WEBVTT 00:00.552 --> 00:02.613 And now, it's Adam and Joe. 00:03.113 --> 00:06.334 Hello and welcome to the Big British Castle. 00:06.494 --> 00:10.055 It's time for Adam and Joe to broadcast on the radio. 00:10.315 --> 00:14.937 There'll be some music and some random talking in between, and then an entry. 00:17.737 --> 00:20.799 Ray Charles there with the Blues Brothers. 00:21.300 --> 00:28.485 You've got to be careful if you're in bed or you've just got up and you've attempted to try twisting or shaking your tail feather. 00:29.445 --> 00:31.787 You can do the boogaloo and the mashed potato. 00:31.807 --> 00:31.947 Slowly. 00:31.967 --> 00:32.868 Do a slow boogaloo. 00:32.988 --> 00:33.248 Yeah. 00:33.388 --> 00:34.769 Or gently mash some potato. 00:34.809 --> 00:36.751 What about the bony maroni? 00:36.931 --> 00:37.551 Don't do that. 00:37.631 --> 00:42.555 That's very medically dangerous before noon, just because of atmospheric pressure and moisture in the atmosphere. 00:42.755 --> 00:43.796 Sure, it could lead to rickets. 00:44.196 --> 00:45.456 It can lead to Donald Ricketts. 00:45.676 --> 00:46.536 Yeah, exactly. 00:46.576 --> 00:46.836 Yeah. 00:47.237 --> 00:47.917 Trevor Rickles. 00:49.377 --> 00:49.857 That's good, though. 00:49.877 --> 00:51.057 You can't argue with that track. 00:51.097 --> 00:52.618 Try arguing with that track. 00:52.818 --> 00:52.978 Oi! 00:53.338 --> 00:53.678 Track! 00:53.978 --> 00:54.858 You're rubbish! 00:55.498 --> 00:57.858 Oh, man, you got straight into it there, but it's no good. 00:57.898 --> 00:58.839 The track's not responding. 00:58.859 --> 01:00.099 It's just resonating in a big empty room. 01:00.119 --> 01:04.320 Because you can't argue with that track, the genius of the track. 01:04.700 --> 01:07.300 I mean, that is a definitive version of that track right there. 01:07.340 --> 01:11.701 Yeah, the Blues Brothers soundtrack album, that's where most people will have heard that off of, isn't it? 01:11.741 --> 01:12.301 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:12.781 --> 01:16.145 That's a kind of sort of catch-all fashionable purchase, isn't it? 01:16.385 --> 01:18.327 For young people, when we were young. 01:18.447 --> 01:20.249 It's like a sole primer, isn't it? 01:20.429 --> 01:24.233 It's like buying the Rocky Horror Show soundtrack, or the Best of the Doors. 01:24.253 --> 01:24.993 It's better than that. 01:25.113 --> 01:26.174 It's better than Rocky Horror. 01:26.214 --> 01:26.595 Yeah, you're right. 01:26.615 --> 01:27.516 I never did buy that. 01:27.896 --> 01:30.337 You know, we never went through a Rocky Horror phase, did we? 01:30.498 --> 01:32.319 No, but we went through a Blues Brothers phase. 01:32.359 --> 01:33.039 Yeah, yeah. 01:33.139 --> 01:34.420 It's a very simple look to pull off. 01:34.880 --> 01:36.541 That's right, a little skinny tie there. 01:37.722 --> 01:42.164 You and I, we're fair approximation of Aykroyd and... That's true, actually. 01:43.465 --> 01:45.446 When we're in our black suits and skinny ties. 01:45.886 --> 01:46.427 But that's good. 01:46.707 --> 01:48.768 It's not a patch on Blues Brothers 2000, of course. 01:48.888 --> 01:49.629 No, of course. 01:49.689 --> 01:52.931 I mean, who can put a patch on Blues Brothers 2000? 01:53.051 --> 01:53.651 Patch Adams. 01:53.671 --> 01:54.752 It's possible to patch it up. 01:55.572 --> 01:56.113 I'm patchable. 01:56.193 --> 01:57.554 You sound patchable, but could he? 01:57.814 --> 02:01.077 Yeah, until you came along and like brought him down, he could, probably. 02:01.097 --> 02:01.718 Yeah, that's true. 02:02.219 --> 02:03.200 So listeners, welcome. 02:03.620 --> 02:04.281 My name's Adam. 02:04.661 --> 02:05.342 My name's Joe. 02:05.482 --> 02:07.183 Welcome to our Saturday morning show. 02:07.203 --> 02:10.046 We hope you're having a nice morning so far. 02:10.286 --> 02:11.247 You've ruined it now, haven't you? 02:11.287 --> 02:12.469 No, I thought it was good. 02:12.569 --> 02:15.251 People like that kind of thing. 02:15.291 --> 02:15.652 Yeah, they do. 02:16.721 --> 02:16.981 Bye. 02:17.341 --> 02:17.562 See you. 02:17.602 --> 02:17.862 Bye. 02:17.942 --> 02:18.382 Take care. 02:18.502 --> 02:19.183 Here's another record. 02:19.203 --> 02:20.664 We've got lots of stuff coming up. 02:20.704 --> 02:21.805 We'll tell you about it in a second. 02:21.825 --> 02:30.311 But here's the latest hot shirtless band, M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- 02:45.121 --> 02:47.042 I find you banal. 02:48.043 --> 02:51.665 That's the logical extension of your attitude, isn't it? 02:52.186 --> 02:54.487 You think I'm banal. 02:54.547 --> 02:55.388 I'm fascinated by the way. 02:55.428 --> 02:57.689 What do you mean, what's the point of talking about things you can't control? 02:57.709 --> 02:58.870 I mean, that's life. 02:59.150 --> 03:00.691 That's the entire point, isn't it? 03:00.771 --> 03:03.393 What better things to talk about to try and deal with them? 03:03.613 --> 03:04.954 Well, I suppose. 03:05.094 --> 03:05.555 Yeah, exactly. 03:05.575 --> 03:06.455 Let's talk about the weather, though. 03:06.475 --> 03:07.136 It's going to get nippy. 03:07.196 --> 03:08.317 It's going to be a cold... Is it? 03:08.597 --> 03:09.318 Yeah, this week. 03:09.598 --> 03:10.639 Because you see, this is the thing. 03:10.879 --> 03:13.201 You don't like talking about it, but you're quite well informed. 03:13.301 --> 03:13.621 Yeah. 03:13.721 --> 03:15.262 I look to you for my weather guidance. 03:16.503 --> 03:17.024 Well, there you go. 03:17.044 --> 03:22.608 The weather report this week is there's going to be a... We should do a sort of funk... No, someone's done that already, haven't they? 03:22.668 --> 03:23.809 What, a funky weather report? 03:23.829 --> 03:24.790 Yeah, let's just move beyond that. 03:25.470 --> 03:26.071 It's going to be nippy. 03:26.351 --> 03:27.652 Yeah, a little bit of nips. 03:27.752 --> 03:27.952 But bright. 03:28.012 --> 03:31.354 Yeah, nippy but bright, that's my favourite weather. 03:31.374 --> 03:33.254 I don't know that that's true, I'm just making it up. 03:33.455 --> 03:33.775 Ah, yes. 03:33.795 --> 03:37.977 Because you're the kind of person that responds well to that kind of baseless optimism. 03:38.357 --> 03:38.857 That's true. 03:39.958 --> 03:48.122 Speaking of optimism and nice things and people, I was listening to the diaries of Michael Palin on audiobooks, I can't actually read. 03:48.742 --> 03:50.342 So I prefer the audiobook. 03:50.602 --> 03:53.203 No, it's nice to listen to while you're cycling or on the train or whatever. 03:54.183 --> 03:56.444 And it was recommended to me by a few people. 03:57.044 --> 04:02.505 What an enjoyable way to spend four and a half hours or whatever in various little chunks. 04:02.985 --> 04:05.086 He's, I mean, he's a national treasure, obviously, Palin. 04:05.266 --> 04:05.626 Obviously. 04:05.666 --> 04:06.786 He's a national treasure too. 04:08.147 --> 04:08.367 He is. 04:08.407 --> 04:09.267 Who's national treasure once? 04:09.287 --> 04:09.827 Stephen Fry. 04:09.907 --> 04:10.087 Yeah. 04:10.347 --> 04:12.609 Yeah. 04:12.849 --> 04:18.534 And he's notoriously one of the nicest men and probably one of the nicest guys in the Python gang. 04:19.095 --> 04:24.900 Man, he has got anecdotes coming out of every orifice there and no one can beat Palin for name dropping. 04:25.461 --> 04:28.343 He drops the biggest names in the entire world in that. 04:29.730 --> 04:30.771 in those diaries there. 04:30.811 --> 04:34.393 So I had a little wind going down one of the wrong pipes in my throat. 04:34.413 --> 04:35.254 It's okay. 04:35.754 --> 04:36.395 I'm sorry about that. 04:37.976 --> 04:40.498 But yeah, it was a luxury. 04:40.558 --> 04:42.419 I don't have anything specific to say about the diaries. 04:42.439 --> 04:47.142 I'm just saying it by way of an introduction to this next track, which I'm going to play, the first free play. 04:47.663 --> 04:52.666 And it sort of sent me back to Python's best stuff and listening to some of their albums. 04:53.967 --> 04:58.791 And I forgot how, like, pressy and a couple of their tunes were, especially this one. 04:59.331 --> 05:01.092 You know, for a world that's falling apart. 05:01.472 --> 05:05.715 This was written sometime in the early 70s, I think, and it's called I'm So Worried. 05:05.835 --> 05:06.456 Check it out. 05:06.496 --> 05:07.216 It's the Pythons. 05:08.277 --> 05:09.618 Desmond Decker with 007. 05:09.998 --> 05:12.380 Open brackets, shantytown closed brackets. 05:12.760 --> 05:16.222 This is Adam and Jo on BBC6 Music on a Saturday morning. 05:16.943 --> 05:23.247 Now, last week, of course, and this pertains to that track, we had Sir Roger Moore in the studio, and I had a kind of a breakdown. 05:24.528 --> 05:40.324 on air I was unable to speak and we were just discussing here that to the consternation of some listeners my breakdown was snipped you know I'm pleased about this it was snipped from the podcast yeah so the interview as it appeared on the podcast was super smooth 05:41.245 --> 05:42.807 unemotionally traumatised. 05:43.347 --> 05:44.608 Yeah, that's not really true, is it? 05:44.929 --> 05:55.478 It was just slightly more competent than it actually was on the air when it actually sort of was sucked into negative space by a kind of mental implosion on my part. 05:55.498 --> 06:02.704 And I was fine at the beginning of the interview, as I think I discussed at the end of the podcast, Roger came into a... So Roger, it's happening again. 06:03.624 --> 06:07.086 He came into the, you know, what would you call that room out there? 06:07.166 --> 06:07.686 The anti-chamber. 06:07.706 --> 06:09.007 The holding room, the atrium. 06:09.067 --> 06:10.287 The decompression chamber. 06:10.647 --> 06:12.668 And we went out and talked to him and it was all fine. 06:13.308 --> 06:14.469 I thought this is going to be fine. 06:14.489 --> 06:18.851 But then it was only when he came and sat next to me and then turned and looked at me. 06:18.951 --> 06:19.951 And then said your name. 06:19.991 --> 06:21.452 And that was it, wasn't it? 06:21.492 --> 06:24.033 He said, well, Joe, Joe, that was it. 06:24.513 --> 06:25.133 It was too much. 06:25.193 --> 06:26.134 I collapsed and folded. 06:26.934 --> 06:32.958 Now, I was embarrassed and I thought, you know, I'm a hardy perennial, a seasoned professional. 06:32.998 --> 06:33.278 Yeah. 06:33.478 --> 06:33.938 I can't. 06:34.298 --> 06:37.580 Plus, you have met a lot of famous people, like in your L.A. 06:37.600 --> 06:37.900 jaunts. 06:37.941 --> 06:39.561 You bump into some A-listers out there. 06:39.581 --> 06:39.962 Sure, sure. 06:40.022 --> 06:41.823 And you don't do that usually on live radio. 06:41.863 --> 06:42.343 Right, right. 06:42.483 --> 06:43.984 And not someone like the Dodger. 06:44.704 --> 06:51.248 It made me realize how key the Dodger is to my brain, to the evolution of my mind. 06:51.428 --> 06:55.351 And somewhere deep inside Cornballs, you are... I just couldn't handle it. 06:55.851 --> 07:00.793 But luckily my lady partner friend, who I live with, said she thought it was sweet. 07:01.013 --> 07:04.674 Yeah, I think that... no one was cursing you. 07:04.734 --> 07:08.415 I was professionally... I felt professionally vilified, self vilified. 07:08.555 --> 07:09.355 Really? 07:09.675 --> 07:10.776 Can you vilify yourself? 07:10.996 --> 07:11.916 Oh, very much so. 07:12.216 --> 07:12.956 Yeah, well I've done it. 07:12.976 --> 07:13.657 I make a habit of it. 07:15.457 --> 07:19.041 Well you were you were you know quite honest in saying that you were tiny bits. 07:19.161 --> 07:30.731 I mean you doved in doved in there brilliantly to you David it in to rescue me and You had a little bit of an you know a little bit of a nerviness there mate as well. 07:30.831 --> 07:33.073 Absolutely Well, it was partly inspired by the fact. 07:33.093 --> 07:35.476 It's like just stop talking 07:36.697 --> 07:38.638 I thought he was gonna do talking for a little bit. 07:38.738 --> 07:40.659 You're not supposed to do that on the radio, are you? 07:40.899 --> 07:41.320 Dead air. 07:41.660 --> 07:49.746 But sometimes, yeah, but sometimes, every now and then, used with, er, modestly, a modicum of car crash. 07:50.166 --> 07:54.229 Or at least cars just clipping each other at high speed on the motorway. 07:54.249 --> 07:54.789 A little prank. 07:54.809 --> 07:56.630 Can keep a show on its toes. 07:56.710 --> 07:57.251 Radio prank. 07:57.271 --> 07:57.691 Can't it? 07:57.811 --> 07:59.152 Maybe that should be the name of this show. 07:59.432 --> 08:03.295 So, the conclusion of this segment is, well done me. 08:03.655 --> 08:09.658 Well done you, and maybe... Well, what a really good interview, because it wasn't boring, it was gripping. 08:09.798 --> 08:10.178 Exactly. 08:10.238 --> 08:13.639 Possibly a bit cringy, but cringy's very fashionable. 08:13.679 --> 08:19.262 Look at Ricky Gervais, John Cleese in faulty towers. 08:19.282 --> 08:23.664 I'm just big on the cringe, I love the cringe, I love social embarrassment. 08:24.184 --> 08:26.447 I love it when people find things uncomfortable. 08:27.007 --> 08:27.868 Like in the office. 08:28.029 --> 08:30.151 That's the fashionable thing to say, isn't it? 08:30.291 --> 08:30.772 Absolutely. 08:30.912 --> 08:32.153 So I'm just part of that fashion. 08:32.214 --> 08:32.514 Well done. 08:33.395 --> 08:39.302 We might include that drying moment on the podcast as a little hidden track this week. 08:39.362 --> 08:40.944 I might have to listen to it first. 08:40.964 --> 08:41.264 Yeah. 08:41.765 --> 08:42.065 Narrow. 08:42.085 --> 08:43.206 See how painful it is. 08:43.407 --> 08:44.468 Absolutely fine. 08:44.928 --> 08:49.412 So listeners, you know, we played some Monty Python there a couple of tracks back. 08:50.173 --> 08:51.234 Did you enjoy that one, Joe? 08:51.434 --> 08:52.575 I enjoyed that very much. 08:53.276 --> 08:55.498 Slightly stealing the thunder of this week's Song Wars. 08:55.538 --> 08:57.600 We do have a new Song Wars this week, so to play a... 08:59.045 --> 09:01.366 I like a really very good comedy song. 09:01.386 --> 09:02.846 I know it is, you're right. 09:02.866 --> 09:06.467 Sorry to steamroller you as usual, but it is amazingly precedent. 09:07.427 --> 09:09.848 Yeah, it's an amazing precedent. 09:09.868 --> 09:11.588 I'm not sure exactly when in the 70s it was. 09:11.628 --> 09:13.949 I guess it was mid to late 70s perhaps. 09:14.109 --> 09:14.889 And that was Terry Jones singing. 09:17.390 --> 09:19.792 It's precisely where it was. 09:19.832 --> 09:20.432 When it was. 09:20.512 --> 09:22.894 It's exactly the correct date. 09:23.254 --> 09:24.875 We're the kings of facts. 09:25.015 --> 09:30.799 So yeah, I think our new Song Wars songs we will unveil after the news at some point in the next half hour. 09:31.559 --> 09:32.700 Scary songs they are. 09:32.720 --> 09:33.421 Oh, they're spooky. 09:34.701 --> 09:36.723 Let's just say mine's just disturbing. 09:37.043 --> 09:38.344 Yeah, mine. 09:38.364 --> 09:38.944 Does that count? 09:39.104 --> 09:39.985 Yeah, it does count. 09:40.725 --> 09:42.627 But so let's have some more music right now. 09:42.647 --> 09:46.850 This is the French band Air They're from France. 09:47.010 --> 09:48.411 Have you been there to France? 09:48.451 --> 09:49.992 Yes, it is very sexy. 09:50.352 --> 09:53.315 Oh, it is too sexy This is a song about it. 09:53.575 --> 10:02.501 It's right said Fred with I'm too sexy sexy boy With sexy boy that song was actually written about me 10:03.682 --> 10:04.222 Was it really? 10:06.443 --> 10:06.684 When? 10:08.104 --> 10:09.185 Last week actually. 10:09.205 --> 10:15.107 It was as big a surprise to me as it is to you because it's been out for a few years. 10:15.147 --> 10:16.248 What song was written for me? 10:16.268 --> 10:19.990 I can't answer that. 10:21.210 --> 10:24.113 Everything that pops into mind is too just insulting. 10:24.213 --> 10:25.574 What's your favorite smell? 10:26.255 --> 10:31.739 You I Smelt a lady this week and she was wearing your horses. 10:31.920 --> 10:33.121 What sort of a sentence is that? 10:34.061 --> 10:35.523 You know it breakfast program. 10:35.543 --> 10:38.165 She's she's wafted past me right? 10:38.425 --> 10:45.071 She wafted right and it was at the train station and she done a waft past me and then sat down on the bench next to me and 10:45.231 --> 10:52.836 And she smelt strongly of... I think she was wearing perfume, but the perfume smelt to me of sheep dip. 10:53.637 --> 10:55.258 Have you ever smelt sheep dip before? 10:55.278 --> 10:57.639 It's a curiously sweet smell. 10:57.679 --> 11:02.242 I don't know if they still use the same brand of sheep dip that I remember from when I used to live in Wales. 11:02.342 --> 11:03.904 When you used to be dipped, country. 11:03.924 --> 11:05.144 Yeah, when they used to dip me. 11:05.264 --> 11:05.665 Sean. 11:07.286 --> 11:08.987 But she smelt very much of sheep dip. 11:09.327 --> 11:14.691 And I was really tempted to ask her what the perfume was, so I... Probably Kerry Katona's new one. 11:15.631 --> 11:17.433 Yeah, I hear it's out in a couple of days. 11:17.733 --> 11:19.155 Maybe she had a preview squirt. 11:19.335 --> 11:20.896 Hey, you can't double them. 11:20.916 --> 11:21.577 That's true. 11:21.637 --> 11:27.683 Yeah, that would be that would be what could turn Easy she's ill that's true. 11:28.083 --> 11:28.744 She's young woman. 11:28.764 --> 11:32.047 She needs our sympathy and support not our derision 11:32.387 --> 11:33.348 Yeah. 11:34.089 --> 11:35.209 But no, sheep dip. 11:35.270 --> 11:35.930 It was sheep dip. 11:35.970 --> 11:37.231 And I really wanted to ask her. 11:37.511 --> 11:42.636 But I thought if I ask her what the perfume is, I'm going to get stuck in a weird little... She's going to think I'm coming onto her. 11:42.676 --> 11:43.917 She's going to think you're hitting on her. 11:43.937 --> 11:44.057 Yeah. 11:44.377 --> 11:53.244 Whereas actually what I want to communicate is your perfume is revolting and it's choking up my nasal passages and I want to know exactly what it is so I can avoid it for the rest of my life. 11:53.705 --> 11:55.887 But it's no good. 11:56.187 --> 11:58.309 What's the worst smell you can think of, Joe? 11:59.169 --> 12:00.971 Oh, uh, stink bombs? 12:01.351 --> 12:01.992 I don't know. 12:02.132 --> 12:02.732 Worse smell. 12:02.792 --> 12:04.734 Oh, I really object to yeast. 12:05.215 --> 12:05.675 Yeast? 12:05.735 --> 12:07.076 Yeah, around a brewery. 12:07.156 --> 12:07.577 Right. 12:08.237 --> 12:12.601 There's a brewery in Wandsworth, and the whole area has got a weird stench. 12:12.701 --> 12:13.742 It disagrees with me. 12:14.042 --> 12:14.603 I know what you mean. 12:14.623 --> 12:18.206 Not beer itself, but the smell of a brewery, the intense smell of yeast. 12:18.286 --> 12:20.268 Yeast is nasty, I mean, for lots of reasons. 12:20.448 --> 12:22.189 There's something nasty about yeast. 12:22.850 --> 12:25.412 A field of rape is not an enjoyable smell. 12:25.892 --> 12:29.776 That yellow, stinky field that you go past every now and again. 12:29.796 --> 12:31.477 I mean, that's no fun. 12:32.098 --> 12:36.682 And also, the worst of them all, though, is dog poo, isn't it? 12:37.415 --> 12:39.876 Yes, well, God made it that way, didn't he? 12:40.076 --> 12:40.616 To avoid. 12:40.836 --> 12:42.876 Yeah, so you have to pick it up and pop it in the bin. 12:43.256 --> 12:44.317 Absolutely, unless you're a toddler. 12:44.657 --> 12:49.638 A friend of mine, um, her toddler picked up at the top of it and popped it in his mouth. 12:49.878 --> 12:50.258 No! 12:50.438 --> 12:50.818 Yes. 12:50.838 --> 12:51.838 Was it a dried one? 12:51.858 --> 12:52.778 No! 12:53.238 --> 12:53.759 Oh dear. 12:53.819 --> 12:55.819 Had the consistency of chocolate mousse. 12:57.739 --> 12:59.860 That's certainly what was going through the toddler's brain. 13:01.317 --> 13:02.397 I found some chocolate mousse. 13:03.238 --> 13:05.459 I found it on the wheel of a bicycle. 13:05.859 --> 13:07.299 And he popped it in his gob. 13:08.180 --> 13:14.022 And she was absolutely appalled as you would be, but their toddlers, they love doing that kind of thing, you know, and they're just experimenting with the world. 13:14.422 --> 13:22.866 She raced, they were in the park and she raced to the public toilets there and kind of rinsed his mouth out with water from the taps that said, do not drink. 13:23.166 --> 13:26.167 But she thought, well, this is the lesser of two evils, surely. 13:26.587 --> 13:29.929 Got to rinse the chocolate mousse out of the little chap's mouth. 13:30.509 --> 13:31.529 I mean, that's no good, is it? 13:31.549 --> 13:32.649 How did the chap respond? 13:32.669 --> 13:33.570 Was he chomping away? 13:33.590 --> 13:34.490 He was up for it. 13:34.830 --> 13:35.210 Really? 13:35.250 --> 13:37.290 Yeah, he was going back for more. 13:37.350 --> 13:38.951 There is a gap in the market there. 13:39.351 --> 13:45.292 If we put it in a pot, give it a fun name, invent some characters to promote it, you could call it Plops. 13:45.472 --> 13:45.972 Chuck Pops. 13:46.152 --> 13:47.012 The kids would love it. 13:47.592 --> 13:49.993 Here's the news, read by Harvey and Georgie. 13:51.413 --> 13:53.353 It's time for Song Wars. 13:53.874 --> 13:55.314 The War of the Songs. 14:05.605 --> 14:07.988 Check it out! 14:08.548 --> 14:09.810 Check it out! 14:10.090 --> 14:11.271 Yes, it's Song Wars time. 14:11.331 --> 14:18.879 Listen, there's a brand new Song Wars, and this week's theme is spookiness, scariness, sort of Halloween based. 14:18.899 --> 14:26.887 Halloween coming up this Friday, so we'll be playing the winning song the day after Halloween, coating the entire week with a thick layer of evil. 14:27.347 --> 14:28.949 Is the day after Halloween just hallow? 14:30.287 --> 14:45.625 yes okay but you know it's not like you know you got christmas eve and then you got christmas day right so yeah halloween is the evening of the hallows yeah halloween is just menacing then on the on on the following day you do the full on killing 14:45.765 --> 14:49.168 Do you know what the origin of Halloween is? 14:49.228 --> 14:50.369 It's not right to say that. 14:50.870 --> 14:52.892 No, it's not. 14:52.932 --> 14:53.532 I was moving on. 14:53.552 --> 14:55.054 In a fictional universe. 14:55.554 --> 14:56.435 Yeah, what's the question? 14:56.895 --> 14:58.317 What is the point of Halloween? 14:58.817 --> 14:59.678 It's a celebration. 14:59.698 --> 15:02.260 It's a pagan celebration of evil. 15:03.161 --> 15:03.741 And killing. 15:04.222 --> 15:05.782 I'm really glad I asked. 15:05.822 --> 15:07.003 No, yeah, that's the answer. 15:07.143 --> 15:07.623 No, yeah. 15:07.903 --> 15:08.424 No, yeah. 15:09.644 --> 15:11.105 So how did you get on with your song, man? 15:11.785 --> 15:13.346 I got on a... Well, I don't know. 15:13.626 --> 15:15.047 I'm not going to say much about it. 15:15.127 --> 15:16.027 It's certainly odd. 15:16.908 --> 15:21.290 I think it's lyrically quite tricky to hear, but then ghosts are quite hard to understand sometimes. 15:21.750 --> 15:26.972 Anyone who's watched Most Haunted or anything will know how tricky the supernatural can be. 15:27.012 --> 15:28.293 It's very hard to control. 15:29.133 --> 15:31.855 It's very hard to predict when supernatural things will happen. 15:32.455 --> 15:33.936 I'm talking about my song. 15:34.776 --> 15:38.978 I'm making excuses for it. 15:39.038 --> 15:42.279 In my song, some of it's actually sung by a ghost, is what I'm saying. 15:42.639 --> 15:52.923 What I did right, because my song was just ludicrous, and it is hard to hear what the lyrics are, so I have got the lyrics on the 6 Music website. 15:53.323 --> 15:53.623 Have you? 15:53.783 --> 15:54.083 Yeah. 15:54.984 --> 15:55.924 I sorted it out. 15:56.044 --> 15:58.545 I'm not kowtowing to my audience in that way. 15:59.265 --> 16:00.245 I'm not pandering to them. 16:00.486 --> 16:09.829 So, listeners, if you want to check the lyrics of my track when you hear it, you can go to the Six Music website and click on the Adam and Jo bit, and they should be there. 16:10.189 --> 16:12.670 But let's toss a coin and find out who's going to go first. 16:13.770 --> 16:14.610 What are you calling, man? 16:14.630 --> 16:15.911 Oh, you just look to the moon. 16:15.931 --> 16:19.312 Yeah, I'm just seeing what they're calling it in the habit of doing, right? 16:19.352 --> 16:20.332 It's mainly, no. 16:20.812 --> 16:22.512 I'm just seeing how it's balanced. 16:22.673 --> 16:23.653 Right, how's it going so far? 16:23.673 --> 16:25.133 Tossing it a few times to warm it up. 16:25.153 --> 16:25.953 It's mainly heads. 16:26.033 --> 16:26.874 Mainly heads, is it? 16:26.914 --> 16:28.674 So, do you want to go... I don't really know. 16:28.694 --> 16:30.835 I'm going to go tails, because I'm different. 16:31.015 --> 16:31.755 Tails to go first. 16:31.875 --> 16:33.756 If it's tails, I go first. 16:34.276 --> 16:34.916 It's tails? 16:35.036 --> 16:35.516 Okay, then. 16:35.676 --> 16:36.236 I go first. 16:37.117 --> 16:37.957 Here's my song. 16:38.377 --> 16:41.218 It's called Hello, Mr. Ghost, and I really apologize. 16:42.558 --> 16:57.010 This song is designed to be heard by ghosts It's got the ultrasound, make noises, it goes like most so If you hear a ghost then don't be scared, scared 17:16.510 --> 17:21.773 But what you said, can you tell us what it feels like when you're dead? 17:21.793 --> 17:26.535 Is it like poltergeist or drop dead thread at all? 17:43.870 --> 17:47.535 While we're talking, Mr. Gust, I'd like to ask a favour. 17:47.935 --> 17:51.760 I don't suppose there's any chance that you'd possess my neighbour. 17:52.120 --> 17:55.985 He plays his stereo too loud, I'll exercise him later. 18:11.755 --> 18:25.644 Thank you Mr. Gosh, but it's time to go It's one to mess with forces that you cannot control, so If you are with us, please go away, away 18:28.638 --> 18:34.500 It's a powerful song and it will actually summon ghosts if you play it late at night or at the right time. 18:34.520 --> 18:36.061 Have you got a vocoder there or something? 18:36.781 --> 18:41.262 No, it's just the mouse voice function on garage fans. 18:41.282 --> 18:41.803 Nicely used. 18:42.163 --> 18:44.383 Thanks, and a bit of helium as well. 18:45.364 --> 18:47.805 And where are you getting your spooky wobbly noise? 18:47.825 --> 18:48.705 Chaosolator, mate. 18:49.366 --> 18:50.427 Chaosinator. 18:50.447 --> 18:51.929 The best £100 I ever spent, mate. 18:52.209 --> 18:53.510 Cornish's secret weapon. 18:53.831 --> 18:54.512 That's brilliant. 18:54.552 --> 18:56.133 Dust off the Chaosinator. 18:56.834 --> 19:00.198 Anyway, so that's song number one, Joe's song, Hello Mr. Ghost. 19:00.999 --> 19:03.722 We continue our spooky song wars with song number two. 19:04.723 --> 19:06.445 Adam, tell us a little bit about it, please. 19:06.606 --> 19:10.851 Well, I started off trying to write a Euro house song. 19:10.911 --> 19:11.752 Who wouldn't? 19:11.912 --> 19:13.494 You know, and it's the obvious way to go. 19:13.594 --> 19:17.058 Well, I was thinking of like early prodigy, you know, like really fast. 19:17.138 --> 19:17.318 Yeah. 19:21.212 --> 19:21.712 I'm scared. 19:21.792 --> 19:22.653 I'm so scared. 19:22.693 --> 19:23.673 It was all like that, right? 19:24.234 --> 19:25.734 And then it just fell apart. 19:25.774 --> 19:30.517 Like for a whole day I was digging it and like playing all that riffs and I was really getting into it. 19:30.537 --> 19:31.958 I was thinking, this is amazing. 19:32.158 --> 19:32.698 I'm the king. 19:33.438 --> 19:35.620 And then I woke up the next day and listened to it. 19:35.900 --> 19:37.561 It was a disgrace. 19:37.941 --> 19:38.661 Have you ever had that? 19:39.121 --> 19:39.402 Yes. 19:39.542 --> 19:39.982 It's weird. 19:40.002 --> 19:43.524 Like some days you wake up and you look at things afresh and you think, hey, that's not half bad. 19:43.544 --> 19:45.945 I have that attitude to just life in general. 19:45.965 --> 19:47.426 This is brilliant. 19:47.866 --> 19:49.007 Oh, this is awful. 19:49.967 --> 19:55.210 Anyway it was a load of old bullows so I had to pop it in the bin but what I've come up with 20:06.736 --> 20:22.787 unnecessarily better because I started it had to restart yesterday afternoon didn't finish until 1 30 in the morning it's exhausting just listening to the process exactly anyway this is this is a jazzy song and it's written from the point of view of a kind of you know serial killer man and from 20:24.108 --> 20:27.171 from Silence of the Lambs type thing. 20:27.471 --> 20:31.034 Well, you remember that we did a thing on our show years ago about Nutty Rooms, right? 20:31.054 --> 20:35.879 Serial killer Nutty Rooms in films like Silence of the Lambs and Copycat was another one. 20:35.939 --> 20:38.301 They've always got their little demented headquarters. 20:38.341 --> 20:43.145 Serial killers lair and it's always like got weird stuff on the walls and things in jars. 20:43.165 --> 20:44.426 You recycled all that stuff. 20:44.627 --> 20:45.307 I've recycled. 20:46.708 --> 20:50.370 And if you want to check out the lyrics, as I say, they might be a little hard to decipher. 20:50.410 --> 20:52.591 They should be on the 6 Music website. 20:52.651 --> 20:54.112 You're an iPlayer though, you loon. 20:54.172 --> 20:55.112 Go to the website. 20:55.873 --> 20:57.173 The 6 Music website. 20:57.813 --> 20:59.874 And this is called Nutty Room. 21:00.775 --> 21:01.235 Nutty. 21:02.516 --> 21:03.516 I am a nutty man. 21:03.536 --> 21:05.757 I'm sitting in my nutty room. 21:05.857 --> 21:07.058 I'm a-cutting. 21:08.523 --> 21:26.493 It's a human skin to make into a big cocoon It's a tune for the cops and I'm pulling out the stops Because I am a complicated loon Look at the jars, look at the jars, look at the things inside the jars I put some fingers, there's some hair and several wickies Look at the walls, look at the walls, totally covered in crazy scores 21:26.513 --> 21:52.324 And from time to time I had a couple of stinkings I loved the smell and the humor of all my greasy, nutty moon Come on over for some nibbles and some drinkings It's so wonderful to meet you if you come Welcome to my nutty lair Careful of the pit, my little pilot **** have a seat on the bed of human hair I hope you like injections, some butterfly collections and the work of the performing yourself 21:53.427 --> 21:58.150 Crazy Have you ever seen a person who was so completely nuts? 21:59.311 --> 22:05.675 Lazy Oh no, I'm always working, making, gunning out of other people's guts Patrick Swayze 22:10.177 --> 22:17.101 90! 22:10.337 --> 22:17.101 I am a 90, and I'm sitting in my 90 room, and I've got to leave. 22:17.141 --> 22:22.184 So it's a few of my skin to make it to a big cocoon. 22:22.384 --> 22:27.967 It's a roof with all the cops, and I've only got the stops, because I have a complicated loop. 22:33.203 --> 22:38.745 That's just a song about you at home in your so-called studio. 22:38.765 --> 22:39.605 The thought did occur. 22:41.026 --> 22:42.426 It's not spooky in any way. 22:42.506 --> 22:44.987 It's just autobiographical. 22:45.247 --> 22:46.268 Yeah, but that's spooky, man. 22:46.328 --> 22:47.068 That is spooky. 22:47.128 --> 22:47.468 It is spooky. 22:47.488 --> 22:48.829 That's the scariest thing of all. 22:48.849 --> 22:49.689 Come around for my night. 22:49.729 --> 22:50.329 That's very good. 22:50.349 --> 22:54.991 I particularly like the, you know, the lunatic howlings as a kind of scat interlude. 22:55.131 --> 22:55.611 Yeah, yeah. 22:55.911 --> 23:17.364 work very well so there you go there are this week's two competing songs song number one hello mr ghost and song number two nutty room yeah and i have now found the lyrics to the nutty room there on the bb6 six music website and and yes there they are citing confirmed of rows of words 23:18.364 --> 23:22.325 So do email your votes. 23:22.746 --> 23:26.507 If you're listening to Listen Again or you're listening now, email the votes. 23:26.547 --> 23:38.991 Adamandjo.6musicatbbc.co.uk and vote for either Adam with Nutty Room or Jo with Hello Mr. Ghost and we'll play those songs again in the last 20 minutes of the show, about 20 to 12. 23:40.611 --> 23:42.392 So there's that means he looks forward to it. 23:44.019 --> 23:45.040 I thought I'd say it in that voice. 23:45.420 --> 23:48.082 Here's Jack White with another way to die. 23:48.662 --> 23:51.304 Jack White with another way to die. 23:51.504 --> 23:52.485 And Alicia Keys. 23:52.585 --> 23:54.426 And Alicia- Whenever says Alicia- It's a duet. 23:54.486 --> 23:54.866 Is it? 23:55.327 --> 23:59.109 Always just says Jack White on our little- Well that's very uh, sexist. 23:59.670 --> 24:00.590 It's very sexy. 24:02.151 --> 24:03.632 Why are they looking all filthy? 24:03.652 --> 24:09.153 I mean, I know they've just been exploded on the poster there for another way to die. 24:09.813 --> 24:11.673 Quantum of Solace. 24:11.713 --> 24:13.114 They're emerging from an explosion, right? 24:13.134 --> 24:14.274 So they're smeared with smut. 24:14.614 --> 24:22.716 The woman standing next to Craig Fairbros in the poster for Quantum of Solace is one of the most attractive women I've ever seen in my life. 24:23.036 --> 24:25.997 She was in the... I'm attracted towards buses that she's on. 24:26.037 --> 24:27.057 It's becoming dangerous. 24:28.197 --> 24:35.363 Did you see the, um, uh, she was in some, uh, period adaptation thing, er, on telly recently. 24:35.383 --> 24:37.885 Oh, I forget what it was. 24:37.925 --> 24:39.426 It was maybe Tessa the d'Urbervilles. 24:39.766 --> 24:40.687 That's always a good one. 24:41.167 --> 24:42.248 Um, you didn't see her in that? 24:42.608 --> 24:42.768 No. 24:43.149 --> 24:44.650 She was nice in it. 24:44.930 --> 24:46.691 Yeah, it looks like a good movie. 24:46.771 --> 24:48.773 Some of the reviews have been a little bit iffy. 24:48.993 --> 24:49.293 Oh, really? 24:49.313 --> 24:50.214 A little bit squishy. 24:50.254 --> 24:50.874 Iffy and sniffy. 24:50.974 --> 24:52.315 Yeah, iffy and sniffy. 24:53.136 --> 24:55.618 My two favourite kids' cartoon characters. 24:56.318 --> 24:57.819 But I'm really excited. 24:58.020 --> 24:59.961 They would be good, but they like little reviewers. 25:00.061 --> 25:00.682 Iffy and sniffy. 25:00.702 --> 25:01.902 They're very pompous children. 25:02.683 --> 25:04.084 Pompous little mice, though, or something. 25:04.124 --> 25:04.364 Mice. 25:05.305 --> 25:05.465 Yeah. 25:05.585 --> 25:06.326 And they review things. 25:06.346 --> 25:07.086 This is good, man. 25:07.106 --> 25:07.566 This is good. 25:07.607 --> 25:08.487 This is your fortune. 25:08.667 --> 25:10.108 I'm going to actually picture it. 25:11.169 --> 25:12.490 If David Walliams can do it. 25:13.010 --> 25:14.191 Have you read Walliams' book yet? 25:14.291 --> 25:15.012 No. 25:15.212 --> 25:16.933 He's got illustrations by Quentin Blake. 25:17.013 --> 25:17.793 I know, I know. 25:17.813 --> 25:20.215 I mean, that is... Quentin Blake, he's a ledge. 25:20.695 --> 25:22.256 Quentin Blake will do anything for the right money. 25:22.376 --> 25:22.857 You reckon? 25:22.897 --> 25:23.097 Yeah. 25:23.157 --> 25:23.657 Credit crunch. 25:24.398 --> 25:25.438 There's no rules anymore. 25:25.618 --> 25:26.599 That's true, isn't it? 25:27.019 --> 25:33.283 I was speaking to someone this week who said, in a year's time, it's going to be a barter economy. 25:33.564 --> 25:33.784 Right. 25:34.244 --> 25:36.065 Right, everyone's just going to be... Right, Mad Max. 25:36.145 --> 25:43.310 Yeah, it's going to be haggling and stuff and people with crazy hairstyles and riding around in souped up cars, you know, and everything. 25:43.330 --> 25:44.131 Battling for fuel. 25:44.231 --> 25:45.012 Rusty, yeah. 25:45.192 --> 25:45.912 That's exciting. 25:45.932 --> 25:46.953 That's what it's going to be like. 25:47.213 --> 25:49.295 And everyone will just talk with an Australian accent. 25:49.415 --> 25:52.557 There's going to be severed heads on people's front porches. 25:52.857 --> 25:53.137 Right. 25:53.237 --> 25:55.339 Just to ward off invaders. 25:56.019 --> 25:57.060 It's all going to go Viking. 25:57.560 --> 26:01.043 And the children are going to use their own special kind of language. 26:01.983 --> 26:02.384 Look at that. 26:02.604 --> 26:04.745 Look, it's the bang stick. 26:04.825 --> 26:06.526 The man over there has got a bang stick. 26:06.546 --> 26:06.986 You know what? 26:07.206 --> 26:07.907 They do that already. 26:07.987 --> 26:09.087 I was just thinking. 26:09.367 --> 26:10.068 It's going to be the same. 26:10.088 --> 26:10.788 It's already happened. 26:11.348 --> 26:12.329 We're inches away from it. 26:12.369 --> 26:13.470 That's something to look forward to. 26:13.510 --> 26:17.932 A kind of awful futuristic post-apocalyptic nightmare world. 26:18.252 --> 26:19.313 Where everyone's Australian. 26:19.773 --> 26:20.533 Happy Christmas. 26:20.954 --> 26:22.294 Happy Christmas. 26:22.594 --> 26:23.274 Thanks, Al Gore. 26:24.595 --> 26:25.855 What have you got here for us, Joe? 26:25.875 --> 26:26.476 Free Playwise? 26:26.516 --> 26:27.376 This is a free play. 26:27.616 --> 26:29.117 This is by a band called The National. 26:29.537 --> 26:30.978 They're very exciting right now. 26:31.018 --> 26:31.998 This is their second album. 26:32.038 --> 26:33.639 I think they're a New York based set. 26:34.099 --> 26:34.759 And you know what? 26:35.019 --> 26:37.580 I've forgotten the name of this track, but I've just remembered it again. 26:37.920 --> 26:39.561 It's Fake Empire by The National. 26:39.781 --> 26:42.703 Good effort there from Gorillaz. 26:43.704 --> 26:44.484 Damon Allbrand. 26:44.764 --> 26:45.945 I've got to stop calling him Damon. 26:46.005 --> 26:46.946 I'm sounding like my dad. 26:47.166 --> 26:49.888 Call him Damon Allbrand, for goodness sake. 26:50.248 --> 26:52.970 That was a Radio 1 session from the 20th of March 2003. 26:53.711 --> 26:57.093 And, you know, they really pulled it out of the bag there. 26:57.153 --> 27:02.617 Sometimes, the sessions, they can be a little ropey, a little disappointing, not a patch on the album. 27:03.317 --> 27:05.939 But they really brought something new to the party there, I think. 27:05.999 --> 27:06.240 Joe? 27:07.140 --> 27:13.826 I can only agree with every word you say, and I thoroughly endorse you to be the President of America. 27:14.227 --> 27:14.727 Very much. 27:15.207 --> 27:17.669 Hey, when do we find out about the President of America? 27:17.690 --> 27:19.171 Is it November the 4th? 27:19.531 --> 27:20.292 It's very soon. 27:20.312 --> 27:22.173 Is it November the 4th, the American election? 27:22.213 --> 27:22.674 Yes, it is. 27:22.694 --> 27:23.715 It's soon, man. 27:23.735 --> 27:24.395 It's exciting. 27:24.435 --> 27:25.036 And you know what? 27:25.096 --> 27:25.736 Apparently, 27:26.577 --> 27:32.039 If Barack Obama wins, the world will be saved from the precipice of doom. 27:33.099 --> 27:44.163 If he loses, we will be plunged into a Stygian nightmare of apocalyptic doom similar to that which you outlined in the previous link. 27:44.603 --> 27:45.623 It's as simple as that. 27:46.383 --> 27:51.305 The world has spiralled into a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy of doom. 27:51.725 --> 27:53.206 Now this is just your opinion, isn't it? 27:54.226 --> 27:55.748 True. 27:55.768 --> 27:57.269 That's the thing, that's the twist. 27:58.310 --> 28:00.653 But that's what it feels like, don't you think? 28:00.853 --> 28:01.333 It does a little bit. 28:01.353 --> 28:09.001 It feels like the world needs just a, it needs like a sort of a boost, some sort of a warm, a slimming drink. 28:09.362 --> 28:10.903 It'll give it the lift it needs. 28:12.325 --> 28:13.025 Barak obama. 28:13.446 --> 28:14.086 Slim fast. 28:14.206 --> 28:15.588 A slim fast, yeah, pick me up. 28:15.848 --> 28:17.990 Yeah, other slim decks are available. 28:18.350 --> 28:30.782 But, I mean, he's got his work cut out for him and all, you know, Occam's Racer, you know, all things being equal, the most boring outcome is the likeliest. 28:31.743 --> 28:34.626 This time in a year, if he gets in, everything's the same. 28:35.126 --> 28:37.087 and everyone's bored with him and everyone's bringing him down. 28:37.107 --> 28:39.348 Yeah, we know that in this country from Tony Belya. 28:39.448 --> 28:39.748 Right. 28:39.968 --> 28:40.188 Yeah. 28:40.228 --> 28:44.430 But Tony Belya had a few good years of baseless optimism, don't you? 28:44.510 --> 28:44.790 Yeah. 28:45.131 --> 28:56.576 Inevitably, whoever wins will be taken into a secret office where he'll meet with an ET, Rupert Murdoch, some Rosicrucians, the head of the Illuminati, the Pope, 28:57.336 --> 29:19.575 and members of the royal family in their lizard form and they'll be told the basic truth that are kept from the public you know here it's just all about selling weapons and provoking wars to keep economies going and i'm sorry there's not much that can be done about it and this no someone was telling me and come to the orgy on saturday you can now come to the eyes wide shut lizard orgy 29:20.956 --> 29:22.236 So it's not all bad, though. 29:22.417 --> 29:22.957 No, there we go. 29:22.997 --> 29:25.698 Bit of politics here on the show. 29:25.798 --> 29:26.918 Fun bit of politics there. 29:27.158 --> 29:28.298 I'm excited about the orgy. 29:29.279 --> 29:31.860 Well, you have to become evil to join in. 29:31.880 --> 29:33.680 I know someone in the illuminati. 29:33.700 --> 29:33.940 Do you? 29:34.700 --> 29:35.501 You probably do. 29:35.521 --> 29:36.701 Your posh contacts. 29:36.721 --> 29:37.181 Of course. 29:37.241 --> 29:37.982 You probably do. 29:38.022 --> 29:38.762 We can get us in there. 29:38.902 --> 29:40.983 Your one dinner party away. 29:41.063 --> 29:42.143 Speaking of posh contacts. 29:42.663 --> 29:42.923 Yeah. 29:42.963 --> 29:46.565 Did you, maybe we'll talk, I'll talk about this during the song perhaps. 29:46.585 --> 29:48.726 It's not good for the listeners. 29:48.806 --> 29:49.027 No. 29:49.287 --> 29:49.907 Well, alright then. 29:50.087 --> 29:51.188 Let's discuss it during the song. 29:51.208 --> 29:53.129 If we feel it's fit to broadcast, we'll talk about it after the song. 29:53.149 --> 29:53.889 That's what I was going to say. 29:53.909 --> 29:54.269 Okay, alright then. 29:54.289 --> 29:55.530 Yeah, it'll be frustrating if it isn't. 29:56.711 --> 29:59.092 I'll write down some key words that I'll be able to say whatever happens. 29:59.232 --> 29:59.592 Okay. 30:00.072 --> 30:02.134 Here's the Chemical Brothers with the golden path. 30:02.394 --> 30:03.854 Who's that doing the singing on that then? 30:03.914 --> 30:04.175 Coin. 30:05.075 --> 30:06.176 Wayne Coyne. 30:06.696 --> 30:07.076 Oh, right. 30:07.236 --> 30:07.756 Good, isn't it? 30:07.956 --> 30:08.877 Yeah, very enjoyable. 30:08.937 --> 30:09.657 The Golden Path. 30:09.697 --> 30:10.557 What is the Golden Path? 30:10.637 --> 30:12.578 It sounds like a bit of sexual slang. 30:12.938 --> 30:15.339 No, I'm sure it's just the righteous way. 30:15.359 --> 30:16.419 Right, right, right. 30:16.439 --> 30:16.900 Do you know what I mean? 30:16.920 --> 30:17.620 The higher ground. 30:17.720 --> 30:17.960 Sure. 30:19.321 --> 30:21.741 So we had the discussion about the thing. 30:21.882 --> 30:24.262 Yeah, and we've decided we can't say anything. 30:24.302 --> 30:26.823 It included the words Rothschild and Corfu. 30:28.504 --> 30:29.824 And that's why we can't talk about it. 30:30.265 --> 30:30.985 And Mandelson. 30:31.145 --> 30:31.645 Mandelson. 30:32.225 --> 30:33.906 Yeah, one of our recent holidays. 30:33.926 --> 30:34.986 That's right. 30:35.106 --> 30:49.811 So listen, if you're a regular listener to the show, you might remember a segment we did a few months ago on Juvenilia on stuff that people had written when they were kiddies, kind of great works of juvenile art and literature and screenwriting. 30:49.871 --> 30:53.872 And we came away with an extraordinary idea for a film called Steven! 30:54.755 --> 30:56.176 which was about a superhero. 30:56.496 --> 30:59.437 And it was the work of... Well, no, it was sort of an agent, a secret agent. 30:59.537 --> 31:04.079 It came from a comic written by Stephen... We'll dig his name up. 31:04.099 --> 31:04.899 I forget what his name was. 31:04.919 --> 31:06.660 He's on the website, the material's on the website. 31:06.680 --> 31:07.080 Let me have a look. 31:07.100 --> 31:13.603 But anyway, ever since that, and, you know, the whole idea of there being a... Here we go, here we go. 31:14.063 --> 31:15.704 Sorry to be clicking while I'm speaking. 31:16.464 --> 31:17.865 But the whole idea of this... 31:19.145 --> 31:34.712 word Stephen and the guys shouting Stephen has sunk into my brain and every time I see a film where someone says the word Stephen I suddenly think what of this other franchise you know and how exciting it would be if this really was a film about Stephen yeah 31:35.092 --> 31:36.753 And what a powerful name it is. 31:36.773 --> 31:41.717 I mean, this came from the fact that this guy had named his comic, which was like a sort of war adventure comic. 31:42.078 --> 31:44.800 He just named it Stephen, exclamation mark. 31:45.240 --> 31:50.584 And we thought it was a funny thing that, you know, just the idea of getting the drama out of just that character. 31:50.644 --> 31:54.167 And it would basically be based around people just calling his name. 31:54.267 --> 31:59.911 Well, he was he was going to be a secret agent like Bourne or Bond, but his name would be Stephen. 32:00.512 --> 32:04.155 And there'd be a sort of a more normal feel to the proceedings. 32:04.415 --> 32:04.555 Yeah. 32:04.915 --> 32:12.859 But I was watching a film the other day, I won't tell you what film it was, because that's the point of this little bit, where there's a very good saying of the word Stephen. 32:14.160 --> 32:22.204 It's really powerful, so I thought I'd play the clip and see whether you can guess what film this superb rendition of the word Stephen comes from. 32:22.244 --> 32:26.766 This isn't a competition, of course, because they are verbelten of the BBC. 32:27.227 --> 32:29.608 But they'll be a prize of kudos. 32:30.208 --> 32:32.129 to anybody who... Don't text in! 32:32.290 --> 32:32.710 A box of kudos. 32:32.750 --> 32:34.691 No, because that costs you money and that would be wrong. 32:35.272 --> 32:41.836 But if you email in and you can guess what film this is from before Dr. Buckles does, then you win the big invisible prize. 32:41.977 --> 32:43.358 A big invisible box of kudos. 32:43.418 --> 32:44.338 Yeah, here's the clip. 32:44.398 --> 32:45.039 It's only short. 32:54.013 --> 32:54.373 Yeah? 32:54.633 --> 32:55.673 I know that one, can I say? 32:55.693 --> 32:55.853 Do you? 32:55.873 --> 32:57.814 No, let's leave it for a bit. 32:58.014 --> 32:58.934 You immediately got it. 32:59.134 --> 33:00.434 I think, I think, I might be wrong. 33:00.454 --> 33:01.895 That's a good rendition though, isn't it? 33:02.195 --> 33:08.616 Well, it's the music gives it away and the... and the whirlwind I can see in my... But she cares about Stephen. 33:08.776 --> 33:09.356 Definitely. 33:09.476 --> 33:10.957 She doesn't want him to be hurt. 33:10.977 --> 33:15.198 She's saying that word Stephen with real passion and welly. 33:15.378 --> 33:15.598 Yeah. 33:16.038 --> 33:16.298 Yeah? 33:17.198 --> 33:19.939 So we'll leave that for people to guess about for a little bit. 33:20.039 --> 33:20.699 Stephen! 33:21.159 --> 33:21.519 Just coming! 33:22.399 --> 33:24.381 It's not a competition, it's just for fun. 33:25.021 --> 33:27.604 I'm going Australian again, this is strange. 33:28.584 --> 33:29.505 What's happening next now? 33:29.525 --> 33:35.290 We're going to launch Text the Nation shortly, but before we do, here is some more music. 33:35.330 --> 33:36.891 This is Friendly Fires with Paris. 33:39.053 --> 33:39.894 Text the Nation! 33:39.934 --> 33:40.234 Text! 33:40.294 --> 33:40.574 Text! 33:40.634 --> 33:40.995 Text! 33:41.115 --> 33:41.855 Text the Nation! 33:41.915 --> 33:42.876 What if I don't want to? 33:43.116 --> 33:43.857 Text the Nation! 33:43.937 --> 33:44.938 But I'm using email. 33:45.118 --> 33:45.859 Is that a problem? 33:45.879 --> 33:46.399 It doesn't matter. 33:46.459 --> 33:46.679 Text! 33:49.997 --> 33:51.058 Joe, wait a second. 33:51.118 --> 33:52.779 I think we've got a collision of features. 33:52.999 --> 33:55.821 Can I put my Stephen thing to rest first? 33:55.861 --> 33:57.122 Because it might confuse listeners. 33:57.182 --> 33:57.563 Oh, yeah, fair enough. 33:57.603 --> 33:58.844 We don't want two things going at once. 33:58.964 --> 33:59.184 No. 33:59.564 --> 34:03.807 We've had several emails in, and Adam, you've got that Stephen clip exactly right. 34:03.847 --> 34:05.889 It is, of course, from Poltergeist. 34:06.069 --> 34:08.231 Yes, the classic goth-y movie. 34:08.351 --> 34:10.993 And we've had emails as well from Simon Bell. 34:11.773 --> 34:14.877 and Michael Hall and James Heel. 34:15.018 --> 34:16.660 No, James Heel says it's Cliffhanger. 34:16.680 --> 34:17.521 What are you talking about? 34:17.942 --> 34:21.306 I retract your name, James Heel, even though I'm sure you're very nice. 34:21.326 --> 34:22.668 That's a good guess, though. 34:22.708 --> 34:23.349 Is it a good guess? 34:23.369 --> 34:26.273 Hanging on, yeah, because that's how it starts, isn't it? 34:26.473 --> 34:27.274 Is he called Steven? 34:28.698 --> 34:29.779 He's called Cliff, isn't he? 34:29.819 --> 34:30.360 Cliff Hanger. 34:32.983 --> 34:33.743 Who else has got it? 34:33.844 --> 34:39.290 Rob Lightbody has got it, as has Shirley Hopkinson. 34:39.771 --> 34:40.732 Well done, well done. 34:40.752 --> 34:41.473 Well done, Shirley. 34:41.493 --> 34:42.554 Well done, Shirley. 34:42.594 --> 34:43.315 Well spotted. 34:45.696 --> 35:01.983 if anyone else watches a film or spots a movie and it has someone saying or shouting Steven in an interesting way please let us know and then we can do that again right yeah ah and that'll be brilliant that will be brilliant or you could even send us an mp3 if you can be bothered of like the clip but that's asking quite a lot 35:02.543 --> 35:03.344 Anyway, that's that done. 35:03.404 --> 35:04.225 Text the Nation now. 35:04.525 --> 35:05.246 Text the Nation. 35:05.386 --> 35:06.568 It's the nation's favourite feature. 35:06.588 --> 35:14.156 It's the part of the show where we talk about a thing and then we ask you to contribute to some kind of ramble thereon. 35:14.176 --> 35:15.278 Is that fair? 35:15.618 --> 35:16.299 Yeah, that's fair. 35:16.419 --> 35:17.380 Fair enough, mate. 35:17.640 --> 35:21.141 Now, Joe, are you aware of go-go crazy bones? 35:21.861 --> 35:25.082 Well, this is a playground craze, right? 35:25.142 --> 35:25.402 Mm-hmm. 35:25.602 --> 35:26.182 For kids. 35:26.502 --> 35:27.802 It's sweeping the playgrounds. 35:27.862 --> 35:36.684 Yeah, and it's a little bit like Jack's or that game with coins that kids play where you flick coins against a wall and if they land on each other you win the coin. 35:36.704 --> 35:37.744 Same sort of principle. 35:38.284 --> 35:40.265 It's, let me quote from the Wikipedia, 35:41.305 --> 35:48.551 Gogos are small figurines that became a popular fad during the 1990s and 2000s, the noughties. 35:49.212 --> 35:57.979 I think they were released in the UK earlier this year, or at least a new line of them was, and they have become a craze this year in the UK. 35:58.479 --> 36:03.983 Gogos, it continues on Wikipedia, were inspired by a game played in ancient Greece. 36:04.784 --> 36:08.705 called Astrogals, where children played with sheep's knuckle bones. 36:09.105 --> 36:11.186 This ancient pastime is known as Tabas. 36:11.486 --> 36:15.467 Crazy Bones is a modern version of this game, played with characters moulded from plastic. 36:15.807 --> 36:17.128 There's hundreds of these things, right? 36:17.148 --> 36:26.090 The little individual characters, and because of the sort of collectability element, you know, children really like collecting things, especially little boys, right? 36:26.391 --> 36:30.412 They absolutely adore collecting things, and they will go for anything, whether it's Conchas or... 36:31.132 --> 36:31.452 Rubbish. 36:31.753 --> 36:32.493 Bits of rubbish. 36:32.774 --> 36:45.166 I mean, this is the thing, you know, it doesn't take much to launch a craze, is what I'm saying, and I'm wondering if the listeners can help us with, you know, to spot the next craze, because there's a lot of money to be made. 36:45.186 --> 36:45.987 Are you kiddie craze? 36:46.047 --> 36:53.995 Because what all they've done is taken, as you say, an ancient game that can be played with natural, you know, materials that don't cost anything, and they've branded them. 36:54.215 --> 36:54.435 Yeah. 36:54.515 --> 36:55.956 They've put little characters onto them. 36:56.016 --> 36:56.576 They've painted them. 36:57.056 --> 36:57.916 They're very small. 36:57.956 --> 37:00.497 So imagine like a sheep's knuckle bone, how small that would be. 37:00.537 --> 37:03.838 I mean, it's like, yeah, it's a little small. 37:03.858 --> 37:04.398 Size of a dice? 37:04.818 --> 37:06.218 Yeah, I suppose so, exactly right. 37:06.239 --> 37:07.939 Like a little bit larger than a dice, perhaps. 37:08.339 --> 37:13.601 And they're all individually painted up and you can get different sort of, there's different lines. 37:13.721 --> 37:16.281 So for example, Crazy Bones. 37:16.301 --> 37:18.062 I'm just looking at their web page right now. 37:18.582 --> 37:31.871 These are the mutant line characters, and you've got one called Teacher's Pet that looks like a kind of nerd with glasses on, this one called Jaws that looks like a shark, and they're very crudely painted up little figures, you know. 37:32.532 --> 37:39.757 But they swap them, you know, there's all the swapping thing goes on, and basically the way you play the game if you want to actually play the game, 37:40.417 --> 37:48.862 is you throw your go-gos, the little things on the table, the player receives a score depending on which way the go-go lands and is standing on the table, right? 37:49.422 --> 37:54.905 So you get nil points if it's facing down, if it's on its back facing up, you get one point, etc. 37:55.266 --> 37:57.107 Maximum points if it's standing on its head. 37:57.387 --> 37:58.207 Ten points you get. 37:58.668 --> 37:59.468 That's quite an achievement. 37:59.788 --> 38:00.208 Nonsense. 38:00.228 --> 38:05.211 I mean, it's pure rubbish and you could apply the same game to almost anything. 38:06.432 --> 38:08.013 You could do it with dog poo. 38:09.033 --> 38:10.974 I mean, it would be, would it be less fun? 38:11.294 --> 38:12.074 Less hygienic. 38:12.094 --> 38:12.794 It would be less hygienic. 38:12.814 --> 38:14.435 But what are you asking people here? 38:14.455 --> 38:27.598 I'm asking listeners to come up with their ideas for a similar sort of game, object-based game that can be a collectible craze for children across the country. 38:27.938 --> 38:30.959 And we can make millions of pounds and retire, right? 38:31.960 --> 38:32.700 That is what I'm asking. 38:32.740 --> 38:36.861 Here's a few ideas that I've come up with, just to give you a sort of steer. 38:37.541 --> 38:38.082 How about this? 38:39.444 --> 38:40.205 Pebbles, right? 38:40.686 --> 38:43.529 Little pebbles, and they've got little eyes stuck on. 38:43.569 --> 38:46.553 I mean, this is very similar, obviously, to the crazy bones. 38:47.054 --> 38:48.937 They've got little eyes painted on. 38:49.237 --> 38:52.982 Perhaps they look like rock stars, right? 38:54.201 --> 38:55.923 So you could call them rock stars. 38:56.204 --> 38:56.644 I like it. 38:56.664 --> 39:09.039 Or I was thinking you could call them, and I'm trying to give them cooler names, because half the battle, right, is to think of cool names for these very boring little objects. 39:09.500 --> 39:11.082 So I'm thinking, peblords. 39:12.526 --> 39:13.567 I like peb lords a lot. 39:13.587 --> 39:14.748 It gives them an authority. 39:15.108 --> 39:15.549 Peb lords? 39:15.569 --> 39:17.691 Yeah, it gives them a power they demand to be purchased. 39:17.731 --> 39:18.992 And they're just little stones, right? 39:19.332 --> 39:21.114 You get little bags of them and they've just got eyes on them. 39:21.134 --> 39:22.215 I don't think they're just little stones. 39:22.255 --> 39:22.955 Peb lords. 39:22.975 --> 39:23.856 I think they're lords. 39:24.016 --> 39:26.018 They're peb lords, or super pebs. 39:27.039 --> 39:27.600 I like both. 39:28.120 --> 39:29.241 Okay, how about this one? 39:30.142 --> 39:30.702 Bogeymen. 39:31.721 --> 39:36.022 They are actual bogeys, but they're sealed in resin. 39:36.742 --> 39:37.142 I like it. 39:37.223 --> 39:38.243 Little bits of resin. 39:38.603 --> 39:40.323 So you can collect them and- Where were they from? 39:40.343 --> 39:42.164 Well, that's the thing. 39:42.444 --> 39:44.404 Probably kids in the third world in a factory. 39:44.685 --> 39:45.105 Could be. 39:45.885 --> 39:49.606 Or, you know, it could be like a big deal to get your own bogeyman. 39:50.286 --> 39:51.847 and send it in and get it in. 39:51.927 --> 39:52.507 Exactly. 39:52.867 --> 39:56.789 You get it sent in, you get extra money off the little kids, you charge them 10 quid for that. 39:56.849 --> 39:58.049 Bogey has a lot of character. 39:58.530 --> 40:01.311 And you could get like a super bogey. 40:01.351 --> 40:05.692 Imagine if you were able to extract a mammoth bogey that everyone loves bogeys. 40:05.712 --> 40:07.613 Well, I wouldn't say everyone loves it. 40:07.693 --> 40:08.414 Kids love bogeys. 40:08.474 --> 40:08.974 What do you mean? 40:09.534 --> 40:10.134 Not everyone. 40:10.234 --> 40:12.175 I think some adults don't like bogeys so much. 40:12.195 --> 40:12.796 Well, this is a thing. 40:12.856 --> 40:15.297 It's a fun way to stop them eating them as well. 40:15.357 --> 40:15.637 Right. 40:15.897 --> 40:18.438 Because you wouldn't necessarily want to eat them once they're covered in resin. 40:18.458 --> 40:19.439 It's a choking hazard. 40:19.459 --> 40:21.840 No, you wouldn't necessarily want your child to collect it either. 40:22.040 --> 40:23.941 Well, that's where I disagree with you. 40:23.961 --> 40:24.161 Right. 40:24.941 --> 40:25.682 I think you would. 40:25.702 --> 40:26.722 These are very good ideas. 40:27.262 --> 40:28.983 Um, peblords, bogeymen. 40:29.163 --> 40:29.603 How about this? 40:30.124 --> 40:30.784 Mecha sticks. 40:32.102 --> 40:33.503 Yeah. 40:33.543 --> 40:34.824 They're lolly sticks, right? 40:35.165 --> 40:35.385 Yeah. 40:35.545 --> 40:38.247 And they are in the shape of different robots. 40:39.148 --> 40:42.271 And obviously you could have an accompanying line of lollies. 40:43.091 --> 40:44.652 Hang on, so in what sense are they sticks? 40:45.153 --> 40:46.014 They're lolly sticks. 40:46.214 --> 40:47.995 Right, but they're shaped like robots? 40:48.275 --> 40:50.077 Yeah, they've got the vague outline of a robot. 40:50.137 --> 40:50.477 Okay. 40:51.098 --> 40:53.280 And, you know, a little bit of detailing. 40:53.440 --> 40:54.160 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 40:54.941 --> 40:56.422 And mecha sticks. 40:56.903 --> 40:57.143 Right. 40:57.203 --> 40:57.863 What do you do with them? 40:58.604 --> 40:59.684 Well, collect them, collect them, collect them. 40:59.704 --> 41:01.325 You collect them and then you throw them at each other. 41:01.345 --> 41:02.565 That's the thing about collecting, isn't it? 41:02.965 --> 41:04.365 It gives anything a purpose. 41:04.425 --> 41:04.725 Exactly. 41:04.745 --> 41:08.166 I mean, it could just, as you say, be bogeys at apple cores, bottle tops. 41:08.346 --> 41:15.248 But you collect them because it basically comes down to the conkers theory, which is just, what do you do with, did you ever play conkers at school? 41:15.268 --> 41:17.488 I mean, conkers is a waste of time. 41:17.508 --> 41:18.109 What about this? 41:18.549 --> 41:19.629 Sand warriors. 41:19.869 --> 41:20.389 That's good. 41:20.569 --> 41:21.910 Grains of sand. 41:21.970 --> 41:24.150 They're little, that's a bit too small, they could get easily lost. 41:24.170 --> 41:24.470 Oh, come on. 41:24.510 --> 41:25.070 Great, they're $5.99 each. 41:25.090 --> 41:25.490 Grains of sand. 41:28.331 --> 41:34.517 And if you look at them through a specially supplied microscope, you can see they're like robots again. 41:37.420 --> 41:39.602 That's too small they would get too easily lost. 41:39.622 --> 41:41.444 We're focusing it in. 41:41.504 --> 41:45.308 Because at the moment like crazy bones have been banned in a lot of schools because of the arguments that ensue. 41:45.328 --> 41:46.089 That's too much for craze. 41:46.109 --> 41:47.150 That's the sign of a good craze. 41:47.170 --> 41:48.752 If it's banned in schools, you're there. 41:48.772 --> 41:49.212 You've won. 41:49.372 --> 41:49.853 Exactly. 41:50.653 --> 41:51.813 Um, so mecha sticks. 41:51.833 --> 41:53.134 But look, mecha sticks, right? 41:53.314 --> 41:55.794 Here's the thing, they come with the lolly, and the lolly is called lollibots. 41:55.994 --> 41:56.695 Of course it is. 41:57.175 --> 42:04.036 So you, it's exciting, it's like, Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, you know, you don't know which one you need to complete the set. 42:04.377 --> 42:08.398 You're going through the lollibots and thinking... Oh, you had to eat the lolly to reveal the bot? 42:08.418 --> 42:08.798 Exactly! 42:08.818 --> 42:12.819 I hope I get... I hope I get... John Bot! 42:13.159 --> 42:14.999 I haven't thought too... No, John, it's good. 42:15.079 --> 42:15.319 Is it? 42:15.339 --> 42:16.380 Yeah, it's a good start. 42:16.400 --> 42:17.400 I hope I get John Bot! 42:18.740 --> 42:19.961 Oh no! 42:20.562 --> 42:22.183 It's Robbie again! 42:22.203 --> 42:24.444 I've got Robbie! 42:24.764 --> 42:26.325 I wanted John Bot! 42:26.566 --> 42:27.826 What sort of a child is this? 42:27.846 --> 42:31.809 The one from the end of Don't Look Now. 42:31.889 --> 42:34.311 He's a child that's eaten too many lollibots. 42:34.611 --> 42:34.831 Right. 42:37.541 --> 42:38.402 Oh no! 42:38.422 --> 42:41.123 I hate this child. 42:41.463 --> 42:43.405 What did John bought? 42:44.185 --> 42:45.486 A wrap and wrap another? 42:45.506 --> 42:47.047 I wish I'd never had this child. 42:48.427 --> 42:49.028 It's awful. 42:52.177 --> 42:53.779 We've run out of lollipops! 42:54.280 --> 43:03.189 So the text number for your ideas is 640 and I was nervous about saying ideas plural because they might just be the one. 43:03.209 --> 43:09.897 64046 or the email is AdamandJoe.6musicatbbc.co.uk for this week's Text the Nation. 43:09.917 --> 43:10.757 Are you okay now? 43:13.564 --> 43:18.627 So we need a title for the the craze stroke game and we need a description of what it would involve. 43:18.647 --> 43:18.827 Yeah. 43:19.127 --> 43:19.447 Okay. 43:19.487 --> 43:20.928 That's basically all we're talking about. 43:21.208 --> 43:23.289 Here's a bit of free play action for you now listeners. 43:23.629 --> 43:28.572 This is a remix of a track by the pastels which came on it was like about 10 years ago. 43:28.612 --> 43:30.553 Maybe there was a remix album of some of their stuff. 43:30.974 --> 43:36.157 I think they're from Scotland under Scottish group very primitive indie band the pastels. 43:36.637 --> 43:39.999 And I think it was Ian Carmichael that remixed this track called the Viaduct. 43:40.299 --> 43:40.879 Enjoy! 43:40.899 --> 43:43.741 That's the Pastels, remixed by Ian Carmichael. 43:43.761 --> 43:44.862 That track's called The Viaduct. 43:44.902 --> 43:47.043 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 43:47.083 --> 43:48.924 It's 10.30, time now for the news. 43:49.244 --> 43:51.985 New order with bizarre love triangles. 43:52.085 --> 43:58.549 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music, and it's a pleasure to be here with you, ladies and gentlemen. 43:58.869 --> 44:03.952 We're getting a lot of excellent ideas for collectible toys for children, which is this week's Text the Nation. 44:04.492 --> 44:14.038 But another thing that could have been a Text the Nation, but it isn't going to be, it's just a subject for a quick bit of chittle-chattle, is what's happening to the satellite TV channels. 44:14.838 --> 44:16.199 A lot of them are being renamed. 44:16.239 --> 44:17.060 Have you noticed that? 44:17.220 --> 44:23.325 Yeah, well Richard and Judy are now on what claims to be a brand new channel which is called... It's called Watch. 44:23.505 --> 44:23.865 Watch. 44:23.965 --> 44:25.366 And it used to be living though, right? 44:25.446 --> 44:26.147 Correct, yeah. 44:26.507 --> 44:31.731 So they spent a lot of money, they've obviously focus grouped it and stuff, and they've rebranded it as Watch. 44:32.852 --> 44:39.457 There's another channel that used to be, it used to be called UK Gold or something, and it now just called itself Gold. 44:39.678 --> 44:39.978 Oh, right. 44:39.998 --> 44:41.159 But it's now an acronym. 44:41.679 --> 44:42.659 G-O-L-D, right. 44:42.679 --> 44:43.920 Go on, laugh daily. 44:44.480 --> 44:46.881 Or so it says on the bus stop near my tube. 44:47.141 --> 44:50.102 Yeah, I think they've got variations on what that acronym could stand for. 44:50.182 --> 44:51.022 Right, really. 44:51.182 --> 44:52.523 Because maybe it's quite a good channel. 44:52.563 --> 45:00.525 It's got nothing but classic comedy repeated all day with a proviso that all satellite channels are unwatchable because of the adverts. 45:00.685 --> 45:00.905 Yeah. 45:01.806 --> 45:06.167 That having said, if you can manage to skip the adverts, the programs on G-O-L-D are quite good. 45:06.507 --> 45:08.108 But yeah, Dave did it as well, right? 45:08.128 --> 45:09.188 What did Dave used to be? 45:10.879 --> 45:11.780 I can't remember. 45:11.880 --> 45:13.802 Some sort of man-based channel? 45:13.862 --> 45:14.382 I don't know. 45:14.542 --> 45:16.684 Dave wasn't... No, Bravo's something different. 45:16.724 --> 45:17.845 Bravo's still Bravo, right? 45:18.766 --> 45:19.206 I don't know. 45:19.266 --> 45:19.987 I can't keep up. 45:21.028 --> 45:21.388 Maybe. 45:21.448 --> 45:22.149 Someone will tell us. 45:22.209 --> 45:33.179 But Dave seemed to be the first time they decided we're going to throw off, you know, the bonds of conventionality with TV station names and just have any kind of word that might get people interested in us. 45:33.519 --> 45:35.960 I mean, I guess it worked because we can't remember what Dave used to be. 45:36.360 --> 45:36.800 Exactly. 45:36.840 --> 45:38.101 It's redefined it brilliantly. 45:38.501 --> 45:40.321 And Watch is an exciting channel. 45:40.662 --> 45:42.382 It's got... Have you seen the Idents for Watch? 45:43.222 --> 45:43.503 No. 45:43.803 --> 45:52.106 It's got a group of about 15 people, I suppose, representing the viewership of Watch, rolling a big eyeball up a hill. 45:52.426 --> 45:52.986 Oh, yes. 45:53.046 --> 46:00.649 As if they're triumphant, as if they're, you know, going to roll it to their palace gates and smash down the door and kick the king in the nutty. 46:00.669 --> 46:00.749 Yes. 46:02.189 --> 46:10.059 They look very triumphant, they're kind of emboldened, their heads are held high, their mixed races creeds, and they're rolling the giant eyeballs. 46:10.079 --> 46:11.942 It's like a big Benetton gang's got hold of an eyeball. 46:11.962 --> 46:19.211 Yeah, fighting for their right to watch Richard and Judy interview Josh Hartnett every day against a bright red background. 46:19.771 --> 46:20.011 Yeah. 46:20.031 --> 46:23.054 But I was wondering how you would pep up the other channels with new names. 46:23.314 --> 46:24.055 Hmm. 46:24.075 --> 46:27.337 You know, BBC3, that now sounds quite old school, doesn't it? 46:27.437 --> 46:30.320 Well, they went through many, many... I mean, they started off as... That's true. 46:30.420 --> 46:30.800 Choice. 46:31.100 --> 46:31.581 Choice. 46:32.101 --> 46:33.823 UK Play, at one point they were. 46:33.863 --> 46:37.005 At one point they were called Snot, with four exclamation marks. 46:37.446 --> 46:39.147 Rubbles, I think they were at one stage. 46:39.187 --> 46:46.153 Boobs, with a Z. And apparently, BBC3 are gonna turn, they're gonna change their name to F Off, exclamation mark. 46:46.753 --> 46:51.958 Because that's just what the kids like, and that's what they say to everybody after they've delivered a pilot or one series. 46:52.078 --> 46:57.783 Because these days in youth culture, ideas move so quickly that you can't have more than one series of anything. 46:57.943 --> 46:58.764 That's true, isn't it? 46:58.784 --> 47:02.127 Put it on, try it out, cancel it next. 47:03.588 --> 47:08.052 BBC4, also a very conventional old-school name for a channel, don't you think? 47:08.352 --> 47:10.534 They've never had any kind of rebranding there, have they? 47:10.594 --> 47:12.776 I think they should be called De La Pense. 47:14.137 --> 47:19.540 And it's actually spelled P-E-N-S-E, as in French for think of the thought kind of thing. 47:19.700 --> 47:22.482 That's not exactly right, but from who cares. 47:22.542 --> 47:25.164 But luckily it sounds like the word pense. 47:25.524 --> 47:28.946 So de la pense, a bivouvoir le programme sur de la pense. 47:29.206 --> 47:32.128 Oh, vous est du pense, oui? 47:33.068 --> 47:38.791 There is a channel that you might like, it's a fair pense, it's BBC Pense. 47:38.811 --> 47:43.214 I don't like to do down BBC 4 though, it's a cheap low blow and it's actually the best channel. 47:43.374 --> 47:46.435 Oh, man, I was only... Yeah, of course, everyone knows it's the best channel there is. 47:46.475 --> 47:49.596 Yeah, you've got your best docs on there, the best music, everything. 47:49.616 --> 47:50.336 Yeah, without doubt. 47:50.736 --> 47:53.917 But there you go, just a couple of ideas, because I think it's the way forward, isn't it? 47:53.937 --> 47:57.218 You don't want numbers and a corporate branding on channel names anymore. 47:57.258 --> 47:59.699 You want a buzzy word that makes you excited. 47:59.859 --> 48:01.880 Well, oi is staring someone in the face. 48:01.980 --> 48:02.280 Really? 48:02.340 --> 48:02.980 What would that be? 48:03.040 --> 48:04.601 That was kind of a yobby channel for yobs. 48:04.681 --> 48:05.461 Bravo, possibly. 48:05.481 --> 48:10.142 It could have nothing but police, you know, those documentaries about the police stopping binge drinkers and stuff. 48:10.282 --> 48:11.023 Yes, exactly. 48:11.043 --> 48:11.083 Oi! 48:11.623 --> 48:11.663 Oi! 48:12.603 --> 48:24.251 yeah and that would just be that would be the item wouldn't it yeah boy and i mean that was a musical movement as well wasn't it boy and you could have a little bit of fat music uh over some of the items some of the items are quite good for these channels there was one the other day 48:31.116 --> 48:32.997 I got excited thinking about it. 48:33.338 --> 48:33.638 Why? 48:34.018 --> 48:35.379 Oh, gosh, because they were quite good. 48:35.779 --> 48:37.440 There was one, maybe it was for a movie channel. 48:37.480 --> 48:39.221 I can't, obviously the items were so good. 48:39.241 --> 48:39.622 It was so exciting. 48:39.662 --> 48:40.442 It's a blow, it's a blow. 48:40.482 --> 48:42.583 I can't remember exactly what happened, what happened so far. 48:42.603 --> 48:45.765 I can't remember which channel they were for, so maybe they weren't that great. 48:45.825 --> 48:54.331 But the, the, the items themselves featured a little gang of people kind of reenacting like movies as if they were doing charades, you know? 48:54.671 --> 48:57.414 So it was like a little mini scene to describe a whole movie. 48:57.575 --> 48:57.835 Right. 48:58.295 --> 49:00.278 And it was quite amusing, I thought. 49:00.318 --> 49:01.259 They're quite well done. 49:01.739 --> 49:04.342 Yeah, you know, you can't have Film 4 called Film 4 anymore. 49:04.563 --> 49:04.743 No. 49:04.923 --> 49:06.044 That's an old-school title. 49:06.084 --> 49:06.905 What could that be called? 49:07.085 --> 49:07.526 Flixzzz. 49:07.706 --> 49:08.747 Yes, with an XZ. 49:08.767 --> 49:11.430 I mean, there is something like that already, though, isn't there? 49:11.450 --> 49:12.231 Yeah, with an XZ. 49:12.311 --> 49:12.512 No. 49:12.652 --> 49:13.132 Flixzzz. 49:13.273 --> 49:14.134 Three X's and a Z? 49:14.674 --> 49:14.874 Yeah. 49:15.414 --> 49:16.175 Four Zeds. 49:16.415 --> 49:17.636 Maybe four Zeds, yeah. 49:17.716 --> 49:18.836 Anyway, there's something to think about. 49:18.876 --> 49:26.821 We'll be reading out some of your exciting ideas to rip off kids with collectible games quite soon after this song by the Mystery Jets. 49:26.881 --> 49:28.261 This is called Two Doors Down. 49:30.483 --> 49:31.323 Text-a-nation. 49:31.363 --> 49:32.424 Text, text, text. 49:32.524 --> 49:33.264 Text-a-nation. 49:33.344 --> 49:34.285 What if I don't want to? 49:34.305 --> 49:35.265 Text-a-nation. 49:35.365 --> 49:36.366 But I'm using email. 49:36.546 --> 49:37.286 Is that a problem? 49:37.306 --> 49:37.867 It doesn't matter. 49:37.887 --> 49:38.107 Text! 49:40.444 --> 49:48.669 It takes the nation time and this week's proposition is invent new collectible craze things for kids. 49:48.809 --> 49:52.452 Inspired by the craze for go-go's crazy bones. 49:52.792 --> 49:57.455 Yeah and we've been flooded with ideas, some of them are very strong, again I think this is going to make us some money. 49:57.675 --> 49:58.196 I hope so. 49:58.216 --> 50:03.419 So I'm going to pitch these to you Dr. Buckles and you've got to tell me whether you're going to go with these. 50:03.499 --> 50:04.660 All right. 50:04.760 --> 50:08.263 You run some kind of a company, a kids toy company. 50:08.683 --> 50:11.145 Yeah, rip-off, kids, kids rip-off. 50:11.245 --> 50:12.946 We haven't even finished it, it's finalized the name. 50:13.206 --> 50:13.607 Right, okay. 50:13.627 --> 50:13.947 KidRips. 50:14.407 --> 50:15.408 So here's the first idea. 50:15.428 --> 50:16.889 This comes from Scott from Norfolk. 50:17.149 --> 50:21.813 He says, what about stinks and diseases in which children exchange both stinks and diseases? 50:21.853 --> 50:27.857 I'm imagining some brightly coloured Petri dishes, a different type of sort of disease mould in each one. 50:27.917 --> 50:29.659 They've maybe got crazy faces on them. 50:30.299 --> 50:34.842 And you swap them and rub them in your eye or something to get a disease. 50:34.862 --> 50:36.422 It's not going to be popular with parents, is it? 50:36.502 --> 50:37.323 Well, it happens already. 50:37.343 --> 50:40.284 I mean, that's... Yeah, but why not harness it and sell it? 50:40.425 --> 50:42.406 It happens, but no-one's making any money from it. 50:42.846 --> 50:44.267 The toy companies certainly aren't. 50:44.647 --> 50:47.268 The medicine companies maybe are with their fun medicines. 50:47.628 --> 50:50.670 But can't the toy companies have a slice of that pie? 50:50.690 --> 50:52.271 That's a nice idea. 50:52.391 --> 50:52.571 I just... 50:56.886 --> 50:59.869 Okay, we move on when we hear that noise, usually. 51:00.949 --> 51:05.994 Here is one from somebody who says, Conkers, but with a Q-U. 51:06.514 --> 51:06.614 Ah! 51:07.375 --> 51:12.379 Okay, it'll be hard to make that sound cool because it sounds exactly like Conkers, so maybe Con-ker-rs. 51:13.180 --> 51:15.662 They're Conkers painted different colours, I suppose. 51:16.083 --> 51:17.484 Also, they're perfectly round. 51:19.361 --> 51:19.781 Yeah. 51:19.881 --> 51:20.542 That's the thing, man. 51:20.582 --> 51:25.626 The genius of the thing is to take something that's already perfectly... Naturally available and fine. 51:25.686 --> 51:26.827 And sell it back to them. 51:26.847 --> 51:27.928 Well, I'm sure that's been done. 51:27.948 --> 51:30.730 I'm sure people have... I'm sure you can get plastic Conquers. 51:30.790 --> 51:31.150 Really? 51:31.370 --> 51:32.331 Yeah, I'm sure. 51:32.411 --> 51:33.752 Yeah, I'm sure I've seen that. 51:34.072 --> 51:35.213 Like, battling Conquers. 51:35.233 --> 51:38.696 Maybe you feel like you have such a good idea, but... No, I'm sure it happened. 51:38.736 --> 51:40.798 I'm sure they attempted to launch it a few years ago. 51:40.838 --> 51:41.378 I'm thinking. 51:41.898 --> 51:45.421 But you could still market it if you wanted, if your company wanted to. 51:45.541 --> 51:46.862 Well, I bet the name hasn't been told. 51:46.882 --> 51:47.523 That's a good name. 51:47.583 --> 51:48.664 Conquers with a Q. Yeah. 51:49.324 --> 51:49.904 Quankers. 51:50.364 --> 51:51.344 Here's another very good one. 51:51.384 --> 51:52.825 I like this one from Danny in Bedford. 51:52.865 --> 51:53.645 He says bagel. 51:54.965 --> 51:59.046 Kids collect plastic bags and compete on the basis of tensile strength. 51:59.106 --> 51:59.766 That's a good idea. 51:59.786 --> 52:02.106 So they have a little sort of a tug of war with the bag. 52:02.646 --> 52:07.867 And if it snaps and maybe your opponent hits their head in a hurt badly, you've won! 52:08.107 --> 52:14.649 The problem with bagel though is it's not very eco-friendly because you would have to produce a new set of plastic bags in order to market them yourself. 52:14.669 --> 52:16.649 Well, no children's toys are eco-friendly, are they? 52:17.069 --> 52:20.010 Children are basically destroying the planet with their nappies and toys. 52:20.030 --> 52:21.110 It's mainly their fault. 52:21.170 --> 52:36.494 Yeah, that's true Yeah, but bagel I would say is on the more overt end of you're showing an Surprising amount of heart for the company for the head of a toy company for kid rips for kid rips Kid rips doesn't usually worry about it. 52:36.574 --> 52:39.615 No, I think it's a great idea Let's get into production. 52:39.635 --> 52:41.036 What's it called again bagel bagel? 52:41.316 --> 52:43.917 Yeah I like it. 52:43.997 --> 52:44.677 It's really good 52:47.455 --> 52:50.036 Here's another one from Paul in Broccoli. 52:50.296 --> 52:53.236 How about automatons? 52:55.317 --> 52:59.497 Collectible characters drawn on leaves. 52:59.517 --> 53:00.417 £5 for a pack of four. 53:00.577 --> 53:06.518 But get this, the rarest characters can't be bought but are hidden on a few trees across the country. 53:06.999 --> 53:11.819 That is brilliant, because lots of kids would think they'd seen one high up a trimmer. 53:12.059 --> 53:13.480 They'd fall and hurt themselves. 53:13.520 --> 53:14.700 It would be all over the tabs. 53:15.800 --> 53:17.041 Ah, priceless publicity. 53:17.681 --> 53:20.382 And what cares if a couple of kids have a couple of broken bones? 53:21.182 --> 53:24.103 If it means that rip-off kids make a bit more... KidRips? 53:24.123 --> 53:25.804 KidRips makes a bit more money. 53:26.004 --> 53:26.684 That's true, yeah. 53:26.744 --> 53:28.685 We could put them in really high trees, couldn't we? 53:29.805 --> 53:31.566 Hard to climb trees as well. 53:33.487 --> 53:36.148 But the only problem with that is that it's too seasonal. 53:36.508 --> 53:41.690 What happens at the end of autumn when they all fall down, they become readily available to absolutely anybody. 53:42.450 --> 53:44.312 No, that's not so good for kidrips. 53:45.514 --> 53:50.319 Okay, so Paul from broccoli is being turned down there by kidrips. 53:50.339 --> 53:51.000 Nicely, keep thinking. 53:51.200 --> 53:59.289 I like it, Paul has something to do with barks, something to encourage kids to randomly strip bark from trees. 54:01.271 --> 54:02.452 Hubcaps with a zed. 54:02.772 --> 54:03.313 That'll be good. 54:03.333 --> 54:04.573 That'd be great. 54:05.334 --> 54:10.517 Or of course the medallions from Mercedes-Benz bring back that craze. 54:10.838 --> 54:11.218 Why not? 54:11.618 --> 54:16.741 Here is Lee who sends a text saying how about atom lords? 54:17.562 --> 54:20.584 Atom sized action figures invisible to the human eye. 54:20.604 --> 54:21.825 Well this is like your sand idea. 54:21.865 --> 54:23.326 Each box has a billion. 54:24.196 --> 54:27.819 And a coupon to purchase a microscope to see them through. 54:27.840 --> 54:29.861 And a ticket to the Hadron Collider. 54:30.282 --> 54:36.868 They already sell invisible action figures, don't they, in those kind of, uh, you know, grown-up toy shop, you know, novelty shops. 54:37.088 --> 54:41.712 You could exchange, you could have something where you're exchanging, like, concepts, you know? 54:41.732 --> 54:45.876 Uh, I, just ideas for, okay, this rubbish, I'm just gonna stop talking. 54:45.896 --> 54:47.318 This rubbish is an absolute rubbish. 54:47.958 --> 54:50.479 Gotta have something physical to hold. 54:50.639 --> 54:51.900 Just a disgrace. 54:52.100 --> 54:52.921 I'm gonna stop talking. 54:53.301 --> 54:54.661 Joe, let's have some more music. 54:54.681 --> 54:57.423 Let's have one of your free plays and come back to... That's a good idea. 54:57.463 --> 54:58.423 Is this the JB's? 54:58.603 --> 54:58.804 Yeah. 54:59.024 --> 55:01.445 Yeah, this is the Jungle Brothers with tribe vibes. 55:04.606 --> 55:05.367 That is good, man. 55:05.467 --> 55:06.227 When's that from then? 55:06.587 --> 55:08.889 I think it's from Done by the Forces of Nature, isn't it? 55:09.529 --> 55:11.430 It's from one of the early Jungle Brothers albums. 55:12.050 --> 55:13.972 Oh yeah, yes, Anthony's nodding there. 55:14.092 --> 55:16.835 She's a fellow hip hop expert piece. 55:17.335 --> 55:18.857 Anthony, she's looking after us today. 55:20.358 --> 55:21.959 Giving me some confused hand signals. 55:21.980 --> 55:23.461 I think she's just threatened me in a gang manner. 55:24.021 --> 55:25.683 Might get taken out after the show. 55:26.323 --> 55:27.945 This is Adam and Jo on Six Music. 55:27.985 --> 55:31.628 Just coming up to the top of the hour gives us a couple of minutes to talk about the following Adam go. 55:32.489 --> 55:32.829 Rats. 55:33.629 --> 55:34.010 Rats. 55:34.430 --> 55:36.270 How much do you know about rats? 55:36.670 --> 55:38.071 I know you've had problems with rats. 55:38.111 --> 55:45.193 You've told a very stirring story before about finding a rubbish bag in your house full of rats and actually teeming with wriggling rats. 55:45.673 --> 55:50.374 A while ago when I had a flat in north London and... The home of rats. 55:50.394 --> 55:51.915 Yeah, it was like a basement flat. 55:52.795 --> 56:01.237 and came down after a couple of weeks away, after Christmas one time, and the bag was bulging with rats. 56:01.257 --> 56:02.277 It was alive with rats. 56:02.297 --> 56:03.297 It was like a big rat bag. 56:03.717 --> 56:17.800 And then later on that night, when I was on the Laffy, reading my music magazine or whatever it was, a rat emerged from behind the cistern and ran out over my foot. 56:18.749 --> 56:27.381 While I was sat there, you know, it was in the middle of the night I had gone in a semi-conscious state to the Lavi, and you're half awake, or half asleep or whatever, and the rat ran out of the door. 56:27.461 --> 56:28.703 This is the old rat story. 56:28.763 --> 56:29.464 This is the old rat story. 56:29.604 --> 56:31.967 I found out some new rat facts the other day, right? 56:31.987 --> 56:35.031 This is a week or two ago, even, in the... 56:35.772 --> 56:37.372 paper someone alerted this to me. 56:37.672 --> 56:49.395 Britain's rat population is growing at a startling rate thanks to the warmer climate, thanks Al Gore, and because of increasingly slovenly refuse habits, you know, less rubbish collection, all that. 56:49.475 --> 56:49.915 Slovenly. 56:50.215 --> 56:51.376 Check out these rat facts, right? 56:52.136 --> 56:56.957 Rats can gnaw through steel and metal and are incapable of vomiting. 56:57.617 --> 56:58.478 they will eat anything. 57:14.613 --> 57:15.554 20 times a day. 57:16.274 --> 57:16.594 Really? 57:16.614 --> 57:17.334 20 times a day. 57:17.534 --> 57:22.056 The male rat sometimes mates until the partner dies of exhaustion. 57:22.116 --> 57:23.277 They have such a good time. 57:23.377 --> 57:25.738 I mean, these are party animals, aren't they? 57:26.038 --> 57:27.298 They're drinking without vomiting. 57:27.578 --> 57:29.859 They're shagging themselves literally to death. 57:30.280 --> 57:36.402 A single pair of rats can produce 15,000 offspring a year. 57:36.422 --> 57:37.562 Nearly as many as you. 57:37.702 --> 57:39.143 I mean, that is a lot, isn't it? 57:39.163 --> 57:41.264 That is even more than me. 57:41.824 --> 57:43.405 15,000 from a single pair of rats. 57:44.787 --> 57:46.209 7% of house fires in Britain are caused by rats. 57:46.229 --> 57:47.011 They're the perfect organism. 57:47.572 --> 57:47.752 Right. 57:47.892 --> 57:52.100 They're biological life taken to its absolute perfect extreme. 57:52.140 --> 57:53.122 Rats and cockroaches. 57:53.142 --> 57:53.964 They look beautiful. 57:55.031 --> 57:56.051 They live beautifully. 57:56.631 --> 57:57.091 Check this out. 57:57.392 --> 58:00.752 They are the only animal that the SAS are banned from eating. 58:01.372 --> 58:01.672 Right. 58:01.772 --> 58:03.213 Because they love plague. 58:03.413 --> 58:05.913 They always hang out and they love a little bit of plague. 58:06.433 --> 58:07.294 And they're not bothered by it. 58:07.314 --> 58:08.274 They're not going to vomit. 58:08.294 --> 58:09.514 I've eaten some plague. 58:09.534 --> 58:12.415 I've had a little bit of plague with my cables. 58:12.555 --> 58:14.655 Is that a problem, do you think, Martin? 58:15.355 --> 58:16.776 No, don't worry about it. 58:16.876 --> 58:17.936 You'll be fine. 58:18.496 --> 58:19.337 That's how they talk. 58:19.397 --> 58:20.938 It's not like in Ratatouille, you know. 58:21.498 --> 58:23.260 It's grotesque. 58:23.660 --> 58:24.701 Also, how about this? 58:25.161 --> 58:26.082 Are you enjoying these rat facts? 58:26.102 --> 58:27.123 Yes, I'm loving them. 58:27.143 --> 58:32.507 Did you know that a collective noun for the rats is a mischief of rats? 58:33.331 --> 58:34.232 A mischief of rats. 58:34.492 --> 58:36.973 Can you look a bit more interested in the rat facts? 58:37.213 --> 58:38.234 I thought that was interesting. 58:38.434 --> 58:39.534 It's interesting. 58:39.694 --> 58:41.155 Okay, only two more rat facts, right? 58:41.215 --> 58:42.196 And then it's the top of the hour. 58:42.216 --> 58:43.156 We can have the top of our channel. 58:43.196 --> 58:43.376 Alright. 58:43.797 --> 58:44.117 Alright. 58:44.637 --> 58:45.617 That's all you're worried about, isn't it? 58:45.637 --> 58:46.518 I just don't like facts. 58:46.978 --> 58:48.099 What's wrong with facts? 58:48.119 --> 58:48.739 Don't tire me. 58:48.779 --> 58:49.800 I don't want to know facts. 58:49.840 --> 58:50.660 I want to know lies. 58:50.780 --> 58:51.601 But keep going anyway. 58:51.621 --> 58:51.921 Here we go. 58:51.941 --> 58:53.061 You can make up some lies. 58:54.022 --> 58:59.345 Did you know... It's just this fact that you've got them off the internet. 58:59.385 --> 59:01.766 You always bring me down whenever I get facts. 59:02.186 --> 59:02.807 from the internet. 59:02.827 --> 59:04.809 It's not from the internet, it was from a newspaper. 59:05.149 --> 59:06.330 And I wrote it down. 59:06.390 --> 59:06.871 I take it back. 59:06.991 --> 59:07.391 Thank you. 59:07.831 --> 59:09.713 I mean, I found the obstacle on the internet. 59:09.733 --> 59:10.874 Just get the facts over with. 59:11.755 --> 59:18.361 Did you know that rats, they can collapse their skeletons and crawl through holes as narrow as three-quarters of an inch. 59:18.421 --> 59:20.423 Like the man in the X-Files, too. 59:20.703 --> 59:21.664 Exactly like you. 59:21.724 --> 59:25.329 Tombs you see now you're interested as well everyone can tell you what I can do. 59:25.349 --> 59:26.271 Oh, what's the big deal? 59:26.351 --> 59:26.992 Okay, last rap fact. 59:27.312 --> 59:28.033 Um, did you know? 59:37.006 --> 59:38.146 Rats are cannibals. 59:53.152 --> 59:53.452 Right. 59:53.712 --> 59:56.674 I mean, you don't get any of these rat facts in Ratatouille. 59:57.114 --> 59:59.176 Which one of those rat facts was covered in Ratatouille? 59:59.196 --> 59:59.436 That's true. 59:59.456 --> 01:00:00.676 It's a different film, wouldn't it? 01:00:00.736 --> 01:00:01.377 I think so. 01:00:01.457 --> 01:00:03.258 I mean, they might consider some of these for the sequel. 01:00:03.318 --> 01:00:07.540 It could be some kind of sort of Norwegian adult cartoon voiced by Simon Pegg. 01:00:08.641 --> 01:00:10.262 Hey, yeah, what was the name of that cartoon? 01:00:10.442 --> 01:00:10.982 Free Jimmy. 01:00:11.323 --> 01:00:12.123 Free Jimmy. 01:00:12.243 --> 01:00:14.625 I didn't read very many glowing reviews for that one. 01:00:14.745 --> 01:00:15.285 Have you seen it? 01:00:15.705 --> 01:00:15.985 No. 01:00:16.165 --> 01:00:16.786 I'm sure it's very good. 01:00:17.026 --> 01:00:18.107 I'm sure it's a treat. 01:00:18.787 --> 01:00:21.268 That is the end of Rat Facts. 01:00:21.408 --> 01:00:22.169 Oh, thank God. 01:00:22.469 --> 01:00:24.212 the top of our sting 01:00:39.722 --> 01:00:43.684 Now, I want to know when the Madness film, do you remember the Madness film, Take It or Leave It? 01:00:44.144 --> 01:00:44.464 Yeah. 01:00:44.624 --> 01:00:45.425 Is that available? 01:00:45.485 --> 01:00:54.509 I was watching Babylon, which is a fantastic London reggae film from 1980, 79, 78 maybe, not quite sure. 01:00:54.929 --> 01:00:56.290 Just been re-released on DVD. 01:00:56.850 --> 01:00:57.431 It is wicked. 01:00:58.391 --> 01:00:59.151 Really really good. 01:00:59.191 --> 01:01:01.232 It's kind of a rarity that's vanished for a while. 01:01:01.532 --> 01:01:03.573 What is a narrative thing or is a narrative? 01:01:03.613 --> 01:01:12.056 But lots of amazing reggae in it and lots of footage of sound systems, you know those big sound system parties Shaka Zulu or whatever he's called. 01:01:12.756 --> 01:01:14.597 It was very good though Yeah, thumbs up. 01:01:14.657 --> 01:01:19.239 But do you remember take it or leave it the madness film that had that brilliant fight with neon tubes on there? 01:01:20.119 --> 01:01:21.280 I never saw it though. 01:01:21.300 --> 01:01:21.840 Was it really good? 01:01:22.600 --> 01:01:28.328 Yeah, it was just maybe it's got to be quite interesting now movies like that that weren't very good at the time sometimes become amazingly interesting. 01:01:28.348 --> 01:01:37.961 There's always little bits of interest 20 years like the clash movie rude boy, which has also got a sort of thin narrative, but you also get little glimpses of the clash in action and in the studio and stuff. 01:01:37.981 --> 01:01:38.242 So it's 01:01:38.522 --> 01:01:51.289 I think 30 after 30 years, pretty much anything becomes just interesting just because it's of the backgrounds, like the streets people are standing in and the words they're using and all the old time behaviour that you didn't realise was going to date. 01:01:51.409 --> 01:01:52.229 Right, a little time capsule. 01:01:52.249 --> 01:02:01.734 Yeah, that's very much the case with Babylon, which was pretty great anyway, but now it's like amazing capturing the streets of London in the 70s and how grottian, derelict and fogian. 01:02:01.914 --> 01:02:03.595 Was that doing all the stripes and everything? 01:02:03.755 --> 01:02:07.237 Yeah, well it was just before the first Brixton riots in 1980. 01:02:07.577 --> 01:02:07.937 Ooh. 01:02:08.358 --> 01:02:10.519 But you forget how grotty everything in London was. 01:02:10.539 --> 01:02:10.699 It was. 01:02:10.759 --> 01:02:11.359 Gray and grim. 01:02:11.380 --> 01:02:14.561 Obviously it's going to get that way again after the big depression. 01:02:14.922 --> 01:02:17.043 Gray and grim rather than gray and green. 01:02:18.604 --> 01:02:21.626 Anyway, if anyone knows whether you can take it or leave it, I'd like to have it. 01:02:22.506 --> 01:02:29.429 Did you know that Richard Curtis was involved with trying to write a movie for madness as a kind of vehicle for the Nutty Boys? 01:02:29.549 --> 01:02:31.570 Well, they were in The Young Ones, weren't they? 01:02:31.590 --> 01:02:32.110 Of course, yeah. 01:02:32.130 --> 01:02:33.651 Playing in a public episode of The Young Ones. 01:02:34.191 --> 01:02:36.052 As a connection, was Curtis involved with The Young Ones? 01:02:36.372 --> 01:02:37.812 He... I don't know. 01:02:38.012 --> 01:02:39.293 Ben Elton was, certainly. 01:02:39.913 --> 01:02:41.054 I think maybe he was. 01:02:41.334 --> 01:02:43.655 Well, no, because Ben Elton then hooked up with Curtis to do that. 01:02:43.695 --> 01:02:46.916 It's not unusual for the comedy scene to be connected with the music scene, is it? 01:02:47.316 --> 01:02:49.478 No, you know exactly writing. 01:02:49.898 --> 01:03:01.245 Yeah, cuz like well, obviously there's that thing about Spielberg was gonna get involved with Supergrass to do Oh really to do a TV show around them Yeah, cuz like the monkeys like exactly was that true though. 01:03:01.585 --> 01:03:02.146 Yes, it was true. 01:03:02.186 --> 01:03:08.510 Yeah, they have a hit in the States Supergrass They did I'd be surprised if Spielberg wanted to do it. 01:03:08.570 --> 01:03:10.231 No, he definitely did there was a meeting. 01:03:10.251 --> 01:03:10.511 Yeah, I 01:03:11.432 --> 01:03:20.219 The video directors, Dom and Nick, one of whom is a brother of Danny Goffee, the drummer, and they directed a lot of their videos. 01:03:20.239 --> 01:03:25.383 They're brilliant directing team, Dom and Nick, and they did, you know, the all right video. 01:03:25.403 --> 01:03:26.344 They did all the iconic. 01:03:26.764 --> 01:03:35.571 Supergrass videos and they went out and had a meeting with Spielberg about the possibility of doing the, you know, like a Supergrass TV show. 01:03:35.831 --> 01:03:42.276 But it's one of those things, you know, that just slips through the cracks and they never got it together in the end. 01:03:43.357 --> 01:03:44.058 Sorry about that. 01:03:44.438 --> 01:03:46.219 Well, listen, this was going to be a text the nation link. 01:03:46.239 --> 01:03:48.280 Shall we still do some or shall we have another record and cut? 01:03:48.320 --> 01:03:50.362 Let's have another record and come back to text the nation. 01:03:50.382 --> 01:03:51.983 Here's a little bit of gold frat for you. 01:03:52.023 --> 01:03:53.383 This is Strict Machine. 01:03:53.724 --> 01:03:56.265 Foldgrat with Strict Machine. 01:03:56.905 --> 01:03:57.586 That was exciting. 01:03:57.826 --> 01:04:00.688 There was chit chat about them being at the electric proms the other day. 01:04:00.748 --> 01:04:01.268 Is that right? 01:04:01.288 --> 01:04:02.789 Doing an amazing set. 01:04:03.049 --> 01:04:12.575 Yeah, they'd converted a room into like a little folk tent there and they were delighting the armies of gold frat fans with their sexy sounds. 01:04:14.188 --> 01:04:15.569 Shall we resume textination? 01:04:15.689 --> 01:04:19.910 Yes, shall we have a jingle just to give a bit of, you know, structure to proceedings? 01:04:22.311 --> 01:04:23.151 Textination! 01:04:23.191 --> 01:04:23.491 Text! 01:04:23.551 --> 01:04:23.851 Text! 01:04:23.891 --> 01:04:24.251 Text! 01:04:24.351 --> 01:04:25.111 Textination! 01:04:25.171 --> 01:04:26.112 What if I don't want to? 01:04:26.372 --> 01:04:27.112 Textination! 01:04:27.192 --> 01:04:29.093 But I'm using email, is that a problem? 01:04:29.113 --> 01:04:29.973 It doesn't matter, text! 01:04:32.179 --> 01:04:32.899 That's better. 01:04:33.359 --> 01:04:36.221 Now, are you there the head of what were you called, your company? 01:04:36.661 --> 01:04:37.121 KidRips. 01:04:37.441 --> 01:04:38.141 Yeah, you're there. 01:04:38.201 --> 01:04:38.902 Good, good, good. 01:04:39.242 --> 01:04:40.182 So here's an idea. 01:04:40.722 --> 01:04:45.284 If you've just tuned in, we're asking for new collectible crazes for kids, things that can be marketed. 01:04:45.484 --> 01:04:48.245 Inspired by the craze for Go Go Crazy Bones. 01:04:48.325 --> 01:04:50.145 Yeah, we've had a lot of very, very good suggestions. 01:04:50.166 --> 01:04:51.586 This is from Chris and Kylie. 01:04:51.886 --> 01:04:53.706 They suggest gladiator peas. 01:04:54.207 --> 01:04:58.448 Peas with tiny swords with a badly painted bowl as an arena. 01:04:58.948 --> 01:05:02.369 A lion could be a peanut with a bit of black marker on it. 01:05:02.589 --> 01:05:04.409 Will be rich, I tells ya. 01:05:05.049 --> 01:05:06.030 Says Chris and Kylie. 01:05:06.070 --> 01:05:06.210 Well... 01:05:07.250 --> 01:05:12.452 I mean, forgive me for doing your job for you, Mr. Crap Kids, whatever you call kidrips. 01:05:13.212 --> 01:05:15.133 Ah, but that seems as if you wouldn't have to pay for it. 01:05:15.773 --> 01:05:19.295 I mean, you'd just get some frozen peas and you'd have hundreds of little fellas. 01:05:19.915 --> 01:05:23.856 Yeah, I don't want to encourage kids to make their own toys. 01:05:24.317 --> 01:05:24.997 Exactly. 01:05:25.037 --> 01:05:27.558 You know, when that starts happening, that's when everything goes. 01:05:27.578 --> 01:05:28.858 Yeah, it's a very stupid idea, Chris. 01:05:28.898 --> 01:05:29.619 Bottoms up. 01:05:29.759 --> 01:05:30.379 Bad idea. 01:05:30.819 --> 01:05:31.800 You'll hate that idea. 01:05:32.040 --> 01:05:35.784 Here's George from Petersfield who says, How about something called twocks? 01:05:36.584 --> 01:05:41.048 Essentially, they're little foam discs you throw at people's foreheads to twock them. 01:05:41.529 --> 01:05:44.291 You get points for hitting different areas of the forehead. 01:05:44.712 --> 01:05:47.554 The discs have pictures of celebrity foreheads on. 01:05:48.035 --> 01:05:50.657 Christina Ritchie's is the size of a dinner plate. 01:05:51.658 --> 01:05:57.924 George from Petersfield, that's quite a good idea because again it'll get in the tabloids, it'll get blinded or it'll get its retina scratched. 01:05:57.944 --> 01:06:05.250 Well some like a gang will start using metal twocks and you know they would just become embedded in people's skulls. 01:06:05.290 --> 01:06:06.091 Throwing stars. 01:06:06.111 --> 01:06:06.531 Exactly. 01:06:06.571 --> 01:06:11.135 But you wouldn't have to take any responsibility because your company manufactures the foam ones. 01:06:11.276 --> 01:06:11.576 Right. 01:06:12.016 --> 01:06:14.058 So you can't control what kids do. 01:06:14.098 --> 01:06:16.260 I like twocks, I think twocks is a great idea. 01:06:16.320 --> 01:06:17.261 I like the idea of the 01:06:17.461 --> 01:06:23.029 I'm pretty sure it's absolutely fine to encourage children to throw things directly at people's eyes and faces. 01:06:34.433 --> 01:06:35.993 They're very soft things, they're foamy. 01:06:36.073 --> 01:06:40.434 I'm certain that that's fine, and I'm sure it's a fun idea that kids will enjoy and we can charge them a lot of money for. 01:06:40.614 --> 01:06:41.274 Going ahead with that. 01:06:41.334 --> 01:06:42.035 Yes, I liked walks. 01:06:42.255 --> 01:06:42.495 Good. 01:06:42.635 --> 01:06:43.875 Well done, George, from Peter's Field. 01:06:43.895 --> 01:06:44.495 You're in the money. 01:06:44.515 --> 01:06:45.855 KidRips likes it. 01:06:45.915 --> 01:06:46.775 Here's one from Rich. 01:06:47.536 --> 01:06:48.216 A new craze. 01:06:48.316 --> 01:06:54.177 Plastic fast food cutlery shaped like martial arts weapons to appeal to slightly mentally unstable boys. 01:06:54.657 --> 01:06:57.418 Can't think of an amusing name, and now I think about it. 01:06:57.478 --> 01:06:59.478 My idea's a bit pants, says Rich. 01:06:59.978 --> 01:07:02.660 It's kind of crumpling mid-text there. 01:07:03.520 --> 01:07:05.802 Well, it's a good idea for the fast food joints. 01:07:05.822 --> 01:07:08.824 They could certainly market a line of cutlery for their stuff, you know. 01:07:08.844 --> 01:07:14.488 And the obese kids would be having fun with their martial arts cutlery there, you know. 01:07:14.688 --> 01:07:15.268 One more quick one. 01:07:15.849 --> 01:07:16.749 This is a good one, I think. 01:07:16.809 --> 01:07:29.358 James is suggesting hyperclips, not just any old paperclips, but hyper cyborg paperclips that link themselves together into amazing shapes such as lines and circles. 01:07:30.038 --> 01:07:30.599 says James. 01:07:30.679 --> 01:07:31.480 That's a good idea. 01:07:31.500 --> 01:07:32.521 That is a good idea, isn't it? 01:07:32.582 --> 01:07:33.222 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:07:33.282 --> 01:07:34.003 Multipurpose. 01:07:34.023 --> 01:07:34.564 I'm not sure. 01:07:34.604 --> 01:07:36.707 I can't quite envisage the clip. 01:07:37.148 --> 01:07:39.310 I mean, they already do big novelty clips, don't they? 01:07:39.350 --> 01:07:42.535 Big plastic ones with the, you know, characters on them. 01:07:42.555 --> 01:07:47.841 Well, if you keep going on the same kind of stationary tip, what about some sort of thing with 01:07:48.322 --> 01:07:50.763 I mean, you can already get different types of thumbtacks, can't you? 01:07:50.783 --> 01:07:56.886 The key is to give each paperclip a name, a character, a backstory, a kingdom, friends, right? 01:07:57.266 --> 01:08:00.688 It's giving the object the value of a whole person in a world, right? 01:08:00.828 --> 01:08:01.088 Yeah. 01:08:01.188 --> 01:08:02.109 It makes them collectible. 01:08:02.169 --> 01:08:06.191 We talked about crazies that children invent themselves a while back. 01:08:06.851 --> 01:08:09.532 Obviously that's not good for kid ropes because you can't regulate it. 01:08:09.852 --> 01:08:12.652 But do you remember like at school, what was the thing you had at school? 01:08:12.792 --> 01:08:19.213 At our school we had SPAC-TAC, which was a, people got blue-tac and they combined it with toothpaste. 01:08:19.273 --> 01:08:22.274 We had, no, we just had a war of blue versus adhesive. 01:08:22.614 --> 01:08:23.274 Oh, that's right. 01:08:23.294 --> 01:08:25.074 That was just which word you used. 01:08:25.494 --> 01:08:28.295 You were a glue person or an adhesive person. 01:08:28.355 --> 01:08:31.436 Here's one more from Alex Vernon-Kell. 01:08:31.556 --> 01:08:32.916 He says, hi. 01:08:33.036 --> 01:08:33.396 Vernon-K. 01:08:34.116 --> 01:08:35.357 Kel, I'm afraid. 01:08:37.978 --> 01:08:39.439 This game is called Knuckleheads. 01:08:39.979 --> 01:08:43.440 You get little rings with different faces on, called knuckle bashers. 01:08:43.781 --> 01:08:48.443 The kids wear the rings and punch each other till the other one surrenders his knuckle basher. 01:08:48.943 --> 01:08:50.524 Then you are the knuckle master. 01:08:52.245 --> 01:08:52.746 That's good. 01:08:52.926 --> 01:09:00.033 I like the idea that the knuckle dusters would have backwards faces and you'd actually punch, bruise them into your opponent's face. 01:09:00.053 --> 01:09:01.374 It's a lot of fun. 01:09:02.715 --> 01:09:05.157 You've got Lord Bash on your cheek. 01:09:05.718 --> 01:09:06.399 That would sell. 01:09:06.599 --> 01:09:07.119 Absolutely. 01:09:07.139 --> 01:09:07.500 It's great. 01:09:07.520 --> 01:09:07.860 It's fun. 01:09:07.920 --> 01:09:10.422 It's encouraging children to take physical exercise. 01:09:10.743 --> 01:09:12.604 It's a little bit of harmless fun. 01:09:12.885 --> 01:09:14.947 Imagine a twock attack followed up. 01:09:15.467 --> 01:09:17.089 Buy a knife called Bash. 01:09:17.390 --> 01:09:18.211 Bash, yeah. 01:09:18.712 --> 01:09:21.496 Because it's something that's happening anyway, it's a lot of violence in the street. 01:09:21.836 --> 01:09:22.938 Why not turn it into something fun? 01:09:23.439 --> 01:09:25.101 Well, collectible knives, that's a whole other. 01:09:26.314 --> 01:09:27.915 Thank you very much and dice. 01:09:28.755 --> 01:09:31.376 Text the nation will continue a bit later, so keep your ideas coming in. 01:09:31.396 --> 01:09:33.896 We'll do one more go-through of them. 01:09:34.217 --> 01:09:35.397 Here's a little free play for you now. 01:09:35.437 --> 01:09:38.698 Would you pronounce his name Shuggie Otis or Shuggie Otis? 01:09:38.758 --> 01:09:40.719 I pronounce it Shuggie Huggie. 01:09:40.959 --> 01:09:41.839 Shuggie Huggie. 01:09:42.719 --> 01:09:45.940 This is Strawberry Letter 23 and lovely it is too. 01:09:46.280 --> 01:09:47.421 Album of the year surely. 01:09:48.081 --> 01:09:49.682 What's your album of the year? 01:09:49.803 --> 01:09:51.444 The vampire weekend album. 01:09:51.704 --> 01:09:54.487 It's got to be up there on people's lists, you would think. 01:09:55.127 --> 01:09:56.468 Album of the year for you, Joe Cornish? 01:09:57.229 --> 01:09:58.170 Oh, I don't really know. 01:09:58.210 --> 01:09:59.291 I'd have to think about that. 01:09:59.771 --> 01:10:01.232 Don't you think about it all the time? 01:10:01.252 --> 01:10:06.357 Don't you just sit there compiling your album of the year list towards this time of the year? 01:10:06.497 --> 01:10:07.057 No, you're right. 01:10:07.117 --> 01:10:07.978 I should, though, shouldn't I? 01:10:08.058 --> 01:10:10.080 I bet you six music are going to ask us, aren't they? 01:10:10.100 --> 01:10:11.001 How very irresponsible. 01:10:11.021 --> 01:10:12.722 When the new year comes, we'll be asked for our top ten album. 01:10:12.742 --> 01:10:14.343 The leaves start falling from the trees. 01:10:14.363 --> 01:10:16.364 You haven't even thought about your album of the year. 01:10:16.384 --> 01:10:17.125 It's terrible, isn't it? 01:10:17.165 --> 01:10:18.185 You're a disgrace. 01:10:18.225 --> 01:10:19.246 What kind of DJ are you? 01:10:19.266 --> 01:10:20.467 You're the worst kind of DJ. 01:10:20.487 --> 01:10:20.847 Bad one. 01:10:21.147 --> 01:10:21.908 The worst. 01:10:22.028 --> 01:10:22.368 I am. 01:10:22.448 --> 01:10:23.829 I admit that freely. 01:10:24.869 --> 01:10:25.930 Have you got any rat facts? 01:10:26.010 --> 01:10:27.291 I was thinking of giving up. 01:10:27.351 --> 01:10:28.291 Do you have rat facts? 01:10:28.752 --> 01:10:29.692 No, I don't have rat facts. 01:10:29.732 --> 01:10:30.733 No, none rat facts. 01:10:30.753 --> 01:10:31.874 I can't operate the internet. 01:10:31.934 --> 01:10:33.234 None rat facts. 01:10:33.675 --> 01:10:34.255 What have you got? 01:10:34.435 --> 01:10:34.895 What have you got? 01:10:35.216 --> 01:10:37.217 I've got facts about foreign film posters. 01:10:39.446 --> 01:10:39.786 OK, then. 01:10:40.187 --> 01:10:40.447 OK. 01:10:41.008 --> 01:10:43.871 I've noticed, you know, I'm obsessed with film poster design. 01:10:44.011 --> 01:10:44.191 Sure. 01:10:44.311 --> 01:10:45.152 I think it's collapsed. 01:10:45.873 --> 01:10:47.454 The imagination's gone out of the industry. 01:10:47.835 --> 01:10:52.600 Whenever you get a comedy, it's a white background with some Photoshop people. 01:10:52.660 --> 01:10:52.980 Badly. 01:10:53.140 --> 01:10:54.301 And the title in red. 01:10:54.521 --> 01:10:59.266 This was noticed by the fellow that edits that website, Ultra Culture, who's a bit of a fan of ours. 01:10:59.306 --> 01:11:02.389 He does a very good website and he's got a whole string 01:11:03.050 --> 01:11:07.752 of film posters for light comedies all designed around the same template. 01:11:08.292 --> 01:11:14.035 The title in red against a white background and then two or three photoshopped people. 01:11:14.515 --> 01:11:18.277 How to Win Friends and Influence People, Lose Friends and Alienate People is the most recent offender. 01:11:19.097 --> 01:11:21.998 Not criticizing the film in any way, just the poster. 01:11:22.778 --> 01:11:26.619 Wedding days, all the scary movie and epic movie films. 01:11:26.879 --> 01:11:28.259 He's got an amazing string of them. 01:11:29.160 --> 01:11:29.860 And they're all like that. 01:11:29.900 --> 01:11:39.802 But I've noticed a new trend that's emerged this week with sort of classy foreign movies, like the film Gamora, that's doing boffo biz in the art houses. 01:11:40.062 --> 01:11:46.624 There's a film called La Zona, which is Argentinian or Spanish or something, and it's about kids invading a gated community. 01:11:47.664 --> 01:11:55.245 And there's another film called Incendiary with Ewan McGregor, and that's a sort of London-set terrorist thriller. 01:11:55.666 --> 01:12:10.468 They've all got exactly the same poster design, which is six or seven squares with images, different scenes from the film, and then the title in kind of stamped red typeface diagonally against black. 01:12:11.368 --> 01:12:13.709 All three of those films have exactly the same layout. 01:12:14.309 --> 01:12:15.309 It was very disturbing. 01:12:15.809 --> 01:12:17.250 In Time Out this week I noticed that. 01:12:17.310 --> 01:12:23.851 And then the two other films that had posters, Ghost Town and some Italian film, both featured a man on a bench. 01:12:24.311 --> 01:12:24.551 Right. 01:12:24.911 --> 01:12:25.631 Looking bored. 01:12:26.071 --> 01:12:28.391 Forrest Gump as well as the other obvious one there. 01:12:28.451 --> 01:12:29.972 Can you think of any other bench ones? 01:12:30.152 --> 01:12:34.993 How can it be that in one week three films come out with exactly the same poster design? 01:12:35.033 --> 01:12:42.854 Is it because one of them's been a success and the other two just want literally think people are so stupid that they'll just mistake one film for the other film? 01:12:43.214 --> 01:13:02.688 well especially their money you're I mean you were telling me how much money they spend on marketing all these things it's more than the budget of the film sometimes right sometimes and so they don't want to take any chances the more money that gets spent the less chances people want to take right yeah so especially in the art of poster design which can really make a difference to your measures used to 01:13:02.728 --> 01:13:03.329 be good though. 01:13:18.308 --> 01:13:20.249 Quantum of Solace, do you remember the Bond posters? 01:13:20.409 --> 01:13:20.629 Yeah. 01:13:20.649 --> 01:13:30.433 Do you remember there used to be like a sexy lady and a villain shooting out and a rocket and an explosion and a jet ski and it all bursting out of the wall at you? 01:13:30.453 --> 01:13:32.454 Do you remember the poster for A View to a Kill, was it? 01:13:32.534 --> 01:13:33.695 The one with Grace Jones in it. 01:13:34.175 --> 01:13:37.156 And they extended Bond's legs to a ludicrous degree. 01:13:37.216 --> 01:13:37.457 Right. 01:13:38.397 --> 01:13:41.698 And so it looked as if his legs were like about six miles long. 01:13:42.099 --> 01:13:42.319 Right. 01:13:42.339 --> 01:13:43.479 But it was good, you know, it did the job. 01:13:43.499 --> 01:13:46.621 That wasn't the one, was it, for your eyes only, which had the lady's legs? 01:13:47.561 --> 01:13:48.983 And you're looking through the lady's legs at Bond. 01:13:49.003 --> 01:13:49.644 Yes, maybe. 01:13:50.064 --> 01:13:53.148 And her legs are unusually wide apart at the top. 01:13:53.388 --> 01:13:58.494 As if she'd just dropped Bond from, she'd just given birth to Bond and he'd just popped out. 01:13:58.514 --> 01:14:00.096 It's a little physical Bond release. 01:14:00.657 --> 01:14:01.958 Anyway, watch out for that. 01:14:01.978 --> 01:14:04.782 Film poster similarity. 01:14:04.802 --> 01:14:06.704 Two thumbs up for Gamora from Joe Phil's Cornish. 01:14:06.724 --> 01:14:07.325 Oh yeah, he likes it. 01:14:07.745 --> 01:14:08.485 And what was the La Zona? 01:14:08.505 --> 01:14:09.165 Have you seen that one? 01:14:09.185 --> 01:14:09.225 No. 01:14:10.085 --> 01:14:10.245 What? 01:14:10.466 --> 01:14:10.646 Go. 01:14:10.866 --> 01:14:11.026 What? 01:14:11.266 --> 01:14:12.286 Oh, what other films? 01:14:12.326 --> 01:14:13.166 Have you seen that? 01:14:13.206 --> 01:14:13.626 The films? 01:14:13.646 --> 01:14:14.266 Have you seen that? 01:14:14.326 --> 01:14:15.626 I thought Horton, Here's the Who. 01:14:15.967 --> 01:14:16.647 On DVD. 01:14:16.767 --> 01:14:17.007 Yes. 01:14:17.807 --> 01:14:18.707 That's not bad, is it? 01:14:19.267 --> 01:14:19.907 It's not bad. 01:14:19.947 --> 01:14:20.387 Beautiful. 01:14:21.107 --> 01:14:21.648 In places, I thought. 01:14:21.668 --> 01:14:22.608 It's beautiful to look at. 01:14:22.888 --> 01:14:24.008 In places, yeah. 01:14:24.328 --> 01:14:27.309 We thought we had a little viewing of the new Indiana Jones. 01:14:27.549 --> 01:14:27.889 Right. 01:14:28.109 --> 01:14:29.729 Or Indiana Bones, as my boys call it. 01:14:30.089 --> 01:14:30.349 Nice. 01:14:30.389 --> 01:14:31.469 Man, they were so excited. 01:14:31.989 --> 01:14:34.570 But it had to be halted because it was too scary. 01:14:35.010 --> 01:14:35.410 Really? 01:14:35.450 --> 01:14:35.650 Yes. 01:14:35.670 --> 01:14:38.592 At what point was it too scary when they go when the men come out of the walls? 01:14:38.692 --> 01:14:39.472 Exactly. 01:14:39.532 --> 01:14:40.513 Yeah, that's scary, isn't it? 01:14:40.533 --> 01:14:40.933 Exactly then. 01:14:41.153 --> 01:14:41.493 Yeah. 01:14:42.074 --> 01:14:45.035 And I just thought, and then I felt like a fool. 01:14:45.075 --> 01:14:46.556 I looked at the DVD box and it's a 12. 01:14:48.077 --> 01:14:49.037 I just thought, you jerk. 01:14:49.057 --> 01:14:49.638 What kind of parallel? 01:14:49.658 --> 01:14:50.158 You broke the law. 01:14:50.318 --> 01:14:56.301 I didn't even think to look at it because, you know, I just thought, Indiana Jones, that's family fun, isn't it? 01:14:56.641 --> 01:14:58.042 What's gonna happen to your children? 01:14:58.102 --> 01:15:04.847 There they are, eating dog turds, watching 18 certificate films, throwing things at each other's faces. 01:15:04.867 --> 01:15:08.430 They're traumatised, so they never got to see the ridiculous alien denouement. 01:15:08.650 --> 01:15:08.990 Hey! 01:15:09.090 --> 01:15:10.391 Of...of...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:10.411 --> 01:15:11.072 Erm...of...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:11.172 --> 01:15:12.333 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:12.353 --> 01:15:13.454 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:13.474 --> 01:15:14.134 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:14.174 --> 01:15:15.055 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:15.075 --> 01:15:15.736 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:15.776 --> 01:15:16.596 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:16.616 --> 01:15:17.417 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:17.437 --> 01:15:17.897 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:17.957 --> 01:15:19.058 Erm...of...of Close Encounters. 01:15:19.078 --> 01:15:19.658 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:19.699 --> 01:15:20.779 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:20.819 --> 01:15:21.520 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:21.540 --> 01:15:22.020 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:22.040 --> 01:15:22.801 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:22.881 --> 01:15:23.521 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:23.581 --> 01:15:24.462 Erm...of Close Encounters. 01:15:24.542 --> 01:15:25.263 Erm...of Close Enc 01:15:32.393 --> 01:15:33.453 It's time to recap. 01:15:33.514 --> 01:15:41.000 Song Wars, the part of the show where Adam and I go off and individually compose, record and perform a song on a theme. 01:15:41.801 --> 01:15:46.425 And this week's theme was spookiness and scariness because it's Halloween of course on Friday. 01:15:47.886 --> 01:15:50.708 And this is your second chance to hear those songs. 01:15:51.229 --> 01:15:52.509 That was nice, man. 01:15:52.530 --> 01:15:54.451 It was a good little bit of sing-setting there. 01:15:54.471 --> 01:15:54.591 Thanks. 01:15:54.611 --> 01:15:54.931 Thanks a lot. 01:15:54.951 --> 01:15:56.392 You're the king of setting the scene. 01:15:56.412 --> 01:15:56.973 Thank you. 01:15:57.353 --> 01:15:58.694 So we'll start with yours this time. 01:15:59.054 --> 01:16:02.576 Right, this is about the... It's a scary song. 01:16:02.596 --> 01:16:06.419 It doesn't sound scary because it's jazzy sounding, but it's about a scary thing. 01:16:06.439 --> 01:16:07.279 Makes it even scarier. 01:16:07.360 --> 01:16:14.925 Which is the place where a serial killer does all his disgusting work and down in his basement, aka the Nutty Room. 01:16:15.845 --> 01:16:16.366 Nutty! 01:16:17.586 --> 01:16:41.251 I am a nutty man, I'm sitting in my nutty room And I'm cutting some bits of human skin to make it to a big cocoon It's a tune for the cops and I'm burning out the stops Because I am a complicated loon Look at the jars, look at the jars, look at the things inside the jars I put some fingers there, some hair and several wickies Look at the walls, look at the walls, totally covered in grays 01:16:41.571 --> 01:17:07.324 and from time to time I had a couple of stinkings I love the smell and the gloom of my crazy, nutty moon Come on over, falls on levels and some drinkings It's so wonderful to meet you when you come Welcome to my nutty lair Careful of the pit, mind the pie to sh** have a seat on the bed of human hair I hope you like injections, it's about to fly collections and the work of the former Leo Sam 01:17:08.502 --> 01:17:13.205 Crazy, have you ever seen a person who was so completely nuts? 01:17:14.366 --> 01:17:19.068 Lazy, oh no, who's working, making, coming out of other people's guts? 01:17:19.449 --> 01:17:20.649 Patrick Swayze 01:17:25.240 --> 01:17:43.083 90! 01:17:25.661 --> 01:17:43.083 I am a 90 man I'm sitting in my 90 room And I've got to eat So it's a cure my skin to make it to a big cocoon It's a cure for all the cops And I'm pulling out the stops Because I have a cop who came to lose 01:17:48.516 --> 01:17:52.177 Very good Nutty Room there, that's Adam's song for Song Wars. 01:17:52.377 --> 01:17:57.138 Was that recorded over a... Did you make the music? 01:17:58.619 --> 01:17:59.759 Did I assemble a jazz band? 01:17:59.779 --> 01:18:00.599 Yeah. 01:18:00.639 --> 01:18:02.480 Yeah, no, I got the loops and everything if that's what you mean. 01:18:02.500 --> 01:18:03.020 You got the loops. 01:18:03.080 --> 01:18:05.401 Yeah, it's not like a pre-assembled backing track. 01:18:05.421 --> 01:18:06.841 That's good, it sounds very tight. 01:18:06.981 --> 01:18:07.701 Oh, it's jazzy. 01:18:08.242 --> 01:18:09.162 It's very jazzy. 01:18:09.202 --> 01:18:13.143 So you can see the lyrics from Nutty Room there on... So you keep 01:18:13.243 --> 01:18:30.042 saying I think the lyrics are crystal clear do you yeah I don't you got a lyric problem there myself I was worried they might be a little bit garbled but if you do want to just sing along with nutty room if you're doing listen again you can find the lyrics on the six music website let's hear Joe's right now if you want garbled lyrics this is the song for you this is called hello mr. ghost 01:18:32.412 --> 01:18:44.811 This song is designed to be heard by ghosts It's got the ultrasonic noises that ghost like most so If you hear a ghost then don't be scared scared 01:19:07.620 --> 01:19:14.345 Feels like when you're dead Is it like poltergeist or drop dead friends at all? 01:19:31.693 --> 01:19:35.357 While we're talking, Mr. Gust, I'd like to ask a favour. 01:19:35.758 --> 01:19:39.582 I don't suppose there's any chance that you'd possess my neighbour. 01:19:39.962 --> 01:19:43.666 He plays his stereo too loud, I'd exorcise him later. 01:20:01.611 --> 01:20:13.489 You're Mr. Ghost but it's time to go It's one to mess with forces that you cannot control So if you are a ghost, please go away, away 01:20:15.103 --> 01:20:18.724 Two terrifying songs to choose from for Halloween this year. 01:20:18.744 --> 01:20:19.764 That's exciting, isn't it? 01:20:19.804 --> 01:20:21.445 A power of the chaos for everybody. 01:20:21.705 --> 01:20:22.845 How did you get that bone noise? 01:20:22.865 --> 01:20:24.186 You must have been pleased when you found out. 01:20:24.206 --> 01:20:25.186 Which one's that? 01:20:25.266 --> 01:20:26.987 The sort of xylophone. 01:20:27.007 --> 01:20:29.187 Oh, that's just a xylophone on GarageBand. 01:20:29.227 --> 01:20:29.527 Is it? 01:20:29.667 --> 01:20:29.967 Yeah. 01:20:30.087 --> 01:20:31.648 From my orchestra jam pack. 01:20:32.168 --> 01:20:33.769 Must have been delighted when you found that. 01:20:33.829 --> 01:20:36.811 Yeah, it's got a bit of Skellington style. 01:20:36.991 --> 01:20:37.452 It's good. 01:20:37.472 --> 01:20:39.693 I mean, you've got the edge certainly with the atmosphere there. 01:20:39.733 --> 01:20:41.855 Well, it's two different aspects to terror, isn't it? 01:20:41.935 --> 01:20:51.601 It's your traditional supernatural ghost terror and your very human psychologically dysfunctional serial killer fear, both tropes represented. 01:20:51.621 --> 01:20:52.422 It's like Saw 5. 01:20:52.822 --> 01:20:55.444 You know that Saw poster that's on the side of buses? 01:20:55.484 --> 01:20:56.385 It's been banned. 01:20:56.445 --> 01:20:56.965 And it says it's 01:20:57.025 --> 01:20:57.506 been banned. 01:21:13.361 --> 01:21:15.322 Just something's been squashed, hasn't it? 01:21:15.482 --> 01:21:17.823 And there's just splats of blood and bits of hair. 01:21:17.843 --> 01:21:36.970 Well, I was wondering about it because I thought Can you just bandy around the word band like that is they're not like I'm sure yeah if you purposely like say we're gonna advertise The Adam and Joe radio show on six music with a picture of Adam with a steel girder embedded in his head and 01:21:37.170 --> 01:21:41.271 Yeah, but I mean, can you just claim that you've had something banned if it's never been banned? 01:21:41.291 --> 01:21:43.212 Because basically what they may have done, right? 01:21:43.452 --> 01:21:50.134 Best case scenario, the people, the sore poster people submitted their design and it was not acceptable. 01:21:50.554 --> 01:21:52.915 It didn't comply with the correct standards, right? 01:21:53.355 --> 01:21:55.636 So they said they intended it to be banned, though. 01:21:55.856 --> 01:21:59.478 Yeah, but no one ever said, oh no, this is going to be badly. 01:21:59.538 --> 01:22:00.398 Yeah, the ASA. 01:22:00.438 --> 01:22:01.739 No, of course you can't put that up. 01:22:01.779 --> 01:22:02.239 Don't be silly. 01:22:02.579 --> 01:22:03.079 Wicked. 01:22:03.399 --> 01:22:03.720 Banned. 01:22:04.140 --> 01:22:04.520 Banned. 01:22:04.680 --> 01:22:10.543 You can just claim that it's been banned, because obviously it's to drive people to their website where they can see the uncensored version. 01:22:10.583 --> 01:22:11.143 Oh, website. 01:22:12.424 --> 01:22:13.765 It's worked on cornballs. 01:22:13.845 --> 01:22:14.565 I'm off. 01:22:15.066 --> 01:22:15.586 I'm going. 01:22:15.626 --> 01:22:17.067 Because otherwise you can just claim anything's been banned. 01:22:17.087 --> 01:22:18.709 I want to know what I'm not allowed to see. 01:22:18.989 --> 01:22:20.150 I'm falling into their trap. 01:22:20.310 --> 01:22:21.130 You're completely falling into it. 01:22:21.151 --> 01:22:22.912 I think you've got to change thought in its mouth. 01:22:23.352 --> 01:22:30.117 I think it looks to me like the cover of that Monty Python album where with all the guts falling out, you know, where they've got like a slash across it. 01:22:30.197 --> 01:22:31.378 Why didn't they ban that one? 01:22:31.438 --> 01:22:35.061 Tell you what, I'm going to find out and then we'll tell you and then no one need worry. 01:22:35.141 --> 01:22:36.202 I don't believe it's been banned. 01:22:36.222 --> 01:22:37.003 Needn't bother seeing the film. 01:22:37.643 --> 01:22:38.864 They should ban the film. 01:22:38.884 --> 01:22:39.905 They should ban you. 01:22:40.145 --> 01:22:41.385 Ban you more like. 01:22:41.405 --> 01:22:42.026 Stupid. 01:22:42.086 --> 01:22:43.907 Yes, I win. 01:22:44.367 --> 01:22:45.408 Let's play some more music now. 01:22:45.448 --> 01:22:46.268 Oh, this is Emmy the Great. 01:22:46.288 --> 01:22:47.229 Have you heard of Emmy the Great? 01:22:47.389 --> 01:22:47.649 No. 01:22:47.749 --> 01:22:48.830 I've seen her on YouTube. 01:22:48.870 --> 01:22:50.371 She's adorable. 01:22:50.411 --> 01:22:50.871 Really? 01:22:50.911 --> 01:22:51.272 Yes. 01:22:51.292 --> 01:22:52.552 I'm going to look at her as well. 01:22:52.733 --> 01:22:56.035 And she's a kind of talented... She's quite posh. 01:22:56.815 --> 01:22:57.895 That's a bad thing. 01:22:57.976 --> 01:23:07.559 But she seems like a precociously intelligent and beautiful young woman, and she's got folk chops on her with a winning way with an odd lyric. 01:23:08.120 --> 01:23:10.340 And this track is called We Almost Had a Baby. 01:23:10.661 --> 01:23:13.222 So I'm here on the Saw 5 website. 01:23:13.742 --> 01:23:15.082 It's a restricted site. 01:23:15.703 --> 01:23:18.924 Now no one actually honours these restriction things, do they? 01:23:19.184 --> 01:23:21.905 He's got a mask made of a person's face! 01:23:21.985 --> 01:23:24.826 Made of his own face, because he died in the last one, didn't he? 01:23:24.886 --> 01:23:25.907 And now somehow he can't back. 01:23:25.927 --> 01:23:26.767 Have you actually seen it? 01:23:26.887 --> 01:23:29.168 No, I skipped the last one, but I read somewhere. 01:23:29.568 --> 01:23:31.129 It's saying, enter restricted site. 01:23:31.249 --> 01:23:32.069 First name? 01:23:33.350 --> 01:23:33.950 Buffalo. 01:23:35.150 --> 01:23:36.431 Enter restricted site? 01:23:36.571 --> 01:23:37.751 What's that all about? 01:23:37.771 --> 01:23:41.293 Are they just trying to pretend that it's so scary and terrifying? 01:23:41.333 --> 01:23:42.413 House or PO box number? 01:23:42.433 --> 01:23:44.294 You need to pointlessly enter your name. 666. 01:23:47.877 --> 01:23:49.018 Zip code 666. 01:23:50.480 --> 01:23:51.601 When were you born? 01:23:52.562 --> 01:23:59.589 The sixth of the six-nineteen-fixty-six. 01:24:00.050 --> 01:24:00.891 Do they have that? 01:24:00.911 --> 01:24:01.712 Let's have a look. 01:24:02.192 --> 01:24:03.894 Forty-eight, fifty, sorry. 01:24:03.914 --> 01:24:06.196 This is going to be amazing though because now none of us 01:24:07.077 --> 01:24:24.058 have to see the film saw five enter enter oh it's forbidden me with my satanic address what i'm gonna put in my real one better talk about something else why do you have to put it what they're gonna just send you saw stuff now aren't they uh let's send the bbc saw stuff joseph don't need more junk mail 01:24:24.358 --> 01:24:26.460 It's got a mask made out of a face! 01:24:26.700 --> 01:24:27.861 Last name Cornish. 01:24:28.282 --> 01:24:28.602 OK. 01:24:29.162 --> 01:24:40.813 So, listeners, a couple of people were asking if the pirate jingles, the pirate interruptions that Garth and myself did a few weeks back were available as ringtones. 01:24:40.833 --> 01:24:45.337 There's a few of them up on the BBC Six music Adam and Jo site at the moment. 01:24:45.917 --> 01:24:50.739 And some people were asking for the cake one to be put up there as well. 01:24:50.759 --> 01:24:52.800 Let's just have a little reminder of what that sounded like. 01:24:52.820 --> 01:25:03.444 This was just to remind you, Garth and I were doing the kind of little snatches of pirate radio that sometimes interrupt your radio listening if you're listening to analog radio that you don't get on digital. 01:25:03.484 --> 01:25:06.465 We wanted to bring the analog experience into the digital world. 01:25:06.906 --> 01:25:12.088 And so while you're listening and kind of crossing bandwidths in your car every now and again, you get snatches of this kind of thing. 01:25:13.112 --> 01:25:15.137 What a nice bit of cake now! 01:25:15.377 --> 01:25:16.861 Nice, look, a bit of cake! 01:25:16.901 --> 01:25:18.244 Look at the cake now! 01:25:24.304 --> 01:25:28.106 So we were going to put that on the website, but I've actually finished. 01:25:28.427 --> 01:25:34.330 Well, I haven't finished it, but I've done like a slightly longer version of the slice of cake pirate thing there. 01:25:34.730 --> 01:25:42.555 And I'm going to put that on probably my blog sometime this week, but there'll be a link from the Six Music website to that. 01:25:43.716 --> 01:25:48.679 And it's Adam-Buckston.co.uk is where you could find it or of course go through the 01:25:49.339 --> 01:25:53.462 6 Music website to find that extended pirate-cake interruption. 01:26:06.590 --> 01:26:07.911 This is the American site, right? 01:26:07.931 --> 01:26:08.852 It says... This is banned. 01:26:08.892 --> 01:26:10.653 No, this I had to go through to the British one. 01:26:10.813 --> 01:26:13.075 So it's got a trailer for Soar on there. 01:26:13.095 --> 01:26:13.816 It's banned! 01:26:14.236 --> 01:26:15.057 It's all banned! 01:26:15.097 --> 01:26:16.518 Where's the poster? 01:26:16.598 --> 01:26:18.700 You just wanna see the poster? 01:26:19.020 --> 01:26:19.681 For goodness sake. 01:26:19.701 --> 01:26:20.561 It's got a gallery. 01:26:20.601 --> 01:26:22.163 It's the worst day of my life. 01:26:22.203 --> 01:26:25.525 They can't do that and then not have the poster image. 01:26:25.686 --> 01:26:26.927 I mean, that's outrageous, isn't it? 01:26:26.967 --> 01:26:29.629 The good folks from Soar, you would think they would... I wanna be shocked! 01:26:31.016 --> 01:26:31.436 Oh, ooh. 01:26:32.057 --> 01:26:34.218 Oh dear. 01:26:34.258 --> 01:26:36.039 Why is he there? 01:26:36.079 --> 01:26:38.281 Why is he in that Nutty Room? 01:26:38.301 --> 01:26:39.441 He's not happy at all. 01:26:39.922 --> 01:26:43.844 You know, he would benefit from a little bit of the Nutty Room music. 01:26:43.864 --> 01:26:44.705 Oh, that should be banned. 01:26:45.565 --> 01:26:46.266 Oh my God. 01:26:46.446 --> 01:26:47.246 That should be banned. 01:26:47.286 --> 01:26:48.227 It's a load of old rubbish. 01:26:49.750 --> 01:26:50.991 OK, Joe, here's a free play. 01:26:51.031 --> 01:26:52.672 Now, this is yours, Bobo Dessert. 01:26:52.752 --> 01:26:53.072 Is it? 01:26:53.332 --> 01:26:53.833 Oh, yes. 01:26:53.913 --> 01:26:55.674 I meant to play this earlier in the show, really. 01:26:55.894 --> 01:26:56.915 I play this every now and then. 01:26:56.955 --> 01:27:00.517 This is a reggae song about the joys of having a cup of tea. 01:27:00.577 --> 01:27:08.202 So if you're boiling a cup of tea, or if you enjoy tea, or if you feel like now's a good moment maybe to have some tea, then you'll enjoy this song. 01:27:08.422 --> 01:27:12.365 I'm not sure it's conventional tea they're celebrating in this song. 01:27:12.765 --> 01:27:13.386 It could be her. 01:27:13.426 --> 01:27:13.806 Fun tea. 01:27:14.527 --> 01:27:18.611 But anyway, this is a fun song about tea by Bobo Desert and Luciano. 01:27:18.911 --> 01:27:21.614 There we go, that's Bobo Desert and Luciano with cup of tea. 01:27:22.675 --> 01:27:26.459 We're Adam and Jo, thank you very much for listening to us for the last few hours. 01:27:26.499 --> 01:27:29.642 Thanks to everyone who's texted and also emailed. 01:27:30.523 --> 01:27:32.405 Don't forget to vote for your Song Wars song. 01:27:32.445 --> 01:27:34.947 It's looking like it's gonna be a walk over. 01:27:35.167 --> 01:27:35.728 You reckon? 01:27:35.868 --> 01:27:36.088 Yeah. 01:27:37.109 --> 01:27:38.050 No hope for the corns. 01:27:38.350 --> 01:27:41.371 No, I might as well not have bothered. 01:27:41.411 --> 01:27:42.192 But we'll see what happens. 01:27:42.232 --> 01:27:42.732 Who knows? 01:27:47.895 --> 01:27:49.335 We'll be back at the same time next week. 01:27:49.375 --> 01:27:50.776 Liz Kershaw's coming up next. 01:27:50.816 --> 01:27:52.477 We're going to a Halloween party next week. 01:27:52.497 --> 01:27:54.918 We've got a big Halloween party coming up. 01:27:55.038 --> 01:27:56.039 No, we can't talk about it. 01:27:56.099 --> 01:27:57.160 I'll tell you why afterwards. 01:27:58.920 --> 01:28:00.381 We'll be able to talk about it afterwards. 01:28:00.782 --> 01:28:01.182 Possibly. 01:28:01.242 --> 01:28:02.202 I'll tell you why in a second. 01:28:02.863 --> 01:28:04.124 Tell me why in a second. 01:28:04.244 --> 01:28:05.004 When we got off the air. 01:28:05.024 --> 01:28:06.645 The most exciting tell me why. 01:28:06.685 --> 01:28:07.385 Anything else to say? 01:28:07.405 --> 01:28:09.667 Yeah, don't forget to download the podcast listeners. 01:28:10.027 --> 01:28:10.287 Yes. 01:28:10.367 --> 01:28:17.531 In addition to our scary songs, you will also be able to hear as a little podcast extra, the moment from last week when Joe completely tried. 01:28:17.551 --> 01:28:22.775 Well, that's dependent on me listening to it and deciding whether I want it living for ever. 01:28:23.675 --> 01:28:24.455 Be the judge of that. 01:28:24.655 --> 01:28:26.416 I might want it erased from history. 01:28:27.557 --> 01:28:28.657 It was a sweet moment. 01:28:28.937 --> 01:28:29.297 Was it? 01:28:29.437 --> 01:28:30.138 Yeah, it was nice. 01:28:30.218 --> 01:28:30.658 It was nice. 01:28:30.678 --> 01:28:31.618 Didn't feel very sweet. 01:28:31.638 --> 01:28:33.399 A little chink in the armour. 01:28:33.459 --> 01:28:35.320 It's nice to have a few chinks in the armour. 01:28:35.340 --> 01:28:35.880 I'm human. 01:28:36.160 --> 01:28:36.460 Exactly. 01:28:36.480 --> 01:28:37.240 I'm only human. 01:28:37.540 --> 01:28:41.062 I'm not the brilliant, flawless person that everyone thought I was. 01:28:42.062 --> 01:28:42.482 Exactly. 01:28:42.862 --> 01:28:48.485 So I think you'll almost certainly be able to hear that moment on the podcast, which you can download. 01:28:49.685 --> 01:28:54.588 I don't know, sometimes it's even Saturday night, but you'll definitely be able to do it at... Five o'clock tonight, apparently. 01:28:54.808 --> 01:28:55.068 Yeah. 01:28:55.148 --> 01:28:56.089 Wow, it's good work. 01:28:56.209 --> 01:28:57.330 Our producer there, James. 01:28:57.350 --> 01:28:58.210 Stop work. 01:28:58.290 --> 01:28:59.091 Thanks for listening, anyway. 01:28:59.111 --> 01:28:59.851 We'll see you next week. 01:28:59.891 --> 01:29:06.515 We're leaving you with the shins with So Says I. Oh yeah, and listen, folks, sorry not to go straight into that track, Joe, and rather ruin your flow. 01:29:06.535 --> 01:29:07.535 That was brilliantly done. 01:29:07.575 --> 01:29:08.336 Thanks, mate. 01:29:08.356 --> 01:29:10.197 Don't forget to listen to Jarvis Cocker tomorrow. 01:29:10.277 --> 01:29:11.878 He's standing in for Stephen Merchant. 01:29:12.258 --> 01:29:13.079 That'll be amazing. 01:29:13.519 --> 01:29:15.180 I wish I could meet Jarvis Cocker. 01:29:15.320 --> 01:29:15.520 Really? 01:29:15.540 --> 01:29:18.722 I almost feel like hanging around just to... I want to meet Stephen Merchant. 01:29:19.178 --> 01:29:20.359 He's pretty amazing as well. 01:29:20.519 --> 01:29:21.320 Both very tall. 01:29:21.640 --> 01:29:23.522 He's stuck in America working with The Rock. 01:29:24.142 --> 01:29:24.643 Right. 01:29:24.843 --> 01:29:25.363 So I hear. 01:29:25.383 --> 01:29:26.484 What, The Wrestler or Chris Rock? 01:29:27.065 --> 01:29:27.585 The Wrestler. 01:29:28.166 --> 01:29:28.446 Really? 01:29:28.846 --> 01:29:29.467 That doesn't sound fun. 01:29:29.487 --> 01:29:31.148 He's in a rock film. 01:29:31.188 --> 01:29:33.370 Stay tuned for Liz Kershaw as well, ladies and gentlemen. 01:29:33.410 --> 01:29:35.272 Have a wonderful week and thank you for listening. 01:29:35.452 --> 01:29:35.812 Take care. 01:29:35.852 --> 01:29:36.113 Bye. 01:29:36.133 --> 01:29:36.193 Bye.