of music. 01:59.417 --> 02:02.900 They just more or less make up new genres every two weeks, the NME. 02:03.041 --> 02:05.843 We might be talking about that a bit later in a bit more detail, mightn't we? 02:06.063 --> 02:06.804 Yeah, I suppose so. 02:06.904 --> 02:08.686 Have you heard of New Rave? 02:09.526 --> 02:11.728 New Rave, no, but that makes sense. 02:11.849 --> 02:11.989 Yeah. 02:12.449 --> 02:36.108 yeah new rave yeah that's what they're going on about yeah and they just go on about it in every single thing they write about new rave new rape and they have interviews and they ask people like matt bellamy what do you think of new rave and he's like i i don't know what you mean no one knows except for the people that work in the nme anyway yes we'll talk this is adam and joe by the way uh on xfm london's 104.9 we're here with you till 1 p.m is that really right 02:36.528 --> 02:37.268 Yeah, it seems unbelievable. 02:37.288 --> 02:38.228 That's a long time, isn't it? 02:38.248 --> 02:39.129 It's a long time. 02:39.149 --> 02:40.369 We've got lots of great music. 02:40.789 --> 02:44.670 And to encourage you to listen, we'll be giving away prizes. 02:44.750 --> 02:49.051 We've got four... Have we got... No, we've got four copies of Scary Movie 4. 02:49.371 --> 02:50.451 We talked about this, man. 02:50.771 --> 02:52.211 Oh, that we were only going to give away two. 02:52.231 --> 02:52.931 Yeah, we're stealing two. 02:52.951 --> 02:54.452 We quite want to just take one each. 02:54.592 --> 02:55.692 We are going to take one each. 02:55.752 --> 02:57.312 What do you think the point of doing the show is? 02:57.352 --> 02:59.833 OK, we've got two copies of Scary Movie 4 to give away. 03:00.133 --> 03:02.373 But that's only proof that it's really good. 03:02.974 --> 03:03.414 That's right. 03:03.434 --> 03:04.454 You know, because Adam and Mia are clever. 03:05.214 --> 03:08.075 But we wouldn't steal something useless, would we? 03:08.135 --> 03:09.676 This is a quality piece of merchandise. 03:09.696 --> 03:13.377 You know, it's got the Wayans brothers stamp of approval on the whole thing. 03:13.597 --> 03:15.678 They're the auteurs behind the film, little man. 03:16.018 --> 03:16.979 They're geniuses! 03:17.599 --> 03:18.900 Yeah, so we've got those to give away. 03:19.280 --> 03:29.344 And we've got one pair of tickets to see the Mystery Jets present What Colour Is Sound, a tribute to Sid Barrett at the Union Chapel on the 18th of September. 03:29.604 --> 03:31.705 The compare will be our very own Mick Rock! 03:32.425 --> 03:54.710 i once saw the mystery jets in a car unpacking their gear what a great band yeah mick rock uh xfm's most dynamic dj will be hosting that uh so you know what more do you want to motivate you to stay tuned for three hours how about more great music 03:55.762 --> 03:56.725 his guillemots. 03:56.745 --> 03:57.728 No, that won't do the job. 03:57.748 --> 03:58.149 Will it not? 03:58.390 --> 03:58.591 No. 03:58.691 --> 03:59.754 But play it anyway. 03:59.855 --> 04:02.663 I think you'll change your mind after you hear trains to Brazil. 04:06.823 --> 04:10.924 Haircut 100 there, on XFM, London's 104.9. 04:11.084 --> 04:12.344 That's good though, we like Haircut 100. 04:12.824 --> 04:15.604 That was Gilemots with trains to Brazil. 04:15.825 --> 04:17.645 There's just been a disaster in the studio, listeners. 04:18.285 --> 04:21.165 Adam was eating an apple, and this happens to me quite a lot. 04:21.185 --> 04:21.686 Does it really? 04:21.926 --> 04:26.246 Yeah, there was no evidence on the exterior of the apple that it was a bad apple. 04:26.266 --> 04:28.507 It was absolutely tasty, I was just munching away. 04:29.267 --> 04:33.107 And suddenly inside, you discovered Satan's Hairy Room. 04:33.227 --> 04:35.448 Well, this is the thing, I was eating the apple, 04:36.428 --> 04:50.903 and for a while you know while the guillemots were playing i was just munching away i wasn't even looking at the apple and then i started thinking this apple tastes strange it's got an unusually you know it's not very sweet it's got a weird kind of medicinal tang to it 04:51.664 --> 04:59.571 And then after a few more bites, listeners, I looked down and I had more or less been munching into Satan's black furry heart. 05:00.092 --> 05:00.352 Yeah. 05:00.432 --> 05:01.253 At the core of his apple. 05:01.273 --> 05:02.274 It was bad at the centre. 05:02.514 --> 05:03.095 How does that happen? 05:03.115 --> 05:04.596 Because there's usually a puncture mark. 05:04.716 --> 05:05.957 Yeah. 05:06.138 --> 05:07.379 If a maggot has got in. 05:08.248 --> 05:09.889 There was no maggot in the apple. 05:09.929 --> 05:15.332 Well, sometimes that's what turns the middle satanic is a tiny little devil worm. 05:15.732 --> 05:17.193 Yeah, but that wasn't the case here. 05:17.273 --> 05:18.713 It had gone bad all by itself. 05:18.993 --> 05:19.274 Really? 05:19.654 --> 05:19.954 Yeah. 05:19.994 --> 05:20.774 Just a bad pip? 05:21.074 --> 05:22.175 It was just a bad apple. 05:22.195 --> 05:23.155 It had been watching too much. 05:23.175 --> 05:24.296 It was the one bad apple. 05:24.356 --> 05:26.877 It was been watching Channel 4 on a Friday night. 05:27.618 --> 05:29.499 That's what happens to apples. 05:30.979 --> 05:34.121 When they watch that much Alan Carr, they go rotten. 05:34.679 --> 05:34.919 You know? 05:35.299 --> 05:35.880 Yeah, I know. 05:35.980 --> 05:41.604 We should talk about that later on, because me and Joe both trawled our way through the whole of Friday Night on Channel 4. 05:41.844 --> 05:44.306 Right, did you watch the Law of the Playground as well, Joe? 05:44.386 --> 05:45.587 No, I haven't watched that. 05:45.907 --> 05:46.387 I watched that. 05:46.927 --> 05:48.008 Yeah, we'll be talking about that. 05:48.048 --> 05:53.672 We'd like to have a little discussion about Robbie Williams's new single as well later in the program, Rude Box. 05:54.332 --> 05:55.413 Rude Box. 05:55.493 --> 05:57.835 Plus we're going to have, are we going to have a celebrity regression? 05:58.275 --> 05:59.616 Yeah, that's coming up very shortly. 05:59.656 --> 06:01.778 Yeah, we'll be playing rock and reel or rock and rubs. 06:02.478 --> 06:03.138 All kinds of stuff. 06:03.158 --> 06:07.700 In fact, we've got enough content for about half an hour of radio. 06:07.801 --> 06:14.324 Hey, speaking of content, you know, if you're a fan of our podcasts, then I'd like to apologize for the screw up last weekend. 06:14.824 --> 06:18.526 We uploaded the same one from the previous week by accident. 06:18.966 --> 06:26.709 So for the whole of last weekend, you would have been pounding on your computer screens and cursing iTunes or maybe just us. 06:27.470 --> 06:29.251 It was our producer, Santi's fault. 06:30.371 --> 06:30.671 Okay? 06:31.011 --> 06:33.012 This is the kind of thing that Chris Evans used to do, remember? 06:33.592 --> 06:35.973 Rag on his producer and stuff for no reason. 06:36.453 --> 06:40.995 Now, Xanthe's a brilliant producer and it was an understandable mistake, but she's fired. 06:41.015 --> 06:44.816 This is her last day and she's leaving because she screwed up the podcast. 06:45.136 --> 06:50.758 But anyway, the next one should be out, I think on Monday or possibly Friday. 06:51.118 --> 06:51.558 I don't know. 06:51.999 --> 06:54.980 And also I should say that, you know, recently there's been a bit of 06:56.520 --> 07:03.914 swearing in the podcasts, and I am being very careful now to beep out all the swearing, because I think it's important that it remains a family show, you know? 07:03.934 --> 07:07.059 So do you think it's still a family show if there's swearing but it's beeped? 07:08.052 --> 07:09.613 Um, I don't know. 07:10.093 --> 07:11.714 Maybe a Swery family show. 07:11.874 --> 07:13.214 Because, you know, I watch daytime TV. 07:13.234 --> 07:14.215 We talked about this before. 07:14.275 --> 07:15.515 One of those Asbo families. 07:15.575 --> 07:15.815 Yeah. 07:16.036 --> 07:17.856 On daytime TV, they beep out swearing. 07:18.136 --> 07:18.397 Do they? 07:18.537 --> 07:18.657 Yeah. 07:18.677 --> 07:20.538 And it is a little bit weird when you watch it. 07:20.578 --> 07:22.779 You sort of think, hang on, this is still swearing. 07:22.799 --> 07:25.080 I'm still getting the swear word in my brain. 07:25.600 --> 07:29.401 It's as if they've sort of reduced swearing to just a single tone. 07:29.602 --> 07:29.922 Yeah. 07:30.142 --> 07:30.842 A single note. 07:31.082 --> 07:33.223 Well, that's exactly what we do in the podcasts now. 07:33.303 --> 07:36.965 So, um, just, you know, just to let you know, it's, we don't want to go down. 07:37.725 --> 08:00.026 a totally filthy route yeah uh first free play right now this is prince from sign of the times and uh oh you know i was gonna play if i was your girlfriend but i think i might play the ballad of dorothy parker you can't suddenly change at the last minute well i'm going to what about all the cartridge swapping and filling that's gonna happen swapping the cartridge family yeah what's gonna happen oh you know what i've done i'm such a chill 08:00.657 --> 08:01.097 What have you done? 08:01.237 --> 08:02.498 I didn't bring disc one. 08:02.518 --> 08:03.879 I only brought disc two. 08:03.999 --> 08:05.060 Play something off disc two. 08:05.180 --> 08:05.401 Yeah. 08:05.421 --> 08:05.881 Well, okay. 08:05.901 --> 08:08.223 I'll go back to if I was your girlfriend. 08:08.703 --> 08:10.304 Is that is that your favorite track on? 08:10.324 --> 08:12.226 Oh, I don't know. 08:12.246 --> 08:13.867 I don't know. 08:13.907 --> 08:14.287 I don't know. 08:14.307 --> 08:14.988 They're all so good. 08:15.368 --> 08:16.329 Ballad of Dorothy Parker. 08:16.349 --> 08:17.349 I learned to play on my guitar. 08:17.369 --> 08:18.150 It's three chords. 08:18.570 --> 08:18.811 Is it? 08:18.871 --> 08:19.071 Yes. 08:19.111 --> 08:19.631 Just three chords. 08:19.671 --> 08:20.532 Easy peasy. 08:20.852 --> 08:21.292 It's brilliant. 08:21.352 --> 08:23.734 Anyway, here's If I Was Your Girlfriend by Prince. 08:23.814 --> 08:24.515 We'll be back shortly. 08:32.517 --> 08:34.498 It goes a bit filthy here, doesn't it, I seem to remember? 08:34.778 --> 08:35.178 Probably. 08:35.218 --> 08:36.558 What's he on about, anyway? 08:37.739 --> 08:39.359 If I was your girlfriend, what does it mean? 08:41.060 --> 08:43.881 He means if you treated me as if I was a woman. 08:45.101 --> 08:52.324 If you treated me in the sexy way that I treat you, in the feminine way that I treat you, wouldn't things be even sexier? 08:52.424 --> 08:53.444 I think it's fairly straightforward. 08:53.464 --> 08:54.745 Because it would be like two ladies. 08:55.951 --> 09:09.730 uh getting it on yeah but then there'd be uh hairy man things suddenly would pop into the equation and that shock would be exciting yeah well you know oh what's that 09:10.865 --> 09:35.957 bloody hell you'd say yeah yeah it could just be he's talking about a man and uh he's just saying listen if i was your girlfriend i could dress up in a dress he just wants to be a lady yeah he's not interested in her anymore no yeah he's just little prince he'd make a lovely little lady the little prince 09:37.256 --> 09:40.058 His face has got more peculiar the older he's got. 09:40.258 --> 09:41.059 Like George Michael. 09:41.079 --> 09:44.302 George Michael is slowly turning into one of the Easter Island statues. 09:45.202 --> 09:48.645 His face is going very sort of imperious and long and odd. 09:49.005 --> 09:49.966 And so is Princess. 09:50.026 --> 09:59.654 It's funny watching people you've known since you were very young slowly get older and some elements of their features stay the same and some of them go all droopy. 10:00.194 --> 10:00.995 He looks pretty good. 10:02.659 --> 10:05.742 That's the, that's the satanic apple coming back to you. 10:05.762 --> 10:07.184 Something's nesting in your stomach. 10:07.204 --> 10:08.445 I'm going to have to take a break. 10:08.465 --> 10:09.506 It's going to be like Alien. 10:09.526 --> 10:12.609 You're going to, you're going to, there's a chest burst that's going to pop out. 10:12.629 --> 10:15.032 Halfway through the show, Justin Lee Collins is going to burst out. 10:15.953 --> 10:19.316 We'll be back after the break and some music with competition time. 10:19.396 --> 10:19.877 Stay tuned. 10:25.569 --> 10:28.032 Ose, ose, ose that band, then, Adam. 10:28.072 --> 10:28.772 Ose that band. 10:28.852 --> 10:30.114 I like the sound of them. 10:30.154 --> 10:31.835 Well, Joe, exciting news. 10:32.015 --> 10:33.437 They're a new combo. 10:33.517 --> 10:35.759 They're called the Coldplay. 10:36.660 --> 10:46.510 They mix up intense feelings of emotion with piano stylings to create music that's perfect for any advertisement or teen drama. 10:46.670 --> 10:50.092 The lead singer, does he live a life like us, a normal life? 10:50.213 --> 10:50.593 No! 10:50.793 --> 10:53.315 Is he in touch with normal experiences? 10:53.355 --> 10:53.815 By no means. 10:53.875 --> 10:55.616 So that he can put them into his songs? 10:55.896 --> 10:57.918 No, no, he has a book he sends away. 10:57.978 --> 11:02.101 There's a book you can get and it's got real experiences in it, detailed in it. 11:02.161 --> 11:12.988 It's kind of a magazine for pop stars and they read about what real life is like and then they can write songs about it and they send off for the rights to the experience and it works that way. 11:13.429 --> 11:14.890 Oh, I don't like them anymore. 11:15.490 --> 11:16.491 No, they're very good. 11:16.511 --> 11:17.171 You're an idiot. 11:18.012 --> 11:23.315 Right, I think it's... Yes, it's celebrity regression time. 11:23.395 --> 11:30.119 It's the time when we regress Adam into the films, into the head, basically, of a Hollywood star. 11:45.703 --> 11:47.483 Yeah, like being John Malkovich. 11:47.884 --> 11:48.104 Exactly. 11:48.184 --> 11:48.644 Almost. 11:49.184 --> 11:50.604 You go inside their head, right? 11:50.784 --> 11:51.244 Yeah, exactly. 11:51.264 --> 11:55.365 And you see through their eyes, only you see their films as if you're living them. 11:55.806 --> 11:58.126 Yeah, as if you are the character they play in the film. 11:58.326 --> 11:59.686 Yeah, it's amazing, really. 12:00.167 --> 12:09.209 And all you have to do, listeners, is guess which Hollywood star Adam's been regressed into the mind of and name the films that he describes happening around him. 12:10.029 --> 12:12.732 And then call, here's the number, I'm gonna say it slowly. 12:13.113 --> 12:15.976 Cause people sometimes complain that we say it too fast. 12:16.717 --> 12:15.976 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 12:19.841 --> 12:28.212 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 12:23.185 --> 12:28.212 And you could win a copy of Scary Movie 4, officially the funniest film ever made. 12:28.912 --> 12:34.814 I'm thinking about it now. 12:34.854 --> 12:35.254 There we go. 12:35.334 --> 12:37.355 Or maybe those tickets or whatever you want basically. 12:37.915 --> 12:37.355 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 12:40.736 --> 12:41.456 So are we ready? 12:43.217 --> 12:55.801 We're going to ring the regression bell now to create the correct mood here in the studio and we encourage you at home to do the same to take a deep breath, completely relax, clear everything out of your mind if there is anything in there. 12:57.390 --> 13:03.733 And come with us on a journey into the inner psyche of a Hollywood movie star. 13:06.614 --> 13:19.899 There is Adam now entering the hypnotic state, drifting through the tinsel sphere, hovering towards the mind of a star, and now popping into it. 13:22.901 --> 13:31.645 I'm in a big futuristic room that has a lot of TV screens on the walls, because that's what it's going to be like in the future. 13:31.945 --> 13:33.746 And I'm a bad man. 13:33.806 --> 13:34.786 I'm a dirty man. 13:35.207 --> 13:37.027 And I'm the boss of this facility. 13:37.147 --> 13:40.169 I can see everything that happens here with my TVs. 13:40.769 --> 13:42.390 And it's not Dixon's, by the way. 13:42.430 --> 13:44.951 It's an altogether more frightening place. 13:45.411 --> 13:49.653 I have every inch of my ludicrous compound, closely scrutinized. 13:49.993 --> 13:51.414 Nothing escapes my gaze. 13:52.606 --> 13:56.047 Uh, not my, not my homosexuals, you understand me, but my eyes. 13:56.647 --> 14:06.090 You know, I could even look inside the minds and the dreams of the people here, which are mainly kind of stupid and boring, the dreams that is. 14:06.110 --> 14:10.992 Uh, but you better watch out because I'm a bad man with a future computer and I'm watching you. 14:11.012 --> 14:17.414 And if you don't, if you don't like, you know, that, then that's tough because I can explode your neck. 14:18.374 --> 14:21.675 Uh, you know, because I'm bad and that's what the future's like in the future. 14:23.656 --> 14:24.557 That's film number one. 14:24.737 --> 14:26.518 If you know what movie that is, make a note of it. 14:27.299 --> 14:30.982 Adam's now going to drift into a second film starring the same actor or actress. 14:31.662 --> 14:32.203 Wake up, Adam. 14:32.223 --> 14:33.344 Tell us what you can see. 14:34.985 --> 14:39.088 I'm in the back of a dirty van with my bad buddies. 14:39.508 --> 14:44.352 We just robbed a safe because we're bad, filthy men and we're non-scrupulous. 14:44.733 --> 14:47.295 Unfortunately, the lack of scrupules 14:47.935 --> 14:53.937 within the gang has led to much of the money from the safe being burned when we blew it open. 14:54.057 --> 14:58.858 And now, to add to the situation, there's a couple of cops chasing us in a car. 14:59.059 --> 15:08.522 So, I've decided the best way to deal with the area is to throw one of my buddies onto the car, thus completely killing him. 15:08.802 --> 15:12.443 Because as you'll recall, I lack scrupules because I'm a 15:13.363 --> 15:13.684 Bad. 15:14.464 --> 15:14.725 Man. 15:16.647 --> 15:19.751 That's film number 20871-222-1049. 15:20.912 --> 15:25.317 As soon as you guess the name of the star and the name of the three films, here comes the third one. 15:25.397 --> 15:25.918 Adam, wake up. 15:25.938 --> 15:26.759 Tell us what you can see. 15:28.220 --> 15:31.104 I'm in an uptight middle class room. 15:32.830 --> 15:48.223 bad uptight man with a son who wants to be an actor but i'll be damned if i'm gonna sit by and let him throw his life into the toilet like that an actor he may as well be a fairy dancer in a pink doll's house well over my dead body is he gonna be an actor 15:49.444 --> 16:09.766 Actually, it turns out to be over his dead body, and then my dead body, and all because I inexplicably loathe actors in the acting profession, which I consider to be worse than making a flower painting in a dress with ten lady men. 16:13.931 --> 16:26.222 Okay, Adam's now going to stay in his regressed state until somebody calls 0 8 7 1 triple 2 1 0 4 9 and reveals the name of the star whose head he was inhabiting in the three films call 0 8 7 1 triple 2 1 0 4 9 call now! 16:36.112 --> 17:00.025 yes hello it's adam and joe on xfm we are in the midst of celebrity regression that was the was that the vines with don't listen to the radio yeah yeah uh don't follow that advice because we're about to get a caller on to try and figure out who which actor's brain adam was regressed into and what the films he was witnessing were we got martin on the line hello martin i beg your pardon 17:00.925 --> 17:02.206 You're okay, are you? 17:02.346 --> 17:03.046 Yeah, we're okay. 17:03.086 --> 17:03.947 Are you alright, yeah? 17:04.347 --> 17:05.087 Yeah, not bad. 17:05.547 --> 17:08.889 Yeah, what's, what, why, what, what, what, what are you laughing at? 17:09.509 --> 17:12.711 I'm sorry, I'm just being called away. 17:13.131 --> 17:14.612 You're in a, you've been called away? 17:15.872 --> 17:16.793 Yeah. 17:17.153 --> 17:17.893 What's going on? 17:17.953 --> 17:20.435 Are you, are you still drunk from last night? 17:20.495 --> 17:21.275 Have you been to sleep? 17:21.815 --> 17:22.996 Sorry, I was at work. 17:23.796 --> 17:25.097 You, you were at work? 17:25.117 --> 17:27.078 At work, I slipped out the back for a second. 17:27.158 --> 17:28.939 Wow, you pronounce O's like A's. 17:30.103 --> 17:32.726 And it's hard to understand what you're saying. 17:34.447 --> 17:35.428 What's your work, Martin? 17:35.468 --> 17:35.909 What do you do? 17:35.969 --> 17:37.590 Are you like a laughing policeman? 17:38.011 --> 17:38.691 I'm a chef. 17:39.252 --> 17:40.914 A chef? 17:41.474 --> 17:42.495 A chef? 17:43.116 --> 17:44.737 What's wrong with your vows? 17:45.979 --> 17:47.801 Oh shit! 17:48.461 --> 17:49.922 Where do you work as a chef? 17:50.623 --> 17:53.746 I work in a... At a Rafterad. 17:54.206 --> 17:55.767 I work in a... Exactly. 17:56.408 --> 17:57.609 Exactly. 17:58.550 --> 17:59.130 Oh Martin. 17:59.190 --> 18:00.971 Sorry, you know I'm just teasing you, Martin. 18:01.932 --> 18:02.813 He likes it, he loves it. 18:02.853 --> 18:03.694 Listen to that, he loves it. 18:04.374 --> 18:07.497 So, Martin, what are your guesses then? 18:08.037 --> 18:10.719 Basically, say out loud the name of the star you think it is. 18:11.480 --> 18:16.701 and the films, but only if you get them all right will Adam become conscious, okay? 18:17.201 --> 18:19.182 So say what you think it is, go for it. 18:19.402 --> 18:25.283 I think it's going to be an explore of Boba, because I don't... You think it's going to explore Boba? 18:25.483 --> 18:26.363 Are you an alien? 18:28.043 --> 18:28.904 I didn't understand any of that. 18:28.924 --> 18:29.864 Well, that's debatable. 18:30.204 --> 18:31.744 Say it again, say it again. 18:31.864 --> 18:32.764 Is it Kurt Russell? 18:33.305 --> 18:34.585 Kurt Russell. 18:34.865 --> 18:36.125 And what do you think the films are? 18:37.185 --> 18:40.226 I think the first one just came from New York. 18:40.828 --> 18:41.089 Yeah. 18:42.230 --> 18:42.631 Is that it? 18:42.711 --> 18:43.752 Have you got any of the others? 18:44.313 --> 18:44.994 That's all I got. 18:45.494 --> 18:45.815 All right. 18:45.835 --> 18:48.378 That's all I got, man. 18:49.299 --> 18:50.161 You know. 18:50.321 --> 18:51.122 What more do you want? 18:51.242 --> 18:51.843 That's all I got. 18:52.464 --> 18:53.825 I was bending stuff on the stage. 18:53.906 --> 18:55.287 It's all getting out of hand. 18:55.307 --> 18:56.829 You were bending stuff on the stage? 18:57.640 --> 18:59.222 Oh, I was burning stuff on the stove. 18:59.282 --> 19:01.084 Oh, you were burning stuff on the stove. 19:01.585 --> 19:02.165 Okay. 19:02.506 --> 19:04.207 Man, your life sounds like chaos. 19:04.227 --> 19:05.709 No, it isn't. 19:05.729 --> 19:09.033 You're burning things, you can't speak, you're laughing insanely. 19:09.714 --> 19:11.215 What's happening in your world? 19:11.355 --> 19:12.977 Are you calling from a mental home? 19:14.839 --> 19:15.640 On the pay phone? 19:16.321 --> 19:17.863 Well, you're in too far off. 19:18.476 --> 19:19.216 Not too far off. 19:19.517 --> 19:20.897 Martin, man, you're wrong. 19:20.937 --> 19:22.818 I'm sorry, Adam's still in a regressed state. 19:23.399 --> 19:24.079 Ah, poor chap. 19:24.579 --> 19:25.280 You're wrong. 19:25.300 --> 19:26.701 Okay. 19:26.721 --> 19:28.161 But, man, thanks a lot for phoning. 19:28.181 --> 19:28.942 Thank you. 19:29.342 --> 19:30.723 Should we give him a prize anyway? 19:30.963 --> 19:37.446 It sounds like he's having such fun just living, you know, and just having a mad-cat time. 19:39.087 --> 19:40.308 Maybe he doesn't need a prize. 19:40.728 --> 19:42.449 Maybe his prize is just existing. 19:42.509 --> 19:43.270 They were accepted. 19:43.330 --> 19:43.770 It's all good. 19:44.429 --> 19:44.910 It's all good. 19:44.930 --> 19:50.254 Well, we'll send you a copy of Scary Movie 4 anyway, which means you've only got one more to give away, because we're taking one each. 19:51.195 --> 19:52.476 OK, we make no bones about that. 19:52.536 --> 19:53.497 Thanks for calling, Martin. 19:53.797 --> 19:54.218 Bad luck. 19:54.438 --> 19:55.339 We've got another caller. 19:55.399 --> 19:56.319 Adam's still regressed. 19:56.840 --> 19:57.781 We need to rescue him. 19:57.801 --> 19:58.682 Hello, Ryan. 19:59.122 --> 19:59.382 Hi. 19:59.742 --> 20:00.423 Hello, how are you? 20:00.443 --> 20:01.544 Not too bad, thank you. 20:01.664 --> 20:03.005 You sound much more sensible. 20:04.146 --> 20:07.149 Yes, well, compared to the last guy, I think I am, yeah. 20:07.169 --> 20:09.271 Yeah, you're clear-minded, you're lucid, you're fully awake. 20:09.813 --> 20:10.774 Yes, all those things. 20:10.954 --> 20:12.935 You can speak, I understand what you're saying. 20:12.995 --> 20:16.778 You're not currently burning, setting fire to anything as you speak, are you? 20:16.798 --> 20:18.019 Erm, no. 20:18.320 --> 20:19.360 I'm just out of the shower though. 20:19.380 --> 20:21.142 I bolted out when I heard the question. 20:21.162 --> 20:21.442 Really? 20:21.602 --> 20:22.283 Are you nude? 20:23.644 --> 20:23.844 Yeah. 20:24.644 --> 20:24.945 Really? 20:25.065 --> 20:25.245 Are you? 20:25.505 --> 20:26.766 Or have you got a towel on you? 20:26.786 --> 20:28.848 Just ask him what he thinks the answer is. 20:28.868 --> 20:30.329 Sorry, what do you think the answers are then, Ryan? 20:30.589 --> 20:32.951 Right, I think the actor is Kurtwood Smith. 20:33.613 --> 20:37.917 And I think the films are Fortress, Robocop and Dead Pirate Society. 20:37.957 --> 20:38.517 Wow. 20:38.777 --> 20:40.018 That's amazing. 20:40.058 --> 20:41.479 That's like surgical precision. 20:41.680 --> 20:42.100 Yeah. 20:42.740 --> 20:43.361 How did you know that? 20:43.381 --> 20:44.522 Did you go on IMDb? 20:45.362 --> 20:47.204 No, no, I actually knew them. 20:47.524 --> 20:49.266 Did you really know them from those clues? 20:49.506 --> 20:50.387 That's amazing. 20:50.727 --> 20:51.567 Ryan, you're brilliant. 20:51.627 --> 20:53.189 Do you watch a lot of DVDs? 20:56.142 --> 20:57.382 Enough to know the answers. 20:57.743 --> 21:05.385 Yeah, because he's he's not a I mean, he's very well known if you see his face right Kurtwood Smith He's a very familiar face, but he's not a well-known name. 21:05.485 --> 21:15.528 Well, he plays he was of course the films were fortress fortress fortress Like Martin with Highlander Martin sounded like Noel Fielding from the Boosh. 21:15.708 --> 21:17.108 Do you think yeah, I 21:17.688 --> 21:35.399 fortress yeah he was the evil prison director in fortress you remember he he blows up the necks of the inmates you know what no i don't remember it's not bad fortress really yeah i quite like it uh robo cop of course clarence barter he was the horrible clarence but he's surely the most evil man ever on film don't you think yeah very evil 21:36.840 --> 21:42.001 When he blows away the guy, Paul Weller, Paul Weller's hand at the beginning. 21:42.441 --> 21:52.603 And of course the final film was Dead Poets Society where Kurtwood Smith plays the uptight dad of the kid who wants to be an actor and ends up hanging himself because his dad doesn't like his acting. 21:53.403 --> 21:54.103 And that's what it's like. 21:54.143 --> 21:57.844 If you want to be an actor, that's the kind of prejudice you're going to run into. 21:58.224 --> 21:59.684 So Ryan, congratulations. 21:59.804 --> 22:00.664 Absolutely right there. 22:01.164 --> 22:04.165 You've made me almost forget the fact that Ryan's naked. 22:06.164 --> 22:07.245 That was the object of the exercise. 22:07.265 --> 22:07.605 Has he gone? 22:07.625 --> 22:08.745 No, I'm still here. 22:09.065 --> 22:09.305 Yeah. 22:09.325 --> 22:10.926 Do you want a prize? 22:11.306 --> 22:11.706 Yes, please. 22:11.946 --> 22:12.686 Like some pants? 22:14.947 --> 22:17.208 Yeah, well, you can have scary movie four as well. 22:17.508 --> 22:18.448 Are you excited about that? 22:19.008 --> 22:19.208 Yes. 22:19.488 --> 22:21.049 Have you seen scary movies one to three? 22:21.349 --> 22:23.430 I saw one and I bypassed two and three. 22:23.850 --> 22:24.990 But you still want to see four? 22:26.671 --> 22:27.371 One's a strong word. 22:27.751 --> 22:55.293 yeah okay well you're getting it anyway thank you um congratulations and that that was amazing that was one of the best performances we've had uh you know from a caller for a while yeah competition absolutely well done clinical precision as you said like a kind of brain surgeon yeah a brainless surgeon thanks very much for your calls though both of you guys and uh we'll be back after this goes in about 10 minutes i think 22:56.648 --> 22:57.369 Sorry, what's that? 22:58.049 --> 22:58.450 The bus. 22:58.710 --> 23:00.832 The bus in ten minutes. 23:00.852 --> 23:02.413 Sorry, I tuned out. 23:02.433 --> 23:06.137 You were saying, Adam, that you saw them or not. 23:06.177 --> 23:06.837 No, who was that? 23:08.252 --> 23:10.314 Um, what, what are you talking about? 23:10.495 --> 23:11.856 Who was that singing that last song? 23:11.976 --> 23:12.677 The Arctic Monkeys. 23:12.697 --> 23:14.219 Oh right, sorry, I was reading emails. 23:14.339 --> 23:21.226 Oh right, no, I was talking about baby shambles on transmission with Lauren Laverne last night, just saying it was one of the worst things I've ever seen. 23:21.546 --> 23:23.048 So we, uh, are we gonna go to the news now? 23:23.088 --> 23:23.888 We have to do the news. 23:24.189 --> 23:26.791 What is the point of you waking up from your, um... 23:27.972 --> 23:31.273 The emails have been broken for the last three weeks. 23:31.493 --> 23:32.453 So there's hundreds of them. 23:32.493 --> 23:34.474 I was getting it was like reading an amazing novel. 23:34.494 --> 23:35.314 He's really excited. 23:35.494 --> 23:36.074 All about me. 23:36.374 --> 23:38.895 So listen, we've kind of left everything too late this hour. 23:38.915 --> 23:41.615 We've squashed all the ads and the news up right until the last minute. 23:41.635 --> 23:42.496 So we should get on with it. 23:43.076 --> 23:44.436 We'll be back very shortly. 23:49.777 --> 23:51.819 Oh, you see, because it's raining at the end. 23:51.999 --> 23:56.842 The sun isn't in the sky, in fact, literally and metaphorically. 23:57.222 --> 24:00.785 So it works on several different levels of irony. 24:01.565 --> 24:05.087 And that's the crux of the genius of Alan. 24:06.388 --> 24:11.792 I think you'll find that the people at the Reading Festival would understand that better than almost anyone. 24:12.152 --> 24:17.436 Yeah, and speaking of which, we're going to be speaking to Matt, our correspondent at the Reading Festival. 24:17.476 --> 24:18.416 He featured in the news. 24:19.877 --> 24:27.642 Um, yeah, um, it was pretty rainy last night, um, here at the vegetable, and, uh... He doesn't sound well. 24:27.782 --> 24:30.564 It sounds as if he was just in a bucket the whole night. 24:31.125 --> 24:33.246 And he's staying in a hotel, apparently, as well. 24:33.266 --> 24:33.566 I know, exactly. 24:33.586 --> 24:34.707 Imagine what you'd feel like. 24:34.787 --> 24:36.868 Are people still... Yeah, they're still at Reading now, right? 24:36.969 --> 24:37.849 Yeah, yeah. 24:37.909 --> 24:39.130 And some of them are intense. 24:39.710 --> 24:42.492 You know, Adam, and listeners, I was at a festival last weekend. 24:42.532 --> 24:45.614 I went to the Green Man Festival in Wales, near Abagaveni, 24:46.875 --> 24:48.937 And it's the poshest festival in the world. 24:48.957 --> 24:49.777 The folk festival. 24:49.857 --> 24:50.157 Yeah. 24:50.638 --> 24:52.039 Everybody's so well behaved. 24:52.419 --> 24:53.159 There's no litter. 24:53.340 --> 24:54.821 There's only a few thousand people there. 24:55.181 --> 24:55.921 It's beautiful. 24:55.981 --> 24:57.442 It's the most immaculate festival. 24:58.023 --> 24:59.464 I was still miserable. 24:59.764 --> 25:01.145 Because you were still uncomfortable. 25:01.365 --> 25:03.126 I hate camping. 25:03.146 --> 25:04.447 I can't believe you actually went camping. 25:04.507 --> 25:05.208 I'm in misery guts. 25:05.228 --> 25:07.910 What an amazing tribute to me that I did. 25:07.930 --> 25:09.911 And my love for my girlfriend. 25:10.011 --> 25:10.812 Yeah, that's true. 25:10.832 --> 25:15.538 I did, I did, but I was still, and imagine what it would be like to camp at a proper festival. 25:15.738 --> 25:16.138 I know. 25:16.198 --> 25:20.344 Like, we used to do Glastonbury for the BBC, but they used to put us up in a hotel. 25:20.424 --> 25:21.585 There was no question of camping. 25:21.605 --> 25:25.890 Well, we'd walk past the tents and it was basically like a refugee camp, wasn't it? 25:25.990 --> 25:27.292 A really bad refugee camp. 25:27.332 --> 25:27.552 Yeah. 25:27.833 --> 25:29.735 Well, you know, not that bad, possibly. 25:29.915 --> 25:34.438 Well, you know, we camped at the Phoenix Festival, didn't we? 25:34.498 --> 25:35.039 No, I didn't. 25:35.439 --> 25:37.741 I think I camped there with my dad. 25:38.181 --> 25:38.441 Right. 25:38.461 --> 25:49.750 Because I remember we went and did a bit for our show, and we went and watched Black Grape, and then we went back to the tent, and my dad had some Jim Beam. 25:50.470 --> 25:51.591 and half a temazepam. 25:51.631 --> 25:52.712 That didn't look too bad, actually. 25:52.732 --> 25:53.432 That looked quite nice. 25:53.672 --> 25:54.733 Yeah, and that was OK. 25:54.973 --> 25:55.694 That was a decent night. 25:55.714 --> 25:57.775 But if it's raining, that's no good. 25:57.835 --> 25:59.576 Hades, absolutely awful. 25:59.616 --> 26:04.220 So our sympathies go out to anyone who's listening in Reading who's feeling uncomfortable and miserable. 26:04.740 --> 26:06.681 But, you know, look at this. 26:06.882 --> 26:07.702 What's Xanthe got? 26:07.722 --> 26:12.265 Xanthe's just entered the studio with a copy of the new Robbie Williams single, Rude Box. 26:12.786 --> 26:13.086 Rude Box. 26:13.266 --> 26:16.029 We're going to be talking about that later and we might play it as well. 26:16.610 --> 26:17.131 Rude blocks. 26:17.351 --> 26:18.032 Look at that. 26:19.253 --> 26:21.536 And we're going to talk to Matt very soon, I think, aren't we, Zanthi? 26:21.576 --> 26:21.837 Yes, we will. 26:22.137 --> 26:26.162 Yeah, so we'll check in with Matt for some reading news, find out from the horse's mouth what's going on. 26:26.702 --> 26:29.145 But here's a free play for you right now. 26:29.205 --> 26:30.127 Joe, this is one of yours. 26:30.627 --> 26:31.929 Yeah, which one is it going to be? 26:32.049 --> 26:32.610 It's Eros. 26:33.010 --> 26:36.272 Yeah, this is one of the people that played at the Green Man Festival. 26:36.332 --> 26:39.053 He used to be the lead singer of Gorky's Zygotic Monkey. 26:39.073 --> 26:39.734 Have they split now? 26:40.054 --> 26:40.694 They have, yeah. 26:40.834 --> 26:47.377 That's a great shame, but they've split into a number of separate, equally brilliant solo entities, and Uros is one of them. 26:48.038 --> 26:52.680 And this song is sung in Welsh, because Wales is really hot right now, right? 26:52.900 --> 26:54.061 It's so hot right now. 26:54.141 --> 26:54.481 It's so hot. 26:54.521 --> 26:55.422 Everyone's into Wales. 26:55.882 --> 26:57.963 Lachlin from Big Brother. 26:58.163 --> 27:18.654 absolutely he's welsh charlotte church's new friday night show is coming on next weekend and she's welsh yeah advertises itself as being well welsh and you know what i don't even know what this is called in welsh this is called dawn ceo dross imour and it's from the album chops yeah it is with chops on the front uh we'll be talking to matt everett from the reading festival after this one 27:21.543 --> 27:26.644 Yeah, that's Uros Charles with Doncio drossimo. 27:26.705 --> 27:31.666 I don't know, if you're Welsh, maybe you can tell us what some of that meant because the lyrics on the inner sleeve are in Welsh as well. 27:31.946 --> 27:34.307 There's absolutely no way in for a non-Welsh speaker. 27:34.767 --> 27:38.388 No, although the way in is through the music or learning the language. 27:38.428 --> 27:39.909 Yeah, you could do that, I suppose. 27:39.949 --> 27:42.950 But he's amazingly talented and he did a brilliant set at the Green Man. 27:43.650 --> 28:06.364 and uh i love him yeah chops is the name of the album well worth checking out right we've got matt everett from xfm uh he's our correspondent at the redding festival are you there matt yes i'm indeed how are you yeah i'm all right better than you it sounds like i've just got slightly sore throat last night kind of kicked off in a reasonably large way so i'm just being a little bit shoddy but not too bad yeah how large how large was it exactly 28:10.643 --> 28:10.943 Really? 28:10.963 --> 28:11.623 Yeah. 28:11.763 --> 28:16.704 It's a battle against the weather. 28:16.724 --> 28:18.385 Has it been raining non-stop? 28:18.965 --> 28:20.125 It was kind of raining quite a lot. 28:20.185 --> 28:22.546 Franz Ferdinand came on, it rained for half of that, then it didn't rain. 28:22.566 --> 28:25.207 Guys used to come on, it rained for half of that and didn't rain. 28:25.247 --> 28:28.927 So it's been a battle between the elements and the music very much so. 28:29.067 --> 28:31.128 Was it very cold as well as being rainy? 28:31.608 --> 28:37.970 No, it was nice weather most of the day, then it got slightly chilly and then cold and wet at the same time, then just cold. 28:38.050 --> 28:39.530 And what's the weather going to be like tomorrow? 28:40.168 --> 28:45.932 I'm not sure actually, I'm sure if you check out the BBC five day forecast weather site you can actually find out what the weather's going to be like in Reading. 28:45.993 --> 28:49.475 Hey listen Matt, do you agree with me that the bands shouldn't be under cover? 28:50.156 --> 28:58.242 You know, if the audience are going to get wet, I think the band should get wet too, because they stand there in their light with their blow heaters on, under their awning. 28:58.822 --> 29:01.224 It's not very practical though, they're electric fans. 29:02.565 --> 29:03.826 Yeah, they're electric fans. 29:03.866 --> 29:04.887 They are electrical. 29:04.927 --> 29:07.489 No, come on, that kind of thing, they can make waterproof lights. 29:07.970 --> 29:12.073 Do you know how many rock stars have been killed on stage for exactly that kind of thing? 29:12.093 --> 29:12.614 Is that really true? 29:12.634 --> 29:13.875 Yeah, yeah. 29:13.915 --> 29:16.177 Five rock stars have been killed through that exact thing. 29:16.197 --> 29:24.043 The execution, the water comes down, they touch the microphones down, completes a circuit that's made by the electronics and the lights and everything, and they die. 29:24.524 --> 29:29.588 But how many members of the audience have died through exposure to the aliens? 29:29.608 --> 29:30.769 I bet you a larger number. 29:31.676 --> 29:32.877 I was tempted to bring my telly. 29:44.102 --> 30:08.833 I was tempted to bring my telly when I you know in my Xbox 360 or a blender or maybe a running machine or some yeah straightening tongs now Matt Matt you used to be in a band yourself of course didn't you a long time ago yes yes you were in the band menswear that's right one of the great Brit pop flag bearers just one of the great bands full stop yes of course yeah what did you play in menswear 30:09.273 --> 30:09.973 I played the drums. 30:10.293 --> 30:11.574 You played the drums? 30:11.714 --> 30:13.575 Yeah, proper instruments and everything. 30:13.715 --> 30:16.196 Yeah, but you're not like a typical drummer though. 30:16.416 --> 30:17.496 You can speak and everything. 30:17.916 --> 30:19.517 Just about, yes, yes. 30:19.837 --> 30:25.079 I find the reputation of drummers as idiot hell raisers to be vastly inaccurate. 30:25.099 --> 30:26.059 That's insulting, isn't it? 30:26.359 --> 30:27.640 Yes, we're mostly bookish people. 30:27.680 --> 30:29.040 Did you ever play the Reading Festival? 30:29.460 --> 30:30.321 Yes, a couple of times. 30:30.621 --> 30:31.201 What was it like? 30:31.241 --> 30:32.201 Did you enjoy those days? 30:32.882 --> 30:34.662 We were rubbish, but I had quite a good time. 30:35.843 --> 30:36.643 That's very honest. 30:38.840 --> 30:39.841 And what are you looking forward to? 30:40.121 --> 30:45.224 The big band we heard in your report on the news that everyone's looking forward to is the Arctic Monkeys tonight, is that right? 31:09.641 --> 31:11.864 I didn't chat, but she looked perfectly pleasant. 31:11.944 --> 31:13.126 Is she like a normal person? 31:13.807 --> 31:14.207 She was. 31:14.668 --> 31:18.713 I mean, there wasn't like the big sunglasses and the whole kind of glam, juicy look. 31:19.234 --> 31:21.097 And she's not a celebrity of any sort? 31:21.157 --> 31:23.440 No, no, no, she's like a good, honest Sheffield lass. 31:23.823 --> 31:24.964 Wow, that's good, isn't it? 31:25.084 --> 31:25.564 That is good. 31:25.604 --> 31:27.045 He's got to hold on to that one, you know? 31:27.105 --> 31:31.048 Don't make the mistake of going down the boring celebrity route. 31:31.228 --> 31:33.470 He's got that kind of slightly longer hair look going on. 31:33.490 --> 31:35.251 I don't know if you saw this week's copy of the NME. 31:35.271 --> 31:39.954 He's got the kind of like slightly more shaggy, long, more rock and roll haircut. 31:40.174 --> 31:46.939 So maybe that's the indication of them selling out their down to earth roots and pursuing a more Led Zeppelin kind of... 31:47.259 --> 31:47.539 image. 31:47.599 --> 31:53.803 Well, the NME is all full of like, you know, predictions of doom for the Arctic Monkeys and saying that it's all over for them. 31:54.103 --> 31:56.305 They mismanaged their great moment. 31:56.745 --> 31:59.567 And now, you know, the excitement has passed. 31:59.987 --> 32:03.950 The album's dropping out of the charts while the Kaiser Chiefs are still in there and stuff like that. 32:04.310 --> 32:05.931 But they're still massive, though, aren't they? 32:05.951 --> 32:10.534 Yeah, it's like all the albums dropping out of the charts after 17 million copies. 32:10.874 --> 32:11.935 I doubt they're really bothered, you know. 32:11.955 --> 32:13.136 But it sells papers, doesn't it? 32:14.048 --> 32:17.571 And there, come on, they're a better live proposition than the Kaiser Chiefs, aren't they? 32:18.111 --> 32:19.712 Kaiser Chiefs were actually really good last night. 32:19.752 --> 32:24.316 I don't know whether it was just me being drunk or just the whole, because it started to rain off like two songs. 32:24.516 --> 32:25.857 Have you been drinking there? 32:26.297 --> 32:28.079 You're an official XFM reporter, Matt. 32:28.099 --> 32:28.859 You disgust me. 32:28.879 --> 32:32.422 I'm going to tell the head of XFM that he was drunk on duty. 32:32.742 --> 32:34.504 I bet you even smoke cigarettes, don't you? 32:34.784 --> 32:35.664 You revolve me. 32:35.724 --> 32:36.145 No, I don't. 32:36.525 --> 32:39.687 Well, Matt, maybe we can catch up with you again a bit later on, if that's all right. 32:40.107 --> 32:40.728 Yes, indeed. 32:40.768 --> 32:41.888 Thanks a lot for talking to us. 32:41.908 --> 32:43.089 Enjoy the show. 32:43.149 --> 32:43.510 Cheers. 32:43.550 --> 32:43.910 Bye. 32:44.350 --> 32:46.511 Right now, here is the muse. 32:50.430 --> 32:50.930 Yes, yes. 32:51.330 --> 32:54.131 That's the dirty pretty things with wondering. 32:54.431 --> 32:56.892 This is Adam and Joe here on a Saturday afternoon. 32:56.912 --> 32:57.772 This is XFM. 32:58.452 --> 33:01.153 And we were talking to Matt Everett a while back there. 33:01.213 --> 33:02.353 He's at the Reading Festival. 33:03.014 --> 33:06.595 And personally, I'm sort of glad that I'm not, don't you think? 33:06.875 --> 33:07.735 At the Reading Festival. 33:08.533 --> 33:09.375 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 33:09.435 --> 33:11.879 I'm just cooking out the window because it's just disgusting. 33:11.919 --> 33:14.544 Well, I'm amazed about how people persevere at festivals. 33:14.604 --> 33:18.011 As soon as it started raining at the Green Man Festival, I was ready to go. 33:18.031 --> 33:20.255 I thought, right, call this off! 33:21.124 --> 33:22.285 It's just not going to be enjoyable. 33:22.445 --> 33:24.026 Did you moan right the way through the festival? 33:24.146 --> 33:24.727 No, no. 33:25.127 --> 33:25.287 Yeah. 33:25.647 --> 33:37.196 But when I woke up in the morning, I was woken by a clap of thunder on Friday morning, a clap of thunder and very, very hard rain, chubby rain, chubby rain, falling from the sky, hard rain with Christian Slater. 33:37.216 --> 33:37.476 Yeah. 33:38.617 --> 33:39.678 I thought this is rubbish. 33:39.898 --> 33:40.098 Yeah. 33:40.258 --> 33:40.979 What am I doing? 33:41.239 --> 33:45.842 Sleeping in a plastic bag in the middle of a field surrounded by chatting toffs. 33:46.243 --> 33:46.443 Right. 33:46.723 --> 33:47.383 That's the other thing. 33:47.423 --> 33:49.385 Trying to sleep at a festival is very difficult. 33:49.625 --> 33:51.946 I know, because they carry on chatting right late into the night. 33:51.986 --> 33:55.948 They get into their tents and they start quoting Monty Python at each other and stuff. 33:56.548 --> 33:59.649 Our tent was in the middle of a little nexus of people have gazebos, right? 33:59.669 --> 34:03.911 They pitch their tents in a circle with all the openings next to each other. 34:03.991 --> 34:05.371 The tents are getting insane, aren't they? 34:05.411 --> 34:06.412 They're like little palaces. 34:06.452 --> 34:07.092 That's a good thing. 34:07.592 --> 34:08.913 You want a big tent like a house. 34:08.933 --> 34:10.033 Did you have a big house tent? 34:10.353 --> 34:10.834 Not big enough. 34:11.514 --> 34:12.714 It was quite big, but not big enough. 34:12.935 --> 34:15.796 But they pitch their tents in a circle, then they set up a gazebo in the middle. 34:16.756 --> 34:37.669 which is all weather obviously so it means they can carry on having tedious conversations whatever the weather and then they have a little table and chairs and it's just a little 24 hour party and i think maybe you know i i'd hate yobos i don't like yobos you don't like poshos no but what i was going to say right bear with me yeah like poshos are better than yobos 34:38.129 --> 34:39.690 But even the poshos can get annoying. 34:40.070 --> 34:45.972 Like I was trying to get to sleep while listening to someone go, have you done the yoga? 34:46.012 --> 34:46.713 Do you do yoga? 34:47.293 --> 34:47.953 Yeah, yeah, I do. 34:48.013 --> 34:48.874 I do that guy. 34:48.974 --> 34:50.874 He's an old guy, Brian. 34:51.094 --> 34:52.335 Yeah, I go to Brian as well. 34:52.395 --> 34:52.895 He's brilliant. 34:52.935 --> 34:55.456 He's really old, but he's brilliant. 34:55.516 --> 34:56.997 It's really painful yoga, isn't it? 34:57.057 --> 34:58.878 God, it's really tough. 34:59.238 --> 35:03.039 You know, you think it's going to be all easy and Buddhist, but actually it's really hard work. 35:03.079 --> 35:03.840 Yeah, it is. 35:04.460 --> 35:05.540 I'm like, SHUT UP! 35:06.181 --> 35:07.601 Trying to go to sleep! 35:08.222 --> 35:18.345 An almost slightly interesting conversation is harder to drop off to than just somebody going AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY, which presumably is what it's more like at less posh festivals. 35:18.706 --> 35:21.067 Yeah, yeah, yeah, they just swear at each other and stuff. 35:21.567 --> 35:25.488 Yeah, that's what it was like at the Phoenix Festival, the now defunct Phoenix Festival with my dad. 35:25.508 --> 35:32.231 I remember lying there in a semi-conscious state, listening to people just going, well I can't say any of the things, they're just swearing at each other. 35:32.805 --> 35:33.065 Right. 35:33.285 --> 35:34.166 Frongles! 35:34.647 --> 35:35.147 Frongles? 35:35.948 --> 35:36.808 Bullybag! 35:38.149 --> 35:38.970 Nickolastic! 35:39.330 --> 35:40.431 That sounds quite fun. 35:40.471 --> 35:41.312 That kind of thing. 35:41.332 --> 35:42.513 Little voices like this! 35:42.653 --> 35:43.894 Yeah. 35:44.074 --> 35:45.095 They weren't saying those words. 35:45.135 --> 35:46.676 They were saying dirty words though. 35:47.397 --> 35:48.218 So it wasn't fun. 35:48.538 --> 35:48.798 No. 35:48.938 --> 35:50.359 It was frightening. 35:50.640 --> 35:51.881 It was like whatever. 35:52.603 --> 35:52.904 Was it? 35:52.924 --> 35:53.685 The Channel 4 show? 35:53.725 --> 35:53.965 Yeah. 35:54.205 --> 35:57.650 The secret to sleeping at a festival is taking earplugs. 35:57.950 --> 36:00.774 I rammed my earplugs so far into my ears. 36:00.954 --> 36:01.855 That's dangerous. 36:02.135 --> 36:04.058 I know I thought they were going to touch my brain. 36:05.159 --> 36:07.142 I would have been happy if they touched my brain. 36:07.382 --> 36:09.325 I wanted them to sever the nerves in my ears. 36:11.246 --> 36:13.547 I can't believe you agreed to go to this festival. 36:13.807 --> 36:18.028 Once I went to something like that and I forgot my earplugs so I used cigarette butts. 36:18.508 --> 36:19.428 No you didn't. 36:19.448 --> 36:21.509 Yeah I thought, come on, they're a bit like... Clean ones. 36:21.569 --> 36:23.049 They're a bit like foamy earplugs. 36:23.729 --> 36:24.649 They hadn't been smoked. 36:24.889 --> 36:26.670 No, no, just the filter. 36:27.650 --> 36:28.390 Just the filter. 36:28.490 --> 36:30.811 I stuffed a couple of cigarette filters into my ears. 36:31.071 --> 36:31.531 Shut up! 36:31.571 --> 36:32.951 Why are you Shane McGowan? 36:33.752 --> 36:36.072 Well that's the closest I get to being Shane McGowan. 36:37.073 --> 36:38.673 Okay, free playtime right now. 36:39.711 --> 36:43.832 And this one puts me in mind of Uncle Mick, of course. 36:44.653 --> 36:46.553 Mick Rock coming up after this show. 36:46.573 --> 36:48.154 XFM at one o'clock. 36:48.634 --> 36:49.674 Exciting show. 36:50.055 --> 36:53.776 Yeah, this is a track by The Rolling Stones. 36:54.036 --> 36:54.476 Oh, Jesus. 36:54.736 --> 36:55.876 What a great band. 36:56.577 --> 37:00.758 Mick Jagger used to do a lot of the singing, still does. 37:01.678 --> 37:02.919 And what a band they are. 37:03.519 --> 37:04.319 Keith Richards. 37:05.340 --> 37:05.640 Wow. 37:06.556 --> 37:12.200 I remember bumping into Keith backstage once at Wembley, and I said to him, Keith. 37:13.981 --> 37:15.402 And he walked straight past me. 37:16.122 --> 37:19.545 This is an early track called Sitting on a Fence. 37:20.625 --> 37:23.768 No, no, no, that's not... Mick Rock? 37:24.368 --> 37:25.909 Hey, I'm a photographer, not a DJ. 37:25.949 --> 37:28.651 All right, get off my back, you fascist. 37:33.427 --> 37:33.967 It's a peach. 37:34.568 --> 37:38.390 Rolling Stones with Sitting on a Fence, that's an anti-marriage song, that one. 37:38.610 --> 37:38.910 Is it? 37:38.990 --> 37:39.270 Yeah. 37:39.530 --> 37:43.192 As a married man, do you, does that make you regret getting married listening to that? 37:43.492 --> 37:46.934 Well no, because he's just saying he's sitting on a fence like he hasn't totally made up his mind. 37:47.014 --> 37:51.737 I suppose it's not completely anti-marriage, it's just sort of saying I'd rather not do anything than make the wrong choice. 37:51.957 --> 37:54.218 Who is he, who was he about to marry at that point? 37:54.678 --> 37:57.160 I don't know, they were very young at that stage, that's an early one. 37:58.340 --> 37:59.701 Uh, who was he hanging around with? 38:01.024 --> 38:01.725 I've no idea. 38:01.885 --> 38:03.906 Probably a very, very, very sexy young lady. 38:04.246 --> 38:05.447 Very, very sexy. 38:05.467 --> 38:06.248 Called Titiana. 38:06.828 --> 38:07.688 Called Titiana. 38:07.708 --> 38:11.751 Wearing a floaty dress with some leaves in her hair, very high on droogs. 38:13.833 --> 38:17.735 So listen, I want to talk about the orange mobile animals campaign. 38:17.755 --> 38:17.815 Yes. 38:17.835 --> 38:18.776 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. 38:18.876 --> 38:20.157 Shall we do that after the break? 38:20.517 --> 38:21.117 Yes, let's. 38:21.638 --> 38:22.819 So stick with us here on XFM. 38:22.839 --> 38:24.059 Yeah, this is Adam and Joe by the way. 38:24.220 --> 38:29.823 XFM London's 104.9, the number one station for guitar music and stupid rambly chat. 38:36.395 --> 38:39.617 What's that as messages from space at the end of that? 38:40.178 --> 38:41.839 Yeah, that was actual messages from space. 38:41.899 --> 38:42.219 Wow. 38:42.640 --> 38:45.081 Wasted Little DJs by The View. 38:45.322 --> 38:46.903 This is Adam and Joe on XFM London's 104.9. 38:48.564 --> 38:56.010 Now, one of the most baffling advertising campaigns of recent months has been the Orange Mobile Animals campaign. 38:56.190 --> 38:56.470 Yes. 38:56.730 --> 38:58.151 Now, everyone will have seen that. 38:58.632 --> 38:59.593 You've seen that, right, Xanthi? 39:00.253 --> 39:01.174 You know what I'm talking about? 39:01.294 --> 39:02.975 Xanthi's representative of everyone. 39:03.355 --> 39:03.555 Yeah. 39:03.975 --> 39:09.319 Kind of a dippy girl going through life without caring about much, occasionally seeing things and remembering them. 39:09.859 --> 39:10.159 Right? 39:10.720 --> 39:12.281 That's so not true, Xanthi. 39:12.361 --> 39:13.201 That's not true at all. 39:13.261 --> 39:14.322 It's not really not true. 39:14.342 --> 39:14.922 That was a joke. 39:15.083 --> 39:16.043 That was a special joke. 39:16.063 --> 39:17.464 Xanthi is very intelligent. 39:17.544 --> 39:18.845 Extremely observant. 39:18.985 --> 39:19.926 Very attractive. 39:22.667 --> 39:26.950 Yeah, the orange adlets, come on. 39:27.050 --> 39:28.811 Orange have got this new thing, right? 39:29.391 --> 39:35.275 And you know, jump in if I'm taking over at all from any of your thoughts, Ad, but they've got these new animal-based packages, right? 39:35.655 --> 39:37.736 Dolphin, for people who love to text. 39:38.317 --> 39:40.998 Raccoon, for people who call landlines a lot. 39:41.038 --> 39:42.699 Canary, for people who talk a lot in the evenings. 39:42.960 --> 39:44.240 Panther, for people who like all the extras. 39:44.741 --> 39:48.003 Cockatoo, for people who like... No, that's what I made up. 39:49.243 --> 39:50.725 Yeah, dolphin. 39:50.845 --> 39:57.690 And they illustrate these with big sort of orange blow-up figures of the animals in the ads. 39:57.970 --> 39:59.232 And what's happening in the ads? 39:59.272 --> 40:01.113 Well, the adverts are ridiculous, listeners. 40:01.153 --> 40:16.005 I don't know whether you've seen the advert, but basically, in the advert, a group of sexy, posh, hippie 20-somethings hold a beach party and inflate a massive orange balloon in the shape of a panther to celebrate these new animal-based pay-as-you-go phone tariffs. 40:16.445 --> 40:18.307 Gentle folk music plays over the top, 40:18.747 --> 40:24.872 as they unpack their wicker picnic baskets and scoop their beautiful kids out of their artfully beaten up range rovers. 40:25.433 --> 40:28.395 They gather equipment, work as a team to set it up on the beach. 40:28.795 --> 40:32.278 They light a brassiere, play frisbee, a brassiere, have a picnic. 40:32.939 --> 40:38.483 So are we actually supposed to believe that the real people have arranged this party? 40:38.783 --> 40:40.365 Yeah, they've heard about the new tariffs. 40:40.985 --> 40:42.667 They've heard that they're named after animals. 40:42.787 --> 40:44.748 Can you imagine the phone discussion? 40:44.948 --> 40:45.209 Yeah. 40:46.450 --> 40:47.270 Hi, Titiana. 40:48.051 --> 40:48.811 This is Rufus. 40:48.911 --> 40:53.175 Listen, um, Rollo's arranging a party on the beach at Tittingham. 40:53.255 --> 40:56.597 It's to celebrate those brilliant new orange pay-as-you-go tariffs, you know? 40:56.857 --> 40:58.579 Oh, yeah, no, I've seen them, yeah. 40:58.999 --> 41:02.842 The panther and the dolphin, yeah, no, I think they're wicked. 41:03.262 --> 41:09.747 And Canary especially is one that I think I'm going to sign up for, because it's for people who love to chat, and I love to chat. 41:10.187 --> 41:12.329 Oh, God, you've got to come to the party. 41:12.469 --> 41:13.030 on the beach. 41:13.070 --> 41:19.054 You know, come down, we're getting together at Rollo's house at about five and we'll just throw the stuff in the back of the range and we'll drive down. 41:19.294 --> 41:22.977 Henry's had this superb, ginormous, panther-shaped balloon made. 41:23.438 --> 41:26.240 Cost him a couple of grand but you know he makes a million a minute in the city. 41:26.640 --> 41:32.545 It's exactly the same shape as the logo and we're gonna inflate it on the beach, have a bonfire and a picnic. 41:32.805 --> 41:36.307 I'll bring along my guitar, you know, we can sing songs about phones. 41:37.269 --> 41:43.099 um it'd be brilliant it'd be great party oh and the guys from orange are going to come and film it he is in some advert 41:44.025 --> 41:44.785 And that's how it went. 41:44.985 --> 41:45.726 That's how it went. 41:45.946 --> 41:47.406 Or that's how they want us to think it went. 41:47.686 --> 41:51.548 I mean, it's just a series of extraordinary decisions on the part of Orange. 41:51.988 --> 41:56.390 A, to have that advert, and B, just to have the idea of the tariffs themselves. 41:56.450 --> 41:57.711 What genius came up with that? 41:58.091 --> 42:02.913 Naming them, oh, I know, you know, it's hard for people to get their heads round all the different packages. 42:03.513 --> 42:08.395 Most of which, it should be said, mean a slight increase in tariffs, if you're an Orange customer. 42:08.915 --> 42:13.399 But, you know, the best way to explain them to people is by naming them after animals. 42:13.559 --> 42:16.542 Alright, stupid genius idea number one. 42:16.562 --> 42:27.892 Stupid genius idea number two, the choice of animals, dolphin, for people who like to text a lot, you know, like dolphins do, they love to text because they've got opposable fins, you know. 42:30.094 --> 42:31.035 What are you doing? 42:31.615 --> 42:31.976 Swimming. 42:31.996 --> 42:33.177 What about you? 42:33.697 --> 42:34.358 Yeah, swimming. 42:34.738 --> 42:35.479 What are you doing later? 42:36.100 --> 42:36.520 Swimming. 42:37.381 --> 42:37.941 Underwater? 42:38.502 --> 42:38.782 Yeah. 42:39.262 --> 42:41.044 That's the kind of text that dolphins would send. 42:41.264 --> 42:48.191 There's panther for people who like all the extras because, you know, the panther is notorious in the animal kingdom for enjoying extras. 42:48.911 --> 42:51.434 They actually prefer it to the office, I think. 42:53.115 --> 43:03.220 There's the canary as well for people who love to chat, you know, rather than for people who can smell gas, which is the main, you know, attribute of the canary as far as I know. 43:03.740 --> 43:07.522 And the raccoon for people who want no-nonsense basics. 43:08.402 --> 43:13.005 Like, in what way is that the typical characteristic of the raccoon? 43:13.585 --> 43:15.886 Raccoons mainly forage in bins, don't they? 43:16.386 --> 43:19.708 Well, they should have a, like a tariff of tramps then. 43:20.228 --> 43:21.248 That should be the raccoon. 43:22.569 --> 43:24.150 What about, I want the emu. 43:24.691 --> 43:25.531 What would the emu do? 43:25.711 --> 43:29.074 Well just for people who bury their heads in the sand and ignore everything. 43:29.855 --> 43:33.757 You get one call, half a text, on the first Thursday of every month. 43:34.578 --> 43:36.700 And for the rest of the time your phone is broken. 43:37.780 --> 43:38.721 What about the baboon? 43:39.422 --> 43:42.624 For just people whose lives are in constant chaos. 43:43.244 --> 43:45.987 It just randomly makes calls automatically from your handbag. 43:46.747 --> 43:47.388 or your pocket. 43:47.408 --> 43:48.869 There's a name for that, isn't there? 43:48.949 --> 43:50.049 Gash calls or something. 43:50.690 --> 43:51.791 Er, butt calls. 43:52.131 --> 43:53.512 Yeah, what about the bonobo monkey? 43:54.092 --> 43:55.433 Oh, they're disgusting, aren't they? 43:55.513 --> 43:57.455 Yeah, that's for people who call dirty chat lines. 43:57.555 --> 43:57.815 Yeah. 43:58.355 --> 44:00.457 It gives you low-cost 0-8-9-8 numbers. 44:01.257 --> 44:02.338 The bonobo is good. 44:02.618 --> 44:02.919 Yeah. 44:03.639 --> 44:04.400 What about the weasel? 44:05.100 --> 44:05.260 Yeah. 44:05.360 --> 44:07.062 For someone who cheats on their girlfriend. 44:07.122 --> 44:08.323 Absolutely. 44:08.383 --> 44:09.604 The weasel tariff. 44:09.644 --> 44:11.225 Yeah, it won't show up on your bill. 44:11.685 --> 44:13.147 Very nice, Joe Cornish. 44:13.227 --> 44:13.727 Thanks a lot. 44:13.787 --> 44:15.629 Saturically brilliant. 44:16.769 --> 44:17.910 Shall we play some more music? 44:17.950 --> 44:25.997 Yeah. 44:26.197 --> 44:28.058 I've done one of the wrong ones again, haven't I? 44:28.339 --> 44:30.020 As soon as that started, I thought... That sounded quite good. 44:30.040 --> 44:31.081 Shall we just play it anyway? 44:31.281 --> 44:33.263 I see what it's like. 44:36.246 --> 44:41.428 OK, so I found out by using Shazam, which is a great service if you've never used it. 44:41.468 --> 44:47.071 Shazam is the thing where you call the number and you play any tune down your mobile phone and it can tell what tune it is. 44:47.111 --> 44:48.051 It takes you back, right? 44:48.291 --> 44:49.412 Yeah, it's amazing. 44:49.472 --> 44:51.053 Identifies the rhythm and stuff. 44:51.153 --> 44:58.336 All you do is you get your mobile phone, you key in 2580 and make the call, then you hold the phone up in front of the speaker. 44:58.576 --> 44:59.977 The music has to be fairly loud. 45:00.717 --> 45:15.077 but it's unbelievable just takes a little snatch of music and it just identifies it and then sends a text for you in about five minutes or no less than that 30 seconds and tells you what it is and it told me that that piece of music was third dan with uh what was it exactly 45:17.585 --> 45:18.645 I guess I wanted more for you. 45:18.685 --> 45:19.265 It's quite good. 45:19.325 --> 45:24.466 Is it computerized Shazam or does it go straight through to some sort of sweatshop in Pakistan? 45:24.486 --> 45:26.027 It's got to be computerized. 45:26.067 --> 45:28.447 With hundreds of children and a massive CD collection. 45:28.467 --> 45:31.888 Yeah, and one in the corner sort of goes, I'm pretty sure this is that Dan. 45:32.448 --> 45:32.668 Yeah. 45:33.628 --> 45:36.209 And you know, it's very seldom wrong. 45:36.549 --> 45:36.789 Yeah. 45:37.269 --> 45:38.449 But it is unbelievable. 45:38.489 --> 45:42.470 Try it with like even the most obscure track and it'll pretty much get it right every time. 45:43.228 --> 45:48.013 Now it's the X list coming up in eight minutes so get your request in. 45:48.273 --> 45:53.698 We've left it a little bit late to get requests in so the chances of you getting your record played are very high. 45:53.738 --> 46:00.044 Make sure it's kind of an XFM type record you're requesting otherwise you know it won't get played. 46:00.184 --> 46:05.790 No there's no there's no use you know asking for topographic oceans or whatever because we haven't got it. 46:06.061 --> 46:11.103 and you can text 83XFM with your requests, or can they telephone? 46:11.684 --> 46:16.386 Yeah, you can telephone 0871 222 1049 and come and speak to us. 46:16.566 --> 46:20.468 We've got another quite exciting prize to give away through the Xlist hour. 46:20.588 --> 46:28.071 Yeah, because of course we have Rock and Reel or Rock and Rubs, our amazing Identify the Real Band Name competition, and you could maybe win some prizes. 46:28.111 --> 46:30.112 Maybe you could win the tickets to go and see, is it The Killers? 46:30.942 --> 46:31.683 No, it's Jet. 46:31.763 --> 46:33.625 I've got Passes to Fright Fest though. 46:33.945 --> 46:34.646 Mystery Jet. 46:34.666 --> 46:35.466 Somebody, anybody? 46:36.087 --> 46:37.268 Oh, Joe's got, that's a good prize. 46:37.288 --> 46:44.234 I've got Passes to, Weekend Passes to Fright Fest, the horror film festival that's happening here in central London, which we'll talk more about a bit later as well. 46:44.274 --> 46:45.155 Yeah, so if you're interested. 46:45.996 --> 46:48.659 So there's a lot of motivation to get your requests in on the Xlist. 46:48.739 --> 46:49.259 Absolutely. 46:49.660 --> 46:56.886 If you're interested in taking part in that competition, the best best thing to do is to give us a call because then we'll call you back. 46:57.987 --> 46:56.886 08712221049. 46:59.269 --> 47:01.931 So we're both going to Edinburgh this weekend, aren't we Joe? 47:01.991 --> 47:02.492 Yes, we are. 47:02.552 --> 47:04.293 Going off to... What are you doing? 47:04.934 --> 47:07.536 I am interviewing Matt Parker and Trey Stone as part of the... 47:08.637 --> 47:10.920 Uh, like some sort of masterclass or something. 47:11.160 --> 47:11.881 That's cool. 47:12.201 --> 47:13.122 And what are they talking about? 47:13.142 --> 47:15.024 Uh, we're gonna talk about all kinds of things. 47:15.144 --> 47:15.605 Just do. 47:15.705 --> 47:17.907 Well, there's so much to talk about with South Park, isn't there? 47:17.927 --> 47:20.550 There's the whole Mohammed cartoon thing they got involved in. 47:20.570 --> 47:22.893 There's all the Tom Cruise stuff, the Mel Gibson stuff. 47:23.493 --> 47:39.795 that's without even just starting to ask them how they make it and write it and stuff yeah yeah yeah that'll be amazing yeah uh where's that happening if people want to go along if they're up there edinburgh edinburgh yeah it's happening in edinburgh is it yeah where where is edinburgh don't know scotland in the in scotland 47:40.396 --> 47:41.177 Now, where is it happening? 47:41.197 --> 47:41.977 Do you know where it's happening? 47:42.378 --> 47:43.118 Yeah, Edinburgh. 47:43.438 --> 47:44.799 I know, but what's the venue? 47:44.879 --> 47:45.360 I don't know. 47:45.380 --> 47:46.821 I don't know anything about Edinburgh. 47:46.901 --> 47:47.281 I don't know. 47:47.301 --> 47:48.262 How are you going to get there? 47:48.542 --> 47:51.845 I'm just going to go to the hotel and then a lady's going to meet me. 47:51.865 --> 47:52.865 My goodness. 47:53.366 --> 47:54.747 Anyway, my life's very busy. 47:54.787 --> 47:58.009 I imagine it's sold out anyway, so it probably doesn't need promoting. 47:59.330 --> 48:00.731 But I'm going up there. 48:00.751 --> 48:01.752 I'm going to see Tony Law. 48:01.792 --> 48:02.933 Have you ever heard of Tony Law? 48:03.053 --> 48:03.614 Yeah, he's good. 48:03.714 --> 48:04.654 Is he Canadian? 48:04.674 --> 48:05.375 Yeah, he's brilliant. 48:05.395 --> 48:06.316 He's a very funny stand-up. 48:07.256 --> 48:07.857 Can't wait for that. 48:08.557 --> 48:17.626 But next week I'm thinking of going and seeing crank every day right crank is is a new movie with with Jason How do you say say them stay them? 48:17.807 --> 48:20.529 Yeah, and But I'd what is it? 48:20.569 --> 48:28.017 I've all I've seen is the ad he's been injected with something that Means that if his adrenaline levels go down. 48:28.117 --> 48:28.738 He'll die. 48:28.938 --> 48:31.160 Yeah, it's like speed in a body and 48:31.593 --> 48:32.594 Right, exactly. 48:32.614 --> 48:32.814 Yeah? 48:32.994 --> 48:33.654 Okay. 48:34.035 --> 48:36.376 So if he stops being adrenalised, he'll die. 48:36.716 --> 48:37.517 It's a good idea. 48:37.537 --> 48:38.037 Yeah. 48:38.077 --> 48:38.958 Do you think that was the pitch? 48:38.998 --> 48:40.639 Speed within the human body? 48:40.759 --> 48:41.119 Probably. 48:41.219 --> 48:42.720 The film speed rather than the drug? 48:42.740 --> 48:42.920 Yeah. 48:42.940 --> 48:43.361 Probably. 48:44.021 --> 48:44.762 There you go. 48:44.862 --> 48:45.782 He's going to be a big star. 48:45.822 --> 48:46.483 He's doing well. 48:46.723 --> 48:46.883 Yeah. 48:47.083 --> 48:49.525 He's kind of got this relentless B-movie thing going on. 48:49.865 --> 48:51.266 He's very good at kicking down doors. 48:52.361 --> 48:52.982 He looks serious. 48:53.022 --> 48:54.484 He's charismatic in Revolver. 48:54.644 --> 48:58.509 I mean, you know, he does a pretty good job in the face of pretty extraordinary odds. 48:58.970 --> 49:00.512 Actually, he was at the Revolver premiere. 49:00.792 --> 49:02.174 Do you remember when I went to see it? 49:02.234 --> 49:02.835 I do remember. 49:02.915 --> 49:06.260 And I was with my friend Edgar and Stratham was pushing... How do you say his name again? 49:06.280 --> 49:06.620 Statham? 49:06.760 --> 49:08.082 Statham was pushing through us. 49:08.743 --> 49:10.384 to say hello to one of his gangster mates. 49:11.565 --> 49:14.347 And this was just at the Odeon Leicester Square. 49:14.407 --> 49:17.009 But he used my friend, he like climbed over Edgar. 49:17.690 --> 49:27.196 He put his just hand on his shoulder, didn't even know who he was, but put his hand on his shoulder and pushed up using just using another human as a weight, you know, just as a piece of ballast. 49:27.537 --> 49:28.557 Edgar's quite handy for that. 49:28.577 --> 49:29.498 He's the right size though. 49:29.538 --> 49:33.201 Yeah, but I thought it was a little bit, you know, a little bit demeaning. 49:33.681 --> 49:37.844 Well, he should count himself lucky that Statham didn't just shoot him right in the face. 49:38.024 --> 49:38.485 That's true. 49:38.685 --> 49:38.925 You know? 49:38.945 --> 49:41.547 Because that's what he usually does if he doesn't like you. 49:42.428 --> 49:48.973 Okay, it's ad break time and then we are coming back with the X list, of course, so get your requests in. 49:49.553 --> 49:53.736 Don't forget to give us a call if you want to take part in Rock and Reel or Rock and Rubs, our competition in the next hour. 49:53.756 --> 49:53.957 0-8-7-1-2-2-2-1-0-4-9. 49:53.997 --> 49:54.357 That's 0-8-7-1-2-2-2-1-0-4-9. 49:54.457 --> 49:55.378 We'll be back shortly. 50:05.026 --> 50:07.408 Okay, listen, this is the beginning of the X-list. 50:07.428 --> 50:10.691 It's Adam and Jo here and I'm straight in with the wrong track there. 50:10.731 --> 50:12.193 Santi, what's going on? 50:13.194 --> 50:13.394 Track 19. 50:13.794 --> 50:14.075 Track 19? 50:14.135 --> 50:15.396 I thought you said track 9. 50:16.837 --> 50:18.779 You know, they sound very similar. 50:19.200 --> 50:20.901 You've got to say everything five times for me. 50:21.182 --> 50:25.326 Let's kick off the X-list with this one, which is hopefully from the police. 50:36.707 --> 50:57.049 quite scratched this one's Anthony listen to it that is your fault that's not authentic that's scratch that CDs scratched get your coat get your coat okay right that you forced me to play the b-52s instead now 51:02.779 --> 51:05.860 Fantastic, that was the B-52s with 52 girls. 51:05.880 --> 51:09.040 They're supposed to be Osama Bin Laden's favourite band. 51:09.421 --> 51:09.621 Why? 51:09.681 --> 51:10.061 Who says? 51:10.421 --> 51:19.443 Well, I was kind of away at that festival, but wasn't there a thing in the papers where a woman who was purported to have had an affair with him? 51:19.683 --> 51:20.063 Poop-board. 51:20.403 --> 51:22.264 Poop-board. 51:22.344 --> 51:23.984 She had an affair with his poo-board. 51:25.626 --> 51:41.660 what uh no that's not true this is all speculative uh anyway she claimed to have uh like gone out with him when he was a student or something and she was describing what his like um day-to-day tastes were and apparently he's a big fan of the b-52s really that makes sense doesn't it 51:41.900 --> 51:47.483 Yeah, yeah, well they had a joke about this story on the Friday Night Project last night. 51:47.744 --> 51:48.384 A joke? 51:48.524 --> 51:50.125 They had a joke on the Friday Night Project? 51:50.545 --> 51:56.449 It resembled a joke in structure and form, but there was no actual humour involved, obviously. 51:56.689 --> 51:56.929 Right. 51:57.289 --> 52:07.576 But I think they were talking about the fact that it was Celine Dion or something, or no, no, it was... Oh, I don't... No, no, it was what's-her-name who used to be married to Bobby Brown and takes drugs. 52:07.776 --> 52:08.636 Yeah, Whitney Houston. 52:08.716 --> 52:11.038 He thought she was the most attractive woman in the world. 52:11.218 --> 52:11.418 Yeah. 52:11.878 --> 52:16.844 He thought that his girlfriend should dress up like her Yeah, but this could all be a hoax 52:17.768 --> 52:18.648 It could all be a hoax. 52:18.708 --> 52:19.308 Yeah, exactly. 52:19.328 --> 52:19.949 She could be lying. 52:20.509 --> 52:24.410 It could be just rumours spread to discredit him, do you think? 52:24.450 --> 52:26.430 But listen, possibly, possibly, how dare they? 52:26.470 --> 52:27.750 To discredit Osama bin Laden. 52:27.770 --> 52:36.192 But listen, talking of whatever you were just talking about, we need to send out a warning, radio listeners, about this new Robbie Williams single. 52:36.752 --> 52:36.933 Oh yeah. 52:36.953 --> 52:42.514 And you know, we're not alone in thinking it's terrible because the Sun's Bazaar column, it's called Rude Box. 52:42.934 --> 52:43.054 Yeah. 52:43.494 --> 52:51.325 And Victoria Newton, who writes The Sun's Bazaar Column, calls it the worst record in history. 52:51.980 --> 52:53.041 That's pretty categorical, isn't it? 52:53.061 --> 52:55.183 Yeah, that's damning with faint praise, isn't it? 52:55.983 --> 52:59.947 Rude box, rude burst, star star star star, uh, more like. 53:00.247 --> 53:01.348 You can tell what she's getting at. 53:01.588 --> 53:04.731 We're going to play you a little bit of this Robbie Williams single. 53:05.051 --> 53:15.760 Now, I know this is XFM, so you wouldn't usually hear stuff like this, but Wes, this does serve a purpose, because what Williams is doing is single-handedly ruining an entire genre of music, right? 53:16.000 --> 53:18.202 He's trying to jump on the kind of streets bandwagon. 53:18.642 --> 53:21.045 Well, this is a mishmash of all kinds of things. 53:22.226 --> 53:36.220 You know, Rude Box, it even sounds like the title of a Beck track, Disco Box, from Beck's album O'Delay, and it owes a great deal to Beck's last album, Gero, the kind of video game sounds that he's got in there. 53:36.340 --> 53:43.144 Yeah, but he's doing kind of white rapping in a kind of sort of bored, kind of slice-of-life way. 53:43.244 --> 53:46.306 Yeah, that's his... Full of contemporary-like youth buzzwords. 53:46.827 --> 53:54.672 This single is almost as if he's sat down at a corporate meeting where they've come up with a list of contemporary youth buzzwords that he's got to fit into the song. 53:55.212 --> 53:56.633 Semtex, The Matrix. 53:56.773 --> 53:57.613 Have you got the lyrics there? 53:57.633 --> 53:58.494 Yeah, I've got the lyrics. 53:58.794 --> 54:07.138 He mentions old school Adidas, TK Maxx, Michael Jackson, Booty, the Special Olympics, sort of trendy things to drop into his rap. 54:07.478 --> 54:09.079 Are the Special Olympics trendy? 54:09.399 --> 54:17.363 Well, they kind of are, yeah, because South Park always take the mickey out of them and there was that Johnny Knoxville film, so it is quite hip to make Special Olympics jokes. 54:17.423 --> 54:18.404 This is my favourite line. 54:18.424 --> 54:18.784 It's wrong. 54:19.304 --> 54:27.509 Rude box, up your jacksie, split your keks, sing a song of semtex, pocket full of durex, body full of mandrex. 54:28.109 --> 54:29.289 Are we gonna have sex? 54:29.490 --> 54:29.830 Yes. 54:30.390 --> 54:31.331 Yes we are. 54:31.611 --> 54:32.271 Yes we are. 54:34.272 --> 54:36.393 It's sort of Desperate Dog Roll. 54:36.874 --> 54:37.614 Anyway, shall we have a listen? 54:43.539 --> 54:45.140 So there's the Beck thing at the beginning there. 54:45.160 --> 54:48.844 Yeah, and this is a sample from a fantastic record coming up. 54:48.924 --> 54:50.825 It's by Sly and Robbie Boops, right? 54:51.085 --> 54:54.288 It does that kind of bored thing of like me, I can't be bothered and you know. 55:13.433 --> 55:15.694 So the Rude Box, he got it from the back of a spaceship. 55:15.834 --> 55:16.754 What is a Rude Box? 55:16.934 --> 55:19.055 It's... It's... Is it like your pants? 55:19.696 --> 55:23.797 Mmm... Is it like your, like, er... your, like, er... where your Rude Bits are kept? 55:24.497 --> 55:24.618 Yeah. 55:24.638 --> 55:25.398 What's a Rude Box? 55:25.538 --> 55:27.219 Well, it's a cricketing thing, isn't it? 55:27.819 --> 55:29.920 Oh, like a kind of thing to protect your... your natties? 55:29.940 --> 55:31.820 Yeah, it's a protective... it's a protective box. 55:31.960 --> 55:33.041 And this is... Is that really what it is? 55:33.161 --> 55:34.462 This is the Sly and Robbie bit here. 55:43.454 --> 55:56.719 to bonk until you drop is that what you're saying oh i don't know we better look at our lyric sheets but that's uh boobs by slime robbie is a fantastic record and now no to bump until you drop now you we won't be able to listen to that without people thinking we're robbie williams fans 56:04.475 --> 56:06.517 The Matrix! 56:06.577 --> 56:07.798 Take both pills! 56:07.818 --> 56:11.061 They've taken out a swear word just before that. 56:11.422 --> 56:16.286 So it sounds as if he's just randomly saying like cool things he thinks are cool. 56:16.647 --> 56:17.868 Yeah, that's right. 56:18.288 --> 56:41.116 the matrix the matrix naughty monkeys no he's saying f the matrix oh is he and that's been removed there so as far as we we know on the radio he just likes the matrix and if in case you catch the video to this listeners have a good look at it it's kind of um trying to be like a uh hype williams video you know a shiny hip-hop video but it actually looks as if it's been directed by andy peters 56:41.896 --> 56:51.859 No disrespect to Andy Peters, but the video looks like the opening sequence to some CBBC show hmm It's got hip-hop dancers, but they're good on a sort of BBC level. 56:51.919 --> 56:52.359 That's right. 56:52.379 --> 57:01.741 You know looks like a BBC ident Yeah, it really does and and it's one of those videos that actually there's nothing going on in it other than just some people dancing in a fairly lazy 57:05.202 --> 57:10.666 special technique that makes it look like they've got kind of fluorescent green jelly on there. 57:10.746 --> 57:11.727 Sure. 57:11.927 --> 57:18.772 And Robbie Williams wears a tracksuit with raster colours on the kind of lapels to prove his urban credentials. 57:18.993 --> 57:20.694 And he also flicks a V to the camera. 57:20.954 --> 57:21.975 That's right, a V sign. 57:22.575 --> 57:23.916 Because he cares so little. 57:23.936 --> 57:26.018 Yeah, he really doesn't give a sausage. 57:26.038 --> 57:27.439 He doesn't give too much. 57:27.499 --> 57:28.980 He doesn't care. 57:29.160 --> 57:32.163 He doesn't care a tiny 57:33.257 --> 57:34.798 He's so naughty he should be stopped. 57:34.818 --> 57:35.439 A cornflake. 57:35.599 --> 57:36.760 He should be stopped. 57:36.780 --> 57:37.460 He should be stopped. 57:37.500 --> 57:39.502 It's kind of like naughty music for mums. 57:39.662 --> 57:40.703 He's a naughty man. 57:40.723 --> 57:42.324 It's hip hop for mums. 57:42.584 --> 57:43.745 The streets for mums. 57:44.286 --> 57:44.946 Go on mum. 57:45.226 --> 57:50.210 Now mum can be into the streets too with new Robbie Williams. 57:50.630 --> 57:51.771 And it's got Omega 3. 57:52.232 --> 57:54.073 And it's stuffed full of Omega 3. 57:54.273 --> 57:55.254 Stinks of old fish. 57:55.354 --> 57:59.597 Mum, instead of food, can I just have Omega 3 for lunch please? 57:59.998 --> 58:00.698 Yes you can. 58:00.758 --> 58:02.520 I've got a big plate of it right here. 58:03.382 --> 58:04.762 Turn it off now, please turn it off. 58:04.843 --> 58:05.783 OK, here's the real deal. 58:05.803 --> 58:14.446 Sly and Robbie, yeah, with Boops, Here to Go. 58:14.786 --> 58:17.927 That's the song that Robbie Williams has kind of hijacked. 58:18.933 --> 58:20.854 for his extraordinary Rude Box. 58:22.154 --> 58:23.554 I wonder if it'll be a hit Rude Box. 58:23.774 --> 58:28.476 I mean, he's got his finger on the popular pulse more than we do, I suppose. 58:28.496 --> 58:28.616 Has he? 58:29.076 --> 58:29.516 I think so. 58:29.556 --> 58:31.016 He's done pretty well for himself, hasn't he? 58:31.056 --> 58:32.177 Yeah, he's done well. 58:32.617 --> 58:33.037 Who knows? 58:33.077 --> 58:33.557 Well done. 58:33.737 --> 58:34.437 Well done, Robbie. 58:34.457 --> 58:35.078 Well done, Robbie. 58:35.098 --> 58:38.259 I think we should do a version of it, though, don't you? 58:38.539 --> 58:42.560 I think we might have a go at doing our own version of it and maybe play it to you in the next couple of weeks. 58:42.580 --> 58:42.660 Yeah. 58:43.320 --> 58:48.645 Because if we can cash in on some of Robbie's... Yeah, he's sort of established a formula there that we could copy. 58:49.166 --> 58:52.569 Very easily, I think even a five-year-old child could copy it. 58:52.589 --> 58:59.256 I tell you what, I'll write a list of cool things, like I'm going to start with iPod, and then I'm going to write Xbox 360. 58:59.296 --> 59:03.741 Hey, you know what, this is something that, because I think apparently young people listen to this show. 59:04.281 --> 59:04.541 Really? 59:04.701 --> 59:04.921 Yeah. 59:05.381 --> 59:12.363 We could ask some of them what, you know, we need a list of cool things we can put in our Robbie Williams song, yeah? 59:12.403 --> 59:13.603 Yeah, so text us in. 59:13.643 --> 59:18.524 I'm kicking you off with iPod and Xbox 360 Arctic monkeys. 59:19.104 --> 59:26.646 These are just things that people just randomly, you know, if you want to grab a kind of fashionable phrase quickly, these are the things you'd reach for. 59:26.786 --> 59:29.968 And we need some things that may be a bit younger. 59:30.028 --> 59:31.508 This is more like the word readers. 59:31.808 --> 59:32.809 What about knife crime? 59:32.889 --> 59:34.170 Ideas that we're having at the moment. 59:34.210 --> 59:35.510 Knife crime. 59:35.550 --> 59:36.931 What could I rhyme knife crime with? 59:36.951 --> 59:37.931 What about oyster card? 59:38.312 --> 59:39.132 Yeah, oyster. 59:39.756 --> 59:40.437 Oyster card. 59:40.457 --> 59:41.577 It's a bit London-centric. 59:42.018 --> 59:42.978 Yeah, that's true. 59:43.238 --> 59:47.141 But anyway, if you've got any more suggestions for just instant, sort of, fashionable things, text them. 59:47.161 --> 59:47.681 War on Terror. 59:48.202 --> 59:48.602 That's good. 59:48.642 --> 59:49.262 War on Terror. 59:49.883 --> 59:51.284 I tell you what you could send us in, actually. 59:51.324 --> 59:52.625 Text us on 83XFM. 59:52.785 --> 59:53.205 Rhymes. 59:53.465 --> 59:54.866 Because the rhymes are the tricky thing. 59:54.886 --> 59:55.086 Yeah. 59:55.286 --> 59:56.867 Like, because what does he rhyme? 59:56.968 --> 59:58.208 Semtex with Durex? 59:58.368 --> 01:00:00.210 Yeah, Semtex with Durex and Mandrex. 01:00:00.910 --> 01:00:01.991 That's clever stuff, you see. 01:00:02.031 --> 01:00:02.431 Mandrex? 01:00:02.491 --> 01:00:03.572 It's Mandrex, isn't it? 01:00:04.215 --> 01:00:06.716 Yeah, I don't know what that is. 01:00:06.856 --> 01:00:13.379 Because the clever thing is to rhyme something very sort of important like Semtex with something apparently trivial like Durex. 01:00:13.920 --> 01:00:15.240 Andrex would have been a better rhyme. 01:00:16.461 --> 01:00:18.602 And then he's got, what else has he got? 01:00:20.323 --> 01:00:23.444 Someone's texted in the Robbie song is Do The Bartman with rude words. 01:00:24.005 --> 01:00:24.965 That's quite true, isn't it? 01:00:24.985 --> 01:00:26.326 It does sound like Do The Bartman. 01:00:27.066 --> 01:00:28.007 Nina, thanks for that. 01:00:28.227 --> 01:00:30.008 Oh, here's another line that he's got in his song. 01:00:30.468 --> 01:00:32.270 OK then, check the tan line. 01:00:32.630 --> 01:00:35.212 Make your body shape like you stood on a landmine. 01:00:35.532 --> 01:00:37.233 There you go, trivialising landmines. 01:00:38.134 --> 01:00:38.674 Nice one, Robbie. 01:00:38.694 --> 01:00:41.256 Call me on my mobile, not the landline. 01:00:43.297 --> 01:00:46.878 and then jack the main line at the same time. 01:00:46.938 --> 01:00:47.479 I don't understand. 01:00:47.499 --> 01:00:48.960 You know what my favourite line in it is? 01:00:49.800 --> 01:00:52.481 He goes, if you try to jack me, I'll rude box you. 01:00:52.781 --> 01:00:55.803 And if you rude box me, I'll rude box your whole crew. 01:00:56.503 --> 01:00:59.485 What sort of confrontation would that be late at night in Brixton? 01:01:00.105 --> 01:01:01.486 Did you just try to jack me? 01:01:02.006 --> 01:01:04.587 I'm going to rude box you if you jack me one more time. 01:01:04.888 --> 01:01:06.028 That's a formal warning. 01:01:06.268 --> 01:01:08.830 And if you rude box me, I'll rude box your whole crew. 01:01:09.810 --> 01:01:11.311 What does it, what would he do? 01:01:11.351 --> 01:01:11.791 What does it mean? 01:01:11.952 --> 01:01:14.013 I've got a box and I've done a farce in it. 01:01:14.253 --> 01:01:15.794 And I'm going to open it near your face. 01:01:16.194 --> 01:01:17.415 Ooh, the stink, the waft. 01:01:17.475 --> 01:01:18.496 Can you smell it, the waft? 01:01:18.976 --> 01:01:20.057 Don't touch me again. 01:01:20.337 --> 01:01:20.698 Bye. 01:01:21.458 --> 01:01:22.339 It's a giant pump. 01:01:22.619 --> 01:01:24.440 It could easily take care of your whole crew. 01:01:25.040 --> 01:01:26.582 I've written the word Willy in the matchbox. 01:01:26.682 --> 01:01:27.162 He says, whooping. 01:01:27.182 --> 01:01:28.423 I'm going to open it in front of your face. 01:01:28.483 --> 01:01:29.223 Willy, Willy. 01:01:31.505 --> 01:01:33.046 Christ using his roo box on us. 01:01:33.106 --> 01:01:34.187 Run, everybody, quick. 01:01:34.847 --> 01:01:35.568 We'll be back shortly. 01:01:40.083 --> 01:01:40.724 That's good, isn't it? 01:01:40.745 --> 01:01:42.488 That's Thom Yorke with Harrow Downhill. 01:01:42.649 --> 01:01:44.352 Is that his internet only release thing? 01:01:45.635 --> 01:01:46.858 No, no, you can get that in the shops. 01:01:47.038 --> 01:01:47.299 Can you? 01:01:47.539 --> 01:01:48.221 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:01:48.461 --> 01:01:49.704 That's on the Eraser album. 01:01:50.740 --> 01:01:53.121 and I think it's probably the first single from that album. 01:01:53.441 --> 01:01:54.621 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 01:01:54.661 --> 01:01:58.403 We've been fielding a couple of calls from I think maybe disgruntled Robbie fans. 01:01:58.463 --> 01:01:59.543 Robbie Williams fans. 01:02:00.564 --> 01:02:01.364 So sorry about that. 01:02:02.104 --> 01:02:03.505 But listen it's competition time. 01:02:03.625 --> 01:02:10.067 In a second we're going to play rock and reel or rock and rubs where you call in and you have to guess which band names are real and which are rubbish. 01:02:10.087 --> 01:02:10.747 There's 10 of them. 01:02:11.328 --> 01:02:11.508 Yeah. 01:02:11.688 --> 01:02:15.309 And if you get, are we doing, are we going to play two people off each other? 01:02:15.609 --> 01:02:16.589 No, we'll just do the one, I think. 01:02:16.609 --> 01:02:26.912 We'll just do the one, and basically if you play you get to win either the tickets to see the Mystery Jets or a weekend pass to Fright Fest, the horror film festival happening in Leicester Square this weekend. 01:02:27.212 --> 01:02:30.213 And we should also mention we were talking about, what's it called, Crank? 01:02:30.273 --> 01:02:30.533 Crank. 01:02:30.893 --> 01:02:39.636 Yeah, the exciting film about the man who has a special drug injected into his heart, whereby he'll die if he doesn't, if he stops doing exciting things. 01:02:39.696 --> 01:02:39.856 Yes! 01:02:41.437 --> 01:02:42.718 I've got the opposite drug. 01:02:43.139 --> 01:02:43.279 Crank! 01:02:58.398 --> 01:03:00.600 Is that a nickname for your son when he gets angry? 01:03:01.100 --> 01:03:03.062 No, no, no. 01:03:03.342 --> 01:03:03.902 You should start. 01:03:04.182 --> 01:03:05.003 I call him Gort. 01:03:05.403 --> 01:03:05.784 Gort? 01:03:06.164 --> 01:03:06.404 Yeah. 01:03:06.544 --> 01:03:06.824 Who's that? 01:03:06.844 --> 01:03:07.565 Some sort of alien? 01:03:07.665 --> 01:03:11.087 Yeah, he's the robot in When the Earth Stood Still. 01:03:11.107 --> 01:03:11.488 Oh yes. 01:03:11.888 --> 01:03:13.509 You know, he's a nice robot though. 01:03:14.230 --> 01:03:15.591 Anyway, music now. 01:03:15.651 --> 01:03:16.831 Here's one from The Strokes. 01:03:16.891 --> 01:03:19.693 This is off one of their singles. 01:03:19.713 --> 01:03:21.655 I think it's a B-side, but it's a brilliant B-side. 01:03:21.695 --> 01:03:22.696 It's called When It Started. 01:03:23.736 --> 01:03:25.557 No, what is it with me and my buttons today? 01:03:25.577 --> 01:03:26.717 What is it with you and your buttons? 01:03:27.178 --> 01:03:30.379 You've been injected with a drug that makes you select the wrong CD. 01:03:30.459 --> 01:03:30.779 You know what? 01:03:30.799 --> 01:03:31.859 I had the wrong... Cool booze. 01:03:31.879 --> 01:03:34.060 I had the wrong disc in the box. 01:03:34.180 --> 01:03:34.841 That's what it is. 01:03:34.861 --> 01:03:38.322 The thing is that we spend a lot of time doing our podcast, you know? 01:03:38.922 --> 01:03:42.464 And then preparation for the radio show tends to... Go down the tubes. 01:03:42.504 --> 01:03:43.364 Go on the back burner. 01:03:43.764 --> 01:03:46.726 Well, you know I've got the wrong CD in here, so I'm gonna have to play this track. 01:03:47.266 --> 01:03:50.667 It's James Barron and the Famous Flames with mashed potatoes. 01:03:50.687 --> 01:03:50.987 That's good. 01:03:51.468 --> 01:03:52.208 Make it up! 01:03:55.396 --> 01:04:00.559 Yeah, that was an unexpected bit of James Brown there with mashed potato from the ancient past. 01:04:00.860 --> 01:04:02.220 From the ancient days. 01:04:02.701 --> 01:04:06.503 And we've got a track right now, this is going out to just the Texting Dolphin. 01:04:06.803 --> 01:04:07.684 Is that our known name? 01:04:07.984 --> 01:04:09.125 Just the Texting Dolphin. 01:04:10.805 --> 01:04:11.406 Yeah, exactly. 01:04:11.466 --> 01:04:15.389 I know it was a reference to the orange ad, but I was just wondering if it was... So they're proving you wrong. 01:04:15.449 --> 01:04:17.110 It is an actual dolphin that texts. 01:04:17.510 --> 01:04:17.871 Right. 01:04:18.471 --> 01:04:20.372 So they're probably in the Brighton marina. 01:04:20.653 --> 01:04:21.093 Yeah. 01:04:21.373 --> 01:04:22.294 Does that still exist? 01:04:22.354 --> 01:04:23.395 I used to go there as a kid. 01:04:23.675 --> 01:04:24.255 I think it does. 01:04:24.916 --> 01:04:25.156 Yeah. 01:04:25.396 --> 01:04:26.517 I've been forced to think again. 01:04:26.937 --> 01:04:28.859 This one is going out to you then texting dolphin. 01:04:28.899 --> 01:04:30.240 It's New Order with true faith. 01:04:34.283 --> 01:04:35.064 That's New Order. 01:04:36.247 --> 01:04:40.169 Even though it sounded like the Pet Shop Boys. 01:04:40.490 --> 01:04:42.011 It sounded a lot like the Pet Shop Boys. 01:04:42.211 --> 01:04:43.792 Joe was saying that there was a track. 01:04:44.212 --> 01:04:48.635 I've been getting away with it all my life. 01:04:49.135 --> 01:04:50.856 Was that the Pet Shop Boys and New Order? 01:04:50.876 --> 01:04:52.277 Was there a New Order connection there? 01:04:52.517 --> 01:04:54.618 Maybe someone could let us know via text. 01:04:54.918 --> 01:04:56.860 That sounds very dated now, doesn't it, that? 01:04:56.980 --> 01:05:03.363 I mean, still good, but it really sounds... Well, everyone was using the same drum machine for a while, INXS and Fine Young Cannibals. 01:05:03.504 --> 01:05:04.724 And the same synthesizer. 01:05:04.824 --> 01:05:05.065 Yeah. 01:05:06.005 --> 01:05:07.246 and singing in the same way. 01:05:07.566 --> 01:05:09.807 But I remember it being an exciting time, though. 01:05:09.827 --> 01:05:11.769 It was an enjoyable time for music. 01:05:12.249 --> 01:05:12.529 Yeah. 01:05:12.669 --> 01:05:13.029 You know? 01:05:13.670 --> 01:05:16.071 It wasn't exactly pushing boundaries, but it was... It's true. 01:05:16.091 --> 01:05:16.471 It was fun. 01:05:16.691 --> 01:05:17.312 It was fun. 01:05:17.472 --> 01:05:17.712 Yeah. 01:05:17.832 --> 01:05:22.715 And it had all those videos choreographed by the funny costume man. 01:05:22.735 --> 01:05:23.075 You remember? 01:05:23.095 --> 01:05:24.896 Where they're all jumping up in the air in strange ways. 01:05:24.916 --> 01:05:25.237 Oh, that's right. 01:05:25.257 --> 01:05:25.837 The French guy. 01:05:25.997 --> 01:05:26.137 Yeah. 01:05:26.157 --> 01:05:28.679 Who did those Kodak adverts and all the Grace Jones videos. 01:05:28.719 --> 01:05:29.199 That's right. 01:05:29.279 --> 01:05:29.559 Yeah. 01:05:29.859 --> 01:05:30.440 I do remember him. 01:05:30.720 --> 01:05:32.101 Listen, we've got a caller on the line. 01:05:32.141 --> 01:05:32.441 Miles. 01:05:32.481 --> 01:05:33.061 Hello, Miles. 01:05:33.561 --> 01:05:33.942 Hello, Adam. 01:05:33.962 --> 01:05:34.222 How are you? 01:05:34.622 --> 01:05:37.543 I'm actually Joe, but I'm very well into you. 01:05:37.563 --> 01:05:38.284 Sorry, mate, don't worry. 01:05:38.324 --> 01:05:39.684 It's an easy mistake to make. 01:05:40.064 --> 01:05:45.227 And Miles, you've got a request, but before we get to that, you're going to play our competition, right? 01:05:45.267 --> 01:05:46.407 Yeah, rock and roll, that's right. 01:05:46.607 --> 01:05:47.348 Yeah, yeah. 01:05:47.388 --> 01:05:48.948 And you know how this competition works? 01:05:49.008 --> 01:05:50.249 Oh dear, I've heard it last week. 01:05:50.269 --> 01:05:52.030 I think I know how it works, yeah. 01:05:52.050 --> 01:05:53.150 And are you fairly confident? 01:05:53.170 --> 01:05:56.131 Do you think you're good at telling fake band names from real band names? 01:05:56.151 --> 01:05:57.352 Because it's hard these days. 01:05:57.392 --> 01:05:58.873 We'll see, won't we? 01:05:59.133 --> 01:06:01.714 What score do you reckon you'll get out of ten? 01:06:02.698 --> 01:06:09.083 Yeah, we've never had the full ten, but here's the jingle just to remind you of the rules. 01:06:09.103 --> 01:06:10.323 So there you go. 01:06:10.343 --> 01:06:11.944 How do you feel after that Miles? 01:06:11.964 --> 01:06:12.825 Any different? 01:06:28.174 --> 01:06:49.430 more confident good that's you pick things up a bit good so are we ready yeah yeah so i'm going to read out 10 band names five of them are from the enemy gig listings uh this week and the other five are made up all you have to do miles is after each one say either real or rubs depending on whether you think they're real or made up and if you score over seven 01:06:50.431 --> 01:06:50.751 I think. 01:06:51.192 --> 01:06:51.672 What? 01:06:51.732 --> 01:06:55.954 You're telling me he won't get a prize if he scores less than seven? 01:06:55.994 --> 01:06:57.075 Yeah, he won't. 01:06:57.195 --> 01:06:57.455 No. 01:06:57.675 --> 01:06:59.056 There's got to be some kind of incentive, though. 01:06:59.076 --> 01:07:03.318 You know, this isn't just some kind of kid Saturday morning TV. 01:07:03.638 --> 01:07:05.199 Yeah, we're not soft like Richard and Judy. 01:07:06.219 --> 01:07:06.959 You say we pay. 01:07:07.000 --> 01:07:07.620 We're brutal. 01:07:07.700 --> 01:07:08.440 Are you all right, Miles? 01:07:09.081 --> 01:07:09.641 Yeah, I'm fine. 01:07:09.681 --> 01:07:10.021 I'm fine. 01:07:10.301 --> 01:07:10.941 OK, here we go. 01:07:10.961 --> 01:07:15.384 I'm going to read them out in the style of the shipping forecast, just to keep things mellow. 01:07:16.164 --> 01:07:18.205 And here we go with rock and reel or rock and rubs. 01:07:18.825 --> 01:07:19.286 Number one. 01:07:20.326 --> 01:07:22.286 Electricity comes from other planets. 01:07:23.667 --> 01:07:24.407 I reckon that's rubs. 01:07:25.907 --> 01:07:26.467 Number two. 01:07:27.807 --> 01:07:29.268 Andy Crane's Dirty Boots. 01:07:30.208 --> 01:07:31.228 I reckon that's rubs as well. 01:07:32.308 --> 01:07:32.848 Number three. 01:07:34.009 --> 01:07:36.529 New York alcoholic anxiety attack. 01:07:36.549 --> 01:07:38.369 It's gotta be real. 01:07:39.710 --> 01:07:40.230 Number four. 01:07:41.310 --> 01:07:42.310 The Star Souls. 01:07:43.250 --> 01:07:43.510 Real. 01:07:44.610 --> 01:07:45.231 Number five. 01:07:46.011 --> 01:07:47.431 The difficult third album. 01:07:50.993 --> 01:07:53.274 Number 6. 01:07:53.794 --> 01:07:54.154 100,000 hits. 01:07:55.914 --> 01:07:56.154 Real? 01:07:57.535 --> 01:07:58.135 Number 7. 01:07:58.955 --> 01:07:59.695 The Verrucas. 01:08:00.935 --> 01:08:01.576 Verrucas? 01:08:01.936 --> 01:08:02.896 I reckon that's real. 01:08:03.896 --> 01:08:04.476 Number 8. 01:08:05.517 --> 01:08:07.837 French car and the bulimic wizards. 01:08:08.777 --> 01:08:09.318 That's Rob's. 01:08:11.098 --> 01:08:11.718 Number 9. 01:08:13.178 --> 01:08:14.039 Johnny Big Nuts. 01:08:15.019 --> 01:08:15.759 Johnny Big Nuts. 01:08:15.919 --> 01:08:16.619 Johnny Big Nuts. 01:08:16.759 --> 01:08:19.240 That's got to be real. 01:08:20.532 --> 01:08:23.321 Number 10 The Disappointing Friday 01:08:27.549 --> 01:08:27.929 Okay. 01:08:28.029 --> 01:08:31.132 Miles, you were so very confident and assertive. 01:08:31.712 --> 01:08:33.053 Yeah, that was confident. 01:08:33.073 --> 01:08:34.754 I like the way you played that game, Miles. 01:08:34.894 --> 01:08:40.879 I imagined you a bit like Danny Dyer in the business. 01:08:41.039 --> 01:08:41.939 Right. 01:08:41.959 --> 01:08:45.882 Sitting in a pool, like in a lounger with a can of beer. 01:08:46.002 --> 01:08:47.083 I imagined that as well. 01:08:47.163 --> 01:08:47.383 Yeah. 01:08:47.964 --> 01:08:48.724 I wish I was, mate. 01:08:48.784 --> 01:08:50.045 I'm actually laying in bed at the moment. 01:08:50.245 --> 01:08:50.526 Yeah. 01:08:50.726 --> 01:08:51.026 Really? 01:08:51.126 --> 01:08:53.828 I bet you were quite successful in life though, aren't you? 01:08:53.868 --> 01:08:56.330 Because you know what you're talking about, Miles. 01:08:56.932 --> 01:08:57.673 I hope so. 01:08:57.813 --> 01:08:58.473 I hope so. 01:08:58.513 --> 01:08:59.054 How did I do that? 01:08:59.074 --> 01:08:59.874 How did I do? 01:09:00.154 --> 01:09:03.116 Well, Miles, you scored six out of ten. 01:09:03.136 --> 01:09:03.617 I scored six. 01:09:03.637 --> 01:09:05.438 Does that mean I'm not getting a prize? 01:09:05.558 --> 01:09:06.919 Well, we can probably bend the rules. 01:09:06.939 --> 01:09:08.240 Let's just talk him through. 01:09:08.260 --> 01:09:10.241 Let's see how heinously badly he did. 01:09:10.341 --> 01:09:13.423 Electricity Comes From Another Planet's You Thought That Was Rubs. 01:09:13.523 --> 01:09:14.364 That's a real band. 01:09:14.664 --> 01:09:14.944 Really? 01:09:15.104 --> 01:09:15.565 Yeah. 01:09:15.865 --> 01:09:18.747 Andy Crane's Dirty Boots, correctly identified as Rubs. 01:09:19.187 --> 01:09:22.769 New York Alcoholic Anxiety Attack, correctly identified as real. 01:09:23.070 --> 01:09:24.370 The Star Souls, real. 01:09:24.671 --> 01:09:26.152 The Difficult Third Album, real. 01:09:28.213 --> 01:09:36.156 100,000 hits you thought they were real that's that's rubbish the Veruca's Correctly identified as real French car and the bulimic wizards. 01:09:36.556 --> 01:09:44.120 They're real you feel that was rubbish Johnny big nuts you thought was real Johnny big nuts. 01:09:44.180 --> 01:09:54.225 It's not real The disappointing Friday you correctly identified as rubbish so yes six out of ten Why would the why would a band call themselves call themselves the difficult third album? 01:09:55.726 --> 01:09:57.627 And what will they do when they make their third album? 01:09:57.647 --> 01:09:59.669 Well, that was one of the rubbish ones. 01:10:00.070 --> 01:10:01.031 Oh, that was rubbish, was it? 01:10:01.051 --> 01:10:02.072 Yeah, did I say that was real? 01:10:02.112 --> 01:10:02.412 Sorry. 01:10:02.432 --> 01:10:03.553 I think you did, yeah. 01:10:03.633 --> 01:10:06.396 OK, yeah, no, that would be a terrible name for a man. 01:10:06.877 --> 01:10:08.198 Miles, you've got a choice of prizes. 01:10:08.238 --> 01:10:09.679 We'll give him a prize anyway, right? 01:10:09.760 --> 01:10:10.620 Yeah, we should do. 01:10:10.700 --> 01:10:13.063 I'm just saying we're not like Richard and Judy, we are like Richard and Judy. 01:10:13.083 --> 01:10:18.168 Do you want to go and see the Mystery Jets or do you want to go to the Fright Fest horror movie film festival? 01:10:20.196 --> 01:10:23.517 The Mystery Jets is on Monday the 18th of September. 01:10:23.977 --> 01:10:27.638 Fright Fest is happening as we speak and continues till Monday. 01:10:27.658 --> 01:10:30.059 I think I'll go to see the Mystery Jets, actually. 01:10:30.319 --> 01:10:30.759 Good choice. 01:10:30.939 --> 01:10:33.440 Mystery Jets, tickets are coming your way. 01:10:33.500 --> 01:10:34.360 Thanks a lot for calling. 01:10:34.400 --> 01:10:35.181 Fantastic, fantastic. 01:10:35.201 --> 01:10:36.361 Now, what's your request? 01:10:36.381 --> 01:10:36.621 Yeah. 01:10:37.001 --> 01:10:39.102 I wanted to hear Talking Heads with Ropes Nowhere. 01:10:39.502 --> 01:10:40.322 Fantastic choice. 01:10:40.342 --> 01:10:40.962 Here it is for you. 01:10:41.003 --> 01:10:41.803 Thanks a lot for calling, Miles. 01:10:41.823 --> 01:10:41.943 Cheers. 01:10:41.963 --> 01:10:42.543 Thank you very much. 01:10:42.583 --> 01:10:42.883 Cheers, mate. 01:10:42.923 --> 01:10:45.984 Well, we know where we're going. 01:10:46.584 --> 01:10:48.985 We're on a road to nowhere. 01:10:50.896 --> 01:10:53.137 That's Talking Heads with Road to Nowhere. 01:10:53.157 --> 01:10:57.938 That was from around about the same era as that previous New Order track. 01:10:57.998 --> 01:10:58.198 Yeah. 01:10:58.258 --> 01:11:03.000 And we must say that we were asking whether there was a New Order and Pet Shop Boys connection. 01:11:03.040 --> 01:11:04.140 Of course there was. 01:11:04.200 --> 01:11:12.082 Many people have texted in to say that the band was electronic and it consisted of Bernard Sumner and Johnny Marr and Neil Tennant. 01:11:12.223 --> 01:11:12.903 There you go. 01:11:13.043 --> 01:11:13.663 Electronic. 01:11:13.823 --> 01:11:16.705 There have been so many kind of New Order offshoots. 01:11:18.746 --> 01:11:21.327 Monaco, and that's it. 01:11:22.408 --> 01:11:23.109 So many of them. 01:11:23.489 --> 01:11:25.670 Have we got a requesting person on the line? 01:11:25.690 --> 01:11:26.390 What is their name? 01:11:27.231 --> 01:11:27.751 We don't know. 01:11:27.771 --> 01:11:29.212 It's a mystery person. 01:11:29.472 --> 01:11:30.553 Hello, mystery person. 01:11:31.033 --> 01:11:31.313 Hello. 01:11:31.894 --> 01:11:32.494 How are you, mate? 01:11:32.914 --> 01:11:34.035 Yeah, not bad, not bad. 01:11:34.315 --> 01:11:36.556 That is well echoey on your phone. 01:11:36.777 --> 01:11:38.237 Yeah, I'm sitting right next to the radio. 01:11:38.257 --> 01:11:38.978 Shall I turn it down? 01:11:39.258 --> 01:11:39.858 Yeah, I would. 01:11:40.119 --> 01:11:40.439 I would. 01:11:40.679 --> 01:11:41.639 Sounds quite cool though. 01:11:41.920 --> 01:11:42.660 It did sound quite wicked. 01:11:42.680 --> 01:11:43.260 Turn it up again. 01:11:43.440 --> 01:11:43.981 Turn it up again? 01:11:44.021 --> 01:11:44.541 Yeah, go on. 01:11:44.961 --> 01:11:46.262 You do the beatbox in the background. 01:11:46.282 --> 01:11:53.046 That was quite good, wasn't it? 01:11:53.286 --> 01:11:54.787 So, what is your name? 01:11:54.867 --> 01:11:55.467 Name, name. 01:11:55.507 --> 01:11:56.288 Hello, hello. 01:11:56.388 --> 01:11:56.608 Jack. 01:11:57.108 --> 01:11:57.329 Jack. 01:11:57.349 --> 01:11:57.729 Hello, Jack. 01:11:57.789 --> 01:11:59.150 And you work in a Polish food shop? 01:11:59.630 --> 01:12:00.350 Well, only today. 01:12:00.430 --> 01:12:02.832 It's the first day I'm helping a mate out who's gone on holiday. 01:12:03.212 --> 01:12:03.472 Are you? 01:12:03.892 --> 01:12:05.093 And it's very Polish, yes. 01:12:05.253 --> 01:12:06.614 Those are nice cakes, they're like. 01:12:06.943 --> 01:12:07.143 There are. 01:12:07.163 --> 01:12:08.343 They've got cakes, donuts. 01:12:08.944 --> 01:12:09.904 Have you nicked a couple? 01:12:10.804 --> 01:12:11.164 Not yet. 01:12:11.184 --> 01:12:12.625 After my lunch I probably will. 01:12:12.905 --> 01:12:14.165 Yeah, that's a good idea. 01:12:14.205 --> 01:12:15.266 Just nick some of the cherries. 01:12:15.766 --> 01:12:16.266 Yeah, yeah. 01:12:16.546 --> 01:12:17.686 And what would you like to hear then? 01:12:18.127 --> 01:12:19.547 Anything by roots I knew would be good. 01:12:19.827 --> 01:12:20.607 That's a good request. 01:12:20.647 --> 01:12:22.368 We'll witness the fitness too. 01:12:22.731 --> 01:12:23.472 Yeah, that's a good one. 01:12:23.512 --> 01:12:24.793 Yeah, definitely. 01:12:24.933 --> 01:12:25.953 The Crofton massive. 01:12:25.993 --> 01:12:26.394 What is it? 01:12:26.454 --> 01:12:27.034 The Crofton? 01:12:27.435 --> 01:12:27.855 What is it? 01:12:28.055 --> 01:12:29.336 Something like that. 01:12:29.516 --> 01:12:30.777 Well, this one's going out to you. 01:12:30.817 --> 01:12:32.779 Have a good day and thanks very much indeed for calling. 01:12:33.119 --> 01:12:34.200 Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye. 01:12:39.463 --> 01:12:41.084 Yeah, I love those noises. 01:12:41.324 --> 01:12:42.585 That's very good, isn't it, that one? 01:12:42.605 --> 01:12:47.048 That sounded all nice and tickly in my... Ruth Manuva. 01:12:47.068 --> 01:12:48.049 That's good. 01:12:48.429 --> 01:12:50.711 There's got to be a lot of compression on that, right? 01:12:50.971 --> 01:12:51.351 Do you think? 01:12:51.371 --> 01:12:51.851 What do you mean? 01:12:52.152 --> 01:12:52.612 I don't know. 01:12:52.632 --> 01:12:55.234 Let's talk about it more, then. 01:12:55.294 --> 01:12:57.615 That's what hip-hop people say sometimes. 01:12:57.635 --> 01:12:59.837 That's how they get those amazing sub-bass sounds. 01:12:59.857 --> 01:13:00.117 Is it? 01:13:00.177 --> 01:13:05.361 I thought compression is what they do to adverts to make them sound inconceivably louder than... 01:13:06.241 --> 01:13:32.814 the programs around yeah same sort of theory i think yeah pushing all the frequencies into one squeeze them all in sandwich so decibel wise it's the same i'm talking through my hat can you hear me talking through my hat i'm talking through my hat hey listeners thanks for sticking with us we've only got 10 minutes uh left so you know that if you're enjoying it the pleasure is almost over if you're hating it the misery is nearly at an end the angry caller said we were lofty 01:13:33.774 --> 01:13:36.495 We've been accused of being lofty from EastEnders. 01:13:36.835 --> 01:13:38.296 He means we're like lofty from EastEnders. 01:13:38.316 --> 01:13:39.396 He means we're like Nick Barry. 01:13:39.436 --> 01:13:41.697 Yeah, he thinks we do the sport on Radio 5 Live. 01:13:41.757 --> 01:13:44.077 He said to Xanthe, they're lofty. 01:13:44.438 --> 01:13:45.478 You know what I mean, don't you? 01:13:45.658 --> 01:13:47.959 You're encouraging him by reacting to it. 01:13:47.999 --> 01:13:49.639 I know, but everyone should have their say. 01:13:49.939 --> 01:13:51.700 I get stung by any bit of criticism. 01:13:52.020 --> 01:13:55.621 Hey, here's some exciting stuff that's happened in our lives this week. 01:13:55.681 --> 01:13:56.302 Let it go, Adam. 01:13:56.342 --> 01:13:57.022 Let it go. 01:13:57.182 --> 01:13:58.562 Think about the positive. 01:13:58.602 --> 01:14:00.643 We've had a YouTube adventure this week, right, Adam? 01:14:00.663 --> 01:14:01.403 Yeah, yeah, that's right. 01:14:01.583 --> 01:14:09.866 Adam posted an old clip from the Adam and Joe show, our clip of the Star Wars crystal maze on YouTube, and it got to number two. 01:14:10.286 --> 01:14:13.928 In three days, it got 350,000 hits. 01:14:14.068 --> 01:14:15.968 I think it's plateaued now, though. 01:14:16.048 --> 01:14:16.288 Has it? 01:14:16.328 --> 01:14:17.609 Well, yeah, it's dropping down now. 01:14:17.629 --> 01:14:17.849 Yeah. 01:14:18.309 --> 01:14:19.590 But it got over 700 comments. 01:14:21.450 --> 01:14:22.190 700 comments? 01:14:22.231 --> 01:14:22.531 Yeah! 01:14:22.851 --> 01:14:24.011 And most of them were positive. 01:14:24.091 --> 01:14:27.172 Most of them were positive, some of them were spam, some of them hated it. 01:14:27.313 --> 01:14:27.813 Some of them hated it. 01:14:27.833 --> 01:14:28.453 A minority. 01:14:28.913 --> 01:14:31.314 That's enough to get us rich, isn't it? 01:14:31.334 --> 01:14:35.256 Uh, well, if they were all... 350,000 hits in three days. 01:14:35.416 --> 01:14:38.457 If they just gave us one penny... And Channel 4 dropped us. 01:14:38.997 --> 01:14:40.558 They said we'd... What did they say? 01:14:40.738 --> 01:14:41.918 They didn't actually drop us, man. 01:14:41.938 --> 01:14:42.258 They did. 01:14:42.659 --> 01:14:44.439 No, well, they just didn't invite us back. 01:14:44.459 --> 01:14:46.000 They said the show had run its course. 01:14:47.221 --> 01:14:48.122 It wasn't droppage though. 01:14:48.142 --> 01:14:51.506 They were much longer course We could still be doing it now. 01:14:51.526 --> 01:14:52.427 You could still be doing it. 01:14:52.467 --> 01:14:52.947 They dropped it. 01:14:53.008 --> 01:14:53.849 What do they know instead? 01:14:53.869 --> 01:15:01.357 They put on the Friday night project and Big Brother and whatever those they're more in touch with what's happening now Joe's as simple as they are well 01:15:01.517 --> 01:15:02.778 We're past it. 01:15:02.898 --> 01:15:07.101 You know, you watch whatever, and that's a reflection of what people are really like. 01:15:07.341 --> 01:15:07.881 Yeah, evil. 01:15:08.021 --> 01:15:08.642 People are evil. 01:15:08.662 --> 01:15:09.743 Kids are evil. 01:15:09.943 --> 01:15:14.806 It's clear by watching whatever, it's clear that all kids are interested in is sex and killing. 01:15:15.386 --> 01:15:16.207 That's true, isn't it? 01:15:16.267 --> 01:15:17.908 And that's a great message to send the kids. 01:15:19.589 --> 01:15:24.011 Give them their own TV show and encourage them to make segments about gangs and dildos. 01:15:24.211 --> 01:15:25.692 I like swearing, right? 01:15:26.032 --> 01:15:26.952 I enjoy swearing. 01:15:27.592 --> 01:15:28.873 But there's a limit. 01:15:29.233 --> 01:15:34.375 And the whole fun of swearing is doing it at the right time and in moderation, right? 01:15:34.775 --> 01:15:36.096 So for example, it's not useful. 01:15:36.116 --> 01:15:36.736 It's the timing. 01:15:36.916 --> 01:15:37.816 Yeah, it's the timing. 01:15:38.076 --> 01:15:38.897 But in whatever... 01:15:40.177 --> 01:15:43.939 It was just every other word was doing the swearing. 01:15:44.339 --> 01:15:44.859 But you know what? 01:15:44.899 --> 01:15:48.201 We should talk about whatever in more detail next week. 01:15:48.241 --> 01:15:49.421 We should study it more closely. 01:15:49.461 --> 01:15:50.502 We'll study it more closely. 01:15:50.582 --> 01:15:56.644 It's on at 11 o'clock on Channel 4 and it could be the most miserable thing ever to grace British TV screens. 01:15:56.704 --> 01:16:00.387 I mean, it's just another chapter in Channel 4's continuing effort to remake the word. 01:16:00.427 --> 01:16:09.674 Or maybe we're missing it, and maybe it's brilliant, and if you are a young teenager, maybe it speaks directly to your passion for swearing, filth, and death. 01:16:10.695 --> 01:16:12.196 Just like Zoo Magazine. 01:16:12.296 --> 01:16:13.397 Good times! 01:16:13.917 --> 01:16:15.258 OK, well that's pretty much it for this week. 01:16:15.298 --> 01:16:18.361 Don't forget that our new podcast is out on Monday. 01:16:18.642 --> 01:16:20.463 It does have some swearing, but it's been bleeped. 01:16:20.603 --> 01:16:24.307 You know, we're trying to have our cake and eat it as far as repelling and attracting people. 01:16:25.188 --> 01:16:25.928 Hope you enjoy it. 01:16:26.449 --> 01:16:30.593 It's all new stuff, incidentally, because, you know, I got the tapes from last week's show. 01:16:30.613 --> 01:16:32.855 It was a load of old wallies. 01:16:32.935 --> 01:16:33.576 It was rubbish. 01:16:34.556 --> 01:16:35.757 So I didn't use any of it. 01:16:35.778 --> 01:16:36.939 So we recorded some new stuff. 01:16:37.179 --> 01:16:37.679 So you know. 01:16:37.719 --> 01:16:43.824 So yeah, don't let the quality of this Saturday show, you know, think that it's going to be the same quality as the podcast. 01:16:44.045 --> 01:16:45.586 That's a nicely constructed sentence. 01:16:45.626 --> 01:16:49.049 Well I kind of drifted off in the middle of it and started thinking about going home. 01:16:51.611 --> 01:16:54.654 All right, so listen folks, have a great time this weekend. 01:16:54.914 --> 01:16:58.477 If you're in Edinburgh, I hope the weather improves for you and you have a marvellous time there. 01:16:58.497 --> 01:16:59.478 Thanks a lot, because I am. 01:17:00.499 --> 01:17:00.699 What? 01:17:00.999 --> 01:17:01.500 In Edinburgh. 01:17:01.960 --> 01:17:02.761 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:17:02.781 --> 01:17:03.441 Did I say Edinburgh? 01:17:03.461 --> 01:17:04.202 You meant to say Reading. 01:17:04.362 --> 01:17:05.003 I meant Reading. 01:17:05.023 --> 01:17:07.085 So you drifted off and thought about going home as well. 01:17:07.105 --> 01:17:08.286 I thought about going to Edinburgh as well. 01:17:08.506 --> 01:17:10.528 If you're in Edinburgh, I hope the weather's good as well. 01:17:10.548 --> 01:17:11.048 Alright? 01:17:11.228 --> 01:17:11.669 I meant it. 01:17:12.029 --> 01:17:12.669 I'm not insane. 01:17:12.990 --> 01:17:13.590 Let's just go. 01:17:13.710 --> 01:17:14.591 Let's just scrap this. 01:17:14.791 --> 01:17:15.132 Jerk. 01:17:15.272 --> 01:17:16.173 Play a record, let's leave. 01:17:16.193 --> 01:17:19.135 Alright, I'm going to leave you with this one from Fats Domino. 01:17:19.235 --> 01:17:20.416 Thanks for listening, we'll see you next week. 01:17:20.436 --> 01:17:21.177 This is the fat man. 01:17:21.297 --> 01:17:21.697 Love you, bye! 01:17:22.098 --> 01:17:22.238 Bye.