WEBVTT 00:05.029 --> 00:06.531 That's the Zootons with Valerie. 00:06.791 --> 00:08.053 Hello, this is Adam Buxton. 00:08.313 --> 00:09.174 Hey, this is Joe Cornish. 00:09.214 --> 00:14.361 Welcome to the Adam and Joe radio show here for the next three hours on XFM, London's 104.9. 00:14.661 --> 00:22.331 We've got some fantastic music to play you, including hits from the likes of Macalmont and Butler. 00:23.132 --> 00:24.153 It's good to see that one. 00:24.673 --> 00:26.434 That's a new one, is it? 00:26.734 --> 00:28.255 One-off single from the London-based duo. 00:28.455 --> 00:29.556 That's coming up very shortly. 00:29.816 --> 00:34.318 Julian Cope, Arctic Monkeys, Hard Fi, all the best music here on XFM. 00:34.698 --> 00:37.220 And we've got fantastic things to give away, don't we, Joe Cornish? 00:37.440 --> 00:37.880 Yeah, we do. 00:37.900 --> 00:38.760 What have we got to give away? 00:38.780 --> 00:45.084 I think we've got Sonny Cheever box sets, we've got some Doctor Who action on DVD, and we've also got some Blake Seven action. 00:45.504 --> 01:07.242 late seven yeah and we got two pairs of tickets to the TDK cross central festival what's that that's some sort of religious festival no it's where they they give you cassettes and you tie the end of the cassette to a lamppost right and then you drive away drive away as fast as you can from from the lamppost and the whole street is mysteriously covered with cassette tape 01:07.902 --> 01:37.637 believe that's what it is apparently it's not it's just a music festival and playing there will be hot chip ladytron block party king creosote andrew weatherall nightmares on wax sound system jars peterson and money mark that's just saturday alone wow sunday's got sasha booker shade a montobin london electricity spelt with a k joey negro moody man annie circle loco and secret sundays some of those names i've never heard of and it reminds me of on one of my new competitions here on the show later on in the last hour i think 01:37.737 --> 01:59.762 we've got a brand new competition for you and it's called rock check this out Joe all right rock and real or rock and rubs are those two alternative names well no you have to decide I'm a list of ten band names right some of which are real and some of which are rubbish and you have and you the caller have to decide which are rock and real exciting and which are rock and rubs 02:00.382 --> 02:09.544 So that's part of the X list, that the final hour from 12 till 1, it's going to be a competition hour as well as a request hour to try and give it a bit of pep, vim, verve, spice. 02:10.324 --> 02:11.245 Yeah, so that's it. 02:11.925 --> 02:17.406 And plus there's lots of chat about things and a text competition and crap commentary corner. 02:17.686 --> 02:19.346 It's going to be an action packed three hours. 02:19.627 --> 02:20.987 We were both away last week. 02:21.107 --> 02:21.447 We were. 02:21.567 --> 02:22.707 So we've got stories to tell. 02:22.947 --> 02:23.487 Stories to tell. 02:23.507 --> 02:23.908 All about it. 02:24.628 --> 02:25.248 Stay tuned. 02:26.088 --> 02:26.788 Stay tuned. 02:27.068 --> 02:28.969 I was just scratching that there for you. 02:29.009 --> 02:29.729 Here's the feeling. 02:33.266 --> 02:34.887 And that's really serious, though. 02:34.907 --> 02:45.856 I mean, he's on fire, he's burning, and you'd think that the first thing he would do is just try and douse himself, wrap a towel around himself, you know, something like that, put himself out. 02:46.457 --> 02:48.858 But he goes into the studio, he writes a song about it. 02:49.739 --> 02:50.699 Must have been very painful. 02:50.819 --> 02:53.280 Puts it out and all the time he was on fire. 02:53.300 --> 02:54.721 He's probably seriously disfigured now. 02:54.981 --> 02:56.521 That's a shame but worth it for that track. 02:56.601 --> 02:57.062 Exactly. 02:57.522 --> 03:00.183 Hey, as Adam was saying earlier, we both went away during the week. 03:00.423 --> 03:02.023 Listeners, Adam went to France. 03:02.223 --> 03:02.643 That's right. 03:03.024 --> 03:04.804 Soon as the show was over last weekend. 03:04.964 --> 03:05.765 Right, we zipped out. 03:05.845 --> 03:06.765 I went to America. 03:07.045 --> 03:07.986 You went to America? 03:08.066 --> 03:08.686 Yeah, I know. 03:08.706 --> 03:10.308 Most people can't afford to go to America. 03:10.328 --> 03:11.449 Not many people have been. 03:11.469 --> 03:12.390 What's it like? 03:12.490 --> 03:13.270 It's extraordinary. 03:13.310 --> 03:14.852 Coca-Cola comes out with the taps. 03:14.992 --> 03:15.232 Does it? 03:15.532 --> 03:16.953 Trainers grow on trees. 03:17.374 --> 03:19.115 Everybody twats like this. 03:19.516 --> 03:20.737 Twa-twats coffee. 03:21.137 --> 03:22.538 McWarmick and Zwick. 03:22.558 --> 03:24.039 Yeah, it's true. 03:24.500 --> 03:26.742 What, um, are there rappers everywhere? 03:27.142 --> 03:51.124 what rappers that everybody raps everybody speaks in rap yeah yeah it's an amazing place and you know listeners you'll never be able to afford it because it's impossible but if you ever get successful as me you might be able to go there what's julia roberts like oh she was boring oh shut up i said to her oh not you okay even though yeah you shut up as well i was on the plane though right yeah and i decided to fly premium economy because i'm bored at first 03:51.784 --> 03:52.084 Woah. 03:52.165 --> 03:53.706 I thought I'd mix it up with the plebs. 03:54.367 --> 03:55.267 Premium economy. 03:55.508 --> 03:55.808 Yeah. 03:55.968 --> 04:01.433 So is that double the airfare or that, because first is like six times the... You nearly said a very rude word then. 04:01.833 --> 04:02.154 Did I? 04:02.334 --> 04:02.774 Yeah. 04:02.854 --> 04:10.281 It started with a... Anyway, no, of course I can't afford to pay for myself to go first and no one else was paying for me to go first. 04:10.561 --> 04:13.504 So I went premium economy, which is slightly better than economy. 04:13.584 --> 04:16.565 You know, you can feel slightly superior without actually having to pay for it. 04:16.825 --> 04:18.106 But guess who was on the plane? 04:18.726 --> 04:19.246 Julia Roberts. 04:19.546 --> 04:19.727 No. 04:20.127 --> 04:20.227 Oh. 04:21.307 --> 04:21.767 Superman. 04:22.108 --> 04:22.608 Superman? 04:22.648 --> 04:24.809 Yeah, this buzz went round the cabin crew. 04:25.349 --> 04:28.090 Superman's upstairs. 04:28.330 --> 04:29.250 Superman's upstairs. 04:29.471 --> 04:29.651 Is he...? 04:29.791 --> 04:30.391 What's his name, Ruth? 04:30.571 --> 04:31.211 Brandon Ruth? 04:31.511 --> 04:32.452 Seriously, Superman was on. 04:33.092 --> 04:34.353 I'm confused. 04:34.373 --> 04:36.194 But I was so excited because you know what that meant? 04:37.294 --> 04:37.874 We were fine. 04:37.894 --> 04:38.475 You were safe. 04:38.495 --> 04:40.916 If there was any kind of incident, we were fine. 04:41.216 --> 04:43.417 Did you not consider... Because Brandon Ruth was in the roof. 04:43.477 --> 04:43.717 Right. 04:43.817 --> 04:44.097 Ruth. 04:44.978 --> 04:45.898 He was sitting in the roof. 04:46.698 --> 04:49.660 Did you not consider the way that irony sometimes works? 04:50.396 --> 04:52.078 Well, there is the curse of Superman, isn't there? 04:52.118 --> 04:56.962 Everyone who's played Superman has famously died in, you know, accidental or difficult circumstances. 04:57.002 --> 04:58.203 One of those stupid curse stories. 04:58.503 --> 04:59.044 But you know what? 04:59.084 --> 05:02.567 If the plane had gotten to trouble, I think we would have just chucked him out anyway. 05:03.447 --> 05:03.748 You know? 05:03.868 --> 05:04.789 It was worth the risk. 05:04.809 --> 05:07.090 We would have opened the door, kicked his arse out. 05:08.027 --> 05:29.725 just you know if you if so if you're an actor then fine you know it's it's a necessary loss but just in case you do have superpowers yeah boot get out there see if he suddenly his cape emerges yeah but it was fine there was no trouble so we didn't get to test his superpowers and when we landed in America I kind of got to the front of the queue and walked out right behind him and I was looking at him 05:30.425 --> 05:32.006 I looked at his super elbows. 05:32.186 --> 05:37.829 He'd grown stubble, probably because he was getting recognized a lot, but that made him look a bit like evil Superman. 05:37.909 --> 05:41.671 Is it Superman 3 where he goes evil and grows stubble? 05:41.911 --> 05:45.133 Yeah, Superman 3, and he straightens out the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 05:46.854 --> 05:48.095 graceful acts like that. 05:48.115 --> 05:48.735 Does he grow stubble? 05:48.755 --> 05:49.376 I've forgotten that. 05:49.396 --> 05:49.956 Yeah, I think he does. 05:49.976 --> 05:51.557 He doesn't smoke siggies or anything, does he? 05:52.097 --> 05:55.099 I don't know, Margot Kidder, Lois Lane smokes loads of siggies. 05:55.400 --> 05:56.981 But anyway, that was pretty exciting. 05:57.481 --> 05:59.162 And yeah, I looked at his super elbows. 05:59.362 --> 06:00.623 And he seemed super to me. 06:00.803 --> 06:02.104 Did you smell his super smell? 06:02.464 --> 06:03.645 I couldn't smell his super stent. 06:03.665 --> 06:04.706 But you were right behind him. 06:05.306 --> 06:08.907 No, I was walking behind him from the getting off the plane to the baggage reclaim. 06:08.927 --> 06:11.108 Yeah, but like you were in his smell wake. 06:11.608 --> 06:13.329 Yeah, well he smelt perfectly of nothing. 06:13.369 --> 06:13.649 Super. 06:13.689 --> 06:15.090 Didn't he smell super? 06:15.190 --> 06:18.131 Americans deodorize every orifice anyway. 06:18.291 --> 06:18.951 Yeah, yeah. 06:18.991 --> 06:23.493 They've got deodorants for literally, nostril deodorants, ear deodorants. 06:24.213 --> 06:26.434 Every hole has some kind of chemical. 06:27.555 --> 06:28.556 Anyway, more music? 06:29.036 --> 06:30.198 Yeah, let's play some more music. 06:30.838 --> 06:33.722 Here we have, oh this is a free play, first of our free plays this week. 06:34.362 --> 06:39.088 This is a track by Jamie Liddell, or Jamie Liddell, don't know how you pronounce that. 06:39.168 --> 06:41.490 Is his family related to the supermarket chain? 06:41.991 --> 06:43.272 The low-cost supermarket chain? 06:43.572 --> 06:44.872 No, I don't believe they are. 06:44.972 --> 06:45.072 OK. 06:45.253 --> 06:52.176 All I know about him is that he's a white guy who sounds amazingly like a kind of stax soul singer. 06:52.256 --> 06:53.116 Someone like Otis Redding. 06:53.156 --> 06:53.937 That old gambit. 06:54.157 --> 06:55.057 Yeah, but it's good, man. 06:55.077 --> 06:55.417 It's really good. 06:55.457 --> 06:55.957 OK, let's hear it. 06:55.977 --> 06:56.818 The proof's in the pudding. 06:56.878 --> 06:58.158 And it's on Warped Records. 06:58.238 --> 07:01.260 I defy you not to enjoy at least part of this. 07:01.300 --> 07:02.661 This is multiplying genuinely. 07:02.681 --> 07:03.081 I hate it. 07:03.101 --> 07:06.302 I hate it. 07:07.083 --> 07:07.843 Come on, that is good. 07:10.205 --> 07:11.646 Jamie Liddell with Multiply. 07:12.006 --> 07:14.388 I don't even know if that was a single or if it was a hit or what. 07:14.408 --> 07:16.590 It's been out for ages, that album, but it's very, very good. 07:16.630 --> 07:17.231 I recommend it. 07:17.671 --> 07:19.092 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 07:19.132 --> 07:20.473 Hey, more feedback about that record. 07:20.533 --> 07:25.377 One texter says, and you can text us on 83XFM if you want, says, it sounds like Charles and Eddie. 07:25.897 --> 07:26.338 Charles and Eddie. 07:26.358 --> 07:27.959 It does sound like Charles and Eddie. 07:27.979 --> 07:29.280 Sounds like a lot of soul stuff. 07:29.340 --> 07:29.560 Yeah. 07:29.800 --> 07:30.001 Yeah. 07:30.381 --> 07:30.881 But it's good. 07:30.921 --> 07:33.343 You know, even as a pastiche, it still packs a punch. 07:33.924 --> 07:34.764 We should play some ads. 07:34.864 --> 07:35.665 We'll be back shortly. 07:36.826 --> 07:37.346 XFM. 07:37.586 --> 07:39.088 You've got the face on. 07:44.672 --> 07:46.034 This is Adam and Joel on XFM London's 104.9. 07:46.294 --> 07:50.018 Sorry, I'm still savouring the monkeys. 07:51.700 --> 07:53.802 That's the Arctic Monkeys with Marty Bum. 07:54.343 --> 07:56.665 Is it competition time or are you still savouring? 07:56.685 --> 07:57.466 I'm still savouring. 07:58.367 --> 07:58.628 Finished. 08:27.381 --> 08:31.244 So yes, it's crap commentary corner competition time, listeners. 08:31.284 --> 08:46.076 Get yourselves out of bed, splash some icy cold water on your faces, take a swig of Red Bull, or kouros aftershave for chiseled Greek men, or just smack yourself in the face, or maybe stub your toe. 08:46.676 --> 08:47.897 That's the best way to wake up. 08:48.157 --> 08:50.119 Shuffle to the bathroom and stub your toe. 08:50.859 --> 08:57.284 Or go to the bathroom, have a tinkle, and then realise that most of it's gone on your leg. 08:58.024 --> 09:00.786 All good ways to wake up with a bit of morning fury. 09:01.026 --> 09:03.028 But this is an easy one anyway, is it? 09:03.248 --> 09:06.450 Yeah, so it shouldn't be too hard if you're still in bed, you lucky sod. 09:06.491 --> 09:07.451 In what way is it easy? 09:07.511 --> 09:09.853 Just the... Well, it's a very recognisable voice. 09:09.933 --> 09:19.040 The idea for this competition, if you haven't heard this before, is we're going to play you an extract of a DVD commentary with some sort of Hollywood person, more relaxed than usual. 09:19.240 --> 09:19.440 Yeah. 09:19.520 --> 09:28.387 Letting their guard down a bit and revealing an aspect of their true personality that wouldn't usually be allowed to shine through in the PR-massaged world of Hollywood. 09:28.407 --> 09:50.721 Hollywood show business that's on the good DVD commentaries yeah the others most of them are just plain tedious and boring yeah but we you know like pigs foraging for truffles we get the good bits and pop them on the radio so here's a good bit and you have to call oh eight seven one two two two one oh four nine I'll repeat that oh eight seven one triple two ten forty nine 09:51.380 --> 09:52.700 Well, you changed the way you said that. 09:52.760 --> 09:53.581 Yeah, it's sexy. 09:54.741 --> 09:57.542 Call that and you get your choice of all the amazing prizes. 09:57.582 --> 10:00.223 If you can guess who this is, it's very terribly easy. 10:00.463 --> 10:06.305 But I tell you what, because it's so easy, you've got to tell us who's talking, who the director who's talking is and what film they're talking over. 10:06.605 --> 10:07.465 Three bits of information. 10:07.765 --> 10:08.865 Let's hear clip number one. 10:09.225 --> 10:12.626 And if you believe that, he also believed Richard Simmons Jr. 10:12.686 --> 10:13.567 is running around. 10:13.587 --> 10:14.227 I love it. 10:22.179 --> 10:23.601 I forgot about that. 10:23.961 --> 10:24.762 That's funny. 10:25.183 --> 10:26.144 He was laughing. 10:26.164 --> 10:28.086 He didn't laugh long. 10:28.306 --> 10:31.149 Oh yeah. 10:31.830 --> 10:32.731 That is funny. 10:36.265 --> 10:36.606 Wow. 10:36.786 --> 10:37.826 Tony Blair's boyfriend. 10:38.127 --> 10:39.247 Who is that? 10:41.629 --> 10:39.247 08712221049. 10:42.169 --> 10:45.151 Soon as you can figure out who that is and you can win a prize. 10:45.171 --> 10:46.452 Shall we play clip number two? 10:46.832 --> 10:49.194 I tell you what, play clip number three on that CD. 10:49.294 --> 10:49.714 All right, then. 10:49.794 --> 10:52.576 Because this is them talking about a quite a violent scene. 10:52.856 --> 10:53.937 He was talking. 10:54.277 --> 10:55.078 That's funny. 10:55.518 --> 10:57.099 OK, here we go. 10:57.119 --> 10:59.781 There's nothing slick about that fight. 10:59.821 --> 11:00.822 It's just... No, no. 11:01.262 --> 11:03.944 Just pounding him with the head and breaking his head. 11:05.345 --> 11:05.645 Boom. 11:06.185 --> 11:08.306 It was total like that with no emotions. 11:08.386 --> 11:09.466 Just hacking away. 11:09.486 --> 11:11.547 Look at his blood spilling out. 11:12.308 --> 11:13.828 Oh this is great with the eggs. 11:14.609 --> 11:16.049 Now I'm enjoying it already. 11:16.089 --> 11:20.011 That's a good noise at the end. 11:20.431 --> 11:21.612 He turns into Chewbacca. 11:21.832 --> 11:23.693 That's a description of him making love to his wife. 11:24.742 --> 11:24.982 Yeah. 11:25.302 --> 11:26.163 What, really, in the film? 11:26.243 --> 11:26.423 No. 11:26.623 --> 11:27.063 Yeah, no. 11:27.163 --> 11:27.523 Okay. 11:27.683 --> 11:28.624 So, as soon as you know who that is, 08712221049. 11:28.704 --> 11:33.626 Obviously it's very easy, the voice, but can you tell what film they're talking about? 11:33.906 --> 11:38.108 And he's talking with the director, so all you have to do is give us the name of the director of the film as well. 11:38.468 --> 11:42.230 Call 08712221049 if you know that, and you can get a prize. 11:42.490 --> 11:44.011 It's Macalmont and Butler time. 11:44.331 --> 11:45.731 Here is speed. 11:47.372 --> 11:47.872 Why is it? 11:48.053 --> 11:48.653 It's not very speedy. 11:48.673 --> 11:49.193 Where's the speed? 11:49.933 --> 11:50.233 Here we go. 11:50.794 --> 11:51.214 Speed. 11:53.398 --> 11:54.378 What's going on? 11:54.398 --> 11:55.599 I'm pressing the wrong buttons. 11:56.219 --> 11:56.579 Here we go. 11:57.299 --> 12:01.141 Listen, McCalmont and Butler, I'm really sorry about the fact that I've kind of ruined... It's the thing they're listening. 12:01.501 --> 12:01.701 Yeah. 12:01.841 --> 12:03.382 Yeah, they always... They'll be very upset. 12:03.462 --> 12:07.683 Well, McCalmont particularly gets absolutely furious if the introductions to his songs... If there's a stumble. 12:07.883 --> 12:08.723 If there's a stumble. 12:08.763 --> 12:08.944 Yeah. 12:09.144 --> 12:11.604 So I wouldn't be surprised if we see him before the end of the show. 12:11.684 --> 12:12.705 Is it gonna work this time? 12:12.785 --> 12:13.205 Here we go. 12:13.785 --> 12:14.265 Speed! 12:17.246 --> 12:17.526 One, two, three. 12:17.546 --> 12:18.287 Keep moving. 12:20.753 --> 12:24.354 That sounds like the song we used to sing in the sex factory where I used to work. 12:25.035 --> 12:26.015 A sex factory? 12:26.035 --> 12:27.476 I used to work in a sex factory. 12:27.836 --> 12:29.696 What, applying the gender to things? 12:30.677 --> 12:32.878 No, no, we were, it was more raunchy. 12:32.898 --> 12:37.479 I can't really talk about it on a... Right, why does that sound like a sex factory song? 12:37.779 --> 12:38.720 Oh, that's what they sing. 12:39.940 --> 12:40.841 Other machines. 12:41.321 --> 12:42.742 Oh, I wasn't sweating the lyrics. 12:42.882 --> 12:48.286 It wasn't very fast for a song called speed No, no, that's why it's good for working in factories. 12:48.306 --> 13:03.916 You know, it's all the rhythmical Machine movements it keeps you focused on whatever you're making good stuff And make out wanton butler that was of course with speed Joe Joe corn is just casually announced as that song was ending So some someone dropped by some chocolates. 13:04.337 --> 13:05.277 I took them and ate them. 13:05.557 --> 13:09.000 Yeah Well, I don't want to make it sound as if we don't often get gifts 13:09.645 --> 13:16.811 And I was thinking maybe they were horrible chocolates like, uh, something dark chocolates or cooking chocolate or something with pralines. 13:17.011 --> 13:17.772 Poison chocolate. 13:17.812 --> 13:18.432 But they were! 13:18.793 --> 13:19.813 Capri's heroes! 13:19.833 --> 13:20.774 Which are good chocolates! 13:20.794 --> 13:22.456 You know, I can't remember the person who sent them in. 13:22.896 --> 13:25.038 I'll thank them properly next week, but thanks for the chocolates. 13:25.058 --> 13:26.279 How big was the thing? 13:26.439 --> 13:29.501 It wasn't that big a box, you know? 13:29.521 --> 13:29.501 $3.99? 13:29.541 --> 13:30.662 $4.99? 13:29.721 --> 13:30.662 That's how much he likes us. 13:30.802 --> 13:32.504 That's a decent sized box of heroes. 13:32.524 --> 13:34.265 But listen, we've got a caller on the line, haven't we? 13:34.305 --> 13:35.446 We can't keep him hanging on. 13:36.147 --> 13:36.907 For the competition, 13:37.788 --> 13:38.509 Where is he, Chris? 13:38.549 --> 13:38.849 Hello. 13:39.109 --> 13:39.349 Hello. 13:39.709 --> 13:40.370 How you doing, Chris? 13:40.390 --> 13:40.970 I'm fine, thank you. 13:41.190 --> 13:42.091 Yeah, having a nice morning? 13:43.011 --> 13:43.532 Yeah. 13:43.772 --> 13:44.472 What time did you wake up? 13:45.073 --> 13:45.973 About half eight. 13:46.134 --> 13:46.654 Do you live alone? 13:47.694 --> 13:49.075 So you sleep in a single or a double bed? 13:49.255 --> 13:49.535 Double. 13:49.955 --> 13:50.216 Yeah. 13:50.316 --> 13:52.737 Why are you waking up at 8.30 if you're living alone, Chris? 13:53.297 --> 13:54.358 Forced to have it, I guess. 13:54.478 --> 13:55.739 What time did you get to sleep last night? 13:56.159 --> 13:57.480 About two in the morning. 13:57.840 --> 13:59.401 Two, so that's six and a half hours. 13:59.421 --> 14:00.162 That's not enough, Chris. 14:00.182 --> 14:01.222 That's not enough, man. 14:01.462 --> 14:02.483 I mean, how's your face? 14:02.503 --> 14:03.283 Are you looking a bit puffy? 14:03.884 --> 14:04.104 Yeah. 14:04.184 --> 14:04.744 Puffy coons? 14:05.425 --> 14:05.625 Yeah. 14:05.865 --> 14:06.145 Yeah. 14:06.385 --> 14:07.306 How are you feeling generally? 14:07.366 --> 14:08.367 Are you still in bed? 14:08.387 --> 14:10.588 No, no, I've been shopping. 14:10.628 --> 14:11.308 I've just got back. 14:11.508 --> 14:12.349 I've been shopping? 14:12.569 --> 14:12.749 Yeah. 14:12.969 --> 14:14.390 For groceries or for fun things? 14:14.410 --> 14:15.331 Yeah, you've got to be accused. 14:16.239 --> 14:17.202 That's very good. 14:17.222 --> 14:18.445 You've got your life sussed. 14:18.466 --> 14:19.168 Yeah, that's true, man. 14:19.188 --> 14:19.569 Especially on that. 14:19.589 --> 14:21.114 What do you do for a living, Chris? 14:21.134 --> 14:23.381 I work for Transport London. 14:23.740 --> 14:24.340 Oh, do you now? 14:24.560 --> 14:24.741 Yeah. 14:24.961 --> 14:25.621 Well done, you. 14:25.981 --> 14:28.403 I'm the reason why your bus fares are £1.50. 14:28.463 --> 14:29.483 It's 80 pence with an oyster. 14:29.903 --> 14:30.124 Yeah. 14:30.704 --> 14:30.944 Yeah. 14:31.124 --> 14:34.226 I don't... No, I don't pay for bus fares cos... Do you know that... Sorry to interrupt you, Chris. 14:34.246 --> 14:38.168 Do you know that advert with the bloke who goes round London on his oyster? 14:38.668 --> 14:38.888 Yeah. 14:38.988 --> 14:47.653 Pop into town, meet a famous footballer, get me book signed, all that sort of stuff, get your oysters, pop over to the market, next morning I'm brother of the year. 14:48.754 --> 14:49.694 The Velvet Underground. 14:49.934 --> 14:50.855 What do you make of that one, Chris? 14:52.398 --> 15:00.281 Part of me thinks, how on earth does he get from place A to place B without, in that amount of time really, it's like falling down. 15:00.601 --> 15:01.461 And stay happy. 15:01.701 --> 15:01.941 Yeah. 15:02.121 --> 15:03.802 And not be really angry and miserable. 15:03.862 --> 15:04.202 Exactly. 15:04.682 --> 15:05.022 Exactly. 15:05.062 --> 15:05.902 It is like falling down. 15:05.942 --> 15:08.403 Not want to pull a shotgun and take it out on the world. 15:08.683 --> 15:10.804 The other thing is I tot it up how much he spent. 15:12.062 --> 15:15.905 I had it on, you know, on Skype Plus and I frame advanced through it. 15:16.285 --> 15:20.228 I was a bit bored so I thought, how much did this day actually cost this man? 15:20.508 --> 15:21.789 It's something like 80 quid. 15:22.089 --> 15:22.389 Right. 15:22.509 --> 15:25.912 And all he's got out of it is a book and probably a bad tummy from the oysters. 15:26.052 --> 15:27.613 He got a present for his sister. 15:27.893 --> 15:29.354 He did and he was brother of the year. 15:29.554 --> 15:30.035 Exactly. 15:30.075 --> 15:32.977 So that's a gift that money can't buy. 15:33.117 --> 15:34.538 You still there, Chris, or have you killed yourself? 15:36.540 --> 15:41.044 So, to remind listeners, Chris has phoned in in response to our competition this week, Crap Commentary. 15:41.064 --> 15:44.848 There's another clip we can play just to, you know, keep things lively. 15:44.948 --> 15:49.412 Chris has already made his mind up, but here's a reminder of who we're talking about. 15:49.432 --> 15:50.373 Stay on the line, Chris. 15:51.434 --> 15:52.195 Oh, hang on a second. 15:52.215 --> 15:52.895 What have you done? 15:52.915 --> 15:54.036 What's wrong with you, Chris? 15:54.597 --> 15:55.617 It's because I went and went to France. 15:55.637 --> 15:57.819 Adam can't operate the knobs today. 15:57.839 --> 15:58.620 I went to France. 15:58.680 --> 16:00.641 He's fiddling with the knobs. 16:00.822 --> 16:04.945 I'm pressing the ones on the left instead of the ones on the right because I was in France. 16:04.965 --> 16:05.825 Play, here's another clip. 16:05.845 --> 16:06.366 That's funny. 16:06.386 --> 16:07.847 That's funny. 16:07.907 --> 16:09.949 Now they're all dashed. 16:11.650 --> 16:13.972 Now they're all looking at the whole thing. 16:14.012 --> 16:15.833 Now what the hell is going on with this guy? 16:16.033 --> 16:16.814 Yeah, I remember. 16:16.854 --> 16:17.815 That is so funny. 16:19.517 --> 16:20.338 No, we're running. 16:20.938 --> 16:21.939 No, we're running. 16:23.761 --> 16:25.342 It's such a torturous commentary. 16:25.362 --> 16:28.465 He just describes what's happening on the screen. 16:28.805 --> 16:29.766 Anyway, who is it, Chris? 16:29.806 --> 16:30.486 Put us out of our misery. 16:30.506 --> 16:33.469 It's Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan the Barbarian. 16:33.749 --> 16:34.129 Correct. 16:34.169 --> 16:35.350 And who would that be talking with him? 16:35.370 --> 16:36.291 Who's the director? 16:36.411 --> 16:36.932 John Milius. 16:37.272 --> 16:38.133 John Milius. 16:38.193 --> 16:38.573 Nice. 16:38.633 --> 16:39.454 Three out of three. 16:39.934 --> 16:40.675 Yeah, that's good. 16:40.715 --> 16:41.896 Is that one of your favourite films, Chris? 16:43.283 --> 17:05.859 it was until i watched it with the commentary on yeah it's quite torturous isn't it it is and milias is kind of getting quite old and he's quite sleazy and he keeps breathing down the microphone whenever a woman comes on and saying you know how amazing her eyes are your dad says adam's dad says that as well that is that's my dad's a woman if you fancy a woman and you're over 60 you talk about the eyes 17:05.979 --> 17:08.760 Well, with my dad, it was just code for, uh... Boobs. 17:08.800 --> 17:09.620 For totties, yeah. 17:09.820 --> 17:10.080 Yeah. 17:10.200 --> 17:14.361 He would just look at the... He would just sort of go, look at... She's got extraordinary eyes. 17:14.602 --> 17:20.183 He used to say about that... He used to say that about, um... I think her name's Erin Grey on Buck Rogers in the 21st century. 17:20.263 --> 17:21.183 She is sexy, though. 17:21.343 --> 17:23.164 She's got, you know, uh... What's her name? 17:23.224 --> 17:23.564 Doctor? 17:23.624 --> 17:24.184 Someone or other. 17:24.304 --> 17:28.506 Anyway, she's got a very tight suit and, according to my dad, extraordinary eyes. 17:28.546 --> 17:29.726 So, Chris, what would you like to win? 17:30.792 --> 17:31.633 Oh, what have you got? 17:31.733 --> 17:34.916 So you want- well, you can have a pair of tickets to the TDK Cross Central Festival. 17:35.136 --> 17:37.317 We're not really sure what it is, but it sounds really good. 17:37.498 --> 17:38.098 Or where it is. 17:38.318 --> 17:39.960 Or you can have a Sonny Chiba box set. 17:40.420 --> 17:42.562 Or you can have a Doctor Who Series 2 DVD. 17:42.842 --> 17:44.403 Or you can have a Blake 7 box set. 17:44.463 --> 17:45.144 I'd go for the Blake 7. 17:45.184 --> 17:46.565 Yeah, I'd go for the Blake 7. 17:46.605 --> 17:47.986 Yeah, you can't beat Blake 7. 17:48.967 --> 17:49.787 You can, actually. 17:49.848 --> 17:50.708 Yeah, no, you can't. 17:50.868 --> 17:51.189 Can you? 17:51.349 --> 17:52.209 You actually can't. 17:52.229 --> 17:52.930 I didn't realise. 17:52.950 --> 17:55.312 Is it a box set with one of the toys on it on the front? 17:55.612 --> 17:56.293 Is it, Xanthi? 17:57.310 --> 17:59.172 No, I don't think it's got a toy. 17:59.252 --> 18:00.373 What was the spaceship called? 18:00.413 --> 18:01.073 The Interceptor. 18:01.093 --> 18:01.694 The Liberator. 18:01.774 --> 18:02.635 The Liberator. 18:03.035 --> 18:03.796 Do you know what, Chris? 18:04.857 --> 18:06.478 When I was a boy, I had a little kid. 18:06.538 --> 18:08.039 I had my own version of Blake 7. 18:08.280 --> 18:09.401 I used to play with my toys. 18:09.661 --> 18:10.982 It was called Gladiator 9. 18:11.483 --> 18:11.783 What? 18:12.784 --> 18:13.344 Gladiator 9. 18:13.404 --> 18:14.725 I had like a series in my head. 18:14.765 --> 18:16.107 Did you never do that sort of thing, Chris? 18:17.408 --> 18:20.711 I used to just have my own sort of fan fiction in my head. 18:20.951 --> 18:21.912 I didn't sort of make things up. 18:22.535 --> 18:24.716 Oh, so you just do your own episodes of Blake's Seven? 18:24.777 --> 18:25.037 Yeah. 18:25.397 --> 18:25.677 Yeah. 18:26.177 --> 18:26.578 That was good. 18:26.598 --> 18:27.899 Can you remember any particularly good ones? 18:29.319 --> 18:40.407 Or, I don't know, just like, you know, when Adam's Dad talks about Wilma from Buck Rogers, anything with Servan in it, or where Avon just places an eyebrow and shoots people in the back. 18:40.627 --> 18:41.347 That was good, wasn't it? 18:41.387 --> 18:42.368 Mind you fancy Servan. 18:44.295 --> 18:45.396 She was quite saucy, wasn't she? 18:45.717 --> 18:46.418 What's on to you, Chris? 18:47.419 --> 18:48.039 Anyway, so there you go. 18:48.059 --> 18:49.501 You'll get that Blake 7 box set. 18:49.822 --> 18:53.606 My games always used to end with a couple of play people trying to make love. 18:54.287 --> 18:54.948 Oh, dear. 18:54.988 --> 18:55.729 That's just too much. 18:55.829 --> 18:58.792 And then I'd lose interest in the story. 18:59.413 --> 19:01.936 And then I'd feel a bit ashamed and put them all back in the box. 19:02.296 --> 19:02.657 Oh, good. 19:02.717 --> 19:03.757 Thanks a lot for calling, Chris. 19:03.818 --> 19:04.158 Cheers. 19:04.518 --> 19:06.099 Congratulations on getting that stuff right. 19:06.280 --> 19:08.241 Sometimes I take the play people's hair off. 19:08.261 --> 19:08.582 Yeah. 19:08.602 --> 19:09.823 You know their hair would come off. 19:09.863 --> 19:10.383 I do, I remember. 19:10.423 --> 19:12.365 And I'd make brains out of plasticine. 19:12.765 --> 19:14.206 Oh, I did that as well, and you'd pop them in. 19:14.226 --> 19:15.548 Yeah, and you'd make the brains all spill out. 19:15.848 --> 19:16.488 Yeah, yeah. 19:16.568 --> 19:17.369 Oh, those were the days. 19:17.409 --> 19:18.250 Now I do it for real. 19:18.510 --> 19:18.930 Okay. 19:19.411 --> 19:19.791 Free play. 19:19.831 --> 19:20.832 Now this is one of yours, Joe. 19:20.872 --> 19:21.793 This is Phoenix. 19:21.813 --> 19:22.433 Yeah, this is great. 19:22.473 --> 19:24.015 This is Phoenix with Everything is Everything. 19:32.108 --> 19:32.990 There you go, that's Phoenix. 19:33.351 --> 19:33.932 I like that. 19:34.293 --> 19:36.878 With Everything is Everything, you're listening to Adam and Joe here on XFM. 19:36.938 --> 19:38.522 Adverts, adverts, adverts, adverts. 19:38.702 --> 19:39.684 Buy it, buy it, buy it, buy it. 19:39.704 --> 19:41.208 XFM. 19:42.574 --> 19:44.115 That's hard fire with Cash Machine. 19:44.135 --> 19:45.656 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 19:45.936 --> 19:47.557 Just coming towards the end of our first hour. 19:47.597 --> 19:48.278 Hey, Mel's here. 19:48.598 --> 19:48.818 Mel's here. 19:48.838 --> 19:49.138 She's got news. 19:49.158 --> 19:49.919 Mel's here to read the news. 19:49.939 --> 19:50.279 Hello, Mel. 19:50.299 --> 19:50.399 Hello. 19:51.060 --> 19:51.500 How's the news? 19:51.520 --> 19:52.341 Well, how's the news looking? 19:52.381 --> 19:54.022 Is there anything that's going to really depress us? 19:54.042 --> 19:54.622 It's going to be exciting. 19:55.122 --> 19:55.363 Is it? 19:55.803 --> 19:57.064 It's a big march today, isn't there? 19:57.284 --> 19:58.545 I kind of wish I was on that march. 19:58.565 --> 19:59.485 What are they marching for? 19:59.726 --> 20:01.327 To stop the flippin' stupid war. 20:01.727 --> 20:03.128 Oh, which one, eh? 20:03.208 --> 20:05.049 Yeah, well, answer that, Tony Blair. 20:05.109 --> 20:06.650 Exactly, Tony B. Liar. 20:07.251 --> 20:08.932 But first, we've got some more adverts for you. 20:09.992 --> 20:10.473 XFM. 20:14.329 --> 20:16.831 That was glorious by captain. 20:16.851 --> 20:24.199 Hello, this is Adam and Joe on XFM London's 104.9 in the second hour of our three hour Saturday morning slot. 20:24.739 --> 20:25.140 Welcome. 20:25.280 --> 20:25.780 Good morning. 20:26.261 --> 20:27.282 What a beautiful day. 20:28.062 --> 20:29.163 Absolutely lovely. 20:29.364 --> 20:31.406 A great day for marching against the war. 20:32.438 --> 20:33.178 Yeah, that's right. 20:33.218 --> 20:34.959 You're not supposed to say things like that, though, are you? 20:34.979 --> 20:35.319 Why not? 20:35.459 --> 20:36.179 It's impartial. 20:36.219 --> 20:39.980 Well, no, well, I say that and then you say, don't march against the war. 20:40.000 --> 20:40.680 You're pro-war. 20:40.901 --> 20:41.701 Right, exactly, yeah. 20:41.981 --> 20:43.781 Is that what we're supposed to do, Christmas? 20:43.801 --> 20:45.462 You're supposed to be balanced on the radio. 20:45.482 --> 20:50.984 So I say, I think the war's a dreadful idea and it's being hideously mishandled by the British government. 20:51.004 --> 20:53.764 And then Adam says, Well, they've got to strike back somehow. 20:53.844 --> 20:57.906 It's a shame that the civilians are getting involved, but it's Hezbollah's fault. 20:58.086 --> 20:59.166 Yeah, Adam thinks it's a great war. 20:59.566 --> 21:04.231 So there you go, there's a balanced opinion here on the radio. 21:04.572 --> 21:14.643 So listen, I was saying earlier I went off to America and I went to this thing called Comic Con, which is a massive festival for comics fans in San Diego in America. 21:15.184 --> 21:19.589 And they have basically a massive conference floor, it's a mile long, you can buy comics 21:20.350 --> 21:39.671 posters and DVDs and also it's become massive with the Hollywood studios they are they launched their new products so there was a massive snakes on a plane snake mouth they all the comics companies have massive stands all the film distribution companies are launching their new product because most films these days are tied into comic books aren't they these days yeah 21:40.251 --> 21:43.352 And they have panels where the stars appear. 21:43.412 --> 21:47.532 So it's basically almost like an evangelical meeting or some kind of political rally. 21:47.733 --> 21:50.713 There'll be 8,000 fans in a massive conference center. 21:50.733 --> 21:54.614 There'll be a huge stage, an amazing sound system, lots of suspended screens. 21:54.934 --> 21:56.134 And then all the stars will come out. 21:56.154 --> 22:04.276 For instance, if it was Spider-Man 3, which it was, Sam Raimi came out and Kirsten Dunst and what's-his-name-that-plays-Spider-Man, Tobey Magoon came out. 22:04.696 --> 22:09.797 And they were all there, and they show clips, and they preview bits of the film, and they show you special things. 22:10.277 --> 22:12.058 and then fans get to ask them questions. 22:12.078 --> 22:19.424 There's a microphone in the middle of the floor and a massive queue forms and fans of all shapes, sizes and ages come and ask their heroes questions. 22:19.524 --> 22:21.025 So it's quite an extraordinary event. 22:22.186 --> 22:23.506 Geeks we call them, we call them geeks. 22:23.907 --> 22:26.609 We call them geeks, yeah, or nerds. 22:26.649 --> 22:30.231 They wouldn't call themselves geeks and nerds, but yeah, they sort of are. 22:30.431 --> 22:31.932 And I'm one of them, you know? 22:32.273 --> 22:32.913 I've got no shame. 22:33.113 --> 22:33.494 We both are. 22:33.514 --> 22:34.254 It's like geek pride. 22:34.354 --> 22:34.694 That's right. 22:35.695 --> 22:40.138 So, uh, one of the most exciting things I saw there was the Grindhouse, um, panel. 22:40.178 --> 22:42.019 Grindhouse is a new double bill film. 22:42.059 --> 22:44.720 One of them's directed by, uh, Robert, what's he called? 22:45.101 --> 22:45.581 Rodriguez. 22:45.621 --> 22:46.702 I've suddenly... Robert Rodriguez? 22:46.742 --> 22:47.542 Yeah, Robert Rodriguez. 22:47.742 --> 22:49.003 The other one's directed by Tarantino. 22:49.303 --> 22:50.824 So it's two kind of exploitation films. 22:51.344 --> 22:53.546 And they showed an amazing clip from that, listeners. 22:53.946 --> 22:54.546 It was extraordinary. 22:54.566 --> 22:55.267 It's gonna be brilliant. 22:55.367 --> 22:57.068 Grindhouse is like a genre, though, isn't it? 22:57.168 --> 23:02.071 Yeah, Grindhouse is like old, uh, 60s and 70s exploitation films, which had shocking titles. 23:02.991 --> 23:17.706 uh you know but then were actually quite disappointing when you saw them but they always featured some kind of lurid uh sex or violence angle so these guys are trying to bring that back yeah and make a kind of old style double bill uh of horror films i thought tarantino was doing a war movie like a 70s 23:19.267 --> 23:19.888 Yeah. 23:19.928 --> 23:20.909 Can we say that second one? 23:20.929 --> 23:21.229 Bastis. 23:21.529 --> 23:21.989 Bastars. 23:22.270 --> 23:22.690 Bastis. 23:23.010 --> 23:23.271 Yeah. 23:24.211 --> 23:25.172 No, but he's shelved that. 23:25.352 --> 23:26.333 He rose it, but he's shelved it. 23:26.353 --> 23:27.534 And now he's doing half of this movie. 23:27.554 --> 23:28.155 It's called Death Proof. 23:28.435 --> 23:29.816 Anyway, they showed a clip from Grindhouse. 23:29.836 --> 23:30.477 This is the point. 23:30.817 --> 23:32.018 And the clip was amazing. 23:32.058 --> 23:32.698 It was 10 minutes. 23:32.738 --> 23:34.320 It was Robert Rodriguez's bit. 23:34.680 --> 23:39.904 Started with Rose McGowan, who's quite a sexy actress, in a hospital that's been surrounded by zombies. 23:40.105 --> 23:41.266 OK, you have to picture this, listeners. 23:41.506 --> 23:43.307 She's got a severed leg, a stump. 23:43.908 --> 23:46.190 And she says, I wish I had a leg. 23:46.912 --> 23:54.741 And the other bloke in the room, Freddy Rodriguez, basically turns around, grabs the wooden leg off a wooden table, rips it off, shoves it up her stump. 23:55.141 --> 23:55.682 Oh, dear. 23:55.942 --> 23:56.983 And goes, now you do. 23:57.003 --> 23:58.225 That's good. 23:58.265 --> 23:59.106 Why are you looking so shocked? 23:59.186 --> 23:59.586 Well, it's disgusting. 23:59.606 --> 24:00.828 It's the kind of thing that excites people. 24:01.168 --> 24:04.492 So she's walking around with just a wooden table leg in her stump, hobbling around. 24:04.992 --> 24:05.993 And being attacked by zombies. 24:06.133 --> 24:08.654 The zombies attacking gets a bit more serious. 24:09.154 --> 24:11.175 So another character grabs a gatling gun. 24:11.235 --> 24:12.175 You know what a gatling gun is? 24:12.636 --> 24:14.857 Massive machine gun off the back of a truck. 24:15.217 --> 24:16.998 Santhi, you're looking quite depressed and disturbed. 24:17.338 --> 24:18.318 It's supposed to be exciting. 24:18.718 --> 24:24.561 Grabs a gatling gun, pulls the wooden leg out of her stump, shoves the gatling gun in her stump. 24:24.741 --> 24:24.961 Oh wow. 24:44.922 --> 25:10.598 old hairs on it and stuff right and the music was amazing it was kind of in mono and slightly distorted it was very exciting wow when's that coming out I don't know next year probably yeah yeah but I'm looking forward to that and that was just half of it that's just Rodriguez's half god knows what Tarantino's is gonna be like that's amazing Gatling guns are always good value there was one that was used to brilliant effect in predator predator yeah great Gatling gun sequence in predator just went on about ten minutes down the whole forest in the hope of getting the predator yeah 25:11.178 --> 25:23.531 yeah it's great and then it just runs out and there's just the sound of the gun going it's exciting so we're going to have a text competition very shortly but first let's play some more music this is the raconteurs 25:30.950 --> 25:33.533 There you go, that's the raconteurs with hands. 25:33.833 --> 25:35.875 You're listening to Adam and Joe on XFM. 25:36.235 --> 25:40.980 Now, of course, there's been a bit of a break from the heatwave, right? 25:42.091 --> 25:43.091 Heave wave! 25:43.152 --> 25:43.752 Heave wave! 25:43.772 --> 25:44.372 Heave wave! 25:44.512 --> 25:44.872 Heave wave! 25:44.912 --> 25:45.352 Heave wave! 25:45.392 --> 25:45.733 Heave wave! 25:45.753 --> 25:46.233 Heave wave! 25:46.273 --> 25:46.693 Heave wave! 25:46.713 --> 25:47.153 Heave wave! 25:47.173 --> 25:47.593 Heave wave! 25:47.653 --> 25:47.994 Heave wave! 25:48.054 --> 25:48.694 Heave wave! 25:48.854 --> 25:49.474 Heave wave! 25:49.514 --> 25:50.135 Heave wave! 25:50.175 --> 25:50.815 Heave wave! 25:50.835 --> 25:51.135 Heave wave! 25:51.195 --> 25:51.875 Heave wave! 25:51.895 --> 25:52.896 Heave wave! 25:53.096 --> 25:53.536 Heave wave! 25:53.576 --> 25:54.036 Heave wave! 25:54.056 --> 25:54.756 Heave wave! 25:54.897 --> 25:55.477 Heave wave! 25:55.537 --> 25:55.997 Heave wave! 25:56.057 --> 25:56.377 Heave wave! 26:07.682 --> 26:09.123 I'm gonna shop you into the coppers. 26:09.743 --> 26:12.865 But it hasn't been, we sort of avoided the worst of it, I think. 26:12.905 --> 26:15.006 We went away when it was really grim, didn't we? 26:15.226 --> 26:18.607 Or were you in town for... No, I was in town when it was very, very hot. 26:18.867 --> 26:19.288 Oh, really? 26:19.428 --> 26:19.588 Yeah. 26:19.748 --> 26:20.388 How did you cope? 26:21.229 --> 26:21.889 How did I cope? 26:22.409 --> 26:23.450 How did I cope? 26:23.850 --> 26:27.312 Well, splashing water on the face is the only thing that one can really do. 26:27.372 --> 26:28.992 I tell you another good thing, listeners. 26:29.172 --> 26:30.073 Good tip for keeping cool. 26:30.453 --> 26:33.915 Ice cube, and you can't do this if you've got short hair, but ice cube in the hair. 26:34.835 --> 26:35.736 Pop it in your hair. 26:36.616 --> 26:38.498 so that it sort of stays there on the top of the head. 26:38.798 --> 26:44.564 It'll slowly melt and reward you with ice cold dribbles down your face. 26:44.684 --> 26:47.686 Doesn't that slightly freeze your scalp in a very localized way? 26:47.706 --> 26:48.948 My brain's numb anyway. 26:49.108 --> 26:49.328 Yeah. 26:49.568 --> 26:51.490 Most of the day there's not a lot going on up there. 26:51.670 --> 26:54.413 Well, when I was in France, it was very hot in France, but it was nice. 26:55.134 --> 26:59.339 And they had a new thing that I've never seen before in cafes and outdoor spaces. 26:59.699 --> 27:07.988 I don't know if they have this all over the world or what, but they've got big fans, big, you know, stainless steel fans. 27:08.769 --> 27:30.767 aimed at the punters in the um cafes and stuff yeah but also the fans are connected to big tanks of water and they blow out missed jets of mist yeah as well they've got those in theme parks actually have they yeah i was at uh universal when i was in la and they had those they had cool steam jets blasting into the queues yeah yeah that's good isn't it do they have those in london yet 27:31.207 --> 27:55.899 I don't know they must do surely get those I haven't seen them in London yet but it was good did you not find it a bit disconcerting because you sort of worry about what's in the water tanks how clean it is whether there's any wee wee just being sprayed with disease more or less I would say surely you know what I mean because they I bet you they recycle a lot of that water in a quite a bad way and who knows how long the water has been hanging around there's got to be all kinds of little 27:56.559 --> 27:59.100 There was another thing I saw advertised on TV. 27:59.300 --> 28:01.481 This is on the theme of ways to keep cool on TV in America. 28:01.521 --> 28:02.361 There was a neck brace. 28:03.162 --> 28:05.903 It was kind of like a horseshoe shaped blue plastic thing. 28:06.263 --> 28:07.443 And you put it on your neck. 28:08.144 --> 28:12.545 And it was as one of those testimonial adverts and golfers were going, it's revolutionized my play. 28:12.745 --> 28:13.586 Yeah, I'm really cool. 28:13.846 --> 28:18.948 They had footage of people in business meetings going, Yeah, I'll give you $50,000 because my neck's so cool. 28:19.708 --> 28:22.189 They had these cool and they look idiotic. 28:22.409 --> 28:52.309 yeah but the advert was claiming that it was brilliant for all walks of life and just by keeping your neck very cold wouldn't that just give you a cold neck the neck isn't exactly you know the center of nerve activity and heat is it well that's the area you go for i tell you what you could do here's another technique this is building up to a text competition listeners the other technique is get those uh cool pads you can get from uh the chemist gel packs yeah it's for kids with fevers right why not stick them all over your noggin 28:52.749 --> 28:53.070 Yeah. 28:53.430 --> 28:54.951 Like loads of them all over your face. 28:55.091 --> 28:55.812 You'd be sorted. 28:55.852 --> 28:59.535 With the neck brace, was it like a big gel thing that you put in the fridge? 28:59.635 --> 29:03.318 No, it was like that guy in Star Trek, what has the glasses... Geordie. 29:03.658 --> 29:04.179 La Forge. 29:04.539 --> 29:06.961 Now Geordie La Forge, isn't that Wil Wheaton's character, the kid? 29:07.261 --> 29:08.002 No, no, no, no. 29:08.582 --> 29:09.223 Are you sure? 29:09.543 --> 29:11.405 Yeah, Wil Wheaton is a crusher. 29:11.706 --> 29:12.486 Okay, are you sure? 29:12.587 --> 29:13.367 I'm positive, man. 29:13.588 --> 29:14.288 Sorry, I'm a nerd. 29:14.308 --> 29:15.229 Yeah, it's like that. 29:15.249 --> 29:16.831 It's just like a strap that goes around you. 29:16.851 --> 29:18.833 It's like a sort of a two-thirds of a collar. 29:18.913 --> 29:19.994 Yeah. 29:20.014 --> 29:21.296 So that's what I do to keep cool. 29:21.316 --> 29:27.963 I put one of those cool collars on, I would coat my entire head with cool strips, and then I'd put some ice in my hair. 29:28.123 --> 29:35.828 My dad was telling me about a time when he was, this is during the Second World War, and I don't know what he was doing, or maybe it was just after the Second World War. 29:35.908 --> 29:38.970 Anyway, he was in Iraq, or somewhere like that. 29:38.990 --> 29:40.031 It was extremely hot. 29:40.591 --> 29:56.902 And to cool down, he soaked the sheets of where he was staying, like with water, and wrapped himself in these damp sheets, and then lay in the full blast of the fan, which he turned up full, right? 29:57.122 --> 29:57.863 Quite nice, you'd think. 29:58.684 --> 29:59.985 Unbelievably dangerous. 30:00.545 --> 30:02.907 Because if the fan fell over he'd be electrocuted, no? 30:02.927 --> 30:04.489 No, because you get hypothermia. 30:04.669 --> 30:07.151 His body temperature lowered so rapidly... Really? 30:07.171 --> 30:09.353 ...that he got severe hypothermia, woke up in hospital. 30:09.533 --> 30:11.755 Your dad, man, he lives at the edge, doesn't he? 30:11.875 --> 30:12.576 This is when he was, like, 20. 30:12.616 --> 30:16.339 He has, like, mountaineering Brian Blessed-style adventures, even when he's asleep. 30:16.619 --> 30:17.560 He told us another story. 30:17.580 --> 30:18.980 He caused danger every day. 30:19.141 --> 30:20.501 So we were quite impressed with that story. 30:20.521 --> 30:21.762 I was like, Dad, you moron. 30:22.102 --> 30:23.343 He said, well, I was only 20. 30:23.403 --> 30:24.864 I didn't realize how dangerous it was. 30:25.904 --> 30:32.408 And then he told us another story about getting some kind of fever in a similar way. 30:32.468 --> 30:33.649 I think he was very feverish. 30:33.669 --> 30:42.354 He got some miserable bug out there and basically told us that he woke up and there was like a cobra on his chest. 30:43.354 --> 30:44.735 Staring at him in the face. 30:44.855 --> 30:46.096 Is it definitely a cobra? 30:46.417 --> 30:47.978 It was no he imagined it. 30:48.038 --> 30:52.542 It was his hand It was his hand lying. 30:53.022 --> 30:59.267 No, it wasn't something else It was his hand and it was his hand lying on his chest and he woke up because he was so feverish. 30:59.287 --> 30:59.708 He just thought 31:01.509 --> 31:03.850 I think all his stories are just hallucinations. 31:04.270 --> 31:07.792 But listen, here's the text competition and the text number is 83XFM. 31:08.113 --> 31:10.634 We want your innovative ways to stay cool in the heat. 31:11.154 --> 31:13.836 And, you know, that sounds a bit Capital Radio, I know. 31:14.236 --> 31:16.658 But we want... We are part of the Capital Group, so I think that's fair enough. 31:16.678 --> 31:17.238 That's true, GCAP. 31:17.618 --> 31:25.503 But we want kind of stupid, weird and interesting and bizarre ways to keep cool, because we've all been driven to extremes over the heatwave period. 31:25.523 --> 31:25.943 That's right. 31:26.323 --> 31:29.124 You know, my girlfriend even suggested sleeping in damp sheets. 31:29.644 --> 31:30.444 Yeah, be careful. 31:30.484 --> 31:31.304 Damp sheets is okay. 31:31.324 --> 31:35.665 You know, it's alright to splash a bit of water on yourself, but don't, um... What kind of dreams would they give you? 31:36.406 --> 31:37.186 Sexy dreams. 31:37.486 --> 31:40.166 But don't start turning the fan on yourself as well. 31:40.467 --> 31:42.667 Now your suggestions don't have to be entirely serious. 31:42.787 --> 31:43.847 Entirely serious. 31:47.670 --> 31:48.131 What, what? 31:48.371 --> 31:52.438 Here's a couple of ones I did earlier that might be a bit rubbish. 31:52.678 --> 31:53.499 Okay, how about this? 31:53.620 --> 31:58.527 To stay cool, cover yourself in Bonjela and watch Be Cool with Kate Moss. 31:59.699 --> 32:01.740 Right, what, with Kate Moss sitting next to you? 32:01.840 --> 32:02.040 Yeah. 32:02.060 --> 32:02.741 Cos she's really cool. 32:02.781 --> 32:03.581 Cos she's cool. 32:03.621 --> 32:04.381 She's cool, isn't she? 32:04.421 --> 32:04.722 Yeah. 32:04.762 --> 32:07.163 And what cover, what does Bonjela do? 32:07.383 --> 32:08.103 It's cool. 32:08.463 --> 32:09.484 It's four ulcers. 32:09.864 --> 32:10.324 Is it? 32:10.404 --> 32:12.025 Oh, that's right, it's kind of minty. 32:12.165 --> 32:12.405 Yeah. 32:12.726 --> 32:13.226 It's fresh. 32:13.666 --> 32:14.506 Here's another idea. 32:14.607 --> 32:19.109 That's a good, actually just brushing your teeth is good because it gives you a blast of cool air. 32:19.249 --> 32:19.809 Exactly. 32:20.109 --> 32:20.409 Like what? 32:20.449 --> 32:20.910 Or have a mint. 32:20.930 --> 32:21.930 That's right, I'm adding a mint. 32:21.970 --> 32:22.611 Check this out. 32:22.951 --> 32:24.892 Make a suit out of froobs. 32:25.732 --> 32:32.633 OK, a bit like the suits on Dune, you know, that they wear in the interesting fact about Dune. 32:32.753 --> 32:37.194 Or the money suit in my favourite programme, the Friday Night Project, which is great. 32:37.514 --> 32:48.557 Well, you know, on Dune, they wear those suits which are supposed to cool them down, the fighters and stuff, but actually they were unbelievably hot in real life because they were made of leather and all the actors would just fall over. 32:48.657 --> 32:55.338 Anyway, make a suit out of froubes and eat a salad made from iceberg lettuce and airwaves chewing gum. 32:55.458 --> 32:56.479 That's a very good idea. 32:56.599 --> 33:00.162 Froobs are like frozen orange juice and stuff, aren't they? 33:00.182 --> 33:01.322 Frozen yoghurt type thing. 33:01.382 --> 33:02.103 Oh, yoghurt, there you go. 33:02.603 --> 33:03.784 And here's a final way. 33:04.084 --> 33:06.406 Join the Arctic Monkeys and catch a cold. 33:07.147 --> 33:07.967 That would be very cool. 33:07.987 --> 33:12.010 But get your strange ideas for staying cool in the extreme heat to 83 XFM. 33:12.511 --> 33:16.634 Our favourite one will call you up and give you a prize and, you know, stuff. 33:16.926 --> 33:18.027 Here's a free play right now. 33:18.067 --> 33:22.371 This is a track that I played once ages ago on the show, but I'm going to play it again because it's great. 33:22.672 --> 33:25.354 It's the Kingsbury Manx with Pelz Comet. 33:28.818 --> 33:34.343 That's the Kingsbury Manx from their album Aztec Discipline with a track called Pelz Comet. 33:34.363 --> 33:35.665 This is Adam and Joe on SFM. 33:35.725 --> 33:36.706 Aztec Discipline? 33:36.986 --> 33:37.486 What's wrong with that? 33:37.507 --> 33:38.528 It's just the name of the album. 33:38.568 --> 33:39.729 What's Aztec Discipline? 33:40.200 --> 33:54.693 it's like you know how do they discipline each other in aztec times they hit each other with pyramids is that it yeah i'm pretty sure unlikely we got to play some ads and we'll come back with some of your texts very shortly xfm 33:58.493 --> 34:01.334 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here on XFM on a Saturday afternoon. 34:01.994 --> 34:04.215 We're in the midst of our text competition at the moment. 34:04.515 --> 34:08.256 We've got a lot of suggestions coming in for ways to keep cool. 34:08.717 --> 34:11.237 Is there anything exciting on your screen there, Joe? 34:11.297 --> 34:17.780 Someone texted in that you should tie a plant pot to your head and fill the plant pot with ice cubes. 34:17.860 --> 34:18.380 Is that right? 34:18.900 --> 34:19.860 Someone did text that in. 34:19.960 --> 34:20.661 OK, here we go. 34:20.681 --> 34:23.842 Fill the plant pot with ice cubes and then... We'll get to that. 34:24.362 --> 34:25.422 It's at the top of the list. 34:25.462 --> 34:26.483 I'm going to start at the bottom. 34:26.503 --> 34:26.803 All right, then. 34:27.683 --> 34:30.904 Stick some ice cubes in your knickers, says Alice. 34:31.185 --> 34:34.966 That's a good idea, even if you're not hot. 34:35.286 --> 34:36.187 It's just enjoyable. 34:36.387 --> 34:37.587 It's just enjoyable, isn't it? 34:37.927 --> 34:44.090 Organise a party at McDonald's and go stand in their burger freezer from Rob in SE7. 34:44.350 --> 34:46.891 Now that's not bad, but it's not very instantaneous, is it? 34:46.911 --> 34:48.612 You've got to call them up, make the appointment. 34:49.072 --> 34:50.913 They might not be so hot on the day. 34:51.033 --> 34:52.674 Why would you go to McDonald's as well? 34:52.854 --> 34:55.395 Because have you never been to a party at McDonald's? 34:55.675 --> 34:57.436 Now part of the party is a tour. 34:57.576 --> 35:15.345 It certainly used to be as Rob Fulwell knows was a tour behind the counter to see the magic of McDonald's to see them putting all the whale blubber in the Yeah, and all that so no all the healthy goodness chopping all the fruit and vegetables part of the highlight of the tour was going into the into the 35:16.198 --> 35:16.918 You know, freezer! 35:17.079 --> 35:17.939 The big freezer, the walk-in freezer. 35:17.959 --> 35:19.100 Yeah, and they shut you in there! 35:19.160 --> 35:21.101 They shut you in the freezer like it's shining! 35:21.121 --> 35:23.502 Yeah, like in Chiselhurst Caves when they turn all the lights out. 35:23.982 --> 35:25.303 You know, a scary bit. 35:25.423 --> 35:26.604 Yeah. 35:26.764 --> 35:29.225 And yeah, that's good, but you can't stay in there for that long. 35:29.506 --> 35:31.847 What's... Oh, I've been shot by an XFM gun! 35:32.687 --> 35:34.008 Oh, I'm dying! 35:36.149 --> 35:36.930 Oh, Gandhi. 35:38.130 --> 35:38.811 Oh, my Gandhi. 35:39.831 --> 35:40.592 That was amazing. 35:41.392 --> 35:42.172 Cricklewood Junction. 35:42.192 --> 35:42.833 What happened there? 35:42.853 --> 35:44.694 That was just keeping you on your toes. 35:44.874 --> 35:45.754 Yeah, that's exciting. 35:45.774 --> 35:46.655 You should do that more often. 35:46.695 --> 35:47.615 Just got over excited. 35:47.635 --> 35:49.516 Oh, it's like an assassination. 35:51.297 --> 35:51.717 Here we go. 35:51.777 --> 35:52.178 What else? 35:54.139 --> 35:54.399 What? 35:54.799 --> 35:55.939 No, that's just a stupid one. 35:55.979 --> 35:56.460 Sorry, listeners. 35:56.500 --> 35:58.861 I haven't sorted through these, so it's becoming a bit improvisational. 35:58.881 --> 35:59.661 And now they've vanished. 35:59.781 --> 36:00.222 I'll tell you what. 36:00.242 --> 36:00.902 Let's play some music. 36:00.942 --> 36:03.443 We'll come back with some more text. 36:03.463 --> 36:04.284 This is The Strokes. 36:11.482 --> 36:22.636 That's the strokes with You Only Live Once, the third single to be taken from the New York Quintet's third album, First Impressions of Earth, which I've had for a long time and I've hardly listened to it at all. 36:23.156 --> 36:24.518 I don't know if I should get back to it at all. 36:24.538 --> 36:28.443 Their second album was kind of a slow grower, but it's really, really good. 36:28.863 --> 36:29.844 And I'm just not sure... 36:30.385 --> 36:34.068 If the third one's as good, I'm more or less talking to myself, aren't I Joe? 36:34.228 --> 36:36.190 I'm not listening. 36:36.690 --> 36:39.373 We're going to be playing a Cyprus Hill classic for you very shortly. 36:39.593 --> 36:44.417 And talking of classics, don't forget at noon it's an hour of X-list requests so you can get your requests in. 36:44.457 --> 36:46.799 Text them on 83XFM or give off a call. 36:47.728 --> 36:47.948 Yeah? 36:48.148 --> 36:50.190 Yeah, you sounded very laid-back when you were saying that. 36:50.370 --> 36:51.170 Yeah, I am laid-back. 36:51.450 --> 36:52.751 I'm Mr. Cool, I'm Mr. Freeze. 36:53.031 --> 36:56.633 Speaking of which, here's some more stuff what's come in from the text competition. 36:57.274 --> 36:59.175 Yeah, some of them are very silly. 36:59.395 --> 37:00.076 Yeah, well, that's good. 37:00.476 --> 37:01.877 Get yourself a roll of gaffer tape. 37:02.477 --> 37:04.238 Tape frozen peas all over your body. 37:04.278 --> 37:06.980 It'll keep you cool, and when you rip it off, you can have a free hair wax. 37:07.740 --> 37:08.541 Peter and Dagenham. 37:08.581 --> 37:09.822 That's a bit like your fruits. 37:09.862 --> 37:11.743 That isn't silly, that's a sensible idea. 37:11.763 --> 37:14.865 It's got the twist of the wax. 37:14.905 --> 37:16.527 Fros en prie is good. 37:17.668 --> 37:18.688 It's a good idea. 37:18.808 --> 37:19.889 It really works. 37:20.650 --> 37:23.752 When we were in France, I was improvising cool boxes, you know what I mean? 37:24.072 --> 37:26.514 Like when we went out for a picnic, we didn't have a proper cool box. 37:26.954 --> 37:30.017 So I was trying to keep a few beers and things cold. 37:30.577 --> 37:33.820 And so yeah, we got like packets of frozen peas and packed them round. 37:34.960 --> 37:37.742 About around the booze and it worked a treat, it was really good. 37:38.022 --> 37:40.603 I also like just wrapping things, you know, in towels. 37:41.184 --> 37:43.745 Works fairly well, as long as they're cool in the first place. 37:43.765 --> 37:44.966 A damp towel. 37:44.986 --> 37:52.750 A damp towel is good, yeah, but you know, if you've got something cold and you want to keep it cold, like just wrapping it in a towel does the job. 37:53.630 --> 38:17.558 tie a piece of bacon to your hat and visit your local dog pound all the wagging tails will keep you cool who wrote that james james what are you doing very stupid chuck ice on the ground in a long line and walk over them like hot coals it has a double effect of cooling you down and proving how manly you are that's a good idea yeah rob patrick stewart's house steal his transporter 38:18.869 --> 38:23.350 Use it to replace the air in your room every 40 minutes with air from Antarctica. 38:24.970 --> 38:25.651 Would that work? 38:26.171 --> 38:30.932 So you just turn on the transporter but without anybody in it and set it to Antarctica. 38:32.052 --> 38:33.632 And you just transport air. 38:34.012 --> 38:36.753 I'd have to speak to a technician. 38:37.153 --> 38:40.734 There are books where they actually work out the technology of those things, aren't they? 38:40.874 --> 38:43.797 And I'm pretty sure that that's not the way the transporter works. 38:43.817 --> 38:44.437 It's molecular, isn't it? 38:44.838 --> 38:49.502 It doesn't break down molecules, but it just breaks down the person's molecules, not the air. 38:49.582 --> 38:55.727 It screens out most of the air and the impurities, you know, it just transports matter as far as I know, so I'm not sure that would work. 38:56.428 --> 39:00.849 But I could be wrong, I'd have to talk to Stephen Hawking, or a nerd, to find out. 39:01.710 --> 39:10.192 Rufus says, to keep cool, I will coat myself in honey, sit outside, and be wafted gently by the downdraft of a million wasps. 39:11.412 --> 39:17.794 Now obviously that's stupid, but that's quite violently stupid, Rufus, cos you'd just be stung to death. 39:18.054 --> 39:19.294 Yeah, he would, it would be Macaulay Culkin. 39:19.314 --> 39:19.875 That wouldn't be cool. 39:20.495 --> 39:21.655 Why would it be like Macaulay Culkin? 39:21.835 --> 39:22.935 In what's-its-face? 39:22.955 --> 39:23.255 Me and my girl. 39:23.275 --> 39:24.876 The one where it gets a kiss, yeah. 39:25.316 --> 39:46.985 is it called me and my girl something like that my girl it's just my girl my girl yeah yeah okay do you want more yeah go on let's finish let's polish this off let's get a winner tie a piece of string through a plant pot fill it with ice cold water this is the one we attached your head wear wellies to catch water to keep feet cool i like that it's stupid that's not stupid that's sensible that's practical yeah okay have we got to find a winner 39:47.205 --> 39:47.845 Yeah. 39:47.885 --> 39:48.945 Let's play a record and find a way. 39:48.985 --> 39:50.346 Actually, we've got to do the ads. 39:50.826 --> 39:52.506 So let's see. 39:52.806 --> 39:53.807 Shall I tease the ads for you? 39:53.987 --> 39:55.227 Yeah, I love ads. 39:55.947 --> 39:56.647 Emodium ad? 39:57.107 --> 40:01.808 The thing that I like about ads is, you know, they're selling you stuff, but they find ways to make it funny and interesting. 40:02.209 --> 40:05.309 Well, how do you think the emodium ad is going to be serious? 40:05.409 --> 40:08.150 That's the one with Mel from Mel and Sue, isn't it? 40:08.370 --> 40:12.211 Now, does emodium is for the runs or for constipation? 40:12.371 --> 40:14.631 Depends how you consume it. 40:17.092 --> 40:19.853 I think Imodium is... Depends if you pop it up for the run. 40:19.993 --> 40:20.193 Yeah. 40:20.773 --> 40:22.974 So I'm guessing that it's going to be a funny one. 40:23.034 --> 40:24.794 I don't remember the Imodium ad. 40:25.014 --> 40:26.554 Hey, here's a good one from Michael in Lewisham. 40:26.734 --> 40:30.555 To stay cool, listen to XFM, especially Adam and Joe, all day. 40:30.736 --> 40:33.536 The coolest radio station on the goddamn planet. 40:34.156 --> 40:37.297 I think Michael works at XFM, doesn't he? 40:37.597 --> 40:41.878 Also, we've got Adwise, something for the... Oh, the Holloways. 40:41.918 --> 40:42.619 Are they a band? 40:43.499 --> 40:44.439 Virgin Megastore. 40:45.275 --> 40:46.637 It's very exciting. 40:46.657 --> 40:47.337 I can hardly speak. 40:47.377 --> 40:48.538 It's all coming up in these ads. 40:48.578 --> 40:49.379 We'll be back shortly. 40:50.340 --> 40:50.820 XFM 40:53.427 --> 40:54.528 That's very good, isn't it? 40:55.208 --> 40:56.989 Is that the rapture with Get Myself Into It? 40:57.330 --> 40:57.950 Exactly right. 40:57.970 --> 40:59.251 That's a brand new playlist edition. 40:59.271 --> 41:02.213 Don't forget to get your request in for the X List coming up in 10 minutes. 41:02.253 --> 41:06.796 We're gonna, excuse me, little burp, put our text competition to bed now. 41:07.396 --> 41:16.102 Yeah, we have someone on the line who suggested something which we thought was extraordinary as a way of keeping cool. 41:16.903 --> 41:17.443 And here he is. 41:17.643 --> 41:17.943 Is he there? 41:18.003 --> 41:18.484 Paul, hello. 41:18.504 --> 41:18.544 Hi. 41:19.064 --> 41:22.987 Hey, Paul, listen, don't say it yet, because I want to run some other things by you, mate. 41:23.587 --> 41:23.807 Right. 41:24.107 --> 41:27.548 Well, we like the simplicity of yours, but here's another one. 41:27.588 --> 41:29.829 This is from a guy called Mark, who's at work. 41:29.909 --> 41:30.950 Is that a little doggy there, Paul? 41:31.490 --> 41:33.010 No, it's actually a little girl. 41:33.030 --> 41:34.111 A little girl? 41:34.451 --> 41:34.711 Yeah. 41:34.731 --> 41:36.812 Are you sure it's not a mutant dog girl? 41:37.112 --> 41:38.152 It's not a dog, no. 41:38.692 --> 41:40.173 Oh, but yeah, but is it a mutant dog girl? 41:40.669 --> 41:42.371 It could be a mutant dog girl, maybe. 41:42.672 --> 41:43.413 Okay, so how about this? 41:43.513 --> 41:45.976 Dear Adam and Joe, I have a typically British way to keep cool. 41:46.017 --> 41:49.862 Get drunk to the point where you puke, at which point you'll be very cold. 41:50.262 --> 41:51.424 That's binge Britain for you. 41:51.744 --> 41:52.385 Isn't that good? 41:53.006 --> 41:54.548 That's nice, yeah. 41:55.290 --> 41:58.292 Just to be ill is quite a good idea, isn't it? 41:58.352 --> 42:02.474 Contract a disease and get the chills, get the shivers, would be quite a good idea. 42:02.494 --> 42:04.035 That's a really good idea to cool down. 42:04.275 --> 42:04.935 Thank you very much. 42:04.955 --> 42:05.956 But you don't feel too good. 42:06.196 --> 42:13.780 Someone else texted Adam and Joe text competition, to be cool, smoke cigarettes, because they're groovy. 42:14.880 --> 42:15.140 Yeah? 42:15.381 --> 42:15.721 Is that? 42:15.821 --> 42:17.142 What do you think of that, Paul? 42:17.182 --> 42:19.703 That's a good idea, but you might get cancer. 42:20.282 --> 42:20.903 That is true. 42:20.923 --> 42:22.103 You look cool. 42:22.524 --> 42:23.284 Yeah, that is true. 42:23.364 --> 42:26.507 That is one of the drawbacks of Siggy's, isn't it, is the whole getting cancer thing. 42:26.727 --> 42:31.150 But Paul, your text was so, it was so blunt and so simple. 42:31.590 --> 42:33.692 It was just one, two, three, four, five words. 42:33.732 --> 42:34.893 What were those words, Paul? 42:35.994 --> 42:37.535 Put on a fan, Paul. 42:39.937 --> 42:42.779 He texted in, put on a fan, Paul. 42:43.579 --> 42:45.421 So talk us through that. 42:45.961 --> 42:48.523 Well, usually when it's hot in the summer, 42:49.269 --> 43:02.102 I usually invest in a fan at the beginning because if you turn it on, a fan is this invention where some blades spin around powered by electricity or batteries if you get them one pound ones and it just cools you down. 43:02.122 --> 43:03.483 How does it work? 43:05.324 --> 43:10.049 It spins round and then the air gets really cold and it cools you down. 43:10.729 --> 43:13.792 You know, my problem with fans is it doesn't actually cool the air, does it? 43:13.893 --> 43:16.355 It just throws the warm air at you, doesn't it? 43:16.615 --> 43:17.176 That's right. 43:17.416 --> 43:20.019 If it's sufficiently hot, you just get a blast of hot air. 43:20.239 --> 43:21.881 Answer us that in five words, Paul. 43:24.683 --> 43:25.063 He can't. 43:25.103 --> 43:25.604 No it doesn't. 43:25.624 --> 43:26.164 He comes back. 43:26.184 --> 43:27.865 There's no arguing with Paul. 43:28.025 --> 43:28.586 You're amazing. 43:28.606 --> 43:30.047 You should go into politics, Paul. 43:30.147 --> 43:31.188 Paul, congratulations. 43:31.288 --> 43:32.909 You are the winner of our text competition this week. 43:32.929 --> 43:33.370 Do you want a prize? 43:34.190 --> 43:34.651 Yeah, sure. 43:34.911 --> 43:36.792 Do you want to have tickets to the festival? 43:37.493 --> 43:40.735 It's called the TDK Cross Central Festival. 43:41.336 --> 43:41.956 Yeah, sure. 43:42.417 --> 43:43.237 Yeah, sure. 43:43.357 --> 43:44.258 I would like that, thanks. 43:44.338 --> 43:45.059 I've already asked you. 43:45.959 --> 43:46.500 Did you really? 43:46.960 --> 43:47.300 Yeah, I did. 43:47.460 --> 43:48.220 And he had a good time. 43:48.240 --> 43:49.441 Yeah, it was really good actually. 43:49.461 --> 43:49.601 Yeah. 43:49.741 --> 43:50.241 There we go. 43:50.301 --> 43:52.041 Well, um, you're going to go again. 43:52.061 --> 43:53.002 Thanks very much. 43:53.122 --> 43:53.882 Congratulations, Paul. 43:53.902 --> 43:56.222 Thanks very much indeed for calling in and for your suggestion there. 43:56.542 --> 43:56.963 That is true. 43:56.983 --> 44:01.164 You know, I had a big argument with my wife about the whole, uh, way that fans actually work. 44:01.644 --> 44:05.205 And she said, no, cause she was in favor of like leaving them on all day. 44:05.225 --> 44:06.325 Do you know what I mean? 44:06.405 --> 44:09.486 And I said, why are you leaving the fans on when we're not around? 44:09.686 --> 44:11.146 She said, oh, it cools the place down. 44:11.346 --> 44:13.347 No, it doesn't just moves the air. 44:13.367 --> 44:14.587 If you've ever worked in an office, 44:14.887 --> 44:37.718 near a busy road where they don't open the windows because it's too noisy then they put fans on and it just makes it horrible it's like a a dry jacuzzi yeah instead of bubbling water bubbling air and i'm convinced it's a breeding ground for bacteria and disease a dry koozie a dry koozie goodbye news time very shortly but first more extraordinary advertisements 44:43.598 --> 45:05.100 very good that's the pixies with where is my mind kicking off our xlist final hour here on xfm what a frightening noise adam and joe that's the sound of kim deal in the void really she's shrieking that's scary man scary woman she's a scary woman but she's sexy and i'm going to dedicate that song to a guy called uh dan 45:05.760 --> 45:06.160 Gold? 45:06.581 --> 45:07.841 G-A-U-L-D. 45:07.881 --> 45:08.722 How would you pronounce that? 45:09.102 --> 45:09.422 Gold. 45:09.662 --> 45:12.984 I like the way you said it before. 45:13.104 --> 45:13.564 Geld. 45:14.345 --> 45:15.565 Why are you dedicating that to him? 45:15.765 --> 45:16.346 Are you lovers? 45:16.966 --> 45:17.946 Ooh, I might be. 45:18.287 --> 45:20.108 No, he sent us some comics. 45:21.708 --> 45:23.709 Some of his comics, some of his amazing illustrations. 45:23.810 --> 45:24.750 I never got to see them. 45:24.910 --> 45:25.791 He's got a website. 45:26.071 --> 45:28.192 Well, that's because I'm keeping some of the things. 45:28.232 --> 45:29.012 I get the chockeys. 45:29.212 --> 45:30.693 You nick all the other stuff. 45:30.733 --> 45:31.874 And he sent them to my... 45:34.415 --> 45:49.902 personal address so uh i think it's fair enough that i keep them you know i think i'm allowed to keep some of my post anyway that was going out to you dan thanks very much for sending me your stuff it was amazing check out his website i'm sure you can just type in dan golden there it'll be 45:51.356 --> 45:53.037 And don't forget to keep your requests coming in. 45:53.077 --> 45:56.179 You can request anything from the amazing X-list back catalogue. 45:56.700 --> 46:02.144 All the indie rock classics you could ever hope to hear all stored away in the XFM vaults. 46:02.704 --> 46:03.885 So give us a shout. 46:04.706 --> 46:09.309 Also, I think we should try out a new competition for the final hour of this show this week. 46:10.250 --> 46:16.815 It's a competition where you have to identify which band names are real and which are made up. 46:16.895 --> 46:17.575 I've picked about 46:18.556 --> 46:24.860 sort of, just a handful of band names from the NME gig listings from the last few weeks, okay? 46:25.481 --> 46:31.725 And the next person who calls in will have to identify which ones are real band names and which have been just made up. 46:31.745 --> 46:32.466 What's the competition called? 46:32.586 --> 46:33.727 It's called Rock and Reel. 46:33.867 --> 46:34.387 Rock and Reel? 46:34.427 --> 46:35.268 Or Rock and Rubs. 46:35.988 --> 46:38.230 rock and reel or rock and rubs? 46:38.450 --> 46:40.271 Which ones are real and which ones are rubbish? 46:40.291 --> 46:53.840 I'm writing that down and the number is 0 8 7 1 triple 2 1 0 4 9 so this is in conjunction with the xlist we're taking requests but we'd also like some callers to play that competition we've still got great dvds and stuff the sunny tuba box sets yeah have we got another pair of tickets to that festival 46:54.778 --> 46:55.379 Have we, Xanthi? 46:55.399 --> 46:57.560 Yeah, we got- so we got Super- and we got Blake 7. 46:57.600 --> 46:59.402 We've still got all the prizes present and correct. 46:59.782 --> 47:06.787 It's gonna be a brilliant competition, so if you think you are knowledgeable about the latest cutting-edge bands... I mean, it's almost impossible to tell. 47:06.807 --> 47:07.408 Is it impossible? 47:07.428 --> 47:08.889 Because there's so many new bands coming up. 47:08.909 --> 47:10.590 So many new- these are all, like, new bands. 47:10.630 --> 47:12.352 They're not famous bands, necessarily. 47:12.372 --> 47:13.913 Names are getting weirder and weirder, right? 47:13.933 --> 47:15.034 Because they're running out of names. 47:15.214 --> 47:16.675 So it's almost a lottery basically. 47:16.955 --> 47:18.676 But we'll play it three times. 47:18.736 --> 47:20.798 This is a total disaster for the first time. 47:20.818 --> 47:21.178 Excellent. 47:21.198 --> 47:21.518 It won't be. 47:21.558 --> 47:22.499 It'll be brilliant. 47:22.559 --> 47:26.641 We'll play it three times and then the person who gets the best score will win the prizes at the end of the hour. 47:26.661 --> 47:27.042 Look at that. 47:27.062 --> 47:28.623 I can see so many lines lighting up. 47:29.103 --> 47:31.765 People are desperate to play rock and reel or rock and rubs. 47:32.285 --> 47:33.166 The prices are brilliant. 47:33.206 --> 47:34.106 They seriously are. 47:34.146 --> 47:35.027 Come on, be positive. 47:35.147 --> 47:35.808 I am positive. 47:36.048 --> 47:39.430 I spent ages making a new jingle for it, which I'll unveil after this. 47:39.450 --> 47:40.571 Oh, this is so exciting. 47:40.611 --> 47:41.412 Next song. 47:41.832 --> 47:45.615 Now, here's a track going out to Marie and Kat in Hornsey. 47:45.695 --> 47:52.120 I don't know if that's two human beings or just Marie and the Kat in Hornsey, but it's blur with girls and boys. 47:52.140 --> 47:57.744 That is such a wicked song. 47:57.864 --> 48:14.061 yeah but he's gay what he's gay he says he likes boys he's gay i don't like that you know it's not you know no disrespect but i do not like that you know i think it's wrong yeah yeah that's not true but it's not my opinion such a wicked song it's a very good song hey and that was for um marie and cat 48:14.361 --> 48:31.859 right yeah and you were suggesting that it was just a woman and a cat uh-huh but she's texted in and said hello adam and joe i'm the cat who lives with marie in hornsey she is playing that we do also have a cat called candy she likes blur too that's good i don't think the cat likes blur i don't think cats generally like music 48:32.208 --> 48:33.389 No, Cats Do Like Durr. 48:34.169 --> 48:35.891 Cats Like Anything by Damon Albarn. 48:36.011 --> 48:36.311 Really? 48:36.431 --> 48:36.611 Yeah. 48:36.991 --> 48:38.352 Okay, I stand corrected. 48:38.572 --> 48:40.253 So it's new competition time, Joe. 48:40.774 --> 48:41.654 Oh, this is exciting. 48:41.674 --> 48:42.675 Yeah, we've got a new jingle. 48:42.895 --> 48:43.115 Yeah. 48:43.696 --> 48:48.359 Now, just to explain again, because the lyrics in the jingle might be a little confusing. 48:49.560 --> 48:52.341 This competition is called Rock and Reel or Rock and Rubs. 48:52.602 --> 48:54.643 Basically, we've got a caller on the line. 48:55.043 --> 48:56.164 And what's the name of the caller? 48:56.184 --> 48:56.464 Claire. 48:56.824 --> 48:57.445 Claire is on the line. 48:57.465 --> 48:58.446 We're going to speak to her shortly. 48:59.006 --> 49:01.788 And I'm going to list 10 band names. 49:02.988 --> 49:09.169 Some of those band names are real, they're rockin' real, and some of them are rubbish rockin' rubs, okay? 49:09.749 --> 49:13.150 So after each one she just has to say real or rubs. 49:13.190 --> 49:14.130 Can we get the jingle on? 49:14.390 --> 49:15.751 Yeah, let's check out the jingle. 49:15.791 --> 49:16.111 Here we go. 49:16.151 --> 49:17.591 This might make things clearer. 49:17.871 --> 49:20.552 Rockin' real or rockin' rubs? 49:20.592 --> 49:23.272 Are the bands real or are they just rubbish? 49:23.332 --> 49:26.693 Rockin' real or rockin' rubs, are they real? 49:30.902 --> 49:31.743 That's explained it. 49:31.943 --> 49:32.964 That's crystal clear. 49:33.464 --> 49:34.225 That's very good. 49:34.765 --> 49:35.766 So it's Claire on the line. 49:35.786 --> 49:36.386 Hello, Claire. 49:36.687 --> 49:37.107 Hello. 49:37.347 --> 49:37.847 How you doing? 49:38.368 --> 49:39.329 I'm okay, thank you. 49:39.369 --> 49:40.850 What did you reckon on that there jingle? 49:41.410 --> 49:42.191 Very good. 49:42.771 --> 49:43.412 It's good, wasn't it? 49:43.472 --> 49:46.874 It was musical, it had a bit of thrust and it was expository. 49:46.974 --> 49:48.556 I'd done that last night. 49:48.816 --> 49:52.179 I learned how to play the bass, especially for that jingle. 49:52.199 --> 49:54.180 That's the first time I ever played bass there. 49:54.340 --> 49:55.221 What do you reckon on that, Claire? 49:55.621 --> 49:56.542 It sounds like it. 49:57.282 --> 49:59.103 That's very rude. 49:59.844 --> 50:01.345 How rude is Jojo? 50:01.425 --> 50:02.706 It's very good, it's very good. 50:03.046 --> 50:04.027 Okay Claire, are you ready? 50:04.067 --> 50:09.951 Do you think that you're someone who would know instinctively if a band name was real or rubs? 50:10.951 --> 50:14.834 I'll say I would, but I'll probably end up being completely rubbish and not getting any. 50:15.427 --> 50:23.054 Well, I'll tell you that exactly five of these band names that I'm going to read you are real, and the other five are rubs. 50:23.535 --> 50:29.400 Okay, so after each one that I read out, I want you just to say real or rubs, okay? 50:29.440 --> 50:33.644 And then after we get through the whole list, then I'll tell you how many you got right. 50:33.664 --> 50:35.946 Have we got backing music to this or anything? 50:35.966 --> 50:37.187 Yes, we got some backing music. 50:37.207 --> 50:40.290 This is the music from the shipping forecast. 50:40.310 --> 50:40.931 Oh, that's nice. 50:41.711 --> 50:43.833 that I just thought might calm things down a little bit. 50:44.554 --> 50:44.834 Okay. 50:45.294 --> 50:51.319 And now these are all real bands that I found in the gig section of the NME, like a recent edition of the NME. 50:51.519 --> 50:51.980 Or are they? 50:52.721 --> 50:54.362 No, well, exactly. 50:54.482 --> 50:55.883 Half of them are, half of them aren't. 50:56.123 --> 50:59.506 Are you ready, Claire, to play rock and reel or rock and rubs? 51:00.047 --> 51:00.387 I am. 51:00.727 --> 51:01.408 Okay, here we go. 51:01.768 --> 51:02.228 Number one. 51:03.389 --> 51:04.090 Lake Boiler. 51:05.671 --> 51:06.512 Reel or rubs? 51:07.413 --> 51:08.254 Lake Boiler. 51:08.634 --> 51:08.774 Yeah. 51:10.720 --> 51:13.602 Number two, monkey swallows the universe. 51:14.202 --> 51:15.003 Real or rubs? 51:17.624 --> 51:17.984 Real. 51:18.985 --> 51:21.807 Number three, the exploits of Elaine. 51:22.407 --> 51:23.088 Real or rubs? 51:23.788 --> 51:24.068 Real. 51:25.309 --> 51:29.531 Number four, up three, left two, down, right down. 51:30.172 --> 51:30.892 Real or rubs? 51:32.153 --> 51:32.373 Rubs. 51:34.114 --> 51:37.176 Number five, planes mistaken for stars. 51:37.796 --> 51:38.617 Real or rubs? 51:42.552 --> 52:07.869 real number six the sky pirates real or rubs real now wasn't that number seven no that was number six number seven the jimmy version real or rubs the what the jimmy version number eight and their eyes were bloodshot real or rubs 52:10.543 --> 52:11.023 Number nine. 52:12.044 --> 52:13.265 Vestigial tail. 52:15.507 --> 52:16.548 Real or rubs? 52:19.010 --> 52:19.290 Rubs. 52:20.492 --> 52:20.972 Number ten. 52:22.233 --> 52:23.774 Chloe is a dirty person. 52:24.955 --> 52:26.076 Real or rubs? 52:28.579 --> 52:30.841 And that concludes the first round of Reelor Rubs. 52:31.261 --> 52:36.766 Well, I can tell you, Claire, that you scored a total of eight correct answers there. 52:37.306 --> 52:39.668 Can we take the shipping music away? 52:39.688 --> 52:41.310 Because then it'll create some structure. 52:41.430 --> 52:41.890 There we are. 52:42.131 --> 52:42.751 That was brilliant. 52:42.771 --> 52:43.432 That was amazing. 52:43.472 --> 52:46.154 You were almost completely spot on there. 52:46.214 --> 52:46.835 Lake Boiler. 52:47.555 --> 53:10.201 is rubs monkey swallows the universe real the exploits of elaine real up three left two down right down rubs planes mistaken for stars real the sky pirates real the jimmy version not real oh come on that should be real and their eyes were bloodshot you thought that was rubs they're real okay vestigial tail 53:11.109 --> 53:12.530 They're rubs, as you guessed. 53:12.550 --> 53:13.150 That's a good name. 53:13.471 --> 53:14.732 Chloe is a dirty person. 53:15.072 --> 53:16.413 You thought they were real. 53:16.973 --> 53:17.554 That's rubs. 53:18.594 --> 53:20.075 But you did incredibly well there, Claire. 53:20.095 --> 53:20.936 Congratulations. 53:20.956 --> 53:21.236 Thank you. 53:21.256 --> 53:23.257 You're our first ever contestant on Real or Rubs. 53:23.297 --> 53:27.080 You scored 8 out of 10, which puts you way in the lead. 53:27.340 --> 53:27.981 And what are you saying? 53:28.001 --> 53:29.842 That we're going to play that twice more? 53:29.862 --> 53:30.402 Yeah. 53:30.502 --> 53:32.064 With different, with new band names? 53:32.104 --> 53:32.924 With new band names. 53:32.944 --> 53:35.466 Right, we're not sort of going to go give the prize to the best person. 53:35.686 --> 53:36.126 No, no. 53:36.567 --> 53:37.567 Well, that's good stuff. 53:37.687 --> 53:38.468 Well done, Claire. 53:38.508 --> 53:39.289 What would you like to win? 53:39.989 --> 53:41.511 Well she's just requesting the tracks. 53:41.851 --> 53:43.112 Maybe she doesn't win anything. 53:43.232 --> 53:44.593 We don't know because she's got to take part. 53:44.633 --> 53:47.396 Like if she's the best of the three callers, then she wins. 53:47.456 --> 53:48.497 You see, that's how it works. 53:48.857 --> 53:51.320 But you can have a request, okay? 53:51.960 --> 53:52.661 Why is that bad? 53:52.901 --> 53:53.382 I don't know. 53:53.402 --> 53:57.566 You know, on the one hand I think it's brilliant because... Are you still there, Claire? 53:58.186 --> 54:00.087 I mean, there was a lot in there, wasn't there? 54:00.488 --> 54:00.828 There was. 54:00.848 --> 54:02.008 There was a lot to think about. 54:02.028 --> 54:03.049 Yeah. 54:03.229 --> 54:05.731 Erm, I don't know, I'm just lazy, I think you could spread it more thinly. 54:06.271 --> 54:06.731 Maybe. 54:06.952 --> 54:08.593 Cos that was high fibre, wasn't it? 54:09.113 --> 54:12.335 Well, we might be able to speed things up, you know, there was a lot of explaining before that one. 54:12.375 --> 54:12.675 Yeah. 54:12.875 --> 54:13.996 Anyway, Claire, what do you want to hear? 54:14.917 --> 54:16.297 What song do I want to hear, Jeff? 54:16.477 --> 54:17.618 Are You Gonna Be My Girl? 54:17.738 --> 54:18.599 OK, this one's for you. 54:18.639 --> 54:19.699 Thanks a lot for calling in, Claire. 54:19.720 --> 54:20.240 Here's Jeff. 54:23.379 --> 54:24.720 David Bowie with Starman. 54:24.800 --> 54:27.301 That was dedicated to Michael in Lewisham. 54:28.002 --> 54:29.543 Thanks very much for your request, Michael. 54:30.323 --> 54:35.907 We're going to be playing rock and reel or rock and rubs again quite shortly. 54:36.467 --> 54:40.029 But first, I've got a few mistakes that I need to clear up. 54:40.650 --> 54:43.572 I've got a backlog of mistakes going back about three or four weeks. 54:44.352 --> 54:45.693 that I should probably just get through. 54:46.394 --> 54:49.716 My most recent one was saying thanks very much to Dan Gauld. 54:49.996 --> 54:51.597 I think his name is Tom Gauld. 54:52.238 --> 55:00.344 He's the guy that does cartoons of robots going to the shops and robots sort of lying dead in fields and stuff. 55:00.364 --> 55:02.726 We've got to thank Sophie for texting him with that correction. 55:02.906 --> 55:03.747 Thank you, Sophie. 55:04.047 --> 55:06.268 And sorry, Tom, no disrespect. 55:06.949 --> 55:07.710 Your stuff's brilliant. 55:09.151 --> 55:10.652 Other mistakes I had made recently 55:11.052 --> 55:12.573 Have you got any mistakes, Joe, that you're aware of? 55:12.593 --> 55:13.353 No, I never make mistakes. 55:13.393 --> 55:14.214 You always say that. 55:14.314 --> 55:15.414 I never make mistakes. 55:15.435 --> 55:15.995 You make loads. 55:17.496 --> 55:20.998 Now, the other day we were talking about the trailer for Stormbreaker. 55:21.278 --> 55:21.558 Yes. 55:21.678 --> 55:25.060 And the fact that it made it look as if Ewan McGregor was in the film a great deal. 55:25.220 --> 55:25.480 Yes. 55:25.520 --> 55:26.961 When in fact he's only in it a little. 55:27.081 --> 55:27.381 Yes. 55:28.062 --> 55:33.205 I said the same thing happened with Jimmy Carr and the life and death of Peter Sellers. 55:34.145 --> 55:35.186 Ah, Jimmy Carr wasn't in. 55:35.206 --> 55:36.107 He's not in that. 55:36.127 --> 55:37.769 You know I went to see Stormbreaker. 55:37.989 --> 55:38.350 How was it? 55:38.490 --> 55:40.652 With my girlfriend in the clapping picture house. 55:40.893 --> 55:42.414 We left. 55:42.494 --> 55:45.157 We left after about half an hour. 55:45.217 --> 55:46.238 It's a kiddies movie though. 55:46.298 --> 55:48.301 Yeah but I don't think that kiddies like it either. 55:48.421 --> 55:50.243 Kiddies like an awful lot of weird stuff. 55:50.603 --> 55:52.885 Jimmy Carr, however, he's in Alien Autopsy. 55:53.306 --> 55:53.526 Is he? 55:53.766 --> 55:55.007 Yeah, and he was in something else. 55:55.147 --> 55:56.349 Oh, and he's in Stormbreaker. 55:56.369 --> 55:57.410 He's in Stormbreaker, yeah. 55:57.630 --> 55:58.911 He's got to get a new agent. 55:59.111 --> 56:09.942 I was thinking of David Walliams, you see, who featured heavily in the trailer for Stoned, about Brian Jones, because he played Brian Jones' accountant, even though he only appeared, like, in a couple of very small scenes. 56:10.662 --> 56:12.464 Walliams was featured heavily in the trailer. 56:12.484 --> 56:13.465 That's what I was thinking of. 56:14.506 --> 56:16.787 neither of them was in the life and death of Peter Sellers. 56:17.167 --> 56:25.929 Mistake number two, the other week I implied that the Alamo was in Mexico, when of course, in fact, it's in San Antonio, Texas. 56:26.869 --> 56:29.870 We were talking about, like, rubbish car rental companies. 56:29.990 --> 56:31.791 I don't think I mentioned the name of the place. 56:31.891 --> 56:33.911 You know, you've made another, we've made another mistake. 56:34.292 --> 56:34.512 What? 56:34.592 --> 56:36.492 That was not the shipping forecast music. 56:36.692 --> 56:36.972 Was it not? 56:36.992 --> 56:41.514 It's Sailing By, which is played just before Radio 4 goes over to the World Service at night. 56:41.534 --> 56:43.194 There's no music for the shipping forecast. 56:43.354 --> 56:48.519 I know there's no music for the shipping forecast, but it comes in conjunction, like it's associated with the shipping forecast. 56:48.539 --> 56:49.800 Yeah, man, I made the same mistake. 56:50.321 --> 56:50.621 Okay. 56:51.682 --> 56:53.544 Anyway, sorry about the Alamo. 56:54.104 --> 56:59.529 Being in Mexico, of course, you know, the whole point of the Alamo was that they were defending themselves against the Mexican army. 57:00.070 --> 57:03.393 Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett, that's what they were doing, they were at the Alamo. 57:04.094 --> 57:04.734 Mistake number three. 57:05.655 --> 57:08.177 This is my last mistake for the time being, I'm sure I've made many more. 57:08.797 --> 57:20.583 Mistake number three, the other day I played a track in memory of Syd Barrett, and I thought I was being very clever by playing Paint Box, a very early track by Pink Floyd. 57:20.703 --> 57:22.224 I assumed that was a Syd Barrett track. 57:22.444 --> 57:22.805 It isn't. 57:23.185 --> 57:25.066 That was written and sung by Rick Wright. 57:25.286 --> 57:26.326 How embarrassing. 57:26.346 --> 57:32.370 Nothing to do with Syd whatsoever, even though it's a great track, and obviously I guess Syd must have been playing on it, but... 57:32.972 --> 57:37.958 You know, talking of David Walliams, he and I went to see Miami Vice last night with some other friends. 57:39.439 --> 57:40.120 He walked out. 57:40.561 --> 57:40.821 Did he? 57:41.061 --> 57:42.523 Yeah, after about 15 minutes. 57:43.083 --> 57:44.305 He said, life's too short. 57:44.845 --> 57:45.266 Brilliant. 57:45.446 --> 57:46.147 Classic Walliams. 57:47.048 --> 57:47.769 He was right though. 57:48.309 --> 57:49.170 What a load of rubbish. 57:49.310 --> 57:49.591 Was it? 57:49.871 --> 57:51.193 Well, it got quite good at the end. 57:52.196 --> 57:54.518 but it's a film for men with tiny willies. 57:54.878 --> 57:57.400 Echo Eshan, on the late review, thought it was marvelous. 57:57.440 --> 57:57.780 Did he? 57:58.020 --> 57:59.221 He's got a tiny willy. 57:59.381 --> 58:00.182 You may well do. 58:01.042 --> 58:02.043 Okay, let's play some more music. 58:02.083 --> 58:12.570 Don't forget that if you'd like to take part in our extraordinary competition where you have to identify which band names are real and which ones are rubbish, give us a call right now and you can also get a track played. 58:12.590 --> 58:13.070 Wait a second! 58:13.991 --> 58:16.333 Anya says it is the shipping forecast music. 58:16.673 --> 58:19.616 It comes before the midnight one and lulls you to sleep. 58:20.277 --> 58:23.059 I think it's the transition, isn't it? 58:23.760 --> 58:25.962 And the first thing they have on World Service is the shipping forecast. 58:25.982 --> 58:26.602 Well, exactly. 58:26.622 --> 58:27.703 Yeah, that's right. 58:27.983 --> 58:34.789 Of course there's no music playing underneath the actual, you know, stuff about... Should we play some music? 58:37.492 --> 58:38.573 This one's going out to JP. 58:42.236 --> 58:44.338 That was The Cure with Boys Don't Cry. 58:44.378 --> 58:45.800 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 58:45.820 --> 58:49.303 We're here with you for another 25 minutes and coming up next is Mick Rock. 58:50.024 --> 58:51.065 Is he still Mick Rock? 58:51.785 --> 58:54.328 Live from New York. 58:54.368 --> 58:56.570 With his amazing rock anecdotes. 58:56.950 --> 58:57.771 So stay tuned for that. 58:57.791 --> 59:00.314 I once saw Paul Simonon from The Clash. 59:01.940 --> 59:03.742 That's a good anecdote, for instance. 59:04.723 --> 59:06.865 And keep your requests coming in for the X-list. 59:06.925 --> 59:10.829 Plus, in a second, we're gonna play Rock and... What's it called? 59:10.929 --> 59:12.471 Rock and Roll or Rock and Rubs. 59:12.771 --> 59:15.373 Rock and Reel or Rock and Rubs. 59:15.393 --> 59:19.317 It's the amazing quiz where you have to guess which band names are real and which ones aren't. 59:19.618 --> 59:22.360 It's a genuine test of your knowledge of indie music. 59:22.641 --> 59:22.941 Exactly. 59:23.021 --> 59:24.763 Right, because... Your rock and roll instincts. 59:24.843 --> 59:26.545 What was the name of the lady who got 8 out of 10? 59:26.986 --> 59:27.286 Claire. 59:27.626 --> 59:35.055 OK, so when Claire got 8 out of 10, a guy called Pedro called in, er, no, texted in, and he texted in 10 out of 10 for me. 59:35.335 --> 59:35.835 Too easy. 59:36.196 --> 59:36.556 Nice! 59:36.857 --> 59:39.560 So Pedro, you know, Pedro's been provoked by it. 59:40.060 --> 59:40.680 Pedro, give us a call. 59:40.700 --> 59:41.400 He's felt motivated. 59:41.420 --> 59:47.842 Give us a call and see whether you can get 10 out of 10, because Adam's got 10 brand new rock and rubs or rock and reel for you. 59:47.902 --> 59:49.682 I thought I'd make it quite obvious, you know. 59:49.702 --> 59:52.323 I didn't know how obvious to make it. 59:52.743 --> 59:53.843 Maybe I made it too easy. 59:53.943 --> 59:55.163 Well, you can make it harder next week. 59:55.183 --> 59:57.484 The number 08712221049. 59:57.724 --> 01:00:00.424 Call now to play rock and rubs or rock and reel. 01:00:00.644 --> 01:00:01.324 Is that what it's called? 01:00:01.545 --> 01:00:02.925 Rock and reel or rock and rubs. 01:00:03.085 --> 01:00:03.225 Yeah. 01:00:03.985 --> 01:00:04.265 you know. 01:00:04.285 --> 01:00:13.550 08712221049 we've still got amazing sunny cheeba dvd box sets even if you don't like that sort of thing you can sell it on ebay and make 20 pounds 01:00:14.913 --> 01:00:16.434 No, would you get that much on eBay? 01:00:17.175 --> 01:00:18.676 Yeah, possibly, yeah. 01:00:18.736 --> 01:00:20.558 It's a box set, there's lots of DVDs in there. 01:00:20.738 --> 01:00:28.183 Still don't understand eBay, don't understand how it could possibly be anything but a waste of time to put your shoes up there. 01:00:28.344 --> 01:00:30.385 Man, because kids don't have any money, you're an adult. 01:00:30.465 --> 01:00:30.745 And get £1.50. 01:00:31.766 --> 01:00:41.374 But surely the whole effort of the thing, of logging on, of running your computer, you know, you say you don't have any money but you've got a computer, you're doing it on the internet, you've got broadband, you know, 01:00:41.994 --> 01:00:44.136 And you're selling your shoes for £1.30p? 01:00:45.198 --> 01:00:46.499 You'll never understand, Grandad. 01:00:46.719 --> 01:00:47.940 I don't understand at all. 01:00:47.961 --> 01:00:49.863 I'm not even going to bother trying to explain. 01:00:50.063 --> 01:00:52.045 That's because you don't understand either. 01:00:52.245 --> 01:00:54.327 Go on, smoke your pipe and watch Heartbeat. 01:00:55.989 --> 01:00:57.791 Okay, here's the Foo Fighters. 01:00:57.811 --> 01:00:58.712 This goes out to Ross. 01:01:01.574 --> 01:01:03.975 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here on XFM on a Saturday afternoon. 01:01:04.055 --> 01:01:05.416 It's the final quarter of an hour. 01:01:06.256 --> 01:01:06.776 Quarter of an hour? 01:01:06.796 --> 01:01:08.017 I can't speak properly again. 01:01:08.057 --> 01:01:09.077 You're doing alright, man. 01:01:09.337 --> 01:01:09.677 Brush on. 01:01:09.877 --> 01:01:11.398 Of our show on a Saturday afternoon. 01:01:11.418 --> 01:01:12.338 Can we hear the jingle again? 01:01:12.698 --> 01:01:13.339 Okay, here it is. 01:01:13.399 --> 01:01:13.939 Jingle time. 01:01:13.959 --> 01:01:17.700 The Who is on the line caller? 01:01:28.576 --> 01:01:29.256 we have Erin. 01:01:29.476 --> 01:01:30.317 Hello Erin are you there? 01:01:30.637 --> 01:01:30.937 Hello. 01:01:30.957 --> 01:01:32.197 How are you doing Erin? 01:01:32.517 --> 01:01:34.138 I'm doing fine thank you how are you? 01:01:34.218 --> 01:01:35.638 Yeah very good nice to hear from you. 01:01:36.438 --> 01:01:46.581 Now you are going to play our competition and you're also going to get to request a song afterwards and you spent about 15 minutes on the phone with our producers Anthony trying to find a track that we actually had. 01:01:47.521 --> 01:01:52.763 You had all sorts of things like you wanted the Cocteau Twins and this mortal coil all sorts of stuff that's 01:01:53.504 --> 01:01:54.925 A bit too obscure for XFM. 01:01:54.985 --> 01:01:57.148 That would have been XFM when they first started out. 01:01:57.208 --> 01:02:01.813 But now, XFM's a big, fun, family-favourite pop show. 01:02:02.073 --> 01:02:05.978 And we play music that's a little less left field than that. 01:02:06.539 --> 01:02:08.881 Anyway, we've got a good track for you coming up. 01:02:09.142 --> 01:02:11.885 Are you ready to play rock and reel or rock and rubs? 01:02:12.338 --> 01:02:13.199 As ready as I'll ever be. 01:02:13.559 --> 01:02:14.300 Yeah, fantastic. 01:02:14.320 --> 01:02:15.080 That's what I want to hear. 01:02:15.421 --> 01:02:16.361 OK, so you know what to do. 01:02:16.461 --> 01:02:18.183 I'm just going to read these names out. 01:02:18.423 --> 01:02:21.085 And after I say each name, you just say real or rubs. 01:02:21.265 --> 01:02:21.746 OK, Erin? 01:02:22.126 --> 01:02:22.246 OK. 01:02:22.446 --> 01:02:23.127 OK, here we go. 01:02:23.167 --> 01:02:23.807 Here's the music. 01:02:25.349 --> 01:02:26.690 Maybe it's the shipping forecast. 01:02:26.870 --> 01:02:27.630 We don't really know. 01:02:28.531 --> 01:02:29.892 And here we go with the names. 01:02:29.912 --> 01:02:33.095 Number one, job for a cowboy. 01:02:33.956 --> 01:02:34.256 Real. 01:02:35.257 --> 01:02:37.879 Number two, eulogy for Luigi. 01:02:39.160 --> 01:02:39.280 Rob. 01:02:40.925 --> 01:02:43.527 Number three, the dryer burned my pants. 01:02:44.848 --> 01:02:45.068 Rob. 01:02:46.789 --> 01:02:49.291 Number four, red cars go faster. 01:02:50.412 --> 01:02:50.652 Real. 01:02:51.453 --> 01:02:53.935 Number five, psychedelic girls. 01:02:55.076 --> 01:02:55.316 Real. 01:02:56.577 --> 01:02:59.259 Number six, daylight for dead eyes. 01:03:00.840 --> 01:03:01.100 Real. 01:03:02.141 --> 01:03:04.623 Number seven, organ Morgan. 01:03:05.663 --> 01:03:05.904 Rob. 01:03:07.205 --> 01:03:10.187 Number eight, Dog Tanyan's filthy coffin. 01:03:11.127 --> 01:03:11.367 Rob. 01:03:12.690 --> 01:03:12.770 Rob. 01:03:12.790 --> 01:03:12.930 Real. 01:03:23.473 --> 01:03:23.973 There you go. 01:03:24.413 --> 01:03:26.854 You scored 7 out of 10, Erin. 01:03:26.874 --> 01:03:28.234 Oh, that's not so bad. 01:03:28.314 --> 01:03:29.455 That's not so bad at all. 01:03:29.615 --> 01:03:31.035 It's not quite as good as Claire, though. 01:03:31.075 --> 01:03:31.755 She got 8 out of 10. 01:03:31.955 --> 01:03:34.736 Which ones did she think were real but weren't real? 01:03:35.196 --> 01:03:38.437 She thought, uh, Psychedelicate Girls was real. 01:03:38.697 --> 01:03:40.098 Psychedelicate Girls. 01:03:40.698 --> 01:03:41.438 That is a good name. 01:03:42.018 --> 01:03:43.319 That's a line from a Bowie track. 01:03:43.359 --> 01:03:47.800 I noticed that there were a lot of bands using names from like songs, you know. 01:03:48.300 --> 01:03:50.521 Any others that she thought were real? 01:03:50.761 --> 01:03:53.602 She thought she thought Organ Morgan was Rubs. 01:03:53.942 --> 01:03:54.862 Organ Morgan's real. 01:03:55.862 --> 01:04:01.144 And Aaron, you also thought The Punchline is Murder was Rubs. 01:04:01.584 --> 01:04:02.765 That's a real band. 01:04:02.965 --> 01:04:03.625 They're a real band. 01:04:04.646 --> 01:04:28.565 all the other ones you got absolutely correct yeah all those real bands are in last week's edition of the NME if you want to check them out playing at a venue near you but according to your ruthless prize logic Adam Aaron don't win nothing because the woman what was on before got eight yeah it seems that's a bit cruel isn't it seems a bit much doesn't it well what can we give you Aaron I'm not sure that we've got anything in that you'd be that interested what about Blake seven seven 01:04:29.525 --> 01:04:31.526 I'm only 15, so I don't know about you. 01:04:31.626 --> 01:04:33.986 OK, what about Doctor Who? 01:04:34.006 --> 01:04:35.427 That sounds great. 01:04:35.647 --> 01:04:37.648 Everybody loves Doctor Who, Billy Piper. 01:04:37.828 --> 01:04:41.689 Erin, you're 15 and you're listening to this mortal coil and all that weird depressing music. 01:04:42.169 --> 01:04:43.089 I get it from my dad. 01:04:43.869 --> 01:04:44.129 Oh, cool. 01:04:44.149 --> 01:04:45.450 That's good stuff. 01:04:45.890 --> 01:04:47.790 Hey, listen, thank you very much indeed for calling in. 01:04:48.571 --> 01:04:49.311 You're most welcome. 01:04:49.810 --> 01:05:11.939 and uh you were excellent thank you you were fantastic and uh hope you enjoy your doctor who dvds and uh this is for you this is the clash this is the only uh clash track that we actually had that you wanted i hope you enjoy it it is a peach rock the casbah oh yes sorry i hate to but could you say it's from work for my mom she's 40 today my mom gainer 01:05:12.279 --> 01:05:13.080 Oh yeah, absolutely. 01:05:13.140 --> 01:05:13.940 Happy birthday, Gaynor. 01:05:13.960 --> 01:05:14.741 Happy birthday, Gaynor. 01:05:14.781 --> 01:05:15.721 Hope you have a wonderful day. 01:05:15.762 --> 01:05:16.662 Many happy returns. 01:05:16.682 --> 01:05:19.344 This is for you, from us, and from Erin. 01:05:19.444 --> 01:05:20.005 It's The Clash. 01:05:24.928 --> 01:05:26.629 That's The Clash with Rock the Casbar. 01:05:26.789 --> 01:05:34.855 Yeah, and we've got to say thanks to Claire, who beat Erin at Rock and Reel, Rock and Rubs, because she got eight and Erin only got seven. 01:05:34.895 --> 01:05:37.076 Claire, we will give you a prize. 01:05:37.877 --> 01:05:39.018 What's it going to be, do you think? 01:05:40.356 --> 01:05:42.017 Tickets, we'll send you some tickets. 01:05:42.177 --> 01:05:44.618 We'll send you a few tickets for the tube. 01:05:44.638 --> 01:05:46.619 You can go anywhere you want. 01:05:47.019 --> 01:05:48.740 It's nearly the end of our show now. 01:05:49.020 --> 01:05:51.621 Thanks for listening if you've been listening since 10. 01:05:51.781 --> 01:05:54.142 If you've only tuned in late then what are you doing? 01:05:54.702 --> 01:06:00.184 Yeah, what could possibly be better than listening to us? 01:06:00.224 --> 01:06:03.526 Don't forget of course that there is an Adam and Jo podcast available. 01:06:04.286 --> 01:06:06.387 We need your we need your subscriptions. 01:06:06.407 --> 01:06:07.067 We need your votes. 01:06:07.107 --> 01:06:08.248 We need your downloads. 01:06:08.748 --> 01:06:17.872 You know, we're being beaten by the likes of Ricky Gervais, Russell Brand, Scott Mills, even, you know, and that's all right. 01:06:17.952 --> 01:06:19.993 Because Ricky Gervais is very famous. 01:06:20.053 --> 01:06:22.534 Scott Mills is on every day on a national radio station. 01:06:22.554 --> 01:06:23.455 And who else did you say? 01:06:23.895 --> 01:06:24.635 Russell Brand. 01:06:24.655 --> 01:06:26.516 That's a bit embarrassing. 01:06:26.556 --> 01:06:27.516 He's on six music. 01:06:28.077 --> 01:06:28.517 That's digital. 01:06:28.857 --> 01:06:29.978 Yeah, but he's a very famous guy. 01:06:29.998 --> 01:06:34.001 But he's on Big Brother's Little Brother all the time and he sleeps with stars, which we don't. 01:06:34.722 --> 01:06:38.124 Maybe we should, you're married, maybe I should sleep with a celebrity and get in the papers. 01:06:38.505 --> 01:06:38.845 Yeah. 01:06:38.905 --> 01:06:40.206 That's the way to do it these days. 01:06:40.226 --> 01:06:41.487 I've got a girlfriend, don't forget. 01:06:41.707 --> 01:06:42.628 Yeah, she wouldn't mind. 01:06:42.848 --> 01:06:44.549 Imagine the kickbacks. 01:06:44.669 --> 01:06:47.752 Well, you know, the other way of going about it is to make her famous. 01:06:48.452 --> 01:06:49.833 Make my girlfriend famous? 01:06:49.873 --> 01:06:50.073 Yeah. 01:06:50.754 --> 01:06:52.996 Right, that seems to be the long way round though. 01:06:53.496 --> 01:06:56.157 Well, she would probably appreciate it, don't you think? 01:06:56.357 --> 01:06:58.599 Rather than you going off and sleeping with someone. 01:06:59.179 --> 01:07:00.920 I could try and make my wife famous as well. 01:07:00.960 --> 01:07:01.600 How would you do that? 01:07:01.620 --> 01:07:06.883 The quickest way to get famous, that sounds like a text to maybe for next week. 01:07:07.463 --> 01:07:12.585 Well, the quickest way, instead of come full circle, the quickest way to get famous is to sleep with someone else famous. 01:07:13.126 --> 01:07:17.688 I mean, the thing is, would you, you wouldn't want her to sleep with someone famous, would you? 01:07:18.108 --> 01:07:19.709 Not really, it depends on who. 01:07:21.109 --> 01:07:21.830 You'd want to do that. 01:07:21.850 --> 01:07:23.731 Maybe if it was another sexy lady. 01:07:25.213 --> 01:07:26.094 What's going on here? 01:07:26.214 --> 01:07:27.615 What's going on here? 01:07:27.655 --> 01:07:28.496 What's going on here? 01:07:28.576 --> 01:07:29.757 What's going on here? 01:07:29.817 --> 01:07:31.439 What's going on here? 01:07:31.479 --> 01:07:32.800 What's going on here? 01:07:41.468 --> 01:07:42.549 What did I just do? 01:07:42.589 --> 01:07:43.269 You slipped. 01:07:43.969 --> 01:07:47.751 Oh, I fell and I've got my cordonieur. 01:07:48.111 --> 01:07:49.092 I've slipped Kirsten Dunst. 01:07:49.112 --> 01:07:51.413 I didn't say anything rude, so Anthony thinks this is a bit risky. 01:07:51.653 --> 01:07:54.615 Anyway, so don't forget to download the podcast, alright? 01:07:55.755 --> 01:08:06.541 Because until we sleep with someone famous, we don't have those extra things that those other people at the top of the list, the advantages. 01:08:06.941 --> 01:08:10.263 Hey listen, are we gonna finish up with this request for Mitchie Monkey? 01:08:10.987 --> 01:08:11.388 Yeah, we are. 01:08:11.648 --> 01:08:16.495 Yeah, this is a text we've had in, and it's a birthday request for Mitch Tom. 01:08:17.196 --> 01:08:24.907 Or, I think he's also known as Mitchy Monkey, and he once breathed by the prodigy, but happy birthday Mitch, he's 16 today, and apparently he loves the show. 01:08:25.207 --> 01:08:25.948 Ah, fantastic. 01:08:26.209 --> 01:08:27.090 Intelligent young man. 01:08:27.270 --> 01:08:32.635 Yeah, because we're going to try we're going to I think last week's podcast was more or less I'm still obsessing about the podcast. 01:08:32.655 --> 01:08:33.997 Yeah, just for podcast fans. 01:08:34.017 --> 01:08:35.758 I think last week's podcast is more or less. 01:08:35.979 --> 01:08:38.261 It was just a compilation of because we were away. 01:08:38.321 --> 01:08:39.622 We were away. 01:08:39.742 --> 01:08:41.063 No, Matt did a great job on it. 01:08:41.103 --> 01:08:44.647 Matt, but maybe we were a bit rubbish as well the week before we were a bit slack. 01:08:44.667 --> 01:08:45.027 But good. 01:08:45.047 --> 01:08:46.829 But you know, podcast one to 12 are really good. 01:08:46.869 --> 01:08:49.392 Just skip 13 unlucky number bad podcast. 01:08:49.432 --> 01:08:49.812 Exactly. 01:08:49.972 --> 01:08:53.793 So we're gonna really work hard this week and pack next one with, uh... Pack next one. 01:08:54.013 --> 01:08:56.954 Pack the next one with lots of stuff, extra new stuff. 01:08:57.335 --> 01:08:58.555 Yeah, but... Hope you enjoy it. 01:08:58.715 --> 01:09:00.356 That's it from us this week, isn't it? 01:09:00.376 --> 01:09:01.496 Because we're coming up to the end of the show. 01:09:01.516 --> 01:09:04.597 It's Mick Rock coming up after the top of the hour. 01:09:04.657 --> 01:09:05.557 Thanks a lot for listening. 01:09:05.817 --> 01:09:06.638 We'll see you next week. 01:09:06.698 --> 01:09:08.678 This is, uh, Breathe by the Prodigy. 01:09:08.698 --> 01:09:09.639 You're gonna say goodbye, Adam. 01:09:09.719 --> 01:09:10.419 I love you, bye! 01:09:10.459 --> 01:09:10.659 Bye! 01:09:10.699 --> 01:09:11.619 Thank you, I love you, bye! 01:09:11.639 --> 01:09:12.200 This is for Mitch. 01:09:12.240 --> 01:09:12.940 Happy birthday, Mitch.