WEBVTT 00:15.478 --> 00:17.801 That's The Smiths with this charming man. 00:17.881 --> 00:19.502 Hey, how you doing, listeners? 00:19.823 --> 00:22.005 Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 00:22.326 --> 00:23.347 I'm Adam Buxton. 00:23.667 --> 00:25.109 Hello, I am Joe Cornish. 00:25.289 --> 00:26.290 Hello, I am Joe Cornish. 00:26.370 --> 00:27.291 Joe Cornish off mic. 00:27.711 --> 00:28.292 How you doing, man? 00:28.332 --> 00:30.675 Joe's a little upset because someone's got control of his computer screen. 00:30.695 --> 00:31.896 It's all going wrong this morning. 00:32.216 --> 00:33.458 Someone's got control of his screen. 00:33.498 --> 00:34.439 It's like Mission Impossible. 00:34.719 --> 00:35.639 It's taken over! 00:35.799 --> 00:37.900 Tom Cruise has got control of Cornball's computer. 00:37.920 --> 00:38.980 I'm sure it'll be sorted out. 00:39.440 --> 00:44.281 And a special good morning to Black Squadron, the country's most physically attractive fighting force. 00:44.521 --> 00:47.882 Let's stand the squadron to attention with the following jungle. 00:49.102 --> 00:52.202 Black Squadron! 00:52.303 --> 00:54.763 Always catch the beginning of the show. 00:55.223 --> 00:57.304 Black Squadron don't want to miss a thing. 00:57.584 --> 00:59.784 That's not the way Black Squadron runs. 01:03.385 --> 01:11.476 Went to bed at a reasonable hour Gotta be sharp on Saturday morning That's the secret of the Squadron's power 01:14.704 --> 01:25.590 Now the reason black squadron are one of the countries, well I say one of, are the countries most physically attractive fighting forces because they are now after 12 weeks of commands, they're very toned. 01:26.051 --> 01:26.651 Sure they are. 01:26.871 --> 01:29.272 Beautifully, not over the top musculature. 01:29.553 --> 01:29.693 No. 01:30.153 --> 01:31.114 But just lovely. 01:31.134 --> 01:31.554 Not grotesque. 01:31.634 --> 01:33.055 Not grotesque, just very shapely. 01:33.815 --> 01:39.277 And this week, Black Squadron, we're going to give you a command that evokes one of the most dangerous periods of rock history. 01:39.637 --> 01:39.978 Sure. 01:40.118 --> 01:42.599 One of the most rebellious and edgy periods of rock history. 01:42.699 --> 01:43.759 We've thought about this a lot. 01:43.819 --> 01:46.820 It's not easy formulating commands for the squadron, is it? 01:46.840 --> 02:00.466 Because when you're thinking about the big British castle guidelines, the things that you don't want to encourage people to do, the things that people might do because they're so enthusiastic that they cause harm to themselves and others around them, you've really got to be careful. 02:00.686 --> 02:01.506 You've got to be careful. 02:01.587 --> 02:05.108 So when you hear this Black Squadron command, don't do anything naughty. 02:05.569 --> 02:05.829 No. 02:06.129 --> 02:08.090 Don't make any rude signs at the camera. 02:08.390 --> 02:11.232 Don't make any rude politically inflammatory signs. 02:11.492 --> 02:12.912 Don't hurt anyone. 02:13.012 --> 02:15.514 Don't put any safety pins in difficult places. 02:16.114 --> 02:19.076 The way you can't get them out again or you have to go to A&E afterwards. 02:19.436 --> 02:23.498 We don't want anyone to finish the show in A&E because of the Black Squadron command. 02:23.518 --> 02:24.819 So take care, squadroners. 02:24.859 --> 02:27.820 When you hear the command, you'll wonder why we're saying all this. 02:28.140 --> 02:28.781 It's quite tame, right? 02:30.242 --> 02:31.964 Well, it depends how you interpret it, isn't it? 02:32.224 --> 02:34.146 Who are Black Squadron? 02:34.166 --> 02:35.447 What is the Black Squadron Command? 02:35.747 --> 02:40.211 Well, the Black Squadron Command is a way of challenging the elite listening force. 02:40.672 --> 02:47.098 The squadron that listens to this show live every 10 o'clock to 10.30, that is the Black Squadron period. 02:47.618 --> 02:51.042 You're not really a squadron member if you listen to the show outside of that period. 02:51.062 --> 02:52.003 You're a lazy squadron. 02:52.822 --> 03:11.653 And if you are able to, you have to take a picture of yourself as soon as Commander Cornballs issues the command, and then send it in to the following email address, which is adamandjoe.sixmusic at bbc.co.uk, adamandjoe.sixmusic at bbc.co.uk. 03:11.673 --> 03:14.214 You could also text your picture to 64046. 03:16.055 --> 03:19.117 Texts will be charged at your standard message rate. 03:19.837 --> 03:25.200 And we will put some of the best of the photographs on our blog afterwards just to warn you. 03:25.660 --> 03:28.002 We should really be playing a record in the style of the command. 03:29.162 --> 03:29.502 Are we? 03:30.463 --> 03:31.043 Yeah. 03:31.263 --> 03:31.984 He's on top of it. 03:32.044 --> 03:33.204 James is a proper producer. 03:33.224 --> 03:35.025 He's been doing this for many weeks. 03:35.105 --> 03:36.246 Stand by, Black Squadron. 03:37.106 --> 03:38.067 Here we go with your command. 03:38.107 --> 03:40.868 The text number 64046 for your photos. 03:40.928 --> 03:43.790 This week's Black Squadron command is PUNK! 03:45.490 --> 04:09.122 dear there's a little raspberry at the end there there's not too many songs that end with a raspberry are there that's a good one though isn't it did you ever have a punk phase joseph cornish not really no no i was a bit too young for punk i was that was during the silver jubilee and stuff i was being very uh patriotic and monarchistic and wearing lots of union jack badges and going to street parties certainly was not being a punk i wasn't jumping about being rude about the queen 04:09.602 --> 04:11.744 Why would I want to do that? 04:11.804 --> 04:12.925 Why be any different? 04:13.385 --> 04:21.011 I was enjoying my Jubilee mug, which I still have on the shelf, along with my Charles and Di... Well, you've got a very big collection of Royal memorabilia. 04:21.151 --> 04:21.632 Sure I do. 04:21.832 --> 04:24.154 The listeners would be surprised if they walked into your front room. 04:24.194 --> 04:30.799 It's completely decked out with Union Jacks, Kate and Wills, Fergie and... what's his space? 04:31.640 --> 04:32.941 And Charles and Di stuff. 04:33.001 --> 04:33.301 Yeah. 04:33.401 --> 04:35.203 Jubilee, Golden Jubilee, Queen Mum. 04:35.223 --> 04:35.683 You love them. 04:36.043 --> 04:36.704 Absolutely love them. 04:36.724 --> 04:37.925 Can't get enough of them, Laura. 04:38.065 --> 04:38.605 Laura! 04:39.766 --> 04:41.247 You're royalty obsessed. 04:41.347 --> 04:41.628 Yeah. 04:41.828 --> 04:45.870 But on the flip side of that, the Black Squadron command was punk and squadron. 04:45.970 --> 04:46.971 I don't know what's going on. 04:47.011 --> 04:48.492 We've only had, oh no, here we go. 04:48.512 --> 04:51.794 There's a third or actually we've just refreshed and things have got better. 04:52.235 --> 04:53.736 It started out quite badly. 04:54.236 --> 04:55.097 Look at that man. 04:55.797 --> 04:56.638 Is that today? 04:56.918 --> 04:57.599 Hey, that's good. 04:57.619 --> 04:58.159 That's art. 04:58.460 --> 05:01.082 He's got clips on him and he's got... What sort of clips are they? 05:01.102 --> 05:03.044 They're like blue plastic clothes pegs. 05:03.104 --> 05:04.265 He's got fancy clothes pegs. 05:04.285 --> 05:05.526 All over his face, literally. 05:05.586 --> 05:07.768 So he's like a human porcupine. 05:07.788 --> 05:11.492 They're on his nose, his lips, his nostrils, his ears and his hair. 05:11.892 --> 05:13.554 He's suffering for his squadron. 05:13.914 --> 05:14.714 That's very good. 05:14.894 --> 05:15.795 There's a gentleman. 05:15.835 --> 05:16.815 Oh, that's very good, isn't it? 05:16.895 --> 05:25.019 A gentleman or a lady, possibly a lady, I guess, who already has a nose ring and she simply put a safety pin into the nose ring. 05:25.059 --> 05:29.821 That's a way of like piercing herself without actually, you know, compromising her skin. 05:30.041 --> 05:34.523 It's quite a scary looking man flicking a V sign and he doesn't appear to be wearing clothes. 05:34.603 --> 05:35.363 It's the top part. 05:35.383 --> 05:37.104 He looks like that can't be published. 05:37.224 --> 05:40.545 That V sign is too naughty for the castle. 05:40.806 --> 05:41.266 That's naughty. 05:41.306 --> 05:41.626 That would out. 05:41.926 --> 05:43.567 rage people if you post it there. 05:43.587 --> 05:45.308 He looks like Vinnie Jones, that geezer. 05:46.189 --> 05:48.831 Mmm, that man's just wearing a t-shirt saying punk. 05:49.231 --> 05:49.431 Yeah. 05:49.831 --> 05:50.352 That's pretty good. 05:50.372 --> 05:55.115 Well keep the pictures coming in Black Squadron, there's some very creative interpretations. 05:55.855 --> 06:00.698 You know, speaking of the Royal Family as we were just then, I found myself in a strange position the other day. 06:01.179 --> 06:02.500 Someone had, must, hang on. 06:02.700 --> 06:03.740 No, the other position. 06:04.281 --> 06:08.404 I was round for lunch at someone's house and they had that 06:09.184 --> 06:14.046 book of photographs where they've, you know, they've got doubles for the royal family. 06:14.747 --> 06:19.809 And they're taking pictures of them in shocking positions and stuff doing naughty things. 06:20.427 --> 06:22.088 What's the name of that lady who does those? 06:22.348 --> 06:22.488 Ah. 06:22.528 --> 06:23.089 Alison. 06:23.289 --> 06:23.509 Yeah. 06:23.569 --> 06:24.710 I've got a mug by her. 06:24.770 --> 06:25.510 It's an Alison. 06:26.251 --> 06:34.415 Um, and anyway, they were, they were flicking through that and one of the pictures was, and everyone was kind of passing the book round and chuckling at it and stuff. 06:36.056 --> 06:38.898 And, uh, one of the pictures- It sounds like a marvelous dinner party. 06:39.118 --> 06:50.065 Well it was, you know, it was, it was one of those things where, I don't know if you, I'm sure you do get this actually, Joe, but, um, everyone is getting so into something and enjoying it so much you think, I'm going to rain on this parade. 06:52.166 --> 06:53.287 You're talking to Scornballs! 06:53.367 --> 06:55.008 What do you mean, that's my MO? 06:55.048 --> 06:55.788 That's right! 06:56.329 --> 06:57.869 I'm gonna think, what would Joe do? 06:58.350 --> 07:01.411 I know, he'd get a little bucket of scorn and he'd pour it on that book. 07:02.492 --> 07:03.593 That's not what I do. 07:03.713 --> 07:05.134 So I thought, I'm gonna do that too. 07:05.594 --> 07:06.775 So I got out my scorn bucket. 07:07.614 --> 07:15.017 And when the book came round to me, I found this, one of the photographs was they'd mocked up the doubles of Wills and Kate out in Africa. 07:15.617 --> 07:21.459 And Wills and Kate were wandering along hand in hand in their nice clothing, looking happy. 07:21.880 --> 07:35.165 And in the background, there were loads of African people, like tribespeople dressed up in tribal gear, carrying Wills and Kate's luggage, you know, loads and loads of their luggage and looking sort of exhausted. 07:35.925 --> 07:43.527 And I just thought, that is beyond the pale, because I don't think Wills and Kate would do that. 07:43.947 --> 07:51.869 I don't think that they would walk along there and let someone else carry their luggage in that way, whether they were in Africa or any other part of the world. 07:52.389 --> 08:00.892 And I felt like what started out being a bit of scorn-pouring ended up being just me defending the royal family against accusations. 08:00.952 --> 08:01.792 And it's happening again. 08:02.672 --> 08:05.977 In a way it is, because I'm broadcasting it, aren't I? 08:06.037 --> 08:07.078 On a radio programme. 08:07.939 --> 08:08.760 I forgot about that. 08:11.323 --> 08:12.665 Listen, I'd better do a free play. 08:13.346 --> 08:16.550 Here's Emmy the Great, and we love Emmy the Great on this programme. 08:16.570 --> 08:17.431 We do love Emmy the Great. 08:17.671 --> 08:28.256 We were introduced to her and her lovely world, I guess thanks to our producer James who got her along to one of our Glastonbury shows a few years back and she sang for us live then. 08:28.296 --> 08:33.158 I hope she's going to do the same next weekend when wearing Glastonbury because Emmy the Great is playing. 08:33.899 --> 08:35.259 Emmy the Great is the name of her band. 08:35.760 --> 08:40.382 Emmy herself is called Emily Moss and her new album is called Virtue. 08:40.422 --> 08:42.783 This is a track called Dinosaur Sex. 08:43.724 --> 09:02.763 steady and it's um beautifully produced and uh it's about what are you chuckling nothing you're sounding like your dad you're sounding like your dad oh am i he's beautifully produced absolutely beautifully produced the sounds are wonderful it's about the apocalypse fear of the apocalypse sure it is yeah here it is dinosaur sex this is emmy the great 09:03.672 --> 09:04.353 Minnie Riperton. 09:04.993 --> 09:06.114 She's absolutely ripped. 09:06.234 --> 09:07.395 She's got Minnie Ripertons. 09:08.276 --> 09:12.040 Listen, Black Squadron, you've done an extraordinary job with this command this morning. 09:12.640 --> 09:22.109 Well done all of you, particularly Rowan Smith, who has sort of used onion rings and a bit of popcorn to create some piercings. 09:22.489 --> 09:23.310 Is that an onion ring? 09:23.871 --> 09:24.451 I hope so. 09:26.673 --> 09:31.238 It's snaking in and out of his mouth like two vampire teeth that are conjoined. 09:31.258 --> 09:31.619 What is it? 09:31.639 --> 09:32.079 Let's have a look. 09:32.099 --> 09:32.640 Is it a sausage? 09:32.660 --> 09:34.762 And then he's put a piece of... It's not a sausage. 09:35.303 --> 09:36.484 What kind of sausages do you eat? 09:37.365 --> 09:38.006 Circular ones? 09:38.046 --> 09:38.627 Yeah, thin. 09:38.727 --> 09:39.528 Round sausages. 09:39.548 --> 09:40.749 Can you get round sausages? 09:41.630 --> 09:44.831 Yeah, well when they hang them up in shops, like they tie them together. 09:44.851 --> 09:45.751 Oh that's true, yeah. 09:45.771 --> 09:46.631 He'd have a completely circle. 09:46.671 --> 09:47.091 Verst. 09:47.672 --> 09:48.812 Brad Verst. 09:48.872 --> 09:49.452 That's very good. 09:49.512 --> 09:49.852 Rowan. 09:50.552 --> 09:54.293 Tom in Cheltenham was the gentleman with the hundreds of blue plastic clothes pegs. 09:54.313 --> 09:54.834 Simon Pegg. 09:55.214 --> 09:56.934 He suffered a great deal. 09:57.214 --> 10:01.775 He's got a bulgy eye look, but I can assume that is the pain causing that. 10:02.196 --> 10:03.416 Claire and Andrew McCluskey. 10:04.116 --> 10:05.117 Have we featured them before? 10:05.157 --> 10:09.061 I think we might have, but they've done a very good job with bin bag dresses. 10:09.542 --> 10:11.984 It was an earlier squadron command there coming back into play. 10:12.004 --> 10:12.545 Do you remember that? 10:12.905 --> 10:13.426 That's right. 10:13.586 --> 10:14.287 Bin bag dress? 10:14.447 --> 10:15.828 It's not a practical way of dressing. 10:15.868 --> 10:21.995 I mean, that's the thing about the punks is that they smelled bad because if you wear bin bags... 10:22.535 --> 10:23.236 They didn't care. 10:23.316 --> 10:24.076 I know they didn't care. 10:24.096 --> 10:24.777 That wasn't the point. 10:25.658 --> 10:30.042 But it was a very uncomfortable time for young people. 10:30.582 --> 10:31.443 Fun to be filthy. 10:31.863 --> 10:34.205 Yeah, but no sweaty as well. 10:34.686 --> 10:36.407 Anyway, Claire and Andrew are doing very good. 10:36.507 --> 10:38.969 I mean, Andrew's got a very, very rebellious face there. 10:38.989 --> 10:40.230 He's cocking a snoop. 10:40.631 --> 10:41.572 Or a snook. 10:41.712 --> 10:43.033 He's cocking a snoop and a snook. 10:43.053 --> 10:44.334 I would say a snook. 10:44.614 --> 10:47.676 And Claire there, she's looking very grumpy and belligerent. 10:47.836 --> 10:49.097 Yeah, she doesn't want to do what she's told. 10:49.257 --> 10:51.939 No, she's going to do the opposite of what she's told, like Colin Farrell. 10:52.379 --> 10:53.240 Exactly. 10:53.360 --> 11:00.325 There's Ewan, and Ewan's just put a big furry cushion on his head to create the illusion of a punk haircut. 11:00.405 --> 11:01.125 Spiky haircut. 11:01.245 --> 11:01.866 He's very good. 11:02.006 --> 11:04.167 Did you watch that documentary about the history of festivals last night? 11:04.187 --> 11:04.728 I'm sure it was a repeat. 11:04.748 --> 11:05.328 Yeah, I did, yeah. 11:05.408 --> 11:06.249 It was quite good, wasn't it? 11:07.048 --> 11:09.611 Yeah he did and Adam's like he didn't watch it. 11:09.631 --> 11:11.372 It was on BBC 4 it was very good. 11:11.753 --> 11:13.014 Some of you listeners out there might have seen it. 11:13.034 --> 11:14.475 It was about the history of free festivals. 11:14.575 --> 11:18.639 It mainly made me think every single festival they covered I just thought oh glad I wasn't there. 11:18.659 --> 11:19.140 Did you watch it? 11:19.160 --> 11:20.041 Yeah I did watch it. 11:20.181 --> 11:21.882 I get very mixed signals from you this morning. 11:21.902 --> 11:23.124 I saw Jeremy Beadle there in it. 11:23.164 --> 11:24.885 That was good but the point is the punks ruined it. 11:24.905 --> 11:26.367 The punks came along and ruined it. 11:26.387 --> 11:27.228 It was all going swimmingly. 11:27.248 --> 11:27.728 The punks yeah. 11:28.188 --> 11:30.591 They came along and ruined it with their shouting and spitting. 11:30.922 --> 11:31.843 The hippies ruined it. 11:32.223 --> 11:33.263 No, actually the cops ruined it. 11:33.323 --> 11:33.864 The cops ruined it first. 11:33.904 --> 11:34.544 Everyone ruined it. 11:35.484 --> 11:36.265 Someone's always going to ruin it. 11:36.285 --> 11:37.385 Anyway, well done, Black Squadron. 11:37.406 --> 11:38.606 That's a terrific response. 11:38.666 --> 11:46.711 Watch out for the very best of those photos up on the Adam and Joe blog, bbc.co.uk forward slash blogs forward slash Adam and Joe. 11:46.731 --> 11:52.614 They'll be there later in the day, but not if you flicked a rude sign at the camera or did anything that isn't family friendly. 11:52.694 --> 11:53.074 Exactly. 11:53.274 --> 11:56.037 Because this is sort of family-friendly punks, isn't it? 11:56.338 --> 11:58.000 Yeah, it's like a kid's show. 11:58.120 --> 11:59.121 Anodyne punks. 11:59.562 --> 12:00.283 Pretend punks. 12:00.583 --> 12:01.264 Part-time punks. 12:02.085 --> 12:04.268 Kaiser chief news, ladies and gentlemen. 12:04.568 --> 12:10.596 The Kaiser's are back and as far as I know they're doing something like they've uploaded a load of tracks 12:11.476 --> 12:28.608 20 tracks or something you can download them from their website and Then some point they will decide which ones are the public's favorites And then maybe those will be compiled onto an official album release Isn't that putting the cart before the horse you can't just do let the public? 12:29.188 --> 12:31.370 Decide can you you have to tell the public? 12:31.550 --> 12:37.476 Well, if there are more tracks online than there are on the album, then why don't you just miss the tracks that aren't on the album on the album? 12:37.756 --> 12:40.659 I think it's up to the band to say, this is what you're getting. 12:40.920 --> 12:42.001 Enjoy it or don't. 12:42.721 --> 12:43.482 That's the album. 12:43.783 --> 12:44.263 Deal with it. 12:44.723 --> 12:47.426 You know, there's all this democracy of the web. 12:54.133 --> 12:55.814 Anyway, having said all that, enjoy this. 12:56.394 --> 13:01.336 I'm not saying anything about the songs, I'm sure they're great. 13:01.356 --> 13:02.437 I've not heard this one before. 13:02.457 --> 13:04.097 I think it's probably brilliant. 13:04.397 --> 13:07.339 It's the Kaiser Chiefs with Little Shocks. 13:08.219 --> 13:12.041 Exploring new sonic territory there, that's the Kaiser Chiefs with Little Shocks. 13:12.261 --> 13:13.021 Fantastic sounds. 13:13.041 --> 13:14.181 You're on 66 Music. 13:14.201 --> 13:15.262 That's my new voice. 13:15.782 --> 13:17.343 Gonna do the rest of the show like that. 13:17.383 --> 13:17.943 Quickly news. 13:18.303 --> 13:20.304 Okay, we gotta stand the squadron down first. 13:20.564 --> 13:20.764 Okay. 13:24.611 --> 13:32.919 Stand down, your work is done You've earned yourself a nice warm bath And maybe a nice little bun It's 10.31 and 30 seconds, it's time for the news 13:40.049 --> 13:45.514 Now, staying a little bit punky there with Richard Hell and the Voidoids, Blank Generation. 13:45.554 --> 13:48.717 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 13:48.737 --> 13:49.718 How you doing, listeners? 13:49.818 --> 13:51.059 Yeah, you OK? 13:51.179 --> 13:51.580 You well? 13:51.940 --> 13:52.160 Good. 13:52.360 --> 13:54.062 It's a little bit sunny here in London. 13:54.102 --> 13:55.103 Hope it's nice where you are. 13:55.443 --> 13:57.185 I got absolutely soaked on my bike yesterday. 13:57.205 --> 13:58.346 We went to the Steam Fair. 13:58.606 --> 14:00.688 Didn't see you at the Steam Fair, Joe Cornballs. 14:00.988 --> 14:05.954 I'm sorry I did explain to Mr. Cocker that I wouldn't be able to attend because I was otherwise engaged. 14:06.654 --> 14:07.275 Was it good fun? 14:07.595 --> 14:12.521 For the National Autistic Society we were down there in London in Fulham. 14:12.621 --> 14:14.783 It was fun but it was really rainy. 14:15.224 --> 14:16.565 It was kind of unfair. 14:17.686 --> 14:34.035 how rainy it was and I felt sorry for the organizers but still everyone turned up Harry Hill turned up and Jonathan Ross and Jarvis and they were all there and lots of very nice people very nice to meet you if you were there yesterday so it was fun and it's a great fair that those Carter's Steam Fair places 14:34.329 --> 14:35.109 Are you smiling? 14:35.129 --> 14:35.710 I'm smiling. 14:35.730 --> 14:37.431 I'm reading one of these retrotext donations. 14:37.451 --> 14:40.133 I'm just tortling about the fun that's to come. 14:40.273 --> 14:40.533 Yeah. 14:41.173 --> 14:44.055 It sounded like the hospital radio with me saying it's a great fair. 14:44.155 --> 14:47.077 It's an absolutely great fair. 14:47.157 --> 14:47.957 It's a terrific fair. 14:48.097 --> 14:51.299 The little antique steam engines, some of them are beautiful. 14:51.319 --> 15:00.485 The way they're kept is absolutely marvellous and the... I like the noise better. 15:00.825 --> 15:01.706 Now that's radio. 15:02.546 --> 15:05.287 Listen, it's retro text the nation time retro text the nation. 15:05.307 --> 15:06.408 Are you ready for that? 15:06.648 --> 15:06.988 Yeah. 15:07.048 --> 15:11.529 Yeah, I was just gonna do another Well don't No, okay. 15:12.670 --> 15:23.334 It's retro text the nation time This is the time when people who listen to the show via the podcast or via listen again Can contribute to the previous week's text the nation if that's clear. 15:23.354 --> 15:27.976 That's why it's called retro text the nation and of course Just to be serious for a moment 15:31.658 --> 15:36.961 This section of the show does have one of the most incredible jingles ever. 15:37.802 --> 15:43.225 Hang on, I think it's actually the most amazing jingle ever written. 15:43.425 --> 15:45.907 And I wrote it and when I wrote it... 15:46.767 --> 15:47.668 You wrote it. 15:47.728 --> 15:48.308 I did write it. 15:48.428 --> 15:49.488 When I wrote it, I just didn't. 15:49.548 --> 15:50.409 I just had no idea. 15:50.949 --> 15:51.649 I had no idea. 15:51.729 --> 15:52.450 I didn't know what I was doing. 15:52.470 --> 15:56.231 I mean, I had no idea I was writing The Greatest Jingle, but you don't. 15:56.612 --> 16:02.474 And I was talking to Sir Paul McCartney the other day and I was asking him whether he knew when he wrote some of those songs that they were what they were. 16:02.514 --> 16:03.395 And he said no. 16:03.475 --> 16:06.956 And that's, you know, and I said, no, that's amazing because I didn't feel it either. 16:07.056 --> 16:08.857 And we got on really well. 16:08.957 --> 16:09.197 Yeah. 16:09.397 --> 16:09.598 Yeah. 16:09.658 --> 16:14.360 And he was talking about yesterday and you were saying, well, yes, retro text nations is the yesterday of Jingle. 16:14.400 --> 16:14.920 He bought it up. 16:15.120 --> 16:18.063 There's no way I would have started that conversation, but he bought it up. 16:18.123 --> 16:21.807 It's the most covered jingle, I'm sorry to say. 16:21.907 --> 16:27.272 Here is a message from Nicholas Cecil Montgomery Ward III, a mailman. 16:27.292 --> 16:27.953 He's very clever. 16:28.053 --> 16:29.474 From Chelmsford in Essex. 16:29.494 --> 16:30.195 Perceptive man. 16:30.355 --> 16:34.720 He says, Dear Professor Buxophiles and Dr Cornucopia, 16:35.600 --> 16:48.405 Uh, my friend David works as an archivist at the big British castle, and he's recently discovered a remarkable and previously unheard demo recording of the Beatles from 1962, talking about Macca. 16:48.785 --> 16:59.569 However, I feel that this startling discovery may help to redress the animosity felt by Adam around the ongoing popularity of the retro textination jingle. 16:59.629 --> 17:04.051 Well, let's have a look and, uh, or even a listen and see what he's on about. 17:07.645 --> 17:13.387 I used to listen to Adam Joe, but I listened to the podcast, not the live show. 17:13.647 --> 17:17.409 I used to feel acute frustration, yeah. 17:17.609 --> 17:18.829 Oh no, oh yeah. 17:18.869 --> 17:25.371 Because I couldn't join him with taxonation, but now my problems have disappeared. 17:25.512 --> 17:29.113 Because retro taxonation's here. 17:43.147 --> 17:45.108 I mean that's very amusing but that's not the Beatles. 17:45.328 --> 17:45.608 Is it not? 17:45.648 --> 17:46.309 No that's fake. 17:46.329 --> 17:55.055 I mean because I just wouldn't want you to diminish my true story about meeting Paul McCartney and us chatting with some bit of fakery. 17:55.115 --> 17:56.136 I mean it's very good fake. 17:56.176 --> 17:56.576 Well done. 17:56.876 --> 17:57.857 Well done Nicholas. 17:58.277 --> 17:59.997 Nicholas Ward, thank you so much for that. 18:00.397 --> 18:05.619 Although, you know, I don't think the Beatles ever did have a phase where they sang in broad Liverpudlian accents. 18:06.019 --> 18:07.199 I'm not sure about that. 18:07.559 --> 18:08.899 A Beatles expert could tell me. 18:08.919 --> 18:10.700 But let's get into retrotexanation. 18:10.940 --> 18:14.440 Last week we were talking about domestic decoration differences. 18:14.520 --> 18:17.821 The triple D that divides so many happy households. 18:18.221 --> 18:25.023 You're in there, you're cohabiting with your partner or your wife or whoever you're cohabiting with and... 18:27.203 --> 18:28.384 What's going on this morning? 18:29.945 --> 18:33.388 It's like now that's what I call DJ voices. 18:34.769 --> 18:39.312 We've had everyone from your dad through to some kind of Radio 1 DJ now. 18:39.352 --> 18:39.992 What are we? 18:40.012 --> 18:40.653 Hospital radio? 18:40.793 --> 18:41.113 I don't know. 18:41.173 --> 18:45.136 I'm someone who says yeah instead of your. 18:45.536 --> 18:49.379 I'm your kind of daytime, your fun DJ. 18:49.439 --> 18:51.941 Your DJ who says yeah in front of a lot of your things. 18:54.102 --> 18:55.785 Decorating difference. 18:55.825 --> 18:57.148 In front of a lot of your things. 18:57.168 --> 19:04.722 Yeah, you know, it's when you have a massive argument with your partner about how you're going to decorate your house. 19:07.717 --> 19:08.478 Is that clear enough? 19:09.560 --> 19:10.000 Here we go. 19:10.060 --> 19:11.062 I'll start you off with one. 19:11.442 --> 19:16.389 Here is a message from... This link's gonna go on forever. 19:16.449 --> 19:21.195 It's been going on for about five minutes already and we haven't even read one single message. 19:22.377 --> 19:23.819 Here's one from Affy. 19:23.859 --> 19:24.700 He's a mailman. 19:25.621 --> 19:29.463 Though recently mistaken for a woman by Joe, he says. 19:29.963 --> 19:32.624 He's in Bournemouth, I guess, if he must have mailed in before. 19:32.644 --> 19:33.084 Good story. 19:33.484 --> 19:33.924 Fun story. 19:34.544 --> 19:49.450 He says, dear Buckles and Corn Nuts, some time ago I mentioned to an old lady friend that having recently used the bathroom at my parents' house, which is carpeted, I found it very cozy, and I would like to have a carpeted bathroom myself in the next place I lived. 19:49.870 --> 19:58.554 She found the idea appalling and unhygienic, claiming that bathwater would spill out onto the carpet, and that men often miss the bowl when urinating. 19:59.394 --> 20:10.079 I told her that this was nonsense, and that I never missed the bowl, whilst sober or otherwise, and she had been influenced by television into believing that this was a common occurrence. 20:10.559 --> 20:17.125 I also told her that at any rate you can put down mats around the toilet or bath which can then be washed, but she wouldn't budge. 20:17.305 --> 20:20.588 She even told me that it would be a deal breaker if we moved in together. 20:21.068 --> 20:27.714 I found her vehement reaction quite surprising, so took to asking people I know about their feelings on the carpet in the bathroom. 20:27.954 --> 20:32.538 To my surprise, no one backed me, and everyone agreed that her bathroom carpeting 20:33.678 --> 20:40.120 Everyone agreed with her that bathroom carpeting is not a good idea, leaving me feeling isolated and unsure of myself. 20:40.581 --> 20:41.761 Is there something wrong with me? 20:42.621 --> 20:42.861 Yes. 20:43.341 --> 20:43.942 Let's move on. 20:44.382 --> 20:45.402 Yes, there is something wrong with him. 20:45.582 --> 20:47.143 Are you not going for the carpeting in the bathroom? 20:47.183 --> 20:47.343 No. 20:47.603 --> 20:48.203 No, who would? 20:48.243 --> 20:49.123 You'd have to be mental. 20:49.464 --> 20:51.304 You want a wipe clean surface. 20:51.824 --> 20:52.485 Of course you do. 20:52.505 --> 20:58.347 You don't want a spongy surface that can absorb liquids and hairs and munch. 20:59.507 --> 20:59.787 What? 20:59.807 --> 21:00.927 That's one of your words, isn't it? 21:01.027 --> 21:01.988 No, it certainly isn't. 21:05.235 --> 21:06.456 Yeah, so he's on his own. 21:06.496 --> 21:07.877 But listen, don't feel isolated. 21:07.937 --> 21:08.437 What's his name? 21:09.478 --> 21:09.758 Affy. 21:10.058 --> 21:12.460 Affy, I'm sure there's a stinky woman out there for you. 21:13.701 --> 21:16.183 Here's one from Megan from Australia. 21:16.483 --> 21:17.124 Oh, mate. 21:18.064 --> 21:18.745 Dear Adam and Joe. 21:19.205 --> 21:19.826 That's good, isn't it? 21:19.846 --> 21:21.027 Where's the accent, mate? 21:21.467 --> 21:23.148 Well, I'm not gonna... Shall I read that? 21:23.168 --> 21:23.669 No, you don't have to. 21:23.689 --> 21:24.169 It's disrespectful. 21:25.589 --> 21:29.490 My friend recently moved out with her boyfriend into a new apartment. 21:31.471 --> 21:34.412 My friend recently moved out with her boyfriend into a new apartment. 21:34.892 --> 21:40.553 The place didn't come with curtains so her boyfriend decided to hang his many football scarves over the windows. 21:41.054 --> 21:45.255 He thought it looked so good that they should stay there permanently so they wouldn't need to buy curtains. 21:46.435 --> 22:03.893 great idea football scarves backlit dear my lovely this obviously caused an argument which my friends somehow lost when the plumber came over and said it looked awesome it's absolutely hideous lots of love from Megan Megan why are you why why is the plumber settling the arguments 22:03.993 --> 22:05.153 Well, cos he's a plumber. 22:05.333 --> 22:05.594 Right. 22:06.254 --> 22:08.855 He has very earthy skills. 22:08.875 --> 22:10.295 Yeah, you need an objective eye sometimes, don't you? 22:10.315 --> 22:10.835 Exactly. 22:10.895 --> 22:13.736 But you can't have the argument settled by someone who doesn't even live in the place. 22:13.876 --> 22:15.217 Football scarves for curtains? 22:15.237 --> 22:16.657 That sounds atrocious. 22:16.717 --> 22:18.558 They'd be illuminated on a sunny day. 22:18.758 --> 22:20.199 Yeah, that's an absolutely rotten idea. 22:20.219 --> 22:20.539 Hideous. 22:21.219 --> 22:26.101 Here is a message right now from Andy in Cheltenham. 22:26.601 --> 22:27.761 Hey, Andy, how you doing? 22:27.841 --> 22:31.883 He says, Hello, Captain Buckinghamshire and Lord Cornwalliam. 22:32.063 --> 22:32.443 Christ. 22:36.484 --> 22:42.165 I work for one of the UK's largest building societies and a few years back they had an advertising campaign. 22:42.505 --> 22:54.888 I was forcibly selected as the staff member to star in this campaign which consisted of my massive head and shoulders and face taking up a whole poster with the tagline, come in and talk to me about savings. 22:55.348 --> 23:01.450 This was shown around the whole branch network and my face was on nearly every high street in the south of England. 23:01.930 --> 23:11.434 It's long over now and I managed to swipe a few of the massive posters but my fiance will not let me put up the poster as the main centerpiece of the wall in our living room. 23:11.854 --> 23:20.318 I insist on putting it up when we have friends and family around but you have to understand this is in a self-mocking postmodern ironic style and definitely not a vanity thing. 23:20.758 --> 23:26.340 It collects dust now behind the sofa and whenever it comes out I get a look as if to say put that up and 23:26.400 --> 23:28.202 I will surgically remove your cornballs. 23:28.623 --> 23:35.791 Please will you tell my fiance that this is a healthy and perfectly fine object to display in the living room to settle all future disputes. 23:36.031 --> 23:37.072 We're getting married in two weeks. 23:37.092 --> 23:39.736 This needs to be settled before the marriage can take place in my opinion. 23:40.076 --> 23:40.296 Love you. 23:40.336 --> 23:40.957 Bye. 23:41.357 --> 23:43.680 I mean he's got a giant poster of himself. 23:43.980 --> 23:45.422 That's surely you're allowed that. 23:46.363 --> 23:47.023 in their front room. 23:47.383 --> 23:48.064 I would allow that. 23:48.404 --> 23:50.145 Not everybody has a giant poster of themselves. 23:50.165 --> 23:50.885 Well, exactly. 23:51.405 --> 23:51.845 So there you go. 23:51.885 --> 23:53.246 We've decreed that he's right. 23:53.286 --> 23:54.046 He's allowed to have it. 23:54.086 --> 23:55.707 You know, come and talk to me about savings. 23:56.167 --> 23:57.027 Certainly I will. 23:57.087 --> 23:58.028 I mean, that's great. 23:58.488 --> 23:58.788 Okay? 23:59.008 --> 24:03.570 So I would say to your soon-to-be lady wife, Andy, DEAL WITH IT! 24:04.170 --> 24:04.870 Let's have a record. 24:04.910 --> 24:06.511 We might do some more after this record. 24:07.171 --> 24:07.772 Let's have some music. 24:07.992 --> 24:08.772 Yeah, this is Coldplay. 24:08.792 --> 24:09.792 I don't know if you've heard of them. 24:10.173 --> 24:10.413 No? 24:11.193 --> 24:11.873 They're a new band. 24:11.893 --> 24:19.236 They're very exciting and they play very edgy kind of thrash and thrash metal. 24:19.496 --> 24:20.677 I don't think I'm going to like it. 24:20.837 --> 24:23.318 Well, I think it's a fun sound. 24:23.858 --> 24:25.479 Every teardrop is a waterfall. 24:26.431 --> 24:29.012 Coldplay, every teardrop is a waterfall. 24:29.052 --> 24:36.636 You can listen again to Will Champion from Coldplay, who was on Steve LaMax Wednesday's show here on Six Music. 24:36.856 --> 24:42.359 They were talking about the band's love of Glastonbury, which is good because they're playing there next weekend. 24:42.439 --> 24:51.263 So, you know, if they were talking about how much they loathed Glastonbury and everything about it and how uncomfortable it was and miserable, would be a bit of a drag before they headlined there, don't you think? 24:51.523 --> 24:52.624 Yes. 24:52.684 --> 24:54.024 What's the weather going to be like, James? 24:54.665 --> 24:54.845 Good. 24:55.305 --> 24:55.725 Do you reckon? 24:56.045 --> 24:56.885 I heard changeable. 24:57.285 --> 24:58.106 I heard changeable. 24:58.986 --> 25:00.186 Tuesday gets better. 25:00.366 --> 25:00.866 Oh, this week. 25:01.166 --> 25:01.966 Right, not the week after. 25:04.287 --> 25:04.647 Changeable. 25:04.667 --> 25:05.507 Well, it's always changeable. 25:05.547 --> 25:07.707 There's going to be a few spits and spots and showers. 25:07.828 --> 25:08.528 Showers and flowers. 25:08.608 --> 25:11.908 But it's not going to be the heatwave that it was last year, I guess. 25:12.608 --> 25:15.649 But as long as it's not a deluge, a loathe of deluge. 25:15.809 --> 25:18.510 Hey, should we pop back into retrotexanation just for a little bit? 25:18.550 --> 25:19.590 We got a couple of goodies. 25:20.390 --> 25:26.414 Some of my favourites are people who have huge, awful objects in their houses that their partners can't live with. 25:26.494 --> 25:30.477 For instance, David, he sent us a picture of his barbecue. 25:31.277 --> 25:36.441 And to describe his barbecue, he's got kind of fake skulls, human skulls. 25:36.461 --> 25:37.461 Plaster skulls. 25:37.502 --> 25:38.242 Plaster skulls. 25:38.262 --> 25:45.067 He's piled them up as if some terrible atrocity has happened and poured concrete over them, very thick concrete. 25:45.127 --> 25:46.628 It's a sort of a goth barbecue. 25:46.868 --> 25:47.088 Yes. 25:47.128 --> 25:48.589 Almost like a sacrificial altar. 25:48.809 --> 25:53.213 It's a little like something they would have had in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. 25:53.253 --> 25:53.553 Yes. 25:54.694 --> 25:57.336 And David says, Dear Adam and Joe, here's a picture of my barbecue. 25:57.636 --> 26:02.380 It's made of human skulls, spelt S-C-U-L-L-S, brackets, not real. 26:02.880 --> 26:04.222 My wife doesn't really like it. 26:04.582 --> 26:05.903 I made it while she was away. 26:06.243 --> 26:07.224 It's made of concrete. 26:07.244 --> 26:09.366 It's totally indestructible and immovable. 26:09.746 --> 26:12.048 And we don't have friends around for barbecues anymore. 26:12.068 --> 26:13.149 I love you. 26:13.349 --> 26:14.410 David, kiss, kiss, kiss. 26:14.810 --> 26:17.132 Oh, imagine the surprise his wife got when she... 26:18.753 --> 26:26.657 I think that's the key is if you're going to have a controversial object in your house, install it while your partner's away and pour concrete over it. 26:26.677 --> 26:26.997 Yeah. 26:27.237 --> 26:30.238 Make sure it's fused to the ground with thick concrete. 26:30.459 --> 26:34.320 Do you think that when she got back he immediately said, hey, come look at this? 26:34.861 --> 26:36.601 Or do you think he thought, I'm going to be in trouble. 26:36.641 --> 26:38.342 I won't mention it just yet. 26:38.582 --> 26:39.783 I'll wait for her to find it. 26:40.442 --> 26:42.003 I mean, either way, it would have gone badly. 26:42.143 --> 26:43.964 I'd like to go for a barbecue at David's house. 26:44.244 --> 26:45.424 Imagine the nudity. 26:46.025 --> 26:51.127 It would be good if he did the barbecue sort of stripped to the waist with his body oiled. 26:51.347 --> 26:51.887 You know what I mean? 26:51.967 --> 26:55.629 A bit like the guy in the pirate anti-piracy commercial. 26:55.869 --> 26:56.189 Yes. 26:56.970 --> 26:57.850 Who's in his... 26:57.990 --> 27:04.435 Yeah, and once you'd had your allocated hot dog, you would be branded with a small symbol on your forehead. 27:04.695 --> 27:04.895 Yeah. 27:05.956 --> 27:07.037 So you couldn't have seconds. 27:07.157 --> 27:07.657 That's right. 27:08.378 --> 27:10.659 We got a message from Emma Bromley. 27:10.979 --> 27:13.821 She says, Dear Adam and Joe, keeping it straight and formal. 27:13.841 --> 27:14.122 Good. 27:14.182 --> 27:14.322 Yeah. 27:14.702 --> 27:15.783 Every now and again, that's nice. 27:15.823 --> 27:17.865 Just refreshing, refreshing and respectful. 27:18.406 --> 27:27.295 A few years ago, my husband got drunk and bought a three foot high stuffed beaver, which now stands in our front room. 27:28.056 --> 27:29.037 Now you can look at this. 27:29.537 --> 27:35.824 You can look at our beaver on Twitter at BBC Adam and Joe is our Twitter address. 27:36.685 --> 27:46.513 She continues, I have tolerated it for a number of years, but now we have children, I feel it has become a bit of a health hazard, especially the pointy claws that are just about toddler eye height. 27:46.914 --> 27:52.639 I'm formulating a plan to banish it to the loft, where it'll join the set of Queen Russian Dolls. 27:52.899 --> 27:54.240 That is the band, Queen. 27:54.700 --> 27:56.202 Set of Russian Dolls of Queen. 27:56.702 --> 27:57.343 Goodness sake. 27:57.703 --> 28:08.449 The enormous letter M from a shop front, which is also up there, and the framed signed photograph from Nigel from EastEnders, which mysteriously never got unpacked when we moved houses. 28:08.549 --> 28:09.910 Kisses, Emma Bromley. 28:10.950 --> 28:14.873 And she says, by the way, the beaver cost 1,000 pounds. 28:15.073 --> 28:15.413 Wow. 28:15.573 --> 28:23.798 You have got to be steamed out of your mind to pay 1,000 pounds, pines, for a big stuffed beaver, surely. 28:24.358 --> 28:27.161 And they've got a little fez on there as well, a nice little hat on the beaver. 28:27.782 --> 28:32.046 But as I say, you can check out a photograph of the beaver in its full glory on our Twitter. 28:32.346 --> 28:34.288 I can see what's being said there. 28:34.429 --> 28:37.832 You don't want a stuffed creature with very sharp claws at toddler eye height. 28:38.032 --> 28:38.172 No. 28:38.533 --> 28:39.254 Do you really? 28:39.314 --> 28:39.654 Absolutely not. 28:39.674 --> 28:40.855 I mean, that's asking for trouble. 28:41.035 --> 28:41.416 Sure it is. 28:41.696 --> 28:43.278 But at the same time, it is wearing a fez. 28:43.718 --> 28:43.998 Yeah. 28:44.198 --> 28:45.458 So I can see the quandary. 28:46.019 --> 28:48.319 It's a fun, it's a little fun fella with a face. 28:48.359 --> 28:49.019 It's a fun fella. 28:49.699 --> 28:51.480 Bit of dangerous edgy fun around the house. 28:53.280 --> 28:54.101 Keep you on your toes. 28:54.261 --> 28:56.321 Anyway, thanks a lot for all your messages there. 28:56.781 --> 29:04.523 We might unpack a new Texanation basket later on in the program, but for now, is this your free play, Joseph Cornish? 29:04.543 --> 29:04.903 What is it? 29:05.243 --> 29:05.983 Bit of Fine Young Cannibals. 29:06.003 --> 29:07.084 Yeah, this is the Fine Young Cannibals. 29:07.104 --> 29:08.064 This is called Good Thing. 29:09.306 --> 29:11.148 Pushing out into new sonic territory. 29:11.208 --> 29:11.949 That's the white stripes. 29:12.549 --> 29:18.174 Adam and Joe here on BBC6 music. 29:21.196 --> 29:22.557 Hey, how you doing, listeners? 29:22.917 --> 29:24.819 Here's a message from David Doll. 29:24.839 --> 29:26.680 We had a couple of messages on this subject. 29:26.720 --> 29:28.842 Also got a message from Chris. 29:28.922 --> 29:29.763 Thanks for that, Chris. 29:29.803 --> 29:31.684 But I'm going to read out David's message. 29:32.065 --> 29:35.627 Dear buckwheat and cornucopy balls, 29:36.588 --> 29:44.155 I was recently sitting down catching up on my podcasts and started listening to the Desert Island Discs Your Desert Island Discs special. 29:44.655 --> 29:47.058 It went out on Saturday the 11th of June last weekend. 29:48.179 --> 29:54.304 It was a very enjoyable and only slightly tedious rundown of listeners favorite discs for nearly two hours. 29:55.005 --> 30:00.470 Special studio guests were Miranda Sawyer, Paul Gambaccinoide, he says, and Howard Goodall. 30:01.210 --> 30:06.112 During the opening preamble, Howard and Gambo talk about their Beatles choices. 30:06.512 --> 30:17.937 Listen carefully, or not so carefully, to this clip where Gambo seems to vent his opinion of Howard's Beatles choice with a clearly audible airborne toxic event. 30:18.698 --> 30:23.240 It must be Gambo, he says, as it comes from the left speaker where Gambo is positioned. 30:24.000 --> 30:24.901 In case you hadn't... 30:26.681 --> 30:31.063 In case you can't find said podcast, I've sent you a clip, Dirty Gambo, he says. 30:32.004 --> 30:33.545 Thanks very much, David Dole. 30:33.965 --> 30:37.046 Now, I immediately heard this clip. 30:37.146 --> 30:52.653 It is a very audible Airborne Toxic event, and the first thing I did was go and verify it, listen to the podcast, and make sure that it was actually the show that was broadcast and not just a noise that he'd stuck in for his own amusement. 30:52.713 --> 30:53.634 Have a listen to this clip. 30:54.134 --> 31:05.309 Because John Peel had said that he knew he'd met the right woman when she said her favorite track off Revolver was and your bird can sing and I thought a lovely thought and it Cheers me up, but now I would just say hey Jude 31:06.698 --> 31:07.519 After all that. 31:08.079 --> 31:09.140 Howard, you chose a Beatles track. 31:09.160 --> 31:10.500 You chose We Can Work It Out. 31:10.620 --> 31:19.326 Yes, I chose that because it's one of those tracks that Lennon and McCartney truly wrote together, which is quite rare, in fact, in the Beatles catalogue. 31:19.726 --> 31:22.868 And because the idea of working it out seemed very British. 31:23.248 --> 31:23.408 Yeah. 31:23.749 --> 31:23.909 Yeah. 31:24.529 --> 31:27.111 So that's quite a loud, toxic event, isn't it? 31:27.171 --> 31:28.351 And I've done nothing to that clip. 31:28.391 --> 31:30.773 I haven't like beefed up the sound of that or anything. 31:30.813 --> 31:33.094 That is how it was broadcast at 100%. 31:33.214 --> 31:33.775 Creaky chair. 31:34.415 --> 31:35.015 Creaky chair. 31:35.075 --> 31:44.761 Have a little listen, because we got in touch with Miranda Sawyer, who was on the show, and she doesn't remember it happening. 31:44.822 --> 31:48.124 So people in the studio weren't aware of it at the time. 31:49.284 --> 32:01.992 Sarah Taylor, who is the Desert Island Discs producer, says, I am 100% convinced the sound, rather than being from a bottom, is in fact a mouth snort from Paul Gambaccini. 32:02.272 --> 32:03.133 Gambaccini mouth snort. 32:03.453 --> 32:04.694 Gambaccini mouth snort. 32:04.755 --> 32:07.257 So that's what Sarah is going for. 32:07.398 --> 32:08.158 Let's listen again. 32:08.178 --> 32:09.540 Let's have another little listen. 32:09.880 --> 32:14.606 It's one of those tracks that Lennon and McCartney truly wrote together, which is quite rare. 32:15.879 --> 32:16.640 That's not a mouth snort. 32:16.660 --> 32:18.901 That is no way a mouth snort. 32:19.182 --> 32:23.665 Now I was listening to the panning though and this is like the Patterson footage of Bigfoot. 32:23.685 --> 32:25.246 You've got to try and replicate it. 32:25.286 --> 32:26.367 Or the Zapruder footage. 32:26.427 --> 32:26.747 Isn't it? 32:27.348 --> 32:30.770 I'm thinking the only possible explanation is maybe a fifth farter. 32:31.671 --> 32:32.612 You know? 32:32.792 --> 32:34.133 On the grassy knoll. 32:36.014 --> 32:40.299 Yeah, I mean, it's very loud, which is, you know, I kind of think that's a bit anomalous. 32:40.339 --> 32:45.224 Why is it so loud if it's as, you know, further away from the mic as the posterior is? 32:45.264 --> 32:48.187 This is exactly what the Desert Island Discs team was saying. 32:48.227 --> 32:54.854 You know, they were saying, well, it's not going to be a nether region's toxic event because there's no mics down there. 32:54.914 --> 32:56.836 So how are you going to get that? 32:56.876 --> 32:57.677 Could be a mic stand? 32:59.291 --> 32:59.532 No, no. 32:59.612 --> 33:00.453 One more listen, James. 33:00.473 --> 33:01.474 That is not a mic stand. 33:01.514 --> 33:03.957 That is no way a mic stand. 33:04.217 --> 33:09.163 That is one of those tracks that Lennon and McCartney truly wrote together, which is quite rare. 33:11.283 --> 33:18.388 I mean, wow, that's terrible though, because that was a big show, it was the big anniversary show, wasn't it? 33:19.268 --> 33:20.969 And it's an important show, how could that be? 33:21.329 --> 33:21.530 Yeah. 33:21.830 --> 33:23.851 I mean, that, do you think, is that Gampagini? 33:25.732 --> 33:32.737 Wow, I think we should give that footage to Monster Quest, Monster Fart Quest, or Unexplained Fart Stories. 33:32.917 --> 33:35.298 I think Oliver Stone is making a film about it. 33:35.318 --> 33:35.578 Is he? 33:35.738 --> 33:37.159 Yeah, trying to figure out who it was. 33:40.141 --> 33:44.745 His theory is that it's a fifth father, but um a lot of people think it's gambo. 33:45.085 --> 34:01.018 Yeah I just don't think gambo is too professional for that kind of thing I mean there is a chance that it was just some crazy what it is I think they they were all laughing a bit earlier weren't there and that they became relaxed Yeah, everyone was a bit too relaxed, and you know yeah, just the inevitable toxic event time 34:03.869 --> 34:06.532 Okay, here's a bit some music is it a bit. 34:06.712 --> 34:06.872 Yeah. 34:07.433 --> 34:07.653 Yeah. 34:07.733 --> 34:07.954 Good. 34:07.974 --> 34:08.334 What is it? 34:08.855 --> 34:09.555 It's delight. 34:09.856 --> 34:13.780 And I just want to go back and erase that little introduction I just did there. 34:13.860 --> 34:16.463 Here's a bit it's a bit and now I'm making it worse by talking about it. 34:17.264 --> 34:18.506 This is groove is in the heart. 34:21.580 --> 34:39.661 somewhere I've got a video of us dancing around like buffoons to that myself Joe and Louis a young Louis Theroux when we were age 20 something like that something like that a long time ago 1990 or something I would put it on YouTube but I think it would make my run into problems with the music you know 34:40.089 --> 34:40.389 Yeah. 34:40.729 --> 34:45.832 Well, I'm just a little distracted because we're getting lots of texts about the airborne toxic event. 34:45.972 --> 34:46.212 Sure. 34:46.492 --> 34:48.173 What kind of theories are circulating there? 34:48.453 --> 34:51.334 Uh, Steven Chicken says it's definitely a mouth noise. 34:51.574 --> 34:51.914 No. 34:52.555 --> 34:56.476 You need to get a bit of nasal phlegminess onto it too, though. 34:57.217 --> 34:59.958 I'm also sure it's on the inhale, not the exhale. 35:00.458 --> 35:05.660 Therefore, I believe he's clearing his nose by sucking the smog down the back of his throat. 35:07.381 --> 35:07.621 No. 35:07.881 --> 35:08.582 It's nothing like that. 35:08.602 --> 35:09.282 Can we have a quick listen? 35:09.702 --> 35:14.487 It's one of those tracks that Lennon and McCartney truly wrote together, which is quite rare. 35:15.728 --> 35:21.673 That would have to be a full-on raspberry, which would be a very immature thing to do during such a stately and important programme. 35:22.234 --> 35:32.964 I think we need, if you're a sound scientist, I know we have many sonic scientists listening to this show, do a kind of Oliver Stone-stroke John Travolta in Blowout. 35:33.624 --> 35:34.585 suggests Gary. 35:36.227 --> 35:45.355 Do an analysis of it and see if you can figure out what it is, slow it down, examine the waveform, compare it to other famous toxic events from history. 35:46.336 --> 35:53.422 We were thinking possibly if they have leather seats in the studio and one of the guests, maybe Goodall's got his leather trousers on or his leather 35:53.462 --> 35:58.404 Yeah, well, we were picturing Gambo maybe in a kind of a faux leather flight jacket. 35:58.544 --> 35:58.844 Yeah. 35:59.104 --> 35:59.865 But we can find it. 35:59.885 --> 36:02.306 Well, we're going to find out what the seats are made of in that studio. 36:02.346 --> 36:04.807 This is a very important thing that's happening here. 36:04.827 --> 36:06.688 You know, somebody... It's an important program. 36:06.768 --> 36:07.848 It's a very important program. 36:07.868 --> 36:10.709 That's more or less the flagship show. 36:11.169 --> 36:15.651 It's the founding stone of the BBC and someone has ridiculed it and compromised it. 36:15.731 --> 36:17.432 Therefore, they must be brought to justice. 36:17.572 --> 36:21.794 And we are relying on you, our listenership, to help us get to the bottom of it. 36:22.194 --> 36:22.795 Yeah, exactly. 36:22.815 --> 36:27.858 Okay. 36:28.018 --> 36:31.161 So listen, folks, I think it's time we had some eggcorns, don't you? 36:31.201 --> 36:35.584 Because people continue to send these in to the extent that I have created a new jingle. 36:35.604 --> 36:36.384 That's always a fun. 36:37.225 --> 36:52.356 thing isn't it because it officially becomes a segment even though this is our last studio bound show for this current run of the program we're going to be in Glastonbury next weekend of course I thought it would be nice to get this in here to make an official eggcorn compartment so here we go with the new jingle 36:52.976 --> 36:58.500 Somebody's been eardropping on me And now I'm suffering their strings and arrows, can't you see? 36:58.760 --> 37:17.652 I was standing on the curve like a jester of goodwill But now I'm curled up in the feeble position still Cause of my M E R D C O R D S When it comes to acorn business I'm like Farmer Heck in Christmas The boss will call the kettle back Cause it's an acorn attack 37:18.669 --> 37:21.193 got some eggcorns incorporated in the lyrics there. 37:21.453 --> 37:27.642 And you remember we were talking about scary guttural voices last week, and I was sort of speculating as to where that started. 37:27.982 --> 37:34.451 We got a message from Olly and Jessamine, aka Oggs and Pod, HiJoe90 and Buxton, 37:35.412 --> 37:47.854 A good friend of mine and brilliant musician, Justin K. Broderick, original founder of Napalm Death and now J's U slash Godflesh, was one of the first people to sing in that scary demonic crazed voice. 37:48.194 --> 37:50.675 It's widely considered that he actually invented it. 37:50.735 --> 37:57.456 I'm sure that's a controversial point of view and we'll get loads of messages going, no, actually it was Gary Grunty. 37:57.476 --> 37:59.357 They won't be in that voice though, might be. 37:59.877 --> 38:00.657 Anyway, he says, hope to... 38:02.718 --> 38:03.559 I think you're fine. 38:03.879 --> 38:04.941 I invented that voice. 38:05.261 --> 38:07.424 Thanks very much, Ollie and Jessamine. 38:07.784 --> 38:08.785 So yeah, eggcorns. 38:08.805 --> 38:10.888 We got a few of these through this week. 38:10.928 --> 38:15.614 Here's one to kick things off from Paolo in London's Cruel Centre. 38:15.794 --> 38:17.496 He says, fellow boys, 38:18.717 --> 38:30.400 Whilst working at the Royal Festival Hall at the turn of the millennium, I had a bar manager who used an incredible array of language, a kind of grab bag of phrases that he never quite mastered nor understood. 38:30.961 --> 38:34.522 One day he asked me where I'd left the tubs of ice cream that we used to sell at the intervals. 38:34.862 --> 38:36.902 I said they were on the top level, in the fridge. 38:37.122 --> 38:39.143 He went all the way to the top floor to retrieve them. 38:39.403 --> 38:41.483 Only then did I realize I had the key to the fridge. 38:41.764 --> 38:43.204 He returned after about five minutes 38:43.684 --> 39:08.345 so vast is that huge building it takes ages to get around and he was absolutely fuming he shouted you deliberately sent me on a wild goof trek i now use that term exclusively in place of the original it's so much better the same manager also used to shout flaming laura whenever he was upset you've sent me on a wild goof trek 39:09.125 --> 39:09.986 Flaming Laura! 39:10.046 --> 39:11.588 Oh, Flaming Laura! 39:11.628 --> 39:12.208 He's brilliant! 39:12.649 --> 39:14.831 Here's one from a chap called Nick Cheese. 39:15.051 --> 39:19.716 I don't think his surname is Cheese, I think he just works in some sort of cheese-related business. 39:20.537 --> 39:26.844 A friend of mine recently said, when walking into our messy office... Oh, looks like a bombsy tit! 39:29.059 --> 39:30.080 Looks like a bombsy tit. 39:30.901 --> 39:32.502 To which we all fell about laughing. 39:32.883 --> 39:36.366 He said that was what his mum always used to say about his bedroom. 39:36.687 --> 39:40.611 And then we got another email, slightly later, from Sean Buckley. 39:41.652 --> 39:44.434 Which says, darlings... nah, not gonna read that. 39:45.095 --> 39:46.617 Cause it calls us quite rude names. 39:47.037 --> 39:52.723 It says, throughout my childhood, my mum used to tell me that my room looked like... a bombersitit. 39:53.789 --> 39:58.374 Then, when I was about 12, she said, your room looks like a bomb has hit it. 39:58.935 --> 39:59.616 And that was that. 40:00.096 --> 40:01.798 So maybe that's the same guy. 40:02.239 --> 40:05.622 So he thought that there was an actual thing called a bombersitit. 40:06.443 --> 40:07.364 Bombersitit, yes. 40:07.965 --> 40:09.387 And then the other one is bombsitit. 40:12.314 --> 40:14.297 I don't know quite what's going on there, listeners. 40:14.377 --> 40:15.758 I'll leave you to figure that out. 40:15.798 --> 40:18.701 Your room looks like a bomber's it is. 40:18.741 --> 40:19.282 No, it's not. 40:19.342 --> 40:20.083 It's a bombsy tit. 40:21.204 --> 40:23.387 I don't know why I read that in an Australian essence as well. 40:23.667 --> 40:25.949 A bombsy tit sounds like something they might have. 40:25.969 --> 40:27.731 I don't know, a crashed, an old crashed airplane. 40:27.872 --> 40:29.774 Oh mate, look at your bombsy tit. 40:29.794 --> 40:30.554 That's nice. 40:31.415 --> 40:32.275 It said a new one! 40:33.055 --> 40:54.860 Here's a message from Jez, Jeremy, that is, a mailman from Black Squadron in Bristol, and he says, dear old dirty buckle and jaycorn, whilst out walking with my girlfriend Tess the other day, we passed a man, at which point I said, ooh, I think that was Terry Nutkins, at which point she asked me, the one from the Beatrix Potter books. 40:55.940 --> 41:20.391 um real at realizing what she'd said she then laughed for 10 minutes and then when she could catch her breath she said i mean lord of the rings love you bye what terry nutkins from so he says i think that was terry nutkins and she goes what the one from the beatrix potter books and then she goes i mean lord of the rings yes 41:22.238 --> 41:23.359 What's he called, Nutkins? 41:23.379 --> 41:26.343 There is a Nutkins character in... he's not called Terry, is he? 41:26.363 --> 41:28.566 Squirrel Nutkins. 41:28.747 --> 41:30.609 Is Squirrel Nutkins in Lord of the Rings? 41:31.110 --> 41:31.430 Nah. 41:32.171 --> 41:32.592 You sure? 41:32.772 --> 41:34.795 He might be in one of those crowd scenes at the back. 41:34.995 --> 41:37.559 Terry Nutkins might be in the back there as far as I know. 41:39.981 --> 41:42.503 I've got a whole list of quickfire ones here. 41:42.983 --> 41:46.045 This is a nice little list that's been sent in by Matt. 41:46.105 --> 41:47.486 He's a bloke man. 41:48.406 --> 41:56.171 And Matt says, A&J, over the years I've documented the spoonerisms, malapropisms, and faux pas of a chap in my office. 41:56.351 --> 41:57.972 Here is a very brief selection. 41:58.612 --> 42:00.693 You've completely missed the wrong end of the stick. 42:01.634 --> 42:05.296 If push comes to crunch, I couldn't see the trees for looking. 42:06.417 --> 42:07.518 You need to make a stance. 42:08.319 --> 42:09.460 Don't jump your horses. 42:11.403 --> 42:12.063 I like that one. 42:12.103 --> 42:12.964 That one could be good. 42:13.004 --> 42:15.127 That could actually go into circulation. 42:15.607 --> 42:17.029 It's time to put the foot to the metal. 42:18.231 --> 42:19.172 Let's get the ball moving. 42:21.034 --> 42:23.176 And we can't argue pedantics all day. 42:23.997 --> 42:25.218 Ooh. 42:25.998 --> 42:26.618 Why not? 42:26.778 --> 42:28.259 I love arguing pedantics. 42:28.619 --> 42:32.741 Oh, we can't argue pedantics all day, so don't jump your horses and get your foot to the metal. 42:33.521 --> 42:34.502 Thanks very much there. 42:34.862 --> 42:35.442 That's Matt. 42:36.083 --> 42:38.424 You got any more there, Jay Corn? 42:38.504 --> 42:39.144 Yeah, I do. 42:39.164 --> 42:40.465 Yeah, I do. 42:41.365 --> 42:41.945 Do you want to hear them? 42:42.065 --> 42:43.266 Yeah, go on then. 42:43.726 --> 42:44.426 Although that's... That's... 43:02.853 --> 43:30.747 female man from Brighton mmm nice my favorite kind of man that is why Snoop called his album doggy dog world though isn't it maybe that was that pun finally for me else hey else he's a regular communicator with the show he's a he chap says he just communicates a little conversation that took place with his mate and his mates girlfriend which do you prefer red wine or white wine well that's a real bowl of contention 43:33.317 --> 43:37.081 Now that's weird, because we just had a text in that said exactly the same one. 43:37.121 --> 43:38.442 I wonder if it's the same person. 43:38.462 --> 43:39.703 That's got to be a common one though, isn't it? 43:39.723 --> 43:40.464 Pete, says Pete. 43:40.824 --> 43:44.648 A guy I work with regularly uses the phrase a bowl of contention instead of bone. 43:44.828 --> 43:45.068 Yeah. 43:45.569 --> 43:46.149 Says Pete. 43:46.550 --> 43:47.671 That is a real bowl of contention. 43:47.691 --> 43:48.331 It's a common one, mate. 43:48.892 --> 43:51.234 Oh mate, you've got a massive bowl of contention. 43:51.254 --> 43:52.175 Can I have some of that? 43:52.415 --> 43:52.976 No, it's mine! 43:53.976 --> 43:57.938 OK, here's a bit of music right now, so there you go, that's Eggcorns for this week, alright? 43:58.178 --> 44:08.222 You can contribute to Eggcorns too, the text number is 64046 but it's best done via email adamandjoe.6musicatbbc.co.uk Here's Sleigh Bells, this is Real Real. 44:10.960 --> 44:11.301 There you go. 44:11.341 --> 44:13.623 They're from Brooklyn in New York City. 44:13.683 --> 44:16.186 That's Sleigh Bells with Rill Rill out next week. 44:16.366 --> 44:20.230 27th of June, their debut album Treats is out now. 44:20.390 --> 44:22.112 Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 44:22.573 --> 44:30.521 I've got a free play coming up and I was listening a while back to one of Mark Riley's excellent shows and I know that he's quite a massive Deep Purple fan. 44:30.541 --> 44:31.622 Do you ever get into the perps, Joe? 44:32.003 --> 44:33.384 No, I've never really got into the perps. 44:33.464 --> 44:49.833 I mean the perps are one of those kind of big clownish heavy metal bands, well legendary obviously, and the thing is that Much Spinal Tap Folklore is based, or rather Much Spinal Tap is based on kind of Deep Purple Folklore, the whole Stonehenge thing is a perps thing. 44:50.294 --> 44:56.357 And I've had Deep Purple's greatest hits in my CD collection for years and years and years and years. 44:56.437 --> 44:59.279 I got it because of the track Burn, which I absolutely love. 44:59.759 --> 45:01.240 My friend Tom Hardiman got me into that. 45:01.420 --> 45:01.841 Thanks Tom! 45:02.281 --> 45:09.672 But here's another track that I discovered via one of Mark Riley's shows and I thought, wow, this is amazing! 45:09.933 --> 45:11.395 Check out the organ solo in this. 45:11.455 --> 45:14.440 I think it's from 1972 from their album Fireball. 45:14.460 --> 45:15.341 This is Deep Purple. 45:16.877 --> 45:38.330 from 1972 that's amazing deep purple with fireball check out that organ sound some particularly powerful tambourine going on there as well it's great i owe that to mark riley here for turning me on to that he's back on air from seven on monday here on bbc6 music this is adam and joe though uh it's 11 30 just gone 11 30 and it's time for the news 45:38.700 --> 45:44.702 That's the Gorillas with On Melancholy Hill, Adam and Joe here on BBC6Music. 45:44.802 --> 45:46.042 Hey, how you doing? 45:46.603 --> 45:51.804 Now the other day, I was out in the Jardin de Max Factor. 45:52.184 --> 45:52.524 Oh yeah? 45:53.385 --> 45:56.986 And there's a lot of, you know, nettles. 45:58.182 --> 46:00.583 They're a problem in the countryside, in the English countryside. 46:00.743 --> 46:01.023 Man. 46:01.223 --> 46:02.024 They're very prolific. 46:02.244 --> 46:04.184 They are prolific as all heckins. 46:04.965 --> 46:10.367 And it only takes a couple of weeks for them to decide that it's time for them to go all prolific on your ass. 46:10.787 --> 46:18.910 You know, literally one week there'll be nothing there and the winter will be finally put to bed and the spring comes around and then suddenly it gets a tiny bit warmer. 46:19.050 --> 46:19.350 Nettles! 46:20.030 --> 46:20.290 Yes. 46:20.450 --> 46:21.530 They're the scourge, aren't they? 46:21.550 --> 46:23.691 They're there to teach children that nature is dangerous. 46:24.191 --> 46:25.911 What the heck is the point of the nettle? 46:26.492 --> 46:27.132 Just what I said. 46:27.212 --> 46:29.192 To teach children that nature is dangerous? 46:29.212 --> 46:30.232 Yeah, they're sort of harmless. 46:30.252 --> 46:31.213 That's what you're saying, is it? 46:31.253 --> 46:36.854 Yeah, they're a kind of... it's like the thin end of the lethal nature wedge. 46:37.394 --> 46:38.434 Right, okay. 46:38.454 --> 46:40.695 You know Hertzog could do a documentary on nettles. 46:40.975 --> 46:41.935 Nettles. 46:42.195 --> 46:43.435 They're evil the most evil. 46:43.455 --> 46:44.576 They want to kill you. 46:44.676 --> 46:46.016 They revel in murder. 46:47.237 --> 46:57.243 I was trying to clear away and I got obsessed with the idea of combating the nettle scourge, right? 46:57.303 --> 46:58.684 Because... Right, trying to clean them out. 46:59.085 --> 47:06.069 Yeah, there was one area that's totally, we had it as a nice little bonfire area and we had some big logs that were out there, like half the logs. 47:06.089 --> 47:06.409 I bet you did. 47:06.490 --> 47:13.014 And we were sat out there, just a few weeks ago, me and my brother and my dad were sat out there like mountain men sharing... The nettles hated you 47:13.574 --> 47:42.834 sharing tall tales they were lurking in the weeds watching you whispering as soon as you went indoors they started growing up now they're like waist height now i mean they're absolutely they're furious with the thing about the nettles is that if you have the protective clothing yes and the correct gloves you can uproot them very satisfyingly easily like you pop them out and all their roots come out and you're like yeah they have poisonous hairs 47:43.234 --> 47:43.674 They do. 47:43.694 --> 47:48.458 They're like a man with a, they're like a hair, a hirsute man with poisonous hairs. 47:48.859 --> 47:49.739 Don't you mean hirsute? 47:50.540 --> 47:51.040 Oh damn it. 47:51.761 --> 47:54.783 I got it so wrong I got it right. 47:54.843 --> 47:55.664 They are hirsute. 47:55.724 --> 47:57.005 They're deadly hirsute. 47:57.926 --> 47:58.586 How do they work? 47:58.626 --> 47:58.987 Let's see. 47:59.027 --> 48:01.609 They have hollow stinging hairs. 48:01.949 --> 48:02.429 Correct. 48:02.449 --> 48:03.510 Called trichomes. 48:03.530 --> 48:04.391 Trichomes, that's right. 48:04.491 --> 48:13.394 on their leaves and stems which act like hypodermic needles that inject histamine and other chemicals that produce a stinging sensation. 48:13.434 --> 48:15.715 They act like hypodermic needles. 48:15.755 --> 48:17.296 They're suggesting they penetrate the skin. 48:17.416 --> 48:17.756 Correct. 48:18.096 --> 48:19.497 I thought they just brushed against it. 48:19.937 --> 48:20.937 No, penetrate skin. 48:20.957 --> 48:21.257 Do they? 48:21.338 --> 48:22.398 Like hypodermic needle. 48:22.818 --> 48:23.138 Really? 48:23.258 --> 48:24.899 Yes, they go into your skin. 48:25.399 --> 48:25.959 OMG. 48:26.219 --> 48:30.501 And that is why, you know, and here's some top tips for what to do. 48:30.561 --> 48:35.323 I went and searched for how to avoid being stung by a nettle or dealing with nettle stings. 48:35.523 --> 48:43.106 First top tip on WikiHow was move away from the nettles to a nearby area to prevent being stung again. 48:43.787 --> 48:44.307 What's that? 48:44.898 --> 48:46.460 Don't go so close to the nettles. 48:46.560 --> 48:48.942 My technique is usually to press my face into the nettle. 48:49.062 --> 48:50.744 Well, that's why I've been going... Yeah, exactly. 48:50.784 --> 48:52.666 I've been wandering around with my shorts on. 48:52.966 --> 48:53.607 Don't do that. 48:54.007 --> 48:55.869 Go to somewhere where there are no nettles. 48:56.190 --> 48:56.670 Top tip. 48:56.750 --> 48:57.111 Good tip. 48:57.631 --> 48:58.512 A more practical tip. 48:58.572 --> 49:03.397 Pour a small amount of water on the ground, only enough to create mud, and apply the mud to the sting. 49:03.417 --> 49:04.258 I thought you were going to say scorn. 49:04.318 --> 49:05.939 Pour a small amount of scorn on the nettles. 49:06.079 --> 49:07.940 I don't think scorn works on nettles. 49:08.320 --> 49:08.461 Really? 49:08.481 --> 49:13.444 It's one of the only things that scorn doesn't actually have any... What was the piece on? 49:13.684 --> 49:18.126 Pour some water on the ground to create some mud, and then apply mud to the sting. 49:18.387 --> 49:20.028 Wait for it to dry, then brush it off. 49:21.028 --> 49:21.548 What about this? 49:21.709 --> 49:23.590 It will remove the stingers with it, you see. 49:23.630 --> 49:25.311 This seems very long-winded. 49:26.031 --> 49:32.215 I thought, isn't there a thing where if you just grab a nettle with confidence, and gusto, it won't sting you? 49:32.255 --> 49:33.696 You psych the nettle out. 49:34.016 --> 49:41.198 Yeah well presumably, if we are thinking of it in terms of these little hypodermic needles, presumably you're sort of deflecting them, you're not allowing them to penetrate your skin. 49:41.218 --> 49:43.099 If you meet them with equal and greater force. 49:43.139 --> 49:43.419 Yes. 49:43.639 --> 49:44.359 You bend the needle. 49:44.379 --> 49:45.560 You're just sort of bashing the needle. 49:45.620 --> 49:45.860 Right. 49:46.280 --> 49:50.141 Final top tip, apply adhesive tape to the infected area, then remove. 49:50.461 --> 49:52.682 Most of the stinging hairs will be pulled out of the skin. 49:52.882 --> 49:54.262 It's all about removing these stingers. 49:54.282 --> 49:56.363 So the nettle, they stay in your skin? 49:56.383 --> 49:57.183 They stay in the skin. 49:57.243 --> 49:57.503 Who knew? 49:57.663 --> 49:58.043 Who knew? 49:58.103 --> 49:58.504 Who knew? 49:59.844 --> 50:01.866 Who the heck knew about that? 50:02.306 --> 50:05.669 What wasn't I told about this thing is in the skin? 50:05.709 --> 50:06.270 Why now? 50:06.830 --> 50:17.359 So the other day I was combating the nettles and I had a lot of protective gear on, but I got so obsessed with winning that I started, I started getting stung quite badly more and more and more. 50:17.679 --> 50:20.622 And then I was just, I'm going to kill you, hecking nettles. 50:21.022 --> 50:28.985 And in the end I came out and my arms were just ballooned, red, covered in horrible sort of pockmarks, stings. 50:29.005 --> 50:29.866 Were your arms bare? 50:29.886 --> 50:30.466 Were they nude? 50:30.486 --> 50:31.746 A little bit, yeah. 50:32.106 --> 50:33.347 Oh, that was a mistake, mate. 50:33.587 --> 50:34.067 I put goblets on. 50:34.087 --> 50:34.867 But what about dock leaves? 50:34.907 --> 50:36.348 We should mention dock leaves as well. 50:36.488 --> 50:36.748 Sure. 50:36.768 --> 50:38.829 Because nature slaps and strokes. 50:39.309 --> 50:39.949 Exactly. 50:40.069 --> 50:42.991 It slaps you with the stingers and then it strokes you with the dock leaves. 50:43.011 --> 50:44.131 And they always grow nearby. 50:44.371 --> 50:45.212 It's so weird then. 50:45.232 --> 50:45.992 It's very balanced. 50:46.012 --> 50:46.432 Isn't it? 50:46.472 --> 50:47.432 What's nature thinking? 50:47.873 --> 50:48.973 What is nature thinking? 50:49.133 --> 51:17.926 just to give you a little smack and then yeah there's a dog leave there stop complaining I've done a little song about nettles have you yeah in the style of my well I've done it you're not gonna play it are you yes you bought it in it's short yeah I do this thing country man and which is on I've given it a plug before on the show hope you don't mind if I do again it's on the BBC's comedy website and sometimes my youtube channel subscribe why not sorry it's not a money-making venture I'm not violating any rules this is my song about nettles 51:28.484 --> 51:30.686 The sting is an integral part. 51:31.706 --> 51:34.308 Nettles also like a band for police. 51:34.328 --> 51:36.830 Stuart Crook and his band, they're dramas. 51:37.810 --> 51:40.632 Nettles also like a band for police. 51:40.672 --> 51:42.854 They're blooming news in anti-summers. 51:43.894 --> 51:46.516 Nettles also like a band for police. 51:46.556 --> 51:48.057 They recently reformed and reopened. 51:51.239 --> 51:57.764 I didn't say it was good. 51:57.784 --> 51:59.005 It was good. 51:59.765 --> 52:00.646 It was very good. 52:00.686 --> 52:02.007 I just said it was about nettles. 52:03.448 --> 52:03.708 Right. 52:04.448 --> 52:12.094 So can we can we kind of weave some kind of text the nation into this like a battles with nature somehow you know nature nightmares. 52:12.754 --> 52:24.874 nature nightmares we'll have to have a little think about that war with nature can we can we have a record and think about it you're not letting us have a record this is arcade fire we're speaking in tongues 52:27.096 --> 52:30.198 Good stuff, well done, Arcade Fire with Speaking in Tongues. 52:31.218 --> 52:37.361 So I think we're gonna fire off the Text-A-Nation jingle and just very briefly set out our stall, why the heck not? 52:37.562 --> 52:37.982 Here it is. 52:38.002 --> 52:40.683 Text-A-Nation! 52:40.723 --> 52:41.023 Text! 52:41.083 --> 52:41.364 Text! 52:41.424 --> 52:41.784 Text! 52:41.904 --> 52:42.644 Text-A-Nation! 52:42.684 --> 52:43.645 What if I don't want to? 52:43.905 --> 52:44.625 Text-A-Nation! 52:44.725 --> 52:46.626 But I'm using email, is that a problem? 52:46.646 --> 52:47.487 It doesn't matter, Text! 52:49.986 --> 52:52.668 So you boiled it down there to what? 52:52.769 --> 52:53.309 Nature war. 52:53.369 --> 52:53.930 Nature war. 52:53.990 --> 53:09.243 So times when you go for a wonderful walk or a ramble or a frolic in nature, in God's garden, with a big smile on your face, you go gambling and skipping into some natural area and then something 53:10.224 --> 53:34.916 rears its ugly head to tell you to get out nature pops up and slaps you right in the yeah it's off um for nasty things like for yes we are yeah a little bit no I'm there so what else like well they I mean it doesn't have to be you've gone out rambling it just any kind of skirmish scuffle that you've had with nature because do you ever listen to gardeners question time sometimes a little bit oh you know only when things go wrong that's how I listen to it 53:35.636 --> 53:36.717 Sometimes you're trapped with it. 53:36.877 --> 53:38.579 I mean, obviously I know it's a great show. 53:38.599 --> 53:41.622 It's a great show, no disrespect, but we're not mutually interested in gardening that much. 53:41.662 --> 53:43.383 I listen to it long enough to realise what it is. 53:43.463 --> 53:44.664 It's not my preferred show. 53:44.684 --> 53:48.047 I'm not so mad, keen a gardener that I really absolutely have to listen to it. 53:48.067 --> 53:53.132 So when it comes on and there's absolutely nothing else on and it's... But it's a fantastic show and we wouldn't want to undermine its legacy. 53:53.152 --> 53:56.255 Obviously, never want to undermine the legacy of the gardeners question time. 53:58.056 --> 53:59.538 But oh, boy, it goes on and on and on. 53:59.618 --> 54:12.710 And they my favorite part of it, though, when I start perking up and thinking, hey, this is a bit more fun is when people have questions about unruly plants and when the roots go crazy and go underneath people's fences and stuff. 54:12.730 --> 54:14.172 And how do I unroot this back? 54:14.332 --> 54:16.853 You know, when nature goes absolutely nuts on your ass. 54:16.893 --> 54:17.114 Yeah. 54:17.134 --> 54:18.454 That's a good subject. 54:18.634 --> 54:19.135 Nature war. 54:19.295 --> 54:19.495 Yeah. 54:19.535 --> 54:19.955 Nature war. 54:20.235 --> 54:22.276 Get those messages coming in, you know? 54:22.777 --> 54:23.017 Yeah. 54:23.157 --> 54:24.858 Any, any kind of battles you've had with nature. 54:24.878 --> 54:25.118 All right. 54:25.478 --> 54:26.779 Text is 64046. 54:26.859 --> 54:28.040 Email is Adam and Joe dot six music. 54:28.060 --> 54:30.081 We're not talking about animals though, are we? 54:30.261 --> 54:30.361 What? 54:30.761 --> 54:32.142 We're not talking about animals though. 54:32.822 --> 54:33.383 Our plants. 54:33.403 --> 54:34.643 We're talking about the natural kingdom. 54:34.663 --> 54:35.624 Plants and insects. 54:36.164 --> 54:37.205 Are we talking about insects? 54:37.285 --> 54:38.646 You're talking about plants. 54:38.666 --> 54:40.227 You're talking about mainly plants, I would say. 54:40.247 --> 54:43.168 Because animals and insects come under the subheading of nature. 54:43.208 --> 54:44.329 They do, don't they? 54:45.130 --> 54:45.410 They do. 54:45.670 --> 54:49.572 So are you talking about plant war, specifically, like trifid encounters? 54:49.612 --> 54:50.573 What do you think? 54:50.713 --> 54:52.674 Or what's the plant from Little Shop of Horace called? 54:52.694 --> 54:54.355 It's a lady's name. 54:54.735 --> 54:55.536 Daphne or something. 54:56.477 --> 54:57.137 That kind of thing. 54:57.157 --> 54:57.798 Probably on the spot. 54:57.838 --> 54:58.479 That kind of thing. 54:59.280 --> 55:00.762 What, the plant from Little Shop of Horrors? 55:00.782 --> 55:01.863 Yeah. 55:02.564 --> 55:06.568 Have you battled with fictional deadly plants? 55:07.089 --> 55:07.890 Is that a explanation? 55:07.930 --> 55:09.672 Yes, that would be good for me. 55:09.732 --> 55:10.232 I'd like that. 55:11.053 --> 55:11.834 Nature War! 55:11.934 --> 55:13.737 Interpret it how you wish. 55:13.797 --> 55:14.538 There you go. 55:14.558 --> 55:14.958 Free play. 55:15.139 --> 55:17.582 I saw a couple of sneaky peek films this week. 55:17.602 --> 55:17.862 Did you? 55:18.023 --> 55:20.926 I saw a terrifying film called Kill List. 55:21.267 --> 55:21.868 Kill List, what's that? 55:21.888 --> 55:23.029 Directed by Ben Wheatley. 55:23.550 --> 55:24.471 Oh yeah. 55:24.591 --> 55:25.613 It was terrifying. 55:25.633 --> 55:25.753 Was it? 55:26.234 --> 55:27.135 And very violent. 55:27.776 --> 55:28.637 But very brilliant. 55:28.897 --> 55:29.097 Yeah. 55:29.177 --> 55:30.097 It was a sneaky peek. 55:30.137 --> 55:30.798 I recommend it. 55:31.038 --> 55:31.518 Good old week. 55:31.538 --> 55:32.138 Very scary. 55:32.218 --> 55:35.819 I also saw a film directed by Dexter Fletcher, who I met this week. 55:35.959 --> 55:36.139 Yeah. 55:36.319 --> 55:38.420 It was quite exciting to meet Dexter Fletcher. 55:38.440 --> 55:39.200 Sure. 55:39.220 --> 55:39.800 Quite exciting. 55:39.860 --> 55:40.560 Very exciting. 55:40.600 --> 55:40.821 Yeah. 55:41.081 --> 55:42.841 I followed his career since Bugsy Malone. 55:43.101 --> 55:43.561 Absolutely. 55:43.581 --> 55:45.622 I was in a film with him. 55:45.905 --> 55:46.285 Were you? 55:46.865 --> 55:47.145 Yeah. 55:47.485 --> 55:48.286 Were you? 55:48.666 --> 55:49.206 Of course. 55:49.746 --> 55:51.486 And he's directed a film called Wild Bill. 55:51.526 --> 55:52.087 It's very good. 55:52.107 --> 55:53.547 It stars Charlie Creed Miles. 55:53.587 --> 55:55.568 It's a sort of a sort of an urban Western. 55:55.768 --> 55:55.988 Yeah. 55:56.388 --> 56:01.989 It was ruddy good and it had some great music on it, including this track that I haven't heard for yonks. 56:02.449 --> 56:05.050 This is Aaron Neville with Hercules. 56:05.791 --> 56:06.171 Wow. 56:06.452 --> 56:08.113 That sounds like a 90s record. 56:08.313 --> 56:10.054 Is that a new record or an old record? 56:10.154 --> 56:13.036 That's from their 1999 album Vertigo. 56:13.056 --> 56:14.698 So it's the end of the 90s. 56:14.738 --> 56:19.361 That track was featured in which amazing films, Joe Cornish? 56:19.921 --> 56:22.023 Oh, amazing films. 56:22.043 --> 56:23.004 Two of the best films ever made. 56:23.024 --> 56:24.825 Two of the best films ever made. 56:25.185 --> 56:26.486 Weekend at Bernie's, Weekend at Bernie's 2. 56:26.666 --> 56:27.727 Oh, very close. 56:27.747 --> 56:28.648 Very close, mate. 56:29.128 --> 56:30.389 Very close, mate. 56:30.729 --> 56:30.969 What? 56:31.590 --> 56:33.431 It's a Sandra Bullock's film. 56:33.852 --> 56:34.732 Oh, The Net. 56:35.193 --> 56:36.834 I mean, that is the most amazing film ever made. 56:36.854 --> 56:39.396 There's so many amazing films to choose from when you get to Bullock's. 56:39.416 --> 56:41.398 Okay, Miss Congeniality's one and two. 56:41.418 --> 56:42.139 Yes, Bongo! 56:42.759 --> 56:45.141 That track popped up in Miss Congeniality. 56:45.201 --> 56:49.885 The film's so good they made it again and then turned it into a stage show as well, didn't they? 56:49.925 --> 56:50.586 Hooray! 56:50.646 --> 56:51.046 Hooray! 56:52.247 --> 56:57.391 That would be a good text of the nation, like big West End versions of stupid films. 56:57.411 --> 56:58.552 Because that's all the rage, isn't it? 56:58.572 --> 56:59.553 There's a Shrek one. 56:59.793 --> 57:01.014 There's a private function one. 57:01.034 --> 57:02.956 That's supposed to be very good, the private function one. 57:03.056 --> 57:06.299 Richard Blackwood is in Shrek, playing the Eddie Murphy part. 57:06.319 --> 57:06.819 Good for him. 57:06.999 --> 57:08.521 He's finally achieved... What's going on? 57:08.541 --> 57:08.981 There's noises. 57:09.001 --> 57:12.204 We are entering the new. 57:12.224 --> 57:15.927 We have successfully passed through the new barrier. 57:16.911 --> 57:27.635 Wow, ever since we challenged James to put the noon barrier in the very centre of the podcast last week, which he did, amazingly, he's taking his responsibility very seriously. 57:27.876 --> 57:28.436 Sure he is. 57:28.956 --> 57:29.956 I couldn't work out what was happening. 57:29.976 --> 57:31.557 I was like, Jesus lost his mind. 57:32.697 --> 57:37.699 But yes, the other film of course was, I say of course, gone in 60 seconds. 57:38.059 --> 57:38.960 Of course. 57:39.000 --> 57:41.121 I mean that is a film, isn't it? 57:41.141 --> 57:41.701 That's a film. 57:41.941 --> 57:42.881 It's an actual film. 57:43.382 --> 57:43.842 It's a film. 57:44.682 --> 57:47.165 So listen, I went to see a magic show this week. 57:47.405 --> 57:48.987 Did you? 57:49.107 --> 57:51.429 I went to see Derren Brown's Svengali. 57:51.469 --> 57:53.511 Yes, I saw that a few months back in Norwich. 57:53.571 --> 57:54.332 You did, didn't you? 57:54.412 --> 57:54.852 Yeah, I loved it. 57:54.972 --> 57:57.855 And then you had the man himself round to your house for tea, isn't that right? 57:57.875 --> 57:58.476 How do you know that? 57:58.516 --> 57:59.937 Because someone told me, you told me. 58:00.638 --> 58:01.959 That's exciting, I'm jealous. 58:03.320 --> 58:09.984 But I went to see his show and the problem with going to see the Derren Brown show Svengali is one cannot say anything about it. 58:10.144 --> 58:15.307 No, Derren is very explicit and asks politely at the beginning of the show for people not to talk about it afterwards. 58:15.427 --> 58:19.670 One is sworn to secrecy and I'm going to respect that, swearings. 58:20.270 --> 58:21.751 So not so good for a radio chat. 58:22.071 --> 58:28.895 Not so good for radio chat but I was there with television documentarian Louis Theroux and he enjoyed it. 58:28.955 --> 58:29.976 Was that the name drop voice? 58:30.016 --> 58:30.156 Yeah. 58:30.476 --> 58:36.599 And he enjoyed it very much and we were chatting afterwards but I noticed something that he, that Louis, he wouldn't let go. 58:37.060 --> 58:38.581 He just wanted to know how everything was done. 58:38.601 --> 58:46.025 He had to know how it was all done and he looked, he had that look on his face when confronted by a particularly intransigent racist for instance. 58:47.446 --> 58:47.966 Like, what? 58:48.166 --> 58:48.947 I have to get to that. 58:49.007 --> 58:49.807 What is your problem? 58:49.847 --> 58:50.928 I have to get to the bottom of this. 58:51.508 --> 58:52.589 He would not let it go. 58:52.609 --> 58:53.049 Yeah. 58:53.549 --> 58:57.011 And so we spent a long time trying to dissect how the tricks were done. 58:57.031 --> 59:00.333 But, you know, I used to be a very bad magician as a teenager. 59:00.373 --> 59:02.855 I used to make money by doing magic at children's parties. 59:02.875 --> 59:04.036 Majiko was amazing. 59:04.056 --> 59:04.956 Let me tell you, listen to this. 59:04.976 --> 59:05.597 I've seen him actually. 59:05.617 --> 59:06.457 I'm doing myself down. 59:06.497 --> 59:16.163 But there's no way, you know, I don't know how Darren does a lot of it, but I've reached a point where having read a bit about magic, I know that that's, you know, that's not the most rewarding path to follow. 59:16.483 --> 59:20.986 No, because the truth is always far more banal than... Well, plus the truth is it's magic. 59:21.706 --> 59:23.887 You know, and he has creepy psychic powers. 59:23.947 --> 59:24.708 That is true, isn't it? 59:24.828 --> 59:26.109 And so you don't want to mess with it. 59:26.129 --> 59:28.070 You don't want to go too close to it because it's dangerous. 59:28.090 --> 59:30.911 You should just assume that it's magic and enjoy the effect. 59:31.592 --> 59:32.672 Like, this guy is psychic. 59:32.712 --> 59:33.533 He can read minds. 59:33.593 --> 59:40.217 He can guess the numbers and things and what one is the one with the bullet in it and stuff. 59:40.457 --> 59:41.277 He can do all that. 59:41.637 --> 59:44.519 So the thing to enjoy is the effect that he produces with that skill. 59:44.759 --> 59:44.999 Yes. 59:45.160 --> 59:47.042 And how he dramatizes it and stages it. 59:47.182 --> 59:51.247 It's a compulsion of feeling that I think a lot of people have when they come out of that show. 59:51.307 --> 59:54.190 I just need to know how that was done otherwise it's going to blow my mind. 59:54.210 --> 59:59.356 But you can pretty much divide people down the middle with people who will just enjoy the moment and people who have to know. 59:59.876 --> 01:00:05.122 I even experienced that as a young rubbish magician, as Mr. Majiko. 01:00:05.142 --> 01:00:09.847 You used to get kids at parties who did not enjoy the spectacle. 01:00:10.188 --> 01:00:11.049 It made them angry. 01:00:11.770 --> 01:00:12.831 It sort of confronted them. 01:00:12.871 --> 01:00:15.934 They just couldn't handle the fact that they weren't being told a secret. 01:00:15.954 --> 01:00:18.677 I've talked about this before on the radio, but the same thing happened with us. 01:00:18.697 --> 01:00:20.059 Do you not remember that hot night? 01:00:21.420 --> 01:00:23.482 when we were revising for our History O levels. 01:00:23.542 --> 01:00:24.403 Oh, you couldn't let go. 01:00:24.583 --> 01:00:27.766 And I couldn't let go, because you did a thing with, um, spongy red balls. 01:00:28.167 --> 01:00:30.369 And I was like, yeah, that was good, Mr. Majiko, how did you do it? 01:00:30.749 --> 01:00:31.730 He's like, nah, I didn't tell you. 01:00:31.750 --> 01:00:33.332 I was like, come on, just tell me. 01:00:33.352 --> 01:00:34.473 Nah, I didn't tell you. 01:00:35.093 --> 01:00:37.556 Like, seriously, tell me how you did it with a spongy ball. 01:00:37.576 --> 01:00:38.136 Nah, I didn't tell you. 01:00:38.156 --> 01:00:39.758 So how would you distinguish those people? 01:00:39.798 --> 01:00:42.741 Is it like, it's like concrete thinking versus plastic thinking? 01:00:43.669 --> 01:00:44.330 Does that exist? 01:00:45.750 --> 01:00:45.971 Yeah. 01:00:45.991 --> 01:00:48.312 And you're a concrete one. 01:00:48.552 --> 01:00:49.332 I'm a concrete one. 01:00:49.372 --> 01:00:51.554 Maybe, yeah, a literal minded person. 01:00:51.594 --> 01:00:52.774 Perhaps I'm very literal minded. 01:00:52.814 --> 01:00:53.595 I can't speak for Louis. 01:00:53.635 --> 01:01:01.239 But I was able to ride out my, you know, determination to find out how it was all done. 01:01:01.259 --> 01:01:08.943 You know, because Darren was saying some people go online and they collude with each other to kind of establish... Silly business, silly business. 01:01:09.263 --> 01:01:11.505 It's magic and you should just enjoy it. 01:01:11.725 --> 01:01:11.865 Yeah. 01:01:12.285 --> 01:01:12.726 I enjoyed it. 01:01:12.766 --> 01:01:14.087 I thought it was a fantastic show. 01:01:14.107 --> 01:01:14.707 It is. 01:01:15.228 --> 01:01:15.908 It was wicked. 01:01:16.409 --> 01:01:17.570 It is literally wicked. 01:01:17.630 --> 01:01:19.392 It's got a devil's tail on the pasta. 01:01:20.613 --> 01:01:22.294 It's evolved with a devil on the pasta. 01:01:22.374 --> 01:01:23.335 It's scary. 01:01:25.057 --> 01:01:25.717 Yeah, it's great. 01:01:25.838 --> 01:01:26.538 That's the end of that though. 01:01:26.578 --> 01:01:28.100 Do check it out if you get the chance to. 01:01:28.160 --> 01:01:29.401 It's very good. 01:01:29.701 --> 01:01:30.742 Here's the Rolling Stones. 01:01:31.062 --> 01:01:33.304 Have you seen your mother baby standing in the shadows? 01:01:33.505 --> 01:01:33.765 I have. 01:01:45.232 --> 01:01:49.375 If Coldplay don't play that at Glastonbury, I'm going to be very, very angry. 01:01:49.415 --> 01:01:50.115 What, your jingle? 01:01:50.235 --> 01:01:50.816 Yeah. 01:01:52.356 --> 01:01:52.837 Right, OK. 01:01:53.057 --> 01:01:55.578 Come on, Chris Martin, because that is a classic song. 01:01:56.199 --> 01:01:56.679 Absolutely. 01:01:56.719 --> 01:01:59.281 Well, why would they do that and not the retro text the nation jingle? 01:02:00.666 --> 01:02:01.767 What sort of a noise is that? 01:02:02.328 --> 01:02:02.748 Dismissive. 01:02:03.829 --> 01:02:04.910 It's a very stupid noise. 01:02:05.250 --> 01:02:07.773 It's a very stupid, stupid disrespectful noise. 01:02:07.833 --> 01:02:10.455 Next you'll be farting during the desert island disc special. 01:02:10.655 --> 01:02:12.017 I wouldn't be that disrespectful. 01:02:12.197 --> 01:02:13.498 How dare you insult the legacy? 01:02:13.818 --> 01:02:14.579 How dare you? 01:02:15.019 --> 01:02:17.682 Here is a message from Peter from Bournemouth. 01:02:17.742 --> 01:02:18.823 Actually, no, sorry. 01:02:18.983 --> 01:02:21.545 It is Stephen Paul Shepardson. 01:02:21.565 --> 01:02:23.027 I'll get to you later, Peter. 01:02:23.968 --> 01:02:25.829 He says, dear Bucks, 01:02:27.090 --> 01:02:30.251 Adamton and Corjonish. 01:02:30.291 --> 01:02:31.231 What do you think about this? 01:02:32.211 --> 01:02:33.632 About the name-mangling? 01:02:33.712 --> 01:02:34.012 Yeah. 01:02:34.692 --> 01:02:35.792 Look at this. 01:02:35.912 --> 01:02:36.332 It's good. 01:02:36.472 --> 01:02:36.852 It's good. 01:02:37.033 --> 01:02:37.493 It's good. 01:02:37.793 --> 01:02:38.133 Yeah. 01:02:38.973 --> 01:02:39.873 I mean, yeah. 01:02:40.193 --> 01:02:41.274 Yeah, it's good, isn't it? 01:02:41.294 --> 01:02:41.934 I'm happy with it. 01:02:41.974 --> 01:02:42.854 Never the same one twice. 01:02:43.034 --> 01:02:44.094 Never the same one twice. 01:02:45.254 --> 01:02:46.335 Lots of cornucopias. 01:02:48.315 --> 01:02:53.277 But anyway, Bucks, Adam Anton and Joe Corjonish. 01:02:53.297 --> 01:02:54.758 He's done a bit of spoonerizing. 01:02:55.278 --> 01:02:59.799 I was recently on an airplane with my lovely wife, reluctantly returning home from a wonderful holiday. 01:03:00.060 --> 01:03:02.520 I'd been given an aisle seat, which was fine by me. 01:03:02.961 --> 01:03:06.742 I thought I could still glance across out of the window and watch the clouds float by. 01:03:07.202 --> 01:03:13.948 However, every time I turned my head, the man next to me was leaning over with his nose pressed against the little window, totally obscuring it. 01:03:14.209 --> 01:03:18.973 All I could see was the large lump of brill cream congealed on the back portion of his hair. 01:03:19.454 --> 01:03:24.698 At the time, this infuriated me, as the little joy a flight has to offer was totally lost. 01:03:25.603 --> 01:03:31.667 Now was he being selfish or does the owner of the window seat automatically have full window rights? 01:03:31.727 --> 01:03:33.148 What are your valued opinions? 01:03:33.609 --> 01:03:39.873 Stephen is saying that this person, the passenger next to him, blocked the window for the whole journey. 01:03:39.893 --> 01:03:43.916 Yeah the window seat and his face was mashed right up against it staring down at the clouds there. 01:03:44.136 --> 01:03:44.516 Really? 01:03:45.277 --> 01:03:46.257 So what do you do about that? 01:03:46.297 --> 01:03:46.678 Is that on? 01:03:47.518 --> 01:03:50.599 Are you within your rights to say, excuse me, could I have a little bit of window time? 01:03:50.819 --> 01:03:52.199 I mean, I know I'm on the aisle, but still. 01:03:52.319 --> 01:03:56.620 It depends if the captain announces that there's an extraordinary view. 01:03:56.880 --> 01:04:03.682 Ladies and gentlemen, you might like to know that we're flying over the Grand Canyon, a spectacular view of the Grand Canyon outside the right hand windows of the plane. 01:04:03.982 --> 01:04:04.922 Immediately everybody jumps up. 01:04:04.942 --> 01:04:08.083 The plane tips to the right because all the weight's gone over to the right. 01:04:08.563 --> 01:04:10.584 That happened when I was on the plane the other week. 01:04:10.644 --> 01:04:10.924 Did it? 01:04:11.144 --> 01:04:13.085 Yeah, and I was very good. 01:04:13.105 --> 01:04:16.405 I sat back, I had a little look, then I sat back in my seat and let everyone else peer. 01:04:16.645 --> 01:04:18.046 You've got to share the view. 01:04:18.246 --> 01:04:18.426 Sure. 01:04:18.746 --> 01:04:22.747 But I think maybe that man was having psychological problems if he spent the entire flight staring at clouds. 01:04:23.667 --> 01:04:25.328 And I think that, who is it, Steve? 01:04:25.588 --> 01:04:26.048 Steve. 01:04:26.068 --> 01:04:29.189 Should be a little more empathic towards this person's mental state. 01:04:29.429 --> 01:04:31.209 Because Steve is on the aisle, am I right? 01:04:31.229 --> 01:04:32.670 So he has access to the larvae. 01:04:32.970 --> 01:04:34.930 He has first dibs on the fun trolley. 01:04:35.070 --> 01:04:37.611 You shouldn't ruin your entire flight if you can't look out the window. 01:04:38.211 --> 01:04:42.973 I mean, maybe the guy as well was staring at some kind of gremlin ripping out, you know, engines. 01:04:43.073 --> 01:04:43.473 Exactly. 01:04:43.533 --> 01:04:43.973 On the wing. 01:04:44.233 --> 01:04:45.934 Yeah, that could have been... Twilight Zone style. 01:04:46.314 --> 01:04:49.335 So yeah, I think if you haven't got the window seat, tough luck buster. 01:04:49.575 --> 01:04:50.695 Tough luck buster. 01:04:50.795 --> 01:04:51.076 Alright. 01:04:51.196 --> 01:04:51.876 Decision made. 01:04:51.916 --> 01:04:53.816 It's gone against the correspondent for once. 01:04:53.897 --> 01:04:54.517 Yeah, sorry about that. 01:04:54.637 --> 01:04:55.097 Tough love. 01:04:55.157 --> 01:05:01.079 Here's a message we got from... Oh, this is very long, but it's quite good. 01:05:01.159 --> 01:05:01.719 Rob Ryan. 01:05:02.219 --> 01:05:06.141 Dear Adam and Joe, for my birthday, my wife Lorna bought me a pair of these really expensive 01:05:07.181 --> 01:05:08.582 noise reducing headphones. 01:05:09.062 --> 01:05:17.565 I was making a journey from London to Leeds in first class, thinking to myself I'd have a nice time doing stuff on my laptop, listening to some music with my cool new headphones. 01:05:17.645 --> 01:05:18.546 Doesn't get better than that. 01:05:18.706 --> 01:05:23.648 So far so good, I was really enjoying the coffee and biscuits when I felt that I might possibly need to fart. 01:05:24.748 --> 01:05:32.832 Now, I have to explain to listeners that this is quite a fart-based piece of correspondence, so if you find that unsettling or unclean, you might like to look away. 01:05:32.972 --> 01:05:35.714 There will be quite detailed mention of farting coming up. 01:05:35.894 --> 01:05:36.734 To continue the letter. 01:05:37.014 --> 01:05:38.915 Airborne toxic events is the proper technical term. 01:05:38.935 --> 01:05:39.415 I'll use that. 01:05:39.576 --> 01:05:47.239 At this point, I should explain that I'm 48 years old, and since hitting 40, my need to unleash airborne toxic events has reached endemic proportions. 01:05:47.580 --> 01:05:50.401 I have no idea that my middle-aged years would be so gassy. 01:05:50.761 --> 01:05:52.502 Basically, I fart all day long. 01:05:53.283 --> 01:05:58.625 Anyway, the seat was nice and soft for good sound absorption, so I thought I might just ease a little silent one out and get away with it. 01:05:58.685 --> 01:05:59.065 Success! 01:05:59.305 --> 01:06:01.025 20 minutes later, the need came again. 01:06:01.085 --> 01:06:01.866 Could I risk it twice? 01:06:01.906 --> 01:06:02.226 I did! 01:06:02.506 --> 01:06:03.106 I succeeded. 01:06:03.446 --> 01:06:11.508 The journey continued pretty much in this vein, farting silently every 10 minutes, until about five minutes from reaching my destination, I started packing my stuff away, took off my headphones. 01:06:11.768 --> 01:06:13.989 Just before we reached the station, I felt the need to do it again. 01:06:14.049 --> 01:06:14.909 No problem, I thought. 01:06:14.929 --> 01:06:17.050 These luxuriously soft first-class leather seats 01:06:17.350 --> 01:06:19.891 are perfectly designed to muffle any rear-end noises. 01:06:20.291 --> 01:06:24.692 And adopting the same technique again, I very gently released a toxic event. 01:06:25.392 --> 01:06:27.853 The rasping noise that issued was deafening. 01:06:28.333 --> 01:06:30.554 I'd forgotten I was wearing my noise excluding headphones. 01:06:30.774 --> 01:06:36.736 I'd been letting off explosive guffs all the way from London to Yorkshire whilst merrily grooving and nodding along to my music. 01:06:37.376 --> 01:06:37.876 Classy. 01:06:37.916 --> 01:06:47.780 My fellow passengers looked up at me with a contempt reserved only for the type of imposter who thinks that he can travel first-class and fart continuously throughout a two-hour journey. 01:06:47.840 --> 01:06:48.360 What a monster. 01:06:48.380 --> 01:06:49.581 Yours, Rob Ryan. 01:06:50.001 --> 01:06:52.462 Rob, sort your life out. 01:06:52.662 --> 01:06:54.422 We've all been there, have we? 01:06:54.663 --> 01:06:54.843 Yeah. 01:06:54.863 --> 01:06:55.643 I mean, I haven't. 01:06:56.083 --> 01:06:57.023 But you've been there. 01:07:00.515 --> 01:07:08.802 I mean, I may have been there on a plane, but fingers crossed the noise is on the noise of the air system on a plane and everyone's got their headphones on. 01:07:08.822 --> 01:07:09.022 Absolutely. 01:07:09.243 --> 01:07:11.304 Oh, you can go for your life with an immunity. 01:07:11.364 --> 01:07:11.985 That's chilling. 01:07:12.025 --> 01:07:12.505 That is chilling. 01:07:12.525 --> 01:07:23.015 A similar thing happened to me the other day when I was riding in what I thought was an empty carriage and I had a luxuriant explosive toxic event. 01:07:24.055 --> 01:07:47.487 and um looked behind me when I got up to leave and there was a lady sat right behind me looking at me with a revulsion thank you Rob Ryan uh he also says PS my favorite part of the show is when you talk Australian mate I love that mate I think he's the only one I've got a special treat for you now then mate 01:07:47.947 --> 01:07:54.030 Because this is from Tom LeMesurier, a mailman from Winchester, but living in... John LeMesurier? 01:07:54.370 --> 01:07:54.791 Uh, Tom. 01:07:55.031 --> 01:07:55.891 Let's pretend it's John. 01:07:56.151 --> 01:07:56.411 Okay. 01:07:57.052 --> 01:07:58.252 Uh, isn't that cool though? 01:07:58.272 --> 01:07:59.373 He's living in Rio! 01:07:59.693 --> 01:08:02.214 He's probably in a carnival right now! 01:08:02.375 --> 01:08:02.935 Salsa! 01:08:05.436 --> 01:08:06.237 Salsa! 01:08:06.657 --> 01:08:10.160 Dear belt buckle and corn cakes, this happened a few years ago. 01:08:10.240 --> 01:08:14.224 I was on a very busy commuter train heading out of London at the end of a long day at work. 01:08:14.264 --> 01:08:18.868 There was no air conditioning, and a lot of people were having to stand as the train was so overcrowded. 01:08:19.268 --> 01:08:30.338 A middle-aged guy in a suit started writing a text on his phone, but he had the keytones on, so every single key press he made was accompanied by a beep! 01:08:30.718 --> 01:08:31.178 sound. 01:08:31.638 --> 01:08:35.900 We were all putting up with it in what I think is probably a very English manner, i.e. 01:08:36.180 --> 01:08:38.181 hating him but too scared to say anything. 01:08:38.521 --> 01:08:40.962 Suddenly, an Australian guy said to him, Hey! 01:08:41.382 --> 01:08:44.823 I've had a long day at work listening to phones and computers and people talking. 01:08:45.123 --> 01:08:46.324 Turn that phone off! 01:08:47.199 --> 01:08:51.503 Well, perhaps you can imagine the entire carriage went silent to see what would happen next. 01:08:51.823 --> 01:08:56.167 The guy with the phone stammered, OK, OK, well, I'm just going to finish this message. 01:08:56.207 --> 01:09:03.292 But the Aussie guy said, no, if I hear another noise from that phone, I'm going to take it and throw it out the window. 01:09:04.246 --> 01:09:05.467 There was a stunned silence. 01:09:05.847 --> 01:09:08.789 The aggressive Aussie had scared the bejesus out of everyone. 01:09:08.989 --> 01:09:11.991 He had broken the passive-aggressive rules in a very weird way. 01:09:12.131 --> 01:09:16.054 And in a very weird way, I ended up feeling almost sorry for the texter. 01:09:16.394 --> 01:09:18.476 OK, love you, bye, says Tom Le Meuray. 01:09:18.736 --> 01:09:21.258 So the Aussie guy took control. 01:09:21.678 --> 01:09:22.018 Wow. 01:09:22.438 --> 01:09:22.979 How would you feel? 01:09:23.019 --> 01:09:24.600 Would you be pro-Aussie in that situation? 01:09:25.260 --> 01:09:45.476 I don't really know to be perfectly honest I mean in a in a dangerous situation where the Aussie maybe had to rescue somebody then maybe you would you know that would be the right thing to do to take command like that but I don't know I think that's crossing a line is it isn't it it's aggressive isn't it I mean he has authority because he's Australian yeah a certain cultural superiority 01:09:46.837 --> 01:09:47.897 He's got a scarier voice. 01:09:48.237 --> 01:09:48.477 Yes. 01:09:48.738 --> 01:09:49.578 Mate, no! 01:09:50.018 --> 01:09:52.738 If there's a simplicity and a directness to the Aussies, you don't mess with them. 01:09:52.858 --> 01:09:53.419 No, exactly. 01:09:53.939 --> 01:09:57.820 If you... I'm gonna... I was just... You were gonna what? 01:09:57.840 --> 01:10:01.480 I was just gonna say a load of really lame offensive stuff about kookaburras. 01:10:02.100 --> 01:10:03.001 But I'm not going to now. 01:10:03.061 --> 01:10:04.021 Good, thank God for that. 01:10:04.701 --> 01:10:05.681 Is that enough travelling tales? 01:10:05.701 --> 01:10:06.762 Let's sell some music right now. 01:10:06.782 --> 01:10:08.802 This is Anna Calvi with Desire. 01:10:14.520 --> 01:10:15.021 Who was that then? 01:10:15.201 --> 01:10:15.821 Anna Calvi. 01:10:16.121 --> 01:10:16.582 It was good. 01:10:16.922 --> 01:10:17.802 She's statuesque. 01:10:18.122 --> 01:10:19.663 I can see the next record that's coming up. 01:10:19.743 --> 01:10:20.464 Is that a free play? 01:10:20.944 --> 01:10:21.844 I'm excited about that. 01:10:21.864 --> 01:10:23.145 I'm going to say a little bit about that. 01:10:23.165 --> 01:10:24.426 Are you going to say it now? 01:10:24.446 --> 01:10:24.626 Yeah. 01:10:25.226 --> 01:10:45.059 I'm gonna play some David Bowie shortly and the other day I was in a hardware store and they had at the counter sometimes hardware stores for some reason I don't know what it is about hardware stores but they have selections of cheap very very cheap DVDs over there by the checkout and sometimes they're quite good. 01:10:45.600 --> 01:10:46.480 In hardware stores? 01:10:46.500 --> 01:10:54.245 Yeah I've noticed it maybe they have them in lots of places but something about hardware stores they just sort of think oh yeah by the way how about a DVD? 01:10:55.506 --> 01:10:58.850 And so they've got a really weird... What sort of films? 01:10:59.250 --> 01:11:00.791 Mostly 10th rate sort of stuff. 01:11:00.851 --> 01:11:01.172 Really? 01:11:01.852 --> 01:11:04.335 But in amongst the 10th rate stuff was Labyrinth. 01:11:04.435 --> 01:11:06.497 Well that's because they stopped films about tools. 01:11:06.517 --> 01:11:06.997 Nice. 01:11:10.559 --> 01:11:14.122 They had an anniversary edition of Labyrinth 2 disc set. 01:11:14.162 --> 01:11:15.463 I only say that because of the codpiece. 01:11:15.703 --> 01:11:16.884 Sure. 01:11:17.424 --> 01:11:20.226 And there was a documentary on this Labyrinth disc. 01:11:20.787 --> 01:11:21.987 Oh, that's a great documentary. 01:11:22.007 --> 01:11:22.448 It's long. 01:11:22.648 --> 01:11:22.988 Yeah. 01:11:23.148 --> 01:11:25.630 It's sort of feature length and it's got amazing interviews with David. 01:11:25.770 --> 01:11:27.031 That's exactly right. 01:11:27.592 --> 01:11:30.774 It's called Inside the Labyrinth or Behind the Labyrinth maybe? 01:11:30.834 --> 01:11:32.195 It's called Up the Labyrinth. 01:11:32.435 --> 01:11:35.136 up the labyrinth, right up the labyrinth it's called. 01:11:35.877 --> 01:11:39.698 And I was reminded how much I love that film. 01:11:39.718 --> 01:11:41.999 I mean, we went to see it when it came out, didn't we? 01:11:42.059 --> 01:11:43.380 In the Odeon Leicester Square. 01:11:44.580 --> 01:11:48.722 And it was 1986 and we were very excited as Bowie fans. 01:11:48.962 --> 01:11:49.522 It was 86. 01:11:49.882 --> 01:11:50.803 Jim Henson fans. 01:11:51.063 --> 01:11:55.525 And excited about the fact that Terry Jones had written the screenplay for Monty Python, of course. 01:11:56.585 --> 01:11:59.466 Now I'm trying to get my boys to watch the thing. 01:11:59.807 --> 01:12:00.887 It's too frightening for them. 01:12:01.047 --> 01:12:02.088 It is a little bit scary. 01:12:02.728 --> 01:12:04.750 Because it's too real and wonkeloid. 01:12:04.790 --> 01:12:06.131 It's all pre-CG. 01:12:06.451 --> 01:12:11.095 Well, the sort of Wizard of Ozzie stuff, but at the beginning and end, the bookend stuff is quite peculiar. 01:12:11.335 --> 01:12:12.476 Yeah. 01:12:12.677 --> 01:12:14.098 Her home life is quite weird. 01:12:14.198 --> 01:12:18.841 And then when it all kicks off, when the lightning storm starts in her bedroom, it is pretty scary. 01:12:18.882 --> 01:12:19.062 Yes. 01:12:19.562 --> 01:12:23.826 And let's remind people who haven't seen the film that this is basically about a young girl. 01:12:23.866 --> 01:12:25.507 What's the name of the actress, Jennifer Connelly? 01:12:25.547 --> 01:12:26.568 Yeah, she's very beautiful. 01:12:26.628 --> 01:12:30.111 She was in Once Upon a Time in America just before that. 01:12:30.171 --> 01:12:30.632 That's right. 01:12:30.692 --> 01:12:45.124 So this is more or less her second role, having been plucked from a life as a model, I think, to play this part of a young girl who's complaining about the fact that her baby brother is making so much noise and she says, I wish the pixies would come and take you away. 01:12:45.224 --> 01:12:46.045 Oh, shouldn't wish that. 01:12:47.005 --> 01:12:59.714 and suddenly just after she's wished that there's a clap of thunder and an owl flies into the room and transforms into Jareth the goblin king played by one David Bowie. 01:13:00.294 --> 01:13:13.783 And so David is standing there resplendent in his skin tight jodhpurs displaying for all the world his magnificent goblin pocket and he is wearing a timelessly ludicrous hair piece 01:13:14.463 --> 01:13:20.507 I mean, it's got to be the worst kind of hairstyle ever created that will never, ever, ever be fashionable ever. 01:13:20.607 --> 01:13:21.048 It's good. 01:13:21.068 --> 01:13:24.570 I mean, you're about to enter a world of crazy haired muppet puppets. 01:13:24.710 --> 01:13:25.911 Yeah, that's true. 01:13:25.971 --> 01:13:27.993 That haircut is your intro into that world. 01:13:28.373 --> 01:13:29.874 And it looks, well, how would you describe it? 01:13:29.914 --> 01:13:32.476 It's kind of a Limahl fountain of hair. 01:13:32.516 --> 01:13:35.138 It's a sort of Strouhlepieter, isn't it? 01:13:35.498 --> 01:13:39.920 It's poking at it, but it's not because that's more, I think, of Edward Scissorhands when you see Strelpieter. 01:13:40.261 --> 01:13:43.282 That's more Russell Brand-type nest. 01:13:43.342 --> 01:13:46.644 But this is just ridiculous frightwig pointing up. 01:13:46.744 --> 01:13:50.426 Anyway, Bowie makes it look good, I think, as Jareth the Goblin King. 01:13:50.466 --> 01:13:56.970 But this behind-the-scenes thing is a treat, and Bowie is there being interviewed and taking it all very seriously. 01:13:56.990 --> 01:14:00.872 Here's a little clip of Bowie talking about how he became involved with the project. 01:14:01.377 --> 01:14:22.573 He first brought me the concept on the 1983 tour that I did in America, and asked me if I'd consider doing the part, and he showed me a copy of The Dark Crystal, which I found a fascinating piece of work, and I could see the potentiality of making that kind of movie with humans, with songs, with a more of a lighter comedy script. 01:14:23.283 --> 01:14:23.923 I know David! 01:14:23.983 --> 01:14:24.963 David, excuse me! 01:14:25.664 --> 01:14:26.044 What is it? 01:14:26.064 --> 01:14:27.104 I've just come off stage. 01:14:27.164 --> 01:14:28.264 Why are you interrupting me? 01:14:28.544 --> 01:14:32.866 I've got an idea for a movie where I'd like to have puppets and a codpiece. 01:14:33.746 --> 01:14:34.806 That sounds very interesting, yes. 01:14:34.866 --> 01:14:35.646 Are you Frank Oz? 01:14:35.907 --> 01:14:38.527 Yeah, these are very broad impressions of everybody. 01:14:40.128 --> 01:14:42.128 It's like puppets and a codpiece! 01:14:44.209 --> 01:14:44.749 I'm interested. 01:14:44.829 --> 01:14:46.790 Come into my dressing room. 01:14:47.350 --> 01:14:48.470 Have you done anything before? 01:14:49.170 --> 01:14:51.671 I was kind of involved in the Dark Crystal. 01:14:52.952 --> 01:14:54.955 That's a fascinating piece of work. 01:14:55.896 --> 01:14:58.419 I can absolutely see the potentiality in what you're talking about. 01:14:58.439 --> 01:14:59.461 It's very provocative. 01:15:00.842 --> 01:15:05.168 It's superlatticively provocative, and I'd be very interested in becoming invulvisized. 01:15:09.894 --> 01:15:17.320 But it's a joyful documentary because you forget that it was such a hotbed of talent, that film, apart from Bowie and Frank Oz himself. 01:15:17.340 --> 01:15:18.721 He's such a legendary figure. 01:15:19.502 --> 01:15:22.644 You've got the artist Ron Mueck. 01:15:23.005 --> 01:15:23.825 Do you know that guy? 01:15:23.925 --> 01:15:25.887 He makes these giant lifelike sculptures. 01:15:25.907 --> 01:15:27.368 Well, he plays around with scale. 01:15:27.388 --> 01:15:33.413 He had a very famous piece called Dead Dad, which was a sculpture that he made. 01:15:33.473 --> 01:15:34.654 And he was involved in labyrinth. 01:15:34.734 --> 01:15:35.054 He was. 01:15:35.074 --> 01:15:35.875 He was one of the puppeteers. 01:15:36.115 --> 01:15:37.657 I didn't think he'd be old enough to do that. 01:15:38.277 --> 01:15:39.358 I thought he was a young chap. 01:15:39.398 --> 01:15:41.038 Well, he was very young when he was in Labyrinth. 01:15:41.118 --> 01:15:44.960 At that stage, he was a model maker, an Australian model maker who'd be involved. 01:15:44.980 --> 01:15:46.021 An Australian model maker? 01:15:46.041 --> 01:15:46.401 Yeah, right. 01:15:46.821 --> 01:15:49.943 And then he moved to the UK, and now he's, you know, known as a fine artist. 01:15:49.963 --> 01:15:50.203 How cool. 01:15:50.663 --> 01:15:51.563 He was in there. 01:15:52.124 --> 01:15:56.026 You've got George Lucas hanging around the set, of course, because he was exec producing that. 01:15:56.746 --> 01:15:58.687 You've got Terry Jones in there. 01:15:58.807 --> 01:16:04.189 And there's, for Star Trek fans, Beverly Crusher's sister does the choreography. 01:16:07.231 --> 01:16:08.692 But anyway, you're going to play a good record. 01:16:08.712 --> 01:16:11.454 I had this on 12 inch before the film came out. 01:16:11.494 --> 01:16:13.095 I used to play this over and over again. 01:16:13.115 --> 01:16:17.117 I mean, musically, it wasn't I'm going to stick my neck out here. 01:16:17.157 --> 01:16:22.380 Musically, the period wasn't Bowie's strongest, maybe, maybe. 01:16:22.720 --> 01:16:27.123 Here, for example, is a clip of Magic Dance that he created. 01:16:27.163 --> 01:16:28.304 Dance, baby, dance. 01:16:28.324 --> 01:16:28.844 This is great. 01:16:46.940 --> 01:16:49.184 oh oh oh oh oh 01:16:57.875 --> 01:17:00.276 You know, that's not Eno producing there, that's all I'm saying. 01:17:00.416 --> 01:17:03.018 It was just, um, those are all the hip sounds of the time. 01:17:03.858 --> 01:17:08.761 Do you miss it when people scratch things up and say, power of voodoo, scratching, scratching? 01:17:08.781 --> 01:17:09.461 Yes, I do miss it. 01:17:09.521 --> 01:17:10.382 I think it should come back. 01:17:10.502 --> 01:17:10.762 Yeah. 01:17:11.242 --> 01:17:18.346 So anyway, um, the song that came out of the thing that was kind of a hit for Bowie, of course, was Underground, which is what I'm going to play now. 01:17:18.506 --> 01:17:19.367 And I do like it. 01:17:19.447 --> 01:17:23.089 I love the sort of gospel feeling of it and it reminds me of Happy Times. 01:17:23.129 --> 01:17:24.390 This is David Bowie with Underground. 01:17:25.650 --> 01:17:25.970 Lovely. 01:17:26.711 --> 01:17:28.731 David Bowie, Goblin King there. 01:17:28.951 --> 01:17:29.792 What a great record. 01:17:29.952 --> 01:17:31.993 An all-time classic as far as I'm concerned. 01:17:32.173 --> 01:17:36.795 You can see me doing a little audition for Jareth the Goblin King on YouTube, I think, somewhere. 01:17:36.815 --> 01:17:37.575 If you search for that. 01:17:37.775 --> 01:17:39.176 I did a scratch mix of that, you know. 01:17:39.196 --> 01:17:39.976 Did you? 01:17:40.016 --> 01:17:41.116 When it came out when I was about 15. 01:17:41.256 --> 01:17:42.417 Oh, of Underground? 01:17:42.457 --> 01:17:43.637 Yeah, maybe I'll bring it in one day. 01:17:43.657 --> 01:17:44.678 I'll still get it on cassette. 01:17:44.798 --> 01:17:46.038 Come on, that would be awful. 01:17:46.238 --> 01:17:46.779 That would be great. 01:17:46.799 --> 01:17:47.779 Adam and Jo here on BBC6 Music. 01:17:47.839 --> 01:17:48.279 It's gone, 12.30. 01:17:48.319 --> 01:17:49.100 It's time for the news. 01:17:51.207 --> 01:17:52.108 I've never heard that. 01:17:52.788 --> 01:17:53.569 Stone Roses. 01:17:54.009 --> 01:17:56.471 That's unbelievable that I've never heard that, isn't it? 01:17:56.752 --> 01:17:57.272 Unbelievable. 01:17:57.352 --> 01:17:58.613 Unbelievable. 01:17:58.793 --> 01:17:59.173 What? 01:17:59.194 --> 01:18:00.294 They were wasting their time. 01:18:00.655 --> 01:18:01.736 If Bucky Lee's hasn't heard it. 01:18:01.756 --> 01:18:02.436 Exactly. 01:18:02.836 --> 01:18:07.340 What the World is Waiting For released 1989 double A side with Fool's Gold. 01:18:07.440 --> 01:18:09.722 Yeah, because they had the same drum pattern, didn't they, on there? 01:18:10.402 --> 01:18:10.823 Good times. 01:18:11.143 --> 01:18:13.185 Drum pattern, drum beat, whatever you want to call it. 01:18:13.225 --> 01:18:15.306 Oh, for goodness sake, let's just play the Jingle James. 01:18:16.327 --> 01:18:42.338 I like to change the lyrics of songs from time to time To make them refer to things I do I call it popo creation and as far as I'm aware it isn't a crime I wonder if it's something you do too 01:18:48.143 --> 01:18:50.164 I'd say that was my favorite Bucky Lee's jingle. 01:18:50.184 --> 01:18:55.666 You know, I was trying very hard to do something a little less aggressive and... She did very well. 01:18:55.726 --> 01:18:56.526 It's beautiful. 01:18:56.566 --> 01:18:57.526 Very lovely singing. 01:18:58.707 --> 01:19:00.887 Here's a message from Julia. 01:19:00.907 --> 01:19:02.688 She's aged 30 from Liverpool. 01:19:03.128 --> 01:19:14.472 She says, Dear Count Buckler and Corn Dog, At work, when I am feeling particularly pressured to balance the many conflicting demands which are expected from a personal assistant, I like to sing 01:19:15.012 --> 01:19:15.492 Stressed! 01:19:17.053 --> 01:19:17.173 Ahhh! 01:19:17.554 --> 01:19:19.595 I've got an ulcer the size of the universe! 01:19:20.135 --> 01:19:20.416 What? 01:19:20.836 --> 01:19:23.357 In the style of- I've got a what of the size of the universe? 01:19:23.397 --> 01:19:23.878 An ulcer. 01:19:24.858 --> 01:19:27.460 In the style of Flash Gordon by The Mighty Queen. 01:19:27.840 --> 01:19:29.681 I find that vocalising this doesn't help at all. 01:19:30.122 --> 01:19:32.623 But I still find myself singing it every single time. 01:19:32.663 --> 01:19:34.344 I've got a bit of scorn to pour on that. 01:19:34.424 --> 01:19:34.705 Go on then. 01:19:34.905 --> 01:19:36.206 I mean I think it's very easy. 01:19:36.666 --> 01:19:39.348 I mean Flash you can put any single syllable word into Flash. 01:19:39.368 --> 01:19:39.688 Stressed! 01:19:40.700 --> 01:19:56.049 yeah but the word stress is in you know it fits it has the right kind of it's good it's good it's good i mean people were saying the same thing about one we had the other week the um uh the guy that sang his name to the shaving advert the best a man can get yeah 01:19:57.029 --> 01:20:00.691 So maybe I'm, you know, maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black. 01:20:01.372 --> 01:20:02.513 Calling the kettle back, don't you mean? 01:20:02.633 --> 01:20:02.833 Yeah. 01:20:03.553 --> 01:20:04.974 That was my wife's favourite. 01:20:05.214 --> 01:20:07.896 Mike Shinks, the best that Fran could get. 01:20:07.916 --> 01:20:08.857 That's right, that's right. 01:20:10.458 --> 01:20:15.581 Here's one what we got from Sinead and Hugh Kelly in London. 01:20:16.321 --> 01:20:21.625 Have you noticed how the Tube announcements have started pointing out which side of the train the door will open? 01:20:22.225 --> 01:20:23.546 Which side of the train the door will open? 01:20:23.566 --> 01:20:24.266 That makes sense, yes. 01:20:24.606 --> 01:20:29.810 This makes me and my husband start singing, the doors will open on the left hand side. 01:20:31.231 --> 01:20:35.993 The other passengers do tend to look at us a bit strangely, but this always amuses us no end. 01:20:36.694 --> 01:20:37.654 What was that noise you made? 01:20:37.774 --> 01:20:38.895 Hee hee. 01:20:39.115 --> 01:20:41.457 It was like a sort of six year old laughing. 01:20:42.437 --> 01:20:45.819 It's just a hint what you're supposed to do in response to that. 01:20:45.839 --> 01:20:47.400 Thanks Janae and Hugh Kelly. 01:20:47.781 --> 01:20:48.901 Canned cornballs laughter. 01:20:49.121 --> 01:20:49.562 Hee hee. 01:20:49.582 --> 01:20:51.643 I mean that's public pop-ropriation. 01:20:52.043 --> 01:21:12.986 yeah is that sensible to do these things loudly in public to sing these things yes joyful joyful yeah people might think you're a moron no everyone does pop appropriation every everybody every yeah everybody dear jojo and buckster ball says uh richard and sarah a male man and a female woman from brighton 01:21:13.727 --> 01:21:21.833 Our daughter has just turned two, and is still susceptible to the sorts of snots and sniffles that often loiter in toddler noses. 01:21:22.214 --> 01:21:32.261 Whenever my wife or I attempt to gently decongest said nose with a tissue, we literally cannot help but sing, to the tune of Heatwave's Boogie Nights, Boogie Nose! 01:21:32.802 --> 01:21:42.209 Ain't no doubt you are really snotty Boogie Nose, come on now, got to get it cleaned up Dance with the boogies, get down, dance with 01:21:42.469 --> 01:21:47.031 Because your boogie nose is always the most dead down. 01:21:48.112 --> 01:21:51.293 You've got boogies in your boogie, boogie, boogie nose. 01:21:51.373 --> 01:21:53.014 Boogie, boogie nights there. 01:21:53.614 --> 01:21:54.235 Boogie nights. 01:21:54.275 --> 01:21:54.875 That's a good one. 01:21:54.955 --> 01:21:55.635 It's a good one. 01:21:55.956 --> 01:21:59.237 I made up a song for my, um, for Frank when he was very snotty. 01:21:59.858 --> 01:22:03.559 I had a, like a original thing which was... You gonna sing it to us? 01:22:03.679 --> 01:22:04.140 Well... 01:22:05.120 --> 01:22:15.264 bogey nose bogey nose bogey nose but it was a bit yeah i don't really want to backpedal he's got a great big bogey up his nose it's personal sorry frank 01:22:23.368 --> 01:22:24.949 Finally, here's one from Dermot. 01:22:25.630 --> 01:22:30.974 Now this person was trying to trick me out with their name because it's spelt d-i-a-r-m-a-i-d. 01:22:31.294 --> 01:22:32.055 Diarmaid. 01:22:32.435 --> 01:22:33.175 Diarmaid. 01:22:33.195 --> 01:22:34.536 But I looked it up on the internet. 01:22:34.636 --> 01:22:34.937 Nice. 01:22:35.177 --> 01:22:36.538 And I know it's pronounced Dermot. 01:22:36.878 --> 01:22:37.439 Good job, man. 01:22:37.879 --> 01:22:38.399 I'm a man. 01:22:39.040 --> 01:22:46.926 I'm a mailman in Galway, Ireland in the 17-25 demographic and I have appropriation for you when I walk into a room and the room is a bit chilly I like to sing. 01:22:47.706 --> 01:22:50.469 Cold, cold in here. 01:22:52.006 --> 01:22:52.606 Oh, like Golden Hill? 01:22:52.626 --> 01:22:52.927 Yes! 01:22:53.367 --> 01:22:53.727 Nice. 01:22:54.027 --> 01:22:54.247 Yes. 01:22:54.287 --> 01:22:55.368 Gold. 01:22:56.108 --> 01:22:57.249 Golden Hill. 01:22:58.169 --> 01:22:59.290 That's quite a good one. 01:22:59.550 --> 01:23:00.290 Very good. 01:23:00.310 --> 01:23:01.391 Yeah. 01:23:01.571 --> 01:23:04.172 And finally, from me, we had quite a few of these. 01:23:04.192 --> 01:23:06.713 This is one that's very popular for poppropriation. 01:23:07.034 --> 01:23:10.255 I'm talking about the track Physical by Olivia Newton. 01:23:10.275 --> 01:23:10.875 I like that track. 01:23:10.915 --> 01:23:11.356 I've got it on 7. 01:23:12.296 --> 01:23:13.617 Does that bear up well? 01:23:14.178 --> 01:23:15.399 I haven't listened to it for a while. 01:23:15.559 --> 01:23:17.441 It's got one of the... Twenty years, perhaps. 01:23:17.641 --> 01:23:20.523 It's got a sort of sick sexist video, I seem to recall. 01:23:20.744 --> 01:23:21.825 Sick and sexist. 01:23:21.945 --> 01:23:23.806 It's just ladies working out. 01:23:23.826 --> 01:23:24.967 There's nothing sexist about being a lady. 01:23:24.987 --> 01:23:28.390 I think it was Olivia working out amongst a group... Very fat men. 01:23:28.450 --> 01:23:29.652 Very overweight men, yeah. 01:23:29.732 --> 01:23:31.873 That's weightist and sexist, yes, you're right. 01:23:32.054 --> 01:23:32.494 Exactly. 01:23:32.514 --> 01:23:33.275 It's disgraceful. 01:23:33.915 --> 01:24:01.565 uh louise a london girl says i'm listening to the podcast and the item on popropriation reminded me that the other day when getting ready to cycle on a gloomy day i'd put on lots of high-vis clothes and lights i started singing to the tune of physical by olivia newton john let's get visible visible i wanna get visible don't want to be invisible can you see my yellow coat my yellow coat can you see my yellow coat 01:24:02.216 --> 01:24:04.980 That turns into a kind of hidey-high thing at the end there, doesn't it? 01:24:05.000 --> 01:24:05.640 It does, doesn't it? 01:24:05.781 --> 01:24:07.783 It sounds like a sort of public information film. 01:24:07.803 --> 01:24:08.844 I want a yellow coat! 01:24:09.205 --> 01:24:10.887 Can you see my yellow coat? 01:24:11.488 --> 01:24:11.988 Who's that? 01:24:12.149 --> 01:24:12.429 Peggy. 01:24:12.549 --> 01:24:13.410 Is that Sue Pollard? 01:24:13.470 --> 01:24:13.771 Yeah. 01:24:14.091 --> 01:24:14.812 That's good, man. 01:24:16.053 --> 01:24:17.695 That's it for me for appropriation. 01:24:17.715 --> 01:24:18.797 Have you got any more in your locker there? 01:24:18.957 --> 01:24:19.137 Nope! 01:24:19.898 --> 01:24:39.009 okay uh let's play some metronomy now we're gonna be hanging out with metronomy i hope i mean they're big they're one of these bands that you know they were sort of um grooving around in the shadows earlier this year and now they're on the pyramid stage at glastonbury this year so i hope we're gonna lure them into our stinky den when we're there next weekend this is the bay by metronomy 01:24:42.901 --> 01:24:43.661 Text the nation. 01:24:43.701 --> 01:24:43.961 Text. 01:24:44.081 --> 01:24:44.361 Text. 01:24:44.421 --> 01:24:44.761 Text. 01:24:44.881 --> 01:24:45.642 Text the nation. 01:24:45.682 --> 01:24:46.642 What if I don't want to? 01:24:46.882 --> 01:24:47.622 Text the nation. 01:24:47.722 --> 01:24:48.722 But I'm using email. 01:24:48.882 --> 01:24:49.622 Is that a problem? 01:24:49.642 --> 01:24:52.023 It doesn't matter. 01:24:52.123 --> 01:24:52.563 Text. 01:24:53.083 --> 01:24:53.683 Text the nation. 01:24:53.723 --> 01:24:55.703 This week is all about nature war. 01:24:56.243 --> 01:25:00.444 Times when you think you are going to have a lovely time in God's garden. 01:25:01.004 --> 01:25:02.565 The benevolent world of green things. 01:25:03.145 --> 01:25:06.265 You frolic into it and find it biting you on your ass. 01:25:07.345 --> 01:25:08.186 In a nasty manner. 01:25:08.846 --> 01:25:10.226 Here is one from Nick in Cumbria. 01:25:10.846 --> 01:25:15.788 I took my family for a nice Boxing Day walk to see some icicles that had been pictured in the local paper. 01:25:15.928 --> 01:25:16.668 Good effort, mate. 01:25:17.088 --> 01:25:20.870 The path to them turned out to be a treacherous sheet of ice. 01:25:21.370 --> 01:25:23.331 My three daughters were weeping in fear. 01:25:23.811 --> 01:25:26.992 Our pensioner friend Maggie slipped off the path onto a frozen river. 01:25:27.032 --> 01:25:31.794 She couldn't get back up until passing walkers equipped with boot spikes lashed together dog leads and hauled her out. 01:25:33.935 --> 01:25:35.877 They didn't look impressed by our sloppy shoes. 01:25:36.537 --> 01:25:40.420 I got it in the neck, big style, but I told my wife, we've gained an anecdote. 01:25:41.521 --> 01:25:42.962 Love you guys, Nick and Cumbria. 01:25:43.843 --> 01:25:46.365 I like stuff that turns terrific. 01:25:46.405 --> 01:25:53.691 I mean, that's good because no one was actually hurt, but it started out as a lovely little frolic and turned into a Kevin Macdonald-style night man. 01:25:53.711 --> 01:25:56.573 I'm impressed that he got the family out to see the icicles there. 01:25:56.613 --> 01:25:57.774 That would not have gone down well. 01:25:57.794 --> 01:25:59.115 Yes, they were probably amazing. 01:25:59.335 --> 01:25:59.535 Yeah. 01:25:59.635 --> 01:26:01.057 Imagine the picture in the local paper. 01:26:01.297 --> 01:26:02.719 I guess they would have made them look nice. 01:26:02.779 --> 01:26:04.060 Yeah they were all nice. 01:26:04.120 --> 01:26:04.981 Nice and icy. 01:26:05.742 --> 01:26:08.465 Here's one from Rob in Croston in Lancashire. 01:26:09.186 --> 01:26:13.130 Sometimes when I'm walking or running along I see an overhanging tree branch. 01:26:13.350 --> 01:26:14.671 I like to give it a high five. 01:26:14.892 --> 01:26:16.033 I'm high fiving nature. 01:26:16.373 --> 01:26:17.695 Is it a bit OCD perhaps? 01:26:17.755 --> 01:26:17.995 But I love 01:26:20.547 --> 01:26:46.230 riding my bike until one horrible day on my route home from work there was always a tempting branch which punctuated my journey home nowhere near the road that would be dangerous this was on the university campus it was quite high so i always had to stand up on my pedals to reach to connect with it high five on this occasion all went textbook but in the time it took me to put my hand back on the handlebars my trouser cuff got caught on my chain and i lost my balance i ended up with the bike on top of me my foot through the spokes in the of the front wheel 01:26:46.670 --> 01:26:47.070 Yarg. 01:26:47.691 --> 01:26:53.974 Luckily I only graze my arms and no one was around to laugh at me but I don't tend to high five trees on my bike anymore. 01:26:54.034 --> 01:26:56.415 It's a shame no one saw that he would have looked like a wally. 01:26:56.776 --> 01:26:59.917 It's tempting to grab a leaf isn't it when you pass an overhanging branch. 01:27:00.458 --> 01:27:01.898 Oh yeah tear a bit of foliage off. 01:27:01.918 --> 01:27:06.901 Yeah or if you're passing a bush to pluck a leaf off, roll it between your fingers. 01:27:06.921 --> 01:27:09.923 You don't go up to a person and pull out their hair? 01:27:10.363 --> 01:27:10.983 Yes I do. 01:27:11.063 --> 01:27:11.904 Why would you do it to a tree? 01:27:13.537 --> 01:27:14.177 Here's another one. 01:27:14.257 --> 01:27:15.097 Children love to do that. 01:27:15.117 --> 01:27:16.318 They love to damage foliage. 01:27:16.378 --> 01:27:17.258 You really have to explain. 01:27:17.278 --> 01:27:17.998 Well it grows back. 01:27:18.338 --> 01:27:21.959 I know it's very hard to explain to a child why it's a bad thing just to yank some foliage. 01:27:21.979 --> 01:27:24.640 I think it depends on the number of leaves on the tree. 01:27:24.680 --> 01:27:27.040 I mean if there's lots then the leaf can spare it. 01:27:27.160 --> 01:27:29.601 I'm gonna make a film all about trees coming to pull your hair out. 01:27:30.041 --> 01:27:30.381 Really? 01:27:30.401 --> 01:27:30.481 Yeah. 01:27:30.801 --> 01:27:33.062 You don't think trees should be allowed to give joy to a child? 01:27:34.352 --> 01:27:35.873 Not that, they could do other things! 01:27:37.153 --> 01:27:38.554 They can hug them, hug them! 01:27:38.734 --> 01:27:40.575 Hug the tree, you're absolutely right, you're absolutely right. 01:27:40.695 --> 01:27:42.095 Here's one for Joggle and Buxy. 01:27:42.455 --> 01:27:42.695 Oh yeah. 01:27:42.755 --> 01:27:43.196 Who are they? 01:27:43.216 --> 01:27:44.676 Dunno, they sound cool. 01:27:45.096 --> 01:27:50.519 When I, whenever I was very, whenever I was very young, it's sort of a way for them to start a message. 01:27:50.539 --> 01:27:51.039 Every time. 01:27:51.959 --> 01:27:55.420 I remember going for a walk with my parents and their friends who included a minister. 01:27:56.101 --> 01:27:59.502 I saw what I thought was a very nice stick, which I wanted for my stick collection. 01:28:00.643 --> 01:28:01.063 I've got one. 01:28:01.423 --> 01:28:04.004 I picked it up excitedly and was confused when it squished. 01:28:05.345 --> 01:28:07.726 Nature and I have never seen eye to eye since. 01:28:08.127 --> 01:28:08.687 One last one? 01:28:08.707 --> 01:28:09.828 That's like the joke though, isn't it? 01:28:09.848 --> 01:28:10.608 What's brown and sticky? 01:28:11.449 --> 01:28:12.650 Yeah, well not really. 01:28:12.670 --> 01:28:14.471 Because it's not a stick. 01:28:16.725 --> 01:28:17.966 Stephen, a boy man from Dublin. 01:28:18.326 --> 01:28:23.088 I came home from work on Monday to notice the front door of my house was covered in caterpillars. 01:28:23.729 --> 01:28:31.693 My girlfriend would not let me get rid of them because she said they would turn into butterflies and it would be, open quotes, lovely, close quotes. 01:28:32.853 --> 01:28:36.695 Her teacher friend said it would be highly educational to bring them into class to show them turning into butterflies. 01:28:36.995 --> 01:28:41.778 The next day we got an email from her teacher friend to say that one had exploded into maggots and the others were dying. 01:28:42.598 --> 01:28:43.999 Exploded into maggots? 01:28:44.039 --> 01:28:45.760 Not the lesson she planned for her seven year olds. 01:28:46.320 --> 01:28:46.540 Yes. 01:28:47.501 --> 01:28:48.021 Maggots. 01:28:49.543 --> 01:28:50.664 What are these? 01:28:50.744 --> 01:28:51.184 Maggots. 01:28:51.464 --> 01:28:57.069 In that some of the children got maggots in their eyes and faces and the others were dying. 01:28:57.089 --> 01:28:58.450 Probably being sick while they were dying. 01:28:58.890 --> 01:28:59.251 Awful. 01:28:59.391 --> 01:29:05.155 Expected something lovely and got a hideous explosion of maggots and caterpillar vomit. 01:29:05.255 --> 01:29:05.696 The end. 01:29:05.836 --> 01:29:06.656 Keep those coming in. 01:29:07.057 --> 01:29:08.998 Text the nation is Nature Wars. 01:29:09.018 --> 01:29:11.961 Adamandjoe.6music.pbc.co.uk is their email address. 01:29:13.222 --> 01:29:13.963 It's Jonny Chingas. 01:29:13.983 --> 01:29:17.368 Oh yeah this is, oh I've got a story about this as well, this link's going on forever. 01:29:18.590 --> 01:29:28.024 This is a record called Phone Home by Jonny Chingas and I've been trying to figure out what it was called and how to get hold of it for months and then completely out of the blue... Where'd you hear it first? 01:29:28.084 --> 01:29:28.645 A listener... 01:29:29.345 --> 01:29:35.887 called Stephen Heywood, said, you've been playing early hip-hop and electro, would you consider playing these obscure tracks? 01:29:36.287 --> 01:29:37.288 I've been trying to search for it. 01:29:37.328 --> 01:29:45.970 I've been searching phone home, I've been searching ET, and this record hit me hard when I was a kid because it appears to have the noise of the monster from An American Werewolf in London in it. 01:29:46.510 --> 01:29:47.791 And it also mentions ET. 01:29:48.251 --> 01:29:50.952 It's by Johnny Chingas, it's from 1983, it's called Phone Home. 01:29:51.292 --> 01:29:51.652 Here it is. 01:29:52.967 --> 01:29:55.469 That's Mr Johnny Chingas with Phone Home from 1983. 01:29:55.989 --> 01:29:58.831 Thank you again to Stephen Heywood, who helped me track that down. 01:29:58.871 --> 01:30:00.392 I've been looking for that for years, mate. 01:30:00.412 --> 01:30:01.513 I didn't know who it was by. 01:30:02.253 --> 01:30:03.394 And Stephen told me. 01:30:03.494 --> 01:30:03.894 Good stuff. 01:30:04.014 --> 01:30:12.540 Next weekend, folks, we are going to be finishing off our little run here at Six Music for the time being at the mighty Glastonbury. 01:30:12.560 --> 01:30:14.601 We're doing three shows from the festival. 01:30:14.942 --> 01:30:19.205 We'll be there starting Six Music's coverage at 10 a.m. 01:30:19.445 --> 01:30:20.345 on Friday morning. 01:30:20.846 --> 01:30:22.847 So if you're heading to the festival, come and 01:30:23.287 --> 01:30:32.454 Yeah, but here's an exciting thing if you are at the festival We want to come and see you or want you to come and see us more likely when is this going to be on this? 01:30:33.014 --> 01:30:38.838 Saturday morning on the Saturday morning to the first half hour of our show we're going to be out and about so from 10 a.m. 01:30:38.898 --> 01:30:48.985 To 1030 exactly black squadron time basically if you're at the festival you come to if you come to the pyramid stage We'll be on the left hand side if you're facing the stage to the left. 01:30:49.005 --> 01:30:50.246 Yeah, there's a little gate and 01:30:50.986 --> 01:31:14.604 and if you go onto the blog which is bbc.co.uk slash blogs slash adam and joe you can find out all those details plus i think we're going to put maybe a little bit of a cheeky bronham mask there for you to print out and where that might help identify you as a black squadron member we might have a little communal taffin shoutage what about that that'll be good idea 01:31:14.904 --> 01:31:19.125 Yeah, so to perk you up on that Saturday morning, we hope it'll be a beautiful day. 01:31:19.406 --> 01:31:20.046 Come and join us. 01:31:20.306 --> 01:31:22.727 We'll leave you details of that liaison on the blog as well. 01:31:23.607 --> 01:31:25.728 Coming up is Liz Kershaw, so stay tuned for her. 01:31:25.748 --> 01:31:27.088 She's got Emmy the Great on the show. 01:31:27.188 --> 01:31:27.908 Didn't realize that. 01:31:27.948 --> 01:31:31.109 She's going to be live on Liz Kershaw's program. 01:31:31.149 --> 01:31:32.570 Thank you so much for listening today. 01:31:32.590 --> 01:31:34.871 Have a great week and we'll see you in Glastonbury. 01:31:35.111 --> 01:31:35.551 We love you, bye!