WEBVTT 00:15.472 --> 00:22.799 That was Mykonos by the Fleet Foxes and is that actually about the Greek resort? 00:23.220 --> 00:23.540 I don't know. 00:23.580 --> 00:28.825 It's one of those records where the sound is so melodious and pleasing I've never actually focused on the lyrics. 00:29.186 --> 00:29.426 Right. 00:29.886 --> 00:33.070 I don't think I've focused properly on any Fleet Foxes lyrics. 00:33.735 --> 00:34.935 No, I'm going to do that with a band. 00:35.136 --> 00:36.876 I'm not a big lyric focuser anyway. 00:36.996 --> 00:37.256 Really? 00:37.316 --> 00:38.057 I'm not really fast. 00:38.117 --> 00:39.257 I don't know what they're on about. 00:39.297 --> 00:42.418 They could be, I don't know, singing about anything. 00:42.678 --> 00:42.858 Yeah. 00:43.699 --> 00:44.099 Anything. 00:44.619 --> 00:46.300 They could be just singing about anything. 00:46.420 --> 00:47.120 Boy George. 00:47.360 --> 00:47.860 Exactly. 00:47.980 --> 00:50.461 And his bed bondage bonanza. 00:50.621 --> 00:51.502 Oh my goodness. 00:52.122 --> 00:52.762 That's disgusting. 00:52.782 --> 00:54.143 We shouldn't be playing records like that. 00:54.283 --> 00:55.503 No, take it off the playlist. 00:55.763 --> 00:56.704 Yeah, it's a disgrace. 00:57.004 --> 00:58.164 Hey, this is Adam Buxton. 00:58.464 --> 00:59.544 And my name's Joe Cornish. 00:59.604 --> 01:05.726 Welcome to our radio show here on BBC 6 Music on a miserable, stormy Saturday morning. 01:05.766 --> 01:07.327 It is in Londonium anyway. 01:07.487 --> 01:08.727 It's clearing up a little bit though, isn't it? 01:08.787 --> 01:09.007 Is it? 01:09.228 --> 01:09.728 I hope so. 01:10.048 --> 01:11.648 I'm really, um, damp. 01:11.708 --> 01:12.769 I cycled in this morning. 01:13.389 --> 01:16.710 And I'm absolutely soaked and covered in little bits of mud and scume. 01:17.230 --> 01:17.810 Oh, careful. 01:18.010 --> 01:18.511 From the road. 01:18.551 --> 01:19.511 Boy, George will get excited. 01:20.131 --> 01:24.455 That's not fair old poor old boy George, he's going off to pre-prize on. 01:24.736 --> 01:25.056 Why not? 01:25.116 --> 01:27.198 Have you seen the bloke who he got? 01:27.278 --> 01:31.042 No, at least I don't know anything about the case so I shouldn't go into it in too much detail. 01:31.082 --> 01:31.983 He's easily excited. 01:32.223 --> 01:34.445 All I know is that he stopped painting his wattle. 01:35.211 --> 01:35.551 I know. 01:36.712 --> 01:40.293 He realizes that people rumbled his brilliant scheme of painting his neck black. 01:41.074 --> 01:42.634 To give himself a jawline. 01:42.674 --> 01:44.435 People realized it wasn't a real shadow. 01:44.455 --> 01:45.215 I know. 01:45.275 --> 01:46.076 It's a shame, isn't it? 01:46.096 --> 01:47.076 It is a shame. 01:48.497 --> 01:51.438 So listen, folks, we've got an exciting and packed show for you coming up. 01:51.738 --> 01:54.620 Within the next hour, we'll be resolving song wars. 01:55.040 --> 01:56.941 I think, sorry to interrupt you, but I go ahead. 01:57.181 --> 02:00.342 I believe we've had the highest number of votes of all time. 02:00.462 --> 02:01.823 Is that correct, Charlotte Guzhan? 02:02.543 --> 02:06.525 Charlotte Guzan is our sexy votes compiler. 02:06.565 --> 02:11.627 She gets upset because her surname is pronounced Guzan, but Jo insists on... I like to call it Guzan. 02:13.628 --> 02:14.829 I like to call it Guzan. 02:14.889 --> 02:16.190 I like to call her Guzan. 02:18.191 --> 02:19.531 Come on, give her the dignity of her. 02:19.571 --> 02:27.155 So we've had a lot of votes for the Australian Song Wars, and we will be telling you who won within the next hour. 02:27.575 --> 02:30.076 Also, of course, we've got Text the Nation and lots of great music. 02:30.476 --> 02:31.177 Like this track, 02:32.037 --> 02:33.299 from the Fuji's. 02:33.339 --> 02:33.559 Oh yeah. 02:33.679 --> 02:34.961 This is No Woman, No Cry. 02:35.101 --> 02:35.602 One time. 02:35.922 --> 02:39.106 He's holding himself back from the one times there, isn't he, Wyclef? 02:39.267 --> 02:39.767 Thankfully. 02:40.508 --> 02:45.254 That was the Fuji's with No Woman, No Cry, Adam and Jo here on BBC Six Music. 02:45.715 --> 02:48.699 And how did you enjoy our holiday in Wales together, Adam? 02:50.121 --> 02:51.662 Which one was that? 02:51.722 --> 02:53.985 It's an email from Patrick in Ledbury. 02:54.045 --> 02:54.325 He says... 03:05.576 --> 03:08.059 and thought it would be comforting to listen to my collection of your podcasts. 03:08.099 --> 03:16.447 I found it very difficult to sleep and after listening to your podcasts for hours on end I found myself in a strange, half-sleep world in which the three of us, which the three of us were inhabiting. 03:16.908 --> 03:26.017 We went fishing on the river, shared a bunk bed, climbed mountains, enjoyed a few pints of ale and generally had the perfect Welsh holiday, one which I was missing from being ill. 03:26.617 --> 03:27.318 Oh, isn't that nice? 03:27.358 --> 03:28.118 That's very nice. 03:28.458 --> 03:30.279 We've been on holiday with Patrick in Wales. 03:30.659 --> 03:31.800 Oh, let's do it again Patrick. 03:31.840 --> 03:32.420 I'd love to. 03:32.581 --> 03:33.141 Had a great time. 03:33.181 --> 03:33.961 The weather was good. 03:34.542 --> 03:35.602 I don't like ale though. 03:35.782 --> 03:38.984 Next time can I just have... Well, you were drinking a lot of it considering you don't like it. 03:39.124 --> 03:40.325 Listen, I was out of control. 03:40.925 --> 03:41.425 I snogged. 03:41.466 --> 03:42.586 I tried to snog Patrick. 03:42.786 --> 03:43.106 Did you? 03:43.227 --> 03:50.250 That's why I don't drink ale too much, you know, because it makes me try and kiss men and I don't, I don't want... 03:51.411 --> 03:52.191 the way you said that. 03:52.832 --> 03:54.592 Sounds as if you did a lot of kissing men. 03:54.633 --> 03:55.693 Well, that's what I'm saying. 03:55.713 --> 03:58.194 I'm trying to hold back on the whole thing, you know? 03:59.074 --> 04:04.077 So have you ever had this problem, Joe, with newfangled Roland deodorant? 04:04.297 --> 04:07.798 Do you use... Is that a new brand of Roland? 04:08.019 --> 04:12.881 Well, you know, it's a type of... Yes, it is a new brand because it's... Newfangled. 04:13.101 --> 04:17.323 It's... I mean, well, to begin with, you're familiar with Roland deodorant, right? 04:17.363 --> 04:17.563 Yes. 04:18.423 --> 04:27.326 It's got a ball and it dispenses the liquid deodorizing fluid by... It's like a giant biro. 04:27.646 --> 04:28.106 Exactly. 04:28.466 --> 04:29.906 And you stick it under your arms there. 04:30.366 --> 04:31.027 Under your arms? 04:31.407 --> 04:32.247 Yeah. 04:32.567 --> 04:35.868 Anyway, you can stick it almost anywhere and it deodorizes. 04:35.908 --> 04:36.728 Sorry, I didn't realize. 04:36.768 --> 04:37.909 Deodorizes that area. 04:38.149 --> 04:38.809 Yeah, it's amazing. 04:39.089 --> 04:41.510 You should really try it. 04:41.950 --> 04:46.131 But the only problem with the Roland deodorant, and I favor the Roland because it's better for the planet, 04:46.852 --> 04:50.656 But is that it gets a bit crusty, right? 04:50.776 --> 04:57.645 You can get crusty deposits if you haven't used it for a day or two or whatever on the top of the ball there. 04:57.925 --> 04:59.608 Are you upset by the terminology? 04:59.628 --> 05:01.770 The terminology is getting revolting. 05:04.093 --> 05:15.260 So the manufacturers of a certain brand of deodorant have tried to deal with this problem by upending the whole container and selling upside down Roland deodorant. 05:15.321 --> 05:20.404 So what they've done is they've flattened the cap of the deodorant and they sell it already upside down. 05:20.424 --> 05:22.685 And they've printed the text on it the wrong way up. 05:22.745 --> 05:23.286 Yeah, exactly. 05:23.946 --> 05:28.227 So, essentially what you've got, it's like the upside-down ketchup bottles that you can get. 05:28.247 --> 05:34.568 You know, in the olden days you would get right way up ketchup, now you can get upside-down ketchup that's always ready to dispense, you know. 05:35.108 --> 05:38.669 And so the same logic has been applied to the roll-on deodorant. 05:38.909 --> 05:42.050 But the problem is now, they've solved the crusting problem, right? 05:42.070 --> 05:48.951 There's no crusting, which is nice, so you don't have to kind of start spinning the ball manually in order to get the juices flowing. 05:50.232 --> 05:50.932 Oh my god. 05:51.533 --> 06:02.181 But the only problem is now that sometimes you just get like a whole load of gloopy fluid that's collected in the cap when you open it in the mornings, right? 06:02.422 --> 06:03.002 I'm gonna be sick. 06:03.502 --> 06:11.409 So you get a whole kind of plume of gloopy goop that goes all over your body in the mornings. 06:12.950 --> 06:14.291 I just wanted to share that with you. 06:14.311 --> 06:16.512 I was really hoping that... So, sorry, what's the punchline? 06:16.652 --> 06:17.372 Oh, don't start. 06:17.392 --> 06:17.973 No, I'm not. 06:18.033 --> 06:19.273 I just need to make it clear. 06:19.374 --> 06:21.174 You get a whole lot of gloopy gunk. 06:21.735 --> 06:27.198 Yeah, and you get covered in goop like... It's like the spittle from the alien queen in Alien. 06:27.218 --> 06:29.839 Right, because they've changed the consistency of the substance. 06:29.899 --> 06:34.201 No, they've upended the container to solve the problem of crusting. 06:35.683 --> 06:39.286 I was hoping that when I was going to tell the story, you would go, yay! 06:39.466 --> 06:40.467 That's right, man. 06:40.647 --> 06:41.587 I get that, too. 06:41.607 --> 06:41.908 The gloop. 06:41.928 --> 06:44.429 Yeah, I'm so glad somebody's finally exposed the gloop. 06:44.449 --> 06:44.590 Exactly. 06:44.910 --> 06:45.550 That's right. 06:45.730 --> 06:46.231 Oh, brilliant. 06:46.251 --> 06:48.192 And said you'd go, what's the punchline to this? 06:49.353 --> 06:50.594 In a very unhelpful way. 06:50.794 --> 06:51.294 I'm sorry. 06:51.334 --> 06:53.136 It's a confusing story. 06:53.176 --> 06:54.116 It's early in the show. 06:54.217 --> 06:55.958 You wait when you start using deodorant. 06:56.338 --> 06:59.901 The images you painted in my head were not to do with deodorant. 07:00.441 --> 07:02.962 because of the words crusting and ball and residue. 07:03.022 --> 07:03.142 Yeah. 07:03.582 --> 07:03.802 All right. 07:03.882 --> 07:05.522 And our conversation about Boy George. 07:05.822 --> 07:07.082 Let's have a free play right now. 07:07.102 --> 07:10.243 The images are all merging in a filthy confusing way. 07:10.263 --> 07:11.423 It's your brain problem. 07:11.463 --> 07:12.063 Not fully awake. 07:12.343 --> 07:13.544 All right. 07:13.644 --> 07:14.524 Okay, here's a free choice. 07:14.724 --> 07:17.464 Now, this is the first... I've themed my free choices this week, Joe. 07:18.085 --> 07:24.386 Not very much, but they all feature a bit of studio chatter at the beginning of the track by way of an introduction. 07:24.406 --> 07:26.146 I'm a big fan of studio chatter. 07:26.506 --> 07:29.527 And I was actually trying to compile my favorite bits of studio chatter 07:30.708 --> 07:35.216 in order to play on the show, but most of it involved swearing, so it proved difficult. 07:35.256 --> 07:40.584 Instead, I just picked my three favourite tracks that are introduced by Studio Chatter. 07:40.624 --> 07:43.028 Here's Andy Warhol by David Bowie to begin. 07:45.037 --> 07:45.838 Wait a second. 07:46.298 --> 07:47.519 Hey, there's no studio. 07:47.579 --> 07:48.980 Not only is there no studio chatter. 07:49.040 --> 07:50.201 Which version of this is it? 07:50.281 --> 07:51.402 It's a different version. 07:51.422 --> 07:53.183 Okay, can you play it from my CD then, Ben? 07:53.564 --> 07:58.948 I'm going to play the version from Honky Dory, which starts off with a great bit of... ...Tinkard with Studio Chatter. 07:59.308 --> 08:02.430 And it is TRAAAAACK. 08:02.711 --> 08:03.591 Go Phil, Phil, Phil. 08:04.172 --> 08:05.313 Ah, yeah, he's a burry. 08:05.493 --> 08:06.113 He's brilliant. 08:06.333 --> 08:07.094 He's the goblin. 08:07.114 --> 08:07.634 Pixie King. 08:08.475 --> 08:08.935 Mmm... Track 10. 08:09.856 --> 08:10.356 Here we go. 08:10.376 --> 08:14.460 This is Andy Warhol, and it begins with the end of the previous track, which is... What is the end? 08:17.022 --> 08:17.723 What was that track? 08:19.104 --> 08:20.826 Uh... Joe, you know the album. 08:20.846 --> 08:21.467 Sorry, Dory. 08:21.967 --> 08:23.569 I just had a little nap. 08:24.710 --> 08:29.715 We were discussing that before. 08:29.755 --> 08:30.696 Anyway, let's play the track. 08:30.736 --> 08:32.218 Here's Andy Warhol. 08:32.278 --> 08:33.139 Hey, that was excellent. 08:33.299 --> 08:36.662 Dirty Projectors featuring David Byrne, it says here. 08:37.623 --> 09:03.513 uh... with knotty pine that's out on february the sixteenth single is taken from the forthcoming album dark was the night which is a compilation album being released for the aids charity the red hot organization and uh... that was really good i enjoyed that very much now this is uh... if you were listening last week you might remember that a listener called ollie uh... emailed us and asked whether he could come into the studio uh... on the grounds that he wasn't gonna speak 09:04.193 --> 09:08.056 He was going to just sit silently in the corner and absorb the magic, I think were his words. 09:08.076 --> 09:10.658 Yeah, whoosh, was his next word. 09:10.778 --> 09:13.219 But unfortunately, Ollie is ill. 09:13.760 --> 09:20.745 He's emailed us to say, hello, I'm afraid that I won't be able to come into the studio on Saturday, as I'm bedridden with the flu. 09:21.185 --> 09:25.588 I'd just like to thank you for the opportunity to join you in the studio, and I'm quite annoyed at my immune system. 09:25.928 --> 09:28.490 I'm sorry for any trouble that this may have caused. 09:28.650 --> 09:29.631 Ollie the Wally. 09:30.211 --> 09:30.891 Hey! 09:31.911 --> 09:33.092 Poor Ollie! 09:33.112 --> 09:34.772 You're not a Wally if you get a cold! 09:35.272 --> 09:36.392 What a cute Wally! 09:36.672 --> 09:38.633 Did anyone tell you to wrap up? 09:38.653 --> 09:42.874 But listen, before you're too rude to Wally, Ollie... No, I'm doing it now. 09:43.234 --> 09:47.935 He's on the phone, but listeners, we're not going to let him actually speak. 09:48.235 --> 09:53.656 So he's going to communicate by scratching or tapping the receiver of his phone. 09:53.776 --> 09:54.476 Ollie, are you there? 09:57.046 --> 09:58.629 Oh, I'm not sure that's the phone. 09:58.669 --> 10:01.314 I think that's some kind of... Could it be a lampshade? 10:01.534 --> 10:02.756 Is it a lampshade, Ollie? 10:03.097 --> 10:04.659 Two... Two... Yeah. 10:04.679 --> 10:05.601 Ooh, it's a bell. 10:05.701 --> 10:07.244 It's a big vase or something. 10:07.264 --> 10:08.706 Was that a yes or a no, though? 10:09.187 --> 10:10.730 One for yes, two for no, Ollie. 10:12.620 --> 10:14.881 Yes, it is. 10:15.261 --> 10:17.061 So listen, Ollie, here's a question. 10:17.181 --> 10:21.662 And remember, if Ollie speaks or says anything, we're going to cut him off immediately. 10:21.722 --> 10:21.982 Right. 10:22.582 --> 10:28.643 Ollie, are you genuinely ill or are you pretending to be ill because you couldn't be bothered to come to the show? 10:28.743 --> 10:30.064 One for no, two for yes. 10:30.704 --> 10:31.504 You've swapped it round. 10:31.544 --> 10:33.224 It was one for yes, two for no before. 10:33.244 --> 10:33.525 Was it? 10:33.685 --> 10:34.145 That's fine. 10:34.185 --> 10:35.745 Let's confuse Ollie, keep it on his toes. 10:35.765 --> 10:36.365 So what is it? 10:36.785 --> 10:38.266 One for no, two for yes now. 10:39.066 --> 10:40.326 So are you genuinely ill? 10:42.119 --> 10:42.541 What was that? 10:42.561 --> 10:43.083 Do it again! 10:44.889 --> 10:46.535 That's a yes, he is genuinely ill. 10:49.150 --> 10:51.191 I think it's a good idea, it's working well. 10:51.631 --> 10:55.013 We have to think of another question now. 10:55.434 --> 10:56.134 He made a noise. 10:57.135 --> 10:58.515 He laughed. 10:58.675 --> 10:59.656 Oh, for goodness sake. 10:59.676 --> 11:00.757 He made a noise. 11:00.937 --> 11:05.019 Ollie, will you be able to come in next week, do you think? 11:05.319 --> 11:06.760 Or are you seriously ill? 11:06.780 --> 11:07.581 We're not here next week. 11:07.701 --> 11:08.181 Are we not? 11:08.301 --> 11:10.162 No, we've got a free record next week. 11:10.222 --> 11:10.682 I forgot. 11:11.043 --> 11:13.264 Will you be able to come in three weeks hence? 11:15.520 --> 11:16.162 That's a yes. 11:16.182 --> 11:17.165 That's a yes. 11:17.185 --> 11:18.769 Okay, well we can look forward to seeing you then. 11:19.130 --> 11:23.483 And Ollie, is the nature of your illness fairly mild, would you say? 11:27.092 --> 11:33.154 No, he's seriously ill, but he's going to be able to come in in three weeks' time. 11:33.534 --> 11:35.434 Ollie, we're really excited about seeing you. 11:36.474 --> 11:39.315 What party do you support politically? 11:42.556 --> 11:42.976 What was that? 11:43.316 --> 11:44.236 I think that was a yes. 11:45.437 --> 11:48.437 Is it true that you are... Labour, I think it was. 11:48.477 --> 11:49.117 Is that Labour? 11:49.137 --> 11:49.578 Yeah. 11:49.718 --> 11:50.058 Labour. 11:50.418 --> 11:55.119 Is it true that you are one of Britain's most successful uncaught bank robbers? 11:57.679 --> 11:58.260 No, that's not true. 11:58.320 --> 11:59.161 No, that's not true. 11:59.541 --> 12:00.302 I'm trying to trick him out. 12:00.362 --> 12:01.263 I'm trying to make him speak. 12:01.583 --> 12:02.524 How can we make him speak? 12:03.465 --> 12:04.426 Trick him into speaking. 12:05.927 --> 12:07.889 Do you just say something so provocative? 12:07.929 --> 12:09.291 Do a lot of people call you Wally the Wally? 12:12.492 --> 12:12.692 No. 12:13.112 --> 12:14.814 Listen, Oli, you've done very well. 12:14.934 --> 12:16.174 I don't think we can make you speak. 12:16.635 --> 12:17.275 We're incapable. 12:18.095 --> 12:19.897 Thanks for tapping to us. 12:20.817 --> 12:22.258 And hopefully we'll see you in a few weeks. 12:22.298 --> 12:23.159 Get well very soon. 12:23.399 --> 12:24.479 Yeah, take care of yourself. 12:26.861 --> 12:27.701 A little happy tapping. 12:27.721 --> 12:28.462 That was thanks. 12:29.142 --> 12:29.783 Thanks, Oli. 12:29.863 --> 12:30.303 Bye. 12:30.563 --> 12:31.804 Cheers, Ollie. 12:33.025 --> 12:34.666 Well, luckily we were going to cut him off anyway. 12:34.686 --> 12:37.348 Well, we'll be with him in three weeks. 12:37.368 --> 12:38.889 That's exciting to find out. 12:40.090 --> 12:44.953 Lots of listeners were quite jealous of Ollie's opportunity to come into the show for some reason. 12:45.614 --> 12:48.436 They were angry that we'd let him and not them come in. 12:48.916 --> 12:51.578 So now they might be upset that Ollie has not turned up. 12:52.038 --> 12:54.000 We let him slip by pretty easily as well. 12:54.400 --> 12:56.041 Well, we punished him in a way, you know. 12:56.081 --> 12:56.842 We woke him up and 12:57.282 --> 12:58.943 Made him pay attention this early in the morning. 12:59.443 --> 13:00.184 Yes, exactly. 13:00.504 --> 13:04.326 Well, we'll look forward to seeing you in about three weeks' time, Ollie. 13:04.446 --> 13:06.907 Now, this is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 13:07.307 --> 13:14.271 Stay tuned, listeners, because there's still another two and a half hours of amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing day to your fun. 13:14.391 --> 13:18.313 And in a second, there's going to be the results of Song Wars right after the news. 13:18.433 --> 13:20.694 I did a video for my Song Wars. 13:20.834 --> 13:22.235 So I saw someone's emailed in. 13:22.475 --> 13:22.815 Yeah. 13:23.115 --> 13:25.817 I wonder, let's check how it's doing, because I only uploaded it last night. 13:25.857 --> 13:28.539 It's my first widescreen YouTube video. 13:28.559 --> 13:28.679 No. 13:28.719 --> 13:29.019 Wow. 13:29.139 --> 13:31.901 You know, there'll probably be something about it on the news. 13:32.221 --> 13:32.822 Yeah, here it is. 13:32.842 --> 13:35.944 That's the Pet Shop Boys with It's All Right. 13:36.304 --> 13:43.288 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music, and now... It's time for song wars. 13:43.809 --> 13:45.230 The war of the songs. 13:57.966 --> 14:12.611 So last week, listeners, the theme of Song Wars was Baz Luhrmann's extraordinary epic new film Australia starring Hugh Jackman and Nipples Kidman, which we recommend that you rush out to see if you've got almost nothing, almost nothing else to do. 14:12.731 --> 14:13.571 You'll need a whole day. 14:13.931 --> 14:14.211 Yeah. 14:14.531 --> 14:17.313 You'll need a whole day to get to the cinema, to book your tickets. 14:17.333 --> 14:21.256 The morning to get there, the most of the afternoon to watch it, and then the evening to get over it. 14:21.296 --> 14:27.501 Yeah, you need to prepare a lunch or a meal that you'll have during the performance that you'll take with you to the cinema. 14:27.981 --> 14:37.568 You need warm clothing, some bedding, and a comfy seat of some kind to sit in if the cinema you're going to is not going to provide that. 14:38.510 --> 14:41.074 So yeah, let's find out who won, shall we? 14:41.134 --> 14:52.389 And Joe's basically was a more... Mine was, you know, we got a lot of emails about these and some people were berating Adam for covering Rolf Harris. 14:52.989 --> 14:53.190 Right. 14:53.610 --> 15:00.773 But for stealing a melody, but I think a lot of our listeners are too young to realize that mine was completely pulling from a Kim Wilde single. 15:00.813 --> 15:02.394 You actually used the track. 15:02.634 --> 15:06.255 Yeah, I used the track and the melody from a Kim Wilde single called Cambodia. 15:06.735 --> 15:08.676 So we were both plagiarizing. 15:09.737 --> 15:13.278 But we did get, I think, more votes than we've ever got before. 15:13.298 --> 15:14.779 207 votes, right? 15:15.659 --> 15:16.840 Which is quite amazing. 15:17.540 --> 15:18.220 So here we go. 15:18.300 --> 15:19.321 Let's find out who's won. 15:19.501 --> 15:21.401 It's in a special BBC envelope this week. 15:23.063 --> 15:23.984 They're exciting, it's terribly tense. 15:24.044 --> 15:26.809 Joe has 32%, Adam has 68%, giving Adam Australia's son the win. 15:26.829 --> 15:27.129 Look at that. 15:35.885 --> 15:37.266 He's genuinely excited. 15:37.286 --> 15:41.630 I'm genuinely, you know what, I would have been absolutely gutted if I had lost this week. 15:41.970 --> 15:42.351 You think? 15:42.491 --> 15:42.791 Yeah. 15:42.811 --> 15:44.673 Because you reckon your song was the superior. 15:44.713 --> 15:45.934 Well, I don't know. 15:45.954 --> 15:47.656 I think your song probably was the superior. 15:47.676 --> 15:49.337 You know, it just took me a long time. 15:49.878 --> 15:53.741 Also, I was worried because I really did like yours. 15:53.761 --> 15:58.986 And when I was listening to it in the podcast, yours was the one that stuck in my head, mainly because Kim Wilde's Cambodia. 16:00.487 --> 16:01.627 It's a strong melody, isn't it? 16:01.647 --> 16:02.988 It's a better one than mine one. 16:03.448 --> 16:08.331 But I tweaked my Australia song a little bit because it wasn't finished was the other thing. 16:08.391 --> 16:10.973 Last week I didn't feel that I'd quite finished it. 16:11.993 --> 16:13.934 So I tweaked it somewhat. 16:14.395 --> 16:16.216 And are you going to read out another email there, Joe? 16:16.276 --> 16:18.037 I'm just looking at some of the Song Wars emails. 16:18.057 --> 16:20.678 A lot of people liked your didgeridoo rhyme. 16:20.718 --> 16:21.819 No, your wobble board rhyme. 16:22.059 --> 16:22.479 Right, yeah. 16:22.760 --> 16:24.180 And the didgeridoo noise. 16:24.481 --> 16:25.621 I think that's what did it. 16:26.302 --> 16:28.163 And a lot of people were angry that I walked out. 16:28.823 --> 16:29.684 When did you walk out? 16:29.704 --> 16:30.264 Of the film. 16:30.744 --> 16:31.585 Oh, I see. 16:31.725 --> 16:31.985 I know. 16:32.025 --> 16:34.307 I was thinking, when you admitted that, I was thinking, yes. 16:35.748 --> 16:37.589 That's going to do me a few things. 16:37.849 --> 16:41.252 When you people see the film, you'll understand why I left. 16:41.312 --> 16:43.453 I'm surprised, though, that you did, Joe Films Cornish. 16:43.533 --> 16:43.773 Really? 16:43.934 --> 16:44.274 Yeah. 16:44.654 --> 16:50.956 I told you it's because I will watch the rest on DVD, bringing my overall investment in the global film industry to double. 16:51.176 --> 16:51.957 It's still bad. 16:51.977 --> 16:55.018 It's bad celluloid etiquette and then to admit it. 16:55.038 --> 16:56.638 Ooh, to admit it. 16:56.938 --> 16:59.279 I think I would have been better off lying about it. 16:59.299 --> 17:00.479 Yes, yes. 17:01.220 --> 17:02.760 Well, here's the winning song listeners. 17:03.060 --> 17:03.780 What's this called? 17:03.821 --> 17:04.901 It's just called Australia. 17:04.961 --> 17:05.961 Australia song, yeah. 17:08.642 --> 17:09.943 Would you like to hear a story? 17:20.230 --> 17:39.945 I'm best lemon I'm a genius so I'm told My films will really blow your mind Especially if you're six years old My latest is an epic lump that's called Australia It costs a lot of wonder and I hope it's not a failure 17:44.768 --> 18:02.176 It's all about a kind of magic, Aboriginal girly boy And Nicole Kidman's British accent, which is such a joy And it's got Wolverine, oh look at his lovely manly chest But don't expect a whole lot more of you are gonna get a bit depressed 18:06.456 --> 18:23.153 Oh it's spectacular, we use computer technicals Look at all the ships and planes, look it is a load of balls It's very long so you'll need a pillow and a snack We will be starving by the time that you've been Japanese attached 18:40.821 --> 18:59.351 Oh Nicole, she's an icy acting robot And look the huge, I can't believe the pecs he got Old ab-original man, you're so wise and dignified Every time you popped up standing on one leg I very nearly cried 19:17.682 --> 19:18.202 There we go. 19:18.522 --> 19:19.743 Back to the outback. 19:22.365 --> 19:22.805 We go. 19:22.825 --> 19:25.426 As the sun goes down. 19:26.267 --> 19:28.428 That's my winning Australia song. 19:28.508 --> 19:31.309 Thank you very much to everyone who voted in Song Wars this week. 19:31.329 --> 19:32.350 We really appreciate you. 19:32.430 --> 19:33.130 Thanks a lot. 19:33.671 --> 19:36.192 As always, I think justice was done. 19:36.972 --> 19:38.653 And I've got a video for that track. 19:38.693 --> 19:39.073 How arrogant. 19:39.093 --> 19:40.254 That is a little bit arrogant, isn't it? 19:40.674 --> 19:41.054 Yes! 19:42.135 --> 19:43.776 I did a video for that track. 19:44.036 --> 19:49.438 You are clearly very threatened by my Quantum of Solace video on YouTube. 19:50.899 --> 20:00.443 So Adam has made a similar, I use the word similar, to make it sound like you're copying me, video for his Australia song on YouTube. 20:00.543 --> 20:03.565 I love the idea that you were the first person ever to put a video on YouTube. 20:03.585 --> 20:04.445 I was, I was. 20:04.465 --> 20:10.328 I was the first video, comedy video, satirical comedy video ever posted to YouTube and now everyone's copying me. 20:11.068 --> 20:11.749 But it's very good. 20:11.769 --> 20:13.710 I've just watched it there on YouTube. 20:14.451 --> 20:17.213 I kind of had it in sync with the song playing there. 20:17.553 --> 20:19.174 And there's some beautiful animation there. 20:19.515 --> 20:25.960 And if you want to see Adam's Australia song, simply type Sontum of Qualys into YouTube and click search. 20:26.600 --> 20:28.462 And get my video up over 720,000. 20:28.722 --> 20:29.703 Thank you. 20:30.943 --> 20:34.526 I can't believe you got so many hits on yours just because of your swanky film friends. 20:34.566 --> 20:35.507 It's internationally famous. 20:35.567 --> 20:36.788 JJ Abrahams loves it. 20:37.048 --> 20:39.330 Well, maybe... Could you thin mine to JJ Abrahams? 20:39.430 --> 20:40.191 No, I can't. 20:40.871 --> 20:42.632 I told him you've been killed in a car crash. 20:44.513 --> 20:52.217 If you want to find my video, just go to my YouTube channel, type in Adam Buxton and Australia, and you'll find it quite easily. 20:52.377 --> 20:55.459 Maybe we'll put a link on the six musics with donuts. 20:56.299 --> 20:58.400 They're probably illegal as well, or they will be soon. 20:58.581 --> 21:00.442 Coffee is not going to be legal for long, is it? 21:00.742 --> 21:00.942 No. 21:00.982 --> 21:02.763 They should change it to decaffeinated coffee. 21:03.623 --> 21:05.244 and, uh, sucky sticks. 21:05.624 --> 21:10.907 What they call, they've got advertisements for those things at the moment where you can, they're just like white tubes. 21:10.987 --> 21:12.228 Right, like sort of placebo cigarettes. 21:12.248 --> 21:13.849 I think they're knicker-ets, placebos. 21:13.869 --> 21:15.650 Maybe a, maybe a nicotine patch. 21:16.110 --> 21:16.250 Mm-hmm. 21:16.530 --> 21:17.751 And decaffeinated coffee. 21:18.091 --> 21:20.192 Decaffeinated coffee! 21:22.073 --> 21:27.157 But this is such a great song, and I don't smoke cigarettes, but I have the occasional puff on a pipe. 21:27.877 --> 21:38.624 And I like nothing better than doing that, and I don't drink coffee either, but I'd have a Coca-Cola at three in the morning. 21:39.625 --> 21:41.546 So here's Otis Reading with cigarettes and coffee. 21:44.828 --> 21:45.970 Man, he was good, wasn't he? 21:46.170 --> 21:47.872 Yeah, that's an amazing vocal. 21:47.932 --> 21:49.234 He loves those cigarettes. 21:49.574 --> 21:50.075 Absolutely loves. 21:50.095 --> 21:51.176 He loves a bit of coffee. 21:51.317 --> 21:52.618 He's all hopped up on coffee. 21:52.638 --> 21:53.900 He can't wait. 21:54.380 --> 21:58.465 That's a shame, isn't it, that it's all illegal now and you have to go to hell if you indulge in either of those things. 21:58.566 --> 21:59.487 It is a terrible shame. 21:59.867 --> 22:00.487 But never mind. 22:00.787 --> 22:01.448 Never mind. 22:01.768 --> 22:02.428 There's other things. 22:02.748 --> 22:06.929 There's white plastic tubes to suck on, and lots of fizzy drinks. 22:07.250 --> 22:13.712 Now, we've got a trail coming up right now, and it says Franz on it, so that's going to be Ferdinand based, surely. 22:13.992 --> 22:19.454 Do you think when people say Franz Ferdinand now, I mean, most people would think of the band rather than the... Archduke. 22:19.634 --> 22:20.314 Archduke, yeah. 22:21.255 --> 22:31.947 I would hope that Franz Ferdinand, and this connects slightly to your teacher baiting last week, are brilliantly introducing kids to the idea of that segment of history. 22:32.107 --> 22:40.537 And when they're taught about, you know, the start of the First World War, they get excited because they think about it in terms of contemporary rock. 22:40.737 --> 22:42.539 What was the name of the guy who assassinated him? 22:43.820 --> 22:45.802 I don't know, but he was a member of the Red Hand Gang. 22:45.822 --> 22:46.923 Was that correct? 22:46.963 --> 22:47.643 I think so. 22:48.324 --> 22:56.071 The Red Hand Gang used to be a series of children's books where you, you know, one of those adventure books where you would turn to a different page depending on what dramatic choice you'd made. 22:56.471 --> 22:57.932 So I think that's how I used to remember it. 22:58.193 --> 23:01.435 I used to remember the name of the assassin and I can't recall it. 23:01.776 --> 23:04.178 Have a think, have a stink during this exciting trail. 23:04.298 --> 23:07.079 Laina Lovitz with Lucky Number here on BBC 6 Music. 23:07.119 --> 23:08.860 This is Adam and Joe on a Saturday morning. 23:08.880 --> 23:14.282 That was a session recorded for John Peel's show on Radio 1 on the 21st of November 1978. 23:14.682 --> 23:15.803 November. 23:15.843 --> 23:16.263 November. 23:17.023 --> 23:17.883 November. 23:17.964 --> 23:18.324 Oh yes. 23:18.444 --> 23:19.444 Good session track though. 23:19.524 --> 23:20.304 Thanks a lot. 23:20.364 --> 23:21.085 She did, didn't she? 23:21.205 --> 23:23.726 And listen, I should correct some historical inaccuracies. 23:24.186 --> 23:26.347 It's the black, the gang was called the Black Hand. 23:26.827 --> 23:37.534 Not the Red Hand gang, who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on the 28th of June 1914 at approximately 1.15pm. 23:37.574 --> 23:40.316 And the man who pulled the trigger was... Brinkips. 23:40.376 --> 23:40.896 What's his name? 23:40.956 --> 23:44.318 Oh yeah, the man who pulled the trigger was Gavrilo Brinchip. 23:44.738 --> 23:50.142 And in pulling that trigger he sparked the creation of the band Franz Ferdinand, of course. 23:50.602 --> 23:52.644 as all history buffs will realise. 23:53.184 --> 23:58.289 So listen, now it is time for some Steven news and a quick explanation for new listeners. 23:59.229 --> 24:01.411 Does Steven, can we call it a phenomenon? 24:01.972 --> 24:03.873 Not really, a minor phenomenon. 24:03.993 --> 24:07.456 If only there was a word that was much smaller than phenomenon. 24:07.516 --> 24:08.537 A nominon. 24:08.777 --> 24:09.518 A minimum. 24:09.638 --> 24:09.898 Yeah. 24:10.499 --> 24:16.625 The Steven minimum is to do with, it's a way that listeners to the show can communicate with each other in public places. 24:17.145 --> 24:23.091 If you hear the show and you're in a group where you think there might be another listener at a concert or something, you just shout, Steven! 24:23.772 --> 24:28.417 And then if you hear someone shouting Steven and you're a listener to the show, you reply, 24:28.777 --> 24:41.584 just coming or coming and this isn't something we started this was started by a listener who sent in a comic that he'd written as a kid as a response to one of our text the nations. 24:41.744 --> 24:42.925 I think his name was Steve Curran. 24:42.965 --> 24:44.466 Yeah well listen here is an email 24:45.046 --> 24:45.987 from Steve. 24:46.287 --> 24:47.668 He says hello again Adam and Jo. 24:48.088 --> 24:54.212 I'm the Stephen who sent you the email back in March about my foiled attempt at writing an action comic when I was a child. 24:54.773 --> 25:00.157 As this has since taken on a life of its own I thought you might like to know how it has affected my life so far. 25:00.717 --> 25:16.284 dot dot dot not hugely as you might imagine but it's still been fun what with the internet animations and the Facebook groups and the Steven news and all the shouting back and forth quite a few of your listeners have tracked me down over the internet mainly to write Steven or just coming 25:16.624 --> 25:17.304 in my inbox. 25:17.764 --> 25:23.665 On a few occasions people I know have become excited about the phenomenon, only later finding out about my minor part in starting it off. 25:24.185 --> 25:30.146 I also sometimes receive my own Stephen updates from friends who have heard the name called out in public. 25:30.447 --> 25:33.547 I'm yet to hear it myself but the idea makes me slightly nervous. 25:33.747 --> 25:43.629 I'm worried about someone shouting Stephen at Stephen would be like switching on the Large Hadron Collider or crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, total protonic reversal. 25:44.409 --> 25:50.032 I must admit, though, that I'm pretty pleased that no-one has a clue what I look like as befits a born-style international spy. 25:50.392 --> 25:54.834 I can imagine that having people shouting at you wherever you go might become a bit tiresome. 25:55.274 --> 25:56.255 I can only apologise. 25:56.315 --> 25:56.635 Cheers. 25:56.935 --> 25:57.575 Stephen! 25:58.316 --> 26:00.137 Who actually calls himself Steve. 26:00.537 --> 26:02.098 Steve with a V even, doesn't he? 26:02.118 --> 26:02.198 Yeah. 26:02.218 --> 26:03.018 That's a bit cheeky, isn't it? 26:03.038 --> 26:04.058 Yeah, but then in brackets. 26:04.439 --> 26:05.179 Yeah, that doesn't make sense. 26:05.199 --> 26:28.355 much sense Stephen Curran thank you very much Stephen now we've also had an email in from a gentleman called Simon Bell who has made a Stephen jingle oh you've heard this jingle Adam yes yeah he's done a great job he's chopped up chopped up loads of chopped up a lot of conversation that we had about us the subject and put them on a song 26:29.195 --> 26:29.956 What songs do you put? 26:30.176 --> 26:33.378 This is a song that lots of people have tipped us off about, right? 26:33.398 --> 26:34.339 This is Alice Cooper. 26:35.160 --> 26:39.863 And people are telling us this is one of the most sort of outstanding songs. 26:40.023 --> 26:41.444 It's certainly very Steven heavy. 26:41.464 --> 26:42.265 Shall we have a quick listen? 26:43.005 --> 26:46.708 I must be dreaming, please stop screaming. 26:46.868 --> 26:47.789 I'm in trouble! 26:48.049 --> 26:50.371 Steven! 26:50.391 --> 26:52.852 Steven! 26:52.953 --> 26:53.553 Steven! 26:54.193 --> 26:54.974 Yes! 26:55.014 --> 26:56.975 Steven! 26:57.015 --> 26:57.376 Steven! 27:05.733 --> 27:08.294 I can't think of too many other songs that feature the names. 27:08.334 --> 27:12.175 Well, there's a Morrissey one everybody keeps telling us about. 27:12.235 --> 27:15.297 Yeah, there's a Morrissey B side, but we can't track it down, can we? 27:15.317 --> 27:16.017 Haven't we tried? 27:17.688 --> 27:19.049 But this is a bit... dear. 27:20.209 --> 27:21.270 It's a bit humiliating. 27:23.191 --> 27:27.974 We asked somebody else, I think, before your time, Ben, and they were unable to track it down. 27:28.294 --> 27:29.815 Ben could track it down easily. 27:30.015 --> 27:30.815 Anything down. 27:30.835 --> 27:31.976 30 seconds. 27:32.016 --> 27:34.737 A Morrissey track, Ben, with a reference to Stephen in it. 27:34.818 --> 27:35.038 Go! 27:35.238 --> 27:35.858 Get on it now! 27:35.978 --> 27:40.160 If Ollie was here, that's exactly what he could have done whilst making no noise. 27:40.321 --> 27:40.461 Ollie. 27:41.381 --> 27:43.942 But listen, there'll be more Steven news later in the show. 27:43.982 --> 27:46.543 We had that shout-out by, was his name Joe Clackston? 27:46.843 --> 27:47.263 I think so. 27:47.303 --> 27:50.284 He went to a screening of Blade Runner at the BFI IMAX, didn't he? 27:50.304 --> 27:59.067 Yeah, and he shouted Steven, so we'll find out what happened there a bit later in the show, plus various other reports of Steven activity around the nation coming up later. 27:59.167 --> 28:01.607 Hey, listen, folks, we've pretty much missed the top of our there. 28:01.988 --> 28:02.888 I'm sorry about that. 28:02.948 --> 28:09.430 We're about three minutes and 21 seconds past it, but still, we're going to have the top of our jingle and then some great music from Mini-Ripperton. 28:09.810 --> 28:13.358 This is the voice of the big, great, dear castle. 28:13.478 --> 28:15.301 It is the top of the hour. 28:15.442 --> 28:16.825 Ooh, that's wonderful. 28:17.165 --> 28:19.911 I got so bored with the last hour, and it's great. 28:22.959 --> 28:23.399 It's you. 28:23.560 --> 28:24.280 How do you do? 28:24.520 --> 28:25.961 Which advert does that turn up in? 28:26.161 --> 28:26.702 I don't know. 28:27.062 --> 28:30.224 Mini-Rippetin, that is, with, er, Liff-Lair. 28:30.445 --> 28:31.906 It's been used on a lot of things. 28:32.066 --> 28:32.786 Sampled a lot. 28:33.187 --> 28:33.347 Mmm. 28:33.687 --> 28:36.549 I get a bit annoyed when things like that get used on adverts. 28:36.569 --> 28:37.870 I get really annoyed, Joe. 28:37.890 --> 28:38.170 Do you? 28:38.190 --> 28:38.891 Get annoyed now. 28:38.991 --> 28:40.312 I get so annoyed. 28:40.332 --> 28:41.933 And do you know the other one that really annoys me? 28:41.953 --> 28:42.193 What? 28:42.734 --> 28:43.834 I've got my hands. 28:43.874 --> 28:44.895 I've got my bum. 28:44.955 --> 28:45.776 I've got my nipples. 28:45.836 --> 28:47.297 I've got my liver. 28:47.617 --> 28:49.258 That one by, what's her name? 28:50.379 --> 28:51.500 that they use a lot in adverts? 28:51.580 --> 28:51.940 Yeah. 28:52.541 --> 28:54.222 What because you like the song and you don't like it? 28:54.242 --> 28:54.642 Nina Simone. 28:54.662 --> 28:54.942 Nina Simone. 28:56.143 --> 28:57.064 Yeah, I don't know. 28:57.384 --> 29:01.587 Well, there's something annoying about the actual song as well, to be honest with you, in that case. 29:02.248 --> 29:09.933 Do you like adverts where people are being chased by a man in a suit of the product? 29:10.954 --> 29:16.277 You know, like it's a lady, she's trying to avoid cakes, so she's chased by a cake. 29:16.958 --> 29:17.638 It could go either way. 29:17.658 --> 29:21.721 There's a man who likes tic-tacs, so there's lots of men dressed as giant tic-tacs. 29:21.741 --> 29:23.282 And there was a big smoking one as well. 29:23.322 --> 29:24.162 Yeah, yeah. 29:24.182 --> 29:29.325 Well, that was one of the original ones, directed by Edgar Wright, where they were karate kicking the cigarette. 29:29.346 --> 29:30.506 That was one of the first ones. 29:30.866 --> 29:34.629 But now it's become the most obvious trope in advertising. 29:35.289 --> 29:40.254 And it surprises me that they're still making adverts like that, especially this new cake one. 29:40.434 --> 29:41.515 Who do you think is to blame? 29:42.036 --> 29:44.378 I think the advertising executives are blame. 29:44.618 --> 29:45.799 Yeah, but where did they nick it from? 29:45.899 --> 29:49.643 I would say I would lay some blame at the foot of Dom Jolly. 29:50.223 --> 29:50.523 Really? 29:50.983 --> 29:52.763 What about Garth's milk? 29:53.504 --> 29:54.104 Blur video. 29:54.244 --> 29:55.104 Yes, I suppose. 29:55.124 --> 29:57.444 For anthropomorphizing products. 29:57.524 --> 29:57.764 Yeah, yeah. 29:57.784 --> 30:00.065 Of course, that was a pop video rather than an advert. 30:00.205 --> 30:04.246 But Dom Jolly was the king of dressing people up in surreal situations. 30:04.406 --> 30:07.246 But the tango adverts, they were before Dom, weren't they? 30:07.266 --> 30:10.487 Well, they weren't dressed up so much as just painted orange, weren't they? 30:10.707 --> 30:15.928 I guess it's a merge of the idea of somebody assaulting you in the street. 30:16.128 --> 30:16.468 Yes. 30:16.488 --> 30:18.088 And that person dressed up in a costume. 30:18.448 --> 30:20.990 It's the backbone of the advertising industry now, isn't it? 30:21.050 --> 30:21.530 You're right. 30:22.210 --> 30:23.411 Well, can we do something about it? 30:23.671 --> 30:24.432 Yes, we can. 30:24.992 --> 30:25.432 What can we do? 30:25.512 --> 30:28.614 Smash all the tellies in every house. 30:28.634 --> 30:31.816 That could be a better viral thing to do than Stephen. 30:32.437 --> 30:32.657 Right. 30:32.837 --> 30:35.759 Just all listeners to the Adam and Jo radio show smash their tellies. 30:35.779 --> 30:42.783 But inevitably someone would go too far and lob one out the window and someone would get hurt and then we'd get thrown out of the castle. 30:43.083 --> 30:44.484 Yeah, plus no one would want to do it. 30:45.104 --> 30:46.185 No, exactly. 30:46.205 --> 30:47.065 Life without a telly. 30:47.686 --> 30:51.328 Well, then you could throw away your old non-digital tellies. 30:51.448 --> 30:51.768 Yes. 30:52.028 --> 30:52.728 That would be nice, wouldn't it? 30:52.748 --> 30:53.389 Dangerous, though. 30:53.469 --> 30:55.450 Yeah, it would be very dangerous, because they're so big. 30:55.610 --> 30:58.992 Can you kick in a plasma telly in the way that you used to be able to kick in a telly? 30:59.012 --> 31:00.773 It would be much less satisfying, wouldn't it? 31:00.793 --> 31:02.814 No, just because old tellies had a vacuum in them, right? 31:02.834 --> 31:03.014 Yeah. 31:03.034 --> 31:04.555 The cathode ray tube with a proper vacuum. 31:04.575 --> 31:05.475 That one really explodes. 31:05.495 --> 31:06.115 Pop and burst. 31:06.156 --> 31:08.197 That's why rock bands truck them out of hotel windows. 31:08.217 --> 31:08.637 Exactly. 31:08.677 --> 31:09.297 Good times. 31:09.517 --> 31:10.518 Like a giant light bulb. 31:10.578 --> 31:11.158 Not anymore. 31:11.278 --> 31:13.119 Obviously, we're not encouraging anyone to do it. 31:13.139 --> 31:14.120 No, it's just a stupid thing to do. 31:14.540 --> 31:19.003 But no, why would you want to smash in a HD plasma TV? 31:19.023 --> 31:20.324 It would be no fun at all. 31:20.685 --> 31:23.567 Also, you would think that toxic things would leak out of there. 31:24.167 --> 31:25.868 It's a very stupid idea. 31:25.889 --> 31:27.950 Stupidest idea I've ever heard. 31:28.010 --> 31:28.791 You're grotesque. 31:28.951 --> 31:29.671 You're an idiot. 31:30.672 --> 31:33.254 Here's James Yule with no surprise. 31:34.035 --> 31:36.536 Text the nation. 31:36.657 --> 31:38.598 Text, text, text, text the nation. 31:38.638 --> 31:39.599 What if I don't want to? 31:39.619 --> 31:40.579 Text the nation. 31:40.680 --> 31:41.680 But I'm using email. 31:41.860 --> 31:42.581 Is that a problem? 31:42.621 --> 31:43.442 It doesn't matter, text. 31:45.936 --> 31:47.377 Yes, it's time for Text the Nation. 31:47.437 --> 31:54.843 It's the part of the show where we talk about a thing, and then you, our faithful listeners, respond with your texts and emails. 31:55.284 --> 32:05.072 The number for texts is 64046, and the email address is adamandjo.6music at bbc.co.uk. 32:05.272 --> 32:05.653 Wow! 32:05.833 --> 32:06.854 Yes, I remembered all that. 32:06.874 --> 32:08.275 I wasn't even looking at a piece of paper. 32:08.715 --> 32:09.556 That's fantastic. 32:09.616 --> 32:09.976 Well done. 32:10.016 --> 32:10.496 Thanks very much. 32:10.516 --> 32:14.298 I've really been trying because it worries me that I can't remember things like this. 32:14.358 --> 32:16.279 And I can't remember people's names a lot as well. 32:16.319 --> 32:20.362 And my wife keeps hassling me about it and saying, you're just a weirdo and there's something wrong with you. 32:20.382 --> 32:21.502 And I really think there might be. 32:22.083 --> 32:23.003 So I'm worried about it. 32:23.263 --> 32:26.885 And I've been really trying to remember the... She called you a weirdo. 32:27.065 --> 32:27.346 Yeah. 32:28.006 --> 32:29.047 Is that the word she uses? 32:30.928 --> 32:31.928 Creep, she called me. 32:32.048 --> 32:32.909 Creep, really? 32:33.009 --> 32:33.189 Yeah. 32:33.229 --> 32:34.190 That's quite hurtful. 32:34.350 --> 32:34.990 It is a little bit. 32:35.251 --> 32:38.433 It's quite an unsettling thing to be called, because it's sort of so vague. 32:38.733 --> 32:39.093 Yeah. 32:39.493 --> 32:39.793 You know? 32:39.813 --> 32:42.635 I'd be quite upset by that. 32:42.655 --> 32:45.457 I am upset as well, because I am a bit of a creep. 32:45.997 --> 32:47.799 Creepy boy. 32:48.979 --> 32:49.780 Man, she knows. 32:49.820 --> 32:50.200 She knows. 32:50.240 --> 32:52.041 She's got you by the short and curlies, hasn't she? 32:52.061 --> 32:52.442 She does. 32:52.622 --> 32:54.003 She's got one little curly. 32:54.023 --> 32:55.403 The long and toughties. 32:56.304 --> 32:58.646 So, Text the Nation this week is about 32:59.426 --> 33:07.529 film remakes, specifically films that you wouldn't think needed to be remade, which one day inevitably will be remade. 33:07.569 --> 33:11.371 This is inspired by a trip to the cinema that I took with my son the other day. 33:11.391 --> 33:14.772 I talked about it when we went to see Bedtime Stories. 33:15.452 --> 33:18.754 But one of the trails before the movie was for the new Pink Panther 2. 33:19.694 --> 33:27.539 film starring Steve Martin, the sequel to Pink Panther 1, the pointless remake that they did a while back, which by all accounts was dreadful. 33:28.080 --> 33:31.822 I haven't seen it, but it must have been successful somewhere, because they're making a sequel. 33:31.922 --> 33:37.726 Yeah, it must have done very well, because I think what they have done cleverly is just aimed squarely at children. 33:38.026 --> 33:38.326 Right. 33:38.726 --> 33:42.329 And children can't discern quality, can they? 33:42.349 --> 33:44.370 Because they've got no frame of reference. 33:44.530 --> 33:47.072 Unless the parameters are really very clearly defined. 33:47.572 --> 33:53.036 And the original Pink Panther movies used to be pretty sophisticated and genuinely funny affairs. 33:53.236 --> 33:55.897 Yes, with some quite weird flourishes in there. 33:55.918 --> 33:58.619 The Blake Edwards films starring Peter Sellers, of course. 33:59.060 --> 34:05.784 They'd be great films that one would watch as one's dad, and your dad would be chuckling away heartily, and you as a kid would be chuckling away. 34:06.124 --> 34:12.726 I mean, for our generation, born at the end of the 60s, early 70s or whatever, those films were a very important part of our childhood. 34:13.246 --> 34:21.088 And they crossed, as you say, age boundaries and stuff, and they were really enjoyable, and they were a tour de force performance from Peter Sellers there, you know. 34:21.609 --> 34:26.410 And they were films that you really did not think need remaking any way at all. 34:27.150 --> 34:27.811 You're quite right. 34:27.851 --> 34:37.560 That's the first remake that's really stepped over that threshold, I suppose, because before that, people would only remake films that were perceived as being either sort of under budgeted. 34:37.780 --> 34:38.040 Yeah. 34:38.320 --> 34:42.524 Or, you know, like when they remade Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes. 34:42.704 --> 34:42.965 Yes. 34:43.265 --> 34:46.628 Or, you know, horror films that were a bit low budget and independent. 34:46.888 --> 34:48.850 Not really driven by a star performance. 34:49.190 --> 34:49.390 Yeah. 34:49.651 --> 34:51.793 And mainly about the story, do you know what I mean? 34:52.173 --> 34:59.281 So for example, The Omega Man, it's a strange example because that is driven by a star performance, but that was remade as I Am Legend. 34:59.801 --> 35:01.263 Also driven by another star performance. 35:01.283 --> 35:02.024 Very differently though. 35:02.044 --> 35:02.724 Very different script. 35:02.804 --> 35:04.406 But The Omega Man... And not the same title. 35:04.646 --> 35:04.927 No, no. 35:05.587 --> 35:08.449 I think if you're adapting a book, it's kind of allowed. 35:08.630 --> 35:08.990 Yeah. 35:09.010 --> 35:11.712 Because the initial film would have been an adaptation anyway. 35:12.072 --> 35:12.653 Do you know what I mean? 35:12.773 --> 35:12.913 Yeah. 35:12.953 --> 35:16.896 But if you're remaking an original work, then that's when it gets a bit weird. 35:16.936 --> 35:26.783 And previously, studios only did it with sort of genre films, or movies that weren't beloved by the general public, but just sort of niche films, like little horror films. 35:26.983 --> 35:31.786 But now, the financial imperative to just make cash is too much for them. 35:31.826 --> 35:35.949 And they will remake absolutely anything and retool it for a modern audience. 35:35.969 --> 35:42.553 Because you would think with the logic with the Pink Panther remakes is that they're just missing out on a big revenue stream there. 35:42.893 --> 35:52.519 And all they need to do is cast modern stars that won't alienate a young audience who don't know anything about Peter Sellers and won't necessarily go back and invest in the originals on DVD or whatever. 35:53.099 --> 35:54.681 And they've got a whole new audience. 35:54.721 --> 35:55.681 It works though, doesn't it? 35:55.701 --> 35:56.682 Look at the St. 35:56.922 --> 35:57.763 Trinian's remake. 35:57.783 --> 35:58.424 Have you seen that? 35:58.644 --> 35:58.824 No. 36:01.106 --> 36:02.127 Why did you go and see it? 36:02.147 --> 36:03.768 Because you love Russell Brand. 36:03.928 --> 36:06.130 Yeah, I have to watch everything with Russell in it. 36:06.250 --> 36:06.710 It's a stinker. 36:08.872 --> 36:10.553 But yet it's done very well, they're doing another one. 36:10.754 --> 36:11.754 Have they really? 36:11.995 --> 36:12.895 Are they really? 36:12.995 --> 36:13.736 Is it really? 36:14.076 --> 36:14.957 Yes, it is really. 36:14.977 --> 36:16.018 There you go. 36:16.418 --> 36:26.586 So I was trying to think of other films that you would think do not need remaking, but will inevitably one day be remade for the contemporaneous modern audience. 36:27.387 --> 36:30.128 The most obvious one being Star Wars, okay? 36:30.608 --> 36:38.090 Now, at the moment, this has not been that no one's even thought about remaking this because George Lucas himself keeps remaking them and re-releasing them. 36:38.110 --> 36:39.791 Yeah, you could say he's done it himself. 36:39.871 --> 36:40.111 Yeah. 36:40.231 --> 36:43.112 And no one could do a more cackhanded job. 36:43.532 --> 36:50.854 But one day, even George will go the way of all organic and earthly things and not be alive anymore. 36:50.934 --> 36:52.515 And after a few years have passed, 36:53.275 --> 37:01.303 I mean, I would imagine he would leave strict instructions for the people on the Skywalker Ranch to keep remaking it themselves in some way to stop anyone else doing so. 37:01.824 --> 37:02.544 But they will. 37:02.664 --> 37:06.108 One day, someone will say, let's remake this timeless space opera. 37:06.148 --> 37:10.452 Well, the same thing's happening to Star Wars, as happened to Star Trek. 37:10.512 --> 37:12.874 I'm thinking about what I've just said, and it's not really true. 37:12.914 --> 37:14.075 But the thing I'm trying to say... 37:14.636 --> 37:15.076 franchise. 37:15.157 --> 37:16.718 Yeah, it's turning into a TV series. 37:16.938 --> 37:18.400 So it's the law of diminishing returns. 37:18.440 --> 37:26.127 It's gradually being fragmented and franchised and split up into lots of sort of more minor bits of marketing twaddle. 37:26.287 --> 37:26.507 Yeah. 37:26.908 --> 37:36.617 And soon it'll be so disseminated and enfeebled that someone will have to do what JJ Abrahams is doing to Star Trek and turn it into a big standalone movie again. 37:36.657 --> 37:37.518 Give it a shot in the arm. 37:37.558 --> 37:37.858 Yeah. 37:38.238 --> 37:39.840 Well, they'll do that with Star Wars one day. 37:40.000 --> 37:50.669 and they'll go back and they'll cast a new Han Solo and a new Luke Skywalker and it'll be the same story as episode three or four, whichever it was that started the whole thing, but just with modern stars and modern effects. 37:51.590 --> 37:58.896 Here's another film, Reservoir Dogs, at some point, and I would imagine Tarantino's the kind of person that might remake that himself. 37:59.096 --> 38:00.637 Who would be cast in Star Wars? 38:00.677 --> 38:01.878 Is that what we're asking people? 38:02.238 --> 38:05.141 Well, it would be nice to think of some casting ideas for all these films, yeah. 38:05.501 --> 38:09.682 We're asking, yeah, so what films do you think will eventually be remade? 38:10.562 --> 38:16.583 I mean, for Star Wars, I could see Ashton Cushta as Luke or as Han Solo. 38:17.243 --> 38:17.503 Right. 38:17.603 --> 38:18.043 But I don't know. 38:18.063 --> 38:19.884 I'd like Ben from A1 to be Luke. 38:20.424 --> 38:21.984 Yes, he's sufficiently witty. 38:22.024 --> 38:22.884 He's very good, yeah. 38:23.544 --> 38:27.685 And I think Lindsay Lohan would make a very good Princess Leia. 38:27.885 --> 38:30.025 Right, because she's a little bit out of control and feisty. 38:30.045 --> 38:33.466 She's out of control and she could be kissing all sorts of monsters. 38:33.486 --> 38:34.026 Wookiees and... 38:34.286 --> 38:34.626 Yeah. 38:35.727 --> 38:37.249 So Reservoir Dogs, though, what do you reckon? 38:37.289 --> 38:41.673 Because you could easily populate that with a cast of... I think Boyzone would be very good in that. 38:41.733 --> 38:42.013 Yeah. 38:42.453 --> 38:43.514 Just all of Boyzone. 38:43.594 --> 38:46.897 Keith and Fergus and Shane and Wally. 38:46.977 --> 38:47.338 Roughty. 38:47.598 --> 38:49.439 Roughty from Boyzone. 38:49.800 --> 38:51.962 They'd be very good in Reservoir Dogs. 38:52.202 --> 38:53.143 Here's another one I was thinking. 38:53.163 --> 38:54.444 This'll get remade at some point. 38:54.664 --> 38:55.325 Life of Brian. 38:55.825 --> 38:56.065 Yes. 38:56.105 --> 38:57.546 With a modern comedy cast. 38:57.626 --> 39:01.127 Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Myers, get them all in there. 39:01.167 --> 39:04.048 Contemporary comedians will be falling over each other to be in that. 39:04.108 --> 39:05.348 Jimmy Carr gets a little cameo. 39:05.368 --> 39:06.329 That's a good idea. 39:06.389 --> 39:09.610 And you could have a TV documentary where they all talk about the original. 39:09.870 --> 39:10.090 Yeah. 39:10.290 --> 39:11.391 And how much it means to them. 39:11.511 --> 39:14.392 And you have a few cameos from surviving Python members. 39:14.472 --> 39:15.372 It's a very good idea. 39:15.492 --> 39:16.412 It'll happen sooner or later. 39:16.452 --> 39:23.075 So listen, folks, we want to hear your ideas for films that will inevitably get remade, even though they shouldn't be. 39:23.536 --> 39:32.880 And we want to hear casting ideas as much as possible and any other tweaks that you would perform on the films to make them modern and give them new life. 39:33.180 --> 39:36.744 The text number is 64046 for your texts. 39:36.804 --> 39:39.767 And don't forget, can we still control the digital readout scroll? 39:39.807 --> 39:45.833 Don't forget that the best text we get in an entirely non-competitive way will win the chance. 39:47.034 --> 39:47.575 Oh, no winning. 39:47.615 --> 39:48.295 They won't win. 39:48.455 --> 39:49.997 How do we describe it then? 39:51.378 --> 39:57.604 Their name might be scrolled across the... Your name might be scrolled across the digital tickety-tape thing. 39:57.624 --> 40:00.507 But it won't be exciting and it won't in any way be like winning a competition. 40:00.527 --> 40:02.388 No, it'll actually make you suffer. 40:02.829 --> 40:04.190 Now, here's a free choice for you listeners. 40:04.390 --> 40:09.755 This is the second in my series of songs with introductions from studio based... Let's hope this one goes a bit better. 40:09.975 --> 40:10.716 Yeah, let's hope so. 40:10.816 --> 40:18.781 Also, I hope it's the right version because it's got some f-bombs in it that I've had to censor with little bits of pirate interruptions. 40:18.801 --> 40:24.064 This is magazine with their cover of the Captain Beefheart track, I Love You, You Big Dummy. 40:42.298 --> 40:43.659 It does sound like an afternoon. 40:43.679 --> 40:45.960 Yeah, it sounds like cheers, doesn't it? 40:46.020 --> 40:46.960 It's calm, doesn't it? 40:46.980 --> 40:49.921 Yeah, that record should always be followed by an episode of Countdown. 40:49.941 --> 40:51.402 Going over to Susan's house. 40:51.822 --> 40:52.683 That was the Eels. 40:52.703 --> 40:54.564 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC6 Music. 40:54.624 --> 40:55.224 It's just gone 10.30. 40:55.284 --> 40:56.464 Time for the news. 41:05.006 --> 41:07.008 Spooky spooky noises! 41:07.208 --> 41:08.049 That's the prodigy. 41:08.329 --> 41:09.170 Was that called Omen? 41:09.771 --> 41:10.772 Yes, that's called Omen. 41:10.792 --> 41:12.213 It's out on February the 16th. 41:12.273 --> 41:17.438 It's the first official single to be released from their forthcoming fifth album, Invaders Must Die. 41:17.638 --> 41:18.339 There's a remake. 41:18.599 --> 41:20.221 There's a terrible remake. 41:20.501 --> 41:37.835 the omen the omen remake oh that's a great shame that's the topic for text donation this week and we'll be catching up with some of your suggestions for films that will eventually get remade even though they really shouldn't be this is Adam and Joe here on BBC six music and Joe you stopped watching celebrity big brother 41:38.115 --> 41:38.695 Yes, I did. 41:38.715 --> 41:39.436 What's your problem? 41:39.536 --> 41:40.476 I had a lot of work to do. 41:40.516 --> 41:41.136 Oh, too busy. 41:41.236 --> 41:42.677 Too busy to watch the telly. 41:42.797 --> 41:44.637 Too busy for real life. 41:44.657 --> 41:45.518 But I hear it. 41:45.538 --> 41:47.238 The ratings have sort up. 41:47.538 --> 41:47.858 Have they? 41:47.959 --> 41:49.539 Someone said somewhere the other day. 41:49.559 --> 41:56.161 Well, like no other series, I think this one of Celebrity Big Brother started out very, very dull. 41:56.622 --> 41:59.182 Like the first three days, you thought, this is the worst thing I've ever seen. 41:59.222 --> 41:59.823 I'm so bored. 42:00.343 --> 42:03.724 But then, quite quickly, within a couple of days, it got really interesting. 42:03.844 --> 42:05.925 And now it's pretty good, I would think. 42:07.186 --> 42:17.940 Coolio, obviously, being the dominating force and stirring it all up and getting things going and upsetting the ladies and causing a massive rift between the women and the men in the household. 42:18.501 --> 42:23.207 Verne Troyer got very drunk and rammed his... Steady on, what? 42:23.527 --> 42:27.312 He got very drunk and rammed his scooter into the door of the diary room. 42:28.914 --> 42:31.357 Is that the best it can do? 42:31.377 --> 42:31.777 Come on. 42:31.837 --> 42:32.899 That was exciting. 42:32.939 --> 42:34.000 That is exciting, isn't it? 42:34.160 --> 42:35.862 Ramming a scooter into a door. 42:35.983 --> 42:36.443 Wow. 42:37.024 --> 42:38.285 Is that as good as it gets? 42:39.306 --> 42:43.329 It's, it's funny how- As Big Brother pointed out, people could have been hurt. 42:43.389 --> 42:48.433 It's funny how when- in something like Big Brother where nothing- basically the default setting is nothing. 42:48.493 --> 42:48.693 Yeah. 42:48.873 --> 42:51.395 The default setting is a person asleep in bed. 42:51.495 --> 42:51.755 Right. 42:52.035 --> 42:55.798 It has the fart in a snooker match sort of phenomena, doesn't it? 42:55.858 --> 43:00.501 Like anything is suddenly exaggerated to being amazing. 43:00.561 --> 43:00.742 Yeah. 43:01.582 --> 43:01.842 Yeah. 43:01.902 --> 43:02.882 Like a scooter. 43:04.003 --> 43:05.123 You didn't see it, man. 43:05.163 --> 43:06.263 It was a fun little bit. 43:06.283 --> 43:06.783 Was it funny? 43:06.983 --> 43:07.984 Action, yes. 43:08.044 --> 43:09.024 It was a little bit funny. 43:09.924 --> 43:10.744 A little bit. 43:11.364 --> 43:18.286 But the personalities, I mean, I would say that almost all the personalities in there are in some way or other unsympathetic. 43:18.386 --> 43:20.827 I mean, there's aspects of all the people in there. 43:20.867 --> 43:21.467 There's a surprise. 43:21.547 --> 43:25.128 Isn't the mere act of walking through the door, doesn't that make you unsympathetic? 43:25.148 --> 43:25.708 Well, do you reckon? 43:25.928 --> 43:27.169 Yeah, in my book it does. 43:27.309 --> 43:28.130 Well, maybe you're right. 43:28.450 --> 43:33.553 I think you've got problems if you are in the house, and slight problems if you watch it. 43:34.054 --> 43:35.935 Oh, shut your mouth, will you? 43:35.975 --> 43:37.676 It's good, enjoyable fun. 43:38.036 --> 43:41.278 Also, it says a lot about, I mean, there's amazing things going on there. 43:41.519 --> 43:43.100 I would watch an edited show. 43:43.280 --> 43:44.100 Well, that's what they are. 43:44.280 --> 43:45.381 Yeah, but once a week. 43:45.681 --> 43:45.902 Right. 43:46.302 --> 43:51.645 But the idea of watching it every night for half an hour, and we were talking the other week. 43:51.665 --> 43:52.586 An hour. 43:52.666 --> 43:53.286 An hour, is it? 43:53.326 --> 43:53.747 Yeah, yeah. 43:54.247 --> 43:57.589 I wish it was that voice over guy. 43:57.649 --> 44:00.732 Some of the housemates are in the house. 44:00.872 --> 44:05.175 Well obviously not all of it's brilliant, but there are enough good bits in there that you keep watching. 44:05.215 --> 44:05.795 What's some more? 44:05.895 --> 44:07.957 The scooter and the door sounds like fireworks. 44:08.037 --> 44:10.458 That's the Psychedelic Furs there with Sister Europe. 44:10.979 --> 44:13.581 You're listening to Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 44:13.661 --> 44:14.061 I'm Adam. 44:14.541 --> 44:14.981 I'm Joe. 44:15.862 --> 44:20.204 And you can, well you can't tell the difference between us really, so don't worry about it too much. 44:20.404 --> 44:24.246 Well you're the one that can string sentences together a tiny bit better than I can. 44:24.306 --> 44:24.726 Do you think? 44:24.946 --> 44:25.186 Yeah. 44:25.206 --> 44:26.227 That's nice of you to say. 44:26.607 --> 44:29.648 We've got a postcard here in the Adam and Jo posty box. 44:30.589 --> 44:37.572 It's a lovely postcard of a very frightening looking hotel room from I think China, or maybe Japan. 44:37.672 --> 44:38.252 Is it room 1408? 44:38.372 --> 44:39.192 It looks like it. 44:39.233 --> 44:39.953 It's very red. 44:40.573 --> 44:43.514 Anyway, it says on the back, Dear Adam and Jo, love the show, etc. 44:43.794 --> 44:46.656 Could you possibly read out the enclosed piece of paper? 44:46.976 --> 44:49.197 My girlfriend, Alex, is having a baby. 44:49.717 --> 44:53.118 This is the sex of the baby as written down by the scan man. 44:53.578 --> 44:54.799 We're too frightened to look at it. 44:55.159 --> 44:58.761 If it is a boy, we will consider Stephen, but unlikely. 44:58.821 --> 44:59.681 Lots of love, Ben. 44:59.701 --> 45:02.002 I didn't really read that properly. 45:02.242 --> 45:03.983 We'll consider it, but unlikely. 45:04.463 --> 45:06.865 So he's trying to lure us into doing him a favor there. 45:06.885 --> 45:11.927 Well, he's succeeded, but yet he's sort of been a bit... There's no way that he's going to call the baby Stephen. 45:13.368 --> 45:14.128 So here's the piece of paper. 45:14.148 --> 45:15.349 We're going to open it very quickly. 45:15.749 --> 45:19.851 Ben, your new offspring is a girl. 45:20.092 --> 45:20.812 It's a girl. 45:21.332 --> 45:22.393 Congratulations. 45:22.433 --> 45:24.434 We're happy to be able to do that for you. 45:24.454 --> 45:28.316 I hope the whole thing goes very well, and you should consider calling the girl Stephanie. 45:28.931 --> 45:30.753 Yes, because it's a beautiful name. 45:31.113 --> 45:32.494 You're not so sure about the name, Stephanie. 45:32.654 --> 45:33.735 We were talking about it before. 45:33.795 --> 45:34.776 I think you won me round. 45:34.816 --> 45:35.336 It is a nice name. 45:35.357 --> 45:36.037 Pretty name, yeah. 45:36.097 --> 45:36.317 Yeah. 45:37.158 --> 45:38.459 Okay, it's free play time. 45:38.980 --> 45:42.342 This is a track called Nerd Girl by somebody called MC Chris. 45:42.362 --> 45:43.423 Have you heard of MC Chris? 45:43.684 --> 45:45.565 No, is this another one of your internet discoveries? 45:45.785 --> 45:48.347 No, I went on a show on another radio station. 45:48.367 --> 45:49.989 Are we allowed to talk about other radio stations? 45:50.289 --> 45:51.370 It's called Resonance FM. 45:51.410 --> 45:56.975 It's quite a good little arty station and they have a video game show called One Life Left, which is excellent. 45:57.895 --> 46:00.317 and it's available as a podcast as well. 46:00.657 --> 46:04.519 But they play a lot of video game related music and they played this song on it. 46:04.879 --> 46:12.384 And MC Chris is a kind of hipster type DJ who went to NYU, the Titch School of the Arts. 46:12.504 --> 46:13.685 Tish, how's it pronounced? 46:13.725 --> 46:15.846 That trendy art school in New York. 46:15.886 --> 46:16.406 Oh gosh, I don't know. 46:16.426 --> 46:17.066 Have you ever heard of it? 46:17.147 --> 46:17.407 Tish. 46:17.447 --> 46:17.567 No. 46:18.527 --> 46:20.168 He self-releases his records. 46:20.609 --> 46:21.649 He doesn't have a label. 46:21.929 --> 46:24.511 He's a voice actor on Aquitine Hunger Force. 46:24.691 --> 46:25.851 Oh, that's very trendy, isn't it? 46:25.932 --> 46:27.492 Yeah, it's all super trendy. 46:27.592 --> 46:29.093 MC Chris is all lowercase. 46:30.994 --> 46:33.456 You can't write any capitals in the name MC Chris. 46:33.836 --> 46:36.277 And this is an example of nerdcore, apparently. 46:36.638 --> 46:39.359 But it's a good track and it's chock full of pop culture references. 46:39.399 --> 46:43.902 So I'm going to see, Adam, whether you can identify some of these pop culture references. 46:44.803 --> 46:54.764 uh some of the lyrics go there's a special kind of girl that goes to my shows and i don't mean the groupie hoes along the front row she's more like a wallflower like the one that striker sniped 46:55.834 --> 46:56.394 Stryker. 46:56.454 --> 46:56.894 Stryker. 46:57.314 --> 46:58.775 Mortal Kombat 3, I think. 46:59.015 --> 46:59.095 Oh. 46:59.315 --> 47:00.275 Video game character. 47:00.335 --> 47:01.696 Are these all video game references? 47:01.856 --> 47:03.756 I think Emily Strange is another reference. 47:03.776 --> 47:04.917 Do you know who Emily Strange is? 47:04.957 --> 47:05.277 No. 47:05.397 --> 47:06.577 You don't know who Emily Strange is? 47:06.617 --> 47:06.757 Is she? 47:06.997 --> 47:10.278 She's a very popular goth kind of comic character. 47:10.658 --> 47:10.898 Right. 47:11.118 --> 47:11.939 Yeah. 47:12.079 --> 47:13.079 I'm not going to get any of these. 47:13.119 --> 47:13.479 Kang. 47:14.239 --> 47:15.140 Do you know who Kang is? 47:15.600 --> 47:17.060 I want to conquer her like Kang. 47:17.340 --> 47:18.461 Oh, he's in The Simpsons. 47:18.481 --> 47:19.221 He's one of the aliens. 47:20.211 --> 47:21.451 I think that's Clang. 47:21.991 --> 47:22.692 No, it's Kang. 47:22.732 --> 47:23.252 Is it Kang? 47:23.272 --> 47:23.852 I'm sure. 47:24.092 --> 47:25.092 Maybe you're right, maybe you're right. 47:25.132 --> 47:25.772 Cassie Lang. 47:26.052 --> 47:27.833 When you kiss like Cassie Lang, you've got one. 47:27.853 --> 47:28.113 I've got one. 47:28.133 --> 47:29.393 Do you know who Cassie Lang is? 47:29.473 --> 47:29.773 No. 47:30.013 --> 47:31.974 Scott Lang's daughter from the Ant-Man comics. 47:32.114 --> 47:33.414 Oh, I didn't know that. 47:33.494 --> 47:34.434 Do you know what? 47:34.794 --> 47:41.916 There's no, another lyric is, there's no way I can pronounce Neo-Geon, Neo, I can't pronounce it, Neo-Geo Evangelion. 47:42.516 --> 47:43.737 Is that a Matrix reference? 47:43.877 --> 47:45.977 No, that's a very famous manga series. 47:46.277 --> 47:47.197 You're making me look old. 47:47.277 --> 47:49.198 Neo-Geo, I like it, that's why I'm doing it. 47:49.918 --> 47:51.559 This is, you see, I've got a family. 47:52.479 --> 47:55.041 Things like this don't penetrate my family bubble. 47:55.201 --> 47:57.322 I can't refute because she's so cute. 47:57.722 --> 47:59.143 And so I suck my belly in. 47:59.663 --> 48:00.943 X-23 and Hellion. 48:02.364 --> 48:04.805 Odd couple to be... I'm not making it sound like a very good song. 48:04.905 --> 48:05.706 X-23 and Hellion. 48:06.306 --> 48:06.927 What is that? 48:06.987 --> 48:08.208 They're X-Men mutants. 48:08.408 --> 48:09.730 I thought they were like skin creams. 48:09.850 --> 48:10.971 You're not gonna like this song. 48:11.391 --> 48:13.794 This is Nerd Girl by MC Chris. 48:14.134 --> 48:17.197 Yeah, that's MC Chris with nerd girl spelled. 48:17.217 --> 48:18.699 I got a couple of the other references. 48:18.719 --> 48:19.860 Sorry, say how it's spelled. 48:20.020 --> 48:22.843 N-R-R-R-D-G-R-R-R-L. 48:23.684 --> 48:24.525 Nerd girl. 48:24.865 --> 48:27.186 She's under my skin like a million nanobots. 48:27.486 --> 48:27.746 Yes. 48:27.766 --> 48:29.007 I know what nanobots are, right? 48:29.027 --> 48:29.547 Good, well done. 48:29.567 --> 48:30.208 From watching Star Trek. 48:30.288 --> 48:31.308 They're like tiny robots. 48:31.348 --> 48:32.109 Yeah, nano. 48:32.569 --> 48:33.750 Nintendo DS? 48:33.970 --> 48:34.270 Yes. 48:34.730 --> 48:36.491 Yeah, my boys have got a Nintendo DS. 48:36.531 --> 48:38.612 What about she's like, Annie Pots in Busters? 48:38.952 --> 48:40.613 Get my freak on like I'm Egon. 48:41.314 --> 48:42.814 Egon-ronay? 48:43.155 --> 48:44.215 No, come on, you know that one. 48:44.235 --> 48:44.635 Egon Sheila? 48:45.156 --> 48:45.356 No. 48:45.736 --> 48:46.997 Egon from Ghostbusters? 48:47.017 --> 48:47.377 Yes! 48:47.417 --> 48:48.077 Hey! 48:48.498 --> 48:48.998 Exactly. 48:49.438 --> 48:49.999 Oh, there you go. 48:50.299 --> 48:51.540 Thank goodness I was being quite ancient. 48:51.560 --> 48:51.860 Well done. 48:51.880 --> 48:54.282 You are still officially very, very slightly young. 48:55.023 --> 48:55.864 Hooray. 48:56.504 --> 48:57.385 Now, what have we got coming up? 48:58.086 --> 48:59.627 Is it time for textination now? 48:59.647 --> 49:00.288 Do we have time? 49:00.308 --> 49:02.670 Look, it's like three minutes to the news. 49:02.690 --> 49:03.791 Well, don't worry about that. 49:03.831 --> 49:05.212 It's not news at the top of the hour. 49:05.232 --> 49:06.573 It's news at the bottom of the hour. 49:06.593 --> 49:08.855 News comes at the bottom of the hour. 49:09.075 --> 49:10.397 Don't you know anything? 49:10.417 --> 49:10.457 No. 49:11.958 --> 49:14.040 Let's have the textination jingle then and do some of them. 49:16.377 --> 49:17.160 Text-a-nation! 49:17.240 --> 49:18.304 Text, text, text! 49:18.425 --> 49:19.147 Text-a-nation! 49:19.228 --> 49:20.171 What if I don't want to? 49:20.452 --> 49:21.115 Text-a-nation! 49:21.135 --> 49:21.617 It doesn't matter! 49:21.717 --> 49:21.978 Text! 49:24.187 --> 49:30.952 And Text the Nation this week, listeners, is all about famous brilliant films that you think will inevitably and horribly be remade. 49:30.972 --> 49:35.155 And if so, how you think they'll remake them and who you think they'll cast in them, right? 49:35.335 --> 49:40.920 Another one I thought of that will get remade one day, which is a bit similar to Star Wars, is E.T. 49:41.300 --> 49:42.841 Yeah, a couple of people have texted that in. 49:43.622 --> 49:50.307 And you would think, I mean, again, haunted by the prospect of the original looking too clunky and maybe trying to stave off any remakes. 49:50.327 --> 49:51.648 Spielberg, of course, did his own. 49:52.308 --> 49:53.169 remake job. 49:53.989 --> 49:54.189 What? 49:54.569 --> 49:55.910 Well, he reissued it. 49:56.010 --> 49:57.010 Yeah, he reissued it. 49:57.531 --> 50:00.712 And there was a treatment written for a sequel. 50:01.032 --> 50:01.353 Was there? 50:01.493 --> 50:03.954 Yeah, that then turned into a book called E.T. 50:03.974 --> 50:04.814 and the Green Planet. 50:05.074 --> 50:05.595 Oh, yes. 50:05.655 --> 50:08.136 But Spielberg refused to make it. 50:08.196 --> 50:09.457 He doesn't want to mess with E.T. 50:09.637 --> 50:11.738 Well, he messed enough with his face, though, didn't he? 50:11.778 --> 50:14.579 It's true, but at least on the DVD you can get both versions. 50:14.619 --> 50:15.920 You can, thank goodness for that. 50:16.260 --> 50:19.962 And he spent all that time painting out the guns wielded by the FBI agents. 50:20.602 --> 50:22.303 replacing them with walkie-talkies. 50:22.844 --> 50:29.449 Anyway, all he's done is put off the inevitable moment when someone remakes the whole film, because it's a wonderful story. 50:30.049 --> 50:34.653 And one day, even Spielberg's retouched remake won't look modern enough. 50:35.113 --> 50:37.815 Well, they'll make Holy CGI, won't they? 50:37.975 --> 50:38.255 You reckon? 50:38.295 --> 50:41.197 As he is a little bit in the revisioned version, revised version. 50:41.257 --> 50:51.283 Yeah, but then maybe things will change and one day there will come a time when they remake the film but they have a completely just a guy in a suit or something else. 50:51.543 --> 50:58.848 Maybe there'll come a time when the alien is a real alien and human beings have been wiped out so the human will be an alien in a suit. 50:58.968 --> 50:59.768 That's right. 51:00.329 --> 51:03.491 Aliens will use CG technology to recreate the humans. 51:03.771 --> 51:05.712 Aliens will make a film called Human. 51:06.032 --> 51:06.733 Brilliant idea. 51:07.406 --> 51:10.370 Let's have a text then from the audience to listeners. 51:10.450 --> 51:11.051 Okay, here we go. 51:11.071 --> 51:12.233 This is from David Wall. 51:12.313 --> 51:13.094 He says, hello. 51:14.275 --> 51:16.579 I think this is talking about a Star Wars remake. 51:16.999 --> 51:21.485 I think Don Cheadle should play Lando Calrissian and should use his horrendous Cockney accent from Oceans 11. 51:21.986 --> 51:23.148 Yeah, that's a good idea. 51:24.649 --> 51:26.190 Here's another one from Guy Sampson. 51:26.570 --> 51:33.853 He says, Dear Adam and Joe, how about the seminal Kubrick classic A Clockwork Orange starring Jason Orange from Take That as Alex? 51:34.053 --> 51:34.713 That's a good idea. 51:34.773 --> 51:37.114 A very good idea for a film that will get remade, certainly. 51:37.275 --> 51:39.055 I mean, that's only a matter of time. 51:39.095 --> 51:40.576 A short time, I would say. 51:40.876 --> 51:43.997 Do you think, because you'd have the excuse that you were going back to the source novel. 51:44.338 --> 51:44.578 Yeah. 51:44.778 --> 51:46.979 And that would stop you from getting compared to Kubrick. 51:47.219 --> 51:51.781 Absolutely, but you would almost certainly use some... I wouldn't mind that, you know. 51:51.841 --> 51:53.321 I'd actually quite like a remake of that. 51:53.562 --> 51:55.042 Russell Brand's bound to be in there. 51:55.122 --> 51:56.143 No, I don't like it anymore. 51:56.163 --> 51:58.964 He's modelled his whole... ...stick on, hasn't he? 51:59.004 --> 52:00.244 And the Boosh could be in there? 52:00.445 --> 52:00.725 Yeah. 52:01.665 --> 52:03.086 That would be quite good, actually. 52:03.746 --> 52:04.466 Let's get to work. 52:04.526 --> 52:05.847 The novel's amazing, isn't it? 52:05.947 --> 52:07.768 That could definitely take another remake. 52:07.908 --> 52:08.408 I'm up for that. 52:08.428 --> 52:10.089 I'm going to pitch that. 52:10.229 --> 52:16.011 Rob MacMichael writes, film remake of The Shining with Jim Carrey and Jennifer Anderson. 52:16.712 --> 52:19.133 Child to be played by a young Lewis Hamilton. 52:19.373 --> 52:19.753 Anderson? 52:20.373 --> 52:20.753 Yeah. 52:20.893 --> 52:21.854 Or Aniston? 52:22.394 --> 52:23.755 No, Jennifer Anderson. 52:24.175 --> 52:26.816 Wasn't she with the Baywatch woman? 52:26.856 --> 52:27.517 What's she called? 52:27.897 --> 52:28.577 Pamela Anderson. 52:28.617 --> 52:28.998 That's right. 52:29.058 --> 52:32.539 He's got Jennifer Aniston and Pamela Anderson mixed up. 52:32.619 --> 52:35.301 Unless there's someone called Jennifer Anderson that we don't know about because we're too old. 52:35.321 --> 52:36.902 I think Jennifer Aniston would be better. 52:36.982 --> 52:37.222 Yeah. 52:37.882 --> 52:58.232 uh or maybe even i did my pirate oh again i'm gorgeous who's the other lady who's the kooky lady from friends you know the blonde hair one phoebe yeah she'd be a better shining female lead wouldn't she well she's a little bit older now too old too old we need someone young and gawky and geeky looking right miley saris okay 52:59.073 --> 52:59.613 Here's another one. 52:59.693 --> 53:09.063 Adam and Jo, how about remaking one floor over the cuckoo's nest with Forest Whitaker throwing a CGI sink out of the window that explodes in a huge fireball as he walks to freedom? 53:09.123 --> 53:09.844 That's from Dill. 53:10.204 --> 53:11.666 Forest Whitaker is Chief Bromden. 53:11.866 --> 53:12.947 Yeah, that would be good, don't you? 53:12.987 --> 53:16.751 I like the idea that the sink is CGI. 53:17.712 --> 53:22.036 Just because health and safety means you can't have the actor actually pick up a sink. 53:22.256 --> 53:26.620 Exactly, and you would want to guarantee that the trajectory of the sink through the wall was just perfect. 53:26.640 --> 53:28.782 Well, it would fly right next to the lens of the camera. 53:29.442 --> 53:32.765 You might even do one of those CGI effects where it shatters the lens briefly. 53:32.785 --> 53:37.609 Right, and the camera passes through the actual sink, down the plug hole. 53:37.669 --> 53:39.431 If it was directed by Fincher, that's what would happen. 53:40.632 --> 53:41.092 That's a good idea. 53:41.112 --> 53:42.193 Here's one from Ed Rice. 53:42.233 --> 53:43.874 How about Ferris Bueller's Day Off? 53:43.954 --> 53:45.435 That surely will be redone. 53:45.615 --> 53:46.015 That's correct. 53:46.035 --> 53:47.656 That's overdue for redoing, isn't it? 53:47.696 --> 53:47.976 Yeah, yeah. 53:48.516 --> 53:51.038 I was thinking of using you two as the main parts. 53:51.598 --> 53:52.338 What do you say? 53:52.378 --> 53:53.079 Are you up for it? 53:53.399 --> 53:54.419 So who would be who? 53:54.579 --> 53:55.060 Would I be Fer... 53:55.840 --> 53:58.281 I don't know, I guess you'd be... I'd be Ferris and you'd be Cameron. 53:58.441 --> 53:59.902 Yeah, I'd be a good Cameron. 54:00.262 --> 54:01.423 You would be a good Cameron. 54:01.783 --> 54:02.403 We should do that. 54:02.763 --> 54:03.323 That's a good idea. 54:03.343 --> 54:07.825 We're certainly up for it if anyone's prepared to invest, what do you think, 15 million pounds? 54:07.845 --> 54:10.667 But I'm too old and hairy to be Ferris though. 54:10.687 --> 54:11.067 It's true. 54:11.087 --> 54:11.467 It's true. 54:11.727 --> 54:12.608 What are you supposed to say? 54:12.628 --> 54:13.309 No, no. 54:13.549 --> 54:14.810 I'm not agreeing with that. 54:14.830 --> 54:15.631 You just need a shave? 54:16.332 --> 54:17.473 It would be creepy. 54:18.133 --> 54:19.174 It would be creepy. 54:19.194 --> 54:22.117 You are creepy and weird. 54:22.217 --> 54:24.820 Here's one from Jack Pete. 54:24.940 --> 54:26.101 Hi there. 54:26.141 --> 54:30.225 How about a remake of The Ipcrest File with George Lamb playing Michael Caine's character? 54:30.706 --> 54:32.107 Didn't mean to read that one out, really. 54:33.587 --> 54:35.168 That's a good idea though, yeah. 54:35.188 --> 54:39.952 That seems the modern embodiment of a charming cockney man of cheeky temerity. 54:39.972 --> 54:41.193 I don't know about charming. 54:42.194 --> 54:42.614 Let's move on. 54:43.054 --> 54:46.797 Here is one from an anonymous emailer. 54:46.817 --> 54:50.260 It says, Schindler's list in glorious technicolour. 54:50.740 --> 54:51.761 I think that's a brilliant idea. 54:51.781 --> 54:55.244 You make all of Schindler's list in technicolour, but the little girl is in black and white. 54:56.665 --> 54:57.826 It's the big switcheroo. 54:59.006 --> 54:59.826 Oh, dear, oh, dear. 55:00.126 --> 55:06.427 But that's not such a good idea, though, for... I mean, Schindler's List is legendary as being quite a hard film to watch, really. 55:06.767 --> 55:08.008 So why would you remake that? 55:08.048 --> 55:10.208 Would audiences flock to see that one? 55:10.928 --> 55:12.188 Because you'd make it more upbeat. 55:12.388 --> 55:12.828 Right. 55:12.929 --> 55:13.349 Exactly. 55:13.409 --> 55:14.289 You'd do it. 55:14.769 --> 55:15.509 He'd save everyone. 55:15.709 --> 55:16.129 Exactly. 55:16.989 --> 55:18.369 Here's one from Fergus Boden. 55:18.750 --> 55:22.730 He says he's got a contribution to the Star Wars remake casting. 55:23.050 --> 55:24.791 How about Bill Bailey as Chewbacca? 55:25.071 --> 55:25.631 Nice idea. 55:25.711 --> 55:27.011 And Tom Cruise as Yoda. 55:29.251 --> 55:30.412 That's a good idea. 55:30.432 --> 55:32.612 That's very good idea. 55:32.852 --> 55:39.314 Listen, let's have more of these in a second and have the late top of our sting followed by some delightful Radiohead. 55:53.195 --> 55:55.416 Oh, that's good, isn't it? 55:55.436 --> 55:57.837 2 plus 2 equals 5 by Radiohead. 55:57.877 --> 56:00.358 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music. 56:00.838 --> 56:09.601 Now, filth fans and teenagers, it's an exciting week for you because I do believe this week the new series of skins start. 56:09.801 --> 56:11.662 Oh, an all-new series with an all-new cast. 56:11.762 --> 56:21.629 Channel 4, they've suffered from the credit crunch, as we all have, and I believe they're cutting all drama production on the channel apart from Skins. 56:22.049 --> 56:22.249 Right. 56:22.429 --> 56:23.810 And maybe one or two other things. 56:23.870 --> 56:24.371 Shameless. 56:24.771 --> 56:26.532 Shameless, yeah, you wouldn't want Tina to be out of it. 56:26.552 --> 56:34.077 So, Skins is an important tentpole production for Channel 4, and as we all know, the first series was actually pretty good. 56:34.498 --> 56:35.938 Never really watched a whole episode. 56:36.319 --> 56:37.319 It is worth watching. 56:37.359 --> 56:39.641 It's not as hateful as it sort of seems. 56:40.321 --> 56:41.702 Was Harry Enfield in that one as the dad? 56:41.722 --> 56:44.403 Yeah, he plays one of the dads indeed. 56:44.523 --> 56:53.727 And if you're a Skins fan, you can go on some Channel 4 website or other and see the first part of the first episode of the new series of Skins. 56:54.287 --> 57:00.870 It's been heavily trailed with this very elaborate thing of them all in a pub, kicking off fireworks and starting a fight. 57:01.110 --> 57:02.291 Is that actually in the episode? 57:03.312 --> 57:05.353 I don't know, sorry I did the pirate R again. 57:06.674 --> 57:13.060 But it's supposed to just be like a lot of their trails were just supposed to sum up the atmosphere of the show in some way. 57:13.080 --> 57:13.460 I don't know. 57:13.600 --> 57:14.020 I don't know. 57:14.141 --> 57:14.681 Deliberately. 57:14.921 --> 57:18.224 Like they had another one with some Radiohead music on top of it actually. 57:18.344 --> 57:21.046 And for the first series they had the sort of sexy party didn't they? 57:21.066 --> 57:23.648 Yeah, they were all lying in a bath and it never really happened. 57:23.668 --> 57:28.012 It was all like a bashed in bathroom with tiles coming off the walls and naked people. 57:28.052 --> 57:32.453 But the first thing to say about the new series of Skins is that they've changed the cast entirely. 57:32.793 --> 57:41.076 It's like one of those Japanese pop groups mourning Matsume or whatever they're called, where they basically throw or manudo. 57:41.696 --> 57:45.797 Where they throw every person in the band out because they've got too old. 57:45.937 --> 57:46.477 It's a putch. 57:46.757 --> 57:48.478 Yeah, the Logan's run approach. 57:48.638 --> 57:48.858 Yeah. 57:49.598 --> 57:56.762 The second thing to say is that this first part of the first episode of Skins is utterly, utterly ridiculous. 57:57.302 --> 57:58.683 They've tried to... Ridiculous. 57:59.163 --> 57:59.784 Sexy. 58:00.164 --> 58:01.525 Yeah, exactly. 58:02.445 --> 58:05.947 It's absurd. 58:06.007 --> 58:15.192 They try and cram in to this five minutes of telly every single thing that might possibly lure an irresponsible teenager to watching. 58:15.852 --> 58:19.173 They really reckon they've got teenagers nailed in skins. 58:19.694 --> 58:22.235 You know, it's like the ultimate carrot on a stick to get them watching. 58:22.635 --> 58:26.396 So let me give you 10 things that happen, maybe more. 58:26.876 --> 58:28.617 First of all, there's electronic feedback. 58:29.037 --> 58:31.258 That's the first sound you hear on a black screen. 58:34.099 --> 58:35.860 Immediately a teenager will go, what? 58:37.108 --> 58:38.129 What's that noise? 58:38.789 --> 58:39.450 I like it. 58:41.091 --> 58:43.553 Then the magic's all gone. 58:44.313 --> 58:48.836 And then suddenly the pic image fades up and there's a skateboard. 58:49.497 --> 58:50.417 It's a big close up. 58:50.457 --> 58:53.579 Some grotty scrappy converse shoes on a skateboard. 58:53.599 --> 58:54.260 Love skateboarding. 58:54.500 --> 58:56.162 Oh, it's a skateboarder. 58:56.182 --> 58:57.423 Digital skateboarder. 58:57.443 --> 58:58.404 I love skateboarding. 58:58.484 --> 59:01.346 What is this program, says the teenager? 59:01.647 --> 59:03.208 Board, air flip, flips. 59:03.468 --> 59:08.893 The next thing that happens is the skateboard does an ollie, a little jump over a dog turd. 59:09.614 --> 59:10.414 A turd. 59:10.935 --> 59:11.275 Yeah. 59:12.016 --> 59:13.037 Life's a turd. 59:13.237 --> 59:15.219 You've just got to jump over it to get ahead. 59:15.239 --> 59:16.580 I like this program. 59:16.600 --> 59:17.060 What is it? 59:17.741 --> 59:19.142 Right, that's thing number three. 59:19.182 --> 59:20.203 Digital skateboarder. 59:21.560 --> 59:22.961 Literally, there's no separation. 59:23.001 --> 59:25.023 These come immediately hot on one another's heel. 59:25.663 --> 59:26.624 What happens next? 59:27.405 --> 59:27.725 Drugs. 59:28.846 --> 59:29.807 He gets a text. 59:30.107 --> 59:30.567 Oh, does he? 59:30.767 --> 59:32.529 I'm texting on my skateboard. 59:32.649 --> 59:33.129 Wicked. 59:33.249 --> 59:34.811 Young people text all the time. 59:36.072 --> 59:37.253 What's the text about? 59:37.273 --> 59:39.034 He reads the text while still skating. 59:39.054 --> 59:39.975 Watch out for the turd. 59:40.015 --> 59:41.416 You don't see his face, by the way. 59:41.556 --> 59:43.357 No, that would have been a cleverer text. 59:43.838 --> 59:46.800 No, the text says, I've just finished all your spliff. 59:48.513 --> 59:49.074 Seriously. 59:49.614 --> 59:52.477 So the guy goes, oh no, they finished my spliff. 59:52.797 --> 59:54.439 Did you all skateboard turn spliff? 59:56.060 --> 59:57.261 Teenagers are loving it. 59:57.281 --> 01:00:00.444 It's like an ultrasonic dog whistle to a teenager's ears. 01:00:01.005 --> 01:00:02.046 And only 15 seconds of this have passed. 01:00:05.569 --> 01:00:20.494 What happens next is it pans up to reveal the identity of the skateboarder, and he is an extremely good-looking young man with razor-sharp, cheekbones, a ridiculous little sort of mini beard on his chin, and a trilby hat. 01:00:21.294 --> 01:00:25.496 Which is, of course, in this day and age, a complete red rag to a bull for a teenager. 01:00:25.956 --> 01:00:27.136 He's got a little trilby! 01:00:27.216 --> 01:00:28.236 What's got a trilby? 01:00:28.356 --> 01:00:28.977 I like him! 01:00:29.257 --> 01:00:31.337 Digital skateboard text, flip text, trilby! 01:00:33.198 --> 01:00:37.505 And what happens next after he's reading, you see that as he reads the text. 01:00:37.525 --> 01:00:38.767 And do you know what he does next? 01:00:39.769 --> 01:00:40.730 He drops the F-bomb. 01:00:41.051 --> 01:00:41.452 Does he? 01:00:41.552 --> 01:00:47.001 Yeah, the first word said in the new series of Skins is the plural of the F-bomb. 01:00:47.779 --> 01:00:48.839 Double f-bomb. 01:00:49.079 --> 01:00:51.100 Yeah, so swearing immediately. 01:00:51.180 --> 01:00:54.121 Again, the teenagers, they love to swear, they love to hear the swearing. 01:00:55.281 --> 01:00:57.981 If you have more than one, I'll write it down for you. 01:00:58.542 --> 01:01:00.082 Yeah, that didn't really make much sense. 01:01:00.922 --> 01:01:01.842 Oh, I see. 01:01:01.962 --> 01:01:02.643 Right. 01:01:02.683 --> 01:01:03.403 Like truckers. 01:01:03.663 --> 01:01:04.523 Yes, yes, yes. 01:01:05.123 --> 01:01:07.864 Okay, so only 20 seconds have elapsed at this point. 01:01:07.904 --> 01:01:11.365 The teenager is already completely engaged with what's happening. 01:01:11.665 --> 01:01:13.185 Loud guitar music kicks in. 01:01:14.165 --> 01:01:15.346 No, no, no, no, no, no. 01:01:16.886 --> 01:01:21.349 Yeah, so immediately now your teenage viewers are super excited, trembling, getting the shakes. 01:01:21.449 --> 01:01:24.831 Digital skateboard turns swift track takes drill bits wearing indie rock. 01:01:25.392 --> 01:01:27.433 Exactly, that's what's going on in the viewer's head. 01:01:28.734 --> 01:01:39.081 Our hero continues skating down the middle of the road and there's a pathetic community bobby on his bike with a pathetic cycling helmet who's doing something I can't remember. 01:01:39.381 --> 01:01:43.584 But our skateboarding teen hero skates very close to him and scares him. 01:01:43.984 --> 01:01:44.605 Yeah. 01:01:44.705 --> 01:01:46.226 And makes him sort of fall off his bike. 01:01:46.786 --> 01:01:47.947 stupid cop. 01:01:47.987 --> 01:01:53.630 The sort of equivalent of Dennis the Menace knocking her bobby's hat off in the bino but for the noughties. 01:01:53.670 --> 01:01:55.291 Dennis would never have done that I don't think. 01:01:55.511 --> 01:01:57.712 The policeman pursues our hero skater. 01:01:57.932 --> 01:01:58.973 Quite right. 01:01:59.093 --> 01:02:00.413 And there's a hilarious payoff to that. 01:02:00.453 --> 01:02:02.094 Then our hero skater meets his friends. 01:02:02.515 --> 01:02:05.636 They are in an outdoor pub in the morning this is. 01:02:05.716 --> 01:02:13.841 Skins is set in Bristol so they're in some some outdoor like calf in Bristol and they're drinking beer and smoking large jazz cigarettes. 01:02:14.381 --> 01:02:44.001 in the morning in the morning in the open in public and they're swearing and it's not even christmas no and they're swearing non-stop to each other and they look like a couple of um what can i just say winkers yeah wonkers yeah and then you get harry enfield who crashes his car and he's swearing and effing and blinding bringing the swear count up to well most of the dollar at that point is swear words with one or two you know smaller words just to join them together how many minutes into the show are we now for 01:02:45.561 --> 01:02:50.763 And the next exchange includes the words nipples, breasts and bottom. 01:02:51.043 --> 01:02:51.323 Yeah. 01:02:51.363 --> 01:02:54.704 They see a girl and one of them talks about her nipples, breasts and bottom. 01:02:55.044 --> 01:02:55.464 Mmm. 01:02:55.965 --> 01:03:00.746 Digital skateboard, turd, spliff, text, trilby, swearing, indie rock, community police, pawns, pub lady. 01:03:01.186 --> 01:03:01.726 Exactly. 01:03:01.746 --> 01:03:02.106 It's all in there. 01:03:02.126 --> 01:03:05.147 That's like a menu of everything teenagers are interested in. 01:03:05.267 --> 01:03:06.068 Right, teenagers? 01:03:06.228 --> 01:03:06.688 Yeah. 01:03:07.108 --> 01:03:08.548 I think a better series. 01:03:09.028 --> 01:03:13.870 I mean, the first thing to say is what else could you possibly put in there to attract idiotic teenagers? 01:03:14.150 --> 01:03:15.651 As a casual murder? 01:03:17.553 --> 01:03:19.614 A sort of consequence-free stabbing. 01:03:19.694 --> 01:03:20.695 Yeah. 01:03:20.775 --> 01:03:21.575 They love that team. 01:03:21.655 --> 01:03:23.077 Oh, I accidentally stabbed her. 01:03:23.137 --> 01:03:23.817 It doesn't matter. 01:03:23.877 --> 01:03:24.658 It's legal now. 01:03:24.678 --> 01:03:26.159 I want some drugs. 01:03:27.019 --> 01:03:29.301 Illegally downloading MP3s? 01:03:29.361 --> 01:03:30.282 Yes, that would have been good. 01:03:30.402 --> 01:03:32.784 On his mobile phone as he skated. 01:03:33.444 --> 01:03:46.791 If you can think of any more stuff that they missed there in Skins, I was trying to think of new characters for Skins, but then I started thinking about what a more sensible series for teenagers would be about. 01:03:46.851 --> 01:03:54.115 Because, you know, it might occur to both Channel 4 and teenagers that, you know, a lot of young people aren't actually like that. 01:03:54.135 --> 01:03:54.415 What? 01:03:54.835 --> 01:03:58.398 and that they wouldn't necessarily aspire to that sort of lifestyle. 01:03:59.059 --> 01:04:06.045 And you know, and it might be wrong to portray teenagers behaving like that as an aspirational package. 01:04:06.786 --> 01:04:09.368 Not wrong, but just slightly irresponsible and lazy. 01:04:10.149 --> 01:04:13.372 Perpetuating certain awful modes of behavior. 01:04:13.912 --> 01:04:16.234 So what about a series just called Pens? 01:04:16.614 --> 01:04:16.895 Right. 01:04:16.995 --> 01:04:17.916 What happens in Pens? 01:04:18.016 --> 01:04:18.456 Not much. 01:04:19.617 --> 01:04:20.838 They're very nice teenagers. 01:04:20.878 --> 01:04:24.661 They might have one or two very tame drugs occasionally at a party. 01:04:24.841 --> 01:04:25.642 Tidy their rooms. 01:04:25.742 --> 01:04:26.563 They tidy their rooms. 01:04:26.863 --> 01:04:30.746 They like to know a person a lot before they kiss them or sleep with them. 01:04:30.966 --> 01:04:34.689 One of them's into long distance running, gets up very early in the morning to train. 01:04:34.729 --> 01:04:41.014 They've all got exams coming up, mocks coming up, and they really are trying to knuckle down because they realise how important it is to get good grades. 01:04:41.034 --> 01:04:42.375 They absolutely love their mummies and daddies. 01:04:42.395 --> 01:04:43.456 They love their mummies and daddies. 01:04:43.476 --> 01:04:45.637 They spend a lot of time studying and reading. 01:04:47.859 --> 01:04:48.860 Do you think that would be good? 01:04:48.940 --> 01:04:52.221 Yeah, they read historical novels all the time and they talk about it. 01:04:52.661 --> 01:04:54.442 Dostoevsky and that kind of thing. 01:04:54.882 --> 01:04:55.523 I like that show. 01:04:55.583 --> 01:04:59.504 I think that that show would maybe cater to a larger slice of the teen population. 01:04:59.745 --> 01:05:00.125 Surely. 01:05:00.145 --> 01:05:03.286 If we can't get E4 to make pens, I'm sure BBC 3 will. 01:05:04.667 --> 01:05:06.147 That's got to be on the agenda. 01:05:06.368 --> 01:05:08.128 This is Adam and Jo on BBC 6 Music. 01:05:08.168 --> 01:05:09.449 It's time for some music. 01:05:09.469 --> 01:05:10.289 Here's Paul Weller. 01:05:10.609 --> 01:05:13.491 That's Paul Weller with All I Want To Do Is Be With You. 01:05:14.371 --> 01:05:17.132 and you're listening to Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 01:05:17.532 --> 01:05:36.738 Yeah, last week, and we're going to do some Stephen news now, last week we had an email from a listener called Joe Clackston who announced to our listenership that at last Monday's screening of the director's cut of Blade Runner at the BFI IMAX on the South Bank in London, he was planning to shout Stephen before the film. 01:05:36.818 --> 01:05:40.119 So this was an exciting kind of pre-emptive email. 01:05:40.339 --> 01:05:43.700 He didn't actually say whereabouts he was going to shout Stephen 01:05:43.880 --> 01:05:45.581 What, where he would be in the auditorium? 01:05:45.962 --> 01:05:47.063 No, at what point? 01:05:47.603 --> 01:05:49.344 No, well, he said he wasn't going to do it during the film. 01:05:49.364 --> 01:05:49.484 Right. 01:05:49.504 --> 01:05:53.448 Because he has, you know, proper respect for filmgoers and their enjoyment of the film. 01:05:53.468 --> 01:05:53.768 Of course. 01:05:53.968 --> 01:05:55.709 So one assumes he would do so before. 01:05:55.869 --> 01:05:56.110 Okay. 01:05:56.270 --> 01:05:57.331 But here is his email. 01:05:57.971 --> 01:05:58.672 This is from Joe. 01:05:58.732 --> 01:06:01.134 Firstly, thanks for reading my message out on the show last week. 01:06:01.194 --> 01:06:02.495 Here follows my report. 01:06:03.587 --> 01:06:13.419 I decided to call Stephen just as the lights were going down, as shouting anything during the film is a no-no in my book, and I needed some light in order to see who, if anyone, would answer. 01:06:13.879 --> 01:06:16.563 So the lights go down and the shout is released from my mouth. 01:06:17.082 --> 01:06:17.863 Stephen! 01:06:18.284 --> 01:06:20.547 Almost immediately the response came, just coming! 01:06:20.967 --> 01:06:26.254 I looked toward the reply and saw in the fading light a bearded man who was looking over in my direction. 01:06:26.274 --> 01:06:26.915 Was that you Adam? 01:06:26.975 --> 01:06:27.375 It wasn't. 01:06:27.956 --> 01:06:30.720 I tried to signal to him but I don't know if he saw me. 01:06:31.220 --> 01:06:34.865 If the person who answered me is listening, maybe he could get in touch with the show. 01:06:35.906 --> 01:06:41.491 He says the film was amazing, Riddles has fixed the Snake Lady robots dodgy hair wig, etc. 01:06:42.171 --> 01:06:43.132 So there we go, Joe. 01:06:43.752 --> 01:06:49.297 That seemed as if it worked well and we do have a couple of other emails from people who are in the same screening. 01:06:49.677 --> 01:06:51.438 This is from Martin in Camberwell. 01:06:51.859 --> 01:06:52.659 Hi Adam, hi Joe. 01:06:52.839 --> 01:07:00.686 I was present at the Blade Runner IMAX showing on Monday, almost anticipating Joe Clackston's Steven outburst more than Ridley Scott's masterpiece. 01:07:01.486 --> 01:07:07.389 Although Clackston did go through with it, I'm sorry to report that his Stephen was shouted as the noise of the advertisements began. 01:07:07.809 --> 01:07:12.171 This rendered his effort inaudible for anyone other than in the six surrounding rows. 01:07:12.271 --> 01:07:12.951 Clackso? 01:07:13.171 --> 01:07:13.611 There you go. 01:07:13.651 --> 01:07:16.572 You're being dissed by Martin Reed there, Clackston. 01:07:16.812 --> 01:07:19.173 But still he got a response from the first six rows. 01:07:19.554 --> 01:07:19.914 He did. 01:07:19.974 --> 01:07:22.495 But then on the other hand, someone else who was there, Martin Cross, 01:07:23.035 --> 01:07:28.076 says, uh, I heard last week's podcast, including the listener who chimed in regarding a preemptive Steven event at the IMAX. 01:07:28.417 --> 01:07:30.437 I thought you should know your contributor made good on his promise. 01:07:30.457 --> 01:07:31.777 He got the desired response. 01:07:32.298 --> 01:07:32.898 So that's good. 01:07:33.178 --> 01:07:34.938 I think congratulations are in order there. 01:07:34.978 --> 01:07:36.679 Joe, you must be very proud. 01:07:36.979 --> 01:07:38.939 You conducted that experiment with great efficiency. 01:07:38.999 --> 01:07:40.880 I didn't ruin anyone's enjoyment of the film. 01:07:41.340 --> 01:07:42.581 Couple more Steven things. 01:07:43.081 --> 01:07:46.624 Here's another email from Bernie, the trainee air traffic controller. 01:07:46.965 --> 01:07:48.286 He says, hello Adam, hello Joe. 01:07:48.326 --> 01:07:55.011 This is a crappily vague, I realise, but in response to your wishes to get Steven on live TV. 01:07:56.072 --> 01:08:02.997 Oh, I'm convinced that earlier this week during Martin Wolfie Adams' first round match at the BDO Darts World Championship, somebody shouted out Steven between throws. 01:08:03.358 --> 01:08:04.819 This isn't the email I thought it was. 01:08:05.139 --> 01:08:05.700 We got an email 01:08:06.440 --> 01:08:18.122 from someone who'd actually held up a piece of card with the word Stephen written on it during a televised darts match and they sent us a frame grab of said darts match with the Stephen in it. 01:08:18.142 --> 01:08:22.403 So that would be the first official written Stephen in a TV show. 01:08:22.683 --> 01:08:23.404 That would be amazing. 01:08:23.424 --> 01:08:26.864 Well, if we can find it, we'll track it down and try and stick it on the Six Music website. 01:08:27.064 --> 01:08:29.645 And then finally, we've got some audio clips, haven't we? 01:08:30.425 --> 01:08:31.586 Oh yes, this is from a film. 01:08:31.766 --> 01:08:38.632 Yeah, this is from the film Cable Guy, and people are often sending us mentions of Steven in music and films, but this is, well, we're only gonna play the best. 01:08:39.212 --> 01:08:42.135 This is, we think, the ultimate Steven shout-out in a film. 01:08:42.175 --> 01:08:42.635 Do you know? 01:08:42.655 --> 01:08:43.756 Oh, you just said it, didn't you? 01:08:44.196 --> 01:08:45.097 You just said it, I think. 01:08:45.117 --> 01:08:45.357 Did I? 01:08:45.417 --> 01:08:45.698 Yeah. 01:08:46.058 --> 01:08:46.498 Oh, dear. 01:08:46.739 --> 01:08:47.639 It's from Cable Guy. 01:08:47.659 --> 01:08:48.820 Here it is. 01:08:57.591 --> 01:08:58.332 That's a good one. 01:08:58.432 --> 01:09:01.375 Yeah, and there's another one that's pretty similar. 01:09:01.395 --> 01:09:02.716 That's Broderick's character, is it? 01:09:03.877 --> 01:09:05.558 No, I don't know, maybe I don't know. 01:09:05.578 --> 01:09:06.699 I think that was Broderick saying I'm coming. 01:09:06.720 --> 01:09:07.440 I haven't seen them for years. 01:09:07.760 --> 01:09:09.622 That's not an enjoyable film to sit through. 01:09:09.762 --> 01:09:10.403 Some people love it. 01:09:10.423 --> 01:09:11.824 Some people think it's a classic. 01:09:11.904 --> 01:09:12.885 It's got some good bits in it. 01:09:13.005 --> 01:09:14.447 Anyway, that's Stephen News. 01:09:15.667 --> 01:09:16.528 Do keep it coming in. 01:09:16.968 --> 01:09:18.429 We're not going to overdo, Stephen. 01:09:18.529 --> 01:09:19.949 I think we should lay off it for a bit. 01:09:20.369 --> 01:09:22.430 Well, we're away for a couple of weeks anyway, so yeah. 01:09:22.570 --> 01:09:27.012 As you know, we've got our pre-record next week and then we've got Danny Wallace filling in for us the week after that. 01:09:27.072 --> 01:09:28.133 Right, there you go. 01:09:28.393 --> 01:09:29.273 It'll have a rest then. 01:09:29.513 --> 01:09:31.274 Music time though, is this another free play? 01:09:31.414 --> 01:09:38.417 Yeah, this is The Beatles with Tax Man with the counted in John Lennon introduction intact. 01:09:38.858 --> 01:09:42.159 If you play it normally from the computer here at the Big British Castle, they chop it out. 01:09:42.619 --> 01:09:43.559 Outrageous! 01:09:43.700 --> 01:09:44.580 We'll be tolerated. 01:09:44.600 --> 01:09:45.480 Here's the whole thing. 01:09:46.140 --> 01:09:48.481 That's the Eagles of Death Metal with Wannabe in LA. 01:09:48.521 --> 01:09:50.342 This is Adam and Jo on BBC6 Music. 01:09:50.382 --> 01:09:55.424 We've had a couple of ideas of how to improve the first four minutes of the new series of Skins. 01:09:56.044 --> 01:10:06.948 Brad in Lewis says, as another addition to the Skins intro, a hero could look down at a list of grade U's on his GCSE paper before rolling it into a ball and casually tossing it away on the street. 01:10:07.048 --> 01:10:09.068 Oh, what about using it to roll a big spliff? 01:10:09.169 --> 01:10:10.229 That's a very good idea. 01:10:10.769 --> 01:10:12.210 Yeah, says Brad. 01:10:12.590 --> 01:10:18.214 And here's another one from Jonathan Stubbs who says, I just watched the intro to Skins, a truly dynamite piece of television. 01:10:18.534 --> 01:10:26.640 I just feel sorry for the skateboarder when he has to walk up the massive hill at the end of the day and everyone who he upset on the way down is waiting for him. 01:10:27.020 --> 01:10:28.661 That's the bit they don't show you. 01:10:28.701 --> 01:10:29.442 Thank you, Jonathan. 01:10:30.382 --> 01:10:32.064 It's now time for the news at half past 11. 01:10:32.684 --> 01:10:34.005 That was... Sorry, Adam. 01:10:35.126 --> 01:10:36.567 That was Lady Tron there. 01:10:37.347 --> 01:10:38.248 I'm not talking about the record. 01:10:38.268 --> 01:10:41.611 I'm talking about the voice you just heard was Lady Tron. 01:10:41.631 --> 01:10:42.512 I am Lady Tron. 01:10:42.952 --> 01:10:44.534 What was that song called, Lady Tron? 01:10:44.774 --> 01:10:46.635 My song was called International Dateline. 01:10:46.776 --> 01:10:48.257 Will you come home with me, Lady Tron? 01:10:48.337 --> 01:10:49.178 I will come home with you. 01:10:49.218 --> 01:10:49.998 You are attractive. 01:10:50.979 --> 01:10:51.880 Thank you, Lady Tron. 01:10:51.900 --> 01:10:52.641 Lady Tron makes you. 01:10:52.681 --> 01:10:53.702 Do you mind if I break you? 01:10:54.162 --> 01:10:55.704 Lady Tran does not mind being broken. 01:10:55.924 --> 01:10:56.365 Good. 01:10:56.605 --> 01:11:00.710 That was recorded in the 6th Music Hub for the Tom Robinson Show on the 22nd of September 2005. 01:11:00.790 --> 01:11:02.232 What a day! 01:11:02.252 --> 01:11:03.253 Ooh. 01:11:03.734 --> 01:11:06.377 Now listen, sorry about that, that sounded like I didn't really mean it. 01:11:07.158 --> 01:11:07.859 Well I hope you didn't. 01:11:08.199 --> 01:11:13.386 Viral news, that would be another thing you could have at the top of Skins, it's a little viral somewhere on the phone. 01:11:14.026 --> 01:11:14.947 Anyway, viral news. 01:11:14.988 --> 01:11:24.278 This is one that's been doing the rounds the last couple of weeks and it's a viral ad for Microsoft for a bit of software called SongSmith. 01:11:24.418 --> 01:11:26.040 Now, this is an extraordinary thing. 01:11:26.080 --> 01:11:27.922 A couple of people have emailed us about it. 01:11:28.222 --> 01:11:34.790 And when you first watch this YouTube video or internet video, it appears to be a parody. 01:11:35.370 --> 01:11:35.630 Right. 01:11:36.030 --> 01:11:40.192 One can't believe that it is made sincerely in any way at all. 01:11:40.532 --> 01:11:45.354 But actually, if you do your research, it's very easy to discover that it's real software. 01:11:45.614 --> 01:11:45.814 Yeah. 01:11:45.974 --> 01:11:50.536 It actually looks like quite a fun bit of software, which I wouldn't mind using, but I don't think you can get it for a Mac. 01:11:51.696 --> 01:11:59.140 It basically promises to automatically construct a backing track once you've sung a tune into a computer. 01:11:59.180 --> 01:12:07.504 So basically you just sing over a drum pattern and then it just fits the appropriate chords in various styles to your tune that you've sung in there. 01:12:07.564 --> 01:12:10.325 We could really do with something like that for song wars, it'd be great. 01:12:10.705 --> 01:12:12.306 But I don't think you can get it for a Mac, I might be wrong. 01:12:12.726 --> 01:12:30.135 Anyway, so it seems like a real ad, but it's hard to figure out what Microsoft's advertising plan is, because most recently they've been responding to the Mac versus PC ads, which of course were terrifically successful for Mac, and trying to gain back some of the ground that they felt was lost. 01:12:30.155 --> 01:12:31.796 Mostly successful for Mitchell and Webb. 01:12:32.196 --> 01:12:34.277 Yeah, mainly Mitchell and Webb were delighted about it. 01:12:34.717 --> 01:12:35.317 But you know what I mean? 01:12:35.778 --> 01:12:45.061 They seem stung by the idea that PCs have been characterized as nerdy and stuffy, and they're trying to regain some of that lost ground with the hipsters. 01:12:45.342 --> 01:12:50.464 But they've done it with some pretty rubbish ads, like they had an ad recently, I think it's still running in fact, 01:12:51.184 --> 01:12:56.408 with people sort of saying, yeah, I might not be super trendy or anything, but I'm a PC. 01:12:56.568 --> 01:12:57.789 I'm not what you'd call hip. 01:12:58.170 --> 01:13:01.412 And then there's another guy saying, I'm a human being, not a human being. 01:13:01.452 --> 01:13:02.393 It's as if they're victims. 01:13:02.513 --> 01:13:11.541 It's as if the Mac marketing men have actually insulted and, you know, been reductive about a certain strata of the population. 01:13:11.601 --> 01:13:15.524 They're standing up for their rights as human beings and their self worth. 01:13:15.624 --> 01:13:17.946 And there's a sense that they're... It's like a political ad almost. 01:13:18.226 --> 01:13:20.689 There's a sense that they're celebrating their shortcomings. 01:13:20.729 --> 01:13:21.069 Yeah. 01:13:21.109 --> 01:13:22.010 And their ordinariness. 01:13:22.050 --> 01:13:23.632 Which is entirely absurd. 01:13:23.932 --> 01:13:25.874 You know, it's a silly way to go, generally. 01:13:26.374 --> 01:13:33.381 But this ad for Songsmith, which is online, easily findable, seems to... If it is ironic, it's a brilliant... 01:13:33.962 --> 01:13:36.883 piece of irony that would be lost on almost everyone. 01:13:37.303 --> 01:13:39.424 So maybe not the best advertising strategy. 01:13:39.884 --> 01:13:41.405 But let me play you a few clips here. 01:13:41.525 --> 01:13:42.765 Basically, here's the scenario. 01:13:42.825 --> 01:13:44.166 It's the family kitchen, right? 01:13:44.226 --> 01:13:45.306 It's an American family. 01:13:45.726 --> 01:13:53.709 And Lisa, the young daughter, is playing with songsmith on her laptop, which incidentally appears to be a Macintosh with some stickers to cover the logo. 01:13:53.849 --> 01:13:59.472 While her dad is in the background fretting about a jingle that he has to write for his job in advertising. 01:13:59.812 --> 01:14:03.053 And the jingle is for a product which is glow-in-the-dark towels. 01:14:03.453 --> 01:14:03.653 Right? 01:14:03.813 --> 01:14:04.834 So here's the first clip. 01:14:05.195 --> 01:14:08.598 It's supposed to come up with a campaign for glow in the dark towels. 01:14:09.478 --> 01:14:11.460 I wouldn't even buy a glow in the dark towel. 01:14:11.781 --> 01:14:14.063 But if I don't come up with something today, I'm done. 01:14:15.504 --> 01:14:21.769 I'm singing with my laptop, making up new songs. 01:14:22.850 --> 01:14:25.273 What are you doing, Lisa? 01:14:26.213 --> 01:14:28.435 I've never heard you sing. 01:14:29.795 --> 01:14:35.374 I'm making songs with songs mid-dad Because it's the cool new thing 01:14:36.701 --> 01:14:37.502 You're writing music? 01:14:37.982 --> 01:14:39.303 When did you learn how to write music? 01:14:40.164 --> 01:14:41.825 Well, there's so many worrying things about that. 01:14:41.845 --> 01:14:44.928 The first of which is the father's never heard his daughter sing. 01:14:45.408 --> 01:14:46.229 And how old is she? 01:14:46.289 --> 01:14:46.850 About 10. 01:14:47.010 --> 01:14:48.011 No, she's about 12 or 13. 01:14:48.231 --> 01:14:48.431 About 12. 01:14:48.791 --> 01:14:50.292 And he's never heard her sing. 01:14:50.853 --> 01:14:54.376 And he merely says that so that they can rhyme it with the word thing. 01:14:55.677 --> 01:14:59.700 That's not great attention to the reality of the mise-en-scene, is it really? 01:14:59.821 --> 01:14:59.921 No. 01:15:00.601 --> 01:15:09.044 So a bit later on that Lisa then explains how the thing works and she basically explains in the medium of songsmith and here's the clip right now for doing that. 01:15:17.276 --> 01:15:18.738 It's got a lovely voice. 01:15:18.778 --> 01:15:18.979 Yeah. 01:15:18.999 --> 01:15:19.259 Like. 01:15:36.289 --> 01:15:42.074 She's got a really bratty kind of American Broadway child actor voice hasn't she? 01:15:42.114 --> 01:15:45.797 Super confident and noble and don't mess with me otherwise I'll sue you kind of. 01:15:45.817 --> 01:15:47.599 That's right, not a note out of place. 01:15:47.939 --> 01:16:01.071 It's good for songsmith to work with so dad is absolutely bowled over by this and he swipes the laptop from Lisa and he takes it to work and gets to work on his own glow-in-the-dark towel jingle right and remember of course if he doesn't come up with something 01:16:01.391 --> 01:16:01.811 today. 01:16:01.851 --> 01:16:02.971 It's a stern boss, right? 01:16:02.991 --> 01:16:03.511 Who's done? 01:16:03.632 --> 01:16:04.572 There's a stern boss. 01:16:04.612 --> 01:16:05.552 There's someone else pitching. 01:16:05.572 --> 01:16:06.832 The meeting's going badly. 01:16:07.112 --> 01:16:07.352 Exactly. 01:16:07.372 --> 01:16:08.713 It looks like they're going to lose the account. 01:16:08.933 --> 01:16:10.653 Well, here's the jingle that he comes up with. 01:16:12.554 --> 01:16:13.374 Songsmith, huh? 01:16:14.434 --> 01:16:15.794 Well, my band has some songs. 01:16:15.834 --> 01:16:16.734 Hang on, one clip back. 01:16:17.775 --> 01:16:23.436 The jingle that he comes up with is number... Oh, I'm sorry. 01:16:23.496 --> 01:16:24.916 Yes, I had it the wrong way around. 01:16:24.936 --> 01:16:25.556 It's clip confusion. 01:16:25.936 --> 01:16:27.077 It's number four. 01:16:27.117 --> 01:16:28.057 Let's hear the jingle. 01:16:30.450 --> 01:16:31.290 No, I'm sorry, Ben. 01:16:31.331 --> 01:16:33.011 Ben, I'm all over the shop here. 01:16:33.992 --> 01:16:35.312 Yeah, play track 16. 01:16:35.352 --> 01:16:35.693 You know what? 01:16:35.713 --> 01:16:37.453 We'll cut this bit out of the podcast. 01:16:37.573 --> 01:16:38.914 We'll reorder it. 01:16:38.934 --> 01:16:39.914 So super smooth. 01:16:40.335 --> 01:16:40.495 Yeah. 01:16:40.955 --> 01:16:42.256 Blow in the dark towel, Jingle. 01:16:42.296 --> 01:16:42.716 Take one. 01:16:43.816 --> 01:16:49.739 Sometimes it's dark, but you still need to get dry. 01:16:49.759 --> 01:16:51.220 Our towels rock. 01:16:52.180 --> 01:16:55.762 Oh yeah, you can see them anytime. 01:16:58.470 --> 01:16:59.631 That's pretty impressive stuff, isn't it? 01:16:59.651 --> 01:17:05.515 The correct response, if you pitched that as a jingle in any marketing meeting, would be get out. 01:17:05.836 --> 01:17:06.556 Yeah. 01:17:06.596 --> 01:17:07.537 Would be security. 01:17:07.557 --> 01:17:08.898 Exactly. 01:17:09.298 --> 01:17:10.960 Brian, can you call security, please? 01:17:11.140 --> 01:17:16.004 Now, Mr. Hawkins, are you having a mental breakdown of some kind that we should know about? 01:17:16.504 --> 01:17:18.706 Is there something wrong with your family at home? 01:17:18.866 --> 01:17:22.629 Why are you using software that's clearly for the under fives? 01:17:22.889 --> 01:17:25.111 This is an international telling company. 01:17:25.951 --> 01:17:29.933 Uh, we've got a lot of money invested in this and you're treating it like an episode of Bob the Builder. 01:17:29.953 --> 01:17:31.914 Well, you're going to find out how the meeting went shortly. 01:17:32.054 --> 01:17:36.776 But before that, there's a chap, a groovy chap who looks a bit like M. Night Shyamalan. 01:17:36.816 --> 01:17:37.216 Yes. 01:17:37.476 --> 01:17:40.378 Who is looking over dad's shoulder as he poses the jingle. 01:17:40.398 --> 01:17:41.238 He's in a Starbucks. 01:17:41.298 --> 01:17:44.900 All this action happens in tables in a Starbucks in the street. 01:17:44.940 --> 01:17:45.100 Yeah. 01:17:45.740 --> 01:17:54.148 And so this random guy walks up with a little earring in his ear looking kind of groovy, yet nerdy, and he says, oh, wow, you're using soundsmith. 01:17:54.308 --> 01:17:55.249 Looks easy to use. 01:17:55.549 --> 01:17:56.710 It's a Microsoft thing, right? 01:17:57.151 --> 01:18:00.934 And he announces that he's in a band, so he's excited by the positive potential. 01:18:00.954 --> 01:18:04.958 What he actually says, sorry to interrupt, but he says, it's Microsoft, right? 01:18:05.339 --> 01:18:06.319 So it's easy to use. 01:18:06.440 --> 01:18:06.600 Yeah. 01:18:06.980 --> 01:18:09.801 because everything Microsoft do is easy to use, right? 01:18:09.981 --> 01:18:14.302 And so then he goes back home and he gets to work composing his track. 01:18:14.342 --> 01:18:15.702 This is track 15, Ben. 01:18:16.262 --> 01:18:16.902 Let's have a listen. 01:18:18.703 --> 01:18:19.523 Songsmith, huh? 01:18:20.583 --> 01:18:23.404 Well, my band has said my songs have been a little stale lately. 01:18:23.984 --> 01:18:24.984 Maybe this is just what I need. 01:18:26.304 --> 01:18:32.506 So he's in a... This is his song. 01:18:32.846 --> 01:18:33.006 Wow. 01:18:35.947 --> 01:18:36.287 Nice. 01:18:36.307 --> 01:18:36.907 Wait a second. 01:18:36.927 --> 01:18:41.349 I mean, he's being very lyrically aggressive. 01:18:41.409 --> 01:18:42.450 Yeah. 01:18:42.530 --> 01:18:48.192 His voice is too powerful, especially the way he says... 01:19:07.436 --> 01:19:11.338 Is there an amplification system powerful enough to actually pick up that voice? 01:19:11.358 --> 01:19:12.638 That's going to be a good moment though, isn't it? 01:19:12.658 --> 01:19:16.940 When he comes into band practice and unveils, listen, guys, guys, it's cool. 01:19:17.021 --> 01:19:17.501 It's cool. 01:19:17.921 --> 01:19:22.723 I'm going to take us in a slightly new direction and I think it's going to be really great for the band. 01:19:22.963 --> 01:19:24.344 It's music for toddlers. 01:19:25.305 --> 01:19:31.728 I think Kill Fist are really going to start going places as a band once we start playing this new track. 01:19:32.328 --> 01:19:36.551 And it's exciting, and then he would get beaten up and the band would disband. 01:19:36.931 --> 01:19:46.477 Anyway, meanwhile, Dad has gone home, and he is debriefing with his wife about how his meeting went after he unveiled his amazing jingle. 01:19:46.838 --> 01:19:51.140 So here is that scene with his wife, which concludes this amazing songsmith ad. 01:19:51.161 --> 01:19:51.140 17. 01:19:52.842 --> 01:19:55.603 It's just smoother than that. 01:19:55.844 --> 01:19:58.645 How did your meeting go today? 01:19:59.066 --> 01:20:00.747 Did the bosses like your ad? 01:20:02.842 --> 01:20:23.632 Well honey, thanks to Song Smith, it was the best they ever had And also thanks to Song Smith, now we're singing all the time And what a happy home we'll have with every word in 01:20:27.921 --> 01:20:32.484 So that's the bit that probably makes you think, actually, this has got to be a spoof, surely. 01:20:32.844 --> 01:20:33.345 Don't you think? 01:20:33.985 --> 01:20:34.285 Yeah. 01:20:34.345 --> 01:20:39.429 The bit where it cuts to the daughter at the train station running away from home because she's so ashamed of her parents. 01:20:41.350 --> 01:20:42.171 That's not real, though. 01:20:42.191 --> 01:20:43.131 That's not real. 01:20:43.231 --> 01:20:44.592 It's very peculiar indeed. 01:20:44.632 --> 01:20:45.193 It's troubling. 01:20:45.273 --> 01:20:51.837 I mean, I would love to know for a fact what was going on in the minds of the people that conceived that ad for Song Smith, whether they really thought 01:20:52.117 --> 01:20:57.003 Yeah, we'll do it like deliberately cheesy so that it'll be funny and it'll have two layers. 01:20:57.263 --> 01:21:05.853 It'll tell people like how the software works, but also it'll be like an instant viral hit because people will think it's so cheesy, which is probably how they think. 01:21:06.674 --> 01:21:06.994 Don't you? 01:21:07.555 --> 01:21:08.135 I agree. 01:21:08.436 --> 01:21:10.398 I'm just... Or do you think they were just morons? 01:21:10.598 --> 01:21:11.058 I don't know. 01:21:11.098 --> 01:21:12.539 It's very, very, very hard to tell. 01:21:12.559 --> 01:21:22.646 I think the way that the guy, the M. Night Shyamalan lookalike guy tries to convince you that Microsoft products are easy to use signifies that it is actually sincere. 01:21:22.926 --> 01:21:23.266 Oh yeah. 01:21:23.286 --> 01:21:27.009 Because they're trying to get genuine sort of straight product points in there. 01:21:27.029 --> 01:21:27.469 Absolutely. 01:21:27.549 --> 01:21:31.952 No, the main thrust of the ad is selling the software, which, you know, did a good job on me. 01:21:32.012 --> 01:21:32.292 I want to... 01:21:32.452 --> 01:21:33.212 But that was good, man. 01:21:33.232 --> 01:21:33.632 It was good. 01:21:33.733 --> 01:21:40.315 And can I congratulate both you and Ben for dealing with the complicated fact that neither of you knew which clip you were going to play. 01:21:40.375 --> 01:21:41.156 Yeah, sorry about that. 01:21:41.176 --> 01:21:41.776 It was my fault. 01:21:41.916 --> 01:21:42.456 That was fun. 01:21:42.496 --> 01:21:48.218 I like the silences and then the sudden random numbers being mumbled. 01:21:48.238 --> 01:21:48.218 17. 01:21:48.679 --> 01:21:49.759 This is a free play from me. 01:21:49.799 --> 01:21:51.600 This is the Ohio Players with you and me. 01:21:52.054 --> 01:21:56.975 Yeah, that's the Ohio Players with you and me, and what a lovely military breakdown in the middle of that song. 01:21:57.195 --> 01:21:57.835 Yeah, it's nice. 01:21:57.855 --> 01:22:01.396 Good to hear a bit of marching band action unexpectedly popping up. 01:22:01.456 --> 01:22:05.437 Hey, listen, just before we conclude Text the Nation, I just have to tell you that I've been fired, Joe. 01:22:05.737 --> 01:22:06.777 Really, from this station? 01:22:06.897 --> 01:22:07.557 Yeah. 01:22:07.677 --> 01:22:10.618 For the way you didn't order your clips properly in that last link? 01:22:10.678 --> 01:22:11.258 There was that. 01:22:11.278 --> 01:22:13.019 I mean, there's all kinds of things it could have been. 01:22:13.119 --> 01:22:13.359 I know. 01:22:13.399 --> 01:22:17.180 The main offence was saying that it was John Lennon doing the count-in on Tax Man. 01:22:17.540 --> 01:22:18.780 Actually, it was George Harrison. 01:22:19.760 --> 01:22:21.661 Quite a lot of people emailed in to correct you on that. 01:22:21.681 --> 01:22:24.523 So I've been fired and also they're going to cut my arms off. 01:22:24.683 --> 01:22:24.903 Good. 01:22:25.623 --> 01:22:27.484 Not for the clip thing. 01:22:27.524 --> 01:22:31.166 No, they're going to glue them to the weatherman so he can point at more clouds. 01:22:32.907 --> 01:22:33.868 Extra clouds. 01:22:34.168 --> 01:22:37.130 Let's have a quick Texanation jingle, Ben, if that's OK. 01:22:38.891 --> 01:22:41.692 Texanation, Tex, Tex, Tex, Texanation. 01:22:41.732 --> 01:22:42.733 What if I don't want to? 01:22:42.953 --> 01:22:43.613 Texanation. 01:22:43.633 --> 01:22:44.134 It doesn't matter. 01:22:46.809 --> 01:22:53.473 Text the Nation this week is about remaking very famous films and who you would put in them and what you would do with them and stuff. 01:22:54.093 --> 01:22:55.434 We'll get through these pretty quickly. 01:22:55.474 --> 01:22:56.695 Here's one from Mark Sandell. 01:22:56.715 --> 01:22:59.076 He says, how about a remake of the first Mad Max film? 01:22:59.116 --> 01:23:00.377 You can be a studio boss here, Adam. 01:23:00.397 --> 01:23:01.317 You've got to commission these. 01:23:01.337 --> 01:23:02.838 You've got to give green light them. 01:23:03.138 --> 01:23:03.839 Yeah. 01:23:04.019 --> 01:23:05.240 What do studio bosses sound like? 01:23:05.300 --> 01:23:06.100 Yeah, OK. 01:23:06.560 --> 01:23:07.401 I'll talk like that. 01:23:07.481 --> 01:23:08.882 That's exactly what they sound like. 01:23:08.902 --> 01:23:10.863 How about a remake of the first Mad Max film? 01:23:10.983 --> 01:23:14.265 I'm sure that idiot Colin Farrell would jump at the chance to play Max. 01:23:14.665 --> 01:23:15.126 Pharo. 01:23:15.266 --> 01:23:15.866 I like it. 01:23:16.026 --> 01:23:17.147 It's a gold project. 01:23:17.328 --> 01:23:17.828 There you go. 01:23:17.868 --> 01:23:22.172 He also says Tron could probably use a bit of a facelift also, but of course that's in production. 01:23:22.212 --> 01:23:22.813 They're doing it. 01:23:22.933 --> 01:23:24.074 Are they live action Tron? 01:23:24.294 --> 01:23:27.377 Yes, but I think there's the number two instead of a T in the title. 01:23:27.437 --> 01:23:29.359 It was live action before with noodles, wasn't it? 01:23:29.839 --> 01:23:32.561 We're a lot of noodles, a lot of pasta. 01:23:32.601 --> 01:23:34.322 Here's one from Nick Bory. 01:23:34.502 --> 01:23:38.825 It says, it's only a matter of time before the studio's commissioner remake of Labyrinth. 01:23:39.306 --> 01:23:45.970 Unfortunately, a mental block is preventing me from seeing beyond the omnipotent, irritant Russell Brand being cast as the goblin king. 01:23:46.091 --> 01:23:51.895 That's the thing, is that Brand is a great brand, literally I mean that, because you can cast him as almost anything. 01:23:52.635 --> 01:23:54.516 So I like it, it's a Go project. 01:23:54.636 --> 01:23:55.216 Yep, good. 01:23:55.457 --> 01:23:57.318 Here is one from Simon Reason. 01:23:57.338 --> 01:23:58.218 It's a good name. 01:23:58.498 --> 01:24:05.882 He says, Hi guys, I'd like to see Ricky Gervais take his Hollywood career to the next level by taking on the Ned Beatty role in a remake of Deliverance. 01:24:06.622 --> 01:24:08.263 That is a frightening mental image. 01:24:08.343 --> 01:24:09.624 Lots of people might like to see that. 01:24:10.744 --> 01:24:12.585 Here is one from Bob Sheffield. 01:24:12.845 --> 01:24:13.225 Oh, no. 01:24:14.265 --> 01:24:14.865 Sorry, Bob. 01:24:15.125 --> 01:24:15.705 To disappoint you. 01:24:15.725 --> 01:24:16.805 I'm not going to read yours out. 01:24:16.905 --> 01:24:17.806 I didn't read it properly. 01:24:18.166 --> 01:24:19.986 Stephen Penzant says, Hi, guys. 01:24:20.006 --> 01:24:24.287 How about the graduate remade with Mrs. Robinson played by the winking Anne Robinson? 01:24:25.167 --> 01:24:27.748 That would be enough to wither the will of any man, wouldn't it? 01:24:27.768 --> 01:24:30.948 They did a kind of... They did a sequel to the graduate. 01:24:30.968 --> 01:24:31.729 They did, didn't they? 01:24:31.769 --> 01:24:32.229 Yeah. 01:24:32.969 --> 01:24:33.509 With Aniston. 01:24:33.949 --> 01:24:34.269 Yes. 01:24:35.470 --> 01:24:41.175 There's another pirate R just to make people annoyed. 01:24:41.195 --> 01:24:49.762 A lot of emails about the way I've stopped going R and started going R. Which is something that our friend Louis used to do, through, that I was impressed by when I was young. 01:24:49.822 --> 01:24:57.869 I thought I liked the way Louis goes R. And all you have to do is do it like a pirate out of the bottom left hand side of your mouth and it's really rewarding to do in the middle of the conversation. 01:24:58.269 --> 01:24:58.909 People hate it. 01:24:59.690 --> 01:25:00.050 Stop. 01:25:00.071 --> 01:25:00.311 Good idea. 01:25:15.349 --> 01:25:34.750 uh there we go um more time for more just one more one more i gotta do a good one oh stay tuned listeners someone suggested will ferrell in a remake of blade runner that's right yes as as his first serious role i can't find it anymore that's it folks we've run out of time thanks very much to everyone who 01:25:35.350 --> 01:25:38.931 Texted and emailed we will be away next week. 01:25:39.011 --> 01:25:43.593 However, the show will be pre recording and it's a cracker We recorded it yesterday. 01:25:43.793 --> 01:25:50.315 So yeah, there'll be some confusing time clips in it And don't forget, of course, the podcast will be available from Monday evening. 01:25:50.335 --> 01:25:53.197 Stay tuned for Liz Kershaw and have a great week. 01:25:53.257 --> 01:25:53.897 Thanks very much. 01:25:53.977 --> 01:25:54.297 Bye