WEBVTT 00:01.752 --> 00:02.432 Hi, I'm Adam. 00:02.452 --> 00:03.092 Hi, I'm Joe. 00:03.152 --> 00:03.452 Joe. 00:03.492 --> 00:03.773 Joe. 00:03.813 --> 00:04.133 Joe. 00:04.153 --> 00:05.673 I would like to thank you for choosing. 00:05.693 --> 00:09.714 Please have your headsets ready for Adam and Joe in the studio, coming through loud and clear. 00:26.480 --> 00:27.441 Oh, fantastic stuff. 00:27.481 --> 00:29.762 That's Steady As She Goes from The Raconteurs. 00:29.942 --> 00:30.923 Hey, this is Adam Buxton. 00:31.083 --> 00:31.924 This is Joe Cornish. 00:31.964 --> 00:33.645 Welcome to our Saturday morning show. 00:33.665 --> 00:36.727 We're with you all the way until what? 00:36.767 --> 00:37.867 Until one, I think. 00:37.927 --> 00:46.193 Till 1pm when you enter the world of Mick Rock and his extraordinary rock and roll anecdoteage and an excellent selection of music. 00:46.233 --> 00:46.393 Yeah. 00:46.533 --> 01:02.755 we've got some great music for you as well uh civil sin no that's i keep on getting the title and the artist mixed up because i'm getting ancient boy kill boy that's the name of the band but you can't you know what blame me for confusing civil and civil sin and boy kill boy 01:03.752 --> 01:17.648 that's too just a mistake I'd never make really yeah you try to get them confused we got brilliant music Franz Ferdinand Foo Fighters captain with glorious yeah some blur coming up but it might be glorious no it isn't the zootons 01:19.910 --> 01:21.391 Yeah, and a couple of free plays as well. 01:21.431 --> 01:22.571 That's just the first hour. 01:22.972 --> 01:24.172 We've got a competition coming up. 01:24.512 --> 01:25.633 We've got stuff to give away. 01:26.273 --> 01:27.734 It's just overwhelming. 01:28.134 --> 01:28.815 It is overwhelming. 01:28.835 --> 01:29.975 Don't be too overwhelmed though. 01:30.015 --> 01:31.096 I find it overwhelming. 01:31.156 --> 01:32.697 I think I just want to go back to bed. 01:32.717 --> 01:33.897 Don't go back to bed. 01:34.137 --> 01:36.118 You know, I've had a very difficult week as well. 01:36.418 --> 01:36.759 Really? 01:36.819 --> 01:38.019 Yeah, it's been quite stressful. 01:38.039 --> 01:38.680 Has it? 01:38.840 --> 01:41.721 I'll tell you about it in a second. 01:41.781 --> 01:42.662 Let's have some more music. 01:42.962 --> 01:44.462 Here's the Dirty Pretty Things. 01:44.663 --> 01:45.143 Dirty? 01:48.231 --> 01:50.293 There you go, Franz Ferdinand with Walk Away. 01:50.333 --> 01:51.814 Did you like the video for that track, Joe? 01:51.834 --> 01:52.855 Were you aware of the video? 01:52.895 --> 01:54.216 No, what happens in the video to that? 01:54.356 --> 01:58.498 It's a kind of a 50s noir throwback thing, you know what I mean? 01:59.259 --> 02:02.501 With the Franz people wandering around. 02:02.601 --> 02:03.702 They're in a car chase. 02:04.022 --> 02:05.103 He's driving a car. 02:05.323 --> 02:07.424 There's a clearly fake backdrop kind of thing. 02:07.444 --> 02:08.225 Do you know this sort of thing? 02:08.285 --> 02:09.586 It's all very moodily lit. 02:10.326 --> 02:11.007 There's a lady. 02:11.287 --> 02:12.228 She's got stockings. 02:12.528 --> 02:13.529 She's got blonde hair. 02:14.309 --> 02:34.763 that kind of thing there's a lady she's got star kings she's got blonde blonde hair that's the new friends you know what i have been reading though what is what's the lead singer called alex capranos he's got a column in the guardian on the food pages does anybody read that i don't read the papers enough does he really have a column yeah he's got a column about food 02:36.184 --> 02:37.444 I don't know whether it's a joke. 02:37.784 --> 02:41.065 I sort of hope it's a joke, because it's very pretentious. 02:41.706 --> 02:47.607 He once described an omelette that had bacon and cheese and apple in it. 02:48.607 --> 02:51.348 And he started going on about the characteristics of apple. 02:51.928 --> 02:53.009 Man, I should bring it in. 02:53.549 --> 02:55.129 But it was apple as a cheeky fruit. 02:56.209 --> 02:58.330 Zesty, but bitchy. 02:58.850 --> 03:01.291 Whereas bacon is a lazy meat. 03:02.391 --> 03:22.035 elegant and reclined cheese bottoms the two like a naughty sibling or something seriously I'm not exaggerating so now I read it every week because I thought I think I might get a fiver out of private eye by sending it to Sue's Corner yeah yeah why don't we get a column in the Guardian 03:23.311 --> 03:26.472 You know, commenting on something like what he does. 03:27.512 --> 03:29.073 I don't think we've got the skills, do we? 03:29.253 --> 03:32.434 Yeah, I could write about the personality of foodstuff. 03:32.694 --> 03:34.094 Does Dom Jolly still do his column? 03:35.055 --> 03:36.195 That's in the Telegraph, yeah. 03:36.535 --> 03:37.576 Dom Jolly, the host of TripTV. 03:37.596 --> 03:38.116 Was it The Observer? 03:38.136 --> 03:39.196 I thought it was The Observer. 03:39.516 --> 03:40.997 In fact, I think it's The Independent. 03:41.097 --> 03:41.257 Is it? 03:41.337 --> 03:41.917 Is what it is. 03:41.957 --> 03:42.917 Yeah, and yes he does. 03:43.297 --> 03:43.458 Uh-huh. 03:43.838 --> 03:44.718 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 03:45.558 --> 03:45.958 There you go. 03:45.978 --> 03:46.799 Yeah, and I read it. 03:48.459 --> 03:50.040 And I bubble with hate. 03:52.300 --> 03:54.261 It's very difficult to win with columns, isn't it? 03:54.321 --> 03:57.883 I mean... I tell you, the problem with most columns is the picture of the person. 03:57.963 --> 04:04.986 You know, you open up a... They don't have this in the tabloids, but you open up a broadsheet and they insist on putting a silly little photo of the journalist. 04:05.026 --> 04:05.887 They always look smug. 04:06.167 --> 04:09.548 The journalist, yeah, they're not allowed to smile like a normal person would do. 04:09.628 --> 04:10.889 Hee hee, get my photo. 04:10.989 --> 04:12.029 Hee hee, ooh! 04:12.570 --> 04:13.030 Like that. 04:13.290 --> 04:19.553 Most people, right, or maybe that's just me, they have to look really cool, you know, like they've got attitude. 04:19.773 --> 04:20.493 Well, yeah, exactly. 04:21.054 --> 04:25.396 The photo has to express the fact that they're thinking something that you would never think. 04:25.716 --> 04:31.359 Something so cleverly extraordinary and unusual that it's going to blow your stupid mind right across the room. 04:31.379 --> 04:34.701 Some of them have a hand up to the face, leaning on the hand. 04:34.721 --> 04:36.262 Others just have a raised eyebrow. 04:36.862 --> 04:39.484 Some have a half smile, like funny, or is it? 04:40.509 --> 04:41.189 Kind of like that. 04:41.930 --> 04:43.730 It gets you thinking from the word go. 04:43.930 --> 04:45.831 Yeah, our pictures always had us just grinning. 04:45.991 --> 04:46.712 Generally, we grin. 04:46.732 --> 04:49.533 Yeah, that's why people have no respect for our opinions. 04:50.013 --> 04:51.053 Alex, what's his name? 04:51.093 --> 04:51.794 Pocahotas? 04:52.194 --> 04:52.874 Pocahontas? 04:53.154 --> 04:53.675 Capranos. 04:53.795 --> 04:54.455 Capranos. 04:56.136 --> 04:58.176 I think he has a sort of wry smile. 04:58.457 --> 05:03.599 He's just kind of head on, full frontal, directly looking you in the face with a half smile. 05:03.839 --> 05:04.779 Like, can you deal with this? 05:06.000 --> 05:06.780 What do you make of this? 05:07.160 --> 05:07.680 Is it a joke? 05:07.720 --> 05:08.181 Is it not? 05:08.361 --> 05:08.521 Yeah. 05:09.335 --> 05:11.178 Anyway, I recommend his column in The Guardian. 05:11.258 --> 05:12.280 Oh, that sounds fantastic. 05:12.300 --> 05:12.641 Yeah. 05:12.961 --> 05:13.723 Anyway... I'll bring it in. 05:13.903 --> 05:14.144 Okay. 05:14.184 --> 05:14.644 In future. 05:14.865 --> 05:16.247 There you go, Franz Ferdinand news. 05:16.668 --> 05:17.129 Uh, music. 05:17.550 --> 05:19.834 Here is Boy Kill Boy with Civil Sin. 05:22.898 --> 05:28.743 That was the re-recorded version of the East London Quartet's second single, originally released in September last year. 05:28.963 --> 05:30.465 I'm talking about Boy Kill Boy. 05:30.525 --> 05:31.125 I knew it! 05:31.525 --> 05:32.206 I knew you were. 05:32.266 --> 05:34.168 And the song was called Civil Sin. 05:34.268 --> 05:34.768 I knew it. 05:34.988 --> 05:35.729 I knew it was. 05:36.049 --> 05:37.851 What kind of a name is Boy Kill Boy? 05:38.592 --> 05:39.172 Uh, sexy. 05:39.472 --> 05:39.733 Sexy. 05:39.813 --> 05:45.317 Homoerotic, violent, challenging, truthful. 05:45.598 --> 05:45.938 Shocking. 05:46.385 --> 06:09.711 truthful yeah thought-provoking it's probably from something or somewhere isn't it like a comic or something something like that yeah we're probably showing our ignorance in not knowing where it's from doesn't say I'm scanning the notes here oh here we go the name stems from frontman Chris miss hearing a bloke in a Bethnal Green pub talking about a group called a band called Roy 06:11.556 --> 06:14.597 Wow, that's pretty thin ground to name your band on, isn't it? 06:14.617 --> 06:15.317 It's all you need. 06:15.817 --> 06:17.418 It's all you need for rock and roll. 06:17.978 --> 06:18.438 For a name. 06:19.018 --> 06:21.739 So, man, I had a bit of a nightmare last weekend after the show. 06:21.979 --> 06:22.220 Right. 06:22.460 --> 06:25.881 Because I was going off to a wedding with my wife. 06:27.101 --> 06:42.133 And we'd hired a car and hiring a car is one of those things that Derails your life from its normal safe path Do you know what I mean and immediately puts you into murky waters where anything could go wrong puts you into a hired car? 06:42.513 --> 06:51.841 I know that's the theory isn't it, but you know what I'm saying It's like once you get off the routine of your normal knowable life all sorts of grim things can happen and we made the mistake of 06:52.621 --> 07:02.604 visiting a car hire company that has the same name as a big building in Mexico that Ozzy Osbourne once took a wee against. 07:03.164 --> 07:04.885 Remember the... OK? 07:04.985 --> 07:06.505 And you can fill in the blank listeners. 07:06.945 --> 07:11.427 Anyway, it took two and a half hours to queue for the car. 07:11.847 --> 07:12.147 No. 07:12.707 --> 07:13.707 That was a long queue. 07:13.927 --> 07:15.068 Yeah, that had been booked 07:16.402 --> 07:18.683 4 days beforehand, it was all done and dusted. 07:19.083 --> 07:21.604 4 and a half hours, 2 and a half hours. 07:21.784 --> 07:28.405 Go and pick up the car, you go and pick up the car, all paid for, all done and dusted, 2 and a half hour queue. 07:28.425 --> 07:30.306 4 and a half, no. 07:30.686 --> 07:34.447 And then when finally we get to the front of the queue, 07:35.711 --> 07:43.134 And all the time that we're queuing, right, the staff are sort of giggling about how frustrated all the customers are getting. 07:44.335 --> 07:46.116 Somebody's car doesn't go through. 07:46.576 --> 07:53.679 They start chuckling about that, smirking at each other, taking delight in the absolute fury and frustration of their patrons. 07:54.019 --> 07:56.160 And of course, you're completely powerless because you're in the queue. 07:56.460 --> 07:57.421 You need your car. 07:57.781 --> 07:58.821 All your arrangements are made. 07:58.841 --> 07:59.562 There's nothing you can do. 07:59.582 --> 08:02.583 You just have to stay there and hope that you get your car at the end of it. 08:02.783 --> 08:04.064 We get to the front of the queue finally, 08:04.764 --> 08:07.685 And the car that we'd reserved isn't... It's gone. 08:07.725 --> 08:09.005 They've given it to someone else. 08:09.486 --> 08:11.406 So they give us a different crappy car. 08:12.187 --> 08:16.968 It was incredibly hot in the car and the air conditioning didn't work at all. 08:17.768 --> 08:18.049 You know? 08:18.889 --> 08:19.869 Completely busted. 08:20.089 --> 08:23.390 In fact it was blowing hot air out at an incredible rate. 08:23.931 --> 08:27.812 And the higher you turned the thing, the more it blasted very hot air. 08:28.032 --> 08:28.933 What sort of a car was it? 08:30.514 --> 08:31.255 A blue one. 08:31.535 --> 08:32.175 A blue one? 08:32.195 --> 08:32.556 Yeah. 08:32.656 --> 08:33.937 They're not supposed to be very good. 08:34.037 --> 08:34.337 No. 08:34.597 --> 08:35.538 I've heard bad things. 08:35.558 --> 08:35.919 Yeah. 08:36.199 --> 08:38.040 What car says the blue ones are no good? 08:38.160 --> 08:38.901 It's on the cover. 08:39.161 --> 08:39.682 Exactly. 08:39.762 --> 08:40.542 Pink ones, yes. 08:40.682 --> 08:41.343 It was dreadful. 08:41.843 --> 08:43.745 Anyway, so that was a traumatic thing in itself. 08:45.426 --> 08:49.350 Sunday night we get back, park the car, getting ready to take it back to the higher place in the morning. 08:50.952 --> 08:56.257 We wake up in the morning to find at 9.15 in the morning, the car's been towed. 08:57.278 --> 08:57.558 What? 08:57.718 --> 08:58.679 By Lambeth Council. 08:58.839 --> 08:59.079 Yeah. 08:59.379 --> 09:02.642 Because it's been there unticketed. 09:03.863 --> 09:07.886 You know, because we didn't even think about the fact that it was... we just left it in our normal space. 09:08.587 --> 09:10.950 But it's... And you didn't have your residence thing on. 09:11.010 --> 09:11.771 No residence thing. 09:11.791 --> 09:13.172 So they towed it immediately. 09:13.633 --> 09:14.614 As soon as they could. 09:14.674 --> 09:15.495 That's how it goes down. 09:16.075 --> 09:21.381 It's just... I mean it makes you want to... And that costs about 150 quid, doesn't it, to get it out of that. 09:21.401 --> 09:21.561 200 quid. 09:21.581 --> 09:21.801 200 quid. 09:21.822 --> 09:22.022 200 pounds. 09:24.705 --> 09:40.645 So at the end of the weekend we'd spent about 350 quid on a blue car with fire coming out of the air conditioning vents and rude service from the car hire company. 09:40.945 --> 09:41.666 That's terrible. 09:41.706 --> 09:42.667 Was it a good wedding though? 09:43.228 --> 09:43.789 Fantastic. 09:43.929 --> 09:44.409 Fantastic. 09:44.429 --> 09:45.030 So there you go. 09:45.050 --> 09:45.951 There is a happy ending. 09:45.991 --> 09:46.651 Isn't that terrible? 09:46.951 --> 09:49.334 You know, the weird thing is I've had a bad experience in there as well. 09:49.414 --> 09:49.714 Have you? 09:49.914 --> 09:53.637 Yeah, I got really angry with the guy behind the counter for exactly the same reason. 09:53.838 --> 09:54.818 Because they were taking so long. 09:54.979 --> 09:57.161 Taking ages, just being really rude. 09:57.741 --> 09:58.782 Really genuinely rude. 09:59.423 --> 10:00.203 Makes me angry. 10:00.844 --> 10:07.270 What can we do? 10:07.290 --> 10:08.190 Stop it! 10:09.423 --> 10:10.328 OK, free playtime. 10:10.690 --> 10:12.820 Here's eels with lick your boots. 10:13.363 --> 10:13.584 What? 10:17.011 --> 10:20.073 That was Eels with To Lick Your Boots, bit of a free play there. 10:20.093 --> 10:25.496 That was from their last album, a huge, great double album, I think it was, and it was fantastic, well worth checking out. 10:26.296 --> 10:27.557 We're gonna be back after the break. 10:28.097 --> 10:29.378 It's gonna be competition time. 10:29.698 --> 10:30.699 I love competition time. 10:30.719 --> 10:36.342 Everybody does, because it's fun to listen to, plus you stand to gain personally from the whole transaction. 10:36.362 --> 10:37.682 What's it gonna be, what competition? 10:38.423 --> 10:40.044 I think it's gonna be a crap commentary, isn't it? 10:40.064 --> 10:40.704 So it is, yeah. 10:40.804 --> 10:42.065 Yeah, I've got a good one this week. 10:42.285 --> 10:43.746 Okay, get set for that after this. 10:47.332 --> 10:49.778 That was the mighty Foo Fighters with the best of you. 10:49.798 --> 10:53.427 This is Adam and Joe on XFM and it's competition time this week. 10:53.728 --> 10:53.888 It's... 11:16.158 --> 11:36.437 Go ahead, it's easy You can use IMTV There we go, it's Crap Commentary Corner This is the competition where we play you some excerpts from a DVD commentary You have to tell us who's talking and what movie they're talking about You know, it's not just a boring clip of someone ranting on 11:37.177 --> 11:38.398 Oh no no no no. 11:39.879 --> 11:45.343 I've scoured the world's DVDs to bring you the stupidest ones. 11:46.003 --> 11:59.633 Anyway okay so uh stand by your phones 0 8 7 1 triple 2 1 0 4 9 uh if you know who this is talking about what film you could win either a pair of tickets to see DJ Shadow at Coco on the 29th of August or 12:01.614 --> 12:03.255 Lost Series 2 Part 1. 12:03.915 --> 12:04.895 A DVD box set. 12:04.915 --> 12:06.616 That's exciting if you're a fan of Lost. 12:06.776 --> 12:07.496 That's amazing. 12:07.516 --> 12:08.376 That's a good prize. 12:08.416 --> 12:09.396 Yeah, so here we go. 12:09.436 --> 12:10.177 Here's clip number one. 12:10.217 --> 12:11.197 This is a director. 12:12.037 --> 12:17.139 It's not a new film, but it's a really, you know, it certainly lasts ten years. 12:17.239 --> 12:17.599 Ten years? 12:17.679 --> 12:18.079 Five years? 12:18.159 --> 12:18.699 I forget. 12:19.279 --> 12:21.300 Anyway, it's quite a famous big blockbuster. 12:21.860 --> 12:25.161 And here's the director talking about how he got his story ideas. 12:25.868 --> 12:33.133 Because there was an agenda for me to do a more kid-friendly movie, I went to the source. 12:33.273 --> 12:35.755 I went to my godson, who was about six. 12:36.276 --> 12:38.777 So a lot of these ideas come from him. 12:39.538 --> 12:40.258 That's encouraging. 12:40.318 --> 12:41.960 That's not good news, is it? 12:42.500 --> 12:49.865 I mean, the last person to do that was Robert Rodriguez, who got his six-year-old kid to write a film that ended up being called Sharkboy and Lavagirl. 12:49.885 --> 12:50.986 And that's not the answer. 12:51.266 --> 12:51.446 Yeah. 12:51.547 --> 12:53.208 That's not the sound of Robert Rodriguez. 12:53.588 --> 12:54.849 And that was the worst film ever made. 12:55.606 --> 12:56.666 Certainly up there, wasn't it? 12:56.706 --> 12:58.867 Don't ask a six-year-old for advice on anything. 12:58.987 --> 13:00.988 What could you ask a six-year-old for advice on? 13:01.888 --> 13:03.769 Um... weeing on the floor. 13:03.949 --> 13:04.869 There you go, that's it. 13:05.150 --> 13:06.310 That's the extent of their knowledge. 13:06.750 --> 13:11.512 So, if you know who that is, 0871221 and 49, we'll make it a bit easier by playing you another clip. 13:12.152 --> 13:14.933 This is a new word that the director learnt when making this film. 13:15.073 --> 13:16.754 A new term that would be useful for all of us. 13:17.133 --> 13:27.679 As you can see, a lot of things look like action toys and action figures because I'm sure I don't have to tell you what kind of profits those toys make. 13:28.339 --> 13:39.165 I learned a new phrase in my life called toyetic, whether a movie is toyetic or not and how many toys people can get out of it. 13:40.247 --> 13:40.907 Toyetic. 13:41.828 --> 13:43.209 That's a ridiculous word. 13:43.249 --> 13:45.871 Why doesn't he just use the word like marketable? 13:46.171 --> 13:48.613 Is that not a word that does the same job in that situation? 13:48.633 --> 13:50.094 It's not as exciting as toyetic. 13:50.254 --> 13:50.975 Toyetic. 13:51.115 --> 13:52.236 Toyetic's a good word. 13:52.256 --> 13:53.136 The way he said it as well. 13:53.376 --> 13:55.918 I learned a new word. 13:57.259 --> 13:57.980 Toyetic. 13:59.641 --> 14:01.042 He sounds frightening, man. 14:01.202 --> 14:02.723 Well, I think he's probably quite nice. 14:03.223 --> 14:04.184 So two clues so far. 14:04.204 --> 14:06.526 He gets his ideas from his six-year-old nephew. 14:07.186 --> 14:09.268 He has made a film that's very toyetic. 14:09.589 --> 14:12.992 Here's clip number three, and this will probably give it away. 14:13.392 --> 14:15.534 But you know, this movie was perceived as a failure. 14:15.935 --> 14:19.779 But the director, in retrospect, doesn't think it was, and here's his justification. 14:20.479 --> 14:24.964 I don't think it's considered a success, because I think that I disappointed some people. 14:25.624 --> 14:28.086 But I just wanted you to know it ruined all our lives. 14:28.627 --> 14:31.569 George went on to become one of the biggest movie stars in the world. 14:31.949 --> 14:35.052 Uma starring in the Kill Bill series, as you know. 14:35.933 --> 14:38.495 And Arnold went on to be governor of California. 14:38.555 --> 14:40.496 So yeah, it just destroyed all of us. 14:41.357 --> 14:59.900 there you go he's a little insincere there yeah sarcastic even i know smug even uh we can't go into that in any more detail without giving it away but it's pretty easy 0 8 7 1 triple 2 1 0 4 9 if you know what director that was and what movie he was commentating on you can win uh lost dvds or a pair of tickets to see dj shadow if you know that call now 15:04.172 --> 15:06.033 That was Captain with Glorious. 15:06.514 --> 15:07.754 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 15:07.975 --> 15:09.856 It's time to resolve our competition. 15:09.936 --> 15:11.317 Crap commentary corner for this week. 15:11.857 --> 15:17.961 And we have a caller on the line who thinks he knows not only the director's name, but what film he was talking about. 15:18.161 --> 15:18.882 Are you there, Derek? 15:19.742 --> 15:20.243 Yes, hello. 15:20.811 --> 15:21.272 How are you doing? 15:21.292 --> 15:25.998 I'm very well Derek I'm just telling you that before you ask me just to get that out of the way. 15:26.038 --> 15:26.959 You intercepted that. 15:27.059 --> 15:28.802 Yeah I'm incredibly well so don't ask. 15:28.862 --> 15:29.903 I'm very ill Derek. 15:29.983 --> 15:30.664 Joe's very ill. 15:30.724 --> 15:32.447 Yeah so don't ask about that either. 15:32.467 --> 15:34.409 Don't bring it up because he's very sensitive about it. 15:34.629 --> 15:35.451 How are you though Derek? 15:36.071 --> 15:36.511 I'm fine. 15:36.531 --> 15:37.252 I'm good. 15:37.292 --> 15:37.672 Very good. 15:37.712 --> 15:38.032 Thank you. 15:38.092 --> 15:40.273 Matt, our callers sound like they're in space today. 15:40.433 --> 15:41.493 We've got a space link up. 15:41.673 --> 15:42.774 Shall I tell you a secret, Joe? 15:42.814 --> 15:45.715 I didn't want to mention it before, but we're actually in space. 15:45.915 --> 15:46.215 Are we? 15:46.315 --> 15:47.776 Yeah, we're doing the show from space. 15:47.876 --> 15:48.496 Wow. 15:48.516 --> 15:55.518 Because it's cheaper, we get a tax break and we're orbiting just over Greece and it's looking nice. 15:55.799 --> 15:56.659 It does look nice. 15:56.759 --> 15:57.439 Looks lovely. 15:57.479 --> 15:58.680 It's very like Leicester Square. 15:58.840 --> 16:00.961 So listen, Derek, you heard the clips, right? 16:01.321 --> 16:01.701 Say yes. 16:01.741 --> 16:01.841 Yes. 16:02.401 --> 16:02.601 Yes. 16:02.761 --> 16:08.605 And we're going to play you one more clip just to, you know, cement your correct answer. 16:08.705 --> 16:09.946 One more clip of this silly director. 16:09.966 --> 16:10.746 Are we going to do that, Adam? 16:11.247 --> 16:11.427 Yes. 16:11.447 --> 16:11.747 Oh dear. 16:11.847 --> 16:13.268 Adam headbutted his microphone. 16:13.608 --> 16:14.509 So Derek, stay on the line. 16:14.529 --> 16:15.149 We'll fade you down. 16:15.189 --> 16:16.470 We'll just play one last clip. 16:16.870 --> 16:18.311 And this is a clip of the director. 16:18.511 --> 16:19.632 I don't know what this clip's about. 16:19.672 --> 16:20.373 Let's just hear it. 16:20.793 --> 16:27.777 So of course, the two villains combined their evil here against our fabulous heroes. 16:28.498 --> 16:29.418 Oh, what will happen? 16:29.518 --> 16:30.119 I'm so worried. 16:30.539 --> 16:32.060 Oh, they've saved the day. 16:32.940 --> 16:33.620 Did you doubt it? 16:34.441 --> 16:35.841 And still look so good. 16:36.541 --> 16:38.202 That's just him being very insincere. 16:38.262 --> 16:39.783 Yeah, I'll tell you what that clip's about. 16:40.023 --> 16:53.568 That clip's about the most cynical man in Hollywood sitting back and counting his millions while he insults the viewers of the world with his disgusting pile of stinky food. 16:53.588 --> 16:56.489 Well hang on, let's see what this disgusting pile of stinky is. 16:56.889 --> 16:57.830 Derek, are you still there? 16:59.035 --> 17:01.877 What's the name, what director was that and what film was he banging on about? 17:02.417 --> 17:05.639 It was Joel Schumacher and he's talking about the film Batman and Robin. 17:05.839 --> 17:07.960 Yes, now did you see that film Derek? 17:08.841 --> 17:09.841 Yes, it was terrible. 17:10.201 --> 17:11.442 It was terrible wasn't it? 17:11.622 --> 17:20.427 And he said, he talks earlier on, Schumacher talks earlier on on that commentary clip that we just heard about, oh this film may have disappointed a few people. 17:20.807 --> 17:24.389 I think it's pretty safe to say it disappointed every single person. 17:24.429 --> 17:25.250 Even the children. 17:25.330 --> 17:25.590 Yeah. 17:26.390 --> 17:26.990 I was disappointed. 17:27.010 --> 17:28.051 Definitely. 17:28.311 --> 17:30.391 It's a pretty cynical commentary, isn't it? 17:30.671 --> 17:34.513 He released that, that DVD was released along with Batman Begins, right? 17:34.533 --> 17:36.473 A sort of super special expensive edition. 17:36.713 --> 17:36.973 Wow. 17:37.454 --> 17:39.254 And he shows no remorse. 17:40.134 --> 17:45.016 In fact, he sort of wallows in the fact that he's made loads of money out of doing a bit of rubbish. 17:45.296 --> 17:47.137 Derek, thanks for calling and congratulations. 17:47.197 --> 17:50.258 Would you like to see DJ Shadow at Coco on the 29th of August? 17:52.109 --> 17:53.091 Is that today? 17:53.131 --> 17:53.892 No, it's next month. 17:54.272 --> 17:55.494 Enjoy yourself at DJ Shadow. 17:55.514 --> 17:57.296 Thanks very much indeed for calling in Derek. 17:57.457 --> 17:58.438 Cheerio, have a good weekend. 17:58.458 --> 17:58.939 Bye bye. 17:58.979 --> 17:59.680 Well done Derek. 17:59.700 --> 18:00.260 That was brilliant. 18:00.601 --> 18:03.265 That was competition time here on the Adam and Joe show on XFM. 18:03.325 --> 18:04.266 We'll be back very shortly. 18:07.423 --> 18:09.284 That was Valerie by the Zutons. 18:09.304 --> 18:10.604 This is Adam and Joe on XFN. 18:11.024 --> 18:16.046 Yeah, in our new Saturday morning slot we're just coming to the end of our first hour, but we're here with you till one. 18:16.106 --> 18:22.129 Now I was at the gymnasium the other day, Joe, because I like to keep my body in the peak of physical perfection. 18:22.209 --> 18:23.349 It looks extraordinary. 18:23.429 --> 18:23.969 Thanks very much. 18:23.989 --> 18:24.610 It's beautiful. 18:24.830 --> 18:25.310 Thank you. 18:25.470 --> 18:26.891 You're more of a machine than a man. 18:27.291 --> 18:28.091 A muscle machine. 18:28.211 --> 18:29.932 Yeah, I'm like the Terminator. 18:30.512 --> 18:31.412 but more attractive. 18:31.552 --> 18:32.353 I'd say it's perfect. 18:32.513 --> 18:32.893 Thank you. 18:32.973 --> 18:33.813 Your body's perfect. 18:33.833 --> 18:34.493 Thank you very much. 18:34.673 --> 18:36.634 Your body, my body, everybody needs somebody. 18:37.474 --> 18:37.834 That's true. 18:38.154 --> 18:50.098 Anyway, so I was in the gym and I was on the running machine and you know, you've got to love the running machine, going round and round and running, looking at the TV, watching MTV, that kind of thing. 18:50.598 --> 18:51.899 Have you ever been on a running machine? 18:51.939 --> 18:53.441 Yeah, only a couple of times. 18:53.481 --> 18:54.041 Not regularly. 18:54.061 --> 18:55.302 I don't like gyms. 18:55.602 --> 18:56.603 I don't really like them either. 18:56.623 --> 18:57.744 So I'm on the running machine. 18:58.285 --> 19:03.369 Anyway, the guy in front, there's a running machine in front, and he stank. 19:04.170 --> 19:04.871 He was stinky. 19:04.911 --> 19:05.431 He smelled. 19:05.972 --> 19:08.013 And he was a huge guy. 19:08.274 --> 19:15.160 And I don't mean fat, I just mean he's one of these chaps that's like really massive, like every part of him is massive. 19:16.441 --> 19:19.645 I think he was a sort of rugby playing type of a person. 19:20.225 --> 19:24.971 So he had huge chunky legs, like big thick tree trunks. 19:24.991 --> 19:32.519 And I realised that it's my least favourite physical characteristic on a man, is massive legs. 19:33.396 --> 19:33.596 you think? 19:52.053 --> 19:53.915 Oh, that guy probably smells. 19:54.015 --> 19:55.836 And it's totally unfair and irrational. 19:56.456 --> 20:00.979 Why would there be a connection between a stinkage and large thighage? 20:01.040 --> 20:06.203 Because the two times that I've seen different blokes with huge tree trunk legs in the gym, they have stank. 20:06.303 --> 20:07.364 What sort of a stink is it? 20:07.404 --> 20:08.124 A sweaty stink? 20:08.144 --> 20:08.545 A B.O. 20:08.565 --> 20:08.865 stink? 20:09.085 --> 20:09.866 No, wet dog. 20:10.886 --> 20:20.332 Wet or what kind of a stink is that it's the stink you get from not washing your gym kit well enough And you put it back on and when you start to sweat it sets it off again. 20:20.352 --> 20:21.493 Do you know what I'm saying right? 20:21.533 --> 20:31.640 It's like a mildew II Smell like here's the thing you get it sometimes when you when you wash your clothes But you leave them in the drum for too long before taking them out and drying them. 20:31.800 --> 20:32.460 That's a fungus. 20:32.760 --> 20:33.421 That's a kind of a fun 20:33.741 --> 20:35.502 Yeah, that's just the water going putrid. 20:35.582 --> 20:36.182 That's right. 20:36.363 --> 20:38.424 Yeah, but I'm not sure that's connected to the thighs. 20:38.464 --> 20:39.724 That's just his washing routine. 20:39.784 --> 20:42.366 That's his washing routine, but in my mind... His thighs are activating the fungus. 20:42.626 --> 20:44.167 Because the thighs are so thick. 20:44.989 --> 20:48.910 uh... they're so thick and they're bald they're pushing the uh... what? 20:49.330 --> 21:12.798 they're pushing the material rubbing it and therefore i mean they could be an advert like a unilever style parcel advert uh... working out the science of this i can see cross sections of thighs and uh... animations to illustrate the putrid fungus being released by the giant legs by the giant legs yeah i don't know what your problem is though with giant thighs no it's irrational have you got any irrational kind of body uh... turn offs 21:13.878 --> 21:15.579 Oh, I tend to dislike growths. 21:16.940 --> 21:18.061 Any major growths. 21:19.302 --> 21:21.623 Double heads emerging from the body. 21:22.063 --> 21:23.124 But that's unusual, isn't it? 21:23.144 --> 21:24.145 Catastrophic freakism. 21:24.345 --> 21:26.887 Catastrophic freakism tends to unsettle me. 21:26.907 --> 21:30.149 I usually make an effort to counteract it by being over friendly. 21:30.509 --> 21:31.510 But you've got nothing like... 21:32.510 --> 21:43.703 I'm talking about like an irrational dislike of a physical characteristic in a man or a woman, you know, like a woman with a pronounced jutting jaw or a flat nose or large ears. 21:44.003 --> 21:48.268 I tell you now, I tell you what gets me is enormous earlobes. 21:49.469 --> 21:52.050 and some men have enormous earlobes. 21:52.130 --> 21:53.190 Old chaps do, old lobes. 21:53.290 --> 21:55.370 Old chaps have enormous earlobes. 21:56.090 --> 21:58.351 Useless great globules of flesh. 21:58.551 --> 22:00.091 David Lean, he had giant ones. 22:00.131 --> 22:00.371 Did he? 22:00.391 --> 22:03.412 Well I agree, it happens when you get older but sometimes you get it on young guys. 22:03.552 --> 22:03.732 Yeah. 22:03.992 --> 22:05.552 Just a useless amount of earlobe. 22:05.932 --> 22:08.213 Then sometimes you get people with none. 22:08.833 --> 22:09.073 None? 22:09.473 --> 22:09.993 None at all. 22:10.013 --> 22:10.453 That's right. 22:10.473 --> 22:12.874 I think in fact my earlobes aren't that generous. 22:13.646 --> 22:14.446 They're not pronounced. 22:14.486 --> 22:15.307 They're not pronounced. 22:15.367 --> 22:17.328 It's almost just a flap of skin. 22:17.348 --> 22:17.988 But you've got one. 22:18.008 --> 22:18.529 You've got one. 22:18.729 --> 22:19.269 I've got one. 22:19.309 --> 22:21.130 It's not like it comes straight out of your face. 22:21.250 --> 22:21.811 Aquaman. 22:21.931 --> 22:22.351 Aquaman. 22:22.591 --> 22:24.152 Or what's he called the Thames Barrier? 22:24.352 --> 22:25.072 What was he called? 22:25.092 --> 22:27.134 That superhero wasn't called the Thames Barrier. 22:27.254 --> 22:28.054 The Gemini Man. 22:28.074 --> 22:28.835 That's the fella. 22:29.175 --> 22:30.255 Was he called the Gemini Man? 22:30.716 --> 22:32.176 No, the man from Atlantis. 22:32.296 --> 22:33.697 The man from Atlantis, that's right. 22:33.977 --> 22:37.780 So what I'm saying is it's almost as if you've got gills rather than ears, you know? 22:38.160 --> 22:39.160 Just flaps of skin. 22:39.541 --> 22:41.442 That's the closest I can get to it. 22:42.242 --> 22:44.804 But I think rugby players have to have very big thighs. 22:44.925 --> 22:46.086 They don't have to stink though. 22:46.646 --> 22:48.848 Sort your personal regime out, big legs! 22:49.048 --> 22:50.790 This is Adam and Joe on XFM, we'll be back shortly. 22:55.990 --> 22:57.731 That was Your All I Have by Snow Patrol. 22:58.091 --> 23:01.313 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM on a Saturday afternoon. 23:01.993 --> 23:05.955 And don't forget that from 12 till 1, it's the X List here on the show. 23:06.035 --> 23:16.260 So you can text us 83XFM or email AdamandJoe at XFM.co.uk with any requests of kind of classic indie moments, isn't it, Joe? 23:16.400 --> 23:16.961 That kind of thing. 23:17.201 --> 23:17.341 Yeah. 23:18.221 --> 23:46.971 uh... that's correct now joe i was a bit worried this week because i feel as if i'm turning into my dad in lots of ways and i know you've mentioned this to me before once or twice when i've been particularly grumpy uh... but this this was just things that i found myself saying to them that i thought oh god i can't believe i'm actually coming to your parents and i'm just saying to my children that my parents used to say to me and i'm just sort of saying as a fallback you know without even thinking about it just automatically holds that all these things are very wise 23:47.873 --> 23:48.414 OK, we'll see what you think. 23:48.434 --> 23:49.776 I bet these are all words of wisdom. 23:50.276 --> 23:52.840 Don't sit too close to the TV, I was saying this week. 23:53.360 --> 23:54.001 Very wise. 23:54.402 --> 23:55.503 What's the reason for that? 23:55.683 --> 23:56.945 Because it's bad for your eyes. 23:56.965 --> 23:57.546 Bad for your eyes. 23:57.566 --> 23:59.388 It can't be that bad, can it? 23:59.448 --> 24:02.532 Yeah, it's pretty bad, especially for child's eyes that are still forming. 24:02.653 --> 24:02.913 Yeah. 24:03.414 --> 24:04.815 Those eyes are still growing. 24:05.436 --> 24:09.439 Having said that, is it not true that your eyes are the only things that don't get bigger as you grow? 24:09.599 --> 24:10.299 I think that's right. 24:10.339 --> 24:11.000 Yeah, they stay the same size. 24:11.020 --> 24:12.741 When you're born, your eyes are the same size. 24:12.901 --> 24:14.382 Yeah. 24:14.442 --> 24:15.422 Can that be true? 24:15.522 --> 24:16.243 It is true, that's true. 24:16.263 --> 24:17.103 The actual balls. 24:17.343 --> 24:18.084 Yeah, that's the true fact. 24:18.104 --> 24:18.824 The eyeballs. 24:18.904 --> 24:19.405 The eyeballs. 24:19.465 --> 24:20.465 Is that really so? 24:20.485 --> 24:20.946 That's so. 24:21.206 --> 24:22.887 Babies, that's why babies have big eyes. 24:22.907 --> 24:23.267 Exactly. 24:23.307 --> 24:24.748 That's why children have big eyes. 24:24.948 --> 24:25.128 Yeah. 24:25.148 --> 24:30.512 Well, you see, I once got that fact confused in my head, and I swore blind to someone in a big argument. 24:31.874 --> 24:37.712 that the one part of the human body that stays the same size your whole life from birth till death is your head. 24:39.898 --> 24:40.639 When was this? 24:40.679 --> 24:41.860 When did that argument happen? 24:42.480 --> 24:43.861 Probably not that long ago. 24:43.881 --> 24:47.564 No, this is like 10 or 15 years ago I remember having this argument. 24:47.985 --> 24:49.786 And these people were like, what? 24:50.146 --> 24:50.887 Your head? 24:51.247 --> 24:53.990 So like a baby's head is the same as a fully grown adult's head. 24:54.010 --> 24:54.990 That's simply not true. 24:55.010 --> 24:56.011 No, of course it's not true. 24:56.051 --> 24:57.412 And I was completely insane. 24:57.713 --> 25:03.817 But I just dug myself so deep into this hole of erroneousness, I couldn't get out of it again. 25:03.898 --> 25:09.022 I did the same thing once with an argument about how fast supersonic flight was. 25:09.562 --> 25:17.505 I swore blind and got really angry about it and just said, you're so stupid, don't you realise that supersonic flight, i.e. 25:17.565 --> 25:19.466 Concorde, went at the speed of light. 25:19.786 --> 25:21.007 Yeah, that's much too fast. 25:21.067 --> 25:21.247 Yeah. 25:21.827 --> 25:23.768 So don't sit too close to the TV. 25:23.808 --> 25:24.448 I think you're right. 25:24.488 --> 25:25.869 I think that's important for kids. 25:25.969 --> 25:26.189 Yeah. 25:26.289 --> 25:27.229 Because TV is exciting. 25:27.489 --> 25:31.711 I tell you the other thing, Adam, is televisions have got bigger and more powerful since we were children. 25:31.791 --> 25:36.953 So if anything, you should say you should make them sit even further away than you did in the next room. 25:37.173 --> 25:42.096 Imagine all the lethal things that are coming out of that telly. 25:42.376 --> 25:42.816 Lasers. 25:43.076 --> 25:46.478 Lasers, poltergeists, video drones. 25:47.018 --> 25:47.679 Sillet bangs. 25:47.719 --> 25:50.320 Sillet bangs, subliminal advertising. 25:50.340 --> 25:52.481 Tell me to face the other way, in fact. 25:52.562 --> 25:52.822 Yeah. 25:53.502 --> 25:54.363 Just get out. 25:54.503 --> 25:55.083 No TV. 25:55.143 --> 25:55.643 No TV. 25:55.703 --> 25:56.083 Bible. 25:56.464 --> 25:57.544 Yeah. 25:57.784 --> 25:59.185 Get in the cupboard and read the Bible. 25:59.205 --> 26:00.426 Get in the cupboard and read the Bible. 26:02.247 --> 26:03.007 Here's the other thing. 26:03.047 --> 26:05.429 Now this is the thing that really gets me about being a dad. 26:06.289 --> 26:08.610 Put the DVDs back in their boxes. 26:08.670 --> 26:09.730 Oh, would you, please? 26:09.971 --> 26:11.411 Come on, you can relate to that, right? 26:11.951 --> 26:14.112 Yeah, I don't like grubby fingers over the DVDs. 26:14.212 --> 26:15.393 I mean, it's maddening. 26:15.673 --> 26:18.154 These things cost... Why do you let them touch the DVDs? 26:18.274 --> 26:19.434 They shouldn't be allowed to. 26:19.794 --> 26:22.636 And so they just grab the things and they take it out of the player. 26:22.796 --> 26:24.356 They don't put it back in the box. 26:24.856 --> 26:26.657 You know, they put the thing face-downs. 26:26.717 --> 26:29.718 It scratches up the... the silver... What are they watching? 26:29.798 --> 26:30.639 Zombie Flesh Eaters? 26:31.099 --> 26:32.119 Private Insay Shells? 26:32.780 --> 26:34.000 What kind of things are they watching? 26:34.560 --> 26:35.361 Debbie Does Dallas. 26:36.431 --> 26:37.172 That kind of thing. 26:37.472 --> 26:37.792 Really? 26:38.212 --> 26:39.974 I hope you've put all that stuff on the top shelf. 26:40.474 --> 26:41.855 Yeah, no, that's all on the top shelf. 26:42.475 --> 26:45.057 But that's something that you can relate to, and most parents can relate to. 26:45.097 --> 26:48.500 That's fury and frustration with not treating the DVDs properly. 26:49.060 --> 26:50.541 Do you think I'm turning into my dad for that? 26:50.741 --> 26:51.742 I think you are, yes. 26:52.142 --> 26:52.663 Oh, no. 26:52.703 --> 26:53.403 But you should be proud. 26:53.423 --> 26:54.224 Your dad's a good man. 26:54.404 --> 26:55.244 Shall we have some music? 26:55.285 --> 26:55.845 Yes, music. 26:56.485 --> 26:57.086 Here is Keen. 27:00.933 --> 27:03.995 That was Break the Night with Gullah by Richard Ashcroft. 27:04.035 --> 27:05.576 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 27:06.156 --> 27:10.159 So it's movie review time, this time reviewing a movie that I've seen. 27:10.179 --> 27:11.500 You haven't seen it though, have you Adam? 27:11.680 --> 27:12.621 Which one is it, Superman? 27:12.661 --> 27:16.043 Super poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo. 27:16.083 --> 27:16.823 That's how you say it. 27:16.843 --> 27:28.591 Super poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo po 27:29.251 --> 27:33.032 And super poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop What about Jaws? 27:33.953 --> 27:49.178 Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Yeah that one kind of works Jaws Jaws Jaws But super poop poop poop poop Man, I mean that's a good one It's a good one, I enjoyed it, I saw it at the IMAX This is the one, what's the full title of the thing? 27:49.398 --> 27:51.879 Superman Returns Superman Returns, is that all it is? 27:52.059 --> 27:55.620 Even though if you rub out the U It says sperm man 27:57.452 --> 28:13.031 you can do that quite easily on the posters you're dirty i am stupid superman returns and this is directed by uh the guy brian singer brian singer he is a director what did x-men 1 and x-men 2 and the usual suspects 28:14.128 --> 28:18.191 And another film that no one's seen called Family Viewing or something was his first film. 28:18.472 --> 28:19.893 But anyway, he's very talented. 28:20.433 --> 28:22.995 And he's done a super duper job of super duper man. 28:23.336 --> 28:24.076 Really, it's good, is it? 28:24.136 --> 28:25.918 It's very good, especially the first hour. 28:27.059 --> 28:30.161 After he saves the plane, you can bugger off. 28:30.581 --> 28:30.902 Right. 28:31.022 --> 28:34.364 Because the rest of it's pretty uneventful. 28:35.345 --> 28:37.787 With some positively bad things happening. 28:38.287 --> 28:39.809 Like Superman has a kid. 28:40.269 --> 28:40.669 Does he? 28:40.950 --> 28:41.950 And that's no good, is it? 28:41.970 --> 28:43.472 And that kid's got superpowers. 28:43.652 --> 28:44.953 Well, you'd hope he would. 28:45.253 --> 28:46.674 Emergent superpowers. 28:46.854 --> 28:47.074 Right. 28:47.475 --> 28:50.157 But that doesn't bode well, does it, for the... for the sequels? 28:50.197 --> 28:51.458 He's only six in this one. 28:52.346 --> 28:54.487 If they make another sequel in four years, he'll be ten. 28:54.507 --> 28:55.868 You don't want a Superboy, do you? 28:55.888 --> 28:58.289 Yeah, it'll turn into a Smallville, won't it? 28:58.889 --> 28:59.510 I suppose so. 28:59.670 --> 29:04.052 Does Superman have a kid in- Oh, you mean the kid'll become a teenager and be like teenage Superman? 29:04.072 --> 29:06.013 Yeah, it'll go all OC on your arse. 29:06.353 --> 29:08.914 But man, the first hour is incredible, is it? 29:09.254 --> 29:10.375 Absolutely incredible. 29:10.395 --> 29:16.658 But wait, look, are we talking about like a disastrous tail-off in the style of Independence Day, or is it just a little bit? 29:16.758 --> 29:32.603 No it's just a little it basically just can't match the bit where the planes going down and he saves the plane and that's so incredible and then there's a brilliant twist about where he lands with the plane and it's so exciting and we all thought up to them we all thought it was the best film we'd ever seen in our lives right 29:33.183 --> 29:34.124 I was crying. 29:34.885 --> 29:38.087 My girlfriend was puking and weeing at the same time. 29:38.127 --> 29:38.748 That's not true. 29:38.848 --> 29:40.009 Your trousers were soaked. 29:40.269 --> 29:42.391 It was just very, very, especially in 3D. 29:42.411 --> 29:44.913 3D technology is just brilliant now. 29:45.734 --> 29:47.696 I didn't realise it was a 3D film. 29:47.756 --> 29:48.736 Bits of it are in 3D. 29:48.816 --> 29:50.118 About 20 minutes of it are in 3D. 29:50.138 --> 29:52.239 A little logo comes up and you put your glasses on. 29:52.520 --> 29:52.840 No. 29:52.940 --> 29:54.021 In every cinema this is. 29:54.221 --> 29:55.202 No, just in the IMAX. 29:55.242 --> 29:55.842 Oh, in the IMAX. 29:55.862 --> 29:56.763 You've got to go to the IMAX. 29:56.843 --> 29:57.804 But IMAX is the future. 29:57.844 --> 29:59.125 Forget about conventional cinemas. 29:59.205 --> 30:00.206 IMAX is the place to go. 30:00.286 --> 30:00.506 Yeah. 30:00.526 --> 30:01.487 Especially in 3D. 30:01.507 --> 30:03.529 You know how passionate I am about Bola Express. 30:03.769 --> 30:04.910 Yes, that's right. 30:05.150 --> 30:05.691 Oh, boy. 30:07.112 --> 30:08.774 Joe's the Bola Express king. 30:09.074 --> 30:10.315 Superman, I do recommend it. 30:10.335 --> 30:11.876 It's really, really very, very good. 30:12.937 --> 30:15.279 But the ending's not awful, is it? 30:17.201 --> 30:17.921 Is it awful? 30:18.302 --> 30:20.043 It's a bit of a... I tell you who is awful. 30:20.223 --> 30:20.424 Who? 30:20.644 --> 30:21.725 Kate Bosworth. 30:22.265 --> 30:23.246 And her Lois Lane. 30:23.527 --> 30:23.747 Right. 30:23.947 --> 30:25.028 She's boring. 30:25.289 --> 30:27.992 Female characters in movies, generally, they're not allowed any personality. 30:28.452 --> 30:30.455 Cos personality's sort of sexist, isn't it? 30:31.015 --> 30:35.340 All women have got to be amazingly strong and have no sense of humour. 30:35.861 --> 30:36.642 And you know what I mean? 30:36.782 --> 30:37.603 Yeah, they're characters. 30:37.623 --> 30:40.506 The closest to a sense of humour you're allowed to get is Jennifer Aniston. 30:41.107 --> 30:44.111 who just says whatever and stuff like that. 30:44.131 --> 30:56.907 Well if women have a sense of humor yeah women generally if they've got any personality they're either real Harrods and all they do is shout and bitch and they're really sarcastic or they're kind of like Jennifer Aniston slightly wet and ditzy or whatever. 30:56.947 --> 30:57.328 Ditzy. 30:57.748 --> 31:02.611 But this Kate Bosworth makes Margot Kidder's performance in the original Superman looks like a complete masterpiece. 31:02.651 --> 31:03.451 Well, it kind of was. 31:03.531 --> 31:04.192 It kind of was. 31:04.252 --> 31:04.872 She was brilliant. 31:05.272 --> 31:09.495 I tell you what's even worse than female characters in movies are black female characters in movies. 31:09.735 --> 31:10.335 Oh, tell me. 31:10.375 --> 31:12.797 They've all got to be eco warriors. 31:13.237 --> 31:15.458 They've all got to be into Mother Earth and the environment. 31:15.618 --> 31:15.798 Yeah. 31:15.978 --> 31:17.479 Can't have a sense of humor at all. 31:17.499 --> 31:19.781 Got to be really serious and angry about everything. 31:20.561 --> 31:21.782 And, oh, terrible. 31:21.922 --> 31:30.227 Well, in animated films as well, I noticed that all the black characters are just sort of sassy mamas, you know? 31:30.427 --> 31:30.647 Yeah. 31:30.747 --> 31:33.369 They're all like, mm-mm-mm, girl, don't talk to the hand. 31:33.389 --> 31:34.209 Well, that's what it's like. 31:34.229 --> 31:34.729 Don't look at me. 31:34.749 --> 31:36.050 It's like in The Incredibles, isn't it? 31:36.090 --> 31:38.772 The black character has to be Mr. Freeze, Mr. Cool. 31:39.572 --> 31:40.153 Come on. 31:40.793 --> 31:42.894 Anyway, I do recommend Superman Returns. 31:43.495 --> 31:48.418 Yeah, and if you see the poster, get a black pen, scribble out the U. It says, sperm man. 31:49.880 --> 31:50.763 Everybody's happy. 31:51.686 --> 31:52.529 Okay, music time now. 31:52.589 --> 31:53.814 Here's a free play for you. 31:53.834 --> 31:55.600 This is Spoon with Small Stakes. 31:58.174 --> 32:02.937 That was Small Stakes by Spoon from their excellent album Kill the Moonlight. 32:03.077 --> 32:04.257 Stakes spelt how? 32:05.138 --> 32:07.579 S-T-A-K-E-S. 32:07.819 --> 32:09.960 Right, so they mean like low snakes. 32:10.160 --> 32:10.741 Low snakes. 32:10.901 --> 32:12.082 Low tiny snakes. 32:12.522 --> 32:13.142 Low snakes. 32:13.282 --> 32:14.183 Yeah, the stakes are low. 32:14.803 --> 32:15.303 Okay, good. 32:15.623 --> 32:18.785 Why were you worried that they were just talking about little bits of meat? 32:18.825 --> 32:19.105 Yeah. 32:19.125 --> 32:21.687 It was just a rather boring restaurant order. 32:21.707 --> 32:23.668 Small Stakes, please. 32:24.088 --> 32:24.788 We'll be back shortly. 32:24.908 --> 32:25.028 XFM. 32:28.655 --> 32:31.617 That was Oasis, Joe's favourite band. 32:31.817 --> 32:32.637 I love Oasis. 32:32.777 --> 32:33.498 With Lila. 32:34.038 --> 32:35.919 What is it about Oasis that you most like? 32:36.319 --> 32:39.561 I most like... What do I most like? 32:39.621 --> 32:40.421 Just the arrogance. 32:40.642 --> 32:41.862 The aloofness. 32:41.882 --> 32:42.442 The swagger. 32:42.803 --> 32:57.571 You know, weirdly, at this Superman preview that I went to see, there was a guy, I think he's a journalist, possibly for the NME, and he might be quite a well-known man around town, but he was dressed exactly like 32:58.851 --> 32:59.812 Is it like Liam? 32:59.972 --> 33:10.620 Yeah exactly like Liam circa 97 right so he had one of those hats on you know how would you describe the Liam hat like a sun hat thing? 33:11.120 --> 33:21.668 No, it was like a more like a sort of an handicap flat cap thing yeah I know I sort of designer style one right then he had a sort of Beatles mop top thing he had stubble and 33:22.328 --> 33:23.649 It's basically a mod look. 33:24.250 --> 33:27.092 Yeah, but very recognisable as Liam Gallagher. 33:27.933 --> 33:30.395 But it was as if he'd just come off stars in their eyes. 33:31.476 --> 33:34.298 And I thought, well, what does that do for you in life? 33:34.358 --> 33:39.863 Like, if you're a journalist on the NME, then that's probably quite good for you because people go, oh, that guy's hardcore. 33:40.123 --> 33:44.747 He's so devoted to Oasis that he's prepared to make himself a walking joke. 33:46.768 --> 34:00.642 There are some people in TV like that as a commissioning editor We know in television he dresses very eccentrically and if you didn't know what he did you'd think that person's a bit of a prat But when you do know what they do you immediately think that person's not a prat. 34:00.742 --> 34:04.606 He's so devoted to His his passion. 34:04.786 --> 34:09.030 Yeah, he doesn't care what anybody thinks about him and so this guy 34:09.270 --> 34:32.906 that's what I thought about this guy dressed as Liam but who would you who might you dress dress as if you were gonna go that way well as you probably remember I used to have a bit of a David Byrne fixation you dress as David Byrne so you dress in like a big suit suit a crazy big square suit yeah yeah but you know the thing about David Byrne is that he's long and thin and I'm kind of squat so I never really got away with it that well 34:33.566 --> 34:58.479 But my mania extended to going out and buying a white waiter's jacket, which I bought, and I thought that would make me look like David Byrne, and I used to button up my shirt, like a dress shirt, top button done up, no tie, white waiter's jacket on, wandering around town thinking, I'm an eccentric man, from a new wave band, when in fact I was a kind of brat. 34:59.528 --> 35:01.331 Anyway, let's play some more music right now. 35:01.391 --> 35:02.573 Here's James Dean Bradfield. 35:03.394 --> 35:04.656 He doesn't really dress like anyone. 35:05.297 --> 35:06.939 No, he's got his own style. 35:07.120 --> 35:07.700 Yeah, yeah. 35:08.221 --> 35:11.967 And here he is working it with a track called That's No Way To Tell A Lie. 35:17.042 --> 35:19.643 James D. Bradfield there with That's No Way To Tell A Lie. 35:19.683 --> 35:22.925 That's the debut solo single from the Manic Street Preachers front man. 35:23.005 --> 35:26.206 And it sounds very like a Manic Street Preachers single, doesn't it? 35:26.387 --> 35:26.527 Yeah. 35:26.547 --> 35:30.148 It's got the same instrumentation, which must be weird for the other members of the band. 35:30.649 --> 35:33.390 Like there they were having a nice time being in a famous band. 35:33.410 --> 35:34.370 I don't know what happened. 35:34.390 --> 35:37.252 What happened with the Preachers was Wizard and... I don't think they split up. 35:37.272 --> 35:37.892 They haven't split. 35:37.972 --> 35:39.513 It's just his side project. 35:39.673 --> 35:44.996 Yeah, it's like Thom Yorke, you know, they like to they like to kind of bust out on their own for a little while, flex their solo muscles. 35:45.036 --> 35:49.318 So how must they feel if he releases a single that just is exactly the same as it would be if they were still there? 35:49.839 --> 35:50.819 Well, probably not exactly. 35:50.839 --> 35:56.262 I mean, Nicky Wire, Nicky Wire usually writes the lyrics and I don't suppose he wrote the lyrics for that one. 35:56.302 --> 35:56.842 Maybe he did. 35:56.882 --> 35:57.163 I don't know. 35:57.183 --> 35:57.963 Well, I don't know. 35:58.523 --> 35:59.384 Does it sound less good? 35:59.404 --> 36:01.145 Do you think it sounds less good than their usual stuff? 36:02.328 --> 36:02.809 That's good. 36:03.289 --> 36:04.490 Do you miss the rest of the band? 36:04.510 --> 36:07.492 Well, no, it's like a certain type of Mannix track, isn't it? 36:07.532 --> 36:08.753 It's not like all their stuff. 36:08.833 --> 36:09.573 That's a good answer. 36:10.774 --> 36:12.756 If I was the rest of the Mannix, I'd be a little bit unsettled. 36:12.996 --> 36:15.157 You'd think you'd feel a bit... I'd be a bit unsettled, yeah. 36:16.058 --> 36:18.420 It'd be like when Ronan went solo from Boyzone. 36:18.600 --> 36:19.941 You know one other fallacy? 36:20.001 --> 36:22.703 I mean, you release Life is a Rollercoaster, there's no going back. 36:22.823 --> 36:24.004 Is that for the rest of the band? 36:24.244 --> 36:24.984 No, exactly. 36:25.825 --> 36:26.627 That's true, isn't it? 36:27.448 --> 36:32.938 And here's another fallacy, when they go solo they always complain that, no the band hasn't split, everything's fine. 36:32.958 --> 36:34.000 I'm just having like a holiday. 36:34.020 --> 36:35.042 But it's the beginning of the end. 36:35.543 --> 36:36.765 Like what about York Tom York? 36:37.165 --> 36:37.606 Exactly. 36:37.646 --> 36:38.448 His solo stuff. 36:38.708 --> 36:39.149 Exactly. 36:39.854 --> 37:04.940 that's the end of Radiohead no it's not no no no it's not yes it is internal ructions surely surely wouldn't you think and it's got to be no but I mean sometimes it has the effect of making everyone happier to see each other you know bringing bringing people together yeah exactly once you've gone out and proved a few things for yourself then you come back you see your band mates you realize that you're a stronger proposition that's when you've 37:05.620 --> 37:07.280 You prove that you can't really do it on your own. 37:07.341 --> 37:08.341 Right, that's when you've had a ton of failure. 37:08.361 --> 37:10.781 When you go out and prove that you can't do it, then it's, hey guys. 37:10.901 --> 37:12.582 Hey, we're better together. 37:12.622 --> 37:18.223 Suddenly I see the value, but when you go out and you make a record like Life is a Rollercoaster, then it's goodbye boy zone. 37:18.243 --> 37:18.823 That's right. 37:19.463 --> 37:20.983 It's like you and me though, isn't it, Joe? 37:21.363 --> 37:21.964 Yeah, I did. 37:22.564 --> 37:24.584 I'm Ronan and you're the gay one. 37:28.305 --> 37:28.825 All right then. 37:29.385 --> 37:31.005 Now, which one are you from House of Pain? 37:31.926 --> 37:33.246 The very, very high one. 37:34.673 --> 37:35.473 Here's Jump Around. 37:41.096 --> 37:43.737 OK, I think it's time for some advertisements right now. 37:44.037 --> 37:46.378 Very exciting time for us both. 37:46.458 --> 37:48.459 We're both big fans of the advertising world. 37:48.599 --> 37:48.819 Yeah. 37:49.179 --> 37:50.760 And the little playlets therein. 37:50.800 --> 37:51.461 Little dramas. 37:51.601 --> 37:52.221 The little dramas. 37:52.241 --> 37:56.543 Hopefully it might be Sue from Mel and Sue doing diarrhea pills. 37:57.303 --> 37:58.564 That's my favorite one at the moment. 37:58.584 --> 37:59.324 That's your current favorite. 37:59.384 --> 37:59.464 Yeah. 37:59.644 --> 38:00.304 We can only hope. 38:00.445 --> 38:00.985 Windy pops. 38:01.285 --> 38:01.825 Back shortly. 38:06.206 --> 38:08.068 That was Lily Allen with smile. 38:08.328 --> 38:09.849 Now she's the daughter of Keith Allen. 38:09.949 --> 38:11.851 Did we already talk about the video for that? 38:12.811 --> 38:13.352 No, no. 38:13.552 --> 38:15.814 Well, the video's quite aggressive, isn't it? 38:16.134 --> 38:19.637 Her boyfriend dumps her, she arranges for him to be mugged. 38:20.438 --> 38:30.626 Then she arranges for these naughty men to go round to his flat and burgle him, ruin his trash flat, get his entire record collection, scratch up all the records. 38:31.787 --> 38:43.179 and it's very vicious and nasty and it's intercut with her having a meal with him in a caff and singing the lyrics of the song as if, you know, she's Lily White. 38:44.187 --> 38:44.387 Right. 38:44.407 --> 38:44.888 Does that make sense? 38:45.008 --> 38:45.849 She's Lily Allen. 38:46.229 --> 38:47.350 Instead she's Lily Allen. 38:47.550 --> 38:48.051 Exactly. 38:48.391 --> 38:57.760 But I don't know, I saw that and I thought, first of all, I thought it was a public information film about how to stop being like done over by a woman. 38:57.960 --> 38:58.240 Yeah. 38:58.741 --> 39:01.724 And then I realised it was a pop video and being presented as entertainment. 39:02.224 --> 39:03.666 And that made you appalled. 39:03.906 --> 39:05.287 It made me quite appalled, yeah. 39:05.467 --> 39:08.610 Well it's a, there's a completely... It doesn't stop at nothing, the Allens. 39:09.031 --> 39:09.211 No. 39:09.591 --> 39:24.896 for stardom and celebrity they'll stop at nothing ruthless anything they'll do anything appear in anything it's a good single though it's a great single I'm not putting them down yeah I think that's a brilliant thing to do there's an album coming out as well 39:25.296 --> 39:28.779 Yeah, no, the album, we've got the album, I've got the album, we were sent it the other day. 39:28.939 --> 39:29.880 I haven't got the album! 39:29.900 --> 39:30.900 Well that's because I nicked it. 39:30.940 --> 39:32.622 You nicked it, you always nicked the good stuff. 39:32.662 --> 39:33.462 I'm a knicker-knocker. 39:33.723 --> 39:38.807 You know, we're talking about pop videos though, and especially the way that women treat men in pop videos. 39:39.047 --> 39:39.347 Women. 39:39.687 --> 39:48.574 It's got completely nuts, because I think the assumption is that women used to be treated as like pieces of meat in pop videos, right? 39:48.594 --> 39:48.814 Yes. 39:49.175 --> 39:51.316 So now... And they still are in the hip-hop world. 39:51.897 --> 39:52.677 That's true, I suppose. 39:52.698 --> 39:52.998 Yeah. 39:53.178 --> 39:54.119 Yeah, but... 39:55.012 --> 39:56.093 Yeah that is true. 39:56.113 --> 39:57.434 No take it from me then. 39:57.754 --> 40:05.060 But then they go too far the other way sometimes and treat men in a kind of outrageous way that you would never ever treat a woman like that. 40:05.100 --> 40:14.047 You know what there's been quite a lot of think pieces about this in the papers particularly in relation to the advertising industry how men have become like completely wimped out by adverts. 40:14.427 --> 40:17.149 Men are like the inferior race and women rule everything right? 40:17.549 --> 40:20.852 There was a pop video I saw the other day... Yeah, she's happy about that. 40:20.972 --> 40:22.573 Our producer, she's a woman, you see? 40:22.673 --> 40:24.255 Yeah, get in the corner, Xanthi! 40:24.295 --> 40:25.195 Just stop nodding. 40:25.215 --> 40:27.337 Put on a bikini and grind your booty. 40:27.437 --> 40:27.978 That's right. 40:29.019 --> 40:41.289 But no, there was a video I saw the other day where it was like a whole bunch of sexy women with little bikinis on and they had a sexy man, right, and he was just wearing a thong and he was sort of oiled up and he looked like a... 40:42.009 --> 40:44.271 a dream boy or whatever they were. 40:44.351 --> 40:44.971 They were called. 40:45.191 --> 40:46.032 They were stripping men. 40:46.212 --> 40:47.813 Well, you tell us your dreams. 40:48.114 --> 40:49.414 Who were the Chippendales? 40:49.454 --> 40:49.895 There you go. 40:49.935 --> 40:50.395 There we go. 40:51.116 --> 40:52.337 He looked like a Chippendale. 40:52.837 --> 41:01.083 And they had him strapped to a chair and they were humiliating him and throwing things on him and slapping him around and just treating him in a totally outrageous way. 41:01.123 --> 41:09.789 And you thought if this was reversed, if it was a sexy woman strapped to the chair and there was like a load of sexy men doing this to her, it would be the most appalling thing you'd ever seen in your life. 41:09.929 --> 41:10.469 You know what I mean? 41:10.549 --> 41:11.549 No one would stand for it. 41:11.870 --> 41:14.970 So I don't see why it's necessarily okay the other way around. 41:15.851 --> 41:16.491 Yeah, I don't know. 41:16.531 --> 41:18.151 I think it should just be free for everybody. 41:18.871 --> 41:19.031 What? 41:19.051 --> 41:21.672 You know, anyone should be allowed to strap anybody to a chair. 41:22.892 --> 41:23.573 Yeah, you know? 41:23.793 --> 41:24.093 Yeah. 41:24.733 --> 41:25.013 Sexy. 41:34.741 --> 41:35.421 Hi, I'm Adam. 41:35.461 --> 41:36.061 Hi, I'm Joe. 41:36.121 --> 41:36.421 Joe. 41:36.461 --> 41:36.741 Joe. 41:36.781 --> 41:37.102 Joe. 41:37.522 --> 41:39.202 That's noisy. 41:39.282 --> 41:42.083 I would like to thank you for choosing. 41:42.103 --> 41:45.023 Please have your headsets ready for Adam and Joe. 41:45.083 --> 41:48.444 Joe in the studio, coming through loud and clear. 41:48.484 --> 41:49.784 Hello, you're still sitting. 41:59.266 --> 42:01.186 That was Modern Love by David Bowie. 42:01.246 --> 42:03.967 And before that you heard Sun Hits the Sky by Supergrass. 42:04.347 --> 42:05.147 This is Adam and Joe. 42:05.447 --> 42:08.268 It's the X list here on XFM for the last hour. 42:08.328 --> 42:10.169 So keep those requests coming in. 42:10.869 --> 42:11.609 We look at every one. 42:11.669 --> 42:15.490 Sorry if we can't play your one, but we're doing our level best. 42:15.810 --> 42:16.790 Mainly it's about the music. 42:16.810 --> 42:19.691 We're just going to play a whole bunch of great music for you this hour. 42:19.911 --> 42:20.771 I love Modern Love. 42:20.871 --> 42:21.632 by David Bowie. 42:22.472 --> 42:23.893 That's an absolute peach of a song. 42:24.594 --> 42:25.315 I don't want to go out. 42:25.635 --> 42:26.335 I want to stay in. 42:27.176 --> 42:27.817 Get things done. 42:27.917 --> 42:29.938 Does anyone care about David Bowie's Modern Love? 42:30.339 --> 42:33.181 Do the kids still know that record is Let's Dance an enduring album? 42:33.201 --> 42:33.902 It's a classic. 42:33.962 --> 42:35.523 Do kids have it in their back catalogue? 42:35.963 --> 42:39.346 I would have thought they had like Heroes or maybe The Best of Bowie. 42:39.366 --> 42:40.307 Do they have Let's Dance? 42:41.107 --> 42:44.870 Yeah I think it's considered a classic album, a classic Bowie album. 42:44.891 --> 42:46.692 I mean it's the last classic Bowie album really. 42:46.712 --> 42:46.832 Yeah. 42:47.212 --> 42:49.434 At the, well it was the beginning of the 80s wasn't it? 42:49.454 --> 42:50.115 The beginning of the end. 42:50.839 --> 43:10.625 it was the beginning of the end for me it was a difficult one to love you know because it was so commercial very poppy so different from his previous stuff different during the 70s mmm different did you just say yeah like is that what you'd be like if you're a music journalist different now you said different I know I know it just amused me that you repeated it different 43:11.805 --> 43:24.431 Yeah, yeah, I'm making notes you see yeah, I'll be my subheading different David Bowie's new album is different from the last He has not re-released the previous one. 43:24.451 --> 43:26.172 He has done new songs 43:27.012 --> 43:28.113 Anyway, exciting stuff. 43:28.153 --> 43:28.853 Get your techs in. 43:28.873 --> 43:31.455 8.3 XFM and we'll try and play them. 43:31.535 --> 43:33.516 Alright, we've got a track from the Chemical Brothers right now. 43:33.536 --> 43:38.539 This one is going out to Paul Brampton who is listening to the show and enjoying it very much. 43:39.339 --> 43:41.761 Paul and Sophie, the sinner from Pinner. 43:42.301 --> 43:42.781 Enjoy this. 43:42.961 --> 43:43.742 This is Star Guitar. 43:47.312 --> 43:49.094 Chemical Brothers there with Star Guitar. 43:49.134 --> 43:51.215 Is that the one in the video when they're on the train? 43:51.576 --> 43:52.797 And it keeps repeating and repeating. 43:52.837 --> 43:54.278 And all the buildings are going to the beat. 43:54.298 --> 43:55.419 And it's going to the beat. 43:55.599 --> 43:56.380 Yeah, that's clever. 43:56.420 --> 43:56.880 I love that video. 43:56.900 --> 43:57.461 Clever idea. 43:57.521 --> 43:59.042 It's directed by Michel Gondry, is it? 43:59.142 --> 43:59.422 Yeah. 43:59.542 --> 44:00.623 Yeah, he does all the good ones. 44:00.784 --> 44:01.664 He's a genius. 44:01.985 --> 44:03.366 He's a musical genius. 44:03.426 --> 44:04.407 He's a musical genius. 44:04.427 --> 44:05.528 We got a caller on the line. 44:05.568 --> 44:06.548 His name is Tom Price. 44:06.568 --> 44:07.309 Hello, Tom Price. 44:07.389 --> 44:07.930 Hello there. 44:08.070 --> 44:08.650 What's going down? 44:08.670 --> 44:09.271 How's it hanging? 44:09.531 --> 44:09.871 It's all good. 44:09.911 --> 44:10.352 It's all good. 44:10.392 --> 44:10.712 How are you? 44:10.992 --> 44:11.352 That's good. 44:11.372 --> 44:14.134 I'm glad we've used three hip phrases. 44:14.155 --> 44:14.695 What's going down? 44:14.715 --> 44:15.335 How's it hanging? 44:15.375 --> 44:15.916 It's all good. 44:16.096 --> 44:16.837 Yeah. 44:17.837 --> 44:18.738 What's the nut butter? 44:18.878 --> 44:19.599 No, Adam. 44:20.179 --> 44:20.780 You've messed it up. 44:20.840 --> 44:21.200 Sorry. 44:21.260 --> 44:22.841 Tom Price, are your jeans really low? 44:22.881 --> 44:23.622 Is your bum sticking out? 44:24.324 --> 44:24.524 No. 44:25.145 --> 44:25.445 No. 44:25.725 --> 44:27.726 Well, you want to do that because all the kids are doing that. 44:28.106 --> 44:29.167 Oh, right. 44:29.187 --> 44:29.587 Get with it. 44:29.828 --> 44:31.128 Are you on a skateboard now? 44:31.148 --> 44:32.649 Oh, I am actually. 44:32.709 --> 44:34.050 I just came off of it. 44:34.130 --> 44:34.871 Oh, did you? 44:34.891 --> 44:36.012 Hey, Tom, are you enjoying the show? 44:36.232 --> 44:36.772 Yeah, great. 44:36.792 --> 44:37.573 Really, really good. 44:37.793 --> 44:38.933 Hey, thanks very much, Tom. 44:38.953 --> 44:40.074 Put him on the spot a little bit. 44:40.094 --> 44:42.936 Well, you know, some people would say no or come with some complaints. 44:42.956 --> 44:46.758 I think our listeners are quite, you know, what's the word, forceful? 44:47.239 --> 44:47.779 Yeah, you reckon? 44:47.799 --> 44:48.980 Got the courage of their convictions. 44:49.040 --> 44:49.420 That's true. 44:49.440 --> 44:50.421 That was an honest response. 44:50.661 --> 44:51.221 Absolutely. 44:51.662 --> 44:53.563 What would you like to hear, Tom, on the X list this afternoon? 44:53.883 --> 44:56.846 Can I have Morrissey, first of the gang to die please? 44:56.866 --> 45:01.792 The first of the gang was the one to die, he was the first of the gang to die. 45:01.812 --> 45:04.054 There we go, was that good enough or do you want to hear the actual record? 45:04.214 --> 45:06.557 That was pretty good but the record's to be good enough. 45:06.737 --> 45:08.118 Alright mate, fair enough, if we must. 45:08.138 --> 45:12.183 There we go, thanks Tom, this is Adam and Joe on the Eclist, it's Saturday afternoon, this is Morrissey. 45:16.616 --> 45:20.038 That was Morrissey with first of the gang to die. 45:20.818 --> 45:22.939 And that was going out to Tom Price from Islington. 45:22.979 --> 45:25.280 Tom, hope you enjoyed that slice of moz. 45:25.980 --> 45:27.661 The Manchester Pope of Mope. 45:27.921 --> 45:29.282 They always put that on the notes. 45:29.542 --> 45:30.483 That's still on here. 45:30.603 --> 45:32.063 The Manchester Pope of Mope. 45:32.203 --> 45:32.424 Yeah. 45:33.544 --> 45:34.385 He's the pope of mope. 45:34.465 --> 45:35.886 Is there always a pope of mope? 45:35.986 --> 45:38.107 I mean when he dies will they have to get someone else? 45:38.628 --> 45:39.989 There will be a great big ceremony. 45:40.009 --> 45:41.850 Will there be a ceremony to crown the pope of mope? 45:42.951 --> 45:43.291 Wow. 45:43.891 --> 45:48.915 I mean there's almost like a music because there's the king of pop, there's the pope of mope. 45:49.535 --> 45:50.276 Are there any others? 45:51.657 --> 45:52.377 What's Madonna? 45:52.998 --> 45:56.260 She's the slag of handbag. 45:56.380 --> 45:57.541 The slag of handbag. 45:57.581 --> 45:59.102 You need a place rhyming with slag. 46:00.269 --> 46:03.011 A slag of, I don't know, there's probably somewhere in Wales, Modrag. 46:03.711 --> 46:04.511 We'll be back shortly. 46:07.633 --> 46:09.434 That was Waterfall by The Stone Roses. 46:09.494 --> 46:11.595 This is Adam and Jo on XFM London's 104.9. 46:12.535 --> 46:17.498 That was requested by David Cox in Hampstead, who is apparently in bed. 46:18.198 --> 46:18.879 He's in bed. 46:18.999 --> 46:20.179 I wish I was there too. 46:20.299 --> 46:22.901 Not in bed with you, David, but just in bed. 46:24.076 --> 46:26.019 Wouldn't it be nice to do the show from bed? 46:26.260 --> 46:28.904 I know, you can only get that kind of... Didn't John Peel do that? 46:29.405 --> 46:30.867 Well, John Lennon did it... He did it from his house. 46:31.795 --> 46:33.736 Yeah, John Peele did it from his house. 46:33.756 --> 46:34.736 I don't think he ever did it from his bed. 46:34.756 --> 46:37.958 Get it to your house, then it's just a short distance to get it to the bed. 46:38.238 --> 46:41.039 You know the alternative is just to come in our dressing gowns and slippers. 46:42.020 --> 46:45.582 To arrive in our dressing gowns and slippers at the studio. 46:45.642 --> 46:45.842 Yeah. 46:46.002 --> 46:46.462 Don't you think? 46:46.702 --> 46:47.903 No, that's not fun at all. 46:47.943 --> 46:49.303 That's the worst of both worlds, is it? 46:49.323 --> 46:50.204 Oh, be a bit grotty. 46:50.224 --> 46:51.004 You're right, you're right. 46:51.124 --> 46:52.105 It's ad break time now. 46:52.645 --> 46:54.726 We'll be back shortly. 46:56.847 --> 47:22.461 modest mouse with float on this is adam and joe on xfm london's 104.9 number one station for rock music chittity chatting and adverts in the world now joe cornish uh this may seem a little trivial and i know usually we deal with news topics on the show yeah but uh forgive me because it's bugging me would you consider a jaffa cake would you consider it a cake 47:22.981 --> 47:23.741 or a biscuit? 47:23.982 --> 47:26.583 Well, the Jaffa cake is described on the packaging as a cake. 47:26.863 --> 47:27.383 Yeah, yeah. 47:27.764 --> 47:30.685 The Jaffa cakes are cakes, hence Jaffa cake. 47:31.345 --> 47:32.146 Exactly, the inclusion. 47:32.166 --> 47:33.767 So I'd describe it as a cake. 47:33.947 --> 47:34.547 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 47:34.667 --> 47:34.987 Yeah? 47:35.327 --> 47:39.470 But I appreciate it's a biscuit-sized cake, so I'd like to offer you this. 47:39.690 --> 47:40.050 Yeah, who? 47:40.290 --> 47:40.730 Biscake. 47:41.171 --> 47:41.551 Biscake? 47:41.791 --> 47:42.731 It's a Biscake. 47:43.152 --> 47:44.892 Sounds like a different expression, doesn't it? 47:45.153 --> 47:45.393 What? 47:46.153 --> 48:08.036 uh but it's a bit of biscake you know because it's biscuit shaped and sized yeah but were you to take the the jelly orange off uh-huh and the chocolate you couldn't describe that thing as a biscuit a biscuit's to do with consistency and crunch crunch right like something soft is a cake 48:08.797 --> 48:09.058 Yeah? 48:09.398 --> 48:11.241 Something tough is a biscuit. 48:11.401 --> 48:11.601 Uh huh. 48:11.982 --> 48:12.222 Yeah? 48:12.342 --> 48:13.003 That's interesting. 48:13.444 --> 48:15.506 Well you know because... It's not interesting, it's just fact. 48:15.667 --> 48:16.187 It is fact. 48:16.207 --> 48:18.010 It's pure baking fact. 48:18.430 --> 48:18.571 Yeah. 48:19.329 --> 48:40.989 Well, it is, but, and, yeah, and it has an important financial consequence for the manufacturers of Jaffa Cakes, Joe Cornish, because, check this out, under UK law, no VAT is charged on biscuits and cakes, right, they are zero rated, but check this out, deal with this, chocolate covered biscuits, however, 48:41.830 --> 48:48.879 are classed as luxury items and are subject to VAT at 17.5%. 48:48.999 --> 48:49.259 No. 48:49.439 --> 48:49.760 Yes. 48:49.920 --> 48:51.422 But there's no VAT on food. 48:51.722 --> 48:52.884 On chocolate covered biscuits. 48:53.004 --> 48:53.404 Is there? 48:53.464 --> 48:56.648 You're telling me there's VAT on chocolate covered biscuits? 48:56.708 --> 48:56.969 Yeah. 48:57.668 --> 48:59.749 I thought generally there's no VAT on food. 48:59.989 --> 49:06.491 Like you don't go to Sainsbury's, you don't get VAT on the bottom of the thing, do you? 49:06.551 --> 49:09.792 You don't give your supermarket bill to your taxman, do you? 49:10.392 --> 49:11.213 Adam Buxton. 49:11.233 --> 49:14.034 Do you give your accountant your supermarket receipts? 49:14.194 --> 49:14.314 No. 49:15.154 --> 49:15.695 Exactly. 49:15.795 --> 49:19.078 And you certainly don't get a separate... Here's your receipt, sir, for your shopping. 49:19.118 --> 49:20.920 And here's your biscuit receipt. 49:21.000 --> 49:23.843 Here's your luxury good receipts that you can declare to your account. 49:23.883 --> 49:24.484 It doesn't happen. 49:25.185 --> 49:26.106 You're quoting what? 49:26.166 --> 49:27.507 Wikipedia. 49:27.907 --> 49:29.589 I'm quoting the facts from Wikipedia. 49:30.490 --> 49:33.474 You know that Wikipedia is mostly Robopedia. 49:33.534 --> 49:34.295 No, no, no. 49:34.415 --> 49:38.821 In 1991 this was challenged in court, so I don't think they would have had like a court case. 49:39.201 --> 49:44.988 At one stage the judge would just say, has anyone considered the fact that none of this is real? 49:47.151 --> 49:48.673 Surely we're all wasting our time. 49:48.973 --> 49:50.475 I've heard from Joe Cornish. 49:50.735 --> 49:52.838 He disputes the fact that any of this is actually real. 49:52.858 --> 49:55.821 You're missing out the middleman, which is Wikipedia. 49:55.941 --> 50:01.267 In 1991, the question of whether Jaffa cakes were cakes or biscuits was challenged in court. 50:02.008 --> 50:07.010 Now this may have been because their Jaffa Cakes are about the same size and shape as some types of biscuit. 50:07.411 --> 50:09.432 The question that had to be answered was this. 50:09.652 --> 50:13.113 What criteria should be used to class something as a cake or biscuit? 50:13.393 --> 50:19.636 McVitie's defended the classification of Jaffa Cakes as a cake by producing a giant Jaffa Cake. 50:19.857 --> 50:20.237 Wow. 50:20.337 --> 50:22.558 To illustrate that they're... Just to distract the jury. 50:22.598 --> 50:22.858 Yeah. 50:22.938 --> 50:25.159 Ooh, it's a giant cake. 50:25.239 --> 50:25.879 Not guilty. 50:25.979 --> 50:28.941 Made a cake, it looks like a chocolate UFO. 50:29.641 --> 50:32.965 with an orange alien inside driving it. 50:33.065 --> 50:34.606 A big flat orange alien. 50:34.767 --> 50:40.833 No, they produced a giant Jaffa cake to illustrate the fact that their Jaffa cakes were simply mini cakes, right? 50:41.033 --> 50:43.055 They just blew the whole thing up and said, look, it's a cake. 50:43.556 --> 50:52.124 They also argued that the distinction between cakes and biscuits is simply that cakes go hard when stale, whereas biscuits go soft. 50:52.845 --> 50:59.029 It was demonstrated that Jaffa cakes become hard when stale and McVitie's won the case. 51:02.711 --> 51:05.853 Wow, that's earth shattering. 51:06.313 --> 51:08.715 I threw my piece of paper across like a lawyer. 51:08.975 --> 51:09.676 That's amazing. 51:09.756 --> 51:13.478 Yeah, because I feel as if I've won my case here and given you some facts. 51:13.658 --> 51:14.198 Wow. 51:14.659 --> 51:16.400 I really didn't follow that at all. 51:16.920 --> 51:21.463 From when there was a court case, when Vitties had something to do with it, a giant UFO landed. 51:21.964 --> 51:23.745 It had a big flat orange alien. 51:24.225 --> 51:30.590 The jury were so amazed and excited by the giant cake that they threw the case out. 51:30.790 --> 51:31.550 Is that what happened? 51:31.971 --> 51:32.171 Yes. 51:32.771 --> 51:33.792 Oh, we've learned so much. 51:34.072 --> 51:37.655 So, but in conclusion, a Jaffa cake is a cake, because it's called a Jaffa cake. 51:37.875 --> 51:38.776 Music time right now. 51:38.796 --> 51:43.920 This is a free play, and we're allowed a free play every now and again, even in the X list. 51:44.280 --> 51:48.244 And this is one that I hope you'll enjoy from a classic album by a classic XFM artist. 51:48.624 --> 51:51.606 Beck is the artist, Mutations is the album. 51:51.866 --> 51:54.809 This is cancelled check, and it's going out to Garth Jennings. 52:02.119 --> 52:25.997 this is adam and joe on xff listen we've got a caller on the line it's meg i think she's at work hello meg hi hey there now you're cheekily calling from work so we've got to make this quite quick otherwise you might be fired right absolutely the boss is on the prowl yeah yeah where do you work meg uh i'm working for a small charity in philham oh man and and you're just giving charity stuff to anyone small uh 52:26.906 --> 52:29.709 No it's full and profound and multiple learning disability. 52:29.909 --> 52:32.491 Yeah that's put you in your place hasn't it Adam with your facetious comments. 52:33.112 --> 52:39.217 Here feathering your own nest by doing a lazy radio show while other people are raising money for people with proper difficulties. 52:39.718 --> 52:44.822 So are they all small the people with... Okay now what are you going to request Meg? 52:45.963 --> 52:47.505 Crash please by the primitives. 52:48.004 --> 52:49.065 Yes, very good choice. 52:49.105 --> 52:51.226 Meg, best of luck with all your fundraising. 52:51.506 --> 52:53.647 Thank you very much. 52:53.707 --> 52:56.769 Just believe in yourself and you, believe in the world and everything will be fine. 52:56.909 --> 52:58.850 I'm small, am I getting any money out of it? 52:59.350 --> 52:59.570 No. 52:59.911 --> 53:01.271 As usual, nothing. 53:01.712 --> 53:05.794 Thanks very much, enjoy your song Meg and your charity, Neon Small Bible. 53:10.781 --> 53:13.982 That was The Primitives with Crash. 53:14.162 --> 53:15.243 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 53:15.263 --> 53:18.544 It's the X list here, the final hour of our show on a Saturday afternoon. 53:18.824 --> 53:19.584 We'll be back shortly. 53:21.004 --> 53:21.644 XFM. 53:22.845 --> 53:31.247 That was the kind of plastic punk stylings of Green Day with Warning, taken from the album Warning, all right? 53:31.647 --> 53:33.728 So just... I have been warned. 53:33.748 --> 53:35.868 You know, have you ever seen Green Day live, Joe Cornish? 53:36.068 --> 53:37.249 What, in the flesh live? 53:37.369 --> 53:38.049 Uh, playing music. 53:39.009 --> 53:40.170 at a festival or anything like that. 53:40.190 --> 53:40.230 No. 53:40.650 --> 53:41.251 They're very good. 53:42.151 --> 53:48.276 And one of the things they often do is get a member of the audience up to actually play guitar on one of the tracks. 53:48.556 --> 53:48.816 Right. 53:48.856 --> 53:50.677 You know, they'll say, who wants to play guitar? 53:50.778 --> 53:51.778 Everyone puts their hands up. 53:52.018 --> 53:57.062 They say, well, you've got to know a few chords, you know, so it can't just be someone who's never played the guitar before. 53:57.182 --> 53:58.543 Yeah, but you don't have to play very well. 53:58.583 --> 54:03.726 They get the person up the fan comes up, you know shaking with excitement and they Say to them. 54:03.826 --> 54:14.273 Okay, this one you just play a D a G and an F and You know chances are the fan will already know it and off they go They play along with us be really exciting for the fan amazing. 54:14.554 --> 54:19.537 I never trust that kind of thing ever since Bruce Springsteen pulled Courtney Cox Yeah, exactly. 54:19.577 --> 54:20.377 I never trust that. 54:20.418 --> 54:21.238 She was Courtney Cox. 54:21.258 --> 54:21.939 She's an actress. 54:22.139 --> 54:24.580 That's right Well, that was a video though not a live gig. 54:24.700 --> 54:26.422 I mean it was a video of a video of a life 54:27.302 --> 54:29.425 You know who I mean by Henry Rollins? 54:29.605 --> 54:29.825 Yeah. 54:30.406 --> 54:30.986 Hank Rollins. 54:31.587 --> 54:34.210 That's how he became the lead singer of Black Flag. 54:34.270 --> 54:35.491 By being pulled out of the crowd? 54:35.611 --> 54:35.912 Yeah. 54:36.212 --> 54:37.273 That's amazing, isn't it? 54:37.493 --> 54:37.774 I know. 54:37.994 --> 54:39.055 They used to do that as well. 54:39.095 --> 54:41.278 Black Flag used to just get their fans up and singing. 54:41.638 --> 54:45.482 Hank did such a good job that he was... Does it ever work the other way? 54:45.522 --> 54:48.265 Do they ever just push a band member into the crowd and say, stay there? 54:49.146 --> 54:50.167 That's where you belong. 54:50.247 --> 54:50.728 Go back. 54:50.928 --> 54:51.548 That's right. 54:51.808 --> 54:52.949 Throw them back into the sea. 54:53.710 --> 54:54.711 It's like fishing, isn't it? 54:54.731 --> 54:56.472 Into the sea? 54:56.712 --> 54:57.813 Yeah, the sea of people. 54:58.674 --> 54:59.354 The people sea. 54:59.374 --> 55:00.075 The people sea. 55:01.356 --> 55:03.918 Well, that's pretty much it for our show this week. 55:04.258 --> 55:05.119 Yeah, thanks for listening. 55:05.159 --> 55:07.741 We'll be back at the same time next week, 10 a.m. 55:08.101 --> 55:13.165 till 1 p.m., with more exciting chit-chat and music and adverts. 55:13.345 --> 55:16.488 Don't forget, if you haven't signed up for the Adam and Joe podcast, 55:17.068 --> 55:19.329 Get to it right now, this very moment. 55:19.389 --> 55:21.290 Find a computer and sort your lives out. 55:21.551 --> 55:22.771 You know, these things are free. 55:23.112 --> 55:23.572 They're enjoyable. 55:23.592 --> 55:24.552 Don't be aggressive about it. 55:24.572 --> 55:25.293 You'll put people off. 55:25.313 --> 55:26.313 That's true, isn't it? 55:26.513 --> 55:26.794 Yeah. 55:27.094 --> 55:27.714 Do it if you want. 55:27.914 --> 55:28.715 Don't if you don't want. 55:30.114 --> 55:32.357 They're free and they're really, they're fantastic. 55:32.618 --> 55:36.583 It's like the boiled down best bits from the XFM show. 55:36.843 --> 55:41.550 Plus, never before heard nuggets specially created for the podcasts. 55:41.570 --> 55:41.850 Yeah. 55:41.991 --> 55:42.812 So do check them out. 55:43.052 --> 55:43.973 Anyway, thanks for listening. 55:44.534 --> 55:45.255 See you again next week. 55:45.455 --> 55:45.916 See you next week. 55:45.956 --> 55:46.256 Bye. 55:46.316 --> 55:46.577 Bye. 55:46.617 --> 55:46.837 Love you. 55:46.877 --> 55:47.178 Bye.