WEBVTT 00:00.309 --> 00:12.143 BBC 6 Music Podcasts 6 Music This is a free download from the BBC Find out more on thebbc.co.uk slash 6 Music And now Adam and Jo 00:16.018 --> 00:16.799 Hey, this is Joe. 00:17.119 --> 00:18.000 Hey, this is Adam. 00:18.221 --> 00:22.245 Welcome to another place-holding bit of talky nonsense. 00:22.425 --> 00:26.210 I mean, we're basically all the good work that we've been doing this year, right? 00:26.310 --> 00:28.092 All the loyal listeners that we've built up. 00:28.472 --> 00:30.594 We've kind of undone the whole thing, haven't we? 00:30.815 --> 00:31.355 Well, you know what? 00:31.415 --> 00:32.937 I think a lot of them are on holiday as well. 00:32.997 --> 00:33.197 Right. 00:33.458 --> 00:34.399 Well, I hope that's true. 00:34.699 --> 00:36.180 Where are you now, Adam Buxton? 00:36.820 --> 00:40.402 At this very moment, I am with Will Smith. 00:40.962 --> 00:41.362 Really? 00:41.522 --> 00:41.842 Yes. 00:42.163 --> 00:43.123 Not THE Will Smith. 00:43.263 --> 00:43.623 Yes. 00:43.843 --> 00:44.144 Really? 00:44.184 --> 00:45.124 Willy style, yes. 00:45.244 --> 00:46.625 I don't mean the English comedian. 00:46.665 --> 00:47.185 Where are you? 00:47.285 --> 00:52.728 Who's a wonderful guy and I love to hang out with him, but no, this time I'm hanging out with the American Will Smith. 00:52.888 --> 00:54.649 He was in a film called Ali. 00:55.869 --> 00:59.471 He played a boxer called Ronald Ali. 01:00.451 --> 01:01.712 It's an Arabic film. 01:02.172 --> 01:02.372 Is it? 01:02.392 --> 01:02.912 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:03.993 --> 01:04.913 And he's a genius. 01:05.533 --> 01:07.674 He's also, he's battled aliens on occasion. 01:07.694 --> 01:10.676 I don't know if you've seen any of these things that he's done. 01:11.116 --> 01:12.496 He's also running for president. 01:12.536 --> 01:15.058 He's going to be elected president of America quite soon. 01:15.538 --> 01:17.138 And he's going to make the world a better place. 01:17.299 --> 01:18.599 And how come you're hanging out with him? 01:18.619 --> 01:23.181 He invited me to come out to stay with his wife, Janine Pinkett. 01:24.122 --> 01:24.922 Because he thinks I'm 01:25.542 --> 01:26.322 Jada Plunkett. 01:26.422 --> 01:26.983 Jada Plunkett. 01:27.003 --> 01:28.964 This is his words, right? 01:28.984 --> 01:31.605 I'm quoting him because I don't like to big myself up too much generally. 01:31.945 --> 01:35.786 He thinks I'm one of the funniest men in the world. 01:36.066 --> 01:36.406 Really? 01:36.486 --> 01:38.087 And I said, do you mean just England? 01:38.107 --> 01:39.948 Because not that many people have heard of me outside England. 01:39.968 --> 01:41.869 He said, no, no, I mean in the world. 01:42.089 --> 01:43.969 He is a big fan of Meebox, isn't he, Will Smith? 01:43.989 --> 01:44.330 He loves it. 01:44.350 --> 01:45.270 He said he was the most innocent. 01:45.350 --> 01:46.531 innovative show that he'd ever seen. 01:46.591 --> 01:48.332 He said, thank God someone's parodied YouTube. 01:48.712 --> 01:50.193 I mean, that was long overdue. 01:50.313 --> 01:50.794 That's right. 01:51.074 --> 01:53.636 And I explained to him, obviously, it's not strictly a parody of YouTube. 01:53.656 --> 01:56.137 That was just a framing device for a brilliant new sketch show. 01:56.177 --> 01:58.599 And he said, now I realize I've been a fool. 01:58.679 --> 01:59.519 You're absolutely right. 01:59.539 --> 02:01.501 Is there any way that you could come and stay with me for the summer? 02:01.801 --> 02:02.001 Yeah. 02:02.021 --> 02:05.944 So at that point I said, no, obviously you've got to treat me and keep them keen. 02:05.984 --> 02:07.665 I said, I'm going to stay with Dermot O'Leary instead. 02:08.105 --> 02:08.666 I can't make it. 02:08.706 --> 02:15.210 But maybe I can come out after I say goodbye to Dermot and Big Willie came back and he said, that would be ideal. 02:15.830 --> 02:18.132 Well, listen, you're going on too long this turning into a broadcast. 02:18.853 --> 02:25.299 But I should just remind listeners that what Adam said wasn't true and in fact he's mocking me because I've been with Will Smith. 02:25.819 --> 02:26.500 Thanks for listening. 02:27.180 --> 02:32.805 We'll be back in reality next week live on the radio from 9am to noon on BBC Six Music Saturdays. 02:32.845 --> 02:40.011 Don't forget that Alan Carr was filling in for us this week and you can listen to the whole of his show if you go onto the BBC Six Music website and do listen again. 02:40.572 --> 02:41.452 Take care, love you, bye! 02:41.472 --> 02:41.532 Bye! 02:44.949 --> 02:47.452 BBC Six Music Podcasts. 02:48.173 --> 02:52.359 If you liked Adam and Joe, try the Russell Howard and John Richardson Podcast. 02:52.519 --> 02:56.865 Download for free at bbc.co.uk slash Six Music.