WEBVTT 00:04.400 --> 00:05.223 That was a long pause. 00:06.788 --> 00:07.630 I will edit that. 00:08.272 --> 00:10.920 Hello, Happy New Year's Eve listeners. 00:12.301 --> 00:14.083 Happy New Year's Eve listener, Joe. 00:14.563 --> 00:15.124 Thanks a lot. 00:15.144 --> 00:16.605 Why don't we start when this man's left? 00:16.665 --> 00:17.285 It's peculiar. 00:17.786 --> 00:18.126 Thank you. 00:18.166 --> 00:18.827 Happy New Year. 00:18.887 --> 00:19.768 Thank you, man. 00:20.869 --> 00:21.169 Man. 00:21.429 --> 00:21.870 OK. 00:23.691 --> 00:27.595 Good, good, good, good vibrations. 00:28.175 --> 00:28.896 What are you doing? 00:29.236 --> 00:31.118 Good, good, good. 00:31.278 --> 00:32.179 I'm the Beach Boys. 00:32.219 --> 00:32.859 Have you heard of me? 00:33.160 --> 00:33.400 No. 00:33.880 --> 00:34.801 Yes, I'm a popular band. 00:34.841 --> 00:35.382 Well, hang on a second. 00:35.482 --> 00:35.842 I have. 00:35.902 --> 00:37.824 You've got the, like, the nutty lead singer. 00:38.064 --> 00:39.346 I am the nutty lead singer. 00:39.366 --> 00:39.947 Yes, yes. 00:40.367 --> 00:41.469 Good, good. 00:41.669 --> 00:43.632 I've been in bed for five years. 00:43.992 --> 00:44.333 Really? 00:44.373 --> 00:47.437 Yeah, I'm giant, I'm like a whale, and I'm very depressed. 00:47.970 --> 00:48.691 But I'm a genius! 00:49.591 --> 00:50.292 Where's this going? 00:50.992 --> 00:52.313 Um... Nowhere. 00:52.573 --> 00:54.675 Man, I was thinking maybe a game we could play. 00:55.095 --> 00:55.355 Oh, yeah. 00:55.515 --> 00:57.176 And I'd pretend to be different bands. 00:57.416 --> 01:02.300 I mean, that started off with an easy one because I sung the biggest hit there and I told you who I was very early on. 01:02.860 --> 01:03.520 But what do you think? 01:03.580 --> 01:04.601 Is it a New Year's Eve game? 01:04.701 --> 01:05.822 Are you drunk already? 01:05.842 --> 01:06.362 A little bit. 01:07.343 --> 01:07.943 Hello, listeners. 01:08.224 --> 01:10.005 This is Adam and Jo's BBC Six Music. 01:10.065 --> 01:10.905 It's New Year's Eve. 01:11.826 --> 01:14.468 We're building up to the biggest party night of the year. 01:15.248 --> 01:17.370 It's when I have a big party. 01:18.050 --> 01:19.851 Or where's actually when someone else has a big party? 01:19.991 --> 01:21.432 I'm gonna, uh, I don't go. 01:21.452 --> 01:21.952 I'm gonna belt. 01:23.092 --> 01:23.613 Is that a problem? 01:24.193 --> 01:25.294 No, go on. 01:25.914 --> 01:26.314 Oh dear. 01:26.334 --> 01:29.135 It's a bit much, isn't it, for New Year's Eve, but it is New Year's Eve. 01:29.235 --> 01:29.656 Exactly. 01:29.776 --> 01:30.056 Yeah. 01:30.256 --> 01:32.657 The conventional rules have been thrown out of the window. 01:32.717 --> 01:34.138 Excuse me, I'm so sorry about that. 01:34.158 --> 01:35.258 That's the revolting thing to do. 01:35.338 --> 01:36.299 Adam's out of control. 01:36.319 --> 01:37.239 I'm totally out of control. 01:37.259 --> 01:38.240 He's making no sense. 01:38.900 --> 01:53.111 he's lost all control of all of his faculties of his wind output mechanisms in his body by wind farms uh the talking noises make no sense the perping noises are out of control but don't worry i've got it together yeah uh i'm where with you now until uh 01:54.592 --> 01:55.413 10? 01:54.612 --> 01:55.413 10 in the evening? 01:55.473 --> 01:56.074 In the evening? 01:56.714 --> 02:02.539 At which point, anybody with any sense will no longer be able to form any coherent thoughts. 02:02.839 --> 02:06.222 Listen, in a way, this is the best part of the whole New Year's Eve experience. 02:06.242 --> 02:06.763 It's true, isn't it? 02:06.923 --> 02:08.885 It's the build-up to the chaos. 02:09.025 --> 02:15.250 Yeah, because from around 10 until midnight, and certainly around the midnight hour, it's no one has a good time, really. 02:15.270 --> 02:20.595 No, it's a mixture of melancholy and kind of crazy sort of sinking ship. 02:21.375 --> 02:40.947 uh lunacy we'll talk more about that uh later on but right now i think we should play a lot of music we've got a lot of fun music lined up for you joe and myself beat yeah no sad songs we've picked some really good stuff that we hope you're going to enjoy and uh right now we're going to continue as we mean to continue on that makes no sense but it's devo here with whip it 02:43.008 --> 02:44.129 Ooh, that's Devo. 02:44.229 --> 02:44.789 Fantastic. 02:44.889 --> 02:45.610 With Whippet. 02:45.770 --> 02:48.612 This is Adam and Joe here on New Year's Eve. 02:48.632 --> 02:53.815 This is pretty much the end of 2007, so I hope you've made the most of it, because it's almost over. 02:54.135 --> 02:54.576 I haven't. 02:54.876 --> 02:55.256 Have you not? 02:55.396 --> 02:56.157 I don't think so. 02:56.417 --> 02:58.098 Well, what did you want to do that you didn't do? 02:58.478 --> 02:59.279 All sorts of things. 03:00.240 --> 03:00.800 What am I going to do? 03:00.820 --> 03:01.801 I'm going to have to do them now. 03:01.981 --> 03:03.382 You've got five hours left. 03:03.442 --> 03:05.984 Five hours to do all the things I wanted to do this year. 03:06.004 --> 03:07.485 Yeah, but plus we've got to do the show. 03:07.505 --> 03:09.387 Alright, well let's get the show out of the way first. 03:09.507 --> 03:09.887 Alright then. 03:10.588 --> 03:23.218 Listen, what I did, listeners, you know, because we always like to prepare a great deal for these programs here on 6 Music, I went out and I bought a review of the year, a book from Bookshop, and it was reduced. 03:23.278 --> 03:27.542 It was £4 off because the year's almost over, so they figure, well, no one's going to be interested in the year anymore. 03:28.143 --> 03:29.265 So it was a little bit of a bargain. 03:29.445 --> 03:31.288 But I'm gonna be flipping through it throughout the show. 03:32.611 --> 03:33.151 There we go. 03:33.552 --> 03:42.318 It's a kind of, yeah, it's a review of the yearbook, so it's got pages on everything that happened in the year, which gives us the opportunity to do one of those exciting talk about what happened in the year shows. 03:42.678 --> 03:46.480 But, you know, looking at that book, I already feel like I'm living in the past. 03:47.141 --> 03:47.381 Do you? 03:47.441 --> 03:49.342 I know it seems like a long time ago, some of this stuff. 03:49.362 --> 03:52.825 Well, something about 2007 reminds me of 1987. 03:52.985 --> 03:54.766 In what way? 03:55.166 --> 04:02.391 I just think that in the future, I can just imagine us in the future looking back at that book and thinking, why were we interested in any of those things? 04:03.192 --> 04:04.573 It feels like the past already. 04:04.593 --> 04:05.314 Do you know what I mean? 04:05.714 --> 04:08.076 Well, it was a very recent past but the ancient past. 04:08.457 --> 04:14.823 You've got a lunatic kind of right-wing nut job in the White House like you did in the 80s. 04:15.744 --> 04:22.311 You've got a power-crazed, Thatcherite lunatic in the in the in the Labour House. 04:22.851 --> 04:25.952 just the piece of Joe Cornish, not the big British castle as a whole. 04:25.992 --> 04:27.813 He's got that sort of man-thatcher. 04:28.994 --> 04:30.174 He left after a while. 04:30.214 --> 04:32.415 He... I'm not being controversial. 04:32.936 --> 04:36.397 He was very outspoken in his high regard for her polikes. 04:36.717 --> 04:38.698 Tony... Tony B. Liar. 04:38.718 --> 04:38.998 Yeah. 04:39.699 --> 04:40.239 Man-thatch. 04:40.459 --> 04:41.039 Man-thatch. 04:41.439 --> 04:41.720 Yeah. 04:42.040 --> 04:42.820 The man-thatch. 04:44.081 --> 04:44.601 So there you go. 04:44.621 --> 04:45.341 I rest my case. 04:45.741 --> 04:50.644 Did you shed a tear when Tony B. Liar left the White House, the Brown House? 04:52.064 --> 04:52.705 I didn't know. 04:52.725 --> 04:54.727 I did not. 04:54.747 --> 04:57.751 But that was one of the many momentous things that happened in the year. 04:58.091 --> 05:00.594 And all through the show, we'll be going through the year. 05:01.055 --> 05:04.759 We've segmented it into themed portions and we'll be discussing the highs. 05:06.741 --> 05:06.781 of 05:26.033 --> 05:27.854 We're going to fortify the whole castle. 05:27.874 --> 05:29.454 No one's going to be able to get in now. 05:29.514 --> 05:30.314 Everything's fine. 05:30.594 --> 05:32.035 Because we've got a defence plan. 05:32.575 --> 05:33.015 You know what? 05:33.095 --> 05:45.738 One of my favourite records of this year, one of my favourite singles of this year, was one that we played when we took over from Sean W. Kieveny on the Brexfordshire that was our first little bit of tenure here at Six Music. 05:46.199 --> 05:47.359 And it's by Edwin Collins. 05:48.219 --> 05:49.359 It's called You'll Never Know. 05:49.379 --> 05:51.100 And we're going to play it right now. 05:51.240 --> 05:53.383 Well, it's one of the comebacks of the year, isn't it, for Collins? 05:53.463 --> 05:53.924 Absolutely. 05:54.084 --> 05:54.745 In every way. 05:54.985 --> 05:55.867 So, enjoy. 05:56.247 --> 05:58.510 Edwin Collins with You'll Never Know My Love 05:59.361 --> 06:00.842 Oh, one of my favourite singles of the year. 06:00.862 --> 06:02.683 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 06:02.723 --> 06:04.003 Happy New Year's Eve, everybody! 06:04.643 --> 06:06.584 We hope you're drinking responsibly. 06:06.985 --> 06:07.205 Yeah. 06:07.245 --> 06:18.690 Because let's not forget that 2007 has been the year when the government has decided to control various naughty things that the populace do, such as smoking indoors, drinking irresponsibly. 06:19.550 --> 06:21.071 Those are the only two things I can think of. 06:21.691 --> 06:23.493 Uh, but, uh... Fortress Britain. 06:23.533 --> 06:24.294 Fortress Britain. 06:24.334 --> 06:33.962 It's time for the, uh, the people of Britain to pull their socks up, stop messing about, stop being silly, generally, uh, and, you know, just, just get in line a little bit more. 06:34.142 --> 06:34.963 But here's the thing. 06:35.684 --> 06:39.707 One day, folks, you're gonna look back at 2007 and think, we had it pretty good then. 06:39.787 --> 06:42.610 We were, we were still wandering around without ID cards. 06:42.910 --> 06:43.090 Yeah. 06:43.110 --> 06:46.692 We could go pretty much wherever we wanted without being security checked and tagged. 06:46.712 --> 06:46.833 Yeah. 06:46.873 --> 06:48.374 The police didn't wear gas masks. 06:48.394 --> 06:50.335 They didn't have those electric batons yet. 06:50.535 --> 06:51.035 Exactly. 06:52.316 --> 07:00.101 They didn't instigate the Judge Dredd program where police could issue death certificates on the streets. 07:00.762 --> 07:01.442 Is that gonna happen? 07:01.622 --> 07:02.283 That is gonna happen. 07:02.343 --> 07:05.505 That's supposed to happen in 2000 AD, so they're a bit late on that one. 07:05.605 --> 07:06.806 Yeah, it's happening next year, I think. 07:06.846 --> 07:07.086 Is it? 07:07.687 --> 07:12.551 Also, the new parking meters will kill you. 07:12.751 --> 07:14.072 That kill you, like in Blade Runner. 07:14.092 --> 07:15.113 Exactly, they'll kill you. 07:15.973 --> 07:19.356 The other thing, of course, is that, you know, like these days, people 07:20.096 --> 07:23.500 Uh, grown-up people might say to you, do you remember when you could smoke on the tube? 07:23.900 --> 07:24.000 Mmm. 07:24.020 --> 07:25.602 Do you remember when you could smoke on the bus? 07:25.742 --> 07:26.482 In the cinemas. 07:26.523 --> 07:28.765 Yeah, we, Adam and I, remember that from our childhoods. 07:29.405 --> 07:33.369 And, uh, it seems like a distant memory from an ins- from a well-gone map. 07:33.409 --> 07:33.910 That's right. 07:34.190 --> 07:38.514 And now people will, in the future, people go, do you remember when you could smoke in restaurants? 07:38.774 --> 07:41.437 Hey, they'll say, do you remember when you could smoke? 07:41.997 --> 07:42.878 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 07:42.898 --> 07:47.381 Do you remember when people used to be free to make up their own minds about the choices they made? 07:47.401 --> 07:48.502 Thanks a lot, Tony Blair. 07:48.602 --> 07:51.764 But then, of course, you could come back with Tony Belire. 07:51.784 --> 07:54.947 He was just protecting the people who were dying from passive smoking. 07:55.307 --> 07:56.268 It's true, right? 07:56.468 --> 07:59.170 It's covering all the different aspects of this debate. 07:59.230 --> 07:59.950 It's a very good thing. 07:59.990 --> 08:01.531 Quite skillfully, I think. 08:01.611 --> 08:02.812 These are all good things. 08:03.193 --> 08:04.894 These are all very positive developments. 08:04.934 --> 08:05.855 Very positive. 08:05.915 --> 08:07.376 It's been a brilliant year for freedom. 08:08.547 --> 08:09.488 all around the world. 08:09.888 --> 08:10.989 Where do you get that from? 08:11.009 --> 08:13.091 I don't know, I'm just being positive. 08:13.171 --> 08:13.551 Okay. 08:13.931 --> 08:28.243 There's been a lot of very well thought out wars, brilliantly planned environmental interventions, you know, it's good to see the world really pulling its socks up and, you know, taking on global warming in a united way. 08:28.283 --> 08:30.064 You love pulling socks up, don't you? 08:30.125 --> 08:38.011 I just think everyone should pull their socks all the way up over their heads and then hop around like big boinging dancing socks. 08:38.231 --> 08:39.672 So there we go, that's politics. 08:41.033 --> 08:44.576 We've dealt with now from 2007, who knows what we're going to be dealing with next. 08:44.856 --> 08:53.464 Here's a glimpse in the form of a, we can't tell you what's going to happen in the world next, but we're going to tell you a little something about what's going to happen on BBC Six Music next. 08:53.504 --> 08:54.304 Which is more important. 08:54.324 --> 08:55.105 Yeah, with this trail. 08:55.345 --> 08:56.806 Curtis Mayfield there with Superfly. 08:56.826 --> 09:02.830 This is Adam and Jo, BBC Six Music, here on New Year's Eve, our exciting pre-New Year's Eve show. 09:02.850 --> 09:05.312 A show to take you up to 10 o'clock, of course. 09:05.332 --> 09:10.755 Then at 10 o'clock, we've got the Queens of Noise and all sorts of insane party antics happening here on Six Music. 09:10.995 --> 09:12.857 So whatever you do, stay tuned. 09:13.177 --> 09:14.938 New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve. 09:14.978 --> 09:15.478 I love this song. 09:15.498 --> 09:16.659 Drinking all the way. 09:16.679 --> 09:17.259 Classic song. 09:17.379 --> 09:18.100 Oh, what fun. 09:18.240 --> 09:19.041 It is too drunk. 09:19.861 --> 09:36.922 until you're very drunk drunk oh new year's eve new year's eve i hate it so much this song is my favorite song i love that song i'm so pleased you sung it oh it's new year's i don't like this song i hate this song oh it's new year's this is a bad song 09:38.104 --> 09:39.265 I'm glad that song stopped. 09:39.485 --> 09:40.666 I'm going to release that next year. 09:40.926 --> 09:41.247 Really? 09:41.507 --> 09:42.808 That's something to look forward to. 09:42.828 --> 09:45.490 Yeah, because, oh, you know. 09:45.731 --> 09:49.334 So what a year it's been, listeners, especially in the world of movies. 09:49.714 --> 09:50.255 That's right. 09:50.695 --> 09:54.278 The glamorous world where anything can happen, where CGI effects rule the world. 09:54.819 --> 09:59.243 Actors like Dame Judi Stench and Helen Mirrors do all the business with the wigs. 09:59.784 --> 10:02.346 And it's a brilliant time to go Stench and Mirrors, isn't it? 10:02.566 --> 10:15.525 It's all stench and mirrors in 2007 the cost of going to the cinema went up to 4,000 pounds No way her Maltese is too much 4,000 pounds for each cheese are not even a ticket. 10:15.645 --> 10:17.007 How much is that sounds made up? 10:17.048 --> 10:17.328 Doesn't it? 10:17.408 --> 10:17.709 Isn't it? 10:18.129 --> 10:19.490 How much is a ticket to the cinema? 10:19.550 --> 10:21.432 A ticket costs £20,000. 10:21.472 --> 10:22.253 That's too much. 10:22.313 --> 10:23.193 It's too much, isn't it? 10:23.654 --> 10:26.196 Unless you go in Peckham, where it costs ten pence. 10:26.436 --> 10:26.917 Ten pence. 10:26.937 --> 10:27.777 But you will be killed. 10:28.058 --> 10:29.018 That's right, that's the downside. 10:29.038 --> 10:29.919 So those are the two choices. 10:30.179 --> 10:38.767 Alternatively, of course, there's the world of high definition video, which arrived with a flash and a waz in 2007. 10:40.168 --> 10:43.731 And of course, there was a terrible feud between Blu-ray and HD. 10:45.112 --> 10:46.853 And all sorts of conspiracy theories. 10:47.033 --> 10:50.134 Blu-Ray, Ray Charles, Ray Davis, they all had a big fight. 10:50.154 --> 10:51.714 That's right, against HD. 10:52.294 --> 10:55.815 Uh, Helen Dick-Dickinson, um, is the woman who invented that. 10:56.495 --> 10:58.936 And, uh, anyway, what a year it's been for movies! 10:59.096 --> 11:01.137 It's been a year of three-quals! 11:02.037 --> 11:28.095 uh spider-man 3 didn't like it pirates of the spider-man 3 haven't seen it harry spider-man 3 liked it and spider-shrek 3 uh disappointing disappointing and and ratatouille liked it liked it so i just said that i liked harry spider-shrek you just made that up also live 3 3 no diehard 4 was out as well 300 it's all the threes it was all about threes 11:29.136 --> 11:47.317 uh and also uh transformers three right that's not true that's just the first one but there will be a third one um but a lot of three equals uh some of them average and some of them poor you know you've got it these days you've got to you've got to celebrate the average otherwise where would you be 11:48.198 --> 11:48.738 Exactly. 11:48.878 --> 11:49.438 Exactly. 11:49.478 --> 11:51.659 Back in Peckham, thought part. 11:51.799 --> 11:54.100 What was your favourite film this year? 11:54.120 --> 11:55.080 Well, that's hard to say. 11:55.160 --> 11:56.320 Go on. 11:56.520 --> 11:56.841 One of mine. 11:56.941 --> 11:57.521 It's not that hard. 11:57.541 --> 11:58.581 Because I don't really have one. 11:58.601 --> 12:03.082 Well, my favourite film was... Well, my favourite film was David Fincher's Zodiac was one of them. 12:03.222 --> 12:03.503 Oh, yeah. 12:03.623 --> 12:05.043 I enjoyed that very much indeed. 12:05.103 --> 12:05.903 I even forgot about that. 12:05.923 --> 12:10.184 I'm looking forward to the director's cut coming early in 2008. 12:10.264 --> 12:11.985 Well, I'm looking forward to the sequel for that one. 12:12.225 --> 12:15.726 Yeah, but we'll talk about forthcoming movies a bit later. 12:16.066 --> 12:17.267 I also enjoyed Superbad. 12:17.587 --> 12:18.267 That was great. 12:18.447 --> 12:23.329 Which ties in with the song we just played, were it to be called Superbad rather than Superfly. 12:23.349 --> 12:30.472 You know, Superbad, for the first time in a long time, I thought, what a great time to be a young person with these kind of movies. 12:30.752 --> 12:34.113 It reminded me very much of the kind of things that we used to see when we were youngsters in the 80s. 12:34.133 --> 12:42.336 Well, John Apatow is a similar age to us, so he's sort of recreating that John Hughes era, but with a little more swearing and graphic references to lady parts. 12:42.356 --> 12:44.396 But a lot more heart as well, I thought, you know? 12:44.456 --> 12:52.439 Like, it's sort of, he's got his cake and he's eating it there, and it's delicious cake, because it's got all the filth and the naughtiness that young people love. 12:52.819 --> 12:57.940 But there's also a real nice, you know, feeling to the whole thing, do you know what I mean? 12:58.000 --> 12:58.340 Sure, sure. 12:58.380 --> 12:59.181 It's not creepy in young people. 12:59.201 --> 12:59.901 Yeah, absolutely. 13:00.401 --> 13:07.886 favourite scenes of the year was probably Michael Cera and Jonah Hill declaring their love for each other at the end of Superbad. 13:07.946 --> 13:08.907 I thought that was very sweet. 13:09.327 --> 13:11.648 Anyway, listen, it's time for a bit more music. 13:12.789 --> 13:13.410 Oh no. 13:13.770 --> 13:14.711 Oh, what's the matter? 13:14.931 --> 13:15.131 What? 13:15.151 --> 13:16.051 Are we gonna play the B-52s? 13:16.312 --> 13:17.793 Yeah, but not Love Shack. 13:18.673 --> 13:21.314 I'm saying, oh no, because I just can't believe how good this is! 13:21.715 --> 13:22.775 What's your problem with the B-52? 13:22.895 --> 13:23.656 Oh, nothing! 13:23.916 --> 13:24.756 Oh, no! 13:25.317 --> 13:26.577 I can't believe this is so good! 13:26.957 --> 13:27.318 Hit it! 13:27.638 --> 13:29.459 B-52s with 52 goals! 13:29.519 --> 13:31.280 This is a peach, I picked this one. 13:31.620 --> 13:35.322 I'm gonna beat Joe up in a second for not liking it and being faintly dismissive. 13:35.342 --> 13:35.622 I love it. 13:35.982 --> 13:38.586 That's the B-52s with 52 girls. 13:38.626 --> 13:42.532 This is Adam and Joe here on New Year's Eve 2007. 13:42.572 --> 13:46.177 We're with you for the next two and a half hours, but right now it's time for the news. 13:46.438 --> 13:47.940 The Chemical Brothers with Do It Again. 13:47.960 --> 13:48.941 They've done it again. 13:49.262 --> 13:50.744 Released another smashing record. 13:51.585 --> 13:52.265 That's nice, man. 13:52.285 --> 13:53.526 You're really good at this radio. 13:53.586 --> 13:54.126 Thanks a lot, man. 13:54.146 --> 13:55.786 This is Adam and Joel on BBC Six Music. 13:56.767 --> 13:57.987 Happy New Year's Eve, everybody. 13:58.267 --> 14:00.488 We're creeping closer to the all-important moment. 14:01.168 --> 14:07.430 If you're into, like, rocks and stones and New Age-type things, then this is a very critical moment for you, chakras. 14:07.610 --> 14:09.110 All your ley lines are intersecting. 14:09.690 --> 14:11.031 Various planets are aligning. 14:11.711 --> 14:19.675 Beams of light are shining through staffs of Ra and illuminating the place where you should be digging early in the new year to find various grails or lost goblets. 14:19.695 --> 14:23.297 That's right, big underground caverns, the doors are preparing to swing open. 14:23.377 --> 14:32.621 Cats, behaviors, the behavior of cats, sorry, I'll rephrase that, the behavior of cats is very important, you should write it down and take it to a witch and she'll tell you what it means. 14:33.621 --> 14:34.302 All that sort of thing. 14:34.382 --> 14:35.282 That's all happening, is it? 14:35.402 --> 14:36.302 It's all going off. 14:36.623 --> 14:38.423 This is a very exciting period. 14:38.763 --> 14:38.943 Sure. 14:39.003 --> 14:41.004 In every sphere of life. 14:41.244 --> 14:41.825 Absolutely sure. 14:41.865 --> 14:42.165 Yeah. 14:42.745 --> 14:44.946 I mean, we've done politics and films and cats. 14:44.966 --> 14:45.646 We've got lots more. 14:45.686 --> 14:46.307 What more do you want? 14:46.507 --> 14:48.988 We were talking in the music there. 14:49.708 --> 14:51.609 Just Joe and myself, we were dancing around. 14:52.289 --> 14:53.810 I tried to kiss Joe, he backed away. 14:54.730 --> 14:56.591 And then we had a little bit of an awkward moment. 14:56.631 --> 15:01.833 But then after that, when the conversation got going again, we started talking about the stupidest argument that you've had all year. 15:02.173 --> 15:17.926 That's true and that conversation was connected to our chatting about the year's movies because one of the stupidest arguments I had this year I very nearly fell out with a good friend of mine because he preferred knocked up to super bad and I much preferred super bad to knocked up. 15:18.246 --> 15:20.548 Now Superbad didn't make such a dent, did it really? 15:21.489 --> 15:21.629 No. 15:21.669 --> 15:26.314 In the UK it was released concurrently with another film, maybe even Stardust or something. 15:26.914 --> 15:33.580 And it was buried by whimsical fantasy, the swearing and boobs were overpowered by whimsical fantasy and it kind of died to death. 15:34.001 --> 15:36.623 The two guys in it aren't as famous over here as they are over there. 15:37.124 --> 15:37.824 Jonah and Seth. 15:37.884 --> 15:39.786 I can call them by their first names because they're friends of mine. 15:40.046 --> 15:40.787 Are they really? 15:40.847 --> 15:41.528 Not really, no. 15:41.628 --> 15:43.109 But I have met them a couple of times. 15:43.269 --> 15:43.870 Seth Brundle. 15:44.190 --> 15:45.571 Who's the guy, the young guy in it? 15:45.831 --> 15:49.233 Who's the sort of Michael Serra, the slightly weedy guy? 15:49.253 --> 15:50.033 Yeah, Michael Serra. 15:50.053 --> 15:50.954 Michael Serra, he's brilliant. 15:50.974 --> 15:51.734 What's he been in before? 15:52.274 --> 15:56.496 He has been in such films as... Michael Serra's Churro? 15:57.157 --> 15:57.457 Juno. 15:57.477 --> 15:57.877 Juno. 15:57.897 --> 15:58.697 That's not out yet. 15:59.918 --> 16:01.079 He's been in Arrested Development. 16:01.139 --> 16:02.860 He played George Michael in Arrested Development. 16:02.880 --> 16:04.440 That's his best known role. 16:04.681 --> 16:06.181 Not the singer George Michael. 16:06.281 --> 16:07.582 No, no, no. 16:07.662 --> 16:08.342 They're in the joke. 16:08.743 --> 16:10.043 But anyway, back to my argument. 16:11.624 --> 16:18.690 Do you know that thing where you're very enthusiastic about a film, and by being enthusiastic, when you're enthusing about it to someone, you can almost see them not liking it. 16:19.170 --> 16:19.270 Right. 16:19.290 --> 16:20.291 Even though they haven't seen it. 16:20.591 --> 16:20.811 Yes. 16:20.831 --> 16:25.035 Because what's happening subtextually, if I may be so pretentious... Oh, I'd love you to be. 16:25.215 --> 16:27.877 ...is that one's claiming the film was one's own. 16:28.097 --> 16:28.638 Right. 16:28.738 --> 16:33.321 And the other person goes, oh, it's like Joe's just licked that film all over. 16:33.622 --> 16:35.483 Well, you, I mean, both of us have had that as well. 16:35.523 --> 16:39.046 We don't like being the recipients of something that's been overhyped if we haven't seen it. 16:39.346 --> 16:43.729 No, I guess that kind of thing happens in a marketing sense as well. 16:43.869 --> 16:50.573 Between two friends, if a friend of yours enthuses too much over an album or a film, it's like they've had a bite of the biscuit. 16:50.593 --> 16:51.274 It's a bit of a turn off. 16:51.294 --> 16:54.395 Like they've, you know, taken a little pop on it. 16:55.196 --> 16:56.177 Little bop on it, yeah. 16:56.517 --> 16:57.518 Had a little fiddle with it. 16:58.338 --> 16:59.940 You don't want to bother with it, you know. 16:59.960 --> 17:00.620 Sloppy seconds. 17:01.441 --> 17:02.101 That kind of thing. 17:02.141 --> 17:06.244 Anyway, this happened with me and my friend and super bad. 17:06.305 --> 17:07.225 Glad I said what. 17:07.345 --> 17:08.506 Sloppy seconds. 17:08.526 --> 17:13.050 Sloppy seconds is simply when you've taken a spoonful out of the dish of meringue. 17:14.130 --> 17:20.954 That's where the phrase comes from and you're the second to take the meringue and they've merely made a bit of a mess of it. 17:22.095 --> 17:24.717 Uh, not a meringue, a fondue, or a blancmange. 17:25.477 --> 17:26.318 Or a moose. 17:26.658 --> 17:27.379 A blanana. 17:27.499 --> 17:29.340 A banana spit. 17:29.380 --> 17:30.220 A blanana spit. 17:31.241 --> 17:46.766 that's something else and move on better place of music no no i want to hear the end of the argument that's it so uh so i was really enthusing about super bad he went to see it he came back with with kind of a long face and a slight look of disgust in his eye as if he thought less of me for liking it 17:48.406 --> 17:56.308 And then I sort of developed this idea that he was boring for not liking it, because in my mind, Knocked Up is a fake subversive film. 17:56.648 --> 18:05.510 It's supposed to be about, you know, about an anarchic, an anarchic guy who gets a woman pregnant, but actually it's a bit like a modern version of the Steve Martin film Parenthood. 18:05.851 --> 18:08.391 They're both lovely films, but it's actually a very conservative proposition. 18:08.511 --> 18:10.612 They're giving everything up and settling down. 18:10.912 --> 18:15.753 Whereas Superbad is genuinely quite like subversive and anarchic, I reckon. 18:16.073 --> 18:18.174 about, uh, male friendships and stuff. 18:18.294 --> 18:18.454 Yeah. 18:18.474 --> 18:18.554 Yeah. 18:18.634 --> 18:26.999 But, but you know, but in, in saying this, I've taken it onto the level of a basic schism of political and, and lifestyle views, ideological, fundamental ideological views. 18:27.779 --> 18:29.280 Uh, which that's cool. 18:29.300 --> 18:31.321 That's a fundamental idea. 18:31.361 --> 18:31.842 New Year's Eve. 18:31.862 --> 18:32.762 New Year's Eve. 18:33.002 --> 18:34.183 But you know what I mean? 18:34.203 --> 18:35.284 It became such a kind of heavy thing. 18:35.324 --> 18:36.944 It was more than disliking the film. 18:36.985 --> 18:38.185 It was like, I don't like you anymore. 18:38.505 --> 18:39.966 Oh, that's horrible when that happens. 18:40.346 --> 18:41.267 It's sort of, we couldn't help it. 18:41.547 --> 18:42.388 Have you resolved it now? 18:42.549 --> 18:43.290 Oh, completely, yeah. 18:43.310 --> 18:43.530 Oh, good. 18:43.550 --> 18:43.971 I'm glad. 18:44.672 --> 18:46.695 Incidentally, folks, if you haven't seen Superbad, you should. 18:46.755 --> 18:47.356 It's amazing. 18:47.396 --> 18:48.678 It's really a lovely film. 18:48.698 --> 18:50.120 Yeah, I'm sure it'll do very well on DVD. 18:50.140 --> 18:51.021 Want to catch on DVD. 18:51.041 --> 18:51.862 That's right. 18:52.383 --> 18:54.266 Here's a track that I've chosen for you. 18:54.366 --> 18:57.110 It's been played a lot everywhere, especially on six music. 18:57.811 --> 18:58.292 But have I? 18:58.392 --> 18:58.752 No. 18:58.892 --> 18:59.653 That was Chemical Brothers. 18:59.673 --> 19:00.273 I didn't choose that one. 19:00.293 --> 19:01.514 Yeah, you chose the B-52s though. 19:01.594 --> 19:02.275 Oh, stop it, Willie. 19:02.295 --> 19:03.616 You've got stuff coming up later. 19:03.676 --> 19:04.437 We've both got six. 19:04.497 --> 19:05.017 Oh, I do actually. 19:05.037 --> 19:05.698 I've got a good one coming up. 19:05.718 --> 19:05.918 Yeah, yeah. 19:06.018 --> 19:07.699 Anyway, this is one of the albums of the year. 19:07.719 --> 19:09.341 I'm not sure it was released this year though, was it? 19:09.401 --> 19:13.144 It came out, yeah, in 2006 and it was sort of re-released and did very well. 19:14.025 --> 19:17.507 Some people write them off as a kind of Bruce Springsteen tribute act, sir. 19:17.628 --> 19:19.009 Bruce Springsteen tribute act. 19:19.109 --> 19:20.490 I don't care because they're good. 19:20.530 --> 19:22.492 This is the Hold Steady with Stop Between Stations. 19:25.881 --> 19:36.635 That was the whole steady with stuck between stations, you know, you'd have to be some kind of chill to not even get a little bit of pleasure out of that. 19:37.972 --> 19:38.292 Come on. 19:39.333 --> 19:39.774 Come on then. 19:39.914 --> 19:40.154 What? 19:40.394 --> 19:42.456 I got a little bit of pleasure about of that. 19:42.516 --> 19:44.517 Yeah, that's very decent of you. 19:44.718 --> 19:46.199 This is Adam and Joe BBC Six Music. 19:46.219 --> 19:47.340 Happy New Year's Eve listeners. 19:47.380 --> 19:48.801 We hope you're drinking moderately. 19:49.081 --> 19:49.582 Yeah. 19:49.622 --> 19:51.163 Being nice to everybody around you. 19:51.243 --> 19:53.225 Hey, can I give you some practical advice listeners? 19:53.745 --> 19:55.246 And you too, Joe Cornish. 19:56.027 --> 19:57.728 You have a glass of water right now. 19:58.349 --> 19:58.909 Hydrate yourself. 19:58.949 --> 19:59.590 Yeah, pull it back. 19:59.730 --> 19:59.930 Yeah? 20:00.070 --> 20:00.670 Just pull it back. 20:00.710 --> 20:02.031 Pull it back for a couple of hours. 20:02.451 --> 20:03.972 You can get going again a bit later in the night. 20:04.012 --> 20:04.892 You won't regret it. 20:04.932 --> 20:06.133 Then you'll be in good shape. 20:06.253 --> 20:07.733 You'll feel less bad tomorrow morning. 20:07.793 --> 20:09.134 Think about how you're gonna feel tomorrow morning. 20:09.154 --> 20:09.494 You know what? 20:09.534 --> 20:17.097 We're assuming that everybody's in a kind of a crazy party mood, but according to statistics that I've just formulated, I made- during that song I made a thousand phone calls. 20:17.137 --> 20:17.417 Did you? 20:17.638 --> 20:19.018 And I've drawn up some percentages. 20:19.898 --> 20:23.620 And apparently 63% of people really don't bother on New Year's Eve. 20:23.780 --> 20:24.040 Right. 20:24.460 --> 20:25.081 They're tired. 20:25.381 --> 20:26.241 They're partied out. 20:26.581 --> 20:28.002 They just have a bit of an early night. 20:28.842 --> 20:31.885 Maybe a little drink with a close friend and just take it easy. 20:32.065 --> 20:33.106 They might do some praying. 20:33.926 --> 20:34.847 Maybe they don't agree. 20:35.127 --> 20:36.088 Maybe they don't even drink. 20:36.388 --> 20:37.549 You know, they might just drink. 20:37.589 --> 20:38.690 They might have a cup of cocoa. 20:38.710 --> 20:44.935 This awful lump and cliche that everyone's getting drunk and making a mess of themselves is an awful lump and cliche. 20:45.135 --> 20:47.737 It is an awful lump and cliche. 20:47.757 --> 20:48.598 Look at the size of it. 20:48.998 --> 20:53.582 And it's not backed up by those statistics that I recently made up. 20:53.742 --> 20:56.284 But you know, I usually just have quite a quiet time. 20:56.724 --> 20:58.165 Yes, no, that's generally what I'll do. 20:58.225 --> 21:05.507 I'll come back from church and I'll kneel down and I'll pray to a selection of... You'll put on that shirt with the spikes on the inside. 21:05.527 --> 21:06.167 That's right. 21:06.187 --> 21:13.710 Yeah, pray to a selection of gods and then I will write... Cadbury's Gods. 21:14.090 --> 21:15.890 Yeah, I'll do some writing. 21:15.990 --> 21:17.371 I'll write a couple of poems. 21:18.291 --> 21:20.172 This is, uh, I'm not doing it tonight because we're doing the show. 21:20.192 --> 21:22.893 Uh, but this is what I would normally do on New Year's Eve. 21:23.253 --> 21:26.054 And then I'll have a half a glass of tea. 21:26.854 --> 21:27.214 Really? 21:27.294 --> 21:27.534 Yes. 21:28.094 --> 21:31.735 And then after that, I'll lie down on a person. 21:32.696 --> 21:33.316 Which way up? 21:34.016 --> 21:48.252 will you be the wrong way round what do you mean oh i see with your feet on their head no my head on their feet your head on that's the same yeah who is this person i can't tell you 21:49.153 --> 21:49.774 It doesn't matter. 21:49.874 --> 21:50.795 Is it David Cameron? 21:50.835 --> 21:51.636 It is David Cameron. 21:51.676 --> 21:52.396 I think it is, isn't it? 21:52.416 --> 21:54.618 You love David Cameron. 21:54.859 --> 21:57.601 Okay, yeah, I'm saying this as if I've got something to move on to. 21:57.801 --> 22:06.870 After this, I want to chat a little bit about some more of the events of last year, especially, you know, Jay Goody and the Big Brother thing. 22:07.330 --> 22:14.853 I think we should, you know, obviously it's been talked about and dissected endlessly, but I really think the public need to hear our opinions of the subjects. 22:15.413 --> 22:21.315 So after this, which is our producer Jude's favourite single of the year, is that right Jude? 22:21.395 --> 22:21.655 Yes. 22:22.155 --> 22:24.976 This is Of Montreal with Suffer for Fashion. 22:25.156 --> 22:26.477 There we go, that was an abrupt ending. 22:26.517 --> 22:27.317 There was a little abrupt there. 22:27.337 --> 22:28.458 The band are called Of Montreal. 22:28.478 --> 22:29.118 How very rude. 22:29.298 --> 22:32.739 The song's called Suffer for Fashion, it's our producer Jude's favourite record of the year. 22:32.759 --> 22:34.160 She's obsessed with those people. 22:34.320 --> 22:34.920 She loves that. 22:35.100 --> 22:36.901 Can I stop going on about them? 22:37.001 --> 22:38.782 Favorite gig of the year, she said as well. 22:39.383 --> 22:41.404 We'll talk about favorite gigs of the year in a second. 22:41.444 --> 22:42.484 But first, Joe Cornish. 22:42.505 --> 22:45.526 I don't know if you know this, but there's been a massive race row. 22:45.646 --> 22:45.847 What? 22:46.227 --> 22:47.588 On the program Big Brother. 22:47.928 --> 22:49.589 That seems like a thousand years ago. 22:49.609 --> 22:49.829 Doesn't it? 22:49.849 --> 22:50.729 You know, I wish it was. 22:50.750 --> 22:51.430 Yeah. 22:51.810 --> 22:54.752 Did you watch that show in the end, the whole Jade thing? 22:55.032 --> 22:57.393 Uh, yeah, I watched the race route, but that- that was it. 22:57.634 --> 23:01.055 Then I drew a- I've drawn a line under Big Brother in- in life, in general. 23:01.336 --> 23:01.516 Yeah. 23:01.556 --> 23:05.658 I will- I- I hereby promise that I will never watch it ever again. 23:05.738 --> 23:08.900 What was your little epiphany there that, uh, stopped you to use to like those shows? 23:08.920 --> 23:09.260 Just had enough! 23:09.280 --> 23:09.760 I just had enough! 23:09.800 --> 23:16.704 You know, if you eat one sort of food, uh, like, if you ate wagon wheels non-stop for a week... Oh, I've done that. 23:16.744 --> 23:18.705 ...you probably wouldn't be able to eat them again, right? 23:18.866 --> 23:20.667 Well, like, you could do a documentary about it. 23:20.887 --> 23:22.167 And Morgan Spurlock style. 23:22.187 --> 23:23.228 There's another thing to talk about. 23:23.408 --> 23:23.628 Right. 23:23.748 --> 23:24.028 Later. 23:24.349 --> 23:24.969 Remind me about that. 23:25.089 --> 23:25.409 Okay. 23:25.589 --> 23:26.850 I'm writing it down in the minutes. 23:26.890 --> 23:28.251 But, you know, I'm just... I'm sick of it. 23:28.271 --> 23:29.391 Absolutely sick of it. 23:29.411 --> 23:31.912 And I think it's about time that channel dropped that show. 23:32.113 --> 23:32.973 I think it's killing them. 23:33.333 --> 23:34.494 But people like the show. 23:34.574 --> 23:35.154 Only idiots. 23:35.674 --> 23:36.115 No, man. 23:36.175 --> 23:36.415 Wait. 23:36.515 --> 23:36.855 Whoa. 23:36.995 --> 23:37.955 Whoa. 23:38.016 --> 23:39.236 I had no insult to people. 23:39.296 --> 23:45.679 I'm not saying you're an out-and-out idiot if you watch Big Brother, but certainly for the time that you're watching Big Brother or talking about it, you are an idiot. 23:45.719 --> 23:46.220 Now, listen. 23:46.600 --> 23:50.162 And I think the people that watch that are heat magazine readers. 23:51.002 --> 23:52.583 And I think they're going for broke. 23:52.643 --> 23:53.363 I'm going for broke. 23:53.604 --> 23:54.924 I just think that kind of things over. 23:54.964 --> 23:56.005 I think it's yesterday's news. 23:56.045 --> 23:58.506 I think it was brilliant about three years ago, four years ago. 23:58.546 --> 24:01.308 It felt new and exciting and interesting. 24:01.788 --> 24:05.010 Now it's time to move on, but it's not just the novelty man. 24:05.110 --> 24:05.871 I know what you're saying. 24:05.911 --> 24:09.913 There's times when you watch those things, it's totally unedifying and you feel dragged down into the. 24:10.453 --> 24:11.534 dirty, dirty place. 24:12.035 --> 24:21.043 But occasionally, not so much with the whole Shilpa Jade thing, because it was a kind of insane, hysterical construct about her being racist. 24:21.403 --> 24:27.168 She's mainly just daft, not so much racist, but the whole racism thing is out of control in lots of different ways anyway. 24:27.669 --> 24:34.395 But the previous year, the whole Barrymore one and the George Galloway thing, 24:35.275 --> 24:37.437 You couldn't have written that stuff, man. 24:37.638 --> 24:40.380 That was like a play, an amazing play. 24:40.881 --> 24:49.569 And sometimes you watch those things and it really is an incredible insight into what makes people human that you don't get anywhere else, really. 24:50.349 --> 24:50.870 Um, yep. 24:50.930 --> 24:51.430 You may be right. 24:51.510 --> 24:55.693 I'm just saying personally, you know, Ed, from my point of view, every day when I was sitting down there. 24:55.853 --> 24:56.534 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 24:56.554 --> 24:56.814 Yeah. 24:57.174 --> 24:58.015 Um, sport. 24:58.455 --> 24:58.695 Sport. 24:58.735 --> 25:00.717 Is that I've, I've, I think I've seen it all. 25:00.757 --> 25:01.197 I've had enough. 25:01.377 --> 25:01.998 You've had enough. 25:02.178 --> 25:03.019 Oh my lordy. 25:03.059 --> 25:05.721 Well, listen, you've got your wishes because they're not going to hurt. 25:05.741 --> 25:07.222 They do say they're pretty big brother. 25:07.262 --> 25:09.203 In fact, that's one of the nice things about the beginning of this year. 25:09.223 --> 25:15.128 You don't have that terrible thing where you start the year, there's a sort of vacuum of boredom and there to fill it is blooming big brother. 25:15.148 --> 25:15.988 They're pretty big brother. 25:16.148 --> 25:17.089 It's not on this year. 25:17.249 --> 25:17.589 I hate it. 25:17.609 --> 25:18.310 They're not doing it. 25:18.450 --> 25:20.231 Anyway, music time after that ranting. 25:20.531 --> 25:21.332 It's a trail. 25:21.752 --> 25:22.592 It's a trail time. 25:22.632 --> 25:24.073 And it's all about Sergeant Pepper. 25:24.113 --> 25:27.735 I don't want possibly could there be left to say about Sergeant Pepper that hasn't been said. 25:27.755 --> 25:28.956 We're gonna find out right now. 25:29.236 --> 25:33.279 Climb the family stone with dance to the music here on BBC Six Music. 25:33.919 --> 25:34.859 It's New Year's Eve. 25:35.620 --> 25:39.002 It's very exciting for everybody whether you're celebrating or not, isn't it? 25:39.362 --> 25:42.164 Yeah, only about four more hours to go now. 25:42.624 --> 25:45.966 Just less than four more hours until New Year's Eve, the big moment. 25:46.246 --> 25:47.767 You might get to snog someone. 25:48.087 --> 25:48.428 Really? 25:48.448 --> 25:50.771 Yeah, I haven't snogged somebody for years. 25:50.791 --> 25:51.532 You might get to. 25:51.892 --> 25:56.478 If you're in the right place at the right time, everyone will be kissing each other and you can just take advantage. 25:56.719 --> 25:56.979 Wow. 25:57.159 --> 26:01.465 You know, you just let it last a little bit too long and bang, you're in there. 26:01.485 --> 26:03.287 Because generally, that's the time of year. 26:03.948 --> 26:07.632 where you could legitimately go for the mouth rather than the cheek. 26:08.032 --> 26:08.553 Don't you think? 26:08.813 --> 26:09.894 That sometimes happens. 26:10.215 --> 26:15.561 This is a disturbing scenario because, uh, this is... Listen, listen. 26:16.341 --> 26:22.248 You're standing around, you're in a room, there's maybe four girls there, four blokes, uh, they could... 26:22.808 --> 26:25.230 Just assume that everybody's paired off already, right? 26:25.250 --> 26:28.173 Maybe married couples in their long relationships and things. 26:28.193 --> 26:30.195 There's no singletons drifting around. 26:30.615 --> 26:31.996 But you all know each other very well. 26:32.236 --> 26:32.937 The clock strikes 12. 26:33.157 --> 26:35.159 Everyone starts kissing each other. 26:35.499 --> 26:37.541 But it's like you're really good friends. 26:37.561 --> 26:38.622 You've known each other for years. 26:38.882 --> 26:43.266 Some of the girls might think it's acceptable to go for a little kiss on the lips there. 26:43.286 --> 26:45.007 Do you need to talk about your marriage? 26:46.195 --> 26:51.282 Well, marriage is a wonderful thing and I enjoy being married more than almost anyone in the world. 26:51.842 --> 26:57.750 But still, a little random kiss on the lips there at New Year's Eve might be nice. 26:58.972 --> 27:00.634 Who are you thinking about? 27:01.315 --> 27:02.436 Who are you thinking about? 27:03.437 --> 27:05.219 My best friend, Matthews. 27:05.700 --> 27:08.603 No, my wife's best friend and her sister. 27:08.763 --> 27:09.344 No, I'm not. 27:09.604 --> 27:10.405 I'm not. 27:10.925 --> 27:15.290 Wow, it's gonna be fireworks for New Year's Eve at the Buxton household. 27:15.310 --> 27:16.792 That's for sure. 27:16.852 --> 27:22.958 Listen, she's gonna be trying to get some snogging action off my more hunkier friends anyway, so it's all... 27:23.619 --> 27:26.922 It's all a bit of a disaster, isn't it, really? 27:27.002 --> 27:27.562 It's lovely. 27:27.642 --> 27:29.764 It's like the 60s, the 70s, it's like the ice storm. 27:29.824 --> 27:30.885 It's not like the ice storm. 27:30.965 --> 27:32.086 It's brilliant. 27:32.106 --> 27:32.947 I knew you were gonna say that. 27:32.967 --> 27:33.387 It's brilliant. 27:33.567 --> 27:37.170 Yeah, we all pop the keys in the bowl there, and then, uh, go off on trial. 27:37.190 --> 27:38.591 Course, I'm just in a long-term relationship. 27:38.631 --> 27:43.335 I'm too cowardly to get married, because I just like to entertain the idea that anything's possible. 27:44.116 --> 27:47.379 So in a way, I'm living in more of a fantasy land than you are. 27:47.639 --> 27:47.859 Wow. 27:47.979 --> 27:49.140 If such a thing is possible. 27:49.200 --> 27:51.562 Listeners, you've got a double slice of truth cake there. 27:51.723 --> 27:52.824 Yeah, wow, that's lucky. 27:52.944 --> 27:56.807 And there was some irony icing on top of it, but mainly it was the ingredients were truth. 27:57.768 --> 27:59.130 I wonder what David Bowie's doing. 27:59.770 --> 28:01.030 on New Year's Eve. 28:01.331 --> 28:03.931 I wonder what David... David... David does. 28:04.452 --> 28:05.992 He probably does something super latitive. 28:06.192 --> 28:09.913 I do something super latitive on New Year's Eve. 28:10.334 --> 28:11.634 With a little bit of theatricality. 28:11.794 --> 28:13.935 With a little bit of theatricality. 28:14.475 --> 28:17.176 And they probably do amazing charades. 28:17.436 --> 28:18.516 But charades for pieces of work. 28:18.536 --> 28:19.817 David Bowie's amazing at charades. 28:20.237 --> 28:22.898 He can do the accused without making it fabulous. 28:23.078 --> 28:23.478 Exactly. 28:23.878 --> 28:27.599 But they probably do like Jacques Brel songs and stuff as subjects. 28:27.639 --> 28:28.720 Is he still married to Iman? 28:28.740 --> 28:29.160 Very much so. 28:29.440 --> 28:31.241 Yes, and he probably has Joey Bowie around. 28:31.301 --> 28:32.702 Is it, is it Zoey or is it? 28:32.782 --> 28:33.162 It's, it's Joey. 28:33.183 --> 28:33.983 It's Joey these days. 28:34.003 --> 28:34.403 It's Joey. 28:34.543 --> 28:35.524 And Joey's around there, yes. 28:35.684 --> 28:36.104 I've met him. 28:36.245 --> 28:37.265 Iman's got many children. 28:37.405 --> 28:38.146 When have you met Joey? 28:38.286 --> 28:39.367 I met him in the video shop. 28:39.567 --> 28:40.547 Don't you remember that story? 28:40.567 --> 28:41.768 Yes, I do remember. 28:41.888 --> 28:42.729 Tell it again. 28:43.049 --> 28:44.590 I can't, I can't remember what happened. 28:44.850 --> 28:47.312 But I didn't find out he was Bowie's son until after I'd spoken to him. 28:47.432 --> 28:48.032 Oh my gosh. 28:48.072 --> 28:49.893 He was telling me he made short films. 28:50.094 --> 28:50.994 Right, yeah. 28:51.515 --> 28:53.096 Can you imagine what kind of short films? 28:53.136 --> 28:56.358 Can you imagine what kind of short films? 28:57.198 --> 28:58.119 My son makes... 29:00.580 --> 29:06.004 Here is some David Bowie, anyway, it's a reason for this terrible impression fest. 29:06.584 --> 29:11.167 This is David Bowie's song, what is called Moon Age Daydream. 29:11.187 --> 29:15.850 Did you know he did this song by cutting out words and rearranging them on a board? 29:15.870 --> 29:18.271 Cutting up words and rearranging them. 29:18.911 --> 29:20.372 This sounds like someone else. 29:21.093 --> 29:22.173 Here we go, here's some David Bowie. 29:22.353 --> 29:23.954 David Bowie with Moon Age Daydream. 29:25.015 --> 29:27.637 And we are nearly entering the Moon Age. 29:28.297 --> 29:28.357 Mmm. 29:28.377 --> 29:28.437 Mmm. 29:28.457 --> 29:28.517 Mmm. 29:28.537 --> 29:28.597 Mmm. 29:28.617 --> 29:28.677 Mmm. 29:28.697 --> 29:28.757 Mmm. 29:28.777 --> 29:28.837 Mmm. 29:28.857 --> 29:28.957 Mmm. 29:28.977 --> 29:29.177 Mmm. 29:29.237 --> 29:29.357 Mmm. 29:29.377 --> 29:29.457 Mmm. 29:29.498 --> 29:29.578 Mmm. 29:29.598 --> 29:29.678 Mmm. 29:29.698 --> 29:29.778 Mmm. 29:29.798 --> 29:29.938 Mmm. 29:30.238 --> 29:30.518 Mmm. 29:30.538 --> 29:30.818 Mmm. 29:30.838 --> 29:30.998 Mmm. 29:31.018 --> 29:31.118 Mmm. 29:31.138 --> 29:31.218 Mmm. 29:31.238 --> 29:31.318 Mmm. 29:31.378 --> 29:31.538 Mmm. 29:31.798 --> 29:31.958 Mmm. 29:32.038 --> 29:32.179 Mmm. 29:32.239 --> 29:32.479 Mmm. 29:32.539 --> 29:32.679 Mmm. 29:32.699 --> 29:32.839 Mmm. 29:33.019 --> 29:33.279 Mmm. 29:33.359 --> 29:33.559 Mmm. 29:33.579 --> 29:33.699 Mmm. 29:33.799 --> 29:33.979 Mmm. 29:33.999 --> 29:34.059 Mmm. 29:34.119 --> 29:34.279 Mmm. 29:34.299 --> 29:34.479 Mmm. 29:34.499 --> 29:34.640 Mmm. 29:34.660 --> 29:34.780 Mmm. 29:34.800 --> 29:35.100 Mmm. 29:35.200 --> 29:35.260 Mmm. 29:35.300 --> 29:35.400 Mmm. 29:35.420 --> 29:35.500 Mmm. 29:35.520 --> 29:35.600 Mmm. 29:35.620 --> 29:35.680 Mmm. 29:35.700 --> 29:35.760 Mmm. 29:35.780 --> 29:36.000 Mmm. 29:36.020 --> 29:36.100 Mmm. 29:36.180 --> 29:36.280 Mmm. 29:36.300 --> 29:36.380 Mmm. 29:36.400 --> 29:36.480 Mmm. 29:37.060 --> 29:37.120 Mmm. 29:37.140 --> 29:37.201 Mmm. 29:37.221 --> 29:37.361 Mmm. 29:37.461 --> 29:37.561 Mmm. 29:37.581 --> 29:37.661 Mmm. 29:37.681 --> 29:37.861 Mmm. 29:37.881 --> 29:37.981 Mmm. 29:38.561 --> 29:38.701 Mmm. 29:38.761 --> 29:38.821 Mmm. 29:38.841 --> 29:39.421 Mmm. 29:39.441 --> 29:39.541 Mmm. 29:39.601 --> 29:39.701 Mmm. 29:39.782 --> 29:39.882 Mmm. 29:39.962 --> 29:40.102 Mmm. 29:40.162 --> 29:40.282 Mmm. 29:40.302 --> 29:40.382 Mmm. 29:40.642 --> 29:40.822 Mmm. 29:40.862 --> 29:40.962 Mmm. 29:40.982 --> 29:41.062 Mmm. 29:41.082 --> 29:41.222 Mmm. 29:41.242 --> 29:41.322 Mmm. 29:41.342 --> 29:41.462 Mmm. 29:41.482 --> 29:41.542 Mmm. 29:41.562 --> 29:41.622 Mmm. 29:41.642 --> 29:41.722 Mmm. 29:41.742 --> 29:41.802 Mmm. 29:41.822 --> 29:41.882 Mmm 29:46.364 --> 29:46.704 No. 29:46.864 --> 29:49.725 Like, what shortisms have there been for any year? 29:49.745 --> 29:50.825 Let's not delay this. 29:51.105 --> 29:52.046 Let's not prolong this. 29:52.766 --> 29:53.806 Just pick up another subject. 29:54.006 --> 29:54.286 Go on. 29:54.326 --> 29:54.626 Bang. 29:55.026 --> 29:57.387 You forgot about Hot Fuzz in your Movies of the Year. 29:57.647 --> 29:58.187 That's true. 29:58.627 --> 29:59.108 Hot Fuzz. 29:59.448 --> 30:01.448 Hot Fuzz for us is more than a film. 30:01.508 --> 30:03.889 It was sort of a way of life for a bit, wasn't it, Adam? 30:03.909 --> 30:08.250 Because Adam was in it, of course, and I did loads of stuff behind the scenes and stuff. 30:08.390 --> 30:10.551 Where can people find your documentary, Joe Cornish? 30:12.671 --> 30:15.052 Actually, only on the American versions of Hot Fuzz. 30:15.292 --> 30:15.472 Right. 30:15.752 --> 30:32.622 on the on the american dvd or the american three disc dvd uh is my documentary but of course i was writing a script with edgar so i was with them um when they toured america earlier this year good times they were good times that was fun man and it was one of the most successful uh certainly homegrown movies of the year 30:32.762 --> 30:38.205 was, it made about 20 grand in the UK, unfortunately beaten by the infinitely superior Mr. Bean's Holiday. 30:38.226 --> 30:39.646 20 million, even. 30:39.666 --> 30:40.347 20 million, I'm sorry. 30:40.687 --> 30:42.688 I believe Mr. Bean made about 22 million. 30:42.748 --> 30:43.229 That's right. 30:43.509 --> 30:45.730 Which makes it too better than Hot Fuzz. 30:45.950 --> 30:46.531 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 30:46.551 --> 30:48.352 Which is... Have you seen either of those films? 30:48.412 --> 30:49.353 You've seen Hot Fuzz, obviously. 30:49.413 --> 30:50.213 I have seen Hot Fuzz. 30:50.233 --> 30:51.254 Have you seen Mr. Bean's Holiday? 30:51.294 --> 30:52.595 Haven't seen the Holiday of the Bean. 30:52.615 --> 30:53.095 Yeah. 30:53.455 --> 30:57.398 It's almost scandalous that it's more successful. 30:58.138 --> 31:00.940 Well, there's a lesson there of some kind, isn't there? 31:01.101 --> 31:02.021 It's for the little kids. 31:02.221 --> 31:02.942 It's for the little kids. 31:02.962 --> 31:04.083 The money's in the undertens. 31:04.283 --> 31:05.704 And for the Bean People. 31:05.944 --> 31:06.065 Yeah. 31:06.085 --> 31:07.846 And there are many Bean People around. 31:07.866 --> 31:12.770 Does Bean People, the Bean Man, does he speak in English in this one? 31:13.110 --> 31:13.390 Yes. 31:13.490 --> 31:14.671 He says, Bean. 31:15.292 --> 31:15.832 Boom. 31:16.012 --> 31:16.373 Bean. 31:16.813 --> 31:17.013 Yeah. 31:17.133 --> 31:18.294 And he doesn't do any other talking. 31:18.314 --> 31:19.275 He says, Can. 31:19.295 --> 31:20.076 Can. 31:20.256 --> 31:20.676 Can. 31:21.977 --> 31:37.357 what can can yeah because he's trying to get to the cam film oh that's the plot so he says cam he has trouble speaking it's the international language of humorous rubbery faces though isn't it that's why it's so popular because it doesn't exclude anyone except of course comedy fans 31:37.897 --> 31:40.820 Um, but there's notes, I mean, you can be snobby about Bean. 31:40.840 --> 31:41.761 You can be snobby. 31:41.841 --> 31:43.582 I'd like, I'd tell you a good little prank to do. 31:43.762 --> 31:43.903 What? 31:43.923 --> 31:45.324 If we were still in the prank game. 31:45.364 --> 31:45.524 Yeah. 31:45.904 --> 31:47.526 I'd dress you up as Mr. Bean. 31:48.086 --> 31:52.650 I'd hide a camera and I'd have you attempt to do some of the things Mr. Bean does. 31:52.670 --> 31:52.890 Right. 31:53.171 --> 31:55.613 Make friends with a small boy he doesn't know. 31:55.633 --> 31:59.136 Uh, you know, cause trouble in a restaurant with lobsters. 31:59.736 --> 32:01.998 And see what the genuine public reaction would be. 32:02.259 --> 32:02.499 Right. 32:03.199 --> 32:06.622 I warrant it wouldn't be charm and mild amusement. 32:07.202 --> 32:08.183 It would be... Arresting. 32:08.263 --> 32:09.223 Police intervention. 32:09.283 --> 32:11.365 Instant police intervention. 32:11.445 --> 32:15.828 Notes on a scandal was also a big UK-based hit or UK-produced hit. 32:16.388 --> 32:18.449 You weren't such a fan of the scandal notes, were you? 32:19.090 --> 32:20.391 I thought it was a bit overcooked. 32:20.651 --> 32:21.171 Overlaid. 32:21.411 --> 32:22.272 I enjoyed watching it. 32:22.352 --> 32:24.173 I enjoy my films overcooked. 32:24.553 --> 32:24.753 Do you? 32:25.834 --> 32:41.871 you like them with a well done edges yeah I thought it was nice I mean it's mainly because I've got a fixation about cake blanket she's takes blankets she's adorable she's adorable and so of course I was in a scene with her in that in hot fuss that's right eight and I have acted 32:41.971 --> 32:42.672 Oh my gosh jeez 32:58.952 --> 33:02.777 Oh, I would very be, I'd be happy with some cake time. 33:02.797 --> 33:03.898 Some New Year's Eve. 33:04.238 --> 33:04.779 Some blank action. 33:04.799 --> 33:05.420 Naughty action. 33:07.702 --> 33:08.723 Right, now, more music. 33:09.284 --> 33:10.966 Would you like a disco classic Joe Cornish? 33:11.026 --> 33:11.746 Oh yes, please. 33:11.787 --> 33:12.908 Here's Donna Summer then for you. 33:15.410 --> 33:25.635 Ba-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba- 33:42.262 --> 33:42.502 Yes. 33:43.684 --> 33:49.411 Now we were just talking in the break there about films again that we've seen this year. 33:49.431 --> 33:57.020 Obviously we're going to be focusing heavily on the pop cultural aspect of the last year because that's what we tend to occupy ourselves with. 33:57.641 --> 34:00.144 But Joe was talking about one of his favorite films, 34:01.565 --> 34:03.886 a good year, the Ridley Scott film. 34:03.946 --> 34:04.627 Thanks for bringing it up. 34:04.947 --> 34:05.567 Was that this year? 34:05.747 --> 34:06.187 Yeah, it was. 34:07.048 --> 34:19.193 And, you know, listeners, I wouldn't say it's one of the best, you know, one of the non-ironically best films of the year, but in terms of a sort of dazzling mess of, you know, it's almost like a good year. 34:19.213 --> 34:24.476 You've sort of got to see that cinema, I saw it at the Empire Leicester Square sitting two rows behind me, was John Prescott. 34:24.856 --> 34:26.298 I'll tell you that before, looking very grumpy. 34:27.459 --> 34:46.597 And the thing about it is it's like being invited to Provence for a couple of hours where you spend your time in the most incredible country house with the beautiful surroundings, a beautiful lady called Abby Cornish, no relation, but a sexy young Australian lady, and Russell Crowe making a complete tis of himself. 34:47.998 --> 35:08.856 And it's an awful, awful business, terrible story, embarrassing, cringe-making, awful series of disastrous scenes, but so beautifully rendered and so lovingly presented that it's sort of like, you know, a fantastic holiday with a mad uncle who leaves before you get bored of him. 35:09.017 --> 35:14.281 It was so strange, though, that it was, you know, it's the team, obviously, that brought you gladiator Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe. 35:15.362 --> 35:17.983 Obviously self-consciously trying something totally different. 35:18.364 --> 35:23.526 Well, you know, the common factor with a lot of bad films made by good people is beautiful locations. 35:23.566 --> 35:23.786 Yeah. 35:23.906 --> 35:27.828 Often set in the Bahamas or Hawaii or, you know, you always know you're onto a stinker. 35:28.108 --> 35:28.309 Yeah. 35:28.369 --> 35:32.110 When they're set somewhere that's provided a lovely holiday. 35:32.130 --> 35:32.631 Right. 35:32.651 --> 35:33.151 For the crew. 35:33.411 --> 35:36.314 Yeah, and you know they're having a better time behind the camera than they are in front. 35:36.574 --> 35:38.016 And indeed, that was the business with a good year. 35:38.036 --> 35:40.979 You know, I think Riddle even shot it at his own house, or something. 35:41.019 --> 35:42.040 He made very little effort. 35:42.380 --> 35:47.646 He would have just been drinking cognac with Russell and eyeing up happy Cornish's baton, having a wicked time. 35:47.666 --> 35:50.289 Yeah, getting the shots in the can as quickly and efficiently as possible. 35:51.630 --> 35:52.470 And that sort of thing. 35:52.610 --> 35:54.252 He works so hard riddles, man. 35:54.272 --> 35:55.853 Just in this year. 35:56.073 --> 35:56.934 He's a national treasure. 35:57.374 --> 35:57.894 A good year. 35:57.914 --> 36:00.656 He went straight on to American Gangster while he was doing American Gangster. 36:00.676 --> 36:06.420 He was sorting out the new version of Blade Runner and doing that incredibly thorough and detailed stuff. 36:06.440 --> 36:12.685 We were talking about the Blade Runner special edition a few weeks ago on this program, but I've been watching even more of it since then. 36:12.705 --> 36:14.666 I mean, it's the gift that keeps on giving that stuff. 36:14.706 --> 36:18.269 If you're in any way fond of that film, you must just get the full massive 36:19.029 --> 36:21.710 200 discs set, because it's got some incredible stuff. 36:21.770 --> 36:33.115 One bit, did you check out the bit, Joe, when they've... Because, you know, the new version of this film, which Ridley says will be the last, the final cut of Blade Runner, contained some little fixes, digital fixes on a few of the effects that he was frustrated about. 36:33.195 --> 36:34.995 Riddle fix it. 36:35.055 --> 36:37.516 And one of the riddles that Riddle fixed was... 36:39.617 --> 36:44.441 A scene where Harrison Ford is talking to some, uh, snake dealer in a market kind of thing. 36:44.842 --> 36:46.143 And the- Seen through a window. 36:46.203 --> 36:50.026 Yeah, and- and the lips were notoriously out of sync with the dialogue. 36:50.627 --> 36:51.948 Um, but he's- so he's fixed that. 36:52.128 --> 36:53.249 And here's how he fixed it. 36:53.649 --> 37:00.415 They got Harrison Ford's son, who is now the same age as Harrison would have been when he played the part of Deckard. 37:01.055 --> 37:07.000 And they put him against a green screen and got him to loop the lines and lip-sync them. 37:07.261 --> 37:20.212 But it's amazing, because although Harrison Ford's son looks a little bit like him, and quite a lot like him, obviously he's not an exact match, but his lips, his mouth are exactly right, and they put on the scar as well, Harrison Ford's scar. 37:20.232 --> 37:22.694 But it's all seen through a sort of dusty window, isn't it? 37:22.754 --> 37:22.974 Yeah. 37:23.074 --> 37:23.675 Ob-fusked. 37:24.295 --> 37:38.787 And I say that word you can I like it when you say that word and but and they matched his lips in there and everything Wow, you know III didn't even notice that I was amazed that it was You know it worked and it were they were all talking proper, but I didn't know they'd done that that's amazing. 37:38.968 --> 37:39.348 I love rich 37:39.428 --> 37:57.786 extraordinary business here's a bit more music now I picked this one for you listeners yeah this is a band let's sort of offshoot from one of my favorite bands talking heads and this is the Tom Tom Club with genius of love there you go genius of love hope you enjoyed that one this is Adam and Joe here on New Year's Eve 2007 oh my gosh I'm so excited I can't believe it 37:58.346 --> 37:59.688 Uh, but right now here is the news. 37:59.708 --> 38:01.991 The news just doesn't stop just because it's New Year's Eve, right? 38:02.011 --> 38:03.513 The news is happening all the time and here's more. 38:03.593 --> 38:05.736 The Klaxons with golden scans. 38:05.776 --> 38:07.719 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music. 38:07.759 --> 38:09.501 A very happy New Year's Eve to everybody. 38:09.781 --> 38:15.369 Hey, I'd just like to wish everyone who listens to our show and everybody who listens to Six Music a very happy birthday. 38:16.243 --> 38:17.224 What were you talking about? 38:17.605 --> 38:19.547 No, I meant a very happy new year. 38:19.747 --> 38:20.307 Oh, right. 38:20.508 --> 38:21.609 That makes a bit more sense. 38:22.169 --> 38:27.235 So we've been talking about movies in 2007 and of course there's lots of exciting movies to look forward to in 2008. 38:27.315 --> 38:30.619 I'm gonna just list some of them to whet your movie tight. 38:31.920 --> 38:32.481 Indiana Jones 4? 38:33.322 --> 38:34.383 Is that coming out next year? 38:34.423 --> 38:35.404 Yeah, it's March, is it? 38:35.444 --> 38:35.824 Or May? 38:35.844 --> 38:36.465 I think it's May. 38:36.685 --> 38:37.466 That's gotta be rubbish. 38:37.986 --> 38:40.347 No, surely surely rubbish. 38:40.427 --> 38:40.947 Come on. 38:41.048 --> 38:43.068 Who's the who's the young protagonist? 38:43.469 --> 38:58.695 Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh 39:01.416 --> 39:02.537 I will slay your monster. 39:02.657 --> 39:03.757 I will slay your monster. 39:03.777 --> 39:04.658 No, I don't think he is. 39:05.238 --> 39:07.719 The Sex and the City movie, that's something for ladies to look forward to. 39:07.819 --> 39:08.580 Oh, no. 39:08.660 --> 39:10.101 Yeah, that's not gonna be any good, is it? 39:10.141 --> 39:10.521 No. 39:11.041 --> 39:12.122 That no means. 39:12.162 --> 39:15.683 M. Night Shyamala Ram's new film, The Happening. 39:15.863 --> 39:16.464 What's the twist? 39:16.684 --> 39:18.705 Well, the twist is that it isn't. 39:19.445 --> 39:20.546 It's got no twist. 39:20.646 --> 39:21.426 No, it just isn't. 39:21.706 --> 39:24.108 But I can't tell you what is, because that would be giving it away. 39:24.528 --> 39:24.748 What? 39:25.128 --> 39:27.529 The Happening's about when plants take revenge on humanity. 39:27.889 --> 39:28.830 Oh, Dave, the tripods. 39:29.471 --> 39:30.612 A little like Dave the Triffods. 39:30.972 --> 39:31.152 Hellboy 2. 39:31.212 --> 39:31.573 Hellboy 2. 39:31.613 --> 39:31.853 Speed Racer? 39:31.873 --> 39:34.334 Is Hellboy 2 the same director? 39:34.355 --> 39:35.195 Yeah, it's Guillermo del Toro. 39:35.215 --> 39:35.916 Oh, well that'll be interesting. 39:35.936 --> 39:37.096 He made Pan's Labyrinth, you know, he's a good one. 39:37.116 --> 39:46.283 Speed Racer by the Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka W 39:46.343 --> 39:47.163 What speed racer there? 39:47.183 --> 39:48.024 Is that the cartoon? 39:48.044 --> 39:49.184 Yep, yep, yep. 39:49.264 --> 39:54.646 It's a kind of hyper-kinetic, uh, live-action, digital, multi-coloured, fake-fake fest. 39:54.846 --> 39:56.507 That does not sound appealing. 39:56.707 --> 39:58.327 Get Smart, with Steve Correll. 39:58.408 --> 40:03.189 D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D- 40:16.054 --> 40:16.214 Oh lord. 40:16.354 --> 40:16.975 Sweeney Todd. 40:17.335 --> 40:18.435 Starring Johnny Depp. 40:18.776 --> 40:19.636 With Sweeney. 40:20.156 --> 40:21.857 The two human bobber of... Where? 40:22.057 --> 40:22.417 Of Street. 40:22.437 --> 40:24.018 Sweeney Todd the bobber. 40:24.138 --> 40:24.498 Wicked. 40:24.618 --> 40:26.159 I tell the tale of Sweeney Todd. 40:26.199 --> 40:27.780 He served a dark and a hungry God. 40:28.780 --> 40:29.761 Yeah, I love that. 40:29.781 --> 40:30.401 I love Sweeney Todd. 40:30.421 --> 40:31.282 I'm really looking forward to that. 40:31.562 --> 40:36.144 I don't think it's entirely the Sondheim musical, but it's a few Sondheim songs and then some new ones. 40:36.644 --> 40:37.485 Johnny Depp singing. 40:38.245 --> 40:39.446 What's she called Claire Barnet? 40:40.366 --> 40:41.528 Errr, Debbie O'Mags? 40:41.808 --> 40:42.048 Yeah. 40:42.128 --> 40:42.649 What's he called? 40:42.729 --> 40:45.112 Phillip... Phillip... Phyllis O... Potato sack? 40:45.152 --> 40:46.814 I have no idea who you're talking about. 40:47.094 --> 40:48.015 Erm... Tim Burton's wife. 40:48.676 --> 40:48.776 Oh! 40:49.417 --> 40:50.378 Helena Bonham Carter. 40:50.398 --> 40:51.319 She needs potato sack. 40:51.339 --> 40:52.621 She needs potato sack. 40:53.081 --> 40:55.905 She's in it, er, doing the... Do the East End accent. 40:55.965 --> 40:56.886 Don't do it, Sweeney! 40:57.186 --> 40:59.068 Don't slice this throat full of pies! 40:59.089 --> 41:00.050 You have us in the nick! 41:00.968 --> 41:02.269 Yeah, it's Russell Brand. 41:02.289 --> 41:02.929 That kind of thing. 41:02.989 --> 41:03.989 Yeah, he should be in it. 41:05.550 --> 41:07.330 Having modeled himself on Edward Scissorhands, of course. 41:07.370 --> 41:07.731 Well, exactly. 41:07.751 --> 41:08.751 He's kind of like a weird one of them. 41:08.791 --> 41:10.372 And it's directed by Burton, is it? 41:10.572 --> 41:11.192 But on, yeah. 41:11.212 --> 41:11.592 Oh, there you go. 41:11.652 --> 41:12.532 Burton's menswear. 41:12.912 --> 41:13.833 Howden Kumar II. 41:14.433 --> 41:15.093 Howden Kumar II. 41:15.113 --> 41:15.273 Yeah. 41:15.373 --> 41:15.874 Thank goodness. 41:15.914 --> 41:16.634 The wait is over. 41:16.754 --> 41:17.474 Rambo IV. 41:17.974 --> 41:18.474 No. 41:18.675 --> 41:19.715 Yeah, get with it. 41:19.995 --> 41:20.675 Stallone! 41:20.895 --> 41:22.396 Yeah, Stallone, it's very good. 41:22.416 --> 41:23.856 The trailer for Rambo 4 is very good. 41:23.916 --> 41:24.616 What's the premise? 41:24.796 --> 41:26.277 The premise is he's living in the jungle. 41:27.077 --> 41:35.179 Some kind of liberal do-gooders pass through his jungle camp to try and rescue somebody from some band of gorillas. 41:35.439 --> 41:35.639 Right. 41:35.959 --> 41:36.559 Don't do it. 41:36.919 --> 41:37.619 You will die. 41:37.639 --> 41:41.980 And they ignore him and they go in and they try and rescue them and Rambo has to go in and save them. 41:42.040 --> 41:44.221 And in the trailer he kills about 50 people. 41:44.941 --> 41:45.261 Does he? 41:45.341 --> 41:46.442 He slashes their heads off. 41:46.602 --> 41:47.382 Not do-good as though. 41:47.402 --> 41:48.262 He's not killing do-good. 41:48.282 --> 41:49.323 No, he's killing the baddies. 41:49.463 --> 41:49.703 Right. 41:49.743 --> 41:50.343 Cloverfield. 41:50.704 --> 41:51.624 What's Cloverfield? 41:52.624 --> 41:52.964 A.K.A. 41:53.025 --> 41:53.525 monstrous. 41:54.125 --> 41:59.207 It's about a big creature that stamps all over New York and it knocks the head off the Statue of Liberty. 41:59.327 --> 42:00.548 That's a strange type of film. 42:00.568 --> 42:00.848 Yeah, J.J. 42:00.908 --> 42:01.848 Abraham's produced. 42:02.449 --> 42:03.749 You're very out of touch, Adam. 42:03.789 --> 42:05.490 It's all the rage on the internet. 42:05.530 --> 42:06.470 Cloverfield. 42:06.610 --> 42:07.571 Yeah, there's a trailer. 42:07.831 --> 42:10.032 Oh, the twist is it's all shot from Handicam. 42:10.632 --> 42:17.814 It's like a sort of high-budget player witch, but instead of a witch, it's- it's like New York yuppies at a party when a massive monster invades New York. 42:18.454 --> 42:18.774 Ooooh. 42:18.914 --> 42:19.915 That's supposed to be quite good. 42:19.955 --> 42:20.995 People are very excited about that. 42:21.035 --> 42:21.675 Narnia II. 42:22.475 --> 42:23.516 The Chronicles of Banania. 42:23.536 --> 42:24.256 Oh my lord. 42:24.276 --> 42:26.396 The new one from Pixar Wall E. Ooooh. 42:26.416 --> 42:27.717 It kind of looks a bit like Short Circuit. 42:27.757 --> 42:29.077 Very excited about that. 42:29.117 --> 42:30.738 Had a trailer for that before Ratatouille. 42:30.778 --> 42:31.418 On Ratatouille, yeah. 42:31.458 --> 42:32.858 I was very excited. 42:32.958 --> 42:33.778 Remaker Footloose. 42:34.379 --> 42:34.759 No. 42:34.859 --> 42:35.959 Yeah, they're remaking Footloose. 42:35.979 --> 42:36.579 Who's in that? 42:36.659 --> 42:36.799 Dunno. 42:36.839 --> 42:37.800 Bond 22, new Bond film. 42:40.081 --> 42:40.801 I'm up for that. 42:40.861 --> 42:41.982 We like Craig Charles. 42:42.583 --> 42:44.024 He's reinvented the role of Bond. 42:44.104 --> 42:46.767 The funky Bond bunker. 42:46.867 --> 42:47.367 Iron man. 42:48.348 --> 42:49.389 That's going to be good, isn't it? 42:49.429 --> 42:50.270 Good cast. 42:50.350 --> 42:50.951 Who's directing that? 42:51.331 --> 42:52.512 That's directed by Jon Favreau. 42:53.313 --> 42:53.633 No. 42:53.693 --> 42:56.155 Yeah, who done the brilliant, what was it called? 42:56.195 --> 42:56.335 Elf. 42:56.355 --> 42:57.056 The House in Space. 42:57.076 --> 43:00.479 Yeah, Elf and Zathura. 43:01.140 --> 43:02.241 The Dark Knight, the new Batman film. 43:02.801 --> 43:03.342 Oh, yeah. 43:19.159 --> 43:20.980 That's the old one, isn't it? 43:21.180 --> 43:23.701 You know, I saw that Christian Bale film, Rescue Dawn, the other day. 43:23.921 --> 43:25.141 Yeah, it's a bit of a disappointment. 43:25.161 --> 43:25.641 It is a little bit. 43:25.721 --> 43:32.344 If you've seen the original documentary, Little Dieter Needs to Fly, which is the actual guy talking you through his story in the actual locations. 43:32.524 --> 43:33.424 It's a bit nuts, though. 43:33.444 --> 43:34.384 I was a bit let down. 43:34.404 --> 43:35.805 Hey, if you don't know what we're talking about, don't worry. 43:35.825 --> 43:36.285 Don't worry about it. 43:36.505 --> 43:38.386 Yeah, if you do then that would have been a bit interesting. 43:38.446 --> 43:40.086 That's it for film use for the time being. 43:40.627 --> 43:43.668 Now here is an exciting new sound for you, Joe. 43:43.748 --> 43:45.448 This is a man, a Frenchman. 43:45.588 --> 43:51.391 He's from France and he has harnessed the power of the synthesizer. 43:51.531 --> 43:52.251 Motorboat. 43:52.491 --> 43:54.252 The motorboat synthesizer. 43:54.272 --> 43:55.392 Does he have a motorboat? 43:55.932 --> 44:08.356 Yes he does, he's got three motorboots and he makes a record using computers and the robot called Johnny Faith and that's who he used for this one. 44:08.416 --> 44:12.118 It's called Equinox 5 and it is made by Jean-Michel Jarre. 44:12.458 --> 44:12.918 Enjoy. 44:12.938 --> 44:13.858 Here's the thunder. 44:13.878 --> 44:14.899 Can you hear the thunder? 44:15.159 --> 44:16.159 Shush, shush. 44:16.179 --> 44:17.679 Can you hear the thunder? 44:18.520 --> 44:18.600 Oh. 44:20.439 --> 44:21.780 Yes, yeah, that's it. 44:21.820 --> 44:24.623 What the music will sound like in the future. 44:24.803 --> 44:25.604 Wow. 44:25.764 --> 44:26.685 When was that recorded? 44:27.226 --> 44:28.447 It is not yet recorded. 44:28.487 --> 44:29.348 It is made. 44:29.488 --> 44:31.229 It is being made in the future. 44:31.369 --> 44:32.390 It was intercepted. 44:32.430 --> 44:35.734 And it was beamed back by... There's a man. 44:35.774 --> 44:36.254 I have him. 44:36.574 --> 44:37.956 He goes forward in the future. 44:37.976 --> 44:40.558 He steals music and he sends it back to me. 44:40.959 --> 44:41.659 Mötterberg. 44:41.980 --> 44:42.940 Mötterberg. 44:43.221 --> 44:44.182 Mötterberg. 44:44.862 --> 44:45.663 Nail tower bell. 44:45.683 --> 44:46.904 That was Jean-Michel Jarre. 44:47.404 --> 44:54.410 This is a phenomenon show on BBC Six Music, drawing ever closer to a brand new year. 44:55.051 --> 44:57.773 And it's time for many people to make a clean start. 44:58.614 --> 45:06.620 Young offenders, people who've been in trouble with the law, people who've just had a frightful time. 45:07.441 --> 45:08.262 Amy Winehouse. 45:08.362 --> 45:08.722 Yeah. 45:09.183 --> 45:09.904 Pete Docherty. 45:10.744 --> 45:11.866 Uh, Karl Barat. 45:12.026 --> 45:13.147 No, actually, he's fine, isn't he? 45:13.167 --> 45:15.149 But Amy Winehouse is Dirty Spouse. 45:15.629 --> 45:15.810 Right. 45:15.850 --> 45:17.571 Dirty Spouse of Amy Winehouse. 45:18.272 --> 45:21.896 It's time for British sportsmen to make a fresh start. 45:22.356 --> 45:24.298 Cos Adam and I know nothing about sport. 45:24.358 --> 45:24.498 No. 45:24.638 --> 45:25.819 But there's one thing I do know. 45:25.840 --> 45:26.820 2007 was a disastrous year. 45:29.423 --> 45:29.703 Was it? 45:29.843 --> 45:33.567 England have been knocked out of almost all major... What's the word they use? 45:33.667 --> 45:34.087 Sports. 45:34.248 --> 45:34.748 Sports. 45:36.169 --> 45:36.750 Next year. 45:37.571 --> 45:42.976 And you know it's disturbing for me because I like to do my shopping when major sporting events are happening because the shops are empty. 45:42.996 --> 45:43.456 That's true. 45:43.737 --> 45:47.620 And all the sportbillies are going to be all over the place next year with nothing to do. 45:48.241 --> 45:48.881 Right. 45:49.082 --> 45:50.523 Like, you know, confused people. 45:51.043 --> 45:51.744 Oh, yes. 45:51.944 --> 45:54.987 I didn't know- I thought England had won some cricket earlier on, didn't they? 45:55.067 --> 45:55.508 Last year. 45:55.528 --> 45:56.469 Wasn't that the year before? 45:56.489 --> 45:58.291 It might have been the year before. 45:58.451 --> 45:59.912 I thought everyone was celebrating for a bit. 45:59.972 --> 46:02.134 Oh, cos they thought they were gonna do well in the rugby, didn't they? 46:02.155 --> 46:03.156 Yeah, that's the thing, you know. 46:03.336 --> 46:05.318 English sports fans, just don't get spanned. 46:05.338 --> 46:05.838 There's only one of you. 46:06.138 --> 46:07.200 Don't get so excited. 46:07.340 --> 46:07.580 Right. 46:07.680 --> 46:09.642 Cos it's that very excitement that ruins it. 46:10.042 --> 46:11.404 Yeah, the Henman factor, they call it. 46:11.424 --> 46:11.524 Yeah. 46:11.764 --> 46:14.326 Yeah, if we just assumed we're gonna lose, then we might win. 46:15.027 --> 46:19.511 Yeah, as soon as you hear Pundit's getting excited about Britain's chances, you know it's hopeless. 46:19.651 --> 46:21.693 That's why we have to celebrate people like Eddie the Eagle. 46:21.713 --> 46:23.775 You're very dismissive of that though, aren't you? 46:25.297 --> 46:25.677 Yeah. 46:25.817 --> 46:26.057 What? 46:26.077 --> 46:26.678 Yeah. 46:27.118 --> 46:27.999 The cult of the loser. 46:28.019 --> 46:29.120 The cult of the underdog. 46:30.181 --> 46:33.084 Anyway, that's our sports section for sports fans. 46:33.124 --> 46:33.985 We do one a year. 46:34.005 --> 46:35.226 That's this year's. 46:35.486 --> 46:37.248 We'll do another one at the end of next year. 46:37.568 --> 46:38.749 Sports news. 46:39.750 --> 46:40.991 Now, we're going to move this one. 46:41.011 --> 46:42.973 This is just going to be a short link for you folks, okay? 46:42.993 --> 46:44.854 Because we want to keep the party happening. 46:45.035 --> 46:45.295 Yeah. 46:45.695 --> 46:46.075 Yeah. 46:46.095 --> 46:48.576 Are you going to be dancing with anyone at the party tonight, Joe? 46:49.317 --> 46:56.780 Well, you know, tonight I'm going to be at the Royal Festival Hall, seeing the super furry animals, and they're going to take over the whole place with all sorts of bits and bobs. 46:57.400 --> 46:58.821 And yeah, hopefully, who knows? 46:58.841 --> 46:59.941 Are you more excited about that? 47:00.001 --> 47:01.062 I'm planning to get rekt. 47:01.242 --> 47:01.582 Are you? 47:01.742 --> 47:02.002 Yeah. 47:02.122 --> 47:04.663 Is it going to be the bobs or the bits that are going to get you most excited? 47:06.004 --> 47:08.044 I intend to bob the bits. 47:08.345 --> 47:08.765 Right. 47:08.905 --> 47:09.625 And will you dance? 47:09.645 --> 47:10.145 Do you dance? 47:10.165 --> 47:11.606 I can't remember if you dance or not. 47:11.906 --> 47:13.427 I dance, yeah I dance. 47:13.587 --> 47:14.828 I'm a big fella though. 47:15.289 --> 47:17.490 I'm like a kind of a squid spinning on a stick. 47:17.550 --> 47:22.754 What sort of, if you could compare your dancing style to a well-known dance type person, who would that be? 47:23.295 --> 47:25.016 It would probably be Jamiroquai. 47:25.256 --> 47:25.836 Would it be? 47:25.896 --> 47:26.257 Yeah. 47:27.297 --> 47:29.939 If he's had a son with Mr Tickle. 47:30.400 --> 47:30.700 Right. 47:30.940 --> 47:32.121 And I would be that son. 47:32.241 --> 47:35.083 And if he was dancing, but couldn't. 47:35.323 --> 47:35.544 Yeah. 47:36.284 --> 47:50.644 uh that would be it i'm like a kind of midget shawn rider no i don't like short people are lucky man you're i'm not saying you're short but people of uh average average uh height are lucky because they can dance badly but no one will see them if you're tall yeah uh there's no hiding 47:51.505 --> 47:52.886 Right, I just shuffle from foot to foot. 47:52.926 --> 47:55.568 I do the sort of best thing, except without the maracas. 47:55.608 --> 48:00.952 And I'll be doing it to this song right now, for his little blast from the end of the 80s. 48:01.352 --> 48:03.854 My gosh, it's amazing to think this was the end of the 80s. 48:03.874 --> 48:04.374 There you go. 48:04.754 --> 48:06.796 Fool's Gold by the Stone Roses. 48:07.076 --> 48:12.960 It's Adam and John BBC Six Music celebrating the year 2007, the year that's behind us, the year that's gone. 48:13.360 --> 48:18.483 Mmm exciting year for us because it's when we started here on BBC six music quite late in the year, wasn't it? 48:18.844 --> 48:25.948 It was yeah It was very late in a way that this year has been a kind of warm-up for us And we're just getting into our stride towards the end of next year. 48:25.968 --> 48:35.434 We're really gonna be in our stride I think we would have boiled off by the end of next year reckon yeah, we'll have a kind of a Peak for a weekend possibly mid-summer when everyone's on holiday. 48:35.494 --> 48:37.195 Yeah, no one will hear it by then 48:37.535 --> 48:38.475 And it'll go downhill. 48:38.635 --> 48:38.856 Right. 48:39.836 --> 48:41.156 Or one of us will have been fired. 48:41.176 --> 48:43.157 We would have put our foots in it somehow. 48:43.637 --> 48:47.119 Said something either... Our foots? 48:47.139 --> 48:47.879 Yeah. 48:47.919 --> 48:56.082 The feet will be put in the it and maybe something very, very racist or something really disgusting. 48:56.422 --> 48:57.002 You'll say. 48:57.323 --> 48:58.763 Yeah, both of us probably. 48:59.023 --> 49:03.245 Or maybe just something disgusting, like really sexy. 49:04.005 --> 49:06.247 But really, they're so arousing. 49:06.327 --> 49:06.607 Yeah. 49:06.987 --> 49:07.627 It'll be bam. 49:07.667 --> 49:08.568 They will, it'll be bam. 49:08.608 --> 49:13.451 So it won't actually be rude or explicit, but it'll be just such a sort of sexy... ...arousing thought. 49:13.511 --> 49:13.812 Yeah. 49:14.212 --> 49:15.853 Like what I said about the moose earlier. 49:16.413 --> 49:18.254 I think we may have done that with the moose. 49:18.835 --> 49:23.078 You're also talking about Blade Runner, you... Joe is saying it that well after we were talking about Blade Runner. 49:23.098 --> 49:24.899 Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 49:25.479 --> 49:29.322 Well, you can think, during this song, think about how you might phrase that in a clean way. 49:29.962 --> 49:32.203 This is an obscure nugget from the past. 49:32.604 --> 49:33.924 It's by a group called The Mob. 49:34.445 --> 49:35.245 This is a great track. 49:35.285 --> 49:37.307 It's called I Dig Everything About You. 49:37.387 --> 49:39.168 That's The Mob with I Dig Everything About You. 49:39.208 --> 49:42.350 This is Adam and John, BBC Six Music on New Year's Eve. 49:43.010 --> 49:49.198 Just to fill you in, in case you're wondering, folks, it wasn't that dirty, what we were talking about before about Blade Runner. 49:49.218 --> 49:55.445 Joe was just saying he wouldn't mind getting involved in a little sandwich between Sean Young and Harrison Ford in their Trisk there. 49:55.725 --> 49:59.510 There's a deleted dirty scene on the Blade Runner special edition DVD. 50:00.371 --> 50:01.912 Uh, and yeah, I just like it. 50:01.932 --> 50:02.934 Little Replicant sandwich. 50:03.414 --> 50:04.514 Yeah, exactly. 50:05.094 --> 50:10.955 Hey, one of the funniest bits, not to dwell on this Blade Runner thing, but one of the funniest outtakes on that DVD is all the different endings. 50:11.295 --> 50:14.256 Obviously they had a big problem with the ending, the studio didn't like it being downbeat. 50:14.456 --> 50:15.076 That's right. 50:15.096 --> 50:18.737 So they shot this thing with Deckard and what's she called? 50:19.097 --> 50:20.037 Rachel is the robot. 50:20.097 --> 50:26.558 Yeah, Rachel in their little hover car, their little spinner zipping off into the lovely countryside. 50:26.578 --> 50:27.398 Going for a dirty weekend. 50:27.438 --> 50:29.178 Going for a dirty, well, kind of getting away. 50:29.318 --> 50:29.518 Yeah. 50:29.799 --> 50:32.239 And they've got all sorts of alternative exchanges between them. 50:32.719 --> 50:38.481 And the worst one, because of course one of the most famous kind of unresolved things is, is he a replicant? 50:38.642 --> 50:38.922 Right. 50:39.302 --> 50:42.183 So this ending that they didn't use kind of gives it away. 50:42.803 --> 50:46.085 She turns to him and goes, I guess we're made for each other. 50:46.505 --> 50:47.145 That's right. 50:47.305 --> 50:51.967 And then they give each other a very long pregnant pause, just in case you don't get the resonance of that statement. 50:52.728 --> 50:55.709 Made for by a robot making man. 50:58.391 --> 50:59.592 Anyway, that's enough Blade Runner stuff. 51:00.132 --> 51:01.614 Let's keep the music flowing, shall we? 51:01.874 --> 51:02.995 Keep the music flowing! 51:03.275 --> 51:04.276 What have we got now, Joe Cornish? 51:04.356 --> 51:08.399 Oh, we've got Ike and Tina Turner Corner with Riverdeep Mountain High. 51:08.820 --> 51:09.801 Mmm, that's the Clash. 51:10.241 --> 51:11.662 Should I stay or should I go? 51:11.682 --> 51:17.207 That was the point at which a lot of Clash fans would be beginning to think, I don't know, you know, I just don't know. 51:17.887 --> 51:20.790 And then it was on that commercial, the Jeans commercial, do you remember that? 51:21.030 --> 51:21.350 Yeah. 51:21.751 --> 51:24.352 And then everyone else started thinking, ooh, I just don't know about that. 51:24.392 --> 51:25.293 I don't know either. 51:25.373 --> 51:25.993 I just don't know. 51:26.914 --> 51:27.594 But I always liked it. 51:27.614 --> 51:28.415 Thought it was quite good. 51:28.715 --> 51:29.095 Quite wicked. 51:29.215 --> 51:30.376 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here. 51:30.796 --> 51:32.457 Three hours, less than three hours to go. 51:32.477 --> 51:33.358 Oh my gosh. 51:33.618 --> 51:36.560 Before the bong start belling. 51:36.580 --> 51:37.120 The big bong. 51:37.160 --> 51:46.026 The big bongs and the bong gets passed round and then Terry Wogan explodes and all the dust starts falling down from the shelves and 51:46.866 --> 51:50.149 Fireworks go off fireworks are one of the best aspects of new year. 51:50.549 --> 51:50.909 What's that? 51:50.929 --> 51:53.892 Are they having like a big display in yes in London town? 51:53.952 --> 51:56.934 Yes, they are having a big display on them. 51:56.974 --> 51:57.675 That's nice. 51:57.895 --> 52:04.601 It's December French man It's the amazing French guy what did the I guess 52:04.821 --> 52:19.848 It might be talking out of my lower hole, but the guy that did the amazing Sydney Millennium ones, I think he's a French fellow, and he's doing them on the Thames, and I, from my vantage point of the Royal Festival Hall, will have an extraordinarily good view. 52:19.868 --> 52:22.469 I thought you were going to say, I am setting them off. 52:23.009 --> 52:33.014 I'm giving a short speech, and now, Joe Cornish, from Six Music's Adam and Joe radio show, will set off the fireworks after this short speech. 52:33.414 --> 52:33.594 Go! 52:34.622 --> 52:41.926 London, London, London, I, I, Jojo Cornish command you all... ...to Dads! 52:42.346 --> 52:44.187 That'll be it. 52:44.467 --> 52:44.888 Yeah. 52:46.388 --> 52:48.710 That's the fire words going on. 52:49.410 --> 52:50.571 Yeah, brilliant stuff there. 52:50.611 --> 52:51.511 What a brilliant fantasy. 52:51.551 --> 52:52.472 If only that could happen. 52:52.592 --> 52:52.812 Yeah. 52:53.152 --> 52:54.753 Not only I, but everyone would be really happy. 52:54.773 --> 52:55.593 They would be amazed. 52:55.793 --> 52:56.033 Yeah. 52:56.233 --> 52:57.274 Oh, it's never got better than Joe Cornish. 52:57.294 --> 52:58.174 Can you talk about something proper? 52:58.494 --> 53:05.197 Well, I was going to talk about the social networking phenomenon Facebook, of course, which one of the major phenomenons of the year gone. 53:05.437 --> 53:06.098 Yeah, absolutely. 53:06.118 --> 53:06.618 About to have gone. 53:07.018 --> 53:08.379 You're not a Facebook person, are you? 53:08.619 --> 53:09.799 No, I'm a MySpace person. 53:09.839 --> 53:11.180 And that's something that happened to me this year. 53:11.220 --> 53:12.541 I got a MySpace page. 53:12.861 --> 53:13.181 Yeah. 53:13.381 --> 53:14.501 Yeah. 53:14.561 --> 53:17.023 www.myspace.com forward slash Joe Cornish. 53:17.183 --> 53:17.783 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 53:18.223 --> 53:21.124 Yeah, I've got about 1,200 friends. 53:21.204 --> 53:22.024 It's got a lot of friends on there. 53:22.104 --> 53:24.025 It's not very many, comparatively speaking. 53:24.105 --> 53:24.705 That's good, man. 53:24.725 --> 53:26.825 Well, I mean... Those bands that are low in the charts that have 50,000. 53:27.526 --> 53:28.346 No. 53:28.466 --> 53:28.686 Yeah. 53:28.706 --> 53:30.326 Well, that's just madness, though. 53:30.346 --> 53:31.007 Yeah. 53:31.027 --> 53:34.327 I mean, all it is is like a sort of online flyer when you get to that many. 53:34.367 --> 53:38.429 You know, it's just a way of telling them, oh, our new single's coming out, and that's about it, isn't it? 53:38.449 --> 53:38.609 Yeah. 53:38.629 --> 53:39.109 That's true. 53:39.149 --> 53:39.749 I love my friends. 53:40.129 --> 53:41.090 I know them all by name. 53:41.270 --> 53:41.570 Do you? 53:41.770 --> 53:42.150 Monty. 53:42.811 --> 53:43.191 Splotch. 53:43.571 --> 53:44.252 Mr. Tibbs. 53:45.412 --> 53:45.993 The Funnels. 53:47.334 --> 53:47.994 Crunchbucket. 53:48.214 --> 53:48.615 Wendy. 53:49.255 --> 53:49.835 Nancy-Face. 53:49.955 --> 53:50.236 Tibbs. 53:50.476 --> 53:50.896 Yeah. 53:51.596 --> 53:54.318 And do you all get together and have little parties every now and again? 53:54.438 --> 53:54.498 No. 53:54.598 --> 53:55.659 You and your Myspace friends? 53:55.859 --> 53:56.039 No. 53:56.339 --> 53:58.721 I got a very rewarding message though the other day. 53:59.201 --> 54:00.422 Somebody was asking me questions. 54:00.462 --> 54:01.223 Somebody else posted 54:02.183 --> 54:06.647 Oh, you know, don't imagine that Joe Cornish actually reads this. 54:07.127 --> 54:08.408 He's very successful and busy. 54:08.629 --> 54:11.191 He's probably got a PA that just posts on it for him. 54:11.431 --> 54:12.532 Yeah, that's really what happens. 54:12.552 --> 54:13.433 That's really what happens. 54:13.473 --> 54:14.974 Do you have a PA? 54:15.274 --> 54:16.175 A baked PA. 54:16.195 --> 54:18.897 What does that mean? 54:18.977 --> 54:20.739 I don't know. 54:21.199 --> 54:31.722 Um, but I don't really have that many friends on Facebook because I always assumed the whole point of Facebook was to make it an accurate representation of, uh, how your friend network is constructed. 54:31.782 --> 54:35.663 And in fact, one of the enjoyable applications that you can get, do you know about this whole thing? 54:35.683 --> 54:37.143 You can add applications. 54:37.543 --> 54:43.065 One of the nice applications you can get is a sort of graphic representation of how all your friends are connected. 54:43.645 --> 54:51.013 And it's really an enjoyable, interesting little look at the sort of degrees of separation that connect all the people you know. 54:51.073 --> 54:51.673 It's really fun. 54:51.693 --> 54:54.216 You can see, oh, wow, look at him. 54:54.276 --> 54:58.760 He knows, like, the head of Channel 4 knows my friend over there. 54:58.780 --> 55:01.003 He can't be such a bad guy and all this kind of thing. 55:01.823 --> 55:14.233 Um, but I keep my friends down to admit, so like if you don't know me and you apply for friend status on my Facebook account, don't be offended if I just don't get back in touch with you because I don't want to snub you by saying refuse. 55:14.253 --> 55:14.573 Talk to me. 55:15.093 --> 55:15.314 Yeah. 55:15.634 --> 55:15.794 Yeah. 55:15.934 --> 55:16.134 Alright. 55:16.154 --> 55:20.217 I don't want to snub you by saying no, because that seems too harsh. 55:20.377 --> 55:24.701 I'm flattered by the fact that you might want to be my friend, so why would I rebuke you so roughly? 55:25.201 --> 55:29.304 But I'm not going to say yes because I don't know you and that's not the point of the thing, right? 55:29.685 --> 55:29.945 Right. 55:30.405 --> 55:32.647 So I only have a couple of hundred friends on there. 55:32.667 --> 55:34.649 Do you know what excites me about my Facebook page? 55:34.769 --> 55:34.909 What? 55:35.270 --> 55:38.272 I've got a massive list of people wanting to be my friends. 55:38.312 --> 55:39.633 So this is Facebook or Myspace? 55:39.673 --> 55:40.054 Facebook. 55:40.254 --> 55:40.794 Facebook, right. 55:40.835 --> 55:41.215 I ignore them. 55:41.615 --> 55:42.116 You ignore them? 55:42.296 --> 55:44.898 I must have about 49 friend requests. 55:45.379 --> 55:46.039 I've got well over 350. 55:46.279 --> 55:47.581 Have you really? 55:47.621 --> 55:48.541 Yeah. 55:48.561 --> 55:49.222 Just ignore them. 55:49.322 --> 55:49.823 I'm not going back. 55:49.843 --> 55:50.483 When I say 49, I meant 49,000. 55:50.523 --> 55:50.803 Did you? 55:50.864 --> 55:51.104 I meant 350,000. 55:55.928 --> 55:56.928 Yeah, but that's what I mean. 55:56.968 --> 56:02.450 I go through them every now and again just to make sure I'm not missing anyone, because you do, like, some of them slip through the net there. 56:02.971 --> 56:04.591 But then I just think, what am I doing? 56:04.651 --> 56:11.274 Because I don't have any salient information on my Facebook page as only one goofy picture of me, or maybe two or something. 56:11.574 --> 56:12.914 Never respond to any pokes. 56:13.334 --> 56:17.316 If someone sends me a bottle of beer or whatever, I just don't do anything about it. 56:17.636 --> 56:20.377 If someone bites me as a vampire, I just ignore them. 56:20.877 --> 56:30.499 I was very depressed to find that one of my friends, and this was someone who was a fan of the Adam and Jo Show, got in touch and said, and I let her through the net this time. 56:30.919 --> 56:31.799 How does she repay me? 56:32.039 --> 56:41.601 Couple of weeks later, she sends me one of the most disgustingly grotesque sort of fear factor circulars, if you don't reprint this, this'll happen kind of thing. 56:41.941 --> 56:49.603 And it was a really horrible one, all about like, I'm a nine year old girl dying of cancer, do you want me to die if you don't send this to... 56:50.163 --> 56:51.324 And it was like, what? 56:51.624 --> 56:52.705 Why are you sending me that? 56:53.265 --> 56:56.568 That's a slap right back in my face there for letting you into my little gang. 56:56.728 --> 56:57.328 Lesson learned. 56:57.528 --> 56:57.989 Yeah. 56:58.509 --> 57:01.031 So anyway, don't forget, how long will this last though? 57:01.051 --> 57:04.593 Do you think in a couple of years time we'll all still have these, uh, these sights? 57:05.174 --> 57:07.295 It'll well, it'll mutate, won't it, somehow? 57:07.315 --> 57:07.736 Do you think? 57:07.916 --> 57:08.276 Yeah. 57:08.576 --> 57:13.300 But no, I'm sure it's here to stay for a little while, because it's a good, enjoyable way of wasting your time. 57:14.080 --> 57:18.164 But, uh, folks, don't, if you wanna be my Facebook friend, don't worry about it too much. 57:18.225 --> 57:19.966 Go, just go to my website, okay? 57:20.046 --> 57:24.131 AdamBuckston, Adam-Buckston.co.uk, that's what it's all about. 57:24.171 --> 57:27.974 It's not about the prodding and the free beers and the vampire bites, okay? 57:28.335 --> 57:29.036 Now, more music. 57:29.276 --> 57:30.637 Here's one that I chose for you folks. 57:30.657 --> 57:36.143 This is Them, featuring Van Morrison, as it says prominently on the CD, just in case you're worried about who Them are. 57:36.343 --> 57:39.664 But this is from his old R&B days, starting out in Belfast. 57:39.684 --> 57:40.344 Was it Belfast? 57:40.384 --> 57:41.485 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 57:41.585 --> 57:45.546 And this is a cover of Bobby Blue Bland, Rhythm Blues Classic. 57:45.666 --> 57:46.987 Turn On Your Lovelight by then. 57:47.347 --> 57:48.147 Yes, thank you. 57:48.467 --> 57:49.748 That's delightful. 57:50.268 --> 57:53.069 Them, featuring Van Morrison with Turn On Your Lovelight. 57:53.089 --> 57:54.970 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here. 57:55.090 --> 58:03.453 This is the last hour of our show, but don't forget that the queens of noise are coming up to take you from 10 o'clock until the midnight hour here on New Year's Eve. 58:03.713 --> 58:05.794 Wonder what Van Morrison is doing on New Year's Eve? 58:07.171 --> 58:27.317 uh... drink drinking drinking quite heavily drink that morris and uh... getting quite grumpy hard to believe that he's having an argument probably in some kind of fly-blown pub mhm he's somewhere but in the island in barfly yeah and uh... or shane mcgowan in that documentary about uh... about shane mcgowan remember when he had a problem that is not a problem 58:28.478 --> 58:30.460 Oh, I love that shame. 58:30.821 --> 58:37.029 So, of course, we've had a brilliant idea for this show, which is to look back at the year's activities. 58:37.690 --> 58:38.291 I thought that one. 58:38.391 --> 58:39.312 Yeah, no one else is doing it. 58:39.953 --> 58:45.220 And, of course, 2007 was the year, spoiler alert, that Harry Potter died. 58:46.241 --> 58:48.182 Of course, everybody bought the new Harry Potter book. 58:48.222 --> 58:48.782 He died. 58:48.942 --> 58:50.983 And, uh, discovered that he died. 58:51.123 --> 58:51.523 Shut up. 58:51.843 --> 58:54.924 That Ron Weasley beat him to death. 58:55.424 --> 58:55.704 Right. 58:55.884 --> 58:57.345 With a crockle stick. 58:57.625 --> 58:58.605 A crockle bat. 58:58.865 --> 58:59.905 A crockle bat. 59:00.105 --> 59:00.345 Yeah. 59:00.886 --> 59:08.668 Uh, because he was jealous of the fact that Harry Potter had had full sexual intercourse with... Dumbledore. 59:09.068 --> 59:10.069 Dumbledore. 59:10.609 --> 59:10.869 Yeah. 59:11.789 --> 59:12.789 So, and what a shock. 59:12.909 --> 59:14.050 I mean, loads of kids. 59:14.998 --> 59:31.711 loved that series of books and what happened but they opened the back of the book and the last line was to a bloody pulp the only thing left recognizable was the scar on his crushed head 59:32.191 --> 59:43.137 Of course, 2007 was also the year when Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe presented his sausage to the nation on stage in... To the nation's theatre critics. 59:43.357 --> 59:45.378 To the nation's theatre critics in Equus. 59:45.418 --> 59:46.359 That was this year, wasn't it? 59:46.819 --> 59:47.920 Yeah, and I remember going to... 59:48.940 --> 59:49.761 a dinner party. 59:50.181 --> 59:53.243 You know, we can be a little bit, a little bit risqué at this time of the evening, can't we? 59:53.263 --> 01:00:01.810 I remember going to a dinner party and some friends of mine had seen Equus, and being an idiot, all I wanted to know was about what's as potter's wand. 01:00:01.830 --> 01:00:02.810 The dimensions of the wand. 01:00:02.830 --> 01:00:02.971 Yeah. 01:00:02.991 --> 01:00:03.991 And do you know what the man said? 01:00:04.011 --> 01:00:05.893 Very satisfyingly, it was a gay couple. 01:00:06.833 --> 01:00:12.237 And man number one in the gay couple turned to me and said, it's a... Sorry. 01:00:13.038 --> 01:00:14.159 I've had a slight mucus problem. 01:00:14.579 --> 01:00:15.960 I'm trying to remember exactly what he said. 01:00:17.100 --> 01:00:21.523 He said, it's a grower, not a shower. 01:00:22.164 --> 01:00:23.084 He said, it's a bobber. 01:00:23.644 --> 01:00:24.145 A bobber? 01:00:24.345 --> 01:00:24.725 A bobber. 01:00:24.965 --> 01:00:25.566 Okay, right. 01:00:25.586 --> 01:00:25.786 Yeah. 01:00:26.066 --> 01:00:26.706 Yeah, here, here. 01:00:26.926 --> 01:00:27.247 Yeah. 01:00:27.587 --> 01:00:28.788 I don't think I know what he's talking about. 01:00:28.808 --> 01:00:28.988 Yeah. 01:00:29.208 --> 01:00:29.528 Yeah. 01:00:30.208 --> 01:00:31.349 So that was exciting. 01:00:34.773 --> 01:00:35.914 Harry Potter's wand. 01:00:36.796 --> 01:00:42.624 But of course a very tricky year there for Harry Potter fans, it being the end of the series of books. 01:00:43.225 --> 01:00:45.568 I personally gave up halfway through the second one. 01:00:46.184 --> 01:00:49.046 Yes, all the stuff we said before wasn't true. 01:00:49.066 --> 01:00:49.466 Wasn't true. 01:00:49.686 --> 01:00:50.907 Not necessarily accurate. 01:00:50.927 --> 01:00:50.967 No. 01:00:51.527 --> 01:00:55.069 And not meant to reflect badly on... On us or anybody. 01:00:55.229 --> 01:00:55.870 Or anybody. 01:00:56.110 --> 01:00:56.390 Yeah. 01:00:56.510 --> 01:00:57.911 Because we'd like to avoid... But there we go. 01:00:57.951 --> 01:01:02.513 Harry Potter fans can still be excited about lots and lots more films that start well and get boring. 01:01:02.953 --> 01:01:07.216 She will keep the franchise going short somehow. 01:01:07.236 --> 01:01:08.657 She's inventing a new franchise. 01:01:08.817 --> 01:01:09.157 Is she? 01:01:09.317 --> 01:01:10.017 Harry Potter. 01:01:10.037 --> 01:01:11.118 Yeah, Harry Potter's sister. 01:01:11.338 --> 01:01:11.578 No. 01:01:11.818 --> 01:01:12.079 Yeah. 01:01:13.059 --> 01:01:14.100 You'll be silly now, aren't you? 01:01:14.160 --> 01:01:14.400 Yeah. 01:01:14.821 --> 01:01:16.242 Oh, I just never know. 01:01:16.282 --> 01:01:19.144 That'd be a good way to go, wouldn't it? 01:01:19.224 --> 01:01:19.925 Lady Wizards. 01:01:22.166 --> 01:01:24.068 She's got Lady Wizards in the Potter franchise. 01:01:24.088 --> 01:01:24.928 What are you talking about? 01:01:25.849 --> 01:01:28.431 Here's one of the bands that I saw live this year. 01:01:28.471 --> 01:01:32.034 Very early on I went to see the Arcade Fire playing in the St. 01:01:32.114 --> 01:01:35.016 John's Chapel in Smith Square. 01:01:36.537 --> 01:01:37.178 Somewhere like that. 01:01:38.099 --> 01:01:38.719 Yeah, in London. 01:01:38.739 --> 01:01:39.540 You know, in Westminster. 01:01:39.560 --> 01:01:40.501 Do you remember Smith Square? 01:01:40.521 --> 01:01:40.781 Yeah. 01:01:42.042 --> 01:01:59.800 conservative party headquarters around there and then the champs are a lot I'm always there campaigning trying to get people to vote conservative and the arcade fire played a gig in the little church there and I went along with Julian Barrett little name dropping for you from the mighty bush and rich vulture and we were all grooving around at the front what a gig it was 01:02:00.180 --> 01:02:00.980 The Arcade Fire. 01:02:01.020 --> 01:02:03.001 Here's, uh, a track from their first album, though. 01:02:03.021 --> 01:02:04.222 This is Neighbourhood No. 01:02:04.242 --> 01:02:05.122 3, Power Out. 01:02:05.502 --> 01:02:06.823 It done rum balls. 01:02:07.223 --> 01:02:07.843 Love that song. 01:02:08.103 --> 01:02:13.485 Before that, you heard The Arcade Fire, and I was saying that was one of my favourite gigs of the year. 01:02:13.505 --> 01:02:16.007 Did you have any favourite gig-going experiences from 2007, Joe Cornish? 01:02:17.547 --> 01:02:18.969 I mean, I'm not a massive gigo myself. 01:02:19.009 --> 01:02:22.733 I think I only saw about three or four, but they were all pretty good I saw Cornelius. 01:02:22.793 --> 01:02:24.015 I think at the festival hall. 01:02:24.055 --> 01:02:24.856 That was very good. 01:02:25.296 --> 01:02:26.117 Who else did I see? 01:02:26.237 --> 01:02:27.919 I saw lots of people at Green Man. 01:02:28.300 --> 01:02:32.244 Oh, yeah That might be it I didn't go to 01:02:32.344 --> 01:02:33.265 any festivals this year. 01:02:33.285 --> 01:02:34.466 I have to think a bit harder. 01:02:34.506 --> 01:02:36.227 I'll think a bit harder during the next record. 01:02:36.287 --> 01:02:38.248 I went to see Spoon at the Borderline. 01:02:38.268 --> 01:02:39.649 You know, I bang on about Spoon a lot. 01:02:39.669 --> 01:02:41.030 They're one of my favourite bands. 01:02:41.050 --> 01:02:43.572 But oh my gosh, it was the best gig ever. 01:02:43.612 --> 01:02:44.372 It was just incredible. 01:02:44.392 --> 01:02:53.319 The first time I've been to the Borderline, if you haven't been, folks, it's a little venue, kind of Tex-Mex bar with a teeny-weeny stage right in the centre of town in London. 01:02:53.539 --> 01:02:54.880 And it's just great. 01:02:54.980 --> 01:02:58.762 And of course, with somewhere that small, it's only about 300 people you can squeeze in there. 01:02:59.283 --> 01:03:00.484 The sound is really 01:03:01.264 --> 01:03:24.900 really good and a fantastic atmosphere totally comfortable and nice good crowd Spoon were playing a blinder and that was one of the best evenings I've ever had in my life and then we all we all went out afterwards had a drink together because it turned out the guy was with my friend there that night one of the people in the band recognized him as being in another band and he came across and said hey you're the guy from the band and we all 01:03:25.460 --> 01:03:41.928 I tagged along on their coattails, but wow it was good fun man I had a great time and the other best gig I saw this year was in neem in France I was out there on my holidays and playing at that time were the Arctic monkeys they were playing in like sort of Roman Colosseum thing there 01:03:42.868 --> 01:03:47.830 in Neem, so we went along to see them and they were playing a double header with the Arcade Fire, so it was Arcade Fire and the Arctic Monkeys. 01:03:48.210 --> 01:03:55.092 The Arctic Monkeys slightly wiped the floor with the Arcade Fire, it has to be said, but it was amazing in this big open-air amphitheatre. 01:03:55.813 --> 01:03:57.853 Best gig of my life, that one was. 01:03:58.414 --> 01:04:00.074 Totally converted to the Monkeys as well. 01:04:00.174 --> 01:04:01.395 Hang on, which one was the best one? 01:04:02.475 --> 01:04:03.737 One was the best night of your life. 01:04:04.017 --> 01:04:04.257 Yeah. 01:04:04.277 --> 01:04:05.759 The other one was the best gig of your life. 01:04:05.779 --> 01:04:06.300 I am confused. 01:04:06.320 --> 01:04:09.143 They all melded into a big, amazing gigpot. 01:04:09.644 --> 01:04:12.327 Hey listen, here's some music from the olden times. 01:04:13.088 --> 01:04:14.109 Crosby, Stills and Nash. 01:04:14.149 --> 01:04:17.513 This is quite a little-known track, but it's a great one. 01:04:17.533 --> 01:04:18.834 This is called Marrakesh Express. 01:04:19.495 --> 01:04:21.575 Crosby Stills and Nash with the Marrakesh Express. 01:04:21.635 --> 01:04:23.536 This is Adam and Joe on BBC6 Music. 01:04:24.256 --> 01:04:28.697 Uh, coming up to sort of the final segment of our New Year's Eve show. 01:04:28.877 --> 01:04:31.017 What's the service like on the Marrakesh Express? 01:04:31.477 --> 01:04:32.658 Uh, it's very erratic. 01:04:32.938 --> 01:04:33.258 Is it? 01:04:33.598 --> 01:04:33.918 Yeah. 01:04:33.978 --> 01:04:37.038 You allowed to use your mobile on there, or is it a quiet express? 01:04:37.418 --> 01:04:38.539 Uh, no mobiles, no. 01:04:38.959 --> 01:04:40.259 No, it's all very retro. 01:04:41.099 --> 01:04:41.919 Right, right, right. 01:04:42.279 --> 01:04:42.599 Yeah. 01:04:42.899 --> 01:04:43.720 It's just rusking. 01:04:43.780 --> 01:04:45.320 What kind of sandwiches have they got there? 01:04:46.081 --> 01:04:47.764 Uh, I don't know what sandwich is. 01:04:47.864 --> 01:04:48.405 No pork. 01:04:49.107 --> 01:04:49.728 No pork. 01:04:49.748 --> 01:04:51.531 That's a shame, I was looking forward to a ham and egg. 01:04:51.552 --> 01:04:52.473 No sausages, mate. 01:04:52.533 --> 01:04:54.177 Sandwiches on the Marrakesh Express. 01:04:54.528 --> 01:04:57.929 So, another big event of 2007. 01:04:58.189 --> 01:05:03.351 I know you're not much of a video gamer, Adam, but it was, of course, the year that Halo 3 came out. 01:05:03.611 --> 01:05:04.311 Oh, great. 01:05:04.691 --> 01:05:11.913 Yeah, Master Chief, he's a man in a green outfit and a helmet, goes around shooting grunts and jumping around and stuff. 01:05:11.993 --> 01:05:12.514 Yeah. 01:05:12.534 --> 01:05:13.314 A very popular game. 01:05:13.554 --> 01:05:14.354 It made $170 million in 24 hours. 01:05:17.395 --> 01:05:17.695 Wow. 01:05:17.895 --> 01:05:25.380 So it's the highest grossing in terms of speed, the fastest and highest grossing pop cultural product ever. 01:05:25.840 --> 01:05:26.841 Oh my lord. 01:05:27.201 --> 01:05:28.082 Halo 3. 01:05:28.182 --> 01:05:28.522 Halo 3. 01:05:28.942 --> 01:05:31.163 Is it like space invaders? 01:05:31.904 --> 01:05:33.465 It is like, well, kind of. 01:05:33.485 --> 01:05:33.965 Yeah, it is. 01:05:34.165 --> 01:05:41.189 In fact, because the basic geometric dynamics of video games are kind of the same. 01:05:41.209 --> 01:05:41.830 You know, it's still 01:05:42.210 --> 01:06:04.286 Attempting to shoot things before they shoot you right, but the perspectives changed a little yeah Yeah And the you know the realism of the surroundings has changed a bit right since then now when you see adverts for video games in the olden days It used to remind you that what you were seeing was not actually representative of the gameplay ie might have a fancy CG title sequence But once you started playing it would be a footage 01:06:04.406 --> 01:06:06.968 not in-game, I'd say, in the bottom of my hand. 01:06:07.408 --> 01:06:08.909 But now it doesn't say that so much. 01:06:09.069 --> 01:06:12.932 Now it says it actually is a representation of the game footage in-game. 01:06:13.072 --> 01:06:13.513 In-game. 01:06:13.533 --> 01:06:13.693 In-game. 01:06:13.713 --> 01:06:13.933 Yeah. 01:06:13.953 --> 01:06:14.954 Because it is wickles. 01:06:14.994 --> 01:06:15.694 Wockles, yeah. 01:06:15.794 --> 01:06:17.435 It's all wockly and wickly. 01:06:17.475 --> 01:06:18.336 It's all over the area. 01:06:18.356 --> 01:06:20.558 And you know, I'm a big movie fan, as you know. 01:06:21.358 --> 01:06:28.603 In fact, trying to think about gigs that I've been to, most of my big events this year have been amazing trips to films and stuff. 01:06:29.884 --> 01:06:30.445 Like Bearwolf. 01:06:31.065 --> 01:06:32.006 Yeah, that was a good one. 01:06:33.387 --> 01:06:38.471 But, you know, one of the most exciting things, or one of the most kind of weird things, is that video games have almost got better than films. 01:06:38.831 --> 01:06:39.292 Really? 01:06:39.512 --> 01:06:41.894 Yeah, I found myself sitting in cinemas with my thumbs twitching. 01:06:42.354 --> 01:06:42.554 Right. 01:06:42.835 --> 01:06:43.875 Wanting to control things. 01:06:43.915 --> 01:06:47.818 How many hours of 2007 was spent in front of your, uh, play box? 01:06:47.878 --> 01:06:48.479 You know, not many. 01:06:48.839 --> 01:06:48.999 Yeah. 01:06:49.099 --> 01:06:50.420 I did play Halo 3 through. 01:06:50.481 --> 01:06:51.181 Have you got the wee-wee? 01:06:51.641 --> 01:06:53.503 I've got a wee-wee, yeah, Nick Frost gave me his wee-wee. 01:06:53.963 --> 01:06:55.224 Oh, that's nice and frosty. 01:06:55.284 --> 01:06:55.745 It is nice. 01:06:55.865 --> 01:06:58.047 And are you playing any sports on there? 01:06:58.067 --> 01:07:00.109 Uh, I played it for a bit and put it away. 01:07:00.549 --> 01:07:00.849 Really? 01:07:00.869 --> 01:07:01.250 Why? 01:07:01.270 --> 01:07:01.850 What's the problem? 01:07:01.970 --> 01:07:02.731 Lack of games, Adam. 01:07:03.031 --> 01:07:03.471 Lack of games. 01:07:03.492 --> 01:07:05.974 Not enough games on the Wii, but Christmas is looking good for Wii owners. 01:07:06.214 --> 01:07:08.896 But you know, generally I try to moderate my video game usage. 01:07:09.216 --> 01:07:11.679 It's like recreational drugs, which of course one shouldn't use at all. 01:07:11.899 --> 01:07:12.179 No, never. 01:07:12.199 --> 01:07:12.880 But were one too. 01:07:12.920 --> 01:07:14.401 You just, you know, once or twice a year. 01:07:14.741 --> 01:07:15.122 Exactly. 01:07:16.162 --> 01:07:16.423 Yeah? 01:07:17.724 --> 01:07:17.804 Ooh. 01:07:18.331 --> 01:07:19.212 It's time for the news now. 01:07:19.232 --> 01:07:19.932 Are you ready for the news? 01:07:20.112 --> 01:07:21.793 I can't handle any more news. 01:07:22.373 --> 01:07:23.514 I can't handle the truth. 01:07:23.994 --> 01:07:24.335 All right? 01:07:24.675 --> 01:07:26.416 Say, uh... You want lies, you just want made up news. 01:07:26.476 --> 01:07:27.897 Yeah, I would love some made up news. 01:07:27.977 --> 01:07:29.138 Okay, here's the news for Adam. 01:07:29.998 --> 01:07:31.479 Uh, here's the news for Adam Buxton. 01:07:31.659 --> 01:07:32.299 Everything's fine. 01:07:32.560 --> 01:07:32.780 Yeah. 01:07:33.240 --> 01:07:33.840 What else? 01:07:34.121 --> 01:07:34.901 How about rabbits? 01:07:34.981 --> 01:07:35.782 Are they getting on okay? 01:07:35.802 --> 01:07:36.942 Rabbits are all jumping around. 01:07:36.982 --> 01:07:37.343 Thank goodness. 01:07:37.363 --> 01:07:38.243 Now here's the real news. 01:07:39.044 --> 01:07:39.184 Now. 01:07:39.404 --> 01:07:39.644 Oh no. 01:07:39.884 --> 01:07:42.186 That's the kinks with You Really Got Me. 01:07:42.226 --> 01:07:52.453 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music, the home of the BBC and the home of music and the number six. 01:07:53.894 --> 01:07:55.456 We are in our last half hour here. 01:07:55.476 --> 01:07:57.217 It's, you know, oh my goodness. 01:07:57.697 --> 01:08:04.502 Only half hour left of our show and then it's the Queens of Noise coming up for two hours and to take you to midnight. 01:08:05.303 --> 01:08:05.443 What? 01:08:07.116 --> 01:08:09.078 The three out, what? 01:08:09.118 --> 01:08:10.760 Yeah, that was a disaster that whole length. 01:08:11.781 --> 01:08:14.344 Hey, there you go, that's the kinks with You Really Got Me. 01:08:14.404 --> 01:08:17.086 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music. 01:08:17.186 --> 01:08:23.953 This is the last half hour of our show and then after that The Queens of Noise will be here to take you through to midnight and beyond. 01:08:24.874 --> 01:08:35.081 Now, we were talking about television there while the music was playing a little bit, and we were grooving around to the music, yeah, we're not just ignoring the music, we were grooving and jumping about and talking about television at the same time. 01:08:35.101 --> 01:08:38.123 What were your TV highlights this year, Joe Cornish? 01:08:38.224 --> 01:08:41.065 Well, I enjoyed Flies of the Conchords. 01:08:41.446 --> 01:08:41.806 Yeah. 01:08:41.866 --> 01:08:45.048 I've sort of fallen out of love with telly this year a bit, Adam, I'm afraid. 01:08:45.368 --> 01:08:45.829 Oh, dear. 01:08:45.889 --> 01:08:50.112 But the only thing I found myself watching was to the Manor Bowen. 01:08:50.612 --> 01:08:55.975 to the Living Television, which is a reality series about Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen's family moving to the country. 01:08:56.536 --> 01:09:09.804 I don't know what happened, I happened to catch it one week, then I pressed series record, and since then it's become sort of like eating, I don't know, processed cheese or something, or a big chocolate, you know, mousse. 01:09:09.944 --> 01:09:11.085 A big back to the chocolate mousse. 01:09:11.105 --> 01:09:11.985 A big chocolate man. 01:09:12.165 --> 01:09:15.247 Yeah, my girlfriend and I are quite obsessed with that. 01:09:16.528 --> 01:09:19.210 But yeah, Flight of the Conchords I like, I like their songs a great deal, 01:09:20.050 --> 01:09:21.292 Uh, they could speed it up a bit. 01:09:21.733 --> 01:09:22.814 They could speed the whole thing up a bit. 01:09:23.215 --> 01:09:23.896 Oh, come on. 01:09:23.936 --> 01:09:25.057 No, I'm being pedantic. 01:09:25.178 --> 01:09:25.518 Good man. 01:09:25.578 --> 01:09:30.405 Um, but it's that school of comedy where everything's, uh, fed out very slowly, which we should do more of. 01:09:30.785 --> 01:09:32.007 We probably do it anyway, don't we? 01:09:32.728 --> 01:09:36.674 Uh, not to say that what we're doing now could be described as comedy, but when we do proper stuff, you know. 01:09:36.894 --> 01:09:37.154 You know? 01:09:37.494 --> 01:09:37.855 Yes. 01:09:37.935 --> 01:09:38.135 Yeah. 01:09:38.195 --> 01:09:39.395 Anyway, Fight the Concorde's brilliant. 01:09:39.775 --> 01:09:40.496 Highly recommend it. 01:09:40.756 --> 01:09:41.516 What else was good? 01:09:42.077 --> 01:09:42.837 Armstrong and Miller. 01:09:43.257 --> 01:09:43.998 That was very good. 01:09:44.018 --> 01:09:44.738 That was like a match. 01:09:44.778 --> 01:09:48.700 Return to old school proper solid British sketch comedy. 01:09:48.820 --> 01:09:49.280 Exactly. 01:09:49.380 --> 01:09:50.381 Not too catchphrasy. 01:09:50.781 --> 01:09:51.581 Properly thought out. 01:09:51.621 --> 01:09:52.222 Nice and posh. 01:09:52.542 --> 01:09:53.642 Really nicely produced. 01:09:53.742 --> 01:09:54.403 Well written. 01:09:54.463 --> 01:09:54.683 Yeah. 01:09:55.063 --> 01:09:56.063 They're hilarious, man. 01:09:56.103 --> 01:09:57.964 That was some of the best stuff I saw. 01:09:58.024 --> 01:09:59.185 Very good. 01:09:59.365 --> 01:10:00.165 What else was good? 01:10:00.745 --> 01:10:02.846 I felt like there was a lot of good stuff on this year. 01:10:02.866 --> 01:10:05.687 I'm trying to think of it now, though. 01:10:05.707 --> 01:10:08.528 Oh yeah, Peter Serafinowich's show I very much enjoyed. 01:10:08.548 --> 01:10:11.329 That was good. 01:10:11.649 --> 01:10:13.510 Well, I enjoyed the Jungle show, you know. 01:10:13.770 --> 01:10:18.752 But things like Doctor Who and Life on Mars, which were the biggest stories on TV in a way. 01:10:19.472 --> 01:10:22.936 Never really grabbed me, I must say, uh, that much. 01:10:23.157 --> 01:10:24.418 Have you ever watched Life on Mars? 01:10:24.818 --> 01:10:25.099 Uh, no. 01:10:25.199 --> 01:10:26.220 I'm told it's amazing. 01:10:26.260 --> 01:10:27.902 Everyone says it's really, really good. 01:10:27.962 --> 01:10:36.933 I spent most of my time watching American stuff on DVD, you know, like The Wire and all that sort of business, which I really dug with a massive great, uh, shovel. 01:10:37.673 --> 01:10:45.399 And also I got sucked into, you know, still dragging on with things like, um, the Mystery Island program lost. 01:10:46.059 --> 01:10:47.820 Sort of looking forward to seeing that come back. 01:10:48.141 --> 01:10:48.761 But Heroes 2? 01:10:49.662 --> 01:10:50.522 I felt like a jerk. 01:10:50.602 --> 01:10:53.004 I felt like a jerk for watching Season 1 of that. 01:10:53.024 --> 01:10:55.106 When that one came back, that was stinking the whole room out. 01:10:55.626 --> 01:10:56.927 I got out of the Heroes box. 01:10:57.227 --> 01:10:57.507 Really? 01:10:57.627 --> 01:10:57.847 Yeah. 01:10:58.108 --> 01:11:01.210 And then, uh, what was the other one that was similar to that Prison Break? 01:11:01.850 --> 01:11:03.832 Very disappointing, Series 3, I thought. 01:11:04.392 --> 01:11:06.114 Prison break, he had trouble, didn't he? 01:11:06.134 --> 01:11:08.456 He got in trouble with the law, the man in that. 01:11:08.636 --> 01:11:09.997 I'll tell you about that during the next song. 01:11:10.277 --> 01:11:10.758 In real life? 01:11:10.818 --> 01:11:11.698 In real life, yeah. 01:11:11.839 --> 01:11:16.903 And Heroes, the creator of Heroes, admitted that they'd messed up the second series. 01:11:17.503 --> 01:11:23.208 There was a big piece in an American magazine with him, kind of, you know, accounting phase. 01:11:23.248 --> 01:11:24.509 What's the phrase for his sins? 01:11:24.550 --> 01:11:25.090 What's the phrase? 01:11:25.110 --> 01:11:25.490 Atoning? 01:11:25.570 --> 01:11:31.996 Atoning, that's right, for the sins they'd done in the first half of season two, saying that they'd messed it all up and pledging to recover. 01:11:32.076 --> 01:11:32.976 Too little, too late, mate. 01:11:33.156 --> 01:11:33.516 Sorry. 01:11:34.237 --> 01:11:36.357 But how does the writer strike effect all this stuff? 01:11:36.377 --> 01:11:38.598 Because I noticed prison break has gone on hiatus now. 01:11:38.798 --> 01:11:40.398 Yeah, well, no one's allowed to write. 01:11:40.598 --> 01:11:41.298 Yeah. 01:11:41.398 --> 01:11:44.879 Well, we can't be sure they might have resolved it by tonight. 01:11:45.299 --> 01:11:45.779 Who knows? 01:11:46.279 --> 01:11:51.601 But as of recording this transmission, it's unresolved. 01:11:51.741 --> 01:11:56.622 It's unlikely to get resolved over Christmas because everyone goes home and stuffs their turkeys and stuff. 01:11:57.142 --> 01:11:58.603 But, uh, it's looking a little bit bleak. 01:11:58.903 --> 01:11:59.784 Oh my Lord. 01:12:00.545 --> 01:12:05.328 But anyway, I'd love to have a pre-prepared list of TV highlights to look forward to, but I don't. 01:12:06.229 --> 01:12:06.849 For next year. 01:12:06.869 --> 01:12:07.870 I've got nothing. 01:12:07.890 --> 01:12:08.931 I've got absolutely nothing. 01:12:09.331 --> 01:12:14.575 I know that there's gonna be a new series of Flight of the Conchords, so I'm looking forward to that, because, uh, yeah, that's an absolute smash. 01:12:14.881 --> 01:12:17.983 And hey, my show's gonna be on, on BBC 3 in January. 01:12:18.584 --> 01:12:21.666 Me box, the pilot, and who knows, that might even get commissioned. 01:12:21.726 --> 01:12:22.646 Wow, that's exciting. 01:12:22.806 --> 01:12:24.327 So, all that to look forward to. 01:12:24.347 --> 01:12:26.289 Let's play some more... Hey, here's, yes, some Pet Shop Boys. 01:12:26.809 --> 01:12:28.490 This is called West End Girls. 01:12:28.510 --> 01:12:29.111 You might have heard it. 01:12:29.171 --> 01:12:37.496 It's a kind of depressing song about being alone and gay in Soho in the mid-80s and hanging around outside shops. 01:12:37.716 --> 01:12:38.457 And you know what? 01:12:38.697 --> 01:12:43.840 It links cleverly with what we were just talking about, because Flight of the Concours did a brilliant parody of it in one of their early shows in series one. 01:12:43.860 --> 01:12:44.721 Here it is, the Pet Shop Boys. 01:12:45.021 --> 01:12:45.642 West End Girls. 01:12:46.142 --> 01:12:49.806 I think you were saying, we tie balloons on this steel willoy. 01:12:50.666 --> 01:12:51.767 I doubt he was saying that. 01:12:51.968 --> 01:12:52.808 He was, I'm sure he was. 01:12:52.828 --> 01:12:54.350 I don't think anyone else uses that word. 01:12:54.650 --> 01:12:55.171 Willoy. 01:12:55.471 --> 01:12:58.053 I'm tying balloons on this steel willoy. 01:12:58.093 --> 01:12:59.715 That was Folds with Balloons. 01:12:59.755 --> 01:13:09.364 This is Adam and Joel in BBC 6 music coming into the last little segment of our show here and of course from 10 o'clock you can listen to the Queens of Noise playing all kinds of exciting. 01:13:09.384 --> 01:13:10.705 Well they've got, they're having like a big 01:13:10.865 --> 01:13:12.066 party. 01:13:12.086 --> 01:13:12.947 We haven't been invited. 01:13:12.987 --> 01:13:13.928 We've been told to stay away. 01:13:13.948 --> 01:13:15.490 We've been told to get out of it. 01:13:15.550 --> 01:13:16.571 Actually, I have been invited. 01:13:16.611 --> 01:13:16.951 Have you? 01:13:17.072 --> 01:13:17.892 Yeah, but you haven't. 01:13:18.113 --> 01:13:18.773 Oh no. 01:13:18.793 --> 01:13:20.856 Because we're not sexy enough apparently. 01:13:21.096 --> 01:13:23.338 Or I'm not sexy enough, Joe's being allowed out. 01:13:23.378 --> 01:13:23.959 You've figured it out. 01:13:24.299 --> 01:13:30.065 Yeah, but they'll be playing all sorts of exciting party music and all sorts of crazy probably chit-chat and talking. 01:13:31.226 --> 01:13:32.768 And bands are going to be playing live. 01:13:32.828 --> 01:13:33.469 It's going to be all 01:13:33.869 --> 01:13:35.330 All over, exploding all over the shop. 01:13:35.350 --> 01:13:36.051 All sprinkly. 01:13:36.291 --> 01:13:39.853 From 10 till midnight and then of course at midnight everything changes. 01:13:40.754 --> 01:13:41.535 What happens? 01:13:41.595 --> 01:13:42.615 The world changes. 01:13:43.476 --> 01:13:48.820 It's a new year, all genetic material in all living beings and tissues renews itself. 01:13:49.440 --> 01:13:50.521 Snakes shed their skin. 01:13:51.822 --> 01:13:53.683 You know, all that kind of thing goes on. 01:13:53.743 --> 01:13:54.984 It's a brand new world. 01:13:55.044 --> 01:13:58.387 And here's, I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm getting my life together. 01:13:59.327 --> 01:13:59.567 Really? 01:13:59.627 --> 01:13:59.948 Yeah. 01:14:00.308 --> 01:14:01.349 You're gonna start afresh. 01:14:01.389 --> 01:14:03.710 I'm gonna absolutely- What are your New Year's resolutions? 01:14:04.331 --> 01:14:16.460 I'm going to get incredibly fit and very tall within a week of the New Year starting and also I'm gonna stop torturing people. 01:14:16.840 --> 01:14:17.120 Right. 01:14:17.460 --> 01:14:21.183 Because there's just, I mean it's just wrong to get information out of them like that. 01:14:21.663 --> 01:14:23.044 I'm not gonna do it anymore. 01:14:23.545 --> 01:14:25.646 Not even if I really want to know stuff. 01:14:26.126 --> 01:14:26.867 I'm not gonna do that. 01:14:26.927 --> 01:14:27.247 What about you? 01:14:28.428 --> 01:14:49.803 my new year's resolutions yeah oh man uh i don't know what i'm gonna do i i really don't know i'm gonna also my new year's resolution is gonna be over 300 dpi really yeah quite high that's high resolution yeah because i'm sick of just everything being a little blurry i'm going 1080p are you really yeah not 1080 not 1080i right 01:14:51.704 --> 01:14:52.544 Not 720. 01:14:52.665 --> 01:14:52.805 No. 01:14:53.545 --> 01:14:53.685 Or 450. 01:14:54.525 --> 01:14:56.466 That's a really... I'm going full high definition. 01:14:56.526 --> 01:14:57.767 That's the brilliant resolution. 01:14:57.807 --> 01:14:58.627 Yeah, thanks man. 01:14:58.747 --> 01:14:59.968 You'll be able to see every detail. 01:15:00.188 --> 01:15:02.029 You'll be able to see the backheads on my nose. 01:15:02.169 --> 01:15:02.949 Oh, wow. 01:15:03.109 --> 01:15:04.590 And the hairs on my ears. 01:15:04.850 --> 01:15:05.090 Yeah. 01:15:05.510 --> 01:15:06.511 That's exciting. 01:15:06.831 --> 01:15:12.834 You know, I was just remembering earlier on I popped out to the Lavi there just during the Pet Shop Boys track. 01:15:13.494 --> 01:15:18.258 and had a little reverie about previous New Years and I remembered one terrible one. 01:15:18.298 --> 01:15:19.199 You weren't there, actually. 01:15:19.259 --> 01:15:24.043 I was staying with some friends in a big house in Scotland and it was a big party there. 01:15:25.103 --> 01:15:28.006 And it was in the olden days when we were doing the Adam and Jo Show. 01:15:28.026 --> 01:15:29.026 It was our first series. 01:15:29.567 --> 01:15:34.551 And we did like a weird little sort of pilot series with just four episodes in it to begin with. 01:15:35.031 --> 01:15:38.234 And the fourth episode went out on New Year's Eve 1997, I think. 01:15:40.215 --> 01:15:40.995 And, six. 01:15:41.375 --> 01:15:42.276 Er, ninety-six, was it? 01:15:42.656 --> 01:15:42.916 Yeah. 01:15:43.576 --> 01:15:44.996 Erm... Well, the first episode of The Adam and Jo Show. 01:15:45.316 --> 01:15:46.356 It was December ninety-six. 01:15:46.556 --> 01:15:47.197 Right, there you go. 01:15:47.277 --> 01:15:47.477 Yeah. 01:15:47.677 --> 01:15:51.117 And so, went out, er, on New Year's Eve ninety... Seven. 01:15:51.277 --> 01:15:51.978 Seven. 01:15:53.538 --> 01:15:59.919 And it was going out like... It didn't end at midnight, but it was, I think, on eleven o'clock or something on Channel Four. 01:16:00.239 --> 01:16:05.541 Basically, I forced everyone at this party to sit down and watch the show as it went out live. 01:16:05.561 --> 01:16:07.041 Because I was so excited about it, you know. 01:16:07.501 --> 01:16:13.408 I mean, I was amazed that we had a show on TV at all, but I made everyone sit down and watch it. 01:16:13.468 --> 01:16:18.673 So basically the whole party ground to a halt and they didn't, it didn't really dig it. 01:16:20.155 --> 01:16:21.576 So it was very embarrassing. 01:16:22.177 --> 01:16:25.120 And I had one of the worst new years of my life. 01:16:25.601 --> 01:16:28.143 Great, great upbeat story. 01:16:29.645 --> 01:16:30.886 We're going to play a bit more music now. 01:16:31.106 --> 01:16:32.287 Yeah, this is a smash. 01:16:32.647 --> 01:16:35.509 You know, again, I was talking about, what was it? 01:16:35.529 --> 01:16:35.969 The Clash. 01:16:36.310 --> 01:16:39.392 People sort of worrying about them selling out when they did Should I Stay or Should I Go. 01:16:39.652 --> 01:16:43.895 This was around the time that the Doors were losing it, as far as Doors fans were concerned. 01:16:44.255 --> 01:16:46.336 But again, I always had a soft spot for this one. 01:16:46.677 --> 01:16:51.900 This is from the album Soft Parade, I believe, and it's a track called Touch Me by the Doors. 01:16:55.233 --> 01:16:57.715 There you go, that's The Doors with Touch Me. 01:16:57.795 --> 01:16:59.456 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here on 6 Music. 01:16:59.476 --> 01:17:00.277 That's almost it. 01:17:00.297 --> 01:17:03.159 Well, that's pretty much it for us here on New Year's Eve. 01:17:03.519 --> 01:17:05.020 Stay tuned for the Queens of Noise. 01:17:05.060 --> 01:17:10.845 They're coming up for three hours of madness and mayhem to take you through midnight and into 2008. 01:17:11.485 --> 01:17:12.966 But that's pretty much it. 01:17:12.986 --> 01:17:14.448 We're gonna be back in the new year, of course. 01:17:14.688 --> 01:17:17.370 I mean, next weekend even, we'll be with you folks. 01:17:17.890 --> 01:17:19.571 So don't despair, okay? 01:17:19.651 --> 01:17:21.473 And of course, you might be listening again to this show. 01:17:21.513 --> 01:17:24.055 It might not actually be New Year's Eve for you at all. 01:17:24.415 --> 01:17:24.955 Imagine that. 01:17:25.055 --> 01:17:25.976 It's confusing, isn't it? 01:17:25.996 --> 01:17:28.538 There's no such thing as time anymore. 01:17:28.738 --> 01:17:29.558 What, with the internet? 01:17:29.598 --> 01:17:30.719 They've got rid of time. 01:17:30.739 --> 01:17:35.102 There's no such thing as kind of, you know, the social gelling of media. 01:17:35.562 --> 01:17:37.003 Now it's disparate, it's schismed. 01:17:37.023 --> 01:17:38.644 Everybody listens to it at different times. 01:17:38.884 --> 01:17:39.264 Exactly. 01:17:39.664 --> 01:17:41.926 You'll never have that moment when... Get used to it. 01:17:41.946 --> 01:17:42.746 It's part of the future. 01:17:42.766 --> 01:17:50.551 28 million people all sat round their tellies, warming their hands to David Jason falling through a bar or whatever it was on Only Fools and Horses. 01:17:51.291 --> 01:17:52.292 It'll never happen again. 01:17:55.836 --> 01:17:59.498 I think it's not true, actually, because that thing, Cranford, is it called Cranford? 01:17:59.758 --> 01:17:59.938 Right. 01:18:00.539 --> 01:18:01.699 Millions of people are watching that. 01:18:01.859 --> 01:18:05.341 That's got the biggest ratings in the world, this sort of comfort, Victorian comfort food. 01:18:05.381 --> 01:18:05.562 Yeah. 01:18:05.862 --> 01:18:06.282 And you know what? 01:18:06.642 --> 01:18:07.723 Millions of people listen to this. 01:18:08.283 --> 01:18:08.723 No. 01:18:08.883 --> 01:18:11.065 No, you're right, they don't. 01:18:11.245 --> 01:18:12.786 So this has been Adam and Jo. 01:18:12.826 --> 01:18:13.726 Thanks very much for listening. 01:18:13.746 --> 01:18:18.329 You know, the record we're going to play out with is a kind of a hippity hoppity record by Common. 01:18:19.209 --> 01:18:36.462 and you know things have been a tiny bit solipsistic on the show this week because we haven't had our usual features so we've done more than our fair share of annoying name dropping and that sort of thing and I would go into a spiel about why this song means things to me but I'm not going to but I like it anyway and it's one of the big hits of the summer 01:18:37.362 --> 01:18:38.744 Go on, you go into your spiel. 01:18:38.784 --> 01:18:39.504 It's New Year's Eve. 01:18:39.805 --> 01:18:42.087 Oh, it just reminds me of driving around Los Angeles. 01:18:42.187 --> 01:18:42.867 With Miss Daisy. 01:18:43.468 --> 01:18:46.871 With Miss Daisy, yeah, my white elderly charge. 01:18:47.051 --> 01:18:47.612 Yeah. 01:18:47.772 --> 01:18:53.637 Who is racist, but, you know, in a way that's sweet and sort of anachronistic, so I don't really mind. 01:18:53.857 --> 01:18:55.158 And they're making a film about it. 01:18:55.519 --> 01:18:55.979 Really? 01:18:56.139 --> 01:18:56.720 In the past. 01:18:57.020 --> 01:18:57.821 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:18:57.861 --> 01:18:58.581 Who's gonna play you? 01:18:58.982 --> 01:19:00.443 Um, uh, Brad Pitt. 01:19:01.183 --> 01:19:03.025 Not- Morgan Freeman would be better, I think. 01:19:03.125 --> 01:19:04.866 No, he's not good looking enough, isn't he? 01:19:05.006 --> 01:19:05.646 It's Brad Pitt. 01:19:05.927 --> 01:19:06.227 Okay. 01:19:06.467 --> 01:19:06.987 Playing me. 01:19:07.148 --> 01:19:08.068 Good, I can't wait for that. 01:19:08.088 --> 01:19:08.809 Yeah, it's exciting. 01:19:08.849 --> 01:19:09.810 Is that coming out this year? 01:19:09.870 --> 01:19:11.611 It's- it's tipped for Oscar success. 01:19:11.871 --> 01:19:12.111 Right. 01:19:12.472 --> 01:19:12.772 Yeah. 01:19:13.212 --> 01:19:15.294 And they should- oh, here's what they should call it. 01:19:15.414 --> 01:19:15.674 Hmm. 01:19:16.795 --> 01:19:18.316 Jojo's drive machine. 01:19:19.961 --> 01:19:20.661 Yeah. 01:19:20.681 --> 01:19:21.001 You think? 01:19:21.161 --> 01:19:21.402 Yeah. 01:19:21.622 --> 01:19:22.662 I think they should call it that. 01:19:22.782 --> 01:19:23.942 Or Driving Miss Daisy. 01:19:24.102 --> 01:19:24.362 Yeah. 01:19:24.442 --> 01:19:25.383 No, JoJo's Drive Machine. 01:19:25.403 --> 01:19:26.223 JoJo's Drive Machine. 01:19:26.903 --> 01:19:27.043 Yeah. 01:19:27.143 --> 01:19:27.664 Is that it then? 01:19:27.864 --> 01:19:28.644 That's pretty much it. 01:19:28.684 --> 01:19:29.764 Well, Happy New Year, listeners. 01:19:29.784 --> 01:19:32.705 Thanks a lot for bearing with us if you have for the last three hours. 01:19:33.185 --> 01:19:35.526 And we'll see you over the other side of the new year. 01:19:35.666 --> 01:19:35.846 Yeah. 01:19:35.906 --> 01:19:37.327 Listen, have a fantastic evening. 01:19:37.367 --> 01:19:41.428 I hope it all goes well for you, whether it's New Year's Eve or whenever you listen to this show. 01:19:41.908 --> 01:19:45.069 And thanks so much for listening to us in general here on 6 Music. 01:19:45.089 --> 01:19:46.970 We can't wait to be back with you in 2008. 01:19:48.091 --> 01:19:51.364 Yeah, here's our last record, this is by common, this is called The People. 01:19:51.525 --> 01:19:52.248 Love you, bye!