WEBVTT 00:04.491 --> 00:07.114 Oh dear, music for sailors here on XFM. 00:07.655 --> 00:08.836 That's brilliant stuff though, isn't it? 00:08.856 --> 00:11.239 The raconteurs with steady as she goes. 00:11.279 --> 00:15.604 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM for the next two hours, 55 minutes. 00:16.124 --> 00:18.707 We've got amazing stuff in the show today, Joe Cornish. 00:18.807 --> 00:19.108 Do we? 00:19.248 --> 00:20.329 Yeah, it's extraordinary. 00:20.529 --> 00:20.730 What? 00:20.810 --> 00:22.752 We've got the best prizes we've ever given away. 00:23.112 --> 00:23.373 Really? 00:23.493 --> 00:24.053 Yeah, look at them. 00:24.574 --> 00:25.074 Where are they? 00:25.274 --> 00:26.575 A Sony PSP. 00:26.675 --> 00:27.415 Wow, that's good. 00:27.555 --> 00:30.516 And five Loco Roco goodie bouts. 00:30.556 --> 00:33.477 Yeah, Loco Roco's a PSP game with little coloured blobs. 00:33.898 --> 00:34.118 Right. 00:34.338 --> 00:36.219 What, like, go around and collect things? 00:36.479 --> 00:38.700 And here's the prize that I think is better than that. 00:39.140 --> 00:50.564 Two pairs of tickets to the Ben & Jerry's Sunday, spelt like a ice cream sundae, on either Saturday the 29th or, you know, and there's gonna be music from Badly Drawn Boy. 00:50.664 --> 00:52.005 Why didn't you say, or Sunday the 30th? 00:52.785 --> 00:53.566 Because I got bored. 00:53.706 --> 00:54.526 On Clapham Common? 00:54.786 --> 00:55.487 Of the dates. 00:55.807 --> 00:56.167 That's good. 00:56.187 --> 00:56.628 What is that? 00:56.688 --> 00:58.469 A giant bucket of, er, ice cream? 00:58.609 --> 00:59.910 Yeah, it'll be... That everyone swims in? 01:00.010 --> 01:00.410 Exactly. 01:00.430 --> 01:03.352 You'll be sliding around on ice cream on Clapham Common. 01:03.372 --> 01:03.912 That's brilliant. 01:03.972 --> 01:09.416 With live music from Badly Drawn Boy, Jose Gonzalez, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Wonder Stuff and more. 01:09.636 --> 01:09.876 Wow. 01:09.976 --> 01:10.497 That's amazing. 01:11.057 --> 01:14.419 So we're giving that stuff away if you win one of our competitions this afternoon. 01:14.439 --> 01:28.809 We're going to have a celebrity regression therapy competition in a bit, some text competitions, plus the usual mix of lively topical chitchat and controversial opinions from 01:29.730 --> 01:30.110 from Joe. 01:30.810 --> 01:31.091 Really? 01:31.371 --> 01:32.231 That's news to me. 01:32.631 --> 01:38.594 But listeners, don't forget that the last hour of the show between noon and one is composed entirely of your requests. 01:38.674 --> 01:40.234 You can kind of control the playlist. 01:40.735 --> 01:51.979 So it's never too early to get your requests into 83 XFM by text or via email to adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk and the phone number for the competitions is 0871 222 1049. 01:53.340 --> 01:58.182 You'll have to have that standing by if you want to win the PSP or the PSP goodie bags. 01:58.603 --> 02:03.804 of course we've got great music to play throughout the show apart from that and here's some of it this is the arctic monkeys 02:08.459 --> 02:09.039 There they go. 02:09.379 --> 02:12.640 That's the killers with all these things that I've done. 02:12.780 --> 02:15.681 And before that, of course, you heard Mardi Bump by the Arctic Monkeys. 02:15.701 --> 02:17.562 This is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 02:17.902 --> 02:18.182 Hello. 02:18.942 --> 02:26.485 Now, regular listeners might know that Adam and I are slightly obsessed with the idea that culture is running out of words, right? 02:26.745 --> 02:27.745 Not smiley culture. 02:27.865 --> 02:29.066 He'll never run out of words. 02:29.546 --> 02:34.647 But, you know, pop culture, they're running out of things to call things that haven't been used before, right? 02:34.667 --> 02:35.007 Yeah. 02:35.287 --> 02:36.408 Band names are running out. 02:37.088 --> 02:38.309 Product names are running out. 02:39.029 --> 02:40.090 Movie names are running out. 02:40.130 --> 02:41.991 Like, movie names have to be really long now. 02:42.552 --> 02:44.933 Harry Potter and the Easter egg of doom. 02:45.254 --> 02:45.954 Yeah. 02:46.034 --> 02:49.196 Pirates of the Caribbean and the curse of the whatnot. 02:49.716 --> 02:51.037 The big chest of the Nazis. 02:51.057 --> 02:52.779 Colons, semi-colons. 02:53.139 --> 02:57.842 So anyway, I've got some more evidence to support this theory in the field of product names. 02:58.542 --> 03:00.203 First of all, the Nintendo Wii. 03:01.044 --> 03:01.504 What's that? 03:01.764 --> 03:04.325 Well Nintendo are bringing out a new console this Christmas. 03:04.505 --> 03:05.325 Yeah. 03:05.565 --> 03:09.227 It's kind of got a new type of controller that is like a wand. 03:10.067 --> 03:12.448 And it's movement sensitive and you wave it around. 03:12.628 --> 03:12.868 Yeah. 03:13.348 --> 03:15.389 So in a fishing game you can use it like a rod. 03:15.889 --> 03:16.669 That's a good idea. 03:16.689 --> 03:18.750 In a conducting game you can use it like a baton. 03:18.770 --> 03:19.310 Uh huh. 03:19.790 --> 03:20.050 Yeah. 03:20.531 --> 03:22.413 Just let your mind wander with that for a bit. 03:22.753 --> 03:22.953 Yeah. 03:23.193 --> 03:24.755 Especially on the Japanese market. 03:26.356 --> 03:28.979 But anyway, they've decided to call it the Wii. 03:28.999 --> 03:33.864 It's spelled W-I-I because the two I's represent two people playing. 03:34.204 --> 03:34.484 Right. 03:34.544 --> 03:37.507 And Wii sounds like us play together. 03:37.667 --> 03:37.848 Yeah. 03:38.108 --> 03:39.870 Also sounds like having a Wii, obviously. 03:39.890 --> 03:40.550 Exactly, yeah. 03:40.670 --> 03:42.252 Mainly to me it sounds like having a Wii. 03:42.492 --> 03:45.514 Was greeted by derision in video game circles in the UK. 03:45.554 --> 03:46.875 How can they call it Wii? 03:47.295 --> 03:53.139 They might as well call it another word for Wii, which would be more, you know, reflect more badly on the console. 03:53.259 --> 03:54.080 Well, the PS Poo. 03:54.760 --> 04:01.925 But Nintendo say that once people get over the initial shock of it being called Wii, people will come to accept it. 04:01.945 --> 04:03.766 You know, you only giggle about that for like 20 minutes. 04:04.847 --> 04:06.808 I don't know, man, I can giggle for quite a while about that. 04:06.868 --> 04:08.069 I think they might have a point. 04:08.249 --> 04:11.851 I think it's effective because you remember it because it's shocking. 04:12.151 --> 04:12.372 Yeah. 04:12.692 --> 04:13.752 And then you get over it. 04:14.012 --> 04:15.553 And there you go, they've got into your head. 04:15.713 --> 04:23.478 That kind of marketing arrogance, people just sort of thinking, if we shove something crap out there for long enough, people will eventually get used to it. 04:23.818 --> 04:25.479 Nintendo, Nintendo are nice. 04:25.659 --> 04:25.899 Yeah. 04:26.100 --> 04:26.740 They're all cuddly. 04:27.700 --> 04:31.021 Equally nice are Sony, of course, because we're giving away the PSP. 04:31.341 --> 04:32.362 We can't show any bias. 04:32.662 --> 04:40.484 But I think it's a clever tactic, and it's a way of kind of using ruder words, you know, words that wouldn't have previously been used, to make up for this shortfall in words. 04:40.704 --> 04:41.284 OK, yeah. 04:41.464 --> 04:48.407 So along these lines, I've noticed, and you might notice this if you're around London today, there's a new, reinforced fruity drink. 04:49.307 --> 04:51.348 It's got, like, protein. 04:51.928 --> 04:55.369 I don't know, it might not have protein, but you know, it's got, like, good stuff. 04:56.340 --> 04:56.980 Er, what's good? 04:57.181 --> 04:58.221 I don't even know what's good. 04:58.922 --> 04:59.562 Calcium? 04:59.622 --> 05:00.983 Yeah, calcium, exactly that. 05:01.023 --> 05:03.805 It's got as much calcium as milk, but it's a fruity drink. 05:03.985 --> 05:04.205 Yeah. 05:04.365 --> 05:05.686 And it's called Aids. 05:06.386 --> 05:07.207 It has it spelt. 05:07.507 --> 05:08.928 A-D-E-Z. 05:09.728 --> 05:11.490 That's probably pronounced ad-ares. 05:12.390 --> 05:15.371 But it reads, A-D-E-Z, AIDS. 05:15.931 --> 05:16.131 Yeah? 05:16.171 --> 05:19.031 That's not too abstract a reading of that spelling. 05:19.131 --> 05:19.331 No. 05:19.391 --> 05:20.712 Is there an accent over the E? 05:20.792 --> 05:21.032 Nope. 05:21.452 --> 05:22.132 No accent? 05:22.192 --> 05:23.752 It's just a big glass of AIDS. 05:23.812 --> 05:27.253 See, if I was a big glass of AIDS... Are you feeling down? 05:27.633 --> 05:28.553 I'll get you a glass of AIDS. 05:28.753 --> 05:30.774 Why not have a nice bit of AIDS? 05:30.954 --> 05:31.874 What are they playing? 05:31.914 --> 05:33.594 They can't call a drink AIDS. 05:33.814 --> 05:34.594 A-tez AIDS? 05:34.854 --> 05:35.754 No, that's insanity. 05:35.854 --> 05:37.735 And it's all over the buses all over London. 05:37.895 --> 05:38.135 Right. 05:38.695 --> 05:44.499 I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if, like in a week or something, you saw the same ad and there was an accent there. 05:44.959 --> 05:46.360 So it was definitely ad-es. 05:46.480 --> 05:46.980 Ad-es. 05:47.321 --> 05:48.081 That's what I would say. 05:48.101 --> 05:52.904 I'd say, look, OK, you can call your drink aides if you want, but let's just avoid it a little bit. 05:53.405 --> 05:56.266 Let's move it away from the catastrophic condition. 05:56.306 --> 05:56.787 Maybe it's... 05:57.227 --> 05:58.067 putting an accent on it. 05:58.368 --> 05:59.728 Maybe it's the same technique, though. 05:59.748 --> 06:00.889 You know, a shocking word. 06:01.049 --> 06:06.392 Well, you know, there used to be a slimming pill that you could take called AIDS, and that was pronounced. 06:06.432 --> 06:09.254 It was A-Y-D-E-S, I seem to remember. 06:09.294 --> 06:09.814 Something like that. 06:10.155 --> 06:11.375 Or even A-Y-D-S. 06:11.796 --> 06:14.097 And the advert and everything just sort of said, take AIDS. 06:14.457 --> 06:19.220 And it was around the time that the AIDS crisis began in the UK, or people were aware of it anyway. 06:19.800 --> 06:24.244 So it was a kind of a horrible irony that they were slimming pills. 06:24.845 --> 06:25.926 And they were called AIDS. 06:26.386 --> 06:28.788 You know, so they had to remove them eventually. 06:29.169 --> 06:31.931 Well, I just think it's very surprising that they'd call a drink that. 06:31.971 --> 06:34.434 Keep a look out for it if you're around town today. 06:35.094 --> 06:36.816 And, you know, maybe someone could try some. 06:36.836 --> 06:37.677 Maybe someone's got some. 06:38.462 --> 06:38.682 Yeah. 06:38.902 --> 06:39.663 Tell us how they're feeling. 06:40.123 --> 06:40.363 Yeah. 06:41.124 --> 06:41.844 After having some. 06:42.465 --> 06:44.266 Some delicious, yeah. 06:44.526 --> 06:44.826 That's it. 06:44.866 --> 06:45.527 That's the theory. 06:45.807 --> 06:46.007 Wow. 06:46.027 --> 06:47.067 Well, I think that's true. 06:47.088 --> 06:49.749 If anyone else has noticed anything similar, then do give us a shout. 06:50.009 --> 06:55.453 You can always email us, adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk, or text us 83XFM. 06:55.893 --> 06:58.735 We'd love to hear your new names, new theories. 06:58.895 --> 06:59.035 Yeah. 06:59.095 --> 07:00.716 It's competition time coming up in a second. 07:00.756 --> 07:01.837 It's celebrity regression. 07:02.137 --> 07:02.838 The number's going to be 08712221049. 07:05.379 --> 07:06.100 So stay tuned. 07:06.180 --> 07:09.782 We're gonna play some music, then some ads, and then some more music, then come back with competition. 07:09.802 --> 07:11.063 But right now, here's a free play. 07:11.103 --> 07:12.084 Joe's gonna introduce this one. 07:12.104 --> 07:12.525 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 07:12.565 --> 07:14.226 This is, uh, ah, where's the box? 07:14.886 --> 07:15.987 What have you done with the box? 07:16.628 --> 07:19.910 Yeah, this is, uh, called Didn't I. It's by a guy called Durando. 07:19.970 --> 07:22.272 He's a kind of singer, you know? 07:22.292 --> 07:23.112 Really? 07:23.132 --> 07:25.454 From, uh, he was around in San Francisco in the early 70s. 07:25.574 --> 07:27.896 Uh, are we gonna do adverts after this? 07:28.096 --> 07:28.316 Yeah. 07:28.597 --> 07:29.217 Yeah, OK. 07:29.597 --> 07:30.518 Well, uh, there we go. 07:30.618 --> 07:31.359 That's all I'm gonna tell you. 07:31.579 --> 07:32.259 But this is really nice. 07:32.279 --> 07:32.840 It's called Didn't I. 07:45.526 --> 07:46.667 That's my impression of the strokes. 07:46.888 --> 07:48.169 I thought that was still the record. 07:48.389 --> 07:48.669 No! 07:48.909 --> 07:50.631 Yeah, you see, that was... That was amazing. 07:50.651 --> 07:53.053 It was seamless, and you thought it was still the record. 07:53.073 --> 07:53.534 Did you really? 07:53.974 --> 07:54.594 Yeah, I did. 07:55.635 --> 07:58.715 Did you see that they were showing highlights from Tea in the Park last night on telly? 07:58.735 --> 07:59.756 Did anyone watch them? 07:59.956 --> 08:00.656 Strokes were playing. 08:00.796 --> 08:01.096 Were they? 08:01.156 --> 08:02.377 Were we in the picture? 08:02.517 --> 08:04.357 No, no, it was in Scotland. 08:04.577 --> 08:05.458 Oh, Tea in the Park. 08:05.578 --> 08:07.698 I thought you said the wireless festival. 08:08.058 --> 08:08.598 No, I didn't. 08:08.658 --> 08:09.799 I said Tea in the Park. 08:09.899 --> 08:10.759 Right, different. 08:11.199 --> 08:11.979 Use different words. 08:12.300 --> 08:13.280 Wireless. 08:13.660 --> 08:14.580 Tea in the Park. 08:14.600 --> 08:16.301 They sound completely different. 08:16.321 --> 08:17.601 OK, now I understand. 08:18.041 --> 08:19.602 I've got nothing more to say about it, though. 08:19.842 --> 08:23.103 Now listen, it's competition time. 08:24.133 --> 08:35.310 You could win a DVD or tickets to a show You just never know So sharpen up your brain and get ready to play! 08:35.822 --> 08:38.083 And it's celebrity regression therapy time. 08:38.143 --> 08:39.024 What are we going to give away? 08:39.064 --> 08:40.405 We're not going to give away the PSP. 08:40.425 --> 08:42.506 That will be too premature. 08:42.686 --> 08:43.726 Here's what we're going to give away. 08:44.027 --> 08:52.771 Now this, this might be too obscure for people to enjoy, but anyway, cut a long story short, one of my favorite bands, Tortoise, right? 08:52.872 --> 08:59.735 Like one of the ultimate sort of post-rock bands, um, that a lot of XFM, this is a surprise you've paid for. 08:59.895 --> 09:00.136 Yeah. 09:00.576 --> 09:00.776 Is it? 09:00.976 --> 09:01.196 Yeah. 09:01.276 --> 09:01.917 Go on, tell us. 09:02.517 --> 09:05.980 You know, like a lot of bands are playing their classic album right the way through now. 09:06.020 --> 09:07.341 Yeah, that's the latest thing. 09:07.381 --> 09:07.621 Yeah. 09:08.082 --> 09:09.703 So Tortoise's classic album. 09:10.184 --> 09:11.485 Do you say Tortoise or Tortoise? 09:11.605 --> 09:12.525 You say Tortoise. 09:12.746 --> 09:14.467 I know, but I'm... Most people say Tortoise. 09:14.527 --> 09:14.847 Do they? 09:15.068 --> 09:15.308 Yeah. 09:15.468 --> 09:15.688 OK. 09:16.148 --> 09:18.590 So, Tortoise. 09:19.531 --> 09:23.214 They're playing their classic album, Millions Now Living Will Never Die. 09:24.875 --> 09:48.348 in at Coco on Tuesday the 25th of July and I bought four tickets just on spec because I thought I'm gonna go and see that because that'll be amazing millions now living will never die that's like one of the most influential albums of the last ten years or something and I'm just gonna buy three extra tickets as well I'll find some mates you know they'll be like gold dirt I won't be able to give these things away what what am I talking about no I will be able to give them away 09:49.048 --> 09:50.409 Anyway, I forgot. 09:50.829 --> 09:53.071 I forgot that I wasn't even going to be around. 09:53.471 --> 09:55.173 I'm going to visit my mum on that day. 09:55.473 --> 09:55.973 Oh, no. 09:56.153 --> 09:57.154 Yeah, she comes out of hospital. 09:57.174 --> 09:58.035 That's the power of the mum. 09:58.615 --> 09:59.076 Exactly. 09:59.536 --> 10:00.537 I thought it'd be a good son. 10:00.617 --> 10:02.038 Yeah, you've got to be at mum's bedside. 10:02.058 --> 10:03.539 Exactly, on the 25th of July. 10:03.559 --> 10:06.401 So... So you're going to give them away for the celebrity regression? 10:06.421 --> 10:09.403 I'm going to give them away, all paid for by Adam Buxton from my own pocket. 10:09.423 --> 10:09.884 That's amazing. 10:10.064 --> 10:10.324 Yeah. 10:10.384 --> 10:12.866 Have they got your, like, bank account number on them? 10:13.787 --> 10:14.507 Credit card number. 10:14.567 --> 10:15.308 No, I've taken that off. 10:15.328 --> 10:15.948 That's a shame. 10:16.269 --> 10:21.233 But £15 each they were, so that's a total of £60 I've spent on the... That's what you're going to give away all for? 10:21.313 --> 10:21.493 Yeah. 10:21.513 --> 10:22.894 That's like a family outing. 10:22.974 --> 10:23.475 Exactly. 10:23.815 --> 10:25.677 If your little kids are into tortoise. 10:25.697 --> 10:27.698 Oh, it's going to be an amazing evening. 10:27.979 --> 10:30.741 Very least, you're going to be able to hang out in Coco, which is a lovely venue. 10:30.801 --> 10:35.645 If you've never heard of tortoise, like, we might give away the Ben and Jerry's giant ice cream swimming session. 10:35.685 --> 10:36.846 Yeah, exactly, exactly. 10:36.886 --> 10:37.467 Alternatively. 10:37.907 --> 10:40.009 But now it's time to do celebrity regression. 10:40.129 --> 10:48.056 If you're new to our Saturday morning slot and you haven't heard this quiz before, what happens is we regress Adam using a technique painted by... Toyah Wilcox. 10:48.076 --> 10:49.817 Was it Phil and Fern or Toyah Wilcox? 10:49.957 --> 10:53.921 I think Toyah Wilcox developed it and Phil and Fern did the final tweet. 10:53.941 --> 10:54.041 Yeah. 10:54.561 --> 10:59.004 This is a, you know, medically, scientifically proven method of mental regression. 10:59.044 --> 11:08.771 Adam will go into the mind and movies of a famous film star and he'll wake up, he'll be in a trance state, he'll witness some of the scenes from that film happening around him and he'll describe what he sees. 11:09.191 --> 11:21.319 You have to listen carefully and as soon as you can guess the name of the star whose body Adam is inhabiting and the names of the film he's in, call 0871 222 1049 and you could win those tickets. 11:22.180 --> 11:24.101 So we ring the regression bell to get the correct... 11:25.301 --> 11:26.542 New Age atmosphere. 11:26.562 --> 11:31.924 That's nice. 11:32.304 --> 11:33.545 So everyone very relaxed. 11:33.565 --> 11:35.645 And Adam, take a deep breath. 11:37.046 --> 11:38.867 And relax. 11:39.407 --> 11:40.847 And drift back, clear your mind. 11:41.708 --> 11:43.609 Imagine you're on a desert island in space. 11:45.829 --> 11:48.070 And now, clear that from your mind, there's nothingness. 11:48.911 --> 11:49.731 Complete blankness. 11:54.520 --> 11:56.766 back into the mind of a Hollywood star. 11:59.333 --> 12:01.398 And now wake up and tell us what you see. 12:03.953 --> 12:07.957 Oh, I'm in a great big tent with my dad. 12:08.558 --> 12:24.032 It's cold outside, at least I think it's cold, I think it's snow, but it's all just bits floating around, so it could just be atmospheric fluff floating about for no reason like in King Arthur or Legend. 12:25.692 --> 12:29.033 Anyway, me and my dad have gone camping with some mates. 12:29.713 --> 12:34.394 I say camping, it's more like a campaign, like a kind of military campaign. 12:34.775 --> 12:42.917 But anyway, it's going well, and we're in a tent, and we're having a chat about some stuff that my dad's got, which I want. 12:43.897 --> 12:48.820 But he's saying he's not gonna give it to me, so I'm thinking about strangling him until he's dead. 12:49.581 --> 12:57.366 I mean, you know, it seems a bit much, but I am a bit much, so I think I will strangle him until he's dead, and then I can get the stuff. 12:59.627 --> 13:02.729 There we go, that's film number one. 13:03.190 --> 13:06.191 0871 2221049, the moment you recognise the film and the star. 13:06.232 --> 13:07.813 Let's hear film number two. 13:07.913 --> 13:09.253 Ab, wake up, tell us what you can see. 13:11.531 --> 13:14.934 Oh, I'm in a little room backstage somewhere. 13:15.494 --> 13:18.556 I'd just done a concert and it were okay, quite good. 13:19.617 --> 13:24.821 But there were a girl I fancied and I asked her out on stage and she said no. 13:24.841 --> 13:29.665 And I got angry and now I'm all drunk up and on drugs too. 13:29.985 --> 13:36.470 And I just smashed up the room and I ripped the basin off the well and now I'm having a bit of a cry. 13:37.210 --> 13:44.773 And I'll probably tell someone about the basin later, because there's water going everywhere all over the room because of the smashed basin. 13:45.113 --> 13:47.914 So I'll need the plumber, you know, but you won't see that. 13:48.174 --> 13:51.035 The scene just ends here with me crying on the floor. 13:52.996 --> 13:54.216 Adam's gone back into his trance. 13:54.256 --> 13:55.597 Here's the third and final film. 13:55.677 --> 13:57.017 Remember, as soon as you know who it is, 0871-222-1049. 13:57.037 --> 13:57.457 Ad, wake up. 13:57.477 --> 13:59.138 Tell us what you can see. 14:02.731 --> 14:05.013 I'm in the little cupboard with me mate. 14:05.713 --> 14:07.635 I'm hiding from an alien man. 14:08.635 --> 14:27.669 He wants to come in the cupboard but he can't because we haven't seen him so far and it's dead exciting and so if he did come in it would just be like oh there's a crap alien man and now that would be a shame so we're keeping him out outside the cupboard by shoving a knife under the door and waving it about but the alien man doesn't like it so he's going. 14:28.329 --> 14:33.494 Unfortunately, later on, he comes into the room and you see him and it is a bit crap. 14:33.674 --> 14:36.677 But right now, it's all dead exciting. 14:37.318 --> 14:37.758 There we go. 14:37.818 --> 14:46.406 Adam's going to remain in his hypnotic trance until somebody calls 08712221049 and rescues him from the nightmare of being trapped inside the mind in the films of a Hollywood star. 14:46.426 --> 14:47.848 For God's sake, call now! 14:53.001 --> 14:54.804 There we go, that's Primal Scream with dolls. 14:54.824 --> 14:57.267 You join us in the midst of celebrity regression. 14:57.748 --> 15:02.775 Adam's been regressed into the mind and films of a Hollywood star. 15:03.295 --> 15:07.081 That's the sound of the sound he makes when he has done that. 15:08.038 --> 15:08.478 There we go. 15:08.819 --> 15:14.442 And we've got a caller on the line who reckons she knows the name of the star in the films. 15:14.482 --> 15:15.323 What is she called, Bella? 15:15.623 --> 15:15.703 Yes. 15:16.103 --> 15:16.684 Hello, Bella. 15:16.724 --> 15:17.764 Hello, how are you? 15:17.804 --> 15:18.985 Very well, how are you doing? 15:19.005 --> 15:20.706 I'm very well, thank you, very well indeed. 15:20.946 --> 15:23.328 You know, Adam and me are a bit knackered and hungover. 15:23.348 --> 15:24.769 Yeah, you sound it actually. 15:24.829 --> 15:25.669 How are you feeling? 15:25.889 --> 15:27.491 I'm absolutely knackered and hungover. 15:27.691 --> 15:27.891 Are you? 15:28.630 --> 15:30.532 What were you doing to make you knackered and hungover? 15:30.552 --> 15:33.794 Erm, there was a friend's birthday last night, but we're going out to a barbecue again. 15:33.834 --> 15:36.977 It's sort of elongated birthday party, so... Elongated? 15:36.997 --> 15:37.797 That sounds painful. 15:38.217 --> 15:39.038 It is indeed. 15:39.458 --> 15:41.080 So listen, Adam's in his regress state. 15:41.100 --> 15:42.681 Can you hear these little noises, listen? 15:42.821 --> 15:44.602 Did you hear that one? 15:47.367 --> 15:47.767 I did. 15:48.008 --> 15:49.809 Oh, it's getting a bit fragrant in here. 15:49.889 --> 15:51.831 So, um, what was that? 15:55.134 --> 16:00.459 So listen, um, so what I'd like you to do now is say the name of the star who you think he was regressed into. 16:00.519 --> 16:01.840 If you're correct, he'll wake up. 16:02.241 --> 16:05.543 If you're wrong, Bella, he will stay in this state forever. 16:06.044 --> 16:06.524 Oh dear. 16:06.885 --> 16:08.566 Are you, are you okay? 16:08.806 --> 16:10.248 Can you carry that responsibility? 16:13.650 --> 16:17.072 Yes, it was Joaquin. 16:17.272 --> 16:19.513 Now, can you tell us the films though, Bella? 16:19.553 --> 16:20.173 That's the question. 16:20.193 --> 16:21.994 The first one, Gladiator. 16:22.114 --> 16:23.135 Second one, Walk the Line. 16:23.215 --> 16:26.296 I didn't hear the clues to the third one because I was on the phone. 16:26.496 --> 16:27.817 I got the third one. 16:27.837 --> 16:28.517 Was it signed? 16:28.957 --> 16:30.158 It was signs. 16:30.278 --> 16:31.158 Absolutely, yeah. 16:31.478 --> 16:36.341 Gladiator was the scene at the beginning, of course, where he gets rid of his dad, Richard Harris, was it? 16:36.701 --> 16:37.842 Someone like that. 16:38.842 --> 16:39.983 And, of course, walk the line. 16:40.523 --> 16:43.665 He does a, you know, he asks the girl out on stage. 16:43.765 --> 16:44.725 He asks, what's her name? 16:44.745 --> 16:45.406 I ain't seen it. 16:45.906 --> 16:46.806 River Phoenix, big jaw. 16:48.467 --> 16:49.228 Reese Witherspoon. 16:49.328 --> 16:50.189 There you go. 16:50.669 --> 16:53.592 And she says no and he gets depressed. 16:53.632 --> 16:56.835 He takes a whole bunch of pills and rips the sink off the wall. 16:56.875 --> 16:57.716 Good film, Walk the Line. 16:57.736 --> 16:58.576 Much better than I expected. 16:58.596 --> 16:59.437 You've spoiled it now. 16:59.557 --> 17:00.298 You've ruined it, Adam. 17:00.618 --> 17:02.880 No, it's not a pivotal plot point. 17:04.001 --> 17:04.942 And of course, Signs. 17:04.982 --> 17:06.664 The best scene in Signs. 17:06.704 --> 17:07.484 I like Signs. 17:07.584 --> 17:09.326 People reckon Signs is rubbish, but I loved it. 17:09.486 --> 17:17.451 No, science is kind of 80% amazing, but then the last 20% is so extraordinarily bad that it sort of undoes it. 17:17.471 --> 17:17.692 I liked it. 17:17.812 --> 17:19.133 Did you really like it right the way through? 17:19.213 --> 17:19.513 Yeah. 17:19.673 --> 17:20.914 What did you make of science, Bella? 17:20.974 --> 17:21.734 I've not watched it. 17:21.955 --> 17:22.315 Have you not? 17:22.495 --> 17:23.756 Oh, it's definitely worth a look. 17:24.236 --> 17:25.177 Yeah, it's good. 17:25.197 --> 17:26.398 Yeah, it's good. 17:26.438 --> 17:27.198 Yeah, no, it's good. 17:27.258 --> 17:31.121 But have you seen M. Night Shamayamalan's other films? 17:32.707 --> 17:34.008 He's the king of the twist. 17:34.028 --> 17:36.129 He's the king of the easily predictable twist. 17:36.849 --> 17:39.471 The village was one of his other ones. 17:39.591 --> 17:40.271 Unbreakable. 17:40.451 --> 17:42.513 And of course he made his name with the sixth sense. 17:42.913 --> 17:43.433 Oh, that one. 17:43.513 --> 17:44.293 That one I've seen. 17:44.394 --> 17:44.934 Yeah, yeah. 17:44.954 --> 17:46.034 That's the one most people have seen. 17:46.054 --> 17:46.775 He's got a new one out. 17:47.075 --> 17:47.435 Has he? 17:47.535 --> 17:48.476 The lady in the water. 17:48.736 --> 17:49.776 Has it got a twist in it? 17:49.876 --> 17:50.177 Yes. 17:50.357 --> 17:51.597 It's supposed to be a stinker. 17:51.838 --> 17:52.798 He loves to twist. 17:52.958 --> 17:55.600 Apparently, yeah, it's gonna terminate his career, they say. 17:55.900 --> 17:56.240 No. 17:56.320 --> 17:57.761 Yeah, apparently it's a stinker. 17:57.841 --> 17:59.962 They've said that about the last three ones, haven't they? 18:00.242 --> 18:02.803 Anyway, listen, Bella, what would you like, prize-wise? 18:02.823 --> 18:04.644 I don't know, what have you got to give me? 18:04.864 --> 18:05.924 Okay, we've got tickets. 18:06.084 --> 18:09.486 You don't sound... I mean, this is a bit, you know, prejudicial. 18:09.506 --> 18:11.066 You don't sound like a tortoise fan. 18:11.926 --> 18:13.107 I'm not a tortoise, is it? 18:13.167 --> 18:14.707 Tortoise or tortoise? 18:14.727 --> 18:15.528 Well, that's what I was saying. 18:16.008 --> 18:17.388 I usually say tortoise. 18:17.449 --> 18:18.289 Joe says tortoise. 18:19.594 --> 18:21.096 Yeah, yeah. 18:21.156 --> 18:25.661 The alternative is tickets to a kind of very enjoyable sounding festival on Clapham Common. 18:27.222 --> 18:29.004 And there's lots of really good bands playing. 18:29.024 --> 18:31.907 Yeah, Ben and Jerry's Sunday on the 29th or the 30th. 18:31.947 --> 18:35.932 Badly Drawn Boy, Jose Gonzalez, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Wonder Stuff. 18:37.217 --> 18:37.698 Sounds cool. 18:37.778 --> 18:39.279 OK, we'll send you a pair of tickets to that, Bella. 18:39.339 --> 18:40.060 Lovely, thank you. 18:40.280 --> 18:41.741 And you can have another tiring weekend. 18:42.121 --> 18:44.363 Thank you so much for calling in, we really appreciate it. 18:44.383 --> 18:45.804 Thanks, you have a great weekend. 18:45.964 --> 18:46.465 Yeah, cheers. 18:46.545 --> 18:47.365 Take care, bye-bye. 18:47.405 --> 18:48.006 Bye-bye. 18:48.206 --> 18:49.767 Settle and join XFM, we'll be right back. 18:58.575 --> 19:02.217 I think of the Zutons as being a little bit like their commitments. 19:03.109 --> 19:04.670 Yeah, from that film, The Commitments. 19:04.710 --> 19:05.751 Yeah, exactly. 19:05.991 --> 19:09.194 Like a big band of kind of merry travelling people. 19:09.314 --> 19:11.396 That's slightly insulting, who play covers. 19:11.696 --> 19:17.341 Yeah, and they're from like a... they've got funny accents. 19:17.421 --> 19:18.322 And they swear a lot. 19:18.342 --> 19:24.206 Doesn't The Commitments have the most swearing in any film ever apart from Five Million Ways to Die? 19:24.547 --> 19:26.008 Yeah, it is a swearing classic. 19:26.528 --> 19:26.989 Definitely. 19:27.709 --> 19:34.173 It's one of those films you can enjoyably chop all the swearing together and it'll make a good five minute little compilation. 19:34.213 --> 19:36.234 Yeah, funny how everyone's forgotten their commitments. 19:36.815 --> 19:38.916 It was so big at the time but now no one cares about it. 19:39.536 --> 19:43.339 Oh, it's one of those films that pops up on TV from time to time and it's always enjoyable to see. 19:43.379 --> 19:45.260 Yeah, but so does the worst film in the world. 19:46.024 --> 19:48.465 What is the worst film in the world? 19:49.045 --> 19:50.145 That's another conversation. 19:52.886 --> 19:54.526 That was Valerie by the Zootons incidentally. 19:55.126 --> 19:57.687 Can I talk a little bit more about weird packaging? 19:58.247 --> 19:58.887 Oh yeah yeah yeah. 19:59.187 --> 20:05.549 If you're in your kitchen at the moment you might be able to contribute to this but I've noticed something weird happening on food design. 20:06.089 --> 20:08.530 You know in the old days you'd get say a tin of 20:09.770 --> 20:12.993 Like, for instance, here I've got a tin of Spanish mandarin orange segments. 20:13.373 --> 20:23.261 Well... You'd read the label and it would say, remove from can, place in a non-metallic container, keep refrigerated, consume within 24 hours. 20:23.782 --> 20:24.002 Yeah. 20:24.242 --> 20:25.123 Right, utilitarian. 20:25.143 --> 20:25.603 The facts. 20:25.723 --> 20:27.165 Bold, strip down the facts. 20:27.245 --> 20:27.745 Absolutely. 20:27.945 --> 20:31.628 These days, food boxes are getting like magazines. 20:32.449 --> 20:34.690 You know, it's like people are writing articles on them. 20:35.410 --> 20:37.671 And it, I think, started with innocent smoothies. 20:37.971 --> 20:41.412 Basically, what I'm saying is, is food packaging is getting annoying. 20:41.632 --> 20:42.972 It's getting too much personality. 20:43.012 --> 20:44.093 It's getting personal. 20:44.193 --> 20:44.393 Yeah. 20:44.433 --> 20:45.953 It's getting like magazine articles. 20:46.413 --> 20:47.574 Like innocent smoothies. 20:47.594 --> 20:55.516 You pick up an innocent smoothie and it says, the perfect smoothie for summer, the season of flip flops, freckles and rained off barbecues. 20:56.496 --> 20:57.457 On the front of the label. 20:58.617 --> 21:09.543 And there's another I think maybe it's PJ smooth PJ smoothies When you turn it on its side to look at the ingredients and it kind of goes oops You turn me on my side. 21:09.963 --> 21:11.364 That means you want to know what's in me. 21:11.824 --> 21:25.791 Well, hey, I'm nothing but crushed goodness and don't doubt it Exclamation marks and I've noticed that even Sainsbury's have started doing this on their own brand smoothies No, it used to just have the ingredients and some basic sort of 21:26.411 --> 21:40.896 utilitarian lines now it's all speech bubbles and it says wow there are approximately 59 of me in this smoothie in a speech bubble coming out of a raspberry that's lame so it gets worse and worse uh like there's a what have you got that 21:42.156 --> 21:44.757 On the Baxter's soup label, this is what you get. 21:44.837 --> 21:54.199 Baxter's favourites, French onion soup, and then in quotes on the back it says, I learned the secret of this full-flavoured classic from Provence. 21:54.719 --> 21:58.501 We make it with masses of onions and sherry and cider vinegar. 21:58.901 --> 22:06.923 My favourite compliments for this soup are a warm fire, a slice of toasted French bread topped with melted gruyere. 22:07.483 --> 22:12.164 Delicious signed Audrey Baxter Audrey Baxter is can that be true? 22:12.184 --> 22:30.667 I mean, that's that's sort of a more traditional way of doing it doing the quote from the person Yeah, Paul Newman or whoever right doing the sauce You know sort of saying I like to sometimes get completely off my head on beer and use my special pasta sauce to spread all over my face What do you like doing with it? 22:30.687 --> 22:34.088 You know that kind of little don't you think just a little bit farther? 22:34.108 --> 22:35.328 I think certainly 22:35.948 --> 22:48.576 Yeah, but I mean that's the beginning of it and then innocent and people like that and the Sainsbury's people, they're pushing it into a much creepier area which is trying to give what they see as being something too impersonal a bit more personality. 22:48.597 --> 22:50.538 Yeah, make it like as if the food is your friend. 22:50.598 --> 22:51.058 Exactly. 22:51.078 --> 22:52.359 Here's the worst one I could find. 22:52.399 --> 22:54.120 This is from goo chocolate puds. 22:54.140 --> 22:54.801 Do you know goo? 22:55.361 --> 22:55.781 Oh yeah. 22:55.861 --> 22:58.763 This like kind of expensive pudding you can get in supermarkets. 22:58.803 --> 22:59.244 Looks nice. 22:59.264 --> 23:01.225 They come in, they are quite pretty tasty. 23:01.465 --> 23:05.448 They come in these massive glass jars that you can wash and use for other things. 23:05.988 --> 23:30.019 store paper clips double prezi but on the back it says goo chocolate puds goo chocolate extremists with a good dollop of fun call us crazy cheesemongers but this really works what we popped a creamy baked vanilla cheesecake beneath a thick layer of our gooey chalk truffle with a crumbly biscuit they've got omelettes on the more we use with a crumbly biscuit base mmm yumbalina 23:30.499 --> 23:31.400 Yumbelina? 23:31.440 --> 23:31.660 Yes. 23:31.720 --> 23:33.201 That's by no means acceptable. 23:33.221 --> 23:33.941 Yumbelina. 23:34.362 --> 23:36.783 Serve chilled and goo-thle. 23:37.964 --> 23:38.304 There we go. 23:38.384 --> 23:40.245 And underneath it says, have we met you yet? 23:40.546 --> 23:44.468 Why not swing by www.goopoods.com and let us know what you think. 23:45.069 --> 23:45.609 Oh no. 23:46.169 --> 23:47.010 That's the worst one. 23:47.070 --> 23:50.672 If you've got a more annoying bit of blurb on the side of a packet, give us a call. 23:50.692 --> 23:52.473 0-8-7-1-triple-two-one-o-four-nine. 23:52.673 --> 23:54.615 You can read it out to us and we'll give you a prize. 23:54.935 --> 23:56.556 That's an annoying name as well, though, goo. 23:57.036 --> 23:58.497 Because it's supposed to be like good, isn't it? 23:58.537 --> 23:59.578 But it's just like, ooh, goo. 23:59.998 --> 24:01.599 Yeah, but it's gooey, like they're gooey puddings. 24:01.739 --> 24:02.180 Right, right. 24:02.220 --> 24:04.081 But I'm imagining that they're going for good as well. 24:04.101 --> 24:05.362 It's got a touch of the spinal tap though, hasn't it? 24:05.382 --> 24:05.822 Yeah, yeah. 24:06.062 --> 24:12.627 Because, you know, there's a sandwich manufacturers and they call themselves FUGO. 24:13.388 --> 24:15.129 Like, because it's food on the go. 24:15.289 --> 24:15.749 FUGO. 24:15.969 --> 24:16.610 FUGO. 24:16.910 --> 24:19.552 That makes me feel weak whenever I see that packaging. 24:19.932 --> 24:23.074 It's going to be news time very soon, ladies and gentlemen, so stick with us. 24:23.095 --> 24:24.075 But first, here's a free play. 24:24.095 --> 24:24.836 This is Frank Black. 24:29.087 --> 24:30.187 Hey, that's enjoyable, isn't it? 24:30.207 --> 24:32.688 That's The Kooks, where she moves in her own way. 24:32.728 --> 24:36.029 I've got that album, and it's one of those albums I got, and then just- I've got it! 24:36.169 --> 24:36.849 I've got it, right? 24:36.869 --> 24:37.729 I've got an album! 24:37.989 --> 24:39.350 I just didn't listen to it! 24:39.590 --> 24:40.150 No, why? 24:40.190 --> 24:41.810 Why did you get it and not listen to it? 24:41.830 --> 24:42.131 I got it! 24:42.251 --> 24:44.211 Well, I did, I- It's like buying a book and not reading it. 24:44.391 --> 24:58.135 I skimmed through it, but it was one of those albums that, um, I was saying to a friend the other day, you know, I was thinking a good sketch would be, you go and you buy a record, and you put it on, you're really excited about it, you've been told to buy it by the enemy or whoever, 24:58.775 --> 24:58.995 Yeah. 24:59.035 --> 25:19.742 You stick it on and you listen to the first track and it's just a horn going wop wop wop and then you just put it onto the next track and it's a horn going wop wop wop and then track three wop wop wop and it's just like that right the way through the album because that's what listening to a lot of albums is like, you know what I mean? 25:19.762 --> 25:20.142 You're all excited. 25:20.162 --> 25:21.603 Well you're listening to too much horn music. 25:21.643 --> 25:23.704 And then wop wop wop. 25:25.224 --> 25:32.566 I'm concerned that there was twice as much information about Cheryl Tweedy as there was about the Middle East in the news It's that it's Hezbollah. 25:33.166 --> 25:38.608 That's the I'll tell you why there's a war cuz I'm Hezbollah All right, you this is Adams George Bush impression. 25:38.748 --> 25:39.428 It's not very good. 25:39.748 --> 25:42.269 It isn't they should launch Cheryl Tweedy into the Middle East. 25:42.549 --> 25:42.709 Yeah 25:43.289 --> 25:47.251 She'd soon get them all just polishing their nails and doing their hair. 25:47.311 --> 25:48.411 She sounded pretty angry. 25:48.451 --> 25:52.133 She sounded angrier than George Bush about the whole wedding planner situation, didn't she? 25:52.373 --> 25:53.133 I didn't listen. 25:53.313 --> 25:58.956 She said, you know, I mean, you hire the wedding planners, you pay them all the money, and then they really don't do very much at all. 25:58.976 --> 26:00.457 You end up having to do most of the work. 26:01.857 --> 26:02.878 That makes me angry. 26:02.898 --> 26:03.558 She was livid. 26:03.938 --> 26:05.739 So listen, is it text competition time? 26:05.759 --> 26:07.600 I think we should have a text competition, yes. 26:08.584 --> 26:15.086 And this week I was thinking about, um, about, about petty crime, Joe Cornish. 26:15.126 --> 26:16.967 Now you were always thinking about petty crime. 26:16.987 --> 26:17.467 That's true. 26:17.487 --> 26:19.908 Do you think, do you think of me as a bit of a crim? 26:20.028 --> 26:20.268 No. 26:20.708 --> 26:20.888 No. 26:20.908 --> 26:21.188 Okay. 26:21.228 --> 26:21.688 Good, good. 26:22.228 --> 26:26.870 Uh, cause you know, I, I've done, I've done a bit of, uh, I've done a bit of theft in my time. 26:27.370 --> 26:30.751 Now, we're not talking about real theft, right? 26:30.811 --> 26:33.491 No, absolutely not. 26:33.531 --> 26:36.452 We're talking about kind of childhood petty theft, right? 26:36.552 --> 26:42.954 Yeah, these are crimes that you commit sort of on a kind of instinctive basis. 26:43.114 --> 26:44.114 And we don't condone it. 26:44.274 --> 26:48.375 In fact, if you enter this text competition, we might pass your details onto the coppers. 26:48.655 --> 26:49.195 Yeah, exactly. 26:49.435 --> 26:57.239 We certainly don't want to hear about any kind of stealing from people's houses or anything like that. 26:57.599 --> 27:00.380 We're just talking about low-level criminal activity. 27:00.420 --> 27:01.480 Hit us with your story, Adam. 27:01.721 --> 27:06.843 Well, my introduction to the shady world of crime came when I suppose I must have been about... 27:08.204 --> 27:22.157 uh four or five this is one of my formative memories right earliest memories that i've got stashed away in my brainium and we were at the corner shop this is in the days when my ma and pa used to i know the corner shop yeah 27:22.637 --> 27:26.500 So we lived in Earl's Court and we were at the corner shop. 27:26.740 --> 27:27.901 My dad was buying some cigs. 27:28.602 --> 27:34.487 And I know that I was incredibly young because the only shelf I could see was the absolute bottom shelf. 27:34.507 --> 27:36.949 I couldn't see anything above that. 27:37.269 --> 27:38.910 And that's where all the sweeties were. 27:39.651 --> 27:46.316 And someone had knocked a packet of Wrigley Spearmint gum off the shelf and it was just lying on the floor. 27:46.516 --> 27:47.337 Calling your name. 27:47.417 --> 27:49.919 Yeah, and I was the only one down there at that level. 27:50.540 --> 27:51.620 I was looking at it, I was thinking, 27:52.581 --> 27:53.682 Free cum! 27:54.422 --> 27:55.103 Free cum! 27:55.483 --> 27:56.283 It's not on the shelf. 27:56.343 --> 28:02.707 And I remember very clearly the logic process that I used to lie to myself to justify this theft. 28:02.727 --> 28:05.768 Because even at that stage I knew that it would be stealing. 28:06.128 --> 28:09.370 But I remember thinking, it's fallen off the shelf. 28:10.291 --> 28:11.271 They don't want it anymore. 28:11.431 --> 28:12.052 It's broken. 28:12.712 --> 28:14.733 And they can't sell that. 28:14.793 --> 28:17.655 Yeah, the floor is no man's land. 28:17.835 --> 28:19.336 Isn't that actually legally true? 28:19.356 --> 28:23.419 I think that anything on any floor, anywhere, is anybody. 28:24.420 --> 28:29.184 If it's on a shelf, it's different, it belongs to the owner, but generally the floors are free. 28:29.204 --> 28:31.685 They're like beaches, you know, and the sea. 28:31.766 --> 28:34.267 That's what Ronnie Biggs said in his defence, I believe. 28:34.327 --> 28:35.308 He was on the floor! 28:35.328 --> 28:37.089 Look at old Phil on the floor! 28:37.350 --> 28:38.270 What's the problem? 28:38.310 --> 28:39.291 Is there a problem? 28:39.431 --> 28:40.212 He was on the floor! 28:40.912 --> 28:43.313 So anyway cut a long story short. 28:43.453 --> 29:00.399 I shoved the the wriggles in my pockets and Got home and went into went into my room And you know and I was fairly brazen about it because I didn't believe I'd committed a massive crime, but my dad though you had I've done a better stealing of wriggles and my dad found me and 29:01.099 --> 29:03.661 uh, happily chomping some, uh, wriggles. 29:03.882 --> 29:05.403 Tricky to get rid of the evidence, right? 29:06.624 --> 29:06.864 Yeah. 29:07.164 --> 29:07.485 Chew it. 29:07.505 --> 29:10.427 You shouldn't swallow it either, because it just comes out the other end exactly the same. 29:10.467 --> 29:10.928 Exactly. 29:10.948 --> 29:12.229 And the police can forensic it. 29:12.309 --> 29:12.629 Yeah. 29:13.029 --> 29:15.231 And he said, where did you get this gum? 29:15.672 --> 29:17.113 I didn't buy you any chewing gum. 29:17.493 --> 29:18.514 You're not allowed gum. 29:19.315 --> 29:21.016 And I, I said, it was enough. 29:21.256 --> 29:22.017 Oh, I got it. 29:22.177 --> 29:24.599 And it was on the, on the floor. 29:24.619 --> 29:25.320 It was broken. 29:26.075 --> 29:29.536 And he said, you've just stolen something. 29:29.776 --> 29:31.117 This is stealing, Adam. 29:31.897 --> 29:32.817 You stole this. 29:32.858 --> 29:33.838 You didn't pay for it. 29:34.218 --> 29:35.438 We could go to prison. 29:36.199 --> 29:39.120 If the police found out, you could go to prison. 29:39.220 --> 29:41.221 There are kids in prison for stealing gun. 29:41.481 --> 29:41.821 Yeah. 29:42.041 --> 29:42.321 Yeah. 29:42.701 --> 29:44.742 And, you know, they come out and they're all... I think there's a Wrigley's prison. 29:45.242 --> 29:45.783 That's right. 29:45.983 --> 29:46.203 Yeah. 29:46.243 --> 29:47.865 And they're all messed up when they come out. 29:48.406 --> 29:51.589 And apparently, yeah, it's awful in the Wrigley's prison. 29:51.609 --> 29:52.590 There's gum everywhere. 29:52.630 --> 29:54.132 There is gum everywhere. 29:54.833 --> 29:56.254 Anyway, so I was very freaked out. 29:56.635 --> 30:01.280 And to make his point even more forcefully, my dad burned the gum. 30:02.061 --> 30:04.423 Your dad always does weird things at the end. 30:04.463 --> 30:05.665 Why did he burn the gum? 30:06.125 --> 30:07.466 Gum's not even flammable, is it? 30:07.486 --> 30:08.007 Well, exactly. 30:08.047 --> 30:08.687 It took ages. 30:08.948 --> 30:11.089 All the gum kind of... I sat there. 30:11.530 --> 30:13.852 It's like a sort of a hellfire response, isn't it? 30:14.012 --> 30:15.693 It's like he's a Baptist minister. 30:15.713 --> 30:16.013 That's right. 30:16.314 --> 30:18.295 You shall not chew the gum! 30:18.515 --> 30:20.657 Watch it burn, my thieving friend! 30:20.677 --> 30:23.680 And then consider whether you'd like some more wringlies! 30:23.900 --> 30:29.384 Watch the gum melt, and the foil fail to burn, and then consider! 30:29.404 --> 30:31.766 And that's what it was like. 30:31.786 --> 30:34.369 The foil just went all charcoal-y, and the gum just kind of... 30:35.069 --> 30:35.850 melted and gummed up. 30:35.870 --> 30:38.211 It had a kind of barbecue flavour, it was even nicer. 30:38.451 --> 30:39.172 It smelt minty. 30:39.432 --> 30:39.632 Did it? 30:39.672 --> 30:40.393 It still smelt minty. 30:40.433 --> 30:41.093 Minty flames. 30:41.193 --> 30:42.094 Yeah. 30:42.314 --> 30:44.015 And the minty flames went on for ages. 30:44.435 --> 30:45.596 Mint flavoured flames. 30:45.656 --> 30:48.518 Double any other length of gum I would say if it was burned. 30:48.858 --> 30:54.923 Anyway, so I'm curious to know if anybody else has... So this is kind of like the most pathetic thing you've ever stolen. 30:55.243 --> 30:55.463 Is it? 30:55.603 --> 30:59.285 Or is it like the thing you stole as a child that made you understand that stealing was wrong? 30:59.446 --> 31:00.827 Because I stole a Batcopter. 31:00.987 --> 31:01.247 Did you? 31:01.647 --> 31:06.410 Yeah, from a little shop in a place called Bampton in Devon. 31:06.550 --> 31:08.091 Batcopter's bigger than Wriggles, come on. 31:08.111 --> 31:10.193 It wasn't that... Well, yeah, it wasn't that big a Batcopter. 31:10.233 --> 31:10.873 How old were you? 31:11.474 --> 31:13.035 About seven, eight. 31:13.715 --> 31:18.598 And I nicked it successfully, got out of the shop, went to play with it, but it wasn't enjoyable playing with it. 31:18.799 --> 31:19.039 No. 31:19.339 --> 31:20.219 It was miserable. 31:20.239 --> 31:20.920 It's a dirty copter. 31:20.940 --> 31:22.861 I felt I'd betrayed Batman as well. 31:23.141 --> 31:23.402 Yeah. 31:23.522 --> 31:23.842 You know? 31:23.862 --> 31:26.143 Because he stands for truth and justice and stuff. 31:26.243 --> 31:26.724 Exactly. 31:26.804 --> 31:28.425 And I was a thief, so I stamped on it. 31:28.805 --> 31:30.046 Did you crush the copter? 31:30.066 --> 31:31.027 Yeah, I stamped on it. 31:31.827 --> 31:34.069 Because it was so unenjoyable playing with it. 31:34.129 --> 31:34.869 I destroyed it. 31:35.029 --> 31:45.776 That's what that's what crime is like folks, you know, it's no fun Unless you're if you don't feel that guilt then you could it might be a good idea to make a career of it Yeah, but if you do feel that guilt, it's probably not for you. 31:45.797 --> 31:53.041 You don't feel that guilt You know, that's that's you're going to end up in in prison picking up soap, you know Yeah, so there we go. 31:53.081 --> 32:01.267 Call us with your most put don't call Well, you could call us if your story's really good text us It's a text competition eight three XFM text us with your most feeble theft 32:02.307 --> 32:03.868 And we'll give a prize to the most feeble. 32:04.068 --> 32:07.129 The PSP is still up for grabs, a Sony PSP. 32:07.449 --> 32:14.351 Plus we've got four special game packs of this game, Loco Roco, that's a really good new game for the PSP. 32:14.411 --> 32:18.012 And it's got a copy of the game and a really nice Loco Roco t-shirt. 32:18.052 --> 32:19.212 We've got four of those to give away. 32:19.592 --> 32:20.393 So get texting. 32:20.533 --> 32:27.295 We've also got tickets to the fantastic video extravaganza that is Antenna at the NFT. 32:27.455 --> 32:30.536 Antenna is taking place on the 20th. 32:31.736 --> 32:54.542 uh of this month and that's next thursday right that's right yeah a one-off special show dedicated to the art of the performance video are the nft is this yeah the nft it's always an amazing night uh and i highly recommend it if you've never been before but if you have of course you'll know that it's a peach and you'll want some free tickets we've got them to give away but let's play some music right now this is uh editors with blood 32:59.557 --> 32:59.657 Ooh! 32:59.717 --> 33:03.718 Yeah, if you're not awake after that monstrous rock workout, then you're dead. 33:03.938 --> 33:05.499 Boy Kill Boy with Civil Sin. 33:05.539 --> 33:07.739 Before that you heard Editors with Blood. 33:07.979 --> 33:09.580 This is XFM, London's 104.9. 33:10.260 --> 33:14.521 This is Adam and Jo in control of the good ship XFM. 33:14.961 --> 33:18.762 And our show here on a Saturday morning is officially... 33:19.542 --> 33:22.806 the most successful radio show of all time. 33:23.006 --> 33:23.607 Is that true? 33:24.127 --> 33:24.328 No. 33:24.348 --> 33:24.388 Oh. 33:25.629 --> 33:26.791 But my mum thinks so. 33:27.231 --> 33:27.531 Really? 33:27.632 --> 33:27.912 Yeah. 33:28.813 --> 33:30.155 So there you go, that's something. 33:31.328 --> 33:32.108 That is something. 33:32.148 --> 33:33.869 We're here for another hour and 35 minutes. 33:33.909 --> 33:37.330 Don't forget, in the final hour of the show, between noon and one, we take your requests. 33:37.750 --> 33:39.291 Every record we play is a request. 33:39.351 --> 33:46.134 So do text or email adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk or text 83XFM with your requests. 33:46.434 --> 33:48.995 And it's time to continue our text competition. 33:49.015 --> 33:54.057 We've been talking about pathetic thefts, the most feeble things you've ever stolen. 33:54.117 --> 33:55.337 It's mostly childhood thefts. 33:55.357 --> 33:57.438 And we've had an enormous outpouring 33:58.158 --> 34:01.780 of guilt, of a confessional outpouring from our listeners. 34:02.140 --> 34:05.462 We remind you again, we're in no way condoning or encouraging theft. 34:05.622 --> 34:09.584 And we don't want to hear from any creeps who've kind of nicked bikes or broken into houses. 34:09.744 --> 34:11.545 We want the most pathetic theft. 34:12.205 --> 34:12.985 And here's a good one. 34:13.065 --> 34:13.546 Adam and Joe. 34:14.486 --> 34:18.549 I once stole a cricket magazine from an age concerned jumble sale. 34:19.029 --> 34:22.872 The thing is, it was a really old one and I don't even like cricket. 34:23.933 --> 34:28.096 I think it was a spur of the moment craziness and I did get a buzz. 34:30.137 --> 34:31.278 That's the bit I like best. 34:31.798 --> 34:36.060 An old cricket magazine from an age concerned jumble sale. 34:36.481 --> 34:40.242 That is a pathetic theft because that's got no material value really, has it? 34:40.743 --> 34:42.524 They should almost pay you for getting rid of it. 34:42.984 --> 34:45.665 And then he didn't, presumably he didn't even read the mag. 34:46.105 --> 34:47.326 He says, I feel better now. 34:47.706 --> 34:50.648 I've shared it from all those years ago. 34:50.688 --> 34:53.109 And that's from Dave H. in sunny Sydenham. 34:53.649 --> 34:54.772 Hello Dave, thanks for that. 34:55.254 --> 34:56.196 Yeah, thanks a lot Dave. 34:56.617 --> 34:59.566 And did you have any other little encounters with theft along the way Joe? 35:00.107 --> 35:01.030 What me personally? 35:01.050 --> 35:01.250 Yeah. 35:02.108 --> 35:03.809 Oh man, yeah, a lot, a lot. 35:04.089 --> 35:06.851 I used to, in fact, there's some I can't even say. 35:07.031 --> 35:08.712 Really, because they're ongoing cases. 35:09.052 --> 35:10.073 Yeah, yeah. 35:10.093 --> 35:26.663 I'll tell you one thing I used to do, right, which was pretty rotten, and I always felt a bit bad about it, was again, when my ma used to smoke cigs, she would send me, like she would stop the car when we were driving home from school, and I would just jump out and buy, she'd give me like some money to buy cigs. 35:27.683 --> 35:43.500 for her and then sometimes you know using the change I would just load up on penny chews yeah mojos and mojos are the only ones I remember and you know I only buy like 10 or something or six or something 35:44.501 --> 35:58.390 Just with the change and then I'd give her back the wrong change or whatever But I felt so bad about it and I'd go back and I remember just sitting in the garden Chowing down on the chews and she never really found out about it. 35:58.630 --> 35:59.551 Maybe I should tell her 36:00.171 --> 36:01.332 Here's one from Anna in Lewisham. 36:01.352 --> 36:06.515 When I was about five or six, we were doing some cutting and sticking in school, and we had some sequins. 36:07.215 --> 36:12.358 I thought they were amazing, so I shoved a handful into my pocket so I could take them home. 36:12.978 --> 36:17.841 The next day, out of pure coincidence, a policeman came in to give an assembly. 36:18.382 --> 36:19.862 He had handcuffs on his belt. 36:20.203 --> 36:22.204 I was sure he'd come to arrest me. 36:22.924 --> 36:25.406 For the sequins, that is possible, because sequins are valuable. 36:25.766 --> 36:26.046 Oh yeah. 36:26.266 --> 36:28.988 Yeah sequins, they cost about 30 quid a sequin. 36:29.008 --> 36:32.291 Well if they're gold sequins, certainly they're very valuable. 36:32.351 --> 36:35.073 I'm now 20 and the memory still scares me. 36:35.634 --> 36:37.655 What was the last thing you stole then Joe? 36:38.216 --> 36:40.498 The last thing I stole, I would have to think about that. 36:41.254 --> 36:42.235 Do you know what I used to do? 36:42.355 --> 36:44.076 What? 36:44.116 --> 36:45.356 This is pretty bad actually. 36:45.877 --> 36:51.880 I used to make, you know, I used to copy cassettes, like copy albums onto cassette. 36:51.940 --> 36:55.062 Like if a friend bought an album, I would make a copy of it on cassette. 36:55.443 --> 36:57.484 So that's crime number one, right? 36:57.524 --> 36:57.784 Yeah. 36:57.904 --> 36:58.464 Piracy. 36:58.805 --> 36:59.045 Yeah. 36:59.365 --> 37:00.265 Because I'm a pirate. 37:00.666 --> 37:02.367 And then, I'm like a pirate. 37:02.927 --> 37:25.196 and then after that to try and uh make myself feel as if i actually had the real album i would go into a record store and i would steal the inlay cover from the album you know yes i know uh like i would pretend to be just like checking out the credits of who was on the album and then i would buy something else but i wouldn't put the 37:25.652 --> 37:54.856 lay back in the sleeve I would just secrete it in my own shirt or whatever and out of the store I would go always thinking actually no I wouldn't even secrete it I just have it in my hand the logic being at any point if the store detective said to me excuse me what's that in your hand is that the cover of Thomas Dolby's the Golden Age of Wireless what are you doing with it and I would say oh well oh so I was just looking at the credits of the Dolby album and I forgot you forgot exactly 37:56.204 --> 37:59.407 I was never busted for it, but I, you know, I felt bad about it. 37:59.587 --> 38:01.869 Here's a good one from Alan from Rochester. 38:02.209 --> 38:05.432 I stole some WH Smith ink cartridges by accident. 38:05.632 --> 38:07.174 How can you steal something by accident? 38:07.414 --> 38:08.234 Yeah, that's insane. 38:08.335 --> 38:13.860 Anyway, so I stole some WH Smith ink cartridges and then sneak them back in an hour later to pay for them. 38:14.380 --> 38:15.561 because he felt so guilty. 38:15.641 --> 38:16.882 That's good. 38:16.922 --> 38:18.923 That's what gets you actually had to sneak them back in. 38:19.083 --> 38:24.287 Yeah, I like I'm interested to hear the consequences of these criminal actions as well. 38:24.327 --> 38:25.468 Let's keep those texts coming in. 38:25.848 --> 38:26.929 Time for more music right now. 38:26.969 --> 38:27.849 This is another free play. 38:28.590 --> 38:34.614 And this is the police, who I don't believe get played nearly enough on national radio. 38:35.014 --> 38:38.617 And this is doo doo doo da da da after that adverts and some more music. 38:38.637 --> 38:40.298 We'll be back with your texts very shortly. 38:43.962 --> 38:46.844 The sound of stung, stung. 38:47.284 --> 38:49.245 And the police with doo doo doo da da da da. 38:49.285 --> 38:50.766 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 38:50.786 --> 38:54.868 Don't forget, from 12 o'clock until one o'clock, it's The X-List. 38:54.888 --> 38:57.169 We're going to be playing all sorts of XFM classics. 38:57.489 --> 39:00.490 So do keep your requests and dedications coming in. 39:00.911 --> 39:07.594 You can text us on 83XFM, email us at adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk, or you can even call us, 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 39:07.974 --> 39:08.855 We'll be back very soon. 39:08.875 --> 39:09.195 XFM. 39:16.431 --> 39:17.552 Very well done, very well done. 39:17.612 --> 39:18.894 Well done, well done. 39:19.314 --> 39:20.435 The Stains Massive. 39:20.916 --> 39:25.220 You know, they haven't really had that many headlines saying The Stains Massive, have they? 39:25.420 --> 39:27.602 That's hard fire, incidentally, and they come from stains. 39:27.822 --> 39:28.043 Right. 39:28.403 --> 39:32.868 And I just thought they would get more stick about being from stains, but maybe people have more imagination than I do. 39:33.428 --> 39:33.849 I don't know. 39:34.449 --> 39:57.357 it's possible now joe have we got any uh any more petty crime texts we've got lots of petty crime texts yeah i've been filtering through them there are some pretty good ones here's a good technique for young kids when i was a child i used to wear my wellies to the sweet shop and drop sweets down them but the flying saucers would get soggy and stuck to my legs but i still ate them says paul in richmond 39:58.217 --> 40:03.800 And one of my favourite things and a theme that seems to be coming through is people who steal things and then feel incredibly guilty. 40:03.980 --> 40:04.240 Yeah. 40:05.521 --> 40:10.224 Like, for instance, there's someone who I think is anonymous who stole a fiver from his mum. 40:10.464 --> 40:10.724 Right. 40:11.124 --> 40:20.270 Bought an ice cream, had £4 change, felt so guilty that he or she gave the £4 coins to four friends in the woods. 40:21.451 --> 40:26.796 And then they all went into separate areas of the woods and buried them Wow buried the pound coins. 40:27.137 --> 40:31.461 That's amazing That's the lengths that an actual murderer might go to to hide a body. 40:31.701 --> 40:37.988 Yeah, but with coins The film could be called the four coin wood friends 40:40.174 --> 40:42.036 No one would go and see it if it was called that. 40:42.076 --> 40:42.497 Alright then. 40:42.517 --> 40:45.560 The four wood coin friends. 40:45.940 --> 40:46.341 How about this? 40:46.441 --> 40:52.728 Adam and Joe, I once stole a plastic turd from a joke shop and a while later they shut down. 40:54.870 --> 40:56.652 Well, because they went out of business. 40:56.672 --> 40:57.433 Well, possibly. 40:58.174 --> 41:03.099 Margins are very tight in the... Were they selling the plastic turds for thousands of pounds or something? 41:05.481 --> 41:12.969 Basically our whole business plan relied on us selling the last turd for five thousand pounds and it's gone. 41:14.110 --> 41:15.792 Yes, that's exactly what happened. 41:16.893 --> 41:23.801 There's one, I can't find it now, but there's one, there's a certain type of dad or parent who overreacts to any kind, like your dad burning the gun. 41:24.101 --> 41:27.124 There's somebody, I've lost the text now, but he did a very petty crime. 41:27.405 --> 41:29.467 So his dad took him to prison. 41:30.608 --> 41:38.156 Took him to the police station and made the police stick him in a cell to show him what it's like to be in prison for just stealing some sweets or something. 41:38.922 --> 41:39.982 I think that's quite common. 41:40.743 --> 41:46.205 That's the kind of thing that sometimes has the reverse effect, though, and they go into prison and they think, hey, this is exciting. 41:46.965 --> 41:49.566 And then they steal more stuff. 41:49.947 --> 41:50.647 Now, that's insane. 41:50.887 --> 41:55.469 But I guess what I was trying to say is that sometimes those tactics backfire, do you know? 41:55.529 --> 41:56.169 Yeah, yeah. 41:56.489 --> 42:00.351 And you can build up a certain amount of resentment against your parents, and that makes you reoffend. 42:00.771 --> 42:02.112 Is that what happened to you with the gun? 42:02.812 --> 42:06.093 I think so, because I do have slightly light fingers. 42:06.753 --> 42:07.054 Do you? 42:07.134 --> 42:11.495 Yeah, and I've done a little bit of criminals in my time, you know. 42:11.995 --> 42:12.256 Okay. 42:12.336 --> 42:16.177 And I sometimes really have to resist the urge, like I love, but you're like this as well, Joe. 42:17.278 --> 42:18.318 I love free stuff. 42:18.898 --> 42:19.919 Yeah, free stuff is great. 42:19.939 --> 42:20.839 I love free stuff. 42:21.459 --> 42:22.780 And I always want free stuff. 42:23.280 --> 42:28.182 And sometimes if the stuff isn't free, then I feel like I have to make it free by 42:28.562 --> 42:49.630 nicking it and like well here's one thing that you and i got busted for man yeah was do you remember we used to hang out uh of a summer evening or well i say evening we spent all day sometimes on the london underground trying to as we called it liberate film posters from the walls but that was before they had cameras in the underground yeah now they use much more 42:50.590 --> 43:19.262 special glue and you can't do that but in the olden days they used quite rubbish glue and you could like tease a corner of the poster off and in one swift movement you could have that poster rolled up and in your pox you know and then you'd be out but then they put cameras in the underground and we immediately got busted by a sort of nice cop and a nasty cop and they let us off because we were clearly terrified although you were a bit cocky with the cops 43:19.662 --> 43:20.042 Oh yeah. 43:21.243 --> 43:24.486 I was about to cry because I thought we were going to go to prison. 43:24.606 --> 43:25.967 I do like the feelings of guilt though. 43:25.987 --> 43:26.607 Here's another good one. 43:26.627 --> 43:29.709 When I was about six or seven, I was in the natural history. 43:29.809 --> 43:30.010 What? 43:30.250 --> 43:31.971 I was on a natural history school trip. 43:32.511 --> 43:35.373 In the gift shop, I took a key ring gemstone. 43:35.433 --> 43:37.515 I think that's a place where these things often happen. 43:37.775 --> 43:39.376 In a museum gift shop. 43:39.957 --> 43:42.579 Because they've got some very fancy key rings in those places. 43:42.619 --> 43:44.360 It's always busy, there's lots of children around. 43:44.380 --> 43:44.740 Very alluring. 43:46.221 --> 43:56.854 I took a key ring gemstone, a police car seemed to follow the coach all the way home, and I was so sure they'd come to my house, I forced my parents to take me back the next weekend so I could put it back without anyone knowing. 43:57.795 --> 43:59.017 Ah, that's sweet, isn't it? 43:59.317 --> 44:02.461 Well, listen, we're going to announce the winner of this competition maybe after the next track. 44:02.501 --> 44:02.661 Yes. 44:03.502 --> 44:26.833 um but first of all actually we should we should do some ads as well okay this is just a little short ad break at burst good yeah a little adverse actually i better just check yeah it's a little short at burst and i think you're going to enjoy it let's see what you think that's uh lily allen with smile and somebody texted in earlier and said that if we played that there'd be trouble 44:27.589 --> 44:29.431 Oh, come on, it's hard to dislike that song. 44:29.491 --> 44:30.432 It's not my opinion. 44:30.932 --> 44:31.573 It's a listener. 44:31.633 --> 44:32.894 What could you possibly have against that song? 44:32.914 --> 44:34.416 And I'm just saying there might now be trouble. 44:34.576 --> 44:34.796 Yeah. 44:34.876 --> 44:35.797 It's number one, isn't it? 44:36.097 --> 44:36.377 Is it? 44:36.638 --> 44:44.105 Yeah, it's number one, and some people just have an allergic reaction to things that are number one because they're super successful. 44:44.185 --> 44:46.407 And if you're cool, you don't like popular stuff. 44:46.727 --> 44:47.628 No, that's true. 44:47.788 --> 44:50.551 You just immediately reject it as soon as other people like it. 44:50.791 --> 44:51.552 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 44:51.612 --> 44:53.573 Like, maybe that's what's happening to our podcasts. 44:54.233 --> 44:54.674 Why? 44:54.714 --> 44:55.874 What is happening to our podcasts? 44:55.914 --> 44:56.955 It's been a little slippage. 44:57.295 --> 45:03.019 Adam's upset, listeners, because we've got podcasts of the show that you can access at iTunes or at www.xfm.co.uk. 45:03.039 --> 45:05.761 They're kind of edited highlights with extra stuff as well. 45:05.801 --> 45:08.402 But we've been following their activity in the charts. 45:08.422 --> 45:09.303 They've been in the top 10. 45:09.343 --> 45:11.704 But this week... I'm sort of obsessed by their progress. 45:11.784 --> 45:12.925 We've never been in a chart before. 45:12.945 --> 45:13.946 We've never been in a chart. 45:13.966 --> 45:15.867 And they've been at number five, which is pretty good. 45:16.227 --> 45:19.009 But Adam, you're saying they've gone down to number eight? 45:19.209 --> 45:20.510 a little bit of slippage. 45:20.890 --> 45:24.493 They've gone down to number eight and they've been overtaken by by a French course. 45:24.693 --> 45:28.416 Well I tell you what we're battling at the moment with Scott Mills. 45:29.176 --> 45:32.239 We keep like edging each other up and down the chart. 45:32.259 --> 45:33.259 It's like an arm wrestling edge. 45:34.000 --> 45:41.546 Yeah with Scott Mills and also Tom York there's a sort of EPK for EPK by which I mean sort of electronic press kit. 45:41.746 --> 45:41.906 Yeah. 45:41.926 --> 45:42.386 All about. 45:42.506 --> 45:43.967 Like a little sample of his new album. 45:44.107 --> 45:45.488 Samples and interviews and stuff. 45:45.509 --> 45:45.729 Yeah. 45:46.229 --> 45:48.696 actually, for his new album, The Eraser. 45:48.936 --> 45:51.764 Also there's a whole EPK thing for Pirates of the Caribbean. 45:53.548 --> 45:57.131 And there's like language courses. 45:57.371 --> 45:59.072 Yeah, but language courses are very useful. 45:59.472 --> 46:00.033 Yeah, I know. 46:00.133 --> 46:03.355 If we're even next to a language course, then I think that's a victory. 46:03.375 --> 46:03.895 Do you think so? 46:03.975 --> 46:05.376 Yeah, we should look on the positive side. 46:05.496 --> 46:05.736 All right. 46:06.057 --> 46:10.760 But listen, this text competition, we've been asking you to text in your most pathetic crimes. 46:11.400 --> 46:18.525 And as we here on the Adam and Jo radio show like to discourage any kind of law breaking or illegal activity, our winner is going to be, what's his name? 46:18.985 --> 46:19.385 Dipesh. 46:19.646 --> 46:20.386 Dipesh, hello. 46:20.866 --> 46:22.407 Are you actually from Dipesh mode? 46:23.508 --> 46:24.649 I haven't heard that one before, have I? 46:24.669 --> 46:25.729 Have you not? 46:25.750 --> 46:26.630 Nice, I'm the king! 46:27.030 --> 46:27.130 Oh. 46:29.472 --> 46:35.015 So listen, what we liked about your story, Depeche, is that you're standing up for truth and justice, aren't you? 46:35.035 --> 46:36.516 Because your brother tried to steal something. 46:36.536 --> 46:37.316 Exactly like Batman did. 46:37.617 --> 46:38.817 Yeah, so tell us what happened. 46:39.758 --> 46:42.480 We were in town for clothes. 46:42.600 --> 46:43.560 Hang on, you cut out there. 46:43.580 --> 46:45.181 You were shopping in town for clothes. 46:45.882 --> 46:47.663 Like kids do, you know, you're going back to school. 46:49.403 --> 46:52.684 Oh, Dipesh, you're sort of coming in and out of focus there a little bit. 46:53.045 --> 46:53.905 What are you doing? 46:53.925 --> 46:54.345 Where are you? 46:54.425 --> 46:57.126 Are you in a spinning metal box in there? 46:57.486 --> 46:57.747 Yes. 46:58.647 --> 46:59.727 Get out of the box, man. 46:59.787 --> 47:03.269 Tell your story in two-word chunks, kind of thing. 47:03.309 --> 47:03.969 Give us a couple of words. 47:03.989 --> 47:06.470 Okay, my brother stole from my picking mix. 47:06.770 --> 47:07.051 Yeah. 47:07.771 --> 47:09.031 And then I thought it was bad. 47:09.652 --> 47:09.852 Yeah. 47:10.472 --> 47:12.093 So I told him to my parents. 47:12.473 --> 47:12.633 Yeah. 47:13.504 --> 47:15.046 And they said, well, we can't have this. 47:15.406 --> 47:20.191 You better go back, leave an anonymous note, and put 4p down and say what you stole. 47:20.731 --> 47:29.179 So you told on your brother for stealing four pence worth of sweets, and you were happy that he got made to go back. 47:29.379 --> 47:30.721 Well, when does it stop? 47:31.377 --> 47:32.137 Well, exactly. 47:32.197 --> 47:33.277 It's a slippery slope. 47:33.437 --> 47:34.558 How old were you, Dipesh? 47:35.178 --> 47:36.618 About, I don't know, five or six. 47:36.898 --> 47:38.299 And how old was your brother? 47:38.719 --> 47:39.959 A couple years older. 47:40.139 --> 47:41.459 No, well, he was older. 47:41.519 --> 47:43.380 Did he beat the hell out of you afterwards? 47:44.440 --> 47:44.660 No. 47:44.980 --> 47:50.161 I think he thought I was, you know, keeping him on straight and narrow, and he appreciated it in the long term. 47:50.341 --> 47:55.462 Has this kind of relationship between you and your brother, has it played out in you? 47:55.602 --> 47:56.903 I mean, how old are you now? 47:57.703 --> 47:58.483 Twenty-three. 47:59.342 --> 48:00.964 And so your brother's a couple of years younger. 48:01.184 --> 48:01.944 What are you doing now? 48:01.964 --> 48:02.765 A couple of years older. 48:02.865 --> 48:03.225 Older, sorry. 48:03.626 --> 48:04.226 What am I doing? 48:04.466 --> 48:05.547 Yeah, what do you do for a living? 48:05.627 --> 48:06.228 Are you a student? 48:06.568 --> 48:06.928 A wire. 48:07.949 --> 48:08.289 You what? 48:08.329 --> 48:08.990 You're a wire? 48:09.010 --> 48:09.771 Oh, it's gone again. 48:09.831 --> 48:10.411 He's a wire. 48:10.551 --> 48:11.492 He's a personal wire. 48:11.812 --> 48:12.493 What are you? 48:12.513 --> 48:15.375 Oh, cheapest creepers. 48:15.415 --> 48:16.436 He's a robot man. 48:17.016 --> 48:18.397 Anyway, Dipesh, you win. 48:18.417 --> 48:19.038 What does he win? 48:20.059 --> 48:22.080 Well, he wins anything he wants, really. 48:22.120 --> 48:23.922 He could win tickets to antenna. 48:24.162 --> 48:25.363 What do you want to win, Dipesh? 48:29.387 --> 48:29.707 The what? 48:30.027 --> 48:30.388 The what? 48:30.848 --> 48:31.508 What's on offer? 48:31.909 --> 48:34.651 Well, you don't happen to be a tortoise fan, do you, Depeche? 48:35.131 --> 48:35.812 Not really, no. 48:35.892 --> 48:39.815 Do you want to go and see Antenna at the NFT, the video game festival? 48:40.355 --> 48:41.756 No, sorry, pop video festival. 48:42.237 --> 48:43.998 Have you got any free DVDs or CDs? 48:44.759 --> 48:45.599 He wants free stuff. 48:45.619 --> 48:46.500 You can't blame the man. 48:46.720 --> 48:48.321 I tell you what, have you got a PSP, Dinesh? 48:48.822 --> 48:49.382 No, I haven't. 48:50.043 --> 48:51.344 Oh, I was going to give you a game. 48:51.544 --> 48:52.905 Can we give him the PSP? 48:53.145 --> 48:53.525 Hold on. 48:54.730 --> 48:55.731 For being a grass? 48:55.891 --> 48:57.113 For being a grass? 48:57.153 --> 48:58.995 What sort of a... Seems a bit much, doesn't it? 48:59.015 --> 49:00.056 ...stand with that set? 49:00.617 --> 49:02.559 Well, I don't know, I don't know. 49:02.579 --> 49:02.959 Go on. 49:03.240 --> 49:03.800 All right, come on. 49:03.820 --> 49:05.122 Are we better now that we've dangled it in front of it? 49:05.162 --> 49:05.482 It's a pleasure. 49:05.522 --> 49:06.944 It's your lucky day, you've got the PSP. 49:07.064 --> 49:09.967 And like, it would make up for us encouraging... You know what? 49:10.007 --> 49:12.030 I'll, I'll, I'll say that my brother hasn't... 49:12.472 --> 49:13.273 That's true, man. 49:13.333 --> 49:14.654 You should share it with your brother. 49:14.834 --> 49:15.374 Yeah. 49:15.394 --> 49:16.355 I mean, he won it for you. 49:16.415 --> 49:17.776 He had to write the note and everything. 49:18.017 --> 49:18.997 Exactly, exactly. 49:19.017 --> 49:20.298 So thanks a lot for calling in. 49:20.639 --> 49:25.162 Can you do some demonstrative kind of screaming and shouting as if this is the best thing that's ever happened to you? 49:26.303 --> 49:27.164 No, that's right. 49:27.204 --> 49:27.864 Come on, literally. 49:28.285 --> 49:29.246 Seriously, jump around. 49:29.306 --> 49:30.166 Make a fool of yourself. 49:30.346 --> 49:31.127 Yeah. 49:31.387 --> 49:32.148 You know, not that. 49:32.268 --> 49:32.688 That was it. 49:32.708 --> 49:33.049 He did it. 49:33.069 --> 49:33.369 He did it. 49:33.509 --> 49:33.849 He did it. 49:34.690 --> 49:35.370 There you go. 49:35.511 --> 49:37.232 Enjoy your Sony PSP. 49:37.712 --> 49:38.013 Cheers, guys. 49:38.732 --> 49:49.537 pleasure have a good weekend this is Adam and Joe here on XFM it's gonna be news time very shortly first here's the adverts we'll be back with you for the x-list in just a few minutes 49:56.670 --> 49:57.430 Thanks very much indeed. 49:57.470 --> 50:01.252 That's okay, thanks Adam. 50:01.292 --> 50:06.334 That was the most wonderful news I've ever heard about the dripping rubber thing. 50:06.774 --> 50:09.255 This is Adam and Jo on XFM and it's time for The X-List. 50:09.275 --> 50:10.856 Let's kick it off right now with Alabama 3. 50:17.537 --> 50:23.785 That's Alabama 3 with Woke Up This Morning, also of course known to many people as the theme tune from The Sopranos. 50:23.825 --> 50:24.125 Really? 50:24.185 --> 50:27.790 But do they sing or is it an instrumental on The Sopranos? 50:27.850 --> 50:28.471 No, they sing. 50:28.491 --> 50:32.035 The track cuts off about halfway through on The Sopranos. 50:32.055 --> 50:33.056 Sounds like they're Wurzels. 50:34.238 --> 50:35.880 Well, it's morning. 50:36.541 --> 50:37.843 I got myself a gun. 50:38.204 --> 50:40.648 I think they might be British, the Alabama Three. 50:40.828 --> 50:41.048 Really? 50:41.149 --> 50:44.333 I think they're some of these people who are just sort of fascinated by Americana. 50:44.373 --> 50:45.315 Could be wrong about that. 50:45.956 --> 50:49.061 But that's possibly the reason for the Wurzels feel. 50:49.361 --> 50:51.082 Yes, this is Adam and Joe on XFM. 50:51.122 --> 50:55.764 We're here for another 53 minutes, and it is Xlist time. 50:56.504 --> 51:02.928 Every record we play for the rest of the show is requested by you, so text 83XFM with your requests. 51:03.028 --> 51:05.729 We have a caller on the line right now who has a request for us. 51:05.769 --> 51:06.389 Hello, who's there? 51:06.849 --> 51:07.070 Louis. 51:07.590 --> 51:08.670 Hello, Louis, how are you doing? 51:08.750 --> 51:09.511 Not bad, mate, you alright? 51:09.731 --> 51:10.471 Yeah, very good. 51:10.811 --> 51:12.692 What are you up to? 51:13.312 --> 51:13.733 Dossing. 51:13.773 --> 51:14.153 Dossing? 51:14.233 --> 51:15.113 Are you actually in a bin? 51:15.774 --> 51:17.514 No, no, no, no. 51:17.555 --> 51:18.395 Whereabouts are you dossing? 51:18.888 --> 51:21.168 Just to my room at home. 51:21.569 --> 51:22.209 In your room. 51:22.269 --> 51:26.870 It's a nice day man, why aren't you out flying a kite or hitting a ball with a stick? 51:27.170 --> 51:27.790 I'm a night man. 51:28.370 --> 51:29.750 Are you a night man? 51:30.030 --> 51:31.651 I'm interested in your room. 51:32.311 --> 51:33.671 Do you, what's your room like? 51:33.691 --> 51:38.172 It's like a little box with loads of music posters. 51:38.832 --> 51:39.012 Is it? 51:39.052 --> 51:40.013 What posters have you got? 51:40.353 --> 51:43.293 I've got Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album cover. 51:43.573 --> 51:46.794 I've got Led Zeppelin III album cover in the walls. 51:47.170 --> 51:47.450 Nice. 51:47.730 --> 51:51.031 What sort of stuff have you got scattered around the floor there? 51:51.071 --> 51:55.313 Have you got any bits of musical equipment or... Xbox. 51:56.233 --> 51:56.993 Xbox, nice. 51:57.834 --> 51:59.614 I've got an acoustic guitar. 52:01.275 --> 52:01.415 What? 52:01.435 --> 52:04.176 This sounds like an amazing... It sounds like the room of my dreams. 52:04.236 --> 52:04.576 Yeah. 52:04.916 --> 52:05.796 Lots of whiskey. 52:05.976 --> 52:06.297 Oh dear. 52:06.657 --> 52:07.637 Whiskies of whiskey? 52:07.657 --> 52:09.418 That looks like a proper rockbox. 52:09.898 --> 52:10.238 Yeah. 52:10.998 --> 52:12.779 What sort of stuff do you play on your guitar? 52:12.799 --> 52:15.900 Do you make your own songs up or do you just... I've made some of my own stuff up here. 52:16.403 --> 52:16.623 Yeah. 52:16.643 --> 52:17.843 Do you want to give us a quick blast? 52:18.124 --> 52:18.904 No, no, no. 52:19.244 --> 52:19.784 Oh, man. 52:19.904 --> 52:21.305 Hey, listen, do you own a PSP? 52:21.725 --> 52:22.385 I don't, no. 52:22.725 --> 52:23.925 Oh, otherwise we'd send you a game. 52:23.945 --> 52:26.126 We've got these LocoRoco games to give away. 52:26.626 --> 52:27.486 Oh, man. 52:27.506 --> 52:28.867 There's a T-shirt in there as well. 52:29.307 --> 52:31.748 Do you want one anyway and you can give it to someone? 52:31.868 --> 52:32.468 Yeah, go on then. 52:32.488 --> 52:33.748 All right, we'll send you one of those. 52:33.808 --> 52:34.769 What's your request? 52:35.229 --> 52:36.249 It's Aerosmith. 52:36.349 --> 52:37.089 I don't want to miss a thing. 52:37.449 --> 52:38.950 OK, Louis, this one is going out to you. 52:39.010 --> 52:39.730 Thanks a lot for your call. 52:39.750 --> 52:39.970 All right. 52:40.170 --> 52:40.730 Have a good weekend. 52:40.750 --> 52:40.950 Bye. 52:40.970 --> 52:41.331 Thank you. 52:41.451 --> 52:42.071 Here's Aerosmith. 52:53.211 --> 52:57.155 So there's a big meteorite is coming to her. 52:57.355 --> 52:58.636 What are we going to do about it? 52:59.016 --> 53:00.558 We're going to send Bruce Willis up. 53:00.578 --> 53:01.939 He's going to drill a hole in it. 53:02.119 --> 53:04.321 He's going to drill a hole in the meteorite. 53:04.361 --> 53:04.661 Yeah. 53:04.882 --> 53:06.183 It's going to go on for ages. 53:06.663 --> 53:08.965 Only if he can never pay taxes ever again. 53:08.985 --> 53:12.989 So yeah, you're tuned into Fam FM. 53:13.410 --> 53:16.292 Listen, no disrespect Louis, but we've had to intervene on that. 53:17.373 --> 53:23.996 Because we just don't know whether we can condone the theme from Armageddon on the Adam and Joe radio show. 53:24.176 --> 53:24.796 No, exactly. 53:24.816 --> 53:28.538 I mean, it's a step away from playing Everything I Do, I Do It For You by Bryan Adams, isn't it? 53:28.558 --> 53:28.758 Yeah. 53:29.278 --> 53:29.958 I don't understand. 53:30.019 --> 53:33.460 Louis, you've got posters of Led Zepp and the Floyd up on the wall. 53:33.820 --> 53:35.681 How can that fit into your listening spectrum? 53:36.321 --> 53:38.462 Well, maybe he... Yeah, it can. 53:38.622 --> 53:39.262 It does fit. 53:39.743 --> 53:40.103 Does it? 53:40.143 --> 53:40.483 Yeah. 53:40.543 --> 53:42.664 There's only a few degrees of separation. 53:43.024 --> 53:44.845 Between what, the Floyd and the Smith? 53:45.325 --> 53:49.466 Yeah, you know, there's some... If you'd requested Love in an Elevator, that would have been different. 53:49.486 --> 53:50.867 Giving it up as I'm going down. 53:50.887 --> 53:52.007 That's a song. 53:52.167 --> 53:56.248 We should play some Pink Floyd later on in memory of Sid, you know, who died this week. 53:56.268 --> 53:56.548 He did. 53:56.568 --> 53:57.328 That was very sad. 53:57.348 --> 53:58.429 It is sad. 53:58.669 --> 54:05.150 It's one of those deaths that you really genuinely feel... Not that he was particularly visible because he secreted himself in Cambridge. 54:05.510 --> 54:06.811 He secreted himself? 54:06.951 --> 54:07.131 Yeah. 54:07.691 --> 54:08.411 In Cambridge. 54:08.652 --> 54:10.533 He'd made himself... He was a recluse, wasn't he? 54:10.633 --> 54:11.893 He was just living at home. 54:12.414 --> 54:13.494 Yeah, for the last 30 years. 54:13.534 --> 54:14.435 A bit like Louis. 54:15.095 --> 54:15.675 That's right. 54:15.695 --> 54:17.496 Yeah, with a guitar, some whiskey bottles. 54:17.616 --> 54:19.117 Listening to a bit of Aerosmith. 54:19.157 --> 54:20.818 A couple of Floyd posters on the wall. 54:20.918 --> 54:21.678 That's right. 54:21.698 --> 54:22.359 Probably not. 54:22.739 --> 54:23.859 Yeah, perhaps not. 54:24.120 --> 54:28.202 Anyway, yeah, let's dig out some Pink Floyd, some early Pink Floyd to play. 54:29.002 --> 54:45.429 for Sid you know he would have appreciated that he was he loved our show um now let's play a track right now this is Tenacious D oh yeah and this is going out to Mick in Catford what is it what's Mick chosen which one not the Sasquatch song i like the Sasquatch things i want 54:46.129 --> 54:47.070 Well, that's probably good. 54:47.090 --> 54:48.750 Tenacious D, they've got a movie coming out. 54:48.790 --> 54:49.891 It's called The Pick of Destiny. 54:50.651 --> 54:54.413 There was a sneaky illegal online review and apparently it's awesome. 54:54.794 --> 54:55.294 Oh, brilliant. 54:55.354 --> 55:04.659 It's kind of like a musical and the idea is that there's a magical guitar pick that if you look in every photo in the history of great bands... Yeah. 55:05.459 --> 55:09.302 The lead guitarist always has this one magic guitar pick and they go in search of it. 55:09.322 --> 55:10.303 It's supposed to be fantastic. 55:10.343 --> 55:11.044 I'm looking forward to it. 55:11.144 --> 55:12.565 Feature length, proper feature length film. 55:12.625 --> 55:13.446 A feature length film. 55:13.766 --> 55:14.727 Oh, that's fantastic. 55:15.107 --> 55:19.731 And is that better or worse than Nacho Libre, which I hear is OK, but not amazing. 55:19.991 --> 55:22.153 Yeah, I'm looking forward to Nacho Libre. 55:22.353 --> 55:24.075 Yeah, you've got to be pro black, don't you? 55:24.155 --> 55:25.616 Yeah, I'm sure it's great. 55:25.756 --> 55:27.858 Well, this one is going out to Mike in Catford. 55:27.878 --> 55:28.779 He's doing a bit of painting. 55:28.819 --> 55:31.421 So, Mike, enjoy this while you paint. 55:36.340 --> 55:36.720 Wowza. 55:37.561 --> 55:41.445 That's Tenacious D. We're a bit worried about the language he was using in that song. 55:41.485 --> 55:43.086 Was he talking about ships? 55:43.947 --> 55:45.468 Yeah, it was all about ships. 55:45.589 --> 55:46.590 Oh, you want some cool ships? 55:47.276 --> 56:16.535 yeah slightly worrying he no don't worry about it we wouldn't play anything with bad language in it on because it's a family show exactly and we don't really you know my son got back from school the other day using some very colorful language really yeah he used the uh sh1t word did he yeah and he's and then afterwards he said oh pardon my french oh that's good he's good like he's picked it up from somewhere here's the here's the way i think it got to my french that's this only no no he didn't say pardon my french i said 56:16.815 --> 56:18.141 Frank, what did you just say? 56:18.162 --> 56:20.211 He said, oh it's okay, it's French. 56:21.317 --> 56:21.677 Wow. 56:21.978 --> 56:26.861 So I think what's happened is that somebody's mum has sworn and said, oh, pardon my French. 56:26.881 --> 56:27.582 That's exactly right. 56:27.722 --> 56:29.684 And then her son has got to the school. 56:29.784 --> 56:31.325 You want to give that mum a talking to. 56:31.385 --> 56:33.386 Well, I think I know who it might be as well. 56:33.406 --> 56:33.527 Really? 56:33.567 --> 56:35.268 Yeah, when I'm dropping Frank off sometimes. 56:35.308 --> 56:38.610 Maybe you'll get angry with her, and then it'll turn into something hot. 56:38.731 --> 56:40.032 There's a foul-mouthed mum. 56:40.332 --> 56:42.193 Right, yeah, because she's got a potty mouth. 56:42.554 --> 56:42.794 Yeah. 56:42.814 --> 56:44.715 And she's just a pent-up volcano. 56:44.735 --> 56:45.896 And it'll go all disclosure. 56:46.116 --> 56:47.257 Whoa. 56:47.517 --> 56:48.558 Outside the school gates. 56:49.819 --> 56:50.700 I couldn't believe it though. 56:50.740 --> 56:58.043 You know, when a three and a half year old starts using the S word, that was... The world's going to hell in a handcart. 56:58.083 --> 56:59.123 You know, it blows your mind. 56:59.204 --> 57:03.686 I think, you know, I tried not to overreact because otherwise he would just think, oh, I'm onto something here. 57:04.166 --> 57:06.267 And then he'd be effing and blinding all over the show. 57:06.287 --> 57:06.367 Yeah. 57:06.547 --> 57:09.668 Someone's texted in, gosh, this song swears a lot for midday. 57:10.009 --> 57:10.829 Yeah, it does. 57:11.169 --> 57:11.909 Maybe that was. 57:12.770 --> 57:14.451 We'd like to introduce you to our producer, Xanthi. 57:15.471 --> 57:44.106 she's going to be taking a long break she's going to be looking for work if you want a producer at all for your radio show do give her a call you know even if it's just a podcast and you're doing it from your bedroom but you know we're still not sure whether that we think it might have been about ships no it was an american song he's an american man so but we do apologize if anybody misheard that and was in any way offended we sincerely apologize it was an it was an accident of rock in the world of rock you never know what's going to happen an accident of rock we'll be back shortly 57:48.660 --> 57:50.602 It's like the choir of rock. 57:50.962 --> 57:53.005 Yeah, I'd like to hear kids sing that at school. 57:53.185 --> 57:55.388 Blink 182 with Feeling This. 57:55.448 --> 57:58.672 That was dedicated to Alex in Cheshunt. 57:58.993 --> 58:01.055 Is that how you pronounce that or is it Cheshunt? 58:01.456 --> 58:01.836 Dunno. 58:02.077 --> 58:03.338 Ches- Chesney Hunt. 58:05.220 --> 58:06.841 That was for Alex, anyway. 58:07.101 --> 58:09.002 We've got some great music coming up, folks. 58:09.222 --> 58:10.303 Yeah, this is the request. 58:10.743 --> 58:14.566 We're midway through the request hour of the show, so keep your requests coming in to 83XFM. 58:14.586 --> 58:17.668 We've still got some copies of this game, Loco Roco, the PSP game. 58:18.148 --> 58:19.149 It looks great. 58:19.409 --> 58:20.269 Have you played it before? 58:20.850 --> 58:22.531 I haven't, because my PSP's bust. 58:22.751 --> 58:22.991 Is it? 58:23.271 --> 58:25.414 Yeah, the little slot where you put the game in broke. 58:25.454 --> 58:26.615 I'm gonna have to get it mended. 58:26.816 --> 58:27.817 But I did, I bought it. 58:27.877 --> 58:28.458 Did I buy it? 58:28.478 --> 58:29.459 I think I bought it. 58:29.479 --> 58:30.160 Did we get sent it? 58:30.180 --> 58:30.681 I can't remember. 58:30.861 --> 58:31.882 I'd like one of those, you know. 58:31.902 --> 58:32.783 But it's really pretty. 58:32.843 --> 58:36.528 It's got lovely little blobby men with smiley faces and it's supposed to be a great game. 58:36.788 --> 58:38.991 And we've got, listen, we've got so much stuff to give away. 58:39.051 --> 58:41.274 We're overwhelmed with, uh, freeness. 58:41.454 --> 58:49.543 So yeah, so why don't people call in with your requests, 0871 2221049, and you'll be guaranteed a prize if you call in with a request that we can satisfy. 58:49.563 --> 58:50.504 And you get through, that is. 58:50.705 --> 58:51.405 Yeah. 58:51.445 --> 58:52.407 Yeah, we'd love to talk to you. 58:52.647 --> 58:54.689 We've got tickets to Antenna to give away. 58:54.769 --> 58:58.794 Antenna, the marvellous video music festival. 58:59.435 --> 59:01.117 Well, it's kind of a festival, isn't it? 59:01.177 --> 59:02.098 It's just an evening of... 59:02.558 --> 59:04.199 It's a screening of music videos, but it's great. 59:04.219 --> 59:05.379 It happens regularly at the NFT. 59:05.399 --> 59:07.780 They show all the best, most cutting-edge videos. 59:07.920 --> 59:09.140 July 20th is the next one. 59:09.740 --> 59:12.561 If you don't get through and win tickets for that, you can always buy tickets. 59:12.581 --> 59:17.842 They're £8.60 from the NFT box office, and it's an amazing evening. 59:18.003 --> 59:18.563 Well worth it. 59:18.863 --> 59:22.184 Also, I've still got my tortoise tickets to give away, if there are any tortoise fans out there. 59:22.204 --> 59:23.104 All right, fair enough. 59:23.164 --> 59:24.044 I can appreciate that. 59:24.164 --> 59:26.245 They're small in number. 59:26.485 --> 59:29.207 You know, but it's an amazing album. 59:29.307 --> 59:30.848 Millions Now Living Will Never Die. 59:31.068 --> 59:33.590 It's one of the key albums of all time. 59:33.670 --> 59:42.176 Yeah, and if you're a Red Hot Chili Pepper fan, we should tell you that more tickets have just been made available for their gigs tonight and on Monday and Tuesday at Earl's Court. 59:42.616 --> 59:48.000 So if you are unable to get your hands on any and now want to get some, they're available and you can get them through the XFM Exchange. 59:48.300 --> 59:50.042 You just call our main number 08712221049 and select XFM Exchange. 59:53.484 --> 59:57.032 But now let's play a song by the Bixies. 59:57.072 --> 59:58.255 This is going out to Lee. 59:58.335 --> 59:59.417 He's doing the washing up. 59:59.658 --> 01:00:00.760 Lee, I hope you enjoy this. 01:00:00.780 --> 01:00:01.622 It's gigantic. 01:00:09.960 --> 01:00:10.520 Fantastic. 01:00:10.961 --> 01:00:12.602 Pixies with Gigantic. 01:00:12.822 --> 01:00:16.225 If you're a Pixies fan, you know, you should check out this little book. 01:00:17.366 --> 01:00:18.987 They've got them in sort of record stores. 01:00:19.307 --> 01:00:24.111 They're like little pocket-sized books, all about like a whole book about a classic album. 01:00:24.511 --> 01:00:29.735 You know, Pet Sounds or Pixies Doolittle is a good one. 01:00:30.015 --> 01:00:33.178 In fact, the one on Pixies Doolittle is brilliant. 01:00:33.218 --> 01:00:33.718 It's really good. 01:00:33.738 --> 01:00:35.720 And I've read a few of the other ones and they're not quite so good. 01:00:35.740 --> 01:00:37.061 The one about OK Computer. 01:00:37.721 --> 01:00:39.482 It's the most pretentious thing I've ever read. 01:00:39.702 --> 01:00:42.204 In fact, I might bring it in in a few weeks. 01:00:42.224 --> 01:00:42.945 That's a good idea. 01:00:42.985 --> 01:00:48.308 Yeah, because it is absolutely ludicrous and it just makes you want to never listen to Radiohead again, which is a real shame. 01:00:49.249 --> 01:00:51.610 But yeah, I recommend the Pixies one if you're a fan. 01:00:51.750 --> 01:00:54.892 It's really, really well written and really enjoyable and informative. 01:00:54.932 --> 01:00:58.695 Now we have someone on the line who wants to make a request and what's his name? 01:00:58.715 --> 01:00:59.595 His name's Sean. 01:00:59.635 --> 01:01:00.416 Hey Sean, how are you doing? 01:01:00.436 --> 01:01:01.416 How are you doing? 01:01:01.797 --> 01:01:02.437 We're doing fine. 01:01:02.457 --> 01:01:03.698 How are you enjoying the show today, Sean? 01:01:04.258 --> 01:01:04.679 It's great. 01:01:04.739 --> 01:01:06.800 It was nice to hear it since our other day. 01:01:07.538 --> 01:01:08.778 Ah, it's very nice of you to say. 01:01:09.559 --> 01:01:13.080 Yeah, I've got some news for listeners who are excited about the show. 01:01:13.100 --> 01:01:14.440 A couple of them out there. 01:01:14.841 --> 01:01:17.862 In a few weeks time, Sean, this might excite you as well. 01:01:17.922 --> 01:01:21.803 You know we're gonna launch a new idea in the X-list, right? 01:01:22.203 --> 01:01:23.144 We're formulating it now. 01:01:23.164 --> 01:01:25.604 We're gonna kind of redesign the X-list hour. 01:01:26.025 --> 01:01:29.046 And we're gonna have a kind of a mystery competition thing going on. 01:01:29.286 --> 01:01:30.546 It's gonna be amazing. 01:01:30.626 --> 01:01:32.847 It'll probably just last for one week and be a disaster. 01:01:32.927 --> 01:01:34.347 It'll change the face of radio. 01:01:34.367 --> 01:01:35.688 Do you think that sounds exciting, Sean? 01:01:36.260 --> 01:01:37.601 That does indeed sound exciting. 01:01:37.821 --> 01:01:39.502 Yeah, yeah, we can't give any other information. 01:01:39.542 --> 01:01:43.045 Scientists, radio game show scientists are working on it at the moment. 01:01:43.325 --> 01:01:46.607 Yeah, it's using some very new technology that we can't really speak about. 01:01:46.947 --> 01:01:48.188 But, Sean, what are you up to this weekend? 01:01:48.208 --> 01:01:50.170 This weekend, working. 01:01:51.370 --> 01:01:51.951 What's your job? 01:01:53.132 --> 01:01:53.492 Building. 01:01:54.232 --> 01:01:55.053 Doing a bit of building. 01:01:55.073 --> 01:01:55.633 What are you building? 01:01:56.074 --> 01:01:57.314 Building, I'm doing a bathroom. 01:01:57.855 --> 01:01:58.996 Oh, not another bathroom. 01:01:59.496 --> 01:02:00.597 Yeah, another bathroom. 01:02:01.197 --> 01:02:02.478 Surely there's enough bathrooms around. 01:02:02.518 --> 01:02:03.899 It sounds very echo-y, your bathroom. 01:02:05.353 --> 01:02:06.794 Yeah, it's an empty space at the moment. 01:02:07.095 --> 01:02:07.335 Yeah. 01:02:08.296 --> 01:02:10.339 Well, listen, have a good time in the bathroom. 01:02:10.859 --> 01:02:12.281 And what are you requesting? 01:02:12.842 --> 01:02:14.924 I was after the cure in between days. 01:02:15.545 --> 01:02:16.566 We have it for you here. 01:02:16.767 --> 01:02:17.568 Enjoy this, Sean. 01:02:17.608 --> 01:02:17.808 Cheers. 01:02:17.828 --> 01:02:18.489 Thanks for calling in. 01:02:24.574 --> 01:02:26.896 The Cure within between days. 01:02:26.976 --> 01:02:29.078 You know, I like, what's the lead singer of The Cure called? 01:02:29.178 --> 01:02:29.498 Robert Smith. 01:02:29.518 --> 01:02:30.399 Robert Smith, there we go. 01:02:30.499 --> 01:02:32.781 I like the fact that he still wears all that stuff, doesn't he? 01:02:32.881 --> 01:02:34.002 He looks exactly the same. 01:02:34.062 --> 01:02:38.085 Yeah, but do you think as he gets older, it's going to start looking increasingly freakish? 01:02:38.645 --> 01:02:39.466 Yeah, definitely. 01:02:39.846 --> 01:02:46.632 Yeah, because at the moment it kind of hides any ageing with a kind of kabuki type mask, right, because he pales himself up. 01:02:47.172 --> 01:02:49.895 But when he gets old enough for the wrinkles to really have an impact, 01:02:50.635 --> 01:02:52.216 it's gonna start to look very odd, isn't it? 01:02:52.236 --> 01:02:53.616 He'll look like a big scary clown. 01:02:53.836 --> 01:02:54.157 Yeah. 01:02:54.197 --> 01:02:55.057 Well, he does already. 01:02:55.497 --> 01:02:56.878 Yeah, but in a kind of cool way. 01:02:56.918 --> 01:02:58.038 Maybe it'll be even cooler. 01:02:58.418 --> 01:02:59.119 I think it will. 01:02:59.799 --> 01:03:06.322 He's one of those people who's, he's just in his own little box and he's gonna carry on just getting cobwebs and stuff on him. 01:03:06.342 --> 01:03:07.002 I don't want him to get old. 01:03:07.022 --> 01:03:10.324 Sometimes it's depressing when your people you really admire start to get old. 01:03:10.344 --> 01:03:14.025 Like I was looking at Paul Weller playing in Tea in the Park last night. 01:03:14.045 --> 01:03:14.946 I think it was Tea in the Park. 01:03:14.966 --> 01:03:15.206 Is he? 01:03:15.226 --> 01:03:16.266 He's pretty craggy, isn't he? 01:03:16.686 --> 01:03:17.507 He's quite craggy. 01:03:17.567 --> 01:03:19.508 I mean, still a very good looking and brilliant guy. 01:03:20.228 --> 01:03:21.648 But I don't know, makes me a bit sad. 01:03:22.089 --> 01:03:23.549 David Bowie's looking craggy. 01:03:23.669 --> 01:03:24.409 David! 01:03:24.689 --> 01:03:27.470 Well, I mean, you know, he's old and he smokes so many cigs. 01:03:27.930 --> 01:03:28.210 Yeah. 01:03:28.230 --> 01:03:29.291 You know, what's he expect? 01:03:29.471 --> 01:03:29.831 Siggy's. 01:03:30.531 --> 01:03:31.651 You shouldn't smoke the cigs. 01:03:31.911 --> 01:03:34.432 They'll immediately make you go all craggy. 01:03:34.972 --> 01:03:39.913 OK, we've got a few more requests coming up before the end of our spot here on XFM this afternoon. 01:03:39.953 --> 01:03:42.254 But first, we've got to play some more ads. 01:03:42.894 --> 01:03:44.135 Now I'm going to tease the ads, Joe. 01:03:44.395 --> 01:03:44.675 All right. 01:03:45.515 --> 01:03:46.356 What have we got coming up? 01:03:46.576 --> 01:03:47.396 Are you into cycling? 01:03:47.716 --> 01:03:48.437 I love to cycle. 01:03:48.457 --> 01:03:49.277 We've got a cycling ad. 01:03:49.577 --> 01:03:50.978 Well, how can you advertise cycling? 01:03:51.058 --> 01:03:51.298 I don't know. 01:03:51.318 --> 01:03:52.279 Is that like a public information ad? 01:03:52.299 --> 01:03:52.979 We're going to find out. 01:03:53.099 --> 01:03:53.960 It just says cycling. 01:03:54.280 --> 01:03:54.460 Right. 01:03:55.380 --> 01:03:57.542 Also, it says Da Vinci... 01:03:59.036 --> 01:04:02.359 Da Vinci Pate, P-A-Y-T, don't know what that is. 01:04:02.459 --> 01:04:05.403 It's a new type of Pate, a Da Vinci Code Pate. 01:04:05.483 --> 01:04:07.405 I think it might be something to do with Vodafone. 01:04:07.445 --> 01:04:09.507 No, no, they're launching a new Da Vinci Code Pate. 01:04:09.527 --> 01:04:10.248 Da Vinci Pate. 01:04:10.308 --> 01:04:15.554 Yeah, everyone's into the Da Vinci Code, kids love Pate, XFM listeners love a bit of Pate. 01:04:15.574 --> 01:04:20.139 There's a promo for Celebrity Love Island, even though it's just called Love Island. 01:04:20.239 --> 01:04:22.962 Yeah, because it hasn't really got celebrities. 01:04:22.982 --> 01:04:24.943 They don't really qualify as celebrities. 01:04:24.983 --> 01:04:25.604 That's good stuff. 01:04:25.804 --> 01:04:26.325 That's coming up. 01:04:27.045 --> 01:04:27.826 What else have we got? 01:04:29.067 --> 01:04:37.875 Something about the blood group O. An advert for the blood group O. Everyone whose blood is blood group O has clubbed together. 01:04:38.556 --> 01:04:43.780 They've all put a pound in a bucket, and now they can afford one advert on XFM. 01:04:44.241 --> 01:04:48.124 Also... It's probably a song all about how great people with a blood group O are. 01:04:48.204 --> 01:04:48.845 Probably, yeah. 01:04:48.885 --> 01:04:49.105 Yeah. 01:04:49.345 --> 01:04:50.586 Just to boost their self-esteem. 01:04:50.646 --> 01:04:51.487 What's your blood group? 01:04:51.907 --> 01:04:52.047 Oh. 01:04:52.908 --> 01:04:53.068 Oh. 01:04:53.268 --> 01:04:53.989 I don't know what it is. 01:04:54.009 --> 01:04:54.589 It's probably O. 01:04:56.031 --> 01:05:04.860 And also there's a Fosters ad you know really yeah, that's the one the ones about you know we want it to be cloudy in Australia Yeah, and who would want it to be cloudy? 01:05:05.281 --> 01:05:13.589 Because they hate the sunshine because it makes their beer warm yeah and to an Australian That's the worst thing that can happen to you so listen enjoy these folks. 01:05:13.609 --> 01:05:15.872 We'll be back soon XFM 01:05:18.114 --> 01:05:21.818 That's Weezer with Buddy Holly, going out to Paul Brampton and Sophie. 01:05:22.039 --> 01:05:23.821 Hope you enjoyed that one, Paul and Sophie. 01:05:24.561 --> 01:05:26.003 It's always a pleasure to hear. 01:05:26.023 --> 01:05:28.106 A lovely slice of Weezer. 01:05:28.226 --> 01:05:33.191 This is Adam and Joe coming into the last quarter of an hour of our Saturday afternoon show here on XFM. 01:05:34.012 --> 01:05:42.055 And we were saying earlier on that we've got some amazing, amazing ideas for how to jazz this final X-list. 01:05:42.235 --> 01:05:46.116 We've been given the okay, the green light by the guy that runs XFM to make it more our own. 01:05:46.496 --> 01:05:50.678 You know, we can give it a new name and maybe introduce an element of competition. 01:05:50.758 --> 01:05:52.338 Yeah, maybe theme the songs. 01:05:52.798 --> 01:06:00.001 But what I think it's going to have something to do with that being like a big prize in a box and that prize being a mystery. 01:06:01.441 --> 01:06:11.291 And then we can't give too much away, but it's gonna revolutionize this final hour of the show You know when we used to do our old show we had ditties in the dock That's right towards the end and ever since we stopped doing that. 01:06:11.711 --> 01:06:24.904 I don't know I feel the show's lost a bit of momentum It's a little gap at the end isn't as a little gap He sees in the dock is redundant now because we can play you know all the listeners can request whatever they like Yeah, but but we're gonna try and recapture that magic and extend it to an hour 01:06:25.424 --> 01:06:27.546 It's going to be amazing, but that's not for two or three weeks. 01:06:27.866 --> 01:06:29.968 No, because it's taking a lot of work. 01:06:30.028 --> 01:06:34.872 Scientists, that kind of thing, are slaving over it. 01:06:35.112 --> 01:06:39.596 We've got a song by The Clash right now, and this is going to be dedicated to Mike in Lewisham. 01:06:40.917 --> 01:06:41.717 Where is Lewisham? 01:06:42.178 --> 01:06:43.979 Lewisham is in the south of London, Adam. 01:06:44.500 --> 01:06:45.380 Is it near Croydon? 01:06:45.560 --> 01:06:46.101 Yes, it is. 01:06:46.341 --> 01:06:48.523 That is the worst part of London. 01:06:48.803 --> 01:06:49.624 Don't say that. 01:06:49.644 --> 01:06:51.246 It's lovely. 01:06:51.306 --> 01:06:52.348 I was going to qualify that. 01:06:52.728 --> 01:06:53.089 OK. 01:06:53.349 --> 01:06:54.110 It better be good. 01:06:54.310 --> 01:06:55.251 To drive through. 01:06:55.451 --> 01:06:56.273 To drive through. 01:06:56.453 --> 01:06:57.114 Well, fair enough. 01:06:57.194 --> 01:06:57.494 You know? 01:06:57.714 --> 01:06:59.236 On your way to Ikea, probably. 01:06:59.336 --> 01:07:00.618 To Ikea or Brighton. 01:07:00.918 --> 01:07:05.925 You know, if you're having a weekend jaunt to Brighton and you have to get out through Croydon. 01:07:06.645 --> 01:07:07.786 Oh, it's a nightmare. 01:07:07.826 --> 01:07:11.087 I've never been through Croydon when the traffic hasn't been just at a complete standstill. 01:07:11.107 --> 01:07:13.308 There's probably some listeners sitting in that traffic right now. 01:07:13.528 --> 01:07:16.929 Hey, well if you are, this is London calling. 01:07:18.049 --> 01:07:19.930 No, I pressed the wrong, it was gonna be so great. 01:07:19.950 --> 01:07:23.071 I was gonna say this is London calling like a real DJ. 01:07:23.091 --> 01:07:23.932 Do it again, do it again. 01:07:24.032 --> 01:07:26.353 And then it would have gone bap, bap, bap, bap, bap. 01:07:26.393 --> 01:07:27.013 Do it together. 01:07:27.553 --> 01:07:29.634 So I haven't even lined it up, it's a nightmare. 01:07:32.779 --> 01:07:33.760 Which CD is it? 01:07:34.020 --> 01:07:34.540 It's ruined. 01:07:34.600 --> 01:07:35.981 I'm going to have to do it next one. 01:07:36.021 --> 01:07:37.361 I can't believe it. 01:07:37.401 --> 01:07:38.582 I was going to be so good. 01:07:38.622 --> 01:07:40.163 I would have got a Sony award. 01:07:40.603 --> 01:07:41.844 Everything would have been brilliant. 01:07:42.324 --> 01:07:44.705 Instead, we're going to play The Presidents of the USA. 01:07:44.805 --> 01:07:48.587 I've got fond memories of this song because this is when we used to do our show, The Adam and Joe Show. 01:07:48.607 --> 01:07:53.110 I remember getting my dad to sing a lot of pop songs. 01:07:54.130 --> 01:07:58.633 We never actually ended up using any of those bits, but one of the ones we made him sing was Peaches. 01:07:59.187 --> 01:08:00.268 Yeah, that was good, wasn't it? 01:08:00.368 --> 01:08:00.889 He was good. 01:08:01.209 --> 01:08:04.452 Moving to the country, I'm going to eat a lot of peaches. 01:08:04.992 --> 01:08:08.275 I'm moving to the country, I'm going to eat a lot of peaches. 01:08:08.435 --> 01:08:09.116 Made me chuckle. 01:08:09.356 --> 01:08:12.059 Anyway, here's the presidency of the USA. 01:08:12.099 --> 01:08:17.263 This is going out to Sarah in Sutton, or maybe she's called Sarah Sutton. 01:08:17.664 --> 01:08:18.064 I don't know. 01:08:18.364 --> 01:08:19.425 I hope you enjoy this, Sarah. 01:08:19.625 --> 01:08:23.269 Moving to the country, I'm gonna eat a lot of... 01:08:24.278 --> 01:08:31.543 Peaches by Presidents of the USA, Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish here on XFM, and now it's time for me to play The Clash. 01:08:31.583 --> 01:08:33.304 This one, going out to Mike in Lewisham. 01:08:33.324 --> 01:08:35.085 Do that link again, man, do that, do it again. 01:08:35.245 --> 01:08:35.865 Do the whole thing. 01:08:36.146 --> 01:08:38.867 Yeah, no, not the whole thing, the one you were attempting to do before. 01:08:39.308 --> 01:08:45.792 Okay, Mike in Lewisham, if you're stuck, or for anyone stuck in traffic in Croydon, this is London calling. 01:08:51.656 --> 01:08:53.278 There we go, that's the class with London Calling. 01:08:53.318 --> 01:08:55.300 This is the very end of the Adam and Jo radio show. 01:08:55.320 --> 01:08:57.482 We've been here since 10am, we're about to leave you. 01:08:58.143 --> 01:09:01.926 You know, if he lives by the river, he's in a very expensive property. 01:09:02.787 --> 01:09:04.509 He's probably neighbours with Geoffrey Archer. 01:09:04.970 --> 01:09:05.750 Yeah, exactly. 01:09:06.351 --> 01:09:08.934 But he's in trouble because of the flooding. 01:09:09.614 --> 01:09:11.056 Yeah, the flood risk is high. 01:09:11.256 --> 01:09:17.184 You know, if you look at the cover of Thom Yorke's new album, The Eraser, you'll see what's in store for London town. 01:09:17.284 --> 01:09:18.125 And it doesn't look good. 01:09:19.006 --> 01:09:20.067 It's all done in woodcuts. 01:09:20.388 --> 01:09:21.209 Xanthe, stop it, please. 01:09:21.349 --> 01:09:22.470 She's fiddling with my computer. 01:09:22.851 --> 01:09:27.837 One or two people have texted in claiming that Adam's wrong about Lewisham and Croydon not being near each other. 01:09:28.735 --> 01:09:30.036 No, are near each other. 01:09:30.536 --> 01:09:31.777 Yeah, that's right, are near each other. 01:09:32.898 --> 01:09:36.501 People have been saying they're miles away, but that's not true, Lewisham and Croydon almost connect. 01:09:37.221 --> 01:09:44.266 It's like a circle, Bromley, Croydon, Sutton, Merton, Lambeth, Lewisham, they all kind of intersect, so you do drive straight through Lewisham to Croydon, so you're wrong! 01:09:44.546 --> 01:09:44.847 Yes! 01:09:45.547 --> 01:09:48.808 victory in your face. 01:09:49.008 --> 01:09:51.488 It's right next to Croydon, so try that. 01:09:51.508 --> 01:09:53.349 It's not next to it, they're kind of the tips join. 01:09:53.729 --> 01:09:54.869 The tips join! 01:09:54.889 --> 01:09:56.309 You've got touching tips. 01:09:56.770 --> 01:09:57.650 Yeah, they're fairly near. 01:09:57.670 --> 01:09:58.350 But you were right Adam. 01:09:58.670 --> 01:10:02.691 So don't let those textures grind you down with their silly thumbs. 01:10:02.851 --> 01:10:05.191 Silly thumbs is in the face. 01:10:06.172 --> 01:10:07.932 So yeah, well that's pretty much it for the show. 01:10:08.152 --> 01:10:11.793 Usual reminder, you know, don't forget, if you've enjoyed the show, 01:10:12.673 --> 01:10:26.476 Even if you haven't, consider what it would be like if the best bits of the show were condensed into an amazing, delicious, around about 20 minute chunk that was completely free to download and you could listen to whenever you liked on your computer or MP3 player. 01:10:26.596 --> 01:10:30.497 You don't even need iTunes to download the Adam and Joe podcast because that's what I'm talking about. 01:10:30.757 --> 01:10:33.277 You can just go to the XFM website where you'll find it there. 01:10:33.317 --> 01:10:35.418 You can download it easily there. 01:10:35.878 --> 01:10:38.619 Or you can download it through iTunes and you can subscribe. 01:10:38.719 --> 01:10:40.279 And every week, more or less, 01:10:40.999 --> 01:10:56.959 a new show with extra bits as well created exclusively for the podcast will just kind of appear like a pixie with a box of gold in your computer all right so why not investigate the adam and joe podcast right now 01:10:57.540 --> 01:11:03.868 We're gonna leave you with a song dedicated to Sid Barrett from Pink Floyd who passed away this week. 01:11:04.589 --> 01:11:06.452 Very sad to hear that he did so. 01:11:06.953 --> 01:11:09.977 And so this is for all you Pink Floyd fans and for Sid. 01:11:10.157 --> 01:11:12.560 This is Adam and Joe saying goodbye, we love you. 01:11:12.580 --> 01:11:13.742 We'll see you next week, goodbye.