WEBVTT 00:03.476 --> 00:05.317 Well, sounds like the beginning of I'm Not In Love. 00:06.918 --> 00:07.058 Do you? 00:07.098 --> 00:09.700 It's by Godley and Cream. 00:10.401 --> 00:10.701 Yeah. 00:10.741 --> 00:11.101 By 10CC. 00:11.461 --> 00:12.142 No, it's not. 00:12.222 --> 00:15.444 It's the end of Speed Of Sound by the mighty Coldplay. 00:15.784 --> 00:18.086 And before that, you heard Banquet by Blockparty. 00:18.106 --> 00:19.987 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 00:20.127 --> 00:22.709 How many exclusive interviews can there be with Coldplay? 00:23.389 --> 00:24.510 How many have you read recently? 00:24.530 --> 00:25.211 Uh, four. 00:26.175 --> 00:29.656 When does the- when does the- when can you- when do you have to stop using the word exclusive? 00:29.856 --> 00:38.779 I think the term exclusive refers to the fact that the words in your interview haven't turned up in, you know, it's like- So they were- but say Coldplay did a day of interviews. 00:38.839 --> 00:39.099 Yeah. 00:39.539 --> 00:40.160 Ten minutes each. 00:40.540 --> 00:41.620 Fifty journalists. 00:41.660 --> 00:42.480 They'd all be exclusive. 00:42.500 --> 00:43.261 They would all be exclusive. 00:43.281 --> 00:44.541 Because they're not saying exactly the same thing. 00:44.801 --> 00:47.444 Well, they are, but they're saying them to a different journalist. 00:47.464 --> 00:49.186 It's diminished the impact of the word exclusive. 00:49.607 --> 00:50.047 It has. 00:50.268 --> 00:54.733 Yet they still put it really big, for instance, on the cover of Q. Yeah, but a lot of... That's probably a good interview, though. 00:54.933 --> 01:01.060 A lot of magazines, yeah, you would expect that Q would go into some more depth than maybe other people, than we would, for example. 01:01.100 --> 01:02.262 What would you ask Chris Martin? 01:04.604 --> 01:05.766 What's it like? 01:05.786 --> 01:08.489 That's what I would ask. 01:08.729 --> 01:09.870 What's the nipple like? 01:10.011 --> 01:10.291 Don't. 01:10.451 --> 01:12.253 What's wrong with asking that? 01:12.714 --> 01:14.576 Because it's family time. 01:14.596 --> 01:18.641 And you're already sucking on to the key of families. 01:19.181 --> 01:20.042 Nipples. 01:20.122 --> 01:21.504 Families centre around nipples. 01:21.664 --> 01:22.605 Steve Laughs Steve Laughs 01:42.422 --> 01:44.063 And what have we got to give away for that? 01:44.723 --> 01:46.685 We've got, what have we got to give away for that? 01:46.745 --> 01:47.545 Some sort of tickets. 01:47.825 --> 01:55.410 We've got five pairs of tickets, check this out, to see the Star Wars Comedy Night on Monday the 9th of May. 01:55.430 --> 01:58.491 That's this coming Monday at the Comedy Store, which is in aid of comic relief. 01:58.832 --> 02:00.012 And Joe, you're connected to that. 02:00.152 --> 02:04.395 I'm connected to that because I'm going to be presenting some of Adam and my Star Wars 02:04.875 --> 02:07.797 spoof films that we made with little action figures for the Adam and Joe show. 02:08.058 --> 02:19.226 They're gonna- we're gonna be showing four of those, uh, as well as top stand-up from comedians, uh, like, uh, Terry Alderton, Lee Mack, Hattie Hayridge, Scott Capuro, and Mitch Ben. 02:19.947 --> 02:20.988 All Star Wars related. 02:21.248 --> 02:23.249 It's gonna be a laughing nerd-o-rama. 02:23.510 --> 02:24.210 That's excellent. 02:24.450 --> 02:25.291 Have you seen the film yet? 02:25.771 --> 02:25.952 No. 02:26.232 --> 02:29.554 You're gonna talk about your worries, uh, your Star Wars worries later on, aren't you? 02:29.754 --> 02:30.215 Yeah, I might do. 02:30.555 --> 02:31.055 Oh, that's good. 02:31.095 --> 02:32.136 That's something to look forward to. 02:32.556 --> 02:41.123 Also, there's some amazing Bounty Hunter clips that we want to play you just as a plug for the Bounty Hunter, but also they're well worth hearing in their own right. 02:41.283 --> 02:43.744 They've been getting some amazing callers on that show. 02:43.764 --> 02:45.346 That's Christian O'Connell's program. 02:45.846 --> 02:51.790 The Bounty Hunter, of course, is a competition where you basically, if you see someone famous in the street, you get them to call Christian's show and they win. 02:52.290 --> 02:55.733 If you're voted as the best celebrity caller, you win what, ten grand? 02:55.973 --> 03:00.254 The person who got them to ring wins £10,000 and the celebrity gets £5,000 for the charity of their choice. 03:00.274 --> 03:01.035 Did you get that, listeners? 03:01.235 --> 03:01.755 I think you did. 03:02.115 --> 03:06.216 But they've been getting people of a fairly high calibre, like Steven Spielberg. 03:06.317 --> 03:08.517 Poor celebrities, they're having to give it to charity. 03:08.537 --> 03:09.918 This is the accepted wisdom, isn't it? 03:09.958 --> 03:12.239 Celebrities can't win anything, they have to give it to charity. 03:12.519 --> 03:15.139 And some of the people who pass for celebrities these days, they need the money. 03:15.620 --> 03:24.002 And you can see the look of anxiety and depression on Caprice's face when she's won £5,000 on a gunge game and yet it has to go to some sick children's hospital. 03:24.483 --> 03:25.263 She needs the money. 03:25.643 --> 03:28.524 She's- she's probably got- she siphons it off into a charity account. 03:28.885 --> 03:29.805 Celebrity charity. 03:29.825 --> 03:31.346 Um, but who else have they got? 03:31.406 --> 03:32.186 Well, Ronnie Corbett. 03:32.266 --> 03:33.087 That impresses me. 03:33.287 --> 03:35.168 This is people who phoned in for Bounty Hunter. 03:35.228 --> 03:36.668 Anyway, we'll play a few of those later on. 03:37.248 --> 03:38.749 Uh, but stick with us here on XFM. 03:38.789 --> 03:42.811 You can hear all kinds of amazing music from the likes of Ben Folds. 03:42.831 --> 03:43.892 We're gonna be playing later on. 03:43.952 --> 03:45.492 British Sea Power, The White Stripes. 03:45.512 --> 03:47.093 That's an amazing new single from them. 03:47.133 --> 03:48.734 The Magic Numbers, Air, Foo Fighters. 03:49.074 --> 03:53.036 All coming up on the show as well as a few unexpected nuggets from myself and Joe. 03:55.765 --> 03:57.766 That's the killers with smile like you mean it. 03:57.906 --> 03:59.406 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 03:59.966 --> 04:03.567 So this week on Channel 4 at 11.40, it's a new series of comedy labs. 04:03.587 --> 04:04.507 You know comedy labs, Adam. 04:04.527 --> 04:05.288 You've been involved in one. 04:05.528 --> 04:06.968 I certainly was involved in one. 04:06.988 --> 04:11.229 Yeah, they're a kind of way of basically putting pilots for comedy shows on TV, aren't they? 04:11.249 --> 04:13.210 Yeah, experimental, dangerous, new comedy. 04:13.490 --> 04:13.730 Yeah. 04:14.330 --> 04:19.033 Er, and there's one on Tuesday night that I, Joe Cornish, am heavily involved in called Modern Toss. 04:19.193 --> 04:23.495 It's an adaptation of a comic book and I'd like everybody who listens to this show to watch it. 04:23.955 --> 04:29.337 It's at 11.40 on Tuesday the 10th and it's received five red stars from Zoo magazine. 04:29.638 --> 04:30.498 Oh, well done, man. 04:30.778 --> 04:32.719 And a major rave from the Guardian Guide. 04:33.279 --> 04:34.580 And any heat action? 04:34.800 --> 04:35.881 Wholly ignored by heat. 04:36.221 --> 04:37.261 Oh, you're out in the cold. 04:37.341 --> 04:38.722 Mildly dissed by time out. 04:38.942 --> 04:39.962 But it's edgy. 04:39.982 --> 04:40.963 You know, people don't understand it. 04:41.283 --> 05:00.120 yeah it's very very different modern toss but very funny what kind of thing is it a bit of animation bit of uh it's a bit like if the if the mr men were evil yeah uh it would be modern toss there's some animation there's some live action uh some of it's directed by me and it's brilliant did you direct the live action bits or the animation bits or both the live action bits okay 05:00.840 --> 05:03.821 And any humorous people that we might know involved in that? 05:03.841 --> 05:04.661 No, it's got no stars. 05:05.381 --> 05:07.902 It's part of the anti-star movement. 05:08.062 --> 05:09.242 Anti-star movement? 05:09.862 --> 05:10.422 Brilliant! 05:10.462 --> 05:14.503 Listen, besides plugging that, I was just going to talk about, because I went to the launch of all the comedy labs at Channel 4. 05:14.663 --> 05:20.405 They have a special launch, and they get everybody who's involved in, I think, the five shows they've commissioned, or maybe more, six. 05:20.805 --> 05:22.185 And they show a little clip from each. 05:22.545 --> 05:26.006 And so I've now seen a clip from the whole lineup of comedy labs. 05:26.446 --> 05:27.927 And there's another couple I can recommend. 05:28.127 --> 05:29.087 There's one called Whatever. 05:30.327 --> 05:40.613 And the idea is that teenagers, basically very, very stupid teenagers, are given carte blanche, a phrase they wouldn't even understand- The white card. 05:41.494 --> 05:43.475 To invent formats for TV shows. 05:43.975 --> 05:49.178 So they have a focus group with idiot teenagers and they just come up with ideas of stuff they think would be good on telly. 05:49.238 --> 05:49.779 Is this for real? 05:49.819 --> 05:50.559 They do it with real teenagers? 05:50.579 --> 05:51.079 This is for real. 05:51.419 --> 05:54.041 And they've got the most idiotic teenagers you've ever seen. 05:54.301 --> 05:56.723 I could have just looked at the teenagers for half an hour. 05:57.023 --> 05:59.084 They've got the most amazingly gormless faces. 05:59.284 --> 06:01.205 And then do they actually make the shows they come up with? 06:01.245 --> 06:03.507 Well, the genius thing is, like, one of their ideas is chav baiting. 06:03.667 --> 06:07.810 They go, oh, yeah, what about, yeah, what about a show where, oh, what about chav baiting? 06:07.850 --> 06:13.754 Yeah, you go up to a show and you, like, slag off a chav and, er, if they don't eat you, they eat you in a tenner or something like that. 06:13.814 --> 06:13.974 Yeah. 06:14.094 --> 06:17.857 And they don't even, they don't even sculpt these ideas into something really well honed. 06:18.117 --> 06:20.619 They just do exactly what the idiot teenagers have told them. 06:21.139 --> 06:29.682 So this very nice guy called Tom, very good presenter, quite a posh guy, goes out and starts baiting chavs in the street, being fed lines by the teenagers. 06:29.702 --> 06:30.422 Are you following this? 06:30.582 --> 06:30.803 Yeah. 06:31.183 --> 06:33.784 And there's a fantastic near-fight on screen. 06:34.524 --> 06:38.325 I think there's one where they goad Jade Goody with a sausage or something. 06:38.926 --> 06:41.847 But anyway, it was very funny and I recommend that. 06:41.887 --> 06:45.468 It's called Whatever, coming up at some point next week on Channel 4. 06:46.008 --> 06:48.189 And the other one that was brilliant was called I Am Spasticus. 06:49.059 --> 06:49.940 Who's involved in that? 06:50.080 --> 06:59.206 Now, I Am Spasticus takes the sort of trigger happy three non-blondes format, prank, hidden camera, hidden camera pranks, I mean, and applies it with people with physical disabilities. 07:00.007 --> 07:06.191 So there'll be a genuine woman with half an arm, and she'll come running out of the sea, dripping blood from it, shouting about sharks. 07:07.452 --> 07:16.378 There'll be a blind guy, completely blind guy, walks into an off licence with a dildo, saying, this doesn't work, I'd like my money back. 07:16.699 --> 07:17.259 Stuff like that. 07:17.499 --> 07:18.060 Anyone laughing? 07:19.161 --> 07:19.862 It's troubling, isn't it? 07:19.902 --> 07:21.263 It's confrontational, it's disturbing. 07:22.144 --> 07:24.868 And it's challenging our attitudes to the physically disabled. 07:25.949 --> 07:34.160 But the people there, all the people in it, were there and they were all really fantastic and very excited about it and it's genuinely funny and weird and it's a brilliant application of a slightly hackneyed format. 07:34.720 --> 07:38.403 I wonder if the person who came up with it is disabled or not. 07:38.423 --> 07:39.064 Well, Andrew Newman. 07:39.464 --> 07:39.964 Andrew Newman. 07:40.104 --> 07:40.665 He's commissioned it. 07:40.685 --> 07:41.786 He's kind of disabled. 07:41.826 --> 07:43.167 He's the head of entertainment at Channel 4. 07:43.367 --> 07:43.707 Yeah. 07:44.528 --> 07:45.168 That doesn't surprise me. 07:45.188 --> 07:49.752 He commissioned the Friday Night Project and at this party he came up to me and said, so I heard your radio show. 07:49.772 --> 07:51.353 Are you slagging off the Friday Night Project? 07:51.693 --> 07:52.693 I worked very hard on that. 07:53.094 --> 07:53.694 No, did he really? 07:53.714 --> 07:54.274 Yes, he did. 07:54.934 --> 07:57.656 Well, did you tell him that we slagged it off because he should be ashamed? 07:58.016 --> 07:58.876 I sort of did. 07:58.936 --> 08:04.058 I certainly didn't capitulate and say, oh, no, I loved it, now that I'm faced with the person who commissioned it. 08:04.078 --> 08:11.822 Did you say, yeah, we slagged the Friday night project off, and I think we're going to slag off that dreadful pile of rubbish on Sunday afternoons as well. 08:11.862 --> 08:12.342 What's that one called? 08:12.362 --> 08:13.042 Oh, I haven't seen that. 08:13.162 --> 08:13.963 The Sunday accident. 08:14.003 --> 08:14.823 I'm not slagging that off. 08:15.183 --> 08:15.943 I haven't seen it yet. 08:15.983 --> 08:17.924 No, because I love Andrew Newman. 08:17.984 --> 08:18.845 I love everything they commission. 08:19.765 --> 08:20.226 So there we go. 08:20.546 --> 08:21.166 So there we go. 08:21.247 --> 08:25.430 So the comedy labs on Channel 4 1140 every night next week. 08:25.631 --> 08:30.615 Highly recommend mine and highly recommend whatever and I am Spasticus and the rest of them are probably brilliant as well. 08:31.476 --> 08:33.738 Thank you very much Channel 4 and especially Andrew Newman. 08:34.339 --> 08:34.939 This is Andrew. 08:35.279 --> 08:36.140 This is Andrew Newman. 08:36.340 --> 08:37.461 I'll be right back. 08:46.229 --> 08:48.570 It's just Lila, our producer, said tease the comp. 08:48.590 --> 08:49.171 Look at that weather. 08:49.191 --> 08:50.452 Hang on, I've got so much to talk about. 08:50.472 --> 08:52.233 Oh, what's happened out there? 08:52.273 --> 08:53.294 That's a disaster. 08:53.334 --> 08:54.695 It's like the day after tomorrow. 08:54.715 --> 08:57.817 I came in and it was all sunny and now it's like the heavens have opened. 08:57.837 --> 08:58.417 This is a disaster. 08:58.697 --> 08:59.698 Lila said tease the comp. 08:59.858 --> 09:02.740 I just get excited when people use two short words in one sentence. 09:03.060 --> 09:04.541 Lila's quite into her jargon. 09:04.782 --> 09:05.962 Actually, she only said one, didn't she? 09:06.002 --> 09:06.183 Comp. 09:07.003 --> 09:08.964 You do like the radio jargon. 09:09.004 --> 09:10.764 So we're going to tease the comp now. 09:10.804 --> 09:13.745 The comp is... Lila says things like, that was a good crunch and roll link. 09:14.345 --> 09:16.365 Oh, I'd love to crunch and roll with Lila. 09:16.665 --> 09:17.706 What's a crunch and roll link? 09:17.726 --> 09:19.686 I don't know, but I bet Lila's boyfriend knows. 09:21.467 --> 09:22.727 So yeah, this is Alan Mongeau on XFM. 09:22.767 --> 09:23.967 We're with you for another hour and a half. 09:24.027 --> 09:25.028 Coming up in a second. 09:25.428 --> 09:25.688 Crap. 09:26.328 --> 09:26.808 No, what is it? 09:27.068 --> 09:33.811 It's celebrity regression, where you could win tickets to see a night of Star Wars comedy at the Comedy Store on Monday night. 09:34.172 --> 09:36.833 Adam's going to be regressed into the mind and films of a famous film star. 09:37.213 --> 09:38.234 You have to guess who it is. 09:39.074 --> 09:42.856 The phone number for that is 0871 222 1049, when it happens. 09:43.776 --> 09:47.458 Yeah, well, I think maybe we just should play a record and get right into it. 09:47.478 --> 09:47.878 What do you say? 09:49.219 --> 09:49.459 OK. 09:49.700 --> 09:51.622 All right, have you got a little quick thing you want to say? 09:51.882 --> 09:52.403 What about this? 09:52.683 --> 09:52.783 What? 09:52.803 --> 09:54.725 Have you seen that advert for McVitie's Biscuits? 09:55.526 --> 09:56.187 Which one, man? 09:56.247 --> 09:57.849 We make the biscuits, you make the crumbs. 09:58.490 --> 09:58.890 Oh, yeah. 09:58.910 --> 09:59.831 It's a montage of people. 09:59.851 --> 10:00.812 They've just eaten biscuits. 10:00.872 --> 10:05.117 Is that the one with the two sort of underage children more or less just about to get it on, possibly? 10:05.137 --> 10:05.958 Possibly, possibly. 10:06.138 --> 10:07.818 There's crumbs all over the kitchen worktop. 10:08.019 --> 10:09.359 There's crumbs all over a man's jumper. 10:09.379 --> 10:10.979 He's been eating biscuits in his chair. 10:11.059 --> 10:11.280 Yeah. 10:11.480 --> 10:12.480 And she's sweeping off his jumper. 10:12.720 --> 10:13.860 Then there's someone hoovering her bed. 10:13.900 --> 10:15.061 There's crumbs in the bed. 10:15.101 --> 10:15.321 Yeah. 10:15.601 --> 10:17.561 And they sort of tout this as something to be proud of. 10:18.001 --> 10:19.442 We make the biscuits, you make the crumbs. 10:19.722 --> 10:22.543 No, you make the crumbs because you make the biscuits and you make them all crumbly. 10:23.464 --> 10:23.824 Who are you? 10:23.944 --> 10:25.585 Don't blame us for making the crumbs. 10:25.785 --> 10:27.005 Are you getting angry with them? 10:27.025 --> 10:27.725 Yes. 10:27.745 --> 10:30.146 I don't like the way, A, I don't like messy adverts. 10:30.166 --> 10:32.927 We've discussed this before where people are encouraged to make a mess with food. 10:33.087 --> 10:33.387 I agree. 10:33.407 --> 10:36.348 There's another ice cream one where they have fights with lemon meringue ice cream. 10:36.368 --> 10:36.908 Have you seen that? 10:37.408 --> 10:38.188 Oh, that's not on. 10:38.248 --> 10:38.869 I'm glad I haven't. 10:38.889 --> 10:39.749 That's a disgrace. 10:39.789 --> 10:43.170 B, I just don't like the way they blame us for the crumbs, as if the crumbs are charming. 10:43.490 --> 10:44.450 They think the crumbs are charming. 10:44.470 --> 10:49.291 And as if having them in the bed and all over the blooming shop is charming and an idiosyncrasy of McVitie's biscuits. 10:49.611 --> 10:52.492 It's disgusting and they should put more treacle to hold the crumbs in. 10:52.692 --> 10:53.152 I agree. 10:53.172 --> 10:53.752 Let's you're over. 10:53.993 --> 10:54.593 Thanks, man. 10:54.613 --> 10:58.414 I'm going to play the new spoon single. 10:58.474 --> 10:59.414 I'm just so upset. 10:59.514 --> 11:00.574 Don't calm down, Ed. 11:00.654 --> 11:02.575 I can't believe it. 11:02.615 --> 11:03.175 I can't believe it. 11:03.435 --> 11:04.455 Well, talk something out. 11:04.475 --> 11:05.395 They don't know the crumbs. 11:05.495 --> 11:06.376 They know the crumbs. 11:19.132 --> 11:19.753 Is that broken? 11:20.434 --> 11:21.155 Or is it just modern? 11:21.495 --> 11:21.916 It's modern. 11:21.936 --> 11:23.158 It's hard to tell these days, isn't it? 11:23.739 --> 11:25.621 But maybe the modern world is broken. 11:25.882 --> 11:26.222 Hey! 11:26.242 --> 11:27.444 That's an interesting thought. 11:29.072 --> 11:31.433 Is that the kind of insight we can expect from a Modern Toss joke? 11:31.993 --> 11:32.213 No. 11:32.673 --> 11:51.440 So talking of Modern Toss, which I like to, my fantastic comedy lab, Tuesday 1140 Channel 4, I've just had a text from the TV editor of Heat, because I was just saying how Heat had just completely ignored it, even though I spend every single party talking at great length to the TV editor of Heat, trying to be his friend, so that at times like this he'll write nice things about what I do. 11:52.000 --> 11:54.921 He's texted, ''Dear Joe, really, really sorry for ignoring modern toss in Heat. 11:55.341 --> 11:59.322 I'm forbidden from previewing programmes scheduled so late, but it is brilliant.'' 11:59.843 --> 12:00.963 So that's a brilliant from Heat. 12:01.803 --> 12:03.084 Even though they haven't printed it. 12:03.444 --> 12:04.624 If only Heat added the stars. 12:04.644 --> 12:05.744 The stars are what you need, man. 12:05.764 --> 12:07.505 Can you text the stars, Boyd, please? 12:07.525 --> 12:08.705 Five stars. 12:08.945 --> 12:11.986 You know, cos we've never got five stars from the Heat for anything. 12:12.086 --> 12:13.887 We get four stars for this show in Heat. 12:14.447 --> 12:15.568 We never get above four. 12:15.608 --> 12:16.568 And thank you, Boyd, for that. 12:17.328 --> 12:18.949 Cos he's listening, cos he's texting. 12:18.989 --> 12:19.470 Thanks, Boyd. 12:19.990 --> 12:21.411 Maybe Andrew Newman could text us some stars. 12:21.431 --> 12:22.712 That's probably the only two people listening. 12:23.352 --> 12:24.133 Newman and Hilton. 12:24.393 --> 12:27.575 But we should talk less of this business talk, cos it's boring. 12:27.595 --> 12:30.757 We're disappearing up our bottoms again, aren't we? 12:30.777 --> 12:32.798 So here's something that people can understand and join in with. 12:32.939 --> 12:35.000 It's celebrity regression. 12:35.780 --> 12:36.701 Are you gonna cue the thing? 12:37.061 --> 12:37.502 The ding-dong. 12:38.282 --> 12:38.702 The dingle. 12:38.903 --> 12:41.684 The number's 0871-222-1049. 12:41.704 --> 12:46.668 If you can guess which movie star I'm about to regress Adam into the mind and films of, let us... 12:47.308 --> 12:48.208 Set the atmosphere now. 12:48.248 --> 12:48.968 Take a deep breath. 12:50.329 --> 12:51.569 Ring the regression bell. 12:52.449 --> 12:53.450 Take a deep breath at home. 12:53.490 --> 12:54.070 Just relax. 12:55.310 --> 12:55.830 Stay calm. 12:55.870 --> 13:04.012 The sun's now come out here in Leicester Square after the thrashing rain to bring an atmosphere of calm, peace and tranquility for celebrity regression. 13:04.392 --> 13:06.913 Adam, I'd like you to close your eyes, clear your mind of everything. 13:07.433 --> 13:11.034 Empty your head of the two little dirty thoughts that were in it. 13:11.314 --> 13:11.974 Oh, dear. 13:12.194 --> 13:12.954 And just breathe. 13:14.034 --> 13:14.595 And relax. 13:14.635 --> 13:15.595 And I'd like you to drift back. 13:18.679 --> 13:20.480 Back, back, back, back, back, back. 13:24.261 --> 13:24.901 All the way back. 13:25.421 --> 13:28.982 And now I'd like to enter the mind of a film star. 13:30.443 --> 13:33.884 And when you wake up, I'd like you to tell us what you see around you. 13:33.964 --> 13:35.704 Tell us what you see in that film star's film. 13:35.744 --> 13:40.726 Remember, 08712221049, tickets to the comedy store on Monday night up for grabs. 13:42.446 --> 13:43.126 Tell us what you see, Adam. 13:46.215 --> 13:47.076 I'm a policeman. 13:47.776 --> 13:49.017 I'm in a basement room. 13:49.278 --> 13:50.178 It's not real nice. 13:50.218 --> 13:51.279 The curtains are drawn. 13:51.599 --> 13:54.742 Over there, I can see the girl who shot Andy Warhol. 13:55.122 --> 13:59.085 And next door is one of the new kids on the block, not the good-looking one. 13:59.306 --> 14:08.193 He's feeding a Snickers bar, or a marathon bar as we call them here in America, to a kid who's been tied to a bed while horrific music plays to disorient him. 14:08.273 --> 14:10.595 I think it's Nightage Nails, but it could be Razorlight. 14:10.695 --> 14:11.515 I'm not too sure. 14:12.556 --> 14:14.118 And you want to know something ironical? 14:14.878 --> 14:17.520 I'm a policeman, but I organized it all. 14:17.880 --> 14:18.801 I'm blowing your mind. 14:19.121 --> 14:21.583 You thought I was a good guy, but actually, I'm a creep. 14:22.504 --> 14:23.425 I'm a creep. 14:23.585 --> 14:24.585 Is that blowing your mind? 14:24.605 --> 14:26.887 Oh, I'm going to sleep. 14:28.608 --> 14:30.210 Adam's gone back into a regressed state. 14:30.270 --> 14:38.356 Remember, 08712221049, as soon as you guessed the star... Excuse me, a little bit of wind, whose mind he's been regressed into. 14:39.236 --> 14:41.158 Let's experience a second film from the same star. 14:41.178 --> 14:42.559 Adam, wake up, tell us what you can see. 14:43.539 --> 14:45.060 I'm in another creepy room. 14:45.300 --> 14:46.641 I'm always in creepy rooms. 14:46.681 --> 14:47.682 What am I, a creep? 14:48.222 --> 14:49.563 I guess I do look a little creepy. 14:49.603 --> 14:51.225 I've got creepy eyes, that's for sure. 14:51.405 --> 14:52.485 But I'm a great actor. 14:52.846 --> 14:53.386 I'm intense. 14:53.626 --> 14:54.467 I've got intensity. 14:54.827 --> 14:56.969 But unfortunately, I've also got creepy eyes. 14:57.189 --> 15:00.431 So I always end up with these creepy antisocial roles. 15:00.471 --> 15:01.392 I mean, look at me now! 15:01.752 --> 15:05.635 I'm in a creepy, creepy kind of creepy room, and I got no legs. 15:06.155 --> 15:09.696 At least my legs have been painted blue so they can get rid of him later on the computer. 15:09.936 --> 15:14.598 And I'm real drunk on bourbon because I'm bitter about all the cards I've been dealt by fate! 15:15.378 --> 15:16.399 I hate fate! 15:16.779 --> 15:19.300 This is the character I'm talking about, incidentally, not me. 15:19.820 --> 15:20.300 The actor. 15:20.920 --> 15:22.501 All this intensity's tiring me out. 15:22.541 --> 15:23.301 I'm going to sleep. 15:23.701 --> 15:24.962 I'm going to creep. 15:24.982 --> 15:30.704 0-8-7-1, triple 2-1-0-4-9, if you know what star that was and which three films. 15:30.724 --> 15:31.644 Let's go for the third film. 15:32.124 --> 15:32.864 Third and final film. 15:32.924 --> 15:33.385 Adam, wake up. 15:33.405 --> 15:34.265 Tell us what you can see. 15:34.925 --> 15:35.625 Oh, that's better. 15:35.665 --> 15:37.126 I'm in a big high-tech room. 15:37.426 --> 15:41.026 Lots of modern gear and computer screens and such like. 15:41.406 --> 15:42.387 Oh, wait a second. 15:43.027 --> 15:45.567 Don't tell me I'm the creep who blows it up in something, right? 15:45.627 --> 15:45.847 Right? 15:45.967 --> 15:46.408 No. 15:46.648 --> 15:47.388 No, I'm not. 15:47.528 --> 15:48.608 I'm the Air Force guy. 15:48.948 --> 15:50.148 I'm an intelligent man. 15:50.208 --> 15:51.049 I got respect. 15:51.349 --> 15:57.890 What's more, I'm on a whole high-profile, big-bucks kind of mission, which has been my dream throughout my career. 15:58.270 --> 16:01.371 Again, this is the character I'm talking about, not me, the actor. 16:01.891 --> 16:02.051 What? 16:02.651 --> 16:02.871 What? 16:03.232 --> 16:03.792 What do you mean? 16:03.812 --> 16:05.133 I can't go on the mission? 16:05.213 --> 16:05.713 Why not? 16:06.294 --> 16:06.934 Measles? 16:07.315 --> 16:08.175 You're kidding me! 16:08.215 --> 16:09.436 Who are they replacing me with? 16:09.817 --> 16:11.278 That guy from Tremors? 16:11.478 --> 16:12.579 That's a nightmare! 16:12.979 --> 16:15.081 I'm gonna be a creep the rest of my life! 16:16.206 --> 16:20.687 There we go, that was a very sort of aggressive and traumatic regression for Adam this week. 16:21.387 --> 16:25.208 If you know who the star was, which films Adam was regressing to, call 0871 222 1049. 16:27.388 --> 16:30.208 You could win tickets for the Comedy Store on Monday night. 16:30.248 --> 16:30.829 Call now! 16:32.029 --> 16:32.549 XFM. 16:37.710 --> 16:38.530 Oh, isn't that nice? 16:38.690 --> 16:40.450 That's Ben Folds with Landed. 16:41.290 --> 16:44.011 Isn't it funny when a band splits up, 16:44.915 --> 16:51.157 like the Benfolds 5 split up and then one member comes back solo and it just sounds exactly the same as when the band were there. 16:51.397 --> 16:52.798 Isn't that right? 16:54.118 --> 16:54.178 Yes! 16:54.198 --> 16:56.159 You've joined us during celebrity regression. 16:56.219 --> 16:59.720 Adam has been regressed into the mind and films of a famous film star. 17:00.480 --> 17:03.061 We've got several callers on the line who think they know who it is. 17:03.101 --> 17:03.841 Let's go to Lorraine. 17:03.881 --> 17:04.481 Hello, Lorraine. 17:05.001 --> 17:05.362 Hello. 17:05.782 --> 17:06.182 How are you? 17:06.402 --> 17:07.162 I'm fine, thank you. 17:07.182 --> 17:07.442 How are you? 17:07.722 --> 17:10.543 Thank you for respecting the clinical integrity of this experiment. 17:10.563 --> 17:11.584 Okay, mate. 17:11.724 --> 17:12.584 Are you a medical woman? 17:13.254 --> 17:15.635 Um, bloody herbalism and homeopathy. 17:15.715 --> 17:16.435 Bloody herbalism? 17:16.935 --> 17:19.436 And homeo- And homeo- homeo- homeopathy? 17:19.596 --> 17:21.217 Yeah, now don't- What? 17:21.837 --> 17:22.938 Don't go there. 17:23.278 --> 17:25.899 Okay, so Lorraine, what's your guess? 17:26.279 --> 17:31.521 Basically, well before you tell us, if you're right, I want you to say the name at the start, if you're right, Adam will come out of his regression. 17:31.841 --> 17:34.102 If you're wrong, you could scar him for life, you realise that? 17:34.142 --> 17:36.363 I'll be careful then. 17:36.743 --> 17:38.323 Okay, Lorraine, say the name now. 17:38.343 --> 17:39.704 I can't, I think it's Bruce Willis. 17:42.696 --> 17:43.940 They stayed under the rainbow? 17:43.960 --> 17:45.203 What are you talking about? 17:45.244 --> 17:46.447 How did you get Bruce Willis? 17:46.988 --> 17:49.556 It was just the wheelchair ones, 4th of July. 17:50.697 --> 17:53.478 Well, that wasn't Bruce Willis, that was Tom Cruise. 17:54.098 --> 17:54.458 Oh was it? 17:54.518 --> 17:55.578 Oh well that's who I meant then. 17:55.618 --> 17:57.919 Sorry I got... They're not very similar looking even, once again. 17:57.939 --> 18:01.519 They're all the same to me, those Hollywood lot, but that's who I meant. 18:01.539 --> 18:06.801 I couldn't remember who started it, so I got the clue, but they got the... That's what we like to hear, they're all the same to me, that Hollywood lot. 18:06.861 --> 18:07.681 Yeah, they are though. 18:07.701 --> 18:12.962 Yeah, but it doesn't stand you in very good stead when you're doing competitions that rely on telling the difference between the Hollywood lot. 18:13.655 --> 18:15.815 Yeah, but I think I got the film right, so, you know. 18:16.016 --> 18:17.436 Well, we're not going to go into that. 18:17.456 --> 18:18.576 Lorraine, we're going to give you tickets. 18:18.596 --> 18:20.957 We're going to give you tickets for the Comedy Store Monday night anyway. 18:20.997 --> 18:22.177 Thank you very, very much for calling. 18:22.257 --> 18:23.137 Oh, thank you very much. 18:23.157 --> 18:27.458 Um, and, yeah, well done, and good luck with, uh, homo, homo, homo-opathy. 18:27.938 --> 18:28.818 Uh, Mark's on the line. 18:28.838 --> 18:29.338 Is that Mark? 18:29.358 --> 18:30.158 Does that say Mark? 18:30.178 --> 18:30.659 Hello, Mark. 18:32.799 --> 18:33.259 Okay. 18:33.299 --> 18:33.939 How are you doing? 18:34.479 --> 18:35.459 Very well, very well. 18:35.760 --> 18:36.160 Uh, good. 18:36.240 --> 18:39.480 So, once again, this is a clinical environment, so stay nice and calm. 18:39.600 --> 18:42.201 If you'd now say the name of the star who you think Adam was regressed into. 18:42.221 --> 18:42.641 Say the name now. 18:46.409 --> 18:47.470 No, you're wrong again! 18:47.590 --> 18:48.570 Two wrong callers! 18:48.750 --> 18:49.790 How did you get Ed Harris? 18:50.330 --> 18:53.071 Yeah, but it wasn't Ed Harris, was it? 19:02.020 --> 19:02.340 Yes. 19:02.880 --> 19:07.542 Well, you've got it a bit right, so we'll give you tickets for the Comedy Store on Monday night anyway. 19:07.562 --> 19:08.002 Very much. 19:08.022 --> 19:11.643 A pair of tickets, because you've got a little bit of it right, but it's not Ed Harris, I'm sorry. 19:11.683 --> 19:12.944 Thanks for calling and listening, Mark. 19:13.284 --> 19:14.104 Let's go to Neil. 19:14.204 --> 19:14.764 Hello, Neil. 19:15.024 --> 19:15.324 Hello, Joe. 19:15.344 --> 19:16.165 How are you doing? 19:16.485 --> 19:16.885 Pretty good. 19:17.305 --> 19:18.946 Yeah, you sound very, very calm and confident. 19:19.986 --> 19:20.646 Maybe because I am. 19:20.926 --> 19:21.606 Is this in the bag? 19:22.107 --> 19:23.727 It could well easily be in the bag. 19:23.907 --> 19:26.908 OK, well, let's see whether your confidence is justified. 19:27.008 --> 19:27.608 Who do you think it is? 19:27.648 --> 19:28.109 Say the name now. 19:32.001 --> 19:34.224 So confident that you put a mister on the front. 19:34.644 --> 19:35.165 It's not! 19:35.185 --> 19:36.006 He's still under. 19:36.046 --> 19:37.067 Why did you think it was bacon? 19:37.568 --> 19:38.509 Where do you get your bacon? 19:38.809 --> 19:40.671 Well, it was the tremors thing that you said. 19:41.793 --> 19:45.978 The Apollo 13 and also just being lucky, I had a bacon sandwich this morning. 19:47.213 --> 20:09.990 that's a very good logic well done well done yeah well but you're wrong sorry Neil but we're going to give you tickets to the Comedy Store anyway but thanks for listening and calling and you've very nearly got it right let's hope that Richard could finally put this to bed hello Richard hello okay let's go straight into the naming of the name if you say it right Adam will wake up if you say it wrong he could be dead so now please it's Gary sneeze 20:11.408 --> 20:14.211 That's absolutely correct. 20:14.231 --> 20:15.112 Congratulations. 20:15.372 --> 20:19.496 And that was good because my impression of Sinise was extraordinary. 20:19.516 --> 20:20.937 It was all just kind of like that, wasn't it? 20:20.957 --> 20:22.218 That's why everyone thought Ed Harris. 20:22.418 --> 20:22.999 Yeah, I know. 20:23.059 --> 20:26.062 And the three, what were the three films, do you think, there? 20:26.878 --> 20:29.140 Ransom Forrest Gump and Apollo 13. 20:29.181 --> 20:30.041 That's brilliant. 20:30.081 --> 20:38.730 I was worried that maybe I'd just been too random with the whole thing, but of course Ransom, he's in there with the lady, Lily Taylor, who's in, who shot Andy Warhol. 20:38.770 --> 20:39.791 I shot Andy Warhol, rather. 20:39.811 --> 20:40.932 Did you? 20:40.972 --> 20:42.053 And I didn't, personally. 20:42.093 --> 20:45.797 Anyway, and there's Donnie Wahlberg, is it? 20:46.277 --> 20:46.998 Mark Wahlberg? 20:47.418 --> 20:48.339 I think it's Donnie. 20:48.399 --> 20:49.540 I think it's Donnie is in there. 20:49.560 --> 20:54.745 He's one of the people that kidnaps Mel Gibson's kid and Gary Sinise is the architect of the evil plot. 20:55.125 --> 21:07.397 Of course, Forrest Gump, he played the guy, the Vietnam veteran who loses his legs and gets very bitter and twisted but ends up running a kind of fishing boat operation with Tom Hanks. 21:07.617 --> 21:13.542 And of course there was Apollo 13 where he played the guy who didn't quite make the moon mission because he got the German measles. 21:13.562 --> 21:14.383 So absolutely correct. 21:14.623 --> 21:15.724 Congratulations, Richard. 21:15.884 --> 21:18.847 But how- Richard, we've given everybody tickets to the Comedy Store. 21:18.867 --> 21:20.148 Obviously you'll get some as well. 21:20.168 --> 21:21.970 We should give him something extra, shouldn't we? 21:22.450 --> 21:23.611 Do you like the stereophonics? 21:27.264 --> 21:28.024 Would it be a prize? 21:28.205 --> 21:29.725 You weighed it in there with that one, man. 21:29.966 --> 21:30.146 Why? 21:30.206 --> 21:32.707 We should never ask people if they like the Stereophonics. 21:32.727 --> 21:34.028 I've got the Stereophonics DVD. 21:34.128 --> 21:39.211 Stereophonics are one of these bands that people don't necessarily admit to liking, but everyone loves them deep down. 21:39.271 --> 21:41.773 Could you use two pairs of tickets to the Comedy Store on Monday? 21:41.793 --> 21:42.733 Yes, that would be lovely. 21:42.793 --> 21:43.554 Well, that's what we'll do. 21:43.594 --> 21:46.135 Thank you very, very much for calling, Richard, and many congratulations. 21:46.155 --> 21:48.777 You're a very clever and clever man. 21:49.797 --> 21:50.898 Clever and clever. 21:51.399 --> 21:51.719 Brilliant. 21:51.899 --> 21:56.043 This is Element Joe on XFM, and right now it's music time. 21:56.484 --> 21:57.265 It's Razorlight. 22:01.351 --> 22:05.015 Lila, we were just talking about Star Wars, you know, everyone's chatting about Star Wars. 22:05.416 --> 22:07.238 I've got tickets for a screening tomorrow morning. 22:07.398 --> 22:08.780 Are you going to a screening tomorrow morning, Jim? 22:08.800 --> 22:09.380 I've got the tickets here. 22:09.400 --> 22:10.682 They are in the shape of Darth Vader. 22:10.702 --> 22:12.624 He is reaching out a frightening hand towards me. 22:14.066 --> 22:17.850 But the only problem with the screening tomorrow morning is it starts at nine in the morning. 22:17.930 --> 22:20.193 Oh dear, that is way before our wakey time, isn't it? 22:20.433 --> 22:22.534 yeah, I always fall asleep, basically. 22:22.974 --> 22:23.835 I start to feel ill. 22:23.995 --> 22:28.137 Early m- early Sunday morning screenings, they always, uh, screen the Star Wars films early on a Sunday morning. 22:28.337 --> 22:29.177 The press preview. 22:29.618 --> 22:31.859 And it's just weird, cause I'm always still a bit drunk. 22:32.339 --> 22:33.720 And you haven't had enough sleep. 22:34.260 --> 22:36.401 And, you come out and you feel all knackered. 22:36.441 --> 22:37.962 It's so loud and visually exhausting. 22:37.982 --> 22:38.382 You have to go home. 22:38.402 --> 22:41.563 It's like someone being, I don't know, attacked by a- The clones. 22:41.583 --> 22:42.184 The clones. 22:42.284 --> 22:43.404 When you're drunk. 22:43.985 --> 22:45.345 And so you still haven't seen the movie. 22:45.365 --> 22:46.746 Oh, you still have not seen the movie. 22:47.026 --> 22:47.386 Wow. 22:47.526 --> 22:51.128 I can't imagine going to see the movie because I just have a fear of packed cinemas. 22:51.468 --> 22:52.408 Yeah, well, you're right. 22:52.448 --> 22:58.511 I think the best thing to do is just wait until it's all died down and then go and stick your legs over the seat in front and enjoy it in an empty cinema. 22:58.531 --> 22:59.231 Yeah, that would be nice. 22:59.291 --> 23:08.315 Lila, our producer, was saying to us that there's going to be a bloke in Burger King tomorrow valuing people's Star Wars memorabilia. 23:08.575 --> 23:10.956 Are you sure it's not just like a kind of a tramp? 23:11.256 --> 23:13.037 There's a bloke outside Burger King. 23:13.057 --> 23:15.958 I'd give you about three quid for that yoda there. 23:17.079 --> 23:17.740 Ricky Laughs Steve 23:31.621 --> 23:32.801 as like a- Steve- The stink. 23:32.821 --> 23:34.562 Ricky Laughs Steve- A jar-war or something. 23:34.582 --> 23:35.102 Steve- The smell. 23:35.142 --> 23:59.869 You're recognizing by the smell that bees- Ricky Laughs Steve- Because he weighs 28 stone, he'll be- Steve Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laughs Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps Ricky Laps 24:00.149 --> 24:01.170 However much it's worth. 24:01.531 --> 24:03.553 That's all people ever give you for buying stuff like that. 24:03.593 --> 24:12.663 This guy, um, a painter was doing some painting, unsurprisingly, in my house once and he saw that I had some Star Wars stuff lying around and he said, oh, you like Star Wars, do you? 24:13.163 --> 24:14.345 I said, yeah, yeah, you know, love it. 24:14.645 --> 24:17.889 Oh, yeah, I got a few of those old toys lying around in my attic. 24:18.489 --> 24:20.451 Oh, I got one that looks like a big dog. 24:21.152 --> 24:22.433 I said, oh, you mean the At-At? 24:22.853 --> 24:24.173 Yo, the big dog. 24:24.774 --> 24:26.014 Uh, you can have it if you want. 24:26.074 --> 24:27.055 I said, yeah, brilliant! 24:27.655 --> 24:31.196 And so he brought it round and he just, uh, he sort of just gave it to me. 24:31.216 --> 24:32.257 I remember this story. 24:32.277 --> 24:32.697 Yeah. 24:33.117 --> 24:36.979 And then he- And then he- No, no, you set a price for him that was far too low and then felt happy with yourself. 24:37.559 --> 24:39.701 That you made a bit of a profit off the dumb phone, didn't you? 24:39.721 --> 24:43.585 He said, you know, he said, how much do you want- how much do you think I could get for it? 24:43.685 --> 24:44.266 You ripped him off. 24:44.346 --> 24:48.610 And I said, well, it's not in the box or anything, so, I mean, you could try- How much did you give him for it? 24:48.710 --> 24:51.833 I gave him about 40 quid, which I thought was fairly reasonable. 24:52.134 --> 24:55.777 And then he discovered how much it was worth and tried to buy it back, didn't he? 24:55.797 --> 24:56.758 But you wouldn't let him have it. 24:56.778 --> 24:56.818 No. 24:57.899 --> 24:58.759 That's what I remember. 24:58.839 --> 25:00.220 Cos I got a really good deal off him. 25:00.460 --> 25:02.801 Now what I did, because he... I feel bad. 25:02.841 --> 25:04.261 This story doesn't reflect well on me. 25:04.781 --> 25:10.824 Cos he had children and he said, erm, I wish I hadn't given you the big dog now cos I'd like to give it to my son. 25:10.844 --> 25:14.325 But we should ask the guy in Burger King how much an unboxed at-at is worth. 25:14.345 --> 25:15.085 Unboxed at-at. 25:15.105 --> 25:20.327 But what I gave him instead, I gave him a brand new Millennium Falcon for his kid. 25:20.367 --> 25:21.247 Brand new. 25:21.707 --> 25:22.068 Worthless. 25:22.188 --> 25:24.188 You know, brand new stuff's worthless. 25:24.228 --> 25:25.329 Now I feel bad again. 25:26.689 --> 25:29.610 Are you going to run down your list of things you're worried about Star Wars in the next hour? 25:29.630 --> 25:31.130 Yeah, sometime in the next hour. 25:31.351 --> 25:32.611 That's to look forward to. 25:32.651 --> 25:40.593 Plus, Ditties in the Dock this week, at the end of the show, will be a battle between two kind of disco monstrosities. 25:41.053 --> 25:42.494 It's a Disco Ditties. 25:43.434 --> 25:47.835 We need to talk more about the theme because we haven't really discussed it, but it's sort of disco cover versions. 25:47.855 --> 25:49.296 Disco cover versions, right. 25:49.336 --> 25:50.056 It's going to be good. 25:50.236 --> 25:58.140 But here's the thing, you know, even if you're not interested in the disco cover versions, we're giving away more or less the complete Cure back catalogue to every single person who phones in. 25:58.200 --> 26:02.542 So if you're a Cure fan, let alone a Star Wars fan, then you should stick around for that. 26:03.163 --> 26:07.165 We've cleverly balanced an amazingly good prize with a really poor idea for it is in the dark. 26:07.185 --> 26:08.005 Yeah, that's true. 26:08.025 --> 26:08.225 Yeah. 26:08.426 --> 26:09.766 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 26:09.786 --> 26:10.707 We'll be back shortly. 26:13.008 --> 26:15.289 This is Adam and Joe on XFM now. 26:15.389 --> 26:18.311 Christian O'Connell's Bounty Hunter finishes. 26:19.031 --> 26:20.312 this Monday. 26:21.233 --> 26:23.014 You are supposed to be voting right now. 26:23.054 --> 26:30.058 You can go to the XFM website and xfm.co.uk forward slash bounty vote. 26:30.338 --> 26:43.747 You can listen to a lot of the clips of what all the clips I think of the celebrities who phoned in for Bounty Hunter there and then you can vote by simply texting bounty plus the surname of the celebrity you want to win 283 XFM. 26:43.887 --> 26:48.350 You know I can see the votes coming in on my text screen here Adam and they're coming in thick and 26:49.351 --> 26:50.852 Is there anyone who's standing out there? 26:50.872 --> 26:51.773 At the moment, Hart. 26:51.833 --> 26:52.574 Is that Tony Hart? 26:53.235 --> 26:53.855 Tony Hart, Tony. 26:53.875 --> 26:55.156 Tony Hart seems to be winning. 26:55.477 --> 26:55.857 Sweet. 26:55.917 --> 26:59.220 Well, a lot of votes... I'm not saying he's winning, but a lot of votes seem to be coming for Harty. 26:59.460 --> 27:00.441 Anything for Spielberg? 27:00.942 --> 27:01.382 No, Speeley. 27:01.442 --> 27:06.067 It's quite good, though, that the public vote for who is the most entertaining, not necessarily who's the most famous. 27:06.407 --> 27:06.907 Yeah, yeah. 27:06.927 --> 27:10.851 But anyway, speaking of Spielberg, it's worth hearing what he had to say to Christian O'Connell. 27:10.871 --> 27:12.673 Here he is talking about the new Star Wars film. 27:12.973 --> 27:31.777 absolutely amazing it's the best of the last three episodes it's the best way you could possibly imagine has ended this six episode series very dark you'll cry at the end it's wonderful oh he seems to be crying a little bit then it's wonderful i think chris martin got him to phone in 27:31.937 --> 27:32.517 Is that correct? 27:32.717 --> 27:33.137 Probably. 27:33.157 --> 27:34.158 You know, they're all mates, isn't he? 27:34.178 --> 27:38.979 Speely's related to Gwyneth somehow, isn't Speely Gwyneth's godfather, I think, or something? 27:39.159 --> 27:42.119 Well... Yeah, so they're all a little cluster of peas in a pod. 27:42.380 --> 27:42.660 Yes. 27:42.740 --> 27:45.200 All those big, shiny, famous, sexy people. 27:45.300 --> 27:46.701 I wish I could be in that pod! 27:46.721 --> 27:48.181 I wish I could be in that pod! 27:48.221 --> 27:48.961 I bet you do. 27:49.141 --> 27:49.661 I bet you do. 27:49.741 --> 27:50.561 I don't need their pod. 27:50.842 --> 27:51.762 I've got my own pod. 27:52.022 --> 27:52.822 I'm gonna lie pod! 27:53.182 --> 27:56.583 So listen, he's talking there obviously about Revenge of the Sith. 27:57.837 --> 27:58.678 Yeah, well done. 27:58.878 --> 27:59.238 Good maneuver. 27:59.258 --> 28:00.639 This was sent in to us by a listener. 28:01.079 --> 28:03.021 This was sent in by James Upright. 28:03.401 --> 28:06.103 And, uh... But he sent to us in his letter. 28:06.163 --> 28:08.524 If you play it, please warn me so I can listen. 28:08.744 --> 28:10.265 He's called Obviously High. 28:10.466 --> 28:13.968 You can check out this song at www.obviouslyhigh.co.uk. 28:14.048 --> 28:15.109 This is Breakbeat Mix. 28:15.129 --> 28:19.151 We're just using it as a bed for my top five worries about Revenge of the Sith. 28:19.191 --> 28:19.732 I haven't seen it. 28:19.772 --> 28:20.632 I'm seeing it tomorrow morning. 28:20.913 --> 28:22.934 But these are the things that I'm concerned about. 28:23.434 --> 28:27.217 First of all, they seem to have done all the basic video game environments. 28:27.977 --> 28:28.257 Right. 28:28.618 --> 28:32.260 Uh, forest, snow, lava, this time round. 28:32.620 --> 28:33.520 When are they gonna do beach? 28:34.541 --> 28:35.822 When are they gonna do the beach level? 28:36.222 --> 28:37.162 Which film's that coming in? 28:37.363 --> 28:38.483 Which video game is that in? 28:38.523 --> 28:39.264 All video games. 28:39.364 --> 28:40.304 Do they all have beaches? 28:40.364 --> 28:42.886 All racing games, all platform games, they all have a beach level. 28:42.946 --> 28:44.226 Yeah, you don't play enough video games. 28:44.286 --> 28:45.087 I don't, sorry man. 28:45.327 --> 28:46.907 So that's worry number five. 28:46.927 --> 28:48.288 When are they gonna do the beach sequence? 28:48.328 --> 28:49.828 I wanna see Obi-Wan in swimming trunks. 28:50.228 --> 28:51.148 That's a good idea, though. 28:51.168 --> 28:55.529 Oh, you see, Obi-Wan would be in little swimming trunks, and as a joke, you'd put ones on C-3PO, too. 28:55.549 --> 28:58.590 Of course he doesn't need them, because he's not naked, but anyway. 28:58.970 --> 28:59.850 So that's worry number five. 28:59.870 --> 29:01.170 They're not very good, these worries, as you can tell. 29:01.570 --> 29:04.151 Worry number four, the flipping Wookiees. 29:04.671 --> 29:04.871 Yeah. 29:04.951 --> 29:06.031 They just look ridiculous. 29:06.571 --> 29:08.932 How do you differentiate between Wookiees when there are hundreds of them? 29:09.492 --> 29:12.014 Answer you do their hair all different like the Bee Gees. 29:12.454 --> 29:33.671 They've got highlights They look like they comb their hair from the tip of their nose outwards in a concentric circle Or just face into a blow-dryer like the kings of Leon like the kings of Leon and they're very shiny They look as if they use silver crin is that a dated reference silver crin that exists anymore hairspray silver crin Anyway, some so keep going come on keep going while it's got plaits. 29:33.691 --> 29:33.931 Oh 29:35.103 --> 29:36.524 And aliens with plaits never work. 29:36.824 --> 29:37.764 I've said this before, I think. 29:37.784 --> 29:41.285 Oh dear, I'm going to move on to, so I'm very worried about the Wookies. 29:41.325 --> 29:42.006 I think they look rubbish. 29:42.026 --> 29:43.346 Do they have any cornrows? 29:43.386 --> 29:45.767 That would be desperate if they had like- I think possibly they do. 29:46.107 --> 29:46.808 Oh, that's no good. 29:46.828 --> 29:48.428 I've got more serious concerns about the Wookies. 29:48.748 --> 29:52.250 But my third complaint is, how can you make Natalie Portman unsexy? 29:53.010 --> 29:53.511 Well, why? 29:53.711 --> 29:54.712 What's your problem with that? 29:54.732 --> 29:56.593 Well, they just made her completely unsexy. 29:56.653 --> 29:57.174 Oh, have they? 29:57.714 --> 30:03.819 All she ever says is, yes, your honour, I will meet you in the imperial council of- she's so boring. 30:03.839 --> 30:07.963 That's supposed to be sexy, though, when very attractive women start talking seriously about things. 30:07.983 --> 30:08.283 She's so boring. 30:08.303 --> 30:10.064 Yeah, but maybe when there's cantily cloud that works. 30:10.144 --> 30:10.285 Mmm. 30:11.085 --> 30:12.066 Oh, that's a disaster. 30:12.306 --> 30:13.287 OK, complaint number two. 30:14.808 --> 30:16.229 Oh, those scenes in the Jedi Council. 30:16.269 --> 30:20.150 Is it just me, or is the traffic outside the window more interesting than the conversation? 30:20.730 --> 30:26.973 In two films now, there've been long conversations between Yoda and Sam Jackson, and all I ever look at are the spaceships out the window. 30:27.233 --> 30:28.753 Oh, it's traffic here. 30:28.773 --> 30:29.373 Oh, careful! 30:29.553 --> 30:30.294 That's the near miss. 30:30.994 --> 30:31.994 Where's that one going? 30:32.655 --> 30:33.655 Is it finished yet? 30:33.675 --> 30:34.295 Is that just me? 30:34.415 --> 30:35.275 It can't just be only me. 30:35.376 --> 30:36.536 Congestion charge. 30:36.556 --> 30:37.356 Congestion charge. 30:37.376 --> 30:39.157 He's gonna forget to pay again, isn't he? 30:39.197 --> 30:41.718 He's gonna get fined 50 galactic credits. 30:42.338 --> 30:43.539 That's the currency in space. 30:43.639 --> 30:44.640 That's absolutely true, man. 30:44.660 --> 30:48.504 I remember always the most exciting thing about the Fifth Element was the traffic as well. 30:48.645 --> 30:48.945 Yes. 30:49.405 --> 30:57.914 Okay, and worry number one, my main worry about Revenge of the Sith, is my brain is reaching its maximum capacity for remembering the names of space creatures. 30:58.675 --> 30:58.955 Right. 30:58.975 --> 30:59.215 OK? 30:59.535 --> 31:00.816 I started when I was about five. 31:01.196 --> 31:05.497 I had a lot of memory space for nonsense words and alien creatures. 31:05.517 --> 31:08.658 And now I'm old, I can't remember anymore. 31:08.678 --> 31:11.218 For instance, who's got room for Ugruthwa? 31:11.719 --> 31:12.499 That's not a real one. 31:12.519 --> 31:13.359 Yup, that's one of the Wookiees. 31:13.919 --> 31:16.100 Who's got room for Grackchawa? 31:17.020 --> 31:17.800 That's another Wookie. 31:18.421 --> 31:20.022 What about Meru Meru? 31:20.362 --> 31:20.982 Meru Meru. 31:21.342 --> 31:21.963 Meru Meru. 31:21.983 --> 31:22.503 Meru Meru. 31:22.583 --> 31:23.424 I think that's okay. 31:23.784 --> 31:24.884 If you've got room for Meru Meru. 31:24.904 --> 31:26.205 Yeah, yeah, I can remember that one. 31:26.305 --> 31:27.766 But not Graq Chawawa. 31:27.786 --> 31:27.986 No. 31:28.186 --> 31:29.407 No one's gonna remember Graq Chawawa. 31:29.447 --> 31:29.927 Remember who? 31:30.648 --> 31:31.408 Graq Chawawa. 31:31.428 --> 31:32.108 Graq Chawawa. 31:32.389 --> 31:34.270 What about Yu Guruthwa? 31:34.590 --> 31:35.310 It's really tough. 31:35.350 --> 31:38.472 I've tried to think of space names myself and you run out after a while. 31:38.492 --> 31:39.353 Everything ends with an axe. 31:40.433 --> 31:41.674 or, you know, like, Joltax. 31:41.754 --> 31:44.775 Oh, I can think of a good- Joltax is good, you see, cos it sounds like Poltax. 31:44.795 --> 31:45.455 That's a better name. 31:45.815 --> 31:46.756 It's a text competition. 31:46.776 --> 31:48.196 Have we got time to run a text competition? 31:49.077 --> 31:50.117 Best alien name. 31:50.197 --> 31:55.099 A name that George Lucas should have used for one of the aliens in Star Wars before he got onto rubbish like Gloo Choo Wawa. 31:55.639 --> 31:58.020 What about, er, what about Schnook? 31:58.640 --> 31:59.181 Schnook? 31:59.401 --> 32:00.821 Yes, S-C-H-N-O-O-K. 32:00.841 --> 32:01.602 That's simple, Schnook. 32:02.442 --> 32:05.143 That's more like a Doctor Who name, I think. 32:05.323 --> 32:07.904 Text 83-X-F-M for good alien names that haven't been used yet. 32:07.924 --> 32:07.984 OK. 32:08.104 --> 32:08.985 We'll give you a prize. 32:09.065 --> 32:09.765 Do that right now. 32:11.172 --> 32:14.173 Hey, this is Adam and Joe on XFM on a Saturday afternoon. 32:14.753 --> 32:17.054 And, uh, Joe, how's your text competition going? 32:17.114 --> 32:18.134 Well, I don't know. 32:18.154 --> 32:26.237 If you've just tuned in, we just launched a sort of random, spare-the-moment text competition asking you to come up with better alien names for the Star Wars saga than George Lucas has. 32:26.717 --> 32:37.160 I'm referring, of course, to the names of the new, uh, workies who are called things like, oh no, I've lost them now, U-U-Gruatha and Graak Chawawa and Mermumumu. 32:37.580 --> 32:43.264 and stuff like that, but I don't think it's a good idea for a text competition, because we're just being bombarded with complete gibberish. 32:43.645 --> 32:44.765 Any inspired gibberish? 32:46.387 --> 32:46.867 Not really. 32:46.887 --> 32:48.068 Shall I give you a selection? 32:48.688 --> 32:50.910 An anonymous person has texted in, Glusnifar. 32:51.550 --> 32:52.171 That's no good. 32:52.191 --> 32:52.912 That's no good, you see. 32:54.393 --> 32:55.493 You wanna hear another bad one? 32:55.634 --> 32:55.814 Yeah. 32:56.866 --> 32:58.027 I can't even read that one out. 32:58.087 --> 32:59.208 Is it not filthy, is it? 32:59.248 --> 33:00.129 No, it's just awful. 33:00.149 --> 33:02.431 I know, I really can't read it out. 33:02.491 --> 33:03.591 Read it out, you've got to now. 33:03.772 --> 33:06.674 Scar Gill, from the planet Minos trike. 33:06.994 --> 33:07.775 Oh, no. 33:07.835 --> 33:08.155 Yes. 33:08.756 --> 33:09.876 Who's listening to this show? 33:09.916 --> 33:10.617 Chris Barry? 33:11.338 --> 33:13.139 The best one so far is an alien called Jeff. 33:13.760 --> 33:15.141 And that's come from John in Burrow. 33:15.161 --> 33:19.164 And that would be very refreshing just to have Gruffafo, to Kalala, Jeff. 33:19.744 --> 33:22.947 Go and get... Whatever, that would be a good line of dialogue. 33:23.167 --> 33:23.808 Spam Thrax. 33:25.169 --> 33:31.880 And someone, it's called Fiona Clark, hello Fiona, she's texted in just a sort of not funny but quite good detailed name. 33:32.240 --> 33:34.043 Clafy Rafa. 33:35.466 --> 33:36.627 Clafy Rafa. 33:37.914 --> 33:39.416 and Sningoop Jee Dab. 33:39.516 --> 33:42.558 I like the idea that she was sat there listening to the radio and then she's texted him. 33:42.578 --> 33:47.483 Turned it down and started saying, Raffy Raffa. 33:48.083 --> 33:48.984 Raffy Raffa. 33:49.184 --> 33:52.707 Hang on, then she's another couple, Moochie Woo and Cabana. 33:52.968 --> 33:54.869 That's just what they call each other in bed, surely. 33:54.889 --> 33:55.810 Look, I've got better names. 33:55.850 --> 33:56.631 What about Adobe? 33:57.211 --> 33:57.732 Adobe? 33:57.812 --> 33:58.633 Adobe and eBay. 33:59.153 --> 33:59.393 Yeah. 33:59.813 --> 34:00.053 Yeah? 34:00.233 --> 34:02.174 They'd be good names for unlicensed cab drivers. 34:03.015 --> 34:04.715 Cibata and Panini are good ones as well. 34:04.995 --> 34:10.658 Anyway, I might call the text competition off, but I think, I think Fiona deserves a prize for clafy rah far far. 34:12.018 --> 34:12.879 And moochie woo. 34:12.899 --> 34:14.039 Do you think? 34:14.219 --> 34:14.519 Yeah. 34:14.699 --> 34:15.000 Yeah. 34:15.120 --> 34:15.500 Go on. 34:15.520 --> 34:17.821 Other than that, the text competition's terminated. 34:18.301 --> 34:22.563 Thank you very much for everybody who, who entered, but we apologise, and let's just forget it ever happened. 34:22.723 --> 34:24.463 Er, here's the Foo Fighters to make up for it. 34:31.530 --> 34:33.011 Wow, he smashed everything up with his guitar. 34:33.191 --> 34:36.552 Yes, he smashed absolutely everything up with those shouting and words and guitar. 34:36.572 --> 34:37.753 He's so excited about everything. 34:37.853 --> 34:40.434 Yes, that's the Foo Fighters with Best of You. 34:40.694 --> 34:41.875 This is Elleman Joe on XFM. 34:41.895 --> 35:00.184 Just to wrap up that Star Wars alien name text competition that we had to curtail because of high levels of nonsense, we're going to award what tickets to see Idlewild to Bex, who, I apologise, I credited Bex's brilliant alien names to Fiona and it was in fact Bex, came up with Moochiwoo and Kabana, no, Moochiwoo, Kabana. 35:01.184 --> 35:02.144 Er, wasn't there another one? 35:02.945 --> 35:05.465 Fiona came up with Clarie Rara Farce in Jude Arbic. 35:05.705 --> 35:06.206 There you go. 35:06.666 --> 35:07.106 That's good. 35:07.126 --> 35:08.466 Who is awarding tickets for just random letters? 35:08.486 --> 35:08.946 Hey, you know what? 35:08.966 --> 35:12.247 That reminds me I forgot to watch Bob Geldorf's Daughters thing. 35:12.347 --> 35:13.468 Yeah, I hear it was quite good. 35:13.508 --> 35:13.948 Geldorf. 35:13.988 --> 35:16.469 Having slagged off Peaches, it got very good reviews in the end. 35:16.609 --> 35:16.729 Did it? 35:16.749 --> 35:18.309 But neither of us saw it, so they made me wrong. 35:18.529 --> 35:21.510 I think it pops up on Sky Mix every now and again, but I can't watch it. 35:22.070 --> 35:24.071 Flappity bock, bock bock. 35:24.111 --> 35:24.911 Is that what you're calling me? 35:24.991 --> 35:25.771 Well, there's two more names. 35:25.792 --> 35:26.312 Flappity bock. 35:26.612 --> 35:26.732 OK. 35:27.691 --> 35:28.372 That's quite good, isn't it? 35:28.412 --> 35:30.073 Mobile fed, Chewbacca, Flappity Bock. 35:30.554 --> 35:31.935 That's not bad, I still like Jeff. 35:32.476 --> 35:33.177 What about Bot-Bot? 35:33.577 --> 35:34.738 Bot-Bot is C3PO. 35:34.858 --> 35:35.399 R2, Bot-Bot. 35:35.779 --> 35:36.000 No. 35:36.300 --> 35:36.480 No? 35:36.840 --> 35:37.141 No. 35:37.161 --> 35:38.863 I quite like Bot-Bot. 35:38.903 --> 35:39.583 Bot-Bot. 35:40.404 --> 35:41.625 Maybe I'm coming around to Bot-Bot. 35:41.645 --> 35:41.906 Yeah. 35:41.946 --> 35:44.588 If Bot-Bot had a kind of pronounced botic region. 35:44.769 --> 35:45.850 Yeah, well, there we go. 35:46.150 --> 35:47.131 That would ruin it, maybe. 35:47.411 --> 35:47.832 I don't know. 35:48.112 --> 35:52.755 So coming up very soon, Ditty's in the Dock, it's a disco cover version of Ditty's in the Dock, and the prize is amazing. 35:53.055 --> 35:57.178 Basically three Cure special issue, um, deluxe CDs. 35:57.218 --> 35:59.419 These are these super, you know, double disc issues. 35:59.479 --> 35:59.719 Yeah. 36:00.180 --> 36:02.301 Uh, which have all the lost tracks on them. 36:02.321 --> 36:03.201 Am I explaining this well? 36:03.562 --> 36:08.505 And, uh, and that goes to every single person who calls in will get those- Every single person who gets on air- Three CDs. 36:08.725 --> 36:09.325 Who gets on air. 36:09.385 --> 36:10.386 Who gets on air, that's correct. 36:10.406 --> 36:13.728 Will get a 3D Cure back catalogue, you know, masterworks set. 36:13.988 --> 36:14.508 Exactly. 36:14.568 --> 36:15.809 Are you confident with your choice? 36:15.829 --> 36:16.910 Don't say what it is yet, obviously. 36:17.090 --> 36:17.711 Not enormously. 36:19.313 --> 36:24.181 Hey, um, just before we do that and we play some more music, did you happen to see the Lenny Henry show last night? 36:24.882 --> 36:25.022 No. 36:25.362 --> 36:30.951 I think we spoke a while back in kind of unkind terms about Lenny Henry's TV programme. 36:31.556 --> 36:59.709 which there was he had a series last year was it or the beginning of this year do you remember when it was yes i do and um it was very bad but last night i watched when it was quite good it was really not bad lenny lenny lenny what was good about it what did he do that was good he did an outcast parody he did an outcast parody i didn't see the whole show but i tuned in uh for him doing his he's got like a corner shop uh owner guy character that he sort of sounds off about things that was pretty funny 37:00.169 --> 37:02.470 And I thought, well, this is not the old guy from the 80s. 37:02.810 --> 37:05.311 Maybe with a little pork pie hat and a grey moustache. 37:05.591 --> 37:06.232 Is he the guy? 37:06.452 --> 37:08.753 That's a character Lenny's been doing since 1934, isn't it? 37:09.353 --> 37:11.434 Well, he had some funny stuff to say with the character. 37:11.454 --> 37:12.034 Tried and tested. 37:12.394 --> 37:18.397 And then he did like a really pretty good spoof of the Hey Ya video, you know, the Outkast video. 37:18.937 --> 37:34.293 where he played all the characters and good production values and the conceit of this the humorous song was that Lenny was a black pop star who was going out with a very posh middle-class English girl who sort of went okay yeah 37:35.174 --> 37:35.955 Quite good, you see. 37:35.975 --> 37:36.535 That's not bad. 37:36.876 --> 37:42.940 And so there's lots of good lyrics about her dad not liking Lenny because he's black or the character that Lenny was playing. 37:43.541 --> 37:44.302 It was pretty good. 37:44.402 --> 37:44.842 Pretty good. 37:45.142 --> 37:54.070 You know, if you're walking through Soho Square in central London today, there's little posters for some stand-up gigs for Lenny stuck in the windows of one of the buildings on the corner of Soho Square. 37:54.350 --> 37:56.251 He's doing some little secret stand-up gigs. 37:56.411 --> 37:57.372 To test out material. 37:57.432 --> 37:57.773 Yeah. 37:58.153 --> 38:01.075 So if you're walking past there, you could take down the details and go to that if you're a Lenny fan. 38:01.135 --> 38:01.856 If you're a Lenny fan. 38:02.136 --> 38:03.896 But, yeah, check out the show, I would say. 38:04.277 --> 38:05.157 It was pretty all right. 38:05.197 --> 38:05.977 Here's the Ramones. 38:06.017 --> 38:07.277 We'll be back with Ditties in the Dock. 38:18.000 --> 38:18.540 Fantastic. 38:18.560 --> 38:21.121 That's the Ramones with You Don't Come Close. 38:21.841 --> 38:23.101 Or just Don't Come Close. 38:23.862 --> 38:24.842 Ditties in the Dock time. 38:26.407 --> 38:29.090 We'll make this quick because we've only got quarter of an hour left to the show. 38:29.110 --> 38:31.813 This is a part of the program where Joe and myself battle it out. 38:31.833 --> 38:38.801 This is a genuine battle to see who will be able to play the final free play of our show here on a Saturday afternoon on XFM. 38:38.841 --> 38:41.905 This week the theme is disco cover versions. 38:42.205 --> 38:42.666 Is that right? 38:42.946 --> 38:58.962 That's correct, and everybody who gets on air, everybody who calls 08712221049 to vote and gets on air will win three Cure albums, Faith, Pornography, and Seventeen Seconds in their deluxe, digitally remastered two-disc sets. 38:59.382 --> 39:00.403 A fantastic prize. 39:01.184 --> 39:02.965 They're in the shops next week as well if you don't win. 39:03.386 --> 39:06.328 So it is disco cover versions, and am I beginning? 39:06.528 --> 39:07.289 Yeah, you start. 39:07.549 --> 39:11.532 Okay, Joe Cornish's pitch this week is tied in with the release of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. 39:11.572 --> 39:14.314 I'd like to play Star Wars Galactic Funk by Nico. 39:14.354 --> 39:21.619 This is the disco version of the original Star Wars theme from 77, including a bridge that has the cantina song disco-fide. 39:21.919 --> 39:23.020 It's a fantastic record. 39:23.280 --> 39:27.303 It's got lightsaber sounds and also space blaster sounds that go boom boom boom boom. 39:27.883 --> 39:31.305 all the way through it and it is very funky and disco and it's the Star Wars theme. 39:31.325 --> 39:41.552 It's recorded by a guy called Nico Monado who went to see the first ever public showing of the original Star Wars at 11 in the morning on May the 26th, 1977 in New York. 39:42.072 --> 39:49.117 I quote this man, having seen the film, I went back to see it three more times the next day knowing this would be the largest grossing movie of all time. 39:49.337 --> 39:51.958 Then it hit me, my concept, like a bolt of lightning. 39:52.179 --> 39:52.879 You've seen the movie? 39:53.119 --> 39:54.060 Now go dance to it. 39:54.580 --> 39:57.041 And that's how he came up with the idea for the Star Wars disco theme. 39:57.341 --> 39:58.902 It went to number one everywhere in the world. 39:59.742 --> 40:01.303 That's what it says on his website. 40:01.984 --> 40:03.604 Everywhere in the world, and was certified platinum. 40:04.965 --> 40:09.707 And Miko says, my album outsold the original soundtrack 1.5 million to 1.1 million units. 40:10.067 --> 40:10.668 So there we go. 40:10.768 --> 40:11.268 It's brilliant. 40:11.408 --> 40:12.869 It's the Star Wars galactic funk. 40:12.929 --> 40:17.551 If you want to hear that, 08712221049 and vote for funky Star Wars or something like that. 40:17.571 --> 40:19.452 That is a comprehensive pitch. 40:19.492 --> 40:21.793 I'm going to make a very short one in comparison. 40:23.533 --> 40:25.934 Disco version of Sex Pistols Classics. 40:26.994 --> 40:33.495 And this is a track that appears on the album, The Great Rock and Roll Swindle, so you'll be familiar with it if you have that album. 40:33.815 --> 40:39.977 But if you haven't, I certainly recommend you vote for it because it's really a properly good disco song. 40:40.077 --> 40:41.677 So is the Star Wars disco funk? 40:41.937 --> 40:42.477 You're insane. 40:42.497 --> 40:42.837 It is! 40:42.877 --> 40:43.377 You're insane. 40:43.477 --> 40:44.758 It's got guns in it. 40:44.958 --> 40:45.478 It's got guns. 40:46.218 --> 40:53.521 Well this is a version of God Save the Queen and Pretty Vacant and it's a kind of medley basically. 40:53.701 --> 40:55.061 Anarchy in the UK and no one else. 40:55.081 --> 40:56.322 A Sex Pistols Disco Medley? 40:56.422 --> 40:56.642 Yeah. 40:57.002 --> 40:58.202 Man, that's top competition. 40:58.622 --> 41:00.943 Sex Pistols Disco Medley by the Black Arabs. 41:00.983 --> 41:02.264 That's all I'm going to say about that. 41:02.664 --> 41:04.565 So phone 0871 2221049. 41:04.865 --> 41:08.546 Vote for Sex Pistols or Star Wars. 41:08.566 --> 41:09.706 We'll be back very shortly. 41:10.687 --> 41:11.167 XFM 41:15.231 --> 41:16.431 Yes, this is Adam and Joel on XFM. 41:16.451 --> 41:20.053 You join us at the gut-wrenching climax to Ditties in the Dock this week. 41:20.093 --> 41:21.433 We've got five callers on the line. 41:21.553 --> 41:26.295 It's disco cover versions this week, the Sex Pistols versus the Star Wars disco theme. 41:27.596 --> 41:32.938 Up for grabs for everybody who gets through is the... Oh, it's not the complete back catalogue, isn't it? 41:33.018 --> 41:39.820 Three Cure albums, digitally remastered, deluxe double disc editions, pornography, faith, and 17 seconds. 41:39.860 --> 41:41.081 So let's go straight to the phones. 41:41.381 --> 41:41.941 Hello, Jasper. 41:42.657 --> 41:43.017 Hello. 41:43.317 --> 41:43.758 How are you? 41:44.258 --> 41:44.758 I'm all right. 41:45.378 --> 41:46.039 What news, Jasper? 41:46.079 --> 41:46.479 What's going on? 41:46.519 --> 41:46.819 What's up? 41:47.720 --> 41:50.681 Nothing, just we're going out with the kids for the day. 41:51.001 --> 41:51.341 Really? 41:51.521 --> 41:52.482 Where are you going, Jasper? 41:52.522 --> 41:53.382 How old are your children? 41:54.183 --> 41:55.463 They're six and four. 41:56.004 --> 41:58.705 We've just been actually to Legoland. 41:58.825 --> 42:00.326 Where's Legoland? 42:00.466 --> 42:01.366 Windsor, you buffoon. 42:01.547 --> 42:01.907 Windsor? 42:02.007 --> 42:02.687 I didn't know that. 42:02.707 --> 42:03.227 Of course. 42:03.908 --> 42:05.368 How long does it take to get to Windsor? 42:05.389 --> 42:07.710 For me, about an hour and a half. 42:08.690 --> 42:09.631 And is it worth the trip? 42:10.731 --> 42:10.971 What? 42:11.452 --> 42:11.972 Was it worth it? 42:12.898 --> 42:13.578 Yeah, it's all right. 42:14.039 --> 42:14.759 It's all right. 42:14.879 --> 42:15.359 Well, there we go. 42:15.379 --> 42:18.220 Well, you know, LEGOLAND are going to be very pleased for that glowing plug. 42:18.861 --> 42:19.601 Jasper, who are you voting for? 42:19.621 --> 42:20.401 I haven't been out for a while. 42:20.742 --> 42:21.762 You haven't been out for a while? 42:21.782 --> 42:23.083 Are you on day release? 42:23.683 --> 42:24.843 Yeah, yeah. 42:24.923 --> 42:25.644 Yeah, OK. 42:25.664 --> 42:26.584 You're a prisoner on day release. 42:26.904 --> 42:28.625 OK, Jasper, who are you voting for? 42:28.665 --> 42:30.526 Star Wars or the Sex Pistols? 42:31.106 --> 42:31.846 It's Star Wars. 42:32.147 --> 42:33.547 Hey, well done, Jasper. 42:33.567 --> 42:33.947 Good one. 42:33.987 --> 42:37.329 That's 1-0, and you win that Cure triple album beauty bag. 42:37.369 --> 42:38.249 Yeah, that'll cheer you up. 42:38.549 --> 42:39.510 Thanks for calling, Jasper. 42:39.550 --> 42:40.190 Have a great day. 42:40.830 --> 42:41.551 Adrian, are you there? 42:42.247 --> 42:43.047 Hello, yes I am. 42:43.087 --> 42:43.928 Hello Adrian, how are you? 42:44.348 --> 42:44.668 Good thanks. 42:44.848 --> 42:46.088 Have you been to Legoland today? 42:46.969 --> 42:47.509 Um, no. 42:47.809 --> 42:48.129 Why not? 42:48.149 --> 42:50.670 I'm going to go in spirit. 42:50.950 --> 42:51.910 Have you ever been to Legoland? 42:52.390 --> 42:53.691 No, I haven't, it's very easy. 42:53.951 --> 42:54.371 Why not? 42:55.451 --> 42:56.952 Get off Legoland, man. 42:56.972 --> 42:57.492 Why not? 42:57.552 --> 42:58.673 I want free tickets to Legoland. 42:59.213 --> 43:01.093 I wouldn't mind going to Legoland. 43:01.393 --> 43:02.454 Anyway, it doesn't matter. 43:03.914 --> 43:06.815 Adam, take over, come on. 43:07.275 --> 43:08.636 I forgot the name of the caller. 43:09.296 --> 43:09.576 Adrian. 43:09.736 --> 43:11.637 Adrian, what are you going to vote for, Adrian? 43:11.937 --> 43:13.478 I'm gonna go with Star Wars as well. 43:13.639 --> 43:14.980 Oh, hey! 43:15.020 --> 43:17.001 Could I be wiping the board, sweeping the board? 43:17.102 --> 43:18.283 It's sacred, isn't it? 43:18.343 --> 43:18.783 Say that again? 43:18.803 --> 43:21.866 Sex Pistols are a bit too sacred to tamper with. 43:22.286 --> 43:22.827 Too sacred? 43:22.887 --> 43:24.148 They tampered with it themselves. 43:24.248 --> 43:25.249 This is from their album. 43:25.289 --> 43:27.290 I'd quite like to hear that as well, the Sex Pistols one. 43:27.310 --> 43:28.091 It's really not bad. 43:28.111 --> 43:29.712 But still, you know, it's not up to us. 43:29.993 --> 43:30.553 So there we go. 43:30.573 --> 43:33.135 2-0 to the Disco Star Wars theme. 43:33.616 --> 43:34.397 Thanks for calling Adrian. 43:34.417 --> 43:35.397 You get those Cure albums as well. 43:35.437 --> 43:35.798 Geoff, hello. 43:36.701 --> 43:37.141 Hello. 43:37.522 --> 43:38.442 How are you, Geoff? 43:38.882 --> 43:39.663 Oh, I'm not too bad. 43:39.683 --> 43:40.303 It's nice and sunny. 43:40.563 --> 43:41.264 Is it nice and sunny? 43:41.304 --> 43:43.885 Have you not been alternately rained on and then sunned on? 43:44.666 --> 43:47.508 Not yet, no, but I will be working outside later. 43:47.608 --> 43:51.290 Wasn't there a huge, terrifying clap of thunder moments ago in your area? 43:52.311 --> 43:53.892 No, it's really sunny at the moment. 43:53.972 --> 43:54.672 It's really clear. 43:54.912 --> 43:55.773 Just because of you, Geoff. 43:55.813 --> 43:56.974 It's just above you, it's sunny. 43:57.234 --> 43:58.915 Geoff, what are you going to be working on outside? 43:59.795 --> 44:02.877 I'm working at the soap awards tonight at the BBC. 44:03.197 --> 44:04.137 Why are they outside? 44:04.157 --> 44:05.118 The soap awards? 44:05.338 --> 44:10.921 Well, I'm taking photographs of the soap people arriving, so... Are they hosted by Richard and Judy? 44:12.241 --> 44:14.423 No, no Richard and Judy, I'm afraid. 44:14.443 --> 44:15.103 Who's hosting them? 44:16.844 --> 44:19.625 I think it's Lily Savage. 44:19.825 --> 44:21.606 It doesn't sound like you care about the soap awards, Geoff. 44:21.626 --> 44:26.288 If you take photographs at the soap awards, does that mean that you have to know every single one of the soap people? 44:26.349 --> 44:27.129 I assume it does. 44:27.572 --> 44:32.538 It's really difficult because you might know the screen names, but you don't know the real names. 44:32.619 --> 44:33.880 I wouldn't recognize a single one. 44:33.900 --> 44:35.502 That would be a nightmare assignment for me. 44:35.542 --> 44:37.605 I'd just be taking pictures of all the other photographers. 44:38.606 --> 44:40.268 Anyway, which one are you going to vote for? 44:40.288 --> 44:42.231 Is it going to be Star Wars or the Sex Pistols? 44:42.711 --> 44:44.052 It's gonna have to be Star Wars. 44:44.352 --> 44:45.433 Are you joking? 44:45.473 --> 44:46.954 I've been completely creamed. 44:47.014 --> 44:49.456 Wait, we've got another caller on and it's already a walkover. 44:49.476 --> 44:50.978 Are we chopping that other caller? 44:51.158 --> 44:52.159 Well, yeah, that's it. 44:52.199 --> 44:53.320 Oh, so we're gonna have to. 44:53.520 --> 44:54.400 It's 3-0. 44:55.081 --> 44:58.083 Well, thanks for calling Geoff, Adrian and Jasper, your very clever men. 44:58.103 --> 45:00.385 And you've chosen very well. 45:00.485 --> 45:01.606 Can I just play you a snatch? 45:01.766 --> 45:02.447 Yeah, please do. 45:02.487 --> 45:03.868 If you forgive me for using that word. 45:03.888 --> 45:06.070 Oh, no, no, that's yours, that's one. 45:06.090 --> 45:06.770 This is the one that... 45:08.191 --> 45:09.092 That sounds good. 45:09.352 --> 45:09.973 Quite good. 45:10.213 --> 45:12.434 Let's wait for the Sex Pistols tune to come in. 45:12.454 --> 45:17.477 It's a bit confusing because it starts with this bit. 45:17.557 --> 45:19.018 All disco covers sound the same. 45:19.219 --> 45:20.539 It sounds just like the Star Wars one. 45:24.887 --> 45:25.467 When's it gonna happen? 45:25.527 --> 45:26.188 It's coming in now. 45:26.208 --> 45:27.848 Do you want me to be playing the whole thing? 45:29.049 --> 45:29.889 Oh, for goodness sake. 45:29.909 --> 45:30.609 This isn't justice. 45:30.629 --> 45:32.650 That's the problem with disco is it takes too long to get going. 45:33.931 --> 45:34.991 That's good. 45:35.952 --> 45:38.393 Anyway, you lunatics. 45:38.413 --> 45:42.475 It's so nice to hear someone proclaiming themselves the Antichrist in such an upbeat way. 45:42.635 --> 45:43.175 Absolutely. 45:44.028 --> 45:44.529 So here it is. 45:44.569 --> 45:46.190 This is by Meeko, the Star Wars theme. 45:46.210 --> 45:48.853 Keep listening because in the fridge it goes into the cantina theme. 45:49.474 --> 45:52.857 Turn it up loud and, I don't know, pretend to be Luke Skywalker. 45:53.438 --> 45:55.420 Justin Lee Collins is coming up very shortly. 45:55.640 --> 45:57.321 We'll be back with you next week, same time. 45:57.342 --> 45:58.002 Thanks for listening. 45:58.202 --> 45:58.943 Bye, love you, bye. 45:58.963 --> 45:59.023 Bye!