WEBVTT 00:03.793 --> 00:06.035 This is a free download from the BBC. 00:06.175 --> 00:09.738 Find out more on thebbc.co.uk slash Six Music. 00:10.535 --> 00:12.236 And now Adam and Joe. 00:12.796 --> 00:13.816 Hello this is Adam. 00:14.096 --> 00:20.118 Joe is away in Los Angeles this week so obviously there's no podcast even though Danny Wallace was filling in for us on the radio show. 00:20.379 --> 00:21.559 Thanks very much indeed Danny. 00:22.259 --> 00:31.563 Me and Joe will be back with you live next week but I thought by way of a kind of apology for there being no podcast I'd give Joe a little call and find out how he's getting on. 00:31.823 --> 00:35.144 Now because of the time difference there never seems to be the right moment to do this. 00:35.604 --> 00:40.808 So instead what I've done is recorded half of a phone conversation over some funky music. 00:41.148 --> 00:44.851 Well to be specific I've wrapped my half of the phone conversation. 00:44.871 --> 00:57.179 I'm going to email it to Joe and he's going to fill in the gaps and then he's going to email that to our producer Ben and by the wonders of modern technology you will now be able to hear our completed very short funky phone conversation. 00:57.899 --> 00:58.300 Here it is. 00:59.011 --> 01:01.011 Hey Joe, it's Ed, how you doing man? 01:01.251 --> 01:02.952 How's it going out there in LA? 01:04.332 --> 01:08.713 Hi there Ed, I'm doing fine thanks man, it's a beautiful hot sunny day, what's going on there? 01:08.753 --> 01:17.875 Things over here are pretty boring, I've mainly been watching TV, but today I went to the loo and I did an interview for a Spinal Tap documentary, how about you? 01:18.255 --> 01:20.255 Wow, that's weird, what a coincidence! 01:20.616 --> 01:22.256 I went to the loo today too! 01:22.676 --> 01:27.177 In fact I went to the loo twice, it was really nice, I done number ones and a number two! 01:27.797 --> 01:32.062 Hey, I tried to buy a shirt the other day, but all I could find were like cheques. 01:32.783 --> 01:36.747 Everybody's dressing like lumberjacks with those ludicrous drainpipe cheques. 01:36.888 --> 01:41.152 Right, look, that's cool and really interesting, but I think I've really got to go. 01:42.674 --> 01:46.717 The additional calls are expensive, you're a bit boring and I've got a lot of stuff to do. 01:46.837 --> 01:49.159 Well, listen anyway, I better go now, man. 01:49.440 --> 01:51.081 I'll see you for the show next week. 01:51.241 --> 01:56.045 Yeah, alright, I'll see you next Saturday for more stupid chit-chatting music and giggles and cheek. 01:56.405 --> 01:57.366 Okay, bye. 01:57.606 --> 01:58.007 Bye! 01:58.747 --> 02:03.891 If you enjoyed the Adam and Jo podcast, then why not try the John Richardson podcast? 02:04.152 --> 02:05.252 Download it now. 02:05.733 --> 02:07.254 bbc.co.uk slash six music.