WEBVTT 00:05.945 --> 00:07.166 Oh, that could have been written about us. 00:07.426 --> 00:09.047 That's Charmless Man by Blur. 00:09.407 --> 00:11.229 And this is Adam and Joe here on XFM. 00:11.249 --> 00:17.673 We're filling in for Steve and Ricky, who are off shooting the Christmas special of The Office. 00:18.193 --> 00:19.835 And it's a great pleasure to be with you again. 00:20.643 --> 00:21.343 How are you, Joe? 00:21.444 --> 00:22.364 I'm fine, thanks, Adam. 00:22.404 --> 00:24.445 Thanks a lot for asking and everything. 00:24.666 --> 00:25.166 Yeah, good. 00:25.186 --> 00:26.747 Have you had a nice, enjoyable week? 00:27.047 --> 00:28.288 Yeah, very enjoyable week. 00:28.308 --> 00:28.728 Thank you. 00:28.748 --> 00:30.389 Very enjoyable. 00:30.429 --> 00:33.231 Lauren Laverne was teasing you for never going out. 00:33.251 --> 00:33.531 I know. 00:33.551 --> 00:35.072 But only last night you were out. 00:35.212 --> 00:37.934 Yeah, I was out quite late last night, so I'm quite tired. 00:38.174 --> 00:39.175 What time did you get back? 00:39.515 --> 00:40.635 I got back about three. 00:40.655 --> 00:41.896 Ooh, that's not that late. 00:41.916 --> 00:42.396 It's not that late, is it? 00:42.416 --> 00:43.237 That's very late. 00:43.277 --> 00:49.020 Well, you know, and I was asleep by four, and I got up at eleven, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, seven hours! 00:49.220 --> 00:49.840 That's quite good. 00:49.980 --> 00:50.880 That's two more than Mrs. Thatcher. 00:50.900 --> 00:53.042 But you behave yourself pretty well, though, when you go out. 00:53.282 --> 00:54.862 Well, I took my car, so I didn't drink. 00:55.123 --> 00:55.843 So there you go. 00:55.863 --> 00:57.364 That's not really going out. 00:57.424 --> 00:58.424 Yeah, but I danced. 00:58.784 --> 00:59.045 Yeah. 00:59.305 --> 00:59.725 Yeah. 01:00.185 --> 01:00.505 Did you? 01:00.685 --> 01:00.946 Yeah. 01:00.966 --> 01:01.406 For how long? 01:02.622 --> 01:03.683 But how long did I dance for? 01:03.703 --> 01:05.764 I danced for a good 45 minutes on the trot. 01:06.404 --> 01:07.604 I was dripping with sweat. 01:08.565 --> 01:11.746 Seriously, my jeans, and I had my jeans on, and I had my wallet. 01:11.866 --> 01:13.507 You know when you put too much stuff in your pockets? 01:13.587 --> 01:13.787 Yeah. 01:14.208 --> 01:22.131 I had my wallet and my keys, and a packet of fingerprints, sorry, Mum, in my jeans, and my jeans got soaking wet with sweat. 01:22.412 --> 01:25.113 It was like I had these two huge growths on my thighs. 01:25.153 --> 01:25.653 Growths. 01:25.853 --> 01:27.274 Growth, that's the plural of growths. 01:27.694 --> 01:28.254 Is it growths? 01:28.615 --> 01:29.595 Yeah, it's growths. 01:29.635 --> 01:30.075 Growths. 01:30.495 --> 01:31.016 Growths. 01:32.056 --> 01:33.417 Oh, come on, that's like me, uh, eh. 01:34.058 --> 01:34.298 Yeah. 01:34.498 --> 01:36.079 That's technical, that's good. 01:36.259 --> 01:36.799 It might be real. 01:36.819 --> 01:37.620 I don't wanna go off on a tangent. 01:37.660 --> 01:40.602 Anyway, anyway, I had a very good time apart from being sopping, sopping wet with sweat. 01:40.622 --> 01:40.822 Right. 01:41.102 --> 01:41.362 Ooh. 01:41.703 --> 01:41.983 Yeah. 01:42.083 --> 01:42.943 It was quite sexy. 01:43.164 --> 01:43.384 Yeah. 01:43.484 --> 01:44.004 Well, well done. 01:44.024 --> 01:48.447 I just stayed in and I watched, um, I keep wanting to call it The Twin Towers, but it's The Two Towers. 01:48.567 --> 01:48.827 Yeah. 01:48.847 --> 01:53.530 The, uh, latest, you know, DVD version of, uh, uh, Hobbit stuff. 01:54.651 --> 02:16.788 well described anyway we're going to go into that in more detail later aren't we yeah exactly for the moment we should let people know that we've got some great music coming up including our first listen of the new stroke single i know this is old news to everybody else but we've never heard it and we're going to be playing it later in the show we've got music from such exciting bands as nickelback who are popular with with the kids why did i choose that one to read why did you we've also got uh white stripes bjork muse the darkness yeah those are the good ones 02:17.328 --> 02:20.610 Uh, plus we'll have Ditas in the Dock and, uh, Get Your Ears Pierced. 02:20.931 --> 02:22.832 They're our highly popular regular segments. 02:22.992 --> 02:24.493 And we've got a new segment called Crap Rap. 02:24.873 --> 02:25.414 Yeah, exactly. 02:25.434 --> 02:32.559 We're gonna be playing you, uh, well, every week, I hope we'll play you some of the worst rapping ever from, uh, some of our favourite songs. 02:32.819 --> 02:37.462 If you've got any suggestions for stupendously crap raps, then just, uh, email us. 02:37.742 --> 02:41.345 Don't forget the address is adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk. 02:41.405 --> 02:44.107 And we should point out that the and is, uh, is A-N-D. 02:44.927 --> 02:49.153 So Adam, ADAM and AND, Joe, Joe, apparently we haven't been explaining that. 02:49.233 --> 02:49.574 Oh really? 02:49.614 --> 02:50.976 People could be putting an ampersand in. 02:51.176 --> 02:52.257 Stay away from the ampersand. 02:52.378 --> 02:52.538 Yeah. 02:52.798 --> 02:54.500 Adam and Joe on XFM, London's 104.9. 03:03.770 --> 03:07.551 That was Muddle of Mud with Blurry. 03:08.372 --> 03:08.832 Now, Adam? 03:09.092 --> 03:09.312 Yeah. 03:09.972 --> 03:11.533 I don't... My mic sounds really strange. 03:11.753 --> 03:12.613 It sounds better now. 03:12.633 --> 03:13.394 It sounds good, man. 03:13.474 --> 03:13.914 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 03:14.254 --> 03:16.275 So, Ad, you've been looking through the TV listings, haven't you? 03:16.735 --> 03:17.315 Yes, I have. 03:17.355 --> 03:18.976 And you've found something that's excited you. 03:19.096 --> 03:20.096 Well, I've found a lot of things. 03:20.136 --> 03:22.297 I'm just checking out my viewing for this weekend. 03:22.317 --> 03:22.878 Yeah. 03:22.898 --> 03:24.038 Cos I'm not going out. 03:24.138 --> 03:24.858 I'm just gonna be in. 03:24.918 --> 03:25.799 I'm gonna watch the telly. 03:26.599 --> 03:29.140 But, uh, well, good stuff is pretty thin on the ground. 03:29.220 --> 03:30.141 Rush hour tonight? 03:30.841 --> 03:31.962 But, uh, well, that's a good film. 03:32.122 --> 03:32.402 Is it? 03:32.722 --> 03:32.942 Yeah. 03:33.002 --> 03:33.823 Do you understand? 03:33.883 --> 03:35.243 This is a terrible impression. 03:35.283 --> 03:36.144 I'll just say it. 03:36.164 --> 03:38.145 Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? 03:38.405 --> 03:41.667 That's the wrong voice, but he says that in, in, you know, his way. 03:41.767 --> 03:42.887 Do you ever watch Bernie Mac? 03:43.168 --> 03:44.248 Yeah, I love Bernie Mac. 03:44.268 --> 03:45.429 How amazing you bring that up. 03:45.489 --> 03:46.549 That's totally unprepared. 03:46.669 --> 03:47.550 I'm Bernie Mac! 03:47.690 --> 03:50.391 I'm just trying to take care of my kids the best way I know how. 03:50.451 --> 03:51.112 I'm Bernie Mac! 03:51.132 --> 03:51.552 No, this is better. 03:51.572 --> 03:52.032 This is better. 03:52.232 --> 03:52.752 I'm cool. 03:53.033 --> 03:53.553 It's cool! 03:54.133 --> 03:54.693 I'm cool. 03:54.993 --> 03:55.854 I'm Bernie Mac. 03:55.914 --> 03:56.894 Bernie Mac's amazing. 03:57.154 --> 03:59.596 But weird, it really is genuinely very good, Bernie Mac. 03:59.636 --> 03:59.836 Yeah. 04:00.136 --> 04:01.736 It's genuinely very, very good. 04:01.756 --> 04:03.337 It's on the mornings in Channel 4, isn't it? 04:03.417 --> 04:04.018 It's on the mornings. 04:04.038 --> 04:04.958 In what way is it? 04:05.078 --> 04:05.978 It's in the mornings. 04:06.098 --> 04:06.619 In the mornings. 04:06.739 --> 04:07.979 In what way is it very, very good? 04:08.379 --> 04:09.780 Because it's genuinely funny. 04:10.080 --> 04:11.441 I'm just playing devil's advocate. 04:11.521 --> 04:12.201 I'm a Mac man. 04:12.521 --> 04:13.222 I like the Mac. 04:13.442 --> 04:18.124 I first came across the Mac in the Charlie's... I first came across the Mac in the Charlie's Angels 2 trailer. 04:18.204 --> 04:18.364 Yeah. 04:19.025 --> 04:22.649 where one of the main selling points was, and the Mac is back. 04:22.889 --> 04:24.631 And no one in England knows who the Mac is. 04:24.951 --> 04:27.875 It's like the first film, Bill Murray, Bill Murray won't do it. 04:27.955 --> 04:29.737 So, but get Bernie Mac. 04:30.778 --> 04:31.759 The Mac is back. 04:31.799 --> 04:32.560 Who's Bernie Mac? 04:32.580 --> 04:33.041 He's the big Mac. 04:33.081 --> 04:34.122 For everyone in England. 04:34.262 --> 04:36.805 He's just trying to take care of his kids the best way he knows how. 04:36.985 --> 04:37.386 Exactly. 04:37.526 --> 04:38.246 He's the Mac man! 04:38.327 --> 04:45.591 So now Channel 4 have put his series on, and it's explaining who the Mac is, and now we can all enjoy Charlie's Angels Full Throttle just a tiny bit more than we did before. 04:45.811 --> 04:47.112 Well, we've missed the Mac though, haven't we? 04:47.152 --> 04:47.532 Yeah. 04:47.572 --> 04:48.513 Anyway, let's get back on point. 04:48.633 --> 04:49.994 What are you looking forward to on telly? 04:50.034 --> 04:55.478 So, well, the main thing I'm looking forward to, obviously, is a new drama called Rosemary and Time. 04:55.638 --> 04:56.178 I'm cool! 04:56.458 --> 04:57.139 It's cool! 04:57.539 --> 04:59.080 I'm just trying to bring up my kids! 04:59.700 --> 05:03.743 Um, and it's got Felicity Kendall and Pam Ferris in it. 05:04.083 --> 05:05.564 And they team up for this new drama. 05:05.624 --> 05:11.148 They play keen gardeners who put their green fingers to other uses, namely solving crimes! 05:11.908 --> 05:12.669 With their fingers? 05:13.109 --> 05:14.830 Yes, they use their- Bring the crime over here. 05:15.290 --> 05:16.491 I'm doing finger movements now. 05:16.851 --> 05:17.372 Solved it. 05:17.892 --> 05:18.312 Exactly. 05:18.433 --> 05:19.373 I think it'll be like that. 05:19.413 --> 05:22.175 But it's because they're gardeners, you see, so it's a funny name. 05:22.235 --> 05:23.396 One of them's called Rosemary. 05:23.916 --> 05:25.457 Rosemary and thyme, that's like herbs. 05:25.917 --> 05:26.978 Gardeners, crime. 05:27.559 --> 05:27.959 Solved. 05:28.539 --> 05:36.602 And it just reminded me how much I enjoy medical dramas and police dramas with the names of the characters in the title. 05:37.103 --> 05:38.903 You know, like Bullet with Steve McQueen. 05:39.144 --> 05:41.284 He's called Frank Bullet or something. 05:41.605 --> 05:44.286 And of course, Cuffs with Charlie Christian Slater. 05:45.106 --> 05:49.470 And, you see, they've got names that are a little bit like things they use in their profession. 05:49.490 --> 05:50.070 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 05:50.090 --> 05:53.293 So you like a show where the characters' names are used as the title. 05:53.473 --> 05:53.713 Yeah. 05:53.733 --> 05:55.174 And they've kind of got a double meaning. 05:55.274 --> 05:59.618 Yeah, or just, you know, think medical drama was a bit like that, wasn't it? 05:59.898 --> 06:00.198 No. 06:00.418 --> 06:04.982 Well, it was in a way, because it was Morse Code, and then the theme tune was Morse Code. 06:05.362 --> 06:06.764 It's that kind of thinking that you like. 06:07.344 --> 06:08.785 The theme tune was not Morse code. 06:08.825 --> 06:09.545 Yeah, it was. 06:09.725 --> 06:13.567 The theme tune to Inspector Morse was something like... That's rubbish. 06:13.647 --> 06:14.408 It's not rubbish. 06:14.748 --> 06:16.129 Please, email in. 06:16.169 --> 06:17.089 Call in. 06:17.329 --> 06:17.089 08700 800 1234. 06:18.430 --> 06:18.850 Back me up. 06:18.870 --> 06:22.132 The theme tune from Inspector Morse was actual Morse code. 06:22.152 --> 06:24.193 And there's a new medical drama called Sweet Medicine. 06:24.893 --> 06:26.314 And what's the lead character called? 06:27.014 --> 06:29.715 He might be called Jimmy Sweet, but I'm not sure about that. 06:29.755 --> 06:30.756 Mickey Medicine. 06:30.956 --> 06:35.344 Yeah, it might be just a pun about medicine, and you know, there's blue heelers and scrubs and things. 06:35.624 --> 06:38.789 So I was thinking of some new names for medical dramas and police dramas. 06:38.849 --> 06:42.415 I came up with, um, for a medical drama, Power Surgery. 06:43.666 --> 06:43.846 Yeah? 06:44.186 --> 06:45.387 Cos it's like a power surge. 06:45.747 --> 06:46.328 Yeah. 06:46.608 --> 06:49.030 Just... So what would the character be called? 06:49.190 --> 06:51.611 Well, don't obsess about the characters, this is just a good name. 06:51.631 --> 06:52.512 I'm just trying to simplify it. 06:52.692 --> 06:52.892 Right. 06:53.192 --> 06:53.733 Stitchers. 06:54.713 --> 06:55.454 Stitchers? 06:55.654 --> 06:55.914 Yeah. 06:56.014 --> 06:56.515 Stitchers. 06:56.675 --> 06:57.235 Stitchers. 06:57.775 --> 06:58.556 Woundlickers. 06:59.216 --> 07:00.277 That sounds horrible. 07:00.297 --> 07:00.857 That's horrible. 07:00.878 --> 07:02.579 That's like a hospital run by vampires. 07:02.599 --> 07:03.319 Yeah. 07:03.639 --> 07:07.482 Docks of the Bay, and this would be a series about a hospital near a bay, or a dock. 07:07.522 --> 07:08.162 I really like that. 07:08.202 --> 07:09.243 D-O-C-S, Docks. 07:09.303 --> 07:09.523 Yeah. 07:09.643 --> 07:10.404 Docks of the Bay. 07:10.424 --> 07:10.644 Yeah. 07:10.924 --> 07:11.885 And the theme tune would be... 07:13.986 --> 07:14.267 Yeah. 07:14.487 --> 07:15.368 Doctors and hearses. 07:17.810 --> 07:18.991 I wouldn't want to go to that hospital. 07:19.211 --> 07:19.432 No. 07:19.792 --> 07:20.593 Plaster boys. 07:21.313 --> 07:22.595 That would be kind of a sexy one. 07:22.955 --> 07:24.797 They all look like boy band members. 07:24.817 --> 07:26.659 That sounds more like a Full Monty thing. 07:26.879 --> 07:27.059 Yeah. 07:27.179 --> 07:27.820 The Bleedy Men. 07:29.079 --> 07:31.060 The Bleedy Men, this is all for hospital dramas? 07:31.080 --> 07:31.360 Yeah. 07:32.221 --> 07:37.043 Doctors with a Z at the end, that would be for about doctors who live in downtown LA. 07:37.503 --> 07:37.763 Yeah. 07:38.383 --> 07:40.184 And, er, let's see, what else? 07:40.204 --> 07:40.985 Why's it got a Z on it? 07:41.165 --> 07:41.965 Cos it's sort of hip-hop. 07:42.185 --> 07:42.685 Yeah, yeah. 07:43.526 --> 07:45.547 Erm, or The D, it could also be called. 07:45.667 --> 07:48.108 The D. Now, we've got Clive on line one. 07:48.348 --> 07:49.629 Er, let's see, where's line one? 07:49.949 --> 07:51.270 You sound nervous about Clive. 07:51.550 --> 07:53.130 Well, I'm just trying to find line one. 07:53.150 --> 07:53.531 Here we go. 07:53.591 --> 07:54.091 Clive, hi. 07:54.551 --> 07:54.711 Hello? 07:54.891 --> 07:55.412 How you doing? 07:55.732 --> 07:56.192 Not bad. 07:56.232 --> 07:57.773 I've just got a bit of a hangover, I feel like. 07:58.033 --> 07:58.854 Oh, well, you're a whore. 07:58.874 --> 07:59.674 You sound dreadful. 07:59.694 --> 08:02.216 Now, remember not to swear on Exeter, this is a family show. 08:02.676 --> 08:06.819 So, uh, Clive, you know the theme tune to Inspector Morse, is that correct? 08:07.583 --> 08:11.047 Yeah, but it's also Morse code for Morse, which is quite interesting. 08:11.067 --> 08:12.408 Thank you very much Clive. 08:12.468 --> 08:13.149 Is it really? 08:13.169 --> 08:15.131 Adam, you are badly, badly sussed. 08:15.151 --> 08:15.932 Badly sussed. 08:15.972 --> 08:16.973 You are badly sussed. 08:16.993 --> 08:19.996 At what point does it have Morse code in it then, at the beginning? 08:20.236 --> 08:22.419 It's all the dee dee dee dee. 08:22.519 --> 08:24.381 Oh Clive, no, no don't stop, do that again. 08:25.698 --> 08:29.302 I'm not gonna do it. 08:29.322 --> 08:31.083 You sound seriously dangerously ill. 08:31.344 --> 08:35.247 I've got to work 12 hours today in my off license. 08:35.287 --> 08:35.828 No way. 08:36.508 --> 08:39.231 Really, I used to work in an off license, I stole more booze. 08:39.591 --> 08:42.454 Stop taking your job home with you Clive, for goodness sake. 08:42.814 --> 08:47.299 Now listen, go and take some aspirin and lie down for a while before you head into the off license. 08:47.339 --> 08:49.000 I'm actually in the off license now sleeping. 08:50.181 --> 08:50.682 While working. 08:51.104 --> 08:54.765 Well, listen, thanks very much for phoning in and solving that Morse code riddle for us. 08:54.805 --> 08:55.366 Cheers, Clive. 08:55.626 --> 08:56.346 You are sussed. 08:56.606 --> 08:57.106 You are sussed. 08:57.126 --> 08:57.546 I am badly sussed. 08:57.566 --> 08:58.287 Adam, you are sussed. 08:58.547 --> 09:08.250 So, listen, if anyone else wants to suggest some names for medical dramas or police dramas, I'll tell you some of my police drama names a bit later on, but right now... This is our competition this week, right? 09:08.431 --> 09:08.771 Yeah, yeah. 09:08.951 --> 09:15.673 Yeah, you can enter, so email Adam and Joe, and joe at xfm.co.uk, and you can win tickets for OK Go at the Electric Ballroom. 09:16.594 --> 09:17.234 Fantastic. 09:17.334 --> 09:20.135 You're listening to Adam and Joe on XFM, filling in for Ricky and Stephen. 09:32.837 --> 09:33.537 Oh, that's great stuff. 09:34.118 --> 09:34.618 What was it? 09:34.758 --> 09:35.578 Less Than Jake. 09:35.638 --> 09:36.298 Less Than Jake. 09:36.398 --> 09:37.619 It's a lot more than Jake, if you ask me. 09:37.639 --> 09:42.361 This is Adam and Joe on XFM, London's 104.9, sitting in for Ricky Gervais. 09:44.061 --> 09:52.625 Email us, adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk, with your ideas for a cop drama where there's some sort of link between the title and what they do in it. 09:52.865 --> 09:53.485 Is that right, Adam? 09:53.565 --> 09:54.645 Yeah, just good names. 09:54.705 --> 09:55.646 Just generally good names. 09:55.706 --> 09:57.326 Cops or medical dramas, you know. 09:57.346 --> 09:58.487 That kind of thing. 09:58.527 --> 10:00.828 We'll be right back after these messages from the man. 10:23.303 --> 10:27.085 That is the sound of Star Sailor, produced by Phil Spector, that track. 10:27.165 --> 10:27.886 Did you know that, Adam? 10:27.906 --> 10:28.966 Yeah, I did, actually. 10:28.986 --> 10:31.448 Gun-toting crazy Phil Spector. 10:31.508 --> 10:35.850 I don't think any more of their stuff's gonna be produced by Phil, because he's a little bit unpredictable. 10:36.250 --> 10:36.470 Is he? 10:36.510 --> 10:37.951 What, in terms of weaponry? 10:38.191 --> 10:43.354 In terms of weaponry, random behaviour, just... He's the original odd producer. 10:43.914 --> 10:44.755 Anyway, that's a good song. 10:44.895 --> 10:45.115 Yeah. 10:45.696 --> 10:48.539 So we've got an email competition going today. 10:49.320 --> 10:54.345 You can email us at Adam and Joe, and spelled A-N-D, not an ampersand, no. 10:54.405 --> 10:54.965 Who knew? 10:55.125 --> 10:56.727 Adam, A-N-D, and Joe, what? 10:57.067 --> 10:58.929 Adam and Joe at xfm.co.uk. 10:58.949 --> 11:07.178 The competition is to come up with a good name for a TV drama, either a hospital drama or a medical drama, but the name's gotta, yeah, it's gotta be like Rosemary and Time. 11:07.518 --> 11:09.099 Yeah, something like that, or Sweet Medicine. 11:09.399 --> 11:12.460 You know, a sort of cool title. 11:13.160 --> 11:15.381 And Simon in Croydon has sent in a very good one. 11:15.421 --> 11:19.463 It's a sitcom about a hospital public relations department, and it's called... What? 11:19.843 --> 11:20.523 Spin Doctors. 11:20.723 --> 11:21.103 Nice! 11:21.123 --> 11:21.884 Yeah? 11:22.224 --> 11:25.065 You can see that's working on two levels, two clear levels. 11:25.485 --> 11:27.046 Yeah, he's got that exactly right, you see. 11:27.086 --> 11:30.027 The word doctors... Well, you know, it doesn't need to be explained, does it? 11:30.187 --> 11:31.428 Yeah, it's perfect. 11:31.468 --> 11:33.488 He's hit the nail exactly on the head. 11:33.568 --> 11:33.709 ITV1. 11:33.749 --> 11:33.829 Yeah. 11:35.689 --> 11:41.553 I'll tell you another one, for example. 11:42.093 --> 11:47.916 Now this one is a bit like Quincy, it's about a pathologist, and it's called Body of Evidence, right? 11:48.396 --> 11:53.699 But Body is spelt B-O-D-E-I-G-H, because he's called Ted Body. 11:55.060 --> 11:56.041 That's the guy, Ted Boddy. 11:56.061 --> 11:56.702 That's very good. 11:57.322 --> 11:57.843 Boddy? 11:58.343 --> 11:59.044 No, Boddy. 11:59.244 --> 12:03.469 What about there is a superb film called Body of Evidence featuring Madonna? 12:03.549 --> 12:04.890 Madonna and Willem Dafoe. 12:05.210 --> 12:10.496 But no, this one, yeah, for example someone would come in and say, um, is there a Dr. Edward Boddy in here? 12:10.536 --> 12:12.498 And he'd say, that's Ted, Ted Boddy. 12:13.576 --> 12:26.688 it was sounding like dead body yeah that could be the basis of the first episode because he's a pathologist um so another one would be high healers right and that's about glamorous lady doctors possibly in a plane on drugs 12:27.335 --> 12:30.197 Well, oh yeah, well no, in the plane we'll take care of the high. 12:30.217 --> 12:31.458 It's a bit like blue healers. 12:31.719 --> 12:32.659 Yeah, well exactly. 12:32.980 --> 12:34.381 High healers, because they're glamorous. 12:34.701 --> 12:36.683 And here's some cop drama ones, right? 12:36.763 --> 12:37.684 How many of these have you got? 12:37.724 --> 12:39.165 I've been thinking for a while about these. 12:40.046 --> 12:49.093 Okay, so this is about a racist western cop called Tim White, and he's teamed up with a kung-fu kicking Chinese cop called Jet Wong, and it's called White and Wong. 12:49.734 --> 12:52.516 What if there were two whites, and it's called Two Whites Don't Make a Wong? 12:53.715 --> 12:54.816 Well, what would Wong be then? 12:54.836 --> 12:55.696 I don't know. 12:56.116 --> 12:57.477 You'd just find some excuse. 12:57.777 --> 12:59.679 Well, they're- they're just trying to find someone called Wong. 12:59.779 --> 13:02.220 Cos when they write these things, they do start with the titles, don't they? 13:02.380 --> 13:03.861 Yeah, like Rosemary and Time. 13:04.021 --> 13:04.742 How did they think of that? 13:04.822 --> 13:07.063 Someone just went, that sounds like a cop drama. 13:07.343 --> 13:07.563 Yeah. 13:07.843 --> 13:08.444 Wait a minute. 13:08.984 --> 13:10.245 Let's write a cop drama. 13:10.685 --> 13:11.185 Exactly. 13:11.245 --> 13:13.687 And who's got- it can be gardening and all we have in it. 13:14.127 --> 13:31.046 Felicity Kendall the thing is that in in shows like well in films like cuffs or bullet for example They never have a scene where people say which would happen if they were really called if they were a policeman called cuffs or James Bullitt or whatever people would say oh, you're a policeman and you're called Frank Bullitt. 13:31.186 --> 13:32.567 That's a coincidence, isn't it? 13:33.228 --> 13:36.391 Because, you know, you use bullets and you're called bullet. 13:37.272 --> 13:38.493 Oh, what are the chances? 13:38.953 --> 13:40.134 But they never have that scene. 13:40.394 --> 13:40.975 I wonder why. 13:41.215 --> 13:41.735 I don't know. 13:42.016 --> 13:44.097 Anyway, yeah, keep those emails coming in. 13:44.117 --> 13:45.018 And what can they win, Joe? 13:45.138 --> 13:49.082 They can win tickets to OK Go at the Electric Ballroom on Wednesday the 3rd of September at 7.30pm. 13:49.102 --> 13:49.242 Ooh. 13:49.282 --> 13:49.422 Uh, yeah. 13:51.684 --> 13:52.905 We're gonna play some White Stripes now. 13:52.945 --> 13:54.946 You've seen the video for this and you're mildly obsessed by that? 13:54.966 --> 13:55.366 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 13:55.426 --> 13:56.526 I'm not mildly obsessed by it. 13:56.606 --> 14:04.570 I guess I'm obsessed because I watched it on low quality real player internet feed, so Kate Moss's body was reduced to a series of large cube, grey cubes. 14:05.131 --> 14:07.812 And that was, in a way, more erotic and tantalising. 14:07.972 --> 14:09.693 It's directed by Sofia Coppola, isn't it? 14:09.713 --> 14:11.534 Yeah, but directed with a very, very small D. 14:12.119 --> 14:12.359 Why? 14:12.399 --> 14:12.940 What does she do? 14:13.000 --> 14:14.782 Is it not a directorial tour de force? 14:14.822 --> 14:17.425 There's a box, there's a pole, there's a couple of setups. 14:17.865 --> 14:19.006 Ooh, sexy. 14:19.026 --> 14:19.547 There's a moss. 14:19.887 --> 14:20.688 There's a moss. 14:20.908 --> 14:22.229 Well, here's the song it goes with. 14:22.289 --> 14:23.911 White Stripes, I don't know what to do with myself. 14:23.931 --> 14:24.872 You're listening to Adam and Joe. 14:24.892 --> 14:27.535 We're filling in for Ricky and Stephen here on XFM, London's 104.9. 14:42.881 --> 14:47.609 That was the White Stripes with I just don't know what to do with myself. 14:48.799 --> 14:51.780 This is Adam and Joe on XFM standing in for Ricky Gervais. 14:51.960 --> 14:52.300 London's 104.9. 14:52.380 --> 14:54.000 And Stephen Merchant. 14:54.020 --> 14:54.940 You've got to remember Stephen. 14:54.960 --> 14:56.481 Wow, Ricky's the big, big star, isn't he? 14:56.501 --> 14:57.341 Ricky's the annoying one. 14:57.801 --> 14:58.621 Stephen's the genius. 14:58.641 --> 14:58.981 Hey, man. 14:59.782 --> 15:00.062 Hey. 15:00.542 --> 15:01.702 I'm just winding them up. 15:01.962 --> 15:04.983 Coming up quite soon, it's time to play Get Your Ears Pierced. 15:05.483 --> 15:07.343 And there's a new development in Get Your Ears Pierced. 15:07.463 --> 15:11.284 That's the game where you have to tell what Pierce Brosnan is grunting about. 15:11.604 --> 15:12.464 So stay tuned for that. 15:12.844 --> 15:14.965 Coming up right now, this is Nickelback, Sunday. 15:19.343 --> 15:28.970 Adam and Joe on XFM, sitting in for Ricky Gervais. 15:28.990 --> 15:30.471 That was Nickelback with Someday. 15:30.651 --> 15:33.112 If you're a big fan of Nickelback, then hey, that was for you. 15:33.153 --> 15:41.018 If you're not, then, you know, thanks for staying tuned through that because it's like passing a piano wire through your brain and then pulling it back and forth. 15:41.918 --> 15:43.079 Like in the film audition. 15:43.199 --> 15:44.980 I personally loved it. 15:45.140 --> 15:45.421 Did you? 15:46.161 --> 15:46.481 Yes. 15:46.501 --> 15:50.284 It's important for one of us to be enthusiastic about the music, so that's good that you really liked it. 15:50.424 --> 15:51.185 I loved it. 15:51.425 --> 15:53.067 Yeah, how did they come up with the name Nickelback? 15:53.087 --> 15:55.028 This is a bit like a cop drama story, isn't it? 15:55.629 --> 15:56.990 Nickelback, isn't it? 15:57.270 --> 15:58.551 Oh no, I'm thinking of a stickleback. 15:58.691 --> 15:59.291 No, listen to this. 15:59.472 --> 16:05.416 He worked at Starbucks, the lead singer, where he would serve coffee for $1.95 and give the customer... A Nickelback. 16:05.476 --> 16:05.716 Yeah. 16:06.517 --> 16:07.057 Whoa. 16:07.198 --> 16:08.619 It's that level of imagination. 16:08.659 --> 16:09.739 He could write cop dramas. 16:10.099 --> 16:12.801 Yeah, we've got some really good ones coming in, but we'll talk about those later. 16:12.841 --> 16:13.522 What's coming up next? 16:13.562 --> 16:15.683 Coming up next is Get Your Ears Pierced. 16:16.244 --> 16:18.865 Now, me and Adam are very big fans of the actor Pierce Brosnan. 16:18.925 --> 16:22.668 Adam and I. Adam and I are very big fans of the actor Pierce Brosnan. 16:23.388 --> 16:24.969 We think he is underused. 16:25.029 --> 16:31.554 He's become stuck in a rut in the Bond films, and he really is capable of doing more Brosnan, especially in the field of grunting. 16:33.644 --> 16:36.646 He does an amazing grunting of Pierce Brosnan. 16:36.666 --> 16:40.569 So each week we've been playing a bit of Brosnan grunting and getting you to listen to it and try and tell what film it's from. 16:40.849 --> 16:41.849 This week there's a new twist. 16:42.430 --> 16:46.172 Brosnan has been rehearsing a film with Tom Cruise. 16:46.513 --> 16:48.554 So this is a scene from a very famous film. 16:50.035 --> 16:54.158 Tom Cruise is gonna speak some lines and then Brosnan is gonna be in the scene as well. 16:54.398 --> 16:55.198 He's not right. 16:55.319 --> 16:57.100 So he's the other person in the scene. 16:57.300 --> 16:59.101 It's quite hard to explain this competition, isn't it? 16:59.241 --> 16:59.902 No, I've got it. 17:00.082 --> 17:01.683 You're gonna hear a scene from a famous film 17:02.063 --> 17:04.484 One of the lines is gonna be read by Pierce Brosnan. 17:05.104 --> 17:10.327 Likelihood is Brosnan won't be able to say the words and may well just come out with more grunting. 17:11.167 --> 17:17.550 And so the competition is, can you tell what line Brosnan is trying to say and can you get the film? 17:17.730 --> 17:18.411 Should be quite easy. 17:18.491 --> 17:20.072 Are you ready to spark it off? 17:20.112 --> 17:20.952 Here we go, listen carefully. 17:21.212 --> 17:21.712 I love you. 17:23.093 --> 17:26.995 You complete me. 17:32.242 --> 17:34.142 Oh, he didn't get the lines out, did he? 17:34.563 --> 17:34.743 No. 17:34.983 --> 17:37.223 He just did a grunt, but when it's Brosnan, that's better. 17:37.243 --> 17:37.643 Play it again. 17:37.663 --> 17:38.964 Let's hear it one more time. 17:38.984 --> 17:39.504 I love you. 17:40.884 --> 17:44.825 You... complete me. 17:44.845 --> 17:48.526 O-8-700-800-1234, if you can tell us what lines Brosnan was trying to get out. 17:48.566 --> 17:50.126 But all he could do was rant. 17:58.183 --> 17:59.264 But he's very good at grunting. 17:59.284 --> 17:59.564 0-8-700-800-1234. 18:00.004 --> 18:09.991 Call us in, and you could win a copy of The Ring, the Hollywood remake on DVD, a copy of CK, well, all sorts of rubbish, really. 18:10.171 --> 18:10.951 Oh, some good stuff there. 18:10.971 --> 18:11.612 The Undertones? 18:11.632 --> 18:14.674 The best of the Undertones is The High Spot and The Ring on DVD. 18:14.894 --> 18:15.294 Absolutely. 18:15.334 --> 18:16.335 Apparently it's terrifying. 18:16.575 --> 18:19.637 So phone in, and we'll take some calls right after these messages. 18:22.503 --> 18:24.344 We're back, Adam and Joe, here on XFM. 18:24.604 --> 18:25.785 The Bernie Mac station. 18:26.165 --> 18:27.686 London's Bernie Mac station. 18:27.706 --> 18:30.247 I'm just trying to take care of my kids the best way I know how. 18:30.328 --> 18:31.148 I'm Bernie Mac! 18:31.228 --> 18:31.768 It's cool! 18:31.948 --> 18:32.729 It's cool! 18:32.849 --> 18:33.509 It's cool! 18:33.930 --> 18:34.370 I'm cool. 18:34.850 --> 18:36.231 I'm going on for a while with that. 18:36.251 --> 18:37.272 I'm stopped now. 18:37.312 --> 18:38.592 You can't do too much Bernie Mac. 18:38.692 --> 18:41.894 Okay, shall we hear that Brosnan improv once again? 18:41.914 --> 18:47.978 Now, he's in a scene with Tom Cruise, but what is the line that he's trying to say? 18:47.998 --> 18:48.678 I love you. 18:50.059 --> 18:50.159 You? 18:58.292 --> 19:01.174 And who have we got on line one? 19:01.454 --> 19:01.894 Let's see. 19:01.954 --> 19:02.895 Hello caller! 19:03.896 --> 19:04.196 Hello? 19:04.396 --> 19:04.836 Are you there? 19:04.876 --> 19:05.397 What's your name? 19:05.757 --> 19:07.238 My name is Ben and I'm definitely here. 19:07.438 --> 19:09.119 Hello Ben, nice for you to call in. 19:09.359 --> 19:10.841 Oh thank you very much, nice to speak to you too. 19:11.141 --> 19:15.043 Now let's see, what do you think he is saying in that scene? 19:15.584 --> 19:18.246 I have a feeling he's trying to say you had me at hello. 19:18.954 --> 19:19.354 Nice. 19:19.715 --> 19:20.435 I think that's correct. 19:20.475 --> 19:21.476 And what film is it from? 19:21.957 --> 19:23.018 It's from Jerry Maguire. 19:23.378 --> 19:23.758 Okay. 19:23.818 --> 19:26.601 And so which actor is Brosnan filling in for there? 19:26.961 --> 19:28.082 Is it Renee Zellweger? 19:28.302 --> 19:29.163 Is that her name? 19:29.183 --> 19:29.583 Zellweger. 19:29.783 --> 19:29.903 Yeah. 19:29.923 --> 19:30.724 Three out of three. 19:30.784 --> 19:31.325 Ain't bad. 19:32.065 --> 19:35.408 I thought we had someone who'd got it wrong first. 19:36.649 --> 19:37.230 They hung up. 19:37.970 --> 19:38.711 What were they called? 19:40.024 --> 19:41.245 He was called Frank. 19:41.705 --> 19:45.187 If you're still listening, you've, uh, shortened our competition. 19:45.367 --> 19:46.288 You're gonna get a Frank's bang? 19:46.308 --> 19:46.748 Radically. 19:46.768 --> 19:47.948 You're gonna get a spang, Frank. 19:47.968 --> 19:51.290 No, we don't- we don't deal with- we don't deal with, uh, time wasters here. 19:51.310 --> 19:54.532 We go straight to the geniuses, and Ben, you are that genius. 19:54.572 --> 19:55.393 Congratulations. 19:55.613 --> 19:56.573 Well, thank you very much. 19:56.893 --> 19:58.234 So you've won all this stuff. 19:58.254 --> 19:59.575 Are you excited about the stuff you've won? 19:59.975 --> 20:00.535 I'm delighted. 20:00.575 --> 20:01.655 I don't know what it is I won, though. 20:01.755 --> 20:03.416 Well, you've won the ring on DVD. 20:04.036 --> 20:04.616 Oh, scary. 20:04.796 --> 20:05.556 Yeah, scary. 20:05.596 --> 20:06.136 Have you seen it? 20:06.156 --> 20:07.417 Er, no. 20:07.837 --> 20:08.057 No? 20:08.177 --> 20:09.337 Have you got a DVD player? 20:09.497 --> 20:10.357 I have a DVD player. 20:10.397 --> 20:11.637 Oh, it's worth seeing. 20:11.697 --> 20:12.017 It's good. 20:12.037 --> 20:13.638 It is quite... It's got some scary moments in it. 20:14.058 --> 20:15.098 The Hollywood remake. 20:15.318 --> 20:17.679 Hollywood, don't you hate it when Hollywood remakes something? 20:17.699 --> 20:18.319 They always mess them up. 20:18.339 --> 20:19.439 They always mess them up, don't they? 20:19.459 --> 20:19.839 It's rubbish. 20:19.859 --> 20:20.359 They were fine. 20:20.379 --> 20:21.259 The originals were fine. 20:21.299 --> 20:23.040 Why should they go back and remake the Italian job? 20:23.060 --> 20:24.300 Why can't they come up with their own ideas? 20:24.340 --> 20:24.880 Exactly. 20:24.920 --> 20:26.000 The Italian job. 20:26.020 --> 20:26.580 That's rubbish. 20:26.620 --> 20:27.161 It's a classic. 20:27.181 --> 20:27.601 No, wait. 20:27.621 --> 20:28.981 The Italian job's actually very good, the remake. 20:29.281 --> 20:29.802 Oh, yeah. 20:30.003 --> 20:31.806 Are you gonna go and see the remake of the Italian Job, Ben? 20:32.166 --> 20:34.711 Is that definitely Italian Job with like Sylvester Stallone or something? 20:34.731 --> 20:36.134 No, no, you're thinking of Get Carter. 20:36.635 --> 20:39.119 Oh, right, okay, I didn't know they were remaking Italian Job, there you go. 20:39.239 --> 20:41.103 Yeah, they have and it's- It doesn't have Sylvester Stallone in it, does it? 20:41.581 --> 20:42.202 No, it doesn't, no. 20:42.222 --> 20:44.223 It's got Marky Mark Wahlberg, which is almost as bad. 20:44.564 --> 20:44.884 Really? 20:45.144 --> 20:45.425 Yeah. 20:45.505 --> 20:48.087 But it has got Donald Sutherland, Mos Def. 20:48.327 --> 20:49.328 He's very good, Mos Def. 20:49.348 --> 20:50.569 Oh, I'd like to see him in a bigger film. 20:50.589 --> 20:51.010 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 20:51.250 --> 20:51.630 It's good. 20:51.650 --> 20:57.396 I must say, out of all the summer blockbusters I've seen, the Italian job remake has been the very best. 20:57.436 --> 20:58.497 I liked it more than X-Men 2. 20:58.837 --> 21:02.060 And that's from Joe Cornish on XFM, so there you go. 21:03.041 --> 21:05.424 So listen Ben, thanks, thanks very much indeed for calling in. 21:05.464 --> 21:06.565 Congratulations, you're a genius. 21:06.585 --> 21:06.845 Thanks Ben. 21:07.305 --> 21:08.607 And that good stuff is coming to you. 21:08.627 --> 21:09.027 Have a good weekend. 21:09.047 --> 21:09.868 We'll make it harder next week. 21:10.429 --> 21:10.849 You too. 21:11.370 --> 21:11.730 Bye bye. 21:11.830 --> 21:12.571 Bye bye, take care. 21:12.591 --> 21:14.293 Oh that was fantastic. 21:14.533 --> 21:16.054 Hey you got it first time, it was a bit too easy. 21:16.074 --> 21:18.377 I think next time we'll have to make it a little bit harder. 21:20.885 --> 21:25.728 Well, coming up in the next hour or so, we've got more fantastic music from the likes of Bjork. 21:25.748 --> 21:30.211 We've got that first play of The Strokes, at least for us, with their new single, 1215. 21:30.611 --> 21:32.712 I'll be very excited to hear that. 21:32.852 --> 21:34.594 Look, I'm so excited, I can't speak. 21:35.394 --> 21:38.696 And, of course, we're going to have some terrible rapping, some crap raps coming up. 21:39.117 --> 21:45.040 Ditty's in the Dock, an amazing song that you won't hear anywhere else in the UK is going to be played. 21:45.060 --> 21:47.142 This show is sort of like a Christmas stocking. 21:47.901 --> 21:53.483 Yeah, it's full of nuts and tangerines at the bottom and a pair of pants. 21:54.143 --> 21:55.384 Do you get pants in your stocking? 21:55.564 --> 21:55.764 No. 21:56.104 --> 21:57.985 My mum always gives me a pair of pants. 21:58.165 --> 21:58.605 Her own? 21:59.206 --> 21:59.586 No. 22:00.246 --> 22:01.186 No, that's sick. 22:01.847 --> 22:03.187 You're a sick weirdo. 22:03.927 --> 22:04.828 Come on, let's play some music. 22:04.848 --> 22:05.388 Who's this now? 22:05.408 --> 22:06.829 Uh, Mint Royale. 22:07.429 --> 22:08.509 Sexiest man in Jamaica. 22:08.529 --> 22:09.850 You're listening to XFM, London's 104.9. 22:10.610 --> 22:11.690 This is Adam and Joe. 22:12.111 --> 22:13.271 Roll about now. 22:14.191 --> 22:15.152 Since they say... 22:25.571 --> 22:27.232 Adam and Joe on XFM. 22:27.252 --> 22:31.694 We've been asking you to suggest names for new police or medical dramas on TV. 22:31.735 --> 22:33.075 We've had some very good ones in. 22:33.675 --> 22:35.536 We've also had some quite troubling ones in. 22:36.277 --> 22:37.077 But here's a couple. 22:38.318 --> 22:45.842 Here's one about a hard-drinking policeman who loses his legs through gout and is carried around on the back of the U2 guitarist in a papoose. 22:46.542 --> 22:47.142 And it's called? 22:47.162 --> 22:49.483 Erm... I don't know. 22:49.543 --> 22:50.203 Cop on the Edge. 22:50.784 --> 22:51.124 Nice. 22:51.744 --> 22:52.824 See, that's exactly right. 22:53.265 --> 22:54.625 I had another one that's quite bad. 22:55.285 --> 22:59.427 This is about a policewoman from Sirencester, and it's called Siren Sister. 23:00.587 --> 23:01.428 That is quite bad. 23:01.788 --> 23:03.848 Well... That's quite good. 23:04.009 --> 23:04.929 Yeah, Siren. 23:05.249 --> 23:09.911 What about two incompetent doctors, both called Ronald, who constantly botch operations? 23:10.431 --> 23:13.692 And it's called Deuteron and... Deuteronomy. 23:14.252 --> 23:15.033 Deuteronomy. 23:16.253 --> 23:19.015 Ah, I think we just printed out the wrong ones. 23:19.615 --> 23:22.257 But can I say, Simon and Croydon, you're amazing. 23:22.597 --> 23:23.818 You're churning these things out. 23:23.878 --> 23:25.458 Simon and Croydon sent about ten. 23:26.059 --> 23:28.340 And they're all up to that standard of deuteronomy. 23:29.721 --> 23:31.242 And apparently he's drinking Red Bull. 23:31.842 --> 23:33.643 And, you know, just rein it in, Simon. 23:33.683 --> 23:36.585 Either that or go and work for the ITV drama department. 23:36.725 --> 23:37.305 Oh, for us? 23:37.325 --> 23:38.386 Because you're amazing. 23:38.746 --> 23:40.487 Maybe Simon could phone in. 23:40.628 --> 23:44.871 If you're not mental, Simon, maybe you could phone in and have a chat to us and tell us some more about your ideas. 23:44.891 --> 23:45.732 He's got his own website. 23:45.972 --> 23:46.212 Has he? 23:46.232 --> 23:48.514 It's www.simoncoch.com. 23:48.994 --> 23:49.695 Oh, check it out. 23:50.595 --> 23:51.396 But anyway, phone in. 23:51.476 --> 23:54.979 And also, we're going to be playing some more excellent music in the next hour. 23:55.019 --> 23:57.521 We've got The Coral and Fat Boy Slim coming up. 23:57.601 --> 24:01.384 Oasis, Muse, The Darkness, The Strokes, new single. 24:01.404 --> 24:02.445 I'm very excited about that. 24:02.665 --> 24:02.865 Hmm. 24:03.446 --> 24:04.546 Ooh, love the strokes. 24:04.847 --> 24:05.027 Yeah. 24:05.167 --> 24:06.068 You like the strokes, don't you? 24:06.188 --> 24:06.488 Yeah. 24:06.788 --> 24:07.909 Everyone likes the strokes. 24:08.029 --> 24:08.790 What's not to like? 24:09.070 --> 24:09.890 What's not to like? 24:09.911 --> 24:11.872 Hey, I'm Bernie Mac. 24:11.932 --> 24:12.913 I'm just trying to... Okay. 24:12.933 --> 24:14.834 All right, let's hear some... I'm cool. 24:15.174 --> 24:15.535 I'm cool. 24:15.575 --> 24:17.676 I'm just bringing up my kids the best way I know how. 24:19.218 --> 24:20.539 Anyway, you're listening to Adam and Jo. 24:20.559 --> 24:21.179 It's XFM 104.9. 24:21.279 --> 24:21.439 XFM. 24:21.459 --> 24:21.659 XFM. 24:21.699 --> 24:26.403 Music that matters. 24:26.463 --> 24:27.164 All right, then. 25:11.254 --> 25:12.818 What's she even saying? 25:18.371 --> 25:20.713 I ain't nothing fine to fruit nut here. 25:22.154 --> 25:23.935 She can't find her fruit nut bar. 25:24.276 --> 25:24.536 Yeah. 25:24.556 --> 25:26.137 She's looking in the fridge. 25:26.157 --> 25:26.477 She can't. 25:26.497 --> 25:27.798 Where did she put that fruit nut bar? 25:27.918 --> 25:28.819 I ain't nothing fine. 25:28.859 --> 25:29.660 My fruit nut here. 25:30.140 --> 25:30.640 Something like that? 25:30.941 --> 25:31.561 Something like that. 25:31.601 --> 25:33.743 Whatever she's saying, it's very important and dramatic. 25:33.983 --> 25:35.064 Well, that's fat boy slim. 25:35.524 --> 25:38.707 And right here, right now on XFM 104.9. 25:38.967 --> 25:39.747 This is Adam and Joe. 25:39.767 --> 25:41.669 We're filling in for Ricky and Steven. 25:42.029 --> 25:50.032 Like many of you, we've been watching Lord of the Rings The Two Towers, because it's had a major launch on DVD and VHS this week, or last week, or recently anyway. 25:50.452 --> 25:58.854 And I think a lot of people have probably gone out and bought it and reappraised it, you know, watching it for the second time, checking out all the extras on the disc, and I certainly have. 25:58.914 --> 25:59.975 I settled down to watch it. 26:00.375 --> 26:02.916 Did you watch it on your big projection screen? 26:02.936 --> 26:03.816 Yeah, I projected it. 26:04.016 --> 26:07.579 I- I've got quite an- quite- I've got- not that- it's just a big bit of chipboard. 26:07.839 --> 26:08.100 Yeah. 26:08.320 --> 26:09.401 Hanging from my ceiling. 26:09.461 --> 26:11.583 Yeah, I've got three bits of polyboard stuck together. 26:11.643 --> 26:11.923 Really? 26:12.063 --> 26:13.044 I'd go for chipboard, mate. 26:13.084 --> 26:13.985 Mine doesn't have seams. 26:14.765 --> 26:19.890 Anyway, uh, I must confess that I got really, really profoundly bored. 26:20.030 --> 26:20.651 Bored of the rings. 26:20.751 --> 26:21.391 Of the rings. 26:21.952 --> 26:22.592 Of the gnomes. 26:23.613 --> 26:24.194 What's wrong with it? 26:24.234 --> 26:27.136 The gnomes really don't feature that heavily, do they? 26:27.196 --> 26:29.539 It's just not a very satisfying film, is it? 26:29.559 --> 26:30.540 Oh, shut your mouth. 26:30.620 --> 26:31.681 I really don't think it is. 26:31.921 --> 26:34.263 I tell you who I don't like, Mary and Pippin. 26:34.563 --> 26:39.488 They seem to me like Ant and Dec in silly weeks with a bit of lipstick on their cheeks. 26:39.928 --> 26:47.876 And when they're being carried through the forest by the big tree that looks like something out of Never Ending Story 3, I just think to myself, well, hang on a second. 26:48.476 --> 26:48.836 Why? 26:48.956 --> 26:50.938 I'm prepared to take this stuff seriously. 26:51.018 --> 26:54.840 Nothing you've said so far has put me off ant and deck on a big treat from NeverEnding Story. 26:55.040 --> 26:56.081 That sounds amazing. 26:56.341 --> 27:01.685 I just expect that big dog from NeverEnding Story with the big white ears to come flying through Lord of the Rings. 27:02.125 --> 27:08.329 Going, it's okay Bastion, soon the story will be finished and the school bullies won't bully you anymore. 27:09.432 --> 27:10.793 I mean, obviously, that would be very good. 27:10.933 --> 27:12.194 Man, I really liked it. 27:12.334 --> 27:13.654 I absolutely loved it. 27:13.674 --> 27:15.896 I went to see it at the cinema and it was a smash. 27:16.396 --> 27:19.077 And then I saw it again on DVD and I was just digging it. 27:19.137 --> 27:19.998 And it's long as well. 27:20.018 --> 27:21.198 Was it three hours or something? 27:21.278 --> 27:22.079 It's very long. 27:22.359 --> 27:22.519 Yeah. 27:22.559 --> 27:28.842 So we had a little coffee break halfway through, you know, chatted and then came back for the second half. 27:29.163 --> 27:30.003 I really liked it. 27:30.063 --> 27:31.164 I didn't think it flagged. 27:31.744 --> 27:32.344 The fights! 27:32.644 --> 27:33.325 The big fight! 27:33.685 --> 27:34.345 The fights. 27:34.465 --> 27:36.526 I just think I've seen too many fights now. 27:36.866 --> 27:37.886 But it was good, though, man. 27:37.926 --> 27:39.247 He's a genius, Peter Jackson. 27:39.307 --> 27:40.547 I don't doubt that. 27:40.747 --> 27:41.807 I don't contest that. 27:42.468 --> 27:46.229 But I just don't think there's any need to make three really, really long. 27:46.589 --> 27:48.270 I mean, it's fine, but, you know, you're just gonna lose... 27:50.110 --> 27:50.991 Your audience a bit. 27:51.031 --> 27:51.591 I haven't said this. 27:51.651 --> 27:52.972 I will go and see the third one and stuff. 27:53.012 --> 27:57.634 The only problem is Orlando Bloom I mean he's struggling with some difficult lines in there every single line. 27:57.654 --> 28:07.078 He says is something like we ride now to Mogadon through through floor It's all just he gets to say all the stupid stuff. 28:07.179 --> 28:16.243 I walked past a couple of ladies receptionist somewhere during the week and I overheard her saying Orlando Bloom he is simply the most delightful thing on the planet and 28:17.990 --> 28:18.371 I don't know. 28:18.391 --> 28:19.514 Verbatim, that's what she said. 28:19.574 --> 28:20.898 Ladies love the bloom. 28:21.119 --> 28:21.981 They love the bloomer. 28:22.262 --> 28:22.422 Mmm. 28:22.643 --> 28:24.287 He looks like a... I don't know what he's like. 28:24.307 --> 28:26.032 He's so accurate with his arrows. 28:27.435 --> 28:28.856 He's got bad hair in that film. 28:29.056 --> 28:31.897 He can get those arrows, though, from a major distance. 28:32.137 --> 28:32.297 Yeah. 28:32.357 --> 28:36.159 He can get those orcs in the eye from a major distance. 28:36.259 --> 28:38.841 And even when he's sliding down the stairs on his little surf shield. 28:38.861 --> 28:39.381 You know what? 28:39.421 --> 28:39.981 Criticism. 28:40.141 --> 28:40.462 Go on, then. 28:40.542 --> 28:43.963 I don't think Helm's Deep is that well-designed. 28:44.303 --> 28:46.184 Well, no, but it's got that major flaw. 28:46.244 --> 28:47.425 It's actually depressing. 28:47.465 --> 28:49.046 Well, with the little place where they put the bomb. 28:49.226 --> 28:49.386 Yeah. 28:49.406 --> 28:49.946 That's not what I meant. 28:49.966 --> 28:50.827 I just meant visually. 28:51.027 --> 28:51.867 I find it depressing. 28:53.368 --> 28:54.810 When they- I tell you, I know what you mean slightly. 28:54.830 --> 28:55.711 It's really depressing, that thing. 28:55.732 --> 28:59.817 When they go in and there's loads of people hanging around the steps, like, selling things- Yeah, it's really bleak. 28:59.897 --> 29:02.962 It's just like some horrible riot at an awful concert. 29:02.982 --> 29:04.624 Yeah, selling, like, knock-off perfume and stuff. 29:04.644 --> 29:09.131 The bit I like is when they're in that weird ruin and the sun's come out and there's a dragon. 29:10.325 --> 29:11.166 Oh, do you like that bit? 29:11.186 --> 29:11.926 I really like that bit, yeah. 29:11.946 --> 29:14.428 That reminds me of, uh, Return to Oz, that bit. 29:14.488 --> 29:15.089 Oh, good film. 29:15.769 --> 29:16.710 Have you watched it recently? 29:16.750 --> 29:16.990 Nope. 29:17.291 --> 29:18.572 It's a very odd film. 29:19.112 --> 29:22.014 Anyway, listen, we're gonna play some, uh, crap rap very soon. 29:22.195 --> 29:30.161 I'm quite excited about this, because there's so many songs, especially from when we grew up in the 80s, that suddenly launch into a really rubbish bit of rapping. 29:30.721 --> 29:34.524 And, uh, we're gonna play you a track from maybe Bowie's worst album? 29:34.805 --> 29:35.245 I don't know. 29:35.325 --> 29:36.706 Never, uh, Never... What's it called? 29:36.726 --> 29:37.327 Never Let Me Down. 29:38.147 --> 29:41.628 Released in 1987 and there's an amazingly bad bit of rapping. 29:41.648 --> 29:42.708 Don't give away too much, huh? 29:42.928 --> 30:02.612 Okay, but it's let me just tell you it's Bowie and Mickey Rourke rapping So if you haven't heard this before you all want to I'm telling you and later on we've got our ditties in the dock We're gonna be stating our case for a couple of songs that you will not hear on Xfm or anywhere else for that matter and we're gonna be arguing and you out there are gonna settle the score between myself and Joe and 30:03.072 --> 30:06.275 Anyway, that's all to come on this exciting show today, right now. 30:06.756 --> 30:09.299 It's music time, and this is... Hooray! 30:09.359 --> 30:09.979 Music time! 30:09.999 --> 30:10.980 That was a good link, wasn't it? 30:11.020 --> 30:11.681 Music time. 30:12.101 --> 30:13.503 And it's from The Muse. 30:14.304 --> 30:15.885 And I'm told this is a really good song. 30:15.905 --> 30:19.389 I haven't really heard it properly myself, but it's called Time Is Running Out. 30:19.409 --> 30:20.050 It's true. 30:30.999 --> 30:31.900 Oh, high drama. 30:32.020 --> 30:32.721 The Muse. 30:32.921 --> 30:33.301 The Muse. 30:33.362 --> 30:42.271 And that's the forthcoming, uh, no it's the first proper single release from their forthcoming third album, Absolution, which is out on the September the 22nd date for Daria. 30:42.611 --> 30:44.032 Yeah, I'm gonna be, I might be buying that one. 30:44.153 --> 30:49.478 I, you know, someone told me I should get into Muse, and I bought the last one and I was just overwhelmed. 30:50.179 --> 30:51.260 Uh, confused, really. 30:51.320 --> 30:52.041 Oh, overwhelmed. 30:52.221 --> 30:52.922 Yeah, yeah. 30:53.382 --> 30:55.724 Well, that usually means that you like something if you're overwhelmed. 30:55.884 --> 30:58.826 Well, literally, it's not... Oh, you're literally overwhelmed. 30:58.846 --> 31:00.007 I was literally overwhelmed. 31:00.187 --> 31:01.688 Just couldn't deal with its quality. 31:01.708 --> 31:02.649 There was too much whelm. 31:02.669 --> 31:03.430 It's too good for you. 31:03.570 --> 31:04.730 Yeah, I was covered in whelm. 31:05.531 --> 31:07.713 And I couldn't really get a handle on it. 31:07.753 --> 31:08.533 But that sounds good. 31:08.573 --> 31:11.536 It sounds like they're sort of reining in what they've got a little bit. 31:11.916 --> 31:12.596 Bit of restraint. 31:12.656 --> 31:13.397 It's always a good thing. 31:13.517 --> 31:14.578 Is it time for a new segment? 31:14.958 --> 31:16.619 Yeah, it's kind of a new segment. 31:16.639 --> 31:22.702 It's really just an excuse for me to play this bit of Bowie rapping, which is always a bad thing, as far as I can tell. 31:22.902 --> 31:32.027 So this is our sort of ongoing survey of some of the worst rap ever recorded, and each week we're going to attempt to bring you some really, really appalling rap from the archives. 31:32.087 --> 31:36.370 Yeah, this one is from Never Let Me Down, which was Bowie's worst album. 31:36.390 --> 31:37.971 It had Day In, Day Out, do you remember that? 31:38.051 --> 31:38.531 Day In! 31:38.891 --> 31:39.472 Yes, I do. 31:39.932 --> 31:44.499 And it was all Bowie, Bowie was very self-consciously trying to get street in those days. 31:44.759 --> 31:46.642 He was a little bit confused in that period, wasn't he? 31:46.662 --> 31:47.643 He certainly was, yes. 31:47.683 --> 31:50.687 He didn't quite know which incarnation to incarnate into next. 31:50.787 --> 31:54.853 No, and he suddenly, he did a lot of videos in LA, and he was hanging around. 31:56.144 --> 31:57.425 No, I'm just seeing if she's here. 31:57.665 --> 31:58.145 No, she's not. 31:58.185 --> 31:58.906 Has she gone to the shop? 31:59.206 --> 32:00.226 She's gone to the shop. 32:00.246 --> 32:01.547 She's gone to the shop. 32:01.987 --> 32:04.929 And so he got together with Mickey Rourke for this track. 32:05.509 --> 32:07.330 This is a track called Shining Star. 32:07.670 --> 32:11.753 And he and Mickey Rourke stopped rapping about some of the bad things going on in the world. 32:12.013 --> 32:12.993 Is it a rap duet then? 32:13.173 --> 32:13.694 Yeah, yeah. 32:13.794 --> 32:15.335 They take turns with the lines. 32:15.355 --> 32:15.635 Do they? 32:15.795 --> 32:17.376 Shall I just tell you what they're actually rapping about? 32:17.456 --> 32:19.097 You might not be able to hear it that well in the thing. 32:19.417 --> 32:20.077 This is the rap. 32:20.658 --> 32:24.360 Peter met Frank, formed a dummy run gang, worked heist for hit. 32:25.420 --> 32:45.487 Ten g's flat just doesn't make any sense blue heads out of shape in the name of Trotsky Sinn Fein Hitler cash down No, hope heroes cover this page with debts in hell and fingers in blood Things in blood Joe poor little bodies all covered in scabs threw it all away another life in the grave I think it's about terrorism Yeah, well, it's sort of ahead of its time in that respect. 32:45.507 --> 32:45.667 Yeah. 32:46.347 --> 32:51.529 Anyway, let's stop talking about it and listen to it right now Here's our first crap rap on xfm now. 32:51.609 --> 32:52.329 Give me a beat 32:53.834 --> 32:56.058 Now it's time for a classic rap. 32:56.158 --> 32:58.361 You gotta listen closely because it's gonna be quite crap. 33:01.687 --> 33:03.990 This is a journey into rubbish. 33:28.813 --> 33:29.975 It's a crap rap! 33:38.294 --> 33:39.976 It's not strictly rapping, is it? 33:40.316 --> 33:40.917 Yes it is. 33:41.077 --> 33:43.220 It's just sort of Rex Harrison-style talking. 33:43.580 --> 33:44.381 No, that's rapping. 33:44.481 --> 33:45.142 That's rapping? 33:45.262 --> 33:45.963 Yeah, that'll be rapping. 33:45.983 --> 33:46.543 Are you sure? 33:46.924 --> 33:47.825 Definition of rapping. 33:48.125 --> 33:52.570 Some people... That's what happens when white people rap. 33:52.650 --> 33:55.173 That's not your standard, is it? 33:55.653 --> 33:57.155 I'm not sure this is a colour thing. 33:57.215 --> 33:57.935 Eminem is white. 33:57.955 --> 33:59.577 He's an extremely good rapper. 33:59.677 --> 34:08.085 He forms better phrases, rhythmic phrases than... Well, in the 80s, when white people rapped, that's genuinely what happened. 34:08.525 --> 34:09.586 It was a disaster. 34:09.887 --> 34:11.868 I swear, this isn't just a race thing. 34:11.989 --> 34:13.150 A lot of very early black... 34:13.650 --> 34:29.880 rap was not very good like what well it's just not so rhythmically sophisticated when it was an emerging form the rhythms were the the rapping was just more basic it was a bit just rhyming at the end of every line my name's kevin and i'm cool don't you take me for no fool 34:30.480 --> 34:34.562 Exactly, that would have been a viable release for Derek B. For Derek B, yeah. 34:34.682 --> 34:39.063 My DJ Derek B is the best, checking out all rookies who fail the test. 34:39.243 --> 34:44.365 If you want to know who's the best in town, come on everybody and just forget down. 34:44.645 --> 34:46.245 See, that's early rap. 34:46.325 --> 34:47.266 That was quite good, actually. 34:47.586 --> 34:48.326 Primitive rap. 34:48.706 --> 34:49.066 Anyway. 34:49.126 --> 34:50.247 But that's not good, is it? 34:50.407 --> 34:51.067 No, that's terrible. 34:51.427 --> 34:56.529 And another one I was thinking maybe we could play next week is the Michael Jackson bit of rapping from Black and White. 34:57.022 --> 34:57.662 Remember that? 34:57.742 --> 34:58.623 Yeah, I certainly do. 34:58.643 --> 35:01.163 It's not about places or faces, the races. 35:01.504 --> 35:02.524 Oh, I don't know, I've messed it up. 35:02.624 --> 35:03.324 It's like that, isn't it? 35:03.364 --> 35:06.765 And in fact, Macaulay Culkin does it in the video, right? 35:07.205 --> 35:07.566 Oh, does he? 35:07.706 --> 35:11.667 Yeah, and slightly sinisterly, I think Michael puts his voice over whoever's rapping it. 35:11.687 --> 35:13.308 Who is rapping on that? 35:13.408 --> 35:14.508 I'm not sure it is Michael. 35:14.688 --> 35:15.608 No, it's just, no, no, no. 35:15.628 --> 35:17.749 It's a different guy because he's got kind of a manly voice. 35:17.789 --> 35:18.069 Yeah. 35:18.289 --> 35:20.010 Michael's worked with some proper rappers, though. 35:20.957 --> 35:23.379 Er, beat Notorious B.I.G. 35:23.719 --> 35:23.959 Really? 35:23.979 --> 35:25.420 Yeah, he's down. 35:25.760 --> 35:27.201 Well, they all give him props. 35:27.261 --> 35:27.782 Absolutely. 35:28.562 --> 35:33.205 Anyway, if you've got any suggestions for more crap raps that we could play perhaps next week, then do drop us a line. 35:33.466 --> 35:38.749 I think we should read out some more of those suggestions for cop dramas and medical dramas a bit later on. 35:38.769 --> 35:39.650 Yeah, we'll come back to that later. 35:39.670 --> 35:42.512 The email address is adamando at xfm.co.uk. 35:42.552 --> 35:43.972 That's and, A-N-D. 35:45.173 --> 35:55.039 And you can win a pair of tickets to go and see OK Go at the Electric Ballroom on Wednesday the 3rd of September if you send us your best idea for a cop show or medical show title. 35:55.199 --> 35:56.100 Yeah, get in touch. 35:56.140 --> 35:58.161 We're Adam and Joe here on XFM, London's 104.9. 36:11.884 --> 36:20.135 you're unbelievable that is unbelievable isn't it well that's just would you say that's the right side of crap rapping or the wrong side 36:21.365 --> 36:23.047 again, I wouldn't call that rapping. 36:23.467 --> 36:25.990 Oh, well you listen to- It's just talking. 36:26.470 --> 36:26.690 Yeah. 36:26.750 --> 36:27.651 Rhythmic talking. 36:27.851 --> 36:29.053 Well that's all rapping is. 36:29.513 --> 36:33.557 You know, one of the definitions for rap is Rhythmic American Poetry. 36:34.057 --> 36:34.658 R.A.P. 36:35.118 --> 36:36.179 What, if it was an acronym? 36:36.300 --> 36:36.940 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 36:37.461 --> 36:38.762 People say, you know, what is rap? 36:38.822 --> 36:39.963 I remember people saying that. 36:40.143 --> 36:40.363 Yeah. 36:40.384 --> 36:45.388 Well that's what Coolio, when we met Coolio for the Adam and Joe show and we interviewed him, or rather my dad interviewed him. 36:46.369 --> 36:48.810 Uh, my dad said, so what is rap, Coolio? 36:49.050 --> 36:49.890 How would you define it? 36:50.030 --> 36:53.691 And Coolio said, well, Nigel, it's rhythmic American poetry. 36:54.071 --> 36:56.152 I think that's something that Coolio made up, though, isn't it? 36:56.472 --> 37:01.333 Yeah, and no, it's, you know, rap is just- I believe it's an old term to mean sort of talk. 37:01.553 --> 37:01.953 Exactly. 37:01.973 --> 37:02.413 Talk fast. 37:02.433 --> 37:03.553 Let's just talk fast. 37:03.774 --> 37:03.994 Yeah. 37:04.394 --> 37:05.094 Anyway, there you go. 37:05.114 --> 37:05.334 Thanks. 37:06.380 --> 37:07.261 Sorry, you were gonna say? 37:07.281 --> 37:12.866 I was gonna say that after these commercials, we're gonna play some commercials, we're gonna hear the new Strokes single for the first time. 37:12.926 --> 37:14.508 Yeah, which I'm genuinely excited about. 37:14.828 --> 37:17.891 Anyway, here's some messages, and the Strokes are coming up here on XFM. 37:18.732 --> 37:19.192 XFM. 37:21.915 --> 37:25.198 Tell us whenever you're ready in there. 37:25.318 --> 37:29.002 One, two, one, two, one, two, three, four. 37:29.202 --> 37:29.402 XFM. 37:40.348 --> 37:41.028 That's The Strokes. 37:41.048 --> 37:42.089 That was nice, wasn't it? 37:42.189 --> 37:42.309 At 12.15. 37:42.529 --> 37:43.469 That was nice. 37:43.669 --> 37:44.689 First time I heard that one. 37:45.169 --> 37:47.510 It's always difficult to tell on a first listen, isn't it? 37:48.230 --> 37:49.270 Well, that was my first listen. 37:49.590 --> 37:50.150 What did you think? 37:50.571 --> 37:51.691 I quite enjoyed it. 37:52.071 --> 37:54.791 Yeah, it sounds... It's a sort of retro sounding. 37:54.852 --> 37:58.492 It sounds a bit like maybe even Gary Newman I get from that, somewhat. 37:58.512 --> 37:58.632 Do you? 37:58.992 --> 38:00.393 I know it's got some good hand clapping. 38:00.713 --> 38:01.893 Yeah, you can't go wrong with hand clapping. 38:01.913 --> 38:04.314 Quite a complicated pattern of clapping, though. 38:04.554 --> 38:04.894 What, just... 38:06.531 --> 38:08.112 No, no, it's not that you think it's that. 38:08.172 --> 38:10.194 No, there was something else going on there. 38:10.374 --> 38:13.036 Next time you play it, we'll have a harder listen to the hand clapping. 38:13.296 --> 38:13.977 Anyway, that's good. 38:13.997 --> 38:16.178 You know, I'm pro-strokes anyway, so I'm biased. 38:17.359 --> 38:19.761 We've got Dizzies in the Dock coming up very shortly. 38:19.781 --> 38:20.662 Dizzies in the Dock. 38:20.682 --> 38:22.603 You sound like you're drunk. 38:22.983 --> 38:23.584 I am a little. 38:23.624 --> 38:24.705 I'm drunk on power. 38:25.625 --> 38:30.750 And that's the bit of the show where we sort of make a case for a song that we want to play. 38:30.790 --> 38:35.414 Because, you know, obviously we adhere to the excellent XFM playlist here on the show. 38:36.254 --> 38:39.137 But we are allowed one free play, i.e. 38:39.317 --> 38:41.779 a single chosen by us or a song chosen by us. 38:41.839 --> 38:44.221 And obviously we both fight over who's going to choose the record. 38:44.261 --> 38:47.884 So what better way to do it than let you, the listener, decide which of our songs should be played. 38:47.924 --> 38:50.807 We'll be putting our cases pretty soon and you can call in. 38:51.047 --> 39:01.134 Meanwhile, we still have some tickets to give away to OK Go to the person who suggests the best new idea for a cop show or a medical drama. 39:01.374 --> 39:04.256 We're mainly interested in the titles and we've had some very good ones coming in. 39:04.776 --> 39:05.817 Joe, have you got any good ones there? 39:05.857 --> 39:06.677 Yes, yes. 39:07.038 --> 39:15.083 How about combining the heady world of surgery and shrubbery and creating a series about a dedicated tree surgeon called Gerald Root? 39:15.423 --> 39:18.125 His friends probably call him Rootsy, I imagine. 39:18.605 --> 39:20.507 It could be called Root's Manoeuvres. 39:21.387 --> 39:25.172 He could fight local council for tree rights and prevent all sorts of unfair fellings. 39:25.812 --> 39:26.333 That's good. 39:26.553 --> 39:27.214 It's good, isn't it? 39:27.254 --> 39:27.934 Yeah, very good. 39:28.435 --> 39:29.656 Roots manoeuvres, like it. 39:29.716 --> 39:30.197 Who's that one from? 39:30.217 --> 39:31.859 That is from Alison. 39:32.900 --> 39:33.661 Well done, Alison. 39:33.841 --> 39:34.602 Yeah, that's excellent. 39:34.822 --> 39:35.563 Yeah. 39:35.923 --> 39:38.125 She calls herself a genius waiting for a scriptwriter. 39:38.205 --> 39:39.086 I wouldn't contest that. 39:40.031 --> 39:49.776 How about a hard-hitting drama about a chef, John Suey, who loses his Chinese takeaway due to some corrupt cops, then sets about clearing his name and seeking to bring the evil-pleasement to justice. 39:50.117 --> 39:55.400 It's a cross between... a cross between Between the Lines and Dinner Ladies, and it's called Cop Suey. 39:55.780 --> 39:56.140 Nice. 39:56.560 --> 39:57.921 You see, that's exactly right. 39:58.181 --> 40:00.462 Actually, the next one's better from this same person, Duncan. 40:01.143 --> 40:06.446 A heartwarming series set in a multiracial police station called the Multicoloured Cop Shop. 40:08.241 --> 40:09.181 And that's very good. 40:10.281 --> 40:10.582 More. 40:11.302 --> 40:11.582 More. 40:11.662 --> 40:17.343 How about a show about a top surgeon bravely battling with Tourette's syndrome. 40:17.623 --> 40:18.143 Tourette's. 40:18.463 --> 40:18.923 Tourette's. 40:18.943 --> 40:19.383 Tourette's. 40:19.863 --> 40:21.184 Called Doctors and Curses. 40:21.644 --> 40:22.204 That's good. 40:22.784 --> 40:23.004 Yeah. 40:23.144 --> 40:23.964 These are all very good. 40:23.984 --> 40:25.605 They're all very, it's a very high quality. 40:25.645 --> 40:26.545 Well done listeners. 40:26.565 --> 40:28.005 Well done listeners. 40:28.045 --> 40:29.965 It's gonna be hard to award the prize. 40:30.005 --> 40:32.466 You know what, I think we probably get the cleverest listeners. 40:33.722 --> 40:35.424 What, out of anyone in XFM or the world? 40:35.724 --> 40:36.145 The world. 40:36.385 --> 40:37.046 The world? 40:37.126 --> 40:37.406 Yeah. 40:37.686 --> 40:40.429 Well, we're going to reward them right now with a track from the Libertines. 40:40.489 --> 40:43.612 And after this, it's going to be time for Ditties in the Dock. 40:43.632 --> 40:47.516 So get ready to phone in. 40:47.536 --> 40:48.217 08700-800-1234. 40:48.998 --> 40:52.141 Adam and Joe here on XFM, filling in for Ricky and Steven. 40:52.181 --> 40:53.002 Here's the Libertines. 41:03.516 --> 41:05.500 Don't look back into the sun, that's the Libertines. 41:06.201 --> 41:07.864 The more I hear the Libertines, the more I like them. 41:07.904 --> 41:08.785 I think they're fantastic. 41:11.523 --> 41:13.764 I'm just blanking you on that. 41:14.144 --> 41:15.124 You don't like the Libertines, do you? 41:15.144 --> 41:15.484 Don't know. 41:15.684 --> 41:18.825 Well, you're kind of a soul kind of guy, though, aren't you? 41:18.845 --> 41:19.525 I like them, yeah. 41:19.565 --> 41:21.765 Yeah, well, yeah. 41:21.825 --> 41:22.646 Soul and Hansen. 41:23.266 --> 41:24.086 Yeah. 41:24.126 --> 41:31.447 You know, The Face asked us to list our favourite teenage tracks, and I didn't know what they meant. 41:31.487 --> 41:34.828 Like, tracks by teenagers or that you listened to when you were a teenager? 41:34.848 --> 41:35.468 The second one. 41:36.429 --> 41:38.189 The songs that you loved when you were a teenager? 41:39.166 --> 41:40.187 Oh, I didn't realize. 41:40.207 --> 41:41.149 What did you say? 41:41.430 --> 41:44.094 I don't know, but I thought it had to be by teenagers. 41:44.976 --> 41:46.358 So what did you suggest? 41:46.459 --> 41:47.320 Um Bop by Hanson. 41:49.154 --> 41:49.834 What did you put? 41:50.214 --> 41:58.557 I put Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds, which when we were sad teenagers, thought was the, for about a space of about a year and a half, we thought it was the greatest song ever written. 41:58.877 --> 42:08.641 And at the end of The Breakfast Club, when Judd Nelson walks away from the, you know, from the rugby post or the football post across the football pitch, and he 42:09.201 --> 42:10.502 punches his fist in the air. 42:10.942 --> 42:11.963 Your heart is soaring. 42:12.043 --> 42:12.743 And Simple Minds kicks in. 42:12.803 --> 42:14.124 I just thought, wow. 42:14.384 --> 42:15.484 Life doesn't get more intense. 42:15.504 --> 42:16.045 This is life. 42:16.665 --> 42:18.266 You know, I'm a teenager. 42:18.346 --> 42:18.866 I'm hurt. 42:19.226 --> 42:20.267 I've been hurt by life. 42:20.867 --> 42:21.788 I'm now a man. 42:22.248 --> 42:23.569 And here I go into the world. 42:24.494 --> 42:29.899 But you don't want the kids that you knew when you were just a boy to leave you behind. 42:29.979 --> 42:30.980 Don't you forget about me. 42:31.020 --> 42:31.260 No, no. 42:31.360 --> 42:33.362 Don't you forget about me, the rebel. 42:33.582 --> 42:33.922 Yeah. 42:34.343 --> 42:35.143 In a long coat. 42:35.444 --> 42:37.445 Well, maybe we can play that later on. 42:37.645 --> 42:38.006 Maybe. 42:38.026 --> 42:39.647 That should have been the Ditty and the Dock, shouldn't it? 42:39.687 --> 42:41.589 I don't suppose that's on XFM's playlist. 42:41.889 --> 42:42.429 Ah, I bet it is. 42:42.549 --> 42:43.130 I bet it is. 42:43.850 --> 42:44.871 Seriously, I bet it is. 42:45.031 --> 42:46.832 If it isn't, this station's in trouble. 42:47.372 --> 42:48.253 We're gonna check. 42:48.273 --> 42:49.194 Someone's checking. 42:49.594 --> 42:53.736 But right now, it's time for us to argue our case for our ditties in the dock. 42:53.917 --> 42:55.678 We should have a jingle to go there, really, shouldn't we? 42:55.718 --> 42:56.998 Maybe next week we'll come up with one. 42:57.439 --> 42:59.180 So, Joe, do you wanna go first or shall I go first? 42:59.759 --> 43:01.241 Uh, why don't I go first this week, Adam? 43:01.402 --> 43:01.662 Okay. 43:01.802 --> 43:08.132 So this is Ditties in the Dock, uh, listen to Adam and, uh, my pitches for our songs, and then you get to decide which one is gonna be played. 43:08.532 --> 43:15.062 I'd like to play this week a song by a Japanese band, and this is a band we discovered when we were out in Tokyo making our series for the BBC, Adam and Joe Go Tokyo. 43:15.783 --> 43:17.844 And this is a Japanese band called Rip Slime. 43:17.864 --> 43:19.564 It's spelled S-L-Y-M-E. 43:19.604 --> 43:22.165 We played a bit of it on one of our Adam and Jojo Tokyo shows. 43:22.565 --> 43:29.067 And it's kind of a crazy kind of new sound with very fast beat and obviously rapping and singing that you can't understand. 43:29.307 --> 43:32.308 But weirdly a lot of Japanese sounds like sort of mispronounced English. 43:32.968 --> 43:36.669 So you can sort of get into the lyrics in a sort of phonetic way. 43:36.929 --> 43:42.950 And also there are one or two English words scattered around in the song that you can use to sort of anchor yourself. 43:42.991 --> 43:44.531 It's got a very, very good chorus. 43:44.851 --> 43:45.751 It's very catchy. 43:46.451 --> 43:47.812 It's fantastic, basically. 43:47.872 --> 43:50.912 Rip slime are the words to remember if you want to vote for it. 43:51.092 --> 43:51.713 Rip slime. 43:51.753 --> 43:52.673 The song's called Joint. 43:53.553 --> 43:56.656 And I presume that means a fastening rather than anything to do with... OK. 43:56.676 --> 43:59.258 Opposing counsel, I think, is leading the witness now. 44:00.319 --> 44:01.059 You're overruled. 44:01.159 --> 44:03.481 I'm just trying to rein it back into Ditties in the Dark. 44:03.541 --> 44:03.721 Right. 44:03.921 --> 44:06.844 Anyway, Rip Slime, Joe's Choice, Rip Slime, Japanese track, really, really good. 44:06.864 --> 44:07.264 You'll love it. 44:07.344 --> 44:13.609 If you record it, which would be illegal, but if you did, you could play it to all your mates and go, wow, I found this really cool Japanese track. 44:13.629 --> 44:14.750 And they'd go, how do you know about Japanese? 44:14.890 --> 44:38.848 his music and you go well you know I I'm just really cool leading the witness I'd like that last remark from the record stricken stricken um struck and Michaela Strachan from the record uh I'm going to argue my case now this is the track that you really should vote for this week because it's uh funny and insane in more ways than one it's by a guy called Wesley Willis and he is a guy a black rapper well he's not a rapper 44:39.048 --> 45:00.816 really he's just a kind of genius and he grew up in Chicago in the ghetto and he was schizophrenic I say was because unfortunately he died last week so this would also be a kind of tribute to Wesley he sings songs about bands that he's seen or really likes emotional blackmail Adam yeah but it's the it's the track you really want to hear it's very funny all of rips line had been wiped out in a bus crash 45:00.936 --> 45:02.317 Well, then I would be voting for that. 45:02.457 --> 45:07.201 But this time it's Wesley, because Wesley has the edge also, because this is a very funny song. 45:07.301 --> 45:08.321 It's about McDonald's. 45:08.742 --> 45:10.143 It's called Rock and Roll McDonald's. 45:10.183 --> 45:14.946 And it's basically just Wesley kind of whining over this synthy beat. 45:15.066 --> 45:16.507 All his songs are more or less the same. 45:16.567 --> 45:21.030 And it might just be Alanis Morissette that he's eulogising about, or it might be junk food. 45:21.050 --> 45:22.331 In this case, it's McDonald's. 45:22.351 --> 45:22.892 Rip Slime. 45:23.272 --> 45:24.593 It's called Rock and Roll McDonald's. 45:24.613 --> 45:28.135 And if you don't vote for this, you are missing out, I'm telling you. 45:28.195 --> 45:28.896 Rip Slime. 45:28.956 --> 45:30.377 Anyway, we're going to play some ads right now. 45:30.397 --> 45:31.718 We need you to call in. 45:31.918 --> 45:33.900 We're going to take the first five callers. 45:34.480 --> 45:36.462 Easy, Joe, otherwise I'm going to have you in contempt. 45:36.762 --> 45:37.602 Sorry, Rip Slime. 45:37.682 --> 45:38.023 All right. 45:38.983 --> 45:38.023 08700, 800, 1234. 45:39.604 --> 45:44.307 It's between Rip Slime or Rock and Roll McDonald's. 45:44.587 --> 45:45.168 Rip Slime. 45:45.268 --> 45:46.749 Rip Slime or Rock and Roll McDonald's. 45:46.829 --> 45:47.730 OK, so call in now. 45:47.770 --> 45:51.633 We'll take the first five callers, and the best of five will get played here on XFM. 45:51.673 --> 45:51.953 Rip Slime. 45:55.467 --> 45:55.867 Oh, sorry. 45:55.887 --> 45:59.729 I was so sort of excited about the prospect of Ditty's in the Dark. 45:59.749 --> 46:00.829 You'll see the XFM. 46:01.349 --> 46:02.590 It's Adam and Joe here on 104.9. 46:02.630 --> 46:05.731 And we're going to take the first five callers. 46:05.751 --> 46:07.792 We want you to vote for our tracks. 46:08.012 --> 46:09.853 And it's between, Joe, which is yours. 46:09.873 --> 46:12.934 It's between Rip Slime and what's your fellow called? 46:13.154 --> 46:16.837 He's called Wesley Willis and it's a song called Rock and Roll McDonalds. 46:17.018 --> 46:18.839 If you've just tuned in, this is a feature called Ditters in the Dock. 46:18.859 --> 46:20.321 You get to vote for the songs we play. 46:20.361 --> 46:21.361 We've both chosen a track. 46:21.462 --> 46:24.164 Our listeners are going to vote for which one we actually play. 46:24.184 --> 46:26.806 This is our one record that we actually choose. 46:26.866 --> 46:29.429 OK, so we're going to take the first five callers in quick succession. 46:30.269 --> 46:33.092 And caller one, which is it going to be, Rock and Roll McDonalds or Ripslime? 46:33.112 --> 46:34.353 Uh, Ripslime, mate. 46:34.754 --> 46:35.294 Oh, man. 46:35.354 --> 46:37.876 OK, caller two, Rock and Roll McDonalds or Ripslime? 46:38.177 --> 46:39.097 I can... Hello? 46:39.157 --> 46:39.378 Hello? 46:42.040 --> 46:42.340 Oh my. 46:42.380 --> 46:43.301 Oh, come on. 46:43.341 --> 46:44.362 Caller two, you're insane. 46:44.382 --> 46:45.643 We're gonna have to go to caller three. 46:45.703 --> 46:49.085 Uh, and is it Rock and Roll McDonalds or Ripsline, caller three? 46:49.105 --> 46:50.546 It's gotta be Ripsline. 46:50.907 --> 46:52.008 Oh no, okay. 46:52.488 --> 46:54.409 Uh, caller four, Rock and Roll McDonalds or Ripsline? 46:54.429 --> 46:55.090 This is a decider. 46:55.649 --> 46:58.191 Oh no, I don't believe it! 46:58.231 --> 46:59.271 You're insane! 46:59.331 --> 47:02.353 Rock and Roll McDonald's is the best thing you're ever gonna hear, or not in this case. 47:02.373 --> 47:03.113 We'll play it next week, huh? 47:03.534 --> 47:05.035 Okay, well, here's Ripslime. 47:05.415 --> 47:07.836 This is a good track, I have to say, and this is called Joint. 47:08.036 --> 47:12.739 And it's all about the chorus, it's all about the whooping in the chorus, and the word joint, and the word sketch. 47:12.999 --> 47:13.740 Listen out for those. 47:21.144 --> 47:26.979 I dream about getting it here all day all night I dream about getting it here 48:07.791 --> 48:08.453 Vibration 48:34.187 --> 48:58.975 And the price of hot dogs are joined to sketch Shin-sho-fu-ge-ren-sou-gen With tsu-tsuku-memori-ren-ga-gak-nek Tsuburi-dai-wo-ten-to-sen-tsu-man-gu-shik-sen A choco-kek-ro-ge-sho-bo-se-kei-to-chop-chop Jump around, there's time in the body once again Kwa-stain-i-kata-te-sakura-in-a-kama-gen Yo, ya-ti-bai-ni-oi-oi-chung Muchina-san-de-jin, kakana-san-de-jin-chop-chop 49:02.908 --> 49:04.131 The joint! 49:33.436 --> 49:34.158 Hello there, kids. 49:34.218 --> 49:36.021 It's your old friend Captain Beefheart. 49:36.061 --> 49:39.488 You know, me and the Magic Man, Invisible and all that jazz. 49:40.149 --> 49:43.155 Flying through time and space, Dimension Warp, all that rhythm. 50:07.037 --> 50:10.590 I'm here tonight to tell you that we have a heck of a little teenage opera for you. 50:10.630 --> 50:11.553 You're really gonna dig it. 50:45.695 --> 51:01.462 yes it's uh xfm you're listening to not the mental station that was joined by rip slime and that was this week's ditties in the doc selection that was joe's ditties yeah that's a really good that some listeners might think that was a cacophonic 51:02.102 --> 51:16.990 pile of old japanese rubbish but it's actually our producers nodding it's actually insanely catchy and out of all the stuff we heard after 10 weeks in tokyo that was one of the records that will always remind us of that time yes and it's a fantastic record to play table tennis too 51:17.370 --> 51:40.929 yeah or do anything to i would imagine make love i don't know about making love actually maybe not it would just be too fast wouldn't it but i i kind of remixed that one a little bit and stuck some cap captain beefheart just in case interest flag during the instrumental breakdowns yeah so i i kind of doubled the audience for it to uh include captain beefheart fans yeah i'm very disappointed though that's three weeks in a row i've been thwarted on ditties in the dark 51:41.089 --> 51:42.689 You've lost three weeks in a row, haven't you? 51:42.729 --> 51:42.869 Yeah. 51:43.190 --> 51:45.270 And that was- Do you think it's to do with your choice of record? 51:45.490 --> 51:46.890 Is it the way you're selling the record? 51:46.930 --> 51:47.271 Maybe. 51:47.351 --> 51:51.412 I think- Well, it might be that you just didn't let me get a word in edgeways and kept on saying, Rips line. 51:51.432 --> 51:52.312 Rips line. 51:52.352 --> 51:53.452 That has been one of my techniques. 51:53.632 --> 51:55.113 You could use that back on me, you see. 51:55.353 --> 51:55.573 OK. 51:55.593 --> 52:01.354 Well, I'm telling you, I'm bringing Wesley Willis back next week with rock and roll McDonald's because you need to hear this song. 52:01.394 --> 52:03.935 It's very, very funny and very, very good. 52:05.095 --> 52:06.576 Ah, we're coming up towards the end of the show. 52:06.596 --> 52:13.919 We're gonna have some music right now from the Audio Bullies, one of our favourites here on the Adam and Joe radio programme filling in for Ricky and Stephen. 52:14.279 --> 52:15.780 Joe, you got some tickets there to give away? 52:16.020 --> 52:20.062 Yeah, just to say we've still got these tickets at OK Go to give away at the Electric Ballroom. 52:20.082 --> 52:27.926 Our competition has been to come up with a name for an exciting new cop or medical drama on television, a kind of silly name that links the names of the characters with the name of the programme. 52:28.106 --> 52:32.548 similar to Rosemary and Time, Adam's forthcoming favourite horticultural detective drama. 52:32.848 --> 52:36.530 So pretty soon we'll be announcing the winner if you've emailed us. 52:37.511 --> 52:44.734 Listen out, could be you, and there's still a chance to get your entry in adamandjoe at xfm.co.uk but frankly there isn't really. 52:44.794 --> 52:47.036 Well we're going to announce the winners after this basically. 52:47.696 --> 52:48.436 This is the Audio Bullies. 52:48.456 --> 52:51.518 I saw the Audio Bullies on T4 doing their new single. 52:51.798 --> 52:53.440 They are performing by the T4 pool. 52:53.500 --> 52:56.303 Yes, they shot an amazing video by the T4 pool. 52:56.443 --> 53:02.429 I don't know if anyone is watching T4 in the mornings on Channel 4, but when they have bands on, they just make a sort of video for them by the pool. 53:02.789 --> 53:05.532 Vernon and June Sarpong are based in Ibiza or something, is it? 53:05.552 --> 53:05.993 Yeah, yeah. 53:06.513 --> 53:07.154 All this summer. 53:07.454 --> 53:11.538 And they get bands on and they just dance by the pool and they try and make it cool by doing a video. 53:12.299 --> 53:27.793 lean against the tree yeah walk around the tree run towards the camera run away from the camera run towards the camera again now jump in the pool sometimes the performers look a little bit lost don't they yeah i would say all the time there was one with um mark owen's new single with him just running through the street 53:29.674 --> 53:36.596 Sittin' on your red leather sofa, you're rollin' the nose up, like a foam bomb in the morning. 53:36.656 --> 53:37.537 That's quite good, isn't it? 53:37.577 --> 53:39.157 Turned into a sort of Bowie darling. 53:39.197 --> 53:41.698 It does sound, it's like a sort of Cod Bowie song, isn't it? 53:41.738 --> 53:45.239 Okay, let's have the audio bullies now and we'll announce the winners of our competition after this. 53:45.339 --> 53:46.039 It's XFM 104.9. 53:47.560 --> 53:54.582 Do you want to, I want to change the things that I do. 54:06.846 --> 54:07.907 Adam and Joe on XFM. 54:07.927 --> 54:09.308 Coming to the end of our time here. 54:09.328 --> 54:11.449 We'll be back same time next week, one o'clock Saturday. 54:11.549 --> 54:15.932 Coming up next is the Rinse Master, but just time to close our competition. 54:16.272 --> 54:18.794 And the winner of the tickets to OK Go is going to be Simon Cox. 54:18.834 --> 54:20.175 He sent us three emails. 54:20.895 --> 54:22.016 We visited his website. 54:22.876 --> 54:26.499 We may have ruined his morning, but to make up for it, you get the ticket, Simon. 54:26.959 --> 54:27.799 Yeah, congratulations. 54:27.819 --> 54:30.241 Let's have just one example of one of Simon's cop shows. 54:30.461 --> 54:36.586 Well, he came up with Cop on the Edge, the show about the hard-drinking policeman who loses his legs through gout and is carried around on the back of the U2 guitarist in a papoose. 54:37.127 --> 54:42.352 He also came up with the hospital public relations department drama called Spin Doctors. 54:42.372 --> 54:43.473 Spin Doctors is excellent. 54:43.553 --> 54:45.054 Is that enough to justify his prize? 54:45.074 --> 54:47.776 Yeah, Cop on the Edge and Spin Doctors, that's a couple of peaches there. 54:48.057 --> 54:52.561 And also a police internal drug abuse investigations department, and the series is called Speed Trap. 54:53.061 --> 54:53.481 Nice one. 54:53.862 --> 54:56.664 Thanks very much everyone who phoned in and emailed us. 54:56.985 --> 54:57.985 We really appreciate it. 54:58.226 --> 54:59.967 We'll be back with you next week at the same time. 54:59.987 --> 55:03.270 We're gonna leave you in the very capable hands of the Rinse Master James Hyman. 55:03.290 --> 55:06.093 This is Adam and Joe filling in for Ricky and Steve on XFM. 55:06.133 --> 55:06.373 See ya!