WEBVTT 00:00.129 --> 00:04.154 Adam Buxton and Garth Jennings, live from Glastonbury. 00:06.465 --> 00:09.087 Yeah, they tried to make me go to rehab. 00:09.207 --> 00:10.168 I said, no, no, no. 00:10.188 --> 00:11.329 There's no way I'm going. 00:11.349 --> 00:12.810 I'm not going to that rehab. 00:12.850 --> 00:14.591 I'm not going to rehab. 00:14.611 --> 00:16.413 That is the most rubbish rehab. 00:16.513 --> 00:19.235 If it was a nicer rehab, I'd be up for it, but I'm not. 00:31.904 --> 00:33.446 Hi, this is Adam Buxton. 00:33.686 --> 00:34.948 And hello, I'm Garth Jennings. 00:34.988 --> 00:36.810 It's still not Joe Cornish. 00:36.830 --> 00:37.470 Still not Joe Cornish. 00:37.831 --> 00:44.999 After I went on at length last weekend about how Joe is definitely going to be back with us for Glastonbury, 00:45.760 --> 00:48.622 But, uh, Dr. Sexy didn't improve throughout the week. 00:48.882 --> 00:50.723 In fact, if anything, he got a little bit worse. 00:50.763 --> 00:55.065 Well, the good thing is, though, by having me in, it's just making people appreciate him even more. 00:55.385 --> 00:57.827 So when he comes back next week, you'll all think, oh, there he is. 00:57.907 --> 00:58.627 Yeah, he will be. 00:58.847 --> 01:02.349 You know, people get complacent and they get used to him and then they take him for granted. 01:02.449 --> 01:05.411 Now they're gonna remember why he's on the radio and I shouldn't be. 01:05.511 --> 01:05.971 That's right. 01:06.151 --> 01:06.291 Yep. 01:06.511 --> 01:07.172 That's not true, though. 01:07.212 --> 01:08.292 Anyway, Garth, you're a genius. 01:08.312 --> 01:09.333 You're a broadcasting genius. 01:09.633 --> 01:10.814 And you're gonna win several awards. 01:10.854 --> 01:11.334 I got on a jingle. 01:11.354 --> 01:12.414 I couldn't believe we were introduced. 01:12.494 --> 01:13.375 I was on the jingle. 01:14.475 --> 01:16.736 It was great, but no, Dr. Sexy will be back. 01:17.016 --> 01:21.338 Even if he is moments from death, he will be back next week. 01:21.879 --> 01:29.162 We'll rig up some kind of gurney for him with a microphone attached to it, and he'll be with you. 01:29.402 --> 01:32.663 But Garth and myself are in a tiny van. 01:32.823 --> 01:35.524 I mean, it's a big van, but it's a tiny little studio in the BBC. 01:37.185 --> 01:44.010 Van here and we are looking out right now at the back of the pyramid stage at the legendary Glastonbury Festival. 01:44.090 --> 01:48.152 It's very exciting being here and I've never been here before so it's doubly exciting for me. 01:48.212 --> 01:50.454 This is Garth's first time at the festival. 01:50.494 --> 01:51.174 I'm a voyager. 01:51.315 --> 01:52.916 I've been here many times. 01:53.036 --> 02:00.381 Joe and I came here in 2000 and 2002 to cover the festival for BBC 3 or BBC Choice as it was then in the old days. 02:00.641 --> 02:01.001 Choice. 02:01.461 --> 02:06.905 And we were, I've told the story before on our show but if you haven't heard listeners we were 02:07.005 --> 02:12.146 were not exactly banned officially, but it was understood that we would never be invited back. 02:12.426 --> 02:13.287 Why? 02:13.327 --> 02:16.027 Because of something that Joe said about Rolf Harris. 02:16.488 --> 02:17.448 Oh, on air. 02:18.148 --> 02:18.548 Really? 02:19.148 --> 02:22.429 Yeah, if you'd like to know exactly what he said, you can find out on my blog. 02:22.589 --> 02:23.670 Okay. 02:23.690 --> 02:25.030 I genuinely don't know what he said. 02:25.709 --> 02:26.950 Yeah, I'll tell you. 02:27.811 --> 02:28.131 It's bad. 02:28.171 --> 02:31.414 If I say it again, then we'll be electrocuted. 02:31.794 --> 02:36.038 And Rolf will withdraw his services from the BBC and their castle will crumble. 02:37.480 --> 02:41.663 But folks, I'm going to be guiding Garth around the festival site later on. 02:41.703 --> 02:45.627 Yesterday we spent a very enjoyable afternoon wandering around with a 02:46.448 --> 02:53.097 take machine and recording little observations about the site and taking it all in for the first time for Garth. 02:53.357 --> 02:58.244 Well, we actually recorded loads of stuff, but so much of it was interrupted by people going, AHHH! 02:58.564 --> 02:58.744 Yeah. 02:58.824 --> 03:00.326 Or just falling over and collapsing. 03:00.446 --> 03:01.368 Just random rooms. 03:01.388 --> 03:02.950 But that's okay, they were nice about it. 03:03.190 --> 03:03.330 Yeah. 03:04.151 --> 03:18.668 and we're going to tell you some stories and anecdotes about our time here as well and we haven't exactly worked out if we're going to do text the nation and if we did what it would be but we're going to play fast and loose because this is the festival right and it's all going to be a bit random of that monkey 03:18.908 --> 03:19.788 It's all about improvising. 03:19.808 --> 03:21.269 We've got some good music for you. 03:21.289 --> 03:22.790 We've even got a couple of interviews. 03:22.830 --> 03:24.150 We never do interviews on this show. 03:24.170 --> 03:24.911 We've done interviews. 03:25.091 --> 03:27.792 But we've torn up the rule book for this Glastonbury special. 03:28.152 --> 03:33.535 And right now, here is an ideal opportunity to revisit the Song Wars songbook. 03:33.875 --> 03:36.116 Of course, we have to resolve last week's Song Wars. 03:36.156 --> 03:40.658 Garth and I did songs about being ill, and we'll find out which one of those you voted for. 03:40.758 --> 03:41.118 Come on. 03:41.798 --> 03:42.559 Vote Jennings, people. 03:44.599 --> 03:48.461 But right now here is Song Wars, a track from a few weeks ago. 03:48.501 --> 03:55.804 This was when we did songs about festivals, and this was my winning song about the kind of posher end of festivals. 03:56.284 --> 04:01.887 And I would say there's parts of Glastonbury that are like this song, but on the whole, not so much. 04:02.087 --> 04:03.547 But anyway, this is my festival song. 04:03.607 --> 04:03.968 Enjoy! 04:03.988 --> 04:07.049 Please leave a message after the tone. 04:07.941 --> 04:09.562 Gaz Man, it's the Julienator. 04:10.202 --> 04:20.648 Just to let you know, I bought the tickets for Sludge Fest, as well as Chillax, Wicker World, the Inoffensive Electronic Festival, Wet Weekend, and Pims in the Park with Timbukh 3 Headlining. 04:20.948 --> 04:22.809 Drop us a text if you think I've missed any. 04:23.029 --> 04:23.590 Cheers ears. 04:24.210 --> 04:39.535 Load up the four by four, it's festival time We're stuffing the chill bag with nibbles and wine We're going to sleep inside a collapsible yard We've got a nurse in case anybody gets hurt 04:40.575 --> 04:43.858 Festivals used to be awful, just crusties and weirdo groups. 04:44.098 --> 04:48.141 There was nowhere to charge your mobile and nowhere nice for doing poops. 04:48.221 --> 04:51.624 Now they're often in stately homes with global cuisine as ace. 04:51.964 --> 04:55.467 And you can leave the kids in a really nice crash while you get off your face. 04:55.527 --> 04:59.309 Hip hooray, it's time for festival fun. 04:59.370 --> 05:01.051 We've got our hats and our sun. 05:01.871 --> 05:26.721 In case there's some sun, but when it rains We've got our green welly boots And if we feel the love, we've got our birthday suits Look kids, that's Keith Allen That's Lily Allen's dad He's been coming since the fifties And apparently he's really mad And over there, that's Katie Moss That's right, that crazy drug is X Let's ask her if she'll join us for a boogie and some sex 05:27.461 --> 05:47.659 Everybody over to the adverts stage, Moby's on, oh yes Then it's Groove Armada with the theme from M&S And then it's a bloke that I don't really know with a tooth for phone campaign And then it sucks with the Iceland song and Moby's on again We've got some chill bills, some whiz wiz and a gram of some stuff But I'm a little bit wild 05:54.082 --> 05:57.784 a bit of rice, some jelly and a big ball of string. 05:57.964 --> 06:05.527 And don't forget the baroque and the yoga mats too, because there's going to be healing and yoga to do. 06:05.787 --> 06:09.468 And there's a bloke from Tibet who can teach us to breathe. 06:09.728 --> 06:13.430 And after that, we'll see Moby then we'll probably leave. 06:13.510 --> 06:16.831 Load up a four by four, it's festival time. 06:25.824 --> 06:28.974 In case anybody gets hurt 06:32.576 --> 06:38.198 Hey hey, festival time here at BBC Six Music. 06:38.578 --> 06:42.420 This is Adam Buxton and Garth Jennings coming live from Glastonbury. 06:42.660 --> 06:43.260 Good morning. 06:43.480 --> 06:45.681 Good morning, and it's a nice morning as well. 06:45.901 --> 06:47.702 Well, I say that. 06:48.542 --> 06:50.022 There's no actual thunder and lightning. 06:50.082 --> 06:52.403 That's the thing, it's a nice morning if it's not a downpour. 06:52.463 --> 06:53.243 It's not too bad. 06:53.664 --> 06:55.144 I mentioned Keith Allen in that song. 06:55.324 --> 06:55.964 Yeah. 06:56.024 --> 06:58.465 No sign of Allen at this festival so far anyone? 06:58.545 --> 06:59.346 You spotted Allen? 06:59.406 --> 07:00.226 He's usually here. 07:00.566 --> 07:01.427 I don't know what he's doing. 07:01.767 --> 07:03.469 There's probably a show at Forest Festival. 07:04.510 --> 07:05.010 Where he is. 07:05.030 --> 07:05.571 Good work. 07:05.871 --> 07:06.892 Oh dear. 07:07.152 --> 07:09.995 But I did see... Did you see any famous people yesterday wandering around? 07:10.315 --> 07:11.136 No, not a sausage. 07:11.256 --> 07:13.117 I got a smile from Katie Tunstall. 07:13.698 --> 07:14.058 Did you really? 07:14.078 --> 07:15.399 At least I think it was Katie Tunstall. 07:15.500 --> 07:16.500 It might have been a tiny hobbit. 07:16.761 --> 07:18.602 She's very small. 07:18.622 --> 07:20.804 I've seen some hobbits, but I haven't seen Tunstall. 07:20.904 --> 07:21.645 She's lovely though. 07:22.366 --> 07:23.827 She's a beautiful little hobbit. 07:24.648 --> 07:26.630 I always thought that it was the guitar that was giant. 07:27.210 --> 07:27.450 It's not. 07:27.490 --> 07:28.491 The guitar's normal sized. 07:28.651 --> 07:28.911 Right. 07:29.071 --> 07:30.412 She's a little tiny. 07:30.952 --> 07:31.772 No, she's not that small. 07:32.032 --> 07:36.175 But she smiled at me and also Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys. 07:36.255 --> 07:36.875 You saw him? 07:36.895 --> 07:39.036 Yeah, he was there with the guy from the rascals. 07:39.056 --> 07:42.758 I was with you all day yesterday and I didn't see any of these people. 07:42.798 --> 07:44.639 He didn't smile at me though, but he's good looking. 07:45.039 --> 07:54.604 Anyway, listen, we're going to play you now the first of the links that we recorded yesterday when we were wandering around and I was introducing Garth to the wonderful world of Glastonbury via the BBC and we started off 07:55.064 --> 07:57.668 in the luxurious BBC Catering Tent. 07:58.228 --> 08:02.754 Now we are inside the BBC Catering Tent and I'm here with Gar. 08:02.975 --> 08:03.676 What do you think Gar? 08:04.216 --> 08:05.057 This is amazing. 08:05.077 --> 08:12.888 I mean this is my first time to Glastonbury and I've always been told it's you know muddy and harsh and you know you eat a dirty little burger. 08:13.484 --> 08:17.010 And I'm in a catering tent where I've just had a Thai Chicken Curry and Apricot Crumble. 08:17.711 --> 08:18.312 Oooh. 08:19.173 --> 08:20.636 Very, very, very nice. 08:21.177 --> 08:24.322 And I've only just arrived, so I haven't actually seen the place yet. 08:24.843 --> 08:25.704 But I'm looking forward to it. 08:26.661 --> 08:29.823 And, you know, this is where all the big knobs hang out. 08:30.243 --> 08:39.848 And Lauren Laverne, I don't think she would come under that category, but she's over there looking beautiful as ever with her young child and partner-stroke husband. 08:40.288 --> 08:51.654 Yes, that's Lauren's child, not Lauren Child, the author of books with very annoying typefaces and type layout for parents out there. 08:51.674 --> 08:52.455 They'll understand that. 08:53.095 --> 08:59.602 But yeah, we're having our lunch in here and then we are off to trudge around what is currently quite a muddy site. 08:59.822 --> 09:01.063 Are you well equipped Garth? 09:01.684 --> 09:04.387 I've got some waterproof trousers on and a hat. 09:05.508 --> 09:10.673 But the boots are, they're not welly boots, they're walking boots and I've got a feeling I'm not going to get very far in these. 09:11.636 --> 09:13.538 Don't worry man, we can buy anything out there. 09:13.558 --> 09:17.781 I mean there is literally a shop for every single thing that you could possibly imagine out there. 09:18.002 --> 09:23.747 Well this is the thing, I couldn't believe it when I came in that the first thing I saw was a cash machine and people queuing for the cash machines. 09:24.147 --> 09:25.748 It's like the leftovers of humanity. 09:25.948 --> 09:30.773 It's like in Deep Impact, like I was telling you earlier, the end of Deep Impact and there's only a few survivors. 09:31.313 --> 09:32.514 I reckon this is what it would look like. 09:32.814 --> 09:33.335 Amazing. 09:33.535 --> 09:34.216 It would look wicked. 09:35.696 --> 09:40.637 And Morgan Freeman would be in the middle of it, just moshing, jumping about, going, this is wicked. 09:40.797 --> 09:41.718 I'm having a wicked time. 09:42.018 --> 09:43.658 That's how Morgan Freeman speaks. 09:46.359 --> 09:56.501 Now, the problem that I'm going to have throughout the afternoon is my mic technique, because I've got a stick mic here, and I'm never very good at actually pointing it at the person who's speaking. 09:56.541 --> 09:59.422 You know, I generally end up getting confused and going the wrong way. 09:59.462 --> 10:02.022 So I'll point it at you when I'm speaking and vice versa. 10:02.543 --> 10:04.203 You end up with like a long thing. 10:04.870 --> 10:05.551 Uh, blank thing. 10:06.152 --> 10:09.155 Well, I'll get better as well at knowing when you're going to throw it at me. 10:09.655 --> 10:11.778 And I'll sort of, I'll, we'll get really good at this. 10:11.838 --> 10:12.839 I just think it's going to be amazing. 10:12.919 --> 10:15.622 People are going to see a progress, a hero progression throughout the show. 10:16.182 --> 10:17.304 It's a learning curve. 10:17.464 --> 10:19.046 They're classed in very learning curve. 10:19.646 --> 10:21.048 Okay, so we'll check back with you later. 10:21.920 --> 10:22.341 Yay! 10:22.481 --> 10:25.524 Camper van Beethoven and take the skinheads bowling. 10:25.584 --> 10:28.227 They've got a compilation out of some of their best moments. 10:28.667 --> 10:32.992 I strongly recommend it if you're not familiar with the wonderful world of Camper van Beethoven. 10:33.052 --> 10:37.357 Also, that just reminds me of your wedding, because Adam actually sang that at his wedding reception. 10:37.617 --> 10:44.223 I did, but I changed some of the lyrics to make it sort of more emotional for my wife, and I regretted doing it. 10:44.623 --> 10:50.208 I wake up sweating in the night, so I think, I don't remember that. 10:50.228 --> 10:51.308 I just remember thinking, wow. 10:51.589 --> 10:53.190 Listen, I throw the door open to the Lord. 10:53.210 --> 10:53.390 Do it. 10:53.430 --> 10:54.131 Let's get live. 10:54.511 --> 10:54.992 Listen to this. 10:55.632 --> 11:15.378 that's the sound of Glastonbury out there folks well it's actually a sound of a giant generator the sound of the BBC's generator but beyond it is I can see I can see birds flying over they look like sea birds picking over the corpses of some of the revellers that died what's great is that nothing gets wasted 11:15.538 --> 11:15.918 here, right? 11:15.999 --> 11:16.499 No, exactly. 11:16.559 --> 11:17.300 It's all recycled. 11:17.400 --> 11:26.168 If a little youth dies while watching Kings of Leon, then the birds eat the youth the next morning, and so is the cycle of life here at Glastonbury Festival. 11:26.208 --> 11:26.989 That's the way it goes. 11:27.009 --> 11:27.329 Ah, yes. 11:27.730 --> 11:34.316 Now, speaking of live music, of course, there was some great music here in Glastonbury, and one of the heroes of the festival, I think thus far, 11:34.976 --> 11:41.159 I mean, it's only been one day so far, but one of the standout bands yesterday were the editors. 11:41.479 --> 11:42.640 The editors were great. 11:42.680 --> 11:44.280 And they really tore the place up. 11:44.340 --> 11:47.622 It looked like they were having one of those Glastonbury moments, don't you think? 11:47.642 --> 11:47.742 Yeah. 11:47.762 --> 11:49.082 It's a career-making show there. 11:49.222 --> 11:49.743 I hope so. 11:50.383 --> 11:51.864 Vampire Weekend were fantastic as well. 11:51.904 --> 11:52.604 You missed Vampire Weekend. 11:52.624 --> 11:52.984 I missed that. 11:53.004 --> 11:53.945 I was still on the train. 11:54.025 --> 11:54.985 They're playing again today. 11:55.005 --> 11:55.805 They were brilliant. 11:55.965 --> 11:57.166 I was wandering around out there. 11:57.646 --> 11:58.707 and they were extraordinary. 11:58.727 --> 11:59.507 They were great bands. 11:59.587 --> 12:01.008 We're going to play some editors for you now. 12:01.048 --> 12:04.510 This was recorded yesterday at Friday's Glastonbury Festival. 12:04.590 --> 12:06.611 First of all, here's an enjoyable trail. 12:18.817 --> 12:19.478 Not old enough. 12:19.598 --> 12:20.679 You're 45. 12:22.040 --> 12:20.679 45. 12:22.660 --> 12:23.741 He's not 45, listeners. 12:23.801 --> 12:24.461 He's 14. 12:25.843 --> 12:28.485 This is Adam Buxton here with Garth Jennings. 12:28.585 --> 12:28.825 Hello. 12:28.985 --> 12:30.826 I'm standing in for Joe because he's still poorly. 12:31.127 --> 12:32.388 He's still poorly. 12:32.408 --> 12:33.268 He's poorly sure. 12:33.649 --> 12:36.130 But he's going to be back with us next week, I promise you. 12:36.491 --> 12:42.455 As I said before, even if he is moments from expiring, we'll drag him in and you can just hear him wheezing. 12:42.836 --> 12:43.176 Yes. 12:43.476 --> 12:44.257 That'll be good enough. 12:44.657 --> 12:45.237 Now, yesterday, 12:46.718 --> 12:48.019 was our first full day at Glastonbury. 12:48.059 --> 12:49.100 Garth, you arrived yesterday. 12:49.180 --> 12:51.281 I arrived the day before on the Thursday. 12:51.461 --> 12:51.661 Right. 12:52.061 --> 12:54.062 And that was not an enjoyable journey. 12:54.443 --> 13:00.666 I mean, I have to tell you that the big British castle stumped up for a lovely first-class ticket for me on the train. 13:00.686 --> 13:00.766 Nice. 13:00.926 --> 13:02.507 And that bit was wicked. 13:02.527 --> 13:03.788 Yeah, because I had that yesterday. 13:04.008 --> 13:19.520 That was great because I got on the train finally after queuing for about an hour at Paddington with a lot of young people and I was feeling quite old and out of place and finally got on the train and it was like a train to an internment camp. 13:20.080 --> 13:23.783 It was frightening and it was like the world was ending and we were all being evacuated. 13:24.143 --> 13:25.224 As you said, deep impact. 13:25.384 --> 13:27.125 It's got a lot of that about it, don't you think? 13:27.205 --> 13:32.409 It was like the under 40s, all the waste trolls who'd been picked to go in the... You're the chosen ones, that's it. 13:32.429 --> 13:33.309 You'll get to Glastonbury. 13:33.490 --> 13:34.370 You'll be safe there. 13:34.530 --> 13:36.392 And I just scraped in there, just under 40. 13:36.432 --> 13:37.292 Hooray! 13:37.312 --> 13:41.995 I'm on the train to the castle under the rocks. 13:42.976 --> 13:49.239 But I got on the train and it was absolutely rammed and but I found a couple of seats free, right? 13:49.279 --> 13:51.260 So I jump in a seat and I'm thinking brilliant. 13:51.520 --> 13:55.542 So I do my trick over sticking my rucksack next to me on the other free seat. 13:55.562 --> 13:57.063 Wow, no one's done that trick before. 13:57.163 --> 13:57.603 It's genius. 13:57.643 --> 13:59.104 It's a genius trick that I invented. 13:59.364 --> 14:01.665 And then I... Are you trying to look big as well? 14:01.785 --> 14:02.966 No, I pretended to be asleep. 14:04.571 --> 14:23.176 I pretended to be asleep and leaned my head there and you know made myself look as grotesque as possible so that you wouldn't want to wake this guy up to ask for the seat right and it was all going well and the train started moving and I was like yes I've done it no one's sat next to me I'm the king and at that point this girl comes up taps me on the shoulder and 14:23.556 --> 14:30.524 Excuse me, could you possibly move to the seat over there next to that man so me and my friend can sit together? 14:31.085 --> 14:38.975 And I looked over at the seat she was pointing at and the bloke in the other seat was just this giant tool bag. 14:39.435 --> 14:45.760 Okay, and he was talking louder than anyone in the whole train to the people in front of him Maybe he was trying to do what you were doing. 14:46.101 --> 14:46.481 I don't know. 14:46.521 --> 14:55.308 Well, it was working And he had successfully repelled absolutely everybody else, but he was spread all over that both seats And I just thought no, there's no way I can go and sit next to him. 14:55.348 --> 14:58.331 I'm really tired I just said no, I'm sorry 14:59.011 --> 14:59.692 I know. 14:59.752 --> 15:00.233 I can't. 15:00.413 --> 15:00.993 I'm sorry. 15:01.994 --> 15:04.797 First of all, I said, have you looked everywhere? 15:06.680 --> 15:07.520 You're awful. 15:07.961 --> 15:08.381 I know. 15:08.461 --> 15:11.224 And I just thought, this is the worst thing I've ever done. 15:11.565 --> 15:13.647 And she just went, oh, right, OK. 15:14.068 --> 15:14.728 And she went off. 15:15.029 --> 15:19.353 And so then I went, I pretended to be asleep a little bit more, and her friends sort of sat down next to me. 15:20.394 --> 15:20.975 A shame! 15:21.215 --> 15:21.495 I know! 15:21.515 --> 15:25.278 And I thought, this is no good, I'm not enjoying myself, I can't go to sleep. 15:25.539 --> 15:27.120 So I just said, you know what? 15:28.421 --> 15:30.663 Okay, you can sit next to your friend, okay? 15:30.683 --> 15:31.724 And I just wandered off. 15:32.204 --> 15:34.746 But then I found my first-class seat, I didn't realise I could sit there. 15:34.766 --> 15:36.848 You're insane, I went straight to my first-class seat. 15:36.868 --> 15:38.869 Well, because I missed my train, I didn't think my seat was up. 15:38.889 --> 15:40.451 Even newspapers are on your seat, ready for you. 15:41.752 --> 15:42.492 It was lovely. 15:42.532 --> 15:43.073 Didn't get that. 15:43.313 --> 15:44.274 So we finally arrived. 15:45.134 --> 15:52.939 And it was great, and we'll tell you more about what happened when we arrived, because the scene at the other end at Castle Kerry was even more extraordinary than before. 15:53.560 --> 15:56.942 But right now, Jude, are we going to have another little listen to our journey yesterday? 15:57.762 --> 16:00.884 So this is when we actually got out into the site proper. 16:01.044 --> 16:02.405 Me and Garth, this is our journey. 16:05.114 --> 16:12.076 Right, now we are here in the sort of main drag that runs from the pyramid stage at Glastonbury. 16:12.616 --> 16:22.379 It's a sort of muddy thoroughfare lined with shops and stalls that runs through to our destination which is the stone circle at the other end of the site. 16:22.639 --> 16:24.180 Is that where we're going now, the stone circle? 16:24.221 --> 16:28.304 We're going to head towards the stone circle and take a look at some of the fun things on the way. 16:28.464 --> 16:30.166 Is there some druid action up in the stone? 16:30.546 --> 16:32.448 There's druids, there's ladies. 16:32.628 --> 16:35.031 I mean, it's very muddy now, so there'll be filthy ladies. 16:35.211 --> 16:36.892 Filthy druid ladies. 16:36.912 --> 16:38.414 That's right, it's the best kind of lady. 16:38.874 --> 16:42.818 And along the way, Garth, I'm going to be telling you some amazing Glastonbury facts. 16:42.898 --> 16:43.379 I like that. 16:44.059 --> 16:45.300 Because you've never been before, right? 16:45.340 --> 16:45.881 No, this is it. 16:45.901 --> 16:46.621 It's my first time. 16:46.641 --> 16:48.463 I've only been here for now for 10 minutes. 16:48.643 --> 16:48.883 Yeah. 16:49.263 --> 16:49.864 And it's great. 16:50.004 --> 16:50.784 First impressions? 16:50.804 --> 16:52.325 Everyone's very happy. 16:52.926 --> 16:55.288 I just thought it would be a bit more sour-faced for some reason. 16:55.468 --> 16:55.988 Nah. 16:56.008 --> 16:58.090 But look, everyone's having a great time. 16:58.330 --> 16:59.111 They don't mind the mud. 16:59.151 --> 16:59.731 They love it. 16:59.851 --> 17:02.733 At the moment, it's not raining too hard instead of drizzling. 17:03.034 --> 17:03.554 That's fine. 17:03.654 --> 17:04.455 It's a light dribble. 17:04.595 --> 17:06.857 And it's funny how this would annoy me in London. 17:07.077 --> 17:07.237 Yeah. 17:07.257 --> 17:08.378 But out here, no one else cares. 17:08.418 --> 17:09.359 You suddenly don't care yourself. 17:09.399 --> 17:10.019 It's not a problem. 17:10.299 --> 17:10.860 Not a problem. 17:10.880 --> 17:11.540 No big problem. 17:11.560 --> 17:12.181 What's the problem? 17:12.201 --> 17:13.442 Get out of my face. 17:14.122 --> 17:16.263 And you haven't had a drink yet or anything, have you? 17:16.363 --> 17:18.625 No, neither have I. I mean, we're working for the Big British Castle. 17:18.645 --> 17:22.587 If we did ingest any alcohol, I hope you know that we would be electrocuted. 17:22.667 --> 17:23.267 Yeah, absolutely. 17:23.307 --> 17:25.248 That's why I'm holding on to this rubber boot. 17:25.789 --> 17:32.913 Yeah, because when you come in, when you're with the Big British Castle covering Glastonbury, they put a little chip in your brain, in your mind. 17:32.973 --> 17:33.313 Yeah. 17:33.873 --> 17:38.556 And if you have any alcohol, if you swear, and if you think in pure thoughts, 17:41.427 --> 17:42.789 It seems extreme, doesn't it? 17:42.969 --> 17:48.414 Especially at a big free festival, but that's what they have to do to maintain the standards of the castle. 17:48.474 --> 17:48.934 A Disney world. 17:48.995 --> 17:50.616 It's always a sinister undercurrent. 17:51.036 --> 17:51.557 Exactly. 17:51.777 --> 17:53.959 I'm sure I've said something wrong by saying that, but anyway. 17:54.019 --> 17:57.322 Yes, other theme parks have sinister undercurrents as well. 17:57.402 --> 17:58.083 Yes! 17:59.925 --> 18:01.687 So, what do you reckon? 18:01.767 --> 18:03.308 Are you tempted by any of these stalls? 18:03.728 --> 18:04.569 I don't know where to start. 18:04.609 --> 18:04.950 What's that? 18:05.470 --> 18:05.910 Toilets. 18:06.271 --> 18:06.651 Toilets? 18:06.671 --> 18:07.331 Where are the toilets? 18:07.351 --> 18:08.032 That's a good question. 18:08.052 --> 18:09.113 The gentleman asking for the toilets. 18:09.813 --> 18:12.715 My friend, we're standing in one of the world's biggest toilets. 18:12.755 --> 18:14.056 You could go anywhere you want. 18:14.436 --> 18:15.497 Is it a clean toilet? 18:16.098 --> 18:16.958 A clean toilet? 18:16.998 --> 18:17.519 I would say no. 18:17.539 --> 18:18.619 What do you reckon? 18:18.720 --> 18:19.160 Surely not. 18:19.200 --> 18:21.502 Glastonbury's not famous for the cleanliness of its toilets. 18:22.349 --> 18:23.449 What about nipping behind a tree? 18:23.910 --> 18:25.250 As compared to tea in the park. 18:25.850 --> 18:26.871 Is this better than tea in the park? 18:27.351 --> 18:27.791 Oh yes. 18:28.271 --> 18:28.631 Cleaner. 18:28.791 --> 18:30.912 This is the mother of all festivals. 18:31.652 --> 18:32.053 Excellent. 18:32.413 --> 18:33.113 Well listen, good luck. 18:33.433 --> 18:37.955 Hey, maybe a good place to find a toilet would be the WC Fields. 18:40.016 --> 18:44.078 Anyway listen man, have a good day, take care, good luck with your wee wee expedition. 18:44.659 --> 18:45.419 They were insane. 18:45.940 --> 18:48.581 That's the first of a number of jokes I'll be making about the fields. 18:48.681 --> 18:50.442 They were really really insane. 18:50.522 --> 18:52.344 They were relatively together I thought. 18:53.384 --> 18:56.026 We're gonna meet some madder people in that guard, let me tell you. 18:56.986 --> 18:59.328 We'll be back with you in a bit, but now here's some music. 19:00.600 --> 19:03.221 That's the mighty Ben Folds Five playing Kate. 19:03.261 --> 19:07.762 They were on the other stage yesterday, Friday at Glastonbury, where we are coming live. 19:07.822 --> 19:11.902 This is the BBC Six music, and now it's time for the news read by Harvey Cooke. 19:12.183 --> 19:14.063 Oh yes, it certainly is all right. 19:14.723 --> 19:18.144 That was Edward Collins with a girl like you. 19:18.224 --> 19:19.904 You just turned into a DJ, right there. 19:20.044 --> 19:20.484 All right. 19:20.984 --> 19:22.405 Turned into fluff for a second there. 19:22.425 --> 19:27.446 This is Adam Buxton here with Garth Jennings, who's filling in for Joe, who's still ill. 19:28.466 --> 19:30.307 We should have played that Smith's track, shouldn't we? 19:30.327 --> 19:32.587 But that's a missed opportunity. 19:32.667 --> 19:34.408 It's one of life's great missed opportunities. 19:35.188 --> 19:39.469 Now, we were saying before that we had a slightly torturous journey to Glastonbury. 19:39.550 --> 19:50.313 After the luxury of the train, we arrived at Castle Carey, aka Castle Scary, which is the station that everyone arrives to if they're coming to Glastonbury. 19:50.373 --> 19:52.333 Or you can get off at Westbury if you choose. 19:52.734 --> 19:56.035 But Castle Carey is where you go if you're getting on the coaches, right? 19:56.075 --> 19:56.995 If you've got your ticket, 19:57.915 --> 19:59.276 It's a kind of a package deal. 19:59.596 --> 20:03.038 You go to Castle Kerry, you get off the train and you wait for the coach. 20:03.118 --> 20:04.419 Normally it would be very smooth. 20:05.139 --> 20:10.181 Oh, it wasn't the other day though, because there was a fire just outside the Glastonbury Festival site. 20:10.922 --> 20:13.303 So the whole place was just backed up. 20:13.343 --> 20:15.284 There were trains bringing people in, but... 20:17.365 --> 20:19.666 there was no one moving out of the train station. 20:19.766 --> 20:22.587 So they were just jammed up there in massive queues. 20:22.987 --> 20:24.068 It looked like the end of the world. 20:24.108 --> 20:25.108 Have you seen Children of Men? 20:25.388 --> 20:25.648 Yes. 20:26.148 --> 20:27.189 It was very much like that. 20:27.209 --> 20:27.649 Like that? 20:27.709 --> 20:27.909 Yeah. 20:28.109 --> 20:28.569 Oh dear. 20:28.589 --> 20:30.010 Brilliant film if you haven't seen it by the way. 20:30.550 --> 20:30.910 It is. 20:31.070 --> 20:37.053 And it was like a cross between Children of Men, Schindler's List and The Hills Have Eyes. 20:37.973 --> 20:40.054 It was just a cheerful combo. 20:40.094 --> 20:40.634 It was appalling. 20:40.674 --> 20:42.014 It was like the world had ended. 20:42.034 --> 20:43.935 Or was in the process of ending. 20:43.955 --> 20:44.995 Was it just you who felt this way? 20:45.055 --> 20:46.215 Or was everyone else loving it? 20:46.496 --> 20:47.996 Was it all part of the blitz spirit? 20:48.036 --> 20:50.517 You know, the kind of glass to be, well hey, we're all having a... No. 20:51.397 --> 20:54.338 There was no sing-alongs and cheery whoops of joy. 20:54.898 --> 21:11.970 everyone was pretty annoyed i would say um... i mean you know it was nobody's fault exactly but it wasn't enjoyable so i went nice stood by the temporary car park to wait for my bbc buddies to come and pick me up of course they were caught up in the traffic as well so i had to stand there for quite a while a couple of hours whatever and a half 21:12.470 --> 21:21.758 And I was accosted by this scary Hills Have I style man who was just in a really beaten up camper van with him and his scraggly looking mates. 21:21.778 --> 21:22.719 Did he offer you a lift? 21:23.059 --> 21:29.564 No, he just sort of came over with his plate of pasta that he just cooked on his weird fire and he came over and said... 21:30.585 --> 21:31.685 I'll be watching you. 21:31.705 --> 21:33.126 Why don't you come and join us? 21:33.286 --> 21:33.746 Come and join us. 21:34.526 --> 21:35.547 My name's Obi-Wan Kenobi. 21:35.787 --> 21:36.987 He did not say that. 21:37.047 --> 21:37.807 Yeah, he did. 21:38.488 --> 21:40.208 I said, brilliant Obi-Wan Kenobi. 21:40.228 --> 21:40.668 That's great. 21:40.988 --> 21:41.448 It's good stuff. 21:42.089 --> 21:42.809 No, I'm fine. 21:42.829 --> 21:43.589 I'm going to stand here. 21:43.609 --> 21:44.449 I'm just waiting for my friend. 21:44.489 --> 21:45.470 Oh, you're going to stand there, are you? 21:45.490 --> 21:47.050 You're not going to come over and join us. 21:48.151 --> 21:48.351 Right. 21:48.951 --> 21:49.811 Narrow people. 21:51.412 --> 21:52.152 Narrow people. 21:52.292 --> 21:55.513 And then he went off, swaggering off, going, narrow people! 21:56.273 --> 21:57.874 Narrow people! 21:58.414 --> 21:59.394 Narrow people! 22:00.274 --> 22:03.236 And then these girls came along and they caught his eye. 22:03.256 --> 22:05.316 And he's like, oh, ladies, come and join us. 22:05.577 --> 22:06.037 Come and join us. 22:06.217 --> 22:07.057 I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. 22:07.397 --> 22:08.358 Come and join us. 22:08.958 --> 22:09.298 Sit down. 22:09.338 --> 22:10.419 And they were like, no, thank you. 22:10.439 --> 22:11.039 We're not insane. 22:12.359 --> 22:15.001 And so then he went, ah, yes, narrow people. 22:15.201 --> 22:16.321 Drippin' in Prada. 22:16.901 --> 22:18.382 Drippin' in Prada. 22:19.222 --> 22:20.163 That was his catchphrases. 22:20.423 --> 22:21.123 Three catchphrases. 22:21.183 --> 22:24.404 I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, drippin' in Prada, and narrow people. 22:24.925 --> 22:26.405 Those are great catchphrases. 22:26.425 --> 22:27.566 They're burned into my brain now. 22:28.837 --> 22:33.261 Two hours of fear that it was all going to turn nasty with Obi-Wan Kenobi. 22:34.042 --> 22:37.625 Anyway, more of our Glastonbury stories coming up shortly. 22:37.665 --> 22:41.969 We're going to reveal the result of last week's song wars after this next track. 22:42.690 --> 22:44.191 And this is the Hold Steady. 22:44.532 --> 22:47.415 And they're kind of exactly what festivals are all about, aren't they? 22:47.455 --> 22:51.598 Loud rock and roll, good time, Bruce Springsteen-style fun, and this is Sequested in Memphis. 22:55.591 --> 23:16.124 that song is it it's all about peanut in Memphis yeah and the question in Memphis exactly so it's a peanut in Memphis it's a question about baby son's coming out shaking Stevens is gonna be on stage here at Glastonbury in about 15 minutes you want me to pop out and have a look at him see how he's going I could always report back don't give him a shove yeah 23:19.526 --> 23:22.687 He's going to be rocking the pyramid stage shortly. 23:23.147 --> 23:27.087 I don't think we're planning on bringing you any live coverage of Shaky, but... No, I'll just tell you how it's going. 23:27.127 --> 23:27.267 Yeah. 23:27.528 --> 23:29.768 But listen, right now, it's time to resolve song wars. 23:29.808 --> 23:35.949 From last week, Garth and I both created original songs about being ill, various different types of illnesses. 23:35.989 --> 23:37.509 You did one about having hay fever. 23:37.589 --> 23:37.789 Yep. 23:37.829 --> 23:39.330 Because I have hay fever and I hate it. 23:39.470 --> 23:39.950 How's it going? 23:39.990 --> 23:41.290 It's brilliant here. 23:42.050 --> 23:43.030 Not a bit at all. 23:43.090 --> 23:43.591 It's all the rain. 23:43.791 --> 23:43.971 Yeah. 23:44.171 --> 23:45.051 Just keeps the pollen down. 23:45.091 --> 23:45.351 It does. 23:45.551 --> 23:46.011 It's genius. 23:46.731 --> 23:55.079 And I did one about just having a cold which I'm glad to say is all cleared up now But Garth's song was like a little bit too good for my liking. 23:55.800 --> 24:04.348 It was ludicrous and I thought it's very nice of you I feel a little bit insecure about it now because if you win, it's gonna make me look bad and it's annoying. 24:05.255 --> 24:06.697 Oh yeah, but first we're going to do the jingle. 24:06.717 --> 24:08.922 We're going to do a live jingle because this is Glastonbury. 24:08.962 --> 24:09.883 We've got to do it live. 24:10.084 --> 24:13.691 We've got a little country backing for you and we're going to do a live song for this jingle. 24:13.711 --> 24:14.633 How are you feeling about this guy? 24:14.833 --> 24:15.875 Quite nervous actually. 24:16.476 --> 24:16.676 Let's go. 24:18.980 --> 24:34.870 Song Wars, Song Wars Now the time has come for the Song Wars Two songs, one subject Can you fellas tell us which you like best? 24:39.533 --> 24:42.295 Song Wars, Song Wars 24:44.782 --> 24:47.124 That was nice! 24:47.184 --> 24:50.167 The crowds are going mental out there, they love it. 24:50.347 --> 24:54.190 Right, now here is the... Why did you make me do that? 24:55.031 --> 24:56.712 That's for Obi-Wan Kenobi out there. 24:57.793 --> 24:58.814 Here is the result. 24:59.074 --> 25:01.376 Narrow people drippin' in Prada. 25:02.176 --> 25:02.537 Okay. 25:03.598 --> 25:06.980 And... Oh my... I've been massacred by Darth Jennings! 25:07.521 --> 25:08.001 Wow! 25:08.021 --> 25:08.261 I've won by 75%! 25:08.301 --> 25:08.742 Garth wins by 75%. 25:13.055 --> 25:14.276 Take my pain! 25:14.296 --> 25:19.518 You know, it's not enough that Cornish regularly busts my arse. 25:19.538 --> 25:21.359 You have to come in and humiliate me as well. 25:21.379 --> 25:27.282 Well, I didn't mean to hurt you, but I'm delighted to have won the hour. 25:27.822 --> 25:29.583 Wow, it's a proud moment for me. 25:29.603 --> 25:31.724 I thought you were going to go into Jealous Guy there for a second. 25:31.844 --> 25:32.244 What do you mean? 25:32.304 --> 25:33.985 I didn't mean to hurt you. 25:34.385 --> 25:35.645 I'm sorry that I made you cry. 25:37.746 --> 25:39.927 Well, thank you for voting for me, whoever you are. 25:41.388 --> 25:42.209 How we doing there, Judah? 25:42.229 --> 25:43.029 We got some technicals. 25:43.870 --> 25:45.791 Couple of technicals with Garth's track. 25:46.352 --> 25:47.452 Oh, it's so good, though. 25:47.472 --> 25:47.913 Well, don't worry. 25:47.933 --> 25:52.456 If we can't hear your track immediately, then we'll play it shortly. 25:52.476 --> 25:53.497 That's all right. 25:53.537 --> 25:56.799 And we'll play some other... People are still recovering from our live jingle. 25:59.034 --> 25:59.895 Okay, yes, yes. 26:00.135 --> 26:06.000 Before we hear Garth's winning song, which is ludicrous, as I'm saying it, I can't believe that it's actually happened. 26:06.020 --> 26:09.683 I'd be beaten at songwalls by an interloper. 26:09.743 --> 26:18.411 But yes, before we hear Garth's winning song, let's hear another little excerpt from our trip around the Glastonbury Festival site yesterday. 26:18.431 --> 26:20.873 How are we doing? 26:23.479 --> 26:24.760 We're in the jazz world. 26:25.080 --> 26:26.422 It's nice in the jazz world. 26:26.442 --> 26:28.363 This is the world of jazz. 26:28.443 --> 26:30.805 The common language here is jazz. 26:31.906 --> 26:33.508 You can speak scat if you want to. 26:34.549 --> 26:35.229 Scoop-a-doop-a-bop. 26:35.249 --> 26:39.233 That's the kind of thing you have to say if you want to buy anything in jazz world. 26:39.253 --> 26:43.216 Can I have a couple of double-a-double-a-dow-dow-dow fears, please? 26:44.097 --> 26:45.798 Scoop-a-doop-a-bop-a-bop. 26:45.818 --> 26:48.060 Could I please have a Scoop-a-boo? 26:48.741 --> 26:49.101 That means... 26:50.402 --> 26:53.385 Could I have Scooby Doo and do a poo? 26:55.648 --> 26:55.948 Yes. 26:55.988 --> 26:58.191 Basically Scooby Doo is like the god of jazz world. 27:01.274 --> 27:07.241 And if you are Scooby Doo and you want to do a poo, then you have to go to the jazz world in order to make that happen. 27:07.821 --> 27:09.003 Scooby Doo want to do a poo. 27:10.364 --> 27:12.265 Anyway, so those mushrooms are kicking in my lovely. 27:13.926 --> 27:15.867 We're in jazz world and it's nice here. 27:15.907 --> 27:17.488 It's really good atmosphere isn't it? 27:17.509 --> 27:18.589 It's really mellow. 27:18.809 --> 27:19.430 Yeah. 27:19.850 --> 27:23.092 I've got a feeling though, you know when you come somewhere and you think this is nice, this is really nice. 27:23.553 --> 27:25.674 I think it could turn dark later in jazz world. 27:25.874 --> 27:26.274 You reckon? 27:26.495 --> 27:29.677 Yeah, it feels like it's at the moment, it's a very friendly place. 27:29.737 --> 27:30.898 Everyone smiles at each other. 27:31.698 --> 27:32.819 I think it could turn dark here. 27:32.859 --> 27:34.359 Just like Jazz, it could turn on you. 27:34.699 --> 27:35.320 Well, exactly. 27:35.340 --> 27:37.061 Go on Miles Davis all over your arse. 27:38.701 --> 27:41.142 It could be... Yes, I know exactly what you're saying. 27:41.183 --> 27:43.624 I mean, it's 4.30 now here in Jazz World. 27:44.504 --> 27:46.005 The rain has let up a little bit. 27:46.725 --> 27:48.666 And there's a lot of people with children here. 27:48.686 --> 27:51.727 I'm always amazed by people who bring their very young children to a festival. 27:51.767 --> 27:52.348 Yeah, babies. 27:52.388 --> 27:53.328 There's lots of babies. 27:53.828 --> 27:56.450 Mother's pushing prams around last night when we got here. 27:57.190 --> 28:00.791 And it was absolutely torrential, the rain was really cheating down. 28:01.492 --> 28:04.032 But there was people pushing around their prams. 28:04.392 --> 28:04.593 Yeah. 28:04.733 --> 28:06.873 With the little babies there, what are they getting out of this? 28:07.153 --> 28:07.954 Yeah, I don't know. 28:08.014 --> 28:10.054 And then you have to put the ear defenders on them. 28:10.355 --> 28:11.155 Yes, exactly. 28:11.195 --> 28:11.515 Yeah. 28:11.635 --> 28:12.375 Health and safety. 28:12.415 --> 28:13.576 Health and safety. 28:13.796 --> 28:15.996 For goodness sake, otherwise social services will be around. 28:16.076 --> 28:18.717 I don't know, you see, the trouble is, I don't know how you get a kid to sleep out here. 28:18.937 --> 28:19.658 No. 28:19.738 --> 28:22.679 Our children are pretty, they sleep through police sirens and things like that, but... 28:23.659 --> 28:26.422 I don't know if they'd make it through the jazz world tent. 28:26.782 --> 28:26.962 No. 28:27.322 --> 28:28.864 I mean, it beggars belief. 28:28.884 --> 28:30.285 Would you bring your children to Glastonbury? 28:30.825 --> 28:32.026 Um, I don't know yet. 28:32.046 --> 28:34.048 I haven't, I've only been through these first few bits. 28:34.108 --> 28:34.348 Right. 28:35.069 --> 28:38.271 I think, I mean, we just saw a great big robotic dinosaur drive past. 28:38.292 --> 28:38.352 Yes. 28:38.372 --> 28:40.333 That alone would have been worth the trip for my lot. 28:40.573 --> 28:40.734 Yeah. 28:40.874 --> 28:41.995 That really was impressive. 28:42.115 --> 28:49.841 And there was a man as well, he had constructed like a big tractor, but he put like an engine on it from a plane or something like that. 28:49.861 --> 28:50.742 It was very much like Mad Man. 28:51.223 --> 28:51.723 Exactly. 28:51.843 --> 28:53.505 It is like, I mean it's all like Mad Max, isn't it? 28:53.525 --> 28:55.367 You expect to see Tina Turner wandering through? 28:55.388 --> 28:55.448 Yep. 28:57.070 --> 28:57.590 Squawling. 28:57.730 --> 28:58.131 Squailing. 28:58.331 --> 28:58.631 Wailing. 28:59.012 --> 28:59.733 Squawking. 29:01.575 --> 29:02.256 But anyway, listen. 29:02.676 --> 29:07.121 We're on a mission to find a lovely hippy tea room, so let's continue. 29:07.182 --> 29:07.462 Let's go. 29:07.722 --> 29:09.162 Hello, Scar speaking. 29:09.763 --> 29:12.263 That's Humphrey Littleton playing our Bad Penny Blues. 29:12.924 --> 29:16.024 I'm going to dedicate that to my mum who's listening and she loved that record. 29:16.244 --> 29:17.945 So that sounded like Lady Madonna by the Beatles. 29:17.965 --> 29:20.886 I think that was a big influence on Lady Madonna. 29:20.966 --> 29:22.606 It gets quite well known actually. 29:23.186 --> 29:25.047 You're the only guy, everyone out there in Glastonbury. 29:25.067 --> 29:25.887 I didn't get the memo. 29:26.247 --> 29:27.888 You didn't get that memo from the late Great Humpf. 29:28.948 --> 29:29.408 There you go. 29:29.528 --> 29:34.870 Now listen, we had a problem before that with the CD that we had Garth's winning Hay Fever song on. 29:34.890 --> 29:36.670 Have you tried to sabotage it in some way now? 29:37.010 --> 29:37.710 It was covered in mud. 29:37.730 --> 29:38.671 You were just bitter, aren't you? 29:38.691 --> 29:41.311 I wiped a large amount of mud on it just in case you won. 29:42.031 --> 29:55.415 And it worked, but unfortunately the big British castle is such a technical powerhouse that we are linking up with London now, our studio in London, in Great Portland Street, and they are going to play Garth's winning Hay Fever song right now. 29:55.515 --> 29:55.915 Ready, London? 30:30.407 --> 30:32.372 I was wrong, couldn't open my eyes 31:16.801 --> 31:22.203 That works for me And there's a problem to see Even though I'm sweeping the stars 31:59.485 --> 32:01.145 That's my winning song, A Fever. 32:01.485 --> 32:05.126 Thank you voting people for making me the winner. 32:05.146 --> 32:08.667 75% in your face Adam Buxton. 32:08.907 --> 32:10.007 What a pasting. 32:10.548 --> 32:11.168 Anyway, there you go. 32:11.768 --> 32:14.869 We are here live from Glastonbury. 32:15.109 --> 32:21.510 We're going to play you a short trail and after that we're going to hear some exciting get cape, wear cape fly bird. 32:21.630 --> 32:24.751 I just want to tell you very quickly before we go to that that we've got photographs 32:25.211 --> 32:27.592 of our trip that will illustrate certain of our links. 32:27.812 --> 32:34.095 You can go to bbc.co.uk, forward slash Glastonbury, forward slash 2008, forward slash 6 Music. 32:34.175 --> 32:34.735 Did you get all that? 32:35.756 --> 32:41.818 If you go to the 6 Music website, you'll be able to navigate to there and find some photographs of our time here at Glastonbury thus far. 32:42.078 --> 32:44.179 But right now, trail, and then get, kick, wear, kick, fly! 32:47.121 --> 32:55.957 Health and safety I got a little yellow coat on Don't do nothing stupid Or you'll be ejected 32:59.981 --> 33:00.882 Oh, that's exhausting. 33:01.442 --> 33:02.122 Absolutely exhausting. 33:02.602 --> 33:07.625 That was pigeon detectives with take her out, take her back, take her down. 33:07.645 --> 33:08.245 Take her back. 33:08.425 --> 33:08.906 Take her back. 33:09.066 --> 33:10.046 Put that outside. 33:10.667 --> 33:11.327 Put her outside. 33:11.347 --> 33:12.227 Pop her out. 33:12.627 --> 33:13.168 Pop your top off. 33:13.188 --> 33:14.528 Get that thing away from me. 33:14.548 --> 33:15.749 Yeah, there you go. 33:15.969 --> 33:18.851 Hey, this is Adam and Garth at Glastonbury. 33:18.911 --> 33:22.853 Joe is still ill, I'm sorry to say, but I got a text from him the other day. 33:22.873 --> 33:23.913 Actually, I didn't get a text. 33:23.933 --> 33:24.534 He didn't text me. 33:24.574 --> 33:25.274 He just ignores me. 33:25.474 --> 33:26.995 But I saw Lauren Laverne got a text. 33:27.595 --> 33:45.178 uh from him and uh apparently he's shaping up nicely so he should be back with us next weekend at the big british castle i'll be gone shaking steep we got the door to our studio our little teeny weeny studio here open the tractor bringing shaky has going past right now here he is yeah and we've got the uh we're in the big british castle compound 33:45.498 --> 33:58.712 All the generators are out there, and we can see the back of the pyramid stage, which is the big main stage here at Glastonbury, where all the big acts perform, and yes, Shaken Stevens is going to be the first act of today out there, and well, very shortly, I think. 33:58.732 --> 34:00.994 Yeah, but don't worry, we're not actually going to bring it, bring this recording. 34:01.155 --> 34:04.298 We're not going to play any Shaky whatsoever, okay? 34:04.418 --> 34:05.900 So don't worry about it, it's absolutely fine. 34:06.460 --> 34:16.349 And I'm just joking, if you're a big Shakin' Stevens fan, I don't want to fight with a Shakin' Stevens fan, because I think maybe the Shakin' Stevens fans would be a little more tasty than the Aha fans, right? 34:16.469 --> 34:17.030 Right, that's true. 34:17.070 --> 34:19.592 Who I've previously gotten a ruck with on this program before. 34:19.612 --> 34:23.215 Well, I'll go out and have a look when he's on, and I'll report back and tell you what it looks like out there. 34:23.235 --> 34:26.738 I just bumped into Sam Delaney, very enjoyable broadcast. 34:26.778 --> 34:29.601 I think he's doing a show for 5 Live, or someone like that. 34:30.181 --> 34:34.426 And he told me they just interviewed Shaky and he was quite frightening. 34:34.927 --> 34:35.667 He was frightening. 34:36.208 --> 34:36.969 Shaky was frightening. 34:37.249 --> 34:37.509 Really? 34:37.569 --> 34:39.311 And he didn't enjoy their interviewing style. 34:39.452 --> 34:41.894 And on the way out, Shaky said, you're a bunch of clowns. 34:42.435 --> 34:43.176 Bunch of clowns? 34:43.196 --> 34:44.037 Bunch of clowns. 34:44.117 --> 34:44.797 Wow. 34:44.837 --> 34:45.178 Shaky. 34:45.318 --> 34:46.760 Because he's an old rock and rolling man. 34:47.140 --> 34:48.822 And he could definitely dust you right up. 34:49.506 --> 35:04.333 as he as he sang to you is a green door son of pasting exactly yeah this is pure conjecture i'm sure she's a lovely gentleman never hurt anyone no exactly 35:05.073 --> 35:07.575 And I also just bumped into the young knives up there. 35:07.595 --> 35:08.275 I saw them out there. 35:08.375 --> 35:09.816 But you see, they recognise you. 35:09.836 --> 35:10.837 They walked right past me. 35:11.277 --> 35:12.238 I wanted to say hello. 35:12.578 --> 35:13.479 They're brilliant, man. 35:13.499 --> 35:14.099 They are brilliant. 35:14.819 --> 35:16.140 But right now, we're going to play you some music. 35:16.180 --> 35:22.384 And very shortly, we are going to play you the results of our time that we spent with Robin Hitchcock yesterday. 35:22.784 --> 35:24.766 We're big fans of Robin on this programme. 35:25.166 --> 35:30.249 And he came in and played a couple of songs for us and had a little bit of a chat before wandering off to play his set. 35:30.609 --> 35:31.470 That's coming up shortly. 35:31.490 --> 35:32.931 But first, here's Dizzy Rascal. 35:33.171 --> 35:34.932 Well, we're down to about 45% of us. 35:34.972 --> 35:37.933 The band I'm working with is the Psychedelic Trams. 35:37.973 --> 35:41.015 So we have Terry Edwards and Colin Isobb, the horn section have made it. 35:57.142 --> 35:59.723 Kimberly Roo, the guitarist, hasn't. 36:00.224 --> 36:01.724 Nor has Morris Windsor, the drummer. 36:01.784 --> 36:06.186 Paul Noble, the bass player, is here but is unable to connect. 36:07.406 --> 36:10.888 Something that very seldom happens to bass players. 36:11.528 --> 36:13.669 So he's in the doorway, really. 36:14.109 --> 36:15.490 And the others have been frightened off. 36:15.570 --> 36:16.890 Are they actually on site? 36:16.930 --> 36:23.453 We're hoping that, yeah, I know they were very, very close when I last spoke to Morris, so hopefully we'll all be there to do the gig. 36:24.164 --> 36:31.151 Well, I saw you getting out of the car when you arrived at the BBC compound and you all looked quite alarmed because you're dapper and you are clean as well. 36:31.171 --> 36:32.392 There's not a speck of mud on you. 36:32.572 --> 36:33.873 Well, I'm a slave to love. 36:34.674 --> 36:42.041 Are you going to the, uh, that means presumably you'll be in the Avalon field later on with all the other, uh, late period rock music. 36:42.641 --> 37:00.162 uh... sadly no i think we're gonna house our own little intimate reception after our gig and then probably most of back to town good one and i'm gonna introduce you on stage later on is that right you still want me to do that please yeah yeah if you could what kind of stuff you want embarrassing introduction or uh... very awkward one night i do both work 37:00.762 --> 37:07.708 Your style veers between being intensely polite and almost insulting. 37:08.909 --> 37:11.231 So I think you'll just do what works. 37:11.871 --> 37:12.391 You'll know. 37:12.812 --> 37:16.535 And you want less than half an hour or more than half an hour of me? 37:16.575 --> 37:17.515 The gig or your introduction? 37:17.535 --> 37:18.196 My introduction. 37:18.934 --> 37:23.375 Well, I think you can go on as long as you like, but we have to play at the same time, so we might be overlapping. 37:23.575 --> 37:23.996 Fair enough. 37:24.016 --> 37:26.176 But we can just give you a channel and you can go through it. 37:26.376 --> 37:28.277 Speaking of which, why don't we hear some music now? 37:28.297 --> 37:29.557 What are you going to play for us? 37:29.937 --> 37:31.498 This is the Museum of Sex. 37:31.778 --> 37:32.938 Oh, that's my favorite museum. 37:33.919 --> 37:34.899 You know, you're in there. 37:35.279 --> 37:37.600 Yeah, that was great. 37:37.740 --> 37:39.760 Robin Hitchcock and the psychedelic trans. 37:39.820 --> 37:40.581 Well, some of them. 37:42.181 --> 37:43.381 Thank you very much indeed, Robin. 37:44.522 --> 37:48.303 And you survived the onslaught from the pyramid stage just kicking in halfway through. 37:48.443 --> 37:48.983 That was the sound. 37:49.003 --> 37:58.426 The same way that the humble shrew and the mouse survived, and possibly even the gopher, survived the ice age. 37:58.746 --> 37:59.067 That's it. 37:59.127 --> 38:00.872 Exactly the same survival. 38:01.053 --> 38:02.718 It just kept rocking. 38:03.339 --> 38:05.766 They just kept rocking but in a very very small way. 38:07.187 --> 38:10.591 That's all documented in the film Ice Age, I believe. 38:10.731 --> 38:12.793 Ice Age 2, the rocking shrew. 38:12.813 --> 38:20.600 There's a whole scene with them having to deal with the Fratellis that was cut out in the final film. 38:20.960 --> 38:22.822 Are the Fratellis really brothers? 38:22.842 --> 38:24.463 Because that's what it means in Italian, doesn't it? 38:24.704 --> 38:25.564 The Fratellis. 38:25.664 --> 38:26.806 It does. 38:26.866 --> 38:27.486 It does mean that. 38:27.506 --> 38:28.167 I don't think they are. 38:28.227 --> 38:29.988 I think they're brothers in stupidity. 38:31.450 --> 38:33.552 That's the only bond they have. 38:33.572 --> 38:36.054 I mean that in a nice way. 38:36.074 --> 38:40.058 They're the kind of stupid guys you'd like to hang out with, rather than the ones that you fear. 38:40.839 --> 38:47.285 We are here with Robin Hitchcock and some of the psychedelic trams who are playing in... Whereabouts are you playing? 38:47.765 --> 38:49.227 In the Shangri-La tent. 38:50.216 --> 38:50.956 in the Shangri-La. 38:50.976 --> 38:52.316 Where is the Shangri-La tent? 38:53.237 --> 38:53.637 I don't know. 38:53.677 --> 38:54.837 We're hoping to find out. 38:55.057 --> 38:55.817 That would be amazing. 38:55.857 --> 38:59.478 If you found Shangri-La and played a gig, that would be the best day of your life, surely. 38:59.618 --> 39:04.279 Well, it would, especially if we found Maurice and Kimberley with whom we are also playing, supposedly. 39:04.559 --> 39:05.299 And indeed you. 39:05.319 --> 39:06.679 What are you going to play for us now? 39:06.939 --> 39:09.160 Now we're going to attempt to play Olay Tarantula. 39:10.580 --> 39:11.440 Very good. 39:13.281 --> 39:13.881 Fantastic. 39:15.114 --> 39:16.496 Thank you very much indeed Robin. 39:16.516 --> 39:17.737 Thank you Chaps. 39:17.818 --> 39:19.079 Terry, thank you so much Colin. 39:19.179 --> 39:19.500 Thank you. 39:20.040 --> 39:20.521 Thanks Adam. 39:20.942 --> 39:23.385 And I'm looking forward to seeing you in action tonight. 39:23.425 --> 39:25.127 How long do you play forward a gig like this? 39:25.147 --> 39:26.509 Depends how long the introduction is. 39:28.171 --> 39:28.671 Five minutes, then. 39:28.991 --> 39:35.513 I don't know, you know, in real time, probably only about 50 minutes, but that's, you know, longer than an LP should be. 39:35.693 --> 39:35.894 Right. 39:36.174 --> 39:38.935 If a CD gets to 50 minutes, that's really more than you need. 39:39.275 --> 39:40.075 That's true, isn't it? 39:40.255 --> 39:41.675 With today's attention span. 39:41.855 --> 39:43.756 Classic length of CD for you, would you say? 39:43.776 --> 39:47.097 Uh, a classic length of record for me is 38 minutes. 39:47.317 --> 39:47.977 I agree with you. 39:48.178 --> 39:48.698 I totally agree. 39:48.798 --> 39:53.059 In a revolver, uh, Avalon, um, green by RPM. 39:53.079 --> 39:54.800 The first doors album, the first doors album. 39:55.820 --> 40:07.846 much be more than 30 minutes yeah strokes is this it is less than 30 minutes i think is it yeah all the best one 32 says jude 32 wow that's all you need and it's like raw power how long is that 40:09.426 --> 40:10.987 It's all you need, okay? 40:11.007 --> 40:14.888 I mean, if you're going any longer than that, it's a grotesque waste of resources and attention. 40:15.548 --> 40:19.389 And also, I would say in film terms, anything more than an hour and a half. 40:19.949 --> 40:20.290 90 minutes. 40:20.550 --> 40:21.010 Golden rule. 40:21.050 --> 40:22.910 That's the maximum length that anyone can take. 40:22.970 --> 40:24.511 Unless you've made Lawrence of Arabia. 40:24.531 --> 40:25.171 That's true. 40:25.191 --> 40:25.991 Or the big sleep. 40:26.492 --> 40:27.032 That'll do it. 40:27.312 --> 40:30.733 But there's chances of doing that statistically a very small amount. 40:32.637 --> 40:33.377 It's so true. 40:33.918 --> 40:35.218 Robin, thank you so much for joining us. 40:35.418 --> 40:36.058 It's a pleasure. 40:36.078 --> 40:37.619 Thanks, Adam, and thanks, Garth. 40:37.739 --> 40:38.980 Vampire weekend. 40:39.100 --> 40:40.520 They sounded fantastic. 40:40.600 --> 40:43.742 And in many ways, this is vampire weekend, you know what I mean? 40:43.902 --> 40:44.102 Yeah. 40:44.122 --> 40:49.264 The weekend of the vampires, they're one of the kings of Glastonbury, and that's just from one day. 40:49.284 --> 40:50.805 I mean, who knows what's going to happen today. 40:50.845 --> 40:52.625 Today's Jay-Z day though, isn't it? 40:53.046 --> 40:53.946 It's Jay-Z night. 40:53.966 --> 40:54.866 I think it's Jay-Z night. 40:54.926 --> 40:56.527 I just think that's going to be brilliant. 40:56.627 --> 40:57.489 I wish I was here for that. 40:57.529 --> 40:59.352 I just want to hear him do 99 problems. 40:59.752 --> 41:00.053 Yes. 41:00.073 --> 41:01.715 That's such a brilliant track. 41:01.856 --> 41:05.281 Steve LaMaca was chatting to Steve yesterday in the BBC Compound. 41:05.301 --> 41:06.603 With so many famous friends. 41:06.644 --> 41:06.984 Me and Lamo. 41:07.285 --> 41:08.366 I got finished with Zane Lowe. 41:08.527 --> 41:09.909 Finished with Zane and then I moved on to Steve. 41:10.552 --> 41:15.956 China design for a little bit and then I thought, there's Lamma, I'm going to go and chat to Lamma. 41:16.216 --> 41:23.421 I said, oh there's Lauren Laverne over there, I'll chat with you later Lauren, I'm just going to steal a Mac and then I'll come over and chat to you Lauren Laverne, okay? 41:23.441 --> 41:25.382 That's how it went, you just rack them up don't you? 41:25.442 --> 41:27.563 But Steve was saying that the 41:28.624 --> 41:39.928 Vampire Weekend, they had the biggest crowd at the other stage, which is like the other big, you've got the pyramid stage where all the massive heavy hitters play, and then you've got the other stage where the kind of indie massive heavy hitters. 41:39.948 --> 41:41.668 Next year's pyramid stage, people. 41:41.808 --> 41:42.248 Exactly. 41:42.268 --> 41:42.468 Yeah. 41:42.969 --> 41:49.191 And Vampire Weekend pulled the biggest crowd that Lamo's ever seen there, and it was fantastic. 41:49.451 --> 41:52.692 But right now, here is another little nugget from our wanderings yesterday. 41:52.732 --> 41:56.073 This is me and Garth wondering about the Glastonbury Festival site yesterday. 41:56.889 --> 42:03.593 We're here in the green fields, and we're standing next to the Garana Company, their natural herb stimulant tent. 42:04.273 --> 42:06.215 And I'm amazed that Garana is still going. 42:06.275 --> 42:08.256 Are people still favoring that as a stimulant? 42:08.276 --> 42:10.637 A stimulant, all the rage, right? 42:10.657 --> 42:12.458 It's like all those drinks to give you energy. 42:12.738 --> 42:13.959 Right, what's your favorite stimulant? 42:13.999 --> 42:15.200 I don't actually like them at all. 42:15.540 --> 42:16.521 I don't like the fizzy ones. 42:16.601 --> 42:18.442 I like a nice, strong cup of coffee. 42:18.462 --> 42:20.823 You like a nice, strong... I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy. 42:20.843 --> 42:21.704 I love my caffeine. 42:21.884 --> 42:22.664 I like it muddy. 42:22.684 --> 42:23.725 Not fizzy. 42:25.806 --> 42:28.588 So you're not going to go and get a guarana smoothie or whatever they're offering there? 42:28.608 --> 42:29.709 No, look at the state of them. 42:29.769 --> 42:31.610 They're tripping off their sizes. 42:32.031 --> 42:33.832 They do look quite Australian. 42:33.892 --> 42:39.837 They look very Australian. 42:40.017 --> 42:41.658 Extremely Australian looking. 42:41.918 --> 42:43.700 As we get closer to the stone circle, 42:44.540 --> 42:50.386 the predominance of ladies who look as if they were once in hazy-fantasy increases. 42:50.646 --> 42:51.948 And to me, that's a good thing. 42:52.128 --> 42:52.828 That's a great thing. 42:53.189 --> 42:55.831 You know when we talk about the Mighty Boosh look earlier? 42:55.851 --> 42:55.992 Yeah. 42:56.292 --> 42:57.974 I think it's more of a ting tings look. 42:58.154 --> 42:58.794 Ting tings. 42:58.934 --> 43:03.819 Guys wearing plastic shades that look like they've been stolen from a petrol station. 43:04.040 --> 43:06.562 That looks a bit like Hot Chip as well, I associate that with. 43:06.602 --> 43:06.983 Hot Chip, yeah. 43:07.483 --> 43:08.223 What's the name? 43:08.243 --> 43:08.683 Brains. 43:08.963 --> 43:09.143 Is it? 43:09.183 --> 43:10.304 No, not Brains, but Parker. 43:10.344 --> 43:12.284 Who's the guy that boffin' in Thunderbirds? 43:12.304 --> 43:13.184 I think it's Brains. 43:13.224 --> 43:13.804 Is it Brains? 43:13.844 --> 43:14.084 Yeah. 43:14.184 --> 43:16.065 Parker's the driver in Thunderbirds. 43:16.085 --> 43:16.805 Parker's in Nogallaga. 43:17.065 --> 43:18.145 Nogallaga. 43:18.445 --> 43:18.685 Yeah. 43:19.045 --> 43:20.966 So yes, it's all looking good. 43:20.986 --> 43:21.526 Let's continue. 43:21.546 --> 43:29.627 We still haven't found a place for Garth to have a delicious coffee, and I'm sure we'll crack it somewhere around here in the green fields. 43:29.667 --> 43:30.487 Let's continue our mission. 43:30.507 --> 43:30.987 Let's keep going. 43:31.268 --> 43:33.508 So for the time being, here's some more great music. 43:34.878 --> 43:38.580 How was Panic at the Disco with Don't Panic Mr. Mannering? 43:39.001 --> 43:41.682 And that's just something they've stolen from the Brits, isn't it? 43:41.922 --> 43:43.063 They're American people. 43:43.223 --> 43:43.944 Panic at the Disco. 43:43.964 --> 43:50.708 I always think of them as being called Panichi at the Disco as well, because they've got the exclamation mark after the word panic, which to me looks like another eye. 43:51.348 --> 43:52.408 Benice at the disco? 43:52.428 --> 43:57.390 Well, it's just like someone with a kind of ciabatta in there or something, just having a little munch in the middle of the floor. 43:57.410 --> 44:02.652 That's what I always think of when I hear that band, someone having a little munch in the middle of the floor. 44:03.052 --> 44:04.453 It sounds kind of revolting. 44:04.893 --> 44:06.553 So I thought I'd repeat it. 44:07.033 --> 44:09.894 Now, I'm very pleased to say that we've been joined by the young knives. 44:09.914 --> 44:11.395 They were wandering around outside. 44:11.815 --> 44:21.101 So I went out there and kind of grinned at them girlishly and admitted to them that I'm a very big fan and so is Garth in fact and we got them in here and they're going to play a track for us. 44:21.121 --> 44:21.821 How are you doing guys? 44:21.861 --> 44:22.182 Good. 44:22.602 --> 44:24.063 You played last night, is that correct? 44:24.203 --> 44:27.905 Yes, we played Q stage and John Peel and it was brilliant. 44:28.305 --> 44:28.826 Excellent. 44:29.166 --> 44:30.567 So two sets you did? 44:30.927 --> 44:31.367 So far. 44:31.387 --> 44:32.948 Wow, are you going to do another one today? 44:33.008 --> 44:38.012 Yeah, we're just touring ourselves to the entire festival, like everyone is I think. 44:38.092 --> 44:38.472 Quite right. 44:38.872 --> 44:54.861 and you're very clean because you're always a dapper unit you know you're always well turned out you have your suits and your ties it's a business you know it's a business we have cards we hand that to people and let me introduce you to our listeners Henry is on guitar hello 44:55.822 --> 44:56.782 House of Lords. 44:56.842 --> 45:01.263 Tom, aka House of Lords, is on bass and vocals. 45:01.303 --> 45:02.324 You're all on vocals, really. 45:02.344 --> 45:03.764 You're a vocal powerhouse. 45:03.984 --> 45:05.804 And Ollie is here on drums and bongos. 45:05.824 --> 45:06.725 How are you doing? 45:06.745 --> 45:08.045 Now, what are you going to play for us, chaps? 45:08.285 --> 45:13.806 Well, we're going to do an acoustic version of Turntail, our Smash 150 top single. 45:14.126 --> 45:16.467 Yeah, I mean, that is a lovely song. 45:16.587 --> 45:19.008 I'm not connected in any meaningful way with the charts. 45:19.168 --> 45:19.688 Me neither. 45:19.708 --> 45:20.528 Because I'm too old. 45:20.888 --> 45:23.070 So I didn't even realise it had been out as a single. 45:23.090 --> 45:23.950 It doesn't surprise me, though. 45:23.970 --> 45:27.452 It was one of my favourite tracks from your fantastic album, Super Abundance. 45:27.673 --> 45:31.835 Now we're closing the door to the studio because I believe Shakin' Stevens! 45:31.895 --> 45:32.416 Stevens! 45:33.416 --> 45:34.397 Just coming! 45:34.417 --> 45:36.318 Sorry, I like that joke. 45:36.438 --> 45:37.199 Stevens! 45:38.180 --> 45:39.360 Behind the green door. 45:39.400 --> 45:40.501 Where is he? 45:41.142 --> 45:43.523 So he's just about to come on stage, Shakin' Stevens! 45:44.344 --> 45:50.288 But right now, here, live for you, from BBC Six Music, are The Young Knives with Turntail. 45:52.681 --> 45:55.042 That was great. 45:55.142 --> 46:01.545 I had to rearrange the solo, sounded like a banjo solo. 46:01.765 --> 46:03.345 Nicely rearranged though on the spot. 46:03.465 --> 46:06.787 And it was quite good, it sort of fits in, in a way with the Young Mike sound. 46:06.807 --> 46:08.347 Thanks man, you know what I mean? 46:08.367 --> 46:09.328 That completely worked. 46:09.828 --> 46:10.828 What's that song about? 46:11.028 --> 46:14.209 Do you like, I imagine like most bands you don't really like being artists. 46:14.229 --> 46:15.370 It's like asking an artist. 46:15.410 --> 46:18.491 Most bands there aren't really any really good reasons behind it. 46:18.511 --> 46:19.912 But that sounds like a sort of, 46:21.152 --> 46:22.513 all kinds of issues in there. 46:22.533 --> 46:27.414 It's overtly political and ecological and apocalyptic and I mean... You said it. 46:27.574 --> 46:27.874 Yeah. 46:28.155 --> 46:30.275 Have you ever seen that film Armistad? 46:30.515 --> 46:31.536 Yes, based on that. 46:31.756 --> 46:33.617 It's based on that. 46:33.677 --> 46:39.018 As I suspected, I turned to my wife the other day in the car and said, you know, darling, I'm pretty sure this is about Armistad. 46:39.959 --> 46:41.079 She said, I bet you're right. 46:41.799 --> 46:43.060 And I'm glad to find out that I was. 46:43.080 --> 46:45.681 Is Steve Ernst out on the stage yet? 46:47.389 --> 46:48.230 No, he's not there. 46:48.330 --> 46:50.232 He's got to be out there any second, surely. 46:50.752 --> 46:53.355 But listen, young knives, thank you so much for joining us. 46:53.475 --> 46:54.176 Thanks for having us. 46:54.216 --> 46:54.856 That was lovely. 46:54.876 --> 46:55.397 That was great. 46:55.437 --> 46:57.539 As Jonathan Ross says, what a lovely sound you guys have. 46:58.119 --> 46:58.820 Thanks very much. 46:58.840 --> 46:59.301 Great voices. 46:59.401 --> 46:59.901 Yeah. 47:01.142 --> 47:02.383 Thank you very much and have a great day. 47:02.403 --> 47:03.424 Enjoy the rest of the festival. 47:03.525 --> 47:03.845 Thank you. 47:04.025 --> 47:06.869 This is BBC 6 music live from the Glastonbury Festival. 47:07.029 --> 47:10.453 Now that was Cheeky Cheeky and the Nosebleeds. 47:11.014 --> 47:12.416 And they're a real band. 47:13.377 --> 47:14.558 We didn't just make that up. 47:14.859 --> 47:20.246 That was called Slow Kids and they were headlining at the introducing stage. 47:21.626 --> 47:27.649 They've got all kinds of crazy stages and all kinds of crazy fields, as we discovered yesterday when we were on our wonder. 47:27.669 --> 47:32.871 And then this is, broadly speaking, one of my made-up Glastonbury fact sections. 47:33.371 --> 47:36.332 And I even have a jingle for these sections, Glastonbury facts. 47:36.912 --> 47:38.533 Let's play the jingle jingle. 47:38.553 --> 47:40.754 Prepare to receive Glastonbury fact. 47:41.494 --> 47:42.455 Here comes now. 47:43.516 --> 47:43.956 There you go. 47:44.036 --> 47:45.397 That's another brilliant jingle. 47:45.517 --> 47:47.279 That's another brilliant jingle. 47:48.159 --> 47:49.981 We should make another jingle for your jingles. 47:50.221 --> 47:50.822 That's a good idea. 47:50.842 --> 47:52.903 Here comes another brilliant jingle. 47:52.923 --> 47:53.804 Some people hate jingles. 47:53.844 --> 47:57.006 Some people, I guess the thing with jingles is like funny phrases. 47:57.046 --> 47:58.588 You start off doing them ironically. 47:59.088 --> 48:13.636 as a parody of how annoying jingles can be and then you get shingles and then you get shingles and then you turn into a jingle jingle guy who just does a lot of jingles and you're back to square one but there you go uh so let's let's see how we got on again yesterday it's another little nugget from our wonders 48:14.727 --> 48:16.748 Yes, time for another Glastonbury fact here. 48:16.788 --> 48:18.069 This is for you mainly, Garth. 48:18.209 --> 48:18.469 Right. 48:18.489 --> 48:20.190 Because you've never been here before. 48:20.390 --> 48:20.951 I'm new here. 48:21.151 --> 48:26.134 But as you now understand, the whole site is divided up into various different fields. 48:26.274 --> 48:26.474 Right. 48:26.494 --> 48:35.139 It's got the green fields and the healing fields, the Avalon fields, which is where all the Roxy music fans, late period Roxy music fans hang out. 48:35.199 --> 48:35.799 That's good. 48:35.879 --> 48:36.680 I wonder where they were. 48:37.220 --> 48:37.720 Yeah, they're all there. 48:37.740 --> 48:38.381 They're having cocktails. 48:38.401 --> 48:38.841 They're there. 48:38.861 --> 48:39.401 That's nice. 48:39.621 --> 48:40.382 And they're going, ooh. 48:42.131 --> 48:43.132 That's what they do. 48:43.272 --> 48:51.139 When you get close to the Avalon Fields, you start hearing... And the chink of martini glasses. 48:51.539 --> 48:58.405 And I believe somewhere there are killing fields as well. 48:58.545 --> 49:01.107 And they're run by a guy called Paul Pothead. 49:02.388 --> 49:04.030 And that's where they take the bans. 49:04.370 --> 49:07.933 When they do badly, they take them to the killing fields and they execute them. 49:07.973 --> 49:10.095 Yeah, I think they might have just tapped to the feeling. 49:11.897 --> 49:15.340 The feeling of being escorted there now by Paul Pothead. 49:16.381 --> 49:17.923 Take them to the killing fields. 49:18.323 --> 49:20.305 And he's going to execute the feeling. 49:21.186 --> 49:24.449 Unless Sophie Ellis-Bekster pleads successfully for Clementson. 49:25.109 --> 49:26.872 In which case they might survive. 49:26.892 --> 49:29.817 We've been hanging out too long by the stone circle man. 49:30.538 --> 49:36.828 You might see them later on at the Avalon field presided over by Lake period Brian Ferry of course. 49:37.168 --> 49:37.869 Where should we go now? 49:39.034 --> 49:40.395 Oh, we need another field to go to. 49:40.435 --> 49:43.416 I tell you what, I like this one though, just because you're at the top and you can see everything. 49:43.676 --> 49:44.656 Yeah. 49:44.816 --> 49:46.337 Perhaps this is the field of expertise. 49:47.397 --> 49:49.458 I've got to get out before I carry on making. 49:49.478 --> 49:50.959 Or you just want to get out of your system right now. 49:50.979 --> 49:54.060 Uh, somebody see fields, that's where people go for a wee. 49:54.220 --> 49:54.740 That's good. 49:56.921 --> 49:57.882 Gracie Fields. 49:57.902 --> 50:01.403 That's where people go to sing songs about the wall. 50:01.423 --> 50:05.245 But you could also have a place where you get your eyes tested and that could just be the field of vision. 50:05.665 --> 50:05.945 Nice. 50:06.186 --> 50:07.506 See, I'm working with you here. 50:07.606 --> 50:08.687 You're totally on top of it. 50:08.707 --> 50:09.187 Come on. 50:09.367 --> 50:10.388 You know, it's almost six. 50:10.428 --> 50:11.308 We haven't even had a drink. 50:11.688 --> 50:13.189 We're thinking of fantastic new fields. 50:14.429 --> 50:15.410 We're indestructible. 50:15.810 --> 50:17.491 And meanwhile, there's bodies everywhere. 50:18.011 --> 50:20.652 I mean, there are just bodies as far as you can see. 50:20.672 --> 50:21.913 They're all like crawling. 50:21.933 --> 50:23.234 Screaming. 50:23.314 --> 50:25.375 Somebody has put something in the Heineken. 50:27.456 --> 50:27.897 It's bad. 50:27.937 --> 50:28.417 Hi, Nick. 50:29.238 --> 50:30.439 We'll be back with you shortly. 50:30.619 --> 50:32.141 Right now, here's some more great music. 50:32.161 --> 50:33.863 A little free play for you there, listeners. 50:33.943 --> 50:35.304 I chose that one for you. 50:35.344 --> 50:36.545 That was The Little Ones. 50:36.565 --> 50:37.586 I thought that was terrific. 50:37.606 --> 50:38.707 With Morning Tide. 50:38.727 --> 50:40.129 That's a perfect record. 50:40.149 --> 50:41.110 I mean, that's a smash. 50:41.170 --> 50:41.930 It's got hooky... 50:42.811 --> 50:45.732 catchy bits and the proper chorus that takes you flying them. 50:45.972 --> 50:52.854 The album comes out sometime in July and I got sent that by their PR people and enjoyed it hugely. 50:52.894 --> 50:54.615 I mean, that is a smash. 50:54.735 --> 50:57.876 It's such a great feeling when you listen to a whole album and you think, oh, this is good. 50:58.156 --> 51:01.517 And then it just gets better and better and you just think, oh, brilliant. 51:01.757 --> 51:05.578 In total contrast to that, Shaken Stevens has just kicked off on the... Stevens! 51:06.198 --> 51:06.758 He's on the main. 51:06.778 --> 51:07.619 Shut up! 51:08.039 --> 51:09.419 What's he singing there? 51:11.180 --> 51:11.560 What is that? 51:13.218 --> 51:14.786 Oh, he's doing some of his new ones. 51:17.509 --> 51:19.370 The crowd have gone back to their tents. 51:20.450 --> 51:22.110 Imagine, I mean, it's only, what is it? 51:22.250 --> 51:24.791 It's still fairly early, 11, that's fair enough, isn't it? 51:24.811 --> 51:25.511 It's time to get up. 51:25.872 --> 51:26.932 Well, I don't know about that. 51:26.952 --> 51:29.573 But imagine being woken up by Shaky, oh my lordy. 51:29.873 --> 51:34.814 Hey, this is Adam Buxton and... Ugh, Garth Jennings standing in for Joe Cornish, who's got the shingles. 51:34.934 --> 51:39.536 And it's our great pleasure to be here at the Glastonbury Festival live for BBC 6 Music. 51:39.876 --> 51:43.197 We've got another hour here with you guys, so stick with us right now. 51:43.217 --> 51:46.138 A little bit of a jingle, bit of a trial, and then some more great music. 51:46.178 --> 51:47.118 Yeah, is that a big problem? 51:48.785 --> 51:51.127 That was the ting tings, there's a little abrupt ending there. 51:51.147 --> 51:52.128 Yeah, we weren't ready, were we? 51:52.548 --> 51:56.171 No, I mean, songs with abrupt endings should have a big sticker on them. 51:56.952 --> 51:57.973 Sometimes they do, don't they? 51:57.993 --> 52:00.175 No, maybe we should just be a little more on our own. 52:00.235 --> 52:01.296 What are you talking about? 52:02.156 --> 52:03.237 Blame the other person! 52:05.499 --> 52:10.401 This is BBC Six Music live from Glastonbury and we're having a lovely time. 52:10.441 --> 52:11.182 Shaky's out there. 52:11.302 --> 52:15.664 He started his set, Shaking Stevens, with a new number. 52:16.244 --> 52:19.545 I mean, what kind of... I was joking when I said I think it's his new material. 52:19.786 --> 52:20.666 It's new material. 52:20.906 --> 52:24.788 I'm sure he's talking about love and sort of like politics and stuff. 52:24.968 --> 52:25.268 Yeah. 52:25.508 --> 52:26.889 Shaky, what's he doing talking about politics? 52:26.909 --> 52:27.469 No, don't do that. 52:27.929 --> 52:31.031 Green Door, just hitting with Green Door and Wo Wo Julie. 52:31.311 --> 52:31.551 Yeah. 52:32.091 --> 52:32.911 That's all they want. 52:33.112 --> 52:37.674 I mean, what do you do if you're an artist like Shaky and you wake up one morning and you think I've got to do my bit? 52:37.694 --> 52:39.575 You know, I've got a political... I'm not Shaky anymore. 52:39.635 --> 52:40.275 I'm solid. 52:40.996 --> 52:42.036 I've got to shake things up. 52:42.056 --> 52:43.097 I'm sturdy, Stevens. 52:43.297 --> 52:43.457 Right. 52:44.177 --> 52:48.119 And then it all goes wonky and you've got to write some new political songs and no one wants to listen. 52:48.319 --> 52:48.559 Yeah. 52:48.579 --> 52:49.660 Just play Green Door! 52:50.140 --> 52:51.601 He's like, no, I'm angry about stuff. 52:51.621 --> 52:52.322 I'm furious. 52:53.483 --> 52:54.664 I'm furious, Stevens. 52:54.704 --> 52:57.686 And I'm gonna communicate my message with bad rock and roll. 52:59.548 --> 53:01.690 Now, Garth, you've picked a track for us right now, haven't you? 53:01.890 --> 53:11.438 Yeah, well, it's just a bit... I thought that before I came down, the weather report was for high winds, that media was getting excited by the idea of tents blowing away rather than being sucked away by water. 53:11.838 --> 53:13.340 So I thought I'd choose this one. 53:13.400 --> 53:16.102 It's called The Wind by Cat Stevens. 53:16.122 --> 53:16.462 Ooh. 53:18.686 --> 53:20.387 Hello, that's Cat Stevens. 53:20.407 --> 53:22.069 The beautiful sound of Cat Stevens. 53:22.529 --> 53:23.390 I love that song. 53:23.850 --> 53:24.190 That's great. 53:24.210 --> 53:27.953 Well, he'd be right at home in one of the mellow fields out here in Glastonbury, wouldn't he? 53:28.053 --> 53:30.535 Yeah, up at the top of the hill, looking out over the world. 53:30.735 --> 53:34.778 We went, we took a walk right through the main drag yesterday, myself and Garth. 53:35.458 --> 53:38.441 I was showing Garth the sights for the very first time, a Glastonbury virgin. 53:38.661 --> 53:39.942 I have enjoyed it, I have to say. 53:40.062 --> 53:40.742 It's lovely, isn't it? 53:40.762 --> 53:41.403 It's brilliant. 53:41.483 --> 53:46.747 I mean, as you were saying, when you watch it on TV sometimes, I often think, oh, I'm glad I'm not there. 53:46.887 --> 53:47.828 I always think that. 53:49.009 --> 53:56.134 But it is actually, I mean, we say that, of course, from the lovely walls of the big British castle. 53:56.175 --> 53:58.256 No, but once we were out there, it was terrific yesterday. 53:58.416 --> 54:02.680 It was nice, although it was nice to know that we were actually not sleeping in tents at the end of the evening. 54:02.700 --> 54:03.180 Yeah, that's true. 54:03.200 --> 54:03.841 I forgot about that. 54:03.881 --> 54:05.302 Yeah, you know, it's a little bit of a factor. 54:05.602 --> 54:07.664 But still, I mean, there's a good atmosphere out there. 54:07.704 --> 54:13.269 I would say that it's people are really digging it out there and the weather is being decent, you know, it's not. 54:13.869 --> 54:14.910 It's going to burn off. 54:15.010 --> 54:16.430 I've said it before, but it's all going to burn off. 54:16.450 --> 54:17.151 It's all going to burn off. 54:17.231 --> 54:25.535 Anyway, we took a nice walk, and we ended up at the little stone circle, which is a kind of miniature stone edge up there. 54:25.995 --> 54:28.096 And there's a campfire, and everyone's sitting around. 54:28.536 --> 54:33.538 And there's a giant sculpture of a wooden sculpture of a dragon or something. 54:33.558 --> 54:34.499 And we found this guy. 54:35.279 --> 54:42.023 playing and his name is Lewis Floyd Henry and he was just a bloke and he's like a busker bloke but he was making a good noise. 54:42.063 --> 54:57.110 But can I just explain he had he was doing all this himself what you're about to hear he had a little tiny kick drum a child's kick drum and snare didn't he yeah well I do it operating this with his feet I think well this is us when we discovered him so we maybe we set the scene I can't remember but here we are. 55:02.043 --> 55:07.925 Now we are in the stone circle, or very near the stone circle, by a large carved wooden dragon. 55:07.985 --> 55:09.085 That is amazing. 55:09.365 --> 55:10.385 That is a brilliant dragon. 55:10.445 --> 55:10.705 Yeah. 55:10.986 --> 55:22.768 And beneath the dragon is a man who's playing some blues, and he's sat there, he's playing the guitar, and he's got a tiny, like a child's drum kit that he is operating himself with his foot. 55:24.489 --> 55:25.529 And he's very good. 55:25.729 --> 55:26.309 He's excellent. 55:26.349 --> 55:26.769 He's brilliant. 55:27.670 --> 55:28.390 Let's go and have a listen. 55:28.530 --> 55:28.930 Yeah, come on. 55:36.619 --> 55:42.905 There you go, that's the sound of Lewis Floyd Henry, who we just found busking around in the stone circle here at Glastonbury yesterday. 55:43.365 --> 55:44.186 And he was great, man. 55:44.206 --> 55:46.008 He was like a little one-man white stripes there. 55:46.028 --> 55:49.030 I was a bit embarrassed about how excited I was on that recording. 55:49.491 --> 55:49.951 Oh, well it was! 55:49.971 --> 55:50.552 Oh, it's brilliant! 55:51.272 --> 55:53.815 When you're in the zone out there, you sort of get a bit carried away. 55:53.835 --> 55:54.375 Yeah. 55:54.515 --> 55:55.216 Embarrassed. 55:55.256 --> 55:56.137 We've discovered a man! 55:56.297 --> 55:57.218 But isn't it exciting? 55:57.238 --> 55:58.078 We've found him mad! 55:58.118 --> 55:58.939 We've discovered him! 55:59.099 --> 55:59.799 We've found him! 56:00.220 --> 56:01.060 We've found him past! 56:01.560 --> 56:02.521 He's our man! 56:03.542 --> 56:06.143 Because he was a good looking guy as well, you know. 56:06.163 --> 56:08.064 Yeah, he looked like a little Jimi Hendrix. 56:08.125 --> 56:08.805 He did, yeah. 56:08.865 --> 56:11.687 Like Jimi Hendrix was a little pie hat. 56:11.727 --> 56:14.188 No, he's a skinny guy, he's wearing me. 56:14.529 --> 56:16.350 And he was sat there and he was really playing away. 56:16.650 --> 56:19.752 And those were all his original compositions he told me as well, which is impressive. 56:20.072 --> 56:20.813 Well done, Lewis! 56:21.073 --> 56:21.813 We've found him! 56:21.913 --> 56:22.534 He's out! 56:24.154 --> 56:28.996 Anyway, right now we're going to play you a little trail and after that we're going to be hearing from the Fratellis. 56:29.776 --> 56:32.257 They played yesterday here at Glastonbury. 56:32.277 --> 56:33.697 We're not actually going to play a live track, are we? 56:33.917 --> 56:34.357 Oh it is! 56:34.958 --> 56:38.159 A live bit of Fratellis for you coming up here on Six Music. 56:38.459 --> 56:39.779 That's quite alright, you're welcome. 56:39.979 --> 56:42.520 That was the Fratellis with Whistle for the Choir. 56:42.540 --> 56:44.141 That was live from Glastonbury. 56:44.201 --> 56:45.181 They played that yesterday. 56:45.981 --> 56:46.961 So technically not live. 56:47.001 --> 56:48.602 Live on tape, I believe they call it. 56:49.683 --> 56:53.907 And that song threatened to sort of break into Merry Christmas everybody. 56:53.927 --> 56:55.248 That's true. 56:55.288 --> 56:58.832 Here it is, Merry Christmas, you know. 56:59.352 --> 57:00.053 Which is no bad thing. 57:00.554 --> 57:03.036 Couple of short announcements before we go into our next track. 57:03.056 --> 57:04.818 I was wondering around yesterday when I was watching 57:05.959 --> 57:13.331 Vampire Weekend and there was a few people there in the crowd who listened to this show and they said hello, a couple of them said Stephen! 57:14.192 --> 57:20.822 And there was also, I found myself standing right next to this guy who had just made a video for our Video Wars competition. 57:21.683 --> 57:31.646 And if you don't know, we are asking you guys to go onto the BBC Six Music website and pick one of two tracks from our Song Wars library to make a video for. 57:31.686 --> 57:34.247 It can be any kind of video as elaborate as you want. 57:35.047 --> 57:41.310 If you get your entries in by the end of July, then you'll be eligible to win an amazing prize, which is to come and hang out with us in the studio. 57:41.330 --> 57:42.690 Someone's actually sent one to my office. 57:43.090 --> 57:43.410 Have they? 57:43.530 --> 57:43.870 Yeah. 57:44.150 --> 57:45.471 I think they're trying all avenues. 57:45.511 --> 57:46.011 Was it any good? 57:46.411 --> 57:47.031 I haven't seen it yet. 57:47.331 --> 57:51.512 Well the one, I'd actually watched the one by the guy I was stood next to. 57:51.712 --> 57:52.432 How weird is that? 57:52.492 --> 57:52.993 That is strange. 57:53.013 --> 57:56.954 I found myself just standing there in this enormous crowd for Vampire Weekend. 57:56.974 --> 57:59.814 He said, oh I just made a video for your video wars competition. 58:00.214 --> 58:01.335 It's the one with me and my mate. 58:01.355 --> 58:03.855 We're dressed in kind of butchers outfits in the kitchen. 58:03.955 --> 58:06.456 It's a really good one and I'd watched it that morning on YouTube. 58:06.957 --> 58:26.020 bizarre so anyway keep your videos coming in we're really enjoying watching all of them there's been a fantastic response and also I might be singing a few song wars songs at a gig I'm doing next Friday at the BFI this is just a gig of some of my stuff as well as some guest comedians coming along so if you do want to come along check out my 58:26.720 --> 58:30.244 website for details, but yes, next Friday, 4th of July at the BFI. 58:30.604 --> 58:31.285 Easily remembered. 58:31.645 --> 58:33.047 4th of July, BFI. 58:33.427 --> 58:34.428 So yes, do come along. 58:34.508 --> 58:37.271 I helped there by... It's called the Out of Focus Group. 58:37.291 --> 58:37.952 Are you coming Gar? 58:37.992 --> 58:39.413 I've definitely, I've already booked my tickets. 58:39.473 --> 58:39.994 Fantastic. 58:40.014 --> 58:41.135 I want to let you down fella. 58:41.295 --> 58:41.896 Yeah, good one. 58:42.736 --> 58:44.778 Now, we are going to be chatting with C6 Steve. 58:44.798 --> 58:46.559 He came along and he was a lovely man. 58:46.899 --> 58:48.180 He was brilliant yesterday. 58:48.200 --> 58:49.381 I didn't know what to expect. 58:49.441 --> 58:50.942 I knew nothing of C6 Steve. 58:51.002 --> 58:52.163 No, I know very little as well. 58:52.183 --> 58:55.845 Except that name, and it conjures up all kinds of things, but not the guy that walked through the door. 58:55.905 --> 59:01.929 I mean, I've got a nice dad that I'm perfectly happy with, but if anything happened to him, I would be very pleased if C6 Steve would be my dad. 59:01.949 --> 59:03.990 Well, especially when you hear the tales he has to tell. 59:04.030 --> 59:05.051 Yeah, that's coming up. 59:05.131 --> 59:10.835 I'll chat with C6 Steve, which we recorded yesterday shortly, but first, here are the black kids with Hurricane Jean. 59:16.693 --> 59:20.394 We are sat here in our unbelievably small studio with C6 Steve. 59:20.734 --> 59:25.956 Hello C- uh, hello- That was like a tongue twister! 59:26.076 --> 59:27.317 I'm nervous as I'm on camera. 59:27.377 --> 59:28.757 Have you ever been on a radio before? 59:28.777 --> 59:30.198 No, very seldom. 59:31.098 --> 59:32.959 And I've regretted every single time that I have. 59:33.199 --> 59:34.079 Oh yes, all good. 59:34.099 --> 59:37.300 I should say that Steve, I'm one of the world's worst interviewers. 59:37.500 --> 59:39.101 Oh good, we're gonna be doing good. 59:39.361 --> 01:00:06.442 exit is normally myself and joe who i uh... would be presenting the program with if he wasn't ill with shingles we just set to sit there and talk to each other we just talk nonsense and play record so to have someone else going to our world or it's thrown you hasn't it's very little that he's had to put his hat on just to keep it together but you you're smiling if you don't mind i don't know how my foot hurts so bad that i i i'm i'm happy about everything other than my foot steve what did you do to your foot don't need to tell you please if you don't mind 01:00:07.188 --> 01:00:11.389 I was trying to climb, you know, one of them big cast iron rod iron fences with spikes. 01:00:11.670 --> 01:00:12.490 I'm very familiar with that. 01:00:12.510 --> 01:00:13.850 So the top has all the spikes. 01:00:14.030 --> 01:00:17.252 I went to this recording studio and I drove in and the gates locked on me. 01:00:17.832 --> 01:00:22.513 And I got like this phobia about me and locked in, having been locked in plenty enough in my life. 01:00:22.953 --> 01:00:25.314 Anyway, they had spikes on the top and spikes in the middle. 01:00:25.334 --> 01:00:27.495 I said, oh, there's no problem because I knew the combination. 01:00:28.055 --> 01:00:29.576 So I go climbing over the fence. 01:00:30.376 --> 01:00:41.432 And I got almost to the top and I grabbed onto this bricks that was on the side and it came off my hand and slid down the fence and the foot went down and out on the other spot and I'm pale myself. 01:00:42.697 --> 01:00:43.857 Was that, did it go right through? 01:00:44.477 --> 01:00:47.198 You could see it pushing through the top. 01:00:47.538 --> 01:00:48.278 Are you being serious? 01:00:48.298 --> 01:00:50.139 Was it seriously poking out the top? 01:00:50.199 --> 01:00:52.599 It didn't go through the skin, but it went all the way to the top. 01:00:52.659 --> 01:00:53.580 Oh my goodness. 01:00:53.640 --> 01:00:58.901 And it like, that big, the big spike, the spike was this big and then when it was like, oh, like that, but it was clean. 01:01:00.481 --> 01:01:02.542 So that happened like five days ago. 01:01:02.562 --> 01:01:03.222 None of us. 01:01:03.242 --> 01:01:03.802 I can't even. 01:01:03.822 --> 01:01:04.202 I can't even. 01:01:04.222 --> 01:01:05.202 You should be in a hospital. 01:01:05.262 --> 01:01:07.103 Yeah, I was going to say, what are you doing at Glastonbury? 01:01:08.144 --> 01:01:11.287 I heard it was going to be mud here. 01:01:11.387 --> 01:01:11.667 Yes! 01:01:11.707 --> 01:01:16.391 Honestly, it would be a depressing coder to the film that's being made about you. 01:01:16.411 --> 01:01:18.853 We've got a small documentary film crew in here with us. 01:01:19.514 --> 01:01:22.036 If a year hence, that was it. 01:01:22.437 --> 01:01:27.982 You've got Gangrene, End of C6 Steve, and it all started on that fateful day, and here we are chatting. 01:01:28.002 --> 01:01:28.943 I have to press myself. 01:01:29.864 --> 01:01:31.745 You sell a lot of records when you pass on. 01:01:32.526 --> 01:01:49.587 through the master plan and it sort of fits in in a way it's the kind of thing that it's the kind of injury you would expect no not it's not is it not I'm not supposed to be climbing over no fences no more have you played at Glastonbury before yeah I played here last year four times 01:01:49.967 --> 01:01:52.288 I heard you've still got the wellies, right, for last year. 01:01:52.328 --> 01:01:53.109 Yeah. 01:01:53.409 --> 01:01:59.472 I found them in the back of the van, because the van has not, and they got the mud still on them. 01:02:00.292 --> 01:02:01.373 They're covered in mud. 01:02:01.453 --> 01:02:04.915 I mean, not thick, but just, you know, discolored with the mud. 01:02:04.935 --> 01:02:08.957 So I need to break them out now if I keep going like this, and so we can get some new mud. 01:02:10.677 --> 01:02:15.419 And what kind of stuff are you, I mean obviously you play your own stuff, do you ever do any covers in your set? 01:02:17.240 --> 01:02:18.500 No, not too much. 01:02:19.561 --> 01:02:28.364 You know if I'm playing in a bar or something like that, sometimes I'll play like an old Sun House tune or you know some Fred McDowell, you know an old Delta thing. 01:02:28.944 --> 01:02:34.786 But one day I realized you know if I keep playing other people's songs, I'm going to be dead and I won't have ever played my own song. 01:02:34.846 --> 01:02:37.087 So it seems kind of time to get on to money here. 01:02:37.307 --> 01:02:42.412 So you're not tempted by the kind of ironic Glastonbury cover, maybe Ting Ting's track or something? 01:02:43.013 --> 01:02:43.514 Who's they? 01:02:43.894 --> 01:02:45.836 Well, that's the question that everybody's asking. 01:02:46.937 --> 01:02:47.738 Or who's the other one? 01:02:47.858 --> 01:02:48.339 Hadouken! 01:02:48.859 --> 01:02:51.222 No, I'm not too tempted, because I had that... no. 01:02:51.742 --> 01:02:52.263 No, good. 01:02:52.303 --> 01:02:52.823 Quite right. 01:02:53.064 --> 01:02:53.985 Quite right, I won't say. 01:02:54.905 --> 01:03:00.009 And do you go around and see any of the other bands playing when you're at a thing like this? 01:03:01.030 --> 01:03:05.673 Last year, you know, I didn't get 50 yards past the back of here. 01:03:06.214 --> 01:03:09.136 I tried to go out a few times, you know, how the mud was. 01:03:09.276 --> 01:03:09.756 Absolutely. 01:03:09.916 --> 01:03:15.941 And I would go and then get stuck in the mud, and then people would come up and want to get pictures. 01:03:15.961 --> 01:03:19.924 So that was all good, and then I would forget where I had been going. 01:03:19.944 --> 01:03:22.546 So then I'd come back and sit back here again and go, 01:03:23.493 --> 01:03:25.854 Then I get an idea, oh, I'm going to go to the other stage. 01:03:26.314 --> 01:03:30.276 I'd go out and I'd get like 30 feet and then everyone would come over, which was real nice. 01:03:30.316 --> 01:03:33.617 And my boots was coming off in the mud. 01:03:33.698 --> 01:03:37.739 And so the only thing I ever saw was who was playing on this stage. 01:03:37.819 --> 01:03:38.039 Yeah. 01:03:38.380 --> 01:03:41.441 But this year I want to see something, but now I can't walk. 01:03:41.601 --> 01:03:49.544 This is the thing, man, when you're in the sanctuary of the Big British Castle, the BBC, it's a place you shouldn't leave. 01:03:49.784 --> 01:03:50.825 It's dangerous out there. 01:03:50.865 --> 01:04:01.950 That's why the Big British Castle has erected fortified fences around itself and a complicated system of passes, which keeps troublemakers out and keeps us safe and warm inside here. 01:04:02.470 --> 01:04:03.250 Can I have a job? 01:04:03.610 --> 01:04:04.111 Absolutely. 01:04:05.191 --> 01:04:07.772 Yeah, I like that restaurant y'all have over there too. 01:04:07.852 --> 01:04:11.834 This was the only, this was, I think last year this was the last place that got flooded with mud. 01:04:11.854 --> 01:04:15.836 I come here Sunday night and it was even mud in that studio where we did the TV show. 01:04:15.876 --> 01:04:18.397 I said, oh, this, if this is mud in here, we know we in trouble. 01:04:18.717 --> 01:04:20.298 We got the best food on the BBC. 01:04:20.458 --> 01:04:21.959 Oh yeah, this is going good. 01:04:22.557 --> 01:04:50.747 finally steve i just want to ask you uh... it's sort of all this is a question i imagine you get asked a lot but uh... it's all kind of gone crazy in the c-6 steve universe in the last couple of years um... does it feel like that to you or does it feel like a kind of normal progression of a career and so on no i feel like i went crazy yeah cuz like one minute there was nothing happening yeah i couldn't get arrested that's not probably true and uh... have you changed have you become a really obnoxious person now? 01:04:51.787 --> 01:05:00.799 I'm trying, but I'm such a nice guy to begin with, but I know there's people you can learn from, so I'm gonna try to find them. 01:05:01.059 --> 01:05:06.266 Has anyone come out of the woodwork in your past and started asking you for money? 01:05:06.286 --> 01:05:06.826 No, no. 01:05:08.228 --> 01:05:10.130 They probably think, they probably know I owe so much. 01:05:11.671 --> 01:05:25.204 You know, actually everyone has been so nice to me, it's just, and I don't know, like in England, you know, the people here have just like, like I've said it before, but they just like open their arms to me, and it's just little, 01:05:25.945 --> 01:05:27.066 It's something else. 01:05:27.086 --> 01:05:31.430 And everywhere I go up on the street, no one ever comes up to me and goes, hey, who do you think you are? 01:05:31.530 --> 01:05:32.771 They're all just so nice. 01:05:32.851 --> 01:05:38.116 So I think it's just like a miracle. 01:05:38.737 --> 01:05:43.922 Well, my theory is that it's because you look like a cross between Father Christmas and Fred Durst. 01:05:44.622 --> 01:05:46.283 Who's Fred Durst? 01:05:46.323 --> 01:05:47.824 He's the guy from Limp Bizkit. 01:05:48.344 --> 01:05:50.585 Rolly, rolly, rolly, rolly, roll. 01:05:50.865 --> 01:05:51.165 Oh yeah. 01:05:51.205 --> 01:05:54.467 And you've got a little hip-hop twang to your delivery when you're speaking as well. 01:05:54.487 --> 01:05:55.247 Do you know what I'm saying? 01:05:55.267 --> 01:05:56.468 Has that ever been said to you before? 01:05:56.648 --> 01:05:58.869 Oh yeah, all the hip-hop people copying me, you see. 01:05:58.889 --> 01:05:59.510 That's where it comes from. 01:05:59.550 --> 01:06:00.170 Hip-hop come from. 01:06:00.490 --> 01:06:02.772 I could see someone sampling you though, do you know what I mean? 01:06:02.812 --> 01:06:03.692 Or a lot of collaborations. 01:06:03.712 --> 01:06:08.956 Some people have asked me that, but I didn't know that I just heard this from you just now. 01:06:09.436 --> 01:06:12.058 Well, I'm not insane, am I Garth? 01:06:12.098 --> 01:06:12.998 No, I agree with that. 01:06:13.198 --> 01:06:15.660 The hip-hop cadences in there, do you mind if I say cadences? 01:06:16.400 --> 01:06:17.581 I do actually, I don't like you saying that. 01:06:17.601 --> 01:06:18.242 I'll never say it again. 01:06:18.262 --> 01:06:18.882 Please don't say that. 01:06:18.922 --> 01:06:20.023 I'll never do it. 01:06:20.063 --> 01:06:21.223 Is he the English corrector? 01:06:21.304 --> 01:06:23.765 Yeah, I like the idea that I'm just here for grammar. 01:06:24.045 --> 01:06:25.626 No, you can't say grammar with Garth. 01:06:25.826 --> 01:06:26.507 Especially not me. 01:06:26.687 --> 01:06:27.628 Grammar and etiquette. 01:06:28.908 --> 01:06:54.135 he's the etiquette observer for the pcc this is it steve's people have asked if an etiquette observer could stand in for the interview he gets very easily upset if protocol is breached especially if someone talked bad english you know i can't stand that you know exactly well uh... steve thank you so much for coming and chatting to us my pleasure we're on it it's so nice to meet you and uh... you know it's if joe was here uh... he would be saying i'm sure that it's so nice to to uh... 01:06:54.975 --> 01:06:56.536 I'm disastrous at wrapping things up. 01:06:58.157 --> 01:06:59.078 So nice to meet you, Steve. 01:06:59.098 --> 01:07:00.679 Thank you so much for coming to chat to us. 01:07:00.699 --> 01:07:04.141 Have a fantastic time at Glastonbury and we'll see you soon, I hope. 01:07:04.341 --> 01:07:05.141 I appreciate you guys. 01:07:05.201 --> 01:07:05.922 Thank you for having me. 01:07:05.962 --> 01:07:06.162 Thank you. 01:07:06.182 --> 01:07:06.462 Cheers. 01:07:06.502 --> 01:07:06.863 Take care. 01:07:11.411 --> 01:07:17.533 with Forget Myself and his harmonies on there are sounding very super furry animals, aren't they? 01:07:17.714 --> 01:07:18.234 I like that. 01:07:18.374 --> 01:07:19.634 I mean, that's a good thing, absolutely. 01:07:19.654 --> 01:07:20.695 Yeah, it's not a bad thing. 01:07:20.895 --> 01:07:21.995 Hey, this is Adam Buxton. 01:07:22.235 --> 01:07:23.556 And me, Garth Jennings. 01:07:23.656 --> 01:07:26.337 See how I'm getting used to that, throwing it over to me? 01:07:26.617 --> 01:07:30.799 Yeah, because I'm sitting in for Joe Cornish, who's still very poorly with the shingles. 01:07:30.839 --> 01:07:32.299 He's probably listening, in fact. 01:07:32.479 --> 01:07:33.720 Oh, yes, he's back now, isn't he? 01:07:33.800 --> 01:07:35.001 Hey, Dr. Sexy, how you doing? 01:07:35.081 --> 01:07:39.742 And maybe, hey, if he's even listening right now, perhaps he could give us a shout or something. 01:07:39.762 --> 01:07:40.463 Send us a text. 01:07:40.503 --> 01:07:40.963 I don't know what. 01:07:41.947 --> 01:07:43.033 What number would he call Jude? 01:07:44.793 --> 01:07:45.733 Well, he can text us on 6406. 01:07:47.334 --> 01:07:47.534 No, 64046. 01:07:49.254 --> 01:07:50.834 Ah, you have to add the extra four. 01:07:51.054 --> 01:07:52.514 That's clever. 01:07:52.654 --> 01:07:56.715 So when you say read the number, you mean actually read all the digits of the number out? 01:07:57.675 --> 01:07:58.595 Oh, now I see. 01:07:58.675 --> 01:08:00.016 Not just random digits. 01:08:00.156 --> 01:08:01.416 Just follow my lead, sir. 01:08:02.036 --> 01:08:02.316 OK. 01:08:02.476 --> 01:08:02.896 All right. 01:08:03.096 --> 01:08:06.997 I'm getting tired and confused as I let Glastonbury. 01:08:08.537 --> 01:08:10.417 64046 is the number for texts. 01:08:10.838 --> 01:08:13.058 And of course, don't forget that we have a wealth 01:08:13.678 --> 01:08:33.730 of picture excitement available on the BBC six music website bbc.co.uk forward slash glastonbury will take you to all those pictures there you can see some of our pictures they may be pictures of the blue the blues guy that we played you earlier on um the sort of busking man he's worth looking at actually he's a handsome man he's a good looking man 01:08:34.090 --> 01:09:02.610 good-looking guy Robin Hitchcock and pictures of us just wandering around generally and many many other pictures as well that have been taken of some of their main acts and Judeo producer assures us they're extraordinary so well worth a look go and check those out immediately we'll be playing you a few more chunks from our wonderings yesterday very shortly but first here's some more music now this is oh incidentally I should say thank you so much to C6 Steve Santa Man he was lovely and he came in and opened it 01:09:03.150 --> 01:09:28.701 the track we played by C6 Steve was called Things Go Up and yeah man he hobbled I mean you don't want a foot injury at the best of times but a spike through the bottom of the foot and then coming to Glastonbury and he was saying later on as well it's gonna go nasty that he he kept on getting told off by his wife because he'd been jumping the freight trains again you've been jumping the freight train Steve said my wife got real angry with me because I was jumping on the freight trains 01:09:29.421 --> 01:09:30.742 And I mean, that's a good thing to get in trouble. 01:09:30.762 --> 01:09:34.625 If you're gonna get in trouble from your wife, then I think it should be for jumping on freight trains. 01:09:34.645 --> 01:09:40.910 What was quite funny was that the camera crew filming him making a documentary about him were all excited to say, Steve's gonna take us on the trains. 01:09:40.930 --> 01:09:41.451 Yes, that's right. 01:09:41.471 --> 01:09:42.532 We're gonna jump on the train with Steve. 01:09:42.552 --> 01:09:43.392 We're gonna jump in on the freight train. 01:09:43.412 --> 01:09:46.635 They don't talk like that, but it's just, you know, in translation, making it entertaining. 01:09:46.655 --> 01:09:47.936 I've added a silly voice. 01:09:48.016 --> 01:09:48.476 One of them did. 01:09:48.596 --> 01:09:49.397 One of them talked like that. 01:09:49.937 --> 01:09:54.298 And now we're making a documentary about C-60 which says we can jump on the freight train with him. 01:09:54.318 --> 01:09:56.419 We're going to take these boys on a train. 01:09:57.139 --> 01:09:58.159 That would be great, wouldn't it? 01:09:58.219 --> 01:09:59.880 I just get in trouble for hogging the remote. 01:10:00.580 --> 01:10:02.561 But I've got to start jumping on freight trains. 01:10:03.061 --> 01:10:04.381 Now, here's some more music. 01:10:05.061 --> 01:10:07.342 This is, I've completely forgotten what this is now. 01:10:07.742 --> 01:10:09.362 MGMT with electric field. 01:10:09.402 --> 01:10:10.763 They're so hot right now. 01:10:11.303 --> 01:10:13.404 MGMT with electric field. 01:10:14.264 --> 01:10:16.924 They were playing here at Glastonbury yesterday. 01:10:17.004 --> 01:10:18.605 They're so hot right now. 01:10:19.045 --> 01:10:19.826 They're attractive. 01:10:20.306 --> 01:10:24.669 And they're going to be talking to Lauren Laverne on her BBC Six music show. 01:10:24.869 --> 01:10:26.630 This afternoon from 4 you can hear that. 01:10:27.031 --> 01:10:27.731 Well worth catching. 01:10:27.771 --> 01:10:29.933 I wonder if they were well behaved with Laverne. 01:10:29.953 --> 01:10:34.856 Because we were saying last week on the show they can be a little angular as interviewees apparently. 01:10:35.036 --> 01:10:37.438 Yeah, that's the young band thing though, isn't it? 01:10:37.598 --> 01:10:38.098 Exactly. 01:10:38.178 --> 01:10:40.800 They can behave like tods apparently. 01:10:40.840 --> 01:10:44.503 But maybe, I imagine that Lauren would have charmed them into submission. 01:10:44.743 --> 01:10:44.843 Yeah. 01:10:45.623 --> 01:10:51.044 because she's a genius like that, so you can hear the results of her encounter with MGMT from 4 p.m. 01:10:51.085 --> 01:10:52.465 this afternoon on 6 Music. 01:10:52.785 --> 01:11:04.628 Right now, here's another little chunk, I think maybe the final little burst of our trip around Glastonbury, and this was in a kind of hippie-ish enclave somewhere in the green fields yesterday. 01:11:05.842 --> 01:11:12.966 So we're on our way to the Avalon fields right now, and we've come through a very nice kind of upmarket. 01:11:12.986 --> 01:11:14.487 How would you describe this area? 01:11:14.587 --> 01:11:17.209 It's like an upmarket hippie commune. 01:11:17.889 --> 01:11:18.470 Exactly. 01:11:18.590 --> 01:11:20.891 Hippies, and I like it because it's all good vibes. 01:11:21.091 --> 01:11:21.371 Yeah. 01:11:21.672 --> 01:11:23.193 Well, you know, this is... You can say vibes these days. 01:11:23.213 --> 01:11:24.373 Of course, it's not all vibes. 01:11:24.693 --> 01:11:30.617 This is exactly the kind of place I was thinking of when I did my festival song, you know, which maybe we'll play in in a second. 01:11:32.398 --> 01:11:35.039 And there's a lot of 4x4s and stuff around here. 01:11:35.059 --> 01:11:38.281 They're a little bit beaten up, it's not particularly swish around here. 01:11:38.741 --> 01:11:47.126 But there's a lot of yurts and four-wheel drive cars and nice tents and really nice little mellow areas. 01:11:47.886 --> 01:11:50.708 And there was, what was the name of that band we just saw over there in the caff? 01:11:51.368 --> 01:11:53.990 They would call someone like Peace and Unity or something. 01:11:54.550 --> 01:11:56.291 Division and Unity. 01:11:56.311 --> 01:11:58.693 A bit of Hazel O'Connor-esque, I thought. 01:11:58.753 --> 01:11:59.914 Yeah, and they were singing about it. 01:11:59.934 --> 01:12:02.115 They were doing some pretty cunning stuff about George Bush there. 01:12:02.135 --> 01:12:06.618 If I was George Bush and I was wondering through here, I would have to sit down and do some hard thinking. 01:12:06.798 --> 01:12:07.539 Seriously hard thinking. 01:12:07.559 --> 01:12:10.401 After listening to a couple of Division and Unity songs. 01:12:10.421 --> 01:12:14.103 I was going to say, are they accusing them of actually being a fundamentalist? 01:12:14.143 --> 01:12:14.403 Yes. 01:12:14.744 --> 01:12:17.005 And actually being part of Elkhai? 01:12:17.325 --> 01:12:20.829 He is actually, they're song was saying he's actually a Salah Bilal. 01:12:21.209 --> 01:12:22.070 He is actually a Salah. 01:12:22.090 --> 01:12:22.691 He's actually him. 01:12:22.791 --> 01:12:23.912 Well that would explain a lot of things. 01:12:23.992 --> 01:12:25.254 It's making it so much easier as well. 01:12:25.334 --> 01:12:26.034 It certainly would. 01:12:26.054 --> 01:12:27.156 At least we know where he is now. 01:12:27.256 --> 01:12:28.877 Thank goodness for Division of Unity. 01:12:29.578 --> 01:12:31.720 CD is on sale currently at Glastonbury. 01:12:33.081 --> 01:12:34.402 So yeah, it's nice around here. 01:12:34.422 --> 01:12:36.643 You know, I could, I could spend some time here. 01:12:36.683 --> 01:12:37.243 This is great. 01:12:37.283 --> 01:12:41.285 This is exactly what I was after when I was coming down for my first glass dough experience. 01:12:41.305 --> 01:12:42.705 Everywhere smells of wood, smoke. 01:12:42.765 --> 01:12:44.146 It's really nice that smell. 01:12:44.746 --> 01:12:45.787 Makes you feel safe. 01:12:46.087 --> 01:12:46.647 Absolutely. 01:12:46.967 --> 01:12:54.991 And one thing that's caught my eye in this area is a big tent that says magic hat sauna and private shower. 01:12:55.991 --> 01:13:00.415 And it's all sort of closed up, I don't know if this is an area, well I guess it's closed up because it's got the sauna inside. 01:13:00.475 --> 01:13:01.977 No, yeah, look, I can see through the window. 01:13:02.577 --> 01:13:08.462 There is a naked person inside there and the windows are kind of frosted, it's like frosted plastic. 01:13:08.482 --> 01:13:12.306 I have to tell you, that looks like something from a horror film at the bottom of a killer's car. 01:13:12.386 --> 01:13:13.146 It really does. 01:13:13.227 --> 01:13:16.930 It's sort of the way it's put together is a little bit too spooky for me to want to go in there. 01:13:17.130 --> 01:13:26.739 Yeah, it looks, I don't know if you've ever seen the film Altered States, but it looks like a metal isolation tank with a kind of canvas tent draped around the sides. 01:13:27.179 --> 01:13:30.582 But with these, you can see little naked figures moving about from there. 01:13:30.823 --> 01:13:32.184 What kind of scene? 01:13:32.224 --> 01:13:33.565 I can see he's a naked man. 01:13:33.885 --> 01:13:37.168 And what kind of scene is in there in the sauna though? 01:13:37.429 --> 01:13:40.792 Because it's so muddy around here, you would think the sauna would instantly become like a mud pool. 01:13:41.272 --> 01:13:42.373 Well, yeah. 01:13:42.433 --> 01:13:42.733 Wouldn't it? 01:13:42.753 --> 01:13:43.934 But maybe that's a good thing. 01:13:44.014 --> 01:13:46.015 Maybe it's like a hot mud sauna. 01:13:46.455 --> 01:13:49.877 Because mud is a beauty-inducing, enhancing thing. 01:13:49.917 --> 01:13:51.217 Well, it's good for you, certainly. 01:13:51.237 --> 01:13:54.439 It's got many beatific properties. 01:13:54.979 --> 01:13:55.880 That's the right word. 01:13:55.900 --> 01:13:56.580 Are we all right? 01:13:56.800 --> 01:13:57.901 Is everyone still there? 01:13:58.201 --> 01:14:01.183 Okay, we better continue our journey to Avalon. 01:14:01.563 --> 01:14:03.324 Come on, let's go to Avalon. 01:14:05.447 --> 01:14:05.927 Very nice. 01:14:06.408 --> 01:14:07.769 That was the eels, wasn't it Garth? 01:14:07.969 --> 01:14:09.450 Eels and last stop, this town. 01:14:09.590 --> 01:14:11.732 That was one of Garth's choices for you folks. 01:14:11.892 --> 01:14:13.153 You did a video for that, did you not? 01:14:13.353 --> 01:14:16.095 That was one of the first things we did where it went really well. 01:14:16.415 --> 01:14:16.795 Yeah. 01:14:16.916 --> 01:14:26.983 It was a very odd video, because it was... The idea is that the lead singer takes out some of his DNA and injects it into a carrot, and the carrot slowly becomes a little him. 01:14:27.163 --> 01:14:28.824 Post-Jurassic Park, that was, was it? 01:14:29.084 --> 01:14:30.546 I think it might have been, I don't know. 01:14:30.726 --> 01:14:33.488 Must have been inspired by... Maybe it was, there's talking melons. 01:14:34.368 --> 01:14:36.349 And, um... I love talking melons. 01:14:36.369 --> 01:14:37.649 Oh, my favourite kind of melon. 01:14:37.870 --> 01:14:45.232 But, uh, yeah, that was a... And I really like that song, and I love that band, and it was a real... That was one of those great jobs where you get to do what you want, and it works out. 01:14:45.452 --> 01:14:47.773 I imagine they'd be a good Glastonbury band, don't you think? 01:14:47.913 --> 01:14:48.894 I think they'd be fantastic. 01:14:48.914 --> 01:14:50.234 I'm sure they must have played before. 01:14:50.274 --> 01:14:51.715 They've got many personas, though. 01:14:51.775 --> 01:14:57.597 Sometimes they go acoustic, sometimes they have, like, a string section, sometimes... If they were really rocking, they'd kill here. 01:14:57.617 --> 01:14:58.517 They'd be brilliant. 01:14:58.537 --> 01:14:59.558 They actually kill people. 01:14:59.638 --> 01:15:00.918 They really do, they hurt people. 01:15:00.998 --> 01:15:02.459 I mean, that's going too far, I think. 01:15:02.879 --> 01:15:05.261 Maybe, but at least it gets a good, big reaction. 01:15:05.561 --> 01:15:05.982 Exactly. 01:15:06.002 --> 01:15:07.103 Shall we have a lovely trail? 01:15:07.323 --> 01:15:10.005 It's time for another Glastonbury fact. 01:15:25.543 --> 01:15:26.203 There's the jingle. 01:15:27.805 --> 01:15:36.531 Did you know that when the festival is on each year, the average IQ of the rest of the UK rises by 36%? 01:15:36.611 --> 01:15:38.692 That is phenomenal. 01:15:38.712 --> 01:15:39.413 That's true. 01:15:39.613 --> 01:15:40.033 That's amazing. 01:15:40.053 --> 01:15:44.897 I mean, when I say true, I mean it's not by any means true, yeah. 01:15:45.017 --> 01:15:45.577 But it's good truth. 01:15:45.597 --> 01:15:46.578 It's like the opposite of true. 01:15:46.618 --> 01:15:47.819 That's the kind of truth I like. 01:15:48.239 --> 01:15:48.980 Made up truth. 01:15:49.260 --> 01:15:50.100 Bad truth. 01:15:50.140 --> 01:15:50.821 Bad truth. 01:15:52.421 --> 01:15:56.384 That's the Libertines, and Peter Ocketty's prowling around somewhere, isn't he? 01:15:56.584 --> 01:15:58.505 And Amy Winehouse, oh my goodness. 01:15:59.046 --> 01:16:00.567 Whole place is gonna go up in flames. 01:16:01.467 --> 01:16:03.549 This is Adam and Garth here. 01:16:03.889 --> 01:16:05.190 We're pretty much signing off now. 01:16:05.390 --> 01:16:06.310 Yeah, thanks for having us. 01:16:06.391 --> 01:16:07.631 Thank you so much for listening. 01:16:07.852 --> 01:16:13.195 We'll be back next weekend, of course, with Dr. Sexy, I hope, and he'll be all well. 01:16:13.235 --> 01:16:17.158 Don't forget to check out the Glastonbury Gallery at the BBC Six Music website. 01:16:17.818 --> 01:16:19.479 Stay tuned for Liz Kershaw. 01:16:20.339 --> 01:16:23.040 Maybe I'll see you on 4th of July at the BFI. 01:16:23.400 --> 01:16:25.001 Check out my website for details. 01:16:25.061 --> 01:16:28.342 Adam Buxton, you know, just type in Adam Buxton, you'll find it. 01:16:29.202 --> 01:16:33.864 Thank you very much indeed for listening and I hope you have a fantastic time if you're still here at Glastonbury. 01:16:34.184 --> 01:16:36.765 Don't forget to watch the BBC coverage, of course, if you're at home. 01:16:37.305 --> 01:16:38.566 It's, um, peerless. 01:16:38.606 --> 01:16:41.087 It's unparalleled throughout the world, uh, apparently. 01:16:41.487 --> 01:16:43.448 The Big British Castle, you can't beat it with a stick. 01:16:43.588 --> 01:16:45.089 You can try, but it won't do you any good. 01:16:45.529 --> 01:16:49.952 Uh, we're gonna wrap up right now with the Kings of Leon last night's headliners, and this is Fans. 01:16:50.032 --> 01:16:50.252 Cheerio!