WEBVTT 00:00.489 --> 00:03.271 Hello, this is Adam and Joe on XFM with you for the next two hours. 00:03.351 --> 00:06.012 We're going to have a crap commentary corner this afternoon. 00:07.033 --> 00:09.214 We'll be giving away Anchorman DVDs. 00:09.874 --> 00:11.075 What else are we doing, Ann? 00:11.095 --> 00:12.536 Shall I play my introductory jingle? 00:12.736 --> 00:13.636 That's a good idea, yeah. 00:13.916 --> 00:19.960 That sounds interesting, let's talk about it I always enjoy our little chats 00:21.080 --> 00:28.705 I never know what you'll say Did you see the children in the frat camp? 00:29.065 --> 00:31.887 Do you think the parents are to blame? 00:32.007 --> 00:38.691 I'm not sure about that new TV show Will you text me that great new ringtone? 00:39.372 --> 00:48.938 I just love it and it makes me laugh I'm not sure about that new TV show That sounds interesting, let's talk about it 00:49.378 --> 00:52.980 Let's start talking now. 00:53.560 --> 00:54.501 Oh, that's exciting. 00:54.741 --> 00:55.021 Isn't it? 00:55.241 --> 00:56.262 All the things we could cover. 00:56.442 --> 00:57.262 All the things we could cover. 00:57.342 --> 00:59.303 I'd like to talk about that new TV show. 00:59.624 --> 01:00.684 Which, that one? 01:00.904 --> 01:02.265 Yeah, the one that was on last night. 01:02.805 --> 01:03.846 Oh, the Friday Night Project. 01:03.866 --> 01:07.668 Yeah, but I've got a new rule not to be rude about anybody else in the industry. 01:08.048 --> 01:09.169 When did you make that rule up? 01:09.189 --> 01:10.029 A couple of weeks ago. 01:10.430 --> 01:12.171 You did not make it up a couple of weeks ago. 01:12.211 --> 01:13.691 You were rude about people last weekend. 01:13.711 --> 01:13.951 Was I? 01:13.972 --> 01:14.632 Who was I rude about? 01:15.412 --> 01:17.233 Er, people who write for Empire magazine. 01:17.253 --> 01:19.395 Yeah, but they're not really in our industry. 01:19.635 --> 01:20.335 Well, they're in an industry. 01:20.355 --> 01:24.938 I wasn't rude about them, I just said I've violently disagreed with their opinions on the Life Aquatic. 01:24.958 --> 01:26.559 So I can't talk about the Friday Night Project. 01:26.699 --> 01:32.902 Did you have a run-in with someone that made you, er, think, rethink, or did you just have a soul-searching moment? 01:32.922 --> 01:38.586 Er, no, I just imagined what it would feel like if someone was talking about me critically on the radio. 01:38.746 --> 01:39.466 And did that happen? 01:39.506 --> 01:40.567 Did you get some criticism? 01:40.707 --> 01:40.847 Nope. 01:41.207 --> 01:41.728 That hurt you? 01:41.788 --> 01:41.928 Nope. 01:42.648 --> 01:43.710 Did you see someone on the internet? 01:43.850 --> 01:44.010 No. 01:44.291 --> 01:45.252 Did you get a nasty text? 01:45.312 --> 01:45.492 No. 01:45.753 --> 01:46.634 Did you get a nasty email? 01:46.754 --> 01:47.075 No. 01:47.816 --> 01:49.158 I'm just trying to better myself, you know. 01:49.178 --> 01:51.101 Yeah, I'm just curious about the epiphany. 01:51.281 --> 01:51.521 Yeah. 01:51.782 --> 01:53.264 So can't talk about the Friday night project. 01:54.408 --> 01:55.449 Except to say that it was terrific. 01:55.749 --> 01:57.610 Right, I'm going to talk about it, though, later on. 01:57.810 --> 01:58.090 OK. 01:58.130 --> 02:00.031 Why can't you talk about this ludicrous behaviour? 02:00.051 --> 02:02.072 You can talk about it in a completely rational way. 02:02.092 --> 02:04.974 Cos I know pretty much everybody involved, apart from them. 02:04.994 --> 02:05.534 That's OK. 02:05.654 --> 02:07.395 You don't have to be horrible about them personally. 02:07.595 --> 02:08.256 I don't know Vinny. 02:08.436 --> 02:09.617 Everyone was doing their best. 02:10.257 --> 02:12.178 But you can still talk about the final product. 02:12.318 --> 02:20.002 Anyway, I think we should address the Friday night project later on, seeing as it's a big new Channel 4 show and it's kind of an exciting thing in a way. 02:20.022 --> 02:21.323 Well, I'm going to be very pro at it. 02:21.523 --> 02:22.924 Because that's something that's good to do, isn't it? 02:22.964 --> 02:25.685 One of us is pro something, the other one is con, and then you get a balanced opinion. 02:25.725 --> 02:28.047 I'm gonna be very pro it, but I'd like to say how I'm lying. 02:28.187 --> 02:28.727 How do you know? 02:28.827 --> 02:29.387 Oh, right, okay. 02:29.948 --> 02:31.408 Well, I'm gonna be very pro it as well. 02:31.428 --> 02:33.249 You know, I found some of it very enjoyable. 02:34.410 --> 02:35.331 The ending part. 02:35.371 --> 02:36.971 Anyway, we'll talk about that later on. 02:37.432 --> 02:43.675 Also, I presume that we won't be talking about the new series of 24 because you're not a fan, but I- 02:44.075 --> 02:45.456 Oh, I started watching that this week. 02:45.976 --> 02:46.737 That was great. 02:46.897 --> 02:48.818 Two-hour episode last Sunday evening. 02:48.858 --> 02:52.920 It was like being... having a lovely warm bath after six months in a coal mine. 02:52.940 --> 02:54.161 It was amazing. 02:54.501 --> 02:55.482 I think you're missing out, man. 02:55.502 --> 02:57.123 You should get in on a 24 action. 02:57.743 --> 02:59.825 And you didn't see Wife Swap this week, did you, by any chance? 02:59.845 --> 03:00.745 Missed Wife Swap, no. 03:00.965 --> 03:01.906 Do you usually watch that? 03:02.446 --> 03:05.208 I used to in the first couple of series, but now I don't anymore. 03:05.228 --> 03:05.708 Drifting off? 03:06.228 --> 03:07.409 I never usually watch it, you see. 03:07.469 --> 03:09.030 I caught it for the first time this week. 03:09.190 --> 03:12.312 But I tell you what, they were talking about it on a rival radio station, so I heard them talking about it. 03:12.472 --> 03:13.092 What were they saying? 03:13.613 --> 03:16.975 Er, I don't know, going on about- oh, well, it was to do with posh people being filthy. 03:16.995 --> 03:19.397 Er, can I mention another radio station, Lola? 03:19.837 --> 03:20.758 Yeah, go on then. 03:20.798 --> 03:21.919 OK, er, but no, what's it called? 03:21.959 --> 03:23.340 It used to be called GLR Radio London. 03:23.540 --> 03:26.522 John Gaunt in the morning, he's a very sort of er, irritating- You love Gauntie. 03:26.542 --> 03:28.404 Actually, I do love Gauntie, he winds me up in the morning. 03:28.744 --> 03:32.807 He was going on about posh people, middle- middle class liberals being dirtier than working class people. 03:33.187 --> 03:39.672 Because it had- did it have a posh wife, and a sort of working class wife, and the posh wife was filthy, mucky, dirty. 03:40.192 --> 03:41.814 Oh, well, she wasn't very posh. 03:41.954 --> 03:42.755 That's what Gaunty thought. 03:43.256 --> 03:49.162 Well, maybe for Gaunty she was posh, but not in my book, and I don't consider myself that posh. 03:49.422 --> 03:58.932 Anyway, I'd like to talk about, you know, wife swap a bit later on, and as Joe mentioned, of course we do have those exciting competitions and a lot of good prizes to give away this week as well. 03:59.172 --> 03:59.873 Terrific prizes. 04:00.033 --> 04:02.536 You know, I'm going to be talking about the Sundance Film Festival. 04:02.916 --> 04:03.216 Are you? 04:03.357 --> 04:03.597 Yeah. 04:03.717 --> 04:05.999 Because that's happened and there's some hot titles there. 04:06.019 --> 04:07.660 Yeah, it'll be a quick conversation. 04:07.860 --> 04:09.081 Brat Camp I would like to talk about. 04:09.402 --> 04:12.304 Yeah, yeah, I'll certainly chat to you about Brat Camp. 04:12.324 --> 04:20.691 So there's loads of great stuff, but maybe we should play some music, because people who've just been listening to Alex's show there are used to a constant stream of Top Rock hits, and, you know, they might be going cold turkey. 04:21.012 --> 04:22.553 OK, well here's some Idlewild. 04:28.311 --> 04:33.818 The Stereophonics with their exciting new return to form, Dakota, sounding a little like U2 there. 04:34.118 --> 04:34.919 And Gary Newman. 04:35.399 --> 04:36.140 And Gary Newman. 04:36.160 --> 04:37.061 Which is good, I think. 04:37.081 --> 04:38.343 That's two good things. 04:38.583 --> 04:44.370 Yeah, and in the video, he's driving along in a car with a girl, and halfway through, her hat blows off. 04:45.751 --> 04:46.512 Are they in the desert? 04:46.532 --> 04:47.592 That's all that happens, yeah. 04:47.812 --> 04:48.513 Are they in the desert? 04:48.633 --> 04:48.853 Yeah. 04:48.933 --> 04:50.094 I knew they'd be in the desert! 04:50.414 --> 04:52.035 It's not a particularly exciting video. 04:52.355 --> 04:56.257 If I had a pop band, I'd shoot a video in the desert in a car with a girl. 04:56.717 --> 04:58.278 Yes, like what Darius did. 04:58.478 --> 05:05.062 Yeah, we'd be driving along and it would be hot and there'd be cactuses, cacti, and the girl would be quite attractive with big badoobies. 05:05.102 --> 05:09.384 And while the camera was rolling, you'd get to touch her, but then as soon as they said, cut, she'd go, get off! 05:10.305 --> 05:12.106 Don't touch me, do not touch me there! 05:12.426 --> 05:14.688 Don't ever touch me again or I'll kill you. 05:15.548 --> 05:24.995 Now, did you see, did you see, by any chance, this new advert on telly, right, for something called KY Warming Liquid? 05:25.435 --> 05:26.016 Are you speaking to me? 05:26.036 --> 05:26.416 Yeah. 05:26.476 --> 05:26.696 Yes. 05:27.316 --> 05:27.857 You have seen that? 05:27.877 --> 05:28.077 No. 05:28.958 --> 05:33.261 Well, it was on, it was on during wife swap, which I also want to chat about a bit later on. 05:33.801 --> 05:37.023 So wife swap, I'm talking about 9.30 on a channel, on channel 4. 05:37.083 --> 05:38.184 And this is a TV advert? 05:38.264 --> 05:39.045 TV advert, yeah. 05:40.345 --> 05:44.116 And as far as I can tell, mate, I'll just play you the advert first of all. 05:44.217 --> 05:45.119 See what you make of this. 05:45.862 --> 05:46.443 Oh, that's wrong. 05:48.076 --> 05:48.736 Oh, dear me. 05:48.756 --> 05:52.318 I thought I was gonna get sorted on the button front this week, but I'm obviously still a bit rubbish. 05:52.358 --> 05:52.738 Here we go. 05:52.918 --> 05:53.878 So this is the advert. 06:14.764 --> 06:16.185 So what do you reckon about that? 06:16.205 --> 06:18.405 I mean, it's fairly clear what that's for, is it not? 06:18.545 --> 06:19.486 Or is it like deep heat? 06:20.446 --> 06:21.687 It's a muscle relaxant. 06:22.107 --> 06:28.990 It sort of has the same effect as deep heat, I would imagine, in that it causes a warming sensation, that's the key thing there. 06:29.310 --> 06:35.292 But I think KY, and I might be wrong about this, are generally known for their range of sex-related products. 06:35.572 --> 06:42.695 Well, KY Jelly is a commonly used lubricant, but it can be used for other things other than close physical relations. 06:43.195 --> 06:46.396 But in America, in particular, it's shorthand for a sexual lubricant. 06:46.737 --> 06:47.237 That's right. 06:47.437 --> 06:48.797 So the kings of the lubricants, KY? 06:48.817 --> 06:49.137 They are. 06:49.157 --> 06:50.298 They're the lubricant kings. 06:50.498 --> 06:54.199 And I think this is another long line of their excellent lubrication products. 06:54.740 --> 06:57.621 But it is specifically targeting the 06:57.981 --> 07:04.167 sex market people who enjoy sexual congress and want to enhance their sexual congress. 07:04.447 --> 07:05.788 What's happening in the advert? 07:05.868 --> 07:06.709 What's happening on the screen? 07:06.769 --> 07:07.430 Not very much. 07:07.490 --> 07:11.293 There's a guy reading the paper and- Not hardcore pornographic action. 07:11.313 --> 07:11.654 No, no. 07:11.694 --> 07:12.995 There's a marriage going wrong. 07:13.275 --> 07:15.257 A marriage is going wrong. 07:15.277 --> 07:15.657 Oh really? 07:15.837 --> 07:17.519 So they slu- what's the word? 07:17.539 --> 07:19.901 Smother themselves in generating jelly. 07:21.002 --> 07:21.242 Yeah. 07:21.922 --> 07:22.983 No, you don't even see that. 07:23.223 --> 07:40.931 There's a guy sitting on the couch reading the paper and the marriage is going wrong and in the foreground his wife has found a tube of the jelly of the warming gel and she's very excited because she knows that imminently the marriage is going to start improving and there's going to be some warm warming sensations on contact. 07:41.351 --> 07:49.918 But I was just curious about the ad, I was curious to know if this is the first ad that's ever actually advertised a product specifically for sexual purposes. 07:50.239 --> 07:57.285 I know there's lots of ads that are for general health purposes, for your undie parts and things like that, but those are fairly utilitarian. 07:57.325 --> 08:01.088 This one is specifically for the, you know, just for sex reasons. 08:01.468 --> 08:03.690 Are there any other sex product ads on TV at the moment? 08:03.710 --> 08:04.010 I don't know. 08:04.050 --> 08:05.051 Maybe the listeners can help us. 08:05.071 --> 08:06.852 You can text us on 83XFM. 08:07.473 --> 08:08.053 Let us know. 08:08.193 --> 08:08.714 I don't know. 08:08.734 --> 08:09.454 I don't know. 08:09.474 --> 08:12.877 This is some kind of watershed, I'm thinking, you know, because I guess there's chat lines. 08:12.917 --> 08:20.023 You could say that was a sort of sex service, but they're always dressed up as... I still don't understand how a heat-generating paste would help your sex life. 08:20.737 --> 08:21.337 Well, man. 08:21.377 --> 08:22.137 Where would you put it? 08:22.317 --> 08:22.938 Where do you think? 08:23.438 --> 08:25.558 Yeah, but... What? 08:25.819 --> 08:26.559 It would be great! 08:27.139 --> 08:29.660 Just to have a hot... I've got no problem with the idea. 08:29.680 --> 08:30.300 Hot todger. 08:30.540 --> 08:32.621 Hot toge, hot box, everything would be great. 08:32.821 --> 08:33.321 Would you come? 08:33.441 --> 08:36.182 Can you put it... This is getting a bit... Well, exactly. 08:36.202 --> 08:36.922 You've got to be careful. 08:37.122 --> 08:41.343 But I tell you, this is the floodgates opening in more ways than one, I think, for TV ads, surely. 08:41.383 --> 08:47.465 If this ad can get on, then I'm expecting advertisements for the inflatable person, for example. 08:48.025 --> 08:49.267 Keeping a relationship alive? 08:49.527 --> 08:50.268 It takes work. 08:50.508 --> 08:52.550 So why not take a break with something plastic? 08:52.871 --> 08:54.653 The new ANJ Inflatable Person. 08:54.973 --> 08:56.955 Creates an enjoyable sensation on contact. 08:57.215 --> 08:59.138 Choose between male person or female person. 08:59.438 --> 09:01.360 Or even for more fun, a mafra person. 09:01.580 --> 09:02.061 Call now. 09:02.241 --> 09:03.382 Free pump when you buy the set. 09:03.743 --> 09:04.784 That kind of thing, I'm thinking. 09:04.804 --> 09:04.924 Wow. 09:05.905 --> 09:06.506 I'll take one. 09:07.026 --> 09:08.407 OK, you get a free pump. 09:09.087 --> 09:14.989 And so yeah, do let us know if you can think of more ads specifically targeting the sex market. 09:15.390 --> 09:21.152 Right now, here's the first of our brilliant free plays this week, and it's Ben Folds Five Underground. 09:29.787 --> 09:32.348 That's The Killers with Mr. Brightside. 09:32.368 --> 09:33.628 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 09:33.648 --> 09:37.709 There's a lot of killing bands around this, The Killers, The Kills. 09:38.349 --> 09:43.290 I saw a thing on Popworld the other day about how Murder Inc, Murder Incorporated, is that the name of them? 09:43.330 --> 09:44.431 Yeah, they're a hip-hop label. 09:44.691 --> 09:50.072 And they had to just, they just have to be called Incorporated now, I think, because, you know... 09:50.712 --> 09:52.113 It's not good to encourage killing. 09:52.393 --> 09:53.794 People don't like murder, generally. 09:53.815 --> 09:56.116 But at least the killers have called their record Mr. Brightside. 09:56.497 --> 09:58.158 So that's a bit of a balance there, isn't it? 09:58.338 --> 09:58.678 Exactly. 09:58.698 --> 09:59.919 They're looking on the bright side. 09:59.979 --> 10:03.102 So this week, listeners, on Channel 4 you may have seen Brat Camp. 10:03.222 --> 10:14.971 It's the return of their hit series about troubled posh kids that are taken off to a camp run by sort of really quite unappealing, horrible American men with beards. 10:15.191 --> 10:15.731 I like them. 10:16.352 --> 10:17.473 Who put them through torture. 10:17.833 --> 10:18.734 Why are they unappealing? 10:19.134 --> 10:19.675 Well, I don't know. 10:19.695 --> 10:22.837 I always think that they might have as many mental problems as the kids. 10:22.918 --> 10:29.323 If you end up running a ranch where you discipline children, I think you might possibly have psychological problems yourself. 10:29.563 --> 10:38.631 I think there should be another series called Ranch Camp, where people who run those things are put through tortures by kids. 10:39.132 --> 10:40.193 Why, what's wrong with them, though? 10:40.453 --> 10:41.673 What's wrong with who? 10:42.234 --> 10:43.854 By the people that run the camp. 10:43.974 --> 10:45.034 I just do not look at them. 10:45.074 --> 10:46.175 Their jeans are too tight. 10:46.195 --> 10:47.555 Their shirts are tucked into their jeans. 10:47.575 --> 10:49.996 They've got weird, carefully crafted beards. 10:50.276 --> 10:52.497 They just seem like serial killers. 10:52.597 --> 10:52.917 I don't know. 10:53.137 --> 10:53.797 Maybe it's just me. 10:54.137 --> 11:01.580 But the other thing that got me a bit wound up about Brett Camp, and I don't know whether anyone agrees with me, is that there's this thing that happens when a show's a hit. 11:02.120 --> 11:03.480 The people in it become self-aware. 11:03.500 --> 11:09.002 They've seen the previous series, so they know that whatever happens to them, they're going to be TV stars. 11:09.602 --> 11:18.812 So this was illustrated by a scene in the first episode, which you may have seen, where there's a girl with sort of purple hair that refuses to get on the plane and go to the camp. 11:19.152 --> 11:20.334 She goes, no, I don't want to! 11:20.594 --> 11:21.095 I don't want to! 11:21.115 --> 11:21.675 I'm not going! 11:21.715 --> 11:22.416 Why should I go? 11:22.436 --> 11:26.701 And there's a big scene, and her parents are trying to persuade her to go, and then her boyfriend steps in. 11:26.721 --> 11:27.341 Do you remember this bit? 11:27.421 --> 11:28.062 Did you see this bit? 11:28.102 --> 11:28.903 I didn't see the beginning. 11:28.963 --> 11:29.704 No, I missed the beginning. 11:29.864 --> 11:32.186 Her boyfriend steps in and takes her aside. 11:32.226 --> 11:36.049 The voiceover goes, I'm not sure what her name was, but Kelly is refusing to go. 11:36.229 --> 11:36.970 She's having a fit. 11:37.290 --> 11:38.451 Her boyfriend takes her aside. 11:38.852 --> 11:41.554 They have a conversation and soon the tables have turned. 11:41.754 --> 11:43.636 She comes back all bright and smiley, jumps on the plane. 11:44.016 --> 11:45.898 What happened in that conversation? 11:46.238 --> 11:47.039 What didn't we hear? 11:47.779 --> 11:52.501 I think the boyfriend, the boyfriend went, Curly, look, you're going to be on TV. 11:52.861 --> 11:55.782 For God's sake, you're going to be on a major Channel 4 series for six weeks. 11:56.042 --> 11:59.843 What is it they can possibly do to you that will not make it worth doing? 12:00.503 --> 12:02.944 And she went, yeah, you're right, sorry, I'm stupid, I haven't been thinking. 12:03.304 --> 12:04.945 I don't care what they do to me as long as I get on telly. 12:05.405 --> 12:06.725 Yeah, because she ran off and jumped in. 12:06.945 --> 12:07.926 I can never understand. 12:08.926 --> 12:12.088 What the tears are about when they finally get to the camp, you know what I mean? 12:12.148 --> 12:16.772 It's like, do they not understand what they are taking part in? 12:16.832 --> 12:22.876 They're on television, they're surrounded by obviously friendly cameramen, you know, because they talk to the cameras and they're quite candid with them. 12:23.496 --> 12:25.898 And they do their little video diaries and stuff as well. 12:26.178 --> 12:27.218 Surely it's exciting. 12:27.278 --> 12:28.459 And they're going to America? 12:28.819 --> 12:30.640 To the American states in America? 12:30.900 --> 12:33.721 And all they've got to do is not swear smoke and sleep on a wooden board. 12:33.861 --> 12:36.102 I'd do that to get a six-part series on Channel 4. 12:36.242 --> 12:36.822 Yeah, exactly. 12:36.862 --> 12:39.483 And then their parents are coming out and... I'd put piercings in. 12:40.103 --> 12:41.084 And then just take them out. 12:42.184 --> 12:44.025 You know, to get a six-part series on Channel 4. 12:44.165 --> 12:44.785 Yeah, it'd be brilliant. 12:44.805 --> 12:47.466 I'd find Brat Camp, Luxury Camp, more like. 12:47.986 --> 12:48.247 I know. 12:48.267 --> 12:49.567 Fame Academy, they should call it. 12:49.667 --> 12:50.547 Yeah, yeah. 12:50.567 --> 12:51.768 Tell them, Joe Cornish. 12:55.209 --> 12:55.672 Who's this now? 12:55.712 --> 12:57.687 This is The Libertines on XFM. 13:05.302 --> 13:07.403 That's Block Party with So Here We Are. 13:07.423 --> 13:10.225 This is Adam and Joe on XFM this Saturday afternoon. 13:10.245 --> 13:13.548 I'm looking forward to that Block Party album coming out. 13:13.608 --> 13:14.849 I'm going to go and buy it. 13:15.589 --> 13:16.069 When's it out? 13:16.129 --> 13:17.090 February the 14th. 13:17.530 --> 13:18.011 That's out. 13:18.671 --> 13:23.414 We've got Crap Commentaries coming up very shortly in the beginning of the next hour. 13:24.215 --> 13:26.797 And is it a difficult one or a fairly easy one this week, Joe? 13:27.057 --> 13:28.038 It's an obscure one. 13:28.058 --> 13:30.880 I was just going to read out a text. 13:30.900 --> 13:32.381 What's happening to my text screen? 13:33.662 --> 13:34.203 Oh, no. 13:34.363 --> 13:35.364 Oh, no, text crashed. 13:35.384 --> 13:38.548 Somebody texted in, just apropos our conversation about Brat Camp. 13:41.938 --> 13:42.298 OK. 13:42.919 --> 13:45.580 Um, that somebody knows one of the boys from Brat Camp, Joe. 13:45.600 --> 13:47.020 Do you remember that one? 13:47.100 --> 13:47.360 Who's he? 13:47.400 --> 13:48.641 Is he the sort of posh punk one? 13:48.841 --> 13:50.581 He looks a bit like a member of the Noise Next Door. 13:50.801 --> 13:52.122 He's in this series of Brat Camp. 13:52.142 --> 13:52.842 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 13:53.322 --> 13:55.183 The text says, I know Joe from Brat Camp. 13:56.123 --> 13:57.183 It's got a swear word in it. 13:57.564 --> 13:58.984 But do you know another word for kitten? 13:59.464 --> 14:02.705 Which can be used to describe somebody who's got no, uh, cojones. 14:02.985 --> 14:03.185 Yeah. 14:03.666 --> 14:04.566 Yeah, he's one of those. 14:05.006 --> 14:07.887 And he only acts like a brat for his mum. 14:08.567 --> 14:10.168 I once did a bong hit with him. 14:11.989 --> 14:12.750 That's a good text. 14:13.110 --> 14:15.152 Keep those texts coming in, 83XFM. 14:15.392 --> 14:17.094 Sorry, where were we before we got into that? 14:17.594 --> 14:18.695 The crap commentary corner, yeah. 14:18.816 --> 14:19.356 It's coming up. 14:19.396 --> 14:23.060 You could win a copy of Anchorman on DVD, which I thought was brilliant. 14:23.140 --> 14:24.901 Will Ferrell's comedy film. 14:25.562 --> 14:28.164 Some people think it's sort of a bit patchy. 14:28.605 --> 14:30.647 I think it's got moments of genius in it, Anchorman. 14:31.124 --> 14:31.824 Yeah, it's very good. 14:32.105 --> 14:33.986 I mean, yeah, it's pretty simple stuff, isn't it? 14:34.006 --> 14:42.110 It's fairly straightforward, and one very simple idea stretched amazingly into an entire film, but it kind of works thanks to the genius of Feral. 14:42.211 --> 14:45.553 So you could win a copy of that in Crap Commentary Corner coming up, and it's quite obscure. 14:45.573 --> 14:46.913 Shall I tell you how obscure it is? 14:47.013 --> 14:47.334 Go on, then. 14:47.594 --> 14:50.696 It comes from a film that you can't actually get on DVD in the UK. 14:51.596 --> 15:09.314 that's impossible then not really not for our listeners adam really yeah because they're such remember the last impossible one we had what was it i thought the impossible one was completely impossible oh it was that one with lily sabeski or something yeah we we owe it every time we think we've got an impossible one our listeners get it someone pulls it i think they'll do it again okay good 15:10.094 --> 15:13.236 Um, did you see the new series of Look Around You starting this week? 15:13.356 --> 15:15.657 You know what, I was working, so I missed it. 15:15.677 --> 15:16.777 I wasn't working, I was at the theatre. 15:16.937 --> 15:17.478 It was really good. 15:17.498 --> 15:18.358 You went to the theatre? 15:18.378 --> 15:18.538 Yeah. 15:18.858 --> 15:20.859 Ooh, excuse me! 15:20.879 --> 15:22.360 Ooh, the theatre! 15:22.580 --> 15:22.880 Ooh! 15:23.380 --> 15:24.641 Sorry, I don't know why I did that. 15:25.441 --> 15:26.281 Um, what did you go and see? 15:26.762 --> 15:27.502 Uh, the History Boys. 15:28.022 --> 15:28.722 The History Boys? 15:28.742 --> 15:29.603 Yeah, it was very, very good. 15:29.843 --> 15:31.624 But Look Around You I hear was brilliant as well. 15:31.724 --> 15:36.206 Look Around You was very good, very strong start, I thought, and, uh, really made me laugh. 15:36.246 --> 15:37.326 And this was my favourite bit. 15:37.346 --> 15:37.886 You've got to see it. 15:37.926 --> 15:38.827 Did you tape it or anything? 15:40.067 --> 15:40.668 I didn't know. 15:40.768 --> 15:41.569 It'll come out on DVD. 15:41.589 --> 15:42.730 I love the DVD of the first series. 15:42.750 --> 15:44.732 It's fantastic and I look forward to the second one. 15:45.012 --> 15:46.494 Here's another quite good idea for Brat Camp. 15:46.534 --> 15:54.603 Come in on the texts that they should film it but just at the very end, the final twist would be they tell them that there's been no film in the camera. 15:55.143 --> 15:55.724 Well, there you go. 15:55.764 --> 16:00.470 That was a little sketch that was on Armando Iannucci's 2004 The Stupid Version. 16:00.711 --> 16:01.732 And he actually did that for real. 16:02.072 --> 16:04.135 And in a similar... Oh, no, it wasn't that similar, in fact. 16:04.175 --> 16:09.843 There was a thing with Vinnie Jones in a cupboard yesterday on The Friday Night Project as a reality show. 16:09.983 --> 16:12.066 That was one of the more inspired ideas, I thought, on there. 16:13.127 --> 16:14.268 So here's my favourite little bit. 16:14.388 --> 16:21.094 Before we have a free play from you that you've brought in, Joe, which is a bit of Sly and Robbie, here's my favourite bit from Look Around You. 16:21.134 --> 16:27.079 This was Kevin Eldon with his idea of what music in the year 2000 would sound like from the perspective of someone in 1980. 16:27.119 --> 16:27.579 MUSIC PLAYS 16:41.201 --> 16:46.707 Dino Dino Dino The Macadam is a veteran of it 16:56.067 --> 16:57.887 Not that far away from what it sounds like now. 16:58.027 --> 16:58.328 Yeah, exactly. 16:58.368 --> 16:59.548 We're just in a different language. 16:59.608 --> 17:00.528 That's like Block Party. 17:00.748 --> 17:03.369 Yeah, that's what Ukrainian music sounds like now, isn't it? 17:03.549 --> 17:06.770 And so the new series of Look Around You continues on Mondays, is it? 17:07.070 --> 17:07.330 Yeah. 17:07.610 --> 17:09.630 At, uh, I think at 10 o'clock on BBC Two. 17:09.670 --> 17:10.410 Telly time. 17:10.630 --> 17:11.211 Telly time. 17:11.271 --> 17:12.411 Right, now, who's this, Joe? 17:12.431 --> 17:13.191 Introduce this for us. 17:13.411 --> 17:14.311 Oh, this is my free play. 17:14.331 --> 17:15.292 This is Sly and Robbie. 17:15.832 --> 17:17.092 Uh, this is a track called Boops. 17:17.332 --> 17:19.192 If you've never heard it before, enjoy it. 17:19.352 --> 17:20.913 If you have, you'll enjoy it even more. 17:21.093 --> 17:22.293 Crap commentary corner, coming up. 17:29.371 --> 17:30.080 Yeah! 17:39.659 --> 17:42.240 Yeah, that's California by Phantom Planet. 17:42.320 --> 17:45.522 Of course, it's the theme tune to the O.C. 17:45.702 --> 17:46.802 like right now. 17:47.243 --> 17:51.785 And other film fact, of course, is that Jason Schwartzman used to be in Phantom Planet. 17:51.985 --> 17:52.725 Did he really? 17:52.745 --> 17:53.886 From Rushmore and stuff. 17:54.106 --> 17:54.566 That's right. 17:55.326 --> 17:57.267 This is Adam and Joe on XFL and London's 104.9. 17:57.367 --> 18:04.491 It's time for Crap Commentary Corner, and I've got a new jingle this week, but can we just refresh the listeners' memories of the old jingle, Adam, please? 18:08.312 --> 18:09.353 I don't think I did that one. 18:09.573 --> 18:10.113 Yeah, you did. 18:10.153 --> 18:10.533 It was wicked. 18:10.553 --> 18:10.733 Did I? 18:10.873 --> 18:11.013 Yeah. 18:11.033 --> 18:11.434 Oh, brilliant. 18:11.474 --> 18:13.534 Well, that wasn't a crap commentary corner jingle. 18:13.775 --> 18:16.556 This is the old crap commentary corner jingle, is it? 18:18.717 --> 18:20.557 Yeah. 18:21.017 --> 18:24.219 Still sounding good. 18:24.819 --> 18:25.219 Kick it. 18:25.259 --> 18:25.519 What? 18:25.539 --> 18:25.639 What? 18:42.563 --> 18:45.426 So that was the crap commentary corner jingle. 18:45.466 --> 18:47.647 We've only used that once, but already I've got a new one. 18:48.488 --> 18:51.210 Cos I wasn't sure that the music behind that one had a lot to do with movies. 18:51.250 --> 18:54.973 It's Bob James with Tappan Zee, you know, jazz funk. 18:55.154 --> 18:55.314 Yep. 18:55.614 --> 18:57.956 So I've come up with one that's got some movie music on it. 18:58.076 --> 18:59.457 So have a listen to that one. 18:59.917 --> 19:00.358 This new one. 19:01.999 --> 19:05.622 It's time to call in You could win something amazing Let us begin 19:07.938 --> 19:11.161 Can you guess which film we're playing? 19:11.601 --> 19:14.924 I hear it, what they're saying. 19:15.624 --> 19:18.827 Crap commentary corner. 19:19.447 --> 19:19.548 Ah. 19:20.268 --> 19:21.709 Wow, just in time for the Oscars. 19:21.990 --> 19:22.910 It's beautiful, isn't it? 19:22.930 --> 19:27.154 Yeah, you could slip in there with a best nomination, you could go up and do it on stage with Randy Newman. 19:27.174 --> 19:27.974 Best nomination? 19:28.375 --> 19:28.555 Yep. 19:28.875 --> 19:30.256 Is there a best nomination category? 19:30.336 --> 19:31.698 Yeah, there is, best nomination. 19:31.718 --> 19:32.138 Wow. 19:32.158 --> 19:33.539 I'm in with a very good chance of winning that. 19:33.719 --> 19:33.879 Yep. 19:34.440 --> 19:36.521 So, um, are you ready with the clip, Sarah? 19:37.582 --> 19:38.923 I think I am, yes. 19:39.043 --> 19:43.746 OK, so the idea of this competition is, of course, you've got to guess what film this commentary has been taken from. 19:43.786 --> 19:45.247 Tell us what the film is and who's talking. 19:45.588 --> 19:48.830 It's quite obscure, but if you know your movies, you should be able to get it. 19:49.230 --> 19:50.811 If you listen carefully, there's a couple of clues. 19:51.792 --> 19:54.273 If nobody gets it, then we'll give you a bigger clue. 19:54.634 --> 19:58.176 The number is... That's... You can only win this competition on the phone. 19:58.316 --> 20:01.258 You can win a copy of Will Ferrell's new film Anchorman on DVD. 20:07.762 --> 20:08.643 Is that everything explained? 20:09.063 --> 20:09.663 That's everything. 20:10.223 --> 20:10.783 Shall we have the clip? 20:10.903 --> 20:11.684 Let's have clip number one. 20:32.194 --> 20:32.595 Wow. 20:32.695 --> 20:33.436 Who could that be? 20:33.456 --> 20:36.179 It's somebody really cool, whoever it is. 20:36.360 --> 20:39.143 Who cast their movies out of Burger Kings and slaughterhouses? 20:41.246 --> 20:42.988 Um... It's a tricky one. 20:43.008 --> 20:44.910 It is a tricky one. 20:44.930 --> 20:45.271 0-8-7-1-2-2-2-1-0-4-9. 20:45.291 --> 20:46.472 Win a copy of Anchorman on DVD. 20:46.512 --> 20:47.474 Shall we have clip number two? 20:47.634 --> 20:48.235 OK, here we go. 20:48.820 --> 20:51.701 Believe it or not, in the very last day, he filmed like two-thirds of the film. 20:51.721 --> 20:58.504 And that was the day the guy fought the chair and I did my scene with a dwarf. 20:58.664 --> 21:09.369 And after it was done, I pulled my pants down and threw my sister through a plate glass window and vomited in a yellow bucket and woke up a few days later and the film had been finished. 21:09.469 --> 21:14.091 And someone had stabbed me with like a little red army pocket knife. 21:14.864 --> 21:15.504 This guy's different. 21:15.584 --> 21:16.425 Whoever it is, it's different. 21:16.905 --> 21:17.905 He plays against the rules. 21:18.085 --> 21:20.406 Yeah, he's in the process of blowing my mind. 21:20.426 --> 21:21.166 He's a maverick. 21:21.406 --> 21:22.707 He's an underground maverick. 21:23.347 --> 21:24.488 Now, who is that? 21:25.488 --> 21:29.629 Can you tell us who that was talking and which film he's talking over? 21:30.470 --> 21:32.891 Just a reminder of the number. 21:32.911 --> 21:33.391 0-8-7-1-2-2-2-1-0-4-9. 21:34.211 --> 21:37.552 Get calling now and we'll find out who's won very shortly. 21:37.612 --> 21:39.073 Right now, hear the future heads. 21:39.887 --> 21:42.433 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. 21:50.069 --> 21:52.931 So I think that song might have just got very, very loud in the middle there. 21:53.231 --> 21:54.292 And that was my fault. 21:54.312 --> 21:55.833 I leaned on the button by accident. 21:55.853 --> 21:57.714 It was distorting in my headphones quite a lot. 21:57.754 --> 22:03.599 That was the Future Heads with Hounds of Love, the distorted version, just to make it sort of more exciting here on XFM. 22:03.859 --> 22:05.820 And you join us in the middle of crap commentary competition. 22:06.380 --> 22:09.703 This week, we got an insane, super cool maverick. 22:10.463 --> 22:12.044 Should we play one of the clips again, Ad? 22:12.084 --> 22:14.086 Maybe the first one, just to remind people? 22:14.266 --> 22:15.347 I quite like the second one. 22:15.447 --> 22:16.047 Play the second one. 22:16.107 --> 22:16.468 Here we go. 22:16.508 --> 22:18.509 You know, casting is something that seems 22:18.669 --> 22:19.510 Oh no, that's the first one. 22:19.530 --> 22:21.331 That's the first one, yeah. 22:21.391 --> 22:24.713 Yeah, I like the one where he describes his day or whatever it was. 22:24.873 --> 22:45.605 Believe it or not, in the very last day we filmed like two thirds of the film and that was the day the guy fought the chair and I did my scene with a dwarf and after it was done I pulled my pants down and threw my sister through a plate glass window and vomited in a yellow bucket and woke up a few days later and the film had been finished and 22:46.825 --> 22:50.128 If someone had stabbed me with like a little red army pocket knife. 22:50.889 --> 22:54.152 Wow, what kind of a life does he lead and what kind of a film can he have made? 22:54.713 --> 22:55.954 We've got two callers on the line. 22:55.974 --> 22:57.055 Let's go to Debbie first. 22:57.375 --> 23:00.598 Well, obviously we were inundated with calls, but we've selected two to speak to. 23:01.179 --> 23:01.779 Let's go to Debbie. 23:01.799 --> 23:02.280 Hello, Debbie. 23:02.480 --> 23:02.640 Hiya. 23:02.660 --> 23:03.361 How you doing? 23:03.701 --> 23:04.642 Hey, I'm alright, thank you. 23:04.842 --> 23:05.342 Oh, fine. 23:05.362 --> 23:07.244 You sound as if you're in maybe a padded cell. 23:07.965 --> 23:09.186 Something like that, yeah. 23:09.639 --> 23:37.446 really where are you actually no i'm just in my bedroom really are you in bed are you under the covers no are you are you is your body smeared in ky heat generating jelly no i wish it was get under the covers now and tell us what you thought was the answer sorry i thought it was party monster are you a fan of party monster debbie that is of course the film about michael ailey the notorious club kid killer did you like it i didn't see it but i know about the documentary so it sounded 23:37.506 --> 23:39.427 That was directed by some friends of ours. 23:39.507 --> 23:42.268 The people that gave us our break in TV. 23:42.468 --> 23:44.229 Fenton Bailey and Randy Bobato. 23:44.309 --> 23:49.371 And I'm afraid, Debbie, they're not the kind of people who would kick their sister through a plate glass windows and vomit into yellow buckets. 23:49.511 --> 23:52.413 I'm sorry, that's wrong. 23:52.433 --> 23:53.933 Bad luck, Debbie, but thanks a lot for calling. 23:53.953 --> 23:54.433 And you know what? 23:54.473 --> 23:57.095 You could win a co- I'm g- we're gonna give you a copy of Anchorman anyway. 23:57.315 --> 23:58.155 Oh yay, thank you. 23:58.215 --> 23:58.395 Yeah? 23:58.435 --> 23:58.915 Have you seen it? 23:59.236 --> 23:59.456 No. 23:59.756 --> 24:01.797 Well, you will soon, and you will like it. 24:02.557 --> 24:06.799 Thanks for calling, and just thanks for being generally sort of quite troublingly sexy. 24:08.362 --> 24:08.682 Bye. 24:08.923 --> 24:12.306 Er, now we've got Owen on the line. 24:12.406 --> 24:12.866 Owen, hello. 24:15.923 --> 24:16.524 Oh, hello, Owen. 24:18.205 --> 24:20.027 Well, let's pretend I don't know you. 24:21.288 --> 24:21.849 Who are you? 24:22.249 --> 24:23.230 Well, my name's Owen. 24:23.691 --> 24:24.271 Ah, OK. 24:24.331 --> 24:26.493 Adam, maybe you'd better talk to Owen, because I know Owen. 24:27.134 --> 24:30.837 Owen, Owen, will I be famous? 24:30.998 --> 24:33.220 You know Owen's one of our most loyal listeners, aren't you, Owen? 24:33.900 --> 24:34.381 Er, yes. 24:34.621 --> 24:36.743 Owen, you broke your leg, didn't you, several months ago? 24:36.763 --> 24:37.984 I did, and I spoke to you then. 24:38.124 --> 24:38.805 You spoke to me then. 24:38.825 --> 24:40.867 I was very discompassionate and you cut me off. 24:41.047 --> 24:47.070 Yeah, and because you're in hospital or, you know, in hospital at home, you've listened to the show regularly every single week. 24:47.110 --> 24:48.011 Have you ever missed a week? 24:48.411 --> 24:49.612 I record it when I'm out. 24:50.252 --> 24:51.353 Owen, I love you. 24:51.373 --> 24:52.593 It's a sad life. 24:52.813 --> 24:53.934 You're fantastic. 24:54.434 --> 24:56.576 And what's your guess for crap commentary competition? 24:56.596 --> 25:02.299 My guess is the movie is Gummo and the person talking is Harmony Kehoe. 25:02.879 --> 25:03.739 Harmony Kehoe? 25:07.580 --> 25:09.081 His name's not Harmony Keyhole, Owen. 25:09.242 --> 25:09.502 No. 25:10.102 --> 25:11.463 Harmony Corinne. 25:11.884 --> 25:14.326 Yeah, that's absolutely right. 25:14.526 --> 25:14.906 Well done. 25:15.347 --> 25:16.208 Have you seen Adam? 25:16.228 --> 25:17.008 Have you seen Gummo? 25:17.369 --> 25:18.229 No, I haven't, no. 25:18.530 --> 25:21.672 And that clip was not a great source of encouragement. 25:21.692 --> 25:22.433 Gummo's amazing. 25:22.513 --> 25:23.774 It's a fantastic film, wouldn't you say, Owen? 25:23.794 --> 25:25.456 Er, I haven't actually seen it either. 25:25.516 --> 25:26.256 Oh, come on! 25:26.917 --> 25:30.900 Has anyone, if anyone out there has seen Gummo, just, you know, back me up that it's fantastic. 25:33.402 --> 25:36.804 It's extremely weird, slightly tedious, but it has amazing moments. 25:36.824 --> 25:39.486 There's an amazing bit where a man just has a big fight with a chair. 25:39.946 --> 25:42.007 It goes on for ten minutes and he beats a chair up. 25:42.067 --> 25:49.211 And then he gets stabbed by a... He has a bath, not in spaghetti, he eats his spaghetti in the bath and some of it might fall in the bath. 25:49.611 --> 25:55.795 Dude, and then he throws his sister through a plate glass window and then he gets stabbed in it with like a little red pocket knife. 25:56.195 --> 25:57.296 And of course Harmony Corinne. 25:57.336 --> 25:59.517 Owen, do you know what Harmony Corinne has done most recently? 25:59.537 --> 25:59.597 Erm... 26:01.318 --> 26:22.141 come on owen come on owen thrown up and gone to bed but he's involved with david blaine he directed all the david blaine street magic specials and he directed david blaine above the below and he was last seen i think just picking random fistfights with people in london what fascinating character congratulations owen uh congratulations just one um you can have two copies of anchorman and then you could give one to a friend maybe 26:23.542 --> 26:23.862 Brilliant. 26:23.902 --> 26:24.483 Thanks for calling. 26:24.503 --> 26:25.784 Thanks very much for your call, Owen. 26:25.804 --> 26:26.484 You're welcome. 26:26.624 --> 26:26.964 Bye. 26:26.984 --> 26:27.044 Bye. 26:27.064 --> 26:27.505 Take care. 26:27.545 --> 26:28.025 Lots of love. 26:28.085 --> 26:28.825 I love you. 26:28.845 --> 26:28.905 Bye. 26:29.286 --> 26:33.048 Right, now it's time for a classic from Talking Heads. 26:33.068 --> 26:40.632 This is one we picked off the XFM list thing, the X list, and it is from their very first album, 77, Psycho Killer. 26:50.404 --> 26:50.924 Yeah. 26:51.365 --> 26:52.726 That's Kasabian with Cut Off. 26:52.766 --> 26:54.767 This is Adam and Joe on XFM. 26:54.787 --> 26:56.408 We're into our last half hour here. 26:56.448 --> 26:58.750 We've got Ditties in the Dot coming up very shortly. 26:59.190 --> 27:02.112 This week it's a kind of, er, scar off. 27:02.592 --> 27:02.833 Hmm. 27:03.033 --> 27:03.573 Is that right? 27:04.053 --> 27:04.614 Something like that. 27:04.654 --> 27:09.077 We first thought reggae to celebrate, er, Bob Marley's 60th birthday. 27:09.277 --> 27:10.138 Well, he's still with us. 27:10.878 --> 27:12.879 Er, but it's gone a bit scar-ian too, Tony. 27:13.840 --> 27:19.784 But this is the tricky thing about Dizzies in the Dot, you decide a category and then you realise that within that category, there are subcategories. 27:20.224 --> 27:23.066 For instance, the other week we were discussing whether the Human League were New Romantics. 27:23.967 --> 27:39.877 You were contesting that fact, I bought them as my record for the New Romantic playoff in Dizzies in the Dot, but then I noticed that NME magazine has a big glossy thing in all the newsagents, a New Romantic sort of book, primer, mag, and they're at the Human League, right, in big letters on the front. 27:40.258 --> 27:42.819 But it's true to say they could also be described as what? 27:42.839 --> 27:43.700 Synthpop, Electropop? 27:44.100 --> 28:03.376 yeah yeah so it's gonna be a sort of reggae ska two-tone basically you know reggae influence music ditties in the dock and if you get through and your vote gets on the air you could win an album by what are they called mercury rev the new mercury rev album you got three copies though yes so if you're one of the two unlucky ones you might get 28:05.185 --> 28:31.396 some rubbish winter chill compilation or something winter chill or something rubbish anyway that's coming up shortly did you show you didn't see wife swap this week no now the thing that struck me about wife swap apart from the fact that it was very enjoyable you know very enjoyable show the only thing that was getting in the way of my enjoyment however was the voiceover I don't know if it's the same guy that always does it but you've never noticed that being annoying before have you 28:32.586 --> 28:34.648 I'm trying to remember the voiceover for wife swap. 28:34.708 --> 29:02.186 Well, let me give you let me give you a little blast of it here You will notice that this is a series of phrases that I've cut together quite tightly But you will notice that every single phrase has the exact same intonation now The thing is I know I'm on slightly thin ice here because I've done a few bland voiceovers in my time And it's very easy to slip into a pattern of saying everything in exactly the same way when you're doing a voiceover But I just think shouldn't there be a director at least sitting in on the session saying, you know 29:02.826 --> 29:03.306 That's nice. 29:03.566 --> 29:07.387 Maybe try slightly different intonation this time. 29:07.767 --> 29:10.928 The queen of the annoying intonation used to be Lisa Iansen. 29:11.328 --> 29:22.551 And I'm worried that following her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother, she's going to be back doing her exactly the same voiceovers for everything she does voice, as featured in Ibiza Uncovered. 29:22.851 --> 29:24.252 But this guy comes fairly close. 29:24.292 --> 29:24.732 Check it out. 29:24.932 --> 29:26.854 Gary seems to be in a class of his own. 29:27.054 --> 29:28.855 Jojo's got to the root of the problem. 29:28.896 --> 29:30.777 Dawn's taken charge of the kids. 29:30.937 --> 29:32.759 Alan's struggling with the DIY. 29:32.959 --> 29:35.421 Gary's keen to have a say in how it should be run. 29:35.581 --> 29:38.104 Dawn starts to look around the house she's so proud of. 29:38.164 --> 29:40.185 Gary will have a proper role in the house. 29:40.406 --> 29:42.487 Dawn's cleaning is driving Alan mad. 29:43.308 --> 29:44.269 Wow, that's absurd. 29:44.289 --> 29:45.130 Do you know what I'm saying? 29:45.150 --> 29:46.191 Well, from the same episode. 29:46.611 --> 29:48.553 It's just a quick selection from... That's absurd. 29:48.613 --> 29:50.155 I'd pop that in the post to Channel 4. 29:50.655 --> 29:50.996 You know? 29:51.236 --> 29:53.298 I think they could take action with evidence as strong as that. 29:53.458 --> 30:00.085 But it may be just something that they've worked out scientifically, that that kind of intonation is reassuring for a viewer. 30:00.225 --> 30:00.665 It's on CD. 30:01.326 --> 30:01.586 Yeah. 30:01.686 --> 30:02.947 I think we should send it to Channel 4. 30:02.987 --> 30:04.487 This show could actually change something. 30:04.687 --> 30:05.388 Yeah, that would be good. 30:05.428 --> 30:10.950 But you see, I don't want to, you know, ruin things for the voiceover guy, because he's just trying to do a job. 30:10.990 --> 30:11.430 It's not his fault. 30:11.450 --> 30:12.631 He's just trying to do a job. 30:12.951 --> 30:13.991 He's not his fault. 30:14.311 --> 30:16.972 You don't want to ruin things for the voiceover guy. 30:17.052 --> 30:21.174 But what I'm saying is surely the director should just say, look, what about trying something else? 30:21.474 --> 30:30.686 But as a tribute to him and as a lesson that will sting the people that made Wiveswap forever, I've done a kind of house mix of that guy. 30:30.726 --> 30:31.147 Here it is. 30:31.227 --> 30:33.230 Gary will have a proper role in the house. 30:35.083 --> 30:36.984 Gary seems to be in a class of his own. 30:37.344 --> 30:40.407 Later that evening, Jojo's got to the root of the problem. 30:40.447 --> 30:42.088 Dawn's taken charge of the kids. 30:42.168 --> 30:44.170 Jojo's got to the root of the kids. 30:44.410 --> 30:47.573 Later that evening, Alan's struggling with the DIY. 30:47.673 --> 30:49.254 Alan's struggling with the housework. 30:49.454 --> 30:51.396 Alan's struggling with driving Alan mad. 30:51.556 --> 30:54.619 Later that evening, Jojo's got to the root of the problem. 30:54.679 --> 30:56.540 Dawn's cleaning is the root of the problem. 30:56.560 --> 30:58.262 It's the final evening of the housework. 30:58.302 --> 30:59.763 It's the final evening of the swap. 31:00.003 --> 31:01.744 Jojo's got to the root of the swamp. 31:01.824 --> 31:05.265 Gary's keen to have a say in how it should be run. 31:05.945 --> 31:06.345 Mental. 31:07.226 --> 31:08.006 That is mental. 31:08.686 --> 31:13.608 Do you think, it's an old joke, isn't it, but do you think someone like that just does that sort of thing around his house? 31:14.928 --> 31:16.609 He's married to a woman called Judy. 31:17.469 --> 31:19.430 Judy's decided to do the hoovering. 31:19.670 --> 31:20.030 Right. 31:20.130 --> 31:21.450 Shut up, I'm just hoovering. 31:21.911 --> 31:22.731 Judy's annoyed. 31:23.775 --> 31:24.256 Shut up! 31:24.456 --> 31:25.498 No, it's not going very well. 31:25.518 --> 31:26.640 Ken feels hungry. 31:26.720 --> 31:30.185 He wants some supper, but Judy won't make him any because she's hoovering. 31:30.626 --> 31:31.687 Yes, I think that's probably it. 31:31.707 --> 31:34.532 Yeah, there's a sketch in there somewhere, but not a very good sketch show. 31:34.652 --> 31:36.595 Ditty's in the dot coming up very shortly. 31:48.325 --> 31:50.027 That's forgiveness by the engineers. 31:50.148 --> 31:51.329 Oh, sorry, just engineers. 31:51.429 --> 31:51.810 No, sir. 31:51.830 --> 31:53.612 This is Admiral Joe on XFM. 31:58.171 --> 31:59.331 This is in Adoptime now. 32:00.372 --> 32:07.735 Just to explain very briefly, this is the part of the show where Joe and I battered out to be the person that gets to play their free play at the end of the show. 32:08.315 --> 32:16.718 And this week, the category that we're battling from is kind of reggae light, ska, white reggae. 32:16.798 --> 32:17.798 I don't know what you want to call it. 32:17.878 --> 32:20.359 I think we're both battling for white bands. 32:21.219 --> 32:22.240 I don't know what you've chosen. 32:22.260 --> 32:23.440 Maybe we've chosen the same thing. 32:23.520 --> 32:24.581 I think I've seen what you've got. 32:24.601 --> 32:25.241 What have you got, Joe? 32:25.541 --> 32:42.585 well i've got uh bad manners with lip up fatty one of the songs from my very very early childhood i used to think it was called lip up uh preggy uh something that me and my little friends used to say to pregnant women in the street lip up fatty mala lip up fatty yeah your preggy oh i see 32:42.805 --> 32:44.866 Bad Manners, of course, lead singer Buster Bloodvessel. 32:45.086 --> 32:46.868 They were all hailed from Stoke Newington. 32:47.188 --> 32:50.870 And in fact, the whole band had silly AKAs similar to Buster Bloodvessel. 32:51.210 --> 32:54.552 Douglas Trendle, who was on vocals, was the real name of Buster Bloodvessel. 32:55.112 --> 33:04.258 The rest of the band consisted of Winston, Bazoonies, Reggie Mental, Marcus Absent and Mr. Boing Boing were all AKAs that the rest of the band had. 33:04.278 --> 33:05.038 Those are excellent. 33:05.058 --> 33:06.279 You don't get bands like that anymore. 33:06.419 --> 33:07.940 That makes Public Enemy look pretty shoddy. 33:08.140 --> 33:13.344 And it's a brilliant, you know, very accessible, chuggy, reggae rant, basically. 33:13.604 --> 33:18.207 And it was a massive hit with everybody back in, I think, the mid-seventies. 33:19.007 --> 33:26.372 And it was certainly a hit with little school children, the same little school children who are now, you know, texting Mr. Crazy Frog to each other. 33:26.392 --> 33:29.194 So what I'm trying to say to you is that if you've never heard it before, you'll love it. 33:29.694 --> 33:33.377 And, you know, if you have heard it before, then no doubt you will be calling in to vote for it on 0871 222 1049. 33:38.861 --> 33:40.302 My choice is UB40. 33:40.502 --> 33:51.750 Now, I know UB40 have been responsible for their fair share of really awful rubbish, but they started off doing pretty amazing stuff, and I want you to vote for Food for Thought. 33:52.290 --> 33:58.115 Now, this is one of those songs that has a title which doesn't necessarily suggest the song itself. 33:58.135 --> 33:58.655 Do you know what I mean? 33:58.935 --> 34:04.700 What it should be called is Ivory Madonna, or, as I always misheard it, I'm a pre-Madonna. 34:05.180 --> 34:06.441 See, it's another misheard lyric. 34:07.562 --> 34:10.924 That's the only lyrics I know. 34:15.526 --> 34:20.789 It's amazingly good, though, and it just made you think that UB40 were the most serious... 34:21.790 --> 34:26.876 hardcore, yet tuneful, brilliant band you'd ever heard when the first time you heard this song. 34:27.416 --> 34:29.058 So I want you to vote for UB40. 34:29.279 --> 34:29.979 Food for thought. 34:30.540 --> 34:32.803 Their high watermark, in my opinion. 34:33.203 --> 34:35.245 It's between UB40 and Bad Manners. 34:35.265 --> 34:35.245 0 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 9. 34:35.686 --> 34:37.368 Sorry Joe, what were you doing? 34:38.689 --> 34:42.552 Yeah, we should just remind people that every caller that gets through wins a copy of the new Mercury Rev album. 34:42.632 --> 34:51.260 If they're one of the first three callers to be put on air, otherwise they win something pretty awful like the World's Greatest Ultimate 3CD Collection 55. 34:51.400 --> 34:52.621 No, no, they're not winning that. 34:52.661 --> 34:53.842 It's the brilliant feeder album. 34:54.142 --> 34:55.743 Sorry, or the album by the others. 34:55.984 --> 34:59.827 That's right, we are relegating the rubbish CDs to another DJ. 35:00.107 --> 35:01.969 So you can win a brilliant album if you get on air. 35:02.717 --> 35:03.678 So call now, 08712221049, UB40 or Bad Manners. 35:03.718 --> 35:04.359 We'll find out after this. 35:04.379 --> 35:04.620 London's 104.9. 35:04.660 --> 35:05.160 This is XFM. 35:23.342 --> 35:32.068 Yes, we're back for the resolution of Ditties in the Dock this week, which is a head-to-head between two titans of the white reggae-stroke-scar scene. 35:32.168 --> 35:33.269 We've had a suggestion here. 35:33.469 --> 35:36.891 We were asking what, because we don't think these are officially reggae songs, really. 35:36.931 --> 35:38.252 We were wondering what to describe them. 35:38.272 --> 35:39.673 Someone suggested COD reggae. 35:39.733 --> 35:41.074 Thanks for the person who texted that in. 35:41.114 --> 35:41.875 That's very accurate. 35:41.895 --> 35:43.096 It is kind of COD reggae. 35:43.516 --> 35:47.679 White reggae, perhaps you could call it, even though not all the members of these bands are white. 35:47.979 --> 35:50.220 But it's Bad Manners versus UB40. 35:50.340 --> 35:50.761 Yeah, I forgot. 35:52.782 --> 35:54.083 Um, we've got five callers on the line. 35:55.203 --> 35:55.843 Uh, shall we begin then? 35:56.384 --> 35:56.584 Yeah. 35:56.724 --> 35:58.064 Ooh, that doesn't sound good, does it? 35:58.084 --> 35:58.625 Was that Phil? 35:58.665 --> 35:59.345 Hello, Phil? 35:59.365 --> 36:01.726 Phil, stop doing that beeping sound, Phil! 36:01.746 --> 36:02.046 Stop it! 36:02.086 --> 36:02.746 We're gonna go for Geoff. 36:02.766 --> 36:03.527 We'll try and get Phil back. 36:03.567 --> 36:04.107 Geoff, are you there? 36:04.147 --> 36:04.747 Speak to us, Geoff. 36:04.947 --> 36:05.287 Hi, Adam. 36:05.327 --> 36:05.708 Hi, Joe. 36:05.968 --> 36:06.588 Hello, how you doing? 36:07.048 --> 36:07.868 Yeah, pretty busy. 36:08.349 --> 36:09.629 Pretty busy? 36:09.649 --> 36:10.630 Sorry, we won't keep you too long. 36:10.650 --> 36:11.210 What are you busy with? 36:12.244 --> 36:12.764 Sorry, what was that? 36:12.944 --> 36:13.705 What are you busy with? 36:13.725 --> 36:14.725 Oh, yeah. 36:15.205 --> 36:16.726 Tax return's a bit late. 36:17.086 --> 36:18.287 Oh, that is a bit late, mate. 36:18.307 --> 36:19.547 You're gonna be fined. 36:19.567 --> 36:19.727 £100 fine. 36:19.807 --> 36:22.048 I know they're asking for more information. 36:22.548 --> 36:22.928 Are they? 36:23.629 --> 36:23.769 Ooh. 36:24.229 --> 36:28.171 Oh, I think, well, maybe, you know, from the sound of your voice, you might be inside for a while. 36:28.311 --> 36:30.552 Good for you for doing your own tax return, though, Phil. 36:30.992 --> 36:31.992 Why is it getting so complicated? 36:32.012 --> 36:32.352 It's called Jeff. 36:32.392 --> 36:32.873 Jeff, it's Jeff. 36:32.953 --> 36:33.453 Oh, it's Jeff. 36:33.493 --> 36:35.334 Phil was the guy doing the beeping noise before. 36:35.974 --> 36:37.335 Jeff, have you earned a lot of money? 36:37.355 --> 36:38.715 Erm, no. 36:39.135 --> 36:39.856 He's just trying to fiddle it. 36:39.876 --> 36:40.756 You're trying to fiddle it, aren't you? 36:41.578 --> 36:42.759 It does take a long time to fiddle it. 36:43.159 --> 36:44.300 OK, Geoff, what's your vote? 36:44.340 --> 36:45.621 Is it going to be Bad Manners or UB40? 36:45.901 --> 36:48.443 I've decided on Food for Thought. 36:48.984 --> 36:50.065 Yeah, it's a smash. 36:50.105 --> 36:50.305 It's UB40. 36:50.325 --> 36:52.286 It's the only good song they've ever done. 36:52.767 --> 36:54.688 I don't know about that, but it's certainly one of their best. 36:55.049 --> 36:56.830 But thanks very much indeed for your call. 36:57.030 --> 36:57.751 Yeah, exactly. 36:57.791 --> 36:58.351 Thank you, Geoff. 36:58.371 --> 36:59.892 1-0 for UB40. 37:00.213 --> 37:01.794 Shall we go back to Phil or shall we press on? 37:02.274 --> 37:02.715 Yeah, Phil. 37:02.815 --> 37:03.095 Phil? 37:03.555 --> 37:04.396 Is that Phil speaking? 37:05.029 --> 37:05.490 Yes, Phil. 37:05.671 --> 37:06.192 Hello, Phil. 37:06.253 --> 37:06.814 Hey, Phil! 37:06.975 --> 37:10.023 Are you ready to call Phil or are you someone else masquerading as Phil? 37:10.043 --> 37:11.247 No, no, no, you got that bit right. 37:11.267 --> 37:12.490 I'm Phil, but it wasn't me beeping. 37:12.915 --> 37:13.896 Oh, what's going on? 37:13.916 --> 37:14.957 It's very strange, Phil. 37:15.217 --> 37:15.778 Phil the drill. 37:16.178 --> 37:16.959 How you doing, Phil? 37:17.299 --> 37:17.639 I'm alright. 37:17.740 --> 37:20.102 I got pulled by the police on my phone while I was holding for you. 37:20.742 --> 37:21.623 Ah, that'll explain it. 37:21.643 --> 37:22.184 Did they nick you? 37:22.204 --> 37:22.985 Have you been fined? 37:23.005 --> 37:28.690 No, they didn't, because I told them the reason I was phoning is to vote for UB40 or Bad Manners, and I told them Bad Manners, and he said, On your way, son. 37:28.990 --> 37:29.731 Yay! 37:29.751 --> 37:30.732 There you go. 37:30.752 --> 37:34.796 Listen, Phil, we chat to you more, but I see we're actually running out of time, so we should try and whizz through these calls. 37:34.816 --> 37:36.858 So that's one, all UB40 and Bad Manners. 37:36.918 --> 37:37.718 Claire's on line three. 37:37.738 --> 37:38.179 Hello, Claire? 37:39.249 --> 37:40.149 I think it's actually Louise. 37:40.510 --> 37:41.330 Oh, Louise. 37:41.370 --> 37:42.070 Hello, Louise. 37:42.090 --> 37:42.751 Louise? 37:42.771 --> 37:43.431 Hello, Adam and Joe. 37:43.451 --> 37:44.011 How you doing? 37:44.031 --> 37:45.212 Fine, thank you. 37:45.232 --> 37:45.492 And you? 37:45.872 --> 37:46.853 We're doing extremely well. 37:46.873 --> 37:47.713 Who are you voting for? 37:47.793 --> 37:48.913 UB40 or Bad Manners? 37:49.114 --> 37:53.376 It's got to be UB40, because I get the lyrics wrong as well, so I've got to do it one more time. 37:53.396 --> 37:54.056 It's 2-1. 37:54.436 --> 37:56.977 I'm the pre-Madonna in UB40's favour. 37:57.357 --> 37:58.418 So, what's happening now? 37:58.438 --> 37:59.839 We're going to go to Martin, I think. 37:59.879 --> 38:00.459 Hello, Martin. 38:01.704 --> 38:01.864 Martin. 38:01.884 --> 38:02.105 Martin. 38:02.125 --> 38:02.545 Martin. 38:03.146 --> 38:03.446 Martin. 38:03.607 --> 38:03.827 Martin. 38:03.867 --> 38:04.187 Martin. 38:04.228 --> 38:04.388 Martin. 38:04.408 --> 38:04.768 Martin. 38:04.868 --> 38:05.069 Martin. 38:05.089 --> 38:05.289 Martin. 38:13.024 --> 38:13.885 Oh, come on, Claire, please. 38:13.905 --> 38:14.385 You said hello. 38:14.405 --> 38:14.886 What's going on? 38:15.406 --> 38:15.967 Claire, are you there? 38:16.027 --> 38:17.007 I'm not sure what's happening. 38:17.087 --> 38:17.568 There you are. 38:17.768 --> 38:18.789 But bad manners it is. 38:18.889 --> 38:20.130 Bad manners, so that's one all. 38:20.530 --> 38:21.271 Oh, I'm so excited. 38:21.311 --> 38:22.212 No, sorry, it's two all. 38:22.452 --> 38:22.872 Two all. 38:22.912 --> 38:24.133 Two to UB42 to bad manners. 38:24.153 --> 38:29.978 So this final call is the deciding call, but we don't know whether we actually have anybody on the line because of technical problems. 38:30.299 --> 38:31.840 Lila, who might be on the line? 38:31.860 --> 38:32.801 It's truly Martin. 38:32.821 --> 38:33.741 Martin, can you hear us? 38:34.722 --> 38:34.982 Hello? 38:35.383 --> 38:36.264 Hello, is that Martin? 38:36.884 --> 38:38.145 That is never Martin, that is a man. 38:38.225 --> 38:38.926 Is that Claire again? 38:39.528 --> 38:40.609 Hi, this is Chris. 38:40.809 --> 38:41.929 Hi, it's Chris. 38:41.969 --> 38:42.690 Hey, Chris. 38:42.850 --> 38:43.971 Hello, Chris. 38:44.011 --> 38:46.632 I'm sorry, our producer's got some sort of complicated brain condition. 38:46.652 --> 38:47.733 We're all having a bit of an off week. 38:47.753 --> 38:49.614 It's like the man who mistook his wife for a hat. 38:50.874 --> 38:51.995 So, hello, Martin. 38:52.015 --> 38:53.416 Do you mind if we just call you Martin, anyway? 38:54.736 --> 38:55.337 Chrissy Martin. 38:55.537 --> 38:56.137 Chrissy Martin. 38:56.357 --> 38:57.518 Who are you voting for, Chrissy Martin? 38:58.158 --> 39:00.400 Well, they're both really, really good tunes. 39:00.420 --> 39:00.940 You're a diplomat. 39:03.268 --> 39:04.089 Oh, no! 39:04.770 --> 39:05.311 Crushed! 39:05.631 --> 39:07.274 Listen, are we gonna come back after this record? 39:07.294 --> 39:08.275 Cos I've got something else to say. 39:08.656 --> 39:13.503 OK, we'll come back very quickly, but thank you very much indeed for your call, Chris, and here are UB40... 42:01.681 --> 42:07.125 Waiting for the manna Coming from the west I'm a river darlin' Rising in the darlin' 42:30.972 --> 42:49.072 I'm not sure we'll be here next week I think we might be having a week off next week but we'll see you the week after I've very just quickly got to say if you're excited about the forthcoming Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie tomorrow afternoon at 12 20 in the Odeon Patton Street the executive producer 42:49.452 --> 42:50.794 is giving a talk about it. 42:50.834 --> 42:55.719 So if you're one of these hitchhikers fanatics who can't wait to hear more about that, that's a great event to go down to. 42:55.999 --> 43:03.187 You can get free tickets by emailing hitchhikers, all one word, at sci-fi-london.com. 43:03.648 --> 43:10.235 So just email them hitchhikers at sci-fi-london.com for a free ticket to that talk if you're a hitchhiker's fan. 43:10.535 --> 43:19.003 Still tickets left as well for Funny Money, a comedy gala in aid of UNICEF for victims of the tsunami disaster in Asia. 43:19.544 --> 43:20.925 That's at the Prince of Wales Theatre. 43:20.985 --> 43:26.451 I'll be appearing, doing a bit of character stand-up, as well, of course, as XFM favourites. 43:26.511 --> 43:30.755 Jimmy Carr, whole thing is hosted by Justin Lee Collins, who'll be with you very shortly. 43:31.155 --> 43:32.136 and Fern Cotton. 43:32.156 --> 43:35.879 You can also expect amazing comedy turns from Sean Lock. 43:35.919 --> 43:36.419 He's brilliant. 43:36.439 --> 43:43.905 Mackenzie Crook from The Office, Catherine Tate, Mike Wilmot, Jeremy Hardy, Arthur Smith, Matthew Holness from Garth Marenghi. 43:44.185 --> 43:45.206 I recommend you catch that. 43:45.246 --> 43:48.609 He does a hilarious character called Merriman Weir. 43:48.629 --> 43:50.130 I think he's going to be doing that tomorrow. 43:50.550 --> 43:53.393 All kinds of really good people on that, Bill, so get calling now. 43:53.673 --> 43:55.215 The number for the Prince of Wales Theatre is 0870 850 9189. 43:55.635 --> 43:55.215 0870 850 9189. 43:55.896 --> 43:58.738 That's the Prince of Wales Theatre box office. 43:58.899 --> 44:01.561 And it's Justin Lee Collins coming up right now. 44:01.601 --> 44:02.362 This is XFM. 44:02.402 --> 44:02.462 Bye!