WEBVTT 00:00.369 --> 00:01.851 Right now, they're back. 00:02.331 --> 00:03.212 Adam and Jo. 00:03.292 --> 00:06.595 Hello today from the big British castle. 00:07.016 --> 00:09.999 Adam and Jo are back from their holidays. 00:10.059 --> 00:12.261 Hooray, they've been away drinking booze. 00:18.134 --> 00:21.617 One can go out to a movie looking for a special treat. 00:22.398 --> 00:23.239 What kind of treat? 00:23.499 --> 00:24.600 Like a revel or something? 00:25.101 --> 00:26.722 Revels, Maltesers, possibly. 00:27.823 --> 00:28.804 Probably minstrels. 00:29.145 --> 00:29.745 Minstrels? 00:29.765 --> 00:31.427 Because they don't make a mess in the hand. 00:31.747 --> 00:33.809 That's right, they're the ultimate cinema treat. 00:33.829 --> 00:34.689 Best movie snack. 00:34.809 --> 00:36.411 Other treats are available, of course. 00:37.471 --> 00:39.593 But is that the only reason one would go out to a movie? 00:39.893 --> 00:40.194 Yeah. 00:40.654 --> 00:42.255 Just looking for a special treat. 00:42.295 --> 00:42.595 Yeah. 00:43.336 --> 00:44.697 A lovely little surprise package. 00:44.737 --> 00:45.898 And that's what that song's about. 00:45.938 --> 00:48.620 That was Marvin Gaye there with It Takes Two. 00:48.920 --> 00:49.701 Hey, this is Adam. 00:50.161 --> 00:51.022 Hey, this is Joe. 00:51.442 --> 00:54.545 Welcome to our radio show here on BBC Six Music. 00:54.845 --> 00:56.466 We hope you've had a fantastic summer. 00:56.786 --> 00:58.207 We've been away for how many weeks? 00:58.227 --> 00:58.207 125. 00:58.508 --> 00:59.148 It's not enough. 01:01.790 --> 01:03.371 Eight weeks we were away, two months. 01:03.571 --> 01:04.552 I want to be away more. 01:05.152 --> 01:06.793 It doesn't seem like a very long time, does it? 01:06.994 --> 01:08.014 It was quite nice, wasn't it? 01:08.034 --> 01:09.055 It was pretty relaxing, wasn't it? 01:09.655 --> 01:12.137 It was nice being able to sleep in on a Saturday. 01:12.197 --> 01:12.577 Yeah. 01:13.158 --> 01:13.898 Oh, sleepily. 01:13.958 --> 01:16.400 I did a lot of Saturday things, went to festivals. 01:16.600 --> 01:16.820 Did you? 01:16.840 --> 01:17.621 Traveled around. 01:17.721 --> 01:18.101 Did you? 01:18.201 --> 01:19.302 Hung out with the Saturdays. 01:19.442 --> 01:20.683 Yeah, it was amazing. 01:21.543 --> 01:25.145 Uh, but now we're back and things are going to be very different, right? 01:25.165 --> 01:25.445 Oh, yeah. 01:25.545 --> 01:31.327 Oh, it's going to be totally we have spent the last eight weeks in meetings rebranding, retooling the show. 01:31.547 --> 01:34.448 Here's how much money we spent on rebranding and retooling this show. 01:34.809 --> 01:37.810 Twenty four hundred million pounds. 01:37.890 --> 01:39.190 I mean, that seems like a lot, doesn't it? 01:39.230 --> 01:40.051 But it's actually true. 01:40.091 --> 01:41.792 And that's that's BBC money. 01:41.812 --> 01:42.832 That's taxpayers money. 01:42.972 --> 02:05.561 part of it's BBC money part of it was a slush fund some of it was national lottery that's right very very poor people desperate for some money betting their final quid on the lottery every week straight into our pockets a lot of it was focus groups donations Philip Scofield donated he did he hosted a telethon on Latvian television Fern Britton donated 25 pounds we auctioned her gastric band 02:06.701 --> 02:08.122 We had a rebrand of fun. 02:08.502 --> 02:09.763 It was like a big concert. 02:10.944 --> 02:13.705 If you're a regular listener, it's going to be disorientating. 02:13.806 --> 02:19.109 All the features, all the things you use to orientate yourself around this programme, they're going to be totally new. 02:19.529 --> 02:21.050 What's the new name for the show? 02:21.550 --> 02:25.592 The new name for the show is Boggins. 02:25.652 --> 02:27.173 It's surprising, isn't it? 02:27.513 --> 02:28.154 It's like, what? 02:28.174 --> 02:32.256 £2,400,000 and you come up with Boggins. 02:32.316 --> 02:33.357 It doesn't seem like a lot. 02:33.917 --> 02:35.258 for all that money and all that time. 02:35.298 --> 02:37.620 I swear, man, the focus groups are crazy about bogins. 02:37.640 --> 02:38.581 You're gonna get used to it, though. 02:38.601 --> 02:40.743 Kids are going mad about, have you got bogins? 02:40.983 --> 02:42.144 Bogins was bogins! 02:42.364 --> 02:44.306 It's just a word that sticks, you know? 02:44.406 --> 02:45.147 It's sticky. 02:45.247 --> 02:49.410 Yeah, it's a sticky word, and bogins is gonna take this show. 02:50.471 --> 02:51.692 to new levels. 02:52.792 --> 02:57.694 So you might be expecting at this point the Black Squadron jingle and a Black Squadron command. 02:57.714 --> 02:59.335 That's not how it rolls. 02:59.675 --> 03:02.776 Well, has it survived the focus group in Black Squadron? 03:02.816 --> 03:04.957 And if so, in what form has it emerged? 03:05.757 --> 03:07.178 We'll find out after another record. 03:07.778 --> 03:13.961 But before the record, a little bit of housekeeping, we should say a very sincere thank you to Danny Wallace and Gromit. 03:14.521 --> 03:16.443 who've been covering us while we're away. 03:17.023 --> 03:17.363 Richard. 03:17.684 --> 03:18.884 It was Danny and Richard, wasn't it? 03:18.924 --> 03:19.145 Yeah. 03:19.645 --> 03:20.986 Thank you so much to those guys. 03:21.046 --> 03:25.529 They did a fantastic job and we really appreciate their sterling work filling in while we were away. 03:25.790 --> 03:32.875 And thank you to all the listeners who visited our blog on the Six Music website that's been very healthy and active over the summer. 03:33.375 --> 03:35.337 Lots of people left lots of lovely messages. 03:35.857 --> 03:44.422 I will tell you how to look at that blog a bit later in the show and indeed how you can text us or email us at any point over the next two hours and 50 minutes. 03:44.522 --> 03:46.764 You're listening to Boggins, and this is the very best. 03:47.144 --> 03:48.765 That is the very best. 03:49.365 --> 03:50.686 That's the name of the act, right? 03:50.926 --> 03:56.269 And the track was called Warm Heart of Africa, which features Vampire Weekend's Ezra Koenig. 03:56.550 --> 03:57.570 He's the lead singer, right? 03:57.610 --> 03:58.491 Of Vampire Weekend. 03:58.771 --> 04:03.374 And that's a very similar sounding thing to the actual Vampire Weekend band. 04:03.934 --> 04:06.715 It seems like he's just taken the essence of Vampire Weekend. 04:06.775 --> 04:08.655 He's taken that sort of township sound, hasn't he? 04:08.775 --> 04:11.136 Right, and pushed it even further towards the township. 04:11.156 --> 04:11.456 He's nicked it. 04:11.476 --> 04:12.396 Are you allowed to do that? 04:12.536 --> 04:19.057 If you're a component of a band, are you allowed to go off and make a solo record that sounds exactly like what your band put out? 04:19.077 --> 04:19.977 I mean, that's the thing, isn't it? 04:20.037 --> 04:23.738 He was presumably instrumental in, you know, bringing that sound. 04:23.758 --> 04:25.559 What if he wasn't to Vampire Weekend? 04:25.579 --> 04:25.979 What if he wasn't? 04:25.999 --> 04:26.979 That would make it even worse. 04:27.279 --> 04:28.259 That would be outrageous. 04:28.279 --> 04:28.919 I think he wasn't. 04:29.099 --> 04:32.300 He would get duffed in immediately by the rest of the... It was Runjan's idea. 04:32.600 --> 04:33.080 Runjins? 04:33.381 --> 04:34.442 Oh, is he the bassist? 04:35.122 --> 04:37.264 What instrument does Runjins play in Vampire Weekend? 04:37.344 --> 04:39.266 Runjins, he just dances, doesn't he? 04:39.286 --> 04:39.946 He's the dancer. 04:39.966 --> 04:40.567 He plays chains. 04:40.667 --> 04:41.427 It's like the bears. 04:41.648 --> 04:42.068 Exactly. 04:42.528 --> 04:43.049 Ezra! 04:43.349 --> 04:44.670 It's Runjins here! 04:44.970 --> 04:45.831 Listen, man! 04:46.031 --> 04:48.974 What's going on with that new band you've done? 04:49.354 --> 04:51.976 I bought that sound to the band, not you! 04:52.316 --> 04:53.317 And now you have stolen it! 04:53.337 --> 04:54.098 Wait, wait, wait, wait. 04:54.358 --> 04:57.521 How could Runjins bring a sound to the band if he's just the chain dancer? 04:57.761 --> 04:58.502 That's the thing! 04:59.122 --> 05:03.584 You seem to think that just because I'm the chair dancer I didn't bring a sound. 05:03.904 --> 05:04.484 Wrong! 05:04.504 --> 05:07.706 I brought that sound and now you've taken it. 05:07.966 --> 05:11.047 He brought in that Paul Simon album, Graceland. 05:11.087 --> 05:12.088 That's right. 05:12.148 --> 05:13.188 Don't you remember? 05:13.689 --> 05:14.709 I brought it in. 05:15.029 --> 05:16.210 You said it was great. 05:16.430 --> 05:19.131 You said we could base the whole sound as a band on it. 05:19.411 --> 05:20.852 Me, my idea. 05:21.112 --> 05:22.733 Now you have got it taken it. 05:23.613 --> 05:25.975 This is weird, because I'm not even sure. 05:26.156 --> 05:27.657 I think I might have made up Runjins. 05:27.777 --> 05:28.498 No, you didn't. 05:28.778 --> 05:31.921 And yet you seem to really know him really well. 05:31.981 --> 05:32.742 Yeah, I do. 05:32.802 --> 05:34.283 I really bang on impression of him. 05:34.363 --> 05:35.624 Everyone knows Runjins. 05:35.704 --> 05:36.085 I don't know. 05:36.125 --> 05:37.626 I think I just made it up. 05:37.646 --> 05:38.327 You never did. 05:38.527 --> 05:40.949 Didn't you see the Runjins documentary on BBC Four? 05:41.810 --> 05:42.230 Runjins. 05:44.372 --> 05:45.754 It's called Runjins. 05:45.854 --> 05:48.676 It's called Runjins and the township sound. 05:48.997 --> 05:49.197 Yeah. 05:50.632 --> 05:55.717 Lucky we know so much about music, otherwise we wouldn't be able to talk for so long about the records we play. 05:55.737 --> 05:56.317 That's true, isn't it? 05:56.718 --> 06:00.521 Hey, listen, I've done... Did you get into any new music over the holidays? 06:00.541 --> 06:01.262 You know what I did? 06:01.302 --> 06:02.683 I had a bit of a Most Def. 06:02.823 --> 06:03.964 Is that how you say his name? 06:04.144 --> 06:04.825 Yeah, Most Def. 06:05.005 --> 06:06.807 I had a bit of a Most Def thing going on. 06:06.827 --> 06:09.169 You used to say Moss Def like there was moss growing on it. 06:09.189 --> 06:10.891 Yeah, I like to say Moss Def every now and then. 06:11.451 --> 06:13.031 Do you know what I've enjoyed saying a lot? 06:13.172 --> 06:13.332 Right. 06:13.712 --> 06:17.793 I've enjoyed pronouncing the name of Jim Cameron's forthcoming movie, Avatar. 06:18.033 --> 06:18.953 Avatar? 06:18.993 --> 06:20.934 Yeah, I'm just seeing if anyone says anything. 06:21.894 --> 06:23.794 Hey, did you see the Avatar preview footage? 06:23.874 --> 06:24.215 Yeah. 06:24.475 --> 06:28.036 It's a good test of whether, of someone's character, whether they go, what-a-tar? 06:28.496 --> 06:29.616 Or, why did you say it like that? 06:29.996 --> 06:30.136 Yeah. 06:30.236 --> 06:32.057 Or they go, no, I haven't seen it yet. 06:32.237 --> 06:33.857 The Americans don't say Avatar though, do they? 06:33.877 --> 06:35.398 I don't think anyone does, apart from me. 06:35.418 --> 06:36.218 Apart from Joe Cornbread. 06:37.618 --> 06:38.098 Avatar. 06:38.538 --> 06:39.639 So what music did you get into? 06:39.699 --> 06:40.499 You got into Most Deaf. 06:40.839 --> 06:43.242 Yeah, his new album, The Ecstatic, is terribly good. 06:43.262 --> 06:43.783 Oh, is it really? 06:43.803 --> 06:45.384 And it got me listening to his old albums. 06:45.404 --> 06:46.105 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 06:46.325 --> 06:48.748 I'll be playing something from it later in the programme. 06:48.989 --> 06:50.691 I got into Wild Beasts. 06:50.971 --> 06:58.480 Now, I already liked Wild Beasts before because of their single brave bulging buoyant clairvoyance that we played a few times on this show. 06:58.820 --> 07:09.210 They're from Kendall, and they have a sort of histrionic singing style, at least the lead singer does, that reminds you of Billy McKenzie from The Associates, right? 07:09.590 --> 07:12.493 And their new album, Two Dancers, is really good. 07:13.234 --> 07:17.137 And it's got a kind of a widescreen production sound. 07:17.197 --> 07:21.401 And it reminds me a lot of things that you and I, Joe Cornish, enjoyed in the early 80s. 07:21.942 --> 07:24.124 What do you mean a widescreen production sound? 07:24.264 --> 07:25.505 Well, it's just beautifully produced. 07:25.565 --> 07:28.646 It's stuff is panned further to the left and right than usually. 07:28.807 --> 07:30.247 Then it seems possible. 07:30.347 --> 07:30.668 Yeah. 07:31.048 --> 07:33.989 It just seems... Did you do that sort of an audio aspect ratio? 07:34.590 --> 07:35.470 You should do, shouldn't you? 07:35.530 --> 07:39.813 Well, this one would be an extremely wide... Give me an extremely wide aspect ratio. 07:40.433 --> 07:41.093 Oh, gosh. 07:41.153 --> 07:43.655 Well, CinemaScope, you know how the West was one. 07:43.695 --> 07:44.635 That was very wide. 07:44.755 --> 07:45.896 That took three projectors. 07:45.936 --> 07:46.657 It was so wide. 07:46.757 --> 07:46.937 Uh-huh. 07:47.257 --> 07:49.058 Well, this is exactly what this sounds like. 07:49.438 --> 07:50.218 See what you make of this? 07:50.239 --> 07:59.984 This is called, uh, we've still got the taste dancing on our tongues and it's about basically going out on a Saturday night and snogging people and saying, what's so wrong with that? 08:00.144 --> 08:00.824 What is wrong with that? 08:00.844 --> 08:01.905 What's so wrong with the snog? 08:02.205 --> 08:03.625 Hope you enjoyed this, it's wild beasts. 08:04.446 --> 08:05.847 Oh dear. 08:06.387 --> 08:08.088 That's an inauspicious moment. 08:08.148 --> 08:08.928 CD crash there. 08:09.228 --> 08:10.149 Sorry about that, listeners. 08:10.549 --> 08:12.610 That's a shame as I was really enjoying that one. 08:12.650 --> 08:13.511 That's disastrous. 08:13.551 --> 08:14.411 That was your free play then. 08:14.511 --> 08:41.942 wasn't it that's my free play and I was just thinking this is the best song I've ever heard in my life like right the way through the summer I was enjoying that when I was so excited to unleash it on on listeners who hadn't heard it before so the finger of responsibility pointing squarely into your face the finger of fudge you burnt that one off did you today this morning yeah I did problems in the office before the show I believe it wouldn't rip wouldn't rip now it's just stopped in the late directly from the CD and that bodes badly for the rest of my stuff as well I got had a song 08:44.383 --> 09:05.306 of your life for the rest of my life the finger of fudge I can't believe it fickle finger of fudge listen we're gonna play a trail and try and get to the bottom of this problem you're listening to boggins here on BBC six music I was Joan as a policewoman with holiday this is Adam and Joe on BBC six music on a Saturday morning thanks for listening you said a policewoman it's just a policewoman 09:06.327 --> 09:08.369 Only an amateur would say a policewoman. 09:09.150 --> 09:09.930 Well, that's me. 09:10.491 --> 09:11.692 Joan is good policewoman. 09:12.372 --> 09:12.712 Really? 09:12.953 --> 09:17.136 Joan has policewoman, that's what it means when you drop the little A. Yeah, she's good policewoman. 09:19.921 --> 09:27.285 So listen, Black Squadron was an idea that was formulated during the show before we went off for the summer. 09:27.825 --> 09:32.107 It's a squadron of elite listeners who listen live in this first half hour, right? 09:32.127 --> 09:33.048 Yeah, between 9 and 9.30. 09:33.968 --> 09:38.631 Only when you listen live, and not to the podcast, can you be a true member of Black Squadron. 09:39.811 --> 09:43.414 And, you know, when the... We can't really call it a series, can we? 09:43.434 --> 09:44.475 Would that be pretentious? 09:44.495 --> 09:46.376 You know, before the summer? 09:46.676 --> 09:48.698 When the previous run ended. 09:49.478 --> 09:56.463 They were a sort of super tightly knit squad of individuals, amazingly responsive. 09:57.084 --> 10:00.526 You know when you get very, very trained as a soldier, you know you can be over-trained. 10:00.546 --> 10:01.087 I do know that, yeah. 10:01.147 --> 10:04.669 You see it in full metal jacket with private pile, is he called? 10:05.830 --> 10:06.650 What's he called? 10:06.670 --> 10:07.831 He is called Private Pilot. 10:07.871 --> 10:09.111 The guy that shoots himself. 10:09.191 --> 10:09.791 That's the one. 10:09.891 --> 10:11.511 Now that's an over-trained soldier. 10:12.232 --> 10:13.352 Too excited. 10:13.632 --> 10:14.152 Exactly. 10:14.692 --> 10:17.433 And Black Squadron were getting close to that before the end of the run. 10:17.473 --> 10:18.193 They were, yeah. 10:18.253 --> 10:19.653 They didn't actually shoot themselves. 10:19.873 --> 10:20.694 Some of them went mad. 10:21.274 --> 10:24.074 Apparently over the summer, some of them have gone mad. 10:24.154 --> 10:26.375 It's like Apocalypse Now, they've gone up the Yanksy. 10:27.536 --> 10:28.156 The Yahtzee. 10:28.697 --> 10:29.998 Is that a game or a river? 10:30.598 --> 10:30.979 It's both. 10:31.299 --> 10:32.480 Do you shout, Yahtzee! 10:32.660 --> 10:33.601 That's what they're doing there. 10:33.621 --> 10:38.004 They're going down the river and there's just a group of people in a dimly lit hut playing Yahtzee. 10:38.084 --> 10:40.186 With their pockets overstuffed with toast. 10:40.266 --> 10:40.847 Shooting each other. 10:40.867 --> 10:45.350 I've seen a couple of people who I know are Black Squadron members wandering around Camden. 10:45.510 --> 10:45.711 Yeah. 10:45.791 --> 10:48.213 With their pockets massively bulging with toast. 10:48.753 --> 10:50.094 An eagle down their fronts. 10:50.435 --> 10:50.695 Yeah. 10:51.135 --> 10:57.119 Just wandering around, rifling through bins, hiding, weeing in corners, sleeping next to the canal. 10:57.219 --> 10:57.999 Some of them nude. 10:58.359 --> 10:59.620 I think those are crazy. 10:59.880 --> 11:03.783 Black Squadron members, because they've been bereft of commands, is my point. 11:04.403 --> 11:08.325 A military soldier is only as good as his commands when you stop instructing him or her. 11:09.326 --> 11:10.247 go pottygots. 11:26.567 --> 11:30.608 But they had designed amazing Black Squadron t-shirts for themselves, which they were wearing. 11:30.628 --> 11:35.890 Well, that was someone on our blog, I think, designed some beautiful Black Squadron t-shirts with an alarm clock and everything. 11:36.610 --> 11:43.392 And yeah, Tim Simpson has sent a picture of himself and his girlfriend who is unnamed. 11:43.453 --> 11:44.253 Tim's girlfriend. 11:44.273 --> 11:44.573 No, Jen. 11:44.593 --> 11:45.493 She's called Jen. 11:46.093 --> 11:47.474 Could be his wife, I don't know. 11:47.914 --> 11:50.295 And they look like a couple of Black Squadron members who've held it together. 11:50.415 --> 11:50.635 Yeah. 11:51.375 --> 11:52.596 Can we play the jingle without? 11:52.716 --> 11:56.017 I mean, that'll give them a... That'll be sort of the first echo of reason. 11:56.257 --> 11:58.619 Although it's nearly time for Black Squadron to stand down. 11:59.259 --> 12:01.520 Well, can we stand them up and stand them down immediately? 12:01.540 --> 12:04.661 Can we play both jingles hard on each other's heels? 12:05.842 --> 12:09.003 Black Squadron! 12:09.063 --> 12:11.525 Always catch the beginning of the show. 12:12.005 --> 12:14.086 Black Squadron don't wanna miss a thing. 12:14.346 --> 12:15.286 That's not the one. 12:15.366 --> 12:16.607 Black Squadron wrong. 12:20.160 --> 12:29.622 Went to bed at a reasonable hour Got to be sharp on Saturday morning That's the secret of the Squatters' power The next Squatters! 12:29.642 --> 12:35.044 The next Squatters! 12:35.064 --> 12:42.526 Stand down, your work is done You've earned yourself a nice warm bath And maybe a nice little bun 12:45.023 --> 12:45.684 So there you go. 12:46.144 --> 12:49.428 All you had to do there if you were in Black Squadron was actually stand up and sit down. 12:50.069 --> 13:01.181 Just to get you back in the swing of things, to remind you that you are a Black Squadron member, just to check who is still responding to commands in the squadron, who is still functioning mentally. 13:01.281 --> 13:05.786 The good news is that there is still a place for Black Squadron within boggins. 13:07.387 --> 13:08.748 in the Boggins Institute. 13:10.128 --> 13:10.629 What it is. 13:11.009 --> 13:12.809 We're not sure yet of it. 13:13.570 --> 13:14.610 Here's LaRue right now. 13:14.650 --> 13:15.510 This is Quicksand. 13:15.650 --> 13:19.672 People come, people go, times change, but LaRue is still in the Quicksand. 13:19.872 --> 13:22.173 This is Boggins here on BBC Six Music. 13:22.213 --> 13:23.353 Thanks very much for joining us. 13:23.413 --> 13:23.994 Great to be back. 13:24.034 --> 13:24.814 It's time for the news. 13:25.054 --> 13:26.736 That's an exciting new band. 13:26.796 --> 13:28.698 They're called the Pet Shop Boys. 13:28.978 --> 13:29.639 Yes, it is. 13:29.799 --> 13:30.520 No, it isn't. 13:31.121 --> 13:31.441 Is it? 13:31.862 --> 13:32.783 I don't know. 13:32.803 --> 13:35.766 That's, that's Neil from the Pet Shop Boys. 13:35.786 --> 13:37.127 He's actually in the studio with us. 13:37.768 --> 13:38.349 Hi, Neil. 13:38.549 --> 13:40.231 Would you like a sausage? 13:40.851 --> 13:42.934 I've brought a- Don't touch my sausage. 13:43.414 --> 13:44.375 I used to be able to do that. 13:44.435 --> 13:45.036 It's gone away. 13:45.096 --> 13:47.578 My ability to do a male tenant impression. 13:47.819 --> 13:49.640 It was nicked by Flight of the Concordes. 13:49.660 --> 13:50.301 Damn them! 13:50.501 --> 13:50.882 Damn them. 13:50.922 --> 13:52.844 They swooshed in and nabbed it. 13:53.064 --> 13:54.085 You know what they didn't nick though? 13:54.585 --> 13:56.267 Is our ability to be David Bowden. 13:56.307 --> 14:01.032 That was a wuzzy wuzzy wuzzy wuzzy wuzzy wuzzy had no hair. 14:01.172 --> 14:02.313 I've seen some fairies. 14:02.653 --> 14:03.593 They're in the garden. 14:04.034 --> 14:05.314 A-wiz-a-wiz-a-wiz. 14:05.354 --> 14:08.456 Listen one through a lolly bobbit stack into my eye. 14:08.656 --> 14:17.441 Listeners, we said earlier that we'd focus grouped the entire show, renamed it Boggins, and changed every single element of the show. 14:18.161 --> 14:19.522 Well, we sort of have done that. 14:19.582 --> 14:22.784 I mean, that's in no way a lie, any sort of a lie, is it? 14:22.984 --> 14:23.344 Well, no. 14:23.424 --> 14:24.945 That would be not safeguarding trust. 14:25.045 --> 14:27.687 But a couple of things that came out from the focus groups. 14:28.667 --> 14:47.188 uh is were that there are some elements of the show that cannot be changed no that would be throwing the baby out with the bath water and one of those is the nation's favorite feature that's true isn't the nation's favorite feature was affected in any way it might undermine the morale of the nation however we have changed the nation's favorite features jingle 14:48.209 --> 14:55.892 You won't actually be able to hear the change, but it has been reconstructed by musicians to sound better to pets. 14:56.292 --> 14:57.353 To sound better to pets. 14:57.373 --> 15:00.114 It's got a hidden frequency that pets are gonna dig. 15:00.334 --> 15:03.775 So get your pets ears around this. 15:06.336 --> 15:07.156 Text-a-nation! 15:07.216 --> 15:08.257 Text, text, text! 15:08.377 --> 15:09.137 Text-a-nation! 15:09.197 --> 15:10.157 What if I don't want to? 15:10.397 --> 15:10.938 Text-a-nation! 15:10.978 --> 15:12.218 What if I'm using email? 15:12.398 --> 15:13.038 Is that a problem? 15:13.058 --> 15:14.019 It doesn't matter, text! 15:18.120 --> 15:18.480 Down boy. 15:18.500 --> 15:19.301 Easy boy. 15:19.341 --> 15:22.082 We've got the Adam and Jo dog, who's actually called Boggins. 15:23.063 --> 15:23.563 Easy Boggins. 15:24.124 --> 15:26.205 There we go, Boggins. 15:26.525 --> 15:29.567 He is the original dog from That's Life, still alive and kicking. 15:29.587 --> 15:30.568 That is a good jingle. 15:31.188 --> 15:32.769 He's just become more articulate. 15:33.069 --> 15:33.850 That is a good jingle. 15:33.950 --> 15:35.151 You can say more than sausages. 15:35.671 --> 15:39.853 If you listen very carefully, listeners, you might be able to hear him saying, that is a good jingle. 15:40.994 --> 15:43.176 Sausage. 15:43.196 --> 15:43.516 Sausage. 15:43.576 --> 15:44.597 That is a good jiggle. 15:44.657 --> 15:45.118 There we go. 15:45.458 --> 15:46.759 You can just hear the words, I mean. 15:46.779 --> 15:48.500 It's how I'm gonna go. 15:48.540 --> 15:50.362 He's obviously not really saying that. 15:50.382 --> 15:51.643 It's a coincidence. 15:52.083 --> 15:52.944 A small rat. 15:53.104 --> 15:55.286 Dog's jaw couldn't possibly form words. 15:55.446 --> 15:57.588 I'm gonna nibble on your leg, is that okay? 15:57.628 --> 15:59.650 That sounded a bit like I'm gonna nibble on your leg. 16:00.529 --> 16:00.929 Amazing. 16:01.149 --> 16:03.510 I'm gonna do a poo in the corner, is that okay? 16:03.530 --> 16:04.171 Steady on boggins. 16:04.591 --> 16:06.692 So there we go, we can see there quite clearly the effect. 16:06.712 --> 16:07.412 I don't, I don't want. 16:07.672 --> 16:08.012 Jesus. 16:08.372 --> 16:11.253 But the new jingle has on our boggins. 16:11.313 --> 16:12.674 I'm gonna lick your face, is that okay? 16:12.694 --> 16:14.375 I have to get a little plastic bag. 16:14.395 --> 16:15.615 I'm gonna lick it, lick it, lick it. 16:16.456 --> 16:17.576 Ben, do you got a plastic bag? 16:17.596 --> 16:19.177 I'm gonna lick your face, is that okay? 16:19.797 --> 16:22.978 I'm gonna lick, I'm gonna bite the back of your legs, is that okay? 16:23.078 --> 16:25.019 Not badly, no, just nibbling. 16:25.299 --> 16:27.120 I'm gonna bite the back of your legs, is that okay? 16:27.680 --> 16:45.108 listen let's go to uh let's go to the we got to go to the jingle now we get plugins out of it we had the jingle we had the jingle that's what set him off get boggins out go on there we go charlotte's taking charlotte's taking boggins out he's nipping the back of her legs so we might have to withdraw that jingle because the effect it has on animals is too powerful 16:45.228 --> 16:45.668 potent. 16:45.808 --> 16:47.849 That's the first time we've tried it out, and it's incredible. 16:48.310 --> 16:54.973 So for the nation's favorite feature this week, listeners, we are talking about, right, holidays, right? 16:55.013 --> 16:55.874 We just come back from holiday. 16:55.914 --> 16:58.855 This is kind of a holiday themed show in some ways. 16:59.596 --> 17:03.858 And specifically, I want to talk about ailments, holiday ailments, right? 17:03.898 --> 17:14.404 Because as soon as you go away, I mean, I find this happens to me a lot, you're in, you know, the routine is changed, you're in different surroundings, and things can go wrong very easily with your body parts. 17:14.864 --> 17:15.665 Do you find that, Joe? 17:15.805 --> 17:17.787 Or are you always in tip-top health on holiday? 17:18.367 --> 17:20.229 I'm usually in decent health on holiday. 17:20.269 --> 17:22.551 This is a particularly buckstonic problem. 17:22.792 --> 17:23.292 You reckon? 17:23.752 --> 17:25.154 Not only do I reckon, I know it. 17:25.174 --> 17:25.254 Why? 17:25.274 --> 17:32.561 Because I've known you since you were 13 and I've been on holiday with you regularly for about 15 years and almost every time you got ill or had a tantrum. 17:33.476 --> 17:35.838 Well, that's not... What was the tantrum about? 17:36.458 --> 17:37.339 You nearly punched me. 17:37.559 --> 17:38.319 There was only one, actually. 17:38.339 --> 17:38.820 When was that? 17:39.240 --> 17:39.981 Was that on holiday? 17:40.121 --> 17:42.422 Yeah, when we were driving around the south of France. 17:43.023 --> 17:44.404 But anyway, let's stick to tantrums. 17:44.464 --> 17:45.645 That's another... That's true. 17:45.665 --> 17:48.246 Well, no, I nearly punched you and Mark, though, to be fair. 17:48.386 --> 17:49.127 Yeah, yeah. 17:49.167 --> 17:50.988 Because you weren't entertaining my idea of that. 17:51.008 --> 17:54.751 But I think it's true to say that everyone usually has some sort of incident on holidays. 17:54.791 --> 17:55.872 Something happened. 17:56.232 --> 18:01.836 I've opened up a can of old... I can't believe you're being so unsupportive about where we should stay that night, you and Mark. 18:02.196 --> 18:06.680 Anyway, so yes, it's true that I used to get ill and it still happens every now and again. 18:06.780 --> 18:09.643 One thing that happens to me a lot on holidays, I get ear problems, right? 18:10.043 --> 18:14.827 And this is something I think that happens to a lot of people, especially when they go swimming and they're not used to swimming and stuff. 18:15.348 --> 18:22.194 Someone I met the other day said, before I go on holiday anywhere hot, if I'm going to be swimming, I get my ears syringed by the doctor. 18:22.935 --> 18:26.820 And you've got to be pretty organised to arrange a special syringing trip before you on holiday. 18:26.840 --> 18:27.881 I would say that's a bad idea. 18:28.081 --> 18:28.362 Why? 18:28.382 --> 18:34.469 Because you take away the protective gunk from inside your ear and make it more sensitive to infection. 18:35.030 --> 18:35.891 After the syringing. 18:35.911 --> 18:36.172 Really? 18:36.212 --> 18:38.815 They can be quite raw and exposed. 18:38.835 --> 18:40.157 Not if you get a proper medical syringing. 18:40.177 --> 18:40.978 That's a layman's point of view. 18:41.418 --> 18:45.221 Who is, that's a lame man's point of view, certainly. 18:45.882 --> 18:49.925 But if you go to a doctor, good one, you're reeling from that, aren't you? 18:50.025 --> 18:51.166 You should see Joe right now. 18:51.707 --> 18:52.147 Luckily I'm 40. 18:52.628 --> 18:53.768 He's got his arms folded. 18:53.789 --> 18:56.571 So that kind of thing doesn't have too much effect anymore. 18:57.271 --> 19:03.657 But if I was 14, I'd be in a pool of blood on the floor. 19:03.717 --> 19:04.718 Luckily, no, nothing. 19:05.018 --> 19:05.859 Absolutely nothing. 19:07.592 --> 19:25.019 self-esteem utterly unaffected that's a lame true that's a lame man's point of view that's typical of something a lame man would say anyway so uh where was i oh yes no i think if you got a doctor to syringe your ears it would be good who do you think i do get to syringe my ears a backstreet syringer 19:25.199 --> 19:30.401 This is what it sounds like because the backstreet syringes take away all the protective gunk. 19:30.781 --> 19:31.581 A doctor wouldn't. 19:32.401 --> 19:46.766 So anyway, this time I found myself thinking I wish I had got my ears syringed because it turned out I had to get them syringed out in France while I was on holiday in the end because I dived into the pool the first day and all the water immediately just stuck in my ears, right? 19:46.926 --> 19:50.767 Couldn't get it out in my right ear and I was banging my head and trying to get all the water at nothing. 19:51.047 --> 19:51.847 It just stayed in there. 19:52.147 --> 19:57.809 I got gradually defer and defer in that ear over the next two days, and then it started to become painful as well. 19:58.309 --> 19:59.469 I thought, oh, this is a drag. 19:59.589 --> 20:01.029 So I went to the French doctor. 20:01.069 --> 20:01.670 Why are you grinning? 20:02.130 --> 20:03.230 Why are you grinning like that? 20:03.370 --> 20:05.410 Because I can imagine those two. 20:05.450 --> 20:08.971 I'm just thinking of those two days as you get defer and defer. 20:09.131 --> 20:09.692 Why? 20:09.932 --> 20:10.452 What would I be doing? 20:10.472 --> 20:12.052 I'm just imagining the kind of thing you were saying. 20:12.992 --> 20:13.152 What? 20:13.612 --> 20:14.553 Sorry, I didn't hear you. 20:14.573 --> 20:15.273 Could you speak up? 20:15.333 --> 20:16.133 Yes, yes. 20:16.173 --> 20:17.273 What would I be saying? 20:17.293 --> 20:18.234 What would you imagine? 20:18.274 --> 20:19.194 Sorry, I can't hear you. 20:19.214 --> 20:19.874 Could you speak up? 20:20.054 --> 20:20.655 Yeah, exactly. 20:20.875 --> 20:21.235 Why is that? 20:21.355 --> 20:21.936 I'm just happy. 20:21.956 --> 20:22.536 I'm excited. 20:22.616 --> 20:45.776 Okay, so I went to the French doctor and he my wife came along with me and She she watched as he took a look in my ear He's very upbeat and he immediately went all la la as he looked in my ear which is French for you've got a lot of gunk in there and So he explained in French that I I did have a blockage and blockage and look at look at look at and 20:46.517 --> 20:50.359 He was going to have to come out, and basically what had happened was that there was a certain amount of earwax. 20:50.619 --> 20:57.483 The water from the pool had got in there behind the earwax, built up, couldn't get out again, went bad like a stagnant little pool inside my ear. 20:58.084 --> 20:59.945 So he said, I'm going to have to use le syringe. 21:00.485 --> 21:02.226 So he gets in there with the syringe, right? 21:02.306 --> 21:03.367 Isn't it a lovely sensation? 21:03.427 --> 21:04.187 It's pretty amazing. 21:04.467 --> 21:07.969 It feels very peculiar, very invasive indeed, but not painful. 21:08.270 --> 21:10.331 So he blasts my ear with warm water. 21:10.931 --> 21:24.596 And my wife watched, and he held like a little cuck underneath, and this gunk came out, and my wife said, whoa, that was satisfying, because this big lump of discolored gunk flopped out. 21:24.956 --> 21:27.177 And suddenly I could hear again, it was amazing. 21:27.557 --> 21:32.619 But then there was another little bit caught in there, so he went in with the tweezers, and that was really painful. 21:32.639 --> 21:34.679 I think maybe he pulled out part of my eardrum. 21:34.819 --> 21:35.279 The brain. 21:35.800 --> 21:36.340 Part of the brain. 21:36.380 --> 21:37.800 I think the brain's popped up. 21:38.000 --> 21:39.481 I'm not sure there was any left to pull out. 21:39.961 --> 21:44.507 No, there was a little bit that was interested in pornography, and that bit came out. 21:45.168 --> 21:47.170 That bit's definitely still in there. 21:48.232 --> 21:51.136 So yeah, it was a very peculiar sensation, but it cleared up my ears. 21:51.176 --> 21:52.097 It was fantastic. 21:52.397 --> 21:54.159 That is the very... Listen, that's the end. 21:56.001 --> 21:56.862 of what, of everyone? 21:56.922 --> 21:59.843 Of that part of my holiday ailments anecdote. 21:59.943 --> 22:01.763 I mean I've got a whole page full, right? 22:02.163 --> 22:05.425 So should we sort of get round to the nub of the thing we're asking the listeners? 22:05.525 --> 22:06.125 Yeah, what is it? 22:06.165 --> 22:11.667 I mean I'm not saying that in a loaded way, I'm just thinking it might give the listeners something to orient, I don't know, you're in charge? 22:12.407 --> 22:15.008 Well, you shouldn't introduce nubs then, if I'm charged. 22:15.028 --> 22:18.829 Is the nub to ask people what their disastrous holiday illnesses have been? 22:18.969 --> 22:22.210 Yeah, I mean, that was just a very roundabout anecdote to get you in there. 22:22.250 --> 22:24.871 It took longer to say the anecdote than I expected. 22:25.311 --> 22:27.352 You know, I had a similar... Do you remember when I had shingles? 22:27.392 --> 22:30.332 That was largely provoked by earwax build-up. 22:30.392 --> 22:31.893 Was I an earplug wearer? 22:32.494 --> 22:39.384 So every day for the last 15 years I've shoved my every night I shoved the earwax deeper in there Oh the plugs and do you wash your plugs every day? 22:39.865 --> 22:47.036 No fresh ones new ones I've got a big supply, but I had exactly the same thing an amazingly satisfying raise of the lost dark style boulder 22:47.276 --> 22:47.436 Yeah. 22:47.456 --> 22:48.777 Popped out of my ear canal. 22:48.817 --> 22:49.197 That's right. 22:49.417 --> 22:50.238 And it was amazing. 22:50.298 --> 22:58.623 I could hear in stereo for the first time and it was like, I'd sort of, it was like comparing a sort of mid 80s Walkman to a surround sound system suddenly. 22:58.643 --> 22:58.804 Yeah. 22:59.084 --> 23:00.685 Super high frequencies, low end. 23:00.865 --> 23:05.968 So listen, the text number is 64046 if you'd like to text us with your holiday ailments. 23:06.008 --> 23:06.909 That's what it is, is it? 23:07.109 --> 23:07.249 Yeah. 23:07.289 --> 23:11.652 I've got some more holiday ailments for you later on listeners, but basically, yeah, that kind of thing. 23:12.072 --> 23:15.633 The email is adamandjoe.sixmusicatbbc.co.uk. 23:15.673 --> 23:19.294 That's all lowercase and the number six in six music. 23:19.794 --> 23:20.855 Here's some music for you right now. 23:20.875 --> 23:22.915 This is Noah and the Whale with Blue Skies. 23:23.055 --> 23:31.778 Noah's Noah and the Whale with Blue Skies and they played live in the Hub on George Lamb's show yesterday and you can listen again via the iPlayer. 23:32.318 --> 23:32.719 There you go. 23:32.739 --> 23:35.322 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 23:35.382 --> 23:37.044 Very glad to be back with you listeners. 23:37.585 --> 23:38.807 We really missed you guys. 23:39.227 --> 23:40.349 We've had a lovely summer though. 23:40.389 --> 23:41.250 We hope you have too. 23:41.290 --> 23:42.031 It's not over yet. 23:42.371 --> 23:46.397 Sometimes the best weeks of the summer are tagged on the end. 23:46.577 --> 23:48.460 It's not really over till Big Brother ends. 23:48.880 --> 23:49.220 Yeah. 23:50.281 --> 23:51.982 And hallelujah, it's ending forever. 23:52.062 --> 23:55.224 And then X Factor begins and takes you through to a flipping Christmas. 23:55.385 --> 23:57.946 You know, I've dealt with this in a little song I composed. 23:57.966 --> 23:58.287 Have you? 23:58.407 --> 24:00.188 Yeah, about coming back from holiday. 24:01.028 --> 24:04.891 I was under the misapprehension that we were both doing a Song Wars song this week, right? 24:04.951 --> 24:10.075 Our producer James emailed us during the holidays and said, I think we should do Song Wars for when we get back. 24:10.755 --> 24:15.898 And there was bad communication, really, but Joe wasn't aware that that was happening. 24:16.099 --> 24:19.701 Well, I've written some music, but I thought we were going to decide on the theme today. 24:19.721 --> 24:20.261 Right. 24:20.341 --> 24:25.725 So I've written some sort of, I've started, but I didn't do the lyrics yet, because I thought we were picking a theme today. 24:25.745 --> 24:30.928 But we might get into that a bit later in the show, because we might ask you listeners to suggest some themes. 24:31.668 --> 24:33.490 Oh, no, but then that you finished your song. 24:33.570 --> 24:33.730 So 24:34.130 --> 24:40.493 Well, I'm going to play my finished effort just after 10 o'clock, I think. 24:41.053 --> 24:42.654 You know, I'll just throw it out there. 24:42.674 --> 24:47.156 I mean, it's not brilliant because it was finished last night at about midnight. 24:47.276 --> 24:49.117 We can kind of guess whether I would have won. 24:49.137 --> 24:55.380 And if we think I would have won, then we should award me the win, even though I've done nothing. 24:56.060 --> 25:01.964 It is vocally influenced by the wild beasts who I tried to play as a free play earlier in the show, but the CD stopped. 25:02.324 --> 25:04.005 Maybe I could play that next week, James. 25:04.286 --> 25:05.887 Can we stick it in there as an extra thing? 25:06.347 --> 25:08.268 That would be great, because I do love the song so much. 25:08.328 --> 25:09.549 But you've got something for us now, right? 25:09.569 --> 25:10.369 I've got a free play. 25:10.409 --> 25:13.051 Yeah, this is a bit of music from Charlie Brown. 25:13.251 --> 25:18.074 And all the Charlie Brown music was, of course, composed by Vince Garaldi. 25:18.475 --> 25:19.235 It was a sort of 70s Frisco 25:21.017 --> 25:28.977 ear area beatnik hipster man hipster man most famous for composing all the charlie brand music this is called little birdie and this is uh 25:29.795 --> 25:38.057 It's not a song that Snoopy sings, but it's a song that's sung while Snoopy, from Snoopy's point of view, about his little birdie, Woodstock. 25:38.217 --> 25:39.217 Is this Giraldi singing? 25:39.417 --> 25:40.298 Yeah, I think so. 25:40.478 --> 25:41.118 I'm pretty sure. 25:41.198 --> 25:43.598 So this is a song by Snoopy to Woodstock. 25:44.179 --> 25:44.979 It's called Little Birdie. 25:45.059 --> 25:47.059 Thomas Dolby with Europa and the Pirate Twins. 25:47.079 --> 25:49.220 That's from the album The Golden Age of the Wireless. 25:49.740 --> 25:51.000 Golden Age of Wireless. 25:51.120 --> 25:52.621 I'm always putting the extra words in. 25:52.661 --> 25:53.961 Don't need the definite article there. 25:54.201 --> 25:55.342 That is a Wickles album. 25:55.422 --> 25:56.342 It's absolutely Whitwoks. 25:56.362 --> 25:57.323 Yeah, if you like the sound of that. 25:57.343 --> 25:58.203 Did you buy the reissues? 25:58.223 --> 25:58.663 I haven't, no. 25:58.683 --> 25:59.844 Has it got extra bits and bobs? 25:59.924 --> 26:00.424 Extra bits. 26:00.484 --> 26:02.165 I mean, we've got all the bits and bobs. 26:02.205 --> 26:02.445 Right. 26:02.566 --> 26:06.328 Actually, there's a couple of live versions and demo versions and things which are worth hearing as well. 26:06.348 --> 26:11.710 But if you're a young person and you enjoyed the sound of that, then it's a back catalogue well worth exploring, Mr Dolby. 26:12.051 --> 26:12.831 Mmm, it's great. 26:13.171 --> 26:13.852 And it sounds brilliant. 26:13.872 --> 26:15.933 The reissues sound lovely and pristine. 26:16.073 --> 26:16.133 Mmm. 26:17.006 --> 26:18.968 And... does he say... what does he say? 26:19.028 --> 26:20.249 Ta... toward his hair? 26:20.409 --> 26:21.549 Ta-repub-ly. 26:22.150 --> 26:22.610 Ta-repub-ly. 26:22.630 --> 26:25.412 Well, I've always thought he said towering glory or something. 26:25.432 --> 26:26.913 I think he says ta-repub-lyk. 26:27.454 --> 26:29.715 Ta-repub-lyk, that's just the kind of thing you could say. 26:29.735 --> 26:30.196 Ta-repub-lyk. 26:30.916 --> 26:31.737 I think something like that. 26:31.757 --> 26:32.377 Because it's European. 26:32.397 --> 26:33.378 Someone will tell us, probably. 26:33.838 --> 26:35.720 This is Adam and Jo on BBC6 Music. 26:35.780 --> 26:36.360 Welcome along. 26:36.480 --> 26:37.601 We're here till noon. 26:38.442 --> 26:40.323 And we've got a text the nation going on. 26:40.343 --> 26:43.405 It's a complicated feature, if you're a new listener. 26:43.445 --> 26:44.186 Yeah, how does it work? 26:44.786 --> 26:45.066 Well... 26:46.087 --> 26:46.948 It's kind of like this. 26:47.449 --> 26:50.732 We give you a topic and you text things in on it about it. 26:51.153 --> 26:52.034 Wait, wait, wait, wait. 26:52.094 --> 26:53.075 A topic? 26:53.115 --> 26:54.997 You give me like a bar of... A topic. 26:55.017 --> 26:55.478 A topic. 26:55.558 --> 26:55.878 Yeah. 26:56.199 --> 26:57.420 It's got a hazelnut in every bite. 26:57.440 --> 26:57.500 Yes. 26:57.560 --> 26:58.561 That's what you're saying, right? 26:58.722 --> 27:03.227 And then, and then, yeah, then you, the listener, text... The topic. 27:03.807 --> 27:21.510 uh the number 64046 and maybe that's the price of the topic they suck the chocolate off the nuts and then they send us the nuts 6404 maybe they have to send in 64 000 nuts 46 nuts is that how it works and then what do we do we eat the nuts i don't know 27:21.690 --> 27:23.531 Adam, just reading this. 27:23.711 --> 27:24.851 It sounds ridiculous. 27:24.972 --> 27:32.195 You can't expect people like me to have the so many skills that not only can I read, but I actually know what it is that I'm reading. 27:32.255 --> 27:35.776 Why did the focus group suggest we retain a feature like that in boggins? 27:36.316 --> 27:36.657 Rubbish. 27:36.857 --> 27:38.417 I mean, that is a rubbish feature. 27:38.437 --> 27:39.438 The kids demand it. 27:39.698 --> 27:47.441 So the topic this week specifically deals with holiday ailments, things that have happened to you and gone wrong on holiday. 27:49.703 --> 27:53.626 You know, I was talking about my ear being syringed there before. 27:54.026 --> 27:57.809 Another thing that tends to happen on holiday is teeth problems, right? 27:58.329 --> 28:09.337 And someone was telling me that this happens a lot of the time, because you go on the plane, and the high pressure sets off existing little niggles in your teeth. 28:09.878 --> 28:14.762 And then, so if you've already got a bit of oncoming badness in your toothal area, 28:15.402 --> 28:19.083 Then the plane flight can actually expedite the whole situation. 28:19.623 --> 28:20.804 So a couple of days into your holiday. 28:20.824 --> 28:22.564 So to put the pool is a no-go area for you. 28:22.684 --> 28:22.944 Yeah. 28:23.064 --> 28:24.885 And also the plane and the plane. 28:25.805 --> 28:26.646 And it's the, yeah. 28:26.706 --> 28:30.747 While the plane is an absolute disaster area anyway, because it's a big germ palace, right? 28:30.787 --> 28:31.367 Everyone knows that. 28:31.407 --> 28:31.587 Yeah. 28:31.807 --> 28:36.669 My wife was telling me that if you put, you have to put Vaseline, she handed me this little pot of Vaseline. 28:36.689 --> 28:36.969 Yeah. 28:37.069 --> 28:41.330 I like the way you're, you're reinforced in your life by people who reinforce these things. 28:41.350 --> 28:43.431 You seem to be surrounded by people who reinforce these. 28:43.451 --> 28:43.931 Well, check this out. 28:43.951 --> 28:45.031 for reinforcement, right? 28:45.231 --> 28:53.274 As soon as we took off this right, and this has never happened before, she handed me this little pot of Vaseline and said, there you go, there's the Vaseline, do you want to put some just in your nostrils? 28:53.735 --> 28:54.855 I said, what? 28:55.535 --> 28:58.336 And she said, oh, it stops germs getting in, don't you know? 28:58.356 --> 29:01.737 I was like, no, since when do you know that as well? 29:01.978 --> 29:02.998 She said, oh, my mum told me. 29:03.018 --> 29:05.799 I was like, your mum's read it in some mag, hasn't she? 29:05.899 --> 29:08.160 And now we have to put Vaseline up our nostrils. 29:08.880 --> 29:10.300 to stop the germs getting in. 29:10.380 --> 29:11.041 I'm not doing that. 29:11.081 --> 29:12.161 She said, why not? 29:12.701 --> 29:13.781 She didn't read it in some mag. 29:13.841 --> 29:14.261 It's true. 29:14.402 --> 29:15.122 Everyone knows it. 29:15.382 --> 29:16.202 Everyone knows that. 29:16.462 --> 29:17.662 It stops the germs getting in. 29:17.702 --> 29:19.343 Well, I'm doing it and I'm not going to get ill. 29:19.603 --> 29:20.223 You're not doing it. 29:20.303 --> 29:21.243 You are going to get ill. 29:21.283 --> 29:22.784 So enjoy your illness on holiday. 29:23.164 --> 29:26.525 I lubricate everything with first leave before I leave the house. 29:27.545 --> 29:33.947 I lubricate my thighs because they chaff my nipples in case they rub on my t-shirt, my underarms in case they chaff. 29:34.787 --> 29:35.968 It's just like oiling a bike. 29:37.089 --> 29:38.470 You just vaseline your body. 29:38.571 --> 29:42.514 And in case anyone wants access to any of your holes while you're out. 29:43.395 --> 29:44.256 Instant access. 29:44.456 --> 29:47.539 You're sliding around in your clothes. 29:47.759 --> 29:49.340 And it prevents germs. 29:49.441 --> 29:50.001 Sure it does. 29:50.321 --> 29:51.943 So you do a bit of vaseline. 29:51.963 --> 29:53.825 The germs can't cling on to the sides. 29:55.046 --> 29:56.067 They slide on. 29:56.347 --> 29:59.250 All these orifices are covered in vaseline we cannot enter. 29:59.838 --> 30:05.142 Of course, the winged germs, you don't prevent the ones that fly up the middle without touching the side. 30:05.482 --> 30:09.885 You actually need a tiny bit of gauze on the bottom of the nostrils. 30:10.245 --> 30:16.709 I saw some people walking through Mallorca Airport, and I don't know whether anybody else saw this in an airport, with full face masks. 30:16.829 --> 30:18.010 Oh, that's swine flu though, isn't it? 30:18.110 --> 30:18.971 Because they've got it. 30:19.551 --> 30:21.052 They've got it and they don't want to give it to anybody else. 30:21.072 --> 30:21.773 No, they're worried about getting it. 30:21.793 --> 30:22.433 Because they're frightened of it. 30:22.453 --> 30:26.716 Because I thought, when I first saw them, I thought, if you're worried about swine flu, you are idiots. 30:27.097 --> 30:32.501 I thought in my head, look, the mum and the dad and the kids all had these massive industrial face masks. 30:32.881 --> 30:34.442 I thought, you paranoid nut jobs. 30:34.722 --> 30:37.584 But then I thought, oh, maybe they've got it and they just don't want to give it to anybody else. 30:37.624 --> 30:39.166 Could be, could go either way. 30:39.246 --> 30:47.432 The pandemic, I mean, that's one thing that seems to have changed since we've got back is that the threat level on the pandemic seems to have slightly gone down. 30:47.472 --> 30:47.632 Yeah. 30:48.052 --> 30:51.857 Yeah, well, I'm not sure there was a huge threat level in the first place. 30:51.917 --> 30:56.343 Honestly, a few weeks ago when I left, it looked as if we had weeks left to live. 30:59.019 --> 30:59.780 out some listeners ones. 31:00.040 --> 31:00.400 Here we go. 31:00.440 --> 31:01.521 Here's one from Graham Tolbert. 31:01.541 --> 31:05.243 He says, When I was 14 years old I went on holiday to Portugal with my parents. 31:05.283 --> 31:07.484 I was very excited to be going to a hot European country. 31:07.785 --> 31:13.528 Until then we'd always holidayed in England and even at the tender age of 14 I knew that those holidays had mixed results. 31:13.908 --> 31:24.255 Anyway, when we got off the plane in Portugal I stepped onto the steps down to the tarmac and as I looked up into the bright sunshine I lost my footing, I fell down the steps, I broke my wrist and my jaw. 31:24.655 --> 31:27.117 I now have a Portuguese screw in my face. 31:30.742 --> 31:32.302 Good thing this is part of your face. 31:32.622 --> 31:34.683 I've got a Portuguese screw in my face. 31:34.763 --> 31:35.503 What's your name? 31:36.923 --> 31:50.706 Dear Adam and Jo, I suffered a similar holiday ailment to Adam last year whilst holidaying in France I was happily playing in the surf at Bearets, feeling fairly envious of the beach hunks and babes riding waves, but making the most of it when I turned my head directly into the path of a hefty wave. 31:51.226 --> 31:55.187 It smacked me upside the head, knocked my contact lenses out and perforated my eardrums. 31:55.788 --> 31:59.151 I had to wander up and down the beach blind and deaf calling out for my parents. 31:59.191 --> 32:01.813 I'm 27 Perforated his eardrum. 32:01.853 --> 32:03.415 What kind of wave smack did he get? 32:03.475 --> 32:11.142 These are what these are public We're doing a public service here as we should in the British castle cuz cuz things can go wrong so far I mean waves are deadly on many levels. 32:11.202 --> 32:16.167 You can get easily tossed and smacked on You know coral and stuff like that. 32:16.307 --> 32:17.108 I've had that injury in 32:17.108 --> 32:17.568 A number of times. 32:17.588 --> 32:19.450 That's what happens to Tom Hanks in Castaway. 32:19.650 --> 32:21.331 James Matthew George Melling. 32:21.391 --> 32:22.392 Is that his name? 32:22.572 --> 32:29.076 James Matthew George Melling says, When I was on holiday and Malta as a child, my father sat on an old-fashioned wooden folding deck chair. 32:29.637 --> 32:34.420 It collapsed in the old-fashioned slapstick way, but it chopped off his finger. 32:34.540 --> 32:36.782 Not many people have lost a finger to a deck chair. 32:36.842 --> 32:38.383 I would say that a few have actually. 32:39.163 --> 32:45.625 And not only when you're abroad do you have the terror of the agony, but then it's the mental anguish of how are you going to handle this? 32:45.645 --> 32:46.625 Do you have insurance? 32:46.725 --> 32:47.505 Where's the doctor? 32:47.545 --> 32:48.346 How are you going to get there? 32:48.366 --> 32:49.706 How are you going to explain what happened? 32:50.846 --> 32:51.526 It's a nightmare. 32:51.686 --> 32:55.347 Well, the thing that happened to me, right, I started off talking about teeth problems, right? 32:55.707 --> 32:59.428 I was in Greece and I got terrible toothache the second day into my holiday. 32:59.468 --> 33:01.969 I was only out there for like four days or something. 33:02.889 --> 33:04.950 And I was having the best of the first day out there. 33:05.430 --> 33:06.411 best day of my life. 33:06.471 --> 33:09.193 I remember thinking to myself, this has been the best day of my life. 33:09.213 --> 33:09.633 Where was this? 33:09.673 --> 33:10.053 Say it again. 33:10.393 --> 33:11.194 Out in Corfu. 33:11.354 --> 33:12.055 Oh, Corfu. 33:12.455 --> 33:18.519 And then the second day, toothache starts in the morning, and it's that thing that sort of comes on from one minute to the next. 33:18.539 --> 33:20.200 You think, oh, there's a little tooth niggle there. 33:20.720 --> 33:22.302 And then by the afternoon, it was agony. 33:22.482 --> 33:23.943 Had to go into town, right? 33:24.423 --> 33:29.807 And the only doctor there, I kid you not, when I approached the surgery, was standing on a balcony 33:30.287 --> 33:33.610 with a ciggy in one hand and a syringe in the other. 33:34.331 --> 33:35.392 So I go in to see this guy. 33:35.432 --> 33:36.933 It's probably some smack in the syringe. 33:37.453 --> 33:40.216 I don't know, I could have done with it after a while, I tell you. 33:41.057 --> 33:43.879 I go in there, I'm really in pain and I'm really nervous now. 33:44.400 --> 33:52.106 And this guy, who was like a classic caricature of a dodgy doctor, with his ciggies poking out of his top pocket, unshaven, with a syringe there, 33:52.887 --> 33:55.288 I'm sure he was a perfectly good doctor, but I was still terrified. 33:56.169 --> 34:01.432 He takes one look at my mouth, and then the only phrase I could understand was, root canal. 34:01.892 --> 34:06.775 So he was going to perform root canal on my tooth, which just felt like a normal toothache. 34:07.475 --> 34:12.698 I was in so much pain that I was in, and I didn't have any Greek, you know, skills, so I was in no position to argue. 34:13.058 --> 34:15.079 But I had a massive whitey, yeah? 34:15.600 --> 34:17.421 All my blood pressure just went AWOL. 34:17.441 --> 34:21.143 And I was just about to pass out, and I just said, I'm passing out, just as he was about to inject me. 34:22.143 --> 34:24.165 And so he went, oh, never passing. 34:24.245 --> 34:25.046 OK, what was that? 34:25.166 --> 34:27.688 And he sort of pushed my legs up onto my chest. 34:27.728 --> 34:28.568 Do you know what I mean? 34:28.608 --> 34:32.031 Like he bent my legs back and pushed them onto my chest. 34:32.051 --> 34:34.733 That supposedly gets you over your whitey. 34:35.494 --> 34:37.916 And then he proceeded to give me root canal. 34:38.156 --> 34:40.578 And so it took me the rest of the holiday to get over the pain from that. 34:40.678 --> 34:42.239 When I got back to England. 34:42.500 --> 34:43.260 Unnecessary root canal. 34:43.280 --> 34:43.861 And saw my dentist. 34:44.101 --> 34:45.242 Totally unnecessary. 34:45.822 --> 34:47.824 My dentist said, who the hell did this? 34:48.084 --> 34:48.965 They butchered you. 34:49.365 --> 34:51.107 Guess how much it cost to fix what the guy did. 34:51.647 --> 35:04.558 two thousand pounds yeah well to fix that it was unbelievably what are you saying yeah well like i deserve it because because he spotted you coming a mile off 35:09.262 --> 35:12.106 Oh, I love root canal. 35:12.146 --> 35:12.827 Here we go. 35:12.847 --> 35:15.690 Panasonic projector coming this way. 35:15.730 --> 35:17.172 He didn't charge me too grand. 35:17.212 --> 35:18.233 The guy in England did. 35:18.354 --> 35:18.674 Oh, did he? 35:18.694 --> 35:19.235 To fix it. 35:19.295 --> 35:20.136 Yeah, to fix it. 35:20.476 --> 35:21.237 Oh, I see. 35:21.337 --> 35:21.638 Yeah. 35:22.519 --> 35:24.721 Anyway, we'd like to, yeah, send your ailments, 64046. 35:24.821 --> 35:25.402 The more brutal 35:27.925 --> 35:31.109 and shocking and sudden and surprising and ruinous the better. 35:31.229 --> 35:31.370 Yeah. 35:31.390 --> 35:34.033 Because that's the effect they have on when you're on holiday, right? 35:34.333 --> 35:34.674 Absolutely. 35:34.694 --> 35:39.259 All your pent-up expectation of the most wonderful time of the year, then suddenly slam! 35:39.680 --> 35:40.300 Disaster. 35:40.561 --> 35:42.383 Two gold teeth I've got to show for it now. 35:42.964 --> 35:43.585 Check it out. 35:43.985 --> 35:45.287 Here is Little Boots. 35:45.307 --> 35:46.048 This is new in town. 35:55.711 --> 35:57.152 What do you think she's gonna do? 35:57.632 --> 36:00.074 She's gonna take you out, but she hasn't got any money. 36:01.115 --> 36:03.536 But nevertheless, she's gonna show you a good time. 36:03.796 --> 36:06.498 She's just going to do some charades and stuff. 36:06.638 --> 36:06.959 Is she? 36:07.099 --> 36:07.379 Yeah. 36:07.419 --> 36:08.019 Fun for free. 36:08.079 --> 36:09.040 And some funny voices. 36:09.380 --> 36:09.660 Right. 36:09.881 --> 36:10.641 Just in the streets. 36:11.161 --> 36:12.763 Yeah, she's a mime artist. 36:12.863 --> 36:13.163 Yeah. 36:13.423 --> 36:14.003 That's what she does. 36:14.043 --> 36:15.444 She's gonna take you to Covent Garden. 36:16.005 --> 36:18.967 You're gonna get to watch her painted lady routine. 36:19.467 --> 36:20.168 That sounds good. 36:21.088 --> 36:26.494 So, listen, folks, I am going to be at the Reading Festival tomorrow. 36:26.714 --> 36:34.002 So, if by any chance you're listening to this right now and you haven't yet gone to Reading or you're on your way, then come and hang out, yeah? 36:34.082 --> 36:42.991 I'm doing a show at 10 to 3 on the alternative stage, doing this thing called Bug where I introduce music videos and stuff like that. 36:43.411 --> 36:44.612 It would be lovely to see you there. 36:45.452 --> 36:47.433 You know, let's shake it about. 36:47.833 --> 36:51.415 And I'm very excited as well because in the evening Radiohead are going to be playing, of course. 36:51.695 --> 36:53.496 And I think the Hot Rats are going to be there. 36:53.516 --> 36:55.277 That's Gaz and Danny from Supergrass. 36:55.897 --> 36:58.419 They're friends of the show, I think I can say, right? 36:58.879 --> 37:05.402 And I actually got hold of a copy of their, I think, maybe unmastered album, which is coming out towards the end of the year. 37:05.742 --> 37:09.204 As the Hot Rats, they're playing, they play like loads of covers of their favorite songs on there. 37:09.224 --> 37:10.845 I think it's called Turn-Ons. 37:12.465 --> 37:15.626 And here is a track from that album. 37:16.267 --> 37:19.008 And they said it was okay to play this in advance. 37:19.108 --> 37:21.928 And it's their cover of Big Sky by the Kinks. 37:22.189 --> 37:23.109 This is Hot Rats. 37:29.851 --> 37:32.072 Uh, it's a tunnel of, uh, disaster. 37:32.092 --> 37:33.352 Well, what are you talking about? 37:33.372 --> 37:33.892 In that song. 37:34.413 --> 37:35.253 Oh, yeah, marriage. 37:35.273 --> 37:37.393 Yeah, it's a heavily, I- I- Ironicized. 37:37.674 --> 37:38.314 Ironicized. 37:38.374 --> 37:40.775 It's a searing indictment of the institution of marriage. 37:41.035 --> 37:42.395 Love. 37:42.415 --> 37:47.176 22 catches when you struck your matches and threw away your life. 37:49.177 --> 37:52.758 That's a good one to play at the wedding Yeah, so hi. 37:52.998 --> 37:59.500 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC six music great to be back listeners We've missed you very badly, but we had a nice holiday, right? 37:59.520 --> 38:02.940 I mean you had a good break Joe Yeah, I had a very good break. 38:02.960 --> 38:04.221 Did you manage to get away at all? 38:04.621 --> 38:09.082 I did I went away for eight days Mm-hmm on the eighth day. 38:09.502 --> 38:11.002 What did you do of holidays? 38:11.042 --> 38:12.363 My true love gave to me 38:13.763 --> 38:15.745 Wasn't there a Hazel O'Connor song called The Eighth Day? 38:16.905 --> 38:19.067 There was one where she counted through the days, yeah. 38:19.387 --> 38:19.927 Oh, man. 38:20.028 --> 38:21.348 I used to have that on seven-inch. 38:21.368 --> 38:22.689 That's the one I was thinking of. 38:22.749 --> 38:25.331 Anyway, I managed to go away to France. 38:25.351 --> 38:34.657 I had a lovely time on the plane when, after we'd stuck Vaseline up our noses to stop the germs getting in there, a baby started crying. 38:35.198 --> 38:42.102 And we were on a popular budget airline, a no-frills airline, where they rip you off for absolutely every single thing they can. 38:42.122 --> 38:42.903 Was it bright orange? 38:43.924 --> 38:45.585 No, it was not the bright orange one. 38:45.825 --> 38:47.567 It rhymed with Brian Eyre. 38:49.368 --> 38:51.029 But I can't tell you which one it was. 38:51.129 --> 38:51.810 The green one. 38:52.110 --> 38:54.392 And it's one of those things. 38:54.412 --> 38:58.355 There's a lot of families on those planes, you know, because if you travel with your family, you want to save money, obviously. 38:58.395 --> 39:01.338 So you go for the cheapest option possible of the time. 39:01.718 --> 39:06.921 but it does result in a huge amount of screamosity on the actual plane when you get on there from the young children. 39:07.261 --> 39:08.542 There's nothing you can do about this. 39:08.682 --> 39:22.389 There should be an understanding amongst other passengers who don't have children that it's just one of those things that happen, but you can't stop yourself as a passenger yourself if you're not with children hating the parents of the screamy little children. 39:22.870 --> 39:23.690 I've got children myself. 39:23.730 --> 39:24.291 I've got two 39:25.251 --> 39:28.532 young boys and I've got a baby daughter, right? 39:28.892 --> 39:31.033 She actually behaved pretty well on the flight out. 39:31.193 --> 39:32.674 On the way back she was pretty screamy. 39:34.054 --> 39:37.556 But that didn't stop me being annoyed by other people's children when they cried. 39:37.916 --> 39:41.237 Check out a tiny clip of the baby we got going out, right? 39:46.630 --> 39:55.546 We want to talk to the staff to ensure that your seatbelt is nearly balanced, your tray table needs to apply to the top position, or by my staff, comment down below 39:56.425 --> 39:57.926 She was just warming up as well. 39:57.966 --> 39:58.487 Oh my God. 39:58.547 --> 40:01.889 That was when we're still on the tarmac and the guys giving the announcements. 40:01.969 --> 40:10.996 And that's when most of the children really get going with the screaming because they're annoyed and they don't understand why they've been on the tarmac for like 20 minutes while you get going. 40:11.036 --> 40:12.757 And anyway, there you go. 40:12.777 --> 40:15.359 That was one of the fun things about my holiday was the screaming. 40:15.979 --> 40:19.102 But as I said earlier in the show, I misunderstood. 40:19.142 --> 40:24.326 I thought we had to do song wars songs about our time on holiday, specifically getting back from holiday. 40:25.026 --> 40:27.749 In the end, we didn't both do them. 40:27.889 --> 40:28.569 But I did. 40:28.669 --> 40:30.811 I did a song about getting back from holiday. 40:31.692 --> 40:34.795 And as we don't have a song wars battle for you this week, I'm just going to play it anyway. 40:35.135 --> 40:38.018 And you can speculate as to whether it would have been trounced or not. 40:38.038 --> 40:38.298 We could. 40:38.318 --> 40:43.322 Listen, I'm really happy to make mine about coming back from holiday if you want to hold on to your song for next week. 40:43.743 --> 40:44.063 Really? 40:44.163 --> 40:44.463 Yeah. 40:44.544 --> 40:47.206 I mean, you are you're making extra work for yourself. 40:47.506 --> 40:48.147 I know I am. 40:48.187 --> 40:50.589 Right, because now you're gonna have to do a whole new one for next week. 40:50.609 --> 40:53.171 And I really killed myself this week getting it done as well. 40:53.191 --> 40:55.133 I mean, are we gonna do another one for next week, really? 40:55.173 --> 40:55.874 Is that what we're saying? 40:55.894 --> 40:57.035 No, let's do one for two weeks. 40:57.055 --> 40:57.835 For two weeks? 40:57.856 --> 40:58.776 Yeah, for tweaks. 40:59.037 --> 40:59.777 Right, okay. 40:59.817 --> 41:00.238 How about that? 41:00.378 --> 41:01.599 Well, that's very noble of you. 41:01.939 --> 41:02.179 Yeah. 41:02.440 --> 41:05.002 So you're just sort of casting this song into the void. 41:05.262 --> 41:06.023 Yes, exactly. 41:06.243 --> 41:06.964 But in a way, you've won. 41:07.444 --> 41:08.866 Well, because there's no competition. 41:09.246 --> 41:12.350 It might be the only time that one song is defeated. 41:13.531 --> 41:14.452 Just by silence. 41:14.612 --> 41:14.812 Yeah. 41:14.892 --> 41:17.695 Because check out some of the singing I do on this one, right? 41:17.735 --> 41:19.097 I take it to a whole new level. 41:19.137 --> 41:22.761 This is a song about coming back from holiday called Coming Back From Holiday Blues. 41:23.562 --> 41:27.046 I'm on my summer holidays in France. 41:28.820 --> 41:33.364 Eat food, drink booze, I don't wear shoes, And various seldom pass. 41:33.824 --> 41:37.006 But in three days I have to travel home. 41:39.031 --> 42:04.511 And watch my tan just fade away Meet English skies of flinty grey I've got the coming back from holiday Blues from my sun hat down to my flip-flop shoes There's still three days of my holiday left But the thought of going home is making me depressed Each sunset now is flecked with tears And the tears are dripping into my beers And the beers are running out And so are the days till I have to go back to my ordinary ways 42:05.451 --> 42:20.360 Can't you leave me here Drinking cans of friendship here Lying in the summer sun Having semi-nudy fun Why can't the bad times just be never And the good times last forever 42:35.020 --> 43:01.544 And now I'm home and I'm opening the horrible mail And I haven't paid the bills and I'm going to jail And the news that I missed is making me sad And there's something in the fridge that smells very bad How to wait another year, till I'm drinking French beer Lying in the summer sun, having some beauty fun 50 weeks of work is what we have to give for two of pleasure 43:32.438 --> 43:32.618 Yeah. 43:33.999 --> 43:38.000 That was, it was very moving, some of the falsetto singing. 43:38.140 --> 43:39.480 I was really pushing myself. 43:39.600 --> 43:40.741 Yeah, well you got there. 43:41.181 --> 43:41.441 Yeah. 43:41.521 --> 43:43.061 You landed right where you wanted to land. 43:43.121 --> 43:45.442 I think I might have pushed myself into some kind of hole. 43:45.722 --> 43:47.143 That was good, that was very touching. 43:47.543 --> 43:47.943 Thank you. 43:48.543 --> 43:49.824 I mean, do you get that though? 43:49.844 --> 43:53.125 You start getting depressed about going home and you're only in the middle of the holiday? 43:53.625 --> 43:54.125 You know what? 43:54.265 --> 43:55.906 I was really excited about coming home. 43:55.966 --> 43:56.286 Oh were you? 43:56.666 --> 43:57.006 Yeah. 43:57.586 --> 43:59.046 I just love being in my house. 43:59.186 --> 44:00.407 That's the same as my son's. 44:00.627 --> 44:00.947 Is it? 44:01.007 --> 44:03.567 Yeah, about halfway through they're like, when are we going home, Daddy? 44:03.667 --> 44:05.728 Yeah, I'd say something about me then. 44:06.828 --> 44:08.069 I really wanted my toys. 44:08.149 --> 44:09.329 Yeah, they really did. 44:09.349 --> 44:10.729 I've missed my toys so badly. 44:10.749 --> 44:11.829 They say, why do you want to go home? 44:11.889 --> 44:12.550 It's nice out here. 44:12.570 --> 44:13.230 It's lovely and sunny. 44:13.250 --> 44:14.330 You've got a pool and everything. 44:14.810 --> 44:18.271 They're like, oh, I just want my toys and my teddies and stuff. 44:18.531 --> 44:19.151 Exactly. 44:19.851 --> 44:21.232 The teddies, exactly. 44:21.332 --> 44:22.972 It was particularly the teddies I wanted. 44:22.992 --> 44:25.032 I saw you jotting down a couple of notes during that. 44:25.093 --> 44:25.473 I wasn't. 44:25.533 --> 44:26.553 I was drawing a matchbox. 44:30.377 --> 44:35.543 I shaded in the end and I've sort of suggested some matches in there. 44:35.923 --> 44:37.565 We've got a bit of music for you just before the news. 44:37.585 --> 44:39.507 This is the KLF with Justified and Ancient. 44:47.918 --> 44:51.740 A song from the past there to remind you what you've missed. 44:52.060 --> 44:54.701 That was the KLF featuring Tammy Wynette, I think, wasn't it? 44:54.761 --> 44:55.602 Justified an ancient. 44:55.622 --> 44:57.423 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music. 44:57.483 --> 44:58.243 It's just gone, 10.30. 44:58.683 --> 44:59.584 It's time for the news. 45:01.857 --> 45:02.597 What was that? 45:03.578 --> 45:07.160 It was Sam and Dave with Soul Sister Brown Sugar. 45:07.320 --> 45:09.401 This is Adam and Joe on BBC Six Music. 45:09.441 --> 45:10.102 Hello listeners. 45:10.182 --> 45:14.224 We're very happy to be back after our summer holiday and we're here with you until noon today. 45:14.324 --> 45:16.986 Some of you might know that the show has been rebranded boggins. 45:17.926 --> 45:20.508 So that's how it will be described in the future if you hear that word. 45:20.548 --> 45:21.268 Don't be confused. 45:21.308 --> 45:22.049 It's the new name. 45:22.449 --> 45:23.990 And we've got a logo as well. 45:24.191 --> 45:31.376 It's a pan-European name, right, because the show was already called Boggins in Portugal, Luxembourg and Belgium. 45:31.957 --> 45:38.642 So it just saves us money in terms of printing the packaging and the promotional material to unify the branding across Europe. 45:38.922 --> 45:39.383 Exactly. 45:39.523 --> 45:41.905 Hence, we're now using Boggins in the UK as well. 45:41.925 --> 45:43.947 And there's the two dots above the O, isn't there? 45:44.227 --> 45:44.667 Biggins. 45:46.348 --> 45:48.970 Well, they've come off for Britain, but yeah, they will stay there. 45:48.990 --> 45:51.912 So if you go on holiday and hear the show, it'll have an umlaut. 45:52.032 --> 45:52.813 Is that an umlaut? 45:53.173 --> 45:53.733 The two dots. 45:53.873 --> 45:55.214 Well, maybe the umlaut's the curvy line. 45:55.274 --> 45:56.835 Umlaut, yeah, no, two dots are the umlaut. 45:56.855 --> 45:57.776 Yeah, it's an umlaut. 45:58.036 --> 46:03.920 My brother can tell you what the name in typing terms is of every single one of those things, right? 46:04.180 --> 46:08.303 Like a dot, dot, dot has a special name for it that isn't just dot, dot, dot. 46:08.323 --> 46:09.124 Do you know that at all? 46:09.304 --> 46:09.404 No. 46:10.064 --> 46:15.792 And he can tell you what like a straight, like a longer dash and a shorter dash is called. 46:15.812 --> 46:17.054 Longer dash is a dash. 46:17.534 --> 46:18.436 It's amazing though. 46:18.476 --> 46:21.660 He like unveiled all this knowledge on holiday. 46:21.680 --> 46:21.880 Did he? 46:22.361 --> 46:23.563 And it's not a dash. 46:24.684 --> 46:25.165 Are you sure? 46:27.688 --> 46:31.232 David, if you're listening, will you text me all the names of those things that you know? 46:31.492 --> 46:33.274 Well, we don't want him just to text and we want to quiz him. 46:33.654 --> 46:33.895 Really? 46:34.275 --> 46:38.319 David, if you're listening, come on the phone and we want to quiz you. 46:38.680 --> 46:39.120 All right then. 46:39.461 --> 46:39.681 Yeah. 46:39.741 --> 46:40.882 That would really test his knowledge. 46:40.902 --> 46:41.543 That would be fun. 46:41.623 --> 46:44.065 Which number should he call though? 46:44.145 --> 46:45.907 Well, I'll call him and we'll sort it out. 46:46.148 --> 46:47.269 So listen, what are we going to do now? 46:47.349 --> 46:48.490 Oh yes, you had some news, didn't 46:48.630 --> 46:51.611 Yeah, a funny thing happened to me, listeners, over the summer. 46:51.751 --> 46:53.512 I was doing some sort of ego surfing. 46:53.912 --> 46:54.232 Weird. 46:54.492 --> 46:55.073 And weird. 46:55.553 --> 47:07.017 And somehow I stumbled across, or maybe somebody sent us a letter or a note, and if so, I apologise, I can't remember who, that my name had turned up as a question on a television quiz show. 47:07.538 --> 47:08.078 Oh, yeah. 47:08.098 --> 47:09.618 Very exciting business. 47:10.539 --> 47:16.081 And not just any television quiz show, but one of the biggest quiz shows on television. 47:16.101 --> 47:17.202 Who wants to be a millionaire? 47:17.422 --> 47:17.562 No. 47:18.642 --> 47:21.685 Wogan's Perfect Recall on Channel 4. 47:38.101 --> 47:39.202 before Countdown. 47:39.483 --> 47:43.187 Basically, I don't know because I just watched it on 4OD when I found out my name was in it. 47:43.407 --> 47:44.689 I don't know anything else about it. 47:44.969 --> 47:46.171 But it's a peculiar show. 47:46.531 --> 47:51.677 It takes place in a weird studio where there's clearly no audience, but yet they've put the sound of one in. 47:52.017 --> 47:56.583 It's not a quiz version of Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. 47:57.023 --> 47:57.624 No, it's not. 47:57.684 --> 47:58.604 That would be very good. 47:59.645 --> 48:00.726 But this is a strange show. 48:00.746 --> 48:02.967 Whenever Terry Wogan, who hosts it, makes a joke. 48:03.007 --> 48:06.389 There's a lot of recorded laughter, but it's clearly not real. 48:06.429 --> 48:08.891 And that gives it an atmosphere of sadness. 48:08.951 --> 48:12.293 You can't do that kind of thing in the modern climate, like fake audience. 48:12.313 --> 48:12.694 Exactly. 48:13.034 --> 48:14.295 It's weird that they're still doing that. 48:14.335 --> 48:16.276 Anyway, I'm pretty sure there's no audience there. 48:16.496 --> 48:20.099 I mean, it's a sound of like hundreds of people applauding. 48:20.439 --> 48:24.962 How could they possibly get hundreds of people in every day to watch Wogan's Perfect Recall? 48:25.182 --> 48:25.522 Easily. 48:25.602 --> 48:26.002 Do you think? 48:26.243 --> 48:26.523 Easily. 48:27.383 --> 48:51.237 anyway so there are three contestants or four contestants standing looking quite sad behind podiums and a big board behind them the premise of the quiz is you get asked questions then you buzz if you know the answer right and then the answer goes on a sort of board all right this sounds like a totally new kind of quiz it is it is also all that answers go on a board behind the contestants it is it is 48:52.297 --> 48:57.140 And then they stay there, and then every other question asked during the quiz will have one of those answers as its answers. 48:57.520 --> 49:01.823 So the researchers have got to come up with words, which are the answers to three or four different questions. 49:01.943 --> 49:02.183 Right. 49:02.203 --> 49:02.743 Do you know what I mean? 49:02.883 --> 49:03.444 I do know what you mean. 49:03.464 --> 49:07.926 And that might be a reason why they stumbled upon me and my surname. 49:08.126 --> 49:09.687 Because there's many different types of Cornish. 49:09.727 --> 49:09.987 Yeah. 49:10.048 --> 49:15.090 Well, they probably, you know, came up with Cornish first, and then they had to think of the other permutations. 49:15.150 --> 49:18.352 And one of them probably said, what about Joe Cornish from Adam and Joe? 49:18.572 --> 49:19.993 Everyone else went, who? 49:20.694 --> 49:20.914 What? 49:21.414 --> 49:23.015 Now go on, it's quite popular. 49:23.055 --> 49:25.056 It's six music, digital show. 49:25.076 --> 49:25.876 What? 49:26.196 --> 49:31.098 Anyway, somehow this question slipped through the net and it was really surreal watching it. 49:31.499 --> 49:32.459 Very odd experience. 49:32.499 --> 49:33.800 But here's the audio from it. 49:34.600 --> 49:35.600 And notice a few things. 49:35.700 --> 49:42.744 Notice how quickly the contestants immediately know who I am and are able to answer the question. 49:43.144 --> 49:50.067 And notice how Wogan clearly knows who I am and how this whole kind of clip 49:50.567 --> 49:52.289 cements the level of my fame. 50:08.969 --> 50:12.011 There you go, then the name Cornish appeared on a little board behind them. 50:12.352 --> 50:16.454 He was sufficiently moved to actually make a special encouraging comment. 50:16.474 --> 50:21.178 He was sufficiently moved by the total bafflement of the contestants. 50:21.278 --> 50:27.562 And the contestants were around the age you would hope, you know, that they might actually know who you were. 50:27.642 --> 50:28.003 Fifties. 50:28.023 --> 50:30.384 You know what I mean? 50:30.504 --> 50:34.787 Either from the TV show that we used to do on Channel 4, or perhaps from this rate, no idea. 50:34.807 --> 50:35.648 They had no clue. 50:35.976 --> 50:38.457 I didn't know whether to be excited or really humiliated. 50:39.117 --> 50:40.058 No, both, I would think. 50:40.478 --> 50:42.038 Yeah, I was both, exactly. 50:42.619 --> 50:53.323 I mean, it was exciting that Wogan said my name and that they thought I might be a legitimate quiz question, but then that's a pretty, uh, authoritative trouncing of any level of public awareness. 50:53.503 --> 50:55.443 But you got some encouragement from Woggins. 50:55.744 --> 50:56.204 I did! 50:56.244 --> 50:57.864 He said, keep, keep, what did he say? 50:58.104 --> 50:59.205 Stick at it, Joe, stick at it. 50:59.225 --> 51:00.065 Can we hear it one more time? 51:00.766 --> 51:04.367 Joe of TV's Adam and Joe show has which surname? 51:08.320 --> 51:09.524 It's the noise I do. 51:09.544 --> 51:10.427 Stick at it, Joe. 51:15.769 --> 51:17.770 I have stuck at it for about 15 years. 51:17.790 --> 51:19.532 They'll remember your name one of these days. 51:19.552 --> 51:24.575 The way he says it is like, there's no way in the world. 51:24.875 --> 51:26.296 If you do some sort of killing. 51:27.337 --> 51:29.898 It's the mass murder. 51:30.098 --> 51:32.300 You might make it onto the news one of these days. 51:35.902 --> 51:38.744 This is about it for your level of fame. 51:39.204 --> 51:43.287 As far as going down in the annals of history, have fun because it's just happened. 51:45.328 --> 51:51.673 Well, if you work on that show, I'd like to hear what your thinking was about, you know, putting that question on there. 51:51.693 --> 51:54.976 There's presumably someone in the team of researchers listening to this programme, right? 51:54.996 --> 51:56.697 Presumably they would have got fired after that. 51:56.817 --> 51:57.678 Oh, I would hope so. 51:58.779 --> 52:01.201 Here's Ian Brown with Stellify. 52:01.321 --> 52:04.844 That's Ian Brown, the monkey man, with Stellify. 52:04.944 --> 52:07.326 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 52:07.346 --> 52:08.306 Very nice to be back with you. 52:08.387 --> 52:11.609 And we are in the midst of the nation's favourite feature. 52:11.689 --> 52:12.210 Text the nation. 52:12.230 --> 52:12.870 Let's have the jingle. 52:18.562 --> 52:33.836 And text the nation this week listeners is all about terrible disasters that happen to you on holiday and we've become a little fixated on injuries But we don't just need injuries. 52:33.876 --> 52:35.718 We do like a good injury on this program. 52:35.738 --> 52:42.143 It's ailments specifically Yeah ailments so it can be sickness or could it just be a general disaster? 52:43.124 --> 52:51.471 Uh, you know, one thing that happened, and this was really, um, potentially pretty grim, was our little daughter, um, who is not yet one. 52:52.052 --> 52:55.575 She pulled a bench down on her, um, head, right? 52:56.356 --> 52:58.698 And that's something, obviously... Pulled a bench down? 52:58.918 --> 53:04.763 Like a wooden bench, a small wooden bench, and she's just... But was what balancing on the edge of something? 53:04.883 --> 53:06.024 No, we deliberately pulled it down. 53:06.044 --> 53:06.945 How do you mean she pulled it down? 53:07.185 --> 53:08.927 Well, she she's standing up, right? 53:09.027 --> 53:10.369 She's just about standing up now. 53:10.829 --> 53:14.493 So she was she just sort of was holding on to the side of the bench. 53:14.714 --> 53:14.994 Right. 53:15.054 --> 53:17.236 And she just pulled it over onto herself. 53:17.377 --> 53:17.777 Oh, no. 53:18.358 --> 53:20.660 And it came clunk right on the bridge of her nose. 53:21.641 --> 53:26.947 And my wife was absolutely freaking out, as you would expect, you know, because she was thinking, oh, no, I should have been watching. 53:26.987 --> 53:27.288 And she was. 53:27.728 --> 53:28.790 You didn't really care. 53:28.910 --> 53:29.711 You didn't really care. 53:29.731 --> 53:30.592 Well, and here's the thing. 53:30.612 --> 53:32.495 We were just about to have a barbecue, right? 53:32.575 --> 53:33.696 And I was setting up the barbecue. 53:33.716 --> 53:35.599 I was really excited about the barbecue. 53:36.019 --> 53:39.224 And I was just looking forward to my first beer of the afternoon and stuff. 53:39.264 --> 53:40.605 And the barbecue was nice and hot. 53:40.646 --> 53:43.610 And those barbecue burgers are delicious. 53:45.652 --> 53:56.137 And so then I hear the scream from the kitchen and oh my goodness and poor old hope she had a cut on the bridge of her nose and you could see there was a big bump already forming there. 53:56.157 --> 53:57.798 She's absolutely freaking out with the shock of the thing. 53:57.998 --> 54:01.160 I'm glad to say that she was absolutely fine, but my wife was like, 54:01.300 --> 54:18.719 she's broken her nose and oh my god she's she's we got to take her to hospital and all this guys are easy don't have to take it to hospital just yet I'm sure she's smiling babies don't they can't they don't have bones to break that's what I was saying it's just jelly it's just jelly it's just just just patty hasn't hardened yet it's part to improve the nose we can mold it back 54:19.139 --> 54:21.802 You know, and she's like, no, no, we got to go to hospital. 54:21.822 --> 54:28.489 Finally, we phoned a doctor and the doctor said, you know, as long as there's not like brain fluid leaking out of her nose, then she's probably OK. 54:29.049 --> 54:30.951 But then at that point, she was sick. 54:31.091 --> 54:33.974 And that's one of the things you've got to watch out for after a baby's had a bash. 54:34.014 --> 54:36.677 You know, A, do they cry immediately? 54:36.797 --> 54:37.858 If so, that's a good sign. 54:39.240 --> 54:40.381 You know, you don't want them passing out. 54:40.421 --> 54:42.342 Yeah, that's true of life in general. 54:43.183 --> 54:45.584 If someone cries at something, it means they're working through it. 54:45.905 --> 54:48.006 It's the middle distant stare that's the problem. 54:48.046 --> 54:48.446 That's right. 54:48.466 --> 54:50.007 If they go quiet, then you've got a problem. 54:50.608 --> 54:54.790 The other thing is if the baby is sick soon after a bump, that's not a good sign. 54:55.471 --> 54:57.952 And so at that point, my wife was like, that seals it. 54:58.233 --> 54:58.893 Barbecue's off. 54:58.993 --> 55:00.974 We're going to the hospital right now to get a check down. 55:00.994 --> 55:02.015 I don't want to take any chances. 55:02.035 --> 55:03.496 I was like, you will. 55:03.516 --> 55:05.918 The burgers are there. 55:06.278 --> 55:06.818 She's fine. 55:06.838 --> 55:07.659 She's a little baby. 55:07.679 --> 55:08.239 She's got putty. 55:08.279 --> 55:09.020 It's going to be fine. 55:09.680 --> 55:11.382 And I was a bit nervous at that stage. 55:11.482 --> 55:12.162 So we compromised. 55:12.182 --> 55:13.844 We phoned up a doctor in the UK. 55:14.725 --> 55:17.987 Doctor said, don't worry about it unless there's brain fluid leaking. 55:18.087 --> 55:18.988 You're probably all right. 55:19.008 --> 55:19.689 Barbecue's on. 55:20.149 --> 55:22.972 So Dr. Buckles was pretty happy about that and gradually everything calmed down. 55:22.992 --> 55:26.755 I'm really pleased to say that it's only about four or five days since the accident. 55:27.175 --> 55:32.320 Already her nose is right back to normal because my wife was thinking that she's like, oh, no, I've broken the baby. 55:32.360 --> 55:36.003 She's going to be scarred and she's going to look like she looked a little bit like a Klingon. 55:36.543 --> 55:40.806 It's the thing, you know, because Klingons have the special... Rich nose, yeah. 55:40.886 --> 55:41.186 Yeah. 55:41.827 --> 55:44.549 And it was bad, you know. 55:44.709 --> 55:46.610 I mean, it could have been a lot worse, obviously, so I'm glad. 55:46.650 --> 55:47.811 That was a minor ailment. 55:48.812 --> 55:53.955 And I'm very glad to say that the barbecue was absolutely great and it worked fine. 55:54.095 --> 55:55.757 Do we have time for some listener ones? 55:56.497 --> 55:57.558 Don't say it like that. 55:57.638 --> 55:58.638 I didn't mean it like that. 55:58.758 --> 56:00.259 It was very pointed the way you said it. 56:00.279 --> 56:02.160 I just thought we should keep it, uh, you know, pithy. 56:02.640 --> 56:06.202 Here's a really good one from... Doctor, is this guy Dr. Leon Carney? 56:07.122 --> 56:13.405 He says, I remember, in fact, I will never forget being four years old, going on holiday to the English seaside, taking my tricycle with me. 56:13.805 --> 56:14.926 I loved my tricycle. 56:15.346 --> 56:17.547 I loved it so much that I'd cycle on it naked. 56:17.927 --> 56:25.331 My parents were happy to let me cycle naked because this was back in the days when kids were allowed to be naked and their parents didn't get arrested for letting them be naked. 56:26.071 --> 56:30.013 One sunny morning I remember recreating a scene from Chips, the 70s police program. 56:30.353 --> 56:34.254 I was suddenly involved in a crazy naked bike chase with a fictional baddie. 56:34.754 --> 56:42.737 The baddie gave me the slip around a sharp corner and as I turned my bike to pursue him, my man parts got caught in the steering mechanism. 56:42.977 --> 56:43.238 What? 56:43.898 --> 56:45.138 I won't tell you any more. 56:45.498 --> 56:55.042 I just want you to know it was as bad as you think it was and walking back to the beach hut carrying a bike that is attached to your winky is a difficult experience to recover from. 56:55.482 --> 56:56.142 Oh, man. 56:56.323 --> 56:58.464 How did it get caught in the steering mechanism? 56:58.484 --> 56:59.384 What is the steering? 56:59.464 --> 57:00.605 I mean, there is a handlebar. 57:00.625 --> 57:02.185 There's only one pivot, isn't there? 57:02.826 --> 57:03.846 How does it get in there? 57:03.886 --> 57:09.229 I mean, if it had got caught in the pedal mechanism, that would be a different sort of a story. 57:09.269 --> 57:11.710 But what kind of a manhood would you have to have to get it caught in the gears? 57:11.730 --> 57:13.031 We need some detail there, Leon. 57:13.131 --> 57:14.031 The length of the thing. 57:14.231 --> 57:14.632 Yeah. 57:15.092 --> 57:16.733 Well, I could have been, you know, a chopper. 57:20.195 --> 57:23.859 That's why you were frustrated with the length of my story because you wanted to get to that joke, didn't you? 57:23.919 --> 57:25.140 Give us more detail, Leon. 57:25.180 --> 57:29.204 We wanted, well, you know, not pictorial, but we'd like to know precisely what happened. 57:29.324 --> 57:31.607 Maybe it got caught in the brakes or something. 57:31.807 --> 57:32.027 More? 57:32.287 --> 57:34.850 A few people have sent us damaged, winky pictures. 57:34.870 --> 57:36.171 We're not that interested in those. 57:37.593 --> 57:40.835 You know what, let's come back to this because my pieces of paper have got confused. 57:41.195 --> 57:43.237 Well, I mean, you've peaked with the chopper gag anyway. 57:43.377 --> 57:44.638 No, there were some other good ones. 57:45.038 --> 57:45.798 Oh yeah, here it is. 57:45.838 --> 57:46.299 Here we go. 57:46.659 --> 57:47.920 This is from Will in Balham. 57:48.540 --> 57:52.103 A couple of years ago on holiday in Thailand, my girlfriend said we should hire mopeds. 57:52.683 --> 57:54.705 I'd never ridden one before and was a tad nervous. 57:54.725 --> 57:55.125 Deadly. 57:55.465 --> 58:03.370 I got mine first, and while she was being instructed by the rental girl, I managed to lurch forward and crash into a wall in front of about 200 people. 58:04.051 --> 58:05.132 I'd driven ten foot. 58:05.572 --> 58:08.033 I broke my foot, couldn't swim for the rest of the trip. 58:08.334 --> 58:18.961 To make matters worse, this is what I'm building up to, I got food poisoning the same night, and at one point I projectile vomited all over my girlfriend while she was helping me hobble to the loo. 58:20.471 --> 58:23.414 That's a good double illness build up there, don't you think? 58:23.634 --> 58:24.034 Definitely. 58:24.054 --> 58:25.336 You got to watch out for the mopeds. 58:25.356 --> 58:30.000 You have to be insane to hire a moped on holiday because everyone gets spashed up on those things. 58:30.320 --> 58:42.450 Andrew and Claire McCluskey say, my sister Claire, ten today, got hit in the face by a croquet mallet wielded by a five-year-old child at holiday club three weeks ago. 58:42.530 --> 58:44.092 She broke her nose, had to go to hospital. 58:44.875 --> 58:46.977 She's much better now having a great birthday listening to the show. 58:46.997 --> 58:47.657 Hooray! 58:48.078 --> 58:49.839 But that's nasty, hitting the face with a croquet mallet. 58:49.879 --> 58:50.900 I can picture that one as well. 58:51.140 --> 58:51.580 Absolutely. 58:51.600 --> 58:53.162 Must have been hard not to laugh a little bit. 58:53.342 --> 58:56.064 Have you ever hit anyone in the face in sports? 58:58.486 --> 59:00.067 Possibly, I don't think so, no. 59:00.087 --> 59:02.049 I smashed someone, Sarah Prest. 59:02.089 --> 59:04.170 I smashed her in the bridge of the nose with a tennis racket. 59:04.190 --> 59:04.391 Did you? 59:04.571 --> 59:04.811 Yeah. 59:05.191 --> 59:09.755 When we were about 11, she was beautiful and I couldn't believe that she was... Well, that's the thing. 59:10.015 --> 59:14.560 couldn't believe she was up for having like a tennis lesson with me, right? 59:14.600 --> 59:16.001 She was good at tennis, I wasn't so good. 59:16.682 --> 59:20.566 First swing I take, smash right into the bridge of the nose with a tennis racket. 59:20.826 --> 59:24.310 She was so nice about it, but she couldn't help herself screaming with pain and crying. 59:25.031 --> 59:26.332 And then she walked away. 59:28.254 --> 59:29.055 Have you seen her since? 59:29.702 --> 59:30.802 No, I've never seen her since. 59:30.822 --> 59:32.403 I hope she's okay. 59:32.423 --> 59:34.104 If you're listening, Sarah, I'm really sorry. 59:35.064 --> 59:36.184 Listen, it's free play time. 59:36.324 --> 59:40.106 I was saying earlier how much I've been enjoying the Moss Def album, the Ecstatic. 59:40.466 --> 59:43.287 I say Moss, you know perfectly well I say Moss, like Moss Isley. 59:43.547 --> 59:44.627 I know, like Moss Isley. 59:44.667 --> 59:46.708 Moss Def, the album's called the Ecstatic. 59:47.448 --> 59:50.109 This is my favourite track off there, it's called Revelations. 59:50.269 --> 59:54.050 We're hearing little voices of people chit-chatting in the background. 59:54.110 --> 59:55.571 Sounds like telephone bleed. 59:56.091 --> 59:56.651 It does, doesn't it? 59:56.671 --> 59:57.352 What's going on there? 59:57.412 --> 01:00:00.013 I think that's part of the production, though. 01:00:00.093 --> 01:00:01.673 That was Back 4 Lashes with Sleep Alone. 01:00:01.693 --> 01:00:03.434 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music. 01:00:03.594 --> 01:00:14.718 Earlier on, we were talking about the fact that my brother is kind of a freakish expert on what you call little bits of punctuation and... Now, he's made a boast about this, has he? 01:00:14.798 --> 01:00:17.279 Is this why we're gonna haul him over the audio calls? 01:00:17.359 --> 01:00:24.962 I think it's a little unfair to say he boasted, but he certainly came out with quite a torrent of specific knowledge about what these things were called on holiday. 01:00:24.982 --> 01:00:25.742 We like to punish people. 01:00:25.742 --> 01:00:29.365 people who have knowledge on this program, because we have so little of ourselves. 01:00:29.385 --> 01:00:30.887 He'd like to belittle those with knowledge. 01:00:31.107 --> 01:00:32.488 So Dave, I think, is on the line. 01:00:32.528 --> 01:00:33.009 Hi, Dave. 01:00:33.029 --> 01:00:33.529 Hello. 01:00:33.549 --> 01:00:34.510 How are you doing? 01:00:34.930 --> 01:00:35.551 OK, how are you? 01:00:35.811 --> 01:00:36.652 Yeah, very well, thanks. 01:00:36.772 --> 01:00:38.013 Hey, Dave, nice to speak to you. 01:00:38.033 --> 01:00:38.273 Hey, Joe. 01:00:38.293 --> 01:00:39.214 How are you doing? 01:00:39.334 --> 01:00:45.340 Now, you're not going to do that thing, Dave, are you, that you sometimes do to me when you're on the phone with me, and just go very quiet for long periods? 01:00:47.323 --> 01:00:47.804 Good answer. 01:00:48.724 --> 01:00:52.806 Okay, so Dave, you're on live radio, please don't swear. 01:00:55.208 --> 01:01:00.991 We're going to test you on the real names for some popular bits of, would you call them punctuation marks? 01:01:01.351 --> 01:01:04.113 Is that the collective term for these symbols we're referring to? 01:01:04.593 --> 01:01:05.514 Maybe, or diacritics. 01:01:05.954 --> 01:01:23.082 diacritic diacritic thank you bang you in there with diacritic did you make that up no is that real so these are the things you get on the top line of your quirky keyboard right above the numbers yeah was that a yes noise yes yes okay here we go uh your quiz starts now 01:01:23.622 --> 01:01:30.126 So the symbol commonly known as a hash sign or a sharp sign or a pound sign is also called. 01:01:30.146 --> 01:01:32.607 What is the actual technical name for that symbol? 01:01:32.928 --> 01:01:38.111 And we should just ask you, Dave, you don't have a Wikipedia page open in front of you, do you? 01:01:38.311 --> 01:01:38.831 I've closed it. 01:01:39.451 --> 01:01:41.573 But you have been looking at it to remind yourself. 01:01:41.833 --> 01:01:43.494 Yeah, well, it turned out I was wrong about all that. 01:01:44.355 --> 01:01:45.756 Oh, well hang on, we'll get to Umlauts. 01:01:45.796 --> 01:01:47.656 What is the hash sign properly known as? 01:01:48.417 --> 01:01:51.478 I don't know, but hash or pound, that's what, or bang. 01:01:51.678 --> 01:01:52.758 It's the Octothorp. 01:01:53.138 --> 01:01:53.819 Octothorp. 01:01:53.879 --> 01:01:57.160 You didn't know the Octothorp? 01:01:57.520 --> 01:02:03.402 This is a special quiz that has special new noises, is the one you get when you get something. 01:02:03.422 --> 01:02:04.783 I'd forgotten that one, I did know that one. 01:02:04.823 --> 01:02:05.603 Did you actually know that? 01:02:05.663 --> 01:02:09.745 Because you'd be forgiven for not even vaguely knowing the Octothorp. 01:02:11.375 --> 01:02:12.716 Okay, here's a simpler one David. 01:02:12.756 --> 01:02:13.557 Just ignore your brother. 01:02:14.478 --> 01:02:17.120 Childish behaviour from your older brother. 01:02:17.260 --> 01:02:17.940 Surprising. 01:02:18.141 --> 01:02:21.163 It's the sort of noise you'd get from the younger brother to the older brother. 01:02:21.523 --> 01:02:22.444 Going the other way this time. 01:02:23.525 --> 01:02:25.126 What would you call the sort of a hat? 01:02:25.186 --> 01:02:28.389 It's a sort of a... How would you describe that line? 01:02:28.429 --> 01:02:31.431 Just the top two bits of a triangle above a word. 01:02:32.732 --> 01:02:35.415 It's not a graph, it's... 01:02:38.640 --> 01:02:39.621 Okay, now I feel sick. 01:02:40.481 --> 01:02:41.742 Sick or thick? 01:02:43.062 --> 01:02:43.822 It's a circumflex. 01:02:43.842 --> 01:02:44.623 That was an easy one. 01:02:44.703 --> 01:02:45.983 No, it's a circumflex. 01:02:46.404 --> 01:02:48.885 Dave, what about a forward slash? 01:02:48.925 --> 01:02:50.565 What's that officially known as? 01:02:50.825 --> 01:02:51.166 Solidus. 01:02:51.506 --> 01:02:52.566 Yes, a solidus. 01:02:53.447 --> 01:02:54.867 And what's a backslash known as? 01:02:55.668 --> 01:02:56.928 Reverse solidus. 01:02:57.688 --> 01:02:58.249 That's good, man. 01:02:58.269 --> 01:02:59.049 You got the solidus. 01:02:59.069 --> 01:02:59.689 That's really good. 01:02:59.709 --> 01:03:00.750 Let's give you one more. 01:03:00.830 --> 01:03:01.970 How about the dot, dot, dot? 01:03:02.010 --> 01:03:02.630 What's that known as? 01:03:02.651 --> 01:03:06.092 Because I've never heard that referred to as anything but a dot, dot, dot. 01:03:06.232 --> 01:03:06.712 That's an ellipsis. 01:03:07.033 --> 01:03:07.493 An ellipsis. 01:03:07.553 --> 01:03:08.594 An ellipsis. 01:03:08.814 --> 01:03:09.214 Of course. 01:03:09.274 --> 01:03:11.656 OK, what about the little squiggly line? 01:03:11.676 --> 01:03:12.697 A tilde. 01:03:12.977 --> 01:03:14.078 Yes, a tilde. 01:03:14.698 --> 01:03:16.039 Or it's also known as a twiddle. 01:03:17.541 --> 01:03:18.581 Oh, it's sweet, isn't it? 01:03:18.681 --> 01:03:19.522 Little twiddle. 01:03:20.783 --> 01:03:23.485 And what about, you mentioned earlier, the grave accent. 01:03:23.885 --> 01:03:26.788 You know, an acute accent and a grave accent, often used in French. 01:03:27.288 --> 01:03:28.509 What's that officially known as? 01:03:29.764 --> 01:03:47.371 a graph no a back pop that's what it says here i don't know i think that might be describing something else a back pop watch guess what's a front pop what about the two dots over the o dave that is uh daresis 01:03:47.950 --> 01:03:49.391 Diariesis. 01:03:49.912 --> 01:03:50.752 A sloppy back pop. 01:03:52.914 --> 01:03:55.396 Listen, David, thank you very much for putting up with that. 01:03:55.436 --> 01:03:56.217 That's the end of that. 01:03:56.277 --> 01:03:56.758 You scored. 01:03:56.798 --> 01:03:57.478 How many did he score? 01:03:57.999 --> 01:03:58.699 About three, I think. 01:03:58.719 --> 01:04:03.023 About three corrects and about four... So that's not a bad score. 01:04:03.043 --> 01:04:05.025 The question remains, how would you draw that noise? 01:04:05.065 --> 01:04:05.665 Do that noise? 01:04:06.025 --> 01:04:08.568 What's the symbol for that noise, David? 01:04:09.597 --> 01:04:10.798 You can't say on radio, can you? 01:04:11.038 --> 01:04:11.999 His face. 01:04:12.019 --> 01:04:12.339 Which one? 01:04:12.580 --> 01:04:13.000 His face. 01:04:13.200 --> 01:04:14.201 His Adam's face. 01:04:14.281 --> 01:04:14.902 Buckle face. 01:04:14.922 --> 01:04:16.863 A bearded smiley face. 01:04:17.024 --> 01:04:18.105 Thanks for joining us, David. 01:04:18.145 --> 01:04:19.145 Have a terrific Saturday. 01:04:19.486 --> 01:04:19.786 And you. 01:04:20.707 --> 01:04:21.548 Lovely to speak to you. 01:04:21.728 --> 01:04:22.448 Take care. 01:04:22.669 --> 01:04:23.309 Cheers, Dave. 01:04:23.629 --> 01:04:24.810 Right now, here's a bit of music. 01:04:24.830 --> 01:04:26.332 This is Daft Punk with Daft Punk. 01:04:29.214 --> 01:04:32.276 Hello, this is David Bowie. 01:04:32.696 --> 01:04:34.157 This is a man who sold the world. 01:04:34.657 --> 01:04:35.557 Excuse me, Mr. Bowie. 01:04:35.577 --> 01:04:35.738 Yes. 01:04:36.058 --> 01:04:37.559 My name's Joe Cornish. 01:04:37.639 --> 01:04:41.461 I do a programme on BBC 6 music called The Adam and Joe. 01:04:41.481 --> 01:04:45.663 Well, it's actually called Boggins now, but I used to be known as The Adam and Joe Show. 01:04:45.863 --> 01:04:46.864 Oh, yes, I've heard about it. 01:04:46.984 --> 01:04:47.324 Have you? 01:04:47.604 --> 01:04:48.725 The kids are listening to it, yes. 01:04:49.165 --> 01:04:50.886 It's quite popular with some young people, yeah. 01:04:50.906 --> 01:04:53.466 I was out skateboarding last night with my son, Joe. 01:04:53.766 --> 01:04:54.707 What, what, what boarding? 01:04:54.927 --> 01:04:57.808 Skateboarding was, was, was skateboarding. 01:04:58.248 --> 01:05:00.188 I was skateboarding last night. 01:05:00.428 --> 01:05:01.569 And then I did some tagging. 01:05:02.029 --> 01:05:04.530 And at the end of that, we listened to a bit of boggins. 01:05:05.450 --> 01:05:13.672 Well, that's amazing, Mr. Bowie, because listen, my co-presenter, Adam Buxton and I are really, really keen to maybe do an interview with you. 01:05:14.373 --> 01:05:18.014 We're terrific fans, especially of your career. 01:05:20.355 --> 01:05:21.815 And my, what, the painting? 01:05:22.155 --> 01:05:27.197 Yeah, you know everything, your films and your music and painting and everything, video games. 01:05:27.357 --> 01:05:29.978 And we'd be really keen to do, to fly to New York. 01:05:30.338 --> 01:05:34.920 And we'd come to you and we'd interview you and then we could make it like the Boggins Christmas Special. 01:05:35.020 --> 01:05:36.660 Joe, I'd absolutely love that. 01:05:36.800 --> 01:05:37.781 I think it's a great idea. 01:05:37.801 --> 01:05:41.162 If you guys can get yourself out to New York, it's called the Big Apple, that's what we call it. 01:05:41.702 --> 01:05:43.783 Then I would be happy to grant you an interview. 01:05:44.003 --> 01:05:45.463 Not a very long one because I'm a busy man. 01:05:45.483 --> 01:05:50.465 I've got tagging and skateboarding to do and a couple of installation pieces later on. 01:05:50.805 --> 01:05:54.986 But I would be happy to sit down with half an hour and have a little informal chat about this and that and the other. 01:05:55.526 --> 01:05:56.147 Well, brilliant. 01:05:56.187 --> 01:05:57.407 So can we pop that in the diary? 01:05:57.427 --> 01:05:58.367 Let's certainly arrange it. 01:05:58.407 --> 01:05:59.408 Let's absolutely arrange it. 01:05:59.608 --> 01:06:00.108 I'll tell you what. 01:06:00.528 --> 01:06:01.949 Have you seen my son's film yet? 01:06:02.029 --> 01:06:05.390 It deals with themes of otherness and individuality. 01:06:05.470 --> 01:06:06.510 It's supposed to be very good. 01:06:06.510 --> 01:06:07.991 It's supposed to be absolutely marvellous. 01:06:08.371 --> 01:06:08.651 Moon. 01:06:09.292 --> 01:06:10.352 You should go along and see that. 01:06:10.392 --> 01:06:13.314 Maybe we can all get together and have a big old chat and watch that and have some popcorn. 01:06:14.494 --> 01:06:19.697 That listeners is a fantasy version of what Adam and I would very much like to happen. 01:06:19.717 --> 01:06:20.538 That would be amazing. 01:06:20.578 --> 01:06:27.602 James has been trying to get in contact with David Bowie's camp to try and set up an amazing The Boggins interview. 01:06:27.682 --> 01:06:28.282 The B camp. 01:06:28.882 --> 01:06:30.143 I still haven't seen Moon yet. 01:06:30.223 --> 01:06:30.763 I really want to. 01:06:30.803 --> 01:06:35.245 I've only heard good things about Bowie's son's directorial debut. 01:06:35.505 --> 01:06:36.066 But you know what? 01:06:37.086 --> 01:06:41.848 He's been very studious in not making those connections with his father. 01:06:41.868 --> 01:06:42.428 That's true, isn't it? 01:06:42.609 --> 01:06:52.113 And he's avoided mentioning it, I think, in all press in a very noble and admirable way, despite the thematic connections between some of his father's famous work. 01:06:52.233 --> 01:06:54.094 But he's not prickly about it, I've seen him mention it. 01:06:54.134 --> 01:07:00.676 No, no, if people ask him, he's very happy to talk about it, but he's very much not exploiting that connection in any way. 01:07:00.896 --> 01:07:01.917 Can't wait to see the film. 01:07:02.457 --> 01:07:07.359 And yeah, if anyone listening is David Bowie, could they please get in charge? 01:07:07.779 --> 01:07:10.220 Because we would honestly, we'd get ourselves out to New York somewhere. 01:07:10.240 --> 01:07:11.020 You wouldn't have to do anything. 01:07:11.321 --> 01:07:14.462 All you'd have to do, right, is meet us somewhere in Central Park or something. 01:07:14.482 --> 01:07:18.984 We'd buy you a hot dog and we'd just, it would take 10 minutes, literally, less even. 01:07:19.524 --> 01:07:27.568 If we could just get some evidence of the fact that we had met you and chatted to you, then we would be able to die, I think, afterwards and we'd be fine. 01:07:28.688 --> 01:07:48.511 Listen, as a piece of evidence that we could play now, an indication of what would happen if one of us were to meet an important, respected figure in Rock who takes himself and his work seriously, as an indication of what might happen when that individual was met by a sort of idiotic... 01:07:50.253 --> 01:08:15.864 digital radio DJ do we have any kind of evidence of what might happen funny should say that I bumped into Tom York from Radiohead at the latitude festival he played an amazing solo show there and I chatted to him for a few minutes backstage after he came off doing this show and I asked him I was asking him about various names that he might employ if he were ever to tour solo this is what happened 01:08:16.215 --> 01:08:19.920 So Tom, I've got some ideas for you that you might like to consider. 01:08:20.441 --> 01:08:23.425 These are names you could use if you were touring solo, right? 01:08:24.507 --> 01:08:24.968 Oh yeah, okay. 01:08:25.228 --> 01:08:29.674 I want you to think about these and tell me how you feel about them. 01:08:30.055 --> 01:08:31.697 And you have to use one of them, right? 01:08:32.438 --> 01:08:36.322 You can't just listen to these and go, yeah, yeah, very fun, I've got to go. 01:08:36.923 --> 01:08:38.624 You have to use one of them. 01:08:39.125 --> 01:08:44.009 Because Tom York is fine and everything, but you need to jazz it up is what I'm saying. 01:08:44.049 --> 01:08:45.471 And you're the man for the job. 01:08:45.531 --> 01:08:46.832 I'm the man for the job, right? 01:08:47.573 --> 01:08:48.013 Here we go. 01:08:48.774 --> 01:08:49.194 T-HOM. 01:08:51.277 --> 01:08:53.919 Yeah, like T dot... T homie. 01:08:53.999 --> 01:08:54.259 H-O-M-E. 01:08:54.339 --> 01:08:54.559 H-O-M-E. 01:08:54.619 --> 01:08:54.919 H-O-M-E. 01:08:55.160 --> 01:08:55.880 H-O-M-E. 01:08:55.920 --> 01:08:56.140 H-O-M-E. 01:08:56.180 --> 01:08:56.400 H-O-M-E. 01:08:56.440 --> 01:08:56.660 H-O-M-E. 01:08:56.781 --> 01:08:57.041 H-O-M-E. 01:08:57.121 --> 01:08:57.281 H-O-M-E. 01:08:57.381 --> 01:08:57.661 H-O-M-E. 01:08:57.841 --> 01:08:58.081 H-O-M-E. 01:08:58.101 --> 01:08:58.582 H-O-M-E. 01:08:58.622 --> 01:08:58.782 H-O-M-E. 01:08:58.802 --> 01:08:59.002 H-O-M-E. 01:08:59.022 --> 01:08:59.222 H-O-M-E. 01:08:59.262 --> 01:08:59.462 H-O-M-E. 01:08:59.482 --> 01:08:59.622 H-O-M-E. 01:08:59.782 --> 01:08:59.923 H-O-M-E. 01:08:59.943 --> 01:09:00.103 H-O-M-E. 01:09:00.163 --> 01:09:00.323 H-O-M-E. 01:09:00.343 --> 01:09:00.523 H-O-M-E. 01:09:00.543 --> 01:09:00.763 H-O-M-E. 01:09:00.843 --> 01:09:01.083 H-O-M-E. 01:09:01.103 --> 01:09:01.384 H-O-M-E. 01:09:01.424 --> 01:09:01.564 H-O-M-E. 01:09:01.584 --> 01:09:01.724 H-O-M-E. 01:09:01.744 --> 01:09:01.904 H-O-M- 01:09:17.934 --> 01:09:18.335 Well, it would be. 01:09:18.355 --> 01:09:19.616 It's uncategorizable. 01:09:19.676 --> 01:09:22.139 It's a special type of sexuality that you've created. 01:09:22.159 --> 01:09:23.039 I have, yes. 01:09:23.320 --> 01:09:23.960 Well, don't we all? 01:09:24.281 --> 01:09:24.901 Well, exactly. 01:09:25.162 --> 01:09:26.463 What do you think of tomosexual? 01:09:28.365 --> 01:09:31.148 I could conceivably get in trouble with that. 01:09:31.768 --> 01:09:32.349 I don't think so. 01:09:32.369 --> 01:09:33.290 I think people would like it. 01:09:34.191 --> 01:09:34.651 How about this? 01:09:35.492 --> 01:09:36.213 The Dominator. 01:09:37.779 --> 01:09:38.800 But so bad. 01:09:39.100 --> 01:09:39.761 Come on. 01:09:39.801 --> 01:09:40.962 Come on, it's just... Alright. 01:09:41.742 --> 01:09:42.303 Tombola. 01:09:43.024 --> 01:09:44.044 That's the name for the show. 01:09:44.925 --> 01:09:45.346 In general. 01:09:45.366 --> 01:09:47.487 Because it would be like a pick and mix. 01:09:47.527 --> 01:09:49.169 People wouldn't know what they were going to get. 01:09:49.469 --> 01:09:51.931 You could maybe spin a wheel with songs on it and stuff. 01:09:51.971 --> 01:09:53.132 Elvis Costello once did that. 01:09:53.152 --> 01:09:55.034 He did do that, yeah. 01:09:55.715 --> 01:09:56.555 That would be tricky. 01:09:57.276 --> 01:10:02.180 Because we won't have that many... And it won't be like a lucky dip. 01:10:02.861 --> 01:10:03.862 Like a bad lucky dip. 01:10:04.822 --> 01:10:05.263 T-Bot. 01:10:05.996 --> 01:10:32.882 t-bot yeah t-bot but no one will understand what that is man you're stretching it too far i really thought tombola was as far as i was going to need to go and then you'd be saying that's the one don't worry it's going to be the tombola show why do you spell it t-h-o-m-b-o-l-a tombola yeah different spelling okay i mean i do need a name so i'm obviously i'm i quite like what have you got there 01:10:34.583 --> 01:10:37.646 Oh well, I had Yorkie fruit and nut bar, but then I wasn't able to get one out. 01:10:37.666 --> 01:10:38.648 Yeah, I kind of like that one. 01:10:38.708 --> 01:10:39.048 Do you? 01:10:39.088 --> 01:10:39.449 Yeah. 01:10:39.749 --> 01:10:40.650 You're so perverse. 01:10:40.670 --> 01:10:42.592 That was the only one I thought, I can't read that one. 01:10:42.632 --> 01:10:43.513 Like the Thomas sexual. 01:10:43.994 --> 01:10:45.315 Thomas sexual, I thought you might. 01:10:45.335 --> 01:10:46.537 Yeah, perverse Yorkie and nut bar. 01:10:46.977 --> 01:10:47.899 Fruit and nut bar. 01:10:48.459 --> 01:10:49.540 I can see that in big legs. 01:10:50.021 --> 01:10:50.281 Alright. 01:10:51.242 --> 01:10:51.742 Thanks, man. 01:10:51.842 --> 01:10:52.343 Yeah, great. 01:10:52.923 --> 01:10:54.183 He wasn't sure about a lot of those. 01:10:54.203 --> 01:10:55.044 No, he wasn't intending. 01:10:55.644 --> 01:10:57.645 What happened after that come up so quickly? 01:10:57.985 --> 01:11:03.247 Actually, you'll be able to see a slightly different, longer version of that on video. 01:11:03.787 --> 01:11:06.028 We're going to post it on the blog sometime this week. 01:11:06.088 --> 01:11:06.408 Wow. 01:11:07.169 --> 01:11:09.870 So check out the Adam and Jo blog if you would like to see that. 01:11:09.930 --> 01:11:18.393 Thanks very much indeed to Tom for talking to me and indeed to Nigel Godrich, who was doing the camera work, as you will see when you watch the video. 01:11:18.533 --> 01:11:19.874 Couldn't hear that in the clip, obviously. 01:11:20.194 --> 01:11:21.855 But that's an indication of what might happen. 01:11:21.876 --> 01:11:24.918 Like, do you think Bowie would be similarly baffled? 01:11:26.499 --> 01:11:27.020 I don't know. 01:11:27.080 --> 01:11:27.640 I think so. 01:11:27.700 --> 01:11:32.585 Yeah, that'd probably be a similar air of excitement and mystification. 01:11:32.905 --> 01:11:33.725 Iconoclasm. 01:11:33.946 --> 01:11:34.166 Yeah. 01:11:34.730 --> 01:11:41.174 Anyway, can't wait to see Radiohead playing tomorrow evening at the Reading Festival, and here's a bit of them in action right now. 01:11:41.194 --> 01:11:42.615 This is Jigsaw falling into place. 01:11:42.795 --> 01:11:52.482 Radiohead with Jigsaw falling into place, and we're going to put the little film of myself talking to Tom York at the Latitude Festival up on the Adam and Jo Six music blog. 01:11:52.522 --> 01:11:57.525 It should be up there around Tuesday, I think, as long as everything goes according to plan in the technical department. 01:11:58.145 --> 01:11:59.025 So watch out for that. 01:11:59.085 --> 01:12:00.646 I've got a free play for you now listeners. 01:12:01.306 --> 01:12:01.446 Now. 01:12:01.586 --> 01:12:05.207 I presume that you didn't get the yes last album Joe I don't think they're up your alley. 01:12:05.427 --> 01:12:05.667 Are they? 01:12:06.288 --> 01:12:14.350 No, but it's a really good album and It sounds quite different to their first album like it sounds a little more polished and stuff. 01:12:14.710 --> 01:12:23.393 But the production is amazing I love great production and this was one song that actually Garth Jennings always went on about when the album came out our friend Garth and 01:12:23.913 --> 01:12:25.693 And sure enough, it is an absolute smash. 01:12:25.754 --> 01:12:36.756 And it was the soundtrack to one of my most perfect moments on holiday, driving along as the sun was setting after a wonderful day, fooling about in a gorge with my children. 01:12:37.436 --> 01:12:42.617 And this came on the stereo and it was just a fantastic moment in a wonderful holiday. 01:12:42.657 --> 01:12:44.398 This is Hysteric by Ye Ye Yes. 01:12:44.518 --> 01:12:46.598 That's the Ye Ye Yes with Hysteric. 01:12:48.759 --> 01:12:50.459 Although it sounds like they're saying, it's Derek! 01:12:52.381 --> 01:12:54.023 And I think that would be a good single, though. 01:12:54.043 --> 01:12:55.584 I haven't released that as a single, I don't think. 01:12:56.024 --> 01:12:56.465 It's Derek. 01:12:56.885 --> 01:12:57.606 It's Derek! 01:12:57.806 --> 01:12:59.067 I haven't done a song called it yet. 01:12:59.648 --> 01:12:59.868 Yeah. 01:13:00.649 --> 01:13:03.752 They should record that song, It's Derek, and release that as a single. 01:13:03.772 --> 01:13:04.492 That's what I'm saying. 01:13:04.552 --> 01:13:05.533 That's what it sounds like. 01:13:05.734 --> 01:13:07.475 They'd find their fortunes would change. 01:13:08.636 --> 01:13:09.197 For the worse. 01:13:10.350 --> 01:13:12.251 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music. 01:13:12.371 --> 01:13:13.091 It's Derek. 01:13:13.491 --> 01:13:14.591 It's time for the news, is it? 01:13:14.611 --> 01:13:16.372 Uh, pretty much. 01:13:16.392 --> 01:13:17.232 Well, you know what? 01:13:17.272 --> 01:13:18.072 I would like you to fill. 01:13:18.552 --> 01:13:18.872 Okay. 01:13:19.253 --> 01:13:20.953 15 seconds. 01:13:21.473 --> 01:13:24.714 That's not what I mean. 01:13:24.794 --> 01:13:25.914 That's not how you fill. 01:13:26.775 --> 01:13:34.717 Put a wax on the tracks and slide on out of here, hatched in the corner, ears to the ground, improved to the groove, get down to the sound, buttons and bows and the blue-blonk rouge, all things lively must be used. 01:13:35.337 --> 01:13:35.637 R.E.M. 01:13:35.657 --> 01:13:38.739 with the signed winder sleeps tonight. 01:13:38.759 --> 01:13:49.544 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music reeling from the news that Oasis, the band of cavemen, are no longer to do their cavemen. 01:13:49.564 --> 01:14:03.650 I can't help feeling an empathic, massive sense of relief for Knoll and how wonderful it must be for him to be freed from what was obviously a terrible psychological burden of his demented younger brother. 01:14:03.670 --> 01:14:04.531 Yeah, don't you think? 01:14:05.171 --> 01:14:07.492 I mean... I feel a vicarious sense of relief. 01:14:07.532 --> 01:14:09.953 He must be just going, oh, thank God I did that. 01:14:10.773 --> 01:14:13.355 He must have wanted to do it for about 10 years, don't you think? 01:14:13.375 --> 01:14:13.455 Yeah. 01:14:13.815 --> 01:14:16.816 I mean, I know nothing about the actual details of the situation. 01:14:16.876 --> 01:14:24.599 It always seemed like pantomime, the relationship between the two of them, but I suppose the older you get and that's still going on, it must just wear thin on the nerves. 01:14:25.220 --> 01:14:27.321 His hair was getting quite silly, Liam. 01:14:27.681 --> 01:14:28.441 Oh, Liam, yeah. 01:14:28.681 --> 01:14:32.023 His hair was getting very glossy, like a sort of 60s young pretty lady. 01:14:33.823 --> 01:14:35.184 Bob, a very shiny Bob. 01:14:36.345 --> 01:14:41.588 Didn't seem like the kind of haircut he could walk down the streets where he grew up and not get lamped in the face for. 01:14:42.108 --> 01:14:43.048 No, I think you can. 01:14:43.108 --> 01:14:47.251 I mean, that level of vanity is sort of peacock behavior, isn't it? 01:14:47.351 --> 01:14:47.531 Yeah. 01:14:47.551 --> 01:14:51.113 It's perfectly acceptable in all kinds of communities, Jim. 01:14:53.114 --> 01:14:53.754 Sorry about that. 01:14:53.794 --> 01:14:57.296 Now, you had something in your locker. 01:14:57.356 --> 01:14:59.818 Yeah, I was just, I went on holiday to Spain. 01:15:00.638 --> 01:15:07.423 And me and my lady partner, we booked a couple of nights in a very posh spa hotel. 01:15:07.503 --> 01:15:12.707 We thought we'd go posh at the beginning and then go a bit cheaper for the main body of the holiday. 01:15:12.747 --> 01:15:13.368 That's strange. 01:15:13.408 --> 01:15:14.508 I would do it the other way around. 01:15:14.608 --> 01:15:18.131 Well, we ended up spending the whole holiday in the spa. 01:15:18.431 --> 01:15:24.316 Yeah, because you didn't like the other place Anyway, so when we first got there, we decided to book ourselves some treatment. 01:15:24.336 --> 01:15:25.637 Have you ever had that kind of thing? 01:15:25.677 --> 01:15:28.560 Yes, I have if you've been to a spa I had a treatment. 01:15:28.840 --> 01:15:30.041 Yes on my honeymoon. 01:15:30.101 --> 01:15:31.242 Have you had a massage? 01:15:31.402 --> 01:15:41.971 Yeah, and it was it really takes it out of you had an elaborate massage Me I like like, you know exotic orange aromas Oh, yeah Himalayas the whole thing. 01:15:42.031 --> 01:15:43.632 I mean it was everything but sensual 01:15:43.752 --> 01:15:44.412 you know what I'm saying? 01:16:04.878 --> 01:16:06.360 sexy free song. 01:16:06.420 --> 01:16:12.106 So that's the first thing that gets me anxious before the massage, which is supposed to be a very relaxing thing, that's the whole point. 01:16:12.266 --> 01:16:14.208 And it's not something you do very often, presumably? 01:16:14.228 --> 01:16:16.271 No, no, one does it as a special treat. 01:16:17.031 --> 01:16:23.699 So I thought I'm going to be so relaxed, this is when I finish this massage, I'm going to be more relaxed than any man has ever been. 01:16:23.939 --> 01:16:27.383 Was your lady partner having the massage at the same time in the same room? 01:16:27.403 --> 01:16:29.506 She had hers before, but in a different room, right? 01:16:29.646 --> 01:16:30.347 In the same room. 01:16:30.387 --> 01:16:31.428 In the same room, but you weren't there. 01:16:31.448 --> 01:16:32.330 There was only one massage. 01:16:32.370 --> 01:16:33.891 It's very boutique, this place, Adam. 01:16:34.372 --> 01:16:35.353 It's one massage room. 01:16:35.433 --> 01:16:36.955 It was cleaned between massages. 01:16:37.676 --> 01:16:39.098 Anyway, I thought after this massage I'm going to be so 01:16:39.418 --> 01:16:40.199 I'll be unable to walk. 01:16:41.059 --> 01:16:45.861 But weirdly, the massage made me very tense for the following reasons. 01:16:46.402 --> 01:16:53.785 Reason one was the erotic nature of the massage, and I knew I was going to expose my naked body to this woman. 01:16:53.905 --> 01:16:54.786 Oh, totally naked. 01:16:54.846 --> 01:17:00.489 Well, I wasn't naked, so I go into this little room, and the following sort of music is playing in the background. 01:17:00.529 --> 01:17:06.592 This isn't the real music, but I've attempted to recreate the sort of music in the massage room. 01:17:06.932 --> 01:17:07.852 Nice and new-agey. 01:17:08.012 --> 01:17:08.332 Thank you. 01:17:08.352 --> 01:17:10.853 Can you hear the, uh, Amazonian... Sure, the birds. 01:17:11.773 --> 01:17:12.753 Oh, there's chanting. 01:17:14.694 --> 01:17:16.314 Yeah, that was what was going on. 01:17:16.374 --> 01:17:17.254 Is that you chanting there? 01:17:17.334 --> 01:17:20.615 No, well, that is, that's me, but I'm just trying to capture the... I love music. 01:17:20.675 --> 01:17:22.475 I genuinely do. 01:17:23.416 --> 01:17:29.737 So I go into this room, this music's playing, this very lovely woman with black curly hair, all wearing sort of floppy black clothing. 01:17:30.117 --> 01:17:31.257 Uh, she's got limited English. 01:17:31.277 --> 01:17:32.178 She says, hello, sit. 01:17:32.898 --> 01:17:34.118 Uh, please take off clothes. 01:17:35.107 --> 01:17:37.950 I go, okay, so I take off my clothes modestly and she exits for that. 01:17:38.010 --> 01:17:38.791 Not hot clothes! 01:17:39.031 --> 01:17:41.774 But she leaves me a tiny, tiny plastic bag. 01:17:42.054 --> 01:17:42.134 Ah. 01:17:42.514 --> 01:17:44.696 Very small, what one might call a dime bag. 01:17:45.037 --> 01:17:45.257 Right. 01:17:45.537 --> 01:17:47.379 With some sort of article of clothing in it. 01:17:47.739 --> 01:17:49.841 So she leaves the room, I unwrap the article of clothing. 01:17:50.322 --> 01:17:52.283 And it's the smallest little paper thong. 01:17:53.024 --> 01:17:55.366 You've ever set your eyes upon a thong. 01:17:55.546 --> 01:18:07.274 So I slip on this tiny thong completely naked now with a little piece of string going between my butox and a tiny little bag for my bits and bobbins at the front. 01:18:07.854 --> 01:18:09.716 And I put this thing on and I feel very exposed. 01:18:09.736 --> 01:18:12.538 I think the woman can't come back into the room and see me like this. 01:18:13.058 --> 01:18:14.940 So I wrap a towel around myself. 01:18:15.140 --> 01:18:17.482 She comes back in, she says, take off the towel. 01:18:17.962 --> 01:18:23.306 I take off the towel, reveal my tiny little man packet that's not in a state of interest. 01:18:23.547 --> 01:18:25.508 You might have to loop the massage music chains. 01:18:26.189 --> 01:18:28.110 So I'm feeling a bit compromised because of that. 01:18:28.130 --> 01:18:29.111 She starts giggling. 01:18:29.872 --> 01:18:35.877 She's repressed to smile and I lay on the bed and my massage involved being covered in oils. 01:18:36.577 --> 01:18:41.379 and then rubbed with salt and then, yeah, it was like a chicken being prepared. 01:18:41.439 --> 01:18:41.779 Wow. 01:18:41.879 --> 01:18:44.060 And then she put some sort of herbal sauce on me. 01:18:44.080 --> 01:18:44.860 Coriander. 01:18:44.880 --> 01:18:46.941 And she was being very invasive. 01:18:47.241 --> 01:18:52.543 Well, not that, she'd been very un-invasive with the thumbs, but they did get very, very close to certain areas. 01:18:52.563 --> 01:18:53.363 To special places. 01:18:53.803 --> 01:18:57.164 And it was oily, so if she'd slipped that thumb would have gone right up. 01:18:57.704 --> 01:18:57.904 Yeah. 01:18:59.865 --> 01:19:01.807 I mean, it was within seconds of happening. 01:19:01.867 --> 01:19:02.427 Well, she's a professional. 01:19:02.447 --> 01:19:03.227 She's not going to let that happen. 01:19:03.247 --> 01:19:04.288 Has that sort of thing happened to you? 01:19:04.308 --> 01:19:05.489 Not on a regular basis. 01:19:05.509 --> 01:19:06.289 It's never, no. 01:19:06.630 --> 01:19:07.130 But it did. 01:19:07.170 --> 01:19:07.951 I mean, I know what you mean. 01:19:08.171 --> 01:19:10.392 The massage I had, I mean, it was extreme. 01:19:10.412 --> 01:19:12.634 It's an injury away from danger at all points. 01:19:12.674 --> 01:19:14.255 But listen, how did you feel afterwards? 01:19:15.475 --> 01:19:17.577 Well, let me just get to a moment in the middle. 01:19:17.597 --> 01:19:18.337 I was lying on this bed. 01:19:18.357 --> 01:19:23.280 I was lying on a sheet of plastic covered in oil and salt and herbs. 01:19:23.641 --> 01:19:28.864 And then she wraps me up in this plastic because that's part of the treatment. 01:19:28.924 --> 01:19:29.725 She props you in the oven. 01:19:29.805 --> 01:19:32.046 And she says, I leave for 10 minutes. 01:19:32.466 --> 01:19:33.427 You lie relax. 01:19:33.987 --> 01:19:34.508 So I left. 01:19:35.148 --> 01:19:40.091 She left the room and I was lying there wrapped in plastic covered in all these things, listening to the massage music. 01:19:41.032 --> 01:19:44.154 Who's fayed up the massage music for a bit to try and recreate that moment? 01:19:46.880 --> 01:19:49.903 And for about a minute I felt really relaxed. 01:19:50.223 --> 01:19:50.484 Yeah. 01:19:51.705 --> 01:19:53.427 But then I started to feel like an idiot. 01:19:54.207 --> 01:19:56.490 Like this was the stupidest thing to be doing. 01:19:56.930 --> 01:20:04.498 Lying wrapped in plastic in a tiny little room, completely on my own, listening to like insane... Good music, I like music. 01:20:04.538 --> 01:20:05.078 Good music. 01:20:05.158 --> 01:20:06.700 It's a good Amazonian chanting. 01:20:06.720 --> 01:20:07.160 Sure it is. 01:20:08.342 --> 01:20:09.083 That's the end of the story. 01:20:09.103 --> 01:20:17.009 She came back in, I unpeeled my plastic, I had a shower, washed it all off, and I sort of felt weirder and more tense than I did when I went in. 01:20:17.329 --> 01:20:26.336 Yeah, did you, did you, because the thing that can happen with a massage, like a really amazing massage, is that afterwards you feel totally drained, and it brings like a lot of toxins out of you. 01:20:26.356 --> 01:20:31.199 I don't know what exactly it does to you, but you feel much worse than you did before you went in, like for a day. 01:20:31.499 --> 01:20:33.161 Tell you the other things she did. 01:20:33.581 --> 01:20:35.903 She massaged my face, and I didn't know what 01:20:36.263 --> 01:20:37.704 expression to have on my face. 01:20:37.724 --> 01:20:38.304 Do you know what I mean? 01:20:38.324 --> 01:20:40.225 Because my eyes are closed and hers are open. 01:20:40.666 --> 01:20:42.707 I wanted her to think I was really relaxed. 01:20:43.227 --> 01:20:45.048 So I tried to look as relaxed as possible. 01:20:45.449 --> 01:20:48.711 Then she starts massaging my face in such a way that it opens my mouth. 01:20:51.892 --> 01:20:52.473 Like that! 01:20:52.873 --> 01:20:54.334 So I'm making silly little noises. 01:20:57.422 --> 01:20:57.642 What? 01:20:57.682 --> 01:20:58.863 He's massaging my face. 01:20:59.403 --> 01:21:04.287 Anyway, this whole very serious ritual to me was just like a comic assault course. 01:21:04.307 --> 01:21:09.410 That's the other thing that can happen is you can get the giggles after Garth was telling me about when he got a massage. 01:21:09.930 --> 01:21:12.912 He just started laughing hysterically and he couldn't stop. 01:21:12.972 --> 01:21:15.354 Like every single touch he was just howling with laughter. 01:21:16.054 --> 01:21:21.041 And they weren't able to administer the proper massage in the end because he was incapacitated by chuckles. 01:21:21.281 --> 01:21:23.463 It hurt me quite badly as well. 01:21:23.824 --> 01:21:25.566 Her thumbs were really causing me pain. 01:21:25.606 --> 01:21:27.568 I didn't want to say anything because I thought it would be unmanly. 01:21:28.850 --> 01:21:30.672 It was unmanly for you to go and get the massage in the first place. 01:21:30.692 --> 01:21:31.854 In the first place, wasn't it? 01:21:31.894 --> 01:21:32.174 Yeah, it was. 01:21:32.194 --> 01:21:33.796 It was expensive as well. 01:21:34.156 --> 01:21:34.497 I bet. 01:21:35.698 --> 01:21:38.780 That was nice, I was relaxing just hearing the story and hearing the music. 01:21:38.880 --> 01:21:41.921 Yeah, we might put my massage music up on the blog as well. 01:21:42.282 --> 01:21:48.425 And then if you want to do an erotic massage with your partner, you will have some inauthentic Amazonian rainforest chanting. 01:21:48.445 --> 01:21:48.985 Send us the video. 01:21:49.005 --> 01:21:51.827 Do you mind if I just do a little massage on you during this next song? 01:21:52.327 --> 01:21:52.827 Passion pit. 01:21:52.887 --> 01:21:53.628 Can you do the balls? 01:21:54.728 --> 01:21:55.229 of your feet. 01:21:55.469 --> 01:21:56.350 Yes, certainly. 01:21:56.550 --> 01:21:58.912 That was Passion Pit with Two Kingdom Come. 01:21:59.433 --> 01:22:10.404 Now, do you think Passion Pit is a kind of specific bit of medical terminology for a part of the body, or is it somewhere where you throw people in order that they might engage in roughly? 01:22:10.464 --> 01:22:11.605 I think it's the first thing. 01:22:11.885 --> 01:22:12.086 Right. 01:22:12.226 --> 01:22:14.328 I think it's the name of a part of the body. 01:22:14.428 --> 01:22:14.928 The armpit. 01:22:16.129 --> 01:22:19.813 Well, I don't know if it's the armpit, because the armpit's not a very sexy area, is it? 01:22:20.633 --> 01:22:22.395 Um, is it the nape of the neck? 01:22:23.135 --> 01:22:24.997 Mmm, that's not really a pit though, is it? 01:22:25.137 --> 01:22:27.379 I can't think of any other parts that it could possibly be. 01:22:28.237 --> 01:22:30.038 Salomon Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 01:22:30.298 --> 01:22:32.979 You've got a... Oh no, it's time to resolve Texanation, isn't it? 01:22:33.339 --> 01:22:40.241 It is, but first of all, we should steer your listeners towards the Adam and Joe blog at bbc.co.uk forward slash blogs. 01:22:40.602 --> 01:22:41.942 In fact, that's not a forward slash, is it? 01:22:41.962 --> 01:22:43.002 What did we say it was called? 01:22:43.603 --> 01:22:44.823 Oh, I've lost a piece of paper. 01:22:44.843 --> 01:22:46.204 We'll have to get Dave back on the phone. 01:22:47.124 --> 01:22:49.605 Yeah, forward slash blogs, forward slash Adam and Joe. 01:22:49.905 --> 01:22:52.226 And on there you will find Adam's Tom York interview. 01:22:53.186 --> 01:22:54.907 You might find Adam's song, maybe. 01:22:55.447 --> 01:23:13.328 where you find the song yeah yeah you might even find the massage music as well eventually so what's a good thing sorts of excitements there but now let's get on with resolving text the nation what if I don't want to but amusing email is that a problem 01:23:16.601 --> 01:23:25.250 Text the Nation this week, listeners, we're asking you about hideous accidents that have happened on your holiday and here's one from Tom Richards in London. 01:23:25.270 --> 01:23:25.991 Are you ready for this, Adam? 01:23:26.011 --> 01:23:26.331 Yeah, go on. 01:23:27.152 --> 01:23:28.874 In my gap year I was in Corfu. 01:23:29.334 --> 01:23:37.222 I ran up to dive into a pool, slipped on the edge, caught my toe in the grate and ripped it nearly clean off before I dived in. 01:23:38.303 --> 01:23:46.286 I got taken to the local hospital and the doctor, who was also smoking in the operating room, they love it, stitched up my toe, but managed to sew it back on sideways. 01:23:46.446 --> 01:23:47.086 Shut up. 01:23:47.366 --> 01:23:53.549 So now, it's like working with Danny Dyer, so now I have a sideways little toe on my right foot. 01:23:53.709 --> 01:23:54.609 Shut it, you nan. 01:23:55.369 --> 01:23:59.213 It affected my balance for a little while, but now it just looks hilarious. 01:23:59.593 --> 01:24:03.116 That's a very philosophical view Tom is taking of his disfigurement. 01:24:03.596 --> 01:24:04.177 He really is. 01:24:04.197 --> 01:24:05.418 I'd like to see a picture of that. 01:24:05.478 --> 01:24:07.299 Can we see a picture of the toe, please, Tom? 01:24:07.540 --> 01:24:10.162 I thought, because at one stage I thought maybe he was talking about the toe nail. 01:24:10.262 --> 01:24:13.244 He actually ripped the toe off before jumping into the pool. 01:24:13.265 --> 01:24:15.807 He's saying he's got a lateral toe, a sideways toe. 01:24:16.147 --> 01:24:17.228 Sideways toe. 01:24:17.288 --> 01:24:18.629 Which is pretty exciting. 01:24:18.649 --> 01:24:19.750 What possible good would that be? 01:24:19.770 --> 01:24:26.832 That's the kind of thing that a rockstar needs, you know, like Bowie's odd eyes or, you know, the best of rockstars are actually so talented they're slightly physically odd. 01:24:27.012 --> 01:24:27.492 That's right. 01:24:27.572 --> 01:24:29.372 Look at my sideways toe. 01:24:30.312 --> 01:24:33.013 So Tom Richards, you should have a career there in something or other. 01:24:33.893 --> 01:24:35.134 It's nice to be there, isn't it? 01:24:35.274 --> 01:24:36.154 That is really nice. 01:24:36.714 --> 01:24:37.794 Here's one from Arnold. 01:24:38.814 --> 01:24:39.835 Sup, Adam and Joe. 01:24:40.275 --> 01:24:44.796 My holiday disaster, I was 13 playing golf with my granddad who was 80 something in Portugal. 01:24:45.316 --> 01:24:46.777 He let me drive the golf buggy. 01:24:46.857 --> 01:24:51.841 Technically I wasn't allowed to, but I kept pestering him and he finally gave in and let me drive it. 01:24:51.961 --> 01:24:52.501 Irresponsible. 01:24:52.741 --> 01:25:04.890 The course was very hilly, hence the need for a buggy, and I hadn't even got ten metres when all of a sudden I managed to curb the buggy and the whole thing rolled over, throwing my grandad out and trapping him. 01:25:04.950 --> 01:25:06.251 He rolled the golf buggy. 01:25:06.411 --> 01:25:07.451 He was flipping out. 01:25:07.832 --> 01:25:09.473 I'd broken my grandad's leg. 01:25:09.533 --> 01:25:10.934 I couldn't lift the buggy off him. 01:25:11.194 --> 01:25:13.676 He was trapped for about half an hour before help came. 01:25:14.036 --> 01:25:15.377 I was in so much trouble. 01:25:15.397 --> 01:25:16.837 Holy goodness. 01:25:17.097 --> 01:25:18.578 He died in February this year. 01:25:19.018 --> 01:25:20.039 Totally unrelated. 01:25:20.099 --> 01:25:20.939 I was going to say. 01:25:20.979 --> 01:25:21.479 Sort of. 01:25:21.979 --> 01:25:24.820 His leg was never the same since the accident ten years ago. 01:25:24.841 --> 01:25:25.441 Why did you read that out? 01:25:25.461 --> 01:25:27.462 That's one of the most tragic stories I've ever heard. 01:25:27.482 --> 01:25:28.382 Because Arnold wrote it. 01:25:28.662 --> 01:25:29.683 I'm crying, not laughing. 01:25:30.023 --> 01:25:30.883 Best Arnold. 01:25:31.283 --> 01:25:32.484 He rolled a golf ball. 01:25:32.684 --> 01:25:32.784 P.S. 01:25:32.944 --> 01:25:34.625 I so badly went to Steve and T-shirt. 01:25:34.685 --> 01:25:35.605 Where can I get one? 01:25:35.705 --> 01:25:37.966 The fan site has them, but I prefer the ones you had for Glasto. 01:25:39.974 --> 01:25:41.255 That's all it's about, mainly. 01:25:41.435 --> 01:25:42.897 It's getting a Steven t-shirt. 01:25:43.357 --> 01:25:45.399 He crushed his granddad with a golf buggy. 01:25:45.619 --> 01:25:46.900 He killed his granddad. 01:25:46.960 --> 01:25:48.681 More or less he killed him, you know. 01:25:48.701 --> 01:25:51.784 I mean, that's more extreme than I was expecting for this text nation. 01:25:51.844 --> 01:25:53.646 Well, it's a new bog-ins. 01:25:53.706 --> 01:25:56.068 It's the focus group says that text nation has to climax. 01:25:56.388 --> 01:26:00.391 Text nation has to reach an amazing climax now. 01:26:00.452 --> 01:26:01.212 We have to pace it. 01:26:01.633 --> 01:26:03.774 Well, death is always going to be the ultimate climax, isn't it? 01:26:03.794 --> 01:26:04.015 Exactly. 01:26:04.435 --> 01:26:04.875 Job done. 01:26:04.955 --> 01:26:06.557 You've got a bit of a free play for you right now. 01:26:06.937 --> 01:26:08.719 Yeah, this is Ika Mouse. 01:26:08.819 --> 01:26:09.980 This is called Wonderful World. 01:26:10.120 --> 01:26:10.981 That's Ika Mouse from 1985. 01:26:11.081 --> 01:26:14.383 Now, what's that album called? 01:26:14.403 --> 01:26:15.685 Assassinator, The Assassins? 01:26:15.705 --> 01:26:16.926 I think it's called Assassinator. 01:26:16.946 --> 01:26:18.767 Very nice. 01:26:18.847 --> 01:26:19.888 What a wonderful sound. 01:26:19.908 --> 01:26:20.509 Very much. 01:26:20.729 --> 01:26:21.950 An absolutely wonderful sound. 01:26:22.130 --> 01:26:23.270 Thanks for listening, everybody. 01:26:23.390 --> 01:26:25.271 It's time to hand over to David Quantick. 01:26:25.491 --> 01:26:27.652 Dave, David, what is he like to be called? 01:26:28.172 --> 01:26:28.592 The D-man. 01:26:29.012 --> 01:26:29.452 The D-man. 01:26:29.492 --> 01:26:32.914 He's taking over standing in for Liz Kershaw in a few minutes. 01:26:33.534 --> 01:26:34.354 We'll be back next week. 01:26:34.374 --> 01:26:42.617 Don't forget you can find a podcast of the edited highlights of this show on the BBC Six Music website or iTunes or usual podcast type sources. 01:26:43.097 --> 01:26:43.877 Absolutely. 01:26:44.077 --> 01:26:48.359 If you are going to be in Reading tomorrow afternoon, come along to my show. 01:26:48.379 --> 01:26:51.640 I think it's at 10 to 3 on the alternative stage. 01:26:52.200 --> 01:26:54.982 If you're in South London tomorrow, come along to my house. 01:26:56.163 --> 01:26:57.484 It'll be lovely to see you there. 01:26:57.504 --> 01:27:00.305 I'll be watching Telly, and you come sit down and watch some Telly. 01:27:00.405 --> 01:27:01.726 Have a little sensual massage. 01:27:01.746 --> 01:27:02.027 Yeah. 01:27:02.047 --> 01:27:02.667 That'd be nice. 01:27:02.787 --> 01:27:04.248 And don't forget to check out the blog. 01:27:04.368 --> 01:27:06.950 We'll be back next week, 9 till noon here on BBC Six Music. 01:27:06.990 --> 01:27:08.050 Until then, have a great week. 01:27:08.190 --> 01:27:08.391 Love you. 01:27:08.411 --> 01:27:08.811 Bye. 01:27:09.051 --> 01:27:09.211 Bye.