WEBVTT 00:07.885 --> 00:11.328 We've got jams and kicks and break a brat and smash the rat. 00:11.368 --> 00:14.130 There's also a chance to wonder mind society's rules. 00:14.270 --> 00:16.372 Boring all fools. 00:16.392 --> 00:17.673 Whoa-oh-oh-oh! 00:17.733 --> 00:25.078 Whoa-oh-oh-oh! 00:25.478 --> 00:28.881 Whoa-oh-oh-oh! 00:29.081 --> 00:32.624 Whoa-oh-oh-oh! 00:52.939 --> 00:57.001 Sometimes festival performances just come down to the basic melody don't they? 00:57.041 --> 00:59.723 What is the basic melody that you can get the audience to? 01:06.956 --> 01:07.876 That's one of the classics. 01:07.896 --> 01:13.881 That's one of the classics. 01:14.141 --> 01:15.162 Yeah, who's that Shed 7? 01:16.042 --> 01:17.303 No, that is Modern Romance. 01:17.343 --> 01:19.225 Modern Romance, not Shack Attack. 01:19.585 --> 01:20.706 Hey listeners, how you doing? 01:20.746 --> 01:21.667 It's Adam and Joe here. 01:21.708 --> 01:22.889 That was Coldplay. 01:22.909 --> 01:27.534 They were headlining the Pyramid Stage yesterday here at the Glastonbury Festival, which is where we are, 2011. 01:29.176 --> 01:35.463 Lucy is one of the lovely people that works on our show here and she is a massive Coldplay fan, aren't you Lucy? 01:35.803 --> 01:36.424 I am, yes. 01:36.964 --> 01:45.291 Now Lucy, we don't normally speak to other humans, except for very special occasions on this programme, so for goodness sake, don't mess this up, alright? 01:45.711 --> 01:47.853 This is your big chance, this is a massive chance for you. 01:47.893 --> 01:52.517 I know it's frightening to be on the radio, on this show as well, because we're intimidating presenters. 01:52.617 --> 01:53.218 Very intimidating. 01:53.638 --> 01:56.000 But just try your best to stay cool, don't get freaked out by buckles. 01:56.340 --> 01:58.101 Your breathing is already going a little weird there. 01:58.141 --> 02:01.982 Try and keep that under control because the listeners can hear fear and they don't like it. 02:02.603 --> 02:08.245 If they hear it, they get very angry and they start throwing the radio around and beating each other and we don't want to do that to them. 02:08.905 --> 02:12.647 So Coldplay, you had a lovely time watching them last night, right? 02:12.707 --> 02:13.207 Yeah, I did. 02:13.607 --> 02:15.288 I've loved them since the start. 02:16.569 --> 02:35.765 since parachutes was lots of people think that I think yeah and I've maintained that love for them over the years and I think some people maybe become a bit aware that they've become very big and a little I don't know have come a bit more commercial because you're someone with very Catholic taste musically you like all kinds of different stuff 02:35.845 --> 02:38.066 Traditional I'm a traditional sometimes. 02:38.146 --> 02:41.847 Yeah, but you're not your taste is not middle-of-the-road is what I'm trying to say Yeah, no. 02:41.907 --> 02:48.028 No, I'm a big 16 of C. Yeah So how does it feel do you get a little bit defensive when you're in an atmosphere? 02:48.308 --> 02:50.689 That is sometimes a little bit bitey for the mighty Coldplay. 02:50.829 --> 03:00.332 Yeah a little bit I am I was a little aware that going to see it was perhaps a little controversial in terms of my musical choices Yeah, but I wasn't 03:01.973 --> 03:08.457 I like that they're not controversial in any political way or important way. 03:08.897 --> 03:11.379 The massive controversy is just quality based. 03:11.639 --> 03:13.861 Often happens with bands when they become really popular. 03:13.941 --> 03:17.003 Some people just decide they're not like they used to be. 03:17.023 --> 03:17.543 It was weird. 03:17.583 --> 03:19.305 There was that feeling about you too as well. 03:19.325 --> 03:21.466 There was a feeling of that they had something to prove. 03:22.887 --> 03:36.178 Yeah it's almost as if per se by going on the pyramid stage if you're not a new band that's in the first throw of hugeness you've got somehow to defend yourself or to prove that you are still in touch with the people because Glastonbury's, I like to call it the people's festival. 03:36.438 --> 03:36.738 Do you? 03:36.758 --> 03:41.242 That's a very good... Yeah that's a new phrase just to put the word people in front of things. 03:41.582 --> 03:43.143 Sorry Lucy I was talking there. 03:43.163 --> 03:46.666 What were you saying? 03:48.186 --> 03:50.767 There was a little bit of apologising for him on stage actually. 03:50.887 --> 03:52.928 You were apologising for doing new stuff. 03:53.008 --> 03:53.828 It's the British way. 03:53.868 --> 03:55.328 In Britain you have to apologise. 03:55.368 --> 03:57.329 If you're successful you have to apologise. 03:57.349 --> 03:58.830 Do you know what I mean? 03:59.010 --> 04:01.030 It's wrong to stick your head over the parapet in Britain. 04:01.070 --> 04:02.751 Well because you want to have your cake and eat it don't you? 04:02.891 --> 04:09.733 You want to be massive but also say hey I'm still one of... I mean I personally would love to have my cake and... You like regurgitating your cake. 04:09.773 --> 04:10.594 And then eat it again. 04:10.614 --> 04:12.614 I like to eat it as many times as I possibly can. 04:12.634 --> 04:14.115 Like a multiple stomached cow. 04:14.835 --> 04:15.355 That's my thing. 04:15.516 --> 04:20.199 But I don't see Beyonce going up there and doing any apologising tonight for her various commercial endorsements. 04:20.219 --> 04:21.140 No, because she's not British. 04:21.200 --> 04:21.720 No, exactly. 04:21.760 --> 04:26.584 She's going to put on a great show, do her thing and everyone's going to adore her. 04:26.944 --> 04:28.025 Yeah, she was there. 04:28.505 --> 04:28.966 Was she there? 04:29.046 --> 04:29.526 Jumping around? 04:30.267 --> 04:32.188 Watching From the Wings with Jay-Z, I hear. 04:32.448 --> 04:33.389 I hear, yeah. 04:33.429 --> 04:34.590 He's probably fishing for samples. 04:34.930 --> 04:37.212 She was singing along to that one as well. 04:38.653 --> 04:39.373 Good work. 04:39.393 --> 04:40.935 Thanks Lucy, lovely to talk to you. 04:41.075 --> 04:41.515 And to you. 04:41.755 --> 04:42.576 Good morning listeners. 04:42.796 --> 04:43.356 Yeah, good morning. 04:43.376 --> 04:43.837 How are you doing? 04:43.857 --> 04:49.941 Now listen, we should stay on the squadron to attention for the very last time here at the festival, and indeed for myself and Joe for quite some time. 04:50.001 --> 04:51.362 So here's the squadron command. 04:52.803 --> 04:55.886 Black squadron! 04:56.026 --> 04:58.448 Always catch the beginning of the show. 04:58.928 --> 05:00.990 Black squadron don't want to miss a thing. 05:01.290 --> 05:02.251 That's not the way. 05:02.311 --> 05:03.672 Black squadron roll. 05:07.105 --> 05:15.533 Went to bed at a reasonable hour Gotta be sharp on Saturday morning That's the secret of the Squadron's power 05:18.376 --> 05:20.857 So this is the squadron's last command for a little while. 05:21.457 --> 05:22.177 Isn't that correct? 05:22.357 --> 05:23.157 Yeah, that's right. 05:23.237 --> 05:26.918 So squadron, you didn't really have a command at home yesterday. 05:27.058 --> 05:28.479 Some of them might have felt a bit left out. 05:28.539 --> 05:32.740 Might have done, but we were mobbed by live squadron members here at the festival. 05:32.780 --> 05:33.680 That was very enjoyable. 05:33.700 --> 05:36.141 And this is unusual to have a command on a Sunday morning. 05:36.401 --> 05:36.721 It is. 05:36.921 --> 05:39.542 Maybe sacrilegious for some squadron members. 05:39.622 --> 05:44.224 The Lord's Day, but we're not doing anything specifically Satan-based today, so you don't have to worry. 05:44.464 --> 05:44.704 No. 05:45.005 --> 05:55.109 And once again we should remind you, if you are by any chance a new listener, then the Black Squadron are the listenership who listen live in the first half hour of the show. 05:55.129 --> 05:56.490 They're dedicated in that way. 05:56.630 --> 06:00.996 very dedicated and none of this stuff appears in the podcast or in the podcast. 06:01.236 --> 06:07.364 Well you never know I mean sometimes it might creep a little bit in there but it's usually a secret society, it's usually a secret enclave. 06:07.484 --> 06:14.754 We're going to give you a give you a word or a couple of words they constitute the command then we'd ask you to take a photo of yourself interpreting 06:15.254 --> 06:39.755 those that word or those words and send it to 64046 by text or by email to adamandjoe.sixmusic at pbc.co.uk and by sending your image to us you implicitly give us permission to plaster it all over london on huge billboards yeah you may be you know maybe used to endorse all kinds of commercial products that perhaps you don't agree with new controversial government programs 06:39.935 --> 06:40.996 Yeah, that kind of thing. 06:41.176 --> 06:45.118 Also, you know, nuclear weapons testing, that sort of thing might be a big banner for that. 06:45.978 --> 06:47.599 So be prepared for all that. 06:48.580 --> 06:53.703 After Joe, Commander Cornish, issues the command, we will be playing you some music from Sleigh Bells. 06:54.503 --> 06:59.006 And I think it's time now for Cornballs to take over and talk to the squadron. 06:59.106 --> 06:59.306 It is. 06:59.346 --> 07:00.787 It's quite a broad command squadron. 07:00.987 --> 07:03.949 So be creative in the way you interpret it. 07:04.249 --> 07:07.831 But your command this morning is summer holiday. 07:11.417 --> 07:19.479 Crikey O'Reilly, some very loud sub-base has started vibrating our BBC portacab in here behind the pyramid stage at Glastonbury. 07:19.499 --> 07:20.419 It's a bit early, isn't it? 07:20.439 --> 07:20.679 It's 10.15. 07:20.819 --> 07:22.379 It's terribly early. 07:22.399 --> 07:24.840 10.15 on a Sunday morning, for goodness sake. 07:24.880 --> 07:26.320 Have you got the door open? 07:26.740 --> 07:27.861 Listen to that, listeners. 07:27.881 --> 07:29.601 The galley door's open now, isn't it? 07:29.921 --> 07:31.601 Will you keep it down? 07:31.982 --> 07:33.702 We're trying to do a payback! 07:35.230 --> 07:36.191 That was disgusting. 07:37.052 --> 07:41.315 I'm going to throw several copies of the mail on Sunday at their heads. 07:41.335 --> 07:42.356 See if that takes them out. 07:42.496 --> 07:43.978 Jam that into their jam boxes. 07:44.638 --> 07:45.339 But you know what? 07:45.459 --> 07:47.301 It's looking nice out there. 07:47.361 --> 07:51.364 I mean, I think Britain is being bathed in sunshine this morning. 07:51.384 --> 07:52.606 It's beautiful out there. 07:52.846 --> 07:53.166 It's beautiful. 07:53.166 --> 07:54.648 Oh my God, it's full of stars. 07:54.828 --> 07:55.629 It's so beautiful. 07:56.690 --> 07:58.192 And it's had a good effect on the mud. 07:58.252 --> 08:03.358 It's drying up and it looks very nice out there, even though it looks a little like a bombsy tit. 08:03.878 --> 08:05.240 That's an absolute bombsy tit. 08:05.861 --> 08:11.167 And the mud piles are giant and also the rubbish piles. 08:11.707 --> 08:13.890 We should say hi to all the rubbish guys out there. 08:14.110 --> 08:15.972 And I'm not just talking about the low-quality people. 08:16.393 --> 08:20.117 I'm just talking about the people who are clearing up the site constantly. 08:20.157 --> 08:21.658 You love the little guy, don't you, Ad? 08:21.799 --> 08:22.199 Absolutely. 08:22.239 --> 08:23.781 I feel like... I've noticed that about you. 08:23.801 --> 08:29.948 You're a big man, you're an important man, but yet you still stay in touch with the... No, carry on. 08:30.769 --> 08:31.950 ...with the little man. 08:32.270 --> 08:33.632 That's what I love about you. 08:33.732 --> 08:34.732 Big society little man. 08:36.373 --> 08:41.054 So I want to say hi to all the guys that really make this festival work. 08:41.094 --> 08:43.955 I'm not talking about Chris Martins and the answers. 08:44.015 --> 08:47.196 I'm talking about the guys out there on the roads. 08:47.616 --> 08:48.097 Your guys? 08:48.477 --> 08:52.118 Your guys in your jackets and you're keeping the roads safe. 08:52.138 --> 08:56.899 You're saying hi and making sure that people don't step in front of oncoming tour buses. 08:57.480 --> 09:00.861 You're going around collecting your litter and putting it in your recycling bags. 09:00.901 --> 09:01.421 Okay, shut up. 09:01.601 --> 09:03.302 Hey, I'm finished with the little guy. 09:03.322 --> 09:09.024 Thanks a lot, Black Squadron, for responding so brilliantly to our command of summer holiday. 09:09.465 --> 09:14.767 We're of course going off on a summer holiday, and it's sort of the official start of everyone's summer holidays very soon, isn't it? 09:15.067 --> 09:17.048 If it isn't, I've decided that it is. 09:17.108 --> 09:18.749 So it's time to get in the mood. 09:19.549 --> 09:26.173 We already have a fantastic photo here from Lalli in Northern Ireland. 09:26.733 --> 09:29.074 She has slathered her face in sun cream. 09:34.156 --> 09:37.921 and she's got a parasol and she's got heart-shaped sunglasses. 09:38.021 --> 09:38.642 Is it suncream? 09:38.682 --> 09:40.524 It might just be cottage cheese for all we know. 09:40.584 --> 09:43.287 I think it's probably splottage cheese. 09:44.749 --> 09:48.734 Here is a photo from Alec from Barrow who has just put a hat on. 09:48.994 --> 09:49.735 Alec, that's not good enough. 09:49.835 --> 09:50.935 He's got a child's sun hat. 09:50.955 --> 09:51.836 He's got a child's sun hat. 09:51.876 --> 09:53.816 I mean, it was fast but low quality. 09:53.856 --> 09:57.937 He looks like Van Morrison circa Astral Weeks on there. 09:58.077 --> 10:00.058 There is someone, who's this? 10:00.178 --> 10:01.038 Gill from Essex. 10:01.098 --> 10:03.299 Gill from Essex has just taken a photo of some shells. 10:03.339 --> 10:04.659 She's taken a picture of some shells. 10:04.679 --> 10:06.059 That's a good idea, that's a good idea. 10:06.380 --> 10:09.140 An anonymous lady has taken a photo of herself in mirrored shades. 10:09.981 --> 10:13.402 It's good, it's good, but it's not going to get you to the upper echelons of the squadron. 10:13.462 --> 10:14.662 But it's the holidays, isn't it? 10:14.682 --> 10:15.682 They're allowed to be a bit lazy. 10:15.702 --> 10:17.943 No one's allowed to do what they want around here. 10:18.983 --> 10:20.584 No, but keep them coming in. 10:21.085 --> 10:20.584 64046. 10:21.545 --> 10:25.627 You can submit your photos until the squadron is standed down. 10:25.667 --> 10:27.929 I've got a sunny free play for you right now, listeners. 10:28.569 --> 10:29.070 This is from 1969. 10:29.110 --> 10:31.451 That's the year that Dr. Buckles was born. 10:31.491 --> 10:32.192 Very important year. 10:32.212 --> 10:32.632 What a year. 10:32.752 --> 10:33.513 Yeah, amazing year. 10:34.173 --> 10:44.420 And nothing else really significant happened that year apart from the release of the album Mendocino or Mendocino by the Sir Douglas Quintet, Doug Sarm. 10:45.000 --> 10:47.762 You might know Doug Som, some of you groovers out there. 10:47.942 --> 10:49.404 He's fantastic. 10:49.784 --> 10:53.267 And this is called Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove Day. 10:55.325 --> 10:55.545 Thank you. 10:56.385 --> 10:57.266 That's the kills. 10:58.426 --> 11:01.887 They were playing on the other stage last night here at Glastonbury. 11:01.967 --> 11:12.051 Their latest album Blood Pressures was out in April and one of the people watching their performance yesterday was Kate Moss. 11:12.131 --> 11:15.432 She was standing there and the paparazzo... She was here last year. 11:15.472 --> 11:16.112 ...were going nuts. 11:16.152 --> 11:17.633 Ah yes, she's been here all year. 11:18.393 --> 11:19.513 Living nude in the forest. 11:20.153 --> 11:21.034 Just eating berries. 11:21.614 --> 11:23.214 Communicating with rabbits and birds. 11:23.254 --> 11:23.575 Making a... 11:24.855 --> 11:25.636 Yes. 11:26.096 --> 11:26.537 Like Nell. 11:26.717 --> 11:27.617 Like Nell, yeah. 11:27.698 --> 11:28.678 She lived in the tree. 11:29.019 --> 11:30.560 She brushes her teeth with twigs. 11:31.161 --> 11:32.682 She doesn't even do that anymore, does she? 11:32.882 --> 11:34.744 I heard that she brushes her teeth with twiggy. 11:34.844 --> 11:36.385 I think her teeth are twigs now. 11:36.725 --> 11:37.026 Really? 11:37.066 --> 11:39.908 Yeah, she had them replaced with little twig pegs. 11:39.968 --> 11:41.930 The only thing she can't find in the forest are fags. 11:42.470 --> 11:44.972 She has to venture out into the outside world. 11:45.012 --> 11:46.994 Well, she's got her own little tobacco crop. 11:47.955 --> 11:51.218 And she hand-whittles silk-cut packets. 11:52.158 --> 11:53.159 And does the designs. 11:53.259 --> 11:54.680 Oh, yeah and pops them in herself. 11:54.840 --> 12:09.387 She does the little warning and she just said shut up trees When the winds blowing too sharp stop saying that sharp She's very po but she's She's happy now because the festivals come around again and and she's out and I turn a bite. 12:09.687 --> 12:12.309 She's out and about she's wearing a little skirt made of petals and 12:13.349 --> 12:17.252 And she's having a super time, but the paparazzi were overexcited, snapping away at her. 12:18.172 --> 12:20.354 Yesterday, I saw a fellow. 12:20.734 --> 12:23.556 There's a sort of trough that connects the other stage. 12:23.856 --> 12:26.218 It's a long walk, I would say. 12:26.298 --> 12:27.819 How many, like 500 meters or something? 12:27.839 --> 12:29.340 A trough of actual pigs. 12:29.400 --> 12:32.382 Well, it's supposed to be a walkway, but it's turned into a pig's trough. 12:32.782 --> 12:34.243 It's just solid mud. 12:34.323 --> 12:35.624 It's a river of mud. 12:35.684 --> 12:37.526 Yeah, we both walked through it yesterday. 12:37.546 --> 12:39.847 And you have to go very slowly and really be careful. 12:39.887 --> 12:44.210 I had to go along the side and cling onto the fence for fear of falling in, because if you fell in, that would be it. 12:44.250 --> 12:45.491 It would be mudmageddon. 12:45.631 --> 12:50.454 Well, me and James, our producer, saw this... You'd be Glaston buried alive. 12:50.654 --> 12:51.375 Absolutely. 12:51.775 --> 12:55.298 We saw this guy, this big paparazzi guy, go right in. 12:55.878 --> 12:57.499 He just toppled right over and... 12:58.860 --> 13:01.442 His camera just went under the mud and it totally submerged. 13:01.462 --> 13:01.982 Yes, revenge. 13:02.902 --> 13:05.884 It was a shock though and you felt bad for him. 13:05.904 --> 13:07.225 Did he fall face first? 13:07.425 --> 13:08.346 No, on his side. 13:09.146 --> 13:10.287 But he went right in there. 13:10.327 --> 13:12.889 I went over to try and help him pour a bit of water on his camera. 13:13.329 --> 13:14.930 I would have poured a bit of scorn on his camera. 13:15.210 --> 13:16.651 Yeah, you would have done, wouldn't you? 13:17.051 --> 13:18.914 Have washed it down with a big bucket of scorn. 13:18.974 --> 13:20.235 He wasn't very grateful to me though. 13:20.255 --> 13:23.880 I must say like I expected him to be dark He's angry with the world. 13:23.940 --> 13:32.070 He was very angry suck the money out of it Listen, we should say thank you to black squadron who've done a pretty good job I mean, it's tough on a Sunday morning. 13:32.131 --> 13:35.435 So these are the real hardcore squadron is especially Rob. 13:35.455 --> 13:35.535 Oh 13:35.895 --> 13:44.397 who sent us a picture of himself with all the different sunglasses and goggles you need for a holiday, plus a hat all stacked up on each other. 13:44.657 --> 13:48.498 I think if there were a winner, it's non-competitive in the squadron, he would have won. 13:48.638 --> 13:50.779 Yeah, we need to stand down in the squadron before the news. 13:50.859 --> 13:51.599 Here's the jingle. 13:55.540 --> 13:57.620 Stand down, your work is done. 13:57.640 --> 14:03.062 You've earned yourself a nice warm bath and maybe a nice little bun. 14:04.542 --> 14:14.280 and don't forget you can see your pictures on the blog at our website bbc.co.uk forward slash blogs forward slash adam and joe and do keep them coming in it's 10 30 here on six music time for the news 14:16.030 --> 14:17.911 She's a little bit like the queen, isn't she, Bjork? 14:18.271 --> 14:18.651 Vocally. 14:19.092 --> 14:19.752 The indie queen. 14:20.592 --> 14:22.333 She's got a nice way of speaking as well. 14:23.033 --> 14:25.275 A little bit Icelandic and a little bit Cockney. 14:25.855 --> 14:27.436 Yeah, she's got a lovely way of speaking. 14:27.736 --> 14:31.358 Venus is a boy there from Bjork's album debut. 14:31.398 --> 14:33.659 You're listening to Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 14:33.679 --> 14:36.440 Don't know if you can tell the listeners, but I'm a little bit absolutely knackered. 14:36.460 --> 14:38.281 How are you feeling at the end of the festival? 14:38.581 --> 14:39.361 I'm feeling all right. 14:39.521 --> 14:40.201 Yeah, I'm feeling good. 14:40.241 --> 14:41.582 Got a few hours sleep last night. 14:42.402 --> 14:46.283 You know, obviously I was dancing in the mud until the small hours, but I'm okay. 14:46.683 --> 14:47.763 You were dancing in the mud. 14:47.843 --> 14:50.544 I mean, you're camping right there, right in the thick of it. 14:51.224 --> 14:52.625 I'm actually staying in a hotel. 14:52.885 --> 14:53.105 What? 14:53.305 --> 15:00.407 Yeah, I've been staying in a hotel in the nearby beautiful city of Wells, home of Hot Fuzz and Edgar Wright. 15:01.207 --> 15:04.448 Wells is the smallest city in the United Kingdom. 15:05.228 --> 15:08.711 because of its wonderful cathedral there. 15:09.552 --> 15:11.053 Oh right the cathedral makes it a city. 15:11.073 --> 15:22.183 That's right it entitles it to city status and my room in the hotel faced out onto the cathedral lovely view of the grounds and lovely view of the grounds and there's a beautiful 15:22.843 --> 15:25.226 Green patch, I think they call it a lawn. 15:25.646 --> 15:25.926 Yes. 15:26.327 --> 15:27.368 Grass, they call it. 15:27.648 --> 15:28.409 They call it grass. 15:28.909 --> 15:30.471 In front of the cathedral there. 15:31.292 --> 15:36.937 And last night I was absolutely delighted because there was a little gang of guys out there. 15:36.957 --> 15:37.718 Your skills. 15:37.878 --> 15:38.378 Having a boozer. 15:39.039 --> 15:49.009 They had some drinking pop and they were smoking old-fashioned New Orleans style cigarettes and they were having a super fun Saturday night. 15:49.029 --> 15:49.910 Were they locals do you think? 15:50.070 --> 15:52.732 I guess they must have been... What kind of age? 15:53.433 --> 15:55.135 I would say early 20s. 15:55.155 --> 15:56.416 That's a fun age. 15:56.616 --> 15:58.317 It's a great, fun, exuberant age. 16:26.756 --> 16:30.998 I woke up like a sort of human cockerel, but at the wrong time and without the roll. 16:34.060 --> 16:35.400 And he went on and on and on. 16:35.440 --> 16:37.421 So I woke up and I thought he's going to stop soon. 16:37.622 --> 16:38.082 He didn't stop. 16:38.262 --> 16:40.263 He went on and on and on. 16:40.323 --> 16:43.605 So then I thought, well, I'll just have to record a little bit to play on the show. 16:43.645 --> 16:44.585 So here he is in action. 16:57.168 --> 17:04.900 This is three in the morning, three in the morning. 17:10.430 --> 17:12.411 Is he reciting something? 17:12.831 --> 17:16.613 I think he was freestyling, sort of declaiming freestyle Shakespeare kind of thing. 17:16.633 --> 17:16.833 Right. 17:17.493 --> 17:17.993 Or something. 17:18.574 --> 17:22.115 Getting in the, you know, he was feeling the atmosphere of the place and getting in the mood. 17:22.135 --> 17:22.795 It really was. 17:22.855 --> 17:24.676 It's quite sophisticated Yobism. 17:24.696 --> 17:25.697 Yeah, it was, wasn't it? 17:25.737 --> 17:28.058 Sort of Shakespearean Yobism, period Yobism. 17:28.138 --> 17:28.938 Maybe it was a ghost. 17:29.418 --> 17:30.419 It was a ghost! 17:30.699 --> 17:31.339 A raucous ghost. 17:31.479 --> 17:31.919 That's what it was. 17:32.279 --> 17:33.780 It was a big raucous drunk ghost. 17:33.800 --> 17:35.081 Yeah, he could be right. 17:35.101 --> 17:36.041 The best type of ghost. 17:36.261 --> 17:39.262 It was very unusual though, because Wells is a quiet place. 17:39.282 --> 17:45.445 I mean, I guess that's why Edgar decided that it would be a good place to do hot fuzz, the idea of everyone shooting each other up in a place like that. 17:45.545 --> 17:46.345 In a peaceful place. 17:46.425 --> 17:47.565 Yeah. 17:47.605 --> 17:48.166 That's terrible. 17:48.186 --> 17:48.846 When did that stop? 17:49.606 --> 17:51.507 It stopped, I would say, around 3.30. 17:52.067 --> 17:54.488 Were you not tempted to go out and tell them to shut themselves up? 17:54.508 --> 17:55.448 Sure I was. 17:55.488 --> 17:56.189 I was waiting for it. 17:56.209 --> 17:57.189 He finally calmed down. 17:57.209 --> 18:01.691 It was one of those things where you key yourself up and you think, he goes on for five minutes more! 18:02.071 --> 18:07.156 I'm going down there in the totally nude and I'm gonna give him all kinds of pieces of my mind! 18:07.898 --> 18:09.019 But luckily, it never happened. 18:09.099 --> 18:09.879 No, it never happened. 18:09.919 --> 18:11.841 So, you know, then I went back to sleep. 18:12.081 --> 18:14.943 Well, you should have come and danced in the mud at Shangri-La. 18:15.783 --> 18:16.844 I had an amazing time. 18:17.604 --> 18:19.646 I was off my face on happiness. 18:20.366 --> 18:21.527 I was slip-sliding around. 18:21.847 --> 18:25.770 The consistency of slime on the dance floor meant I could do some amazing moves. 18:25.890 --> 18:26.090 Yeah. 18:26.170 --> 18:27.491 Tommy Ortt was DJing there last night. 18:27.611 --> 18:27.831 He was. 18:27.851 --> 18:28.812 Tom crashed the plane. 18:28.852 --> 18:30.453 We were having a Wiggles time. 18:30.593 --> 18:30.873 Yeah. 18:30.973 --> 18:34.696 Tom was playing all kind of obscure German electronica, and you were playing the Wiggles again. 18:34.756 --> 18:36.257 You in your hotel. 18:37.577 --> 18:39.178 You should have camped, you square. 18:40.579 --> 18:40.999 Joe didn't. 18:41.219 --> 18:41.859 Joe didn't. 18:41.899 --> 18:43.300 Joe didn't. 18:43.320 --> 18:44.361 Let's have some music. 18:44.401 --> 18:45.181 Let's have some music. 18:45.421 --> 18:47.282 Let's play music. 18:47.422 --> 18:53.885 A lot of controversy here in the studio after Adam's claim. 18:53.905 --> 18:54.946 What was your claim? 18:56.400 --> 18:59.061 Yeah, Wells was the smallest city in the UK. 18:59.501 --> 19:03.223 I mean, you should know by now not to try and... Do any facts. 19:03.303 --> 19:04.203 ...float any facts. 19:04.243 --> 19:04.723 No, no, no. 19:05.043 --> 19:07.704 Your fact boats are not seaworthy. 19:07.764 --> 19:11.526 They are absolutely... Neither of our... I mean, both of us were hopeless with facts. 19:11.546 --> 19:14.427 My fact boats are like rustic drugs. 19:15.007 --> 19:17.268 That was Battles, by the way, listeners, that you just heard. 19:17.288 --> 19:20.469 They were playing yesterday in the John Peel tent. 19:20.489 --> 19:22.050 That was a track called Sun Dome. 19:22.650 --> 19:24.371 And, yeah, a couple of messages... Did you see, is that true? 19:24.871 --> 19:25.691 Is any of that true? 19:25.731 --> 19:26.251 I don't know. 19:26.271 --> 19:27.812 I think that's rubbish. 19:27.912 --> 19:29.992 Maybe he's got wobble pants. 19:30.292 --> 19:31.212 I've no idea. 19:31.293 --> 19:32.213 Maybe it was battles. 19:32.493 --> 19:37.394 Maybe it was just some children who'd found some instruments and started stumbling around the stage. 19:37.774 --> 19:39.394 It's impossible to tell anymore. 19:40.154 --> 19:41.295 Yeah, thanks, Stanley. 19:41.315 --> 19:42.775 We've got a message here. 19:42.815 --> 19:46.536 Look, it says, Wells is the smallest city in England, not the UK. 19:46.576 --> 19:49.296 That honor belongs to the Welsh city of St. 19:49.336 --> 19:49.697 David's. 19:49.857 --> 19:51.397 Lots of love, Stanley, aged six. 19:53.576 --> 19:54.918 Sussed by a six-year-old. 19:54.979 --> 19:55.620 In Bristol. 19:56.721 --> 19:58.604 Another message is it's just anonymous and blunt. 19:58.805 --> 20:01.028 St David's in Wales is the smallest city, not Wells. 20:01.990 --> 20:02.932 And I think at the end it's got a... 20:04.890 --> 20:05.991 Thanks very much for that. 20:06.631 --> 20:08.092 OK, so listen, listeners. 20:08.132 --> 20:12.814 Yesterday, me and lovely Lucy went, what can I say, yomping? 20:13.014 --> 20:14.154 Yeah, you can say yomping. 20:14.194 --> 20:15.855 It's more like slumping, isn't it? 20:15.875 --> 20:20.757 Slumping around the sight, around the Glastonbury site, and collected some mystery sounds. 20:20.977 --> 20:23.278 OK, this is a fun game, a fun kind of radio game. 20:23.298 --> 20:24.619 Do you like fun, Adam? 20:25.479 --> 20:26.520 I know the listeners like fun. 20:26.540 --> 20:27.380 I don't need to ask them. 20:27.400 --> 20:28.421 Do you like fun? 20:28.441 --> 20:29.681 I feel as if I'm growing out of it. 20:29.701 --> 20:30.301 Growing out of it. 20:30.321 --> 20:32.743 Well, see if you can remember about fun. 20:34.023 --> 20:35.663 and claw some of it back. 20:35.863 --> 20:39.524 Because it's time to play a fun game of Mystery Glastonbury Sounds. 20:40.464 --> 20:42.025 Are you ready, Producer James? 20:42.565 --> 20:43.585 Here, I'm gonna play you a sound. 20:44.085 --> 20:46.766 Adam, Count Buckles, Buxton, and listeners, you can join in as well. 20:47.266 --> 20:49.046 You have to tell me what you think the sound is. 20:49.086 --> 20:50.006 It's as simple as that. 20:50.366 --> 20:54.707 And are these typical sounds from the festival, or are they very odd sounds that you've gone out? 20:54.727 --> 20:56.068 They're very typical sounds. 20:56.928 --> 20:58.048 Very, very typical. 20:58.508 --> 21:01.949 Here is Sound Mystery Glastonbury Sound number one. 21:08.166 --> 21:30.521 what's that sound tell me what's happening what's that sound is that uh is that someone inflating their codpiece uh that is not with the small members of cameo no and that is not that is not bonio from you two trying to pump up his ancient butox to give them some useful useful um yeah bubble bubble is justness there it is again 21:31.201 --> 21:31.942 What's that sound? 21:31.962 --> 21:33.043 Tell me what's happening. 21:33.143 --> 21:33.963 What's that sound? 21:34.003 --> 21:34.303 Tell me. 21:34.564 --> 21:36.725 Now this, that sound is commonly heard all over the site. 21:37.326 --> 21:45.532 Is it someone trying to extract their boots from a mud clump and the air sucking that goes on there? 21:45.572 --> 21:47.593 No, no, no, no, no, no. 21:47.833 --> 21:48.634 Can I have one more listen? 21:48.834 --> 21:49.054 Sure. 21:49.094 --> 21:50.596 This is going to take a while though because we do have five. 21:57.264 --> 21:58.304 It sounds like a bicycle pump. 21:58.484 --> 21:59.185 Hand sanitiser. 21:59.325 --> 22:00.185 Hand sanitiser. 22:00.225 --> 22:01.026 Hand sanitiser. 22:01.326 --> 22:01.906 Hand sanitiser. 22:01.946 --> 22:03.167 It's all over the site. 22:03.347 --> 22:04.908 I absolutely love hand sanitiser. 22:04.928 --> 22:06.949 You do use it all the time, yet you don't recognise the sound. 22:06.969 --> 22:07.930 What does that say about you? 22:07.950 --> 22:09.191 I don't know. 22:09.351 --> 22:10.031 Absolutely nothing. 22:10.051 --> 22:10.671 I'm very shallow. 22:11.092 --> 22:11.712 OK, number two. 22:11.752 --> 22:12.252 Sound number two. 22:12.272 --> 22:13.793 Ready for sound number two, bucculis? 22:13.833 --> 22:13.993 Yeah. 22:14.193 --> 22:15.094 So no points so far. 22:15.134 --> 22:16.715 Here is Glastonbury sound number two. 22:17.455 --> 22:18.776 Make sure you screw it on properly. 22:18.856 --> 22:20.677 Make sure it's tight, nice and tight. 22:20.697 --> 22:22.558 Do you want another event like Glastonbury 2008? 22:27.928 --> 22:28.528 What is that? 22:28.628 --> 22:29.549 What is that sound? 22:31.309 --> 22:36.851 Is that the sexual health counsellor down in the healing field? 22:37.871 --> 22:38.771 After that pregnancy? 22:39.031 --> 22:41.072 Yeah, can we have one more listen? 22:41.972 --> 22:47.094 Make sure you screw it on properly, make sure it's tight, nice and tight, doing another event like Graspy 2008. 22:49.483 --> 23:11.954 that's the key sound the snapping the plastic snap at the end oh i know what that is that's it that's one of the um the great guys in their uh vis jackets putting the band that your entry band no no no no no no no no no wrong wrong wrong wrong what is it then wrong wrong wrong you're delighted that is one of the poo pipe men 23:12.654 --> 23:13.955 The poo pipe men. 23:14.015 --> 23:18.677 That go around with the big trucks and they suck all the stuff out of their bogs. 23:19.017 --> 23:19.157 Right. 23:19.397 --> 23:21.858 And they put them in their lorries and take it away to bog land. 23:22.238 --> 23:23.359 Petey and Paul poo pipe. 23:23.479 --> 23:24.859 Petey and Paul poo pipe. 23:25.240 --> 23:31.422 And of course the great incident in 2008 was when they connected it up wrong and sprayed it all over everybody. 23:32.223 --> 23:33.463 Oh, did that really happen? 23:33.503 --> 23:34.123 It really happened. 23:34.163 --> 23:35.424 Possibly not in 2008. 23:35.664 --> 23:36.545 Like father Ted. 23:36.605 --> 23:37.285 We guessed that. 23:37.825 --> 23:38.426 Oh my goodness. 23:38.446 --> 23:38.826 There we go. 23:38.966 --> 23:40.027 Okay, so two down. 23:40.047 --> 23:41.247 Not doing very well, Count Bucky Lees. 23:41.287 --> 23:41.528 No. 23:42.328 --> 23:43.449 You shouldn't sleep in the hotel. 23:43.489 --> 23:45.170 You should try and see the festival a bit more. 23:45.210 --> 23:45.850 Can I just... Like me. 23:45.870 --> 23:46.391 Here we go. 23:47.071 --> 23:49.613 Can I just say that I'm rediscovering fun? 23:50.153 --> 23:50.974 You are, aren't you? 23:51.034 --> 23:51.274 This is fun! 23:51.294 --> 23:52.635 This is what it's like to be young! 23:52.915 --> 23:53.355 Number three. 23:53.455 --> 23:54.036 Okay, here we go. 23:54.076 --> 23:54.836 What is this sound? 23:54.876 --> 23:55.436 Sound number three. 23:55.917 --> 23:56.537 Mummy! 23:56.617 --> 23:57.098 Daddy! 23:57.178 --> 23:59.499 Wu-Tang Clan weren't rude enough for me! 23:59.619 --> 24:01.160 I want my money back! 24:01.500 --> 24:03.722 Why didn't they swear more? 24:05.700 --> 24:20.089 That is the sound of a nice middle-class person's young child, who they've dragged along to the festival to instil naughtiness into the child, and the child is absolutely up in arms because everything's a little bit sanitized. 24:20.169 --> 24:20.629 That's correct. 24:20.649 --> 24:26.153 The child was disappointed of not enough swearing and crudity during the Wu-Tang set. 24:26.233 --> 24:26.613 Yeah. 24:26.773 --> 24:27.253 Wu-Tang. 24:28.054 --> 24:29.375 Were you similarly disappointed? 24:29.735 --> 24:30.956 I was very disappointed, yeah. 24:31.096 --> 24:32.457 I watched it on telly in the hotel. 24:33.857 --> 24:36.619 And they dipped the, they dipped the swearing down. 24:36.939 --> 24:38.840 But that was a young chap called Zeke. 24:39.180 --> 24:40.120 So I got one right, yes! 24:40.140 --> 24:41.021 Yeah, you did get one right. 24:41.101 --> 24:43.502 Zeke is the brother of Eden and Wilf. 24:44.002 --> 24:46.263 And they were a very nice family we met. 24:46.743 --> 24:47.644 They were lovely, weren't they? 24:47.784 --> 24:49.185 So a big shout out to them. 24:49.665 --> 24:52.086 And yeah, that was Zeke getting annoyed about the lack of swearing. 24:52.126 --> 24:53.607 Kids like a lot of heavy swearing. 24:53.787 --> 24:55.548 I mean, they're in new order to that sort of thing now. 24:55.608 --> 24:58.529 So you really need to lay it on thick to shock a child. 24:58.949 --> 25:00.650 But the thing is- Shock a child, shock a child. 25:01.050 --> 25:02.111 Shock a child, shock a child. 25:05.373 --> 25:08.055 The thing is that they like a certain type of swearing, don't they? 25:08.095 --> 25:12.298 I mean, a child's favourite swearing is something poo-based, anything with the word poo in it. 25:12.438 --> 25:15.200 Poo head, poo pants, poo face, that kind of thing. 25:15.780 --> 25:21.004 So if the Wu Tang, and the Wu Tang would be allowed to say that stuff, if they incorporated some poo head stuff. 25:21.024 --> 25:22.725 They don't like that kind of thing, the Wu Tang. 25:22.805 --> 25:23.726 It's too lavatorial. 25:24.006 --> 25:27.869 Okay, number four, you've got, should we split this into two bits or is everyone enjoying this? 25:28.569 --> 25:29.530 Let's carry on, says James. 25:29.590 --> 25:31.111 Okay, number four, what is this sound? 25:35.595 --> 25:37.576 Whoa, you got some really good mystery sounds. 25:37.636 --> 25:38.217 Thanks, dude. 25:38.377 --> 25:38.717 What is it? 25:38.757 --> 25:39.177 Play it again. 25:43.199 --> 25:45.061 Is that a vuvuzela sleeping? 25:46.321 --> 25:46.721 Snoring. 25:46.922 --> 25:47.262 Yeah. 25:47.702 --> 25:49.043 A vuvuzela in deep sleep. 25:49.423 --> 26:00.409 Or is it the sound of a big fat gentleman lying in a bath of mud having a doze, but... Someone stuck a kazoo up his... Yes, exactly. 26:00.429 --> 26:00.950 There he is. 26:01.050 --> 26:01.370 Right. 26:03.735 --> 26:03.955 No. 26:04.436 --> 26:04.636 What? 26:04.816 --> 26:06.237 I mean, it's tricky this one. 26:06.277 --> 26:06.857 You could get it. 26:08.779 --> 26:10.760 Something about a water bottle, maybe? 26:10.860 --> 26:12.001 No, we're going to put you out of your misery. 26:12.021 --> 26:16.944 That is Ed from The Friendly Fires making an owl noise through his hands. 26:17.144 --> 26:18.725 How was I supposed to get that? 26:18.765 --> 26:21.267 Because you love The Friendly Fires and you're mates with Ed. 26:21.287 --> 26:22.188 I didn't know he... 26:23.084 --> 26:23.925 Ed loves the show. 26:23.965 --> 26:24.805 We ran into Ed. 26:24.865 --> 26:25.946 He's a big fan of the show. 26:25.966 --> 26:26.766 I don't know. 26:26.786 --> 26:29.208 He says the podcasts have helped him through some tough times. 26:29.328 --> 26:30.048 Oh, thanks, Ed. 26:30.328 --> 26:33.470 And he made that amazing bird noise, didn't he, Lucy? 26:33.790 --> 26:36.712 I didn't know Ed could do the bird noises. 26:37.653 --> 26:38.773 You have got one out of four. 26:38.813 --> 26:41.515 Here is your last chance to claw back some integrity. 26:41.535 --> 26:41.775 All right. 26:42.035 --> 26:42.635 What is this sound? 26:43.436 --> 26:43.536 Oh. 26:44.657 --> 26:44.837 Oh. 26:47.979 --> 26:48.119 Oh. 26:50.120 --> 26:50.320 Wow. 26:54.531 --> 26:56.232 Is that Pierce Bronnholm having a wee wee? 26:57.853 --> 26:59.675 An incredibly powerful taffing wee. 26:59.935 --> 27:00.856 I know exactly what that is. 27:00.896 --> 27:01.876 Like a high pressure hose. 27:01.916 --> 27:04.298 That's Dr. Sexy in a big sexy shower. 27:04.678 --> 27:05.559 Yeah. 27:05.619 --> 27:06.940 In one of those showers in a bag. 27:07.641 --> 27:07.741 Oh. 27:08.942 --> 27:09.022 Oh. 27:13.765 --> 27:21.232 You know what that's that's what it'll sound like when I take my because one of the nice things about being a festival is going home Sure and taking having an amazing shower. 27:21.312 --> 27:23.674 Yeah that first shower that cleans you right off. 27:23.754 --> 27:24.235 Absolutely. 27:24.295 --> 27:34.364 It's it's lovely But that was actually the sound of me Washing the very heavy claggy mud off my boots, which you're not supposed to do because it's a waste of water But I done it anyway 27:35.896 --> 27:37.918 Because you're too big for your boots, that's your thing. 27:38.239 --> 27:38.659 Thanks, man. 27:38.679 --> 27:39.521 That was a fun game. 27:39.761 --> 27:40.182 Thanks, mate. 27:40.202 --> 27:43.366 And thanks, Lucy, for going out there and probably doing most of the work. 27:43.626 --> 27:44.788 Hey, that's not true. 27:45.249 --> 27:46.110 Here's Tame Impala. 27:46.130 --> 27:47.912 They were live yesterday on the park stage. 27:47.972 --> 27:48.273 Enjoy. 27:49.707 --> 27:52.050 That was Elbow, Neat Little Rose. 27:52.090 --> 27:53.171 Was that recorded yesterday? 27:53.231 --> 28:01.842 Yeah, recorded yesterday on the Pyramid stage and I watched their set and you know, I haven't really registered Elbow fully. 28:01.902 --> 28:05.587 I've read a lot about them but never really, you know, focused on them properly. 28:05.647 --> 28:08.530 I had a bit of a agave epiphany watching them. 28:09.051 --> 28:09.851 He was amazing. 28:09.911 --> 28:11.192 He was brilliant with the crowd. 28:11.572 --> 28:16.735 Sure everyone's heard of his reverse Mexican wave thing he did, but the music was brilliant. 28:17.215 --> 28:21.057 I thought it's, I was saying to you this morning, it reminded me a bit of Thomas Dolby's stuff. 28:21.217 --> 28:22.357 There's no higher praise. 28:22.377 --> 28:25.579 A cross between Dolby and Elvis Costello or something. 28:26.760 --> 28:30.863 It was like amazing Dolby stuff, but done with different instrumentation. 28:31.264 --> 28:32.725 Elvis Costello and Dolby stereo. 28:33.005 --> 28:33.285 Yeah. 28:33.425 --> 28:34.066 It was amazing. 28:34.106 --> 28:34.706 It was brilliant. 28:34.847 --> 28:36.788 That's a nice slot as well to have. 28:36.828 --> 28:38.890 That's one of the magical ones. 28:38.970 --> 28:39.110 Yeah. 28:39.130 --> 28:39.731 Magical slots. 28:40.031 --> 28:44.174 And it's the support slot as the sun is going down, if it's a sunny day, of course. 28:44.775 --> 28:53.943 And then the big surprise yesterday, well, it wasn't that much of a surprise because it was announced in the Sun newspaper, was Pulp playing on the park stage. 28:54.503 --> 29:02.832 Six Music's very own Jarvis Cocker going out there and wowing the crowd, apparently chatting between songs and handing out sweets and things like that. 29:03.012 --> 29:04.453 Six Music are doing well, aren't they? 29:04.534 --> 29:11.040 All they need is Bouncy and Chris Martin and Bonio, and we would have all the major acts DJing. 29:11.781 --> 29:12.922 Yes, that's true, isn't it? 29:13.382 --> 29:14.482 Get Thom Yorke as well. 29:14.703 --> 29:15.303 Let's get him. 29:15.603 --> 29:20.586 Who would be the best DJ out of Bonio, Martin or Beyonce? 29:21.026 --> 29:23.607 Hmm, I think Beyonce would be pretty good. 29:24.247 --> 29:25.328 Yeah, I think she would too. 29:27.069 --> 29:28.930 Bonio would chew your ear off a little bit too much. 29:28.990 --> 29:30.651 Martin would just be apologising all the time. 29:31.851 --> 29:33.952 Listen, would you like a couple of travelling tales? 29:33.992 --> 29:34.253 Yes. 29:34.273 --> 29:34.893 Here's the jingle. 29:37.054 --> 30:01.467 Well, we're gonna be getting on the train in a while like many other festival goers and heading back to our straight lives Yeah, and boring boring, but here is a tale right now about train travel from Liam and Oh, no, I'm sorry. 30:01.507 --> 30:02.448 I got the wrong one there. 30:02.468 --> 30:02.508 No 30:02.788 --> 30:04.009 No disrespect, Liam. 30:05.189 --> 30:09.051 Your story was amazing, but I'm going to save it for another time. 30:10.172 --> 30:15.754 This is from Serge of Midsommar, where all the murders happened. 30:16.214 --> 30:17.075 He says, hello, boys. 30:17.475 --> 30:24.818 I was listening to the lamentable tale of the young lady who felt she was overly chastised for putting up her feet on the seats of the Metropolitan line. 30:25.179 --> 30:26.039 And we told that the other day. 30:26.059 --> 30:27.340 It was a message from a young lady who, 30:28.140 --> 30:31.961 Well, she expected us to support her for her right to put her feet on the seats. 30:31.981 --> 30:33.281 But unfortunately, we went the other way. 30:33.321 --> 30:34.781 We're not supporters of feet on seats. 30:34.801 --> 30:35.502 No, we're not. 30:35.542 --> 30:40.843 I mean, she was contrite, but she felt that she'd been overly chastised for having the feet on the seats. 30:41.683 --> 30:46.744 Anyway, Serge says, well, maybe she should count herself lucky that the following didn't happen to her. 30:46.984 --> 30:53.846 One summer's evening after work, I was on my way up to town from Uxbridge and was sharing the carriage with some young lads. 30:55.226 --> 31:08.629 young lads, eh, who seemed like madmen, uh, sorry, who seemed like madam, rather, from a few weeks ago, to think that the clearly positioned sign requesting that people keep their feet off the seats did not apply to them. 31:09.209 --> 31:17.751 As the train arrived at Rainers Lane, I was being very British about containing my seething rage when a rather fidgety older gentleman boarded the train. 31:17.911 --> 31:22.412 I could see the cold sweat crossing his face as he blurted out to the boys that they should 31:23.072 --> 31:24.736 Keep your feet off the seats! 31:24.816 --> 31:25.478 Keep them off! 31:26.440 --> 31:29.046 The boys laughed and shrugged, but the man persisted. 31:29.267 --> 31:30.269 There's a sign! 31:30.510 --> 31:32.594 Keep your feet off the seats! 31:33.100 --> 31:35.082 The boys ignored him and carried on chatting. 31:35.482 --> 31:41.907 The train made to depart when the man stumbled across the carriage and pulled the emergency cord. 31:42.287 --> 31:47.171 The train juddered to a halt and the boys went silent, peering incredulously at each other. 31:47.511 --> 31:54.056 Several minutes later, the driver had made his way to the end of the carriage where he inquired as to what had transpired. 31:54.336 --> 31:56.318 Both parties appeared unrepentant. 31:56.338 --> 32:02.382 The driver, a reasonable man, to all intents and purpi, brackets plural of purposes, says Serge. 32:03.503 --> 32:10.746 He took the view that the man's actions were entirely disproportionate, given the circumstances, advising that the man had disrupted the network. 32:11.006 --> 32:11.947 Fair enough, I thought. 32:12.347 --> 32:22.891 What I did find a little difficult to comprehend, though, was the fact that the driver stood his ground and refused to return to his cab and pilot the train until the man had apologized to the boys. 32:23.012 --> 32:23.352 No. 32:23.552 --> 32:23.832 Yeah. 32:24.312 --> 32:25.053 Good driver. 32:25.313 --> 32:25.873 You reckon? 32:26.153 --> 32:30.336 Well, I like him, you know, whether you think he was right or wrong, he's taking a firm stance. 32:30.756 --> 32:38.321 I think tell the old chap off for pulling the emergency cord, but you don't get him to apologise to the hoolies with their feet on the seats. 32:39.141 --> 32:40.242 That's too much, isn't it? 32:40.262 --> 32:44.225 I don't know, I'm getting weird sympathy with the lads here. 32:44.245 --> 32:44.505 Are you? 32:44.965 --> 32:45.265 Yeah. 32:45.285 --> 32:46.806 I think I know the guy. 32:46.826 --> 32:47.567 Do his voice again? 32:48.308 --> 32:50.029 Get your feet off your knees! 32:50.089 --> 32:51.250 Yeah, I know that guy. 32:51.290 --> 32:51.570 Really? 32:51.851 --> 32:53.152 Yeah, that's Grandpa Weird. 32:54.913 --> 32:57.034 He's cool because he's known locally as Grandpa Weird. 32:57.154 --> 32:58.075 He's always pulling the emergency call. 32:58.095 --> 33:01.097 Isn't there a thing in that email that he's got lots of plastic bags full of weird stuff? 33:01.718 --> 33:02.258 P.S. 33:02.558 --> 33:04.760 He has lots of plastic bags full of weird stuff. 33:04.800 --> 33:06.481 He's known as Grandpa Weird. 33:06.501 --> 33:07.722 He's a kind of trampy chap. 33:08.202 --> 33:09.523 You know what I think he's known as? 33:09.683 --> 33:09.864 What? 33:10.104 --> 33:10.964 Count Buckules. 33:11.525 --> 33:12.866 He's not Count Buckules. 33:13.226 --> 33:14.287 He's smartly dressed. 33:14.967 --> 33:17.129 You sure he didn't have a big backpack and a bicycle and a beard? 33:19.417 --> 33:19.757 There we go. 33:19.777 --> 33:20.478 That's the noise. 33:20.498 --> 33:22.480 That's the noise he makes. 33:22.760 --> 33:23.721 Well, I'm divided about that. 33:23.741 --> 33:24.902 I'm not sure whose side to be on. 33:25.222 --> 33:25.542 Yeah. 33:25.722 --> 33:29.646 But you don't go pulling no emergency cord unless it's, you know, feet on seats is not an emergency. 33:29.666 --> 33:30.847 Feet on seats is not really an emergency, is it? 33:30.867 --> 33:31.427 That's very irresponsible. 33:31.467 --> 33:33.089 He should have had the fine imposed. 33:33.149 --> 33:37.492 But the Utes, man, they would have been out of control with Joy after that result, wouldn't you think? 33:37.833 --> 33:39.214 You think it's a blow for some version? 33:39.234 --> 33:40.035 They would be crowing. 33:40.615 --> 33:42.218 Poor old grandpa weird. 33:42.518 --> 33:43.239 I'm on his side. 33:43.259 --> 33:43.860 What a story. 33:44.201 --> 33:45.523 It's a morally ambiguous story. 33:45.563 --> 33:45.984 Hey-ho. 33:46.284 --> 33:47.026 Well, that's enough. 33:47.046 --> 33:48.047 That's a good noise though, isn't it? 33:48.448 --> 33:48.768 Hey, what? 33:49.149 --> 33:49.469 Hey-ho. 33:49.490 --> 33:49.650 Hey-ho. 33:49.690 --> 33:49.850 Hey-ho. 33:49.930 --> 33:52.294 It's because I've been- Yeah, that's the last thing you'll say before you die. 33:55.261 --> 33:55.802 Ahhh, hey ho! 33:55.822 --> 33:56.162 Hey ho! 33:58.804 --> 34:00.065 That'll be it, Bucky Lee's out. 34:00.525 --> 34:04.708 Sorry, I think it's hey ho came from the fact that I've been listening to the Fisherman's Friends out there, they're on the pyramid stage. 34:04.748 --> 34:06.890 Yeah, they were singing hey ho and up she rises. 34:06.910 --> 34:07.350 That's right! 34:07.370 --> 34:09.371 What shall we do with a drunken sailor? 34:09.411 --> 34:10.632 What shall we do with a drunken? 34:10.912 --> 34:14.034 All the people out there in the crowd with scurvy and trench foot are all singing along. 34:15.435 --> 34:15.996 They love it. 34:16.056 --> 34:17.377 Eating their ship's biscuits. 34:17.737 --> 34:21.802 Now let's play some more music, some live music that was recorded yesterday. 34:21.902 --> 34:24.444 And this is a man who's so hot right now. 34:24.745 --> 34:26.867 And he drew a massive crowd to the park stage. 34:27.167 --> 34:28.509 I'm talking about James Blake. 34:28.789 --> 34:29.230 Here he is. 34:29.250 --> 34:32.753 Thank you so much. 34:33.860 --> 34:35.161 Thanks very much, everybody. 34:35.201 --> 34:36.162 Thank you so much. 34:36.462 --> 34:38.463 Thank you very much indeed, everyone, for coming. 34:38.643 --> 34:39.264 It was really fun. 34:39.284 --> 34:39.924 I had a great time. 34:39.944 --> 34:40.685 I hope you did, too. 34:40.705 --> 34:45.448 Don't forget, there's a puppet show at 3 o'clock. 34:45.948 --> 34:49.471 And also, they're lovely cakes baked by a woman called Daisy. 34:49.491 --> 34:50.011 Bye-bye. 34:50.451 --> 34:52.293 And I'm going to play Smash the Rat now. 34:52.473 --> 34:55.375 The only problem is someone's taken the rat. 34:55.875 --> 34:57.876 So can you pop it back, please, in the show? 34:57.896 --> 34:59.357 Because always, no one can play Smash the Rat. 34:59.798 --> 35:01.899 And that would be great if you could do that. 35:01.939 --> 35:02.380 Thanks a lot. 35:06.562 --> 35:07.302 What's going on? 35:07.322 --> 35:11.845 Hey, this is Adam and Joel on BBC6 Music broadcasting to you live from Glastonbury. 35:11.865 --> 35:13.466 We're here till 1pm. 35:13.806 --> 35:21.591 Now yesterday morning we had a fantastically uplifting encounter with Glasto Squadron, the Glastomberi segment of our Black Squadron listening force. 35:22.251 --> 35:25.493 We went to meet them at about 10am at the top of the show. 35:25.533 --> 35:27.474 You can hear it in yesterday's podcast. 35:27.975 --> 35:29.476 But a funny thing happened to me. 35:30.516 --> 35:31.797 Adam's just going to close the door there. 35:31.817 --> 35:34.458 We opened the door, but the fisherman's friends are getting out of control. 35:34.478 --> 35:35.418 They're getting a bit leery. 35:35.438 --> 35:36.779 Going to have to close that door. 35:37.219 --> 35:43.022 So as I was walking out of the BBC compound towards the gate, there was a fantastic sort of clutch of squadron members. 35:43.082 --> 35:43.222 Yeah. 35:43.422 --> 35:47.764 And I waved at them, and they all sort of cheered and applauded, which was very nice indeed. 35:48.105 --> 35:55.428 But between me and them, there was a man, a ruddy, rotund, jolly-faced man with his family, four little children with their faces painted. 35:55.748 --> 35:59.070 They'd somehow got into the BBC enclosure, and they were waiting there with an auto 35:59.190 --> 36:08.818 and they saw the squadron cheering and he saw me coming, saw that they were cheering at me and he said, hello mate, hello mate, oh I love you, you're brilliant, I'm such a big fan. 36:08.838 --> 36:19.748 I thought, oh that's really nice and he got an autograph book and he got me to sign, he had some pretty big autographs in there and he was saying, oh you're brilliant, I love you, we were really hoping to meet you, I love your stuff. 36:19.768 --> 36:21.590 A little voice in the back of my head going, 36:22.250 --> 36:39.049 doesn't look like a typical six music listener doesn't look like it you know but i don't want to be in any way you know prejudiced i don't have any particular you know want to presume yeah yeah yeah so i signed his autograph book and while i was signing the book he said oh i just bought your new album last week it's great 36:40.811 --> 36:43.032 I thought, hmm, someone's volume two? 36:43.572 --> 36:44.732 Maybe he's bought that? 36:46.372 --> 36:49.873 Well, there's a small chance, but basically it dawned on me. 36:49.953 --> 36:55.415 He had no idea who I was and he was just fishing for fun autographs. 36:55.855 --> 37:01.056 But it didn't, I'd realized that, I think he'd realized by that point because he'd seen my autograph. 37:01.676 --> 37:03.117 Joe Cornish? 37:03.177 --> 37:03.437 Who? 37:04.058 --> 37:04.898 What? 37:04.918 --> 37:06.500 But we still went through with the charade. 37:06.540 --> 37:07.180 I crouched down. 37:07.220 --> 37:11.063 I had my photo taken with his kids grinning. 37:11.083 --> 37:12.604 I said, bye bye. 37:12.664 --> 37:13.264 Great to see you. 37:13.284 --> 37:14.245 Have a brilliant festival. 37:17.839 --> 37:18.639 It was strange. 37:18.719 --> 37:19.600 See you, Jaycorn. 37:19.840 --> 37:24.822 You should have started... He certainly didn't say, see you, Jaycorn, because my signature was illegible. 37:24.862 --> 37:26.043 He didn't know who I was. 37:26.703 --> 37:28.344 He was just crazy autograph fishing. 37:28.644 --> 37:28.944 Wow. 37:28.964 --> 37:32.606 It would be good if he'd said, will you sing your new song for the kitty? 37:32.626 --> 37:34.867 And you could have just freestyled something. 37:35.047 --> 37:35.968 Yeah, a bit of Coldplay. 37:36.068 --> 37:38.649 Do you think I should have told him who I wasn't? 37:41.030 --> 37:43.992 I think it's better to... Just to carry on with the charade. 37:44.372 --> 37:44.732 Yeah. 37:45.160 --> 37:47.922 Yeah. 37:47.982 --> 37:49.103 I felt a bit hollow though. 37:49.563 --> 37:53.406 Yeah because no member of that family would have had a truly rewarding experience would they? 37:53.466 --> 38:01.632 I just flash forward to Antiques Roadshow 2026 when it's presented on hover platforms from the 6 Nebula. 38:01.892 --> 38:08.497 It's presented by Professor Brian Cox in 2026 and they're looking through this autograph book and they're going Beyonce, Chris Martin, 38:09.998 --> 38:10.638 Who? 38:11.279 --> 38:12.960 Wait a second, is this Jaycorn? 38:13.080 --> 38:14.061 Jaycorn balls? 38:14.461 --> 38:15.081 Who's that? 38:15.361 --> 38:20.405 But maybe by that time you will be a platinum selling music artiste as well as a very successful director. 38:20.605 --> 38:22.506 It's almost inevitable, almost guaranteed. 38:22.706 --> 38:23.106 Yeah. 38:23.186 --> 38:27.009 You know, once the retro text the nation jingle is released as a single. 38:27.169 --> 38:27.849 A jingle single. 38:27.929 --> 38:29.010 The world's first jingle single. 38:29.270 --> 38:30.631 Jingle single. 38:30.931 --> 38:32.492 It rhymes, so it's gotta happen. 38:32.952 --> 38:35.094 Didn't even ask Dr. Buckles for his signature. 38:37.636 --> 38:40.079 And I could have passed for Bobo Hoskins. 38:40.299 --> 38:40.720 You could. 38:40.740 --> 38:41.401 Ooga Booga. 38:41.441 --> 38:43.003 Ooga Booga, would you like my signature? 38:43.023 --> 38:44.404 I can't believe I met Bobo Hoskins. 38:44.424 --> 38:46.647 Kids, it's the fellow from Super Mario Brothers. 38:47.388 --> 38:48.710 Ooga Booga. 38:48.730 --> 38:50.712 That's the end of that thing. 38:51.793 --> 38:55.456 All right, let's have some music right now and... Sorry. 38:55.596 --> 38:57.657 Oh, yes, yes, yes, this is a free play that I brought in. 38:58.258 --> 39:02.841 And I have been enjoying this ever since I first heard it on the film The Abyss. 39:02.861 --> 39:04.583 Really? 39:04.603 --> 39:05.703 Who's this by? 39:06.024 --> 39:07.525 This is some little feet. 39:07.745 --> 39:13.849 Oh, this is what they play when Trucker Man is going down and having fun times in his little underwater pod. 39:14.150 --> 39:14.910 Yes, one night. 39:15.190 --> 39:16.912 She's there piloting the pod. 39:17.672 --> 39:18.533 At the beginning, do you remember? 39:18.593 --> 39:26.398 And she starts, she's listening to this, she starts singing along in her submersible, and then all the other guys in the crew of the Deep Core start joining in. 39:26.618 --> 39:27.238 He's good at that. 39:27.458 --> 39:33.102 It happens in Aliens as well, those sequences at the beginning of the film where everyone, they don't know that they're basically gonna die. 39:33.182 --> 39:33.422 Yes. 39:33.702 --> 39:37.445 And they're heading to hell, but ignorant of that fact, all upbeat and excited. 39:37.705 --> 39:46.494 They're all singing together like a big underwater happy family and don't realize that they're just about to be tested to the very limits by a hugely sympathetic aliens. 39:46.534 --> 39:52.480 Yeah, crazy army guys, brightly colored aliens, extreme weather and water tentacles, water tentacles. 39:52.600 --> 39:53.040 Exactly. 39:53.401 --> 39:57.124 So this is a little beat and it's called willing from 1972. 39:57.165 --> 39:57.325 Enjoy. 40:00.212 --> 40:02.414 Yes, M-E-M-E-N-E, that's the bees. 40:02.715 --> 40:05.037 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 40:05.077 --> 40:06.619 Hey, how you doing, listeners? 40:06.759 --> 40:09.041 It's a beautiful day here at Glastonbury. 40:09.421 --> 40:14.907 The mud is drying out and there's summer and joy and nudism in the air. 40:15.887 --> 40:19.608 Now, I think it's time that we had some facts, some hard facts. 40:19.628 --> 40:26.190 We've already had some fun, hard, incorrect facts this morning about Wells being the smallest city in the UK. 40:26.470 --> 40:30.911 So let's have some more right now about Beyonce, tonight's headline act on the Pyramid Stage. 40:34.747 --> 40:59.647 yeah did you know Joe Cornish that Beyonce Knowles was I didn't know any of this I was amazed when I found out this stuff because I had quite a preconceived notion of where Beyonce was at where she was from she was born in Brighton in 1925 her father was the hairy ginger film blogger Harry Knowles and her mother was of course destiny 41:04.508 --> 41:05.369 Was there something there? 41:05.669 --> 41:06.769 I was leaving that to Hank. 41:06.849 --> 41:07.810 She's Destiny's child. 41:08.630 --> 41:09.471 Okay. 41:10.331 --> 41:10.892 Come on! 41:10.912 --> 41:12.072 That was good, that was good. 41:12.112 --> 41:13.513 I was intimidated by how good that was. 41:13.533 --> 41:13.653 Yes! 41:13.673 --> 41:14.334 I didn't even get it. 41:14.854 --> 41:15.454 Exactly. 41:16.395 --> 41:24.100 For Beyonce's sixth birthday, her father Harry Knowles gave her three gifts that would change her life. 41:25.360 --> 41:30.885 Gift number one, a profound love of showbiz, which you just gave her in a box. 41:31.385 --> 41:38.091 Gift number two, the album Anthem by Toya, one of the big woman albums out there. 41:38.931 --> 41:43.775 And number three, a beautiful antique booty. 41:44.195 --> 41:49.880 Armed with these gifts, Beyonce dedicated herself to breaking into the entertainment world. 41:53.883 --> 41:54.344 Good stuff. 41:55.487 --> 42:01.430 I didn't know any of that. 42:01.990 --> 42:05.952 Sir Bruce, Beyonce has no formal qualifications, did you know? 42:06.132 --> 42:08.314 But she does have seven Knowles levels. 42:09.894 --> 42:10.675 One for the money. 42:10.695 --> 42:15.597 Oh my... Oh good. 42:15.677 --> 42:17.158 Two for the show. 42:17.278 --> 42:17.878 Oh my good. 42:19.999 --> 42:20.760 Three to get ready. 42:21.775 --> 42:22.576 and one for home ec. 42:24.056 --> 42:41.207 Beyonce got her big break traveling around the country with her father Harry Knowles, shaking her booty that he'd given her, to records by Shaq Attack, whilst Harry dressed up in a big foam rubber suit with polka dots on it and fell on top of her from time to time. 42:41.707 --> 42:42.168 One evening, 42:43.675 --> 42:49.757 A top television exec saw the show and he immediately thought, this is going to be great on TV, commissioned a series. 42:50.097 --> 42:54.499 And of course that became the much loved TV landmark, Noel's House Party. 42:56.040 --> 42:56.940 Featuring Mr. Blobby? 42:58.721 --> 42:59.201 Yeah. 43:01.562 --> 43:02.302 Keep going, more facts. 43:03.266 --> 43:28.132 more facts come on facts have you got more no do you though do you really have more no that was good that's all the facts there are about her nothing else is known she's a very mysterious figure yeah how did you research those facts uh i i asked some people right you just asked around i asked one of the guys in the in wells like outside wells cathedral yesterday i was sitting around smoking well good facts jazz cigarettes 43:28.992 --> 43:31.856 So there you go, that's more or less all you need to know about Beyonce. 43:31.876 --> 43:33.278 We're ready for her big set tonight. 43:33.338 --> 43:34.219 I'm excited about it. 43:34.439 --> 43:35.320 Yeah, it's gonna be great. 43:35.460 --> 43:37.363 And especially now that I know all that. 43:37.503 --> 43:41.227 What is her biggest hit apart from putting a ring on it? 43:41.448 --> 43:42.529 What do you think, Lucy? 43:42.809 --> 43:44.531 What's Beyonce Knowles' biggest hit? 43:48.411 --> 44:12.346 for this jelly bootylicious maybe yeah i don't know we'll find out let's find out what her biggest is i don't think you're ready for this jelly yeah she does say that at one point yeah yeah she uh yeah cooks very unexpected jelly let's have a little bit of music now uh just to clean those facts out of the air ah yes this is the naked and famous they were playing on the other stage here at glastonbury and um listen to this 44:14.735 --> 44:17.777 It's the naked and the famous there, live at Glastonbury, 2011. 44:18.237 --> 44:20.339 Adam and Jo here on BBC6 Music. 44:20.359 --> 44:22.320 Do you prefer the naked or the famous show? 44:22.340 --> 44:24.502 I do like both together. 44:25.162 --> 44:27.384 The best type of famous person is a nude one. 44:27.624 --> 44:29.765 We're joined by Sinead Garvin. 44:29.785 --> 44:30.886 How are you doing, Sinead? 44:30.926 --> 44:32.127 Hello, I'm very good. 44:32.167 --> 44:32.447 How are you? 44:32.467 --> 44:32.867 Nice to see you. 44:32.907 --> 44:34.068 Yeah, all right, not too bad. 44:34.088 --> 44:34.869 A little bit raggedy. 44:34.909 --> 44:36.310 My brain's beginning to shut down. 44:36.330 --> 44:39.412 Yeah, I'm feeling fairly tired today. 44:40.472 --> 44:43.855 Yeah, my brain just feels as if it's been baked in a kind of big mud oven. 44:44.847 --> 44:47.369 And large parts of it are no longer online. 44:47.549 --> 44:47.709 No. 44:47.729 --> 44:49.110 So that's a shame. 44:50.151 --> 44:54.934 So I'm quite pleased to see you with some music facts that actually aren't just made up gibberish. 44:55.274 --> 44:59.597 It took me quite a while this morning to get going to collate all the facts. 44:59.697 --> 45:02.099 It was a bit of a lot of pauses when I was daydreaming away. 45:02.139 --> 45:03.460 No, concentrate, concentrate. 45:03.500 --> 45:09.564 But let's talk about the special guest that was on the park stage yesterday because we did chat about who it could possibly be. 45:10.424 --> 45:12.526 It was a little bit more obvious I think yesterday. 45:12.606 --> 45:14.647 Pretty much everyone knew it was going to be Pulp. 45:14.787 --> 45:15.607 It's the Jarvis stuff. 45:15.987 --> 45:31.972 Yeah they had so much kit with them and when I was sort of backstage at the park which is a massive massive truck just tons and tons of equipment and when they actually were before they came on stage and all their equipment was there lots of the big like boxes just said pulp on it so if you were there thinking who's it gonna be? 45:32.072 --> 45:32.812 What's in there? 45:32.852 --> 45:34.433 Why do they need so much equipment? 45:34.513 --> 45:36.353 What do they do that requires all that equipment? 45:36.373 --> 45:37.553 There's a puppet show halfway through. 45:37.654 --> 45:37.994 Is there? 45:38.074 --> 45:38.334 Yeah. 45:38.354 --> 45:39.074 It's quite an elaborate show. 45:39.874 --> 45:43.977 Yeah, it just breaks out into this mad, like, rapping puppets all over the stage. 45:43.997 --> 45:45.477 What's the real answer to that, though? 45:46.518 --> 45:47.038 Do we know? 45:47.198 --> 45:50.040 Joe's tolerance for made-up facts has shot down desperately. 45:50.060 --> 45:51.541 I desperately need some truth. 45:51.561 --> 45:54.403 Please, something to cling on to. 45:54.463 --> 46:02.047 All the appointments, all the guitars and all the amps and the keyboards and all this, and they have quite a big set, so it's all of that. 46:02.227 --> 46:04.870 They've got so many different albums, different sounds to reproduce. 46:04.890 --> 46:05.931 There you go, there you go. 46:06.832 --> 46:09.495 So it's all necessary and they put on an amazing show. 46:09.515 --> 46:11.317 The sun was blazing at that time yesterday. 46:11.417 --> 46:15.341 I think possibly there were more people there for Pulp than there were for Radiohead. 46:15.381 --> 46:19.605 Yeah but I mean poor old Radiohead had the weather very much against them. 46:19.625 --> 46:23.589 It was grim out there when Radiohead were playing so it was impressive that they pulled such a massive crowd. 46:24.190 --> 46:26.992 but uh pulp were on form, Jarvis was leaping about. 46:27.092 --> 46:28.293 He was fantastic. 46:28.333 --> 46:32.196 I mean I haven't seen them since they reformed, is he still doing all his moves and everything? 46:32.296 --> 46:38.641 Absolutely, there was bum shaking, his arms were flying everywhere, he's getting into the crowd handing out chocolates. 46:38.841 --> 46:39.361 Chocolates? 46:39.441 --> 46:52.371 Yeah and um quite a few people were saying it was a little bit like listening to his radio show because in between every track there was quite a lot of chat about various facts he'd looked up about whose birthday it was and speculating what they might be doing for their birthday and 46:52.831 --> 46:56.133 I think it was National Water Day or something somewhere in the world. 46:56.653 --> 47:00.395 And so we learned a lot throughout the set as well as hearing all of the music. 47:00.415 --> 47:03.057 But yeah, great singing along and all that kind of stuff. 47:03.077 --> 47:05.898 So yes, the special guests were great yesterday. 47:05.938 --> 47:08.460 No special guests on the park today, but still a good lineup. 47:08.600 --> 47:09.561 Groff Rees headlining. 47:09.701 --> 47:10.021 Oh yes. 47:10.821 --> 47:17.343 The only problem with Pulp though was that they kind of ran long and the poor old Wild Beasts didn't get much of a look in in the end. 47:17.363 --> 47:18.644 They were supposed to be headlining weren't they? 47:18.664 --> 47:32.828 Yeah so they ran on then James Blake was on next and he kind of had to cut one or two songs I believe out of his set and then Wild Beasts didn't come on until about 20 past 25 past 11 but I have to say that set was immaculate. 47:32.968 --> 47:34.448 They can sing superbly. 47:34.468 --> 47:39.570 There wasn't a note out of place and considering the range of vocals it was spectacular. 47:39.770 --> 47:40.412 Makes a change. 47:40.774 --> 47:42.278 Contemporary band be able to sing properly. 47:42.900 --> 47:43.602 I don't mean that. 47:43.683 --> 47:44.706 I just thought I should say it. 47:44.746 --> 47:46.030 He's just imitating a prat. 47:48.573 --> 47:49.253 Thanks, I'm good at it. 47:49.353 --> 47:56.016 Yeah, well, I was up there for all of Wild Beasts and it was obviously, you know, a smaller crowd, but it was fantastic. 47:56.036 --> 47:59.658 And they seemed to really, really enjoy it, which is what I love about Glastonbury when the bands come on. 47:59.718 --> 48:02.179 It's just so special for them and they absolutely love it. 48:02.819 --> 48:05.621 Well, the Fisherman's Friends are having the gig of their life out there. 48:05.641 --> 48:05.741 Yeah. 48:05.961 --> 48:09.742 I mean, what should we do with the Drunken Sailor was just, I've never heard it as good as that. 48:09.762 --> 48:10.423 They wrote that song. 48:10.603 --> 48:11.343 They really did. 48:11.363 --> 48:15.045 All the pirates are going nuts in the mud. 48:15.085 --> 48:15.685 It's wonderful. 48:15.985 --> 48:18.306 Well, the sun's out now, so the mud's drying. 48:18.326 --> 48:18.966 Yes, that's right. 48:19.086 --> 48:21.007 It's a bit sore if you fall over in the mud. 48:21.067 --> 48:24.309 Some of the pirate's peg legs are stuck in the tribe. 48:24.409 --> 48:26.810 A lot of dead parrots out there as well. 48:26.830 --> 48:33.132 But I had a chat with Wildbeast beforehand and they said they were embracing the fact they were up against the mighty Coldplay, who of course headlined the pyramid stage. 48:33.192 --> 48:33.493 Right! 48:33.573 --> 48:41.316 Yes, Lucy was delighted she had the gig of her life despite quite a massive bucket of scorn being popped on her experience by scornballs over there. 48:41.356 --> 48:41.556 Hey! 48:41.596 --> 48:43.397 Come on, I was just being objective and 48:43.817 --> 48:45.278 He loaded up his scorn rifle. 48:45.298 --> 48:46.979 He was firing pellets of scorn. 48:46.999 --> 48:50.420 Then he dumped a big bucket all over Lucy, and she's dealing with it very well. 48:50.440 --> 48:51.541 But they did a good show, right? 48:51.721 --> 48:52.561 They did, yes. 48:52.781 --> 48:57.283 I mean, I was up watching Wild Beasts, but I caught a little bit of it, and I saw a bit of the televised stuff. 48:57.904 --> 48:59.805 And by all accounts, everyone seemed to really like it. 48:59.845 --> 49:01.145 They came out all guns blazing. 49:01.185 --> 49:04.967 There was confetti and fireworks and all the rest of it. 49:05.888 --> 49:11.710 And he started off sort of almost apologising, I guess, for saying, we're going to have to play the new songs, guys, but don't worry. 49:11.750 --> 49:12.791 You're going to love them soon. 49:13.331 --> 49:15.032 I think we'll be the judges of that, thanks Chris. 49:15.372 --> 49:22.336 But yeah, so I think, you know, when they got through the hits and everyone's singing and Beyonce, who of course is tonight's headliner, was in the crowd. 49:22.536 --> 49:27.239 She had her hood up, she knows how to dress for a festival, stood next to Jay-Z. 49:28.100 --> 49:29.360 So he's obviously here. 49:29.440 --> 49:31.462 Did Chris have anything written on his face? 49:32.523 --> 49:37.608 No, but apparently the confetti did get stuck to sweat on the back of his neck. 49:38.029 --> 49:41.993 So he did a nice bit of an aluminous confetti there for quite a while that he didn't realise. 49:42.234 --> 49:42.474 Did he? 49:42.534 --> 49:44.516 I thought he just had a fluorescent earpiece. 49:45.798 --> 49:46.278 Well, no. 49:46.298 --> 49:46.338 No. 49:49.141 --> 50:08.821 they do good day glow ultraviolet paint on all their keyboards and stuff though it's very pretty to look at this show yeah well so they lit up this pyramid stage like it's never been ever been done before so that was and lots of lasers and multi colors and the works Wow what have we got to look forward to today then apart from 50:09.414 --> 50:10.515 Beyonce. 50:11.255 --> 50:16.539 We have got, like I say, Gruff Rhys is coming up on the park stage and Queens of the Stone Age are up against Beyonce. 50:16.579 --> 50:19.101 So, what are you going to go? 50:19.201 --> 50:19.481 Rock? 50:20.142 --> 50:20.742 Pop Queen? 50:20.762 --> 50:21.783 Something for everyone there. 50:21.923 --> 50:22.303 Exactly. 50:22.323 --> 50:25.345 We've got Everything Everything playing as well today, which is quite exciting. 50:25.646 --> 50:29.448 But just back to the band who were on before Coldplay yesterday, The Lovely Elbow. 50:29.528 --> 50:31.110 Of course, having the gig of their lives. 50:31.290 --> 50:35.573 Yes, again, very engaging with the crowd and his guy just before the gig. 50:36.013 --> 50:38.995 I'll be honest with you, I haven't thought about anything else the last three months. 50:39.356 --> 50:40.557 I've woke up with it on my mind. 50:40.677 --> 50:41.537 I'm sure we all have. 50:41.938 --> 50:43.419 Every day since we found out we were doing it. 50:43.619 --> 50:46.581 It's unkind to say, but all gigs are a rehearsal for this one. 50:46.681 --> 50:49.944 And to be so high up the bill is just incredibly humbling. 50:49.964 --> 50:51.125 20 years of elbow today. 50:51.465 --> 50:54.067 It actually is 20 years June, isn't it? 50:54.107 --> 50:54.588 Yeah, so. 50:54.948 --> 51:02.354 So we don't, none of us remember the exact day, but we know it was June 20 years ago that we got together, so we've decided that today is our anniversary. 51:02.955 --> 51:09.241 And so the crowd, when they told the crowd this, they just burst into happy birthday several times throughout their set. 51:09.662 --> 51:09.802 Aw. 51:09.942 --> 51:10.202 So yeah. 51:10.242 --> 51:11.804 They should have got Michael Eavis out again. 51:12.465 --> 51:14.927 Happy birthday to you! 51:16.181 --> 51:16.841 That's nice though. 51:16.881 --> 51:18.542 He's the people's hero, isn't he, Garvey? 51:18.562 --> 51:19.582 Yeah, absolutely. 51:19.602 --> 51:23.764 A very warm man and sort of makes it feel quite intimate even though you're in a massive crowd. 51:23.824 --> 51:25.425 So it was a lovely set, lovely. 51:25.465 --> 51:26.946 Yeah, as the sun was going down. 51:27.206 --> 51:27.926 Oh, that's great. 51:28.126 --> 51:29.107 Hey Sinead, thank you so much. 51:29.227 --> 51:29.927 You're very welcome. 51:29.947 --> 51:30.867 Lovely to see you again. 51:30.887 --> 51:34.109 We're going to play some U2, I think, from the other night. 51:34.269 --> 51:38.350 They were of course headlining on the Friday here at Glastonbury. 51:38.371 --> 51:39.391 Enjoy. 51:40.424 --> 51:42.265 I mean, I wish it went on for a lot longer, that one. 51:42.285 --> 51:45.066 That was Stay by U2. 51:45.326 --> 51:47.247 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here at Glastonbury. 51:47.307 --> 51:48.548 How you doing, listeners? 51:49.148 --> 51:55.891 If you're keen to hear some of Pulp's surprise set last night, stay tuned, because we've got a bit of that coming up soon. 51:56.652 --> 52:01.334 But before that, we received a text from a female Joe with a couple of kisses. 52:02.394 --> 52:03.595 She says, hi, Adam and Joe. 52:03.635 --> 52:05.356 Not sure if this will reach you at Glastonbury. 52:05.916 --> 52:08.218 But I had to text to say to you the following. 52:08.738 --> 52:09.999 I am at Glastonbury. 52:10.459 --> 52:19.346 I was sitting in the green fields eating breakfast and two children came over to me with monkey puppets asking if we would make a donation if they sang a song. 52:20.567 --> 52:24.490 To my surprise, the song they proceeded to sing was Adam's festival song. 52:24.610 --> 52:24.930 What? 52:25.230 --> 52:29.454 I think you should be aware of other artists profiting from your material. 52:30.254 --> 52:31.375 So that's pretty good, isn't it? 52:31.415 --> 52:32.737 There are a couple of kids with monkey puppets. 52:32.757 --> 52:33.177 Pretty good! 52:33.257 --> 52:37.001 I'm going to go out there and find those kids and slap the monkey puppets out of their hands! 52:37.261 --> 52:37.842 Where's my money? 52:38.222 --> 52:39.584 Hence my free play. 52:39.784 --> 52:45.690 Here's another chance and it's an apposite time to play this to hear Count Bucky Lee's festival song. 52:47.872 --> 52:49.694 Please leave a message after the tone. 52:50.569 --> 52:52.170 Gazman, it's the Julinator. 52:52.831 --> 53:03.258 Just to let you know, I bought the tickets for Sludgefest, as well as Chillax, Wicker World, the Inoffensive Electronic Festival, Wet Weekend, and Pimms in the Park with Timbuk3 headlining. 53:03.579 --> 53:05.460 Drops a text if you think I've missed any. 53:05.660 --> 53:06.221 Cheers, ears. 53:06.821 --> 53:22.169 Load up the 4x4, it's festival time We're stuffing the chill bag with nibbles and wine We're going to sleep inside a collapsible yurt We've got to nurse in case anybody gets hurt 53:23.189 --> 53:44.140 Festivals used to be awful, just crusties and weirdo groups There was nowhere to charge your mobile, and nowhere nice for doing poops Now they're often in stately homes with global cuisine that's ace And you can leave the kids in a really nice creche while you get off your face Hip hip hooray, it's time for festival fun We've got our hats and our sun cream 53:44.460 --> 54:09.289 in case there's some sun but when it rains we've got our green welly boots and if we feel the love we've got our birthday suits look kids that's Keith Allen that's Lily Allen's dad he's been coming since the 60s and apparently he's really mad and over there that's Katie Moth that's right that crazy druggies ex let's ask her if she'll join us for a boogie and some sex 54:10.069 --> 54:12.590 Everybody over to the advert stage movies on. 54:12.770 --> 54:22.375 Oh, yes, then it's group armada with the theme from M&S Then it's a bloke that I don't really know with the tube from a boat campaign and then it sucks 54:23.933 --> 54:44.106 But I'm a little bit worried that won't be enough So could you call Jemima and ask her to bring a bit of rice Some jelly and a big ball of string And don't forget the Baraka and the yoga mats too 54:44.406 --> 55:12.791 Because there's going to be healing and yoga to do And there's a bloke from Tibet who can teach us to breathe And after that we'll see Moby, then we'll probably leave Load up the four by four, it's festival time We're stuffing a chill bag with nibbles and wine We're going to sleep inside a collapsible yard We've got a nurse in case anybody gets hurt Load up the four 55:13.191 --> 55:15.533 Anna Kalvi, I'll be your man. 55:28.929 --> 55:33.692 Live at the festival yesterday, Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 55:34.592 --> 55:37.574 Yeah, and as you know, listeners, we're big fans of the film Taffyn. 55:37.874 --> 55:45.078 We absolutely love the story of tough local Taffyn going in to sort out some mobsters. 55:45.418 --> 55:46.678 I mean, I've never seen it all. 55:48.039 --> 55:49.700 All I've seen is the bit. 55:49.880 --> 55:50.180 Yeah. 55:50.660 --> 55:53.342 I mean, we failed to track down Bronnholm, didn't we? 55:53.462 --> 55:53.902 We did. 55:53.942 --> 55:55.323 We tried to get him on the show, but... 55:55.963 --> 55:57.304 I mean, why is he really? 55:57.364 --> 55:58.665 He wasn't interested. 55:58.785 --> 56:02.248 You would have slightly less respect for him, I would imagine, if he did. 56:02.268 --> 56:05.070 I just think, you know, he shouldn't engage with this kind of tomfoolery. 56:05.090 --> 56:05.450 No, exactly. 56:05.890 --> 56:08.792 But we've made an interesting discovery, or did this come thanks to a listener? 56:08.832 --> 56:09.353 Yes, it did. 56:09.393 --> 56:15.177 This came thanks to Chris Brookbanks, who wrote to us, Dear At Farm and Joe Mobile. 56:15.197 --> 56:16.498 I love the Joe Mobile. 56:17.138 --> 56:46.638 Probably a bit late now, but I found a Hindi version of Taffy and attached is the famous line from said foreign language version Hindi Bronholm So this is interesting because of course a lot of movies when they're released in the world have multiple language tracks You know you get that menu at the beginning and you've got to select what country you're in and it's got a list of loads of territories, but of course that means if if Taffy has that then that line has been dubbed by a foreign actor in all of those languages 56:46.918 --> 56:49.200 I mean, is TaffyN even available on DVD, though? 56:49.360 --> 56:50.401 It's av- yeah, it is. 56:50.561 --> 56:51.082 It is, yeah. 56:51.122 --> 56:52.203 Sure it's available on DVD. 56:52.243 --> 56:54.305 And you reckon it was widely available across the world? 56:54.585 --> 56:57.027 And it would have all those foreign language versions on it, surely not. 56:57.107 --> 56:58.148 Well, I think it's possible. 56:58.629 --> 56:59.910 I've certainly- I did this with E.T. 56:59.930 --> 57:01.391 before on the show years ago. 57:01.611 --> 57:01.891 E.T.' 57:01.851 --> 57:03.473 's a bit bigger than TaffyN, isn't it? 57:03.653 --> 57:03.893 No. 57:04.174 --> 57:04.614 Mm, is it? 57:04.634 --> 57:05.575 No. 57:06.235 --> 57:07.076 I don't know about that. 57:08.577 --> 57:14.522 So here is that amazing Taffyn line performed... Well, let's do the original line to remind people. 57:14.542 --> 57:14.942 Good thinking. 57:15.182 --> 57:17.904 And we could even set up the line with a bit of acting, couldn't we? 57:18.745 --> 57:22.708 As long as I'm living in this... Hang on, you do this, but then I'm not sure what her line is. 57:23.348 --> 57:24.669 You might have to do both parts. 57:25.870 --> 57:28.732 What goes on in this town is none of your business. 57:28.792 --> 57:29.713 I can't even say it. 57:30.153 --> 57:32.535 What goes on in this town is none of your business. 57:33.175 --> 57:35.277 Well, it is while I'm living here. 57:36.095 --> 57:46.778 Then maybe you shouldn't be living here! 57:47.318 --> 57:48.058 Wow, was that real? 57:48.238 --> 57:49.278 Yeah, that's exactly how he does it. 57:49.318 --> 57:50.439 That's exactly how he does it. 57:50.479 --> 57:52.119 He's got incredible lungs, Bronnholm. 57:52.279 --> 57:52.619 He does. 57:52.679 --> 57:55.740 Now, let's hear how that is put across in the Hindi version. 57:56.140 --> 57:57.600 You're not allowed to speak in Hindi. 57:57.640 --> 57:58.821 You're not allowed to speak in Hindi. 57:58.841 --> 58:00.761 You're not allowed to speak in Hindi. 58:00.801 --> 58:03.282 You're not allowed to speak in Hindi. 58:04.062 --> 58:05.003 Hojow! 58:05.363 --> 58:07.424 He could extend the hojow though, surely? 58:07.444 --> 58:09.725 Yeah, that was disappointingly short. 58:09.745 --> 58:12.767 We might have to do a bit of doctor and the medic sing that. 58:13.067 --> 58:17.389 The thing is that this is our last show here on Six Music, myself and Joe, for quite some time. 58:17.509 --> 58:20.251 So who is going to take care of Bronnholm in our absence? 58:20.571 --> 58:22.552 I think we've given Bronnholm enough of a Philip. 58:23.192 --> 58:24.413 It'll keep him going for a while. 58:24.453 --> 58:26.453 People can take care of him themselves, can't they? 58:26.713 --> 58:27.634 But that was fantastic. 58:27.674 --> 58:28.334 Thank you, Chris. 58:29.134 --> 58:31.215 An amazing piece of Hindi drama there. 58:32.115 --> 58:34.936 Right, it's time for some more music here on the programme. 58:35.596 --> 58:44.759 And we have Pulp, ladies and gentlemen, the big surprise guests on the park stage yesterday here at the Glastonbury Festival, and they're playing Miss Shapes. 58:47.020 --> 58:47.960 Good stuff, man. 58:48.200 --> 58:49.081 That's war paint. 58:50.046 --> 58:55.489 With Burgundy, Adam and Joe here on BBC, Six Music live at the Glastonbury festival. 58:55.589 --> 58:58.510 And it is a beautiful day here, scorching. 58:58.590 --> 59:03.312 I mean, why couldn't it have been like this all the time, like all my life? 59:03.672 --> 59:05.373 Lovely that it is like this today, though. 59:05.393 --> 59:10.215 A great reward for everybody who struggled through the last two muddy and claggy days here at Glastonbury. 59:10.535 --> 59:15.518 But right now, on the Adam and Joe show on Six Music, it's time for some pop-propriation. 59:16.958 --> 59:43.025 I like to change the lyrics of songs from time to time To make them refer to things I do I call it popo creation and as far as I'm aware it isn't a crime I wonder if it's something you do too 59:48.632 --> 59:49.492 I like that jingle. 59:49.592 --> 59:51.653 Oh, you're going to miss that jingle, aren't you, listeners? 59:51.914 --> 59:55.635 That's a bit Wild Beasts-esque, isn't it? 59:56.036 --> 59:58.137 Here's one to get the ball rolling from Peter. 59:58.177 --> 59:59.137 He's a male boy, aged 26. 59:59.297 --> 01:00:15.545 Every time I pot-bake naan bread in the oven, when in cooking a curry, he says, I sing naan, na-na-na-naan, na-na-na-naan, na-na-naan, in the vein of Inikamose, hot stepper. 01:00:15.765 --> 01:00:17.046 Love you, bye, says Peter. 01:00:17.346 --> 01:00:17.907 That's good. 01:00:18.207 --> 01:00:19.488 A naan bread based one. 01:00:19.528 --> 01:00:19.728 Yeah. 01:00:19.989 --> 01:00:20.189 Yeah. 01:00:20.589 --> 01:00:21.050 Very good. 01:00:21.110 --> 01:00:22.491 Here come the hot pitta. 01:00:22.591 --> 01:00:24.412 That's something that's another one that some people do. 01:00:25.774 --> 01:00:28.676 Here's an email we got from Mike from Brighton. 01:00:28.716 --> 01:00:32.719 Dear Adam and Joe, re pod prop reations brackets. 01:00:32.759 --> 01:00:33.380 Is that right? 01:00:33.640 --> 01:00:34.041 No, it's not. 01:00:34.321 --> 01:00:34.821 It's wrong. 01:00:35.182 --> 01:00:36.423 Pop propreation. 01:00:36.563 --> 01:00:41.327 It's a sort of confused reconstruction of the word appropriation, isn't it? 01:00:41.967 --> 01:00:45.550 Anyway, the one about changing the words on songs to fit with one's circumstances at that moment. 01:00:45.830 --> 01:00:55.396 When it's starting to rain, I will often bore and irritate my family by singing the Weather Girls classic, It's Raining Men, substituting the word men with the word rain. 01:00:57.317 --> 01:01:01.360 This is apparently very annoying indeed, but I still think it's funny, so there you go. 01:01:02.561 --> 01:01:03.081 Asterisk. 01:01:03.842 --> 01:01:11.427 It's extremely important to sing this in tune and with some modicum of musicality or sincerity, otherwise younger people may think you're singing the Jerry Halliwell version. 01:01:11.787 --> 01:01:13.188 That would be terrible. 01:01:13.368 --> 01:01:16.010 Is that sincere enough? 01:01:27.137 --> 01:01:27.798 That's good, isn't it? 01:01:27.858 --> 01:01:30.500 It's sort of come full circle and cancelled itself out, that one. 01:01:30.800 --> 01:01:33.862 And I think you're right, that would be very annoying indeed. 01:01:34.323 --> 01:01:39.827 And the fact that you still think it's funny, Mike, is extra annoying and possibly even funnier. 01:01:40.187 --> 01:01:44.210 That's my favourite type of humour, is not knowing when to stop, just going on and on. 01:01:44.430 --> 01:01:45.591 Yeah, it comes back round again. 01:01:45.772 --> 01:01:47.113 Beat, you have to physically beat me. 01:01:47.133 --> 01:01:50.755 Yeah, they get angry, then laugh again, then even angrier, then laugh harder. 01:01:50.996 --> 01:01:52.276 And it's not funny, exactly. 01:01:53.117 --> 01:01:53.938 Well done, Mike, thank you. 01:01:54.638 --> 01:02:00.760 Finally, here is something that's maybe not strictly speaking popropiation, but definitely somewhere in the Venn diagram. 01:02:01.060 --> 01:02:04.601 Dear Ladam and Jomo Sapien, Hello. 01:02:04.921 --> 01:02:06.882 I'm a female girl called Sophie. 01:02:07.122 --> 01:02:11.804 I'm emailing regarding a matter that is sort of related to popropiation, but something sort of different. 01:02:11.844 --> 01:02:17.085 My friend Gareth and I are in a band, so we spend lots of time sitting in a van for long periods. 01:02:17.565 --> 01:02:21.947 We were recently talking about how sometimes we link different songs in our heads. 01:02:23.048 --> 01:02:26.890 So, for example, when you start a line of a song and it morphs into another song. 01:02:26.950 --> 01:02:27.770 Does that ever happen to you? 01:02:27.871 --> 01:02:33.554 It's like a portmanteau, but for songs which we have cleverly labeled songmanteau. 01:02:34.675 --> 01:02:37.336 So here is a few examples of songmanteau. 01:02:37.557 --> 01:02:41.779 For example, Aztec camera somewhere in my heart going into dusty Springfield. 01:02:41.839 --> 01:02:42.760 I only want to be with you. 01:02:43.220 --> 01:02:52.028 Summer in the city and the air is still A baby being born to the overkill But you started something, oh can't you see? 01:02:52.649 --> 01:02:59.876 Ever since we met you had a hold on me It's like a demented medley Yeah, songmento It could be a whole new segment It's good isn't it? 01:03:00.196 --> 01:03:06.342 And here's another one Peter Gabriel, Salisbury Hill and Thin Lizzy, the boys are back in town Climbing up on Salisbury Hill 01:03:08.155 --> 01:03:14.717 I don't know if that's the actual tune for the Thin Lizzy bit. 01:03:15.197 --> 01:03:17.558 And the last one she says is... And these are just exhortations now. 01:03:28.041 --> 01:03:28.641 Wow, is that it? 01:03:28.701 --> 01:03:32.443 They've both been compressed so much that you can't really recognize either of them. 01:03:32.603 --> 01:03:33.483 Well, that's the Gene Knight. 01:03:33.703 --> 01:03:34.583 Mr. Big Stuff. 01:03:35.024 --> 01:03:36.104 Nice. 01:03:36.764 --> 01:03:37.524 That's good, I bet. 01:03:37.544 --> 01:03:39.605 If I thought about it, I could drum up some of those. 01:03:42.586 --> 01:03:44.647 Just wondering if anyone else does this like we do. 01:03:44.687 --> 01:03:46.648 Keep up the good work, says Sophie Galpin. 01:03:46.668 --> 01:03:49.929 The podcast is always a source of great mirth in our tour van. 01:03:50.029 --> 01:03:50.529 Love you. 01:03:50.789 --> 01:03:51.830 We love you too, Sophie. 01:03:51.870 --> 01:03:52.770 Thanks very much for that. 01:03:53.210 --> 01:03:57.252 And thanks to everyone who sent us in appropriation over the last few weeks. 01:03:57.272 --> 01:03:58.312 It's been very enjoyable. 01:03:58.753 --> 01:03:59.893 Here's some more music right now. 01:03:59.913 --> 01:04:02.934 This is Graham Coxon with a track recorded yesterday. 01:04:02.974 --> 01:04:03.495 Was it, James? 01:04:03.515 --> 01:04:06.936 This is You and I live from Glastonbury. 01:04:06.976 --> 01:04:08.056 Don't take my life away. 01:04:08.076 --> 01:04:08.917 Don't take my life away. 01:04:11.089 --> 01:04:12.550 Good stuff. 01:04:12.650 --> 01:04:15.512 That's Meryl Garbus there, AKA TuneYards. 01:04:15.632 --> 01:04:22.217 She's from New England in America, and she's one of the ladies that does that thing of creating drum loops on the spot. 01:04:22.297 --> 01:04:23.858 Lots of layers and samples. 01:04:23.878 --> 01:04:23.998 Cool. 01:04:24.018 --> 01:04:24.739 Bit like Griff Rees does. 01:04:25.319 --> 01:04:25.940 Ukulele. 01:04:25.960 --> 01:04:27.241 Yeah, I guess lots of people are doing it. 01:04:27.261 --> 01:04:28.242 She's very good at it though. 01:04:28.662 --> 01:04:30.183 Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 01:04:30.223 --> 01:04:30.343 It's 12.30. 01:04:30.383 --> 01:04:31.244 Time for the news. 01:04:32.708 --> 01:04:36.031 Big Audio Dynamite with E equals MC squared. 01:04:36.091 --> 01:04:36.952 Big Audio Dynamite. 01:04:36.972 --> 01:04:39.654 We're here on Friday on the park stage at Glastonbury. 01:04:39.934 --> 01:04:45.779 If you're not at Glastonbury this year, if you didn't see them, then you can catch them at other venues around the UK. 01:04:46.280 --> 01:04:50.303 They should just be part of some big six music touring show, don't you think? 01:04:50.363 --> 01:04:50.924 Yes, they should. 01:04:51.004 --> 01:04:53.766 There's Don Letts in there, another part of the six music family. 01:04:54.046 --> 01:04:58.008 The band's not really a band until they've got someone who's involved with six music in some way. 01:04:58.388 --> 01:04:58.909 Very true. 01:04:59.069 --> 01:05:02.811 And don't forget six music is the place to stay for all your Glastonbury needs. 01:05:02.891 --> 01:05:04.292 Lauren Laverne's here from two. 01:05:04.652 --> 01:05:06.954 She'll be talking to Cool and the gang. 01:05:07.214 --> 01:05:07.654 Flipping hell. 01:05:07.794 --> 01:05:11.595 Stuart McConies here from Five, with guests including John Cooper Clarke. 01:05:11.755 --> 01:05:12.075 Nice. 01:05:12.655 --> 01:05:15.835 Keris Matthews and Sean Keveney are here with Dwayne Eddy and Griff Rees. 01:05:16.336 --> 01:05:16.576 Whoa. 01:05:16.816 --> 01:05:23.537 And then La Mac is back with his dirty Mac at 10, going live around the stages, including the Queens of the Stone Age. 01:05:24.137 --> 01:05:28.278 Oh, Laura, Laura, lovely Queens of the Stone Age. 01:05:28.318 --> 01:05:35.839 The other very exciting guest who's been around, spotted by a few paparazzos this weekend, was a stinky dog. 01:05:36.893 --> 01:05:37.734 Not Boggins. 01:05:37.854 --> 01:05:39.816 Yeah, he's a friend of the show for a while. 01:05:39.876 --> 01:05:47.382 Well he made an appearance yesterday morning during our Glastonbury squadron meeting where his fate was decided by mob rule. 01:05:47.703 --> 01:05:48.203 That's right. 01:05:48.383 --> 01:05:55.169 And they actually gave him a lease of life so he was freed into the muddy fields of Glastonbury to gamble and poop. 01:05:55.549 --> 01:05:56.390 He went scampering off. 01:05:56.430 --> 01:05:58.772 I mean it's very difficult for Boggins to tell 01:05:59.733 --> 01:06:03.315 The difference between a place to poop and, you know, he's in paradise. 01:06:03.395 --> 01:06:04.395 Perfect environment for him. 01:06:04.455 --> 01:06:07.677 He may live here in the woods with, um, what's her face? 01:06:07.697 --> 01:06:08.197 Kate Moss. 01:06:08.257 --> 01:06:09.677 Yeah, for the rest of the year. 01:06:09.737 --> 01:06:10.958 Be her little stinky pal. 01:06:11.018 --> 01:06:12.299 Her little stinky dog on a string. 01:06:12.319 --> 01:06:17.101 Well, do you remember we were talking about Louis Armstrong the other day and speculating that he was, in a way, the jazz boggins? 01:06:17.461 --> 01:06:17.621 Yes. 01:06:18.462 --> 01:06:21.906 Well, here is Boggins making that dream a reality. 01:06:21.987 --> 01:06:25.391 This is a sort of beautiful, emotional farewell to Boggins, really, isn't it? 01:06:25.491 --> 01:06:25.672 It is. 01:06:25.692 --> 01:06:27.894 I think it's the last time we're going to be seeing him for a little bit. 01:06:27.915 --> 01:06:29.056 I may cry during this. 01:06:29.497 --> 01:06:31.219 He's getting used to his new home. 01:06:31.499 --> 01:06:32.040 I'm welling up. 01:06:33.222 --> 01:06:34.924 The Glastonbury Festival. 01:06:35.425 --> 01:06:35.465 Ah! 01:06:42.442 --> 01:07:03.964 And red and orange and blue I'm going to pee on them all Before the festivals through And I stink to myself Oh boggins, what a wonderful smell It's almost like one giant toilet 01:07:07.105 --> 01:07:30.024 Hide a tent And eat somebody's food Leave my hair in a sleeping bag And I'm sick in it too And I stink to myself What a wonderful smell I love this place Just look at it 01:07:32.523 --> 01:07:51.573 The giant piles of rubbish are climbing to the sky There's a whiff of human feces on that man who just walked by I see dogs on strings saying, how do you do? 01:07:53.473 --> 01:08:15.444 They're really sayin' I just donna poo I find a little birdie's nest So I smash and eat the eggs And then I lick a toddler's face And bite him on the leg And I stink to myself 01:08:17.998 --> 01:08:21.379 What a wonderful smell. 01:08:22.299 --> 01:08:24.400 I think something might have died in your tent. 01:08:24.420 --> 01:08:25.120 Can I have it? 01:08:26.461 --> 01:08:30.302 And I stink to myself. 01:08:31.542 --> 01:08:35.724 What a wonderful smell. 01:08:36.724 --> 01:08:39.005 I think I've finally found my home. 01:08:40.385 --> 01:08:41.465 I've got a problem with my bum. 01:08:41.845 --> 01:08:42.286 I love you. 01:08:45.848 --> 01:08:48.150 I'm just as if he's having a terrific time there. 01:08:48.190 --> 01:08:49.911 It's Aloe Blacc with I Need a Dollar. 01:08:50.191 --> 01:08:51.672 He was doing a bit of songmanto there. 01:08:51.692 --> 01:08:54.694 Of course, the festival is the natural home of songmanto, isn't it? 01:08:54.734 --> 01:08:55.575 Yeah, that sounded good. 01:08:55.595 --> 01:08:56.315 That sounded great. 01:08:56.836 --> 01:08:58.637 Nice bit of Darryl Hall and John Oates. 01:08:59.117 --> 01:09:06.362 Hey, we're almost at the end of our show and we are packing all the controversial bits of our program into the last half hour. 01:09:06.423 --> 01:09:07.924 We've bid Boggins farewell. 01:09:08.444 --> 01:09:12.187 Now let's bid a temporary farewell to this stinky section. 01:09:13.067 --> 01:09:29.954 I'm a funny person, I often make up jokes My jokes are more amusing than those of other folks When you hear my joke, I think you'll find that you agree Come on, you're all invited to a made-up joke party 01:09:31.355 --> 01:09:36.118 So this is a part of the show that Scornballs poured quite a lot of scorn on a few weeks ago. 01:09:36.238 --> 01:09:45.183 It wasn't because of the quality of the jokes but in a way it was because I found it very psychologically tiring to go through them to read them all didn't you? 01:09:45.203 --> 01:09:54.049 I mean we are overjoyed at the quantity of emails we've got particularly in the last you know couple of months but it does make plowing through the submitted jokes quite 01:09:54.549 --> 01:09:55.450 grueling, doesn't it? 01:09:55.530 --> 01:10:01.194 Well sometimes when the jokes aren't sufficiently chuckle some more you feel that maybe they've been made before. 01:10:01.575 --> 01:10:02.395 Bit of a brain strain. 01:10:02.415 --> 01:10:04.957 Because the other thing is that it requires quite a lot of work. 01:10:04.997 --> 01:10:07.119 You have to enter these things into Google. 01:10:07.139 --> 01:10:07.819 We hate work. 01:10:07.899 --> 01:10:09.341 Just like you, listeners. 01:10:09.721 --> 01:10:11.862 You know, that's why we're at the Glastonbury Festival. 01:10:12.103 --> 01:10:17.247 But listen, we're going to do this segment now for the last time and as a result, am I right in saying 01:10:17.907 --> 01:10:42.442 that you have got the greatest made-up joke ever and we're only going to do one and that is wrong isn't it yeah it's just an average one it's a it's just one that made me chuckle like all the other ones good enough i put the punchline into google and i it didn't return anything but hey i thought wells was the smallest city in the uk so a lot resting on this what why what are you why we did it different 01:10:42.862 --> 01:10:43.262 Okay. 01:10:43.402 --> 01:10:43.803 Good point. 01:10:43.883 --> 01:10:45.324 This is from Tom. 01:10:45.944 --> 01:10:49.747 He's a 17 to 25 year old postman from Edinburgh. 01:10:49.907 --> 01:10:50.427 I like that. 01:10:51.128 --> 01:10:51.648 Very nice. 01:10:51.668 --> 01:10:52.609 Straddles all the ages. 01:10:52.669 --> 01:10:54.750 He's in the demographic and he is a postman. 01:10:55.470 --> 01:10:57.412 Yo, yo, yo, buckwheat and corn cob. 01:10:57.932 --> 01:11:03.376 I don't know if you're going to do any made up jokes anymore, but just in case, here is one. 01:11:03.736 --> 01:11:09.400 I did independently come up with this, but I don't claim to be the first person ever to do so. 01:11:09.800 --> 01:11:12.342 All right, scorn balls, he says in caps. 01:11:12.982 --> 01:11:13.563 Here goes. 01:11:15.484 --> 01:11:17.285 Why aren't pregnant women hungry? 01:11:18.406 --> 01:11:18.926 I don't know. 01:11:19.366 --> 01:11:20.907 Why aren't pregnant women hungry? 01:11:22.568 --> 01:11:23.509 Because they gestate. 01:11:25.314 --> 01:11:25.774 Nice. 01:11:30.256 --> 01:11:32.517 Because they gestate in your face. 01:11:32.877 --> 01:11:33.758 Can that be made up? 01:11:34.018 --> 01:11:38.179 Can he be the first person in the world to figure out that gestate sounds like gestate? 01:11:38.620 --> 01:11:38.980 Yes. 01:11:39.260 --> 01:11:39.580 Yes. 01:11:40.040 --> 01:11:40.340 Good. 01:11:40.941 --> 01:11:41.021 Good. 01:11:41.081 --> 01:11:41.701 Factron. 01:11:41.941 --> 01:11:44.642 He is the first guy ever to stumble on that joke. 01:11:44.762 --> 01:11:46.323 Love, love, love you says Tom. 01:11:46.443 --> 01:11:47.043 Cheers Tom. 01:11:47.063 --> 01:11:48.764 Here's a bit of music right now. 01:11:49.605 --> 01:11:52.951 And, of course, I've completely forgotten who we're going to play, James. 01:11:53.272 --> 01:11:54.654 Oh, the Walk people! 01:11:54.834 --> 01:11:56.698 The Walkmen from yesterday at the Park Stage. 01:11:57.439 --> 01:11:58.681 This is them. 01:12:00.046 --> 01:12:03.068 That's the Walkman recorded live yesterday at the Glastonbury Festival. 01:12:03.148 --> 01:12:06.051 Folks, that's it from myself and Joe Cornish. 01:12:06.831 --> 01:12:09.273 Yeah, thanks for listening everybody over the last three days. 01:12:09.313 --> 01:12:10.814 It's been an absolute pleasure to be here. 01:12:10.834 --> 01:12:12.215 It's been a pretty amazing festival. 01:12:12.596 --> 01:12:13.576 Yeah, it's been really fun. 01:12:13.657 --> 01:12:19.881 And thanks as well to people who are listening who've been listening for the last three months or so while we've been back at Six Music. 01:12:19.921 --> 01:12:20.882 We've had such a good time. 01:12:20.982 --> 01:12:24.345 Thanks a lot and hopefully we'll be back with you before too long. 01:12:24.765 --> 01:12:27.006 Stay tuned here on 6music though for the rest of the day. 01:12:27.026 --> 01:12:28.047 Steve LaMack is coming up. 01:12:28.087 --> 01:12:36.832 Don't forget the podcast is available of this show to download later today we hope and the other podcasts are still up there I think for a while. 01:12:36.892 --> 01:12:42.675 Yeah with special extra bits as well there'll be one or two special extra bits on the on today's podcast just ins and outs. 01:12:42.715 --> 01:12:43.955 I don't want to get anyone over excited. 01:12:44.195 --> 01:12:44.896 No exactly. 01:12:45.816 --> 01:12:48.718 But now, that's it from us, ladies and gentlemen. 01:12:48.738 --> 01:12:56.303 We're going to play you out with one of my favourite Scott Walker tracks and I like to play this at the end of our runs here at Six Music. 01:12:56.343 --> 01:13:06.049 So this is going out to all you, Podcats, Digiforce, Black Squadron, all the various factions that keep this program going. 01:13:06.350 --> 01:13:11.193 Thank you very much indeed for all your help with our show for the last few months. 01:13:11.233 --> 01:13:11.953 We really appreciate it. 01:13:11.993 --> 01:13:12.634 Yeah, thank you. 01:13:12.734 --> 01:13:13.914 Take care, we love you, bye! 01:13:14.235 --> 01:13:14.435 Bye.