WEBVTT 00:00.049 --> 00:08.554 That is the new sound of The Underground, a band called The Arctic Monkeys that I think you're going to be hearing a lot more from in the weeks to come. 00:08.734 --> 00:10.054 They're the biggest band of the 80s. 00:10.255 --> 00:17.879 This is Adam and Joe here with the latest sounds and the latest music news sounds on 6 Music, home of news, music and sound. 00:18.759 --> 00:19.781 Happy Saturday, everybody. 00:19.801 --> 00:20.682 Thanks for tuning in. 00:21.082 --> 00:24.527 It's the first exciting hour of our three-hour Saturday morning extravaganza. 00:24.947 --> 00:27.871 And have we got news for you was on last week. 00:28.112 --> 00:29.814 Yeah, it was a confusing sentence. 00:29.894 --> 00:32.617 It got derailed in the middle because we got features. 00:32.637 --> 00:33.238 Yeah, what? 00:34.079 --> 00:34.399 You! 00:34.619 --> 00:35.400 This is good, man. 00:35.420 --> 00:36.300 This is a good start. 00:36.400 --> 00:36.721 Thanks. 00:36.881 --> 00:37.481 This is slick. 00:37.801 --> 00:42.004 We're gonna be, uh, revealing the winner of Song Wars, last week's Song Wars. 00:42.024 --> 00:42.744 Was it last week? 00:42.764 --> 00:43.424 Two weeks back. 00:43.504 --> 00:44.925 Christmas has confused everything. 00:45.406 --> 00:46.066 Two weeks back. 00:46.206 --> 00:50.488 This is, uh, our Christmas Song Wars from two weeks back that we played you. 00:50.749 --> 00:54.011 Last week, of course, was our Christmas show where Joe and myself gave each other presents. 00:54.831 --> 00:56.172 Uh, what a time that was. 00:56.572 --> 00:58.153 I don't think any of us will ever forget that. 00:58.613 --> 01:03.879 But, uh, now we're in that strange hinterland between Christmas and New Year. 01:03.919 --> 01:06.943 More or less, right slap back in, uh, bang, back, back. 01:07.303 --> 01:08.945 My brain is no longer working. 01:08.985 --> 01:11.308 It's more or less shut down for the Christmas holiday. 01:11.848 --> 01:12.028 Zzz. 01:13.550 --> 01:16.291 Well, there's plenty of good stuff coming, listeners. 01:16.331 --> 01:16.771 Believe us. 01:16.811 --> 01:20.472 But for now, let's have some, uh, a bowl of lovely warm pumpkin soup. 01:20.492 --> 01:21.152 Mmm, delicious. 01:21.232 --> 01:24.794 Mmm, with Kate Nash floating around in it like a sort of crouton. 01:25.014 --> 01:26.994 Kate Nash with pumpkin soup. 01:27.014 --> 01:29.515 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 01:30.055 --> 01:37.617 We should tell you listeners that this show is not actually live, so please do not email us or text us as we're not currently here. 01:37.958 --> 01:42.299 This show is pre-recorded because at the moment, we're in Lapland. 01:42.899 --> 01:43.200 Are we? 01:43.260 --> 01:43.480 Yeah. 01:43.740 --> 01:45.062 What are we doing in Lapland? 01:45.202 --> 01:46.745 We are talking to Santa. 01:46.765 --> 01:47.666 We're counselling him. 01:47.746 --> 01:48.607 He's been very depressed. 01:48.627 --> 01:50.670 Well, he's had a tough time the past week or so. 01:50.830 --> 01:51.070 Yeah. 01:51.491 --> 01:54.295 And we're his kind of emotional support team. 01:54.475 --> 01:55.436 What's the matter with him? 01:55.997 --> 01:57.519 He's just very sad because... Why? 01:57.979 --> 02:01.401 Well, he can't get to absolutely everybody that he wants to get to with the toys. 02:01.441 --> 02:07.683 There's a lot of sadness in the world, a lot of areas that are war-torn, and he can't do anything about that. 02:07.743 --> 02:11.925 He feels that, you know, just handing out toys, that's just like putting a band-aid on the problem. 02:11.965 --> 02:13.866 It's not really a long-term solution. 02:14.827 --> 02:18.931 So we're trying to chat to him about those issues and get some perspective. 02:18.951 --> 02:21.033 He's upset that the world's gone PC crazy. 02:21.413 --> 02:22.935 He thinks it's gone PC crazy. 02:22.955 --> 02:27.139 You know, it's just PC gone mad as far as he's concerned a lot of the time, you know. 02:27.179 --> 02:29.281 He should read the papers less that centre. 02:29.481 --> 02:30.502 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 02:30.643 --> 02:37.910 Because he made some comments about some minorities as well, which have got him into hot water, so we're trying 02:38.070 --> 02:38.850 Dig him out. 02:38.910 --> 02:39.790 What are you talking about? 02:39.810 --> 02:45.011 They made some comments about some of the elves, and now he's been branded a racist. 02:45.432 --> 02:50.773 It sounded as if I was working my way up to a joke there, some kind of punchline, but nothing could have been further from the truth. 02:50.973 --> 02:58.814 So listen, listeners, all over Christmas you've been voting in the big song, or Christmas song, Fight Off, Adam and I composed a Christmas song each. 02:59.494 --> 03:03.555 They were two of the most powerful songs ever recorded in under three hours. 03:03.575 --> 03:07.156 They were certainly two of the best Christmas songs ever recorded. 03:07.356 --> 03:07.636 Really? 03:07.916 --> 03:08.156 Yeah. 03:08.657 --> 03:09.677 I mean, yes. 03:10.518 --> 03:10.938 They were. 03:12.099 --> 03:13.160 Have you worked that out? 03:13.200 --> 03:20.066 I've worked that out because they're pretty much at the bottom of the list with all other Christmas songs above. 03:21.006 --> 03:24.509 Oh, so the Christmas, like the Christmas song top 10 is just a flat line. 03:24.549 --> 03:25.169 It's a straight line. 03:25.189 --> 03:30.313 Well, the list of the best Christmas songs ever written includes all the Christmas songs ever written. 03:30.754 --> 03:31.014 Right. 03:31.134 --> 03:32.695 And so we're technically in that. 03:32.995 --> 03:33.296 Okay. 03:33.536 --> 03:34.837 But very near the bottom. 03:35.077 --> 03:41.342 Okay, I'm confused, but all will be made clear in terms of who won that fight in a second, and I open the results. 03:41.382 --> 03:44.704 Just to remind you, listeners, they were very different in style. 03:44.864 --> 03:46.266 I went for a kind of a Christmas. 03:46.346 --> 03:48.887 In fact, my song was called Christmas Country Party Time. 03:49.488 --> 03:52.730 We're not gonna play you clips because it'll just bring back painful memories. 03:53.331 --> 03:54.652 And, Joes, what was yours like? 03:55.112 --> 04:08.643 Uh, mine was, it's hard to describe the musical genre, but it was a kind of, uh, George Formby, uh, like, hard house combo, uh, about shopping at an all-night garage on Christmas Eve, getting your presents on Christmas Eve. 04:08.743 --> 04:11.005 All-night garage, all-night garage, Christmas Eve. 04:11.025 --> 04:11.746 See, you remember it. 04:11.806 --> 04:12.326 I do remember. 04:12.426 --> 04:13.327 Do I remember yours? 04:13.587 --> 04:13.947 Go on then. 04:14.107 --> 04:14.868 Ring, ring, ring. 04:14.908 --> 04:17.310 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. 04:17.350 --> 04:18.231 That was it. 04:18.251 --> 04:21.653 Germany, Christmas, Germany, Christmas. 04:21.693 --> 04:22.354 That's the one? 04:22.414 --> 04:22.754 Catchy. 04:22.955 --> 04:23.295 It's catchy. 04:23.315 --> 04:23.435 Yeah. 04:23.655 --> 04:24.937 Are we gonna do the results now? 04:24.957 --> 04:26.438 Or should we spin it out? 04:26.859 --> 04:29.822 If Simon Cowell was producing this show, he'd spin it out. 04:29.862 --> 04:31.284 He'd spin it out for another two hours. 04:31.484 --> 04:32.545 He'd play another record. 04:32.585 --> 04:37.551 If Adam Depp were announcing it, there'd be a one hour gap between us saying, and the winner is... 04:38.812 --> 04:40.172 and then the actual winner. 04:40.452 --> 04:42.953 So in that spirit, I think we should play some more music. 04:42.973 --> 04:43.953 What have we got coming up? 04:44.333 --> 04:44.793 James Brown. 04:44.893 --> 04:45.433 Listening wise. 04:45.553 --> 04:46.853 I chose this one for you listeners. 04:47.914 --> 04:55.915 I thought this was a nice little seasonal nugget, you know, because it's still sort of seasonal, even though it's after Christmas now and it's tainted with the stink of the new year. 04:56.515 --> 05:00.716 But this is a lovely mellow song from the early days of James Brown. 05:00.836 --> 05:05.317 I think maybe even with his famous flames, but it's called Maybe the Last Time. 05:05.497 --> 05:05.797 Enjoy. 05:05.817 --> 05:06.117 BBC. 05:08.955 --> 05:32.600 music this New Year's Eve from seven it's Adam and Joe everybody knows that New Year's Eve is rubbish it's the last thing you want to do have yet another party after two weeks of stuffing yourself so why don't you instead make a date to spend three hours with me Adam and me Joe it'll still be rubbish but you know fun rubbish over the year imagine that no I don't think anyone no one's ever known that no we are quick 05:33.720 --> 05:36.184 Queen's of Noise is the Queen's of Noise. 05:36.224 --> 05:39.810 We're bringing you into 2008 for the ultimate New Year's Eve. 05:39.870 --> 05:42.253 We're going to have rides of extra special guests. 05:42.394 --> 05:44.216 We love everyone. 05:44.277 --> 05:45.559 You'll be a loom to miss it. 05:48.467 --> 06:11.385 That's very spiritual stuff there that's the soul savers with revival and before the trail you heard my selection for you Which was James Brown with maybe the last time this is Adam and Joe here on BBC six music and now It's time for some wars the war 06:16.418 --> 06:17.159 So check it out. 06:17.880 --> 06:20.402 Yes, it's time to reveal the winner of the pre-Christmas Song Wars. 06:20.442 --> 06:24.867 Adam and I wrote Christmas songs and battled them against each other, kind of like battling Beatles. 06:25.708 --> 06:25.968 Yeah? 06:26.168 --> 06:27.650 No, more like Transformers. 06:27.890 --> 06:36.298 More like Transformers, bashing each other up down a New York street with Shiba-lad-bleh holding some kind of a cube skidding around the place. 06:36.318 --> 06:37.780 I still haven't seen that film, you know. 06:37.800 --> 06:39.061 Yeah, don't worry about it. 06:40.342 --> 06:41.863 What'll happen if I just never see it? 06:42.364 --> 06:42.724 Nothing. 06:42.984 --> 06:43.284 Oh. 06:43.324 --> 06:45.286 A tiny bit of your brain will be active. 06:45.466 --> 06:45.806 Good one. 06:45.846 --> 06:48.448 That no one else in the world will have access to. 06:49.609 --> 06:49.950 Here we go. 06:49.990 --> 06:50.590 So here's the winner. 06:50.610 --> 06:52.191 I'm opening the envelope with the stats in. 06:52.552 --> 06:55.654 Represented in percentage to save the blushes, you know. 06:55.674 --> 06:58.856 Yeah, because only four or five people would have voted. 07:00.217 --> 07:01.799 I'm afraid it's a landslide for Cornish. 07:03.274 --> 07:18.474 have a 29% Joe 71 what does that make the overall score I wonder we'll get someone in the I think I believe you've won I believe you've won six times and I've worked twice yeah but you know what I think you're two winning ones 07:19.335 --> 07:20.837 are two of the best songs ever. 07:38.533 --> 07:39.594 Well, let's hear the winning song. 07:39.994 --> 07:52.706 This is called All Night Garage, and this is about a kind of moment in time that is passed now, and you don't have to worry about it until next year, but it's about when you panic on Christmas Eve about buying presents, which is completely evident from the world. 07:52.726 --> 07:52.706 29%! 07:52.826 --> 07:55.248 I can't believe it. 07:55.588 --> 07:56.009 Stay strong. 07:57.799 --> 07:58.279 What? 07:58.439 --> 07:59.240 Oh no! 07:59.560 --> 08:02.522 It's nine o'clock on Christmas Eve and I ain't got no presents yet. 08:02.542 --> 08:03.382 What am I gonna do? 08:03.482 --> 08:05.844 I'll have to go down to the all night garage. 08:06.024 --> 08:09.906 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 08:09.986 --> 08:13.888 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 08:14.028 --> 08:17.911 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 08:18.051 --> 08:21.813 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 08:21.853 --> 08:22.633 Hello there, mate. 08:22.874 --> 08:23.594 How are you doing? 08:23.614 --> 08:25.895 I've got to buy some stuff and my Christmas will be ruined. 08:27.236 --> 08:29.558 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:29.598 --> 08:31.719 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:31.739 --> 08:36.061 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:36.522 --> 08:38.163 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:38.263 --> 08:39.964 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:40.024 --> 08:41.685 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:41.765 --> 08:43.126 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:43.146 --> 08:44.346 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:44.366 --> 08:46.168 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:46.288 --> 08:48.189 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 08:48.269 --> 08:49.710 Is that a DVD of this of yours? 09:01.545 --> 09:27.441 I've got that kinder egg and them cigarette lights There's a Toblerone and those windscreen ladders I know it might seem like I'm a loser But on Christmas Eve, bakers can't be choosers I've got 50 quid and not much time All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage Listen mate, I've got to go 09:33.945 --> 09:39.610 Sometimes like this I can't help but feel I wish Santa Claus was really real I asked myself, what would Jesus do? 09:39.650 --> 09:44.875 Perhaps he'd give his dad an old bottle of booze from the cupboard Forget the windscreen ones mate! 09:44.915 --> 09:45.696 Merry Christmas! 09:45.776 --> 09:49.620 Happy New Year! 09:50.040 --> 09:57.908 All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage 09:59.028 --> 10:00.172 Joe, what's this you got me? 10:00.934 --> 10:03.802 Delta Force Two and a cigarette lighter. 10:03.903 --> 10:04.625 Oh, thank you. 10:04.665 --> 10:05.548 You shouldn't have. 10:06.735 --> 10:08.276 Oh my lord, is the play over yet? 10:09.678 --> 10:10.458 You're so jealous. 10:11.319 --> 10:12.880 Has it finally finished? 10:13.421 --> 10:15.463 Yeah, it finished a long time ago. 10:15.483 --> 10:16.344 Is anyone still awake? 10:16.544 --> 10:20.167 It just seemed to last a long time, because one inhabits it so. 10:20.727 --> 10:23.850 So you know the competition is called Song Wars. 10:23.950 --> 10:24.210 Yeah. 10:24.250 --> 10:24.391 Yeah. 10:24.411 --> 10:24.491 Yeah. 10:24.631 --> 10:25.912 You're supposed to write a song. 10:26.172 --> 10:26.372 Yeah. 10:26.392 --> 10:30.356 With like, verses, choruses, and you know, just... Yeah. 10:30.376 --> 10:32.438 That had a verse and a chorus? 10:32.558 --> 10:33.238 Not really. 10:34.059 --> 10:49.185 the course went all night garage all night garage that's a course it's a chance it's not a course compared to christmas christmas christmas time christmas i think actually they're identical i've just uh answered my own case there 10:49.685 --> 10:50.165 There you go. 10:50.385 --> 10:52.086 That's it for Song Wars this week. 10:52.126 --> 10:54.367 We'll be doing more Song Wars next week. 10:54.407 --> 10:58.648 But for the moment, for everybody's sanity, we're going to take a bit of a break from the thing. 10:59.048 --> 11:05.090 But when we do our next show, we're going to try and kind of branch out a bit subject-wise. 11:05.550 --> 11:10.332 We're gonna go, one of our ideas listeners, I don't know what you think of this, is to do ringtones. 11:11.252 --> 11:15.614 We're gonna compose a ringtone each, and that way, we're just trying to think of ways we can make genuine money. 11:16.414 --> 11:23.937 You know, there's the idea of releasing some sort of a song wars album, but I think the only way that'll happen is if it's for comic relief. 11:24.317 --> 11:26.598 Right, or the whole world suddenly goes deaf. 11:26.718 --> 11:27.458 Yeah, yeah. 11:28.058 --> 11:29.658 So ringtones is a good option, don't you think? 11:30.158 --> 11:31.699 To raise some money, I write a ringtone. 11:31.719 --> 11:37.780 We try and make them as insanely catchy as possible, like the Crazy Frog or T2 featuring Jodie. 11:38.040 --> 11:39.821 It's easier said than done, though, man, you know? 11:39.841 --> 11:41.301 I mean, everyone's at that game. 11:41.341 --> 11:41.741 Do you think? 11:41.941 --> 11:42.761 Yeah, surely. 11:42.821 --> 11:43.741 We've talked about it a lot. 11:43.761 --> 11:46.042 We've never actually nailed our colours to the master. 11:46.062 --> 11:46.682 We tried to do it. 11:46.862 --> 11:47.682 Maybe we should try it. 11:47.702 --> 11:48.502 So that's what we're going to do. 11:48.762 --> 11:54.844 If you've got any suggestions for themes or content of Song Wars, do email us at adamandjoe.sixmusicatbbc.co.uk. 11:56.284 --> 11:59.928 Now, here is one of Jo's favourite bands. 12:00.108 --> 12:00.689 Yeah, who? 12:01.489 --> 12:04.332 Because you love Nina Person from the Cardigans. 12:04.492 --> 12:04.793 Yes. 12:05.413 --> 12:06.314 You love that band. 12:06.334 --> 12:06.975 Nina Person? 12:07.055 --> 12:07.876 That's what she's called. 12:08.116 --> 12:08.416 I know. 12:08.436 --> 12:12.841 And do you remember the band and all the songs they dance? 12:13.001 --> 12:13.241 Oh yeah. 12:13.802 --> 12:14.442 Here's one of them. 12:14.542 --> 12:15.604 I'm just remembering now. 12:16.024 --> 12:17.505 Carnival by the Cardigans. 12:17.706 --> 12:17.866 What? 12:19.207 --> 12:22.069 There you go, that was the Cardigans with Carnival. 12:22.109 --> 12:24.291 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 12:24.331 --> 12:29.175 Just a reminder, folks, that this show has been pre-recorded for your listening pleasure. 12:29.515 --> 12:34.238 So apologies if that makes you feel as if it's kind of less fun. 12:34.258 --> 12:36.240 Does it bum you out if someone's pre-recorded? 12:36.280 --> 12:38.642 Well, sometimes the live experience is more unifying. 12:39.022 --> 12:40.403 It's something called the common consciousness. 12:40.623 --> 12:43.585 Every living creature is existing at the same time under the same sun. 12:44.026 --> 12:47.228 And if we share things communally, there can be an unspoken bomb between us. 12:47.548 --> 12:48.109 You know what I mean? 12:48.169 --> 12:48.589 A bomb? 12:48.949 --> 12:49.470 A bomb. 12:49.610 --> 12:50.891 An unspoken bomb. 12:51.071 --> 12:51.972 Well, that's disastrous. 12:51.992 --> 12:52.732 Yeah, exactly. 12:52.792 --> 12:54.193 So it's a good thing we're pre-recorded. 12:54.253 --> 12:55.034 It's much safer. 12:55.594 --> 13:01.299 So I was just mentioning that so that you don't text or email us if you require an immediate response listeners, because I wouldn't want you to feel cheated. 13:01.319 --> 13:05.762 Because if that happened, we could all be put in jail for a very long time. 13:05.962 --> 13:06.523 Yes, indeed. 13:07.103 --> 13:19.433 Now, one of the most exciting things that I've read on the internet this week that probably every other radio show in the world has done, but never mind, we'll do it too, is the Onions link of... Onions kind of... sum-up-ness. 13:19.733 --> 13:20.193 What's that word? 13:21.434 --> 13:24.876 Overview rundown of the worst band names of the year. 13:24.956 --> 13:31.959 Yeah, you ready for some of them go on then hit me They've gone through the whole of the internet I think and every music magazine and kind of picked out the most stupid names. 13:32.019 --> 13:36.462 Yeah One of them is gay, baby gay, baby. 13:36.742 --> 13:37.962 Is that worse than gay dad? 13:38.983 --> 13:39.603 I think so. 13:39.863 --> 13:42.064 Yeah, I guess it's seeing as gay dad already existed. 13:42.304 --> 13:43.525 It's more distasteful, isn't it? 13:43.745 --> 13:44.826 It's not fair on the baby 13:46.048 --> 14:04.766 uh and hit one more before we have to go to the news maybe we can hear some of these after the news okay but hit me with one more right now as a like a tease straight into the news harmonica lewinsky i love that his news that was a kinks with tired of waiting for you before that you heard the chemical brothers uh with the flaming lips with a track called the golden path this is adam and joe on bbc6 music hello 14:05.427 --> 14:06.929 Hey, are you talking to me? 14:06.949 --> 14:07.910 Yeah, not really. 14:08.210 --> 14:09.171 The listeners, everybody. 14:09.331 --> 14:10.472 Hey, how are you doing listeners? 14:10.853 --> 14:12.074 Are you enjoying yourselves? 14:12.334 --> 14:17.479 This can sometimes be a stressful time, because it's right in the middle, just between Christmas and New Year. 14:17.840 --> 14:20.762 Whatever happens, you know, maybe you're gonna take it easy on New Year. 14:21.483 --> 14:43.652 me and joe are definitely we're gonna sit back relax and just be nice and mellow about it but some people feel they have to push the boat out domestic abuse triples over christmas did you know that that's a really fun fact well it's booze in it that's the desert it's deadly booze it's the booze yeah of course cut down on the booze the booze is a disaster area it's a disaster area look at you look at me you know shadow of my former self 14:43.792 --> 14:52.398 So just before that double whammy of great tracks, we were borrowing material shamelessly from the Onion AV website who've compiled a list of the worst band names of the year. 14:53.138 --> 14:56.741 I managed to squeeze one out, but now here are the rest of them. 14:56.941 --> 14:57.501 That's nice. 14:57.521 --> 15:01.184 That's really pathetic kind of breakfast show innuendo kind of thing. 15:02.645 --> 15:03.085 Here we go. 15:03.125 --> 15:03.765 So how about some more? 15:03.785 --> 15:04.586 You ready for some more, Adam? 15:04.686 --> 15:05.146 Yes, please. 15:05.346 --> 15:10.210 Would you buy an album by a band called Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band? 15:11.010 --> 15:12.131 Yes, I definitely would. 15:12.191 --> 15:13.192 I'd be delighted with that. 15:14.192 --> 15:39.705 would you buy an album by a band called shout out out out out no how many outs for that's awful shout out out out out no I definitely wouldn't they used to be a band called on on on as well did you buy an album by them no I think I knew someone who was in the band and I remember them telling me the name and being very excited about it and I was thinking oh dear okay would you buy an album by a band called baboon torture division 15:41.496 --> 15:44.599 Well, you know, to me, that doesn't sound much worse than the Arctic monkeys. 15:44.679 --> 15:46.581 They're probably animal activists, aren't they? 15:46.601 --> 15:47.081 Don't you think? 15:47.762 --> 15:48.722 No, they hate baboons. 15:49.223 --> 15:50.444 Baboon torture division. 15:50.624 --> 15:50.884 Yeah. 15:51.425 --> 15:51.845 Do you think? 15:51.865 --> 15:53.267 They're in charge of the torture division. 15:53.287 --> 15:55.649 Well, how does that follow up with the logic of joy division? 15:56.383 --> 15:59.725 I mean, Joy Division didn't approve of the, uh, activities of the Joy Division. 16:00.126 --> 16:03.208 They were cruelly and darkly satirizing, uh, them. 16:03.628 --> 16:06.310 So I say the same logic applies to Baboon Torture Division. 16:06.570 --> 16:09.712 I'm not aware of an actual existing Baboon Torture Division, though. 16:09.972 --> 16:10.273 Really? 16:10.373 --> 16:13.154 In a way that there was a- I'll do some internet research. 16:13.195 --> 16:13.375 Right. 16:13.455 --> 16:15.436 I'll get you some, uh, get you some info. 16:15.636 --> 16:16.577 What about sex rat? 16:18.558 --> 16:19.739 Penguins with shotguns. 16:20.059 --> 16:20.960 That's terrible. 16:21.380 --> 16:23.541 Sex... sex rat I can live with. 16:23.601 --> 16:25.021 Penguins with shotguns, for some reason. 16:25.041 --> 16:26.121 What about Dance Me Pregnant? 16:28.362 --> 16:29.202 These are real bands. 16:29.402 --> 16:29.822 Yes. 16:30.443 --> 16:31.303 I quite like Dance Me Pregnant. 16:31.323 --> 16:33.884 You see, it's hard to tell whether they're purposely bad, you know? 16:34.164 --> 16:34.424 Yeah. 16:34.484 --> 16:36.304 So many layers of... of irony. 16:36.704 --> 16:38.625 What about The House That Gloria Vanderbilt? 16:39.025 --> 16:39.545 No, that's useless. 16:39.565 --> 16:40.906 What about Neil Diamond Phillips? 16:42.126 --> 16:44.767 Um... Yeah, you quite like that one. 16:44.787 --> 16:45.847 You're having to think about that a bit. 16:45.887 --> 16:46.687 It's confused you. 16:46.907 --> 16:48.068 Neil Diamond Phillips. 16:48.448 --> 16:48.608 Yeah? 16:48.648 --> 16:49.328 No, I don't get that. 16:49.768 --> 16:51.570 Uh, Lou Diamond Phillips and Neil Diamond. 16:51.650 --> 16:53.111 Oh, that's useless. 16:53.471 --> 16:54.352 That's rubbish. 16:55.193 --> 16:55.793 What about? 16:55.813 --> 17:00.577 I liked the one that we can't actually say the whole name on the air, but it's the effing unicorns. 17:00.637 --> 17:00.997 Yeah. 17:01.558 --> 17:04.080 It only really works if you're allowed to say the bad word. 17:04.568 --> 17:21.939 There's a lot of bands coming out with the F-word actually in the name of the band or stuff like that and you sort of think, what's, I mean obviously it's a gesture, it's a kind of anti-establishment gesture, they don't care if they're, you know, not mentioned or played on the radio or whatever, that's part of their stance, right? 17:22.460 --> 17:23.000 You would think. 17:23.240 --> 17:23.460 Yeah. 17:23.820 --> 17:31.345 But it's, I mean it's counterproductive because I can't think of any really successful bands with the F-bomb in their name. 17:31.365 --> 17:31.505 No. 17:32.526 --> 17:33.587 No, it's counterproductive, exactly. 17:33.607 --> 17:34.527 It stops you selling records. 17:34.547 --> 17:35.328 It's a rude word. 17:35.708 --> 17:36.789 Yeah. 17:36.809 --> 17:39.650 Surely the aim of the game is to get your stuff out there and get it heard. 17:41.071 --> 17:46.274 You know, what's the point of forming a band and rehearsing and doing gigs and stuff if no one's ever going to listen to you? 17:46.294 --> 17:46.814 All right, bands? 17:47.075 --> 17:47.895 Seems a bit insane. 17:48.195 --> 17:48.936 So think about it. 17:48.996 --> 17:50.176 That's what I'm saying, kids, all right? 17:50.216 --> 17:57.040 It might seem clever and funny to drop the F-bomb in the name of the band there, but it ultimately, you'll regret it. 17:58.181 --> 17:59.942 Here's the specials with Monkey Man. 18:01.163 --> 18:03.004 Hooray, that was the specials with Monkey Man. 18:03.044 --> 18:08.888 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music On, this special inter-Christmas and New Year Saturday. 18:09.088 --> 18:12.851 It sounded as if you rechristened the station BBC Six Music On. 18:13.365 --> 18:15.466 Yeah, that's what it'll be called in the future. 18:15.626 --> 18:15.927 Yeah. 18:16.187 --> 18:17.928 When everything has the word con on the end. 18:17.948 --> 18:18.468 Uh-huh. 18:18.908 --> 18:18.989 Mmm. 18:19.089 --> 18:23.511 Six music on with Joe Con and Adam Con. 18:23.571 --> 18:25.272 It's not quite so good. 18:26.593 --> 18:37.120 If you were listening a couple of weeks ago, friends, then you might recall I was just on my way to go and see Tintin, the theatre production of Tintin in Tibet with my young sons. 18:37.960 --> 18:41.644 And, uh, I have to report to you that I enjoyed myself greatly. 18:41.924 --> 18:42.385 It was fun. 18:42.505 --> 18:44.106 If you get the opportunity, you should catch it. 18:44.267 --> 18:45.448 You still haven't seen it, have you, Joe? 18:45.908 --> 18:47.390 What, the stage production of Tintin? 18:47.410 --> 18:47.730 Yeah. 18:47.790 --> 18:48.090 No! 18:48.671 --> 18:48.751 Ah! 18:48.871 --> 18:50.192 When was the last time you went to the theatre? 18:50.232 --> 18:56.759 Do you think people should be going around sort of in, in, in anguish that they haven't caught Tintin? 18:56.919 --> 18:58.620 Well, yeah, because it's- Yeah, was it that good? 18:58.680 --> 18:59.321 It's really good. 18:59.341 --> 18:59.421 Yeah. 18:59.441 --> 18:59.922 It's really good. 19:00.002 --> 19:00.943 Unusually good, I would say. 19:00.963 --> 19:01.063 Yeah. 19:01.643 --> 19:03.064 I'm not a massive theatre fan. 19:03.405 --> 19:03.625 No. 19:03.765 --> 19:05.806 Because I don't, I get very uncomfortable. 19:06.126 --> 19:07.407 You're too clever for the theatre. 19:07.487 --> 19:07.908 Am I? 19:08.008 --> 19:08.308 Yeah. 19:08.888 --> 19:15.033 I just think you have a quick-wittedness and a love of drama that just supersedes theatre. 19:15.874 --> 19:19.876 Why, there was no need for you to go in there and start being sarcastic from nowhere. 19:20.537 --> 19:23.559 Er, I don't know, I think there was a certain medical need. 19:23.579 --> 19:24.200 Right. 19:24.880 --> 19:25.020 Anyway. 19:25.040 --> 19:25.961 I'm only joking, you know. 19:26.281 --> 19:27.382 Yeah, yeah. 19:27.562 --> 19:29.243 But listen, folks, it was really good. 19:29.343 --> 19:33.246 But by stark contrast, the next day, we went to the panto. 19:34.047 --> 19:47.778 And maybe I shouldn't say the panto that we saw, just because I don't want to be negative, especially as I knew... Well, you can... I mean, pantos are generally generic, so you can tell us the story that was the fairy story that was unfolding without revealing the specific production, right? 19:48.278 --> 19:48.738 Can't you? 19:49.059 --> 19:49.379 Maybe. 19:49.679 --> 19:50.780 Was it Jack in the Beanstalk? 19:50.800 --> 19:50.920 Yeah. 19:50.940 --> 19:51.580 Was it Cinderella? 19:51.620 --> 19:52.221 Was it Snow White? 19:52.241 --> 19:53.101 It was Jack in the Beanstalk. 19:53.141 --> 19:53.441 Yeah. 19:53.762 --> 19:54.382 OK, that's fine. 19:54.422 --> 19:56.243 There are millions of productions of Jack in the Beanstalk. 19:56.403 --> 19:57.384 Who was the star? 19:58.184 --> 20:05.329 Well, I should say from the get-go that it went down very well with the audience that we went to see it at the Barbican Centre in London. 20:05.469 --> 20:06.610 Well, that's that then now. 20:06.630 --> 20:06.990 Yeah, I know. 20:07.030 --> 20:10.252 But I'm saying that I'm identifying it now. 20:10.332 --> 20:10.632 Right. 20:10.953 --> 20:12.694 But everybody loved it. 20:13.394 --> 20:16.495 It just- it was just me and my family. 20:16.515 --> 20:16.815 Right. 20:17.076 --> 20:17.816 That had a problem with it. 20:18.116 --> 20:20.797 But mainly the problem was it was so long. 20:21.217 --> 20:21.677 Why? 20:21.917 --> 20:23.158 Why do they have to be so long? 20:23.178 --> 20:26.819 They're for- they're- They're- It's important to be true to the facts of Jack and the Beanstalk. 20:26.939 --> 20:27.240 No. 20:27.340 --> 20:29.360 What are the facts of Jack and the Beanstalk? 20:29.561 --> 20:30.521 Tell me the whole story right now. 20:30.541 --> 20:31.641 I bet you could do it in under 10 seconds. 20:31.661 --> 20:31.982 Okay, here we go. 20:32.002 --> 20:33.202 Jack and the Beanstalk by J.M. 20:33.242 --> 20:33.602 Cornish. 20:33.682 --> 20:38.464 Once upon a time, Jack got some seeds and he put them in the ground. 20:38.484 --> 20:40.545 They were from a fairy or maybe a witch. 20:40.825 --> 20:58.492 and he put them in the ground and then a tree grew and he climbs up and at the top no a vine a beanstalk a beanstalk grows up and it goes above the clouds and he climbs up it and at the top there's a giant yes and he hides on the table 20:58.852 --> 21:01.395 And then, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, there's a car chase. 21:01.936 --> 21:03.958 He kisses the scullery maid. 21:04.579 --> 21:07.322 Ah, there's some business with the loofah and Tom Hanks. 21:07.882 --> 21:14.350 And then eventually the giant becomes nice and comes down to Earth, and they all live happily ever after. 21:16.371 --> 21:18.653 Oh no, hang on, someone chops the beanstalk down. 21:18.874 --> 21:19.094 Yeah. 21:19.354 --> 21:23.879 Before the dragon can chase Cinderella. 21:24.059 --> 21:25.020 That's basically it. 21:25.200 --> 21:25.440 Yeah. 21:25.460 --> 21:26.261 That's more or less it. 21:26.781 --> 21:33.648 Well, that was... That was longer than I expected the summary to be, but that was still less than a couple of minutes. 21:34.069 --> 21:34.289 Right. 21:34.369 --> 21:36.852 The one I saw was two and a half hours. 21:37.452 --> 21:39.874 Wow, two and a half hours. 21:39.894 --> 21:44.518 Uh, I'm not sure exactly how long the interval was because we left them. 21:44.838 --> 21:45.238 No! 21:45.358 --> 21:45.638 Yes. 21:45.698 --> 21:46.639 Did the kids want to go? 21:46.979 --> 21:48.901 Yes, they wanted to go before it started. 21:48.921 --> 21:50.062 But they're the ultimate arbiters. 21:50.802 --> 21:52.184 The worst thing was that we were... 21:53.424 --> 21:54.445 We got bad seats. 21:54.485 --> 21:55.806 I mean, we were unlucky with the seats. 21:56.266 --> 22:01.690 We were stuck there in the very back row of the circle, like the uppermost part of the theater. 22:01.870 --> 22:03.431 So the furthest back you could possibly be. 22:03.451 --> 22:09.935 Farthest back and right in the middle of a very long thin row from which there was absolutely no escape. 22:09.955 --> 22:11.096 You know what I mean? 22:11.296 --> 22:12.317 I absolutely hate that. 22:12.517 --> 22:13.377 I can't bear it. 22:14.178 --> 22:15.219 So I felt very claustrophobic. 22:15.259 --> 22:16.960 It was incredibly hot in the theater. 22:17.860 --> 22:19.962 And, uh, oh man, it lasted ages. 22:20.002 --> 22:22.644 The children were squirming around and saying, Danny, when's he gonna start? 22:22.685 --> 22:26.027 Like, a good 20 minutes before the show actually commenced. 22:26.408 --> 22:30.491 Luckily, modern gadget fans, I had my video iPod there. 22:30.852 --> 22:31.752 You watched a movie. 22:31.812 --> 22:32.853 Did you catch a movie? 22:32.973 --> 22:34.134 Or some episode of The Wire? 22:34.215 --> 22:35.476 Headphones in? 22:35.996 --> 22:37.237 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 22:37.257 --> 22:41.501 Children were watching some, you know, inappropriate movie action on their 22:41.781 --> 22:43.762 Oh, the whole family was watching the video? 22:43.822 --> 22:44.382 Yeah, yeah. 22:44.422 --> 22:44.683 Wow. 22:45.063 --> 22:46.303 So it saved our bacon now. 22:46.323 --> 22:47.964 That's one of the Barbican, how long's that on for? 22:48.765 --> 22:49.885 Probably a couple of years. 22:49.945 --> 22:56.508 I mean, it's a successful production, a lot of talented people involved, and I would stress again that everybody else there was having a whale of a time. 22:56.889 --> 23:00.470 But I think maybe my family is kind of jaded by DVDs and stuff. 23:00.631 --> 23:07.074 Quite soon after the beginning of the production, my son Frank leaned over and said, Dad, I wish I could watch Star Wars again. 23:07.094 --> 23:11.316 And I had to, I had to concur. 23:12.060 --> 23:13.441 Listen, here's a session track listeners. 23:13.481 --> 23:30.993 This is everything but the girl singing lonesome for a place I know this was recorded for Mark Goodyear on radio one in 1988 Everything but the girl with lonesome for a place I know recorded in 1988 for Mark Goodyear This is Adam and Joe on BBC radio six music home of the number six 23:32.234 --> 23:39.916 Uh, now we were chatting about Pantos just there before the session track and Joe suddenly admitted that he had a little, little repressed memory that popped out. 23:39.996 --> 23:43.617 A panto, it wasn't that long ago, I went to see a panto at the Royal Festival Hall, was it? 23:43.637 --> 23:44.577 Hall? 23:45.477 --> 23:48.138 Uh, it was designed, it was Peter Pan. 23:48.838 --> 23:51.099 And it was designed by Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen. 23:51.319 --> 23:53.700 Oh, you're obsessed with Llewelyn Bowen. 23:53.820 --> 23:55.420 I do like that he's a very nice chap. 23:55.540 --> 23:56.421 Yeah, well, we worked with him. 23:56.681 --> 23:57.101 Exactly. 23:57.121 --> 23:58.042 He's a nice fellow. 23:58.722 --> 24:05.507 And I didn't go to see this because it was designed by Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen, but it was a kind of, you know, a Tony production. 24:05.967 --> 24:07.328 A What's a Tony production? 24:07.348 --> 24:09.369 That's like an American phrase for classy. 24:09.750 --> 24:10.150 Oh, okay. 24:10.190 --> 24:11.131 You know, a theatre phrase. 24:11.551 --> 24:13.652 So yeah, so I went to see it. 24:13.792 --> 24:18.035 And what Llewellyn-Bowen had done brilliantly was remove all the colour. 24:18.536 --> 24:18.916 Right. 24:19.156 --> 24:20.877 It was a black and white production. 24:20.917 --> 24:23.119 There was no colour in any of the costumes. 24:23.859 --> 24:25.700 Or the, uh, scenery. 24:26.020 --> 24:26.240 Right. 24:26.540 --> 24:27.461 No colour at all. 24:27.681 --> 24:29.242 So it's all just white people as well. 24:29.502 --> 24:30.882 White sort of outlining people. 24:30.962 --> 24:31.182 Right. 24:31.343 --> 24:33.303 Yeah, and it was really visually boring. 24:33.784 --> 24:34.244 Colorless. 24:34.504 --> 24:34.704 Yeah. 24:35.204 --> 24:37.345 And nobody flew in it until the very, very end. 24:37.405 --> 24:40.167 Literally after the audience had finished the first round of applause. 24:40.187 --> 24:41.507 So it was colorless right the way through. 24:41.527 --> 24:43.968 I thought you were gonna say it was like an opening gambit to make it. 24:43.988 --> 24:44.789 No, not the whole thing. 24:44.849 --> 24:46.009 Taking all the colour out from the whole thing. 24:46.029 --> 24:47.590 Suddenly an explosion of colour like Pleasantville. 24:48.030 --> 24:48.230 No. 24:48.350 --> 24:52.774 Yeah, it was applying the logic of interior decoration to stage design, to set design. 24:52.794 --> 24:55.396 Was this aimed mainly at adults? 24:55.696 --> 24:58.499 There was an atmosphere of loathing in the auditorium. 24:59.259 --> 25:00.380 Boredom and loathing. 25:00.640 --> 25:01.481 How long did that go on? 25:01.501 --> 25:15.973 And then at the very end, Peter Pan, we were waiting for flying all the way through and at the very end, Peter Pan sort of quite visibly strapped on a couple of wires and went about two metres off the ground, swung to the left a bit and then swung back into the scenery and then went down again. 25:15.993 --> 25:17.033 Oh my lord. 25:17.074 --> 25:17.574 It was awful. 25:17.714 --> 25:19.035 Were there risque jokes? 25:19.575 --> 25:19.755 No. 25:20.016 --> 25:27.120 But you know what, when I get bored in the theatre, I don't know whether you find this or the listeners find this, you end up sort of looking at the bodies of the performers. 25:27.781 --> 25:28.501 Do you ever find that? 25:28.541 --> 25:32.884 Your mind goes off the story and you just end up looking at the... Like pieces of meat. 25:33.044 --> 25:33.265 Yeah. 25:35.305 --> 25:36.226 for your pleasure. 25:50.310 --> 25:52.570 There'll be quite a lot of detail available for you. 25:52.590 --> 25:56.071 The theatre for you is like a kind of sex show, isn't it? 25:56.431 --> 25:56.871 And for you. 25:56.891 --> 25:57.951 It's like Amsterdam. 25:58.171 --> 25:59.812 It's like going to Amsterdam. 26:00.312 --> 26:01.792 For you, for me, for everybody. 26:01.832 --> 26:02.272 Let's face it. 26:02.292 --> 26:05.233 It fills the performance in a little box. 26:05.453 --> 26:06.973 Uh, let's have some more music, listeners. 26:07.513 --> 26:12.234 Um, this is Lauren Hill with Doo Wop, uh, open brackets, that thin, closed brackets. 26:12.454 --> 26:18.015 No, actually, as it's written down, it's Doo Wop T, open brackets, hat thing, closed brackets. 26:18.355 --> 26:19.495 I think that might be a typo. 26:20.115 --> 26:29.020 That's the yeah, yeah, yes With gold lion and before that you heard Lauren Hill with do what do that thing? 26:29.560 --> 26:33.222 That thing that thing that's two ladies in a row. 26:33.783 --> 26:42.007 Yeah sandwich my favorite Just before you carry on with what you would think I just wanted to get something of mine face Katie tunstall. 26:42.187 --> 26:44.348 Hmm, you know Katie tunstall, right? 26:44.729 --> 26:47.050 Is she very very small? 26:47.492 --> 26:49.293 Or is it the guitar that's giant? 26:50.673 --> 26:52.514 Because she knows she has a giant guitar. 26:52.914 --> 26:53.134 Is it? 26:53.174 --> 26:54.715 I'm just wondering, seriously. 26:54.755 --> 26:56.696 Is she known to have an oversized guitar? 26:56.756 --> 26:58.197 That's what I can't quite tell. 26:58.237 --> 26:59.457 I can't tell if she's weenie. 26:59.477 --> 27:03.539 Well, I think, you know, Occam's Razor and everything, you were talking about the other week. 27:03.939 --> 27:06.280 The most logical explanation would be that she's small. 27:06.560 --> 27:10.002 Where would it get you in the business to just have a really large guitar? 27:10.022 --> 27:13.063 Well, in the crazy world of pop, it might be some kind of gimmick, yeah. 27:13.363 --> 27:14.043 Yeah, do you think? 27:14.323 --> 27:15.824 Wouldn't she push that a bit more? 27:15.984 --> 27:22.588 I don't know, I saw her on later with Jules Holland the other day, and, uh, she was dwarfed by this ludicrously enormous guitar. 27:22.608 --> 27:22.969 I'd say small. 27:23.009 --> 27:23.569 You would say tiny. 27:23.589 --> 27:25.330 Yeah, famous people are usually very small. 27:25.530 --> 27:26.351 Right, right, right. 27:26.431 --> 27:26.771 Tiny. 27:26.871 --> 27:27.572 That's true, isn't it? 27:27.592 --> 27:29.613 Makes it cheaper to build sets around them. 27:29.913 --> 27:31.654 They, you know, eat less food. 27:32.255 --> 27:37.498 If they get, um, shirty or bulgy in any way, they can be, you know, put down physically easier. 27:37.538 --> 27:39.620 Yeah, you can transport more of them more cheaply. 27:39.640 --> 27:40.440 They go in the hold. 27:40.540 --> 27:40.761 Yeah. 27:40.981 --> 27:43.502 In kind of, um, velvet-lined cases. 27:43.642 --> 27:44.643 Bulk, famous people. 27:44.663 --> 27:45.704 Yeah, exactly. 27:46.845 --> 27:48.526 So there you go, there's the answer to your question. 27:48.566 --> 27:48.926 Thank you. 27:49.046 --> 27:55.771 Now, listeners, as we've mentioned several times, this is a pre-recorded show, but that shouldn't stop us from making it feel as if it's a real show. 27:55.832 --> 27:56.772 How are you gonna do that? 27:56.972 --> 27:59.334 By having a kind of imaginary text-o-nation. 27:59.855 --> 28:00.235 Right. 28:00.295 --> 28:01.236 So let's play the jingle. 28:04.238 --> 28:07.020 Text-o-nation, text, text, text, text-o-nation. 28:07.080 --> 28:08.041 What if I don't want to? 28:08.301 --> 28:09.002 Text-o-nation. 28:09.102 --> 28:10.102 But I'm using email. 28:10.283 --> 28:11.003 Is that a problem? 28:11.043 --> 28:11.864 It doesn't matter, text! 28:14.486 --> 28:22.572 but don't text listeners because we're not actually here, but you can imagine you're texting or you can just chat about this Text the Nation subject between yourselves. 28:23.550 --> 28:26.311 Yeah, so this is a sort of virtual text donation. 28:26.531 --> 28:27.252 It's simulated. 28:27.272 --> 28:28.292 It's a placebo. 28:28.853 --> 28:31.794 Is it, in fact, a test text donation? 28:31.834 --> 28:33.395 Yeah, it's a synthy test. 28:33.455 --> 28:34.535 It's like a dry run. 28:34.575 --> 28:34.835 Yeah. 28:35.756 --> 28:36.856 A dress rehearsal for 2008. 28:37.096 --> 28:39.217 Yeah, so please don't text. 28:39.257 --> 28:40.378 There's no one here to read them. 28:41.038 --> 28:45.280 But you can mind texting, you know, if you need some sort of business to keep you occupied. 28:45.820 --> 28:51.003 But were we to be live, we'd be asking you, or I'd be asking you, to text in on the following. 28:51.383 --> 28:53.204 I watched the Newborn film. 28:53.544 --> 29:10.975 again yeah yeah yeah ultimatum supremacy which one ultimatum isn't it i think so the final one yeah yeah uh and it was quite exciting one of those films wasn't quite as good the the second time oh that's disappointing i'm just about to get into my second watch with the ultimatum you sort of see the tricks a bit more the second time 29:11.175 --> 29:13.096 You know, the shaky cam, the relentless drum beats. 29:13.396 --> 29:17.478 Surely the long chase sequence with the book punching was still good, wasn't it? 29:17.498 --> 29:17.938 Yeah, brilliant. 29:18.459 --> 29:20.820 Yeah, the set pieces are all fantastic. 29:21.160 --> 29:23.601 But I was quite taken by the man. 29:23.701 --> 29:28.263 I don't know what the actor's name is, but he's the baddie man and he's in the control room the whole time. 29:28.463 --> 29:29.024 Do you remember him? 29:29.064 --> 29:30.904 He's a bit like a sort of teacher. 29:31.345 --> 29:33.706 He keeps saying stuff like, I want information, people. 29:34.426 --> 29:36.088 Yes, you know in the little glasses. 29:36.128 --> 29:37.069 He's strutting up and down. 29:37.089 --> 29:41.233 There's him and there's the blonde lady and there's Brian Cox Yeah, there's not the blonde lady. 29:41.273 --> 29:42.053 It's not Brian Cox. 29:42.113 --> 29:42.694 It's him guy. 29:42.894 --> 29:44.215 Although you do fancy Brian Cox. 29:44.756 --> 29:47.899 I do a little bit What makes you say that's being silly? 29:47.959 --> 29:48.259 Sorry? 29:48.619 --> 29:51.442 Yeah, I was challenged there Mike. 29:51.642 --> 29:53.384 Yeah What he knows I thought he knows 29:57.788 --> 30:06.294 So I was taken by the dialogue, this man, it says, and the way he says it, he says stuff like in, yeah, stuff like, we went in for a sneak and peek. 30:06.775 --> 30:07.535 A sneak and peek? 30:07.575 --> 30:08.977 Yeah, what do you think that means, sneak and peek? 30:10.017 --> 30:11.078 That's like a recce, isn't it? 30:11.458 --> 30:14.080 Exactly, they broke into his flat and they searched around. 30:14.141 --> 30:15.522 Yeah, we went in for a quick sneak and peek. 30:15.862 --> 30:17.103 He says, get me a tic-tac-toe. 30:17.983 --> 30:18.444 Ooh. 30:18.644 --> 30:23.368 Yeah, what would you do if suddenly you were in that control room at a computer and he said to you, get me a tic-tac-toe? 30:24.127 --> 30:26.829 What would you say? 30:26.909 --> 30:28.830 I'd say I've got orange. 30:29.030 --> 30:31.192 Orange and lime, is that good? 30:31.432 --> 30:32.212 Or would you like mints? 30:32.252 --> 30:34.914 Tic-tac-toe, it's like a tic-tac disease of the toes. 30:35.174 --> 30:35.995 Of the toes, yeah. 30:36.015 --> 30:37.176 Yeah, too many tic-tacs. 30:37.416 --> 30:37.656 Yeah. 30:38.136 --> 30:38.837 I've got tic-tac-toe. 30:38.897 --> 30:40.098 I've got tic-tac-toes. 30:40.138 --> 30:42.559 One of my toes is like green, the other one's orange. 30:42.940 --> 30:44.741 And the other one's white and minty. 30:44.921 --> 30:47.723 That actually means in elevations, like plans, elevations of a building. 30:47.863 --> 30:48.123 Okay. 30:48.143 --> 30:48.944 You can see it now, can't you? 30:48.984 --> 30:49.344 A grid. 30:49.404 --> 30:49.584 Yes. 30:49.624 --> 30:51.285 Yeah, give me a tic-tac-toe. 30:52.066 --> 30:53.647 He says, activate the asset. 30:54.229 --> 30:54.889 That's an easy one. 30:54.969 --> 30:55.990 You know what the asset is? 30:56.070 --> 30:56.950 Oh, here's the assassin. 30:57.050 --> 30:57.911 Yeah, the spy, exactly. 30:57.931 --> 30:59.231 But that's something born invented, isn't it? 30:59.251 --> 31:00.272 The use of the word asset. 31:00.592 --> 31:03.713 Well, I mean, part of the thrill of those movies is the weird words they use. 31:03.773 --> 31:06.795 I guess that a lot of these terms are taken from their real security forces. 31:06.815 --> 31:07.515 Possibly all made up. 31:07.715 --> 31:08.115 Possibly. 31:08.496 --> 31:09.536 They say release the funds. 31:10.036 --> 31:10.737 Release the fun? 31:10.757 --> 31:12.317 No, release the funds. 31:12.457 --> 31:12.758 It's Pat Sharp. 31:12.778 --> 31:13.978 That's a fun house phrase. 31:14.278 --> 31:15.099 Release the funds. 31:15.519 --> 31:16.679 Someone said release the funds to you. 31:16.719 --> 31:17.500 What would you think? 31:18.620 --> 31:19.861 Uh, release the funds. 31:20.061 --> 31:22.923 I would get onto the bank. 31:23.103 --> 31:27.806 It's all terminology designed that if the phone's being tapped, they won't know what you actually mean, right? 31:28.166 --> 31:31.428 It's like if you're on a plane or in a shop, they've always got a code for the fire alarm. 31:31.689 --> 31:34.270 Is it like your security code on the back of your credit card? 31:34.670 --> 31:37.172 I think that one was just to release some funds. 31:37.712 --> 31:38.813 But I wrote it down anyway. 31:39.734 --> 31:40.174 And one more. 31:41.335 --> 31:43.596 He goes, at one stage, do a subrosa collection of the buddies. 31:43.916 --> 31:44.677 Subrosa? 31:44.757 --> 31:45.417 What does that mean? 31:45.437 --> 31:46.418 That's just Latin, isn't it? 31:46.818 --> 31:51.822 Well, Sub Rosa does mean something, um, but I forget what, because it's between Christmas and New Year. 31:51.982 --> 32:03.172 But my question would be, were we having text in the nation, can you think of other phrases that could be applied in that way that sound as if they are very meaningful in a sort of spy and a complicated way, do you know what I mean? 32:03.192 --> 32:05.193 In science fiction films, they have lots of stuff like that. 32:05.213 --> 32:09.577 There's always a character that says things where locked and cocked, five by five, all green on my screen. 32:09.597 --> 32:11.659 So what phrases are best under those circumstances? 32:11.739 --> 32:12.900 I thought I'd maybe finished a mouthful. 32:13.380 --> 32:39.920 finish the mouthful yeah yeah or what about uh put the clothes in the tumble dryer get me clothes in that tumble dryer yeah that could mean something what would that mean clothes in the tumble dryer that means that means conceal the body right what about uh what would the mouthful one mean finish the mouthful that would mean uh kill kill him polish him off finish the mouthful yeah yeah yeah yeah so get thinking how about record uh don't say it now don't say it now save it up okay save it up oh my god 32:40.220 --> 32:40.901 Here's some music. 32:41.261 --> 32:42.863 This is Elvis Costello with Oliver's Army. 32:42.983 --> 32:44.485 That's Elvis Costello with Oliver's Army. 32:44.845 --> 32:48.129 A song whose existence I was first made aware of by the film E.T. 32:48.669 --> 32:51.593 by Elliot's older brother singing the lyrics there when he comes into the bedroom. 32:51.613 --> 32:52.153 Do you remember that? 32:52.714 --> 32:54.215 He doesn't sing Oliver's Army. 32:54.236 --> 32:54.776 Are you sure? 32:54.796 --> 32:56.017 He sings Accidents Will Happen. 32:56.898 --> 32:58.981 There's so many people to see. 32:59.361 --> 33:02.343 Some many people you can check upon and add to your collection. 33:02.363 --> 33:02.603 There you go. 33:02.804 --> 33:05.966 Wow, that's weak Elvis Costello information. 33:06.206 --> 33:08.007 I've just heard I've been fired. 33:08.168 --> 33:08.808 Of MacManus. 33:08.928 --> 33:09.749 Why have you been fired from? 33:09.769 --> 33:10.649 From 6 Music for that. 33:11.110 --> 33:11.570 Oh, you have? 33:11.590 --> 33:12.210 For getting that wrong. 33:12.230 --> 33:12.551 That's right. 33:12.811 --> 33:19.856 You know the line that always sticks out in Oliver's Army for me is, Hong Kong is up for grabs, London is full of abs. 33:20.677 --> 33:22.638 I always think, hey, now you've been fired. 33:22.738 --> 33:24.079 How does he know about abs from 5? 33:25.820 --> 33:26.481 You've been fired. 33:26.841 --> 33:43.747 for that yeah for that saying abs it's simulated text the nation time again listeners before that record we were asking you whether you had any ideas for general things you say around the house that could also be applied to a high tension scene in the born supremacy or identity or ultimatum 33:44.307 --> 33:57.960 You've got to imagine a sweaty, evil government-type undercover man, pacing around in a room full of assistants and laptops and screens with confusing maps on them, shouting commands at them, and he says stuff like, Get me a tic-tac-toe. 33:58.000 --> 33:59.201 We went in for a sneakin' peek. 34:00.262 --> 34:01.003 And stuff like that. 34:01.283 --> 34:02.144 Activate the asset. 34:02.885 --> 34:03.646 Release the funds. 34:04.006 --> 34:05.327 Put the clothes in the tumble dryer. 34:06.048 --> 34:08.590 Get me eyes on Landy, he said at one stage. 34:08.650 --> 34:09.291 That's a real one. 34:09.431 --> 34:10.271 Get me eyes on Landy. 34:10.291 --> 34:11.172 Get me eyes on Landy. 34:11.212 --> 34:15.574 That just means, can you, can you get a video picture of Landy on the screen please? 34:15.614 --> 34:17.014 See, it took a lot longer for you to say that. 34:17.054 --> 34:19.135 Absolutely, and it made me sound pathetic. 34:19.175 --> 34:19.475 Yeah. 34:19.615 --> 34:21.336 It undermined my authority, where I discussed it. 34:21.356 --> 34:22.196 Get me eyes on Landy. 34:22.296 --> 34:22.917 Yeah, ooh. 34:23.237 --> 34:24.837 What if I said, Code Tenabort? 34:25.237 --> 34:26.058 Code Tenabort! 34:27.324 --> 34:28.365 Would you say, what's that? 34:28.385 --> 34:30.367 Stop the code 10. 34:30.547 --> 34:32.128 Yeah, we know what abort means. 34:32.589 --> 34:34.630 In case it's quicker just say, stop, stop it. 34:35.271 --> 34:35.751 Stop that. 34:35.911 --> 34:36.412 Stop it. 34:36.572 --> 34:38.574 You'd have to go to the book and look at number 10. 34:38.634 --> 34:39.334 Everyone stop it. 34:39.414 --> 34:39.795 Stop it. 34:39.955 --> 34:41.036 One code two. 34:41.176 --> 34:41.556 Everyone. 34:42.056 --> 34:42.537 Stop it. 34:42.557 --> 34:43.378 Just stop everything. 34:43.418 --> 34:43.758 Stop it. 34:43.838 --> 34:44.298 To be sure. 34:44.859 --> 34:47.701 At one stage in the born ultimatum, is that what it's called? 34:47.881 --> 34:48.122 Yeah. 34:48.202 --> 34:50.704 Somebody says, somebody give me a visual. 34:51.914 --> 34:54.775 Yeah, I'd like to shout that more often, generally. 34:55.395 --> 34:55.716 You know? 34:56.276 --> 34:57.696 When would you say it in your everyday life? 34:57.716 --> 34:59.057 Just at any point ordering a sandwich. 34:59.737 --> 35:00.658 What sandwiches have you got? 35:00.838 --> 35:02.018 Well, we've got... Get me a visual. 35:02.178 --> 35:03.379 Get me a visual, you know? 35:04.099 --> 35:06.000 I just need it visually represented to me. 35:06.020 --> 35:07.441 I don't have time to listen to words. 35:07.561 --> 35:12.443 Right, so if someone's talking about, like, a famous person or something, you just say, shut up, get me a visual. 35:12.503 --> 35:13.423 Get me a visual, yeah. 35:13.703 --> 35:15.444 Not even the shut up, that's a waste of words. 35:15.604 --> 35:16.704 What would you say for shut up? 35:17.105 --> 35:19.546 Uh, just, uh, cold sex, closure. 35:21.107 --> 35:22.749 Code 6 refers to the jaw area. 35:22.769 --> 35:25.031 Yeah. 35:25.552 --> 35:26.974 Lock down the mouth. 35:27.034 --> 35:27.174 Yeah. 35:29.417 --> 35:30.238 Lock down the fangs. 35:30.558 --> 35:31.719 Lock down the mouth, give me a visual. 35:31.739 --> 35:32.239 Join the fangs. 35:32.439 --> 35:33.600 Join the fangs, fans. 35:33.840 --> 35:34.480 I can't talk. 35:34.621 --> 35:34.881 Go on. 35:34.901 --> 35:38.723 So you were, Adam, thinking of... I've got some phrases that could be used in the same way. 35:38.944 --> 35:40.465 Who put the forks in the knife drawer? 35:40.705 --> 35:41.245 That's good. 35:41.986 --> 35:43.166 The forks are in the knife drawer. 35:43.186 --> 35:45.148 You know, that means the mission's gone wrong. 35:45.388 --> 35:46.769 Who put the forks in the knife drawer? 35:46.789 --> 35:47.289 That's true. 35:47.950 --> 35:49.030 They've gone off the pattern. 35:49.231 --> 35:50.151 Right, right. 35:50.171 --> 35:50.952 They've mixed the cutlery. 35:50.972 --> 35:52.873 This is not the plan. 35:53.373 --> 35:54.974 You've deviated from set plan. 35:55.155 --> 35:55.535 That's good. 35:55.575 --> 35:57.036 Who put the forks in the knife drawer? 35:57.216 --> 35:57.936 That's good, I like it. 35:57.956 --> 35:59.077 More. 35:59.397 --> 36:00.538 Get me some toilet paper! 36:01.198 --> 36:08.002 That's good, that's the sort of thing in real life you might hear in a slightly panicked voice from behind a closed bathroom door. 36:08.042 --> 36:11.063 That means the operation has gone totally wrong. 36:11.443 --> 36:11.864 Yeah. 36:11.964 --> 36:12.884 Totally, it's a total mess. 36:12.904 --> 36:14.245 What are you actually asking for? 36:14.285 --> 36:15.446 Get me some toilet paper! 36:15.566 --> 36:17.347 Are you actually asking for something? 36:18.187 --> 36:18.807 Toilet paper. 36:19.227 --> 36:21.409 Toilet paper, I'm confused. 36:21.769 --> 36:22.369 Here's another one. 36:22.649 --> 36:23.830 Can somebody feed the cat? 36:25.298 --> 36:26.661 I like that one in particular. 36:27.362 --> 36:28.764 Yeah, that's my favorite of the three. 36:33.612 --> 36:34.333 What does that mean? 36:34.353 --> 36:35.214 It goes both ways. 36:35.475 --> 36:36.476 Because there's a cat. 36:38.192 --> 36:39.773 In the operations room? 36:39.934 --> 36:44.678 I'd say that one should be said more like, okay, gentlemen, let's feed the cat. 36:44.718 --> 36:45.278 You know what I mean? 36:45.318 --> 36:46.299 Yeah, let's feed the cat. 36:46.339 --> 36:47.320 Who's gonna feed the cat? 36:47.400 --> 36:49.281 Yeah, I don't know what it means. 36:49.381 --> 36:52.024 But you could use it in some sort of a tense military situation. 36:52.464 --> 36:53.525 No one would question it. 36:53.605 --> 36:56.808 Because at the very least it gives somebody an excuse to leave the room. 36:56.828 --> 37:00.591 The one I used to like, I was really impressed by when I was a kid, was Swallow that puppy. 37:01.308 --> 37:01.888 What's that? 37:02.028 --> 37:02.669 I don't know. 37:02.889 --> 37:04.270 They say it in Top Gun, I think. 37:04.650 --> 37:05.471 Swallow that puppy. 37:05.551 --> 37:06.851 In some 80s film they say swallow that puppy. 37:06.871 --> 37:07.452 They never say. 37:07.472 --> 37:08.292 They do, I promise. 37:09.133 --> 37:10.974 I thought that was the most meaningful thing. 37:11.034 --> 37:12.975 Oh wow, can't wait to use that. 37:13.876 --> 37:14.997 Never knew what it meant. 37:15.057 --> 37:18.479 I've heard women referring to their assets as puppies before. 37:18.499 --> 37:19.679 Maybe it was very dirty. 37:19.760 --> 37:20.100 Maybe. 37:20.800 --> 37:22.161 music time listeners. 37:22.221 --> 37:27.923 I chose this one for you listeners and I wonder if lots of other DJs are forced to play this one. 37:28.064 --> 37:30.245 I bet they happen because I'm so clever and they're so stupid. 37:30.465 --> 37:32.165 But it's The Breeders with New Year. 37:32.426 --> 37:35.707 That was Source featuring Candy Staten with You Got the Love. 37:36.107 --> 37:38.028 Before that you heard a trail. 37:38.248 --> 37:38.769 Wasn't it fun? 37:38.789 --> 37:39.269 That was great. 37:39.309 --> 37:40.029 I love that trail. 37:40.369 --> 37:48.013 And before that you heard my choice for you listeners which was The Breeders with New Year because you see in a couple of days time 37:48.553 --> 37:51.958 It will be the new year, so I was thinking ahead about that month. 37:52.779 --> 37:54.041 That's the reason I chose the first one. 37:54.061 --> 37:54.601 That's clever, that's good. 37:54.662 --> 37:55.863 Yeah, yeah, it's always thinking. 37:56.404 --> 37:57.345 All ties in, you see. 37:57.706 --> 37:58.707 It's like a theme song. 37:59.842 --> 38:00.303 Um, yeah. 38:00.583 --> 38:04.586 So we're Adam, I'm Adam Buxton, and, uh, who are you? 38:04.766 --> 38:05.667 My name's Ja Cornish. 38:05.707 --> 38:06.347 Ja Cornish. 38:06.567 --> 38:06.888 Mmm. 38:07.428 --> 38:08.229 The J-Man. 38:08.309 --> 38:08.589 Yeah. 38:08.629 --> 38:09.249 The J-Monster. 38:09.289 --> 38:09.810 J-Corn. 38:10.170 --> 38:10.891 That's my album. 38:10.971 --> 38:12.292 My hip-hop name is J-Corn. 38:12.732 --> 38:15.794 My album will be, will just have my face in an acorn. 38:16.135 --> 38:16.755 Cornballs. 38:16.855 --> 38:17.456 Cornballs. 38:17.716 --> 38:17.916 Yeah. 38:18.056 --> 38:20.518 We've never been big on nicknames throughout our lives. 38:20.938 --> 38:21.399 It's true. 38:21.419 --> 38:23.660 Uh, you know, I always wanted a nickname. 38:23.700 --> 38:24.481 Like a street name. 38:24.841 --> 38:26.622 Yeah, have you never had a nickname? 38:27.002 --> 38:27.243 Did you? 38:27.323 --> 38:28.343 Uh, I'd call you Mintz. 38:29.004 --> 38:29.424 Mintz? 38:29.684 --> 38:30.024 Yeah. 38:30.185 --> 38:30.485 What? 38:30.765 --> 38:31.165 Don't know. 38:31.245 --> 38:32.786 With a T or like Mintz meets? 38:32.806 --> 38:33.046 Uh, no. 38:33.086 --> 38:34.027 Mintz is wrong for you. 38:34.787 --> 38:36.509 What, you want kind of like a heart like a tag? 38:36.989 --> 38:39.731 Well, something real like that comes from my name, Adam Buxton. 38:39.751 --> 38:40.311 You know what I'm saying? 38:40.351 --> 38:43.933 Like, you never had, like you never called, uh... 38:45.434 --> 38:46.915 Anything, apart from Joe, were you? 38:47.075 --> 38:47.896 Yeah, Joe's good enough. 38:47.956 --> 38:48.836 Joe sounds like a nickname. 38:49.057 --> 38:50.057 Ads, people called me. 38:50.137 --> 38:50.397 ADZ. 38:50.417 --> 38:50.658 Yeah. 38:50.798 --> 38:51.638 Yeah, that's alright. 38:51.658 --> 38:52.599 It's not bad, is it? 38:52.619 --> 38:54.200 I wouldn't mind something a little bit more flash. 38:55.281 --> 38:56.561 Uh, okay, I'll see what I can do. 38:56.621 --> 38:56.922 Thanks. 38:57.142 --> 38:58.823 I'll work on it during this next record. 38:58.843 --> 39:02.585 Uh, maybe, maybe some listeners could, uh, suggest some stuff. 39:02.945 --> 39:07.368 And when we come back next week, if you text during the week, then we can pick up those texts. 39:07.388 --> 39:09.310 I wouldn't mind a few little nickname suggestions. 39:09.370 --> 39:13.212 Don't just immediately suggest loads of offensive ones, okay? 39:13.232 --> 39:14.153 Because we won't read them out. 39:15.093 --> 39:19.115 I'm hoping people will send in ideas for Bourne-style lingo as well. 39:19.235 --> 39:19.596 Absolutely. 39:19.616 --> 39:21.557 That will be fun to read out on another show. 39:22.197 --> 39:23.418 Here's the new Supergrass single. 39:23.438 --> 39:24.858 It's released on the 14th of January. 39:24.938 --> 39:28.100 It's only available on limited edition 7-inch and download, okay? 39:28.600 --> 39:31.702 So don't try getting it on a non-limited edition. 39:32.968 --> 39:33.988 Or what else? 39:34.148 --> 39:34.829 Or a single? 39:35.449 --> 39:36.709 Could they get it on a memory stick? 39:37.269 --> 39:37.749 Don't know. 39:38.129 --> 39:38.369 No. 39:38.469 --> 39:38.950 Don't know. 39:39.030 --> 39:40.870 Because that's my favourite way of listening to music. 39:41.010 --> 39:42.430 It's their 27th single. 39:42.490 --> 39:43.531 Buying a memory stick. 39:43.811 --> 39:44.971 I love Supergrass. 39:45.171 --> 39:46.971 This is called Diamond Who Ha Man. 39:47.031 --> 39:50.432 That's the mighty Supergrass with Diamond Who Ha Man. 39:50.492 --> 39:52.853 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 39:53.273 --> 39:57.214 Just a reminder, listeners, that this show is pre-recorded. 39:57.694 --> 40:00.597 Yeah, I'm just thinking we don't have to keep reminding them. 40:00.697 --> 40:03.980 I feel like we do because it's the climate of fear at the BBC. 40:04.000 --> 40:04.120 Really? 40:04.140 --> 40:07.323 You think we should really make it totally clear in case people are just tuning in? 40:07.423 --> 40:09.986 Yeah, because you can get done for anything these days. 40:10.046 --> 40:10.326 Really? 40:10.446 --> 40:13.949 Oh yeah, there could be off-com investigation like that. 40:14.009 --> 40:15.110 This show is not live. 40:15.331 --> 40:16.292 You know, it should be... 40:16.732 --> 40:17.572 Say that every now and then. 40:17.612 --> 40:17.953 Exactly. 40:17.973 --> 40:19.013 This show is not live. 40:19.053 --> 40:20.374 Right the way through like a little bug. 40:20.394 --> 40:25.656 You know sometimes if you watch a preview copy of a film, it says property of Warner Brothers. 40:25.716 --> 40:26.416 It's stamped across there. 40:26.436 --> 40:28.657 Do not attempt to text or email this show live. 40:28.677 --> 40:29.958 This show is not live. 40:30.078 --> 40:33.759 You see, I thought that maybe reminding them once in a while would be slightly less annoying than that. 40:33.880 --> 40:34.420 Not live. 40:35.800 --> 40:36.741 But maybe you're right. 40:36.921 --> 40:38.021 This show is not live. 40:38.041 --> 40:39.002 Maybe that's the way to go, yeah. 40:40.313 --> 40:43.875 It's difficult, though, to maintain any kind of dialogue when you're just saying that. 40:44.196 --> 40:45.656 I can talk at the same time. 40:45.676 --> 40:46.017 Can you? 40:46.077 --> 40:46.577 Not live. 40:46.617 --> 40:47.718 This show is not live. 40:47.758 --> 40:49.359 Can you tell them about the news in between them? 40:49.379 --> 40:50.419 Yeah, here comes the news. 40:50.900 --> 40:51.280 Live. 40:51.380 --> 40:52.321 The news is live. 40:53.081 --> 40:53.702 Uh, yeah. 40:54.142 --> 40:55.523 Read by the news readers. 40:55.543 --> 40:56.523 La la la la la. 40:56.723 --> 40:57.624 La la la la. 40:58.004 --> 40:59.505 Echo and the bunny men there with silver. 40:59.865 --> 41:02.627 And before that, you heard, uh, foals with balloons. 41:02.707 --> 41:03.268 Is that correct? 41:04.028 --> 41:08.873 There we go, this is Adam and Joe, a very happy mid seasonal celebration Saturday morning. 41:08.933 --> 41:15.721 To all of our listeners, we hope you had a wonderful Christmas day and we'll have a marvellous New Year's business. 41:16.322 --> 41:23.609 I got a Christmas card from someone, well I assume it was a Christmas card, it just had the number 8 on it, it was like a homemade card. 41:24.170 --> 41:28.734 But it was studiously the whole point of the card was to avoid the issue of Christmas. 41:28.754 --> 41:32.237 So it didn't mention Christmas or any kind of... Why did it say eight on it? 41:32.577 --> 41:33.979 Because it was like a limited edition. 41:34.019 --> 41:34.900 It was presumably the number. 41:34.920 --> 41:36.201 It was from an artist friend of mine. 41:36.241 --> 41:36.461 Right. 41:36.501 --> 41:37.081 Are you sure? 41:37.202 --> 41:38.102 Not a serial killer. 41:38.703 --> 41:40.745 No, number eight on some sort of list. 41:40.845 --> 41:41.786 I'm pretty sure. 41:41.806 --> 41:42.346 Are you sure? 41:42.366 --> 41:42.927 Yeah. 41:43.967 --> 41:54.836 How tell us more about my son and I'll tell you about the card I'll tell you more about how you will be killed it just said inside happy midwinter mmm and That doesn't buried in the snow. 41:54.976 --> 42:01.240 Yeah, keep talking and then it said you will die pig at the bottom Really? 42:01.300 --> 42:04.723 So probably you'll be killed and then you'll be fed to pick. 42:04.763 --> 42:04.923 Yeah. 42:04.983 --> 42:09.006 No, they didn't it didn't say you will die pig No, it's a happy midwinter and it was it just 42:10.447 --> 42:11.947 It sort of made it an issue for me. 42:11.967 --> 42:20.510 I was like, oh man, am I really... I suddenly thought about all the times that I'd mentioned Christmas to this person and I was thinking, do I really offend them every time I mention, like, anything religious? 42:20.550 --> 42:24.711 Are they so anti-religious that they just don't want any mention of the word Christmas? 42:24.731 --> 42:25.331 Do you know what I mean? 42:25.991 --> 42:30.373 Like, I don't feel as if I'm particularly religious but I'm not offended when people talk about Christmas. 42:30.653 --> 42:30.813 No. 42:31.753 --> 42:33.194 Uh, the world's gone PC mad. 42:33.214 --> 42:33.894 It's gone PC mad. 42:34.055 --> 42:34.295 Yeah. 42:34.555 --> 42:37.217 Listen, um, here's a track from Queen and David Bowie. 42:37.237 --> 42:38.477 You all probably know which one it is. 42:39.098 --> 42:42.980 Uh, the last time I sung this at Karaoke, I sung it so well. 42:43.681 --> 42:47.723 Uh, everybody stopped and just stared and looked quite angry and bored. 42:48.043 --> 42:50.505 Did you sing the Freddie Mercury parts or the Bowie parts? 42:50.565 --> 42:50.945 Probably. 42:50.965 --> 42:51.305 The whole thing. 42:51.325 --> 42:52.306 Oh, I think the Bowie parts. 42:52.446 --> 42:52.686 Right. 42:53.106 --> 42:55.368 But you know karaoke's not for good singing. 42:55.728 --> 42:55.908 No. 42:56.208 --> 42:59.330 You know, people who sing well when you do karaoke, they're idiots. 42:59.450 --> 42:59.991 It's a bit of a drag. 43:00.011 --> 43:00.551 Do you know what I mean? 43:00.591 --> 43:02.752 You're supposed to sing badly or funnily. 43:02.792 --> 43:04.854 Were you in the UK when you sang the song? 43:04.914 --> 43:05.474 I was, yeah. 43:05.514 --> 43:05.674 Right. 43:05.934 --> 43:06.174 Yeah. 43:06.695 --> 43:08.536 But that's just a little anecdote. 43:08.896 --> 43:09.977 Really, really small one. 43:10.217 --> 43:11.658 Can you do a little bit for us now? 43:11.678 --> 43:13.219 What's your favourite part of Under Pressure to do? 43:14.039 --> 43:15.800 I can't do it now, I've got a sore throat! 43:16.160 --> 43:18.221 David Bowie and Queen with Under Pressure. 43:18.241 --> 43:19.441 Do you remember the video for that? 43:20.041 --> 43:20.902 Uh, you know what? 43:20.922 --> 43:22.082 I don't think I do, really. 43:22.122 --> 43:22.602 What was it? 43:22.662 --> 43:24.263 I think it was a performance thing. 43:24.403 --> 43:29.425 I might be wrong, but I've got an image in my head of people sat around a studio. 43:29.445 --> 43:35.567 Maybe I'm just imagining the top of the pop's performance and Legs & Co were just sitting down while they played it or something, I don't remember. 43:35.647 --> 43:37.568 It was from, was it from the album Hot Space? 43:38.308 --> 43:39.649 Hot Space, yes it was. 43:39.689 --> 43:40.409 Is that a Queen album? 43:40.569 --> 43:42.751 Yeah, yeah, yeah, it had, uh, was it on there? 43:42.991 --> 43:45.633 Or maybe it was a sort of stopgap single, I can't remember. 43:46.213 --> 43:51.837 Hot Space wasn't bad, it had, uh, Give Me Your Buddy, Buddy Language. 43:52.157 --> 43:55.940 Doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop-doop. 43:56.560 --> 43:57.881 That's my impression of the song. 43:57.921 --> 43:59.242 That sounds like a great song. 43:59.482 --> 43:59.843 It's not bad. 43:59.863 --> 44:02.084 This is Adam and Joel on BBC Six Music. 44:02.124 --> 44:03.105 Happy Saturday morning. 44:03.365 --> 44:05.046 Hope everyone's had a lovely Christmas and all that. 44:05.787 --> 44:07.809 It's time for a little bit more music now. 44:08.109 --> 44:09.650 Here's Hot Chip with Ready for the Floor. 44:09.850 --> 44:11.131 Ooh, it's a little abrupt there, isn't it? 44:11.231 --> 44:13.032 What an extraordinary series of noises. 44:13.052 --> 44:13.733 Bit rude. 44:14.313 --> 44:17.536 A lot of those noises were created just with rubber bands with stationery. 44:18.116 --> 44:20.398 Most of that song is actually played on stationery. 44:20.678 --> 44:21.358 Is that true, Pat? 44:21.579 --> 44:21.679 No. 44:22.239 --> 44:22.559 Mmm. 44:22.579 --> 44:23.320 Be good though, wouldn't it? 44:23.340 --> 44:26.162 There's gotta be a lot of songs that have that kind of percussion in it. 44:26.182 --> 44:26.442 Really? 44:26.502 --> 44:26.882 Yeah. 44:27.022 --> 44:28.984 Like Lo-Fi, Home Developed Percussion. 44:29.004 --> 44:29.564 Well, The Beatles. 44:29.644 --> 44:31.545 No, was it The Beatles or The Beach Boys? 44:31.585 --> 44:37.229 No, The Beach Boys used the sound of people eating vegetables as the percussion for one of their tracks, called Vegetables. 44:37.409 --> 44:42.014 Has anyone ever used the sound where you get a flexi ruler and put half of it off the desk? 44:42.154 --> 44:42.474 Right. 44:42.634 --> 44:46.838 Flip it, let it vibrate, then rotate it so that it's dampened. 44:46.998 --> 44:47.639 You would think so. 44:48.600 --> 44:52.544 That was hot chip, incidentally, folks, in case you were wondering, with ready for the floor. 44:53.004 --> 44:55.166 And this is Adam and Jo here on 6 Music. 44:55.607 --> 44:57.348 It's very hot in the studio today. 44:57.549 --> 44:58.409 It's very hot, yeah. 44:58.449 --> 44:59.651 The air conditioning's broken. 44:59.811 --> 45:00.652 It's getting sexy. 45:01.452 --> 45:02.693 Uh, we're down to our undies. 45:02.713 --> 45:06.076 It's a little bit soporific though, when you get heat like this, especially when it's cold outside. 45:06.096 --> 45:06.836 I'm not soporific. 45:07.137 --> 45:11.560 And in this country, they can't handle, they can't get the balance right, you know what I mean? 45:11.620 --> 45:19.866 England is not equipped for any radical change of temperature, so as soon as it gets very parky, everybody just blasts the heat right up, you know? 45:20.267 --> 45:21.768 Like I got on the train the other day, 45:22.548 --> 45:50.068 and it was so hot inside the carriage and you'd come out and you're all wrapped up and freezing cold outside you get in the carriage and it's like tropical heat so you have to strip right down and then a train gets there you have to get you have to pull your clothes back on they should do you know like in sexy films when somebody comes into a room appears to be dressed in lots of clothing but it's all got one zip on it right and they take it off and then either naked or in their smalls yeah they should sell clothes like that in Britain what film is that meaning? 45:52.289 --> 45:53.931 Well, I got a whole liddie team. 45:53.991 --> 45:54.631 Can I borrow? 45:55.472 --> 45:56.393 Uh, wouldn't that be great? 45:56.433 --> 46:06.481 And then so everyone goes on the Tube, or on their public transport system, if they don't live in a city with a Tube, and they unzip their things, and then it's just like sexy stuff. 46:06.501 --> 46:06.962 Sexy time. 46:07.282 --> 46:09.803 Yeah, and only only sexy people would be allowed on. 46:10.223 --> 46:12.064 Oh, well, that's no good for me then. 46:12.184 --> 46:13.044 It's good for me. 46:13.144 --> 46:16.406 I dare say you as well, I was gonna say. 46:16.426 --> 46:19.407 This is Adam and Joe on BBC Six Music. 46:20.587 --> 46:21.828 Is it time for even more music? 46:22.788 --> 46:23.748 Well, alright, yeah. 46:23.868 --> 46:27.630 Here's some... Seems a little... You know, it's a new year for Amy Winehouse coming up. 46:28.270 --> 46:29.450 She's been in the papers a lot. 46:30.351 --> 46:37.933 The other week in The Guardian, there was an article about how she tries to avoid the paparazzi, and it had a little vignette where Amy's walking along the street. 46:37.953 --> 46:41.374 She leaves her house, the paparazzi try to pap her, and two old ladies go, Leave her alone! 46:41.715 --> 46:42.255 Leave her alone! 46:42.295 --> 46:42.735 Have a day! 46:42.795 --> 46:43.195 Leave her alone! 46:43.215 --> 46:44.856 She's just trying to leave her life! 46:45.936 --> 46:50.704 And it describes how the two old ladies help Amy Winehouse into the newsagent out of the way of the paps. 46:50.925 --> 46:51.966 Then they go, you alright, dear? 46:52.247 --> 46:52.708 You alright? 46:52.728 --> 46:53.749 And she goes, yeah, I'm fine. 46:54.170 --> 46:55.572 Alright, can we have a picture? 46:56.209 --> 46:58.650 And they ask her for her picked photo on their mobile phone. 46:58.710 --> 46:59.390 Did she oblige? 46:59.551 --> 46:59.751 Yes. 47:00.231 --> 47:01.711 Well, that's alright, that's a happy story, isn't it? 47:01.872 --> 47:04.093 What a terrible, uh, hassled life, though. 47:04.613 --> 47:04.833 Yes. 47:04.853 --> 47:05.873 She must be leading at the moment. 47:05.913 --> 47:06.293 No respite. 47:06.354 --> 47:07.394 It can't be fun to be her. 47:07.814 --> 47:09.095 Even by the old ladies. 47:09.215 --> 47:10.475 You know, is she courting it? 47:10.495 --> 47:11.036 Yeah. 47:11.096 --> 47:12.036 Has she asked for it? 47:12.436 --> 47:13.337 Does she deserve it? 47:13.717 --> 47:15.718 Or is it a terrible albatross round her neck? 47:16.278 --> 47:18.759 Text the message board with your thoughts on that. 47:18.799 --> 47:20.840 Here's Amy Winehouse with Stronger Than Me. 47:22.566 --> 47:23.146 Well done. 47:23.266 --> 47:23.967 Well done, Amy. 47:24.227 --> 47:24.687 Thank you. 47:24.767 --> 47:25.487 Thanks very much. 47:25.907 --> 47:26.727 Have something to drink. 47:27.188 --> 47:27.668 No, sorry. 47:27.828 --> 47:28.668 I shouldn't have asked you that. 47:28.748 --> 47:29.468 Just have some water. 47:29.488 --> 47:30.309 How awkward. 47:30.389 --> 47:30.929 How awkward. 47:30.949 --> 47:31.549 How very awkward. 47:31.569 --> 47:32.389 That was Amy Winehouse. 47:32.429 --> 47:35.390 That was a session recorded for Six Music on the 2nd of November 2003. 47:35.470 --> 47:35.991 Wow. 47:36.011 --> 47:38.071 Early days. 47:38.331 --> 47:38.871 Early winehouse. 47:39.032 --> 47:40.212 I can't remember anything about 2003. 47:40.252 --> 47:40.212 2003. 47:40.272 --> 47:40.972 We were just partying. 47:43.473 --> 47:45.174 We were raving all year long, that's why. 47:45.314 --> 47:48.376 We were spending all the cash that we got from that advert. 47:48.476 --> 47:49.197 Yeah, exactly. 47:49.317 --> 47:50.798 We pretty much didn't do anything that year. 47:50.818 --> 47:52.199 Yeah, thanks sir, automatic. 47:53.099 --> 47:55.001 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music. 47:55.061 --> 48:03.406 Now this next track, Listeners, is a punk classic and it's one that's close to my heart because I spent absolutely hours learning this because I can play this on my guitar. 48:03.426 --> 48:04.487 It's a four chord wonder. 48:04.887 --> 48:05.308 Right. 48:05.348 --> 48:07.309 Richard Hell and the Voidoids with Blank Generation. 48:07.369 --> 48:11.912 But it's got very difficult lyrics to learn, you know, because they don't necessarily scam. 48:11.932 --> 48:13.073 They're brilliant lyrics. 48:15.014 --> 48:23.317 And he, I remember seeing him just reciting the lyrics on some punk documentary, and they just got him to sit down and recite them like a poem, you know? 48:23.337 --> 48:26.838 I was saying, let me out of here before it's even born. 48:27.098 --> 48:28.779 It's such a gamble when you get a face. 48:28.979 --> 48:31.440 It's fascinating to observe what the mirror does. 48:31.880 --> 48:34.621 When I die, it's to the wall that I set my face. 48:35.001 --> 48:36.782 I belong to the blank generation. 48:36.902 --> 48:37.802 And on he went like that. 48:37.822 --> 48:40.403 It was sort of good, but the song's a bit better. 48:40.703 --> 48:41.864 Here's Richard Helen the Voidoids. 48:59.011 --> 49:00.852 from seven to ten in the evening. 49:00.872 --> 49:02.233 I thought we weren't going to tell people about that. 49:02.454 --> 49:03.074 I've done it now. 49:03.094 --> 49:03.815 Have you? 49:03.855 --> 49:13.642 We're leading into the queens of noise who are going to present a kind of a barnstorming DJ-type set to take you right up to the big hour, the moment when the world changes. 49:13.742 --> 49:13.962 Yeah. 49:14.442 --> 49:15.863 It's a fresh start for everybody. 49:16.043 --> 49:16.604 Absolutely. 49:16.624 --> 49:20.347 New celebrities, new TV shows, new clothes. 49:21.167 --> 49:25.468 Uh, new words, new haircuts, new fashions, new snack products. 49:25.628 --> 49:27.729 Have you got the fashion news for 2008? 49:27.889 --> 49:28.149 Yeah. 49:28.389 --> 49:28.910 What's happening? 49:29.370 --> 49:30.690 Uh, uh, bomber jackets. 49:31.050 --> 49:31.670 Bomber jackets. 49:31.690 --> 49:32.871 Yeah. 49:32.971 --> 49:34.271 One leg short, one leg long. 49:34.671 --> 49:34.911 Right. 49:35.192 --> 49:36.992 On the, um, trousers. 49:37.012 --> 49:38.012 They're called trousers. 49:38.193 --> 49:38.673 Yeah, yeah. 49:39.553 --> 49:40.553 Uh, roller skates. 49:40.813 --> 49:41.073 Right. 49:41.734 --> 49:42.994 Uh, a back, back, back. 49:43.154 --> 49:44.334 You know what I heard is in? 49:44.515 --> 49:44.935 What's in? 49:44.975 --> 49:45.735 Vled nostrils. 49:46.215 --> 50:05.824 really yeah just flaring them the whole time no little rings really to push the nostrils out keep them flared really yeah and then by September they're gonna be right out and then drain pipe nostrils are gonna be I've heard pleading growing a beard pleasing it growing the pubic hair pleasing it and pleasing them both together so they link in the middle 50:06.004 --> 50:07.846 Thank goodness, because I've been doing that for years. 50:07.926 --> 50:08.806 That's going to be huge. 50:08.826 --> 50:09.687 Well, you're ahead of the trend. 50:09.707 --> 50:11.609 I hope it was going to come back in style. 50:11.649 --> 50:12.690 You're on top of the ball. 50:12.790 --> 50:13.610 That's excellent. 50:14.611 --> 50:16.353 Yes, time for more music now. 50:17.193 --> 50:19.215 Is this Stars With The Night Starts here? 50:20.096 --> 50:22.317 I love Stars With The Night Starts here. 50:22.417 --> 50:23.178 Wow, there you go. 50:23.278 --> 50:24.659 Stars With The Night Starts here. 50:24.699 --> 50:29.763 What an extraordinary sort of record, very pictorial lyrics there. 50:30.524 --> 50:34.026 A man driving a car into the sea, and then turning back. 50:34.306 --> 50:36.208 It's amazing what you can do with words, isn't it? 50:36.368 --> 50:36.708 It is. 50:37.028 --> 50:40.410 Describe scenes and things, but that sounds like an 80s record. 50:40.670 --> 50:41.231 It does, doesn't it? 50:41.251 --> 50:42.691 It sounds like, do you know what it reminds me of? 50:42.711 --> 50:46.914 The kind of song that would pop up on a soundtrack to a very, very bad film. 50:46.934 --> 50:53.298 Yeah, or if you were quite young and were listening to it on your headphones, you could really imagine that life was a film. 50:53.678 --> 51:01.407 And I'm not, I'm not damning the song by saying it would pop up on one of those bad soundtracks, but sometimes you can get quite a good soundtrack to a very bad film. 51:01.707 --> 51:03.529 Like, do you remember the film Cool World? 51:03.969 --> 51:06.792 Sort of half animated, half, uh, real? 51:07.253 --> 51:08.374 Mmm, Ralph Baschke business. 51:08.574 --> 51:09.335 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 51:09.415 --> 51:13.460 And there was a brilliant Brian Eno, a couple of excellent Brian Eno songs, which I believe 51:13.980 --> 51:24.606 Sort of first appeared on the album if you weren't all well I'm very rich and very soulful and sometimes that happens to me and there was some a couple of good like There was an original Bowie track for that one. 51:24.626 --> 51:25.567 Do you remember real cool? 51:25.607 --> 51:28.708 Well, yeah quite enjoying them out for the movies. 51:28.928 --> 51:40.755 He loves popping them out Yes, so Adam just a quick bit of advert related info How what distance do you like your flakes to be visible from? 51:42.233 --> 51:45.514 Well, the flake is a very visible bar because of the yellow wrapper. 51:45.534 --> 51:47.134 No, no, no, you've misunderstood me. 51:47.394 --> 51:48.495 Your dandruff flakes. 51:48.755 --> 51:49.155 Oh, I see. 51:49.175 --> 51:51.195 What distance do you like them visible from? 51:51.215 --> 51:53.936 I'd rather they weren't visible. 51:54.056 --> 51:54.376 Really? 51:54.416 --> 51:54.716 Yeah. 51:54.876 --> 52:04.838 Would you be interested in a product which claims to make your flakes invisible, but that that claim is based on visibility of flakes when seen from a distance of two feet? 52:04.999 --> 52:05.839 Oh, I see. 52:05.899 --> 52:06.759 Would you be interested in that? 52:07.359 --> 52:18.862 Have you seen that advert for the I don't know whether you've seen it listeners for a for an anti dandruff shampoo And it says at the bottom of the screen claim based on visibility of flakes when seen at distance of two feet No way. 52:18.882 --> 52:20.982 Yeah, you'd have to have giant flakes. 52:21.362 --> 52:21.802 Wouldn't you? 52:22.643 --> 52:26.263 Oh, you mean right to so without the am I two feet from you now? 52:26.304 --> 52:32.665 Yes, I am probably more I'd say that was three to four feet a foot is the length of a ruler I a standard ruler 30 centimeters 52:32.705 --> 52:35.507 Well, if you did have severe dandruff, I would be able to see it at two feet. 52:35.888 --> 52:36.328 Do you think? 52:36.408 --> 52:36.648 Yeah. 52:37.049 --> 52:38.990 No, but this, not if I use this stuff. 52:39.090 --> 52:40.231 Well, no, hopefully not. 52:40.391 --> 52:43.594 Yeah, but if you came closer than two feet, the flakes would begin to appear. 52:44.153 --> 52:44.453 Yeah. 52:44.873 --> 52:46.754 So it's good for first date stuff, isn't it? 52:46.794 --> 52:48.675 Because he's not going to come too close or she. 52:49.035 --> 52:49.836 No. 52:49.956 --> 52:53.517 But then if it gets down to the nitty gritty, it's lights off time. 52:53.597 --> 53:00.781 Yeah, but they're saying, listen, we can control very big dandruff, but we can't guarantee to control like micro dandruff. 53:00.801 --> 53:05.823 So for this product to be useful to you, you'd have to have really big flakes. 53:06.523 --> 53:07.283 No, that's what I'm saying. 53:07.323 --> 53:09.604 I think, well, you have quite big flakes. 53:09.624 --> 53:10.685 Yeah, like cornflakes. 53:13.466 --> 53:14.927 They're quite big as flakes go. 53:14.947 --> 53:16.929 They are, aren't they? 53:16.969 --> 53:17.209 Yeah. 53:17.329 --> 53:22.032 It just conjures up interesting images of like dates and dancing on the dance floor. 53:22.072 --> 53:27.656 Every time he comes closer than two feet, you integrate a little shove into your routine. 53:27.856 --> 53:28.116 Right. 53:28.236 --> 53:29.237 Just to keep him at bay. 53:29.297 --> 53:35.942 Well, you know, the other thing, if you couldn't afford the shampoo in question would just be to tell people to stay two feet away from you. 53:36.962 --> 53:43.065 at all times, or just to stink slightly, to encourage flatulence and just have a cloud of stench around you. 53:43.085 --> 53:51.428 You could wear like a hoop, you know, with a strap around your shoulders to keep people more than two feet away from you at all times. 53:52.028 --> 53:53.329 This is a very good idea. 53:53.429 --> 53:54.869 If you didn't want to buy the shampoo. 53:55.129 --> 53:56.150 Yeah, that's a good idea. 53:56.170 --> 53:56.550 Thank you. 53:57.600 --> 53:58.441 Oh, I chose this song. 53:58.461 --> 54:00.542 Look, I just looked at the coming up next screen. 54:01.443 --> 54:02.684 I hope you enjoy this one, folks. 54:03.284 --> 54:12.712 I've actually chosen a lot of old music this week, and you know, usually I like to unveil some really hot happening underground music stuff, Joe, because that's kind of... Sure you do. 54:12.812 --> 54:19.877 ...person I like, but this week I seem to have delved into the old bucket, and here's a very old bucket indeed, Neil Young, with Cinnamon Girl. 54:20.177 --> 54:20.758 Oh my gosh. 54:21.178 --> 54:31.786 The Beastie Boys, an irresponsible ban from New York who are going round encouraging kids to steal the badges off VW Volkswagens and wearing them round their necks on a chain. 54:32.347 --> 54:41.094 Was it the illegal actions of the Beastie Boys and their VW badge stealing antics that caused Mercedes to actually invent 54:42.015 --> 55:06.117 Badges that retreated into the hood of the car rolls-royce did that I think they used to have a What she called the silver lady or yeah, she's called that they had a special rolls-royce where the where she went inside I'm not sure VW did or maybe lots of cars No, I didn't about VW because they never had a badge maybe BMWs, but Mercedes You know possibly the bends cuz some a lot of rappers used to wear the bends logo. 55:06.137 --> 55:06.297 Yeah 55:06.637 --> 55:09.521 But they're a disgrace, the Beastie Boys, and they must be kept out of Britain. 55:09.561 --> 55:11.383 Keep the sick rappers. 55:11.443 --> 55:12.424 It's not even musical. 55:12.444 --> 55:13.185 They just talk. 55:13.385 --> 55:14.026 They just shout. 55:14.186 --> 55:15.808 What happened to Melody? 55:15.828 --> 55:16.449 They just shout. 55:17.110 --> 55:18.772 And you know they're posh as well. 55:19.132 --> 55:21.655 They're Ivy League educated, so they're not from the street. 55:21.695 --> 55:22.316 They're trust fun kids. 55:22.336 --> 55:23.437 They'll never get anywhere. 55:23.618 --> 55:25.700 They have women in cages, do they? 55:25.760 --> 55:26.281 At their shows. 55:26.681 --> 55:27.342 That's disgusting. 55:27.382 --> 55:28.903 Women with ooze in cages. 55:29.203 --> 55:30.244 No, I think that's public enemy. 55:30.844 --> 55:32.385 But they should be stopped. 55:32.425 --> 55:34.067 Quick, stop them before they become famous. 55:34.087 --> 55:35.007 For goodness sake. 55:35.488 --> 55:37.629 This is Adam and Jo on BBC6 Music. 55:37.669 --> 55:38.530 Thanks for joining us. 55:39.210 --> 55:42.033 We hope you're recovering from your festive overload. 55:42.073 --> 55:44.735 Everyone listening will probably be feeling quite bloated. 55:45.455 --> 55:48.738 So do take a macrobiotic yogurt drink. 55:49.478 --> 56:00.060 For that it's difficult especially in the winter as well because is it true to say that your body naturally bulks up a little bit anyway That's true Because of the cold weather. 56:00.440 --> 56:07.362 Yeah, you get you actually get if you go outdoors and come indoors You get condensation on the inside of your body, right? 56:07.882 --> 56:11.722 And that can cause to that can cause to farting. 56:11.742 --> 56:13.663 There we go Dr. Cornish 56:14.583 --> 56:15.344 Dr. Cornish, right. 56:15.364 --> 56:22.770 Let's have a little more music then I'd like to make some predictions for the television in the new year Here's a good song. 56:22.950 --> 56:25.492 This is a song that very much inspired the band blur. 56:25.852 --> 56:29.035 I I would venture Yeah, are you guessing or do you know that? 56:29.215 --> 56:31.857 I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I mean it's it you'll get your 56:32.237 --> 56:35.299 Well, I'm sort of guessing, but it's everything you need to know about mid-period blur. 56:35.439 --> 56:35.579 Really? 56:35.599 --> 56:37.280 Like a little character sketch. 56:37.721 --> 56:40.422 Very well observed with an excellent quirky little melody. 56:40.723 --> 56:42.884 I'm talking about Pink Floyd with Arnold Lane. 56:42.984 --> 56:43.604 Good stuff. 56:43.744 --> 56:45.385 That's Pink Floyd with Arnold Lane. 56:45.406 --> 56:52.010 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music on Saturday the 28th of December 2007. 56:54.071 --> 57:00.255 Before we heard that record, Adam was saying that he thought there was a, you know, a little nugget of inspiration for blur in that Pink Floyd track. 57:00.575 --> 57:07.537 Yeah, you can hear the Damon Albron-isms of mid-period blur in there, related to the vocal style, I would say. 57:07.837 --> 57:13.758 Speaking of blur, I'd been interested in watching E4, you know, the Channel 4 cable channel. 57:14.078 --> 57:14.658 What? 57:14.798 --> 57:16.559 Yeah, it's a new channel. 57:17.159 --> 57:19.999 They've got a show on called, I think it's called Mobile Unsigned. 57:20.380 --> 57:23.020 It's kind of like the X-Factor for indie bands. 57:23.080 --> 57:26.541 I've seen, it's got... They repeat it on the main channel, I think, like Zane presents it. 57:26.801 --> 57:33.105 Alex Zane presents it, and it's a kind of indie x-factor style competition between credible young bands. 57:33.926 --> 57:37.828 The judges are Joe Wiley and some bloke from some record company. 57:38.108 --> 57:45.973 Right, I've seen him sort of saying, if none of these bands is successful, then I've totally wasted my time and the reputation of my company will lie in tatters. 57:46.114 --> 57:46.614 Exactly. 57:46.994 --> 57:50.977 He's judge number two and judge number three is Alex James from Blur. 57:51.077 --> 57:51.237 Yeah. 57:51.517 --> 57:54.039 And it's interesting to see that kind of format 57:55.420 --> 57:59.064 taken and they've tried to make it as cool as possible. 57:59.084 --> 58:00.065 Do you know what I mean? 58:00.305 --> 58:06.332 So there's an atmosphere in the show of just embarrassment and discomfort at the whole proceedings. 58:06.352 --> 58:07.293 Do you know what I mean? 58:07.313 --> 58:15.421 Because anyone with any sense of reality would kind of realise that those competition shows are pretty stupid. 58:15.441 --> 58:16.763 They're inherently uncool of course. 58:16.903 --> 58:25.426 Yeah, and of course, so like a good band that gets respect from the music papers would never come into the scene on a show like that, would they? 58:25.826 --> 58:26.506 No, exactly. 58:26.526 --> 58:32.689 But the people that designed the show are aware of that credibility problem, so they've done everything they can to shore it up against it. 58:33.089 --> 58:35.050 You know, Alex Sane presenting, he's cool. 58:35.330 --> 58:37.190 He is cool, he's a good looking sexy little man. 58:37.210 --> 58:39.071 Yeah, credible people on the panel. 58:39.291 --> 58:39.491 Yeah. 58:39.571 --> 58:41.112 Wylie, she knows what she's talking about. 58:41.932 --> 58:43.654 Alex James knows what she's talking about. 58:44.774 --> 58:49.998 But some of the bands find it very difficult to kind of respond in the right sort of a way in some of the VT packages. 58:50.679 --> 58:55.082 Yeah, when we came onto this show, we thought it was stupid, load of rubbish. 58:55.703 --> 59:00.447 Then we thought, cool, you know, if it gets us attention, you got to get out there any way you can. 59:00.507 --> 59:01.467 And then they kicked us off. 59:01.968 --> 59:03.269 We thought, oh, it's rubbish. 59:03.829 --> 59:06.972 But then they invited us back on and we thought, cool, you know, 59:07.532 --> 59:08.333 That sort of business. 59:08.833 --> 59:10.894 They keep kicking people off and getting them back on again. 59:11.334 --> 59:12.975 Giving people last minute reprieves. 59:13.215 --> 59:15.776 That's one of the latest mechanics in those shows, right? 59:15.877 --> 59:16.837 To mess with their heads. 59:16.877 --> 59:18.218 To mess with their heads, yeah. 59:18.558 --> 59:21.980 Then they had professional musicians giving them advice the other week. 59:22.280 --> 59:24.041 Some bloke from the Wanna Dies, was it? 59:24.761 --> 59:25.422 Someone like that. 59:25.442 --> 59:26.602 That's hair from the Wanna Dies? 59:26.622 --> 59:28.863 Maybe, I don't know, but it's a peculiar show. 59:29.364 --> 59:31.785 Do you think the band that will win it could get anywhere? 59:32.739 --> 59:34.760 Well... You've got to be nice, you've got to be charitable, haven't they? 59:34.780 --> 59:38.282 If they're a good band, then they're good regardless of how they were launched. 59:38.562 --> 59:41.743 Yeah, I don't know, but I mean... Would you find that a problem? 59:42.143 --> 59:47.326 Buying a record by an album that had won, like, an E4 talent competition? 59:47.466 --> 59:49.487 I'd find it a problem buying a record by an album. 59:50.507 --> 59:58.211 I think it would just be so difficult for the album itself to become animated to the extent that it could produce a record. 59:58.531 --> 59:58.971 Fair point. 01:00:00.732 --> 01:00:02.233 There might be something about it in the news. 01:00:02.273 --> 01:00:03.914 I was really trying to speak then. 01:00:04.834 --> 01:00:05.955 I made one mistake. 01:00:06.055 --> 01:00:10.117 I kept the words going in a order that made sense for minutes. 01:00:10.337 --> 01:00:10.777 I'm really sorry. 01:00:10.797 --> 01:00:12.077 And then I have one little slit. 01:00:12.097 --> 01:00:12.658 I'm sorry, man. 01:00:12.678 --> 01:00:13.258 And that was it. 01:00:13.318 --> 01:00:14.158 It's so hot in here. 01:00:14.178 --> 01:00:15.139 Let's have some blondie. 01:00:15.319 --> 01:00:17.420 Blondie with Ripper to shreds. 01:00:17.500 --> 01:00:20.321 They made a mistake in the whole West End musical game, didn't they? 01:00:20.481 --> 01:00:21.202 What? 01:00:21.222 --> 01:00:23.543 There's a West End musical called Desperately Seeking Susan. 01:00:23.923 --> 01:00:25.444 Oh, that uses Blondie music. 01:00:25.504 --> 01:00:26.204 That's right. 01:00:26.264 --> 01:00:27.564 What a miscalculation. 01:00:27.684 --> 01:00:29.565 Listen, there might be a story about this in the news. 01:00:29.685 --> 01:00:32.846 Jack PeƱate with Have I Been a Fool. 01:00:33.046 --> 01:00:35.107 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here on 6 Music. 01:00:35.507 --> 01:00:36.828 Almost the end of the year, folks. 01:00:37.722 --> 01:00:38.563 It's almost over. 01:00:38.783 --> 01:00:39.163 That's it. 01:00:39.183 --> 01:00:40.244 Enjoy it while it lasts. 01:00:40.304 --> 01:00:42.545 Yeah, because, you know, you've only got a couple more days left. 01:00:43.106 --> 01:00:49.450 Incidentally, we'll be with you on New Year's Eve here on Six Music to take you through from seven o'clock till 10 p.m. 01:00:49.730 --> 01:00:54.473 And after us, there's the, uh, the Cheeky Girls with their New Year's Eve celebration. 01:00:54.493 --> 01:00:55.534 They're called the Queens of Noise. 01:00:55.814 --> 01:00:56.995 They're like the Cheeky Girls, though, aren't they? 01:00:57.015 --> 01:00:57.195 They are. 01:00:57.215 --> 01:00:58.936 They're kind of like the indie version of the Cheeky Girls. 01:00:58.956 --> 01:01:00.317 They're very attractive, the Cheeky Girls. 01:01:00.337 --> 01:01:00.617 They are. 01:01:00.877 --> 01:01:01.998 And so are the Queens of Noise. 01:01:02.038 --> 01:01:02.679 Yeah, they are. 01:01:03.499 --> 01:01:03.619 Mmm. 01:01:03.699 --> 01:01:04.120 Ooh. 01:01:04.360 --> 01:01:04.780 Hello. 01:01:04.960 --> 01:01:05.360 Steady. 01:01:05.761 --> 01:01:07.362 Um, so, TV chat time. 01:01:08.282 --> 01:01:14.066 Um, I've been worried this year 2007 and far bit from me to open up another can of TV controversy worms. 01:01:14.346 --> 01:01:16.488 Mmm, I love TV controversy worms though. 01:01:17.048 --> 01:01:20.551 I've been worried that some of my favourite reality shows are becoming self-aware. 01:01:21.091 --> 01:01:27.756 Do you know, like when a computer becomes sentient, the people who take part in these shows are aware of the format. 01:01:28.476 --> 01:01:29.597 And they're playing up to them. 01:01:30.078 --> 01:01:31.279 Oh, that's been happening for years. 01:01:31.319 --> 01:01:31.840 Has it? 01:01:31.920 --> 01:01:32.300 Surely. 01:01:32.540 --> 01:01:34.682 I've been getting into Ramsay's kitchen nightmares. 01:01:34.702 --> 01:01:35.443 Do you ever watch that? 01:01:36.104 --> 01:01:37.385 Uh, no, I'm not down with Ramsay. 01:01:37.405 --> 01:01:38.386 It's very, very good. 01:01:38.446 --> 01:01:38.686 Is it? 01:01:38.867 --> 01:01:39.127 Yeah. 01:01:39.447 --> 01:01:42.130 He takes a restaurant that's going wrong. 01:01:42.270 --> 01:01:42.450 Yeah. 01:01:42.790 --> 01:01:43.671 And he visits it. 01:01:44.032 --> 01:01:45.533 And it's always a disaster. 01:01:45.954 --> 01:01:47.075 The people are nutty. 01:01:47.655 --> 01:02:02.703 The kitchen's a mess, the food's horrible, and it always sort of revolves around some delusion that the owner's got based on an experience in his past, or some sort of psychological thing that one can often learn from in terms of ambitions and delusions and stuff. 01:02:03.944 --> 01:02:07.506 Ramsey swears at them, he takes the Mickey, he provokes them, he prods them. 01:02:08.226 --> 01:02:24.601 brilliant TV they get furious then he introduces a special Ramsey menu he makes over the pub he launches a special it's always the same every week he does a special some sort of parade down the main square so all the villagers know about the new restaurant and then it's a triumph 01:02:24.861 --> 01:02:25.121 Right. 01:02:25.141 --> 01:02:26.041 It's always a triumph. 01:02:26.121 --> 01:02:26.822 Like Ratatouille. 01:02:27.082 --> 01:02:29.222 And yeah, the people make up the rats run the restaurant. 01:02:29.262 --> 01:02:29.463 Yeah. 01:02:29.763 --> 01:02:35.385 But the more I've watched this, the more it seems that the participants know that that's the lay of the land. 01:02:35.485 --> 01:02:36.845 They know the roles they have to play. 01:02:36.925 --> 01:02:39.526 They know that the restaurant has to look a bit disastrous. 01:02:39.546 --> 01:02:39.666 Yeah. 01:02:40.026 --> 01:02:41.547 And it's beginning to be a bit contrived. 01:02:41.807 --> 01:02:44.930 Now, you quite rightly said that you think people just know this. 01:02:44.990 --> 01:02:47.672 This is a kind of accepted part of viewing. 01:02:47.932 --> 01:02:48.612 You would think so. 01:02:48.632 --> 01:02:50.313 Like wife swap I've noticed it in. 01:02:50.514 --> 01:02:50.734 Yeah. 01:02:51.494 --> 01:02:52.675 How clean is your house? 01:02:53.136 --> 01:02:58.099 I don't think those houses are that dirty until the camera crew announce they're gonna come round. 01:02:58.119 --> 01:02:58.579 Oh really, yeah. 01:02:58.599 --> 01:02:59.620 I think they muck them up. 01:03:00.081 --> 01:03:00.781 Yeah. 01:03:01.141 --> 01:03:01.722 A widdle here. 01:03:02.642 --> 01:03:03.323 A pop there. 01:03:04.484 --> 01:03:09.247 You know, use the sink as a toilet for a couple of weeks before Kim and Aggie come. 01:03:09.568 --> 01:03:11.569 It would be sort of liberating in a way, wouldn't it? 01:03:11.689 --> 01:03:12.069 It would. 01:03:12.089 --> 01:03:13.310 It would almost be worth. 01:03:13.811 --> 01:03:17.734 If you've got a normal house, just live like a happy tramp for a week. 01:03:17.974 --> 01:03:18.354 Exactly. 01:03:18.454 --> 01:03:19.395 And get on telly. 01:03:19.475 --> 01:03:21.637 Presumably they give you a little bit of money for doing the show. 01:03:21.657 --> 01:03:23.278 I think we should set up a restaurant. 01:03:23.398 --> 01:03:24.339 This is a good idea. 01:03:24.639 --> 01:03:26.160 And it would be awful. 01:03:26.340 --> 01:03:28.082 Yeah, and we would not get on. 01:03:28.843 --> 01:03:29.985 There'd be arguments. 01:03:30.065 --> 01:03:30.225 Right. 01:03:30.786 --> 01:03:32.929 Uh, it would stink, the food would be awful. 01:03:33.449 --> 01:03:35.131 Then get on the phone, call Ramsey. 01:03:35.231 --> 01:03:37.494 We could make a little bit of money, this is a good idea. 01:03:37.735 --> 01:03:37.995 Yeah? 01:03:38.095 --> 01:03:38.255 Yeah. 01:03:38.636 --> 01:03:40.318 And then, uh, we'd play along. 01:03:40.678 --> 01:03:42.060 At the end, we'd hug and stuff. 01:03:42.360 --> 01:03:44.123 And then, A, we'd be back on telly. 01:03:44.463 --> 01:03:46.165 Hug & Stuff would be a good name for a restaurant. 01:03:46.185 --> 01:03:47.766 That's how the restaurant's called Hug & Stuff. 01:03:47.886 --> 01:03:48.087 Uh-huh. 01:03:48.707 --> 01:03:51.470 Uh, we'd be on telly, we'd have a successful restaurant. 01:03:51.530 --> 01:03:51.750 Yeah. 01:03:52.050 --> 01:03:54.533 Gordon's dishes are very simple, it wouldn't be much work. 01:03:54.633 --> 01:03:56.154 I'm really excited about Hug & Stuff. 01:03:56.915 --> 01:03:58.797 Because it sounds a little bit like Haagen-Dazs. 01:03:59.297 --> 01:04:01.279 So it's a sort of successful, you know. 01:04:01.319 --> 01:04:01.740 Do you know what? 01:04:01.760 --> 01:04:02.801 It's not even a restaurant. 01:04:02.901 --> 01:04:04.022 It's just a happy shop. 01:04:04.122 --> 01:04:04.462 Exactly. 01:04:04.502 --> 01:04:07.005 You come in, and here's the problem with Hug & Stuff. 01:04:07.125 --> 01:04:07.345 What? 01:04:07.465 --> 01:04:07.806 We stink. 01:04:08.666 --> 01:04:09.006 Do we? 01:04:09.026 --> 01:04:09.487 We smell. 01:04:09.507 --> 01:04:09.767 Really? 01:04:10.067 --> 01:04:13.029 Because we're not properly clean, we're not, uh, you know, we don't wash enough. 01:04:13.049 --> 01:04:15.590 This is the problem before the... Yeah, before Ramsay gets there. 01:04:15.610 --> 01:04:17.191 This is the problem that Ramsay would identify. 01:04:17.271 --> 01:04:18.632 So he just deodorises us. 01:04:18.692 --> 01:04:22.774 He says, uh... Look, you're getting people in off the street, you're promising them hugs and stuff. 01:04:22.794 --> 01:04:23.914 Off the effing street, you effer. 01:04:23.954 --> 01:04:25.375 Off the effing street, you silly effer. 01:04:25.735 --> 01:04:26.536 But you effing smell. 01:04:26.556 --> 01:04:27.316 That's the word of BS. 01:04:27.396 --> 01:04:28.237 Yeah, exactly. 01:04:28.837 --> 01:04:29.657 You silly silly word. 01:04:29.737 --> 01:04:30.198 It's H1T. 01:04:30.218 --> 01:04:31.498 Did you say the C word? 01:04:31.598 --> 01:04:31.839 No. 01:04:31.939 --> 01:04:32.139 No. 01:04:32.279 --> 01:04:34.180 And when he does, he means custard. 01:04:34.520 --> 01:04:34.900 Right. 01:04:36.681 --> 01:04:37.502 What are you talking about? 01:04:37.522 --> 01:04:38.782 Oh, just sensorizing. 01:04:38.802 --> 01:04:40.363 That's the C word in rams as well. 01:04:40.403 --> 01:04:43.785 Anyway, lots of exciting ideas there for me and Adam in the new year. 01:04:43.966 --> 01:04:44.806 You guys stink. 01:04:44.986 --> 01:04:45.967 You need some deodorant. 01:04:46.687 --> 01:04:47.968 You effing BS'ers. 01:04:48.088 --> 01:04:51.050 Huggin' stuff's never gonna happen unless you learn how to wash properly. 01:04:51.110 --> 01:04:52.091 Huggin' stuff. 01:04:52.111 --> 01:04:54.892 We're gonna copyright that, by the way, during this next record. 01:04:54.932 --> 01:04:56.693 This is one of my choices. 01:04:57.054 --> 01:04:59.455 It's a hip-hop band from the past called The Far Side. 01:04:59.735 --> 01:05:00.736 This is called Passin' Me Bar. 01:05:00.936 --> 01:05:03.777 There's the Farside with passing me by, all the way from 1993. 01:05:04.717 --> 01:05:07.178 Now Fat Lip was in Farside, right? 01:05:07.358 --> 01:05:22.963 Yeah, and Fat Lip, uh, yeah, he's brilliant, and if you go on the Spike Jones DVD, the big, uh, you know, the, the director's set, there's a set of DVDs by some of the world's greatest pop video directors, and Spike Jones did one, and there's a brilliant documentary that Spike Jones did with Fat Lip. 01:05:23.883 --> 01:05:24.744 Did I say Dones? 01:05:24.964 --> 01:05:25.404 Yes you did. 01:05:25.545 --> 01:05:32.350 There's a brilliant documentary that Spike Jones did with Fat Lip and it's all about him leaving that band and having a bit of a mental breakdown. 01:05:32.550 --> 01:05:33.431 That's right, dignity. 01:05:33.451 --> 01:05:36.474 Coping off with a lady of the night who turned out to be a fellow of the night. 01:05:36.674 --> 01:05:37.194 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:05:37.234 --> 01:05:38.215 Getting horribly teased. 01:05:39.016 --> 01:05:40.998 But yeah, the Far Side split. 01:05:41.378 --> 01:05:43.760 But Fat Lip did release a solo album that's brilliant. 01:05:43.980 --> 01:05:45.121 It's called The Loneliest Punk. 01:05:45.722 --> 01:05:46.983 It was only released in the US. 01:05:47.623 --> 01:05:58.132 But you and you can get it on obviously amazon.com, but if you're a fan of farsight and you haven't checked out fat lips solo album the loneliest punk well worth Maybe you can download it off off of the itunes. 01:05:58.172 --> 01:06:02.616 I don't know well worth check checking out Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's good man. 01:06:02.656 --> 01:06:04.658 He's wicked he's a wicked. 01:06:04.678 --> 01:06:05.759 That's what people say, right? 01:06:06.039 --> 01:06:06.279 Is it? 01:06:06.720 --> 01:06:07.480 I think so, yeah. 01:06:07.881 --> 01:06:08.781 Is it wicked? 01:06:09.382 --> 01:06:17.448 You know, one of the things in the, we were talking about the panto biome the other day, they'd absorbed loads of humorous cultural reference points. 01:06:17.508 --> 01:06:18.669 Yes, pop culture references. 01:06:18.789 --> 01:06:19.070 Yeah. 01:06:19.090 --> 01:06:21.472 It's an important element aspect of panto. 01:06:21.572 --> 01:06:26.756 You can sort of get a feel for, you can take the nation's comedy pulse by the stuff that seeps into panto. 01:06:27.136 --> 01:06:31.320 Like a couple of years ago, or maybe just a year ago even, it would have been loads of Little Britain references. 01:06:31.900 --> 01:06:41.904 But in the panto this year, it was like one of the big jokes was having the fairy godmother be talking very posh, but then kind of drop into street slang in it. 01:06:42.744 --> 01:06:46.245 A little bit like the Armstrong and Miller sketch, you know, with the posh... Oh, do you think? 01:06:46.406 --> 01:06:48.686 Yeah, I would say almost certainly, they'd nicked it off there. 01:06:49.027 --> 01:07:00.551 That's just illustrating the schizophrenic nature of modern Britain, with half the population speaking posh, the other half peaking, speaking a kind of Jamaican kind of slang, and there's no in-between anymore. 01:07:00.871 --> 01:07:01.732 No, no, no. 01:07:01.852 --> 01:07:05.376 But it's be- it's beautifully illustrated, of course, by the, uh, Armstrong and the others. 01:07:05.396 --> 01:07:06.378 Yeah, that's a good sketch. 01:07:06.398 --> 01:07:08.340 It's as good as it gets as an illustration goes. 01:07:08.600 --> 01:07:11.043 Hey, this is Adam and Joe on, uh, BBC Six Music. 01:07:11.103 --> 01:07:14.507 Here's a little more music, uh, you know, cause that's what the station's all about. 01:07:14.547 --> 01:07:16.009 This is New Order with World. 01:07:16.409 --> 01:07:19.010 That's New Order with World, The Price of Love. 01:07:19.451 --> 01:07:25.333 It feels as if you couldn't really bring out a new song that was as upbeat as that nowadays, do you know what I mean? 01:07:25.754 --> 01:07:30.496 I mean, that's obviously nonsense, but, uh, it's so shiny and special, that song. 01:07:30.796 --> 01:07:31.396 When did it come out? 01:07:31.416 --> 01:07:33.037 Like, early 90s, that one. 01:07:33.057 --> 01:07:36.359 1993, the same year as, uh, the fast side record we played before it. 01:07:36.539 --> 01:07:37.279 There you go. 01:07:37.299 --> 01:07:39.240 It was a, it was a more hopeful time. 01:07:39.340 --> 01:07:41.421 It was, it was before the world changed, Adam. 01:07:41.621 --> 01:07:58.835 changed forever on changed forever on that fateful day on the fateful day fat take that split yeah yeah sediment John BBC six music time for this from Adam oh yeah well I just noticed that I didn't choose this but I'm very happy to see it here it's a session track from John Cooper Clark 01:07:59.616 --> 01:08:00.697 Uh, he's fantastic. 01:08:00.757 --> 01:08:11.451 If you've never investigated John Cooper Clarke, I would strongly recommend that you do a poet, a kind of punk poet, I suppose, from Manchester, and the very first of, uh, well, not a particularly long line. 01:08:11.751 --> 01:08:13.874 But do you remember who was the guy Murray Lachlan Young? 01:08:13.894 --> 01:08:14.455 Was that his name? 01:08:14.815 --> 01:08:15.135 Don't know. 01:08:15.335 --> 01:08:24.678 He was supposed to be turning poetry into rock and roll for a while in the early 90s, I think, and it was supposed to make it sexy again. 01:08:24.878 --> 01:08:25.779 Make poetry sexy. 01:08:26.299 --> 01:08:27.679 But it didn't really work. 01:08:28.059 --> 01:08:31.500 But John Cooper Clarke, I reckon, did make it sexy. 01:08:32.081 --> 01:08:33.681 I can make poetry sexy. 01:08:33.841 --> 01:08:35.302 Go on, make some poetry sexy right now. 01:08:35.382 --> 01:08:36.262 Do it during the song. 01:08:36.462 --> 01:08:36.942 I can't do. 01:08:37.002 --> 01:08:37.922 I'll write a sexy poem. 01:08:37.942 --> 01:08:38.943 Are you going to write a sexy poem? 01:08:38.963 --> 01:08:39.183 Yeah. 01:08:39.323 --> 01:08:40.523 Finish the whole show with your sexy poem. 01:08:40.543 --> 01:08:41.443 Pop rhymes with legs. 01:08:42.363 --> 01:08:45.144 Okay, while Joe's composing his sexy poem, here is... Eggs? 01:08:45.584 --> 01:08:49.765 John Cooper Clarke with a poem about readers' wives. 01:08:49.865 --> 01:08:54.726 Like it's a poem about something dirty, but he makes it brilliant using his brain. 01:08:55.026 --> 01:08:55.406 Check it out. 01:08:55.706 --> 01:08:55.966 Eggs. 01:08:56.226 --> 01:08:58.547 That was John Cooper Clarke with readers' wives. 01:08:58.567 --> 01:09:01.408 That was recorded for a John Peel session way back in October 1978. 01:09:03.448 --> 01:09:04.169 I finished the poem. 01:09:04.209 --> 01:09:04.810 Oh, excellent. 01:09:04.830 --> 01:09:05.571 I was hoping you might. 01:09:05.611 --> 01:09:07.513 You were challenging me to make poetry sexy. 01:09:07.553 --> 01:09:08.054 Are you ready? 01:09:08.234 --> 01:09:08.394 Yeah. 01:09:09.095 --> 01:09:10.256 She was a sexy woman. 01:09:10.617 --> 01:09:11.778 Her body was all nice. 01:09:12.179 --> 01:09:16.524 Sexy legs and sexy face and sexy breast twice. 01:09:18.126 --> 01:09:18.667 That was nice. 01:09:18.687 --> 01:09:20.108 I thought you were going to talk about the legs. 01:09:20.969 --> 01:09:25.333 No, I couldn't think of a rhyme better than pegs That wasn't as good. 01:09:25.373 --> 01:09:27.374 You know, I went through I scrapped a lot of versions. 01:09:27.774 --> 01:09:28.435 That's lovely. 01:09:28.515 --> 01:09:29.556 Is that almost a haiku? 01:09:30.196 --> 01:09:32.038 Probably not sexy breast. 01:09:32.458 --> 01:09:32.878 I don't know. 01:09:33.178 --> 01:09:37.722 Hey, listen, thanks very much for listening this week everybody Are we gonna have one more record before we go? 01:09:37.742 --> 01:09:42.966 I think we should do shouldn't we think you should it's been a little bit rambly and shambolic More than usual this week. 01:09:43.026 --> 01:09:44.787 Everyone's tired after the Christmas period 01:09:45.687 --> 01:09:59.955 our audience's brain cognitive functions will be impaired so actually we purposely made this show a little more ramshackle just to fit in with them yeah yeah exactly we're on the nation's brain waves the nation's brain waves exactly that's the thing about our show it's all very very tightly scripted 01:10:02.756 --> 01:10:20.964 but we'll be back with you live properly next week with a proper song wars the theme of song wars is going to be jingles no ringtone ringtones we're going to make a million so they'll be short but incredibly powerful but until then here's some more music and it is the jam by the muhawks hey thanks for listening and we're sorry