WEBVTT 00:00.109 --> 00:03.290 Hello and welcome to the big British castle. 00:03.491 --> 00:07.052 It's time for Adam and Joe to broadcast on the radio. 00:07.312 --> 00:10.454 There'll be some music and some random talking in between. 00:14.864 --> 00:16.125 Yeah, that's the Flintstones. 00:16.626 --> 00:16.926 Really? 00:17.126 --> 00:19.969 Yeah, that was from before the dawn of time. 00:20.369 --> 00:20.669 Really? 00:21.310 --> 00:22.831 I couldn't get my head round that beat. 00:23.472 --> 00:23.652 No. 00:24.012 --> 00:25.413 Well, it's complicated. 00:25.854 --> 00:27.115 It's pretty historic. 00:27.175 --> 00:29.917 It's from the prehistoric times when they... Is that Fred Flintstone? 00:30.738 --> 00:31.439 That's Fred Flintstone. 00:31.579 --> 00:32.019 Flintstone. 00:32.399 --> 00:33.520 It's pronounced, yeah. 00:33.540 --> 00:34.281 As in Ray Winston. 00:34.361 --> 00:35.002 Exactly, yeah. 00:35.042 --> 00:35.282 Yeah. 00:35.582 --> 00:36.343 It's Fred Flintstone. 00:36.743 --> 00:37.484 Flintstone Churchill. 00:37.504 --> 00:39.225 And that's Barney in the background. 00:39.486 --> 00:39.746 Barney 00:40.146 --> 01:04.873 on the on the on the rocks exactly he's scratching and bam bam is responsible for the the little stabs the horn stabs that sound like the beginning of do you want to hurt me by Culture Club really did he play on that as well bam do do do do do you really want to hurt that's why I thought was gonna happen right the way through that song with those little stabs but they never get there it's frustrating but that was that's what prehistoric rap was famed for yeah 01:05.613 --> 01:07.355 And that's why it's moved on since then. 01:07.716 --> 01:09.618 Don't be joking, that was Run DMC! 01:10.019 --> 01:12.281 It's from 1984, which sort of is prehistory. 01:12.402 --> 01:12.902 That's true. 01:13.183 --> 01:14.965 This is Adam and Joel on BBC 6 Music. 01:15.005 --> 01:20.431 We're back after a three week sabbatical that has done nothing to improve our radio skills. 01:21.112 --> 01:21.732 No, that's true. 01:21.852 --> 01:27.796 I've been staying with, uh, I've just come back from staying with Will Smith and, uh, Jada Pinkett Smith. 01:28.076 --> 01:28.316 Wow. 01:28.376 --> 01:28.877 How was that? 01:28.897 --> 01:29.777 It was amazing. 01:30.117 --> 01:30.558 You know what? 01:30.938 --> 01:32.519 I can't remember where I said we were going to stay. 01:32.579 --> 01:36.901 I thought we were going to stay somewhere like Mustique or somewhere, one of Will's islands. 01:37.422 --> 01:38.942 In the end, we went to space. 01:40.383 --> 01:41.304 What a surprise. 01:42.224 --> 01:44.265 Did he not tell you until you were on the ship? 01:44.585 --> 01:46.626 Yeah, no, it was a total surprise. 01:46.646 --> 01:47.547 He blindfolded me. 01:47.707 --> 01:48.147 Really? 01:48.787 --> 01:49.828 Yes, we went to space. 01:50.088 --> 01:53.269 And Barry Sonnenfeld was there... Sonnenfeld? 01:53.310 --> 01:55.250 Yeah, it was exactly like Men in Black. 01:55.671 --> 01:55.971 Really? 01:56.011 --> 01:56.791 And Tommy Lee Jones. 01:56.811 --> 01:58.352 That's not set in space, though. 01:59.032 --> 02:00.133 It's based on space. 02:00.193 --> 02:01.653 There's people from space in it. 02:01.793 --> 02:02.334 That's right. 02:02.434 --> 02:04.215 And many of whom... What planet did you go to? 02:05.235 --> 02:06.176 It's not well known. 02:07.416 --> 02:08.277 So not the moon. 02:08.737 --> 02:12.360 I wouldn't want to say because I wouldn't want to go out next year and everyone's there. 02:12.460 --> 02:14.202 Well, it's private, isn't it? 02:15.383 --> 02:17.384 It's a private planet. 02:17.845 --> 02:18.986 But no, it's nice to be back, though. 02:19.006 --> 02:20.887 Even though it's a bit of a miserable day in London. 02:21.108 --> 02:21.668 It is, isn't it? 02:21.708 --> 02:26.852 But we've got a great show coming up for you to cheer you up, including what's it called? 02:26.952 --> 02:27.393 Song Wars. 02:27.433 --> 02:28.674 Song Wars is the name of the future. 02:28.694 --> 02:32.097 Yeah, the oldest and longest running competition in the country. 02:32.637 --> 02:33.598 It's not really a competition. 02:33.678 --> 02:35.919 Well, it's a competition between you and I. That's true. 02:37.640 --> 02:39.661 Or between you and me, I should say, in that case, shouldn't I? 02:39.841 --> 02:40.282 I don't know. 02:40.542 --> 02:46.205 It's embarrassing when people try and go and do the correct grammar and actually... I think it's between one and I. Between one and Am. 02:47.066 --> 02:48.186 Between Am and one. 02:48.667 --> 02:49.447 That's coming up later. 02:49.727 --> 02:55.351 Also, Text the Nation, which is the second longest and most respected running feature in the history of radio. 02:55.371 --> 02:55.611 Yeah. 02:55.771 --> 02:56.771 Plus lots of great music. 02:56.811 --> 02:59.553 In this hour alone... Why don't we have some right now? 02:59.633 --> 03:01.194 This is Ida Maria with... 03:01.354 --> 03:03.355 I like you so much better when you're naked 03:31.834 --> 03:53.420 And no one likes to write and it's not something I normally do normally I would buy like three or four deodorants at a time at the super I never like to run out like to have them all in a line there you stink and I absolutely stank by the time I got off the tube it was a disgrace and you know I use my wife's deodorant and girls I don't know what they're doing there but they must smell or they just they're so slight they don't generate any funk and 03:53.860 --> 03:57.644 because I was badly let down by my wife's deodorant on the tube. 03:58.204 --> 03:59.165 But now everything's cool. 03:59.225 --> 04:00.646 But what were you thinking of in terms of grooming? 04:00.666 --> 04:01.727 Something completely different. 04:02.308 --> 04:10.275 If you look at naked people from the turn of the century or maybe the 30s or 40s or 50s or 60s or 70s, they're very different. 04:10.655 --> 04:11.736 That's true. 04:11.796 --> 04:12.817 They don't really trim. 04:13.678 --> 04:14.579 They don't trim. 04:14.799 --> 04:15.040 No. 04:15.220 --> 04:15.700 Right, right. 04:15.720 --> 04:15.921 Hair-wise. 04:15.941 --> 04:19.044 You know, it's like shoving a forest into a small plastic bag. 04:19.405 --> 04:20.346 Yeah, that's true. 04:20.366 --> 04:23.569 It's fashionable to be plucked and shaved. 04:23.649 --> 04:27.234 Have you ever stumbled across an erotic magazine from your parents' generation? 04:27.994 --> 04:29.336 I've seen one once in a museum. 04:31.298 --> 04:31.638 Really? 04:31.718 --> 04:31.998 Yeah. 04:32.038 --> 04:36.420 Well, the joy of sex, of course, was the wonderful tome that captured that era. 04:36.960 --> 04:38.720 And everyone was, yes. 04:39.080 --> 04:40.981 Just I'm saying standards of nudity have risen. 04:41.601 --> 04:42.401 You reckon risen? 04:42.621 --> 04:42.801 Yeah. 04:42.941 --> 04:43.882 I think it's a decline. 04:43.922 --> 04:45.062 I think people take more care. 04:45.382 --> 04:47.083 Well, I think they're over fussy. 04:47.103 --> 04:51.344 I think it's nice to wander around with all the forestation growing happily. 04:52.850 --> 04:53.651 pumping out CO2. 04:53.871 --> 04:57.214 Thank God you said CO2. 04:57.254 --> 05:06.121 This is Adam and Joel on BBC6 Music, back from our amazing three week holiday, refreshed and restocked with two ideas each. 05:06.932 --> 05:08.253 What are the ideas? 05:08.514 --> 05:11.136 The idea for Text the Nation and the idea for Song Wars. 05:11.517 --> 05:11.897 Oh, I see. 05:11.917 --> 05:12.558 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 05:12.618 --> 05:20.927 The idea for Song Wars, when we set it up a few weeks ago, I don't know if anyone can remember that far back, was to write a song for the Quantum of Solace, the new Bond film. 05:22.068 --> 05:25.391 When we left you three weeks ago, they hadn't quite settled on who was going to sing it. 05:26.132 --> 05:27.433 People were talking about Duffy. 05:27.853 --> 05:29.615 People were talking about Amy Winehouse. 05:30.536 --> 05:31.957 But now a decision's been made. 05:31.997 --> 05:33.698 There was a press release a few days ago. 05:34.559 --> 05:37.341 The world's buzzing with the news that it's Alicia Keys. 05:37.541 --> 05:38.262 And Jack White. 05:38.362 --> 05:39.143 And Jack White. 05:39.643 --> 05:47.609 And Jack White, even, this is a little tip bit for you listeners, our producer Jude, her boyfriend's guitar is played by Jack White on the track. 05:47.890 --> 05:48.650 Is that really true? 05:48.790 --> 05:48.971 Yeah. 05:49.411 --> 05:49.711 Wow. 05:49.851 --> 05:50.792 Is it in decent shape? 05:50.832 --> 05:51.653 Is it in tune? 05:51.673 --> 05:53.334 It's a pop fact for you. 05:53.374 --> 05:55.616 Does it have any idiosyncratic twangs or...? 05:56.397 --> 05:57.078 It's vintage. 05:57.418 --> 05:58.620 It's a vintage guitar. 05:59.100 --> 06:00.902 So that's good, I mean no one's heard the song yet, have they? 06:01.163 --> 06:04.386 No, and the song interestingly isn't called The Quantum of Solace. 06:04.586 --> 06:04.787 No. 06:04.947 --> 06:08.110 It's called something like Kill Me on the Lips. 06:08.391 --> 06:08.631 Right. 06:08.851 --> 06:10.053 Ooh, I just made that up. 06:10.693 --> 06:12.876 That would be a good name for a Bond song. 06:13.016 --> 06:13.697 It would be very good. 06:13.937 --> 06:18.001 Now, you know what, I was thinking of it last night because my song ends with the refrained Quantum of Solids. 06:18.041 --> 06:19.442 I mention it quite a lot, right? 06:20.163 --> 06:22.665 And I thought, I bet you Jack White doesn't even mention it. 06:22.685 --> 06:24.226 I base too cool for the whole thing. 06:24.507 --> 06:25.828 He doesn't even mention the name of the song. 06:25.868 --> 06:26.949 Doesn't even mention the name of the film. 06:26.969 --> 06:28.250 Well, it's a tricky thing to rhyme. 06:28.290 --> 06:34.275 Adam and I were at a wedding last night, listeners, and we were sitting next to... Oh, I was sitting next to the... Might need a name drop sound here, Jude. 06:34.736 --> 06:36.777 I was sitting quite near to Richard Curtis. 06:38.479 --> 06:41.902 Yeah, the film man, what writes and makes the films. 06:42.062 --> 06:42.282 Yes. 06:42.923 --> 06:48.648 And we were, he's, his partner is Emma Freud, lovely Emma Freud. 06:48.868 --> 06:53.011 And she's once read a book by Stephen King. 06:53.131 --> 06:54.513 No name drops down needed there, dude. 06:54.553 --> 06:54.973 Why not? 06:55.133 --> 06:56.374 That's just a reference to a person. 06:56.394 --> 06:57.115 I was trying to fool her. 06:58.296 --> 07:02.339 Last night I saw a film starring James. 07:03.695 --> 07:04.635 Anyway, what were they saying? 07:04.915 --> 07:07.236 They were trying to rhyme something with Quantum of Solace. 07:07.436 --> 07:10.057 All we could think of was Dollis, the old shoe shop. 07:11.177 --> 07:13.318 And that's no good, because kids don't know what Dollis is. 07:13.798 --> 07:14.778 They went bust, didn't they? 07:14.818 --> 07:15.138 Did they? 07:15.298 --> 07:16.179 I don't think they exist anymore. 07:16.219 --> 07:16.759 Maybe they do. 07:16.919 --> 07:18.219 If they do, I'm sorry, Dollis. 07:18.359 --> 07:24.681 Well, we discussed this before we left, didn't we, that the other thing you could rhyme it with was Wallace, as in Wallace and Gromit. 07:24.901 --> 07:25.762 That's right. 07:25.962 --> 07:29.423 And I was really trying hard to work in a Wallace rhyme. 07:29.483 --> 07:29.883 Really? 07:30.023 --> 07:30.283 Yeah. 07:30.563 --> 07:33.346 There we go, so get another name drop queued up. 07:33.786 --> 07:35.087 I was sitting next to Rob Brydon. 07:35.568 --> 07:36.449 He came up with that. 07:36.529 --> 07:39.451 He, for some reason, has written a Quantum of Solace song as well. 07:39.491 --> 07:39.832 Has he? 07:40.092 --> 07:43.515 I only came in on that fag end of the conversation, but that's what they were talking about. 07:43.815 --> 07:45.777 What's he doing writing Quantum of Solace songs? 07:45.877 --> 07:46.458 I don't know. 07:46.518 --> 07:47.259 He's on our patch. 07:47.359 --> 07:48.720 All comedians are all over it. 07:48.740 --> 07:51.623 It's the most unimaginative idea in the world. 07:51.643 --> 07:51.863 Is it? 07:51.883 --> 07:52.283 Oh, wicked. 07:52.924 --> 07:53.525 Oh, wicked. 07:54.445 --> 07:57.447 Anyway, but I haven't rhymed it with Dollis or Wallace. 07:57.787 --> 07:59.448 Neither have I. I've gone for a different rhyme. 08:00.428 --> 08:00.588 Really? 08:00.628 --> 08:01.769 Yeah, I've rhymed a different word. 08:01.909 --> 08:02.249 Really? 08:02.449 --> 08:03.230 Oh, you're gonna find out. 08:03.290 --> 08:04.930 I'm excited, so that's coming up soon. 08:05.071 --> 08:06.791 That's coming up within the next half hour, is it not? 08:06.871 --> 08:07.232 Yeah. 08:07.292 --> 08:07.392 Yeah. 08:08.826 --> 08:11.168 Yes, in fact, like within the next quarter for now. 08:11.268 --> 08:13.550 Let's play another record. 08:13.650 --> 08:21.418 This is a free play and this popped up when I was on holiday with Will Smith, the song. 08:22.359 --> 08:31.108 And we were out there, we were by the pool and I had the iPod or MP3, non-generic MP3 player on shuffle and this song popped up. 08:31.368 --> 08:32.629 by Bananarama and the Funboy 3. 08:32.949 --> 08:36.511 I hope this is the version by Bananarama and the Funboy 3. 08:36.551 --> 08:38.572 And I forgot how amazing it was. 08:38.612 --> 08:39.673 You know which song this is, right? 08:39.953 --> 08:41.774 This is their cover of It Ain't What You Do. 08:42.134 --> 08:43.075 It's the way that you do it. 08:43.275 --> 08:43.875 Check it out. 08:44.596 --> 08:46.437 There's a brand new group. 08:46.457 --> 08:50.539 They're called the Dandy Warhols, like Andy Warhol, but with a D in front. 08:51.120 --> 08:54.722 And the lead singer is Man and the... 08:55.362 --> 08:58.003 Lady that plays the keyboards doesn't wear any clothes at all. 08:58.263 --> 08:58.603 Really? 08:58.783 --> 08:59.523 That's her gimmick. 08:59.583 --> 09:00.523 That's a novel twist. 09:00.543 --> 09:01.264 That's a novel twist. 09:01.284 --> 09:03.004 Has that ever happened in Pop? 09:03.384 --> 09:05.245 Has there ever been a nude band? 09:05.845 --> 09:06.165 Nude? 09:06.285 --> 09:07.685 There must have been, surely. 09:07.725 --> 09:09.966 I mean, I know in the 60s a lot of bands got nude. 09:09.986 --> 09:11.186 Yeah, they get nude, don't they? 09:11.266 --> 09:14.567 But is there any band ever been a band whose whole thing has been to be nude? 09:14.587 --> 09:15.868 To spend all their time nude. 09:16.168 --> 09:16.908 It's only a matter of time. 09:16.928 --> 09:18.188 We're obsessed with nudity. 09:18.368 --> 09:18.708 We are. 09:18.848 --> 09:21.309 The BBC as a whole is obsessed with nudity. 09:21.429 --> 09:22.389 And the lavatory? 09:22.429 --> 09:22.930 No, it's not. 09:23.030 --> 09:24.670 I was just trying that out as a statement. 09:24.770 --> 09:25.532 There's nothing wrong with it. 09:25.552 --> 09:27.137 I maintain that it's a leveler, you know? 09:27.357 --> 09:28.380 It's something that we all share. 09:28.400 --> 09:29.564 You're obsessed with the lavatory. 09:29.784 --> 09:30.627 I love the lavatory. 09:30.647 --> 09:31.610 It's my favorite room. 09:31.790 --> 09:32.974 I'm obsessed with nudity. 09:34.480 --> 09:37.401 When we come together, we are nude in the bathroom. 09:37.421 --> 09:38.062 That's our band. 09:38.102 --> 09:38.862 That's what they're called. 09:39.803 --> 09:41.183 Listen, we've already made two mistakes. 09:41.403 --> 09:41.984 It's not even 25. 09:42.244 --> 09:42.664 That's true. 09:42.684 --> 09:44.425 The shoe shop isn't Dollis, is it? 09:44.585 --> 09:46.706 I seem to remember there was a shoe shop called Dollis. 09:47.066 --> 09:52.709 Someone's texted in to say it's Dollsis, which is quite right because that rhymes better with Solis, does it? 09:53.209 --> 09:55.570 Well, nobody's got a C in it that's good. 09:55.610 --> 09:58.472 It doesn't exactly rhyme, but there's something going on there that's a bit better. 09:59.112 --> 10:02.936 If you ask me is the is at the end makes it sound a bit like solace. 10:03.236 --> 10:11.665 Yeah dulcis solace Also, I said I was referring to Forests pumping out co2 Right. 10:11.685 --> 10:15.068 They don't really do they know otherwise they'd be pollutants exactly. 10:15.268 --> 10:19.452 Otherwise, they'd be worse than cars replace them with massive fields of cars 10:23.576 --> 10:26.618 In fact, there'd be a government drive to cut down all the greenery. 10:26.818 --> 10:29.900 Yeah, that would have been a better M like and what's his face? 10:29.960 --> 10:30.861 And like Shyamalan. 10:31.141 --> 10:31.622 Yeah. 10:32.342 --> 10:33.243 Have you seen that one yet? 10:33.283 --> 10:33.583 Yeah. 10:33.903 --> 10:34.403 Is it any good? 10:34.503 --> 10:35.624 Yeah. 10:35.924 --> 10:37.225 No, no, it's not very good. 10:37.666 --> 10:38.726 But it's quite fun to watch. 10:38.806 --> 10:39.007 Right. 10:39.187 --> 10:40.888 Sometimes the bad ones are better than the good ones. 10:41.228 --> 10:41.989 He's your favorite. 10:42.389 --> 10:45.171 Yeah, he's got terribly sparkly eyes. 10:45.971 --> 10:46.692 It really does. 10:46.712 --> 10:48.053 It's got beautiful eyes. 10:48.093 --> 10:48.653 That's right. 10:49.134 --> 10:59.561 Listen, next weekend, as you might have heard on that trailer, this show, this very show, will be coming live from the Summer Sunday, which is a very exciting festival that takes place where, Adam? 10:59.681 --> 11:00.042 Leicester. 11:00.242 --> 11:00.482 Yes. 11:01.142 --> 11:02.463 And it's a weekend of music. 11:02.503 --> 11:03.144 Who's on the build? 11:03.164 --> 11:03.564 Do you know? 11:03.905 --> 11:04.545 Supergrass. 11:04.825 --> 11:05.205 Yeah. 11:05.346 --> 11:06.586 I'm just quoting from the trail. 11:06.907 --> 11:07.887 Jonas, policewoman. 11:08.028 --> 11:08.548 There you go. 11:08.848 --> 11:12.211 And apparently we'll be in the Six Music Ice Cream Van. 11:13.171 --> 11:13.911 Does that exist? 11:14.551 --> 11:17.472 If it doesn't, I'm going to be really upset if it's a figure of speech. 11:18.133 --> 11:19.233 Because that would be perfect. 11:19.253 --> 11:21.474 You'd have microphones in the shape of ice creams. 11:22.034 --> 11:26.755 You'd have, you know, the things that you pull like on a bar when you draw beer. 11:26.935 --> 11:29.036 Instead of faders. 11:30.356 --> 11:30.696 You know? 11:30.716 --> 11:32.197 That would be good. 11:32.277 --> 11:34.638 I don't think it's referred to as the ice cream van though, is it? 11:34.718 --> 11:35.038 Or is it? 11:35.658 --> 11:37.779 in the trailer it is. 11:39.060 --> 11:40.781 Really? 11:40.881 --> 11:42.642 It's not a nice cream van. 11:42.662 --> 11:44.303 So that's a lie really isn't it? 11:44.503 --> 11:45.824 It's a BBC lie. 11:46.264 --> 11:48.565 But then we got you, Sunday over the main. 11:52.447 --> 11:55.709 And we'll be passing out flakes, that kind of thing. 11:55.729 --> 11:56.409 That's a lie. 11:56.849 --> 11:57.750 That is a lie, actually. 11:58.470 --> 11:59.631 But no, I can't wait to be there. 11:59.771 --> 12:00.671 Are you going along, this is? 12:00.771 --> 12:02.432 In fact, I'm going to a festival this weekend. 12:02.512 --> 12:02.732 Are you? 12:02.792 --> 12:04.573 When I leave here today, I'm going to the Big Chill. 12:04.773 --> 12:05.393 Wow, really? 12:05.413 --> 12:05.493 Yeah. 12:05.513 --> 12:06.894 You're going to do some comedy there? 12:07.114 --> 12:10.816 I'm doing... Tonight, I'm hosting the Pop Video Night I Do Bug. 12:11.136 --> 12:11.576 Good one. 12:11.596 --> 12:14.117 A collection of pop videos from the BFI. 12:14.398 --> 12:17.919 And then tomorrow night, I'm doing a bit of stand-up at the Underbelly Tent. 12:17.939 --> 12:18.580 From the BFG. 12:19.740 --> 12:20.861 Uh, it's nice to do with BFG. 12:20.921 --> 12:21.181 Really? 12:21.261 --> 12:21.441 No. 12:21.501 --> 12:22.101 Will he be there? 12:22.441 --> 12:22.782 Uh, yeah. 12:23.262 --> 12:24.322 He runs the festival. 12:24.442 --> 12:25.283 With his snoozled track? 12:25.323 --> 12:25.583 Yes. 12:25.843 --> 12:29.184 He runs the... He's playing... He's playing after Leonard Cohen. 12:29.425 --> 12:31.546 Giving out a whole lot of... What does he eat? 12:31.586 --> 12:32.546 What are those cucumbers called? 12:32.726 --> 12:33.867 The big friendly giant eats. 12:34.027 --> 12:34.467 You know what? 12:34.487 --> 12:38.829 It was never my favorite... Snoozled... Wiggles... It was never my favorite rolled... ...doll book. 12:39.409 --> 12:39.829 I like it. 12:39.849 --> 12:40.610 Do you really? 12:41.090 --> 12:44.152 If you're at the Summer Sunday though, next weekend, do try and come and say hello. 12:44.212 --> 12:45.413 DJs always say that, don't they? 12:45.453 --> 12:48.715 But if you actually do try and come and say hello, you'd probably get hit by security. 12:49.295 --> 12:50.316 Yeah, we've got a lot of security. 12:50.636 --> 12:51.176 But no, do. 12:51.356 --> 12:54.298 And similarly, at Big Chill, come and say hi. 12:54.398 --> 12:55.539 It's going to be rainy though. 12:55.559 --> 12:57.460 I haven't got my wellies. 12:57.680 --> 12:59.361 Anyway, listen, more music now. 12:59.401 --> 13:01.483 This is Essa with Headlock. 13:02.043 --> 13:04.985 Oh, you got me in a headlock. 13:05.916 --> 13:07.938 You've got me in a headlock. 13:08.739 --> 13:10.000 Who's that visa? 13:10.060 --> 13:12.122 He's called Essa and the song's called Headlock. 13:12.162 --> 13:16.465 It's the first track play listed at Six Music to be available as a t-shirt. 13:16.846 --> 13:20.049 Apparently it's a digital release and you can't buy it on CD. 13:20.089 --> 13:25.994 You have to go and buy a t-shirt and that gives you a sort of serial number and that lets you download the record. 13:26.014 --> 13:29.377 This is a whole new innovation in record releasing. 13:29.717 --> 13:33.960 It's a shame we're just coming up to the news because we could bang on about that for some time. 13:34.220 --> 13:35.601 Maybe we will do after the news. 13:35.961 --> 13:37.322 It's released as a t-shirt. 13:37.342 --> 13:41.065 I mean, that's more or less that means that the apocalypse is pretty much nice. 13:41.125 --> 13:41.345 Really? 13:41.385 --> 13:42.266 Is that one of the signs? 13:42.286 --> 13:44.888 It's one of the signs written in Revelations yet. 13:45.308 --> 13:49.571 When stuff starts getting released on a t-shirt, it says etched in stone. 13:50.451 --> 13:52.193 then things are gonna start ending. 13:52.754 --> 13:53.514 We'll come back to that. 13:53.554 --> 13:55.496 This is Adam and Joe on 6 Music. 13:55.556 --> 13:57.458 It's now time for the news with Harvey Cooke. 13:57.638 --> 13:58.059 Very good. 13:58.239 --> 14:02.703 That's Bob Mould, aka Sugar, with If I Can't Change Your Mind. 14:02.743 --> 14:05.105 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 14:05.165 --> 14:08.108 We're very happy to be back after a break of three weeks. 14:08.128 --> 14:09.870 That's gonna be our last break for a while, I think. 14:11.691 --> 14:13.433 You know, we're chained to the castle now. 14:13.653 --> 14:14.434 Not allowed to leave. 14:14.494 --> 14:15.155 Quite some time. 14:15.735 --> 14:17.397 We've used up all our holiday allowance. 14:17.617 --> 14:18.678 All our holiday passes. 14:19.298 --> 14:20.179 Here till Christmas. 14:20.740 --> 14:21.260 And beyond. 14:21.820 --> 14:22.521 And beyond. 14:22.621 --> 14:25.784 But now, it's time for a regular, uh, feature. 14:26.184 --> 14:26.905 It's Song Wars. 14:27.405 --> 14:30.047 Who will win the Song Wars today? 14:30.128 --> 14:33.610 Perhaps it will be Adam, or it could be Jo. 14:33.671 --> 14:35.372 He the one. 14:35.392 --> 14:41.217 You will be the one who decides by texting or emailing when you hear the clip. 14:46.427 --> 14:47.728 Although they can't text, right? 14:47.868 --> 14:48.348 For this one? 14:49.249 --> 14:49.909 Wait, wait! 14:51.610 --> 14:52.570 I like this jingle. 14:52.651 --> 14:54.111 Doesn't you say something towards the end? 14:54.151 --> 14:56.292 I just... vary the... here. 14:56.933 --> 14:59.914 Oh no, no, it's much later, it's much later. 14:59.954 --> 15:00.815 Don't you say poopy-do? 15:00.835 --> 15:01.715 I say fatter-tar. 15:02.016 --> 15:03.496 Fatter-tar. 15:04.117 --> 15:05.197 Surely that's worth waiting for. 15:05.217 --> 15:05.778 There we are. 15:05.818 --> 15:06.258 There we go. 15:06.958 --> 15:19.585 Okay, Song Wars, if you've just tuned in or you're a new listener, is the part of the show where Adam and I compose songs entirely on our own using our computers and they're on a theme and then we battle them. 15:19.665 --> 15:25.828 And the way we battle them is by playing them both, which we'll be doing in a second, and then we get you to vote for the one that you like best. 15:26.908 --> 15:31.651 Or worse, if you hate them both, you can take a sort of loathing point of view on the competition. 15:31.851 --> 15:35.454 And for this we're asking you just to email your votes, right? 15:36.134 --> 15:36.414 Right. 15:36.494 --> 15:42.998 Big British Castle has new, very stringent rules about all any kind of competitive or interactive activity. 15:43.098 --> 15:43.979 Quite rightly so. 15:44.299 --> 15:46.360 Rightly so, yes, this is a national service. 15:46.721 --> 15:52.764 Exactly, I mean many people have died in the past with competitions going wrong, texts going awry. 15:53.104 --> 15:55.326 Yeah, lives have been lost, lives have been ruined. 15:55.706 --> 16:17.696 you know families little girl have been torn apart who wanted to enter a competition and she did but what she didn't realize is that she had no chance of winning exactly and as a result she died and there was another man in uh the north of england who texted his vote to a competition and the text failed to get through and she and he died 16:18.636 --> 16:36.678 just instantly died exploded so we don't want that to happen he popped i mean enough people are dead i think enough lives have been lost stop this madness stop the slaughter find everyone email your votes for song wars even if you're listening again on the wonderful listen again especially if you're listening again 16:36.718 --> 16:51.824 Exactly the email addresses Adam and Joe all one word the word and is the and not an ampersand dot the number six music at BBC dot Co dot UK You say email addresses like my dad says phone numbers. 16:52.365 --> 17:00.468 I try and explain those seven years possible seven oh, oh nine five fine three three three one 17:03.710 --> 17:03.750 2-5. 17:03.950 --> 17:05.291 That's just a very long number. 17:06.331 --> 17:11.154 Okay, so it's Bond songs, or more specifically, Quantum of Solace songs. 17:11.414 --> 17:12.675 When does Quantum of Solace come out? 17:12.875 --> 17:17.357 I think in October or something, November maybe towards the end of the year. 17:17.397 --> 17:18.278 It's very exciting. 17:18.358 --> 17:19.459 How much do you know about the film? 17:20.619 --> 17:21.219 Quite a bit. 17:21.420 --> 17:21.860 Oh really? 17:21.980 --> 17:22.940 Well actually not that much. 17:23.000 --> 17:26.783 I know that it continues the story from the previous one, which I'm not happy with. 17:27.603 --> 17:33.005 I like Bond to be freestanding adventures, with a different silly nutball every time. 17:33.205 --> 17:35.506 As if anyone can remember what the story was in the last one anyway. 17:35.526 --> 17:37.487 I know, something about Vesper, a Vesper. 17:37.527 --> 17:44.410 Something about man, men chasing each other, slapping each other, mussling faces, and a bit of torture. 17:45.330 --> 17:46.531 But this one continues on. 17:46.591 --> 17:48.592 It picks up 10 minutes after the last one. 17:48.632 --> 17:50.832 The last film that did that was Halloween 2, wasn't it? 17:50.893 --> 17:51.673 And look at that. 17:52.193 --> 18:18.482 for a disaster the only good bit was the bit with the razor in the apple and that was obviously awful yeah um anyway so i don't know and it yeah involves a lot of slapping you're right probably some uh some light testicle torture have we got a coin for who's going to play our song first whose whose song is going to be played first yeah that's true coins here we go i've got one okay heads or tails uh i'm calling heads to play mine first 18:19.062 --> 18:21.265 Okay, if it's heads, yours is played first. 18:21.305 --> 18:22.207 This is exciting. 18:22.287 --> 18:23.128 It is heads. 18:23.148 --> 18:26.493 Okay, give us a little introductory spiel about your song, Adam Butler. 18:26.513 --> 18:29.938 Well, I was talking to Richard Curtis last night. 18:30.118 --> 18:32.321 Hey, how come he doesn't get a demeaning noise? 18:32.381 --> 18:34.004 Yeah, from the vicar of Diddley. 18:35.736 --> 18:42.380 And I was saying to Richard that I, in my opinion, the classic Bond themes have had many different segments in there. 18:42.840 --> 18:44.481 Like Live and Let Die. 18:44.501 --> 18:46.462 That is a good one. 18:46.562 --> 18:47.643 Yeah, that's amazing. 18:48.123 --> 18:49.064 Didn't that win an Oscar? 18:49.404 --> 18:50.365 It should have done if it didn't. 18:50.865 --> 18:54.687 But you know, that's got the reggae section in there and there's a kind of jazz breakdown in there. 18:54.707 --> 18:57.069 It's a brilliant, it's maybe the best Bond theme in my opinion. 18:57.809 --> 19:02.693 And I'm always very fond of having little sections in my song or songs anyway, so I thought this is ideal. 19:03.173 --> 19:07.236 But actually, the way it turned out, I really did my best to construct the song from scratch. 19:07.316 --> 19:13.420 No loops in here, except for a couple of drum loops, but it's all played from scratch. 19:13.440 --> 19:16.262 And as a result, it's a kind of cacophonous nightmare. 19:16.802 --> 19:18.845 And also I'm really singing on this one as well. 19:18.865 --> 19:19.966 Wow, I'm excited. 19:20.047 --> 19:21.729 Is it called The Quantum of Solace? 19:21.749 --> 19:23.211 Yeah, it's called The Quantum of Solace. 19:23.251 --> 19:23.912 It's a good title. 19:23.952 --> 19:24.793 How did you think of that? 19:26.875 --> 19:27.576 I don't remember. 19:27.736 --> 19:28.978 I think Will Smith suggested it. 19:29.298 --> 19:30.780 Right. 19:30.920 --> 19:31.962 So let's hear what you think of it. 19:50.886 --> 20:05.975 I'm James Bond, I'm a spy And I'm working for the Brits I've got cars and guns and gadgets I've got ladies with big brains I've got licenses to kill I've got licenses to fish I've got sex to kill 20:06.795 --> 20:33.882 But here's my biggest wish I'd like a quantum with solace But no more than a quantum I know they do big bags of solace But I don't want them I only want a teeny tiny slice of solace Before I shoot you... Fought of location chase, thought of location chase Shooting does the baddest in the busy forest 20:39.134 --> 20:57.729 I do want to stop you, yes, but only if it's exciting I met a lovely lady, but found out she was a rotter So we exchanged some saucy quips, I snogged her, then I shot her 20:58.550 --> 21:22.165 But I felt quite bad because I'm such a modern complex guy Sometimes this job gets to you and maybe that is why I'd like a quantum of solace But no more than a quantum I know they do big bags of solace But I don't want them I only want a teeny tiny slice of solace Before I shoot you 21:28.270 --> 21:40.579 Quantum of solace I'm saying the name of the film of the music Quantum of solace 21:44.591 --> 21:46.573 I think we will meet again, Mr Bond. 21:47.094 --> 21:47.474 Okay? 21:50.817 --> 21:52.739 That doesn't sound like a very scary villain. 21:53.220 --> 21:53.760 No, he's not. 21:53.880 --> 21:56.043 Bond doesn't sound like his heart's in it either. 21:56.183 --> 21:57.124 He's quite tired. 21:57.684 --> 21:59.246 He's been at the gym all day. 21:59.266 --> 22:01.488 He's only 10 minutes after the last one. 22:01.508 --> 22:02.849 Exactly, he's absolutely exhausted. 22:04.010 --> 22:09.414 So you're going there with quantum as a measure of quantity, right? 22:09.554 --> 22:10.415 Is that not what it is? 22:10.595 --> 22:21.883 In physics, a quantum, plural, quanta, I'm not reading this, is an indivisible entity of a quantity that has the same units as the Planck constant and is related both to energy and momentum of elementary particles of matter called... 22:22.643 --> 22:25.605 fermions and a photons and other bosons. 22:27.726 --> 22:29.988 The word comes from the Latin quantus for how much? 22:30.888 --> 22:34.450 So it's actually an indivisible entity of quantity. 22:35.071 --> 22:36.511 So it's a very small amount. 22:36.672 --> 22:40.674 I don't know that you could go into a newsagent and ask for a quantum of pair drops. 22:40.954 --> 22:41.715 You could surely. 22:42.605 --> 22:42.965 Could you? 22:43.145 --> 22:43.685 Absolutely. 22:43.725 --> 22:44.705 What would their reply be? 22:44.845 --> 22:47.466 Do they even sell... Do they decant sweets like that anymore? 22:47.686 --> 22:48.786 Maybe in country towns? 22:48.906 --> 22:51.787 In tiny... Yeah, they would have little tiny jars. 22:52.067 --> 22:53.067 Yeah, tiny. 22:53.107 --> 22:54.087 Just one pair drop. 22:54.327 --> 22:56.248 You just shavings of pair drops. 22:56.808 --> 22:58.508 Yeah, a quantum of pair drops. 22:58.548 --> 22:59.368 What else is it about? 22:59.408 --> 23:00.069 What's the title? 23:00.089 --> 23:05.250 I mean, it's... You read synopses of the film on the internet and there's no mention of solace or quantum. 23:05.310 --> 23:06.430 He's just very lonely. 23:06.630 --> 23:06.850 Is he? 23:06.890 --> 23:07.230 Yeah. 23:07.310 --> 23:09.190 Well, that's what I was trying to get at, you see. 23:09.210 --> 23:10.011 That was good though. 23:10.471 --> 23:11.691 He has a license to fish? 23:12.171 --> 23:15.155 Yeah, I was gonna make loads of license jokes. 23:15.916 --> 23:16.577 Let's hear yours. 23:16.717 --> 23:21.243 And Air Miles, I like the Air Miles reference because that's an aspect of Bond you don't hear about a lot. 23:21.504 --> 23:21.704 No. 23:21.924 --> 23:23.066 He must really top them up. 23:23.166 --> 23:24.227 Well, he must have loads. 23:24.368 --> 23:25.589 He gets into all the lounges. 23:25.769 --> 23:26.951 Yeah, he does, doesn't he? 23:26.991 --> 23:27.251 Yeah. 23:27.352 --> 23:28.153 Misbehaves there. 23:28.793 --> 23:32.876 Kills people and makes a mess So that's quantum of solace song number one. 23:32.936 --> 23:44.283 How people yeah, that's Adam song You're just gonna have to vote either Adam or Joe I guess because they're both called the quantum of solace And is that being offered to the makers of the film for use if the Jack White and Alicia Keys thing falls through? 23:44.723 --> 23:45.664 Well, actually they called 23:46.144 --> 24:15.784 me last night yeah and they they said that they would like to use it that's funny what time did they call you they called me at 9 15 they called me at 9 20 that's said that they'd spoken to you but they'd subsequently heard the song and thought it was plops that was the word they use the word plops yeah it was cubby broccoli that's a bit harsh and it's not a Buxton song plops it's plops and then they say yeah let me hear is that is that how cubby broccoli speaks he may have done when he was alive 24:16.544 --> 24:20.705 But I think he's the late Cubby Broccoli. 24:20.725 --> 24:22.105 You would be talking to his widow now. 24:22.425 --> 24:22.745 Really? 24:22.805 --> 24:24.286 He's the one that deals with the franchise. 24:24.326 --> 24:25.886 I was talking to him via a Ouija board. 24:25.906 --> 24:26.746 Yeah, this was a sale. 24:26.766 --> 24:27.266 I'm not on the phone. 24:27.286 --> 24:28.006 Play your song music. 24:28.026 --> 24:28.686 Okay, here's the song. 24:28.706 --> 24:32.687 This is my Quantum of Solace song and it's pretty self-explanatory really. 24:32.987 --> 24:36.048 I will say that I bought a new jam pack for my gallery pack. 24:36.108 --> 24:36.788 Which one did you buy? 24:37.568 --> 24:38.068 Strings. 24:38.148 --> 24:38.708 Strings. 24:39.048 --> 24:40.608 Yeah, I thought you needed some strings. 24:41.009 --> 24:43.269 So this is Quantum of Solace song number two. 24:51.437 --> 25:19.257 He's got a gun and great big man tits He's got your gears and tiny trunks Denuded dents, he's furious with him He's gone completely out to lunch The quantum of solace I don't know what that means But he's having flashbacks in black 25:35.720 --> 25:41.243 The suntan of Doris The suntan of Qualis Did I get it confused? 25:41.263 --> 26:03.874 I got his new style He's nearly dead, no really near me It's much more pretty than before No silly gadget, just looks more fighting With that French bloke that does parkour The thingy of what's that thing of Boris 26:05.314 --> 26:32.880 I forgot what it's called, cause that's what it was Sometimes I wish Roger Moore would come back With an underwater car or some kind of jetpack Or a hover-punder-lar and a union jet Forget it mate, it's not the 80's He'd rather kick you in the face We've got a new bond for the naughty's 26:39.700 --> 26:39.900 Wow. 26:39.920 --> 26:40.921 There we go. 26:41.001 --> 26:42.202 Song number two. 26:59.369 --> 27:00.069 That's good. 27:00.089 --> 27:05.372 So that's the big fight this morning between Quantum of Solace, song number one and two. 27:06.512 --> 27:08.113 Mine was a bit less silly than yours. 27:08.313 --> 27:09.233 What are you, what? 27:10.674 --> 27:11.174 I don't know. 27:11.194 --> 27:15.496 I went for a classic, you only live twice style era by me. 27:15.516 --> 27:18.557 I was more like Bowie via Madonna. 27:19.878 --> 27:20.818 That's what I was thinking. 27:21.038 --> 27:22.199 Did that come across at all? 27:22.279 --> 27:23.279 No, no. 27:23.940 --> 27:24.120 But 27:25.260 --> 27:25.780 That's good. 27:25.820 --> 27:26.161 That's good. 27:26.181 --> 27:27.041 That's going to win, I think. 27:27.341 --> 27:28.442 You never can tell. 27:28.702 --> 27:29.282 Never can tell. 27:29.322 --> 27:31.123 But listen, let's have some more real music now. 27:31.764 --> 27:33.565 This is Joe's choice for you. 27:33.605 --> 27:34.185 Yeah, it is. 27:34.245 --> 27:34.465 It is. 27:34.605 --> 27:36.967 Don't forget to email your votes for Song Wars. 27:36.987 --> 27:39.828 They're at AdamandJoe.6musicatbbc.co.uk. 27:39.868 --> 27:42.290 We announced the winner in a couple of weeks. 27:42.770 --> 27:43.451 No, next week. 27:43.571 --> 27:44.651 We'll announce it next week. 27:44.711 --> 27:45.892 Yeah, when we're at Summer Sunday. 27:46.112 --> 27:47.153 But two vote right now. 27:47.534 --> 27:48.395 This is a free play. 27:48.435 --> 27:50.857 This is from... This is The RZA, right? 27:50.877 --> 27:51.698 This is what we're having next. 27:51.718 --> 27:56.043 This is from, yeah, the RZA's new album, The RZA, as Bobby Digital. 27:56.764 --> 27:57.685 This is fantastic. 27:57.725 --> 27:58.626 It's the clean version. 27:59.007 --> 28:01.569 So there are some backwards naughty words, but they're backwards. 28:01.890 --> 28:02.851 No one will understand them. 28:03.151 --> 28:04.573 This is called You Can't Stop Me Now. 28:04.833 --> 28:05.553 That was very good. 28:05.974 --> 28:07.494 Reckless Eric with Hole Wide World. 28:07.514 --> 28:11.976 That was recorded as a session track for the John Peel show on Radio One on the 25th of September 1977. 28:12.256 --> 28:17.518 I wonder if any listeners out there have got the Rizzer as Bobby Digital album. 28:17.838 --> 28:18.959 I've only heard that single. 28:18.999 --> 28:20.559 I wonder if the album's as good as that. 28:21.580 --> 28:23.981 That's the track we played before Reckless Eric there. 28:24.361 --> 28:25.381 You can't stop me now. 28:25.962 --> 28:27.282 He's from the Wonta, anyway. 28:27.342 --> 28:27.822 He is, yeah. 28:27.842 --> 28:29.023 They were playing in London recently. 28:29.043 --> 28:30.404 They were apparently very, very good. 28:30.864 --> 28:32.825 What does their show involve, I wonder? 28:32.885 --> 28:33.385 Puppets. 28:34.225 --> 28:35.726 A little nativity play. 28:35.786 --> 28:36.466 Fun toot horns. 28:36.526 --> 28:38.606 Some fun toot, always fun toot horns. 28:38.626 --> 28:40.087 A lot of audience participation. 28:40.127 --> 28:41.347 Yeah. 28:41.427 --> 28:42.088 That kind of thing. 28:42.348 --> 28:43.128 Oh, that sounds like fun. 28:43.248 --> 28:43.888 It's nice, isn't it? 28:44.948 --> 28:46.549 There is a beanstalk at the end. 28:47.889 --> 28:48.329 Good job. 28:48.350 --> 28:48.850 No, I don't know. 28:48.890 --> 28:51.551 It probably involves killing and shooting. 28:51.571 --> 28:52.651 Some of them are dead now, aren't they? 28:53.231 --> 29:13.858 from the clan yeah which ones odb odb yeah what happened to him he got very ill off of drugs i think did he did i think he did i think that's right it's never a good idea drugs are they don't work to dabble with them as i was on my way this is nothing to do with any of that but uh just by the by as i was on my way from the tube this morning 29:14.919 --> 29:22.086 I overheard a conversation between a man on the street, and he was sort of standing there looking hopefully at passers-by, you know? 29:22.587 --> 29:25.870 He would have looked hopefully at me if I'd been a little bit further down the pavement. 29:25.891 --> 29:26.511 Hopeful for what? 29:26.832 --> 29:28.013 Well, this is the thing. 29:28.313 --> 29:32.478 He basically stepped up to the bloke who was just ahead of me walking along, 29:33.058 --> 29:35.921 And I could hear him launching into a whole spiel. 29:36.422 --> 29:37.743 Like, sorry to bother you, mate. 29:38.123 --> 29:40.586 I just, you won't believe it. 29:41.227 --> 29:42.428 I left the house this morning. 29:42.988 --> 29:44.830 I'm supposed to be on my way to hospital. 29:45.751 --> 29:46.932 You know, my grand's in there. 29:47.453 --> 29:48.434 I locked myself out of the house. 29:48.454 --> 29:49.035 I haven't got any money. 29:49.195 --> 29:51.097 And, you know, it was one of those spiels, right? 29:51.477 --> 29:53.379 Which you instantly think you're lying. 29:53.499 --> 30:03.145 You're lying to me, it's basically your begging, but you've just decided that you're gonna concoct this elaborate tale to somehow legitimize the begging as if you're making some sort of effort. 30:03.645 --> 30:03.926 You know? 30:04.226 --> 30:08.929 But then a little part of you always thinks, well maybe it's true, and maybe I'm just jaded and cynical. 30:09.669 --> 30:11.090 beaten down by the modern world. 30:11.130 --> 30:14.331 And why shouldn't I believe my fellow man if he's asking me for help, you know? 30:14.772 --> 30:16.352 How do you respond in those situations? 30:16.833 --> 30:19.034 Well, I always judge it on the quality of the lie. 30:19.214 --> 30:19.454 Right. 30:19.714 --> 30:23.596 I agree with you that, yeah, you can see through it almost instantly. 30:24.056 --> 30:32.720 But part of me thinks, well, this person's ashamed to be asking for money, so they're trying to sort of save face and self-respect by building a story. 30:32.800 --> 30:35.702 So, you know, if you don't believe it, it's a bit insulting to them. 30:36.022 --> 30:37.663 So do you pick apart the story ever? 30:38.543 --> 30:48.430 If they say they're collecting for charity, that's a popular one in my area, is a clipboard, a fake sponsorship form, and something about sponsoring kiddies. 30:48.790 --> 30:49.711 Not the football guy. 30:49.731 --> 30:51.091 Do you get the football guy? 30:51.111 --> 30:51.372 Possibly. 30:51.592 --> 31:05.681 Because Joe and I live quite close in South London and there was a guy who used to come round all the time and I always used to give him money because one time he gave me his card, he sort of flashed a card at me and he gave me a number even, 31:06.101 --> 31:24.721 to call to check it out and I phoned the number and there was an answering machine message saying really you've come through to the local footballs nice place and you know so we've done all that wow but so I was totally convinced that I was happy to give him money whenever he came by and he said oh you won't see me for you know I'll come around once a year or something 31:24.941 --> 31:25.422 It was rubbish. 31:25.442 --> 31:27.143 He came round every couple of months or whatever. 31:27.463 --> 31:28.664 I always gave him quite a lot of money. 31:28.704 --> 31:31.767 And then one day someone said... You should have asked to go and see the team play. 31:32.007 --> 31:32.888 Well, he wanted me to. 31:33.228 --> 31:33.608 Did he? 31:33.669 --> 31:34.729 He said he wanted me to. 31:35.030 --> 31:39.934 But I must assume that everyone is just going to be lazy and won't go along. 31:40.254 --> 31:41.335 Yeah, I'd love to see the team play. 31:41.355 --> 31:42.116 How are they doing anyway? 31:42.136 --> 31:43.497 I always had a little chat with him. 31:43.657 --> 31:47.640 But then someone said the football guy is a total fraud and he's been busted. 31:48.041 --> 31:50.083 The woman who I saw with the clipboard 31:50.683 --> 31:59.870 and she was wandering around our local organic food market, but she was collecting money for homeless people and alcoholics. 32:00.591 --> 32:06.096 So really it was just a sort of semantic adjustment to an honest, you know, proposal. 32:06.676 --> 32:13.822 Because she was collecting money for herself, but she'd arranged it as if she was in charge of a scheme that helped people like her. 32:13.862 --> 32:14.943 She was representing them. 32:14.963 --> 32:15.603 Yeah, the scheme. 32:15.703 --> 32:16.504 Yeah, which is fine. 32:16.824 --> 32:17.385 Absolutely. 32:17.505 --> 32:19.707 I think one should always give a little bit of money. 32:20.347 --> 32:21.128 and be very nice. 32:21.228 --> 32:27.112 I mean, the one I fell for the other day was just outrageous, which is this guy saying, yeah, I live just down the road. 32:27.872 --> 32:31.314 I'm at number 35 down there and just lock myself out. 32:32.055 --> 32:34.537 And I'm supposed to be going to pick up my kids. 32:34.617 --> 32:36.118 And, you know, he looked like a pretty respectable kid. 32:36.138 --> 32:37.438 It's always kids in jeopardy. 32:37.519 --> 32:38.779 That's a key trope of these things. 32:38.799 --> 32:39.760 And he was so specific. 32:39.800 --> 32:41.141 He said, I've got to go to the garage. 32:41.181 --> 32:42.522 I've got to get a new fan belt. 32:42.602 --> 32:43.102 It costs 9.99. 32:45.264 --> 32:47.625 Is there any way you could just lend me a tenner? 32:47.725 --> 32:50.107 And I will post it back through your door later today. 32:51.027 --> 32:52.128 Okay, here you go. 32:52.148 --> 32:53.008 Gave him a tenner. 32:53.108 --> 32:54.049 Gave him a tenner. 32:54.109 --> 32:55.710 For the fan belt to pick up his kids. 32:55.750 --> 32:56.650 Cause he's my neighbour. 32:56.710 --> 32:58.691 He lives down the same street as me. 32:59.152 --> 33:00.212 We're all neighbours, right? 33:00.372 --> 33:01.593 You gotta help out your neighbours. 33:02.546 --> 33:04.147 No, and of course I never saw him again. 33:04.167 --> 33:12.653 And I just felt like such a jerk and I wanted to find him and rip his fan belt out through his... Would you respond to honesty if someone knocked on your door and said, hello? 33:13.113 --> 33:14.214 I'm addicted to crack. 33:14.314 --> 33:14.614 Yeah. 33:14.734 --> 33:16.015 And I can't afford any. 33:16.616 --> 33:19.057 And I really, really badly need some. 33:19.437 --> 33:20.398 I'm craving it. 33:20.798 --> 33:21.739 You wouldn't believe it. 33:22.099 --> 33:25.542 Please, please lend me a five pounds for a quantum of crack. 33:25.742 --> 33:27.223 If they said it in that voice, I would. 33:27.723 --> 33:28.083 Would you? 33:28.323 --> 33:29.144 They were very poor. 33:29.164 --> 33:29.284 Yeah. 33:31.025 --> 33:42.960 But, I mean, what would you do, like, if one day you were really in that sort of situation yourself and you were genuinely in trouble and you, you know, you had locked yourself out and you did have to get to the hospital to help your wife who was just been admitted there after a car accident or something? 33:43.761 --> 33:45.023 You know, you'd be stuffed, wouldn't you? 33:45.063 --> 33:47.686 Because... But you probably wouldn't stink if you're in an half-skate. 33:48.727 --> 33:49.388 That's the key. 33:49.608 --> 33:50.589 It's the stench and the scabs. 33:50.609 --> 33:51.669 That's the key, isn't it? 33:52.030 --> 33:56.072 We're going to launch Text-o-Nation very shortly, but first here's some more music for you. 33:56.493 --> 33:58.914 This is R.E.M., they're an exciting new band. 33:58.934 --> 34:01.856 The lead singer is bald and he has a blue stripe across his face. 34:02.177 --> 34:03.518 This is called Man-Sized Wreath. 34:05.879 --> 34:08.661 Text-o-Nation, text, text, text, Text-o-Nation. 34:08.741 --> 34:09.702 What if I don't want to? 34:09.942 --> 34:10.683 Text-o-Nation. 34:10.783 --> 34:11.763 But I'm using email. 34:11.944 --> 34:12.684 Is that a problem? 34:12.704 --> 34:13.545 It doesn't matter, text! 34:16.021 --> 34:33.592 yes it's text the nation time here on the adam and joe radio show on bbc6 music what's going on i'm just trying some new headphones well the previous ones i was wearing were mono and i was sort of upset listening to some of the music was all coming out mono and i'm trying these different ones now and why was everybody laughing at you? 34:34.172 --> 34:36.094 Because I just got all, like, different headphones on now. 34:36.114 --> 34:36.774 You got tangled up. 34:37.014 --> 34:37.415 Yeah. 34:37.915 --> 34:41.218 Now I have to take the new ones off to switch the old ones. 34:41.338 --> 34:42.259 How undignified. 34:42.499 --> 34:43.059 Don't worry. 34:43.520 --> 34:44.080 It's all fine. 34:44.100 --> 34:44.841 Everything's fine. 34:45.061 --> 34:46.262 Thank God this isn't television. 34:46.382 --> 34:46.822 Yeah, exactly. 34:46.842 --> 34:48.163 You'd be a national laughingstock. 34:49.044 --> 34:49.565 OK, there we go. 34:49.585 --> 34:51.426 That's been... Oh, listen, that's amazing. 34:51.766 --> 34:53.288 It's Text the Nation Time listeners. 34:53.348 --> 34:54.669 This is a complicated quiz. 34:54.689 --> 34:56.610 I'm going to explain it, so listen very carefully. 34:57.451 --> 34:59.032 We give you a kind of a question. 34:59.433 --> 35:03.156 You text in answers, and we read the answers out over the airwaves. 35:03.536 --> 35:04.917 Not even answers, though, are they? 35:04.937 --> 35:06.057 They're comments, really. 35:06.298 --> 35:07.578 Well, they're sort of answers. 35:07.618 --> 35:08.018 They're responses. 35:08.038 --> 35:08.499 They're responses. 35:08.719 --> 35:08.959 Yeah. 35:09.179 --> 35:09.759 That's right. 35:10.100 --> 35:11.300 It's another word for an answer, I suppose. 35:11.320 --> 35:12.181 Free sponsors. 35:12.801 --> 35:15.583 So this week, we are talking about t-shirts. 35:15.883 --> 35:17.163 Yeah, novelty t-shirts. 35:17.203 --> 35:30.831 You know listeners, if you buy a magazine like maybe Viz, or The Fortean Times, or Q Magazine, towards the back, you might get a page-sized advert from a t-shirt company who are selling the latest 35:31.351 --> 35:42.256 t-shirts that it's cool to wear round the place and it would have some kind of picture on it that's designed to make people think you're cool. 35:42.396 --> 35:46.997 One of the ones I saw in Q magazine the other day, they had a whole page of particularly lame ones, was I'm Barry Scott 35:50.819 --> 35:53.101 And it's got a picture from the Sillit Bang out there. 35:53.221 --> 35:53.422 Yeah. 35:53.502 --> 35:54.403 And that's student favorites. 35:54.463 --> 35:54.903 Exactly. 35:54.923 --> 35:58.587 So it sums up a lot of what the whole T-shirt market is about. 35:58.987 --> 36:00.188 A lot of them are very rude. 36:00.389 --> 36:01.690 So we've got to be careful here. 36:02.010 --> 36:03.812 They there you go. 36:03.892 --> 36:04.493 I'm the stick. 36:04.533 --> 36:05.534 That's a popular T-shirt. 36:05.574 --> 36:07.135 That's a Top Gear thing, though, isn't it? 36:07.236 --> 36:09.458 I saw a child in an I'm the Stick T-shirt. 36:10.018 --> 36:11.499 That a child couldn't be the Stig. 36:11.759 --> 36:13.360 The Stig is their stunt driver, right? 36:13.420 --> 36:15.600 Who's like an anonymous, mysterious figure. 36:16.041 --> 36:17.261 Always masked, yeah. 36:17.941 --> 36:18.682 Well that's popular. 36:18.742 --> 36:20.062 I don't think that's too stupid though. 36:20.443 --> 36:21.643 It's popular but not too stupid. 36:21.663 --> 36:23.784 That's like wearing I am Spartacus or something. 36:23.984 --> 36:25.785 Yeah, it's a bit like that. 36:26.705 --> 36:30.088 But here is one, for instance, from... We're looking at the NME here. 36:30.108 --> 36:33.250 There's a page of stupid t-shirts. 36:33.570 --> 36:35.311 One says, I prefer Britney bald. 36:35.651 --> 36:36.032 There you go. 36:36.352 --> 36:42.256 So sometimes if you cash in on, you know, a pop cultural phenomenon, that can be a good thing to make money from. 36:43.196 --> 36:43.637 What else? 36:44.037 --> 36:49.321 There's another one with a picture of a scuba diver, and it says, the deeper you go, the better it feels. 36:50.041 --> 36:51.662 That's not about scuba diving, is it? 36:53.043 --> 36:55.185 I saw one that said, I love lamp. 36:55.945 --> 36:56.406 What's that? 36:56.546 --> 36:57.467 What does that mean? 36:57.527 --> 36:59.269 And it's got like a little silhouette of a lamp. 36:59.609 --> 37:01.771 Right, so that's sort of student-y randomness, right? 37:01.791 --> 37:08.359 There's your classics, your I'm with stupids, your my parents went to XYZ, and all they got me was this t-shirt. 37:08.519 --> 37:08.739 Yeah. 37:08.999 --> 37:11.082 Whoever invented that, did they copyright that, do you think? 37:11.673 --> 37:13.014 You can't copyright something like that, surely. 37:13.034 --> 37:15.195 I think you can copyright a t-shirt design, can't you? 37:15.556 --> 37:15.876 No. 37:16.036 --> 37:17.317 A statement you can copyright. 37:17.357 --> 37:18.858 I like the Pope, the Pope smokes dope. 37:18.878 --> 37:19.818 Someone's got a rich offer. 37:19.858 --> 37:20.119 Yes. 37:20.319 --> 37:20.579 No. 37:20.679 --> 37:22.740 Well, that's what this whole Text the Nation pivots round. 37:22.760 --> 37:27.784 We're trying to come up with slogans and design ideas that can make us a billion, a pretty penny. 37:27.944 --> 37:28.784 I think I've got one. 37:29.205 --> 37:29.545 Have you? 37:29.785 --> 37:32.407 It came to me during our break, just the one idea. 37:32.627 --> 37:32.827 Right. 37:33.147 --> 37:41.333 I was trying to think hard of a new t-shirt slogan that would say, if I set up a stall on Oxford Circus or Camden Market or any regional market, 37:43.173 --> 38:07.301 I think with an idea like one what I've had yeah I would make a lot of money because what's going on in people's minds when they pass a stall and they see a t-shirt they think that is so funny and unusual I have got to wear that yeah it's gonna impress people they're gonna think I'm sexy and funny and clever it's ephemeral you know it's fairly cheap 10 to 15 to 20 25 pounds maybe I'm charging and you know so it's like a badge it's like a very big badge with sleeves yeah 38:08.241 --> 38:28.075 uh so do you want to hear my ideas hit me i was thinking very hard and the first i was thinking along the lines of something to do with area 61 is it area 51 51 yeah area 61 was uh well wait i was getting confused i was jumping ahead of myself area 51 aliens are very confused what aliens are very popular with uh 38:28.735 --> 38:31.360 T-shirt designs, you know smoking a jazz cigarette or something. 38:31.660 --> 38:35.767 So my idea was area 69 Nice you can fill in the rest. 38:36.168 --> 38:36.508 Yeah. 38:36.568 --> 38:38.191 Yeah, but that's a combination of filth 38:39.367 --> 38:40.267 and aliens. 38:40.468 --> 38:40.748 It is. 38:40.788 --> 38:42.668 It can imagine what the aliens are doing. 38:42.889 --> 38:45.069 It's sort of a combination of filth and aliens, but not much. 38:45.570 --> 38:47.811 No, but you know, you do want to stretch people's brains. 38:47.851 --> 38:48.051 No. 38:48.311 --> 38:48.851 That would sell. 38:49.131 --> 38:50.632 But then I thought that's not good enough. 38:51.112 --> 38:52.953 So then I thought, what about a video game one? 38:53.333 --> 38:56.694 What about if you had a picture of Mario from the Mario games? 38:56.714 --> 38:57.094 Like it. 38:57.615 --> 38:59.035 And he's just urinating. 38:59.595 --> 39:02.977 And he's urinating in a puddle and looking happy about it. 39:03.357 --> 39:05.058 And underneath it just says Nintendo Wii. 39:07.039 --> 39:07.560 That's quite good. 39:07.620 --> 39:10.343 It's not sophisticated, but there's a blunt baseness about it. 39:10.363 --> 39:12.806 I was trying to think of a wee something, yeah. 39:12.906 --> 39:16.070 But then I threw those away and I came up with what I think is the winner. 39:16.230 --> 39:17.972 Those are both copyrighted by the way. 39:17.992 --> 39:19.154 I wanted to be Nintendo Wii. 39:19.574 --> 39:21.156 It would be the look on Mario's face. 39:22.457 --> 39:22.978 That's key. 39:23.078 --> 39:25.680 Would he be urinating on one of the other characters, maybe? 39:26.040 --> 39:26.701 Very possibly. 39:26.781 --> 39:27.281 On Yoshi. 39:27.842 --> 39:29.203 Or maybe Toad. 39:30.704 --> 39:31.465 I like it. 39:32.386 --> 39:33.026 Maybe Toad. 39:33.046 --> 39:33.687 That's fun. 39:34.147 --> 39:35.748 Anyway, but I rejected those. 39:36.529 --> 39:37.150 You can have those. 39:37.670 --> 39:40.392 The winner I thought, I thought, cash in on the apprentice fever. 39:40.813 --> 39:41.633 Alan Sugar's fame. 39:41.914 --> 39:42.975 It's a picture of Alan Sugar. 39:43.935 --> 39:47.676 He's going he's in the you're fired position right pointing his finger. 39:47.696 --> 39:58.759 We'll have to get BBC approval for this But in he's pointing two fingers and in his two fingers are a jazz cigarette right and instead of saying you're fired He's saying you're fried nice. 39:58.819 --> 40:01.160 You know you're gonna get rich off that 40:01.380 --> 40:13.331 Get that's copyright Joe Cornish you could at the very least you could go into business with sugar I mean he if he's got yeah But if he's got the business brain that we think he has then he does would know that that is a win He invented Amstrad computers. 40:13.351 --> 40:15.493 They're still the most popular computer in the workplace. 40:15.513 --> 40:16.133 Absolutely. 40:16.273 --> 40:22.919 They've got green writing Whenever you try to type anything hamstrad PC 9 5 w 1 2 40:25.381 --> 40:26.082 Isn't that what it was? 40:26.102 --> 40:27.663 You used to be a big fan of Amsterdam. 40:27.683 --> 40:28.163 I had one, yeah. 40:28.183 --> 40:29.284 Man, that's a brilliant idea. 40:29.424 --> 40:31.265 Well, there's three brilliant ideas, Alan Buxton. 40:31.625 --> 40:32.165 I've only got one. 40:32.205 --> 40:32.926 I've only got one. 40:33.046 --> 40:36.888 I would say that's two good ideas, one brilliant idea. 40:37.188 --> 40:37.488 Area 69. 40:39.069 --> 40:40.710 My idea is also alien-based. 40:41.150 --> 40:41.390 Good. 40:41.490 --> 40:44.572 And you've got a picture of a little, the classic little green man on the front there. 40:45.012 --> 40:46.233 He's wearing swimming trunks. 40:46.833 --> 40:49.255 And he's saying, take me to your lado. 40:51.138 --> 40:53.743 I mean, the only problem with that one is that some people pronounce it Lido. 40:54.664 --> 40:58.271 But for my purposes, he's saying, take me to your Lido. 40:58.291 --> 41:00.314 Yeah, that's good. 41:00.354 --> 41:03.039 Are you laughing with approval or disgust, Jude? 41:04.804 --> 41:05.605 What do you want? 41:06.525 --> 41:07.566 Your fry? 41:07.606 --> 41:10.008 It's just as good as your fry. 41:10.088 --> 41:10.468 I don't know. 41:10.508 --> 41:12.069 The first... Take me to your Lido. 41:12.089 --> 41:14.711 I like it, man, because the first half of the word is the same. 41:14.851 --> 41:15.371 Lido. 41:16.152 --> 41:16.572 Lido. 41:16.632 --> 41:17.613 Most people say Lido. 41:17.633 --> 41:18.934 That's the correct pronunciation. 41:18.954 --> 41:21.295 He's not bothered about meeting George Bush. 41:21.435 --> 41:23.097 He just wants us to go for a thing. 41:23.117 --> 41:23.537 That's good. 41:23.557 --> 41:25.438 That'd be good for kids. 41:28.240 --> 41:28.480 Yeah. 41:28.880 --> 41:30.421 I mean, mine are transgressive. 41:30.441 --> 41:31.641 Listen, it's better than this other one. 41:31.661 --> 41:32.322 This is a real one. 41:32.642 --> 41:36.343 Jack Bauer could get off the Lost Island in 24 hours. 41:37.343 --> 41:37.904 What's that? 41:38.344 --> 41:38.844 What is that? 41:38.884 --> 41:39.344 That's real. 41:39.364 --> 41:41.065 It's a real t-shirt slogan. 41:41.305 --> 41:43.066 Why would you think, oh, I've got to buy that. 41:43.206 --> 41:43.866 I've got to wear that. 41:43.946 --> 41:51.049 I've got to let people know that I watched Lost in 24 and I've amazingly fused the two in this genius slogan. 41:51.209 --> 41:52.329 So that's the idea, listeners. 41:52.449 --> 41:59.276 we want you to text us on 64046 or you can email adamandjoe.6musicatpbc.co.uk. 41:59.316 --> 42:06.484 Our team of researchers will be instantly reading your missive and it'll be especially assessed for whether it's suitable for broadcast. 42:06.764 --> 42:12.010 We want your ideas for a brilliant, you know, money-raising novelty t-shirt. 42:12.090 --> 42:17.474 And you know, whenever we do text the nation sometimes, we talk about the fact that we're gonna get rich and someone should do this. 42:17.895 --> 42:20.457 This time, I think it would be nice if we really did get rich. 42:20.537 --> 42:20.837 Really? 42:20.917 --> 42:21.157 Yeah. 42:21.517 --> 42:26.161 And it would be great if there was someone out there who had the wherewithal to help us actually produce some of the t-shirts we're gonna talk about today. 42:26.181 --> 42:28.683 Well, I tell you what, the BBC could probably get us in touch with sugar. 42:29.063 --> 42:29.304 Yeah. 42:29.424 --> 42:29.684 Right? 42:30.324 --> 42:31.185 Don't you think, Jude? 42:31.826 --> 42:33.047 You work on this during the week. 42:34.198 --> 42:37.461 We want Sugar on next week to assess some of these ideas. 42:37.761 --> 42:40.042 Or, if not Sugar, then maybe one of the dragons. 42:40.643 --> 42:48.769 Maybe we'd put up with one of the fired dragons, the Australian one, who was only there for one season, and then we wind off that one. 42:49.570 --> 42:51.051 You're a great bloke. 42:51.231 --> 42:53.813 It's a terrific idea, but it's not for me, I'm out. 42:54.994 --> 42:55.835 Get him. 42:56.755 --> 42:58.056 Get me on the phone doing an impression. 42:58.076 --> 43:05.983 But seriously, if you're out there and you're listening and you can help us manufacture some of these t-shirts fairly cheaply and help us get considerably richer than we are. 43:06.023 --> 43:08.545 First things first, let's not put the cart before the horse. 43:08.565 --> 43:08.865 Alright then. 43:09.045 --> 43:10.026 We've got to get the ideas. 43:10.166 --> 43:12.548 We've already got your fried and take me to your leader more. 43:12.708 --> 43:13.229 It's true. 43:13.289 --> 43:13.669 It's true. 43:13.689 --> 43:27.722 We're already in the money 6 4 0 4 6 with your ideas for killer novelty t-shirts now Here's a free play for you listeners one of my favorite bands, and this is I think maybe one of their best tracks And it fades in as well dude. 43:27.762 --> 43:29.364 This is unusual for a song isn't it? 43:29.924 --> 43:31.086 I mean, yeah, start it now. 43:31.266 --> 43:32.468 How many songs fade in? 43:32.608 --> 43:33.089 Not that many. 43:33.509 --> 43:34.390 And this is one of the best. 43:34.571 --> 43:35.933 It's Cities by Talking Heads. 43:36.093 --> 43:37.855 Apparently it's Mercury's in retrograde. 43:38.036 --> 43:38.316 Really? 43:38.556 --> 43:38.717 Yeah. 43:38.857 --> 43:39.918 What does that mean and why? 43:39.938 --> 43:40.739 I don't know. 43:41.180 --> 43:45.706 But he's obsessed with the idea of letting people know about it and just talking about it until... 43:46.467 --> 43:47.288 The message gets through. 43:47.808 --> 43:49.569 So listen, we're in the middle of Tech the Nation right now. 43:49.669 --> 43:51.569 Ladies and gentlemen, the nation's favourite feature. 43:51.589 --> 43:57.212 We're asking you to submit your ideas for t-shirt slogans or just any t-shirt ideas. 43:57.272 --> 43:58.052 We want to get rich. 43:58.152 --> 44:00.193 Joe's got his brilliant Alan Sugar one. 44:00.693 --> 44:07.016 Alan Sugar's standing there and he's pointing a jazz-siggy at you and he's saying, you're fried. 44:07.476 --> 44:09.057 Did we say what that record was before? 44:09.597 --> 44:11.358 Mercury's in retrograde, is it called? 44:11.398 --> 44:12.959 No, just called Mercury by Block Party. 44:13.339 --> 44:13.699 Oh, right. 44:14.179 --> 44:40.366 jolly good yeah t-shirt stuff and we've already got some ideas in it's hard to tell sometimes whether these are things people have made up or whether they're actual slogans oh i should say incidentally as well that people have reminded us that i love lamp is a quote from anchorman yeah so there you go so here are some ideas that have come in um somebody says i mean one or two people just to get this going they're telling us about slogans that they've already got and like you know ones that may be a genuinely quite good 44:40.926 --> 44:45.051 For instance, Hugh in Cardiff is saying he bought a t-shirt that said, Home Honey, I'm High. 44:45.611 --> 44:46.332 That's not bad. 44:46.532 --> 44:47.433 That's not bad, is it? 44:47.774 --> 44:48.094 Yeah. 44:48.414 --> 44:49.616 Home Honey, I'm High. 44:49.836 --> 44:52.358 Did he swap round the High and the Home? 44:52.919 --> 44:53.320 Yeah. 44:53.460 --> 44:53.660 Yeah? 44:54.946 --> 44:55.566 I suppose. 44:56.867 --> 44:57.968 It's a bit depressing though. 44:57.988 --> 44:58.688 A little bit. 44:58.768 --> 45:00.470 You don't want to come home high. 45:00.510 --> 45:01.710 What's the home honey bit though? 45:01.730 --> 45:03.051 That doesn't really make that much sense. 45:03.932 --> 45:07.114 In order to completely work, it should be 100% legitimate. 45:07.214 --> 45:10.436 Is this what you'd be saying to him if you'd met him at a party wearing that t-shirt? 45:10.556 --> 45:10.816 Yeah. 45:11.176 --> 45:12.757 You'd be standing there with a drink in your hand. 45:12.817 --> 45:15.639 Oh, your t-shirt's quite funny, but what's the home thing? 45:15.739 --> 45:17.440 I see what you're trying to do with the t-shirt. 45:17.800 --> 45:19.562 I think it's about 70% there. 45:20.242 --> 45:20.922 I think it's amusing. 45:21.203 --> 45:22.123 And make me chuckle. 45:22.163 --> 45:23.084 You're clearly a funny chap. 45:24.204 --> 45:25.986 But you just don't think things through. 45:26.006 --> 45:27.286 I mean, home honey. 45:27.506 --> 45:28.267 What is a home honey? 45:28.467 --> 45:29.948 It doesn't make that much sense, does it? 45:30.408 --> 45:31.669 Nice to meet you, though. 45:31.709 --> 45:33.350 Here's an idea from Dave in Salford. 45:33.390 --> 45:41.095 He says, my t-shirt idea is, quotes, I was with stupid, but he's wandered off now and I'm growing increasingly concerned for his safety. 45:41.135 --> 45:41.755 That's brilliant. 45:41.875 --> 45:42.475 Is that real? 45:42.916 --> 45:43.676 I've never seen that. 45:43.896 --> 45:46.598 Other listeners, you're going to have to tell us whether you've ever seen these before. 45:46.718 --> 45:47.018 You've got to. 45:47.058 --> 45:48.319 Yeah, you could be trying to diddle 45:48.519 --> 45:55.028 You've got to say whether you have claimed to invent them yourself or whether you've just seen them somewhere else, but that's a good one. 45:55.048 --> 45:55.869 That's a very good one. 45:55.909 --> 45:57.151 We might put that into production. 45:57.251 --> 45:58.613 I'm going to asterisk that one. 45:59.154 --> 46:01.417 Do a little picture of an asterisk next to it. 46:01.637 --> 46:04.121 I'm going to draw a little picture of asterisk next to it. 46:05.902 --> 46:07.763 Here's another one from Chris in Cambridge. 46:08.244 --> 46:09.885 He says, hello, got a good one. 46:09.905 --> 46:12.807 668, the neighbour of the beast. 46:12.947 --> 46:13.887 That's very good. 46:14.187 --> 46:15.408 I'm sure I've seen that. 46:15.508 --> 46:16.689 I think I might have seen this. 46:16.749 --> 46:20.171 I feel like I've seen that, but that's the hallmark of a brilliant idea though, if you feel you've seen it before. 46:20.191 --> 46:23.113 That's either well remembered or if it's made up, that's very clever, Chris. 46:23.613 --> 46:24.554 The neighbour of the beast. 46:24.594 --> 46:25.735 I'm sure I've seen that. 46:26.055 --> 46:30.896 We've got some, quite a lot of people are going for kind of, you know, just blatant truth telling. 46:31.777 --> 46:32.637 John in Croydon. 46:32.997 --> 46:34.317 Have we already had a John in Croydon? 46:34.357 --> 46:34.477 No. 46:34.517 --> 46:40.839 John in Croydon says, he'd do one similar to those ones that say, drinking, the more I drink, the better looking you get. 46:41.700 --> 46:47.321 But his would say, drinking causes your liver to shut down, eventually resulting in complete renal failure. 46:50.342 --> 46:51.862 I think that's good. 46:51.882 --> 46:53.183 That's very good. 46:54.063 --> 46:57.746 He's got the drinking in big letters and the small print smaller, obviously. 46:57.766 --> 47:12.899 Yeah, because one of the real t-shirts I saw on one of the advert pages in Q magazine, I think it was, was a bloke lying down, apparently passed out in a field with a green t-shirt on that said paralytic instead of paramedic. 47:13.779 --> 47:13.879 Ah. 47:14.140 --> 47:14.620 See what I mean? 47:14.840 --> 47:15.000 Yeah. 47:15.301 --> 47:16.822 And that's, I mean, why would you want to... 47:17.162 --> 47:19.223 Especially if you actually needed a paramedic. 47:19.343 --> 47:19.744 Exactly. 47:19.964 --> 47:21.625 Especially if you are paralytic. 47:22.305 --> 47:23.386 And you actually passed out. 47:23.666 --> 47:25.047 And you're in serious medical trouble. 47:25.067 --> 47:26.087 Need medical attention. 47:26.167 --> 47:28.489 And the paramedics would probably get there and be so insulted. 47:28.509 --> 47:28.989 That's right. 47:29.289 --> 47:31.110 By somebody using such levity. 47:31.290 --> 47:31.851 That you'd die. 47:32.171 --> 47:32.911 That you would die. 47:32.931 --> 47:33.812 That's tragic. 47:33.852 --> 47:35.773 We don't want the whole thing to result in death. 47:36.293 --> 47:47.777 An anonymous texter has just texted us in something, you know, an observation about how people who wear t-shirts like this, you know, it's a sign that they might be a bit thick sometimes. 47:48.277 --> 47:53.879 He says, I once saw a young chap wearing a Harry Potter and the Pornographer's Friend t-shirt. 47:54.319 --> 47:57.420 It depicted Harry Potter using wizardry to undress a young woman. 47:57.941 --> 47:59.281 He was holding a bunch of flowers. 47:59.841 --> 48:03.342 As my train pulled away, I saw him greet what I presume was his date. 48:03.763 --> 48:04.683 This was in Croydon. 48:06.308 --> 48:09.049 There's a sort of, I don't know, he's not really saying anything particular with that. 48:09.069 --> 48:09.809 Was that from my dad? 48:10.209 --> 48:10.790 Very possibly. 48:11.470 --> 48:20.793 Listen, please keep your texts and emails coming in on the subject of t-shirt slogans and please do indicate if you have invented them yourself or if you've just seen them somewhere else. 48:21.313 --> 48:24.755 But we've got lots more that have already come in, which we're going to tell you about shortly. 48:24.795 --> 48:25.215 But first, 48:25.755 --> 48:29.477 We're going to play some more music, and before that, here is the news, read by Harvey Cook. 48:44.284 --> 49:02.204 Quarter to noon I'm a little bit depressed about mine I had I was saying because I worked pretty hard on it really and it was one of those ones I got it finished late last night when we got back from the wedding in fact I did the final tweaks on it before I sent it into Jude and It felt good, but then listening to it today just seemed rubbish 49:02.404 --> 49:10.046 I don't know man, I've been having a little look at some of the votes that have come in via email adamandjo.6musicatbbc.co.uk and you're well in the lead. 49:10.426 --> 49:10.826 No. 49:11.006 --> 49:11.286 Yeah. 49:11.406 --> 49:12.266 People like a laugh. 49:12.687 --> 49:13.667 Do they like a laugh? 49:13.687 --> 49:14.327 They like to laugh. 49:14.367 --> 49:17.128 Especially in such gloomy times. 49:17.328 --> 49:17.588 Yeah. 49:17.668 --> 49:18.608 With the credit crunch. 49:18.628 --> 49:19.188 The crunch. 49:19.888 --> 49:20.388 The crunch. 49:20.568 --> 49:21.169 The crunch. 49:21.729 --> 49:22.529 The French apples. 49:22.669 --> 49:24.409 Do you think um... Falling from the sky. 49:24.429 --> 49:26.390 Crunchy bars are doing better with the crunch. 49:26.690 --> 49:28.950 They should call themselves credit crunches definitely. 49:28.970 --> 49:29.110 Yeah. 49:29.130 --> 49:31.231 They should turn the inside green like money. 49:31.491 --> 49:33.632 Also, there's a cereal called Crunch, isn't there? 49:33.992 --> 49:34.353 Might be. 49:35.133 --> 49:36.013 Harvest Crunch. 49:36.113 --> 49:36.814 Harvest Crunch. 49:36.854 --> 49:38.134 That's got to be doing well as well. 49:38.255 --> 49:39.155 You think anything like Crunch? 49:39.175 --> 49:43.097 Because some people, where there's gloom, some people are capitalizing on the gloom. 49:43.117 --> 49:43.677 You know what I mean? 49:43.737 --> 49:46.199 Someone has got to be having a good time thanks to the Crunch. 49:47.419 --> 49:48.760 I'm just wondering who it is, that's all. 49:48.900 --> 49:49.700 Anyway, that's By the By. 49:50.201 --> 49:51.281 We're in the middle of Texanation. 49:51.301 --> 49:53.382 Are we in a position to read out a few more? 49:53.723 --> 49:54.483 Sure, yeah, we are. 49:55.563 --> 49:56.204 Let's have the jingle. 49:58.410 --> 49:59.192 Text-a-nation! 49:59.272 --> 49:59.573 Text! 49:59.633 --> 49:59.934 Text! 49:59.994 --> 50:00.355 Text! 50:00.455 --> 50:01.177 Text-a-nation! 50:01.258 --> 50:02.220 What if I don't want to? 50:02.461 --> 50:03.203 Text-a-nation! 50:03.303 --> 50:04.326 But I'm using email! 50:04.486 --> 50:05.208 Is that a problem? 50:05.228 --> 50:05.789 It doesn't matter! 50:05.830 --> 50:06.070 Text! 50:08.379 --> 50:18.722 On Text the Nation, this week we're asking you to come up with brilliant ideas for t-shirt slogans, the kind of thing that if you set up a stall in your local market, you would have made a billion pounds by the end of the day. 50:19.462 --> 50:21.963 Have you ever actually gone and had a t-shirt made for you? 50:22.423 --> 50:27.644 No, I didn't make a... I have on occasion tried to make a t-shirt when I couldn't afford it as a kid. 50:28.025 --> 50:29.345 I drew a Ghostbusters one. 50:29.565 --> 50:29.865 Nice. 50:30.525 --> 50:32.306 But it looked a bit wonky. 50:32.626 --> 50:36.186 I went into a printing shop and I got someone to print me up a t-shirt. 50:36.426 --> 50:38.827 When I was at college, I was at art school. 50:38.907 --> 50:40.807 It's the kind of thing you do there at art school. 50:40.887 --> 50:42.488 Crazy madcap ideas like that. 50:43.268 --> 50:45.468 And I had a couple of t-shirts made for me. 50:45.488 --> 50:47.369 I think I've still got some. 50:47.389 --> 50:47.809 Do you remember? 50:47.849 --> 50:48.509 I made some. 50:48.949 --> 50:53.290 Like when we were doing the Adam and Jo show, I got it into my head that I was going to be a t-shirt baron. 50:54.790 --> 50:55.570 What did they have on them? 50:55.930 --> 51:01.153 They had like random sort of designs, like drawn designs, very simple graphic-y designs. 51:01.853 --> 51:04.114 One of them had the word Henk, H-E-N-K. 51:04.154 --> 51:05.014 I remember that one. 51:05.555 --> 51:11.097 Little random word that I thought, this is nutty, I'm going to put this on a t-shirt, that'll play with people's minds in an enjoyable way. 51:11.117 --> 51:12.237 How did it go, mate? 51:12.298 --> 51:12.698 Not that well. 51:13.218 --> 51:15.159 Also, they were too small for me. 51:15.979 --> 51:43.588 so i looked grotesque wandering around in my hank t-shirt and uh yeah that's as far as i got but i mean i'm gonna go and get uh take me to your lido with the with the alien on there and the swimming trunks done very shortly here's some more ideas that have come in from listeners and people are being uh careful to stress that these ideas are their own and we like that a bit of clarity and honesty when it comes to the origin of your idea jesse and shrewsbury says these are 51:44.028 --> 51:45.228 His or her own work. 51:45.849 --> 51:47.169 Don't know the gender of Jessie. 51:47.789 --> 51:49.430 Maybe she's gender indeterminate. 51:50.150 --> 51:50.570 Maybe. 51:50.590 --> 51:51.730 A hermaphrodite. 51:51.850 --> 51:52.130 Yes. 51:52.470 --> 51:53.371 Or just confused. 51:53.751 --> 51:55.051 What's the opposite of a hermaphrodite? 51:55.511 --> 51:56.611 A herman-frodite. 51:57.092 --> 51:59.392 No, a hermaphrodite's both, right? 51:59.512 --> 51:59.752 Yeah. 52:00.232 --> 52:02.453 And what's something that is asexual? 52:02.593 --> 52:03.333 A mannequin. 52:04.174 --> 52:04.374 No? 52:04.754 --> 52:05.154 I don't know. 52:05.174 --> 52:05.454 Carry on. 52:05.874 --> 52:07.776 Hello, three designs for your consideration. 52:07.816 --> 52:10.840 Design number one, Roger Daltrey in the TARDIS. 52:11.420 --> 52:12.982 Underneath, Doctor Who. 52:13.963 --> 52:16.145 Well, you know, that's pretty basic stuff there. 52:16.246 --> 52:17.066 It's not bad. 52:17.086 --> 52:18.548 It'll sell. 52:19.109 --> 52:21.571 When I say not bad... You mean bad. 52:21.712 --> 52:22.793 I mean a little bit bad. 52:23.413 --> 52:25.556 Second idea is my other t-shirt is a Prada. 52:26.391 --> 52:27.452 I don't know about that one. 52:27.632 --> 52:29.353 Well, again, it does the job. 52:29.373 --> 52:32.876 I mean, there are many worse t-shirts than that on the market, let me tell you. 52:33.596 --> 52:37.559 And then the third idea is Die Hard Overdose on Viagra. 52:38.360 --> 52:39.320 That's very good. 52:39.340 --> 52:40.021 There's something there. 52:40.201 --> 52:41.462 Do you think Jesse made that up? 52:42.463 --> 52:44.724 Yeah, I would say on the strength of the other two. 52:44.784 --> 52:45.985 We're putting that to market, Jesse. 52:46.365 --> 52:47.846 That's good, though, Die Hard. 52:48.387 --> 52:49.007 How would you do that? 52:49.047 --> 52:52.610 Would there be a picture of Bruce Willis with a bottle of Viagra? 52:52.941 --> 52:53.261 Yeah. 52:53.902 --> 52:56.125 Or what a bad picture of Nakatomi Towers. 52:56.525 --> 52:57.226 But it's floppy. 52:57.886 --> 52:58.407 Not bad. 52:58.667 --> 52:59.228 Not bad. 53:00.069 --> 53:02.651 But then would Nakatomi Towers be instantly recognisable? 53:02.852 --> 53:04.193 They would if Willow was next to it. 53:04.594 --> 53:04.974 If who? 53:05.294 --> 53:05.975 Bruce Willow. 53:05.995 --> 53:09.679 Well speaking of which, here's one from Pete, and this is a good one. 53:09.719 --> 53:12.882 He says, Silhouetted midgets, hitting each other with pillows. 53:13.283 --> 53:15.005 The t-shirt reads, Willow fight. 53:16.124 --> 53:17.225 Like the film Willow. 53:17.925 --> 53:18.526 That's quite good. 53:18.546 --> 53:22.849 They'd have to be like clearly medieval Willow style midgets. 53:23.310 --> 53:24.111 Yeah. 53:24.151 --> 53:25.832 What's the name of the actor in Willow? 53:25.852 --> 53:27.613 Brian Dennehy. 53:27.974 --> 53:28.894 No, not that one. 53:29.155 --> 53:30.516 The short actor. 53:31.296 --> 53:32.117 I forget his name. 53:32.157 --> 53:32.958 He's the guy. 53:33.398 --> 53:34.379 Oh, that's terrible. 53:35.280 --> 53:37.962 No, it's not Kenny Baker, although maybe Kenny Baker might be in it, but. 53:38.762 --> 53:39.703 I know the guy you mean. 53:39.943 --> 53:40.884 Yeah, it's the other guy. 53:40.924 --> 53:42.065 That's a good idea, though, isn't it? 53:42.105 --> 53:44.287 That's going to market at fantasy conventions. 53:44.547 --> 53:45.047 That's not bad. 53:45.834 --> 53:47.115 That one would fly, definitely. 53:47.135 --> 53:49.136 I wouldn't wear any of these myself, though. 53:49.356 --> 53:49.837 Wouldn't you? 53:49.957 --> 53:50.157 No. 53:50.457 --> 53:52.018 I might wear your fried. 53:52.619 --> 53:52.979 Really? 53:53.179 --> 53:54.440 And what was the other one we had before? 53:55.120 --> 53:56.521 The neighbour of the beast, I might wear. 53:56.541 --> 53:56.981 That was good. 53:57.842 --> 53:58.182 Yeah. 53:59.123 --> 53:59.983 OK, here's another one. 54:00.924 --> 54:02.085 This is an anonymous text. 54:02.145 --> 54:04.446 It says, most t-shirt designs are way too subtle. 54:04.787 --> 54:13.372 You should create a range of t-shirts with straight talking slogans like, I drink beer, I like girls, I take drugs, I have sex. 54:15.274 --> 54:15.534 On them. 54:16.254 --> 54:17.235 That's quite good, isn't it? 54:17.315 --> 54:22.918 I like the other one that's more specific about what's going to happen to you if you are indulging on all these things. 54:23.238 --> 54:24.019 Mr. Huggles? 54:24.619 --> 54:25.219 Mr. Huggles? 54:25.239 --> 54:26.680 We've had a text from Mr. Huggles. 54:27.381 --> 54:30.082 He's a character from a forthcoming CBB series. 54:30.362 --> 54:32.043 Is he related to Dr. Snuggles? 54:32.183 --> 54:34.125 Probably, yeah, the nappy maker. 54:34.865 --> 54:41.429 He's got an idea for interactive t-shirts, a print of a dartboard on the front or back, and some sticky balls to throw at the target. 54:42.602 --> 54:43.042 It's a good idea. 54:43.082 --> 54:46.385 With a small pocket on the t-shirt to keep the balls safe when not in use. 54:46.705 --> 54:48.006 So this isn't slogan based. 54:48.066 --> 54:50.107 He's thinking in a wider context. 54:50.167 --> 54:51.208 In a wider context, yeah. 54:51.228 --> 54:52.969 He's thinking even outside the box. 54:53.009 --> 54:53.750 Can we use that phrase? 54:53.770 --> 54:55.671 Get annoying after a bit, wouldn't it? 54:55.691 --> 54:55.971 Yeah. 54:56.852 --> 54:57.953 What, thinking outside the box? 54:57.993 --> 55:00.655 No, people just throwing sticky balls at you the whole time. 55:00.835 --> 55:01.856 It would get a little bit annoying. 55:02.156 --> 55:04.978 But in the world of t-shirts... What if someone threw a real dart as well? 55:05.646 --> 55:08.950 You know, with the amount of stabbing in the world, you're asking for it. 55:09.511 --> 55:13.195 Put a target on your chest, but it's a statement about the state of the world, isn't it? 55:13.375 --> 55:13.896 Yeah, yeah. 55:13.936 --> 55:14.677 So are you liking it? 55:14.697 --> 55:15.698 You're confusing everybody. 55:15.778 --> 55:16.779 Well, I'm confusing myself. 55:17.100 --> 55:17.901 So that's good, isn't it? 55:17.921 --> 55:19.563 Someone told me that global... Confusion sells. 55:19.623 --> 55:19.923 Yeah. 55:20.444 --> 55:22.766 Global hyper-colour t-shirts are on the way back. 55:22.987 --> 55:23.467 Apparently. 55:23.527 --> 55:24.228 That's the new thing. 55:24.989 --> 55:29.072 Those are the t-shirts that if you, they change colour... They respond to your body heat. 55:29.092 --> 55:29.732 When they get warm, right? 55:29.752 --> 55:30.672 They were big in the 80s. 55:31.133 --> 55:36.236 There's got to be something, there's got to be a fusion of the global hypercolour and some kind of crazy phrase as well. 55:36.756 --> 55:37.777 I haven't got it yet, though. 55:38.177 --> 55:40.318 Listen, shall we play some more music and then hear some more of these? 55:40.438 --> 55:40.739 One more. 55:40.939 --> 55:42.159 One more to send us into Coldplay. 55:42.239 --> 55:47.963 Okay, this is from Chris in Leyland, a t-shirt with Mr T's swimming pool installation company written at the top, all right? 55:48.423 --> 55:54.287 Mr T's swimming pool installation company, then a picture of Mr T with a speech bubble saying, I fit either pool. 55:56.698 --> 55:57.459 That's good, isn't it? 55:57.479 --> 55:58.141 That is quite good. 55:58.161 --> 55:59.764 It's a bit complicated, but it's worth it. 55:59.844 --> 56:00.345 It's good. 56:00.605 --> 56:02.929 Here's the Mighty Coldplay with Viva La Vida. 56:03.050 --> 56:04.212 Viva La Vida by Coldplay. 56:04.612 --> 56:05.554 I mean, what is that about? 56:06.235 --> 56:14.322 It's just about how revolutionary he is and how amazing his ideas are and how the world's having difficulty accepting them. 56:15.522 --> 56:28.073 How when he goes to heaven, how excited God will be and Saint Peter and how, you know, just how difficult it is leading a new revolutionary movement in music and young people. 56:28.093 --> 56:29.273 Is that really what it's about? 56:29.854 --> 56:30.134 Is it? 56:30.174 --> 56:31.235 What's it really about, Jude? 56:31.595 --> 56:33.497 That seems a little big-headed, if that's what it's about. 56:35.369 --> 56:37.991 It's about existential doubt. 56:38.772 --> 56:39.792 We're gonna have to listen to the lyrics. 56:39.812 --> 56:42.034 I didn't get any of that from the lyrics. 56:42.454 --> 56:54.123 Anyway, The Mighty Coldplay and this is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music and folks you may remember that we had a competition recently called Video Wars where we invited you to submit videos 56:55.484 --> 57:06.278 For a couple of our song wars tracks, James Brain, which I recorded and Meatballs, which Joe recorded, only short ones, and we were overwhelmed with responses. 57:06.338 --> 57:12.045 We genuinely thought that we would get maybe 14 or 15 people who actually bothered to make videos for these tracks. 57:12.085 --> 57:12.546 In the end, we got 143. 57:14.908 --> 57:30.964 Videos that people had made all of them had a really impressive amount of effort Maybe one or two literally were clearly like tossed off in about two or three minutes the rest of them were pretty amazing and some of them were Extraordinary and and clearly had had like days of hard work put into them. 57:31.425 --> 57:35.168 So we had a judging session that the Competition is now closed. 57:35.189 --> 57:36.330 You can't submit anymore. 57:36.870 --> 57:38.712 But Joe and myself it was a proper judge 57:38.712 --> 57:39.733 judging session, wasn't it? 57:39.753 --> 57:51.982 We had our producer Jude, we had Adam and I, we had Garth Jennings, the pop video and movie director, and we had a special lady from the BBC, uh, kind of, you know, uh, head office. 57:52.002 --> 57:52.903 T's and C's, was she saying? 57:52.923 --> 57:54.143 Terms and conditions. 57:54.204 --> 57:58.727 She was making us, forcing us to obey the precise letters of the rules. 57:58.747 --> 57:59.347 Absolutely. 57:59.367 --> 58:00.949 Give everybody a fair crack of the whip. 58:01.329 --> 58:05.192 You know, not be extra generous to anybody because they were particularly sophisticated. 58:05.732 --> 58:32.033 you know technically not to punish anybody for being technically sophisticated making sure that the uh judging criteria were correct to me she embodied the bbc to me she did as well you know because she was uh she was a curious person i haven't run across anyone like that in the bbc for a while but she seemed like old school big british she should have been a blue peter presenter yes she was very well-spoken valerie singleton character exactly sexy 58:32.714 --> 58:34.155 But, you know, contained. 58:35.196 --> 58:35.776 Absolutely. 58:36.356 --> 58:42.581 And extremely well-spoken, like proper news-reader-style voice sheet she had with her clipboard. 58:42.621 --> 58:43.581 It was quite attractive. 58:43.961 --> 58:48.284 But also, like when we... The whole atmosphere in the judging room was very sexually charged. 58:48.584 --> 58:53.928 But when we were looking through some of the entries, like there was... I had trouble concentrating. 58:54.008 --> 58:59.073 She kept on, when we were looking through the internet and stuff, she kept on saying, oh, I love that ween track. 58:59.834 --> 59:01.736 Oh, that's one of my favorite ween tracks and stuff like that. 59:01.756 --> 59:09.183 It was really bizarre, the juxtaposition of all her pop-cultural nous with this kind of 50s- Anyway, so she's one. 59:09.223 --> 59:09.684 She's one. 59:09.704 --> 59:11.606 That's what we wanted to tell you, listening. 59:12.026 --> 59:15.649 We've cancelled the competition and she's coming to the ground in the studio. 59:16.290 --> 59:18.051 Are we going to take her into the street? 59:18.072 --> 59:19.152 Because we fell in love with her. 59:19.613 --> 59:20.073 That's not true. 59:20.794 --> 59:24.497 We have got a shortlist and it was not easy to arrive at the shortlist. 59:24.517 --> 59:24.958 No, very tough. 59:25.018 --> 59:30.562 And if you're listening and you entered the competition, we'd like to thank you from the heart, from the bottom of our hearts. 59:31.543 --> 59:37.906 because there were some brilliant entries, and it takes a lot to actually get up and film something, then edit it, then sync it to the song. 59:38.346 --> 59:39.347 It's a lot of hard work. 59:39.667 --> 59:44.669 To say nothing of actually uploading it to YouTube, which can sometimes take hours. 59:45.790 --> 59:48.491 So, no, thank you very much to everyone who responded. 59:48.751 --> 59:50.111 And we'll be announcing the winner when? 59:50.131 --> 01:00:00.216 In two weeks' time, yes, so not next weekend at Summer Sunday, but the following weekend when we're back here in the studio on the 16th of August, we'll be announcing the winner of the extraordinary prize. 01:00:00.336 --> 01:00:09.601 And let me tell you as well that I personally lobbied hard for there to be more than one winner, but apparently that was not in keeping with- I lobbied hard for there to be no winner. 01:00:09.641 --> 01:00:11.342 Yeah, Joe wanted to get the whole thing banned. 01:00:11.802 --> 01:00:16.104 But you know, it felt unfair to me that we just had to narrow it down to one person. 01:00:16.644 --> 01:00:21.387 But now we know how whenever anybody announces a winner, they always go how incredibly hard it was. 01:00:21.707 --> 01:00:23.908 And how all the entries, anything that was. 01:00:24.189 --> 01:00:28.151 Well sometimes they say, well the standard was incredibly high, and they're just lying. 01:00:28.712 --> 01:00:30.393 But this time we are not lying. 01:00:30.853 --> 01:00:31.854 It's the one time. 01:00:32.554 --> 01:00:45.843 If you go onto YouTube listeners and do a search for video wars or meatballs or Jane's Brain, you'll come up with like 60 of these things and you'll be able to have a look at the amazing range and quality of ideas that were submitted. 01:00:45.923 --> 01:00:49.305 But we were very excited and honoured that everyone made such an effort. 01:00:49.865 --> 01:01:00.987 Before Joe's free play, just a little bit of housekeeping, it was Warwick Davis, who was the actor in Willow, of course, and another word for something that is of neither sex, apparently, is Episcene. 01:01:01.007 --> 01:01:03.608 So there you go, little fun facts for you there. 01:01:03.628 --> 01:01:05.108 Now, Joe, what have you chosen for us? 01:01:05.148 --> 01:01:07.448 This is a track from the late 80s, Adam. 01:01:07.508 --> 01:01:08.729 It's a hip-hop track. 01:01:09.129 --> 01:01:10.789 It's by a band called The Discmasters. 01:01:11.509 --> 01:01:12.549 They're masters of the disc. 01:01:12.569 --> 01:01:13.249 They love to disc. 01:01:13.269 --> 01:01:15.190 This is a track called Black and Proud. 01:01:17.150 --> 01:01:17.671 Bye then. 01:01:18.131 --> 01:01:20.974 That was Mr. E with the Eels and Susan's house. 01:01:20.994 --> 01:01:22.215 That was a session track. 01:01:22.635 --> 01:01:24.097 I think it was recorded for Joe Wiley. 01:01:24.517 --> 01:01:25.418 We think around about 97. 01:01:25.538 --> 01:01:27.139 We're not exactly sure. 01:01:27.179 --> 01:01:28.361 There's a little confusion there. 01:01:28.661 --> 01:01:31.523 This is Adam and Joe on BBC six music. 01:01:31.844 --> 01:01:32.645 I was just going to say. 01:01:32.665 --> 01:01:33.325 Oh, okay. 01:01:33.405 --> 01:01:33.946 And then I did. 01:01:34.526 --> 01:01:36.188 So you love the hipping and the hopping? 01:01:36.588 --> 01:01:37.449 I like the hippity-hop. 01:01:37.469 --> 01:01:38.150 You love to hip. 01:01:38.430 --> 01:01:40.812 You know, it's uh, what's your favorite though out of the two? 01:01:42.054 --> 01:01:43.495 Well, that's a good question. 01:01:43.575 --> 01:01:44.856 I'd say I enjoy the hopping. 01:01:45.117 --> 01:01:47.098 Of course I mean I expected you to say that. 01:01:47.259 --> 01:01:48.880 Who would, in their right mind, who would be more? 01:01:48.900 --> 01:01:50.622 Well, hopping is terrific fun. 01:01:50.902 --> 01:01:51.523 Who would be more fun? 01:01:51.543 --> 01:01:55.006 And it's great that there's a whole genre of music to hop to. 01:01:55.326 --> 01:01:57.068 Lil Wayne Carter III. 01:01:57.288 --> 01:01:58.189 Yes, Lil Wayne. 01:01:58.209 --> 01:01:58.970 He's huge. 01:01:59.610 --> 01:02:00.571 He's tiny though. 01:02:00.691 --> 01:02:02.113 Yeah, but he's huge. 01:02:02.173 --> 01:02:03.314 Physically he's tiny. 01:02:03.374 --> 01:02:06.437 He is got the he did until Nas knocked him off, Nas. 01:02:06.637 --> 01:02:08.258 He had the number one album in America. 01:02:08.538 --> 01:02:23.512 So I know almost nothing about Lil Wayne Carter apart from the fact that I see his face on tube posters and stuff because he's got this new album out and it's just the face of a little three-year-old boy, if I can tell, and he's got tattoos all over his face. 01:02:23.532 --> 01:02:24.092 The child. 01:02:24.172 --> 01:02:24.353 Yeah. 01:02:24.833 --> 01:02:26.234 It probably doesn't really have them. 01:02:26.415 --> 01:02:27.355 Is that Lil Wayne? 01:02:27.856 --> 01:02:28.977 No, Lil Wayne's a man. 01:02:29.277 --> 01:02:34.422 Oh, that's probably, could be Lil Wayne's child to be perfectly honest, I don't really know anything about him. 01:02:35.143 --> 01:02:42.309 As you will have heard from my choices today, my hip-hop taste resides in about 1989 and hasn't really progressed out of it. 01:02:42.329 --> 01:02:44.791 I think he's quite kind of 01:02:47.693 --> 01:02:55.038 When I say scary hip-hop, I don't mean that his lyrical content is scary, but there's a kind of meanness and measliness to the samples in a lot of modern hip-hop. 01:02:55.058 --> 01:02:55.978 Do you know what I mean? 01:02:56.559 --> 01:03:01.822 As melodies, they'd be used on some kind of horror film or something. 01:03:01.862 --> 01:03:02.362 Oh, I see. 01:03:02.382 --> 01:03:04.403 I never liked that kind of thing very much. 01:03:05.164 --> 01:03:07.125 I like kind of... You like it more hippy-hop. 01:03:07.265 --> 01:03:08.086 Hippity-hoppity. 01:03:08.126 --> 01:03:08.986 Yeah, yeah. 01:03:09.086 --> 01:03:10.167 Jazzy kind of stuff. 01:03:10.427 --> 01:03:15.308 Well, it was mainly, I was mainly less curious about the music as the tattoos on the little kid's face. 01:03:15.328 --> 01:03:16.709 The tattoo child, that's a good question. 01:03:16.949 --> 01:03:17.669 Like, is that real? 01:03:17.829 --> 01:03:19.590 I mean, obviously, I would think it's not real. 01:03:19.630 --> 01:03:23.011 I think, I would imagine as a photo, you're not going to tattoo a three year old boy. 01:03:23.531 --> 01:03:23.851 Are you? 01:03:23.871 --> 01:03:25.631 Unless he asks you persistently. 01:03:25.691 --> 01:03:26.152 That's what I'm saying. 01:03:26.172 --> 01:03:27.312 Unless he really doesn't give up. 01:03:27.612 --> 01:03:28.613 Yeah, unless he's been naughty. 01:03:28.713 --> 01:03:30.053 Leave that tattoo on the face! 01:03:30.113 --> 01:03:30.854 Oh, it's a punishment. 01:03:30.914 --> 01:03:31.294 Yeah. 01:03:31.314 --> 01:03:32.834 What is tattooed on the child's face? 01:03:33.235 --> 01:03:37.216 It's like little kind of, they're like astrological symbols or something, you know? 01:03:37.256 --> 01:03:37.977 I'm not exactly sure. 01:03:37.997 --> 01:03:38.817 That's good. 01:03:38.837 --> 01:03:41.578 It would hold the child back developmentally, wouldn't it? 01:03:41.979 --> 01:03:42.699 You would think so. 01:03:43.599 --> 01:03:45.880 Unless you got something really nice tattooed on there. 01:03:45.900 --> 01:03:48.361 Because the tattoos are painful, aren't they? 01:03:48.461 --> 01:03:50.102 They're painful and they're permanent. 01:03:50.702 --> 01:03:51.583 Pretty much permanent. 01:03:53.072 --> 01:03:55.193 It's not the greatest gift you could give to a child. 01:03:55.233 --> 01:03:59.555 Plus, if you're doing it on a child's face, they would expand as he grew as well, wouldn't they? 01:03:59.575 --> 01:04:01.156 Well, you could make that part of the thing. 01:04:01.236 --> 01:04:01.857 Part of the fun. 01:04:02.157 --> 01:04:03.217 Part of the fun, yeah. 01:04:03.257 --> 01:04:04.378 You could make it a train. 01:04:05.238 --> 01:04:08.360 Saying the older he got, the more carriages would appear. 01:04:08.380 --> 01:04:09.260 A train. 01:04:09.941 --> 01:04:10.581 That's a good idea. 01:04:10.601 --> 01:04:11.061 Or a worm. 01:04:11.322 --> 01:04:11.562 Yeah. 01:04:12.322 --> 01:04:27.063 a little worm smiley face anyway i just wanted to check i i i didn't i thought maybe you might know the answer i'm afraid i don't if anyone out there knows if the little child little wane carter child is really tattooed maybe they could uh let me know 01:04:27.503 --> 01:04:28.885 Now it's music time, ladies and gentlemen. 01:04:29.245 --> 01:04:35.252 Here is Jack White with the White Stripes and it's Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground. 01:04:35.412 --> 01:04:37.074 White Stripes, Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground. 01:04:37.134 --> 01:04:38.035 I can play that on my guitar. 01:04:38.055 --> 01:04:40.478 That's the first song I learned how to play on my guitar. 01:04:40.898 --> 01:04:42.040 It sounds quite easy to play. 01:04:42.120 --> 01:04:43.241 It's quite easy to play. 01:04:43.261 --> 01:04:44.442 It's not so easy to sing. 01:04:45.143 --> 01:04:46.324 and do a good job of. 01:04:46.424 --> 01:04:47.904 I find it really easy to sing. 01:04:48.645 --> 01:04:50.606 But it's only about four chords in there. 01:04:50.626 --> 01:04:51.006 It's easy. 01:04:51.106 --> 01:04:52.387 It's your laughing, mainly. 01:04:52.907 --> 01:04:54.288 And I might sing that. 01:04:54.388 --> 01:05:06.614 I was thinking, because John Pearson, who sorts out some of the festival coverage here at the BBC, was saying, would we like to do anything at the Hub Tent at the festival, the Summer Sunday festival that we're going to be at next weekend? 01:05:07.135 --> 01:05:09.656 Joe, you weren't so keen on strutting your stuff in there. 01:05:09.716 --> 01:05:11.257 I won't have any time to rehearse. 01:05:11.277 --> 01:05:11.557 Right. 01:05:12.096 --> 01:05:12.456 Yeah. 01:05:12.797 --> 01:05:15.140 But then so he said, well Adam, do you want to play a song? 01:05:15.240 --> 01:05:15.761 You can play guitar. 01:05:15.881 --> 01:05:19.505 And I was like, well, I can technically play guitar. 01:05:19.565 --> 01:05:24.571 I think he was suggesting you play a self-pen song, not cover a rock track. 01:05:24.631 --> 01:05:25.793 He wasn't that specific. 01:05:26.193 --> 01:05:30.238 And I immediately thought, might be time to play Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground. 01:05:31.025 --> 01:05:33.647 Oh, I went to someone's Sunday last weekend. 01:05:33.707 --> 01:05:35.789 I saw Adam Buxton cover the White Stripes. 01:05:35.849 --> 01:05:36.389 It was incredible. 01:05:36.429 --> 01:05:36.890 It was incredible. 01:05:37.110 --> 01:05:38.331 It's much better than the original. 01:05:38.811 --> 01:05:39.652 It was a lot better than the original. 01:05:39.752 --> 01:05:40.953 He's so rock and roll. 01:05:41.073 --> 01:05:45.517 I thought about doing that one, or I thought about doing She's Got Metals by David Bowie. 01:05:45.637 --> 01:05:46.918 Very early Bowie track. 01:05:47.418 --> 01:05:48.259 I'll pop to the lav. 01:05:50.261 --> 01:05:51.562 Or I might do one of my own. 01:05:51.742 --> 01:05:52.262 I don't know. 01:05:52.582 --> 01:05:53.703 I've written so many. 01:05:53.723 --> 01:05:54.504 It's exciting. 01:05:54.564 --> 01:05:55.565 Who knows what'll happen? 01:05:55.945 --> 01:05:57.747 So folks, we're in the middle of textination. 01:05:57.947 --> 01:05:58.948 Let's have the jingle again. 01:05:58.988 --> 01:05:59.228 Why not? 01:06:00.973 --> 01:06:01.793 Text-a-nation! 01:06:01.833 --> 01:06:02.894 Text, text, text! 01:06:03.014 --> 01:06:03.754 Text-a-nation! 01:06:03.814 --> 01:06:04.794 What if I don't want to? 01:06:05.014 --> 01:06:05.755 Text-a-nation! 01:06:05.855 --> 01:06:06.855 But I'm using email. 01:06:07.015 --> 01:06:07.755 Is that a problem? 01:06:07.775 --> 01:06:08.695 It doesn't matter, text! 01:06:11.016 --> 01:06:15.058 And Text-a-nation, this week, listeners, is all about t-shirt slogans. 01:06:15.098 --> 01:06:24.481 You know, you see people wearing them in the street, and if you open a mag, you might find a page at the back with a whole load of different t-shirt designs you can send off for. 01:06:24.661 --> 01:06:26.321 All-time great t-shirt slogans. 01:06:26.341 --> 01:06:28.242 What would your top... choice be? 01:06:29.182 --> 01:06:29.662 I don't know. 01:06:30.123 --> 01:06:33.545 I think the Ghostbusters logo, you just can't mess with that. 01:06:33.705 --> 01:06:34.625 Not a humorous one? 01:06:34.845 --> 01:06:36.846 Adi Hash. 01:06:36.866 --> 01:06:38.427 I've never had one of those. 01:06:38.527 --> 01:06:43.130 A lot of people are texting in and pointing out ones that are really appalling and should be stopped. 01:06:43.230 --> 01:06:44.471 Like there's an iPod one 01:06:45.211 --> 01:06:48.793 with a kind of iPod-style logo of someone sitting on the toilet. 01:06:49.393 --> 01:06:51.995 This came in via email, pointed out by Joe Stenson. 01:06:52.015 --> 01:07:00.440 Yeah, a few weeks back in the town where I live, beautiful Leeds, I spotted a young gentleman strolling along wearing a t-shirt akin to that of the iPod advert with the silhouette characters upon it. 01:07:00.480 --> 01:07:05.443 However, this chap shirt displayed an outline person sat on a toilet with headphones on. 01:07:05.923 --> 01:07:07.684 Underneath it read, I poo'd. 01:07:08.184 --> 01:07:08.525 Like it? 01:07:08.985 --> 01:07:09.325 Do you? 01:07:09.505 --> 01:07:10.506 Personally, I like it. 01:07:10.526 --> 01:07:11.646 Would you chat to that person? 01:07:11.666 --> 01:07:12.127 I'd wear that. 01:07:12.147 --> 01:07:12.527 You go, hey! 01:07:13.228 --> 01:07:15.230 Couldn't help noticing the t-shirt. 01:07:15.350 --> 01:07:16.732 You don't know me, I'm Adam Buxton. 01:07:17.313 --> 01:07:19.215 I don't know you, but I'd really like to get to know you. 01:07:19.255 --> 01:07:25.023 Do you want to hear me play He's coming to the Summer Sunday, that guy. 01:07:25.043 --> 01:07:26.144 He's coming all the way from Leeds. 01:07:26.285 --> 01:07:26.925 He's a genius. 01:07:27.747 --> 01:07:28.748 That's not such a good one. 01:07:28.948 --> 01:07:36.652 I don't mind that one, but it's a good trope, isn't it, to take a famous logo and turn it into something to do with either drugs or the toilet. 01:07:37.613 --> 01:07:38.513 As you said, Addy Hash. 01:07:38.673 --> 01:07:39.254 Addy Hash. 01:07:39.594 --> 01:07:40.154 That's a good one. 01:07:40.214 --> 01:07:42.435 Coca Cola with just cocaine instead. 01:07:42.875 --> 01:07:45.357 That is a big key feature, that one. 01:07:45.437 --> 01:07:46.617 What else could we do that with? 01:07:46.637 --> 01:07:48.038 The T-shirt we're talking about, not the actual drug. 01:07:48.058 --> 01:07:49.099 What could we do that with? 01:07:50.179 --> 01:07:51.340 Oh, there's got to be loads. 01:07:51.420 --> 01:07:53.561 You want to get thinking, say a supermarket name. 01:07:54.021 --> 01:07:58.223 Well, listen, what about, uh, what about the, we're talking about Kellogg's Crunch earlier on, weren't we? 01:07:58.243 --> 01:07:58.423 Yes. 01:07:58.943 --> 01:08:01.984 You turn that into, uh, isn't there a drug called Crunk or Crank or something? 01:08:02.004 --> 01:08:03.085 There's a dance called Crank. 01:08:03.165 --> 01:08:05.966 There's a drug called Crank in Jason Stratham's bloodstream. 01:08:06.946 --> 01:08:08.907 What's he called Stratham, Stratham? 01:08:08.947 --> 01:08:09.447 Statham. 01:08:09.707 --> 01:08:11.408 Um, or crack, you could tell. 01:08:11.428 --> 01:08:12.729 I mean, that's an obvious one. 01:08:12.749 --> 01:08:14.169 There's got to be loads of crack-based. 01:08:14.189 --> 01:08:15.070 So Kellogg's crack. 01:08:15.170 --> 01:08:15.510 Something. 01:08:15.590 --> 01:08:17.391 I mean, you wouldn't call it Kellogg's, otherwise it'd be a legal problem. 01:08:17.411 --> 01:08:17.891 I think that's good. 01:08:18.331 --> 01:08:18.591 Yeah. 01:08:18.952 --> 01:08:20.253 Snap, crack and pop. 01:08:20.514 --> 01:08:23.797 And it would have the three elves and they've all got little pipes and syringes. 01:08:24.318 --> 01:08:25.579 And they're looking the worst for wear. 01:08:25.840 --> 01:08:28.983 And they've just got a big bowl full of little rocks of crack. 01:08:29.283 --> 01:08:30.325 And one of them's smoking it. 01:08:30.365 --> 01:08:31.085 That's a good idea. 01:08:31.125 --> 01:08:32.387 It's good fun, good clean fun. 01:08:32.827 --> 01:08:34.109 The Kellogg's wouldn't like that. 01:08:35.545 --> 01:08:35.885 Obviously. 01:08:35.905 --> 01:08:40.728 And of course that reflects in no way on that brand and there are many other types of crack of it. 01:08:40.748 --> 01:08:41.608 And it's not good, clean fun. 01:08:41.809 --> 01:08:46.431 Our producer Jude is holding her hands up in the air with a look of despair on her face. 01:08:46.551 --> 01:08:49.293 What one can only describe is despair and disappointment. 01:08:49.373 --> 01:08:52.514 We haven't even, we've only read out one, we haven't even read out any listener suggestions. 01:08:52.594 --> 01:08:53.295 Come on, let's have some more. 01:08:53.475 --> 01:08:57.177 Well, I'm not saying that I've got any. 01:08:57.217 --> 01:08:59.038 It did sound like that when you started saying that. 01:08:59.078 --> 01:09:01.719 Okay, here's one from Charlie Mingles, internet millionaire. 01:09:01.739 --> 01:09:02.179 Charlie Mingles. 01:09:03.340 --> 01:09:04.642 Crammond Edinburgh. 01:09:05.102 --> 01:09:06.343 Is he really an internet millionaire? 01:09:06.384 --> 01:09:11.830 He will be, because his slogan is, I bought this t-shirt because I couldn't be asked developing an interesting personality. 01:09:12.530 --> 01:09:13.872 That's fairly blunt, isn't it? 01:09:13.892 --> 01:09:15.233 It's a little bit jank blunt, yeah. 01:09:17.028 --> 01:09:22.070 You'd be kind of superior to wear that, because it would obviously be an ironic statement, wouldn't it? 01:09:22.170 --> 01:09:22.790 Yeah, exactly. 01:09:22.810 --> 01:09:24.410 It'd be a statement about other people wearing t-shirts. 01:09:24.450 --> 01:09:27.291 And then what if you run into someone with the adihash t-shirt on? 01:09:27.731 --> 01:09:29.972 It's going to make them feel put upon, isn't it? 01:09:29.992 --> 01:09:30.272 It is. 01:09:30.752 --> 01:09:31.232 Diminished. 01:09:31.292 --> 01:09:31.773 Yeah. 01:09:32.233 --> 01:09:33.093 But that might be good. 01:09:34.841 --> 01:09:35.802 That's a bit snooty, that one. 01:09:35.942 --> 01:09:37.843 Here's one from Russell Paul Surry. 01:09:37.863 --> 01:09:38.883 Is that his name? 01:09:38.923 --> 01:09:39.283 I don't know. 01:09:39.303 --> 01:09:40.824 He might be Russell Paul in Surry. 01:09:41.824 --> 01:09:43.985 He says, crude design, but you get the idea. 01:09:44.005 --> 01:09:45.106 Oh, his name's Russ from Woolwich. 01:09:45.466 --> 01:09:49.028 It's got the word nipples in the middle and an arrow pointing right and left. 01:09:49.348 --> 01:09:50.468 Either side of the word nipples. 01:09:51.229 --> 01:09:51.909 And then one St. 01:09:51.949 --> 01:09:53.130 Belly button pointing down. 01:09:53.150 --> 01:09:54.690 Okay. 01:09:56.696 --> 01:09:56.896 No? 01:09:57.336 --> 01:10:01.379 Not getting anything, I mean it's just stating the position of the nipples and belly button. 01:10:01.539 --> 01:10:01.919 Yeah. 01:10:02.520 --> 01:10:08.343 I suppose some people have those t-shirts going, the man and it points upwards, the legend and it points downwards. 01:10:08.403 --> 01:10:09.384 Well I haven't seen that one. 01:10:09.924 --> 01:10:10.985 That's quite a popular one. 01:10:11.425 --> 01:10:15.688 In fact hasn't Justin Timberlake got that written on his tummy in The Love Guru? 01:10:16.548 --> 01:10:17.329 I'm the only one who's seen that. 01:10:17.349 --> 01:10:18.911 You're the only one who's seen that one, yeah. 01:10:19.732 --> 01:10:23.377 Let's have some more music before we wrap up Text the Nation. 01:10:23.557 --> 01:10:25.059 It's Noah and the Whale time. 01:10:25.119 --> 01:10:26.541 This is five years time. 01:10:26.820 --> 01:10:29.421 Wherever you go, where are they from then, Noah and the Whale? 01:10:29.701 --> 01:10:31.582 I would say somewhere in the West Country, wouldn't you? 01:10:31.802 --> 01:10:32.622 You would hope so. 01:10:32.962 --> 01:10:38.224 Unless they're just... Being very unselfconscious about their West Country vocals, which is a good thing, isn't it? 01:10:38.284 --> 01:10:40.845 Unless they're just singing like that, because it's fun to talk like that, which we know it is. 01:10:40.905 --> 01:10:42.325 It is fun to talk like that. 01:10:43.046 --> 01:10:50.268 Someone said we did an online web chat thing the other day for The Guardian, and someone said, I like the show except when you guys talk like babies. 01:10:50.728 --> 01:10:52.029 And I wasn't sure if he meant like... 01:10:52.509 --> 01:10:53.490 It's just all the time. 01:10:53.590 --> 01:10:56.892 Which one of the stupid voices was he referring to? 01:10:56.912 --> 01:11:01.655 I was confused and I assumed it was probably the West Country voice or any talk like that. 01:11:01.795 --> 01:11:03.196 It is a little bit babyish, isn't it? 01:11:03.544 --> 01:11:03.804 Yes. 01:11:03.964 --> 01:11:04.645 But it's enjoyable. 01:11:04.685 --> 01:11:06.626 You know, Steve Merchant, he's made a whole career out of it. 01:11:06.706 --> 01:11:07.526 Exactly, yeah. 01:11:07.566 --> 01:11:09.307 But he doesn't affect it, I don't think. 01:11:09.547 --> 01:11:10.027 Do you reckon? 01:11:10.328 --> 01:11:10.968 No, I think it's real. 01:11:10.988 --> 01:11:11.508 That's Steve Merchant. 01:11:11.528 --> 01:11:12.069 He talks like that. 01:11:12.449 --> 01:11:13.189 Let's have a jingle. 01:11:13.609 --> 01:11:13.950 Jingle? 01:11:16.231 --> 01:11:17.071 Text-a-nation. 01:11:17.091 --> 01:11:18.172 Text, text, text. 01:11:18.272 --> 01:11:19.012 Text-a-nation. 01:11:19.072 --> 01:11:20.053 What if I don't want to? 01:11:20.293 --> 01:11:20.993 Text-a-nation. 01:11:21.113 --> 01:11:22.114 But I'm using email. 01:11:22.294 --> 01:11:23.014 Is that a problem? 01:11:23.034 --> 01:11:23.615 It doesn't matter. 01:11:23.655 --> 01:11:23.875 Text! 01:11:26.847 --> 01:11:34.755 Text the Nation this week is your ideas for t-shirt slogans that you could sell at, say, Camden Market and make a lot of money out of. 01:11:34.875 --> 01:11:37.717 We haven't got any emails from anyone who can help us make this happen. 01:11:37.737 --> 01:11:38.478 Yeah, we have actually. 01:11:38.518 --> 01:11:38.678 Have we? 01:11:38.838 --> 01:11:40.260 Yeah, we've had a t-shirt manufacturer. 01:11:40.280 --> 01:11:43.463 I don't know how that works with the Big British Castle's rules though. 01:11:43.483 --> 01:11:44.304 We'll figure it out. 01:11:45.104 --> 01:11:46.886 Maybe we need to go to BBC Worldwide. 01:11:46.906 --> 01:11:49.548 They're the commercial arm of the BBC, right? 01:11:50.648 --> 01:11:51.529 I could possibly comment. 01:11:51.749 --> 01:11:53.911 We could knock out a deal with them. 01:11:54.852 --> 01:11:58.354 Anyway, here are some ideas for top-selling celebrity t-shirts. 01:11:58.394 --> 01:11:58.594 What? 01:11:58.634 --> 01:12:00.936 Celebrity, you know, slogan t-shirts. 01:12:01.176 --> 01:12:02.317 This is from William Lee. 01:12:03.278 --> 01:12:04.159 He says, what ho! 01:12:04.599 --> 01:12:09.303 Another could simply be the words, quote, Tom Cruise hollows wood lice to make hiking shoes. 01:12:10.023 --> 01:12:12.945 A small woodlouse decal on the arm could also be applied. 01:12:13.385 --> 01:12:14.426 I don't understand any of what you just said. 01:12:14.446 --> 01:12:16.267 Well I think it's supposed to be really abstract. 01:12:16.387 --> 01:12:19.269 Tom Cruise hollows woodlice to make hiking shoes. 01:12:20.150 --> 01:12:21.571 It's just, it's just random. 01:12:21.791 --> 01:12:22.592 It's student humour. 01:12:22.812 --> 01:12:26.174 But I was thinking, I was thinking like, what is it because he's got tiny feet? 01:12:26.474 --> 01:12:28.035 Maybe exactly, he's got tiny feet. 01:12:28.376 --> 01:12:28.976 What does that mean? 01:12:29.156 --> 01:12:43.613 Well he's got it means he's got tiny feet and he's powerful and you know you want to throw mud at the king you know don't you yes you don't bring him down a peg or two he's got if he saw that in the street he'd be terribly insecure right I didn't cruise that's unsettled me that one 01:12:44.153 --> 01:12:44.733 Well, that's good. 01:12:44.773 --> 01:12:47.435 That's marketable for the credit crunch. 01:12:47.515 --> 01:12:48.316 No, I love lamp. 01:12:48.336 --> 01:12:49.036 I'll tell you that much. 01:12:49.316 --> 01:12:49.997 Here's another one. 01:12:50.737 --> 01:12:51.898 This may be anonymous. 01:12:52.378 --> 01:13:02.844 My idea would be a picture of Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, sitting in a deck chair surrounded by masses and masses of hedges, all for himself not letting anyone else share in the hedge fund. 01:13:02.864 --> 01:13:03.485 That's a disgrace. 01:13:03.545 --> 01:13:04.826 I can't even believe you read that one out. 01:13:04.846 --> 01:13:06.206 You're guessing this one ahead, aren't you? 01:13:06.306 --> 01:13:06.507 Yeah. 01:13:06.867 --> 01:13:07.747 Sonic the Hedgehog. 01:13:07.787 --> 01:13:08.568 Well, exactly. 01:13:10.355 --> 01:13:11.576 There's nothing more to it, is it? 01:13:11.956 --> 01:13:14.098 Here's another one from Steven Preston. 01:13:16.680 --> 01:13:22.543 This is like Frankie Says Relax, but he's suggesting Crank... No, I'm not really know that. 01:13:22.744 --> 01:13:25.685 Like what's wrong with Sonic the Hedge Fund or something like that, you know what I mean? 01:13:25.705 --> 01:13:26.526 That would be better. 01:13:26.606 --> 01:13:27.927 Hard to illustrate, I'll give you that. 01:13:28.107 --> 01:13:30.208 That would be better. 01:13:31.482 --> 01:13:32.783 Here's another one from George Smith. 01:13:33.584 --> 01:13:39.810 He's saying a picture of Pete Tuckity or Amy Winehouse with the phrase sex, drugs and sausage rolls underneath it. 01:13:40.691 --> 01:13:40.951 Yeah. 01:13:41.011 --> 01:13:41.812 Is that a bit porky? 01:13:42.092 --> 01:13:55.304 There is a t-shirt around, you know those Apple Crumble and Fitch t-shirts, and it looks like kind of collegiate American university writing, and they say Apple Crumble and Fish. 01:13:56.485 --> 01:13:56.885 Is that good? 01:13:57.486 --> 01:13:58.947 Oh, like Abercrombie and Fitch. 01:13:59.067 --> 01:13:59.667 Exactly. 01:13:59.727 --> 01:14:00.427 That's quite good. 01:14:00.648 --> 01:14:04.170 We're discovering that these t-shirt slogans, they're not laughing out loud, are they? 01:14:04.270 --> 01:14:05.130 Generally, it's a rule. 01:14:05.771 --> 01:14:06.991 They're more things to think about. 01:14:07.272 --> 01:14:07.572 Yeah. 01:14:07.872 --> 01:14:13.455 Because what's funny about, you know, could the Coca-Cola logo be mutated into the word cocaine? 01:14:13.655 --> 01:14:14.416 Subversive, isn't it? 01:14:14.436 --> 01:14:15.016 Is that funny? 01:14:15.236 --> 01:14:16.737 Well, it's just a bit of enjoyable subversion. 01:14:16.757 --> 01:14:18.518 Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine, didn't it, famously? 01:14:18.538 --> 01:14:19.999 In the olden days. 01:14:20.420 --> 01:14:20.920 When it was nice. 01:14:20.940 --> 01:14:22.321 It's just a bit of factual history. 01:14:22.341 --> 01:14:24.162 That was classic cocaine. 01:14:24.802 --> 01:14:30.366 Someone else is suggesting Cameron McHugh and suggesting a t-shirt with Danny Dyer on it with the slogan. 01:14:30.406 --> 01:14:31.586 Anyone got a spare trilogy? 01:14:33.427 --> 01:14:34.648 What trilogy is he involved with? 01:14:35.028 --> 01:14:37.690 He says on the commentary of what's his latest film? 01:14:38.050 --> 01:14:38.691 Straight Heads. 01:14:38.771 --> 01:14:39.711 One of those commentaries. 01:14:40.492 --> 01:14:44.574 Oh no, the one about him and Sean Bean taking revenge on the nonces. 01:14:44.594 --> 01:14:45.455 What was that one called? 01:14:45.595 --> 01:14:46.015 Revenge. 01:14:46.095 --> 01:14:46.855 Revenge of the nonces. 01:14:46.875 --> 01:14:47.536 I'm gonna get you. 01:14:48.016 --> 01:14:51.978 On the commentary of that, he talks about how jealousy is of Orlando Bloom. 01:14:51.998 --> 01:14:53.178 Because he's got two trilogies. 01:14:53.298 --> 01:14:53.899 He wants a trilogy. 01:14:53.939 --> 01:14:54.599 Lord of the Rings. 01:14:55.339 --> 01:14:56.780 And then he goes and gets the other one. 01:14:56.820 --> 01:14:57.240 What is it? 01:14:57.320 --> 01:14:58.221 Pirates of the Caribbean. 01:14:58.841 --> 01:14:59.701 He's got two trilogies. 01:14:59.721 --> 01:15:00.342 That's not fair. 01:15:00.482 --> 01:15:01.022 Not fair. 01:15:02.022 --> 01:15:07.725 Well, I mean, if we were to spin off something from our show here on Six Music, I guess it would be Steven, we could have. 01:15:08.605 --> 01:15:12.447 And also, I don't know, maybe just a Text the Nation t-shirt. 01:15:12.987 --> 01:15:15.650 I feel I haven't got the best ones out of all these texts. 01:15:16.091 --> 01:15:17.492 I was feeling that as well. 01:15:18.353 --> 01:15:19.134 A little bit. 01:15:19.875 --> 01:15:22.178 I don't think I've applied myself properly to vetting them. 01:15:22.198 --> 01:15:22.958 Do you want another go? 01:15:22.999 --> 01:15:23.819 We'll play some more music. 01:15:23.920 --> 01:15:27.824 Well I tell you what, I'll have a look through them and see if I've missed any really good ones, but they may have been 01:15:27.864 --> 01:15:28.444 the best ones. 01:15:28.524 --> 01:15:29.925 We can wrap it up before the news. 01:15:30.786 --> 01:15:32.647 Now here's a free choice for you listeners. 01:15:32.887 --> 01:15:33.948 I've chosen this for you. 01:15:34.308 --> 01:15:35.149 Lovely Nick Drake. 01:15:35.729 --> 01:15:37.670 You know you can't really go wrong with Nick Drake can you? 01:15:38.191 --> 01:15:43.974 And this is a track that I was inspired to play because I'm reading a book at the moment which was a gift someone gave me called White Bicycles. 01:15:44.014 --> 01:15:47.336 That sentence would have been impressive enough if you just ended at the word moment. 01:15:48.632 --> 01:15:49.812 I'm reading a book at the moment. 01:15:49.872 --> 01:15:51.233 Yeah, that's good, isn't it? 01:15:51.313 --> 01:15:51.653 For you? 01:15:51.913 --> 01:15:54.214 Well, I read a lot of books, but they're all about music. 01:15:54.234 --> 01:15:54.954 And this is another one. 01:15:55.374 --> 01:16:01.255 White Bicycles by Joe Boyd, who is a producer, worked with Nick Drake, and all sorts of great jazzers. 01:16:01.335 --> 01:16:02.996 And it's a wonderful book. 01:16:03.036 --> 01:16:04.416 It's really, enjoyably written. 01:16:04.436 --> 01:16:06.457 I recommend it strongly, highly. 01:16:07.057 --> 01:16:12.639 And he obviously talks about his work with Nick Drake and this track, in fact. 01:16:12.719 --> 01:16:14.239 And it's one of Nick Drake's best. 01:16:14.519 --> 01:16:15.599 And it's called Saturday Sun. 01:16:15.619 --> 01:16:17.420 It's ironic, because it's not sunny. 01:16:18.362 --> 01:16:19.362 Even though it is Saturday. 01:16:19.662 --> 01:16:21.943 That's a very good choice, Adam, for that very reason. 01:16:21.963 --> 01:16:22.784 I thought I'd say that. 01:16:22.804 --> 01:16:23.364 You're a young man. 01:16:23.384 --> 01:16:27.265 I thought I'd say, yeah, I thought I'd use my voice to say those words, and I did. 01:16:27.485 --> 01:16:35.368 So I've been looking through all the text-to-nations, your ideas for t-shirt slogans and the like, and I'm struggling to come up with any that are better than Adam and mine. 01:16:36.228 --> 01:16:38.289 I'm not being self-aggrandising on purpose. 01:16:38.329 --> 01:16:39.309 What about the Scooby-Doo one? 01:16:39.929 --> 01:16:40.509 That's quite good. 01:16:40.529 --> 01:16:41.330 This is from Maddy... 01:16:42.270 --> 01:16:50.133 Maddy from Colchester, she says, hello my idea is Shaggy skidding on a dog poo and the caption Scooby Doo Doo. 01:16:50.833 --> 01:16:53.314 Well you say it in that dismissive way you read it out. 01:16:53.374 --> 01:16:55.495 Well that's to make you seem small. 01:16:55.535 --> 01:16:56.496 Here's how I would say it. 01:16:57.036 --> 01:17:01.818 Shaggy he slides on a dog poo and the caption is Scooby Doo Doo. 01:17:02.918 --> 01:17:05.781 And then people would want to buy the shirt, not the way you said it all. 01:17:05.821 --> 01:17:07.503 Well, you're on a rival stall. 01:17:07.723 --> 01:17:09.105 I'm trying to do down your produce. 01:17:09.505 --> 01:17:18.355 I've got one that was designed by Mrs Cooper that has Mulder and Scully with jazz cigarettes in their mouths saying, take me to your dealer. 01:17:19.790 --> 01:17:22.091 Well, that just exists, doesn't it? 01:17:22.132 --> 01:17:27.375 I mean, that's just a very, very slight variation on the take me to your dealer t-shirt that already exists with an alien. 01:17:27.435 --> 01:17:29.136 Yeah, but the variation is the key. 01:17:29.977 --> 01:17:30.597 It's different. 01:17:30.697 --> 01:17:31.678 Kids like to be different. 01:17:31.938 --> 01:17:35.060 That's a very retro reference as well, Mulder and Scully. 01:17:35.380 --> 01:17:35.700 Yeah. 01:17:36.821 --> 01:17:40.543 So in short, to sum up, I'm not sure I've got any more text. 01:17:43.133 --> 01:17:46.436 I can't believe people didn't think of some more variations on the Pope. 01:17:46.496 --> 01:17:48.598 There must be more fun to be had with the Pope, surely. 01:17:48.799 --> 01:17:49.799 Well, what more can he do? 01:17:49.819 --> 01:17:51.241 Apart from a smoke dope? 01:17:51.421 --> 01:17:52.442 Yeah, it's dangerous enough. 01:17:52.522 --> 01:17:54.264 I mean, he's the head of the Catholic Church and he's... 01:17:55.618 --> 01:17:58.741 What about some cheeky Muslim fun? 01:17:59.221 --> 01:18:01.003 Well, you're on your own there, Adam Buxton. 01:18:01.244 --> 01:18:04.627 There's got to be loads of fun to be had there. 01:18:04.667 --> 01:18:07.550 Listen, why not prepare that material on paper? 01:18:08.732 --> 01:18:11.735 And we'll go through it before next week. 01:18:13.737 --> 01:18:15.418 Come on, everyone likes a t-shirt chuckle. 01:18:15.719 --> 01:18:20.042 Yeah, I just don't think that's a good idea. 01:18:20.082 --> 01:18:20.683 Too sensitive. 01:18:20.743 --> 01:18:22.384 I think it's a cul-de-sac. 01:18:22.424 --> 01:18:23.305 Is it too sensitive? 01:18:23.325 --> 01:18:23.725 Five years. 01:18:23.765 --> 01:18:25.206 Give it five years and it'll be fine. 01:18:25.346 --> 01:18:25.587 Right. 01:18:25.607 --> 01:18:26.247 Do you think? 01:18:26.347 --> 01:18:26.788 Yeah. 01:18:27.508 --> 01:18:32.752 Because that's got to be fertile territory for a t-shirt fun, you would think. 01:18:33.293 --> 01:18:35.935 Now, listen, folks, we are coming up to half past the hour. 01:18:36.195 --> 01:18:37.855 Only half an hour left of our show. 01:18:37.915 --> 01:18:39.256 It's so nice to be back with you. 01:18:39.276 --> 01:18:40.616 We're not going anywhere for a while. 01:18:40.656 --> 01:18:41.577 Thanks, man. 01:18:41.737 --> 01:18:43.197 I wasn't talking to you. 01:18:43.557 --> 01:18:43.857 No, it is. 01:18:43.877 --> 01:18:45.117 It's lovely to be back with you, too. 01:18:45.177 --> 01:18:45.718 Thanks, Joe. 01:18:46.078 --> 01:18:48.518 You've washed and you look really well. 01:18:48.578 --> 01:18:49.639 Your shingles have all cleared up. 01:18:49.659 --> 01:18:49.839 Thank you. 01:18:49.859 --> 01:18:50.359 The shingles have gone. 01:18:50.379 --> 01:18:50.819 It's good. 01:18:51.439 --> 01:18:54.100 And we're going to listen to some news soon. 01:18:54.600 --> 01:18:57.401 But after that, in the last half hour... There's something to look forward to. 01:19:01.784 --> 01:19:12.031 They tell you what's happening in the world and all the things But after that in the last half hour, we're gonna remind you of song wars this week We're gonna play you our bond songs again for quantum of solace. 01:19:12.552 --> 01:19:20.898 So that's something to look forward to as well But for now, here's the news read by Harvey cook and the music news with Elizabeth Alka 01:19:21.398 --> 01:19:23.760 That was the Smiths with Big Mouth strikes again, wasn't it? 01:19:24.080 --> 01:19:24.560 Yeah, it was, yeah. 01:19:24.661 --> 01:19:26.062 This is Adam and Joel on BBC6 Music. 01:19:26.102 --> 01:19:29.444 It's time to play our Song Wars songs again, so let's have a jingle. 01:19:39.445 --> 01:19:48.754 So we're offering these two potential Quantum of Solace theme songs to the producers for use for free if Keys and White don't come up with the goods, right? 01:19:49.074 --> 01:19:49.294 Yeah. 01:19:49.675 --> 01:19:51.156 If their duet isn't up to scratch. 01:19:51.557 --> 01:19:54.579 Or, or, another alternative, is an end theme. 01:19:54.960 --> 01:19:57.442 I mean, will Keys and White's thing be at the end anyway? 01:19:57.462 --> 01:19:59.644 Mmm, that's a good question. 01:19:59.664 --> 01:20:00.845 Do they have the song at the end? 01:20:01.546 --> 01:20:02.106 I don't know. 01:20:02.186 --> 01:20:03.047 That's a good question. 01:20:03.147 --> 01:20:03.848 I've usually left. 01:20:04.791 --> 01:20:07.012 It's David, not David Holmes, who's the guy? 01:20:07.032 --> 01:20:08.552 David Arnold, the brilliant composer. 01:20:08.592 --> 01:20:10.453 He does the proper music. 01:20:10.473 --> 01:20:12.254 He would be doing the opening titles. 01:20:12.274 --> 01:20:16.655 So he would probably do an orchestral version of the opening title over the closing theme. 01:20:16.855 --> 01:20:20.176 Do you know what disappointed me in the last Bond movie, Casino Royale? 01:20:20.196 --> 01:20:20.616 No, I don't. 01:20:21.677 --> 01:20:25.258 It was there were no ladies dancing in the opening bit of graphic. 01:20:25.278 --> 01:20:26.138 Have they got rid of all that? 01:20:26.338 --> 01:20:27.879 Yes, they just had playing cards. 01:20:29.379 --> 01:20:31.280 Like people being killed, they were like 01:20:31.414 --> 01:20:32.754 Flicking playing cards, weren't they? 01:20:32.774 --> 01:20:34.555 And they were, like, stabbing people in the chest. 01:20:35.515 --> 01:20:38.856 I liked it when they had naked ladies swinging on the barrels of guns. 01:20:39.076 --> 01:20:42.456 Definitely, and you were straining to see if there was anything poking out there. 01:20:42.476 --> 01:20:48.398 The opening sequence to The Spy Who Loved Me is one of the most erotic pieces of film I've ever seen. 01:20:49.078 --> 01:20:50.078 They're totally nude. 01:20:50.198 --> 01:20:50.458 They are. 01:20:50.478 --> 01:20:51.158 That's what I'm saying. 01:20:51.298 --> 01:20:58.180 And there's one bit where they're in Russian hats, Usyrka, Ushanka, whatever those Russian hats are called. 01:20:58.940 --> 01:21:01.081 And then... But they haven't got anything else on. 01:21:01.301 --> 01:21:01.561 No. 01:21:01.681 --> 01:21:03.982 They're marching like a dirty army. 01:21:05.002 --> 01:21:06.083 And I like that army. 01:21:06.323 --> 01:21:06.863 Absolutely. 01:21:06.883 --> 01:21:07.483 I want to be invaded. 01:21:07.543 --> 01:21:14.726 No, I always used to think... I always used to think... When I was watching that film as a youngster, I always used to think, that's what I want. 01:21:15.006 --> 01:21:18.007 My job when I grow up is to do the opening titles for that. 01:21:18.127 --> 01:21:18.527 Yes. 01:21:18.848 --> 01:21:23.149 Or to get my hands on the film before it's been all silhouetted. 01:21:23.669 --> 01:21:24.370 And to what? 01:21:24.810 --> 01:21:25.270 Watch it. 01:21:25.290 --> 01:21:26.730 Just take it to a bedroom again. 01:21:26.770 --> 01:21:27.451 Close the door. 01:21:27.511 --> 01:21:27.691 Yes. 01:21:28.411 --> 01:21:37.057 uh now listen let's play our songs yeah we're going to start with mine this time uh so that both songs are called quantum of solace this is uh joe's song and yeah it's called quantum of solace 01:22:04.193 --> 01:22:10.696 The quantum of solace I don't know what that means What does it mean? 01:22:10.716 --> 01:22:30.724 He's having flashbacks in black and white No more raised eyebrows, no more quips He's got the stunting from the bonefills And lots of products but such shit The suntan of the solace 01:22:33.177 --> 01:22:34.678 Did I get it confused? 01:22:34.799 --> 01:22:37.961 I'd go to sneak stars Is music dead? 01:22:38.041 --> 01:22:57.319 No, really, near me It's much more pretty than before No silly gadgets, just looks more fighting With that French bloke that does parkour The thingy of what's that thing of Boris 01:22:59.925 --> 01:23:26.270 Cuz that's what it was Sometimes I wish Roger Moore would come back With an underwater car or some kind of jetpack Or a hover-punderbar and a Union jet Forget it mate, it's not the 80's He'd rather kick you in the face We've got a new bond for the noughties 01:23:32.859 --> 01:23:34.788 The Quantum of Solace 01:23:49.557 --> 01:23:53.520 Attempting to use there the klaxon sound from the N64 game GoldenEye. 01:23:54.061 --> 01:23:56.403 Thereby beguiling klaxon's fans as well. 01:23:56.823 --> 01:23:58.684 And video game nerds. 01:23:59.265 --> 01:24:04.009 That was my song, Joe's Quantum of Solace song, if you want to vote for that, email. 01:24:04.269 --> 01:24:08.512 Don't text, it simply won't be counted and you'll get us into terrible trouble and find and stuff. 01:24:08.532 --> 01:24:09.613 You may also die. 01:24:09.933 --> 01:24:14.897 You may die because lives have been lost in the great telly and radio media lying scandal. 01:24:15.919 --> 01:24:20.048 But the email address is adamandjo.6musicatbbc.co.uk. 01:24:20.128 --> 01:24:22.253 You use the word or phrase mantits. 01:24:23.129 --> 01:24:23.429 Yes. 01:24:24.149 --> 01:24:24.530 In there? 01:24:24.710 --> 01:24:25.010 Yes. 01:24:25.930 --> 01:24:29.332 He does have, you know, I've made a little video for that that I'm going to put up on YouTube. 01:24:29.452 --> 01:24:32.333 Yeah, it's just made from non-cleared film footage. 01:24:32.493 --> 01:24:32.733 Yeah. 01:24:33.253 --> 01:24:39.235 Of Craig and his... It illustrates most of the points in a very unimaginative, explicit, you know, just direct way. 01:24:39.416 --> 01:24:41.416 You're a little bit unkind about in there. 01:24:41.476 --> 01:24:45.638 I mean... I'm just jealous of the... He's got very firm man breasts. 01:24:45.698 --> 01:24:46.819 He's got amazing equipment. 01:24:47.059 --> 01:24:47.499 He has. 01:24:47.659 --> 01:24:52.161 And he's... I was sitting at the table next to him at the BAFTAs last year. 01:24:53.301 --> 01:24:54.102 Didn't talk to him. 01:24:54.142 --> 01:24:57.224 That's hardly a name drop, but he was very handsome. 01:24:57.484 --> 01:25:01.848 Yeah, his wife's very beautiful You called him juggier with I think he's brilliant. 01:25:01.948 --> 01:25:06.611 I love the but I'm really excited about the bond film I just feel as a radio comedian. 01:25:06.712 --> 01:25:16.279 It's just necessary just to be lazily, you know negative about everything Okay, so here is mine Adam Buxton's Quantum of Solace song right now. 01:25:16.299 --> 01:25:16.339 Oh 01:25:35.178 --> 01:25:39.461 I'm James Bond, I'm a spy, and I'm working for the Brits. 01:25:39.961 --> 01:25:44.424 I've got cars and guns and gadgets, I've got ladies with big brains. 01:25:44.764 --> 01:25:50.167 I've got licenses to kill, I've got licenses to fish, I've got sex 01:25:50.667 --> 01:26:18.492 He suits the damn aisles But he's my biggest wish I'd like a quantum with solace But no more than a quantum I know they do big bags with solace But I don't want them I only want a teeny tiny slice of solace Before I shoot you... Bottom location chase Bottom location chase Shooting dirty baddies in the busy foreign street 01:26:24.543 --> 01:26:25.723 Sir, Miss Stepan. 01:26:25.783 --> 01:26:26.404 Yes, hello. 01:26:26.544 --> 01:26:28.145 And you want to stop me? 01:26:28.785 --> 01:26:32.308 I do want to stop you, yes, but only if it's exciting. 01:26:33.048 --> 01:26:37.271 I met a lovely lady, but found out she was a rotter. 01:26:37.811 --> 01:26:42.034 So we exchanged some saucy quips, I snogged her, then I shot her. 01:26:42.834 --> 01:27:06.113 But I felt quite bad because I'm such a modern, complex guy Sometimes this job gets to you and maybe that is why I'd like a quantum of solace But no more than a quantum I know they do be bags of solace But I don't want them I only want a teeny tiny slice of solace Before I shoot you 01:27:12.399 --> 01:27:16.921 I think we will meet again, Mr. Band. 01:27:16.961 --> 01:27:17.341 Okay. 01:27:17.381 --> 01:27:17.481 Bye. 01:27:33.647 --> 01:27:36.428 So there we go, the feuding Quantum of Solace songs. 01:27:36.468 --> 01:27:37.068 Text your vote. 01:27:37.209 --> 01:27:40.590 No, email it to AdamandJoe.6musicatbbc.co.uk. 01:27:40.630 --> 01:27:41.710 Are we having a trail now? 01:27:42.171 --> 01:27:45.372 Yeah, I think we should have a trail and a little bit of Kings of Leon to follow that. 01:27:45.552 --> 01:27:45.912 Enjoy! 01:27:45.932 --> 01:27:46.652 Oh, well done. 01:27:46.692 --> 01:27:48.033 That's very good stuff, isn't it? 01:27:48.093 --> 01:27:50.014 That's the Kings of Leon with Crawl. 01:27:50.494 --> 01:27:52.535 And you're listening to Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 01:27:52.555 --> 01:27:55.176 It's nearly the end of our show, though, I'm sorry to say, listeners. 01:27:55.396 --> 01:27:56.257 It's 10 to noon. 01:27:56.277 --> 01:27:57.538 10 to noon. 01:27:57.698 --> 01:28:08.528 But the good news is that, of course, our podcast will be back tomorrow evening, available to download sometime after about 6 p.m., thanks to the tireless efforts of our production team here at 6 Music. 01:28:09.529 --> 01:28:10.650 So that's something to look forward to. 01:28:10.990 --> 01:28:14.433 And maybe we even enjoyed some of the placeholders that we had in the meantime. 01:28:14.913 --> 01:28:16.395 You mean the people who sat in for us? 01:28:16.875 --> 01:28:20.478 No, I mean some of the little one-minute things that we did instead of our podcasts. 01:28:20.518 --> 01:28:24.181 God, that was a bit... I was being a bit demeaning there towards the people who sat in for us. 01:28:24.201 --> 01:28:26.082 I was wearing them as placeholders. 01:28:26.242 --> 01:28:27.283 Yeah, you were. 01:28:27.303 --> 01:28:29.805 When they were actually more famous and talented than us. 01:28:30.286 --> 01:28:35.029 Yes, thank you so much, David Quantick and Alan Carr, who sat in for us while we were away. 01:28:35.129 --> 01:28:36.210 Not together, of course. 01:28:36.450 --> 01:28:39.153 And they had some assistance, didn't they, from other people as well? 01:28:39.853 --> 01:28:44.938 But yeah, I was in, you know, I went to Los Angeles again the first week we were away. 01:28:45.259 --> 01:28:47.361 You're practically from Los Angeles. 01:28:47.601 --> 01:28:49.563 I'm trying to move there, if I can. 01:28:49.623 --> 01:28:50.644 That's not true at all. 01:28:50.964 --> 01:28:51.465 What's it like? 01:28:51.685 --> 01:28:52.306 It's amazing. 01:28:52.326 --> 01:28:53.727 You could never afford to go. 01:28:53.807 --> 01:28:54.508 Someone like you. 01:28:55.449 --> 01:28:56.670 But it's extraordinary. 01:28:56.750 --> 01:28:58.071 Bill Clinton is the president. 01:28:58.992 --> 01:29:01.953 And he plays the jazz saxophone. 01:29:01.973 --> 01:29:02.774 He's a saxophonist, yeah. 01:29:02.814 --> 01:29:03.814 And he's always stoned. 01:29:04.374 --> 01:29:07.556 And there's a new film that's just come out there called Batman. 01:29:08.176 --> 01:29:08.956 And it's amazing. 01:29:09.076 --> 01:29:11.157 It's like, remember the Camp 60s series? 01:29:11.577 --> 01:29:11.817 Yeah. 01:29:11.917 --> 01:29:13.778 They've made it dark for the noughties. 01:29:13.798 --> 01:29:14.238 That's a good idea. 01:29:14.278 --> 01:29:15.619 It's all about terrorism now, 9-11. 01:29:15.639 --> 01:29:16.619 Brilliant. 01:29:16.819 --> 01:29:17.580 And it's important. 01:29:18.516 --> 01:29:18.816 Yeah. 01:29:19.696 --> 01:29:27.078 No, but while I was out there, I went to see a film that has kind of a cult reputation and people always talk about very fondly labyrinth. 01:29:27.598 --> 01:29:27.978 Oh yeah. 01:29:28.158 --> 01:29:30.818 And it's kind of a bit of a touchstone for our generation, isn't it? 01:29:30.978 --> 01:29:33.659 For just sort of instant, oh it was amazing. 01:29:33.899 --> 01:29:34.179 Yeah. 01:29:34.299 --> 01:29:37.360 So I actually went to see it at a cinema projected. 01:29:37.420 --> 01:29:40.440 It was on at the New Beverly, which is this really good little repertory cinema. 01:29:41.121 --> 01:29:42.741 And it was, I think it was a Tuesday night. 01:29:43.781 --> 01:29:47.604 And we all went down there to see it, and of course, who does it star? 01:29:47.865 --> 01:29:48.945 He stars Xavier Bowie. 01:29:48.965 --> 01:29:50.006 Xavier does the Goblin King. 01:29:50.026 --> 01:29:51.107 A wizard, wizard, wizard. 01:29:51.287 --> 01:29:55.711 And word has it, people were gossiping, there was lots of chitchat from film though, it's apparently he's ashamed of it. 01:29:56.011 --> 01:29:56.372 No! 01:29:56.612 --> 01:29:57.613 And he doesn't like it. 01:29:57.973 --> 01:29:59.254 Dance, baby, dance! 01:29:59.434 --> 01:30:01.416 Yeah, it's extraordinary. 01:30:01.456 --> 01:30:03.478 He plays a goblin king in a land of puppets. 01:30:03.518 --> 01:30:05.599 If you haven't seen it, you should really get the DVD. 01:30:05.759 --> 01:30:07.801 It's a really odd, peculiar thing. 01:30:09.022 --> 01:30:09.863 Who's it directed by? 01:30:09.923 --> 01:30:10.824 Is it Frank Oz? 01:30:11.125 --> 01:30:14.769 Or it's one of those Henson people directing it and I think it's written by Terry Jones. 01:30:14.789 --> 01:30:15.651 Yeah, yeah, Terry Jones. 01:30:15.691 --> 01:30:16.712 Yeah, and it's amazing. 01:30:16.732 --> 01:30:21.278 It's one of the last big pre-digital creature films. 01:30:21.318 --> 01:30:24.502 So it's got loads of amazing puppetry techniques. 01:30:24.522 --> 01:30:26.704 Was it around the same time as the Never Ending Story or? 01:30:27.225 --> 01:30:27.605 Somewhere like that. 01:30:27.625 --> 01:30:29.746 Somewhere at the same time, maybe before, yeah. 01:30:29.866 --> 01:30:31.866 And that was directed by Wolfgang Peterson. 01:30:31.926 --> 01:30:33.406 Yeah, the director of Das Boot. 01:30:33.446 --> 01:30:34.947 That's a strange one, I could have done with a bit of Bowie. 01:30:34.967 --> 01:30:37.187 But let's not get up, stay on topic, stay on topic, labyrinth. 01:30:37.207 --> 01:30:37.647 Yeah, labyrinth. 01:30:37.827 --> 01:30:46.349 And it reminded me how wonderful it was if you were a kid in that decade, you could see a film like that, and then you could go home and try all the techniques, right? 01:30:46.669 --> 01:30:50.750 I used to go up to my bedroom and use all my toys and puppets and things. 01:30:50.910 --> 01:30:51.890 Oh, try those techniques? 01:30:51.910 --> 01:30:54.111 Yeah, and like reconstruct all the puppetry techniques. 01:30:54.151 --> 01:30:55.851 I saw you meant like a copy of these techniques. 01:30:55.871 --> 01:30:56.271 Am I alone there? 01:30:56.511 --> 01:30:57.592 Oh, that's a different subject. 01:30:57.612 --> 01:31:03.919 I'm going to wear some tights and stuff some socks down my tights and dance around like a massive codpiece pixie king. 01:31:04.179 --> 01:31:10.065 Seeing it on the big screen, his bits and bobs are completely available for all to view. 01:31:10.205 --> 01:31:12.247 Bowie's bits and bobs have been available in other films. 01:31:12.267 --> 01:31:12.387 Really? 01:31:12.407 --> 01:31:13.569 You've seen Man Who Fell to Earth, right? 01:31:13.589 --> 01:31:14.990 Yeah, but that's an adult film. 01:31:15.050 --> 01:31:15.631 All the bobs and the bits. 01:31:15.651 --> 01:31:16.572 This is a children's film. 01:31:16.652 --> 01:31:17.593 I'm not winding this up. 01:31:17.653 --> 01:31:18.414 It's too exciting. 01:31:19.054 --> 01:31:48.763 and it's got the chick from uh what's her name from the hulk and um yes that's right jennifer jennifer connelly yeah aged about 14 he's trying to he's trying to seduce her the goblin king does not know contemporary sexual mores or parameters anyway you should see it again and we're going to play you out now with uh bowie's amazing theme song from uh from labyrinth it's underground it's a kind of a gospel uh an epic journey into pop gospel you can probably fire it off dude i imagine the introduction is about five minutes long i love that song 01:31:49.123 --> 01:32:04.404 Yeah, but go rent out labyrinth if you're depressed this weekend because it'll make you happy and confused and slight smoking crack It's deadly as well Gary Crowley's next Wow