WEBVTT 00:10.797 --> 00:11.697 Oh, it's exhausting. 00:11.717 --> 00:13.218 But uplifting! 00:13.438 --> 00:17.760 That's Razorlight with Kirby's house, and before that you heard Athlete with 24 hours. 00:18.200 --> 00:24.382 This is Adam and Joe on XFM, except it's... I'm sorry about this, but it's just me this week. 00:24.683 --> 00:24.943 Adam. 00:25.623 --> 00:26.443 There's no Joe. 00:26.743 --> 00:27.304 He's gone. 00:27.464 --> 00:29.985 I got an email earlier this week. 00:30.945 --> 00:34.206 Just yesterday, in fact, saying, hi, Ad. 00:34.746 --> 00:36.466 Listen, I've got to go out to L.A. 00:36.927 --> 00:40.528 over the weekend to have a meeting about this script I'm writing. 00:41.108 --> 00:42.208 So can you do the show? 00:42.588 --> 00:43.668 I obviously thought that was it. 00:43.928 --> 00:50.690 It was a kind of joke, a sort of sick joke at the expense of, you know, maybe my career or our career. 00:51.310 --> 00:52.611 It turns out to be true. 00:53.071 --> 00:55.772 And he's really having a meeting in L.A. 00:56.232 --> 00:56.912 about a film. 00:57.492 --> 01:01.155 I mean, for God's sake, I don't know what the film's about, but it can't be very good. 01:01.695 --> 01:07.359 I think the whole thing's a bit off, to be honest with you, because I've taken time off from this show before and Joe's covered for me solo. 01:08.139 --> 01:12.222 But the only thing I ever did was, like, go to a wedding or a music festival. 01:12.623 --> 01:15.104 I didn't have any meetings in LA about films. 01:15.585 --> 01:18.727 I just think that he's kind of shoving something in my face there. 01:19.227 --> 01:29.210 Anyway, I hope it's going well for you, Joe, and, um, I'm really happy to be here on my own, and I'll do my best, but obviously it's a bit disappointing. 01:29.250 --> 01:39.053 You know, when you tune- if you're a regular listener, you watch a show or you listen to a show, you tune in, and there's a key component of that program missing, your heart sort of sinks, and you think, oh, no! 01:39.653 --> 01:40.814 It's not going to be as good. 01:41.234 --> 01:42.055 But, listen, stick with it. 01:42.075 --> 01:43.216 I'm going to do my best for you. 01:43.576 --> 01:45.417 I sympathise with that feeling, incidentally. 01:45.457 --> 01:51.982 It's like when you tune into Jonathan Ross on Radio 2 and you hear Mark Lamarr's voice coming out and you think, oh, God. 01:52.662 --> 01:54.904 And then it's even worse if it's Mark Steele there as well. 01:54.944 --> 01:58.086 You just think, oh, for goodness' sake, that's the end of my Saturday. 01:58.526 --> 02:04.971 Anyway, in honour of the fact that Joe isn't here, I'm going to do a kind of Tony Blackburn-style weepy playlist. 02:04.991 --> 02:06.172 Yeah, I've got a few free plays. 02:06.512 --> 02:09.014 All of them are about being lonely or being alone. 02:09.574 --> 02:11.656 OK, but they're good, lonely and alone songs, right? 02:11.696 --> 02:12.476 Don't worry about it. 02:12.496 --> 02:15.418 Um, and we've got some great music, as usual. 02:15.598 --> 02:16.299 How do you pronounce this? 02:16.359 --> 02:16.919 Guillemots? 02:17.420 --> 02:17.900 Guillemots. 02:18.060 --> 02:18.620 Guillemots. 02:18.861 --> 02:19.901 What does Guillemots mean? 02:19.921 --> 02:22.343 Oh, Guillemots. 02:22.743 --> 02:24.404 I don't... I'm not... I wasn't good at French. 02:24.425 --> 02:24.745 I don't know. 02:24.825 --> 02:25.425 Guillemots. 02:25.846 --> 02:27.767 I suppose it's something to do with words, isn't it? 02:28.207 --> 02:34.732 M-O-M-O-T-S meaning words in French, and guille presumably being something... It says underneath Guillemots. 02:35.152 --> 02:35.692 Guillemots. 02:36.713 --> 02:38.754 I don't... I'm the last person you should ask. 02:38.774 --> 02:39.614 Gill in Malts. 02:39.894 --> 02:42.535 Yes, it is actually transcribed in phonetic underneath. 02:43.195 --> 02:43.936 Trains to Brazil. 02:44.036 --> 02:45.296 That's the one we're going to be playing shortly. 02:45.356 --> 02:46.656 And a bit of Block Party we've got coming up for you. 02:46.997 --> 02:48.037 Anyway, loads of good music. 02:48.277 --> 02:49.737 Plus, you know, we've got competitions. 02:49.777 --> 02:52.598 Don't think just because Joe Cornish isn't here, everything grinds to a halt. 02:53.119 --> 02:54.479 Oh, no, I've got a competition. 02:54.519 --> 02:56.540 I've got celebrity regression therapy. 02:57.020 --> 03:02.262 I might have to hypnotise myself for celebrity regression therapy, but we'll work it out somehow. 03:02.682 --> 03:05.583 And I think... And we've got Ditties in the Dock, as usual, this week. 03:06.283 --> 03:12.907 You know, I'll be putting up both the, uh, the tracks myself, and I'll be arguing with myself about which one to play. 03:13.427 --> 03:14.688 But, uh, don't worry about it. 03:14.748 --> 03:16.609 It's more or less what my life is like normally. 03:16.789 --> 03:21.552 I talk to myself, I argue with myself, and I hate myself, uh, to a certain degree. 03:21.632 --> 03:24.113 So, uh, it's business as usual here on XFM. 03:24.133 --> 03:27.435 So let's play some music, and, uh, this is Block Party. 03:28.536 --> 03:29.236 Oh, it's not Block. 03:29.316 --> 03:29.697 There we go. 03:29.977 --> 03:31.378 You see, I'm- it's no problem. 03:31.418 --> 03:32.578 I'm still pressing the wrong buttons. 03:32.798 --> 03:33.659 It's business as usual. 03:46.276 --> 03:48.638 Ricky and Steve 04:04.429 --> 04:16.457 don't uh don't hesitate to get in touch 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9 and you can talk to uh lovely lila who's our regular producer here on the show give us a shout out lila 04:17.568 --> 04:20.950 This is like, see this is what happens when you haven't got your friends with you. 04:20.990 --> 04:24.492 You revert to very bad radio mode. 04:25.012 --> 04:27.694 And Adam, hello, Adam's helping us out this week. 04:27.734 --> 04:28.194 Say hi. 04:29.175 --> 04:29.575 Hello. 04:29.775 --> 04:30.255 Exciting. 04:30.536 --> 04:33.277 So it's kind of the Adam, Adam and Lila show this week. 04:34.338 --> 04:37.720 You know, I was getting so desperate just while Block Party was playing there. 04:38.280 --> 04:43.745 that I started getting Adam to find out interesting facts on the internet that I could read out. 04:43.785 --> 04:49.990 That's how- that's what happens, you see, is you revert to a really bad impression of a radio show. 04:50.310 --> 04:56.115 So I got him to find out why apples go brown, cos I was eating an apple, it was going brown and- oh Christ. 04:56.596 --> 05:01.460 And the reason apples go brown is cos they've got- what was it? 05:01.480 --> 05:04.422 I am containing cells. 05:04.762 --> 05:06.084 I am containing cells. 05:07.142 --> 05:08.203 This is going well, isn't it? 05:08.764 --> 05:10.807 Also, uh, Gilemots, right? 05:11.487 --> 05:12.048 You don't care. 05:12.088 --> 05:16.414 I know you don't care what Gilemots are, but I'm going to play a song by a band called Gilemots right now. 05:16.934 --> 05:21.600 So, uh, you know, I asked and people told me kindly, they're birds, all right? 05:22.721 --> 05:25.462 Er... they... what was the interesting fact? 05:25.702 --> 05:29.164 The Guillemot lays a single pear-shaped egg on their nesting ledge. 05:29.624 --> 05:34.786 The pear shape means the egg rolls in a tight circle so it will not roll off the Guillemot's narrow ledge. 05:35.606 --> 05:40.968 See if you can figure out what that has to do with this song by the band of the same name. 05:41.448 --> 05:43.409 Here's Guillemot's with trains to Brazil. 05:54.076 --> 05:54.456 Gosh. 05:55.757 --> 05:56.598 That's extraordinary. 05:56.718 --> 05:58.299 Trains to Brazil from Guillemots. 05:58.759 --> 06:00.440 There's a lot going on there, isn't there? 06:00.520 --> 06:08.485 It started to swing halfway through and then it carried on swinging and, uh, boy, I bet Robbie Williams likes that, um, the swinging and everything. 06:08.525 --> 06:10.447 I'm not so sure about that level of swinging, though. 06:10.967 --> 06:12.088 Still, it's intriguing. 06:12.208 --> 06:14.489 You couldn't take an album of that swinging, though, could you? 06:14.509 --> 06:16.170 Of that insane swinging? 06:16.671 --> 06:18.012 Anyway, uh, someone 06:18.712 --> 06:26.478 Texted in or emailed in and they wanted to know about my phone obviously last week I lost my phone and it threw me off quite badly. 06:26.498 --> 06:32.943 I came in and I was really You know disoriented Disorientated discombobulated. 06:32.963 --> 06:38.807 I don't know Anyway, it was really awful and it just it just made me think I'll know what am I gonna do? 06:38.847 --> 06:41.549 my whole weekend is ruined now and I can't have any fun and I 06:42.109 --> 06:44.071 It threw me into a terrible misery. 06:44.572 --> 06:56.624 But Alex Zane, who was on the show before, had the genius idea of sending a text to my phone that said, if you find this phone, please call this number for a cash reward. 06:57.305 --> 07:03.169 OK, didn't specify what the cash reward was, just so I could get out of having to give someone a lot of money if they did find it. 07:03.669 --> 07:06.031 But I just thought, well, what are the chances of anyone actually finding that? 07:06.051 --> 07:13.976 So anyway, as soon as I left the radio show last weekend, I went to Victoria Street and went to the mobile phone shop. 07:14.716 --> 07:19.680 and did all the business of trying to cancel my account and get a new phone and it was a nightmare. 07:20.001 --> 07:28.147 Why do they only hire like the stupidest people in the entire world to work at shops where you really need fast efficient service, you know? 07:28.167 --> 07:36.895 Where it would really help your life a great deal if you actually had someone intelligent to talk to and instead you've got these barely conscious school leavers mumbling at you and stuff. 07:38.136 --> 07:41.898 Can you, what sort of, how many, how often will you use the phone? 07:41.918 --> 07:43.940 I don't know, I just, I want a phone. 07:43.980 --> 07:44.961 Can you give me a phone? 07:45.361 --> 07:46.081 I'll pay for it. 07:46.102 --> 07:48.743 How many texts do you set? 07:48.844 --> 07:51.065 I don't know, I'm not really a big texter. 07:51.465 --> 07:52.746 What sort of rate were you on? 07:52.846 --> 07:58.691 I don't know what rate I was on, I just want a phone and I want it now and I'm gonna kill you if you don't give me one. 07:59.451 --> 08:05.053 I actually lost my temper with one guy and then found a much nicer girl in the O2 shop who was very helpful. 08:05.073 --> 08:06.673 But still, I was there for a couple of hours. 08:06.733 --> 08:07.554 It was a nightmare. 08:07.894 --> 08:19.757 And then, anyway, when I got home, I found there was a message on my answering machine from a guy who had found my phone and had called the number, just as Alex Zane predicted would happen. 08:19.777 --> 08:20.578 It was amazing. 08:20.918 --> 08:21.618 But what a jerk. 08:21.658 --> 08:28.380 I should have just checked my phone, you know, checked my answering machine first to see if anyone had found it rather than actually going out. 08:28.860 --> 08:32.123 and buying a new phone and cancelling the other account. 08:33.544 --> 08:35.525 Anyway, it was kind of a nightmare. 08:35.705 --> 08:38.607 But at least I got my phone back and I did get it hooked up again. 08:38.628 --> 08:46.754 I just got my old account back, cancelled the new one, didn't have to pay for it, but it took a really long time and I had to speak to a lot of very stupid people to arrange it. 08:46.774 --> 08:48.155 A lot of people I owed to. 08:50.458 --> 08:58.449 Um, yeah, I just- I need to cancel my- this, uh, account that I just set up. 09:06.423 --> 09:08.765 Yes, uh, maiden name, okay, right, do all that. 09:09.185 --> 09:16.610 Okay, thank you very- And once they're satisfied that it's really you, once you've been to the- through the security procedure, then you get the exciting- Thanks very much, yeah. 09:16.750 --> 09:19.272 Thank you very much, Mr. Box, for speaking today. 09:19.312 --> 09:20.653 How may I help you today? 09:21.573 --> 09:22.854 And then, wow, you're through. 09:22.934 --> 09:24.475 He's actually using your name. 09:24.595 --> 09:26.957 And then you can start the negotiations. 09:26.977 --> 09:28.177 Oh, it's miserable. 09:28.318 --> 09:29.859 Anyway, I found it, so it all ended happily. 09:29.899 --> 09:31.280 And Alex Zane is a kind of genius. 09:31.560 --> 09:33.821 And now what I've done is I've printed out with Dymo tape. 09:33.841 --> 09:35.002 You remember Dymo tape, right? 09:35.843 --> 09:39.885 I've printed out with Dymo tape, if you find this phone, please call this number for cash reward. 09:39.905 --> 09:43.227 And I've stuck it on the back of my phone, so everything's covered now. 09:43.648 --> 09:48.011 And the guy, the best thing about the whole thing was the look on the guy's face when I gave him the reward. 09:48.351 --> 09:48.631 You know? 09:48.651 --> 09:50.112 I gave him 20 quid. 09:50.232 --> 09:50.953 Is that quite mean? 09:51.733 --> 09:52.655 It's a bit mean, isn't it? 09:53.256 --> 09:53.938 You were on telly. 09:54.318 --> 09:57.364 Well, I know, but I really don't make... I haven't been on telly for a long time. 09:57.404 --> 09:58.326 I don't make that much money. 09:58.366 --> 09:59.348 Do you remember the radio? 09:59.368 --> 10:00.711 Yeah, but I don't make any money from this. 10:00.731 --> 10:02.314 Do you mind trying to say the person's name so they get a name check? 10:02.759 --> 10:05.861 Well, I don't know if he was an XFM listener, but his name was Tony. 10:06.141 --> 10:07.162 So thanks a lot, Tony. 10:07.542 --> 10:13.286 And Tony was so pleased with his cash reward, he almost, literally, he leaned in to give me a hug, but then he just stopped himself. 10:13.786 --> 10:16.108 And he said, thanks so much, I'm just about to go to a party. 10:16.148 --> 10:21.591 It was the 5th of November, you know, and I basically got him a load of drinks, so he was really happy about it. 10:22.132 --> 10:23.673 So that's a kind of happy story, isn't it? 10:23.973 --> 10:27.876 Now, here's the first of my free plays about being lonely, and this is The Silver Jews. 10:28.456 --> 10:32.384 videos on feeling all right 10:41.343 --> 10:41.743 There you go. 10:41.763 --> 10:42.764 That's the Silver Jews. 10:43.384 --> 10:44.005 Honk, honk. 10:44.305 --> 10:45.466 With honk if you're lonely. 10:45.486 --> 10:47.887 This is Adam on XFM. 10:47.987 --> 10:48.567 Joe's away. 10:48.587 --> 10:50.028 I'm sorry about that this weekend. 10:50.429 --> 10:53.030 So I'm here on my own for the next one and a half hours. 10:53.050 --> 10:54.291 But we're going to have some fun anyway. 10:54.311 --> 10:56.372 It's going to be competition time fairly soon, so stick with it. 10:56.412 --> 10:57.673 But first, here's some ads. 10:59.374 --> 10:59.594 XFM. 10:59.614 --> 10:59.854 XFM. 11:23.872 --> 11:25.997 This is XFM. 11:40.131 --> 11:40.872 That's U2. 11:41.472 --> 11:44.755 I keep raising Joe's fader as well, but he's not here. 11:44.775 --> 11:45.615 It's just me. 11:46.436 --> 11:47.857 U2 with City of Blinding Lights. 11:47.877 --> 11:53.922 This is Adam Buxton flying solo this week on XFM for the next hour and a bit and 25 minutes, whatever. 11:54.662 --> 11:59.346 And we're going to have a competition very shortly after I play this next song by The Like. 11:59.526 --> 12:02.448 I've never heard of The Like, so I'm very excited to hear their song. 12:02.868 --> 12:09.393 And we had a text in from someone saying that Gila Marks apparently is also commonly used to mean quotation marks. 12:10.194 --> 12:10.654 I don't know. 12:10.935 --> 12:16.719 That's probably why they call themselves Guillemots rather than after the bird with the pear-shaped eggs. 12:17.399 --> 12:18.020 I would imagine. 12:18.240 --> 12:18.861 I'm just guessing. 12:19.081 --> 12:19.461 I don't know. 12:19.901 --> 12:22.864 Anyway, um, did you see Peep Show last night, Adam? 12:22.944 --> 12:23.324 Posse? 12:24.004 --> 12:24.605 Peep-Peep Show? 12:24.785 --> 12:26.847 I was, uh, out seeing Chris Addison do stand-up. 12:26.987 --> 12:28.408 Chris Addison doing stand-up. 12:28.448 --> 12:28.768 Wow. 12:28.828 --> 12:31.070 Spoilt for comedy riches you were. 12:31.450 --> 12:32.371 But you missed Peep Show. 12:32.391 --> 12:33.071 It was good. 12:33.091 --> 12:33.552 I'm sorry. 12:33.632 --> 12:35.093 I used to love the old Peep Show. 12:35.373 --> 12:37.174 Well, the new one is just as good as the old one. 12:37.775 --> 12:41.957 If you haven't seen Peep Show, listener, then you should really check it out. 12:42.037 --> 12:43.338 I think I was initially put off. 12:43.678 --> 12:51.243 The first series of Peep Show I found kind of hard work, all the point of view stuff and the fact that everyone in it is slightly creepy in some way. 12:51.884 --> 12:57.207 But actually, the second series was amazing and this third one looks as if it's going to be very good as well. 12:57.347 --> 12:59.769 Produced by Robert Popper, who did Look Around You. 13:00.349 --> 13:23.980 little interesting TV fact for you there he's a new producer on the show and I was pleased as well because they got a crack in about the orange ads at the cinema in there as well which Joe would have been pleased about if he hadn't been in LA taking meetings about his film anyway let's play some music and after this we will have celebrity regression therapy I will be regressing myself into the role of 13:25.160 --> 13:30.535 a mystery Hollywood star and his films, and all you have to do is guess which films they are. 13:30.575 --> 13:32.039 That's coming up after the like. 13:42.779 --> 13:43.579 Lady rock. 13:44.040 --> 13:46.961 That's what I say and what I mean by the like. 13:47.421 --> 13:48.261 This is XFM. 13:48.341 --> 13:51.763 I'm Adam Buxton and it's competition time right now. 13:51.783 --> 13:56.865 It's celebrity regression therapy this week and I am going to regress myself. 13:56.885 --> 13:58.625 This has never been done as far as I'm aware. 13:59.105 --> 14:02.227 I don't believe anyone has ever regressed themselves live on air before. 14:02.327 --> 14:05.388 So it's an exciting first for you listeners this week. 14:06.288 --> 14:17.693 I'm going to regress myself into the mind and the films of a famous Hollywood star and you just have to guess who that Hollywood star is and what the three films are that I will regress myself into. 14:18.254 --> 14:27.218 Once you've figured that out, call 0871 222 1049 and we've got some good prizes to give away this week for anyone who gets through and gets it right. 14:27.798 --> 14:29.959 Stuart Lee DVDs, oh yeah. 14:30.359 --> 14:32.462 Stuart Lee's stand-up comedian DVD. 14:32.922 --> 14:35.245 First ever live DVD, it says on the cover. 14:35.265 --> 14:39.230 I might have to nick myself one of these, cos I should think it's extremely good. 14:39.290 --> 14:40.772 He's kind of a genius, Stuart Lee. 14:41.292 --> 14:45.898 And it says, the cleverest, funniest, most cliche-free comedian on the circuit. 14:46.238 --> 14:46.959 Ricky Gervais. 14:47.019 --> 14:49.561 It's got the Gervais endorsement, like Peep Show. 14:49.982 --> 14:53.685 Basically, if you've got the Gervais endorsement these days, you're home free, you know? 14:53.965 --> 14:54.846 It's great. 14:54.966 --> 14:58.089 I think he's endorsing all kinds of things, and all of them are very good. 14:58.830 --> 15:08.899 Jerry Springer, the opera, we've also got on DVD, so you could win a copy of that, as well as Stuart Lee's stand-up comedian DVD, if you can guess who I am regressing myself into right now. 15:13.368 --> 15:18.149 Okay, now I've got to calm myself right down. 15:19.129 --> 15:24.571 Calm down, I'm calming down, and I'm entering a kind of Zen-like trance. 15:25.871 --> 15:34.053 I'm taking myself back, back before I was on TV, when my life was empty and meaningless. 15:34.893 --> 15:51.287 Back before then, before school, before I met Joe Cornish, before I started masturbating, and before everything meaningful in my life happened, I'm now a tiny baby. 15:51.607 --> 15:52.788 I'm a tiny baby. 15:52.968 --> 15:54.529 And now I'm a fetus. 15:56.391 --> 15:59.994 And I'm now entering a trance like Satan. 16:00.194 --> 16:02.916 When I click my fingers, I will wake up. 16:03.897 --> 16:09.040 in the role of a Hollywood star and in the film of one of those stars. 16:09.180 --> 16:12.723 Here I go. 16:13.323 --> 16:14.023 I'm in a room. 16:15.024 --> 16:16.645 It's a white room. 16:17.205 --> 16:25.350 I'm in a white room and judging by the stainless steel knick-knacks in the room and what have you, I would say it was a doctor's office. 16:25.650 --> 16:26.651 Slappy-pappy. 16:26.831 --> 16:32.695 I'm in a real doctor's office and I'm doing some kind of eye test to determine my readiness for the mission. 16:33.215 --> 16:43.569 Oh brother beyond I can't even see half the letters on the board, but I'm gonna I'm gonna uh, you know, keep quiet about it I won't admit that I can't see the letters cuz I'm craggy and I'm proud you got me? 16:43.929 --> 16:47.794 I'm stubborn kinda and craggy like a rock face or some burnt broccoli. 16:48.075 --> 16:49.376 Oh, yeah burnt broccoli. 16:49.556 --> 16:49.857 Okay 16:50.017 --> 16:51.158 Calm down, calm down now. 16:51.198 --> 16:54.759 Just bring yourself out of that state, Adam Buxton. 16:55.280 --> 17:01.723 And when I click my fingers, you will be regressed into another film role of this famous Hollywood actor. 17:02.183 --> 17:02.643 Are you ready? 17:03.044 --> 17:03.324 Yeah. 17:03.804 --> 17:04.184 Okay. 17:04.845 --> 17:05.345 Here we go. 17:06.823 --> 17:10.265 I'm in a forest, or what have you, and I'm chasing after someone. 17:10.485 --> 17:12.946 That's something I do a great deal of, as a matter of fact. 17:13.246 --> 17:14.207 I chase a lot of people. 17:14.267 --> 17:15.927 I do it nicely though, you understand me? 17:15.967 --> 17:17.588 I'm craggy, don't get me wrong. 17:17.928 --> 17:21.210 I got a face like burnt broccoli, but I'm basically a nice guy. 17:21.450 --> 17:29.134 This time I'm running around in a forest after the fella that had relations in a lift with the lady from the film that poked fun at Japanese people. 17:29.654 --> 17:31.014 Oh, it's dull, certainly. 17:31.294 --> 17:33.215 It's dull out here, and I'm no stranger to dull. 17:33.455 --> 17:41.497 I've been in more dull situations than you could shake a basket at, but I'm craggy and sympathetic, kinda, so I keep getting myself into those situations. 17:41.937 --> 17:53.999 Okay, I'm coming out of that regression right there, and I'm preparing to enter the final brief regression of this celebrity regression therapy segment here on the show. 17:54.039 --> 17:57.860 I'm gonna click my fingers and enter one last film right now. 17:59.252 --> 18:01.394 I'm in a tunnel with a lesbian. 18:01.794 --> 18:02.275 It's hot. 18:02.775 --> 18:03.796 Slappy pappy. 18:04.116 --> 18:04.657 There we go. 18:04.777 --> 18:05.898 Very short one there. 18:06.458 --> 18:08.219 Tunnel, hot, lesbian. 18:08.720 --> 18:09.981 And that's it. 18:10.281 --> 18:12.723 Now all you have to do is call 08712221049. 18:14.725 --> 18:20.950 If you knew who the actor was that was in those films and what those films were, call now. 18:21.650 --> 18:23.452 We'll be back after these messages. 18:46.744 --> 18:47.444 Love music. 18:48.165 --> 18:48.825 Love XFM. 19:04.512 --> 19:05.593 The Arctic Monkeys. 19:05.613 --> 19:07.254 It was only number one for a week. 19:07.694 --> 19:08.795 Oh, it was a good song, though. 19:08.835 --> 19:10.215 I bet you look good on the dance floor. 19:10.255 --> 19:11.576 This is Adam Buxton on XFM. 19:12.036 --> 19:15.798 Right in the middle of an exciting solo regression therapy. 19:18.666 --> 19:30.030 Now, before the break, I was regressing myself into the films, the three films featured this week of this week's celebrity Hollywood film star. 19:30.270 --> 19:36.232 We've got a couple of people on the line now who think they know who that film star might be and what those films were. 19:36.272 --> 19:37.913 So let's talk to Savvy right now. 19:37.973 --> 19:38.713 Savvy, how you doing? 19:39.033 --> 19:39.614 I'm cool, thanks. 19:39.694 --> 19:40.255 How are you? 19:40.595 --> 19:41.336 I'm cool, too. 19:41.356 --> 19:45.181 Um, and you are a politics student, is that right, Savvy? 19:45.201 --> 19:47.064 Politics student for my sins, yeah. 19:47.224 --> 19:47.825 Okay, good. 19:48.466 --> 19:50.869 And, um, what are you up to this afternoon? 19:51.209 --> 19:53.750 I'm going shopping with my mum in a very cool way. 19:54.070 --> 19:55.370 Whereabouts are you going to go shopping? 19:55.530 --> 19:57.571 I think we're going into Bromley this afternoon. 19:57.911 --> 19:58.211 Nice. 19:58.651 --> 19:59.591 Lovely. 19:59.731 --> 20:00.812 Well, listen, have a good time. 20:00.832 --> 20:01.492 I hope it goes well. 20:01.572 --> 20:05.013 And are you fairly confident about this celebrity regression? 20:05.253 --> 20:06.333 Only because my mum told me. 20:06.633 --> 20:07.313 Your mum? 20:08.054 --> 20:09.094 Is she a kind of genius? 20:09.793 --> 20:13.816 She is a kind of genius and she fancies this person, so... Does she? 20:13.896 --> 20:16.177 Well, funnily enough, so does our producer, Lila. 20:16.438 --> 20:20.160 I don't know what it is, cos he's cranky and he's got a face like burnt broccoli. 20:20.861 --> 20:25.484 Anyway, Savvy, who do you think it is and who do you think the... What do you think the films are? 20:25.724 --> 20:32.308 I think it's Tommy Lee James and I think the films were The Hunted, Men In Black and The Cutative. 20:33.029 --> 20:33.749 Men In Black. 20:34.670 --> 20:37.852 What made you think that was Men In Black or what made your mum think it was Men In Black? 20:38.172 --> 20:38.733 Well, I don't know. 20:40.632 --> 20:44.755 You're not trying very hard to convince me that you're properly engaged in this competition. 20:44.775 --> 20:45.896 I am, I am, really, really. 20:45.916 --> 20:45.956 OK. 20:46.176 --> 20:49.078 I think it is, I don't know, I guessed it was Men in Black. 20:49.398 --> 20:51.960 Well, let's see, let's see if I snap out of my train. 20:51.980 --> 20:55.022 I'm not even going to bother to do that because I'm on my own and it's too complicated. 20:55.542 --> 20:58.644 I can tell you that you're partly correct. 20:59.145 --> 21:03.268 It is Tommy Lee Jones, but it's, there's no Men in Black involved. 21:03.788 --> 21:06.410 But however, you are, what was, what were the other films you said? 21:06.690 --> 21:33.499 the hunted and the fugitive wrong wrong you see you're right on the hunted correct on the hunted the film where he chases Benicio del Toro who is of course the man who was supposed to have had relations with Scarlett Johansson in the lift and apart from that you're you're wrong I'm afraid still savvy you sound nice and you know you're involved in politics and you're trying to make the world a better place so I'm gonna send you Stuart Lee's stand-up comedian DVD and Jerry Springer the Opera anyway okay 21:35.020 --> 21:35.800 How nice is that? 21:35.940 --> 21:36.541 You're lovely. 21:36.681 --> 21:37.381 Thanks very much. 21:37.401 --> 21:37.821 So are you. 21:37.961 --> 21:38.581 Thanks for calling. 21:38.801 --> 21:39.082 Hi. 21:39.262 --> 21:40.642 Now, Michael, are you there? 21:40.662 --> 21:41.242 Hello, mate. 21:41.262 --> 21:42.243 How are you doing? 21:42.603 --> 21:43.103 I'm good, thanks. 21:43.363 --> 21:44.143 Are you in the pub? 21:44.164 --> 21:45.984 No, I'm in the car, actually. 21:46.124 --> 21:46.945 You're in the car. 21:47.385 --> 21:47.645 Good. 21:48.105 --> 21:50.426 No, you should never get the two confused. 21:50.446 --> 21:51.466 It would be a disaster. 21:52.307 --> 21:54.968 Michael, you're a TV editor, is that right? 21:54.988 --> 21:55.968 Like a VT editor? 21:56.408 --> 21:57.068 Yeah, that's right, yeah. 21:57.329 --> 21:58.369 What sort of shows do you edit? 21:59.239 --> 22:01.180 I'm working on a place in the sun at the moment. 22:01.441 --> 22:02.121 Are you really? 22:02.141 --> 22:02.842 I am. 22:02.862 --> 22:05.843 You know what, my sister-in-law works on a place in the sun. 22:06.364 --> 22:07.845 No, what's her name? 22:07.945 --> 22:08.365 Harriet. 22:09.045 --> 22:09.686 No, I don't know her. 22:09.906 --> 22:11.287 No, she's very attractive. 22:11.887 --> 22:12.488 Of course she is. 22:12.648 --> 22:15.890 If I wasn't married to her sister, I'd try and marry her. 22:16.530 --> 22:19.532 Anyway, Michael, so you know it's Tommy Lee Jones, right? 22:19.952 --> 22:20.112 Yeah. 22:20.573 --> 22:22.214 And do you know what the films are? 22:22.975 --> 22:43.178 I'm guessing it's space cowboys space cowboys correct the eye test you remember that the classic eye test scene with him and Clinton all the rest of the old farts Absolutely Did you see that film I did yes quite boring yes very bad very disappointing And what was the other one the lesbian in the tunnel? 22:43.998 --> 22:44.558 Volcano. 22:44.678 --> 22:45.399 Volcano. 22:45.759 --> 22:58.323 It's that great scene where they're trapped in the sewers and there's lava coming up pumping through the sewers and he's there with Anne Heche, who I sort of rather unkindly and pathetically described simply as a lesbian. 22:58.583 --> 22:59.923 Of course there's more to her than that. 23:00.263 --> 23:01.444 She's a Nazi lesbian. 23:01.844 --> 23:03.664 Anyway, that's absolutely correct. 23:03.724 --> 23:04.785 Congratulations, Michael. 23:05.185 --> 23:05.645 Thank you. 23:05.925 --> 23:07.265 Wow, who's cheering in the car? 23:07.726 --> 23:08.906 That's my friend in the car. 23:09.668 --> 23:10.008 Excellent. 23:10.228 --> 23:10.969 What's the name of your friend? 23:10.989 --> 23:11.889 Simon. 23:11.929 --> 23:14.170 He rang through as well with the answers, but he didn't get through. 23:14.210 --> 23:14.570 Unlucky. 23:15.150 --> 23:15.950 Tough luck, Simon. 23:15.970 --> 23:19.792 Well, listen, maybe you and Simon can share out the DVD booty. 23:20.252 --> 23:24.814 You've got Stuart Lee, stand up comedian and Jerry Springer, the opera on its way to you. 23:24.914 --> 23:26.674 Thanks very much indeed for phoning, Michael. 23:27.114 --> 23:27.254 Cheers. 23:27.294 --> 23:28.375 What are you up to this weekend? 23:29.015 --> 23:32.197 Um, funnily enough, I'm just going to sit down for a Tommy Lee James triple bill. 23:32.517 --> 23:33.578 No, what are you saying? 23:33.918 --> 23:36.879 Those very free films, that's how we knew the answer. 23:37.219 --> 23:38.640 Well, have a fantastic time. 23:39.020 --> 23:39.441 I will do. 23:40.041 --> 23:41.462 And thanks very much indeed for your call. 23:42.216 --> 23:42.716 There you go. 23:43.056 --> 23:44.697 Celebrity solo regression therapy. 23:44.717 --> 23:46.078 I don't think I'll do that again. 23:46.498 --> 23:47.999 It's too complicated on my brain. 23:48.219 --> 23:48.699 It hurts. 23:49.179 --> 23:50.640 Now I'm gonna play another free play. 23:50.680 --> 23:54.102 This is my second lonely free play this week. 23:54.142 --> 23:56.703 And you can't really do lonely free plays without playing this one. 23:57.043 --> 23:59.064 This will take us into the second hour here on XFM. 23:59.364 --> 24:01.085 This is Adam Buxton and this is the police. 24:13.470 --> 24:15.654 Yeah, that's the police with Sue Lawley. 24:16.516 --> 24:19.141 That was a joke that Adam made. 24:19.342 --> 24:19.963 Not me, Adam. 24:20.344 --> 24:21.706 Adam, who helps us out on the show. 24:21.726 --> 24:23.209 There you go, Adam. 24:23.269 --> 24:25.293 I admit that it was your joke. 24:27.190 --> 24:28.171 Sue Lawley. 24:28.651 --> 24:29.191 Made me laugh. 24:29.691 --> 24:31.352 Anyway, this is Adam Buxton. 24:31.392 --> 24:34.914 I'm on my own this week because Joe Cornish is in Los Angeles. 24:34.934 --> 24:37.716 He says he's having a meeting about his film. 24:37.736 --> 24:39.396 I don't know if I believe him. 24:39.496 --> 24:42.378 We'll ask him next week if it was all true anyway. 24:42.458 --> 24:45.219 Second hour, coming up, we've got some more fantastic music. 24:45.780 --> 24:52.984 I did a kind of mashup of Franz Ferdinand and this track that sounds exactly like their single, Walk Away. 24:53.384 --> 24:55.125 I'm sure you know what it is already. 24:55.845 --> 25:00.946 But I kind of did it in honour of Joe's mash-up that he did a few weeks ago of, um... What was it? 25:01.186 --> 25:02.346 What's their other single called? 25:03.767 --> 25:05.487 The one that sounded exactly like Go West. 25:05.507 --> 25:07.127 Do you do you wanna? 25:07.208 --> 25:08.568 Do you do you wanna? 25:09.008 --> 25:11.809 And Joe mashed it all up right with Go West. 25:11.889 --> 25:16.189 It was wicked and, um, it was like, totally blew everybody's mind, right? 25:16.209 --> 25:19.590 So I tried to do the same thing cos I'm a bit of a loser in that way. 25:20.030 --> 25:21.431 Anyway, that's all coming up in the next hour. 25:21.571 --> 25:22.111 I'll be right back. 25:24.011 --> 25:27.214 Love music, love XFM 26:02.383 --> 26:02.484 you 26:11.215 --> 26:12.295 Yeah, deal with that. 26:12.935 --> 26:14.676 Jenny was a friend of mine, that's the killers. 26:14.696 --> 26:16.936 This is Adam Buxton on XFM. 26:18.797 --> 26:31.239 I'm here on my own this week because Joe's away and so I'm on my own and I'm playing lots of songs Tony Blackburn style in honor of the fact that Joe's away and I miss him and I'm alone. 26:31.259 --> 26:33.440 I'm going to be playing the third of my 26:34.100 --> 26:42.023 Lonely free plays very shortly, but first I want to play my mashup Yeah of Fred and Ferdinand and the model by Kraftwerk. 26:42.203 --> 26:48.805 It sounds the same, you know, first of all first you had the Single do do you wanna do you do you wanna? 26:49.605 --> 26:57.828 Which actually Joe more than myself was convinced sounded exactly like go West's we close our eyes did Sam quite I mean the riff was more or less the same 26:58.902 --> 26:59.923 They go elsewhere with it. 27:00.383 --> 27:03.686 And this one as well, you know, does some different things. 27:03.726 --> 27:09.971 It's not exactly like the model, but I'm telling you, it's the same tempo, and they fit together pretty well. 27:10.011 --> 27:16.657 I mean, I did a fairly crude mashup, yeah, because I've not really got a lot of mashup skills, and I haven't got like the mashup software, right? 27:16.717 --> 27:18.359 So I just did my best with what I had. 27:19.039 --> 27:22.022 But it wasn't too difficult to make them fit together fairly well. 27:22.943 --> 27:25.525 You know, if there's any professional mashers out there, 27:25.985 --> 27:30.707 I would really enjoy receiving a proper mashed up version of these two songs. 27:30.847 --> 27:33.168 If you send it in to us, I'd be happy to play it. 27:33.188 --> 27:34.368 It's gotta be good though, okay? 27:34.648 --> 27:36.509 This is my version right now, see what you think. 27:37.129 --> 27:39.390 And tell me that these songs don't sound the same. 28:03.780 --> 28:21.775 I love the sound of you walking away, you walking away From the scar of leads now blackened 28:27.495 --> 28:46.336 yeah yeah come on they're quite similar aren't they they fit together like um a couple of um bits of a jigsaw that fit together really well anyway yeah so i'm serious you know if anyone does want to uh do a proper good mashup job on that i think that's how children speak these days isn't it yeah 28:46.716 --> 28:46.936 OK, good. 28:47.336 --> 28:50.758 Then, um, please go ahead and do that and send it in to us here at XFM. 28:51.418 --> 28:51.998 What's the address? 28:52.038 --> 28:52.958 Why are you giggling, Lila? 28:53.139 --> 28:54.879 It's just, like, that's how kids speak, like that now. 28:55.239 --> 28:56.400 Well, I'm quite old. 28:56.600 --> 28:59.041 I've got to check how kids speak, cos I don't really know. 28:59.081 --> 29:02.082 I've got kids, obviously, but they don't... Oh, like that with your hand. 29:02.282 --> 29:03.162 Go, like, what? 29:03.402 --> 29:03.923 Flick your top... 29:05.583 --> 29:06.063 Right, right. 29:06.244 --> 29:08.345 That's like the guy in Halfords I saw this week. 29:08.706 --> 29:16.632 I went to get a new car stereo, and Halfords in Brixton, I don't know if you're familiar with Halfords in Brixton, anyone, but it's not very good. 29:17.273 --> 29:26.761 Like, it's always empty, and I can't figure out, like, I've always wondered, like, is it empty because, uh, you know, but they never have any staff there, basically. 29:26.781 --> 29:28.142 You have to hang around for ages. 29:28.662 --> 29:53.731 if you want any help whatsoever with anything and I'm always thinking like have they just not got many staff on because it's empty or is it empty because they haven't really got enough staff on and people are fed up of just going in there and not being served for five hours and so I went and hung around the stereo section for ages no one was there and I was kind of looking around hopefully and then this guy kind of sidles up and I assumed that he was also in the market for a stereo 29:54.531 --> 29:58.695 he was looking very casual and didn't seem to have any sort of Alford's uniform on. 29:59.335 --> 30:01.977 So I didn't say anything to him and he didn't say anything to me. 30:01.997 --> 30:05.200 And then after a while he just goes, your car will help you. 30:06.121 --> 30:12.026 So I was like, oh right, yeah, yeah, I wanna buy one of those iPod friendly stereos for my car. 30:12.466 --> 30:14.888 He goes, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, we got none, we ain't got none. 30:15.709 --> 30:16.230 I said, really? 30:16.250 --> 30:18.732 And he said, yeah, no, we haven't got one. 30:20.394 --> 30:21.195 I'll check for you. 30:22.156 --> 30:28.664 So he goes over to his computer very reluctantly and taps away on his computer for about ten minutes or something. 30:29.885 --> 30:31.487 And then he goes, yeah, yeah, we have got one. 30:32.948 --> 30:34.789 I said, right, could I, could I buy it? 30:35.189 --> 30:35.809 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 30:36.369 --> 30:38.530 I said, can you, er, can you install it? 30:39.350 --> 30:39.490 No. 30:40.110 --> 30:41.451 We do normally, but no, no. 30:41.791 --> 30:49.013 Can't do it, cos it's, it's just me here today, you know, so it's... Right, er, we can do it next week, maybe, you know. 30:49.413 --> 30:52.935 Friday or Saturday we do the iPod ones, you know. 30:53.175 --> 30:55.255 By that time I just got very angry. 30:55.615 --> 30:56.436 I just left. 30:57.316 --> 31:01.418 But I'm pretty sure, I don't know if that was an off day for Halfords Brixton. 31:02.118 --> 31:03.138 I'm pretty sure it wasn't. 31:03.559 --> 31:05.179 Anyway, I digress. 31:05.339 --> 31:07.320 I'm going to play another lonely classic right now. 31:07.340 --> 31:08.160 This is Bob Dylan. 31:08.881 --> 31:12.442 We were talking about the fact that we don't feel there's enough Bob Dylan on XFM. 31:12.482 --> 31:16.444 And this is a lovely track from a classic Bob Dylan album, Blood on the Tracks. 31:16.464 --> 31:18.184 This is You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go. 31:29.497 --> 31:34.181 Not too many songs on the XFM playlist, name checking for lanes and Rambo. 31:35.542 --> 31:37.003 Not Sylvester Stallone, the poet. 31:37.484 --> 31:38.865 Oh, I don't know. 31:39.045 --> 31:42.308 That was Bob Dylan with You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go. 31:42.328 --> 31:45.391 He's Adam Buxton on my own this week on XFM. 31:45.871 --> 31:46.972 Joe Cornish is away. 31:46.992 --> 31:52.917 I'm gonna just stop talking about that now because you know he's away and I'm gonna sound as if I'm obsessed. 31:53.357 --> 31:58.262 or something just because he's having a meeting in LA about this film. 31:58.742 --> 32:00.003 I couldn't care, to be honest. 32:00.844 --> 32:04.748 Why would you care about the film and the meeting and being in LA? 32:05.589 --> 32:06.349 I don't care at all. 32:07.853 --> 32:23.420 couple of bit of housekeeping things I was gonna say I was gonna give out an address for if anyone ever wanted to send us mashups or whatever you like you send us what you want I don't care nude nude pictures that kind of thing why not what no nude pictures 32:23.712 --> 32:25.152 You're married, you have children. 32:25.412 --> 32:26.913 I know, that's the whole point of nude pictures. 32:26.933 --> 32:30.314 They can send them to me, I will then, I will then, you know, screen them for you. 32:30.474 --> 32:31.034 Yeah, all right then. 32:31.794 --> 32:33.894 Well, I don't want nude men pictures, though. 32:34.515 --> 32:35.515 Anyway, what's the address? 32:35.995 --> 32:40.436 Uh, the address, I should actually... I don't know, but that might be a bit better. 32:40.456 --> 32:40.936 Oh, it's XFM. 32:40.996 --> 32:41.156 XFM. 32:41.176 --> 32:41.836 30 Leicester Square. 32:42.016 --> 32:42.216 Yeah. 32:42.436 --> 32:45.497 London, WC2H7LA. 32:46.377 --> 32:48.938 WC2H7LA. 32:49.258 --> 32:51.499 H, H. H. No, I like it. 32:51.739 --> 32:53.059 Did you used to say H from Steps? 32:55.604 --> 32:56.865 Oh, I never talked about Steps. 32:57.205 --> 32:57.445 What? 32:57.465 --> 32:58.246 I hate Steps. 32:58.706 --> 32:58.906 Why? 32:58.926 --> 33:01.968 Apart from- Oh, no, that was- All the ABBA, all the- That was Escarp. 33:01.988 --> 33:03.409 I just realised I got them confused. 33:03.709 --> 33:07.732 I mentioned H from Steps in my, er, celebrity round-up report. 33:07.852 --> 33:10.133 I've done a kind of celebrity report thing. 33:10.473 --> 33:11.554 Lyla, are you excited to hear it? 33:13.155 --> 33:37.314 I thought because Joe was away I might be able to bring in some things that didn't exactly get vetoed but things that he didn't seem very excited about and I always wanted to do like a celebrity report thing on this show okay and I remember pitching the idea to Joe and to Carl as well who you know was producing Ricky's faces show and Carl just looked appalled about the idea Carl doesn't like anything 33:37.808 --> 33:40.268 No, he just sort of shook his head and goes, oh, that's not going to work. 33:40.569 --> 33:41.229 No, no, no. 33:41.609 --> 33:43.309 You can't have, like, sketches right in the middle. 33:43.329 --> 33:43.869 No, it doesn't work. 33:43.889 --> 33:44.549 People don't like it. 33:45.269 --> 33:47.590 So he may well be right, but that's not going to stop me playing it. 33:47.970 --> 33:51.210 You've got about half an hour till Ditty's and Doc, so we can talk about it. 33:51.390 --> 33:53.151 Yeah, OK. 33:53.231 --> 33:53.771 Right, music. 33:54.011 --> 33:56.491 Here are the White Stripes with the Denial Twist. 33:56.551 --> 33:59.852 If you think that a kiss is on the lips, come on. 34:00.292 --> 34:02.853 You got it all wrong, man. 34:02.873 --> 34:04.973 But you were hearing a different song. 34:06.294 --> 34:06.534 Wow. 34:06.754 --> 34:08.796 That's the White Stripes with the denial twist. 34:08.836 --> 34:11.918 Had some friends who went to see them at Crystal Palace this week. 34:11.958 --> 34:12.678 Is it Crystal Palace? 34:13.018 --> 34:13.739 Alexandra Palace. 34:14.459 --> 34:17.501 And apparently they were spectacular. 34:17.702 --> 34:18.122 Very good. 34:18.322 --> 34:19.803 And my friends went backstage as well. 34:20.343 --> 34:21.204 I met Jack and Meg. 34:21.484 --> 34:23.625 Said they were really fantastically nice. 34:23.826 --> 34:26.868 And Meg was extraordinarily attractive. 34:27.328 --> 34:28.068 Which I can believe. 34:28.148 --> 34:31.070 I've got quite a soft spot for Meg. 34:31.791 --> 34:33.092 And pale, says Lila. 34:33.752 --> 34:49.022 on a post-it she is pale uh that's i like that i like pale girls um anyway that sounds quite creepy doesn't it okay that was the white stripes and uh this is adam buckston on xfm uh we'll be back after these uh adverts 35:16.886 --> 35:16.967 XFM. 35:32.546 --> 35:33.086 Yep, yep. 35:33.247 --> 35:35.888 That's the Dead Sixties with Riot Radio. 35:36.048 --> 35:37.910 This is Adam Buxton on XFM. 35:38.750 --> 35:43.834 So I ran my little sketch there, my celebrity gossip sketch, past Lila. 35:44.154 --> 35:45.115 Sort of played it to her. 35:45.695 --> 35:47.176 Didn't go down that well. 35:47.877 --> 35:48.857 She didn't really laugh. 35:49.498 --> 35:53.140 She started giving me practical suggestions for how it could be improved. 35:53.500 --> 35:54.941 And that's when you know you're in trouble. 35:55.382 --> 35:55.722 That's my job. 35:56.042 --> 36:04.845 I know, I know, but if you had sort of been doubling up laughing and going, that's great, you've got to play that, then obviously it would have been a lot easier just to play it. 36:05.345 --> 36:08.786 But instead you went into professional mode. 36:09.706 --> 36:12.467 And that for me was a vote of no confidence. 36:13.007 --> 36:13.767 But that's fine. 36:14.107 --> 36:14.627 Don't worry. 36:14.747 --> 36:18.168 I think you saved me from myself in that situation. 36:18.708 --> 36:20.809 I was just a bit nervous about coming in on my own. 36:20.849 --> 36:23.230 I thought I should arm myself with some prerecorded stuff. 36:24.150 --> 36:27.532 But, um, maybe I won't play it this week. 36:27.932 --> 36:39.177 Now, we're gonna do Ditties in the Dock fairly shortly, but I've still got a couple of bits and pieces to give away, so maybe I should ask people to phone in, uh, with some very tenuous kind of, uh, competition idea. 36:39.197 --> 36:41.939 I don't know about competition, but I was thinking... 36:42.919 --> 36:47.561 People could, uh, phone in and talk to me about who they have annoyed this week. 36:48.242 --> 36:58.326 Like, you know, as much as you don't want to annoy people, if you're a normal person, it's inevitable every week that you will just annoy one or two people. 36:58.966 --> 37:06.270 Uh, this week I annoyed- generally I annoy people apart from just being myself and I'm probably annoying a few people right now just by existing. 37:07.010 --> 37:10.853 Uh, but apart from that, I annoy people a lot when I'm on my bike. 37:11.273 --> 37:19.678 And I try and be a safe cyclist, you know, and stick to the rules of the road, cause I don't wanna- there's a lot of horrible, jerky cyclists out there, and I don't want to be like one of them. 37:20.399 --> 37:25.582 But with the best will in the world, every now and again, I- I sort of pull out in front of someone or behave like a bit of a jerk. 37:26.422 --> 37:29.303 and then I get some really annoyed looks, you know? 37:29.963 --> 37:36.264 People just hate me, the hate that comes off them when I do something bad on a bike, which I totally sympathise with. 37:36.664 --> 37:45.786 Bad cyclists are the worst because they're totally, oh, they're awful, they're arrogant, and they're dreadful, and so I completely sympathise. 37:46.346 --> 37:50.727 But, yeah, I annoyed some people this week, a couple of motorcycle guys. 37:51.227 --> 37:53.248 It was a sort of a mixed blessing, really, cos I thought, well, 37:54.088 --> 37:59.889 You know, you hate me, but then I hate you because you're a motorcycle guy and they're a whole separate problem as well. 38:00.249 --> 38:04.670 Anyway, give me a call if you've annoyed someone, not deliberately, okay? 38:04.710 --> 38:07.351 I don't want, like, deliberate annoyers to call in. 38:07.691 --> 38:13.232 But if you annoyed someone by accident and you sort of felt bad about it, maybe give me a call, 08712221049. 38:15.272 --> 38:19.373 I'd like to hear how you annoyed that person and what you did to annoy them. 38:20.753 --> 38:24.934 And, you know, if it's nice talking to you, I'll reward you with some stuff. 38:25.294 --> 38:31.556 So I've got some more Stuart Lee DVDs to give away, and I'd be happy to send one to you if you are sufficiently engaging. 38:31.576 --> 38:32.336 0871-222-1049. 38:32.576 --> 38:41.919 Now I'm going to play the final of my three plays about loneliness, and it's another lonely classic. 38:41.999 --> 38:42.899 It's Al Green. 38:54.861 --> 38:56.923 That's Al Green with Tired Of Being Alone. 38:57.163 --> 38:59.545 I'm playing that in honor of Joe Cornish. 38:59.605 --> 39:02.287 He would have liked that song if he was here. 39:02.307 --> 39:03.448 But he's not. 39:03.488 --> 39:04.089 He's in L.A. 39:04.349 --> 39:05.550 and he'll be back next weekend. 39:06.571 --> 39:11.535 Now, I'm going to talk to a couple of people right now who tell me that they've been annoying people this week. 39:11.776 --> 39:13.837 I want to find out why and how. 39:14.098 --> 39:14.898 Sarah, are you there? 39:14.918 --> 39:16.079 Hi, I am. 39:16.099 --> 39:17.260 How are you doing, Sarah? 39:17.521 --> 39:17.961 I'm good. 39:18.321 --> 39:19.242 Who have you been annoying? 39:19.823 --> 39:20.563 My boyfriend. 39:20.863 --> 39:21.344 In what way? 39:22.398 --> 39:25.810 and I just keep pretending to miss seeing him deliberately. 39:25.830 --> 39:26.553 So much fun. 39:27.538 --> 39:28.818 Like, can you give me an example? 39:30.239 --> 39:38.221 Yeah, we were cooking the other night and he kept burning things and he asked me quickly for the fry pan and I stood there looking stupid going, wok? 39:38.682 --> 39:39.462 And he goes, the fry pan? 39:39.502 --> 39:39.962 I said, wok? 39:40.162 --> 39:41.122 And he goes, the fry pan? 39:41.142 --> 39:41.642 I went, wok? 39:42.343 --> 39:44.923 Until it actually did drive him quite mad. 39:45.204 --> 39:46.084 I can understand. 39:46.784 --> 39:52.766 Did he just get very angry with you and walk out or did he start to shove you or anything? 39:53.186 --> 39:55.827 He looked really straight faced at me and went, that's really annoying. 39:55.847 --> 39:56.367 And I went, oh no. 39:57.045 --> 40:23.788 how long have you been going out together about a year and a half it's that difficult stage isn't it where you feel as if things are sufficiently solid that you can start doing things like that whenever he says oh you look really nice in that top i'll be like sorry i said you look really nice in that top i'll be like sorry he's like you just want me to keep saying that don't you wow you should be careful sarah and did you have you started doing all this recently or is this something you always did with him about the year mark you start with this 40:24.235 --> 40:24.455 Yeah. 40:24.695 --> 40:27.056 So he's dealt with six months of this kind of behavior. 40:27.636 --> 40:27.896 Yeah. 40:28.116 --> 40:28.937 You're testing him. 40:29.017 --> 40:29.917 Are you very attractive? 40:29.937 --> 40:31.138 Sorry? 40:31.378 --> 40:32.498 Are you extremely attractive? 40:32.518 --> 40:33.118 Sorry? 40:33.778 --> 40:34.259 Oh, yeah. 40:34.399 --> 40:35.219 She's doing it to me. 40:35.299 --> 40:35.599 That's okay. 40:35.619 --> 40:36.439 You're pretty annoying. 40:36.459 --> 40:39.681 I'm assuming that you are extremely attractive and that's why he's putting up with it. 40:40.181 --> 40:42.322 But I want to give you some advice from a man. 40:43.822 --> 40:45.563 Don't do it very much more. 40:45.583 --> 40:45.923 Okay. 40:47.163 --> 40:48.644 Because it'll end in tears. 40:49.524 --> 40:51.504 So thanks very much indeed, Sarah, for calling in. 40:51.625 --> 40:55.306 You are certainly quite annoying in that way, and I sympathise with your boyfriend. 40:55.626 --> 40:58.927 And as a reward for him, I'm going to send you Jerry Springer the Opera on DVD. 40:58.987 --> 40:59.487 Oh, wow, thanks. 40:59.727 --> 41:00.287 Hope you enjoy it. 41:00.347 --> 41:00.927 It's a smash. 41:01.847 --> 41:02.728 They tried to ban it. 41:03.028 --> 41:04.788 It's very misunderstood, Jerry Springer the Opera. 41:04.808 --> 41:12.110 There are loads of people getting up in arms about it because they are determined to find it blasphemous in a way that it's not really intended to be. 41:12.811 --> 41:13.711 And I'm just sort of... 41:14.651 --> 41:17.232 Doing a little spiel on behalf of Stuart Lee there, basically. 41:17.252 --> 41:17.872 It's worth seeing. 41:18.353 --> 41:19.593 Anyway, now let's see. 41:19.633 --> 41:20.353 Let's talk to someone else. 41:20.413 --> 41:20.994 Matt, are you there? 41:21.494 --> 41:22.034 Hello, Adam. 41:22.274 --> 41:22.834 How are you doing? 41:23.214 --> 41:23.835 Yeah, very good. 41:24.135 --> 41:25.435 Yeah, very good, thanks very much. 41:25.475 --> 41:27.556 I'm sort of relieved to be in the last 25 minutes. 41:27.616 --> 41:29.537 It's quite nerve-wracking being on my own, you know. 41:29.557 --> 41:31.198 Don't worry, you've got over the worst of it. 41:31.418 --> 41:32.118 Thanks a lot, man. 41:32.358 --> 41:34.239 Now listen, who have you been annoying this week and how? 41:34.861 --> 41:36.682 Well, it was this morning really. 41:36.722 --> 41:39.284 I was getting a bit hungry. 41:39.324 --> 41:47.190 I pulled in and parked illegally whilst I went off to a popular chicken fast food outlet. 41:48.030 --> 41:59.879 And was, you know, being hurried about it and got my food and came back to my car and quite dismayed finding myself getting a ticket now. 42:00.159 --> 42:01.360 I actually applied it. 42:03.615 --> 42:04.916 So I'm thinking, what do I do? 42:04.936 --> 42:07.338 I've got food in one hand and keys in the other. 42:08.038 --> 42:10.300 I thought, um, I'm just going to drive off. 42:11.020 --> 42:16.064 So hopefully he's not going to get into too much trouble, but I'm sure he gets it all the time. 42:16.104 --> 42:18.506 So therefore maybe a little bit more immune to it. 42:18.546 --> 42:19.306 Oh, that's what I hope. 42:19.747 --> 42:22.829 Surely, surely it's already in the system, as they say. 42:22.849 --> 42:24.630 Sorry mate, it's too late, it's in the system. 42:25.170 --> 42:26.912 I don't know, this is what I'm going to go home and find out. 42:27.788 --> 42:29.730 I wouldn't get your hopes up, man. 42:29.790 --> 42:31.911 They're vicious, those guys. 42:32.132 --> 42:34.974 He would have put your number right in the system as soon as he saw it. 42:34.994 --> 42:46.924 As soon as you went for your chicken, he would have swooped down like a vulture, and he would have been popping your... He was definitely hiding out somewhere, waiting for someone to take it. 42:47.124 --> 42:53.369 The thing is, it was half a space in a parking bay, and then half on double yellow lines. 42:53.629 --> 42:55.370 I thought, well, you know, it's 50-50 chance. 42:55.390 --> 42:56.411 Worth a try, certainly. 42:56.431 --> 42:56.952 Worth a try. 42:57.572 --> 42:58.112 Man, that's tough. 42:58.192 --> 42:59.493 I don't know what's going to happen. 42:59.633 --> 43:00.834 I just... They're going to get you. 43:01.074 --> 43:02.095 That's what's going to happen. 43:02.155 --> 43:02.475 No. 43:02.695 --> 43:04.276 They're not taking to my windscreen. 43:04.296 --> 43:05.297 I don't think it applies. 43:05.617 --> 43:07.518 Just because basically it hasn't been served. 43:07.858 --> 43:08.438 You know what? 43:08.879 --> 43:12.621 I admire your optimism, but I'm afraid you're going to get a ticket. 43:12.641 --> 43:14.382 It's only day you have to have optimism. 43:14.522 --> 43:30.336 You know what, you just reminded me of a time, this is not ticket related, but I once locked my bike up outside a shop and went in and did some shopping for half an hour, so came back out and there was a guy stood next to my bike looking absolutely furious. 43:30.637 --> 43:35.141 Basically I had locked my bike and his together by accident. 43:35.921 --> 43:38.764 And, oh, man, he was just apoplectic. 43:39.124 --> 43:43.267 And I said, I was genuinely sorry, cos it must have been awfully infuriating, you know. 43:43.307 --> 43:45.048 And I said, listen, I'm really sorry. 43:45.409 --> 43:46.409 He wasn't having it, though. 43:46.469 --> 43:47.890 He's just spitting. 43:47.930 --> 43:50.352 He wanted so much to swear at me and hit me in the face. 43:50.813 --> 43:52.414 But I was being so... Yeah. 43:52.614 --> 43:57.558 No, I was... I didn't know what to say, really, because he was so angry and I felt really bad. 43:57.618 --> 43:58.779 I said, listen, I'm so sorry. 43:59.179 --> 44:03.122 And I was very weedy about it, so he couldn't really hit me, but, man, he wanted to. 44:03.741 --> 44:05.363 He didn't get £20 then. 44:05.723 --> 44:07.064 No, he didn't. 44:07.905 --> 44:10.007 No, I didn't feel it was worth it. 44:10.787 --> 44:14.951 But, listen, Matt, thank you very much indeed for calling and I really hope you don't get a ticket. 44:15.171 --> 44:15.932 Well, me too, me too. 44:16.132 --> 44:17.694 But I think you probably will. 44:17.854 --> 44:23.599 So, to make amends, we're going to send you Jerry Springer, the opera, on DVD and I hope you enjoy it. 44:24.104 --> 44:24.604 Thank you very much. 44:24.825 --> 44:26.066 Have a good weekend, thanks for calling. 44:26.326 --> 44:34.473 Right now we're going to do Dizzy's in the Dock very shortly, but first we've got to play some more music and, well we don't have to, we want to, because that's what it's all about here on XFM. 44:34.934 --> 44:40.539 And we'll play some more ads and then we'll get right into Dizzy's in the Dock for the last 20 minutes here on XFM. 44:52.015 --> 44:57.199 It is like being in the big castle of eyes or something, I don't really know. 44:57.499 --> 45:03.084 That is Sigur Ros with Hoppipola. 45:03.104 --> 45:11.210 It's hard to figure out if they're singing backwards or if that's just Icelandic. 45:11.470 --> 45:12.411 I think it's Icelandic. 45:12.752 --> 45:14.873 Okay, we'll be back very shortly with Diddy's in the Dock. 45:40.701 --> 45:42.838 This is XFM. 45:48.018 --> 45:51.800 It's time for Diddy's in the Dock this Saturday afternoon here on XFM. 45:52.661 --> 45:54.282 Well, Joe's away, obviously, this week. 45:54.402 --> 45:57.264 I'm here on my own, so I'm going to be battling against myself. 45:58.044 --> 46:02.327 So I've chosen a category that I'm very fond of, very close to my heart. 46:03.088 --> 46:09.932 It is shouting classics, by which I mean sort of guitar-based shouting songs that feature shouting. 46:10.532 --> 46:12.614 And I would like you to vote for 46:13.414 --> 46:16.257 either the Sex Pistols with Substitute. 46:16.717 --> 46:25.045 Now this is a track that turns up on the great rock and roll swindle and it's a blistering cover of the song by The Who. 46:25.626 --> 46:30.791 Substitute your lies for fact, see right through your plastic Mac. 46:31.932 --> 46:34.293 I think, you know, that's the way it stands when the Who play it. 46:34.694 --> 46:39.577 But it sounds different, it sounds angry, much angrier when the Sex Pistols play it. 46:40.157 --> 46:49.643 And I like it as well because it features, I'll play you a little sneaky peek, features this little bit of Johnny Lydon at the beginning saying, You don't need permission for anything. 46:50.279 --> 46:53.041 It's just, you know, that's what it's all about, isn't it, kids? 46:53.422 --> 46:57.365 Yeah, get angry, start shouting, and play some rock guitar. 46:57.805 --> 47:01.888 So, vote for Substitute by the Sex Pistols by calling 08712221049. 47:04.070 --> 47:10.956 Or, you can vote for The Pixies with Planet of Sound. 47:11.416 --> 47:17.281 Now, this is a track that comes from their last album, I think it was, Clomp Le Monde. 47:18.385 --> 47:20.587 Which a lot of people didn't rate very highly. 47:20.627 --> 47:24.349 They thought it was the Pixies selling out or I don't know what they thought. 47:24.389 --> 47:26.010 But I always thought it was a smash. 47:26.591 --> 47:31.574 It's really loud and it's insane and it's got lots of good UFO based songs on it. 47:31.974 --> 47:37.678 And lots of top notch shouting from Frank Black, Francis the second or third or whatever he is. 47:38.418 --> 47:40.560 And it's an absolute peach. 47:40.580 --> 47:43.142 I remember it being reviewed in Smash Hits when it came out. 47:43.782 --> 47:48.145 And Smash Hits gave it no stars, none stars and said this is just an unlistenable noise. 47:49.005 --> 47:51.206 And I thought, well, that sounds good to me. 47:51.706 --> 47:54.906 I want you to vote for Planet of Sound by the Pixies. 47:55.686 --> 47:59.227 Or substitute by the Sex Pistols to play out the show today. 47:59.247 --> 48:00.487 0-8-7-1-2-2-2-1-0-4-9. 48:00.827 --> 48:03.488 We'll take the best of five calls to find out who wins. 48:04.088 --> 48:07.069 And either way, I'm a winner as far as I can figure out. 48:07.149 --> 48:10.029 So let's play some more music and we'll come back with some votes. 48:10.289 --> 48:14.210 It's the Sex Pistols or the Pixies here on XFM after this. 48:26.527 --> 48:28.128 Yeah, that's quite good shouting there as well. 48:28.168 --> 48:29.029 Julian Casablancas. 48:29.469 --> 48:32.312 That's The Strokes with Juice Box. 48:32.392 --> 48:38.296 That's the first single to be taken from their forthcoming album, which I believe is out sometime early next year. 48:38.356 --> 48:38.917 Is that right? 48:39.878 --> 48:41.479 Yeah, sometime January the 2nd. 48:41.799 --> 48:42.760 I'm very excited about that. 48:43.040 --> 48:43.921 Anyway, Dizzy's in the Dark. 48:48.510 --> 48:56.175 The choice this week is between Pixies with Planet of Sound and the Sex Pistols with their cover of Substitute. 48:56.796 --> 48:58.357 We've got Richard on the line. 48:58.397 --> 48:59.297 Hey, Richard, how you doing? 48:59.738 --> 49:02.059 Hey, I'm dying from lack of sleep at the moment. 49:02.319 --> 49:03.120 Dying from lack of sleep? 49:03.160 --> 49:03.840 What have you been doing? 49:04.761 --> 49:10.385 One of my flatmates broke a string on my guitar, so I spent all night playing music as loudly in my room as possible to keep him up. 49:11.226 --> 49:12.667 You sound sort of insane. 49:13.327 --> 49:15.408 Yeah, I really love people, you know. 49:15.428 --> 49:17.590 I'm a really likeable guy, as you can tell. 49:17.941 --> 49:18.181 Yeah. 49:18.381 --> 49:19.182 So what? 49:19.202 --> 49:23.785 They broke a string on your guitar, so to punish them, you kept them awake all night. 49:24.345 --> 49:25.006 Yeah, more or less. 49:25.206 --> 49:26.247 You're frightening. 49:26.567 --> 49:27.487 What are you going to vote for? 49:27.507 --> 49:28.988 A smash of pixies. 49:29.269 --> 49:30.049 Pixies. 49:30.389 --> 49:30.670 Come on. 49:30.690 --> 49:32.231 Did you like that last album, Troublemond? 49:32.811 --> 49:33.091 I did. 49:33.431 --> 49:34.292 It's a smash, isn't it? 49:34.312 --> 49:34.992 It is. 49:35.153 --> 49:36.874 Can't argue with the power of the pixies. 49:37.214 --> 49:38.075 Thanks very much, Richard. 49:38.455 --> 49:41.177 And maybe it's time to forgive your flatmates now. 49:41.317 --> 49:42.337 Just a bit of advice. 49:42.758 --> 49:43.418 I'll leave that with you. 49:43.878 --> 49:44.739 Claire, are you there? 49:44.759 --> 49:45.339 Hi. 49:45.399 --> 49:45.800 Yeah, hi. 49:46.374 --> 49:46.894 How are you doing? 49:46.914 --> 49:47.815 All right, thank you. 49:47.855 --> 49:48.496 Good to see you. 49:48.736 --> 49:49.776 Yeah, I'm very well, thank you. 49:49.796 --> 49:50.597 Are you missing Joe? 49:50.917 --> 49:52.098 I am missing Joe, you know? 49:52.118 --> 50:03.666 I mean, it's easy to take Joe for granted in my life, but now he's making that difficult by sort of having lots of exciting career-changing opportunities, which obviously make me slightly insecure and jealous. 50:03.686 --> 50:05.007 Do you think he'll come back to you? 50:05.288 --> 50:06.548 I've no idea, Claire. 50:06.929 --> 50:09.471 It's a very, it's a difficult time for me and Joe. 50:10.291 --> 50:19.060 Hollywood beckons and no one is beckoning me except The pub anyway, what are you gonna vote for? 50:20.722 --> 50:22.764 Yeah, come on, do you know the tray familiar with the track? 50:23.404 --> 50:23.485 Oh 50:25.618 --> 50:27.080 It's a very different kettle of cod, though. 50:27.120 --> 50:28.741 The Who's one is good. 50:28.761 --> 50:33.146 There's no arguing with that, but the Sex Pistols one really is pretty good. 50:33.947 --> 50:34.788 Anyway, thanks for your vote. 50:34.948 --> 50:35.388 Cheers, Claire. 50:35.568 --> 50:41.374 Oh, incidentally, we're sending everyone who calls a copy of Milo's album, Destroy Rock and Roll. 50:41.394 --> 50:42.716 This is a sort of real sleeper. 50:42.736 --> 50:46.439 This has been around for a while, this album, but people are... You what? 50:47.080 --> 50:48.141 Oh, it's just been reissued, has it? 50:48.962 --> 50:49.883 There you go, that's why. 50:50.083 --> 50:51.223 Well it is, it's a good album. 50:51.283 --> 50:56.046 Sort of, you know, chunky, meaty, electronic-y rubbish. 50:56.386 --> 50:57.187 Good though, good rubbish. 50:57.887 --> 50:59.408 Now let's see, James, are you there? 50:59.928 --> 51:00.128 Yep. 51:00.729 --> 51:01.489 How you doing, James? 51:02.009 --> 51:02.610 Not bad, you? 51:02.850 --> 51:03.430 Yeah, very good. 51:03.450 --> 51:04.391 You sound business-like. 51:05.211 --> 51:05.471 No. 51:05.892 --> 51:06.192 No? 51:07.192 --> 51:07.833 I promise. 51:08.013 --> 51:09.133 What are you up to this weekend? 51:09.153 --> 51:13.376 No, I'm in work tomorrow, so I'm gonna take it easy today. 51:13.396 --> 51:14.016 Yeah, what's your job? 51:14.036 --> 51:15.397 Working on a bank. 51:15.896 --> 51:16.757 You work in a bank. 51:16.777 --> 51:18.438 And you have to go in on Sunday. 51:18.458 --> 51:19.238 That's a drag, isn't it? 51:19.258 --> 51:22.120 I thought the whole point of working in a bank was that you wouldn't have to go in on the weekend. 51:22.500 --> 51:24.502 That's what I thought, but I was allowed to. 51:24.842 --> 51:25.102 Yeah. 51:25.322 --> 51:26.743 Well, don't nick anything. 51:26.863 --> 51:29.325 That's such a lame thing to say to someone who works in a bank, isn't it? 51:29.625 --> 51:30.886 Anyway, James, what are you going to vote for? 51:30.946 --> 51:33.207 Is it the Pixies or Sex Pistols? 51:33.687 --> 51:34.428 The Pixies. 51:34.648 --> 51:35.108 Yeah. 51:35.208 --> 51:35.409 Come on. 51:35.429 --> 51:35.829 Are you a fan? 51:36.601 --> 51:40.803 Not really, I just don't like the Sex Pistols, so... That's the lesson to evil. 51:41.263 --> 51:41.923 All right, good one. 51:41.983 --> 51:43.104 Cheers, James, thanks for your call. 51:43.424 --> 51:44.785 So, pixies ahead by one. 51:45.025 --> 51:49.267 We need another vote for the Sex Pistols, otherwise it's all over for John Lydon and his crew. 51:49.787 --> 51:50.087 Jack? 51:50.767 --> 51:51.668 Jack, yeah, hello. 51:51.768 --> 51:52.408 How you doing there? 51:52.948 --> 51:53.949 I'm good, I'm good. 51:54.209 --> 51:54.469 Excellent. 51:54.489 --> 51:54.849 I'm geed up. 51:55.269 --> 51:55.970 Yeah, you geed up? 51:56.630 --> 51:57.450 Well, kind of. 51:57.690 --> 51:58.050 Massive. 51:58.831 --> 51:59.811 And what are you up to this weekend? 52:01.032 --> 52:01.852 Nothing much, really. 52:02.052 --> 52:03.673 I'm going to be writing, writing a lot. 52:04.113 --> 52:08.217 Are you writing something creative or is this writing that you have to do for a course or something? 52:08.958 --> 52:12.941 It's an MA in creative writing, but it's something that I really want to do. 52:12.981 --> 52:13.722 I'm going to write a book. 52:14.183 --> 52:14.943 You're going to write a book? 52:15.284 --> 52:15.544 Wow! 52:15.644 --> 52:17.105 Fiction or non-fiction? 52:17.786 --> 52:18.126 Fiction. 52:18.627 --> 52:19.408 That's fantastic. 52:19.868 --> 52:22.591 Well, listen, if you ever get it finished, send us a copy. 52:24.713 --> 52:24.953 Where? 52:25.765 --> 52:28.967 Well, uh, XFM to... Yeah, it's on the website. 52:29.047 --> 52:30.087 You can find out the address. 52:30.127 --> 52:30.668 Can't they, Lila? 52:30.968 --> 52:31.188 Yeah. 52:31.488 --> 52:31.888 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 52:32.168 --> 52:32.749 Leicester Square. 52:32.769 --> 52:33.649 XFM Leicester Square. 52:33.729 --> 52:34.930 London will probably do. 52:34.950 --> 52:35.750 That'll probably do it. 52:35.990 --> 52:36.951 XFM Leicester Square. 52:36.991 --> 52:37.651 That's where we are. 52:37.931 --> 52:39.592 Everybody knows the XFM, guys! 52:39.912 --> 52:40.553 Send it along. 52:40.833 --> 52:42.434 Anyway, Jack, let's put people out of their misery. 52:42.454 --> 52:43.314 What are you gonna vote for? 52:43.374 --> 52:44.335 Sex pistols or pixies? 52:45.029 --> 52:45.369 Pixies. 52:45.609 --> 52:46.450 Pixies. 52:46.470 --> 52:46.530 Yes. 52:46.911 --> 52:47.731 They take it. 52:48.272 --> 52:49.393 Thanks very much for your call, Jack. 52:49.413 --> 52:51.875 Thanks indeed as well to everyone that called in. 52:52.535 --> 52:55.397 We don't need the fifth caller because it's all over for the Sex Pistols. 52:55.618 --> 52:56.318 That's a shame. 52:56.538 --> 52:59.621 Listen, I'm going to give you a quick blast of it because it really is good. 53:00.962 --> 53:03.964 You don't need permission for anything. 53:04.224 --> 53:04.445 Yeah. 53:07.367 --> 53:09.088 Yeah, right. 53:09.289 --> 53:11.010 That's good stuff. 53:12.331 --> 53:13.192 Angular, crunchy. 53:16.678 --> 53:22.541 Anyway, it's Moot because you voted for the Pixies and you know, you can't go wrong, really. 53:22.581 --> 53:23.741 It's a couple of classic songs. 53:24.141 --> 53:25.042 I'm going to leave you with this one. 53:25.162 --> 53:25.962 It's Planet of Sound. 53:26.002 --> 53:27.403 Thank you very much indeed for listening. 53:27.423 --> 53:28.223 Thanks for calling in. 53:28.623 --> 53:34.166 I'll be back next weekend with Joe Cornish as long as he isn't like having tea with Steven Spielberg. 53:34.946 --> 53:35.306 I love you. 53:35.346 --> 53:35.867 Bye. 53:47.014 --> 54:16.620 We're looking for the broadcaster And when I first talked about This if you told me to leave Was kinda hard to believe Cause there was no one around This ain't the plan of the songs This ain't the plan of the songs This ain't the plan of the songs I had a talented wine 54:17.793 --> 54:39.219 That lack of classical gas Been on the planet of glass And seen me skip into time I got you somewhere renowned For two realms and the color of red Lots of guys that set their heads A ribbon feature a sound, is it the kind of sound? 55:42.713 --> 55:43.215 XSL!