WEBVTT 00:12.128 --> 00:13.989 That's the Foo Fighters with Resolve. 00:15.069 --> 00:16.210 This is, er, Adam and Joe. 00:16.510 --> 00:17.190 Happy New Year. 00:17.931 --> 00:18.351 Hey, thanks. 00:18.371 --> 00:19.431 Yeah, Happy New Year, listeners. 00:19.631 --> 00:20.152 Thanks for listening. 00:20.172 --> 00:23.393 We're with you for the next two hours here on, er, er, what's it called, XFM? 00:23.473 --> 00:24.434 It's called XFM, Joe, yeah. 00:24.454 --> 00:25.574 London's one of 4.9. 00:26.094 --> 00:26.935 Now on in Scotland. 00:26.955 --> 00:27.895 Are we on in Scotland now? 00:28.555 --> 00:29.836 Well, Xanthi's not quite sure. 00:29.916 --> 00:31.257 We think we're on in Scotland as well. 00:31.337 --> 00:32.237 Do a- do a Scottish voice. 00:32.557 --> 00:33.398 That's not a good idea. 00:33.418 --> 00:34.258 I was hoping it would. 00:34.318 --> 00:36.299 That'll alienate the whole of Scotland. 00:36.339 --> 00:37.680 There you go! 00:37.700 --> 00:38.300 Oi, wee big man! 00:38.940 --> 00:39.580 That's not good. 00:40.100 --> 00:41.781 Now no longer listen to in Scotland. 00:41.921 --> 00:42.061 No. 00:42.461 --> 00:42.821 Switched off. 00:42.841 --> 00:44.341 Every Scottish person has switched off. 00:44.361 --> 00:45.141 Switched off in Scotland. 00:45.161 --> 00:45.861 In synchronicity. 00:45.881 --> 00:47.161 Ooh. 00:48.042 --> 00:48.642 What? 00:48.682 --> 00:49.682 I was just thinking of the police. 00:49.942 --> 00:50.202 Yeah. 00:50.902 --> 00:51.442 So go on then. 00:51.942 --> 00:56.863 Well, I was gonna be- I was gonna pretend to be Michael Barrymore for a little bit, but I thought better of it. 00:57.043 --> 00:59.324 Cos I've got a cold so it might just be a bit revolting. 00:59.464 --> 00:59.884 A bit weird. 01:00.124 --> 01:03.764 Listen, just to motivate people to listen, we've got, uh, great DVDs to give away in the show. 01:03.784 --> 01:05.205 We're gonna have a crap commentary corner. 01:05.225 --> 01:06.945 Uh, I wanna play some Cliff Richard. 01:07.685 --> 01:07.885 Why? 01:07.905 --> 01:10.509 Er, you'll realise when I play it. 01:10.529 --> 01:11.270 OK. 01:11.630 --> 01:13.673 But, er, am I allowed to play Cliff Richard on XFM? 01:14.232 --> 01:16.734 Well, as long as there's some kind of hilarious, ironic reason for it. 01:16.754 --> 01:19.256 There kind of is, but not what you'd expect. 01:19.316 --> 01:20.417 Is it New Cliff or Old Cliff? 01:20.477 --> 01:21.098 It's Old Cliff. 01:21.158 --> 01:21.738 Classic Cliff? 01:21.938 --> 01:23.019 It's Classic Cliff, yeah. 01:23.259 --> 01:26.782 But it's actually taken off one of the funniest things I saw on telly over Christmas. 01:26.962 --> 01:27.283 OK. 01:27.843 --> 01:28.964 Is there some Cliff Richard coming up? 01:29.084 --> 01:30.165 Is it Wired for Sound? 01:30.565 --> 01:30.765 No. 01:31.286 --> 01:35.729 I like small speakers, I like tall speakers. 01:36.150 --> 01:39.713 Dig that music, they're wired for sound. 01:39.733 --> 01:40.553 We should play that though. 01:40.573 --> 01:41.274 That's a good one. 01:41.394 --> 01:44.337 And then we've got Dizzies in the Dock coming up towards the end of the show, of course. 01:45.037 --> 01:46.318 And it's got- what is it this week, Adam? 01:46.598 --> 01:46.979 The theme. 01:47.299 --> 01:51.663 Oh, well, it's kind of, um, instrumental movie themes, is that fair? 01:51.683 --> 01:52.483 Is it? 01:52.523 --> 01:53.765 Well- I'm gonna have to talk about this. 01:53.905 --> 01:59.269 Well, you've got some kind of bluegrass action going on, but then you also put, you know, it could be- It was a choice, it was a choice. 01:59.329 --> 01:59.830 It was a choice. 01:59.870 --> 02:02.292 So I've gone for a sort of title theme from a movie. 02:02.372 --> 02:03.393 OK, it's movie title themes. 02:03.533 --> 02:03.913 Yeah, yeah. 02:04.093 --> 02:04.314 Yeah. 02:04.674 --> 02:05.354 On Dizzies in the Dock. 02:05.995 --> 02:10.599 And you know, to be perfectly honest, prize-wise, it's pretty slim pickings here at XFM. 02:10.819 --> 02:26.123 slim pickings in the new year nobody gives anything to promote right because there's nothing coming out in the shops at the new year so there's just no prizes promotion fatigue so we've got the best of ronnie barker he's obviously a genius but i still feel you know this feels a bit rubbish 02:26.463 --> 02:34.187 So is it- is the best of- does the best of Ronnie Barker, um, contain stuff that he did with, uh, Ronnie Corbett as well, or is it just open all hours and stuff like that? 02:34.327 --> 02:35.987 Uh, no, it's all- all sorts of different stuff. 02:36.027 --> 02:36.768 Basically, I don't know. 02:37.128 --> 02:41.710 And then, uh, Xanthi, who's producing today, has actually bought in her very own copy of Desperate Housewives. 02:41.990 --> 02:43.331 It's still shrink-wrapped. 02:43.571 --> 02:43.791 Wow. 02:43.811 --> 02:48.693 But somebody gave her a box set of Desperate Housewives thinking that every woman likes this sort of rubbish. 02:48.873 --> 02:49.033 Yeah. 02:49.293 --> 02:50.654 And of course Xanthi's too clever. 02:51.254 --> 02:53.035 She doesn't care about Desperate Housewives. 02:53.055 --> 02:54.976 You're not really bigging up the prize now, Joe. 02:55.496 --> 02:56.598 No, but someone will like it. 02:56.738 --> 03:00.923 A woman with a sort of slightly thick woman friend can give it to the slightly thick woman friend. 03:00.983 --> 03:01.204 Right. 03:01.684 --> 03:04.668 Cos you have to be slightly thick to, like, desperate housewives, don't you? 03:05.369 --> 03:06.451 Er, I'm not gonna go into that. 03:06.771 --> 03:11.257 You can tell it's cold, incidentally, because, erm, you can no longer see Xanthi's low trousers. 03:11.277 --> 03:11.918 Have you noticed that? 03:12.378 --> 03:13.780 Yeah, Xanthi, our producer, wears low trousers. 03:13.920 --> 03:17.142 Usually she's got such low trousers that you can sort of see everything. 03:17.402 --> 03:18.303 Shall we have some more music? 03:18.343 --> 03:18.503 Yeah. 03:18.523 --> 03:24.646 Cos, you know, people who've just been listening to the X List might be getting music, er, you know, what do you call it, like MDT, music deprivation. 03:24.886 --> 03:25.747 What does a T stand for? 03:26.908 --> 03:28.128 Er... No, SAD is what I mean. 03:28.448 --> 03:28.869 M-A-D. 03:29.009 --> 03:29.509 See, what? 03:29.849 --> 03:31.290 What's SAD when you don't have enough sunlight? 03:31.310 --> 03:32.451 Seasonal adjusted depression. 03:32.611 --> 03:34.392 Right, so music adjusted depression. 03:34.532 --> 03:34.992 Yeah, yeah. 03:35.312 --> 03:35.573 Mad. 03:35.713 --> 03:37.794 Well, here's a shot of KT to fix you right up. 03:49.158 --> 03:50.959 Hooray, that was, er, Who Was That? 03:51.099 --> 03:51.479 K.T. 03:51.519 --> 03:59.003 Tunstall with Suddenly I See, the third single to be taken from the Scottish singer-stroke songwriter's Mercury-nominated debut album, Eye to the Telescope. 03:59.564 --> 04:11.991 Oh, well, er, er, I just think, er, the whole thing was, er, me just wanted to go and, er, half of it, er, half of it, just like I was saying, just, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er 04:13.931 --> 04:15.813 sort of thing, you know, sort of thing, you know, sort of thing. 04:28.988 --> 04:29.168 movie. 04:29.268 --> 04:30.209 Oh, I thought you meant me. 04:30.249 --> 04:33.692 I was quite moved by him, but you can never tell whether you're being manipulated. 04:34.273 --> 04:36.575 Do you think that Barrymore's exaggerating the pudding? 04:36.615 --> 04:37.195 We'll never know. 04:37.215 --> 04:38.697 We'll- you never know, do you? 04:38.777 --> 04:40.718 When it's on telly, you never know what's real, what isn't. 04:41.079 --> 04:41.499 Wow. 04:41.579 --> 04:42.600 Barrymore, he could be acting. 04:42.720 --> 04:44.402 He could just be a very, very good actor. 04:44.462 --> 04:45.062 He's not, man. 04:45.503 --> 04:46.023 You don't think so? 04:46.103 --> 04:49.946 No, he's absolutely damaged goods, and he shouldn't be on that show. 04:50.327 --> 04:51.007 What are you saying? 04:51.368 --> 04:52.989 I'm saying it's a disgrace that he's on there. 04:53.009 --> 04:54.871 If he wasn't on that show, nobody would be watching it. 04:55.351 --> 04:57.573 Ricky and Steve laugh Ricky and Steve laugh 05:16.011 --> 05:17.171 What's it called? 05:17.532 --> 05:18.892 It wasn't called Fiddle Me Tinko. 05:19.512 --> 05:20.072 What's it called? 05:20.172 --> 05:21.553 I don't remember. 05:21.833 --> 05:23.594 People Do The Most Hilarious Things. 05:23.954 --> 05:25.514 No, Ronnie Corbett did it for a bit and then he did it. 05:25.554 --> 05:28.695 People Are Lovely with the L-U-V- Shut Up Tiny, I think it was called. 05:28.735 --> 05:29.255 Shut Up Tiny. 05:29.275 --> 05:29.816 Shut Up Midget. 05:30.196 --> 05:30.556 I don't know. 05:30.656 --> 05:30.876 Yeah. 05:31.336 --> 05:34.797 Well, are you talking about the thing where you used to go to shopping malls and make people perform? 05:35.177 --> 05:36.358 No, that was called My Kind Of People. 05:36.418 --> 05:37.198 There you go, yeah. 05:37.238 --> 05:37.478 Yeah. 05:37.718 --> 05:41.279 He did that and he did Strike It Lucky, but he also did the show when he made kids say funny things. 05:41.359 --> 05:41.739 Shut Up Tiny. 05:41.759 --> 05:42.059 Didn't he? 05:42.520 --> 05:43.320 Shut Up Tiny, yeah. 05:46.249 --> 05:48.590 you think he's going to actually have a proper mental breakdown? 05:48.610 --> 05:50.351 Steve- Proper nervy B. Ricky- You reckon? 05:50.371 --> 05:51.771 Steve- Yeah, he's a total mess. 05:51.811 --> 05:52.832 I feel sorry for the guy. 05:52.852 --> 05:53.892 I mean, he's a- he's a mess. 05:53.912 --> 05:54.932 Ricky- What do you think, listeners? 05:55.152 --> 05:57.834 Text 83XFM if you've got any opinions at any point. 05:58.174 --> 06:05.577 Um, when we have competitions you can call 08712221049 just preparing you with- with the number and you can email us adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk at any point. 06:05.597 --> 06:08.438 Steve- And there's pictures of Chantelle in the paper today, I see. 06:08.458 --> 06:09.558 Ricky- Now which one's Chantelle? 06:09.578 --> 06:10.739 Steve- Chantelle is the mole. 06:10.899 --> 06:11.639 She's the fake one. 06:11.659 --> 06:13.740 Ricky- Okay, the one who sings for Candy Box with a K. 06:15.080 --> 06:16.481 Er, candy floss, yeah. 06:16.681 --> 06:19.523 And their single is called Hilariously, Give It To Me Now or something. 06:19.563 --> 06:20.564 Right, and what's the point of her? 06:20.604 --> 06:25.847 She's supposed to, er, brilliantly, ironically expose the fact that some of the people in there you'll never have heard of. 06:26.407 --> 06:26.488 Yeah. 06:26.528 --> 06:28.689 Or that celebrity's so debased that anyone could be right. 06:28.709 --> 06:29.449 Right, exactly. 06:29.650 --> 06:33.232 And it's, erm, it's just another little game element to the whole thing, isn't it? 06:33.252 --> 06:33.412 Yeah. 06:33.792 --> 06:39.197 And if she- if she's not sussed out by tonight, then she gets to stay in the house, is that right? 06:39.257 --> 06:41.619 I think she only had to convince everyone for a couple of days. 06:41.699 --> 06:42.079 Pretty good. 06:42.399 --> 06:43.760 And then she gets to stay in there. 06:44.181 --> 06:48.264 But, um, she- she's already a bit worried that maybe Jodie Marsh has got her sussed. 06:48.544 --> 06:53.248 Hey, I just taped this little bit of- of her babbling last night about it and I wanted to play it to you. 06:53.649 --> 06:53.969 Here it is. 06:54.149 --> 06:57.352 Chantelle has come to the dairy room to talk to Big Brother. 06:57.372 --> 06:58.292 Hello, Chantelle. 06:58.312 --> 06:58.873 How are you? 06:59.093 --> 07:00.374 Yeah, I'm really good, thank you. 07:00.454 --> 07:02.274 Really, really good, apart from one thing. 07:02.294 --> 07:04.235 You know Jodie Marsh? 07:04.616 --> 07:09.378 Well, I, you know, I've got no problem of, like, faking it. 07:09.398 --> 07:22.684 You know, I think I'm doing a really good job, but Jodie Marsh, I, well, she's from Brentwood in Essex and I've been to, like, pubs and clubs and I've seen her out and I think she recognises me and I just wanted to let you know that, you know, I think 07:23.464 --> 07:38.468 that I am, you know, I don't, well I'm just letting you know really, you know, that she's seen me, she knows, I'm sure she has, and I'm sure when she walked in the door and she looked at me, she knew, you know, like not who I am, but just that I, you know. 07:38.488 --> 07:39.568 It's just tiring, isn't it? 07:39.688 --> 07:47.430 Not actually in a girl band, but you know, I'm sure she has, but she don't know, but I'm just really coming in to let you know what I think I know, you know? 07:49.167 --> 08:10.380 so what are you coming in to let me know that you know that she like well that she you know how many what that's got to be the highest words to actual meaning ratio ever in terms of how many words you use to get something across three would have done i think well no maybe 10 i suspect that jody marsh knows i'm not a real celebrity yeah that would have done the trick that's what she made us a lot longer 08:11.961 --> 08:12.802 Oh, it's all pretty weird. 08:12.842 --> 08:19.104 I think my theory is that Friday nights on Channel 4 is one big kind of social science experiment. 08:19.905 --> 08:20.165 You know? 08:20.585 --> 08:25.087 And the Friday night project, which is on afterwards, is just another instalment. 08:25.167 --> 08:31.570 It's another little room in the big Channel 4 science lab, working on a slightly different but equally pointless experiment. 08:32.230 --> 08:34.571 Anyway, we should talk about the Friday night project a bit later on. 08:34.951 --> 08:35.992 Shall we have some more music? 08:36.012 --> 08:38.053 Let's have some Lady Fl- no, some Go Team. 08:38.173 --> 08:38.813 Some Go Team? 08:38.833 --> 08:39.033 Yeah. 08:39.133 --> 08:40.194 The song's called Lady Flash. 08:40.214 --> 08:40.894 Lady Flash. 08:49.997 --> 08:51.478 They're fantastic. 08:51.598 --> 08:52.259 I love the Go Team. 08:52.699 --> 08:56.562 It sounds like a group of mental patients left loose in a big kitchen. 08:56.702 --> 09:00.726 Well, all fashionable music has to have a class of kindergarten kids in it these days. 09:00.746 --> 09:00.946 Oh, yeah. 09:00.966 --> 09:01.866 Just going insane. 09:02.047 --> 09:06.030 That's a trend I could actually... Yeah, well, you've got it for real, haven't you, in your house? 09:06.190 --> 09:07.071 That's true, yeah. 09:07.891 --> 09:09.413 OK, let's play some adverts. 09:09.613 --> 09:10.654 Excited about the adverts, Joe? 09:10.674 --> 09:13.017 JOE LAUGHS Which adverts are we gonna have? 09:13.197 --> 09:21.826 Oh, I hope we have that one about not doing drugs and that one, I don't know, oh, I hope we have an AOL one about how the Internet's evil and should be censored. 09:22.086 --> 09:24.429 I hope we have some kind of slimming advert. 09:24.629 --> 09:25.390 Fingers crossed! 09:25.450 --> 09:28.173 That's how you know that the Christmas period has finally ended. 09:28.773 --> 09:37.016 They should've- you know, I always feel as if they should have the coke trucks leaving town and going, "'Holidays are going, holidays are-'" Steve Laughs Yeah, it'd be a more depressing tune, though, wouldn't it? 09:37.176 --> 09:45.219 Ricky Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself Steve Hums To himself 09:49.720 --> 09:54.183 Is that, you know, the coke trucks go and it's just loads of adverts for Weight Watchers. 09:54.603 --> 09:54.823 Yeah. 09:54.923 --> 09:56.584 And that's how you know all the- Well, let's see what it's gonna be. 09:56.604 --> 09:57.285 The good times are over. 09:57.305 --> 09:58.025 It's exciting, isn't it? 09:58.105 --> 09:58.506 It's exciting, yeah. 09:58.526 --> 09:58.626 OK? 09:58.646 --> 10:00.567 Well, we- It's my favourite bit of this show, the commercials. 10:00.627 --> 10:01.227 I agree with you. 10:01.287 --> 10:01.668 Here they are. 10:47.450 --> 10:49.951 what kind of year it's gonna be for the Chiefs, Joe. 10:49.971 --> 10:52.031 2006, what's that got in store? 10:52.211 --> 10:52.611 Who knows? 10:52.631 --> 10:53.351 For the Kaiser's. 10:53.391 --> 10:53.891 Who knows? 10:54.111 --> 10:54.472 Who knows? 10:54.512 --> 10:55.152 Who knows? 10:55.212 --> 10:55.432 Yeah. 10:55.572 --> 10:56.292 Interesting though, isn't it? 10:56.492 --> 10:56.652 Yeah. 10:56.692 --> 11:00.873 This is Adam and Joe on XFM and it's competition time. 11:30.704 --> 11:32.066 Yeah, there we go, that was the jingle. 11:32.888 --> 11:35.292 Better do a new... I didn't do... I didn't do that one. 11:36.033 --> 11:36.353 Did you? 11:36.754 --> 11:36.914 Yeah. 11:38.312 --> 11:39.313 I wish I hadn't though. 11:39.553 --> 11:40.814 I like that one, that's funky. 11:41.015 --> 11:42.476 It's crap commentary corner time. 11:42.516 --> 11:47.540 Listeners, this is a chance for you to win some frankly pretty paltry New Year's dregs. 11:47.560 --> 11:48.361 Joe Cornish. 11:48.441 --> 11:51.223 Am I insulting Xanthe's Desperate Housewives again? 11:51.363 --> 11:52.224 Big up the Housewives. 11:52.244 --> 11:52.564 Sorry. 11:52.904 --> 12:00.551 Time for you to win America's hottest lady problems program, Desperate Housewives, episodes 1 to 23 in... 12:01.992 --> 12:03.413 This is outrageous! 12:03.493 --> 12:08.176 You would not believe the things those housewives, housewives, housewives. 12:08.476 --> 12:09.337 Howlwives? 12:09.697 --> 12:12.259 Those howlwives get up to, they're desperate. 12:12.379 --> 12:13.119 They're outrageous! 12:13.139 --> 12:14.220 They'll do anything. 12:14.520 --> 12:16.081 They're sons on drugs. 12:16.421 --> 12:18.223 Their neighbor's having an affair with the gardener. 12:18.483 --> 12:19.644 Some of them are gay. 12:20.004 --> 12:21.145 Oh no, anyway. 12:21.685 --> 12:22.606 I saw them cry. 12:22.626 --> 12:23.546 See, that's how you sell it. 12:24.187 --> 12:25.708 And the best of Ronnie Barker, sell that. 12:28.232 --> 12:29.233 There you go, well done. 12:29.593 --> 12:31.574 The best of Ronnie Barker on DVD. 12:31.594 --> 12:33.134 Oh, actually, we've got tickets as well to win. 12:33.394 --> 12:34.695 Oh, this is taking a long time. 12:35.155 --> 12:35.515 What? 12:35.575 --> 12:36.556 No, four candles. 12:36.576 --> 12:37.696 Is that your Ronnie Barker impression? 12:37.716 --> 12:38.436 Yeah, I just thought of it. 12:38.977 --> 12:39.777 Four candles? 12:39.897 --> 12:41.097 He doesn't tour like this. 12:41.217 --> 12:42.358 No, he does in that sketch. 12:42.418 --> 12:43.718 I want four candles. 12:43.899 --> 12:45.179 No, not four candles. 12:45.259 --> 12:46.500 Four candles. 12:46.860 --> 12:49.421 You can also win one pair of tickets to see Skin. 12:50.041 --> 12:50.881 Can I talk, please? 12:50.921 --> 12:51.161 Sorry. 12:51.381 --> 12:52.262 Will you let me finish? 12:52.982 --> 12:56.725 One pair of tickets to see Skin at the 100 Club this Tuesday the 10th of Jan. 12:57.045 --> 12:58.767 Skin from Skunk and Nancy. 12:58.987 --> 13:00.828 Yeah, that old band. 13:00.848 --> 13:01.869 Skunk Nancy and Skin. 13:01.989 --> 13:06.173 Or you can win one pair of tickets to see Stephen Fretwell at the Shepherd's Bush Empire. 13:06.373 --> 13:06.893 Is he a poet? 13:07.173 --> 13:08.614 I don't know, but he frets well. 13:09.655 --> 13:11.096 So those are the prizes, you can have your pick. 13:11.417 --> 13:13.718 And the competition... Jeepers. 13:13.979 --> 13:14.879 The number to call is 0 8 7 1 2 2 1 0 4 9. 13:17.641 --> 13:21.565 If you can tell what movie this clip of commentary is taken from. 13:22.525 --> 13:23.686 So, OK, deep breath. 13:24.367 --> 13:26.769 This is quite a moving one, a touching one, a sweet one. 13:27.290 --> 13:29.011 It's from a classic, classic British film. 13:30.233 --> 13:32.975 And that's all I'll tell you for the moment, but 08712221049. 13:33.596 --> 13:36.679 It might take quite a good sort of film buff type to get this. 13:36.979 --> 13:37.259 OK. 13:37.339 --> 13:38.060 So listen closely. 13:38.100 --> 13:38.921 Here's the first clip. 13:39.406 --> 13:41.927 It is the favorite film of so many people, it really is. 13:42.348 --> 13:51.573 You know, and I've actually been in a room when people have been talking about films and that, and they've said, well actually my favorite film is, you know, it's like, oh god, and then someone else goes, oh, you're not gonna believe this, but, you know, I get that a lot. 13:51.913 --> 13:54.314 And again, it was just such a special, you know, magical film. 13:55.575 --> 13:59.217 But, you know, I really have been living in fantasy ever since. 14:00.740 --> 14:02.481 Is it Sex Lives of the Potato Men? 14:02.762 --> 14:02.982 No. 14:03.122 --> 14:03.662 Close, though. 14:03.682 --> 14:05.444 I'm joking, it's not close. 14:05.724 --> 14:06.725 So I'll give you a little clue. 14:07.025 --> 14:08.646 It's a child style who's now grown up. 14:09.186 --> 14:09.287 Ah. 14:09.387 --> 14:10.648 And he's sounding a little bit nervous. 14:11.208 --> 14:12.829 And he's been living in fantasy ever since. 14:13.510 --> 14:15.831 As if maybe being in this film might have affected him. 14:16.312 --> 14:17.453 Right. 14:17.833 --> 14:19.254 0871221 049 if you know who it is. 14:19.494 --> 14:20.175 Can you play Clip 2? 14:20.555 --> 14:20.815 OK. 14:21.416 --> 14:21.776 Here we go. 14:22.416 --> 14:25.078 Yeah, well, I've been in therapy for years and years now. 14:25.098 --> 14:28.121 You know, just trying to sort out the good and evil in my head and, like, you know... 14:29.787 --> 14:32.648 And sometimes I just lose it. 14:33.929 --> 14:35.349 And this is what they put it down to. 14:36.070 --> 14:36.710 OK. 14:36.890 --> 14:37.190 OK. 14:37.210 --> 14:41.352 Now, he might be joking, he might not, that he may or may not have been in and out of therapy. 14:41.372 --> 14:42.453 I wouldn't be surprised if he had been. 14:42.993 --> 14:44.293 I think he probably has been. 14:44.313 --> 14:45.354 Do you know who it is, Adam Buxton? 14:45.374 --> 14:46.154 I've got an idea. 14:46.174 --> 14:47.415 0 8 7 1 triple 2 1 0 4 9. 14:48.595 --> 14:50.416 There's a third clip that kind of gives it away. 14:50.436 --> 14:52.397 Shall we see if we get any calls off the first two clips? 14:52.557 --> 14:55.118 Yeah, let's see if anyone- I reckon that's probably quite an easy one. 14:55.138 --> 14:57.279 I think most people will have an idea of who that is. 14:57.359 --> 14:58.840 OK, I want to hear who you think it is. 14:59.600 --> 15:00.361 Shall I tell you right now? 15:00.401 --> 15:00.921 No, no, no. 15:01.241 --> 15:01.881 During a record. 15:01.941 --> 15:04.343 Okay, I'm gonna- I've got a little free play for you right now. 15:04.363 --> 15:04.883 Oh yeah, good one. 15:04.923 --> 15:08.445 Sid Barrett's birthday it was very recently, um, ex Pink Floyd of course. 15:08.646 --> 15:17.031 Sid Barrett is one of those people that kind of vanished off the radar, um, a long time ago and just is a- lives a reclusive life now in Cambridge. 15:17.411 --> 15:19.372 But it's strange to think that he is still alive. 15:19.392 --> 15:20.693 What band was he in for younger listeners? 15:20.753 --> 15:21.553 He was in Pink Floyd. 15:21.633 --> 15:22.074 Okay. 15:22.214 --> 15:23.915 In an early incarnation of Pink Floyd. 15:23.935 --> 15:25.256 And, uh, 15:26.161 --> 15:29.683 Yeah, strange to think that he's still wandering around quite happily in Cambridge somewhere. 15:30.283 --> 15:35.065 But anyway, I don't think he makes music any more, and he certainly wasn't up for reforming for Live 8. 15:36.666 --> 15:42.269 But this is a track from one of his solo albums, which were all pretty extraordinary, and this is a song called Baby Lemonade. 15:55.430 --> 15:56.171 Christmas Day. 15:56.191 --> 15:57.593 That was peculiar. 15:57.613 --> 16:00.236 It is peculiar, but he was peculiar but good. 16:00.256 --> 16:02.379 You gotta play some peculiar stuff every now and again. 16:02.459 --> 16:04.762 In the clock they sent through the washing machine? 16:04.782 --> 16:05.082 Yeah. 16:05.102 --> 16:05.683 Is that what he said? 16:06.704 --> 16:12.712 We've had a, amongst many texts we've had, we've had a text from Andy who says you should have played effervescent elephant. 16:12.932 --> 16:13.693 off the same album. 16:13.713 --> 16:14.855 I was thinking about it, Andy. 16:14.955 --> 16:16.778 It's a bit more of a toe-tapper, certainly. 16:17.199 --> 16:20.484 But, um, I thought it was, you know, it's a kind of depressing January day. 16:20.684 --> 16:23.108 I thought I'd bring everyone down a bit further with that one. 16:23.148 --> 16:23.789 It is a depressing day. 16:23.809 --> 16:24.870 It's a post-nuclear day. 16:25.010 --> 16:25.671 It really is, isn't it? 16:25.691 --> 16:26.613 Nuclear winter day. 16:26.733 --> 16:27.755 Slate Grey. 16:28.135 --> 16:30.755 So listen, we're in the middle of playing a crap commentary competition. 16:30.795 --> 16:39.677 We've heard two clips from a mysterious actor, a child actor, who's grown up and provided commentary on the film that he was famous for. 16:40.297 --> 16:43.658 You know, no one's kind of getting it, but we've got one person on the line who might have it. 16:43.818 --> 16:45.518 I was completely off-beam, wasn't I? 16:45.558 --> 16:46.698 Yeah, Adam had a guess. 16:46.718 --> 16:47.658 He was totally off-beam. 16:47.839 --> 16:48.559 Totally off-beam. 16:48.619 --> 16:50.739 Do we have a caller on the line, Xanthi? 16:50.799 --> 16:51.079 Yes, we do. 16:51.299 --> 16:52.199 What is his name, Richard? 16:52.319 --> 16:53.319 Yes. 16:53.379 --> 16:53.740 Is he ready? 16:53.780 --> 16:54.100 Is he there? 16:54.140 --> 16:54.600 Hello, Richard? 16:55.080 --> 16:55.380 Hello. 16:55.620 --> 16:56.000 How you doing? 16:56.448 --> 16:57.049 Not too bad, mate. 16:57.069 --> 16:57.610 Not too bad. 16:57.630 --> 17:00.133 How are you enjoying this nuclear day? 17:00.153 --> 17:01.855 It's been fantastic so far. 17:01.895 --> 17:02.737 I'm listening to it at work. 17:02.757 --> 17:04.159 I'm actually upstairs skiving at the moment. 17:04.399 --> 17:04.599 Is it? 17:04.679 --> 17:04.819 What? 17:04.860 --> 17:05.861 You're skiving from doing what? 17:06.502 --> 17:08.264 I work in a biographic lab. 17:08.324 --> 17:09.646 I'm meant to be developing people's brains. 17:09.866 --> 17:10.768 Oh, get upstairs. 17:10.948 --> 17:11.469 Saucy. 17:11.489 --> 17:12.931 Do you ever see any saucy pics? 17:14.199 --> 17:16.160 Erm, one or two occasionally. 17:16.220 --> 17:19.583 People probably don't develop saucy pics anymore because of digital technology. 17:19.643 --> 17:20.463 I know I don't. 17:20.643 --> 17:23.205 I take them myself and then put them on my computer. 17:24.166 --> 17:24.426 Yes. 17:24.926 --> 17:25.406 Exactly. 17:25.466 --> 17:29.549 And then at night I'll do it all the time and it's always exciting. 17:29.689 --> 17:30.770 That's some good advice. 17:30.910 --> 17:31.831 I don't know what that was. 17:32.211 --> 17:32.591 Anyway. 17:32.611 --> 17:33.191 Well done, Richard. 17:33.211 --> 17:34.092 I swear, sorry about that. 17:34.112 --> 17:34.913 Let's get to the point. 17:34.993 --> 17:35.153 Yeah. 17:35.313 --> 17:40.136 Which is, who do you think that slightly troubled man was, former child star? 17:40.546 --> 17:42.367 It's the rather annoying Daniel Radcliffe. 17:42.887 --> 17:43.927 Daniel Radcliffe? 17:44.067 --> 17:44.687 Harry Potter. 17:44.907 --> 17:45.227 Harry Potter? 17:45.287 --> 17:45.928 I believe so. 17:45.948 --> 17:48.028 So do you think he was being ironic about the therapy then? 17:49.289 --> 17:52.690 You'd like to think so, but I don't know. 17:52.730 --> 17:57.011 I reckon somewhere there's going to be a psychiatrist with a few stories to tell. 17:57.491 --> 17:59.652 Do you think he's heading for a Harry breakdown? 18:00.322 --> 18:02.323 that would even place a sticker in the big rubber house. 18:02.363 --> 18:03.484 Do you know what the headline would be? 18:03.524 --> 18:04.605 The headline would be Harry Potty. 18:05.125 --> 18:05.866 Harry day is brilliant. 18:05.926 --> 18:06.906 In the tabloids wouldn't it? 18:06.926 --> 18:08.187 He should be on radio, that's brilliant. 18:08.207 --> 18:09.328 Yeah, wow. 18:09.588 --> 18:10.949 You know what, you're wrong Richard. 18:11.269 --> 18:11.789 Am I wrong? 18:12.050 --> 18:17.153 Yeah, I mean the voice we heard was a bit too old I think to be Radcliffe and Radcliffe's quite a sensible man. 18:17.373 --> 18:18.514 He's pretty well stitched up. 18:18.554 --> 18:19.575 His dad's an agent. 18:19.595 --> 18:20.395 Really? 18:20.435 --> 18:23.477 His dad's a powerful agent, yeah, either used to be or is still. 18:23.997 --> 18:26.279 He's an intelligent, well-grounded boy. 18:26.559 --> 18:28.900 He will end up on the Big Brother house at some stage. 18:29.140 --> 18:29.440 On it. 18:29.580 --> 18:30.421 You're right about that. 18:30.981 --> 18:32.542 In, maybe on it, screaming. 18:32.582 --> 18:35.043 Parachuting onto it as a publicity stunt. 18:35.123 --> 18:35.623 With Barrymore. 18:35.643 --> 18:36.263 Not even in it. 18:36.984 --> 18:41.966 So Richard, bad luck, but do you want to stay on the line and hear this third clip that might give it away? 18:42.266 --> 18:47.668 So I bet you Richard still won't get it, so do call 08712221049 if this final clip gives it away. 18:47.688 --> 18:53.231 It gives you a bit more information about who else was in the film this trouble kid was in. 18:53.311 --> 18:55.092 We're going to give Richard another crack, are we? 18:55.652 --> 18:57.353 Well, I'm confident he won't get it. 18:57.373 --> 18:57.893 OK, all right. 18:57.913 --> 18:59.393 Cos he was so far off. 18:59.613 --> 19:01.054 Listen to this, Richard. 19:02.054 --> 19:06.155 I was definitely aware of Sean Connery cos of James Bond again. 19:06.535 --> 19:08.836 You know, one of the ultimate fantasy figures. 19:09.516 --> 19:12.417 He was really, really friendly, really down-to-earth, yeah. 19:12.837 --> 19:16.358 And my mum was saying to him that he'd got the job because of his thighs. 19:19.604 --> 19:20.985 Ah, I love- this- I love him. 19:21.545 --> 19:23.565 I think he sounds like a really, really nice bloke. 19:23.646 --> 19:25.106 A sweet bloke, yeah, but that's tough, man. 19:25.146 --> 19:26.927 I would never have guessed it if you hadn't told me. 19:27.027 --> 19:28.047 But now- but now- oh, really? 19:28.067 --> 19:28.627 But you got it now? 19:28.967 --> 19:29.948 Well, I know it now, yeah. 19:30.108 --> 19:30.388 Richard? 19:30.968 --> 19:31.268 Hello. 19:31.488 --> 19:32.388 Hello, anything coming? 19:32.749 --> 19:34.189 If you know it, don't say it, cos it's not fair. 19:34.329 --> 19:34.729 Do you know it? 19:34.849 --> 19:37.270 I- I've absolutely got no idea. 19:37.530 --> 19:38.090 No idea. 19:38.230 --> 19:39.911 Of anything that Sean Connery's been in, like, 19:40.011 --> 19:40.411 recently. 19:40.531 --> 19:41.592 Well listen, thanks for calling. 19:41.612 --> 19:45.235 We're so hard up for prizes, we can't even sort of give you a consolation one. 19:45.275 --> 19:45.615 Can we? 19:45.675 --> 19:46.015 Can we? 19:46.255 --> 19:47.136 Can we give him one? 19:47.156 --> 19:47.436 Yeah. 19:47.816 --> 19:50.098 Do you want tickets to see Skin at the 100 Club? 19:50.478 --> 19:51.179 What about Barker? 19:51.199 --> 19:51.839 We can give him Barker. 19:51.859 --> 19:52.820 Do you want a copy of Barker? 19:52.980 --> 19:54.001 That's the best prize, man. 19:54.021 --> 19:55.482 Do you want a copy of Barker DVD? 19:55.502 --> 19:56.723 Whatever's going, I'm not fussy. 19:56.783 --> 19:58.004 We'll send you a Barker DVD. 19:58.044 --> 19:58.924 Thanks for calling, Richard. 19:58.944 --> 19:59.885 Have a slice of Ronnie. 20:00.908 --> 20:01.248 Cheers. 20:01.268 --> 20:03.029 Good luck processing the dirty prints. 20:03.529 --> 20:05.050 The dirty, dirty prints. 20:05.350 --> 20:10.152 Let's play some more music and then see if anyone else has got an idea about who that was. 20:10.492 --> 20:13.814 Has got what the answer of the question is talking. 20:14.034 --> 20:26.520 Bye-bye. 20:26.920 --> 20:27.680 Oh, that was nice. 20:27.740 --> 20:28.260 Yeah, thank you. 20:28.300 --> 20:29.561 That's one I call Heartbeats. 20:30.100 --> 20:31.162 Well, that was very well played. 20:31.202 --> 20:34.045 Your guitar's come along very beautifully. 20:34.146 --> 20:34.927 Thank you very much. 20:35.487 --> 20:38.612 Um, that's the last, uh, depressing song we're gonna play for a while. 20:38.632 --> 20:38.772 Is it? 20:38.792 --> 20:39.353 Oh, it's suitable. 20:39.393 --> 20:42.076 It's good to play depressing songs on the most depressing day of the year. 20:42.197 --> 20:44.159 It's the most depressing day of the year! 20:45.481 --> 20:46.882 Steve Laughs Steve Laughs 21:06.061 --> 21:06.561 How you doing? 21:06.741 --> 21:07.061 Fine, thanks. 21:07.241 --> 21:13.283 Hey, you know, I hear Paul actually got this before we played the third clip with the bit of salient information. 21:13.303 --> 21:15.764 I just want to make it clear that Paul is actually cleverer. 21:15.844 --> 21:17.084 He's a kind of movie genius. 21:17.144 --> 21:17.804 He kind of is. 21:17.984 --> 21:18.464 Hello, Paul. 21:19.044 --> 21:21.545 Now, shall we play one of the original clips just to remind people? 21:21.565 --> 21:22.725 Let's play clip number two. 21:22.825 --> 21:22.985 OK. 21:23.226 --> 21:24.446 Is that OK? 21:24.846 --> 21:25.746 Here it comes. 21:26.486 --> 21:29.147 Yeah, well, I've been in therapy for years and years now. 21:29.167 --> 21:32.208 You know, just trying to sort out the good and evil in my head and, like, you know... 21:33.900 --> 21:36.762 And sometimes I just lose it. 21:38.022 --> 21:39.463 And this is what they put it down to. 21:40.504 --> 21:41.024 There we go. 21:41.044 --> 21:42.425 Sometimes I just lose it. 21:42.465 --> 21:44.926 Yeah, but you know, I love this person. 21:45.186 --> 21:49.469 I genuinely do, because as a boy, he suffered for the pleasure of millions. 21:49.849 --> 21:56.573 Didn't necessarily suffer, but was exposed to a filmmaking experience that has probably led to some disappointment in later life. 21:56.853 --> 21:58.974 But anyway, let's give away who he is. 21:59.034 --> 21:59.635 Paul, who is this? 21:59.655 --> 22:01.996 It's Craig Warnock. 22:02.523 --> 22:02.983 That's right. 22:03.123 --> 22:03.684 From the film. 22:03.704 --> 22:04.504 Time Bandits. 22:04.664 --> 22:06.025 The little boy from Time Bandits. 22:06.045 --> 22:06.506 Craig's right. 22:06.566 --> 22:07.466 Craig Warnock is his name? 22:07.486 --> 22:08.047 Warnock, yeah. 22:08.107 --> 22:11.989 And I think he's actually a, er, pretty accomplished keyboard player now. 22:12.450 --> 22:14.691 Plays in kind of solely funky bands, I think. 22:15.011 --> 22:15.091 Mm. 22:15.432 --> 22:16.853 And I think he might even still act. 22:17.473 --> 22:19.815 IMDB seemed to say that he was in Cinderella Man. 22:20.415 --> 22:20.695 Oh, yeah. 22:20.995 --> 22:26.119 Or maybe that was his brother, cos he had a bro- he actually went for the audition, his brother went for the audition, but he got cast instead. 22:26.639 --> 22:27.400 Oh, that's a great story. 22:27.420 --> 22:27.500 Yeah. 22:27.520 --> 22:28.521 Are you a fan of that film, Paul? 22:29.902 --> 22:30.863 What do you like about it? 22:30.883 --> 22:33.706 It's a good question, isn't it? 22:33.746 --> 22:35.268 Thanks. 22:35.308 --> 22:35.448 What? 22:35.489 --> 22:36.309 What? 22:37.251 --> 22:40.254 Oh, you liked it when you were younger? 22:40.935 --> 22:41.195 Yeah. 22:41.636 --> 22:42.257 Well, well done, man. 22:42.297 --> 22:42.998 That's very, very good. 22:43.018 --> 22:44.720 And are you into Desperate Housewives? 22:46.733 --> 22:47.294 Why would you be? 22:47.894 --> 22:50.697 The series we're talking about, not the actual people. 22:51.597 --> 22:53.639 Oh dear. 22:53.659 --> 22:54.520 Paul, are you still there? 22:54.760 --> 22:55.521 Paul's gone to sleep. 22:55.681 --> 22:56.882 He's a Paulie. 22:56.922 --> 22:59.624 Paul's rolled over and started to cry. 23:00.225 --> 23:01.646 So what Paul, do you want a prize? 23:01.666 --> 23:02.707 Do you want tickets or a DVD? 23:04.288 --> 23:04.648 Which one? 23:04.669 --> 23:05.950 Ronnie Barker or The Desperate Housewives? 23:06.650 --> 23:10.293 The Desperate Housewives has more eBay value because it is seven discs. 23:10.774 --> 23:11.234 Six discs. 23:11.294 --> 23:12.956 Yeah, there you go. 23:12.996 --> 23:14.037 You should get 20 quid for that. 23:14.117 --> 23:16.199 You could make a small mirror out of it as well. 23:16.239 --> 23:22.044 You could just sellotape the discs together and display them with the mirror side facing up and bingo. 23:22.264 --> 23:26.848 And Paul, do you not agree with me that Craig Warnock deserves our respect for being in that film? 23:28.428 --> 23:28.748 do you think? 23:29.589 --> 23:30.389 I think so too. 23:30.729 --> 23:33.290 Paul, thanks for calling, and we'll get that present off to you. 23:34.030 --> 23:44.134 Um, that's great stuff, and I, you know, I love, uh, you, Craig Warnock, because- Ricky and Paul- and Paul, but particularly Craig Warnock, because he's obviously- can you imagine being in Time Bandits when you were eleven? 23:44.634 --> 23:48.738 and then having to deal with the day-to-day reality of life in contemporary Britain for the rest of your life. 23:48.758 --> 23:48.978 Steve Yeah. 23:48.998 --> 23:52.602 Plunged into the crazy world of Terry Gilliam and then pulled right out of it again. 23:53.022 --> 23:53.923 Maybe Craig's listening. 23:53.943 --> 23:55.065 Steve Yeah, I hope he is. 23:55.185 --> 23:56.446 If- if you are, I love you. 23:56.946 --> 23:57.607 And I think you're brilliant. 23:57.627 --> 23:58.328 Steve We all love you. 23:58.588 --> 23:59.149 Give us a call. 23:59.549 --> 24:01.991 And, uh, um, Joe, we got some more adverts. 24:02.011 --> 24:03.253 Were you happy with the last crop of adverts? 24:03.273 --> 24:03.473 Steve Oh! 24:03.513 --> 24:03.833 You know what? 24:03.853 --> 24:05.135 I didn't understand the Nivea one. 24:05.834 --> 24:06.374 Well, listen out. 24:06.435 --> 24:08.576 Maybe it'll happen again and it'll become clearer. 24:08.656 --> 24:08.736 OK. 24:08.796 --> 24:09.397 What's the Nivea one? 24:09.717 --> 24:15.262 It's one of those ones that makes you anxious about being in your thirties and try and get you to use face cream like what women do. 24:15.502 --> 24:16.102 OK. 24:16.283 --> 24:16.523 Yeah? 24:16.723 --> 24:16.923 Yeah. 24:17.243 --> 24:17.604 Listen out. 24:44.603 --> 24:54.388 Are we in trouble? 24:54.428 --> 24:55.649 Have the arctic monkeys had a breakdown? 24:55.689 --> 24:56.269 Monkey breakdown! 24:56.289 --> 24:57.570 Maybe they've been withdrawn after 2005. 24:57.610 --> 24:58.670 Cause they're not hot anymore. 24:58.690 --> 24:59.350 Monkey breakdown! 25:17.281 --> 25:18.722 Hooray, the Arctic Monkeys. 25:19.202 --> 25:19.763 They worked. 25:20.023 --> 25:20.844 They got it together again. 25:20.864 --> 25:21.844 After a small breakdown. 25:21.945 --> 25:22.905 I still love that song. 25:23.105 --> 25:23.586 It's very good. 25:23.846 --> 25:24.607 It's such a good song. 25:24.647 --> 25:25.467 It stays good as well. 25:25.487 --> 25:27.008 Did you hear the new one of theirs? 25:27.128 --> 25:28.490 No, when's the album coming out? 25:28.510 --> 25:29.250 I don't know. 25:29.270 --> 25:29.851 It's gotta be soon. 25:29.871 --> 25:30.511 Come on, Xanthi. 25:30.711 --> 25:31.692 Come on, Xanthi. 25:31.732 --> 25:33.293 Release the Arctic Monkeys album. 25:34.734 --> 25:36.356 From your... pockets. 25:36.396 --> 25:37.897 From your low trousers. 25:38.217 --> 25:40.439 This is Adam and Jo on XFM, Britain's 104.9. 25:41.560 --> 25:42.561 It's five to two. 25:43.102 --> 25:46.625 In about 15 minutes' time, I'm going to be playing some Cliff Richard. 25:47.065 --> 25:47.506 Oh, yeah. 25:47.746 --> 25:56.314 Yeah, I know it sounds like, you know, something not exciting or fun or enjoyable, but trust me, it's Cliff Richard in a new way. 25:57.284 --> 25:58.185 Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. 25:58.265 --> 25:58.505 Yeah. 25:58.605 --> 25:59.426 That's gonna be excellent. 25:59.986 --> 26:03.929 And, um, I was playing Trivial Pursuit the other day, Joe Cornish. 26:03.969 --> 26:04.590 That's exciting. 26:04.790 --> 26:05.030 Yeah. 26:05.471 --> 26:06.171 I hate that game. 26:06.391 --> 26:06.692 Why? 26:07.072 --> 26:09.134 I hate it almost as much as I hate Cranium. 26:09.994 --> 26:10.735 I've never played Cranium. 26:10.755 --> 26:13.137 No insult to the people I've played Cranium with, but I hate Cranium. 26:13.157 --> 26:13.818 You know Cranium? 26:13.878 --> 26:15.219 Yeah, what about Cranium Cadou? 26:15.599 --> 26:16.179 What's that? 26:16.219 --> 26:16.640 I don't know. 26:16.900 --> 26:17.420 Cranium. 26:18.041 --> 26:19.122 What's your problem with Cranium? 26:19.142 --> 26:20.823 Because it's supposed to be creative. 26:20.863 --> 26:23.926 It's about as creative as doing the- your accounts. 26:24.306 --> 26:28.768 It's got loads of different things, like one of the rounds you draw- Play-Doh, um, it's just terrible. 26:29.408 --> 26:29.848 I hate it. 26:29.948 --> 26:30.928 I- I just, ugh. 26:31.469 --> 26:32.569 What's wrong with Triv's though? 26:32.709 --> 26:33.669 Triv's is a classic! 26:33.889 --> 26:35.890 The thing- the thing I hate about this game is just getting rid of the board. 26:35.910 --> 26:38.631 I hate the whole dice and going around the thing and then having to get four things. 26:38.831 --> 26:39.011 Yeah. 26:39.051 --> 26:40.712 Just get some cards with questions on, read them out! 26:41.212 --> 26:42.212 Make something out of Play-Doh. 26:42.232 --> 26:45.894 You don't need a board and dice to justify making things out of Play-Doh with your family. 26:46.014 --> 26:47.675 Go out and do something less boring instead. 26:47.715 --> 26:48.475 Yeah, man. 26:48.675 --> 26:48.935 Anyway. 26:49.275 --> 26:52.256 Well, anyway, you might like the new edition of Trivial Pursuit. 26:52.517 --> 26:53.457 Doubt it. 26:53.517 --> 26:55.738 Because they've dumbed it right down. 26:56.258 --> 26:57.739 Do you remember- do you remember the old categories? 26:57.759 --> 26:59.779 Can you remember the old categories of Trivial Pursuit? 27:00.119 --> 27:07.221 Er, well, it was literature and- and, er, entertainment and geography and history and- is that it? 27:07.462 --> 27:07.862 Two more. 27:07.942 --> 27:08.402 Sport. 27:08.642 --> 27:09.462 Yeah. 27:09.482 --> 27:10.042 And lose. 27:10.623 --> 27:11.063 Lose. 27:11.383 --> 27:11.843 I don't know. 27:11.863 --> 27:12.123 Lavies. 27:12.203 --> 27:12.583 Lavies. 27:12.863 --> 27:13.703 Science and nature. 27:13.803 --> 27:14.544 Science and nature. 27:14.564 --> 27:14.884 There you go. 27:14.904 --> 27:15.004 Lose. 27:15.044 --> 27:15.464 There you go. 27:15.484 --> 27:15.944 Same thing. 27:16.384 --> 27:21.326 Well, they've got rid of- they've got rid of those categories now for the, erm, 20th anniversary edition. 27:22.006 --> 27:27.227 And they've got a whole bunch of new categories to reflect, uh, the changing face of intellectual Britain. 27:27.327 --> 27:27.547 Yeah. 27:28.168 --> 27:28.968 And the world, I suppose. 27:28.988 --> 27:32.269 Uh, the categories are no longer, um, what you just mentioned. 27:32.349 --> 27:32.629 Wow. 27:33.049 --> 27:33.909 This is big news. 27:34.009 --> 27:35.289 New Trivial Pursuit categories. 27:35.349 --> 27:35.630 Yeah. 27:35.970 --> 27:36.870 This is headline stuff. 27:36.890 --> 27:40.991 They're more or less the same, but they're basically, um, a little bit more flexible. 27:41.051 --> 27:41.371 Read them out. 27:41.431 --> 27:43.332 So you've got global view, now. 27:43.412 --> 27:44.033 Instead of? 27:44.213 --> 27:45.093 Instead of geography. 27:45.373 --> 27:51.717 So subjects now include geography, ecology, space, global cultures, our small planet and biological issues. 27:51.737 --> 27:52.078 Wow. 27:52.678 --> 27:55.440 Uh, you've got sound and screen instead of entertainment. 27:55.700 --> 27:55.780 What? 27:55.800 --> 28:01.804 Subjects include television, movies, quotes, plot summaries of TV shows, the music industry, song lyrics and band names. 28:02.144 --> 28:03.264 That's more or less the same. 28:03.385 --> 28:03.545 Yeah. 28:04.005 --> 28:09.088 News, you've got now, including headlines from the past 20 years, quirky news items. 28:09.108 --> 28:09.809 So that's history. 28:09.869 --> 28:10.549 And history, yeah. 28:10.689 --> 28:12.870 quite good history, it's been rebranded as news. 28:12.890 --> 28:13.151 Steve Yeah. 28:13.171 --> 28:15.832 Ricky So everything, even in the past, becomes topical. 28:15.852 --> 28:16.513 Steve Exactly. 28:16.533 --> 28:18.074 Ricky That'll get kids excited in the classroom. 28:18.094 --> 28:27.279 Steve You've got, instead of art and lit, you've got the written word, subjects include books, magazines, websites, the written word, comic books and comic strips. 28:27.299 --> 28:27.860 Ricky Comics. 28:27.880 --> 28:28.460 Steve Yeah. 28:28.480 --> 28:28.900 Ricky That's good. 28:28.920 --> 28:29.381 Comics are good. 28:29.401 --> 28:34.904 Steve Um, innovations, subjects include inventions, science, the internet, home electronics, 28:36.525 --> 28:41.446 personal- they're like little, like, you know, planning things, like bloopers and all that business. 28:41.466 --> 28:42.407 Ricky says, oh, yeah, yeah. 28:42.427 --> 28:45.087 Uh, DVDs, cloning, science fiction, and the future. 28:45.107 --> 28:46.147 Steve says, wow. 28:46.267 --> 28:47.788 And has this had an impact on the questions themselves? 28:47.808 --> 28:48.108 Are they easier? 28:48.128 --> 28:49.108 Ricky says, they're a lot easier. 28:49.388 --> 28:50.269 Yeah, it's totally random. 28:50.389 --> 28:59.411 One of the questions I got, um- oh, and the last category, instead of sports, incidentally, is game time, which includes computer games, cards, board games, and darts. 29:00.311 --> 29:00.531 Wow. 29:00.612 --> 29:01.873 So they- they've dumbed down Trivs? 29:01.913 --> 29:02.634 Pretty much, yeah. 29:02.654 --> 29:11.923 Like, one of the questions that, uh, you know how- how when you're playing Trivs, the opposing team always seems to get, like, a- a run of really basic ones, and you- and you sort of get- What's get the difficult ones? 29:11.943 --> 29:12.023 Yeah. 29:12.043 --> 29:13.825 What's the atomic weight of, you know, whatever. 29:14.346 --> 29:16.688 And, uh, the opposing team- What's the atomic weight of whatever? 29:16.868 --> 29:18.690 Yeah, that's- Yeah, that's a contemporary question. 29:18.710 --> 29:19.331 Figure that one out. 29:19.591 --> 29:19.811 Yeah. 29:19.932 --> 29:20.732 Yeah, yeah. 29:21.293 --> 29:25.178 Um, but they got, um, who is going out with Gwyneth Paltrow? 29:25.618 --> 29:26.459 Oh, that's a tough one. 29:27.340 --> 29:28.581 Oh, that tough one. 29:29.022 --> 29:30.724 You know, it was- The opposing team got that. 29:30.824 --> 29:31.024 Yeah. 29:31.124 --> 29:32.886 And you got what's the atomic weight of whatever. 29:32.906 --> 29:33.667 Of whatever, yeah. 29:33.787 --> 29:34.188 Blimey. 29:34.428 --> 29:35.148 it's not fair, is it? 29:35.168 --> 29:35.708 That's scandalous. 29:35.868 --> 29:48.112 Hey, if anybody out there listening has got the game, uh, Cranium, and has got it in their hand, give us a call, 0-8-7-1-triple-two-one-o-four-nine, because there's something really deeply annoying about Cranium that you could help us describe if you've got the game. 29:48.132 --> 29:50.152 0-8-7-1-triple-two-one-o-four-nine. 29:50.733 --> 29:51.113 Give us a call. 29:51.573 --> 29:56.714 Give us a call, time for some adverts now at the top of the hour, um, you heard your Nivea one, I'm glad, glad about that. 29:56.734 --> 29:58.055 Yeah, yeah, I wasn't listening to it properly though. 29:58.075 --> 29:58.635 Terry Christian. 29:58.835 --> 29:59.775 Yeah, have we got more adverts? 29:59.895 --> 30:00.755 Yeah, we got some more now. 30:00.795 --> 30:01.656 Hopefully it'll come up again. 30:04.293 --> 30:32.298 xFm Love music, love xFm Love music, love xFm 30:34.216 --> 30:34.516 XFM. 30:53.075 --> 31:06.810 that's hard fire with cash machine this is adam and joe on xfm london's 104.9 hey britain's 104.9 thanks you know thank you for setting this straight 2006 absolutely now did you see uh the friday night project last night joe 31:07.543 --> 31:08.444 Er, yes, I did. 31:08.464 --> 31:11.086 The triumphant return of, er, Britain's- The Friday Night Project, yes. 31:11.106 --> 31:11.626 Britain's favourite show. 31:11.646 --> 31:14.469 Listen, we've got to be careful though, because it's Justin E. Collins coming in after us. 31:14.609 --> 31:14.789 No. 31:14.929 --> 31:15.109 No. 31:15.169 --> 31:17.852 No, because he's too exhausted from last night's action. 31:18.012 --> 31:20.734 He's away for the next few weeks, even months. 31:20.754 --> 31:28.760 But Wes, as ex-Channel 4 celebrities, we're now sandwiched between two primary Channel 4, active Channel 4 celebrities. 31:29.001 --> 31:29.461 That's right. 31:29.501 --> 31:31.042 The Zayn and the Lee Collins. 31:31.303 --> 31:31.463 Yeah. 31:32.043 --> 31:33.464 Noel Edmonds for the noughties. 31:33.844 --> 31:38.028 Er, you'd better like Justin Lee Collins because you're gonna be seeing a lot more of him this year. 31:38.068 --> 31:43.092 I think he's, erm, Channel 4's basically positioned him as the new Jimmy Carr this year. 31:43.112 --> 31:46.854 Erm, along with, what's the name of, er, his co-host on the Friday Night Project? 31:47.135 --> 31:49.176 Oh, er, Alan Carr. 31:49.276 --> 31:51.838 Alan Carr, the amusingly gay man. 31:52.018 --> 31:52.379 Is he gay? 31:52.659 --> 31:53.580 I believe he is, yes. 31:54.280 --> 31:58.083 Erm, that's his thing, is to be gay and wear a pink sweater. 31:58.103 --> 32:01.466 It'd be good if there was a celebrity that acted that camp but just wasn't gay. 32:02.006 --> 32:07.329 Well, there's a possibility that Alan Carr is not gay, and I apologize if I'm impugning his manhood in any way. 32:08.170 --> 32:11.932 Um, but- We should ask the listeners, shouldn't we, what they thought of the Friday night project? 32:12.152 --> 32:12.652 Yeah, yeah. 32:12.672 --> 32:15.474 If you saw it, had an opinion, text 83XFM. 32:15.774 --> 32:20.117 After all, it's aimed at XFM type listeners, thrusting intelligent, funky people. 32:20.337 --> 32:21.518 Happening young people. 32:21.538 --> 32:21.738 Yeah. 32:22.418 --> 32:22.678 Yeah. 32:22.858 --> 32:23.919 Do you think that's who it's aimed at? 32:24.299 --> 32:25.259 Yeah, either that or Toddlers. 32:25.499 --> 32:26.020 Toddlers. 32:26.060 --> 32:27.540 I think it's more likely to be Toddlers. 32:27.560 --> 32:27.760 Toddlers. 32:27.820 --> 32:29.481 It's basically children's TV with swearing. 32:29.701 --> 32:30.082 Yeah. 32:30.302 --> 32:30.562 Isn't it? 32:30.842 --> 32:31.482 Yes, exactly. 32:31.542 --> 32:33.223 I was shocked at how posh Billy Piper was. 32:34.003 --> 32:38.525 I thought she was an East End, um, salt of the earth, market trader type girl. 32:38.545 --> 32:41.086 That's what she comes off like in Doctor Who. 32:41.247 --> 32:43.628 She's like a little drama school person, I think. 32:43.928 --> 32:44.408 Disappointing. 32:44.628 --> 32:46.329 She seems like a nice person, though. 32:46.349 --> 32:47.209 Seems like a nice girl. 32:47.349 --> 32:50.990 But she pops up on pretty much just bad shows now in the evenings. 32:51.230 --> 32:52.110 What did you think of it, Adam? 32:52.790 --> 32:53.751 Well, it seemed odd. 32:53.791 --> 32:57.012 I'm just curious to know what the project itself is. 32:57.052 --> 32:59.692 You see, I believe that it is some kind of scientific project. 32:59.712 --> 33:00.573 It is an actual project? 33:00.613 --> 33:00.813 Yeah. 33:01.593 --> 33:03.134 Well, you know, my theory- do you wanna hear my theory? 33:03.154 --> 33:04.175 Sorry, you haven't even got yours out. 33:04.195 --> 33:06.097 No, you- go ahead, my theory was very banal. 33:06.117 --> 33:22.111 Just, um, Channel 4 is just doing some kind of amazing experiment to see what happens if they just take this, uh, format that absolutely no one likes, runs for one season in 2005 to universal, um, loathing, as far as I can tell. 33:22.791 --> 33:37.297 And, uh, so they decide to recommission it, keep it exactly the same, with every single segment just kept perfectly the same, like, you've got to have the girl going out and sort of pointing at people and saying, oh, you look like Robert De Niro, even though they don't, because that was so brilliant the first time round, we couldn't possibly mess with that. 33:37.597 --> 33:42.199 We've got to have, like, a different celebrity each week doing a really flat monologue at the top of the show. 33:42.559 --> 33:43.399 You wouldn't want to mess with that. 33:43.439 --> 33:43.999 That was brilliant. 33:44.600 --> 33:47.241 Uh, all they've done is change their faces. 33:48.241 --> 33:48.661 And that's it. 33:48.681 --> 33:49.762 That's their experiment, is to... 33:50.842 --> 33:52.325 That's the project. 33:52.345 --> 33:54.389 Can we make people love something that's rubbish? 33:54.690 --> 33:55.411 Yes, exactly. 33:55.632 --> 33:57.155 By changing very few elements. 33:57.235 --> 33:58.076 That's not my opinion. 33:58.517 --> 33:59.319 Yeah, that's my opinion. 33:59.339 --> 34:00.301 That's Adam Buckson's opinion. 34:01.758 --> 34:29.020 what's your theory my theory is that they're trying to create uh television they're trying to make uh television with the least work as possible because something weird's happened on itv you know those shows you get on cable have a go balls and the great british quiz where they've got an impossible quiz on screen oh yeah and you phone in it's 25p a minute or something a pound a minute that's come on itv now itv at late night they've got a ridiculous phone-in quiz oh i saw that yeah with that stupid quiz man a guy with a wig they're not allowed to have that on proper telly are they 34:29.460 --> 34:30.521 Are they? 34:30.841 --> 34:31.882 It's money making, isn't it? 34:31.902 --> 34:32.603 It's money making. 34:32.983 --> 34:36.546 So that's TV with no actual content but yet people watch it and they make money from it. 34:36.987 --> 34:43.693 Equally Big Brother when they just have someone sleeping and there's a text thing along the bottom of the screen and people are texting and it's basically just a revenue earning stream. 34:44.173 --> 34:46.615 And minimum effort, they're just basically filming someone in bed. 34:47.236 --> 34:47.556 Brilliant. 34:47.616 --> 34:49.377 If you run a TV company, Ka-ching! 34:49.697 --> 34:50.217 Fantastic. 34:50.517 --> 34:51.798 Same with the Friday Night Project. 34:52.018 --> 34:57.180 They've just got the amazing enthusiasm of Justin E. Collins, who's so enthusiastic, there's got to be something there. 34:57.520 --> 35:08.004 He's so full of love and passion that you're sort of deceived that, that, oh, I love this man and what's happening, but actually there's nothing, it's just like candy floss, there's nothing, actually nothing there. 35:10.965 --> 35:12.126 Yeah, County Frost with a K. Yeah. 35:12.607 --> 35:13.688 Have a thin layer of something. 35:14.328 --> 35:15.229 Oh, it's shocking. 35:15.309 --> 35:15.990 Anyway, that's my theory. 35:16.010 --> 35:21.695 You know, I'd genuinely like to hear from someone who likes that show, and we wouldn't sort of ridicule you out of hand. 35:21.936 --> 35:23.737 I want to hear your opinions. 35:23.797 --> 35:27.401 If you're someone who's a fan of The Friday Night Project, I'd really like to hear what you get out of it. 35:27.421 --> 35:28.662 We've got opinions coming in already, Adam. 35:29.002 --> 35:30.664 The Friday Night Project was cheap. 35:30.964 --> 35:33.446 It's a scientific test to examine the stupidity of the British public. 35:33.466 --> 35:34.507 It says scientist. 35:35.268 --> 35:37.950 I thought the Friday Night Project was like Pooh trying to be funny. 35:38.370 --> 35:40.131 It's not funny at all, says Kelly. 35:41.252 --> 35:43.153 Fripp was crap, says Joe. 35:43.753 --> 35:44.734 Friday Night Project was fab. 35:45.414 --> 35:46.995 But it could have got a decent band, said Lindsay. 35:47.375 --> 35:48.196 So somebody likes it. 35:48.216 --> 35:49.176 There you go. 35:49.196 --> 35:50.357 Pretty funny, may watch it again. 35:50.977 --> 35:52.678 Well, you know, phone in. 35:52.698 --> 35:58.622 I'd like to speak to someone who thinks that it's fab and hear what their voice sounds like. 35:58.742 --> 36:00.363 Now, anyway, here's a song right now. 36:00.383 --> 36:01.143 This is a free play. 36:01.163 --> 36:04.225 This is Brendan Benson from his last album and it's called Last Man Standing. 36:14.713 --> 36:16.634 Last Man Standing by Brendan Benson. 36:16.674 --> 36:18.295 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 36:18.635 --> 36:19.596 Is it Cliff Richard time? 36:19.956 --> 36:20.437 Oh, yeah. 36:20.477 --> 36:21.337 Where's your CD going? 36:21.677 --> 36:22.018 I don't know. 36:22.058 --> 36:24.079 It's on the same one, uh, what you had earlier. 36:24.119 --> 36:30.543 This listener's, uh, we're gonna play some Cliff Richard now, but we were talking about how disappointed Adam was with the Friday Night Project. 36:30.563 --> 36:31.623 Of course, I loved it. 36:32.124 --> 36:33.725 You said there was a couple of bits that made you laugh. 36:33.885 --> 36:34.345 I did laugh. 36:34.425 --> 36:38.388 I laughed when Justin Lee Collins put on that coat of cash, just because of Justin himself. 36:38.408 --> 36:38.628 Mm. 36:39.048 --> 36:39.768 Uh, but you know what? 36:40.689 --> 36:43.331 Next time I see Justin Lee Collins, I want him to hate me. 36:44.076 --> 36:48.038 I want him to go, I can't really swear, but I want him to tell me to sod off. 36:48.058 --> 36:48.639 Steve Why? 36:48.659 --> 36:50.400 Ricky ...'cause he's just so nice to everybody. 36:50.880 --> 36:52.141 It's no longer seeming genuine. 36:52.641 --> 36:56.003 And I think the only genuine response you could now get from Justin is- is real anger. 36:56.023 --> 36:57.484 Steve laughs Ricky ...and hate. 36:57.504 --> 36:57.964 Do you know what I mean? 36:57.984 --> 36:59.425 Steve I've never seen him actually furious. 36:59.445 --> 37:02.526 Ricky I've never seen him angry, so I think I'm gonna make Justin E. Collins angry. 37:02.566 --> 37:03.647 Unfortunately, he's not here this afternoon. 37:03.667 --> 37:05.828 Steve He gets quite, um, wound up on his radio show, though, doesn't he? 37:05.848 --> 37:07.389 Ricky He must be like an angry lion. 37:07.429 --> 37:08.610 Must be like, um, Aslan. 37:08.630 --> 37:08.950 Steve Yeah. 37:08.970 --> 37:10.451 Ricky Getting- getting peed off. 37:11.574 --> 37:16.636 But anyway, listen, so Cliff Richard, obviously he's not the favourite artist of your average XFM listener. 37:17.156 --> 37:18.917 Probably doesn't have a lot of Richard in the library. 37:19.417 --> 37:27.600 But one of the funniest things I saw on telly over Christmas, it was fairly slim pick-ins, was a show on BBC 4 called Don't Watch That, Watch This. 37:28.181 --> 37:33.483 And it's kind of an obscure comedy montage show where they use footage and overdub it. 37:33.843 --> 37:36.264 Some of it was pretty funny but one bit I thought was very clever. 37:36.704 --> 37:39.285 So I recorded it and I've sort of pieced it together to play to you. 37:40.606 --> 37:46.272 What they've done is taken a Cliff Richard song, one of his Christmas songs, and they've changed it. 37:46.292 --> 37:48.174 It's hard to explain. 37:48.194 --> 37:52.818 They've basically put beeps on it, as if he was singing very rude words, OK? 37:53.199 --> 37:57.123 So I'd like to reiterate, everybody listening, that there is no swearing. 37:57.563 --> 37:58.604 in what you're about to hear. 37:59.064 --> 38:01.305 In fact, it's the exact opposite. 38:01.585 --> 38:07.649 It's an utterly innocuous Cliff Richard song full of Jesus and the opposite of swearing. 38:07.969 --> 38:15.193 But yet, with the simple application of some swery-tight beeps, it's made to sound like the most obscene thing you've ever heard. 38:15.554 --> 38:16.014 Listen to this. 38:16.034 --> 38:25.960 The child is a **** The carer loves her Ain't all this past doesn't do 38:31.306 --> 38:32.310 I'm time for f***ing I'm time for f***ing 38:42.813 --> 38:45.954 That's the end. 38:46.195 --> 38:46.895 That's amazing. 38:46.915 --> 38:47.835 That's pretty good, isn't it? 38:47.855 --> 38:49.156 Yeah, that's- Haven't I ever done it before? 38:50.176 --> 38:51.056 Uh, I can't remember. 38:51.076 --> 38:51.456 I don't think so. 38:51.476 --> 38:53.597 We could steal that and apply it to different songs each week. 38:53.797 --> 38:54.777 Yeah, that's a good idea. 38:54.817 --> 38:55.438 That's rude, isn't it? 38:55.458 --> 38:56.418 You shouldn't have played it, man. 38:56.438 --> 38:56.558 Really? 38:56.578 --> 38:58.199 Because no one- no one watches BBC Four. 38:58.219 --> 38:59.279 No, that's not my idea. 38:59.299 --> 39:05.121 It's- it's that- I've gotta, you know, give respect to the people who produce Don't Watch That Watch This on, uh, on- on BBC Four. 39:05.221 --> 39:06.001 Vera Productions. 39:06.161 --> 39:06.902 Yeah, that's funny. 39:07.182 --> 39:07.662 Good idea. 39:07.862 --> 39:08.582 Very good idea. 39:08.742 --> 39:09.342 That was excellent. 39:09.382 --> 39:11.263 What time- they're still showing Don't Watch That Watch This. 39:11.403 --> 39:11.843 I don't know. 39:11.903 --> 39:13.244 I don't even know if it was a series. 39:13.724 --> 39:14.405 Er, it was a series. 39:14.445 --> 39:15.185 I was in one of them. 39:15.285 --> 39:16.066 What are you? 39:16.106 --> 39:16.746 Er, the first one. 39:16.766 --> 39:17.146 Ooh. 39:17.686 --> 39:19.287 And, er, it was good. 39:19.307 --> 39:20.488 It had lots of good moments in it. 39:20.688 --> 39:21.729 Yeah, but that's a good idea. 39:21.749 --> 39:23.329 They should've- I hope they'll do it again. 39:23.349 --> 39:24.290 Maybe they'll do it next week. 39:24.630 --> 39:24.730 Mmm. 39:25.311 --> 39:25.551 Er, right. 39:25.571 --> 39:26.371 Shall we play some more music? 39:26.411 --> 39:26.591 Yes. 39:27.212 --> 39:27.952 Er, let's see. 39:28.032 --> 39:29.273 Would you like some magic numbers, Joe? 39:29.493 --> 39:30.553 Yes, I like the magic numbers. 39:30.673 --> 39:31.374 OK, here they are. 39:42.315 --> 39:44.776 That's the magic numbers with Forever Lost. 39:45.356 --> 39:54.080 We've been receiving quite a few texts from people who very much enjoyed the Friday Night Project and thought it was perfect post-pub fare. 39:54.100 --> 39:55.020 You're out of touch, Buxton. 39:55.320 --> 39:55.961 I'm totally out of touch. 39:55.981 --> 39:56.581 You're over the hill. 39:57.021 --> 39:58.121 I love the Friday Night Project. 39:58.402 --> 40:00.042 Well, I'm going to watch it again next week. 40:00.082 --> 40:06.745 You know what, I just like, you know, I want to work for Channel 4 and I like Justin Lee Collins, so I'm not going to badmouth it. 40:07.626 --> 40:09.828 I love Channel 4 and I love Justin Lee Collins. 40:09.868 --> 40:13.972 Hey, listen, I love Justin Lee Collins and Channel 4 as much as anyone. 40:14.012 --> 40:14.252 Yeah. 40:15.213 --> 40:23.061 Er... But... But I really don't like the Friday Night Project and I can't... Yeah, like if you saw your friend being run over by a bus, wouldn't you go and help them? 40:23.941 --> 40:24.822 Yeah, what are you talking about? 40:24.922 --> 40:26.143 Channel 4 and Justin Lee Collins. 40:27.040 --> 40:28.320 Oh yeah, exactly. 40:28.360 --> 40:29.061 That's what I'm saying. 40:29.141 --> 40:29.821 Get him out. 40:29.881 --> 40:34.162 I'm not saying that, but I'm just offering that as a simile for your situation. 40:34.202 --> 40:34.862 Bust him out of the garage. 40:34.882 --> 40:36.543 I'm not in that situation because I love them both. 40:37.003 --> 40:38.483 And I'm a big fan of the Friday Night Project. 40:38.884 --> 40:40.824 I'm setting my Sky Plus to record it. 40:41.184 --> 40:41.444 Yep. 40:41.704 --> 40:42.565 Every week. 40:44.245 --> 40:45.226 Anyway, there you go. 40:45.666 --> 40:47.466 Did you watch, um, sorry, what were you gonna say? 40:47.507 --> 40:47.727 Nothing. 40:48.127 --> 40:49.908 Did you watch Ricky Gervais' Talking to Larry David? 40:49.928 --> 40:50.268 No, I didn't. 40:50.868 --> 40:51.188 Why not? 40:51.468 --> 40:54.369 Cos I ca- I- I can't look at Ricky Gervais, he's too successful. 40:54.890 --> 41:04.334 He makes me angry and upset and I just... Plus, how long, this is a point, a question for you listeners as well, how long can a man make his comedy act being amazingly arrogant? 41:05.134 --> 41:09.538 and it not become slightly, you know, just- just, well, you know- Ricky and Steve- Annoying. 41:09.598 --> 41:09.858 Steve- Yeah. 41:09.878 --> 41:13.622 Ricky and Steve- But that's the way they edited the trails, are you talking about the- the- Steve- No, just ev- ev- everything. 41:13.682 --> 41:20.828 I love Ricky, he's brilliant, but as- as a member of the public, I kind of, um, you know, uh, I dunno, I'm confused. 41:21.148 --> 41:28.855 I can't- I can't deal- he's so happy and successful, I can't- Ricky and Steve- Well, one of the things that came across- Steve- This is why he's so keen on America, he should go live in America, cause he's not- he's too successful to live in Britain now. 41:28.875 --> 41:30.957 Ricky laughs Steve- He's- it's wrong to see his face here. 41:32.139 --> 41:37.823 Well he reckons that he's become a recluse now, he doesn't go out to parties, that's what he was saying to Larry David, yeah. 41:38.283 --> 41:41.005 So he is, he feels as if he is too successful. 41:41.646 --> 41:49.631 But he came across as being out of the two people, because obviously both Ricky and Larry David kind of play versions of themselves on screen. 41:51.032 --> 41:55.956 Certainly in extras, the character is a lot closer to Ricky in real life, don't you reckon? 41:56.658 --> 41:57.479 Yeah, I don't- I don't know. 41:58.099 --> 41:59.040 Have you never watched extras? 41:59.060 --> 42:00.081 Yeah, I have. 42:00.541 --> 42:03.363 But they- When I say I don't know, I mean I wasn't listening. 42:03.823 --> 42:04.104 Right. 42:04.324 --> 42:05.225 I was reading texts. 42:05.525 --> 42:09.248 I was just saying that they both play kind of versions of themselves on screen. 42:09.488 --> 42:10.048 Yes, true. 42:10.248 --> 42:10.488 Yeah. 42:10.829 --> 42:10.989 Yeah. 42:11.069 --> 42:14.692 But the version that Ricky plays is probably a lot closer to what he's really like. 42:14.712 --> 42:15.953 No, you're going too deep. 42:16.153 --> 42:16.833 Than the Larry David one. 42:16.853 --> 42:18.795 I'm not that interested in them. 42:19.695 --> 42:20.636 But you're probably right. 42:20.957 --> 42:21.737 You should have watched it, man. 42:21.757 --> 42:23.659 It was quite- it was quite... Interesting. 42:23.799 --> 42:36.430 ...instructive and interesting and it certainly made you think like, um, wow, if he gets on well with Ricky then he could probably get on well with me because Ricky was more or less just sort of, uh, very excited and being quite a fan. 42:36.450 --> 42:38.551 I want to see Ricky Chavez meets Justin Lee Collins. 42:39.472 --> 42:40.653 I want them to talk about comedy. 42:40.914 --> 42:43.656 Hey, listen, we should also say that somebody's texted in to say the bleeping thing. 42:43.676 --> 42:46.599 We just played a Cliff Richard song with words bleeped out to make them sound rude. 42:46.619 --> 42:49.082 Apparently they do that on... I'm sorry I haven't a clue. 42:50.042 --> 42:50.863 On Radio 4. 42:51.804 --> 42:53.125 So, you know, sorry if that's old news. 42:53.426 --> 42:53.886 Yeah, OK. 42:54.467 --> 42:55.708 Man, I've got such a bad cold. 42:55.928 --> 42:56.208 Really? 42:56.768 --> 42:58.909 Play some signers cleansing music, something powerful. 42:59.169 --> 43:01.290 Have you got- have you- do you not get colds at this time of year? 43:01.310 --> 43:01.350 No. 43:01.510 --> 43:01.550 No. 43:01.570 --> 43:02.611 When was the last time you had a cold? 43:02.671 --> 43:05.112 I haven't been ill since 1969. 43:05.172 --> 43:06.192 You're indestructible. 43:06.252 --> 43:06.752 Yeah, boy. 43:06.892 --> 43:07.693 What's your secret? 43:07.713 --> 43:08.353 I'm the Terminator 2. 43:08.393 --> 43:08.633 Wow. 43:09.013 --> 43:10.954 Yeah, I'm made of liquid metal. 43:11.174 --> 43:12.715 I wish I was made of liquid metal. 43:12.735 --> 43:15.596 I can make my finger into a spike and stab you through the milk carton. 43:15.616 --> 43:15.756 Really? 43:15.856 --> 43:16.456 And your head. 43:16.476 --> 43:17.017 Don't do that. 43:17.057 --> 43:17.897 On the same spike. 43:18.277 --> 43:19.458 Let's have some kooks, the kooks. 43:19.998 --> 43:23.379 Uh, listen, I'd love to play the kooks, but I- But- I wanna play some more adverts. 43:23.919 --> 43:24.480 Oh, okay. 43:24.620 --> 43:24.900 Alright. 43:25.600 --> 43:26.161 Deal with this. 44:13.285 --> 44:32.465 there you go that was beth orton with conceived and before that you heard block party with banquet this is adam and joe on xfm yeah so we've still got a couple of high quality prizes to give away uh we've still got a best of ronnie barker dvd is that it we've got tickets to see skin you didn't give away the housewives yet did you yeah we did we gave it away to what's-his-face who called earlier 44:33.646 --> 44:35.207 Oh yeah, Paul who, yeah. 44:35.408 --> 44:37.429 And we've got a pair of tickets to see Stephen Fretwell. 44:37.689 --> 44:43.353 So here's a quick, er, text competition just before we do Ditties in the Dock, which will happen in about five or ten minutes. 44:44.153 --> 44:45.815 Er, can we think of a name for this competition? 44:46.135 --> 44:48.616 Is it like Life Sounds Better to Coldplay or something? 44:48.697 --> 44:49.037 I don't know. 44:49.877 --> 44:50.958 Erm... Coldplay it again? 45:21.018 --> 45:27.101 This is the factory in Leicestershire, which will make Elizabeth's ready-to-wear jewellery collection if she can persuade stores to order it. 45:29.882 --> 45:33.124 Now, though, they're making the samples which will be used to attract buyers. 45:36.065 --> 45:38.907 Elizabeth's visiting to ensure everything is up to standard. 45:41.656 --> 45:44.557 the samples that will be used to attract buyers. 45:44.577 --> 45:46.658 Ricky laughs Steve- Do you think he had that in mind when he wrote it? 45:46.678 --> 45:47.158 Steve- Yeah. 45:47.178 --> 45:48.278 Ricky laughs Steve- Yeah. 45:48.358 --> 45:49.179 But what's wrong with that? 45:49.239 --> 45:57.482 Because, you know, her stor- that Elizabeth and her jewellery factory, she- it might, you know, she might get great strength from- and solace from the songs of Culver. 45:57.502 --> 45:57.902 Steve- Absolutely. 45:57.922 --> 46:00.343 That's probably what she listens to when she's making the jewellery. 46:03.698 --> 46:04.759 Anyway, what show was that? 46:04.779 --> 46:04.840 83XFM. 46:04.860 --> 46:05.941 We need a name for this competition. 46:05.961 --> 46:21.880 JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY JEWELRY J 46:22.930 --> 46:25.873 It's a bit like Christmas for me at the moment. 46:26.053 --> 46:33.301 I get very excited when we get the products coming off the production run, if you like, to now see a ready-to-wear collection off and running. 46:33.501 --> 46:34.081 It's great. 46:38.692 --> 47:03.486 ready to wear collection is up and running it's great we should just um sometimes bring in clips that we have just put Coldplay music over ourselves do you think there's any kind of television program under which Coldplay wouldn't be appropriate no let's bring in some stuff next week you can play Coldplay under anything yeah footage of war that wouldn't be wrong would it no starving people that wouldn't be wrong that would be moving 47:04.367 --> 47:07.412 Is there any situation where playing some Coldplay isn't appropriate? 47:07.472 --> 47:08.093 Let's test it, man. 47:08.113 --> 47:09.675 Let's get some clips and bring them in next week. 47:11.505 --> 47:12.645 Now that would be appropriate. 47:12.685 --> 47:12.945 Would it? 47:12.965 --> 47:13.166 Yeah. 47:13.186 --> 47:15.046 Yeah, cause it's about the political strife in the world. 47:15.066 --> 47:15.546 Cause it's moving. 47:15.686 --> 47:16.226 Exactly. 47:16.807 --> 47:17.107 Yeah. 47:17.307 --> 47:17.387 Yeah. 47:17.407 --> 47:19.447 Hey everyone's getting it, look at this, all the texts are coming in. 47:19.607 --> 47:20.488 Everyone's getting it as well. 47:20.528 --> 47:21.108 Have they got it right? 47:21.488 --> 47:22.188 Yes they have. 47:22.268 --> 47:27.090 Patton Glasgow's got it right, Anne's got it right, Brian in Blackpool's got it right, Jamie in London's got it right. 47:27.830 --> 47:31.151 Well listen, pick someone at random so we can just wrap the whole thing up immediately. 47:31.171 --> 47:34.832 Oh, well, let's, let's pick the first person who texted in. 47:34.992 --> 47:36.393 Anne, you're wrong with the money program. 47:37.373 --> 47:40.014 Uh, hang on, the first person who's actually put their name down. 47:40.034 --> 47:40.734 Why are there millions? 47:41.664 --> 47:42.244 There's millions. 47:42.544 --> 47:43.165 Millions? 47:43.405 --> 47:44.145 James in Fulham. 47:44.945 --> 47:45.245 Hang on. 47:45.285 --> 47:46.146 James doesn't need a prize. 47:46.166 --> 47:46.866 He lives in Fulham. 47:46.986 --> 47:47.266 Come on. 47:47.286 --> 47:48.026 That's his prize. 47:48.046 --> 47:49.527 No, Fulham's not all posh people. 47:49.567 --> 47:50.207 Yes, it is. 47:50.287 --> 47:50.727 No, it isn't. 47:50.747 --> 47:52.388 There's lots of horrible parts of Fulham. 47:52.808 --> 47:53.408 OK, James. 47:53.428 --> 47:56.049 As long as you live in a horrible part of Fulham, you can have a prize. 47:56.110 --> 47:57.710 Cos it is, of course, from the Dragon's Den. 47:57.990 --> 48:04.933 Not just the Dragon's Den, but the Dragon's Den Christmas special, where they were finding out how everyone who had won some money off at a Dragon's was getting on. 48:06.223 --> 48:06.823 What were you doing? 48:06.883 --> 48:07.424 What do you know? 48:07.624 --> 48:11.986 I love the Dragon's Den, man, and so do our listeners, cos we've had about a thousand responses to that. 48:12.166 --> 48:12.627 Yeah, there you go. 48:12.667 --> 48:13.407 Great competition. 48:13.527 --> 48:14.168 What's it called again? 48:14.428 --> 48:15.168 Coldplay it Again. 48:15.228 --> 48:15.929 Coldplay it Again. 48:15.949 --> 48:20.451 We'll have another Coldplay clip next week if they come on telly, which they probably will. 48:20.791 --> 48:24.313 Well, yeah, but don't you think we should have, like, some real ones and some fake ones and you have to figure out? 48:24.333 --> 48:24.413 Yeah. 48:24.494 --> 48:27.215 If we're hard up for one, we'll do a fake one and it'll be true or falsie. 48:27.375 --> 48:28.316 Ooh, I'm excited about that. 48:28.676 --> 48:30.737 Now, Joe, you wanted to hear the kooks, didn't you? 48:30.817 --> 48:31.057 Yes. 48:31.317 --> 48:32.098 Well, here they are. 48:41.977 --> 48:49.554 Yeah, that's the Kooks with You Don't Love Me, the third single from the Teenage Brighton-based quartet coming out through Virgin Records and the follow-up to Sofa Song, which went top 30 in October of last year. 48:51.658 --> 48:53.839 That's rather sudden. 48:53.939 --> 48:54.979 Strange intonation there. 48:55.079 --> 48:56.320 It's Ditties in the Dock time. 48:56.760 --> 48:58.340 What is Ditties in the Dock, Adam? 48:58.700 --> 49:07.043 Well, Joe, at the end of every program here on XFM, we battle it out to see who'll be the person that gets to play the final song of our two-hour stint. 49:07.683 --> 49:10.804 This week, it's a battle between... what is it? 49:11.105 --> 49:17.567 It's a themed battle this week, Adam, and it's songs that play over the closing credits of movies. 49:18.727 --> 49:20.308 Er, does that fit what you've chosen? 49:21.088 --> 49:23.549 You d- not necessarily closing credits, though, is it? 49:23.589 --> 49:24.970 Well, you- you tell me what the theme is. 49:25.310 --> 49:27.171 Well, what's your choice, though? 49:27.191 --> 49:31.433 OK, my choice, ladies and gentlemen, listeners, is- what is my choice? 49:31.773 --> 49:35.735 It's from the closing credits of Raising Arizona, my favourite Coen brothers movie, 49:36.335 --> 49:50.131 it's a sort of bluegrass gumbo bit of classic by a famous early folk singer whose name is Pete Seeger and it's called the goofing off suite and if you've ever seen Raising Arizona you'll know it it's fantastic banjo and amazing sort of high-pitched squealing and whistling 49:51.192 --> 49:51.893 This is fantastic. 49:52.013 --> 49:53.815 Adam's doing it in the background even as we speak. 49:53.835 --> 49:54.376 It's that one, right? 49:55.677 --> 49:58.901 This guy Pete Seeger's a very important American folk musician. 49:58.941 --> 50:02.866 He was friends with Woody Guthrie, did all sorts of important music in the 40s. 50:03.206 --> 50:09.513 He threatened to cut the cables for one of Bob Dylan's electric concerts because he was so outraged that Dylan had gone electric. 50:10.194 --> 50:11.475 I believe so, I might be wrong about that. 50:11.495 --> 50:11.875 There we go. 50:11.915 --> 50:26.224 But it's a fantastic track, so if you want some sort of weird, brilliant banjo stuff, or if you know the movie Raising Arizona, one of my all-time favourites, then call 0871 222 1049 and vote for Pete Seeger and Raising Arizona. 50:26.644 --> 50:29.967 Or... That's over the opening titles as well, though, that track. 50:29.987 --> 50:30.847 Yeah, all through the movie. 50:30.907 --> 50:32.048 Yeah, so, the movie. 50:32.468 --> 50:38.332 So I'm going for the opening titles music from Antz, which... Ah. 50:38.852 --> 50:43.154 Which is some of the... And I think it was also the same... Is that one? 50:43.234 --> 50:45.535 Yeah, it's brilliant. 50:45.595 --> 50:46.715 Yeah, it's good, isn't it? 50:46.735 --> 50:47.235 Who's that by? 50:47.255 --> 50:50.256 That is by Harry Gregson... He's not famous. 50:50.316 --> 50:52.097 Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell. 50:52.117 --> 50:52.617 You're stuffed. 50:52.697 --> 50:54.818 None of the XFM kids will care about that. 50:54.838 --> 51:01.981 So it's the theme music to Antz, spelt with a Z. Antz, yeah. 51:02.161 --> 51:04.122 And this is the Woody Allen CGI movie. 51:04.162 --> 51:05.042 No, Woody Allen's in it. 51:05.282 --> 51:07.504 And so's Sylvester Stallone, they're CGI ants. 51:07.604 --> 51:09.666 Came out at the same time more or less as Bugs Life. 51:09.786 --> 51:10.447 Yeah, good movie. 51:10.707 --> 51:12.769 And I prefer ants to Bugs Life. 51:12.869 --> 51:14.310 You're a man with great taste, Adam. 51:14.330 --> 51:15.151 I've always said so. 51:15.251 --> 51:16.112 I'm in the ants camp. 51:16.232 --> 51:16.512 Yeah. 51:16.772 --> 51:20.055 So it's the theme tune to ants versus the theme tune to Raising Arizona. 51:20.095 --> 51:21.236 That's a peculiar ditties. 51:21.356 --> 51:27.061 Can I just say as well that the theme from ants was also used, I believe, as the theme to Thunder Pants. 51:27.982 --> 51:30.403 ThunderPants with a Z. ThunderPants. 51:30.543 --> 51:31.904 Do you remember ThunderPants? 51:32.124 --> 51:34.445 Who can forget ThunderPants starring Ron Weasley? 51:35.305 --> 51:37.566 A boy who farts so hard he goes into space. 51:37.686 --> 51:42.488 He harnesses the fart power and it was directed by the guy that did Sliding Doors. 51:42.508 --> 51:43.808 Is it? 51:44.028 --> 51:44.929 He used to be in Bread. 51:45.269 --> 51:46.589 Yeah, forget his name. 51:46.609 --> 51:47.390 Always forget his name. 51:48.030 --> 51:51.913 Anyway, listen, I'm telling you, the theme from Ants is just amazing. 51:51.953 --> 52:00.621 It's the most exciting kind of orchestral thing, and the sequence where they go into the ant colony at the beginning and you see all the ants working is amazing. 52:00.801 --> 52:05.525 But even when you're not watching the movie, it's an extraordinary piece of music, and I want you to vote for Ants. 52:05.865 --> 52:07.626 No one's gonna call. 52:07.646 --> 52:09.827 I think these pieces of music are too obscure. 52:09.847 --> 52:12.088 So remember, everyone who comes on air gets a chance to win a prize. 52:12.108 --> 52:12.088 0871 222 1049. 52:12.808 --> 52:16.650 Vote for Raising Arizona or Ants. 52:16.690 --> 52:17.250 Call now! 52:18.991 --> 52:19.591 The ants just finished. 52:19.611 --> 52:25.294 How long ago did they finish? 52:25.694 --> 52:28.996 The ants finished prematurely. 52:30.256 --> 52:31.137 Did they finish a while ago? 52:33.343 --> 52:35.044 OK, we're not really together. 52:35.445 --> 52:36.325 It's the first show of 2006. 52:36.445 --> 52:38.267 We're a bit confused here. 52:38.287 --> 52:41.249 Shall we play some music and then come back with some calls for Dizzy's in the Dock? 52:53.798 --> 52:56.460 That was Maximo Park with Apply Some Pressure. 53:00.228 --> 53:02.889 Yes, it's the gut-renting climax of Ditties in the Dock. 53:03.289 --> 53:05.950 We've been pitching movie-themed tunes this week. 53:06.170 --> 53:09.832 It's Antz with a Z versus the Raising Arizona theme. 53:10.192 --> 53:13.353 So that's Pete Seeger with the goofing-off suite versus who with what? 53:13.533 --> 53:16.614 Versus Harry Gregson, Williams and John Powell. 53:16.774 --> 53:17.274 Oh, them. 53:17.335 --> 53:17.655 Brilliant. 53:17.755 --> 53:17.995 Them. 53:18.415 --> 53:19.215 Always in the charts. 53:19.235 --> 53:20.816 With the amazing theme from Antz. 53:20.856 --> 53:21.576 And it's got whistling. 53:21.596 --> 53:22.697 It's a whistling classic as well. 53:22.917 --> 53:25.998 So this is really a whistling sort of Ditties, isn't it? 53:26.858 --> 53:27.938 Er, is there whistling in your one? 53:27.958 --> 53:28.819 Yes, there certainly is. 53:29.119 --> 53:29.239 Oh. 53:29.279 --> 53:29.679 Yeah, yeah. 53:29.979 --> 53:31.240 So we've got five callers on the line. 53:31.440 --> 53:32.560 Let's go to Jason first. 53:32.580 --> 53:33.160 Hello, Jason. 53:33.680 --> 53:34.481 Oh, it's you actually? 53:34.621 --> 53:39.062 Yeah, well, well, well, all right, Jason, as you might have noticed earlier, the entire show stopped. 53:39.142 --> 53:40.423 There was just silence, wasn't there? 53:40.563 --> 53:41.263 Did you notice that? 53:41.283 --> 53:42.023 Uncomfortable one. 53:42.303 --> 53:48.645 There was an uncomfortable silence, cos Adam went to the loo, and Xanthi was taking callers, and I was reading Yesterday's Sun. 53:48.805 --> 53:50.646 I thought we agreed that we weren't gonna mention this. 53:50.666 --> 53:52.006 Well, suddenly I felt like I should. 53:52.026 --> 53:53.927 I was just, Jason, did you notice it at all? 53:54.673 --> 53:56.116 Um, I did, yeah. 53:56.457 --> 53:56.958 Yeah, you did. 53:57.078 --> 53:58.741 Do you think it looked really bad? 53:59.864 --> 54:01.965 I thought you'd been shut down, yeah. 54:02.226 --> 54:03.927 Yeah, yeah, I did look back, thanks Jason. 54:04.327 --> 54:06.128 So listen mate, what are you going to vote for? 54:06.168 --> 54:09.190 Have you seen Ant and Raising Arizona? 54:09.210 --> 54:09.810 I haven't, no. 54:09.970 --> 54:10.851 You haven't seen either of them? 54:10.991 --> 54:11.171 No. 54:11.391 --> 54:14.173 Yet you're voting on what you're using as your, you know, logic. 54:14.353 --> 54:15.914 He just wanted to phone and have a chat. 54:16.394 --> 54:18.215 Well don't him answer, he can speak for himself, Adam. 54:18.235 --> 54:18.796 Oh, I'm sorry. 54:18.816 --> 54:19.336 He's Yathon. 54:19.556 --> 54:20.877 I just wanted to phone and have a chat. 54:21.157 --> 54:22.058 There you go. 54:22.278 --> 54:23.499 Well, in the end you were right. 54:23.579 --> 54:25.420 Jason, what are you up to this afternoon? 54:26.060 --> 54:26.961 Just taking it easy. 54:27.561 --> 54:28.281 Taking it easy. 54:28.341 --> 54:29.462 That sounds suspicious to me. 54:29.742 --> 54:31.003 Phoning people up. 54:31.143 --> 54:32.223 Having a chat. 54:32.603 --> 54:38.766 So, Jason, with your limited knowledge of the tracks in question, which one are you going to go for? 54:38.866 --> 54:39.886 Which one do you like the sound of? 54:40.307 --> 54:42.047 Raisin Arizona. 54:42.067 --> 54:42.548 Hey, good man. 54:42.648 --> 54:43.348 Based on what? 54:43.408 --> 54:44.728 How have you come to that decision? 54:46.489 --> 54:48.350 Just to call a few people and have a little chat to them. 54:49.471 --> 54:49.751 Hello? 54:50.171 --> 54:50.391 Hello? 54:51.171 --> 54:52.632 Sorry, Jason, I spoke over you. 54:52.672 --> 54:53.132 What were you saying? 54:53.272 --> 54:54.373 I just like the word raisin. 54:55.560 --> 54:56.861 That's a very good answer. 54:57.162 --> 54:57.922 He likes raisins. 54:58.283 --> 54:58.663 Well done. 54:59.044 --> 55:00.805 Well, that's one nil to Cornish. 55:01.446 --> 55:02.807 And let's go to our next caller. 55:03.188 --> 55:03.748 Well, hang on. 55:03.909 --> 55:04.629 Is Jason still there? 55:05.050 --> 55:05.230 Yeah. 55:05.550 --> 55:07.052 Do you want a prize of some sort, Jason? 55:07.392 --> 55:08.293 Oh, yeah. 55:08.413 --> 55:11.196 Are you interested in skin from Skunk and Nancy? 55:12.237 --> 55:12.497 Yeah. 55:12.898 --> 55:13.098 Yeah? 55:13.118 --> 55:14.179 Do you want to go see her? 55:14.199 --> 55:15.080 You don't sound very interested. 55:15.100 --> 55:15.480 Do you want her? 55:17.228 --> 55:19.833 No, I don't want to go and see it. 55:19.853 --> 55:20.935 Then you are asking for that. 55:20.975 --> 55:22.337 What about Stephen Fretwell? 55:23.199 --> 55:26.064 Yeah, he's definitely going to go and see Stephen Fretwell. 55:26.084 --> 55:27.146 Jason, Stephen Fretwell. 55:27.779 --> 55:28.460 What is he saying? 55:28.780 --> 55:29.480 I don't know. 55:29.600 --> 55:30.261 No one knows. 55:30.701 --> 55:32.783 Listen, just, um... Have a nice day. 55:32.823 --> 55:33.544 Have a nice day. 55:33.564 --> 55:34.985 That'll have to be your prize. 55:35.866 --> 55:36.626 Thanks for calling. 55:36.686 --> 55:38.648 What were you thinking about? 55:38.668 --> 55:41.650 Asking him if he wanted to go and see skin from... He might. 55:41.690 --> 55:44.052 He'd be a fan of skin from skin. 55:44.092 --> 55:45.773 He's never heard of the films that we're voting for. 55:45.793 --> 55:46.914 He doesn't know what we're doing. 55:46.934 --> 55:49.496 You underestimate Jason. 55:49.536 --> 55:50.317 He's a clever man. 55:50.337 --> 55:52.099 He just plays his cards close to his chest. 55:52.459 --> 55:53.139 Lewis, are you there? 55:53.179 --> 55:53.680 Hello, Lewis. 55:54.020 --> 55:54.480 Hello, there. 55:54.701 --> 55:55.321 How are you doing? 55:55.701 --> 55:55.982 I'm good. 55:56.002 --> 55:56.282 How are you? 55:56.562 --> 55:57.062 Er, fine. 55:57.082 --> 55:57.962 What are you wearing, Lewis? 55:58.863 --> 56:01.444 Erm, I am in paint-covered trousers at the moment. 56:01.484 --> 56:01.784 Really? 56:02.844 --> 56:04.765 Is that a fashion thing or are you painting your bathroom? 56:05.385 --> 56:06.405 Er, painting the bathroom. 56:06.585 --> 56:07.125 Right, well done. 56:07.325 --> 56:09.466 I think a lot of people listen to this show while they're painting. 56:09.486 --> 56:10.006 While decorating? 56:10.026 --> 56:10.526 Yeah, yeah. 56:10.766 --> 56:11.087 Yeah. 56:11.367 --> 56:12.007 Why did that be? 56:12.027 --> 56:13.167 It's a good decorating show. 56:13.547 --> 56:17.889 Did you... I bet you that, erm, the Syd Barrett disrupted some of the decorating, though. 56:18.109 --> 56:20.049 That must have caused a bit of the paint to drip. 56:20.590 --> 56:21.790 Did you hear the Syd Barrett, Lewis? 56:22.369 --> 56:40.965 yeah just a little bit just a little bit and how what sort of how are you doing your bathroom keeping it plain so you can sell it on have you got do you live with a lady oh I thought you you'd do with racing cars and this women's base 56:43.482 --> 56:44.643 Oh, you're a property developer? 56:45.203 --> 56:46.064 No, no. 56:46.444 --> 56:48.506 I tell you what, but paint a big topless woman. 56:48.546 --> 56:49.867 You don't have to do it well. 56:49.907 --> 56:52.909 You will not regret it every time you have a bath. 56:53.289 --> 56:54.130 Paint a big winky. 56:55.030 --> 56:57.592 Now, listen, Louis, what are you going to vote for? 56:57.732 --> 56:59.654 I'm going to vote for Angela Z. 57:00.134 --> 57:01.035 And have you seen that movie? 57:01.055 --> 57:02.316 Do you know the track I'm talking about? 57:02.556 --> 57:03.097 Yeah, I do. 57:03.117 --> 57:03.557 It's brilliant. 57:03.698 --> 57:04.538 It's really good, isn't it? 57:04.558 --> 57:06.260 It's really sort of exciting theme music. 57:06.500 --> 57:07.441 So we've got one each now. 57:07.461 --> 57:08.162 This is exciting. 57:08.202 --> 57:08.762 It's one all. 57:09.063 --> 57:09.944 Thanks a lot, Lewis. 57:09.964 --> 57:12.266 Lewis, do you want Skin or Stephen Fretwell? 57:12.927 --> 57:14.468 Um, would it be rude if I said no? 57:14.848 --> 57:15.749 No, not at all. 57:16.230 --> 57:16.490 No. 57:16.670 --> 57:16.790 OK. 57:16.990 --> 57:17.231 Yeah. 57:18.031 --> 57:18.852 Well done, Lewis. 57:18.872 --> 57:20.153 Also going away empty-handed. 57:20.233 --> 57:20.794 Cheers, Lewis. 57:20.834 --> 57:21.854 Thanks very much for your call. 57:21.874 --> 57:25.297 Listen, Joe, can you stop talking about skin and Fretwell? 57:25.577 --> 57:25.837 Why? 57:26.098 --> 57:27.178 Cos it's embarrassing. 57:27.239 --> 57:28.279 Nobody wants to see them. 57:29.540 --> 57:30.801 And it's just getting a bit weird. 57:30.881 --> 57:31.182 OK. 57:31.442 --> 57:33.123 Well, what if someone might want to win it? 57:33.423 --> 57:33.944 What about Matt? 57:33.964 --> 57:34.464 Hello, Matt. 57:34.924 --> 57:35.485 Hello, there. 57:35.665 --> 57:36.125 How you doing? 57:36.526 --> 57:37.206 I'm all right, thank you. 57:37.346 --> 57:40.028 Are you a fan of skin or Michael Fretwell? 57:40.469 --> 57:41.169 Stephen Fretwell. 57:41.209 --> 57:43.471 Do you know, I'd like to go and see skin, actually. 57:43.491 --> 57:44.532 Hey, good for you, Matt. 57:44.552 --> 57:45.853 She does some of her old tunes and stuff. 57:47.270 --> 58:07.638 there you go well you're welcome to have those tickets at the 100 Club this Thursday the 10th of January it's gonna be a fantastic gig yeah let's cut to the chase are you you're familiar with these tracks are you presumably yes I am and which one are you gonna go for it's gotta be raising Arizona oh good choice are you a fan of that film that I am everything it's just such a funny film and that and that little bit 58:10.499 --> 58:11.200 Isn't it amazing? 58:11.220 --> 58:14.725 The Coen brothers, they had such an amazing run at the start of their careers. 58:14.765 --> 58:15.506 Very well. 58:15.606 --> 58:20.413 I love that line when he goes to buy some nappies and he has to rob it. 58:20.473 --> 58:22.155 He just has to hold up the store. 58:22.996 --> 58:27.802 And he commandeers a vehicle and he gets in and the guy goes, sir, you've got a penny on your head. 58:28.376 --> 58:54.594 that's right it's such a brilliant film it's so uh it's so good so many good lines so amazingly shots he's amazingly charismatic and sexy in that film isn't he nick cage i sort of fell in love with him and his crazy ruffly hair so that's two nil to cornish thanks very much for your call matt and enjoy enjoy skin i hope yeah i'm sure it'll be wonderful andy are you there i saw me on set how you doing now listen andy if you have you got any um excitement about uh steven fretwell 58:55.370 --> 58:58.874 Um, to be honest, I did hear that his single, um, I think it was called Emily. 58:59.054 --> 58:59.254 Yeah. 58:59.274 --> 59:00.195 It wasn't too bad. 59:00.295 --> 59:01.277 It's a bit wimpy. 59:01.337 --> 59:02.598 He is supposed to be very good. 59:02.618 --> 59:04.160 You know, I'm not putting these people down at all. 59:04.180 --> 59:10.947 I'm just saying that some, some of the, uh, callers that we had didn't seem very excited by them, but he's supposed to be brilliant, Stephen Fretwell. 59:10.967 --> 59:12.849 So would you like to have tickets and go along and see him? 59:12.869 --> 59:13.149 Why not? 59:13.169 --> 59:14.471 I'm always interested in seeing new music. 59:14.551 --> 59:15.632 It's what it's all about, isn't it? 59:15.652 --> 59:16.093 Good for you. 59:16.713 --> 59:19.354 Shepherds Bush Empire this Friday's the Stephen Fretwell gig. 59:19.695 --> 59:21.416 So, Andy, let's cut to the chase. 59:21.456 --> 59:22.496 Which one are you gonna vote for? 59:22.516 --> 59:24.597 Is it gonna be Antz or Racing Arizona? 59:24.617 --> 59:25.858 I need another Antz vote, man. 59:25.898 --> 59:26.578 Come on. 59:26.898 --> 59:33.282 I know you need another Antz, but I'm a Coen Brothers fan, so I'm gonna have to go with your partner, I'm afraid. 59:33.922 --> 59:38.485 Well, listen, Andy, thanks very much indeed for your call, and, er, hope you have a good time at, er, Stephen Fretwell's gig. 59:38.505 --> 59:47.810 So, wait, this is it, er, Xanthe, you've failed to understand the mechanics of Ditties in the Dock, because I've already won, I mean, it's impossible for- Well, Beth, Beth might have- let's see, shall we see out of camera? 59:47.830 --> 59:49.011 Yeah, let's get Beth on the line anyway. 59:49.091 --> 59:49.752 Hey, Beth, how you doing? 59:50.372 --> 59:52.153 I'm a- You're- Hello? 59:52.593 --> 59:53.254 She's- Hello? 59:53.414 --> 59:54.154 Oh, no, she's there. 59:54.194 --> 59:55.055 Are you on your mobile? 59:55.075 --> 59:56.356 Have you got your radio on, Beth? 59:56.676 --> 59:58.597 Um, yeah, I'm on my dad's mobile. 59:58.737 --> 01:00:00.058 Are you on your dad's mobile? 01:00:00.118 --> 01:00:00.978 What model has he got? 01:00:02.079 --> 01:00:03.480 Um, Dad, what is your phone? 01:00:05.359 --> 01:00:05.579 Yeah. 01:00:06.200 --> 01:00:07.120 I didn't mean to start this. 01:00:07.140 --> 01:00:07.400 Motorola. 01:00:07.700 --> 01:00:08.721 Motorola, nice. 01:00:09.462 --> 01:00:09.902 That's good. 01:00:09.962 --> 01:00:12.043 I haven't made any comic capital out of that. 01:00:12.523 --> 01:00:13.284 Cornish is one. 01:00:13.884 --> 01:00:14.485 Dizzy's in the dock. 01:00:14.505 --> 01:00:16.566 But out of curiosity, which one were you going to vote for? 01:00:17.324 --> 01:00:21.347 I was going for, um, even though my dad wanted me to vote for Racing Arizona. 01:00:21.387 --> 01:00:28.692 You see, Xanthi, if you put Beth before Andy, it would have been too all, and Andy's call would have become a kind of amazingly tense tiebreaker. 01:00:29.072 --> 01:00:30.694 But you've buggered it up, haven't you? 01:00:30.714 --> 01:00:31.614 Get out. 01:00:31.754 --> 01:00:32.215 Just get out. 01:00:32.255 --> 01:00:32.635 Get out. 01:00:33.215 --> 01:00:34.276 Take the headphones off and get out. 01:00:34.296 --> 01:00:37.198 Beth, tell Xanthi to get out. 01:00:37.278 --> 01:00:38.119 Beth, tell her to get out. 01:00:40.123 --> 01:00:41.123 That sounded quite scary. 01:00:41.143 --> 01:00:42.704 Get your dad to tell her to get out as well. 01:00:42.724 --> 01:00:43.864 It sounded like she really meant it. 01:00:44.324 --> 01:00:48.426 Beth, thank you very much indeed for your call, and thanks to everyone who called in. 01:00:48.446 --> 01:00:50.086 I'm sorry we can't offer you a prize, Beth. 01:00:50.847 --> 01:00:51.127 Can we? 01:00:51.487 --> 01:00:52.507 Unless you want a copy of... Not really. 01:00:52.527 --> 01:00:53.488 You can have a copy of Heat. 01:00:53.508 --> 01:00:55.428 You can have a copy of Heat in our playlist for this week. 01:00:55.468 --> 01:00:56.048 Or yesterday's son. 01:00:56.809 --> 01:00:59.390 But I don't suppose you do want that. 01:00:59.470 --> 01:01:01.270 But thank you very much indeed for calling anyway. 01:01:01.810 --> 01:01:02.271 So that's it. 01:01:02.791 --> 01:01:06.112 Yeah, we'll be back next week, the same time, with more stuff. 01:01:07.032 --> 01:01:09.334 Um, yeah, more- I'm excited about the Coldplay thing. 01:01:09.474 --> 01:01:11.315 Coldplay it again, I'm- I think that's gonna be a good feature. 01:01:11.335 --> 01:01:12.016 A new competition. 01:01:12.256 --> 01:01:13.577 A new, exciting feature. 01:01:13.697 --> 01:01:16.699 And we're gonna leave you with Pete Seeger with the theme from Raising Arizona. 01:01:16.719 --> 01:01:17.860 It's called the Goofin' Off Suite. 01:01:17.900 --> 01:01:18.320 I love this. 01:01:18.440 --> 01:01:19.161 And thanks for listening. 01:01:19.321 --> 01:01:19.501 Yeah. 01:01:19.521 --> 01:01:20.602 We'll see you same time next week. 01:01:20.742 --> 01:01:21.443 Love you, bye! 01:01:34.888 --> 01:01:38.409 Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee 01:02:08.951 --> 01:02:09.011 you 01:02:41.018 --> 01:02:41.118 you 01:03:28.284 --> 01:03:28.985 XFL.