WEBVTT 00:04.830 --> 00:04.930 Ooh. 00:04.950 --> 00:05.590 Hello. 00:06.131 --> 00:07.552 That is, uh, that's Muse. 00:08.272 --> 00:09.312 And time is running out. 00:09.593 --> 00:10.393 Is that the name of the song? 00:10.853 --> 00:14.435 Anyway, hi, it's Adam and Joe here, uh, on XFM 104.9. 00:14.695 --> 00:16.576 We're still filling in for Ricky and Steve. 00:17.077 --> 00:19.378 They're gonna be back at the beginning of November. 00:19.398 --> 00:21.319 Who cares when they're gonna be back? 00:21.479 --> 00:22.439 Everybody cares. 00:22.539 --> 00:24.440 Everybody cares, especially Heat Magazine. 00:24.480 --> 00:27.222 We've been monitoring Heat Magazine's reviews of our shows. 00:27.282 --> 00:28.603 Are you listening, Heat Magazine? 00:29.483 --> 00:30.584 Is anyone from Heat Magazine? 00:30.624 --> 00:31.205 Ooh, there it is. 00:31.245 --> 00:32.586 Hello Heat Magazine. 00:32.646 --> 00:32.906 Yes. 00:33.326 --> 00:34.627 Hello Heat Magazine. 00:34.827 --> 00:35.708 Have you got the latest gossip? 00:36.249 --> 00:37.069 Oh yes, we've got it. 00:37.189 --> 00:39.171 Oh yes, all of the latest gossip. 00:39.211 --> 00:40.812 What's everybody talking about this week, Heat Magazine? 00:40.832 --> 00:41.393 Hey, be careful. 00:41.413 --> 00:42.434 Actually, be careful, Adam. 00:42.454 --> 00:43.835 Do a better voice for Heat Magazine. 00:44.195 --> 00:45.656 Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 00:45.676 --> 00:45.996 I know. 00:46.037 --> 00:47.318 What's wrong with my voice? 00:47.558 --> 00:49.579 It's not a very flattering voice for Heat Magazine. 00:49.599 --> 00:50.660 That's all my ass speaks. 00:50.700 --> 00:50.860 What? 00:52.401 --> 00:55.183 This week, everyone's talking about J-Lo. 00:55.203 --> 00:55.283 What? 00:55.443 --> 00:56.724 What's wrong with my voice? 00:56.804 --> 00:58.365 That's not true, Heat magazine. 00:58.385 --> 01:01.726 This week, you claim that everyone's talking about the return of Dirty Den. 01:01.926 --> 01:02.647 Oh, yes, that too. 01:03.007 --> 01:05.048 Who've you been talking to about the return of Dirty Den? 01:05.728 --> 01:07.449 Have you just everyone on the bus, isn't it? 01:07.489 --> 01:09.370 Like a shambling old man. 01:09.390 --> 01:11.071 Well, someone mentioned it to us in a meeting. 01:11.091 --> 01:12.912 Oh, our agent mentioned it to us in a meeting. 01:12.952 --> 01:18.255 She said, if you were doing, like, the Adam and Joe show now, you could do the return of Dirty Den with the puppets. 01:18.775 --> 01:20.616 That's why we're not doing the Adam and Joe show now. 01:21.356 --> 01:22.357 What happened to Heat Magazine? 01:22.397 --> 01:23.197 Bring back Heat Magazine. 01:23.758 --> 01:24.058 Hello! 01:25.118 --> 01:39.946 So your review of us this week Heat Magazine, yet again it doesn't even, well okay it says Adam and Joe XFM 1pm we're dying to see the Office Christmas specials but their filming schedule means we're deprived of XFM spinmeisters Ricky Gervais and Stephen Murcham for yet another week. 01:40.126 --> 01:40.887 Yes, that's right. 01:41.227 --> 01:48.373 Well, the thing is, you've got to remember, Joe, that you are fairly third-division, you and Adam, on the celebrity interest run. 01:48.393 --> 01:50.054 I wouldn't say that was true, Adam. 01:50.414 --> 01:52.316 Well, it is for hate readers. 01:52.596 --> 01:55.058 No, we were very, very big. 01:55.298 --> 01:55.799 Oh, come on. 01:56.019 --> 01:57.760 I'll finish this interview. 01:58.141 --> 02:04.146 Still, Messrs Cornish and Buxton are perfectly able to entertain the bejesus out of you, so let's not panic just yet. 02:04.406 --> 02:05.286 Perfectly able. 02:05.567 --> 02:05.747 Yeah! 02:06.007 --> 02:32.464 that's not very nice Heat magazine that's just like saying adequate well it could be worse I'm going now bye bye so anyway how's your week been apart from the should we play a record that was such a great opportunity to play a record bang bang a record we missed it but i want to find out like what else is going to be in the show i mean i can tell you music wise listeners that we've got uh smashes coming at you from the strokes the sleepy jackson the breeders the hot hot heat the gold frap 02:32.944 --> 02:36.987 It's all coming up in the next couple of hours as well as, uh, fantastic competitions. 02:37.007 --> 02:40.930 You might be walking away today or whatever with, uh, tickets to Sleepy Jackson. 02:41.411 --> 02:42.532 Uh, they're playing at the Astoria. 02:42.572 --> 02:44.193 That's gonna be a good gig on Tuesday. 02:44.213 --> 02:46.234 Uh, fantastic CDs to be won. 02:46.274 --> 02:47.375 You can enter our competition. 02:47.395 --> 02:49.677 We've got another very bad accent for you this week. 02:49.697 --> 02:51.819 Um, what are you doing? 02:51.839 --> 02:54.421 Sorry, I was just clearing my nose with a sniffle. 02:54.441 --> 02:55.041 Keep going though. 02:55.061 --> 02:55.422 It's good. 02:55.682 --> 02:58.004 Don't clear your nose on the radio. 02:58.624 --> 03:01.085 bit of a loogie on the bottle. 03:01.245 --> 03:07.948 I'm just trying to counteract your you know rather yeah it was good but you know spiel about what's coming up in the show. 03:08.328 --> 03:10.409 Just trying to balance it with something with something earthy. 03:10.629 --> 03:15.231 So Joe you realize we're on we're on like we're on the radio you realize that it's like a radio program. 03:15.391 --> 03:16.792 Yeah okay just checking. 03:16.972 --> 03:20.154 I bumped into your dad on the way to the the tube station. 03:20.174 --> 03:20.534 Did you? 03:20.654 --> 03:21.494 Yeah. 03:21.554 --> 03:22.915 He's not what he told his lawyer. 03:23.135 --> 03:24.976 He um didn't want to chat. 03:26.257 --> 03:36.510 I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure he was avoiding my gaze as I was walking down the street But then I got him just at the last minute and said hello, and he said oh hello You're off to the radio station on you. 03:36.530 --> 03:36.991 I was like yeah. 03:37.031 --> 03:40.576 Yeah, so well, but let you go That was it, but he says 03:42.438 --> 03:43.339 Well done, Dad. 03:43.499 --> 03:44.140 Yeah, well done. 03:44.180 --> 03:45.021 No, that's good. 03:45.041 --> 03:46.984 I like someone who can handle an encounter. 03:47.004 --> 03:49.647 You would have started talking to him about the return of Dirty Den. 03:50.068 --> 03:51.329 About the return of Dirty Den? 03:51.349 --> 03:51.690 Yeah. 03:52.030 --> 03:52.631 No, I wouldn't. 03:53.131 --> 03:56.155 If I'd worked for Heat magazine, I might, but as I'm a normal person, I wouldn't. 03:56.555 --> 03:58.137 And you went to see Kill Bill. 03:58.157 --> 03:59.479 You've had a movie packed week. 03:59.579 --> 04:00.861 I've had a showbiz packed week, Adam. 04:01.201 --> 04:07.285 Kill Bill and the early screening of the new Shaun of the Dead film, an early cut, the new zombie film. 04:07.305 --> 04:08.926 I've seen Shaun of the Dead. 04:09.247 --> 04:14.370 Which is made by the people who made Space, Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright, and we'll be talking about that later on. 04:14.390 --> 04:15.711 But first, music! 04:18.613 --> 04:19.434 Is this Oasis? 04:20.214 --> 04:20.554 Hope not. 04:33.450 --> 04:57.728 shut up that's the oasis and stop crying your heart out stop crying my heart out when they stop singing lovely songs they're my favorite they're always going to be unkind about oasis what's wrong with that brian the producer just why why are you stopping me from waiving adam loves them i don't like them that's good balance you love them don't you adam yeah they're very good there we go 04:58.348 --> 05:02.712 So it's exciting news for people who eat at Mickey Donald's this week. 05:03.352 --> 05:04.053 Mike Donald's. 05:04.113 --> 05:05.995 Mike Donald's restaurant. 05:07.055 --> 05:08.977 Cause I ate there this week. 05:09.277 --> 05:09.618 Did you? 05:09.778 --> 05:10.078 Yeah. 05:10.358 --> 05:12.740 You know it's uh... Yeah, what did you eat? 05:13.140 --> 05:14.802 I ate chicken strips. 05:15.142 --> 05:15.583 Chicken strips? 05:15.603 --> 05:17.864 They tasted like cabbage. 05:17.944 --> 05:20.427 You know they've got Mickey D's in hospitals now? 05:21.067 --> 05:21.688 Did they really? 05:21.748 --> 05:22.028 Yeah. 05:22.088 --> 05:24.390 You know, they've got... That's the way they do catering in hospitals. 05:24.410 --> 05:25.631 They have branches of Mickey D's. 05:25.931 --> 05:31.215 Well, when you just go into any Mickey D's now, it's sort of like being in a hospital, in the mental hospital. 05:31.475 --> 05:31.676 Yeah. 05:31.996 --> 05:33.537 In that the only people who eat there are mental. 05:34.178 --> 05:35.819 Yeah, well, that's kind of true. 05:36.239 --> 05:37.680 It depends which branch you go into. 05:37.861 --> 05:44.626 Well, I was in Victoria Street, where we used to bunk off school and go and have breakfast at McDonald's when we were at school years ago, but they've refurbished it now. 05:44.666 --> 05:46.267 It's got the McCafe and stuff like this. 05:46.748 --> 05:50.411 Anyway, to cut to the chase, when I got... Sorry, do you like this music? 05:52.265 --> 05:52.886 What is it? 05:52.946 --> 05:53.846 It's from something, isn't it? 05:54.087 --> 05:58.209 It's from a deodorant commercial or something. 05:58.230 --> 05:58.730 No, I hate it. 05:58.910 --> 06:00.371 It's rubbish. 06:00.931 --> 06:06.576 So I was at McDonald's and then I got to serve my food and you know the piece of paper on the tray that always has an exciting advert on it? 06:06.636 --> 06:09.958 Well, it's got this amazing new promotion and lo and behold it's in all the magazines today. 06:11.019 --> 06:13.841 It's a message from Andrew Taylor, the chief executive of McDonald's restaurants, 06:14.261 --> 06:20.404 and he's announcing that it's everyone's chance to view a side of McDonald's restaurants that customers have rarely had the chance to see before. 06:20.804 --> 06:27.626 From October the 18th to the 30th, you can step behind the counter to watch our busy kitchen staff in action. 06:28.287 --> 06:29.987 Full stop, this man actually wrote that sentence. 06:30.388 --> 06:43.673 As part of our new Open Doors program, you'll be able to, among other things, take a closer look at the equipment we use to store and prepare your food, and also witness some of the 100 safety checks that we make daily in every McDonald's restaurant across the UK. 06:44.013 --> 06:44.594 That's not really in there. 06:44.614 --> 06:45.014 No, this is true. 06:45.234 --> 06:59.346 And this is announced by a full page advert in all the magazines this week with one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven photos of behind the scenes of McDonald's including a toilet door, the bottom of a door, a steel cupboard, a cooker and a no entry sign. 06:59.766 --> 07:00.887 What is going on there? 07:00.907 --> 07:05.411 And it says at the bottom, the Golden Arches logo and the words, I'm loving it. 07:05.831 --> 07:08.993 are trademarks of McDonald's, so they've now copyrighted the phrase, I'm lovin' it. 07:09.173 --> 07:10.273 No, they can't have that! 07:10.313 --> 07:11.074 No, they've done it, mate. 07:11.394 --> 07:14.135 And not only that, but they're inviting you to see behind the scenes. 07:14.255 --> 07:16.897 What's Dermot O'Leary gonna do if they've copyrighted I'm Lovin' It? 07:16.917 --> 07:18.638 He's gonna have to pay McDonald's a lot of money. 07:18.658 --> 07:19.658 Flippin' heck. 07:19.858 --> 07:23.200 So let us know if, um, if you're gonna take them up on that offer. 07:23.400 --> 07:26.822 They used to do kids parties where you could go behind the scenes and go inside the big freezer. 07:27.665 --> 07:29.306 Well, that's not good for kids, though, is it? 07:29.386 --> 07:32.627 Well, some kid, I think, in Atlanta got locked inside the freezer and nearly died. 07:32.727 --> 07:33.827 Well, that's bound to happen. 07:34.247 --> 07:37.968 Uh, uh, yeah, I might get... I'm not sure that really happened. 07:38.268 --> 07:38.869 I think it happened. 07:38.889 --> 07:39.509 Might be an urban myth. 07:40.229 --> 07:42.090 Anyway, so that's exciting news from McDonald's fans. 07:42.110 --> 07:43.250 You can see behind the scenes. 07:43.470 --> 07:45.931 If anyone takes the behind the scenes tour, we'd love to hear about it. 07:46.271 --> 07:50.714 I guess it's just generally about people's obsession with all things real. 07:50.774 --> 07:54.776 Maybe they think that it's going to be some kind of crazy reality type show if they go. 07:55.016 --> 07:56.597 It's going to be like real life, I suppose. 07:56.977 --> 07:59.338 Well, it's just going to be people cooking burgers on cookers. 07:59.518 --> 08:01.139 Yeah, so underpaid. 08:01.159 --> 08:03.220 But I suppose not flobbing on them. 08:04.116 --> 08:04.576 No, exactly. 08:04.616 --> 08:07.658 Well, people will be mar- marvelling at the high standards, I suppose. 08:07.678 --> 08:10.840 Yeah, the fact that they're not there- they're not being flogged on visibly. 08:11.000 --> 08:12.922 Yeah, and there's no rats or anything involved. 08:13.002 --> 08:13.302 Yeah. 08:13.402 --> 08:14.743 People will be really knocked out by that. 08:14.783 --> 08:14.883 Yeah. 08:15.163 --> 08:15.963 Well, that's interesting. 08:16.123 --> 08:17.624 Um, let's hear some more music now. 08:17.644 --> 08:19.926 This is Joe Strummer and the Mascaleros with Coma Girl. 08:20.426 --> 08:21.987 You're listening to Adam and Joe on XFM. 08:22.007 --> 08:23.588 We're filling in for Ricky and Steven. 08:38.715 --> 08:42.280 Hello, this is Adam and Joe, filling in for Ricky and Steve on XFM. 08:42.540 --> 08:45.304 While London's 104.9, this sounds pre-recorded, doesn't it? 08:45.664 --> 08:46.445 Yeah, that was amazing. 08:47.326 --> 08:47.707 Hello. 08:47.967 --> 08:48.228 Hello. 08:48.248 --> 08:48.348 Hello. 08:48.728 --> 08:49.790 That was your kid's TV voice. 08:49.810 --> 08:50.330 Yeah, hello. 08:51.255 --> 08:52.916 It's Ad and Joe in Dabungalow. 08:53.016 --> 08:54.117 In Dabungalow. 08:54.397 --> 09:00.920 So we're just spending a few minutes at the top of the show here talking about interesting things we've seen in print this week. 09:01.261 --> 09:01.841 In magazines. 09:02.041 --> 09:02.822 In magazines. 09:02.902 --> 09:06.904 Joe was intrigued by the invitation to go behind the scenes at McDonald's. 09:06.924 --> 09:07.644 Can you imagine? 09:07.884 --> 09:08.245 Wow. 09:08.345 --> 09:08.605 Wow. 09:10.166 --> 09:14.489 I was intrigued by actually this was pointed out to me because I don't actually read the Sunday Times. 09:14.509 --> 09:15.290 Well, you don't actually read. 09:15.310 --> 09:16.531 I don't really read. 09:17.612 --> 09:20.754 But someone told me that I should check out the bit at the end of the Sunday Times magazine. 09:20.794 --> 09:25.798 It's a life in the day where, you know, a person talks about a typical day of theirs. 09:26.699 --> 09:32.244 And last week it was author Jan Martel, 40 years old, who won the 2002 Booker Prize. 09:33.364 --> 09:34.645 Booker Prize for Life of Pi. 09:34.766 --> 09:35.526 Life of Pi, correct. 09:35.806 --> 09:36.307 Have you read that? 09:36.947 --> 09:37.288 I haven't. 09:37.308 --> 09:39.710 I've looked at the cover in the back cover and yeah, so in a way I have. 09:39.730 --> 09:40.951 Yeah, it's the same sort of thing. 09:40.971 --> 09:41.611 What does he say then? 09:42.032 --> 09:47.116 Well, he's kind of a ponce and he lives in Montreal in Canada. 09:47.136 --> 09:48.197 Ponce? 09:50.279 --> 09:52.761 Yeah, he's just a bit of a nonce. 09:53.241 --> 09:54.162 He's a nonce as well. 09:54.502 --> 09:55.163 No, he's not a nonce. 09:55.183 --> 09:55.643 No, that's bad. 09:55.663 --> 09:55.803 Oh dear. 09:57.865 --> 10:11.545 um he says among the things he says that stand out are he talks about food i listen to kitty fiddler okay i thought it was just someone who's sung to the coppers no all right leave leave the numbers keep going 10:12.268 --> 10:29.396 uh so yan says stop giggling i listen to music while i'm eating uh while i'm eating lunch i should do a voice for yan yes well he's canadian so he speaks really really oddly i met a canadian guy this week they do speak very strangely like in south park you know i can't do it it's very very odd 10:30.476 --> 10:32.217 Yeah, it's very, very strange. 10:32.297 --> 10:33.057 Well, I can't do that. 10:33.357 --> 10:39.799 Anyway, so he says, food doesn't interest me, though I eat properly to be healthy, but in the West, we eat much more than we need. 10:39.879 --> 10:42.100 I drink lots of water, but I've never touched alcohol. 10:42.380 --> 10:43.841 I find getting drunk disgraceful. 10:44.201 --> 10:48.762 It's fine for a special occasion, but always on a Saturday night, that's profoundly sad. 10:49.182 --> 10:54.944 There are things in life that elevate you, such as relationships, art, and travel, but alcohol and drugs degrade you. 10:55.324 --> 10:57.105 God, I sound censorious, but they really do. 10:57.125 --> 10:59.566 Do you agree with that, Joe? 11:01.025 --> 11:03.887 Uh, yeah, but that's the point of alcohol and drugs, isn't it? 11:03.947 --> 11:05.348 Yeah, he's missed the point. 11:06.189 --> 11:11.172 Later on he says, in the afternoon, I'll work if I feel like it, or go to a yoga class. 11:11.192 --> 11:14.114 A while back I did it every day, I like being in my body. 11:14.414 --> 11:16.336 It's a book we borrow temporarily. 11:17.076 --> 11:17.316 What? 11:17.416 --> 11:18.997 He likes being in his body, what? 11:19.558 --> 11:23.400 He says it's a book we borrow temporarily, so we should use it while we have it. 11:23.480 --> 11:25.502 It's about facing up to your own mortality. 11:25.862 --> 11:28.204 knowing we're here for a short time and making the most of it. 11:28.224 --> 11:28.985 That's a good voice. 11:29.045 --> 11:30.766 It's not Canadian, but he probably talks like that. 11:30.866 --> 11:31.947 I think he probably does. 11:32.288 --> 11:35.310 And then later on, he says, in the evenings, I'll meet friends. 11:35.590 --> 11:38.853 Writing is an isolating experience, and I'm not very social by nature. 11:39.093 --> 11:43.337 So I make an effort to go out, maybe see a film or some contemporary dance. 11:43.897 --> 11:47.701 I love everything from arthouse films to the latest James Bond. 11:47.981 --> 11:50.503 Oh, how very, very dangerous and experimental. 11:50.523 --> 11:51.564 The latest James Bond. 11:51.704 --> 11:52.965 Have you seen the latest James Bond? 11:53.025 --> 11:53.306 No. 11:53.606 --> 11:54.547 Oh, it's rubbish. 11:54.647 --> 11:55.328 It's degrading. 11:55.428 --> 11:56.148 It's degrading. 11:56.189 --> 11:58.411 I got so drunk when I saw it, it didn't make any sense to me at all. 11:58.431 --> 12:00.173 James Bond is the video that we borrow. 12:00.733 --> 12:06.659 Because I'm single, he continues, I mainly eat out at the same kind of vegetarian places where I get my lunch. 12:06.979 --> 12:08.201 I'll go home and shower. 12:08.521 --> 12:10.323 I love standing beneath hot water. 12:12.423 --> 12:13.944 change that. 12:15.325 --> 12:19.987 And then after I've stood beneath hot water, which I love to do, I crawl into bed. 12:20.387 --> 12:25.050 And that is a day in the life of Yann Martel, a Ponce. 12:41.050 --> 12:42.191 Joe, why are you playing this? 12:42.211 --> 12:43.592 I'm not controlling the desk. 12:43.612 --> 12:47.015 That was just a musical sting to add punch to the end of your riff. 12:47.215 --> 12:48.737 I was so pleased with myself as well. 12:48.837 --> 12:49.838 What was that anyway? 12:50.018 --> 12:50.498 I don't know. 12:50.598 --> 12:51.039 What was it? 12:51.099 --> 12:51.599 Adam's fault. 12:51.739 --> 12:52.260 Adam's fault. 12:52.320 --> 12:52.680 Adam's fault. 12:52.860 --> 12:53.261 Adam's fault. 12:53.421 --> 12:53.841 Adam's fault. 12:54.021 --> 12:54.622 It might be really good. 12:54.642 --> 12:55.282 Listen, listen, listen. 12:56.143 --> 12:56.644 Yeah. 12:57.024 --> 12:57.925 Wow, this is amazing. 12:58.765 --> 12:59.186 Yeah. 12:59.206 --> 12:59.746 What is it? 12:59.866 --> 13:00.507 I don't know. 13:00.807 --> 13:01.488 Go to the ad break. 13:01.508 --> 13:01.708 Come on. 13:01.728 --> 13:02.268 Okay, sorry. 13:03.209 --> 13:03.730 Excellent. 13:06.112 --> 13:06.312 Ready? 13:11.462 --> 13:12.024 so 13:27.264 --> 13:29.145 I've seen many strange things already. 13:29.506 --> 13:32.047 Bloody wolves chasing me through some blue inferno. 13:32.347 --> 13:33.768 Through some blue inferno. 13:33.888 --> 13:35.068 That was last week's Bad Accent. 13:35.088 --> 13:37.670 We've got another Bad Accent competition coming up very, very, very soon. 13:37.690 --> 13:38.470 So stay tuned. 13:38.490 --> 13:39.531 You can win what, Adam? 13:39.911 --> 13:42.352 You could win tickets to see the Sleepy Jackson. 13:42.432 --> 13:46.314 They're going to be playing at the Astoria on Tuesday and it's sure to be a very good gig. 13:46.374 --> 13:47.855 Everyone's excited about Sleepy Jackson. 13:47.995 --> 13:50.436 There's Adam and Joe filling in for Ricky and Steven on XFM. 13:50.536 --> 13:53.838 We've been going through the weirdest stuff we've seen in magazines this week. 13:54.278 --> 13:57.660 So I've got some kind of jazzy commercial sounding music now. 13:57.700 --> 13:57.920 Yeah. 13:58.579 --> 14:03.702 And our final weird thing we've seen in magazines this week is an advert for a new fragrance for men. 14:05.043 --> 14:07.825 It's called Higher Energy and it's by Dior. 14:08.065 --> 14:13.308 And there's posters for it all over London on bus stops and on the back of a lot of magazines today. 14:13.908 --> 14:16.190 For instance, on the Independent on Sunday magazine. 14:16.570 --> 14:19.792 And it's a male model, reasonably attractive bloke. 14:19.852 --> 14:20.713 Lisa, you're a lady? 14:21.433 --> 14:22.474 Yeah, he's alright, isn't he? 14:23.194 --> 14:24.776 Looks a bit like a sort of young wino. 14:24.796 --> 14:26.297 I think he's man-tastic. 14:27.198 --> 14:30.281 He's stubbly, he's got long hair, he's looking angry and thick. 14:31.041 --> 14:32.983 And he's got a white shirt on and it's open. 14:33.283 --> 14:37.047 And the thing about this advert is he's got a nipple exposed and it's tiny. 14:37.587 --> 14:38.288 Tiny nipple? 14:38.348 --> 14:41.531 It's the tiniest man nipple I think I've ever seen. 14:41.791 --> 14:44.373 And what's more, it's too far over to his right. 14:45.254 --> 15:03.170 the viewers left I this isn't very good radio is it but keep an eye out for it in the street it's a Dior advert tiny tiny nipple man tiny how big are your nipples well they're bigger than that but what you're obsessed by nipple I'm not obsessed by nipple you all I've noticed that you talk about them a lot more than normal people do 15:03.610 --> 15:12.340 Well, it's because we were going to do a thing earlier in our run, because someone said there's a sort of golden mean, an absolute average for nipple distribution. 15:12.821 --> 15:18.988 When we were in Japan, it's something like the distance between your nipples should be the same as what? 15:20.490 --> 15:26.913 I'm gonna have to think about this and come back to it, but there is... No, it's the distance between your nose and your... And the nape of your neck. 15:27.273 --> 15:34.156 There's some sort of... Yeah, the perfect attractive... If your nipples are the right distance apart, you are gonna be amazingly attractive. 15:34.416 --> 15:36.577 It's something like your finger span or something, is it? 15:36.637 --> 15:42.360 So if you extend your hand from thumb to index finger, you can touch both nipples. 15:42.560 --> 15:43.020 That doesn't work. 15:43.040 --> 15:44.481 I'm going to think about this and come back to it. 15:44.521 --> 15:46.862 It's a great subject because everyone's got them, Ad. 15:47.142 --> 15:48.723 That's the thing about my radio work. 15:49.203 --> 15:50.724 It really embraces everybody. 15:51.284 --> 15:52.164 Subjects like that. 15:52.525 --> 15:56.126 Well, yeah, we'd love to hear from maybe doctors or beauty specialists. 15:56.186 --> 15:57.627 Anyone who knows the answer to that question. 15:57.667 --> 15:59.568 Is there an ideal distance between nipples? 15:59.628 --> 16:06.131 You know, you can email us at adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk, adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk. 16:07.071 --> 16:08.893 And we read, or I read all your emails. 16:08.933 --> 16:13.537 I'm like the chick on, on the Matthew Wright show on Channel 5 who sits in the box with the headphones on. 16:13.938 --> 16:14.999 Yeah, the right stuff. 16:15.179 --> 16:16.000 The right stuff, yeah. 16:16.040 --> 16:16.780 I'm like that chick. 16:17.241 --> 16:18.242 I read all the emails. 16:18.562 --> 16:22.086 So if you want to send any personal messages to me, Joe, the good looking one. 16:22.386 --> 16:24.368 You're not that, you're not as perky. 16:24.428 --> 16:28.151 Did you go and see agent Cody Banks with those girls that emailed you the other day? 16:28.892 --> 16:29.092 No? 16:29.493 --> 16:30.894 I don't remember that email. 16:31.014 --> 16:31.994 Oh, it would've been up for that. 16:32.075 --> 16:32.975 That was filthy, man. 16:33.015 --> 16:37.839 They emailed us and I can't even talk about what they said, but they said, uh, if you're up for it, let's go and see Agent Cody Banks. 16:37.859 --> 16:38.319 I'm up for it. 16:38.760 --> 16:40.681 Well, I saw you writing down their number. 16:40.921 --> 16:42.442 I did not write down their number. 16:43.183 --> 16:53.971 Well, listen, after this, we're going to be having our, uh, mystery accent competition, and if you can guess the actor, the accent, and the film, then you will win tickets to see Sleepy Jack's. 16:53.991 --> 16:57.313 I can't believe I missed a chance to see Agent Cody Banks. 16:58.114 --> 17:00.056 Get down man, just find it, it's in your pocket. 17:11.397 --> 17:14.961 That sounds like, it sounds like, sort of, uh, OAPs. 17:15.401 --> 17:15.801 That does. 17:16.662 --> 17:16.943 OAPs. 17:16.963 --> 17:19.145 Singing while they wait, wait for their hair to be done. 17:20.666 --> 17:20.867 OAPs. 17:20.907 --> 17:23.189 And then trying to dignify it with some C-tars. 17:23.309 --> 17:23.749 C-tars? 17:23.769 --> 17:24.290 Z-tars. 17:24.590 --> 17:25.231 Z-tars. 17:25.291 --> 17:26.512 Catherine Z-tars. 17:27.653 --> 17:30.236 Uh, OAPs would be a good name for Oasis when they get older. 17:30.777 --> 17:30.917 Yup. 17:31.678 --> 17:32.999 Uh, so anyway, bad accent. 17:34.401 --> 17:35.502 Thanks for the support. 17:35.522 --> 17:39.167 I said yup, what do you need? 17:39.507 --> 17:40.448 We've had no emails. 17:40.508 --> 17:41.730 Come on, please email us. 17:42.350 --> 17:43.992 Adam and Joe at xfm.co.uk. 17:44.012 --> 17:50.240 That's not true, we haven't had no emails, but we just haven't had the huge rush that I thought would happen when I gave the address out. 17:51.792 --> 17:52.012 Yeah. 17:52.733 --> 17:53.433 Erm, yep. 17:53.974 --> 17:55.875 So- They were touche. 17:55.895 --> 17:58.297 Who was the- too she. 17:58.317 --> 18:01.960 Erm, well who was the person that we cut off, the record that we cut off before? 18:01.980 --> 18:04.161 Erm, okay, we have had an email about that. 18:04.682 --> 18:06.463 It was Watermelon by the Boxer Rebellion. 18:06.643 --> 18:10.866 You played it accidentally and then ruthlessly cut it off and one listener is a big fan of it. 18:11.086 --> 18:12.467 Well I'm really sorry, Gina. 18:12.888 --> 18:17.411 Erm, it was my incompetence and I'm sure it's excellent and maybe one day we'll play it again. 18:17.811 --> 18:20.774 But listen, it's bad accent time, if you want to win tickets- God, that's patronising. 18:21.574 --> 18:22.976 Joe, just shut up. 18:23.777 --> 18:24.298 Just go. 18:24.318 --> 18:27.522 Um, Sleepy Jackson, okay? 18:27.862 --> 18:32.669 If you want to go and have tickets to Sleepy Jackson, uh, then give us a call. 18:32.949 --> 18:33.590 What are you doing? 18:33.610 --> 18:34.231 Steve Laughs 18:37.695 --> 19:03.380 um so anyway okay serious yeah okay listen i'm gonna play you an accent right now who is the actor what is the accent he's doing it's pretty it's kind of obvious and what's the film we need all three i think we've got to be ruthless ruthless with this thing now so uh okay who's this listen right we'll be evil i'm not evil go over to dr lady mom i'm gonna be fine all right so uh it's not jamaican 19:04.319 --> 19:05.100 Don't give it away, man. 19:05.120 --> 19:06.861 No, it's clearly not Jamaican. 19:06.881 --> 19:09.663 Well, you know, I can tell you that it is supposed to be Jamaican. 19:09.683 --> 19:10.063 This is. 19:10.183 --> 19:14.146 Yeah, we've provided you with one of the answers today. 19:14.406 --> 19:17.228 Now you have to tell us who it is and what film they're in. 19:17.248 --> 19:17.688 That's hard enough. 19:17.708 --> 19:20.070 I'll give you a different snippet right now, listen. 19:20.376 --> 19:21.357 No, be a sister. 19:21.397 --> 19:22.418 No devil, no doppie. 19:22.899 --> 19:24.360 Everything gonna be irie. 19:24.801 --> 19:28.264 See, you can tell it's Jamaican because of everything gonna be irie. 19:28.284 --> 19:29.866 Because that's what they talk like, the Jamaicans. 19:29.906 --> 19:30.207 Wow. 19:30.627 --> 19:33.370 All the time, they wonder, everything gonna be irie. 19:33.570 --> 19:33.991 You know what? 19:34.211 --> 19:36.613 Just for a moment, I felt like everything was gonna be irie. 19:36.914 --> 19:37.554 Well, it's not. 19:37.755 --> 19:39.236 It's all going to go wrong. 19:39.256 --> 19:39.837 Oh, dear. 19:46.086 --> 19:47.367 That's pretty easy, come on. 19:47.707 --> 19:49.428 The tickets to Sleepy Jackson are yours. 19:49.488 --> 20:01.734 All you have to do is phone 08700-800-1234 and we will take... I don't know, maybe we'll take the first correct answer we get, pretty much, as long as you don't sound like a complete lunatic. 20:02.694 --> 20:04.515 And you'll win those tickets to Sleepy Jackson. 20:04.675 --> 20:06.016 So get phoning right now. 20:06.036 --> 20:06.076 08700-800-1234. 20:06.436 --> 20:06.856 Tell us who this is. 20:12.099 --> 20:13.100 No, be a sister. 20:13.140 --> 20:14.181 No devil, no dopey. 20:14.682 --> 20:16.043 Everything gonna be irie. 20:39.881 --> 20:41.322 Everything wanna be Irie. 20:41.662 --> 20:44.684 Oh yeah, that was The Strokes and 1251. 20:45.165 --> 20:49.248 Is it time to go to the phone lines to find out what people think, who people think that is? 20:49.328 --> 20:53.230 Yeah, let's just remind you again of this week's bad accent. 20:58.141 --> 20:59.302 I'm gonna be fine now. 20:59.842 --> 21:02.663 It's kind of Jamaican via hell. 21:03.063 --> 21:03.724 So let's see. 21:03.764 --> 21:05.525 I think we've got Dominic on line one. 21:05.565 --> 21:06.385 Dominic, are you there? 21:06.405 --> 21:07.105 Hello. 21:07.425 --> 21:08.146 Hey, how you doing? 21:08.186 --> 21:08.926 Hello, Dominic. 21:09.947 --> 21:10.887 Yeah, very good, thanks. 21:11.607 --> 21:13.348 Um, how are you feeling today? 21:13.368 --> 21:14.809 Yeah, not too bad, thank you. 21:14.829 --> 21:15.409 Good question, Ed. 21:15.689 --> 21:16.330 Thanks very much. 21:16.530 --> 21:17.790 So listen, let's cut to the quick. 21:17.810 --> 21:19.351 Well, no, let's go into more detail. 21:19.371 --> 21:19.851 No, cut. 21:20.011 --> 21:20.552 Any pains? 21:21.332 --> 21:22.392 No pains at all, no. 21:22.432 --> 21:22.973 None at all? 21:22.993 --> 21:24.053 No, none whatsoever. 21:24.093 --> 21:26.113 Feeling fresh and perky? 21:26.554 --> 21:27.214 As a daisy. 21:27.414 --> 21:27.954 As a daisy. 21:28.014 --> 21:29.975 Did you drink too much last night, Dominic? 21:29.995 --> 21:32.575 I didn't actually, no, I was driving so I couldn't really drink too much. 21:32.635 --> 21:34.096 Well that's good because it's degrading. 21:35.376 --> 21:38.437 So let's see, who was that accent and what film was it? 21:38.817 --> 21:40.638 I think it was Gary Oldman in True Romance. 21:40.779 --> 21:44.421 Good guess, cos Gary Oldman does play a terrible sort of a white raster in True Romance. 21:44.822 --> 21:46.082 Quite a frightening white raster. 21:46.323 --> 21:48.564 But unfortunately, not the correct answer. 21:48.584 --> 21:49.445 I'm sorry, Dominic. 21:49.865 --> 21:51.547 But listen, thanks very much indeed for phoning in. 21:51.867 --> 21:52.167 You're welcome. 21:52.247 --> 21:54.028 And well done not drinking and driving. 21:54.108 --> 21:54.989 Yeah, exactly. 21:55.029 --> 21:55.289 Yeah. 21:55.509 --> 21:56.210 Have a good weekend. 21:56.330 --> 21:59.312 OK, let's see, uh, Vaughan, we've got you on line two, I hope. 21:59.793 --> 22:00.213 Are you there? 22:00.513 --> 22:01.094 Hello, Vaughan. 22:01.434 --> 22:02.054 You got me, yeah? 22:02.655 --> 22:03.275 Hello, Vaughan. 22:04.136 --> 22:04.536 How you going? 22:04.716 --> 22:05.737 Where are you calling from, Vaughan? 22:06.618 --> 22:08.139 Uh, I'm just on the A2 at the moment. 22:08.994 --> 22:14.938 Oh... Vaughan, you're an Australian gentleman, and you shouldn't be phoning from your car, you naughty Australian. 22:14.958 --> 22:17.359 No, it's on the hands-free, so it's not too bad. 22:17.399 --> 22:18.320 That's OK, then. 22:18.900 --> 22:22.282 So, listen, let's get to it before you get involved in a pile-up. 22:22.682 --> 22:25.344 What is the actor and what film is it? 22:25.984 --> 22:29.006 I think it's Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black. 22:29.366 --> 22:31.708 Oh, yes, that's absolutely correct. 22:31.788 --> 22:34.629 Vaughan, you're going to see Sleepy Jackson on Tuesday at the Astoria. 22:35.009 --> 22:35.570 Are you excited? 22:38.302 --> 22:40.028 Did you, Vaughan, did you like meat, Joe Black? 22:40.892 --> 22:41.875 Ah, yeah, it wasn't too bad. 22:42.016 --> 22:42.899 No, come on, it was. 22:44.648 --> 22:46.629 You know what, I'd say it actually was too bad. 22:46.649 --> 22:49.149 Nah, come on, I enjoyed Meet Joe Black. 22:49.189 --> 22:50.630 It's awful. 22:50.870 --> 22:52.690 Alright, it's got that in it, how can you argue it? 22:52.770 --> 22:53.290 It's a stinker. 22:53.370 --> 22:56.971 Well listen, Vaughan, we're not gonna keep you, but thank you so much for calling in, we really appreciate it. 22:56.991 --> 23:00.392 Congratulations, you're our winner this week for our Bad Accent competition. 23:00.892 --> 23:01.372 Take care. 23:02.292 --> 23:03.313 Uh, so there we go. 23:03.333 --> 23:04.553 God, you're getting so slick. 23:04.893 --> 23:05.753 Well, yeah, kind of. 23:06.914 --> 23:08.754 I'm gonna have to start messing things up a bit more. 23:09.134 --> 23:10.174 No, please don't do that. 23:10.194 --> 23:12.615 Well, the slicker you get, the more rubbish I'm gonna get. 23:12.955 --> 23:14.376 Everything wanna be Irene. 23:14.616 --> 23:15.217 No it's not. 23:28.959 --> 23:30.099 Yeah, that's a smash, isn't it? 23:30.139 --> 23:32.540 That's Goldfrap and Twist, the single mix. 23:32.560 --> 23:34.601 That's gonna be out on the 20th of October. 23:35.261 --> 23:40.423 And it's Brian, our producer's favourite album of the year that that comes from, Black Cherry. 23:40.543 --> 23:41.584 Oh, thanks for telling us that. 23:41.884 --> 23:48.366 So, well, you know, Brian, he's kind of an expert on music and cherries, so he thinks that one's a smash. 23:48.746 --> 23:50.888 Anyway, that's pretty much it for the first hour of our show. 23:50.908 --> 23:55.351 We've got more great music coming up as well as, you know, fascinating rubbish. 23:55.872 --> 23:57.613 And, um, also Ditty's in the Dock. 23:57.633 --> 23:59.715 We're gonna be battling it out for again this week. 24:00.015 --> 24:02.177 Joe's gonna be telling you all about the exciting movies he's seen. 24:02.237 --> 24:05.179 I'm gonna be, uh, telling you about my trip to the Q Awards. 24:05.639 --> 24:06.780 All that to come in the next hour. 24:08.308 --> 24:12.150 Joe, maybe you could kind of adjust your attitude? 24:12.250 --> 24:13.870 It just sounds boring, that's all. 24:13.971 --> 24:15.311 Well, you make it sound interesting then. 24:16.071 --> 24:18.553 I just did, by saying it was boring. 24:19.173 --> 24:20.213 No, you see, that's pathetic. 24:20.413 --> 24:26.456 And I'm going to just talk to you in the ad break. 24:27.076 --> 24:27.376 OK. 24:30.158 --> 24:31.118 Right, now here's the Smiths. 24:33.259 --> 24:34.479 This is for Andrea, isn't it? 24:34.560 --> 24:35.300 Yeah, it's for Andrea. 24:39.787 --> 24:40.167 adjustment. 24:55.205 --> 24:57.726 Yeah, that was Athlete with You Got The Style. 24:58.666 --> 25:06.129 In the next hour you can expect more fantastic music from the likes of The Dub Pistols, The Coral, Mark Ronson and Ghostface Killer. 25:06.149 --> 25:07.750 That's a good record, I'm looking forward to that one. 25:08.070 --> 25:08.210 Why? 25:08.230 --> 25:09.031 Because it's a hip-hop record. 25:09.091 --> 25:10.231 Yeah, because I like hip-hop. 25:10.271 --> 25:11.211 You love hip-hop, don't you? 25:11.231 --> 25:13.092 I love hip-hop and there's not enough of it on XFM. 25:13.592 --> 25:16.353 Well, it's kind of an indie rock station, that's why. 25:16.373 --> 25:17.194 Yeah, but hip-hop's indie. 25:17.854 --> 25:18.895 All the kids are into hip-hop. 25:19.175 --> 25:19.836 Come on, XFM. 25:20.016 --> 25:20.616 Get your act together. 25:20.636 --> 25:23.639 Not everyone likes guitar dirges all the time. 25:23.939 --> 25:26.201 There's other radio stations for hip-hop, Joe. 25:26.221 --> 25:26.881 Did you realise that? 25:26.901 --> 25:27.602 Well, there's Choice. 25:28.262 --> 25:32.506 Yeah, but it'd be good if it was a nice mix of, like... Actually, they do play quite a lot of hip-hop on XFM. 25:33.046 --> 25:33.767 It's OK. 25:34.167 --> 25:37.029 Anyway, so we've had a glamorous week, weeks, haven't we, Adam? 25:37.169 --> 25:37.890 Showbiz week. 25:37.930 --> 25:39.731 Yeah, cos we're D-list celebrities. 25:40.872 --> 25:42.414 F. F-list celebrities. 25:42.434 --> 25:45.998 We aspire to D. You went to the Q Awards this week, for instance, didn't you? 25:46.279 --> 25:50.984 Yeah, so I guess that makes me a Q-list celebrity. 25:52.185 --> 25:52.986 And what happened there? 25:53.026 --> 25:55.049 You got chatting to some pop stars. 25:55.189 --> 25:56.390 Yeah, I'll tell you about that in a second. 25:56.410 --> 25:57.892 I want to hear about your movie trips. 25:58.092 --> 26:03.113 Okay, well this week I saw a very, very sneaky preview of a new British zom-rom-com. 26:03.573 --> 26:06.214 A zombie romantic comedy by the people that made Spaced. 26:06.274 --> 26:07.174 It's called Shaun of the Dead. 26:07.194 --> 26:10.075 It stars Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, both in Spaced. 26:10.595 --> 26:12.015 Uh, Dylan Moran is in there. 26:12.095 --> 26:13.416 Kate Ashfield is in there. 26:13.656 --> 26:14.496 Johnny Vegas? 26:14.576 --> 26:15.896 Johnny Vegas isn't in there. 26:16.096 --> 26:16.517 Why? 26:16.597 --> 26:20.958 Which means it'll probably... well, because... He's got to be in every British film! 26:20.978 --> 26:21.058 Yeah. 26:21.318 --> 26:22.098 It's true, isn't it? 26:23.035 --> 26:26.877 Yeah, I don't know, I can't think of anything nice to say in reply to that. 26:27.337 --> 26:27.917 Was it good? 26:28.917 --> 26:45.264 It really, genuinely was really, really excellent, because I'm a horror film aficionado, and basically I was hoping it would fail, because I fancy myself as a filmmaker, and I like to see people I know who are making films fail, and generally people in Britain like to see British films fail. 26:45.644 --> 26:51.987 There's nothing we like more than something being bad, but Shaun of the Dead is genuinely as frightening as American Werewolf. 26:53.433 --> 26:53.833 Is it really? 26:53.853 --> 26:54.894 That's quite a high claim, isn't it? 26:54.914 --> 27:00.576 But yeah, it made me laugh, it creeped me out, it's much creepier than 28 Days Later. 27:00.596 --> 27:01.096 Is it? 27:01.156 --> 27:09.719 In terms of depicting what London would be like if it was genuinely, you know, if you just got up on a Saturday morning, hungover, and London had been infected by zombies. 27:10.339 --> 27:11.060 Which is the premise? 27:11.580 --> 27:14.682 Which is the premise, but the clever thing about it is that's backgrounded. 27:15.102 --> 27:28.691 The filmmakers know that we all kind of know that, so the zombie stuff is backgrounded and it's a very funny comedy movie with the fact that London is infested by zombies being a kind of obstacle course that people have to get through, but at the same time it's genuinely gory. 27:28.851 --> 27:30.072 And when does it come out? 27:30.132 --> 27:30.913 Not till next year. 27:31.713 --> 27:53.263 but it is really really good what's the most revolting part uh well i shouldn't give away too many spoilers but dylan moran meets a pretty sticky end uh that's reminiscent of george romero's day of the dead the third part of the of the of the trilogy well that sounds good man i'm looking forward to it's genuinely genuinely really good and i didn't even have to lie after it 27:54.173 --> 27:55.334 I went to see Kill Bill, yeah. 27:55.674 --> 27:58.957 I've seen some pretty stinky reviews for that. 27:59.257 --> 28:04.300 Well, it's not going to please your Tarantino fans who are into the dialogue, because it doesn't have much dialogue. 28:04.320 --> 28:10.245 But if you're into, if you know about Asian cinema, even if you don't know about Asian cinema, it's a really good watch. 28:10.845 --> 28:32.897 the punching the kicking the slicing the limb severing yeah that's the main thing do you know what my potential problem is because i'm not a big big sort of charlie's angels sassy chick fan uh is it is it very heavy on the sassy no on the sass no good because i i've had all the sassy chicks no it's it's brutal it's hardcore okay it's pure pure killing 28:33.237 --> 28:37.381 And Lucy Liu, personally, I find her a kind of a medic. 28:37.441 --> 28:38.042 She's good, man. 28:38.082 --> 28:39.163 She's good in this. 28:39.904 --> 28:41.706 You shouldn't judge her on Charlie's Angels. 28:41.786 --> 28:43.708 I'm judging her on every single thing she's done. 28:43.748 --> 28:45.209 Well, you've seen Cipher, haven't you? 28:45.409 --> 28:50.534 I've seen Cipher, I've seen Ally McBeal, I've seen Charlie's Angels, I've seen various other piles of old. 28:50.554 --> 28:51.235 She's good in this. 28:51.275 --> 28:52.757 She gets her scalp. 28:53.658 --> 28:54.499 Severed off, doesn't she? 28:54.519 --> 28:58.704 Well, that's a good enough reason for me to be checking out, Kill Bill, I can tell you. 28:59.145 --> 29:03.010 OK, I'll be telling you all about my exciting trip to the Q Awards after this one. 29:03.150 --> 29:05.914 Oh, my God. 29:16.526 --> 29:18.791 That's the trills with Big Sur. 29:18.971 --> 29:25.603 I've had a complaint in Adam that I ruined part of Kill Bill by saying that what happens to the lady? 29:26.147 --> 29:27.067 who Lucy Liu. 29:27.127 --> 29:27.407 Yes. 29:27.607 --> 29:28.548 We saw it once again. 29:28.588 --> 29:30.288 I swear that's not, that's not spoiling anything. 29:30.688 --> 29:32.429 Yeah, there's a whole other film to come anyway. 29:32.509 --> 29:32.969 Yeah. 29:33.349 --> 29:35.050 So yeah, hold your horses there. 29:35.130 --> 29:40.791 Now you were complaining that we weren't allowed to play, uh, Where Is The Love by, uh, the Black Eyed Peas. 29:40.971 --> 29:41.951 Yeah, Britain's number one. 29:42.292 --> 29:42.652 Yeah. 29:42.852 --> 29:43.692 Has been for the last six weeks. 29:43.732 --> 29:48.153 And we're not allowed to play it because it's not on the XFM guest, uh, guest list, playlist. 29:48.333 --> 29:49.734 Where is the love? 29:49.774 --> 29:51.094 What's wrong with the world mama? 29:51.134 --> 29:52.294 Where is the love? 29:52.494 --> 29:54.395 People living like they ain't got no mama. 29:54.855 --> 29:56.336 It's down at the end. 29:56.356 --> 29:57.998 His lab people are addicted to the drama. 29:59.118 --> 30:01.100 Our producer's holding his head in his hand. 30:01.120 --> 30:01.760 Where is the lav? 30:01.981 --> 30:03.262 Where is the lav? 30:04.162 --> 30:05.003 Is that not how it goes? 30:05.363 --> 30:05.543 No. 30:05.844 --> 30:06.064 OK, then. 30:06.084 --> 30:06.444 It should do. 30:06.784 --> 30:08.446 So the Thrills were at the Cure Awards. 30:08.686 --> 30:11.668 I met the Thrills and they seemed like a lovely bunch. 30:11.968 --> 30:12.629 Of coconuts. 30:12.709 --> 30:13.710 Of coconuts. 30:14.070 --> 30:15.191 No, they were very nice. 30:16.292 --> 30:17.673 And I had a pretty good time. 30:17.713 --> 30:23.537 I was accepting an award on behalf of Nigel Godrich, Radiohead's producer, who couldn't be there. 30:24.398 --> 30:31.083 partly I think because Radiohead seemed to have had some big argument with Q and they boycotted the ceremony. 30:31.143 --> 30:46.653 They just didn't turn up and they won best act in the world today and rather than any kind of video or speech or anything there was just a thing that came up on the video screens that was just a picture of Radiohead with flames leaping around it with just a typed message saying Radiohead are not talking to Q. 30:47.654 --> 30:48.915 And that was the end of that. 30:49.075 --> 30:50.216 But they still get the award? 30:50.356 --> 30:55.278 They still get the award because it's voted for by the readers of Q and not by the Q people. 30:55.318 --> 30:57.180 So nobody came to pick it up on behalf of them? 30:57.480 --> 30:57.720 Nope. 30:58.500 --> 30:59.221 Absolutely not. 31:00.021 --> 31:05.264 But anyway, Nigel hasn't fallen out with Q. I don't think he just wasn't able to make it because he's working on the Divine Comedy album. 31:05.624 --> 31:05.844 Right. 31:05.945 --> 31:09.206 So I picked it up on his behalf and, you know, it was OK. 31:09.447 --> 31:10.327 Had a pretty good time. 31:10.807 --> 31:13.409 And if I... Did you, hang on, did you make any sort of a speech? 31:13.829 --> 31:32.027 yeah I made it I sort of pretended that Nigel was had given me a note but he hadn't no have you told you anything to say no he just he just said if you he said I can't make it would be great if you could pick it up and just left it to me yeah he did he yeah so what I think 31:32.407 --> 31:34.088 What are you going to say Mr Sarcastic? 31:34.148 --> 31:36.288 No, so you got up on stage and you said? 31:36.528 --> 31:40.850 Got up on stage and said something like, I've just been handed this note from Nigel Godrich. 31:40.870 --> 31:41.530 Which was a lie. 31:41.630 --> 31:42.290 Which was a lie. 31:43.070 --> 31:44.611 But it was a point, it was a jokey note. 31:44.831 --> 31:49.512 It said something like, I'm not going to make it to the Q awards because I can't be bothered. 31:49.532 --> 31:52.913 I'm going to sit at home and watch Maiden in Manhattan with Thom Yorke. 31:53.533 --> 31:56.474 And anyway, why would I want to go to the Q awards? 31:56.514 --> 31:58.255 It's a load of crap and etc, etc. 31:58.535 --> 32:01.956 And then it said, if I do win, please could you read out the message on the other side? 32:02.276 --> 32:31.314 it's like i'd read out the wrong part you see ah so there we go wow the q awards it was fun i met i met uh kevin roland from dexy's midnight runners that was amazing and i met harmar superstar he seemed sort of confused and underwhelmed and um who else did i meet oh i said hello to alex james from blur he was really nice and he very satisfyingly said to me um i said where are you living these days he said well i've just bought a house a very big house in the country 32:31.934 --> 32:33.475 So I was pleased by that. 32:33.735 --> 32:36.697 Do you think any of these people are currently telling people that they met you? 32:36.717 --> 32:36.757 No. 32:36.957 --> 32:38.678 No, I'm almost certain they're not. 32:38.958 --> 32:42.501 You don't think Kevin Rowland's going, oh, yeah, I met Adam from Adam and Joe yesterday? 32:42.521 --> 32:46.463 Well, actually, he said to me, I've been trying to write some comedy recently. 32:46.523 --> 32:49.785 And someone at my record company said, you know, what you should do is watch Adam and Joe. 32:50.245 --> 32:52.987 So I got his address and I'm going to send him a tape of some of our stuff. 32:53.007 --> 32:53.948 Don't get too involved. 32:54.448 --> 32:54.848 Why not? 32:54.908 --> 32:55.549 He's a genius. 32:56.601 --> 32:57.241 He's a genius. 32:57.261 --> 33:01.362 Anyway, listen, I had a great night, but I should have left, like, as soon as the whole thing finished. 33:01.402 --> 33:04.783 Instead, I went to the after-show party bit, and that's always a mistake. 33:05.164 --> 33:10.165 Everyone was just steaming, and it was two hours of pointless drinking that I really could have done without. 33:10.685 --> 33:16.287 And do you remember when we got asked, um, by this record company to help out with a Turing Breaks video? 33:16.567 --> 33:16.767 Yeah. 33:17.227 --> 33:24.012 So basically what the deal was, just before we went to Japan, someone from Turin Breaks record company asked if we'd help them out with this video. 33:24.052 --> 33:35.199 It was set in a private jet and it was all shots of the band looking out the window and singing the song, intercut with shots of the kind of crazy passengers you'd expect to see on a soft indie rock plane. 33:35.619 --> 33:37.380 So anyway, so far so boring. 33:37.420 --> 33:38.701 They put subtitles on it. 33:39.690 --> 33:42.692 you know, just, er, to show what the people in the video were actually thinking. 33:42.732 --> 33:44.514 And they wanted us to rewrite the subtitles. 33:44.554 --> 33:45.655 Yeah, cos they were very lame. 33:45.895 --> 33:46.135 Yeah. 33:46.415 --> 33:48.697 But we only had a night to do it, like one night. 33:48.737 --> 33:50.038 Yeah. 33:50.098 --> 33:50.979 I didn't do it, you did it. 33:51.319 --> 33:55.122 Well, we were supposed to both do it, but you, you were... Otherwise engaged. 33:55.682 --> 33:56.403 In watching telly. 33:56.503 --> 33:57.264 In watching telly. 33:57.284 --> 33:59.766 So anyway, I dashed off a few things and, you know, I did my best. 33:59.786 --> 34:00.986 And you started telling me you, they used them. 34:01.747 --> 34:09.251 Well, this lady came up at the party and she was introduced to me as this woman from the record company. 34:09.271 --> 34:10.472 This is Tina from blah, blah, blah. 34:10.812 --> 34:14.174 And she said, oh, yeah, you remember those captions you did for the Chewing Breaks video? 34:14.194 --> 34:15.275 So I say, yeah, yeah. 34:15.295 --> 34:17.496 She said, yeah, yeah, they were absolute crap. 34:19.019 --> 34:19.299 You know? 34:20.240 --> 34:23.861 And she said, I mean, you know, I know you only had a day to do them, but they were rubbish. 34:24.702 --> 34:26.263 So I got really angry. 34:26.283 --> 34:29.204 And I just, you know, we never got paid or anything. 34:29.604 --> 34:30.645 And I just thought, what? 34:31.105 --> 34:38.069 You are the stupidest, rudest woman in the world coming up to me and like choosing to be rude to me about a favor that we did. 34:38.109 --> 34:38.949 What if she's listening? 34:39.169 --> 34:39.649 I don't care. 34:39.689 --> 34:41.670 If she's listening, you're an idiot. 34:41.770 --> 34:44.492 And you can come in here and I'll... So what if they were rubbish? 34:45.032 --> 35:01.064 well i'll give you a few examples you can decide i think they might have been rubbish they were a bit they weren't totally genius anyone what are you putting down my things advocate you're not you're being a jerk so listen there was one of them was a beardy man eating maybe i shouldn't read them out they'll just be rubbish yeah they will 35:01.744 --> 35:02.825 But anyway, that's not the point. 35:02.905 --> 35:06.669 She was just so, you know, it just wound me up so much it totally ruined my evening. 35:06.689 --> 35:07.710 Sounds like she was impolite. 35:07.990 --> 35:11.074 And she said, um, I said, well, maybe you're crap at your job. 35:11.394 --> 35:12.315 And she said, well, I'm not. 35:12.635 --> 35:14.097 Anyway, you don't know about my job. 35:14.217 --> 35:15.338 I know about what you do. 35:15.638 --> 35:17.020 And those things were absolute rubbish. 35:17.060 --> 35:17.480 You know what? 35:17.520 --> 35:19.022 The man who wrote Life of Pi is right. 35:19.082 --> 35:20.223 Drinking is degrading. 35:21.001 --> 35:22.623 Well, you're saying it was all because I was drunk? 35:22.663 --> 35:25.166 Yeah, you were drunk, she was drunk, drinking's degrading. 35:25.286 --> 35:28.551 I was absolutely sober, she was- You were probably drunk when you wrote the lines as well. 35:28.651 --> 35:33.036 Well, if anyone from Turing Breaks Record Company wants a favour in future, they can eat themselves. 35:33.076 --> 35:33.397 I'll do it. 35:49.164 --> 36:11.809 yeah that's the dub pistols you're listening to xfm uh london's 104.9 i'm adam buckston and i'm joe cornish so do you think i went off the rails a bit there joe no well no i think you're right to be uh this is adam was just telling us that somebody came up and said that some work he did for them was rubbish when he'd done it for them as a favor but there's various variables in this equation your work might have been rubbish 36:12.856 --> 36:15.619 Yeah, not the point, because it was a favour for which I didn't get paid. 36:15.699 --> 36:24.148 So your point is that if someone does a favour, if you do a favour for someone, even if you do it really badly, it is not right for them to call you on it. 36:25.170 --> 36:26.251 What kind of yeah? 36:26.431 --> 36:42.782 Yeah, you just don't a It's an interesting question a this wasn't the case because I didn't think it was bad B if you do something for someone you know and you don't even know them and Okay, so they don't end up using you don't go up to them and say yeah, that was rubbish cuz that's just rude 36:43.562 --> 36:45.503 It's just basic rudeness. 36:46.004 --> 36:46.784 Are you not convinced? 36:47.064 --> 36:48.305 No, no, I'm convinced. 36:48.405 --> 36:49.026 I'm convinced. 36:49.806 --> 36:56.511 You know, I just would... I'm not sure about carrying out a vendetta against her on the radio. 36:56.531 --> 36:59.673 Do you know the definition of a vendetta? 36:59.733 --> 37:00.934 This isn't a vendetta. 37:00.974 --> 37:04.596 I'm just basically saying that it was rude and that's what happened to me at the Q Awards. 37:04.636 --> 37:05.917 I didn't mention her name or anything. 37:05.957 --> 37:10.400 Well, no, but you've got that big picture of her and that picture of her house and the plans and the knives. 37:10.600 --> 37:13.422 Oh, I know where she lives and I will find her, if that's what you mean. 37:14.962 --> 37:16.743 You know what, you know what, something that got me this week? 37:17.303 --> 37:19.763 I was, do you know this phrase, ego surfing? 37:19.824 --> 37:21.584 Ego surfing is when you surf for your own name. 37:22.484 --> 37:24.045 Everyone does that, I do that a lot. 37:24.085 --> 37:25.625 I'm the king of ego surfing. 37:26.045 --> 37:42.749 So I was ego surfing, I found an interview we'd done for a student magazine, CMU Online, and they're big fans of us, it was with you actually, not an interview with me, and they referred to, they were a big fan of the show, they referred to our shock video series where we voice over pornographic footage, they referred to it, watching it as like swallowing a wasp. 37:43.919 --> 37:45.200 Well, that just doesn't mean anything. 37:45.220 --> 37:45.960 Yeah, it does. 37:46.000 --> 37:48.482 It means that for a fan of the Adam and Joe show, it was incredibly painful. 37:49.062 --> 37:49.462 Oh, really? 37:49.482 --> 37:49.963 Yeah. 37:50.183 --> 37:55.586 Well, Joe, you tend to misinterpret things quite a lot because I don't know why you just... Can't misinterpret swallowing a wasp. 37:55.606 --> 37:57.127 That's not good in any way, is it? 37:57.427 --> 37:57.768 Might be. 37:57.988 --> 37:58.848 Unless it's chocolate-covered. 37:59.349 --> 38:00.169 An exotic snack. 38:00.529 --> 38:01.170 I suppose so. 38:01.410 --> 38:02.571 Anyway, I don't mind about it. 38:02.591 --> 38:02.971 I don't care. 38:03.011 --> 38:03.331 I'm happy. 38:04.091 --> 38:04.492 They're right. 38:04.612 --> 38:05.152 It is rubbish. 38:05.472 --> 38:05.853 Hooray! 38:05.933 --> 38:06.613 It's genius. 38:06.873 --> 38:07.934 Oh, it's a lovely Saturday. 38:08.074 --> 38:09.435 Here's some lovely music. 38:20.762 --> 38:21.642 That's the delays. 38:27.004 --> 38:32.845 And that's the single's called A Long Time Coming, the fourth single from the Southampton four piece. 38:33.465 --> 38:37.286 They're signed to Rough Trade, a debut album follows in the new year. 38:37.546 --> 38:42.888 And they're on tour with the Sleepy Jackson, so you'll get to see them if you are our competition winner this week. 38:43.788 --> 38:47.409 Vaughan, I think you're going to be seeing the delays on Tuesday at the Astoria. 38:47.449 --> 38:50.150 You're listening to Adam and Joe on XFM, filling in for Ricky and Steven. 38:50.170 --> 38:55.491 Uh, coming up after the break, we're gonna be getting into Ditchies in the Dock, I think, or very soon, anyway. 38:56.452 --> 38:57.812 Um... Joe, are you okay there? 38:58.112 --> 38:59.072 I'm not involved in this, Link. 38:59.593 --> 39:01.373 No, well, you could be, you see, if you wanted to. 39:01.593 --> 39:03.414 Well, no, it's just gonna be a short- a short one. 39:03.834 --> 39:04.494 Yeah, well, it is now. 39:04.514 --> 39:04.574 XFM. 39:13.967 --> 39:14.788 Ooh-wee! 39:14.828 --> 39:17.131 Let me tell you what they say when I'm pulling up my drawers. 39:17.632 --> 39:22.559 When I'm pulling up my drawers... What's wrong with that? 39:22.580 --> 39:24.903 Well, let me tell you what they say when I'm pulling up my drawers. 39:24.943 --> 39:25.404 What do they say? 39:25.604 --> 39:26.425 Ooh-wee! 39:28.052 --> 39:29.093 What's happening there? 39:29.113 --> 39:29.813 Well, he's finished. 39:30.453 --> 39:30.714 What? 39:31.554 --> 39:33.495 Making, doing the thing that made them say oui. 39:33.535 --> 39:34.176 Doing a oui? 39:34.536 --> 39:35.917 No, yeah, probably. 39:35.937 --> 39:38.278 Ooh, oui! 39:38.478 --> 39:40.199 So the girls are just excited by the oui. 39:40.499 --> 39:41.140 Yeah, well they are. 39:41.160 --> 39:42.000 Ooh, look at that oui! 39:42.300 --> 39:44.401 That was Mark Ronson and Ghostface Killer. 39:44.662 --> 39:46.703 That is a great record, I really like that record. 39:47.303 --> 39:47.483 Good. 39:47.843 --> 39:52.006 It's got a lovely little ding-dong bell in it and fantastic strings and great rapping. 39:52.786 --> 39:54.128 Oh, the rapping is brilliant. 39:54.348 --> 39:58.292 The rapping on that record was amazing. 39:58.713 --> 40:01.896 Okay, so this music means that it's Diddy's in the Dock time. 40:01.916 --> 40:03.478 Yeah, Diddy's in the Dock. 40:03.758 --> 40:10.065 It's time for a bad-tempered face-off between me and Joe about the only track that we're allowed to choose to play this week. 40:10.345 --> 40:12.768 We have to sell you, the listeners, our records. 40:13.069 --> 40:14.691 We don't play your sample from the record. 40:15.151 --> 40:16.173 Nothing as easy as that. 40:16.233 --> 40:20.939 We have to use words and our powers of persuasion to get you to vote for our choice. 40:21.600 --> 40:23.442 So who wants to go first this week? 40:23.803 --> 40:24.544 I don't mind, man. 40:26.106 --> 40:28.028 OK, I will let you go first. 40:28.749 --> 40:29.689 I usually go first. 40:30.370 --> 40:31.490 Well okay I'll go first then. 40:31.510 --> 40:32.170 Okay go first. 40:32.410 --> 40:33.551 I thought you said you didn't mind. 40:33.951 --> 40:35.551 Go first do it man what do you got what do you got. 40:35.871 --> 40:52.197 Okay so today I've got a track from uh rock and roll music's greatest secret and they are called spoon they're a band from Austin Texas and they are fantastic they've had about three albums out and this is a track from their latest album kill the moonlight 40:52.697 --> 41:22.007 and it is only one and a half minutes long it's called you've gotta feel it and it's a total peach um it's brilliant stripped down piece of pop genius that sounds like nothing else around at the moment uh even though it's a fairly straightforward song i guarantee you won't uh dislike it and even better you will be propelled into the fantastic world of spoon a place that i guarantee you need to be joe what are you i thought you were trying a bit too hard there with spoon 41:22.247 --> 41:25.228 Yeah, just shut up and what you basically, you know, you've lost. 41:25.248 --> 41:26.989 Spoon. 41:28.750 --> 41:31.491 We tried to keep these ditties in the dark secret earlier. 41:31.511 --> 41:33.813 We tried to hide what records we'd be playing. 41:34.193 --> 41:37.054 But then the producer left my ditty in the dark spoon. 41:37.294 --> 41:38.035 No, he left out. 41:38.055 --> 41:40.236 He left spoon out on the deck. 41:40.976 --> 41:44.638 And so it was the gaffe was blown. 41:44.898 --> 41:46.539 So listen, this is a man in trouble already. 41:46.799 --> 41:49.340 I'm not I haven't even got to my pitch in trouble. 41:49.420 --> 41:50.140 Are you ready? 41:50.340 --> 41:50.861 Are you ready? 41:50.961 --> 41:51.221 Spoon. 41:51.781 --> 41:52.261 Are you ready? 41:52.301 --> 41:52.742 Go on, Spoon. 41:53.222 --> 42:00.246 My choice for Ditty and the Dock, Joe's choice for Ditty and the Dock, Joe, Joe, Joe's choice for Ditty and the Dock, is from the video game, Parappa the Rapper. 42:00.766 --> 42:02.327 Everybody loves Parappa the Rapper. 42:02.347 --> 42:02.567 Spoon. 42:02.907 --> 42:05.769 And it's a fantastic song called Chop Chop Master Onions Rap. 42:06.129 --> 42:09.611 And if you've never played Parappa the Rapper, then it'll mean nothing to you. 42:09.631 --> 42:10.932 It's just a really, really good, fun song. 42:11.112 --> 42:15.834 But if you have played Parappa the Rapper, you'll remember it's the one that goes kick, punch, it's all in the mind. 42:15.974 --> 42:20.637 If you want to test me, I'm sure you'll find the things that I'll teach you, it's sure to beat you, and that sort of stuff. 42:20.697 --> 42:49.556 is really wicked and oh god and no it's really good and and it's Parappa the Rapper Chop Chop Master Onions and when it wins cause it boos clearly gonna win when it wins you can punch along to it if you're with a friend you can punch them and kick them you're in trouble you are in such bad trouble so vote for Chop Chop Master Onions rap from Parappa the Rapper okay video game music come on the number to call is 087 Parappa the Rapper 42:49.616 --> 42:49.816 800-1234. 42:49.836 --> 42:50.176 08700-800-1234. 42:50.557 --> 42:55.019 Just call that number and say Parappa the Rapper. 42:55.039 --> 42:58.401 We're going to take the first five calls and the best of five will be played. 42:59.122 --> 43:01.143 And you either say Parappa or Spoon. 43:01.403 --> 43:02.744 Spoon or Parappa, we'll ask you. 43:02.764 --> 43:04.445 You basically say Parappa the Rapper. 43:04.945 --> 43:05.245 Spoon. 43:05.325 --> 43:05.506 Spoon. 43:05.526 --> 43:07.066 Call up and say Parappa the Rapper. 43:07.727 --> 43:08.107 Spoon. 43:08.127 --> 43:09.648 08700-800-1234 Parappa the Rapper. 43:09.668 --> 43:10.088 Chop spoon. 43:10.148 --> 43:11.149 Chop chop Marstonian's rap. 43:11.329 --> 43:11.789 Chop chop. 43:11.809 --> 43:12.170 Chop chop. 43:24.770 --> 43:25.771 It's Ditties in the Dock. 43:26.451 --> 43:37.057 Okie dokie, we're going to take the first five calls just to remind you again, Joe voted for... I didn't vote for, I'm asking the listeners to vote for Parappa the Rapper with Top Top Master Onions rap. 43:37.557 --> 43:43.461 And I'm encouraging people to vote for Spoon, the best band you're going to hear this to this day or any other. 43:43.501 --> 43:44.541 We only get to play one of them. 43:44.722 --> 43:45.622 You guys make the choice. 43:45.642 --> 43:46.903 We've got five callers lined up. 43:47.003 --> 43:48.023 It's the best of five. 43:48.184 --> 43:50.565 I'm not going to chat to you guys on the phone, so please don't be offended. 43:50.585 --> 43:51.025 I am though. 43:51.365 --> 43:52.786 I'm going to steam right the way through. 43:52.806 --> 43:53.146 You are not, Joe. 43:54.127 --> 43:55.668 Well, there's two of us on this show, right? 43:56.048 --> 43:59.129 Yeah, but we have to steam through this part, all right? 43:59.670 --> 44:02.651 So, caller one, is it Parappa or Spoon? 44:03.911 --> 44:05.392 Caller one, Parappa or Spoon? 44:05.632 --> 44:06.052 Parappa. 44:06.373 --> 44:09.174 Parappa one vote for Parappa, caller two, is it Parappa or Spoon? 44:09.394 --> 44:10.594 Spoon, Spoon, Spoon, Spoon. 44:10.635 --> 44:10.955 Nice. 44:12.035 --> 44:13.396 Caller three, Parappa or Spoon? 44:14.437 --> 44:14.957 Call a three. 44:15.017 --> 44:15.798 Parappa or Spoon? 44:15.838 --> 44:16.498 Come on, call a three. 44:16.518 --> 44:17.118 Parappa, definitely. 44:17.158 --> 44:18.119 Yeah, call a three. 44:18.299 --> 44:19.360 Definitely, yeah. 44:19.380 --> 44:19.920 Two-one to Parappa. 44:19.940 --> 44:20.840 I need another one for Spoon. 44:20.900 --> 44:21.561 Please, please, please. 44:21.581 --> 44:22.341 Call a four. 44:22.401 --> 44:23.382 Is it Parappa or Spoon? 44:23.922 --> 44:24.362 Spoon. 44:24.783 --> 44:25.283 Nice! 44:25.343 --> 44:26.043 Don't be silly. 44:26.163 --> 44:26.724 It's two-all. 44:26.804 --> 44:27.344 It's two-all. 44:27.364 --> 44:28.304 This is the decider! 44:28.365 --> 44:29.645 OK, here we go for the decider. 44:29.685 --> 44:30.886 Call a five. 44:31.026 --> 44:32.827 Is it Parappa or Spoon? 44:32.907 --> 44:33.387 Oh, my God. 44:33.427 --> 44:33.988 Please be Parappa. 44:34.008 --> 44:34.468 Call a five. 44:34.548 --> 44:35.368 Please be Parappa. 44:35.408 --> 44:35.608 Parappa. 44:35.808 --> 44:36.089 Yes! 44:36.969 --> 44:37.690 Joking on you. 44:37.770 --> 44:38.991 Oh, you made such a good choice. 44:39.031 --> 44:39.992 Listeners, I love you. 44:40.012 --> 44:46.798 They hit each other, not violently, but with joy, when you hear the fantastic sounds of Chop Chop Master. 44:46.958 --> 44:48.359 This is a great day for XFM. 44:48.659 --> 44:49.780 It's a great day for Britain. 44:50.020 --> 44:51.602 It's a great day for Parappa the Rapper. 44:51.702 --> 44:52.883 Hey, Joe, Joe, two people on the show. 44:53.483 --> 44:54.324 Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you've lost. 44:54.344 --> 44:55.045 Joe, two people on the show. 44:55.105 --> 44:55.805 Yeah, but you've lost. 44:56.186 --> 44:57.627 So at the moment, there's only one. 44:58.428 --> 44:59.108 So let's hear it. 44:59.489 --> 45:02.111 Parappa the Rapper. 45:02.191 --> 45:02.811 Yeah. 45:02.851 --> 45:03.072 Hi-ya! 45:03.092 --> 45:03.232 Ta-ta! 45:05.984 --> 45:23.080 Punch, it's all in the mind If you wanna test me Until you're finding the things I'll teach ya Sure I'll teach ya Never the less you'll get a lesson from teacher Now kick, kick, punch, jump, tap, block Once more now kick 45:30.565 --> 45:46.610 Yeah, I see you're getting better Kick to the limit in order to get an outkick 46:20.325 --> 46:48.976 Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and fall Jump and 46:50.356 --> 46:51.317 Block, turn, and kick it. 46:51.537 --> 46:52.638 I'll turn and kick you if you need. 46:52.798 --> 46:53.839 Block, turn, and kick it. 46:53.859 --> 46:55.040 Hey, we haven't completed the level yet. 46:55.060 --> 46:55.500 We certainly have. 46:55.520 --> 46:56.561 Come on. 46:57.042 --> 46:57.862 I can't believe it. 46:58.423 --> 46:59.524 Listeners of XFM, come on. 46:59.544 --> 47:01.926 Come on, Adam, you like this game. 47:01.966 --> 47:02.707 I do like this game. 47:02.727 --> 47:04.408 And you like this song. 47:05.029 --> 47:08.692 When I bought it, first time we were in Tokyo, I bought this with you in mind. 47:08.992 --> 47:12.795 I thought, hey, that'll be a good track that Adam and I can really enjoy listening to together. 47:12.815 --> 47:13.696 No, you didn't. 47:13.796 --> 47:14.397 And I did. 47:14.737 --> 47:17.820 When it comes down to a choice between that and Spoon, I'm afraid. 47:18.400 --> 47:47.880 the right choice has been made the right choice was not made well done listeners well listen uh okay fair enough you know i i concede defeat uh i enjoyed rapper the rapper but it wasn't better than spoon and i do encourage you out there to go and purchase pretty much any spoon album and i'll tell you it'll be the best thing you've bought all year a series of sneaks i can particularly recommend you're listening to adam and joe on xfm filling in for ricky and stephen uh who are going to be back with you guys at the beginning of november but we're here sorry for the next three weeks or so 47:49.922 --> 47:54.667 The regular exposure to insecticide... 48:01.587 --> 48:03.048 Everything wanna be Irish. 48:03.609 --> 48:05.810 That's Finley, Quay and Dice. 48:05.931 --> 48:07.852 Did we establish whether it was Quay or Key? 48:08.272 --> 48:09.073 Nobody really knows. 48:09.714 --> 48:10.875 Sorry, nobody really knows. 48:10.975 --> 48:12.095 I think it's Quay. 48:12.696 --> 48:12.956 Okay. 48:13.196 --> 48:14.638 Well, there you go. 48:15.158 --> 48:18.100 So that's pretty much it for this week from Adam and Joe. 48:18.120 --> 48:19.241 Oh, that flew by, didn't it? 48:19.561 --> 48:22.944 Yeah, you know, a little bit of recrimination, bit of bitterness, bit of jealousy. 48:23.004 --> 48:25.186 Hey, none coming from this side of the desk, sister. 48:25.206 --> 48:26.407 Yeah, you wish, man. 48:26.487 --> 48:27.388 Oh, you see, there it is again. 48:28.749 --> 48:29.690 My hands are clean. 48:29.710 --> 48:30.550 You are so annoying. 48:32.070 --> 48:34.952 Anyway, listen, just take a look in the mirror. 48:34.972 --> 48:36.812 Who are you talking to now? 48:36.953 --> 48:37.213 You. 48:37.873 --> 48:38.053 Right. 48:38.093 --> 48:41.295 And before next week, sort yourself out. 48:41.615 --> 48:42.355 Come on, Grumpy. 48:42.375 --> 48:44.676 What are you going to watch on telly tonight to cheer you up? 48:44.696 --> 48:45.396 What am I going to watch? 48:45.416 --> 48:48.258 Probably I'm going to watch The Matrix Reloaded, which I got on DVD. 48:48.318 --> 48:48.578 Really? 48:48.618 --> 48:49.398 I've bought that as well. 48:49.578 --> 48:50.599 It's going to be rubbish though, isn't it? 48:51.119 --> 48:51.919 Well, have you not seen it? 48:51.979 --> 48:52.900 No, I've been waiting. 48:53.220 --> 48:59.083 Well, it's probably better to watch on DVD than it is in the cinema where you can't leave, switch it off, fast forward or eat proper food. 48:59.303 --> 49:03.045 I'm looking forward to all the extras and the making of. 49:03.446 --> 49:03.646 Why? 49:03.666 --> 49:06.247 Because I like those things, man. 49:06.287 --> 49:11.130 I like seeing people squirm and try and take seriously some huge pile of dog milk they've created. 49:12.025 --> 49:16.607 Did you know one of the directors, one of the Wachowski brothers is a transvestite, dresses as a woman? 49:17.628 --> 49:30.254 And he really wanted to, and he calls himself Jenny or something, and he really wanted to be credited as like Jenny Wachowski on the film, but the other brother had to really struggle to, this is all a sort of, it's a bit of a sort of street myth, not an urban myth, a street myth. 49:30.794 --> 49:31.575 I think it's true, though. 49:31.635 --> 49:32.255 I think it's true as well. 49:32.275 --> 49:36.617 And maybe even, uh, maybe even a, um, transsexual, I think. 49:36.818 --> 49:38.378 I tell you what, I saw this week, Underworld. 49:38.899 --> 49:39.479 How was that? 49:39.499 --> 49:40.019 Oh. 49:40.220 --> 49:40.980 Kate Beckinsale. 49:41.720 --> 49:41.800 Oh. 49:42.401 --> 49:48.564 Oh, oh, and it made The Matrix look, it was so derivative of The Matrix, made The Matrix look like, um, look like Citizen Kane. 49:48.925 --> 49:49.765 Oh, Citizen Kane. 49:49.825 --> 49:50.686 Yes, the best film ever made. 49:50.706 --> 49:51.466 Best film ever made, yeah. 49:51.806 --> 49:54.308 Um, Underworld is reprehensible rubbish. 49:54.908 --> 49:55.889 Well, I wouldn't have got to see that. 49:55.909 --> 49:57.149 It's not the XFM film of the month, is it? 49:57.169 --> 49:57.790 It's bound to be. 49:57.810 --> 49:58.450 No, it's not. 49:58.470 --> 49:59.891 Why did you, why did you go and see that, man? 50:00.371 --> 50:00.651 Bored. 50:01.132 --> 50:02.172 You must have been bored. 50:02.192 --> 50:04.214 So are you gonna be watching Air America? 50:04.234 --> 50:06.475 Uh, no, I've never seen Air America. 50:06.715 --> 50:07.416 Well, don't bother. 50:07.696 --> 50:09.457 It's got the dreadful Mel Gibson. 50:09.497 --> 50:11.719 How on earth did- You're sounding like your dad. 50:11.999 --> 50:12.719 I know, I know. 50:12.739 --> 50:14.280 You're more and more like your dad every day. 50:14.500 --> 50:14.981 It's true. 50:15.321 --> 50:16.041 Well, I am his son. 50:16.061 --> 50:16.442 I'm slowly growing. 50:16.462 --> 50:17.442 What are you looking forward to? 50:17.482 --> 50:25.167 Come on, we want something that you're gonna be excited- apart from The Matrix, people who can't get Region 1 DVDs ahead of time, like Fancy Pants Buxton. 50:25.187 --> 50:26.228 Well, it's out next week, isn't it? 50:26.388 --> 50:27.708 Yeah, but it's not out tonight. 50:27.768 --> 50:28.789 What can people watch tonight? 50:29.049 --> 50:30.629 OK, tonight you can watch Married to the Mob. 50:30.949 --> 50:32.449 Uh, that's a Jonathan Demme film. 50:32.509 --> 50:33.090 That's your pick? 50:33.590 --> 50:35.250 Well, I don't know, but- We just want one thing. 50:35.290 --> 50:35.850 Come on, bang. 50:36.070 --> 50:37.691 OK, Beck, live at Brixton Academy, 2.55am. 50:37.811 --> 50:38.571 On ITV. 50:41.932 --> 50:43.872 Didn't we- is that the gig we went to? 50:43.892 --> 50:44.392 Yeah, yeah. 50:44.832 --> 50:45.172 Really? 50:45.372 --> 50:45.613 Yeah. 50:45.813 --> 50:47.993 Oh, the acoustics were awful when you were there. 50:48.013 --> 50:49.033 They might be better on telly, actually. 50:49.053 --> 50:49.994 Well, they'll be great on telly. 50:50.374 --> 50:50.914 What are you picking? 50:50.934 --> 50:51.634 What am I picking? 50:51.734 --> 50:52.314 I don't know. 50:52.334 --> 50:53.114 Meet the Applegate? 50:53.514 --> 50:55.595 Uh, no, well, I'm picking the Fame Academy final. 50:56.375 --> 51:07.427 Okay Just because I'm not interested I was a big fan of Peter mmm the stope indie kid stope the stope indie kid It's like he is that an Indian race. 51:07.687 --> 51:09.729 Yeah, the stope years the stopes. 51:09.769 --> 51:14.194 Yeah Only because he was just a put just you know amazing. 51:14.334 --> 51:17.718 Yeah, and Not like the young pixie lesbian lady 51:18.218 --> 51:18.899 Um, yeah, I do. 51:18.959 --> 51:21.020 I think she's gonna be the British Avril Lavigne. 51:21.040 --> 51:22.421 Lavigne. 51:22.861 --> 51:23.001 Mmm. 51:23.682 --> 51:25.243 Anyway, that's pretty much it for us for this week. 51:25.543 --> 51:29.645 We could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on but we're being stopped. 51:30.106 --> 51:33.388 Come round, say hello, take us for a drink and we'll go on and on and on. 51:33.408 --> 51:33.768 Just, yeah. 51:34.208 --> 51:35.790 3 o'clock outside XFM in Leicester Square. 51:35.810 --> 51:37.171 We're not busy. 51:37.291 --> 51:37.891 Let's party. 51:38.832 --> 51:42.275 Okay, well listen, thanks a lot for listening and thanks for emailing us and phoning in. 51:42.295 --> 51:44.597 Yeah, thanks for all the emails, especially after we complained that we weren't getting enough. 51:44.637 --> 51:49.221 There was a terrific wave of emails and thank you very much for everybody who sent them in. 51:49.281 --> 51:49.721 I read them all. 51:50.402 --> 51:53.044 And we'll be with you again this time next week. 51:53.464 --> 51:54.465 Have a good time, yeah. 51:54.545 --> 51:55.166 Love you, bye! 51:55.226 --> 51:55.466 Bye!