WEBVTT 00:00.169 --> 00:06.872 Wizard there with I wish it could be Christmas every day Which would be a nightmare if you think about it in practical terms. 00:07.113 --> 00:08.913 It would just not be workable. 00:09.434 --> 00:10.394 Don't you think Joe Cornish? 00:10.414 --> 00:10.874 I agree. 00:11.155 --> 00:14.916 I think that's an awful song Yeah, I think that's an awful song. 00:14.957 --> 00:25.822 Well, I don't agree I think that's one of the most heartwarming wonderful songs ever written I think it thrusts its hand into the chest of Christmas and rips its heart out Oh my lord evil man in Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom 00:25.862 --> 00:29.404 What kind of opening gambit is that for just past 9 on the 22nd of December? 00:29.524 --> 00:30.305 Listeners like it. 00:30.405 --> 00:31.886 You know we're keeping it real. 00:31.906 --> 00:35.708 They know they're with people who won't kowtow to the playlist. 00:36.028 --> 00:36.829 Well, one of them won't. 00:37.029 --> 00:37.229 Yeah. 00:37.349 --> 00:39.010 The other one likes it. 00:39.170 --> 00:42.452 Now, we're in a special shack, listeners, because it's our Christmas show. 00:42.813 --> 00:43.033 Yeah. 00:43.313 --> 00:45.895 Every Christmas, Adam and I like to leave the studio. 00:45.915 --> 00:46.575 Are you all right? 00:46.595 --> 00:47.516 Yeah, how many little cough? 00:47.596 --> 00:48.516 Yeah, why it's cold, isn't it? 00:48.616 --> 00:49.337 It's freezing. 00:49.357 --> 00:50.618 It might be a white Christmas this Christmas. 00:50.638 --> 00:50.998 Ooh! 00:51.218 --> 00:52.719 Yeah, the bookies are saying it could be. 00:52.859 --> 00:53.399 Are they really? 00:53.419 --> 00:54.180 Yeah, they are the bookies. 00:54.500 --> 00:55.460 Oh, I love the bookies. 00:55.981 --> 01:03.663 And, uh, so we've left the Six Music Studio and we've gone to a little shack in the middle of a field in the English countryside in the Trocadero. 01:04.043 --> 01:04.663 In the Trocadero. 01:04.823 --> 01:07.964 And, uh, we're very cold, so are we gonna light that fire? 01:08.145 --> 01:08.985 Yeah, I've got some matches. 01:09.005 --> 01:09.605 Come on, baby. 01:09.645 --> 01:10.025 Here we go. 01:11.165 --> 01:12.506 There we go. 01:14.226 --> 01:14.567 Oh, dear. 01:14.587 --> 01:14.987 Come on, mate. 01:15.207 --> 01:15.507 Sorry. 01:15.647 --> 01:16.767 There we go. 01:16.787 --> 01:17.428 There we are. 01:18.108 --> 01:18.908 Oh, I burnt my shot. 01:18.948 --> 01:19.828 I burnt my sleeve. 01:19.868 --> 01:20.789 My sleeve's on fire. 01:20.849 --> 01:21.529 It smells nice here. 01:23.438 --> 01:24.418 Ow, hand burning! 01:24.759 --> 01:25.379 It's out now. 01:25.419 --> 01:26.800 It's nice, I like the smell of burnt wool. 01:27.501 --> 01:28.301 Good morning, listeners. 01:28.521 --> 01:31.443 Welcome to the Adam and Jo radio show here on BBC 6 Music. 01:32.224 --> 01:33.885 It's Saturday the 22nd of December. 01:34.385 --> 01:36.687 It's very nearly Christmas, Christmas in three days time. 01:36.847 --> 01:38.629 I'm just going to put some Christmas music on. 01:38.789 --> 01:45.153 So you know, by rights, everybody should be feeling really all cosy and cuddly and warm and lovely. 01:45.494 --> 01:46.614 There's no work on Monday. 01:47.275 --> 01:48.556 That's right, isn't it? 01:48.876 --> 01:49.997 Some people might have to go to work. 01:50.097 --> 01:51.018 We're on holidays. 01:52.098 --> 01:52.698 Holidanes. 01:52.738 --> 01:53.379 Holidanes. 01:53.459 --> 01:54.359 It's a Danish holiday. 01:54.419 --> 01:54.919 Exactly. 01:54.959 --> 01:55.179 Yeah. 01:55.440 --> 01:58.601 Some people might have to go to work on Monday, but they'll just be phoning it in. 01:58.621 --> 01:59.481 You know, they'll be in the office. 01:59.721 --> 02:01.262 They won't actually be doing any real work. 02:01.302 --> 02:02.342 Yeah, and be their surgeons. 02:02.362 --> 02:02.983 Because you have to be mad. 02:03.003 --> 02:04.423 The surgeons will be phoning it in. 02:04.503 --> 02:05.023 Exactly. 02:05.484 --> 02:06.584 Yeah, the ambulance drivers. 02:06.604 --> 02:07.985 They'll just be going at like 45 miles an hour. 02:08.925 --> 02:12.746 Just do like, that's a normal, just like a really one long stitch. 02:12.806 --> 02:16.127 That should be fine, that'll keep it together. 02:16.147 --> 02:19.108 We've got great music coming up for you for the next three hours obviously. 02:19.368 --> 02:25.010 We should remind you though, it's a matter of transparency here at the BBC to declare that this is a pre-recorded show. 02:25.550 --> 02:28.551 So don't bother texting, you'll be wasting your finger power. 02:28.671 --> 02:30.452 Yeah, that's it really. 02:30.792 --> 02:35.013 Exactly, because if you did and it was found out, oh my gosh. 02:35.473 --> 02:39.115 If what, if they texted and someone found out that they were texting? 02:39.235 --> 02:39.755 Exactly. 02:39.855 --> 02:40.435 What would happen? 02:40.735 --> 02:41.676 We'd both be shot. 02:42.056 --> 02:42.356 Why? 02:42.616 --> 02:45.578 Because of the, um, because they feel so let down. 02:45.658 --> 02:46.178 That's true. 02:46.218 --> 02:49.179 Because they would have paid, how much for the text? 02:49.239 --> 02:51.360 Hey, 2008 is gonna be a fresh slate for Telly. 02:51.380 --> 02:52.461 It's all about a Telly? 02:52.761 --> 02:53.101 Radio. 02:53.201 --> 02:53.701 The BBC. 02:53.761 --> 02:56.923 It's all about regaining trust, so, you know, let's just be public. 02:57.703 --> 02:58.624 Honest about everything. 02:58.644 --> 02:59.265 Purply honest. 03:00.085 --> 03:01.747 Let's be perfectly honest. 03:02.768 --> 03:12.516 We've got great music coming up for you in the next 25 hours, including some James Brown, some Interpol, you know, all that kind of business. 03:12.697 --> 03:14.578 As well as our favourite Christmas tunes. 03:14.618 --> 03:17.601 Now, Joe and I like to wheel out more or less the same Christmas tunes. 03:17.641 --> 03:18.562 Everyone does, you know. 03:18.862 --> 03:21.585 There's only a small pool of Christmas tunes that are any good. 03:21.605 --> 03:22.005 Exactly. 03:22.585 --> 03:29.149 So we like to wheel them out, you'll be hearing all your favourites, and maybe a couple that you haven't heard before in the next two and a half hours. 03:29.189 --> 03:30.110 Yeah, and a bit more. 03:30.250 --> 03:34.732 This is going to be a kind of free-willing show, we're not doing our usual competitions and stuff like that. 03:35.333 --> 03:39.635 Instead, Adam and I have bought presents for each other, and I've bought some lager. 03:39.775 --> 03:41.236 Adam's got a can of beer. 03:41.276 --> 03:42.177 That's a bit sleazy, isn't it? 03:42.197 --> 03:43.437 Because it's nine in the morning. 03:43.457 --> 03:44.058 Yeah, that's very sleazy. 03:44.078 --> 03:45.018 What do you think about that? 03:45.258 --> 03:45.999 But it's holidays. 03:46.730 --> 03:47.431 It's fine, man. 03:47.531 --> 03:49.092 I'm gonna smoke some crack a bit later. 03:49.192 --> 03:49.432 Are you? 03:49.692 --> 03:50.033 Yeah. 03:50.713 --> 03:51.334 Is that right? 03:51.534 --> 03:51.934 Not really. 03:51.974 --> 03:53.395 I'm not really gonna do that, listeners. 03:53.435 --> 03:54.176 Yeah, what are you? 03:54.216 --> 03:54.896 That's a joke. 03:55.137 --> 03:56.117 What are you, Russell Brand? 03:56.358 --> 03:57.859 That's a joke too, okay? 03:57.939 --> 03:59.920 So don't bother writing in because we're not here. 04:00.281 --> 04:04.364 So listen, before we get ourselves in any more trouble, let's have some more music. 04:04.464 --> 04:10.689 This is a very Christmassy band, you know, because they caught the word Arctic in the title. 04:10.709 --> 04:11.169 This is the Arctic. 04:11.189 --> 04:11.930 Mikey's with Teddy Pickett. 04:13.494 --> 04:16.456 Ooh, that's the Arctic Monkeys with Teddy Picker. 04:16.696 --> 04:20.097 I kept on saying throughout the year that, oh, Richard Ioware, they directed a video for that. 04:20.517 --> 04:20.938 Incorrect. 04:20.998 --> 04:26.140 He directed the video for one of the previous singles from that album. 04:26.240 --> 04:30.042 It's a video with clowns beating up hard men in that kind of warehouse. 04:30.102 --> 04:30.502 It's a good vid. 04:30.522 --> 04:30.962 It's a good vid. 04:31.202 --> 04:32.363 Hey listen, news has just come in. 04:33.303 --> 04:34.344 Christmas has been cancelled. 04:35.104 --> 04:39.167 Uh, so, um, yeah, I'm afraid Gordon Brown and Jonathan Porrett. 04:39.487 --> 04:39.727 Right. 04:39.747 --> 04:40.448 Do you know who he is? 04:40.468 --> 04:41.509 Uh, no. 04:41.709 --> 04:42.869 He's a kind of eco man. 04:43.010 --> 04:45.291 They've cancelled it because it's ecologically unsound. 04:45.511 --> 04:46.412 What's wrong with Christmas? 04:46.432 --> 04:48.393 Uh, because Christmas involves chopping down trees. 04:48.633 --> 04:48.853 Yeah. 04:49.114 --> 04:50.034 Buying useless things. 04:50.194 --> 04:50.395 Right. 04:50.695 --> 04:52.976 Uh, plugging in fancy lights that drain electricity. 04:53.056 --> 04:53.397 That's true. 04:53.417 --> 04:54.417 Watching extra television. 04:54.597 --> 04:54.697 Yeah. 04:54.717 --> 04:55.558 Cooking extra food. 04:55.938 --> 05:00.942 Over the Christmas period, the Earth uses more carbon fibers. 05:01.602 --> 05:03.343 Yeah, that's what the environment's made up of. 05:03.463 --> 05:03.703 Right. 05:04.023 --> 05:06.544 Than any other type of time of year. 05:06.964 --> 05:08.544 That's probably, are you making all that up? 05:08.584 --> 05:10.285 That sounds, has the ring of truth though. 05:10.325 --> 05:11.826 Yeah, I was thinking about it the other day. 05:12.266 --> 05:17.187 I thought, you know, if we were really taking the end of the world seriously, then we'd just cancel the whole thing. 05:17.407 --> 05:19.788 Or you know, you'd make it super kind of earthy. 05:20.469 --> 05:23.069 You'd give, you know, those Oxfam type presents. 05:23.370 --> 05:27.231 Have you ever been given a present by one of those Oxfam presents where they give you a card and say, oh, I've bought a donkey. 05:27.771 --> 05:28.551 for the third world. 05:28.972 --> 05:29.672 No, I never have. 05:29.712 --> 05:30.012 Really? 05:30.252 --> 05:32.433 It shows the circles you're mixing and the values of your family. 05:32.453 --> 05:32.633 Have you? 05:32.813 --> 05:33.033 Yeah. 05:33.613 --> 05:34.034 A lot. 05:34.354 --> 05:34.874 By your brother? 05:34.994 --> 05:35.934 Yeah. 05:35.954 --> 05:38.095 By my brother and my girlfriend often gets them. 05:38.295 --> 05:40.316 So how many donkeys have you got then? 05:40.877 --> 05:42.077 I've bought a couple of donkeys. 05:42.457 --> 05:42.797 Yeah. 05:42.857 --> 05:43.037 Right. 05:43.258 --> 05:43.538 Yeah. 05:43.678 --> 05:46.119 And you know, good for the guy with the donkey, but bad news for me. 05:46.819 --> 05:48.920 So is the point... Where's the goods? 05:49.420 --> 05:50.381 Is the point... Where's the stuff? 05:50.401 --> 05:50.641 Exactly. 05:50.681 --> 05:51.421 Where's the stuff? 05:51.901 --> 05:52.902 You know, is the point of that? 05:52.922 --> 05:53.202 You know what? 05:53.222 --> 05:55.623 And I'm sure the guy with the donkey might agree as well at the end of the day. 05:56.343 --> 06:01.007 Is it to help the donkey, or is it just to give a gift that doesn't involve using up more of the world's resources? 06:01.027 --> 06:03.208 Yeah, it's to actually do something good. 06:03.488 --> 06:07.371 So, rather than just indulge yourself for your, you know, your family. 06:07.391 --> 06:08.973 Because a donkey, that's bad, man. 06:09.153 --> 06:09.333 What? 06:09.493 --> 06:10.454 What is a donkey bad? 06:10.614 --> 06:12.475 Well, I could understand a star. 06:12.615 --> 06:15.237 If someone gave you a star, I'd name the star after you. 06:16.138 --> 06:17.699 How would that help someone in the third floor? 06:17.719 --> 06:18.220 Joe's star. 06:19.417 --> 06:21.238 And then you could say, I've got to starve! 06:21.518 --> 06:23.039 Is that what you're doing for Christmas? 06:23.059 --> 06:25.280 Well, who are you helping in the third world adopting a donkey? 06:25.300 --> 06:26.541 A guy that gets the donkey! 06:26.561 --> 06:26.641 What? 06:27.021 --> 06:28.422 Because he can carry water on it. 06:28.482 --> 06:29.483 Donkeys are essential. 06:30.263 --> 06:30.724 Dear me. 06:31.144 --> 06:32.004 I don't understand. 06:33.045 --> 06:34.226 That's what I'm going to give you for Christmas. 06:34.246 --> 06:37.788 But you know, listeners, we bought each other presents, Adam and I bought each other presents. 06:37.808 --> 06:39.669 We're going to be opening them as the show goes on. 06:40.289 --> 06:44.592 None of them are environmentally friendly presents or kind of Oxfam type presents, are they? 06:44.672 --> 06:45.272 Well, mine is. 06:46.053 --> 06:48.636 One of mine came from Dr. Barnardo's actually. 06:48.656 --> 06:48.876 Really? 06:49.216 --> 06:57.846 But you know, don't worry, Christmas hasn't been cancelled and it's the time when God gives us permission, Jesus gives us permission to indulge in a horrific way. 06:57.886 --> 06:59.688 That's what he says in the Bible, isn't it? 07:00.509 --> 07:01.530 Isn't that what it says in the Bible? 07:01.550 --> 07:02.070 It is, yeah. 07:02.151 --> 07:04.233 Ecclesiastes, somewhere in the Ecclesiastes. 07:04.413 --> 07:09.578 And lo, Jesus said this week, thou, don't worry about it. 07:09.678 --> 07:10.839 Don't worry about it. 07:10.979 --> 07:12.480 Have another drinky. 07:12.700 --> 07:17.425 Speaking of which, I got some, I brought in a special bottle from my fridge. 07:17.545 --> 07:21.669 It's been in the fridge for one and a half years. 07:22.169 --> 07:23.109 Is that really so? 07:23.149 --> 07:23.310 Yes. 07:23.650 --> 07:24.990 Wow, you really pushed the boat out. 07:25.030 --> 07:29.412 It's a bottle of Prosecco, and it looks a little bit like champagne. 07:29.452 --> 07:33.933 If you squint, it looks like champagne, and it's got a champagne-style cork and everything. 07:33.953 --> 07:35.354 I just knocked it against the mic there. 07:35.374 --> 07:36.895 I love things that are just style. 07:37.055 --> 07:37.315 Yeah. 07:37.535 --> 07:37.795 Would you? 07:37.815 --> 07:38.715 No, I don't like the real thing. 07:38.735 --> 07:40.836 I like something that's just styled after the real thing. 07:41.016 --> 07:47.018 Right, like some kind of brand of cereal that you get in like a big supermarket. 07:47.378 --> 07:51.740 It looks a little bit like a famous brand of cereal, but actually it's just the own brand. 07:51.760 --> 07:53.401 It's a bit like a flavoured something, you know? 07:53.421 --> 07:56.202 You can buy chocolate that's not chocolate, it's chocolate flavour. 07:56.682 --> 07:57.842 And that's not real chocolate. 07:57.862 --> 07:59.303 Chocolate flavoured chocolate. 08:00.103 --> 08:02.925 You can get chocolate-flavored chocolate cakes. 08:03.185 --> 08:03.425 Right. 08:03.665 --> 08:04.665 Yeah, you're gonna open that. 08:04.685 --> 08:06.006 Would you like a glass of Prosecco? 08:06.046 --> 08:06.466 Definitely. 08:06.506 --> 08:08.927 I think on the 22nd of December, you're allowed to drink. 08:09.087 --> 08:11.688 Again, it says that in Ecclesiastes. 08:12.629 --> 08:16.330 And lo, Jesus said, you're allowed to drink before 10am. 08:16.350 --> 08:16.951 Right. 08:16.991 --> 08:18.311 In fact, not only that, but you must. 08:18.651 --> 08:19.632 As long as it's Prosecco. 08:19.672 --> 08:20.012 Here we go. 08:20.052 --> 08:21.073 Listen for the cork listeners. 08:21.093 --> 08:21.473 I'm listening. 08:23.074 --> 08:24.975 Oh man, it took out the clock! 08:26.336 --> 08:30.220 I very nearly smashed the big British castle clock. 08:30.440 --> 08:31.280 Let's have some more music. 08:31.300 --> 08:33.682 I think it went through the ceiling and went all the way up Stephen Mac's bottom. 08:33.722 --> 08:34.883 That's not very good, is it? 08:34.923 --> 08:36.725 We might be in vain for that. 08:37.666 --> 08:45.112 So listen, while we're having a glass of Prosecco, here's some more music, and I think we've got, is it music or a trail now? 08:46.404 --> 08:47.905 Uh, they're kind of the same things to me. 08:48.145 --> 08:50.187 Wouldn't it be amazing if the trail had music in it? 08:50.227 --> 08:51.127 Then it would've never happened. 08:51.187 --> 08:53.029 Two brilliant things for the price of... Dream on! 08:53.209 --> 08:54.049 But I think it's music. 08:54.129 --> 08:56.091 It's the beat with Too Nice to Talk To. 08:57.712 --> 08:58.052 Mmm! 08:58.532 --> 09:00.434 That was the beat with Too Nice to Talk To. 09:00.754 --> 09:07.298 Not only did I enjoy the beat, but I'm also enjoying my glass of Prosecco, and you can't really hear the bubbles over the crackle of the fire there. 09:07.358 --> 09:08.179 You know what? 09:08.219 --> 09:12.562 That record by the beat, it's called Too Nice to Talk To, T00 Nice to Talk To. 09:12.642 --> 09:15.624 If that was released today, it would have the numbers in it, wouldn't it? 09:16.244 --> 09:16.525 Right. 09:16.625 --> 09:19.327 It would be the number two, nice to talk to. 09:19.568 --> 09:19.808 Right? 09:20.048 --> 09:20.569 Yeah, exactly. 09:20.589 --> 09:21.990 There's so many twos in there. 09:22.010 --> 09:23.031 You'd be missing a trick not to. 09:23.331 --> 09:27.916 Maybe you could have the word two and the number two and the Roman numeral two. 09:28.617 --> 09:32.300 Hey, listeners, if you've been listening, you'll know that we've started drinking. 09:32.320 --> 09:33.361 I'm just keeping things ticking along. 09:33.381 --> 09:34.483 That's a really good idea. 09:34.543 --> 09:34.763 Thanks. 09:34.903 --> 09:35.704 But I was going to say, cheers. 09:35.984 --> 09:36.344 Cheers, man. 09:36.364 --> 09:38.165 No, because we've got little glasses of champagne. 09:38.205 --> 09:38.965 Happy Christmas. 09:39.365 --> 09:40.286 It's Saturday. 09:40.646 --> 09:44.648 It's December 22nd, so we're allowed to drink in the morning, as we've already established. 09:44.968 --> 09:51.891 In fact, other things you could do with your drink this morning is put it on your cereal, bathe in it, or what else could you do with this? 09:51.911 --> 09:57.133 Have you ever poured booze over yourself? 09:57.513 --> 09:58.614 No, I don't think I have. 09:59.014 --> 09:59.274 Never? 09:59.494 --> 10:00.775 Have you? 10:00.875 --> 10:02.336 And if so, under what circumstances? 10:02.416 --> 10:07.720 It seems like the kind of thing you would do if you were a sexy grown-up man and you had maybe a woman who wanted to drink it. 10:07.940 --> 10:12.203 It's the kind of thing, I think the only people who've ever done that are Scrooge McDuck and P Diddy. 10:12.763 --> 10:13.964 Scrooge McDuck? 10:14.024 --> 10:14.784 Why would he do it? 10:14.804 --> 10:19.587 Because he bathes in, he's got a massive room full of money that he swims in. 10:19.788 --> 10:20.168 Right. 10:20.248 --> 10:20.488 Yeah. 10:20.728 --> 10:22.269 That's the kind of over-the-top thing he would do. 10:22.289 --> 10:26.432 But I wouldn't drink it if it was coming, you know, like champagne off Scrooge McDuck's back. 10:26.992 --> 10:28.374 No, I wouldn't have that. 10:28.514 --> 10:29.295 That would be disgusting. 10:29.515 --> 10:30.757 And I always feel the same thing as well. 10:30.777 --> 10:31.457 Sounds like an aphorism. 10:31.678 --> 10:31.918 Right. 10:32.078 --> 10:33.860 Which is like champagne off Scrooge McDuck's back. 10:34.080 --> 10:34.321 Yeah. 10:35.382 --> 10:36.383 Um, that was intentional. 10:36.803 --> 10:37.644 Yeah, good one, man. 10:37.925 --> 10:40.608 And, uh... Yeah, it's unhygienic, though. 10:40.688 --> 10:45.053 Why would you wanna... Have you ever drunk or eaten anything off another human being? 10:46.629 --> 10:48.591 Uh... That's a yes. 10:50.032 --> 10:50.713 That's a yes. 10:51.173 --> 10:58.299 Okay, listen folks, we are going to be unwrapping the first of our Christmas presents for each other after this next track, and this is something I've chosen for you. 10:58.719 --> 11:08.227 This was voted by Word Magazine as the very best Christmas song in one of their kind of round-ups of the best and worst Christmas songs in their issue a couple of weeks ago. 11:08.807 --> 11:12.089 And I must say I agree, it's the Waitresses with Christmas Rapping. 11:12.170 --> 11:12.590 Enjoy! 11:12.610 --> 11:15.072 Hey, this is Adam and Jo on BBC6 Music. 11:15.112 --> 11:16.693 This is our sort of Christmas show. 11:16.713 --> 11:19.615 That's why you can hear the sound of a lovely, warm, toasty Christmas-y fire. 11:19.655 --> 11:21.336 We're in a lovely Christmas-y shack. 11:21.416 --> 11:22.817 And we've got a load of presents for each other. 11:22.857 --> 11:26.119 I said that we were going to be unwrapping our first present after that last track, The Waitresses. 11:26.519 --> 11:29.942 But actually, we're going to wait for the news, because it's going to be news time soon. 11:30.002 --> 11:33.284 But before that, here's one of the big musical success stories of 2007. 11:34.505 --> 11:39.208 Yeah, this is a song inspired by when they went to see the film Control and someone stood up and went to the loo. 11:40.129 --> 11:42.410 Uh, yeah, it's Gossip with Standing in the Way of Control. 11:42.470 --> 11:42.890 Nice. 11:43.070 --> 11:45.292 That was the Gossip with Standing in the Way of Control. 11:45.352 --> 11:47.553 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 11:47.593 --> 11:50.175 It's our Christmas show and we'll be back very shortly. 11:50.195 --> 11:52.497 But first, here is the Green Day with Warning. 11:52.517 --> 11:53.977 Hey, this is Adam Buxton. 11:55.078 --> 11:55.899 This is Joe Cornish. 11:56.159 --> 11:59.501 The sound you can hear in the background listeners is a lovely Christmasy fire. 12:00.121 --> 12:01.662 This is our special Christmas show. 12:02.102 --> 12:08.366 This is the show we're doing closest to the actual day of Christmas, the sweet spot, the nexus, the pivotal moment of the season. 12:08.526 --> 12:08.746 Yeah. 12:09.367 --> 12:18.172 And we should confess to you right now that this is a pre-recorded show, so please don't text or email us because it would be a waste and then the whole world would crumble. 12:18.452 --> 12:19.112 You'd feel used. 12:19.132 --> 12:19.513 A waste. 12:19.533 --> 12:20.673 We'd feel embarrassed. 12:20.733 --> 12:21.414 It would be a nightmare. 12:21.934 --> 12:29.699 But, of course, because it's Christmas, Adam and I have bought each other presents and sitting here beneath a Christmas tree, we do actually have a Christmas tree, right? 12:29.739 --> 12:30.520 We wouldn't lie about that. 12:30.540 --> 12:30.580 No! 12:31.280 --> 12:32.321 No, we're not allowed to lie here. 12:32.401 --> 12:32.981 No, there's no lie. 12:33.021 --> 12:36.304 We've got a full big Christmas tree, an invisible one. 12:36.584 --> 12:38.965 I thought you were going to say we've got a full blown Christmas tree. 12:39.826 --> 12:40.146 I will. 12:40.466 --> 12:48.051 We've got a full blown Christmas tree and underneath it is a lovely pile of exciting, brightly coloured wrapped presents. 12:48.071 --> 12:51.674 My mind is so pathetic that all I can think of is the filthiness of that. 12:52.434 --> 13:08.319 just the idea of a full-blown Christmas tree with a big pile of prezzies just sounds filthy to my mind yeah well that's good yeah anyway listen who shall give first I don't know I don't know Christmas is all about giving it's true isn't it well why don't why don't you have well 13:09.099 --> 13:18.322 I'm gonna give you three four one two three I've let's start with you giving me a present as You've bought me more presents and I've bought you really but it depends on the quality of the individual present doesn't it? 13:18.422 --> 13:20.202 Well, how do you rate the quality of your presents? 13:21.022 --> 13:22.203 What the ones that I've bought for you? 13:22.223 --> 13:25.304 Yeah, what what method do I use or no? 13:25.404 --> 13:26.164 I actually rate them. 13:26.564 --> 13:28.885 Yeah, how would you rate them very high very high? 13:28.905 --> 13:32.806 Yeah, do you think I would genuinely like any of the presents you've got me all of them? 13:32.826 --> 13:32.866 Oh 13:35.328 --> 13:35.709 All right, listen. 13:35.729 --> 13:37.610 I tell you, do you know how long it took me to get these presents? 13:37.711 --> 13:37.871 No. 13:38.331 --> 13:39.052 25 minutes. 13:39.372 --> 13:39.753 Really? 13:39.793 --> 13:40.053 Yeah. 13:40.073 --> 13:41.815 Do you know how much their total worth is? 13:42.736 --> 13:43.877 I would say 8 pounds. 13:43.997 --> 13:47.500 No, that's about 15, 16 pounds worth of presents. 13:47.540 --> 13:48.041 Really? 13:48.081 --> 13:48.341 Yeah. 13:48.662 --> 13:52.045 I'm just going to tot up mine quickly in my head. 13:52.125 --> 13:54.167 Yours are worth about, actually... 13:55.328 --> 13:57.690 Well, yours are worth about 20 quid. 13:58.050 --> 13:58.330 Really? 13:58.370 --> 13:58.611 Yeah. 13:58.991 --> 13:59.291 Really? 13:59.351 --> 13:59.571 Yeah. 13:59.792 --> 14:00.592 Wow, that's exciting. 14:00.612 --> 14:01.413 Here's the first present. 14:01.433 --> 14:02.974 So here we go, this very exciting listeners. 14:03.174 --> 14:03.835 Do you know what that is? 14:04.095 --> 14:04.455 Can you tell? 14:04.475 --> 14:05.896 Well, it feels like a CD. 14:06.036 --> 14:08.938 Over the years, I've become quite adept at identifying wrapped objects. 14:08.978 --> 14:09.599 Yeah, of course. 14:09.959 --> 14:11.480 And this is quite clearly a CD. 14:11.520 --> 14:13.642 Opening it up. 14:15.820 --> 14:18.742 Oh, this actually looks quite good. 14:18.762 --> 14:19.263 Well, you know. 14:20.163 --> 14:20.704 It's a CD. 14:20.724 --> 14:22.104 It's called Steel in Christmas. 14:22.805 --> 14:26.387 And it's got a large man playing a steel drum. 14:26.427 --> 14:29.910 He's sort of leaning on the steel drum and kind of poking something inside it. 14:29.950 --> 14:31.871 And the steel drum's got Holly attached to it. 14:32.231 --> 14:33.832 He's called Brent Holder. 14:34.533 --> 14:38.195 And maybe Ben, our producer for today, could stick it on for us. 14:38.235 --> 14:39.036 Yeah, here we go. 14:39.056 --> 14:40.497 I'm going to pass the CD there to Ben. 14:40.997 --> 14:44.660 The only thing that is a little bit suspicious making is the cover's cracked there. 14:45.635 --> 14:51.577 You know, does that mean it's second hand, or it's a reject from your collection, or has it merely been handled roughly? 14:51.737 --> 14:53.598 Dr. Bernardo's... Really? 14:54.098 --> 14:54.818 Is it second hand? 14:54.998 --> 14:55.358 It is. 14:56.659 --> 14:57.159 Do you own? 14:57.179 --> 14:58.079 Do you know what this record is? 14:58.099 --> 14:59.160 Let's go for track two. 14:59.220 --> 15:00.760 Because the first one, what's track two called? 15:02.481 --> 15:05.162 Track two is called Ding Dong Merrily on High. 15:05.562 --> 15:06.462 I've heard of that one. 15:08.643 --> 15:10.964 It's not recognisable yet, but it will be in a second. 15:12.224 --> 15:13.585 It's a nice little intro here. 15:13.865 --> 15:14.105 Ready? 15:15.592 --> 15:24.013 Ooh, ding dong merrily on high I live in Jamaica I'm playing the steel drums This is great It's good, isn't it? 15:25.879 --> 15:26.299 There we go. 15:26.359 --> 15:27.340 There's a biography here. 15:27.360 --> 15:35.166 It says the Port of Spain Police Youth Club in Trinidad was the first place Brent started playing the steel pan instrument from the tender age of eight. 15:35.726 --> 15:38.328 Wow, so he's a kind of steel pan expert. 15:39.289 --> 15:40.290 Um, that's exciting. 15:40.450 --> 15:40.970 It's good, isn't it? 15:40.990 --> 15:42.812 Because it sounds almost synthesized. 15:43.132 --> 15:47.815 You know, it's like he's so precise, but this is real steel drum playing you're hearing, folks. 15:47.996 --> 15:48.936 What's his name again, the guy? 15:50.377 --> 15:51.718 His name is Brent Holder. 15:51.738 --> 15:54.059 That sounds like a Star Trek. 15:54.319 --> 15:55.900 Well, Brent Spiner played Data. 15:56.100 --> 15:58.981 So what drew you to this? 16:01.262 --> 16:05.324 Well, to be honest, I just thought it might be fun just to play on the show a little bit. 16:05.344 --> 16:10.427 And I thought you'd dig it because, you know, you've got questing kind of musical tastes, don't you? 16:10.607 --> 16:10.747 Yeah. 16:11.067 --> 16:15.271 And you enjoy the rhythm and the blues and that kind of thing. 16:15.791 --> 16:17.373 So I thought a bit of steel drum would be nice. 16:17.453 --> 16:18.814 And you know what I was thinking as well? 16:19.215 --> 16:24.259 The other day when we did Song Wars Christmas songs, I was originally going to go down the steel drum route. 16:25.160 --> 16:29.524 I went down a different route in the end, but I was, you know, very attracted to that. 16:29.884 --> 16:31.625 Are you drinking your Prosecco, incidentally? 16:31.906 --> 16:32.006 Me? 16:32.026 --> 16:32.146 Yeah. 16:32.306 --> 16:33.447 I've had a couple of sips, yeah. 16:33.547 --> 16:35.068 I've had more than a couple of sips. 16:35.148 --> 16:36.009 I'm pacing myself. 16:36.029 --> 16:36.909 Not even ten o'clock. 16:36.949 --> 16:38.130 I'm a little bit tooty. 16:38.711 --> 16:39.731 Yeah. 16:39.771 --> 16:41.152 We should probably play some kind, man. 16:41.192 --> 16:41.753 Thank you very much. 16:41.773 --> 16:43.814 Are you seriously, are you genuinely a little bit happy with that? 16:45.610 --> 16:46.011 Not really. 16:46.071 --> 16:46.731 Yeah, a little bit. 16:46.771 --> 16:47.372 Will you play it? 16:47.472 --> 16:47.993 A little bit. 16:48.373 --> 16:50.375 That crack's really taking the edge off it, though. 16:50.535 --> 16:52.557 I genuinely thought about rehousing it. 16:52.577 --> 16:53.198 It's funny, isn't it? 16:53.258 --> 16:57.742 When you have a CD and the case cracks, for me it just takes the edge off the whole... I know what you mean. 16:57.762 --> 16:59.864 The band, the career and the music within. 17:00.265 --> 17:01.185 I'm sorry about that. 17:01.826 --> 17:02.547 Just feels cheap. 17:02.867 --> 17:03.528 How much was it? 17:03.928 --> 17:05.410 Is that an un-Christmas-y question to ask? 17:05.470 --> 17:05.810 A little bit. 17:05.830 --> 17:07.291 A little bit on Christmas-y three-pants. 17:07.311 --> 17:08.132 Sorry. 17:09.093 --> 17:09.233 Yeah. 17:09.794 --> 17:10.675 Shall we have some music? 17:10.715 --> 17:10.995 Yeah. 17:11.295 --> 17:16.380 Let's have, but this is, um, Ding Dong Marily on High by Brent Alder. 17:17.401 --> 17:17.962 We've had that. 17:18.282 --> 17:20.964 This is Ida Maria with Drive Away My Heart. 17:21.104 --> 17:23.026 Wow, she just refused to die there. 17:23.066 --> 17:27.611 She's like an animal caught in a trap and she had a couple death throes there. 17:27.751 --> 17:30.193 And what's Christmas going to be like at Ida Maria's house? 17:30.693 --> 17:31.374 Quite serious. 17:31.414 --> 17:32.155 Very serious. 17:32.555 --> 17:33.616 Uh, quite confused. 17:34.177 --> 17:39.141 Lots of strange pauses and then sudden noises. 17:39.161 --> 17:45.387 I think her family died, but they're still sitting round the table. 17:45.987 --> 17:47.329 Texas Chainsaw Massacre style. 17:48.349 --> 17:50.591 She tries to force a hammer into her father's hand. 17:53.435 --> 17:54.596 That's nasty business isn't it? 17:54.656 --> 17:56.038 It's from the pauling image. 17:56.098 --> 17:57.480 It's from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 17:57.500 --> 17:58.081 I know what I'm saying. 17:58.101 --> 17:58.801 Kids love that film. 17:58.841 --> 17:59.863 Kids watch that film these days. 17:59.923 --> 18:01.905 That is one of the most horrific moments in cinema. 18:01.985 --> 18:02.846 It is horrible business. 18:02.987 --> 18:09.515 Let's not take that any further because it's Christmas and we should banish that thought of that kind of necrophiliac in a party chit chat. 18:10.355 --> 18:11.656 We should banish it from our minds. 18:11.916 --> 18:13.777 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC Six Music. 18:14.438 --> 18:16.339 Merry, very nearly Christmas, listeners. 18:17.019 --> 18:22.302 Adam and I, to celebrate the season, have done something that everybody does and bought each other presents. 18:22.702 --> 18:25.063 Adam has just given me a marvellous CD. 18:27.424 --> 18:30.205 of, uh, steel drum, uh, music. 18:30.545 --> 18:33.366 I wish this could see the cover-up on this thing. 18:33.966 --> 18:37.787 Would you not even play that, like, at a little party just for a little bit? 18:37.847 --> 18:39.728 A very small party, you know? 18:40.248 --> 18:41.609 A very, very small party. 18:41.689 --> 18:42.529 One with nobody there. 18:43.169 --> 18:43.989 Here's a present for you. 18:44.029 --> 18:44.489 Thanks, man. 18:44.509 --> 18:45.090 It's all right. 18:45.630 --> 18:52.512 Uh, this is a small present, listeners, and it should be noted that Joe Cornish has wrapped his presents this year in some paper. 18:52.572 --> 18:53.192 Man, that was a... 18:54.192 --> 18:55.532 in the newspaper. 18:55.592 --> 19:03.674 I thought the listeners should know because I took the time to wrap your stuff in nice silver paper from a shop. 19:03.774 --> 19:04.215 It's true. 19:04.555 --> 19:08.336 And the paper actually was probably worth more than the present. 19:09.116 --> 19:13.457 But no, I only mentioned that because in previous years I've been a bit slack about my wrapping. 19:13.677 --> 19:15.117 I remember one year I didn't wrap anything at all. 19:15.137 --> 19:16.118 I just handed you stuff. 19:16.138 --> 19:16.558 That's very slack. 19:16.578 --> 19:16.898 I'm not a geek. 19:16.938 --> 19:17.798 You didn't buy anything. 19:18.298 --> 19:19.118 That's probably true. 19:19.178 --> 19:20.119 Yeah, no, you're always buddy. 19:20.159 --> 19:21.879 But look at what newspaper I've wrapped it in. 19:22.439 --> 19:40.199 uh what the daily telegraph yeah do you read the daily telegraph the sport pages you're good at reading newspapers though how many newspapers do you buy a day just the one no i didn't that was that was got from uh the six music used newspaper pile telegraph's a good paper though isn't it i'm not a big newspaper reader i have to admit yeah it's all right oh look manager of the month 19:41.200 --> 19:42.962 Hey, focus on the present, not the paper. 19:43.202 --> 19:44.383 I mean, it is lovely paper. 19:44.583 --> 19:46.365 Congratulations to Paul Cook from None eaten. 19:46.905 --> 19:51.589 Frankly, he had a crack in November as his team that cooked very rude. 19:51.909 --> 19:52.750 Man, you've been very rude. 19:52.770 --> 19:53.170 Sorry, mate. 19:53.190 --> 19:53.450 Sorry. 19:55.232 --> 19:56.313 Describe what's happening. 19:56.353 --> 19:57.013 Talk us through it. 19:57.314 --> 19:59.055 Oh, a Macleish arrival to end takeover. 20:00.036 --> 20:14.650 sorry now listen I've unwrapped it and in the middle it's a kind of oh my gosh what is this it's a sort of tube a little tube this a little smaller than a tube of Smarties actually maybe half the size of a tube 20:15.130 --> 20:17.111 If you go about it this way, you'll never figure out what it is. 20:17.671 --> 20:18.311 What do you think it is? 20:18.331 --> 20:19.132 A telescope? 20:19.172 --> 20:19.712 A firework? 20:20.092 --> 20:20.572 Could it be? 20:20.692 --> 20:21.673 It looks like a firework. 20:21.713 --> 20:24.334 It looks like the cardboard middle of a firework. 20:24.354 --> 20:25.474 Otherwise we'll be here all evening. 20:26.134 --> 20:28.795 I got this from that music shop in the Tottenham Court Road. 20:28.815 --> 20:29.716 Is it called McCraney? 20:30.816 --> 20:34.337 It looks like the kind of musical instrument that Damon Albarn would use. 20:34.417 --> 20:35.718 It is a musical instrument. 20:36.218 --> 20:38.499 It's what they call a jaw harp. 20:39.689 --> 20:39.850 Oh! 20:39.890 --> 20:41.191 Yeah, have you ever used one of those before? 20:41.871 --> 20:42.231 No. 20:42.251 --> 20:50.318 During the next record, you can figure out how to use it, but you put it between your lips, you open your mouth, and then you go... I just stabbed myself. 20:50.358 --> 20:52.940 You just snapped it against his mouth. 20:53.200 --> 20:54.902 Have you actually cut your lips there? 20:54.922 --> 20:55.242 I don't know. 20:55.262 --> 20:55.882 It could have gone right. 20:55.943 --> 20:58.144 It could have just pierced my cheek with the heart. 20:58.184 --> 20:59.265 Pace yourself with it. 20:59.806 --> 21:00.646 Oh my lord. 21:00.666 --> 21:01.227 Am I bleeding? 21:02.363 --> 21:03.866 Uh, not yet, no. 21:04.067 --> 21:04.748 But- I am. 21:04.768 --> 21:06.192 Look at that, that's blood, mate. 21:06.212 --> 21:06.953 Little bit of blood. 21:07.154 --> 21:08.256 Oh my lord, thanks! 21:09.700 --> 21:10.602 Thanks for the deadly present! 21:10.622 --> 21:11.263 Well, I didn't- 21:12.108 --> 21:13.369 Because this is not a normal one. 21:13.509 --> 21:15.131 Usually, I've seen these things before. 21:15.151 --> 21:19.134 They're also known in the old world as a jew's harp. 21:20.655 --> 21:26.941 You know, they sit round campfires and they go... You're gonna be doing that in a second. 21:26.961 --> 21:27.821 We're gonna go for a record. 21:27.841 --> 21:28.342 Join the record. 21:28.382 --> 21:29.403 I'm really bleeding. 21:29.603 --> 21:30.183 Look at this. 21:30.484 --> 21:31.264 It's pouring out. 21:31.284 --> 21:32.045 It's not my fault. 21:32.205 --> 21:36.488 I just had two glasses of Prosecco, I'm not coordinated and you give me this deadly device? 21:36.628 --> 21:42.211 Yeah, but it's like me giving you a box of chocolates and then you stuffing them into your eyes and then complaining that your eyes hurt. 21:43.432 --> 21:45.313 Come on then, you picked this next track, right? 21:45.553 --> 21:45.973 I did, yeah. 21:45.993 --> 21:47.074 This is the Rolling Stones. 21:47.754 --> 21:48.555 It's called Winter. 21:48.655 --> 21:49.615 Are you a Stones fan? 21:50.276 --> 21:50.496 Yeah. 21:50.776 --> 21:51.637 Where do you hear this song? 21:51.677 --> 21:53.398 I bet this is on a soundtrack, right? 21:53.498 --> 21:53.698 No. 21:54.198 --> 21:56.179 It's a great classic Rolling Stones song. 21:56.600 --> 21:58.481 One of my favourites is called Winter. 21:59.241 --> 22:00.701 This is Adam and Jo BBC Six Music. 22:01.022 --> 22:01.802 Good morning everybody. 22:01.822 --> 22:03.742 This is our special Christmas show. 22:04.063 --> 22:05.183 We're in a little wooden shack. 22:05.483 --> 22:06.563 We've got a fire going. 22:07.324 --> 22:09.304 And you just heard the Rolling Stones with winter. 22:10.424 --> 22:12.965 And I just gave Adam his first Christmas present. 22:13.545 --> 22:14.866 It's a jaw harp. 22:16.026 --> 22:23.348 And during the break, well during that last record he's been learning how to play it and before that record he just cut a chunk of his lip off with it. 22:23.368 --> 22:31.591 It's a very sharp jaw harp I must say and I almost immediately because I'm a slightly male coordinated shoved it right in my cheek. 22:32.011 --> 22:34.412 flattered by that because you did that because you were so excited about it. 22:34.432 --> 22:35.373 I was excited about it. 22:35.413 --> 22:35.913 In the early 80s. 22:36.253 --> 22:44.958 You know, it slightly puts my present to you to shame because it's a far more creative and it's something that I could use in the future as well to maybe for song wars, that kind of thing. 22:45.018 --> 22:45.478 It's great. 22:45.918 --> 22:47.279 And it looks pretty as well. 22:47.619 --> 22:49.820 But I think you're going to like your next present. 22:50.080 --> 22:50.381 Really? 22:50.501 --> 22:51.021 Very much. 22:51.221 --> 22:55.343 Before we move on to that, I'd like to hear some of your jaw harp stylings. 22:57.064 --> 22:59.025 Hold it by the tip because you've got to let it resonate. 22:59.045 --> 23:00.266 It's all about resonation. 23:02.145 --> 23:02.846 What do you want me to play? 23:03.026 --> 23:06.969 I'd like you to play Orange Juice's track, I Can't Help Myself. 23:10.572 --> 23:14.976 Four tops, I can't help myself, I can't help myself. 23:20.700 --> 23:21.060 That's good. 23:21.080 --> 23:21.581 That's quite good. 23:21.621 --> 23:25.463 That's the sound of Adam beginning to learn to play the jaw harp. 23:25.843 --> 23:30.546 And in a few months time, he might be one of Britain's leading jaw harpists. 23:31.086 --> 23:32.067 Try and change the note. 23:32.867 --> 23:33.528 Well, you may change it. 23:33.568 --> 23:34.968 I'm changing it all over the area. 23:35.689 --> 23:36.089 Hang on. 23:36.669 --> 23:37.210 That's good. 23:38.130 --> 23:41.272 That's a great idea for Christmas present, even though I say it myself. 23:41.812 --> 23:43.033 It costs like six quid. 23:43.914 --> 23:44.314 You know? 23:45.854 --> 23:48.338 I mean, you know, you don't get many more notes than that out of it, do you? 23:48.378 --> 23:49.259 Oh, no, you do. 23:51.703 --> 23:52.363 I'm not taking it. 23:52.384 --> 23:53.986 It's got all your germs all over it. 23:54.426 --> 23:55.808 It's got all my blood all over it. 23:55.989 --> 23:57.611 I'll have a little go of it during the next record. 23:57.631 --> 24:01.917 Here's a session track recorded for the David Kidd Jensen show on Radio 1 on the 25th of August. 24:02.598 --> 24:03.839 Uh, August, April, 1982. 24:04.339 --> 24:06.700 Uh, what a year 82 was. 24:07.280 --> 24:08.220 Um, and this is Orange Juice. 24:08.240 --> 24:08.560 Classic year. 24:08.821 --> 24:09.401 A classic year. 24:09.521 --> 24:11.122 And after this, who's giving who a present? 24:11.702 --> 24:12.642 Uh, I don't know. 24:12.742 --> 24:13.883 We might wait till the next hour. 24:14.043 --> 24:14.543 Oh my gosh. 24:14.563 --> 24:15.403 Are we in the next hour? 24:15.763 --> 24:16.644 Ooh, very nearly. 24:16.664 --> 24:16.944 Yeah. 24:17.404 --> 24:19.265 Uh, here's Orange Juice with I Can't Help Myself. 24:19.445 --> 24:25.107 That was Beck with Little Drum Machine Boy, and that was a little remix that I did myself for you listeners. 24:25.127 --> 24:25.327 Did you? 24:25.367 --> 24:31.670 Yeah, because, uh, the actual track, which I think is on the B side of... Oh, I forget. 24:32.470 --> 24:37.275 It was on, you know what, it was on a freebie giveaway thing that came with Select Magazine years ago. 24:37.295 --> 24:39.937 And it was a really good little sort of EP. 24:39.997 --> 24:40.598 Is it rude? 24:41.559 --> 24:47.725 There was a little bit of rudeness in there, I hope it didn't offend anybody, but also it went on for hours. 24:47.765 --> 24:49.126 The original thing was like eight hours. 24:49.146 --> 24:50.227 So you kind of compressed it. 24:50.427 --> 24:51.528 Did a little compression on it. 24:51.568 --> 24:51.969 Good work. 24:52.449 --> 24:53.129 I hope you enjoyed it. 24:54.110 --> 24:56.211 Anyway, this is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 24:56.251 --> 24:58.592 It's our Christmas show, even though it's only the 22nd. 24:58.852 --> 25:02.334 You've still got a load of time to do all your present by, and there's no hurry. 25:02.574 --> 25:04.975 And hey, merry cringles, Christmas listeners. 25:05.275 --> 25:05.976 Yeah, exactly. 25:06.336 --> 25:08.657 Because Christmas is our favourite time of year. 25:09.397 --> 25:19.222 You know, even if you don't necessarily believe in every single aspect of it, it's still a nice time just to take stock, relax a little bit if you're lucky enough to get some time off from your hard work. 25:19.802 --> 25:21.263 Just see some friends, you know. 25:21.283 --> 25:24.364 Are you big on the Christmas card situation, Joe? 25:24.784 --> 25:27.845 No, I'm ashamed to say I've never sent a Christmas card in my life. 25:27.885 --> 25:28.626 That's lucky, man. 25:28.666 --> 25:30.987 I envy you, because there's no real reason for it. 25:31.467 --> 25:35.449 And it's just a sort of insane routine that people get into that gets worse as you get older. 25:35.529 --> 25:36.889 It's a policy decision, isn't it? 25:37.209 --> 25:43.212 Weirdly, our friend Louis Theroux, you might occasionally see him on the telly, and this year, Christmas cards. 25:43.752 --> 25:43.972 Right. 25:44.032 --> 25:44.572 Never before. 25:44.793 --> 25:46.373 Well, he's a family man now, though. 25:46.453 --> 25:47.074 It's true, isn't it? 25:47.134 --> 25:52.096 I think if you have the kiddles, uh, and all that sort of business Christmas cards become part of the whole deal. 25:52.296 --> 25:55.257 I'm one of these people that puts their children on their Christmas cards. 25:55.457 --> 25:56.378 What do you mean by that? 25:57.038 --> 26:03.481 I actually place both the boys on top of the card and I shove them into the letterbox and then they accompany the card. 26:03.501 --> 26:04.101 Just to get rid of them? 26:04.181 --> 26:04.882 No, that's not true. 26:05.182 --> 26:07.023 I take pictures of them in cute poses. 26:07.543 --> 26:07.823 God. 26:07.843 --> 26:11.908 You're like that American woman that does the awful pictures of babies. 26:12.248 --> 26:13.910 What's she called Anne Gedders? 26:14.090 --> 26:15.231 Yeah, I'm exactly like her. 26:15.691 --> 26:17.273 No, it's mainly for... You look very like her. 26:17.293 --> 26:17.613 Thank you. 26:18.034 --> 26:22.639 It's mainly for my parents, you know, because they get... And it's for me and my wife as well. 26:22.679 --> 26:25.241 We enjoy dressing them up and making them look ludicrous. 26:26.022 --> 26:36.529 But I can't stop myself doing it, even though a lot of my friends I know disapprove and think it's very tacky and ludicrous and sort of show-offy to parade my children in Christmas garden. 26:36.689 --> 26:36.969 Correct. 26:37.069 --> 26:38.050 But I like doing it. 26:38.090 --> 26:38.370 And it's sweet. 26:38.390 --> 26:39.331 What are they dressed in this year? 26:40.691 --> 26:43.753 This year, well, we've left it quite late this year. 26:43.773 --> 26:44.534 We haven't done it yet. 26:44.554 --> 26:45.254 They haven't done it yet? 26:45.314 --> 26:47.516 No, it's the 22nd and we still haven't done our Christmas card. 26:47.536 --> 26:50.618 So it might be a sort of new year motif we might... What are you thinking? 26:50.898 --> 26:51.999 What are you thinking costume-wise? 26:52.879 --> 26:56.661 I'm thinking, well, generally we go fairly traditional with the costumes. 26:56.701 --> 26:57.541 Just a Christmas hat. 26:57.881 --> 26:58.861 Like a little Christmas hat. 26:58.881 --> 27:00.542 They're old enough to resist now, aren't they? 27:00.582 --> 27:03.603 Man, they've been old enough to resist for the last three years, they hate it. 27:03.623 --> 27:04.424 Do they? 27:04.484 --> 27:05.604 They absolutely hate it. 27:05.624 --> 27:05.884 Really? 27:06.004 --> 27:09.626 I think you should do them up like celebrities, like they do in Heat magazine. 27:09.666 --> 27:11.266 Honestly, that's what I've been waiting for. 27:11.886 --> 27:16.208 Every year, I think if there was a prominent celebrity couple, I'd just both have shopped their faces in there. 27:16.228 --> 27:17.609 Who would be the key couple this year? 27:17.729 --> 27:18.409 Brown and Blair. 27:20.791 --> 27:35.549 could have done a sort of satirical political pose exactly uh yeah have you seen that advert i think it's for schwepps or something like that where it's a it's it's a kind of photoshopped job of a bar and everybody's in there giving each other yes and jackson is she called alison jackson oh 27:35.669 --> 27:35.889 Yeah. 27:35.909 --> 27:38.351 The artist who does all the celebrity look-alikes stuff. 27:38.371 --> 27:40.073 Right, it's look-alikes, is it? 27:40.133 --> 27:41.033 Yeah, I think so. 27:41.053 --> 27:44.136 There you go, it's Ludacris, and it's got Pete Doherty, and... Sure. 27:44.396 --> 27:44.596 Yeah. 27:44.956 --> 27:46.137 They're the big people, and who is it? 27:46.458 --> 27:47.939 It's Posh and Bex, is the other one, is it? 27:48.359 --> 27:48.960 There we go. 27:49.360 --> 27:53.163 The most famous people, 2007, I guess, that's the consensus. 27:53.223 --> 27:57.306 Blair and Brown, Posh and Bex, and Doherty, and what a retarded world we live in. 27:57.546 --> 27:58.787 Yeah, and I'm the king of it. 27:59.328 --> 27:59.828 What do you mean? 28:00.068 --> 28:01.830 Well, I'm the most retarded person in it. 28:01.850 --> 28:02.370 Oh, really? 28:02.450 --> 28:03.351 Yeah, so I'm the king. 28:05.052 --> 28:07.293 Now listen, I want to tell you about Frank's nativity play. 28:07.333 --> 28:08.754 Frank is my silently listeners. 28:08.774 --> 28:10.035 Hope you won't mind me talking about him. 28:10.715 --> 28:17.399 I'll be talking about his nativity play very shortly, and of course we've got some present giving business to settle as well shortly. 28:17.419 --> 28:19.160 But first, here's some more music. 28:19.640 --> 28:20.281 This is... 28:21.576 --> 28:26.259 Interpol, the most Christmasy band in the world, with the Heinrich Maneuver. 28:26.460 --> 28:29.041 That was Interpol with the Heinrich Maneuver. 28:29.061 --> 28:40.570 This is Adam and John, BBC6 Music, coming to you from our Christmas shack here in central London, where we've got a lovely, cosy, roaring log fire, and Adam's now gonna what? 28:40.810 --> 28:42.931 We've got Booker T in the MG, he's playing in the corner there. 28:43.051 --> 28:43.312 Yeah. 28:43.572 --> 28:44.032 Right lads? 28:44.152 --> 28:45.113 Just a few Christmas songs. 28:45.618 --> 28:46.138 Thank you! 28:46.198 --> 28:46.539 Bye! 28:46.619 --> 28:47.019 Thank you! 28:47.039 --> 28:48.040 Have a nice time! 28:48.120 --> 28:48.920 How are you doing? 28:48.961 --> 28:49.061 Shh! 28:49.301 --> 28:49.821 Fine, thanks. 28:50.021 --> 28:50.502 Keep it down. 28:50.622 --> 28:52.283 Booker T. Washington was speaking there. 28:52.983 --> 28:56.546 Um, now Adam, you were gonna tell us about your, uh, son's nativity play. 28:56.566 --> 28:58.407 I'm gonna sit back and drink my, what is this? 28:58.788 --> 28:59.268 Prosecco. 28:59.548 --> 29:00.429 Prosecco, yeah. 29:00.689 --> 29:03.332 Some alcohol early in the morning, but it's alright because it's Christmas. 29:03.652 --> 29:04.333 It's nice, innit? 29:04.734 --> 29:04.934 Yeah. 29:05.134 --> 29:06.456 You feeling a little bit tutti now? 29:06.476 --> 29:07.357 A tiny bit tutti, yeah. 29:07.377 --> 29:08.077 Taking the edge off a little bit. 29:08.098 --> 29:12.182 I've got a very low tolerance for alcohol, so I'm entering the headache phase. 29:12.342 --> 29:13.143 Are you immediately? 29:13.484 --> 29:14.104 Almost immediately. 29:14.124 --> 29:15.666 My enjoyment lasted about four seconds. 29:16.167 --> 29:18.029 That tends to be the problem with sparkling, yeah. 29:18.389 --> 29:18.790 Go for it, though. 29:18.810 --> 29:19.911 Tell us about the nativity play. 29:20.031 --> 29:22.292 Well, I went to my son Frank's nativity play. 29:22.372 --> 29:34.479 He's about five and a half now, and this was the first time that he's been involved with a school play production thing and not immediately started crying as soon as he appeared on the stage and ran away. 29:34.499 --> 29:36.820 Because he finds it too much, it's overwhelming. 29:36.840 --> 29:39.001 You know, he's not a natural performer in that respect. 29:39.702 --> 29:41.322 But this time, man, he nailed it. 29:41.362 --> 29:42.143 He had a line. 29:42.263 --> 29:49.207 His line was, we come bearing gifts of gold, precious frankincense and myrrh. 29:49.987 --> 29:51.988 And he also sang many of the songs. 29:52.149 --> 29:54.830 He didn't solo it, but he was a very valuable part of the choir. 29:55.150 --> 29:56.371 So I was extremely proud. 29:56.812 --> 29:59.954 But my enjoyment of the whole thing was somewhat... 30:00.834 --> 30:01.414 What's the word? 30:01.434 --> 30:01.735 Mard. 30:02.015 --> 30:11.501 Mard, mollified, offset by... not mollified, certainly, but offset by the fact that a Christmas nativity play now is a total scrum. 30:11.581 --> 30:13.862 Is there any other kind of nativity play apart from a Christmas one? 30:14.163 --> 30:14.323 No. 30:14.843 --> 30:16.224 But it's a total scrum. 30:16.384 --> 30:23.168 In the video age, the phone age, right, and the camera age, parents are just going absolutely nuts. 30:23.349 --> 30:28.032 Well, this has been the subject of... Was it in a movie or a TV sketch show? 30:28.072 --> 30:30.053 I can remember seeing a sequence in something where 30:30.893 --> 30:31.734 It's like a press call. 30:31.914 --> 30:32.194 Yeah. 30:32.554 --> 30:38.218 Yeah, it's like the world's press are taking photos of David Beckham in his weird bulgy knick-knocks. 30:38.418 --> 30:46.483 Yes, people are just crazy exactly and kind of It's as if human beings don't have memories anymore, right? 30:46.503 --> 30:47.144 Do you know what I mean? 30:48.044 --> 30:57.489 I always think if something really means something, if you just look at it really hard with your eyes, there are nerve endings in the brain that record us, you know? 30:57.569 --> 30:57.809 Yeah. 30:58.069 --> 31:00.050 And that might be a bit more meaningful. 31:00.090 --> 31:03.672 In a way, filming stuff or taking photos is actually reductive. 31:04.472 --> 31:07.236 Well, to a degree, I'm just giving you, I'm being devil's advocate. 31:07.316 --> 31:08.157 Yes, yes, yes. 31:08.197 --> 31:18.210 But certainly, when you seize things like that, and I think I've been to a friend's nativity play where I witnessed a very similar scene, and yeah, one does think, man, this has gone too far. 31:18.350 --> 31:20.813 Was the scene something to do with Mary and Joseph? 31:21.254 --> 31:22.275 It was a similar scene. 31:22.355 --> 31:23.737 Yeah, it was that kind of scene. 31:23.757 --> 31:32.629 I mean, it's unusual, of course, these days, to see something that traditional, because only 5% of schools are doing traditional nativity plays, because the killjoys want to stamp it out. 31:32.810 --> 31:34.452 Yeah, so we're told. 31:34.832 --> 31:37.917 But anyway, well, there's many different religions in the country. 31:38.237 --> 31:41.559 Yeah, but the other religions are not going around saying, you know what makes me sick? 31:41.860 --> 31:42.920 Is nativity plays. 31:43.381 --> 31:46.082 I think it's mainly... Yeah, you've got to be inclusive with little kids. 31:46.263 --> 31:46.503 Yeah. 31:46.883 --> 31:47.664 It's a tricky subject. 31:47.724 --> 31:50.966 It's the kind of political hot potato that we don't like to handle here on the Hot Potato Show. 31:51.326 --> 31:55.129 Let's open that political hot potato and put a knob of butter in and a little bit of cheese. 31:56.329 --> 31:57.190 Just a nod, maybe. 31:58.210 --> 31:59.591 That's a delicious hot potato. 31:59.651 --> 32:00.371 Thanks very much. 32:00.752 --> 32:10.897 But no, I was thinking all the same stuff that you were saying previously about memorizing things and the value of memory as opposed to just the stark image from a phone cam or whatever. 32:11.677 --> 32:15.379 But it didn't stop me rushing down there and trying to get a little shot. 32:15.479 --> 32:18.301 I knelt at the front because the problem in the church was 32:19.281 --> 32:27.186 that, you know, you've got all the people in the pews, it's a packed house in the pews, but the children actually involved with the production were not raised up, there was no stage or anything. 32:27.726 --> 32:32.329 And they were very close to the front row, so only the front row got a good view, everyone else was stuffed. 32:32.389 --> 32:33.530 It sounds badly directed. 32:33.550 --> 32:34.590 It was, I'll do next year. 32:34.630 --> 32:35.171 Yeah, could you? 32:35.391 --> 32:35.651 Yeah. 32:35.851 --> 32:41.034 And I was thinking if they'd asked me, I would've got them some cheap staging, some cheap risers, you know? 32:41.254 --> 32:43.696 I could've sorted the whole thing out, it wouldn't have been a big scrum. 32:44.216 --> 32:46.338 But no, they wouldn't ask me about it. 32:46.698 --> 32:48.419 And instead, it was a disaster. 32:48.659 --> 32:48.980 Was it? 32:49.040 --> 32:50.981 It was the biggest... No, it wasn't, it was charming. 32:51.141 --> 32:52.382 But it was charming. 32:52.442 --> 32:53.443 I wish I could have seen a little more. 32:53.463 --> 32:55.825 Some schools have banned recording devices, haven't they? 32:55.905 --> 32:56.285 Have they? 32:56.465 --> 32:57.526 From their plays, yeah. 32:57.546 --> 32:58.347 Probably quite wisely. 32:58.407 --> 32:59.728 I mean, it was out of control here. 32:59.768 --> 33:02.590 There was people with massive telephoto lenses and stuff. 33:02.610 --> 33:02.830 Really? 33:02.870 --> 33:04.931 Yeah, it was way out of control. 33:05.031 --> 33:12.417 The thing is, when you're filming something like that that you don't actually kind of, you know, where it's not a proper film, it's probably hard to know where to point the camera. 33:12.777 --> 33:12.917 Right. 33:12.937 --> 33:13.777 Do you go for a wide? 33:14.117 --> 33:15.578 Do you zoom in for a close-up? 33:16.158 --> 33:16.738 How did you handle? 33:16.758 --> 33:18.078 You were just on Frank the whole time. 33:18.158 --> 33:18.659 Zooming in? 33:18.679 --> 33:21.399 Yeah, I don't want the whole... You're not interested in any of the other kids. 33:21.419 --> 33:22.099 You just want Frank. 33:22.180 --> 33:24.340 I got an Establisher, but mainly I wanted Frank. 33:24.400 --> 33:25.860 He was looking sweet there with his halo. 33:26.381 --> 33:30.802 Then the problem is, once you zoom in on a digital camera, it's total block-o-vision. 33:31.322 --> 33:32.202 Oh, you were taking stills. 33:32.242 --> 33:33.002 You weren't taking video. 33:33.182 --> 33:35.263 I was taking video, but on the mini camera. 33:35.663 --> 33:35.743 Ah. 33:36.143 --> 33:38.544 So... I'm probably never going to see it again. 33:39.404 --> 33:45.087 and my memory of the whole thing is just a kind of mad photo-scrum with Frank somewhere in the middle of it. 33:45.827 --> 33:46.827 What's the world come to? 33:46.847 --> 33:47.508 I don't know. 33:47.528 --> 33:48.628 I don't know either. 33:48.668 --> 33:51.149 Would you like some music to help me think about it? 33:51.169 --> 33:51.949 Sure, okay, what have you got? 33:52.550 --> 33:58.112 I've got only one of the best songs ever recorded by a human being. 33:58.652 --> 34:00.173 Is this what I think it is? 34:00.593 --> 34:02.794 It's Duffy with Rock Fairy. 34:02.894 --> 34:04.075 It's not what I thought it was. 34:05.051 --> 34:05.752 That's good, isn't it? 34:05.792 --> 34:09.334 We sort of gave it a rather inappropriate introduction. 34:09.414 --> 34:10.215 You were sniggering us. 34:10.235 --> 34:12.576 Sniggering and snorting, but not at the music. 34:13.217 --> 34:15.578 It just happened to be a good moment for a snigger and a snort. 34:15.858 --> 34:17.560 But that was Duffy with Rock Fairy. 34:17.600 --> 34:19.821 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music. 34:19.861 --> 34:21.302 It's our Christmas show. 34:21.763 --> 34:22.723 We're in our little shack. 34:22.743 --> 34:23.804 We've got our fire going. 34:23.824 --> 34:25.525 We're playing some good Christmassy songs. 34:25.925 --> 34:26.986 We've got some presents to give. 34:27.366 --> 34:29.508 I think it's time for our next present very shortly, don't you think? 34:29.628 --> 34:30.509 Yeah, what about right now? 34:31.509 --> 34:34.053 Right now you say I'm greedy for presies. 34:34.614 --> 34:36.977 Okay, then presies you can what would you say Adam Buxton? 34:37.798 --> 34:44.788 Was the best present you've ever been given in your whole life for Christmas the most excited you ever been well the most excited That's easy. 34:44.988 --> 34:47.051 The most excited was when I got my 34:48.172 --> 34:53.474 Excuse me, when I got my Sony Trinitron color television... How old were you? 34:53.674 --> 34:54.174 I was... 12. 34:55.775 --> 34:57.195 Wow. 34:58.476 --> 34:59.836 And so that would have been 1981, 1982. 35:00.376 --> 35:03.637 Is that the first teller you actually owned? 35:03.717 --> 35:03.977 Yeah. 35:04.017 --> 35:04.518 Your veteran. 35:04.538 --> 35:11.560 First TV, and my parents were very reluctant to give it to me, you know, obviously, because you don't want to... It has had a seriously detrimental effect. 35:12.000 --> 35:12.700 Well, exactly. 35:13.040 --> 35:25.003 No, I mean it essentially made it possible for me to earn money in my later life in this ludicrous manner, because it meant that I could watch a huge amount of all kinds of television at any time, and it was great. 35:25.524 --> 35:27.844 And it's still working today, it's still in my house. 35:28.064 --> 35:28.284 Really? 35:28.304 --> 35:29.785 Yeah, it's a classic little TV. 35:29.865 --> 35:30.205 Wow. 35:30.625 --> 35:31.205 Well, how about you? 35:31.965 --> 35:34.666 Probably the Play People Fire Engine. 35:35.066 --> 35:46.662 really they're called play mobile now yeah but i was obsessed with play people uh and yeah i got a play people fire engine and because my birthday is very near christmas right uh it was a joint birthday present 35:47.529 --> 35:49.470 Yeah, my parents couldn't afford it. 35:49.590 --> 35:49.930 Oh really? 35:50.370 --> 35:52.210 They couldn't afford the whole play person. 35:52.310 --> 35:52.811 How old were you? 35:52.891 --> 35:54.831 I don't know, they thought it was too sort of greedy and demanding. 35:54.851 --> 35:56.812 What was this, 26, 27 years old? 35:56.832 --> 35:56.812 27, 27. 35:57.332 --> 36:00.453 No, I don't know, probably about 9, 8 or 9. 36:00.493 --> 36:00.773 Right. 36:01.073 --> 36:04.294 I did play with those toys till a lot later than most children though. 36:04.474 --> 36:04.714 Yeah. 36:04.974 --> 36:06.194 I was still playing with them when I was 13. 36:06.274 --> 36:10.516 Did you used to make sort of dioramas out of your sheets like mountains and stuff? 16. 36:11.656 --> 36:11.856 What? 36:12.016 --> 36:12.977 What were you doing with them? 36:13.097 --> 36:13.377 Yeah. 36:13.637 --> 36:14.518 Yeah, absolutely. 36:14.678 --> 36:16.939 Uh, the, the Empire Strikes Back snow caves. 36:17.100 --> 36:17.820 Yes, exactly. 36:17.900 --> 36:18.600 From Duvet's. 36:18.801 --> 36:19.041 Yeah. 36:19.241 --> 36:20.642 And, oh, you don't want me to get into that. 36:20.662 --> 36:21.082 Ooh. 36:21.522 --> 36:22.763 But yeah, what an exciting time. 36:23.183 --> 36:23.524 Yeah. 36:23.624 --> 36:24.184 For everybody. 36:24.264 --> 36:25.285 With the fire engine. 36:25.565 --> 36:26.385 Oh, Christmas, right. 36:27.546 --> 36:30.728 Yeah, so listen, let's have another record before we do another present. 36:30.788 --> 36:31.468 It's very exciting. 36:31.908 --> 36:37.991 You know, looking at these presents, obviously one over the years becomes able to discern what a present is. 36:38.071 --> 36:40.272 Adam, can you tell what my presents are? 36:40.292 --> 36:41.232 Am I allowed to do some handling? 36:41.252 --> 36:41.693 Yeah, absolutely. 36:41.713 --> 36:42.453 You can handle this one. 36:43.348 --> 36:44.049 Oh my gosh. 36:44.249 --> 36:44.910 We think that one is. 36:45.230 --> 36:46.071 Describe it to the listeners. 36:46.872 --> 36:48.194 It's wrapped in newspaper. 36:48.534 --> 36:49.635 Don't stop saying that. 36:49.715 --> 36:50.636 Is this radio? 36:50.656 --> 36:52.018 You paint pictures in people's minds. 36:52.278 --> 36:53.760 That could be any kind of paper. 36:54.421 --> 36:57.264 It feels like, feels like a double CD. 36:59.186 --> 37:01.267 with a little book on top of it. 37:01.287 --> 37:03.188 Would that be right? 37:03.208 --> 37:04.649 I'm not going to tell you whether it's right or wrong. 37:04.789 --> 37:05.090 It's right. 37:05.110 --> 37:06.631 What about this one? 37:06.651 --> 37:07.271 What's that one? 37:08.172 --> 37:15.497 This feels, it's got the same dimensions as a headphone, a pair of headphones in a plastic case. 37:15.717 --> 37:18.939 Now, do you have to, are your Christmas presents under your tree for your kids already? 37:19.760 --> 37:20.280 Yes, they are, yeah. 37:20.300 --> 37:22.301 And do you have to control their squeezing and fondling? 37:23.002 --> 37:23.922 Yes, we do. 37:23.942 --> 37:25.063 And what about Christmas presents? 37:26.444 --> 37:27.485 That's totally inappropriate. 37:28.141 --> 37:29.682 It's not necessarily sexual. 37:31.023 --> 37:31.463 Yeah, we do. 37:31.563 --> 37:31.763 Yeah. 37:31.863 --> 37:34.065 Because otherwise it gets way out of control. 37:34.245 --> 37:37.987 But they're both old enough not to rip all the paper off and stuff. 37:38.067 --> 37:38.347 Are they? 37:38.387 --> 37:39.088 Yeah, it's okay. 37:39.108 --> 37:39.468 That's good. 37:39.488 --> 37:40.248 They're very well behaved. 37:40.268 --> 37:41.029 They're pretty well behaved. 37:41.049 --> 37:43.750 Looking at your presence that you've given me, I'd say that's a DVD. 37:43.790 --> 37:44.010 Yeah. 37:44.851 --> 37:45.551 I'd say that's a book. 37:45.711 --> 37:45.932 Yeah. 37:46.452 --> 37:48.153 And that's probably a panini sticker album. 37:50.022 --> 37:51.123 Is it a golden compass? 37:51.423 --> 37:52.584 No, it's not golden compass. 37:52.644 --> 37:54.765 What did the golden compass Bernini sticker album? 37:54.825 --> 37:55.605 Have another guess. 37:55.665 --> 37:57.566 Go on, I bet you'll never guess which one it is. 37:57.586 --> 37:58.226 It's so funny. 37:58.246 --> 37:59.947 Is it a Bernini sticker album? 37:59.987 --> 38:01.448 It's not Bernini, but it does involve stickers. 38:01.528 --> 38:02.328 It's a sticker album. 38:02.368 --> 38:03.169 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 38:03.249 --> 38:04.810 Oh, I know too much already. 38:05.050 --> 38:05.190 Oh. 38:05.490 --> 38:06.370 I'm not going to say anymore. 38:06.430 --> 38:06.931 All right, listen. 38:06.971 --> 38:07.871 Here's some more music. 38:07.911 --> 38:09.312 And this is another Christmas classic. 38:09.372 --> 38:15.015 I mean, this is probably played on heavy rotation every Christmas now, and quite right, too, because it's one of the loveliest songs. 38:15.675 --> 38:16.035 Ever. 38:16.436 --> 38:16.816 Written. 38:17.016 --> 38:20.177 Whether it's Christmas or not, it's The Pogues and Kirsty McCall. 38:20.258 --> 38:21.938 There we go, that was The Pogues and Kirsty McCall. 38:22.038 --> 38:25.280 Uh, coming up after the news, all sorts of fantastic music and more present opening. 38:25.560 --> 38:28.682 But first, Joy Division with Love Will Tear Us Apart. 38:29.042 --> 38:30.603 I preferred Paul Young's version of that. 38:31.023 --> 38:32.244 From the album No Parlay. 38:32.344 --> 38:33.304 I forgot he did one of that. 38:33.324 --> 38:34.205 One of that. 38:35.146 --> 38:35.446 One of them. 38:35.486 --> 38:37.167 This is Adam and Joel on BBC Six Music. 38:38.088 --> 38:39.630 Very happy Christmas, Saturday morning. 38:40.130 --> 38:43.473 We hope everyone's feeling all Christmasy and warm and loving. 38:43.753 --> 38:51.741 If you're angry about anything, about politics, about maybe the way one of your friends has behaved recently or relatives. 38:51.981 --> 38:54.623 Or what about the way that Al Gore's poisoned the planet? 38:54.724 --> 39:00.569 The way that Al Gore has brought up this whole depressing global warming thing and shoved it down our throats. 39:00.589 --> 39:00.909 Thanks. 39:00.929 --> 39:03.550 It's a silly DVD in its cardboard recycled sleeve. 39:03.590 --> 39:04.091 Thanks for that. 39:04.191 --> 39:04.851 Thanks, Alcor. 39:04.871 --> 39:05.151 Thanks a lot. 39:05.171 --> 39:05.711 Thanks a lot. 39:06.232 --> 39:10.334 The point I was making is just, you know, take a Christmasy chill cake. 39:10.854 --> 39:11.594 A chill cake. 39:11.654 --> 39:12.675 A chill cake. 39:12.795 --> 39:14.255 I didn't bring myself to say pill. 39:15.036 --> 39:16.657 And Christmas is the season of cakes. 39:16.697 --> 39:17.037 Yeah. 39:17.397 --> 39:19.398 So a Christmas chill cake was to make in the following way. 39:19.418 --> 39:21.319 Well, it would more likely be a little chill pie, wouldn't it? 39:21.859 --> 39:22.879 A little Christmas chill pie. 39:22.899 --> 39:23.300 A chill pie. 39:23.320 --> 39:23.500 Yeah. 39:23.920 --> 39:24.800 A mincing pie. 39:24.820 --> 39:25.621 A chill pie jetty. 39:27.355 --> 39:30.496 Till by Jetty and Jade goody goody yum yum. 39:32.682 --> 39:35.464 It's just, do you think just saying Chill Pie Chetty is racist? 39:36.105 --> 39:36.305 No. 39:36.525 --> 39:37.546 Could this be a race row? 39:38.187 --> 39:39.948 It could be, if you're lucky, then you'll get famous. 39:40.068 --> 39:43.891 If I concentrate hard enough, it could turn into a race row, so maybe I won't, okay? 39:44.552 --> 39:46.153 Now listen, it's got to be present time, sure. 39:46.173 --> 39:47.054 It's got to be present time. 39:47.094 --> 39:49.556 And I think it's time for me to give you a present, yeah? 39:49.616 --> 39:54.020 No, it's time for you to receive a present from me, because look, I've got... You see, that's because I like giving more than receiving. 39:54.220 --> 39:54.480 Oh. 39:54.520 --> 39:54.980 You see? 39:55.221 --> 39:55.741 So I've heard. 39:56.141 --> 39:56.282 Now... 39:58.303 --> 39:59.505 Wow, which shall I give you? 39:59.525 --> 40:04.871 I'm going to give you this one because you might be able to use this throughout the rest of the show and indeed your life. 40:05.272 --> 40:06.713 Now, this is a book, listeners. 40:07.614 --> 40:11.599 It's rather beautifully wrapped using the classic church fold. 40:11.899 --> 40:12.600 Is that what it's called? 40:12.640 --> 40:13.722 Nope. 40:14.402 --> 40:18.885 A church fold on the top end and the linear flat fold on the bottom. 40:19.006 --> 40:19.806 A church fold. 40:19.826 --> 40:24.189 That is a good name for it because you make, you know, you kind of fold the triangular ends down there. 40:24.970 --> 40:27.211 You've got all the words. 40:27.231 --> 40:28.052 I've got all the words. 40:28.192 --> 40:28.893 I'm unwrapping it. 40:28.933 --> 40:34.917 Now listen to that sound, listeners, because that's the sound that you're going to be hearing in a couple of days' time when you open your presents. 40:35.317 --> 40:37.359 I bet you're jealous of us opening our presents early. 40:37.379 --> 40:37.619 Oh! 40:41.143 --> 40:42.004 So this is a book. 40:42.304 --> 40:43.526 It's a purple book. 40:43.626 --> 40:44.908 It's called The Friendship Book. 40:44.989 --> 40:45.249 Yeah. 40:45.549 --> 40:46.671 And it's not by someone. 40:46.771 --> 40:47.713 It's of someone. 40:48.073 --> 40:50.657 It says The Friendship Book of Francis Gay. 40:53.649 --> 40:56.872 I'm not laughing at the word gaming inside. 40:57.392 --> 41:06.179 And there's a picture of a woodpecker on a sort of a branch of a tree and it says it's got a thought for each day of 2008. 41:06.259 --> 41:08.701 That's fantastic on the back cover. 41:08.721 --> 41:09.721 I always turn to the back cover. 41:10.442 --> 41:15.566 It says in large quotation marks, the friendship book is a glimpse beyond this world and a little bit of heaven on earth. 41:15.726 --> 41:16.767 Are you going to kill me this year? 41:17.407 --> 41:18.328 Well, you never know. 41:18.449 --> 41:19.770 You never know. 41:19.851 --> 41:20.792 That's very exciting. 41:20.812 --> 41:23.596 I'm gonna open it up for Joe Love, your friend Adam. 41:24.497 --> 41:25.778 One Kiss, Christmas 2007. 41:25.819 --> 41:27.361 That's the inscription. 41:27.381 --> 41:28.142 That's very sweet. 41:28.222 --> 41:29.243 It's been inscribed and everything. 41:29.283 --> 41:30.124 He's left the prize on. 41:30.144 --> 41:30.124 £6.50. 41:30.164 --> 41:31.787 Oh no, didn't I? 41:31.807 --> 41:33.028 How much his friendship costs. 41:33.709 --> 41:34.570 It's quite good though, £6.50. 41:34.610 --> 41:36.792 That's quite good, yeah man. 41:36.812 --> 41:40.896 The Inner Sleeves says that day after day the friendship book has a welcoming thought for every reader. 41:41.336 --> 41:54.189 Heartwarming tales and uplifting quotes to inspire for 12 months and to be treasured for much longer, sprinkled throughout our striking images of naked ladies involved in sexual exploits that will boggle the mind. 41:54.789 --> 41:55.350 I made that up. 41:55.810 --> 41:57.492 Sprinkled throughout our striking images of... 41:59.898 --> 42:01.424 Sorry, it's the sparkling wine. 42:01.866 --> 42:05.459 From talented photographers who capture all its best. 42:07.753 --> 42:12.955 Oh, my sight is putting out about the world in which we live. 42:14.816 --> 42:15.716 Okay, sorry. 42:15.736 --> 42:17.057 That's the wheezy laugh. 42:17.077 --> 42:18.537 That is the wheezy laugh. 42:19.757 --> 42:22.759 Okay, let's try and control ourselves and go for a thought. 42:23.539 --> 42:26.760 Pick a day, Ben, our producer, because you seem to be in control. 42:27.120 --> 42:27.720 Pick a day of 2008. 42:27.760 --> 42:31.342 He hasn't even had his... Man, looking at Ben really sobers me up. 42:31.362 --> 42:32.222 Mark's the third. 42:32.933 --> 42:35.775 Okay, uh, it's gonna take me a little while to find that. 42:35.875 --> 42:36.715 Mark's the third. 42:36.755 --> 42:41.238 So just, uh- Each, as far as I can tell, each day- Are you mocking his choice of date? 42:41.278 --> 42:41.639 No, no, no. 42:42.339 --> 42:43.760 My last ludicrous day. 42:44.060 --> 42:45.541 How can you take- My first date! 42:45.561 --> 42:47.202 Is this sarcastic just about a date? 42:47.342 --> 42:48.583 I wasn't being sarcastic about the date. 42:49.644 --> 42:50.965 I was just eating randomly. 42:51.365 --> 43:03.576 But having flicked through the book myself when I bought it, I can tell you listeners that every single day has a little sort of inspiring anecdote or sort of poetic thought for it. 43:03.636 --> 43:06.038 And so let's see what it says from March the 3rd. 43:06.078 --> 43:07.299 Here is a Native American tale. 43:08.080 --> 43:10.282 A Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. 43:10.842 --> 43:12.463 A struggle is going on inside me. 43:12.743 --> 43:14.424 He said to the youngster, it is a tough one. 43:14.984 --> 43:15.784 It is a tough one. 43:16.524 --> 43:18.305 And it is between two wolves. 43:18.685 --> 43:19.286 One is evil. 43:19.646 --> 43:23.347 He is envy, greed, guilt, resentment, self-pity, lies and false pride. 43:23.827 --> 43:24.828 The other is goodness. 43:25.208 --> 43:28.930 He is joy, serenity, humility, benevolence, truth and compassion. 43:29.750 --> 43:34.232 The same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person too. 43:35.173 --> 43:37.337 But tell me, which wolf will win?" 43:37.658 --> 43:38.680 the grandson asked. 43:39.321 --> 43:41.566 The one you feed, came the reply. 43:46.798 --> 43:47.118 Wow. 43:47.859 --> 43:48.780 Let's just have some music. 43:48.820 --> 43:49.620 Nobody say anything. 43:49.640 --> 43:50.201 I won't say anything. 43:50.541 --> 43:50.601 Shh. 43:50.621 --> 43:51.141 Think about it. 43:51.221 --> 43:51.982 Have some music. 43:52.002 --> 43:52.442 Think about it. 43:52.462 --> 43:54.504 Oh, this is the, oh no, British Sea Power. 43:54.624 --> 43:55.805 Oh, the waving flag. 43:55.825 --> 43:56.845 Just think about that. 43:56.865 --> 43:57.326 Think about it. 43:57.366 --> 44:02.850 That was British Sea Power with the waving flags, and we left you before them with a beautiful, uh, thought. 44:03.290 --> 44:06.252 A little story, actually, from one of the gifts that Adam gave to me. 44:06.272 --> 44:08.954 Uh, the friendship book of Francis Gay. 44:08.974 --> 44:10.916 And that was a story. 44:12.277 --> 44:28.449 about a Cherokee Indian and it was very moving actually, it was kind of making the point that everybody has, you know, tensions and an envy and greed inside them and also joy and humility inside them and they fight together and the one that wins is the one you feed. 44:28.569 --> 44:28.789 Yeah. 44:29.030 --> 44:32.632 It's saying, my problem is I can't control my feeding times. 44:32.933 --> 44:33.213 Right. 44:33.473 --> 44:39.522 My brain tends to just scatter a handful of food broadly and equally over all areas. 44:39.542 --> 44:44.850 I find it very hard to get the dispensing of the food in the brain right. 44:44.870 --> 44:47.694 I wonder what France is gay would have to say of that. 44:48.915 --> 44:51.077 Um, well, have you, have you tried though? 44:51.097 --> 44:53.179 Are you, are you really definitely trying? 44:53.540 --> 44:58.544 Like, what's your most negative, what's your most negative, uh, trait, personality trait? 44:58.964 --> 45:00.386 Ah, man, that's a big question. 45:00.486 --> 45:01.246 That is a big one, isn't it? 45:01.267 --> 45:02.267 My most negative personality trait. 45:02.287 --> 45:03.288 Do you know what mine is? 45:03.308 --> 45:03.749 What's yours? 45:03.769 --> 45:04.289 Shall I tell you? 45:04.570 --> 45:04.810 What? 45:05.210 --> 45:07.092 It's, uh, probably envy. 45:07.933 --> 45:08.813 And, um... 45:09.694 --> 45:14.219 What's the feeling when you're watching the Oscars and you absolutely hate everyone there? 45:14.760 --> 45:16.041 That's just healthiness. 45:16.121 --> 45:18.644 Or watching the comedy awards. 45:19.245 --> 45:20.767 Not that you can watch the comedy awards, of course. 45:20.807 --> 45:21.548 Just healthiness. 45:21.628 --> 45:22.789 That's just normal. 45:22.829 --> 45:23.510 That's being normal. 45:23.530 --> 45:23.970 That's good. 45:24.711 --> 45:27.412 To hate people who are given awards is a good thing. 45:27.572 --> 45:28.372 I'm not so sure. 45:28.392 --> 45:29.693 Would you like that award yourself? 45:30.213 --> 45:32.674 Well... Would you wish you were being given that award? 45:32.694 --> 45:40.757 I mean, it's unlikely that I'm ever going to be in a position to be nominated or win an Oscar, but still, that doesn't stop me envying all the people there in a kind of insane way. 45:40.777 --> 45:41.137 You're mad. 45:41.157 --> 45:41.837 That's just mad. 45:41.857 --> 45:42.097 You're mad. 45:42.117 --> 45:42.557 That is mad. 45:42.577 --> 45:43.778 That is completely insane. 45:43.858 --> 45:44.838 Well, that's what I'm trying to say. 45:44.858 --> 45:46.679 But Matt, this is a lovely book. 45:47.579 --> 45:52.401 and I really, really will refer to it every... every day. 45:53.822 --> 45:54.262 You should, man. 45:54.282 --> 45:55.743 It's really nice, thank you very much. 45:55.763 --> 45:58.104 For every day he can... Can I just pick another one at random now? 45:58.124 --> 45:58.804 Sure, pick another one at random. 45:58.824 --> 46:02.026 Open up the friendship book at random and see where we're going. 46:02.046 --> 46:03.526 Here's a little short thing for you. 46:03.606 --> 46:05.927 Okay, this is from August, Sunday August the 24th, 2008. 46:06.047 --> 46:07.708 Is this something you've prepared? 46:07.748 --> 46:08.088 You see? 46:08.168 --> 46:09.409 No, I picked this at random. 46:09.489 --> 46:09.749 Okay. 46:10.349 --> 46:11.150 And it came to pass. 46:11.170 --> 46:12.130 It's a nice sniff, thanks. 46:12.150 --> 46:12.851 It's a part of it. 46:14.091 --> 46:16.273 That's a little extra sniff for you there. 46:16.634 --> 46:28.545 And it came to pass that as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou. 46:29.546 --> 46:29.986 Goist. 46:30.747 --> 46:31.947 That one's not so good. 46:32.007 --> 46:32.307 Goist. 46:32.587 --> 46:33.187 It's not so good, is it? 46:33.307 --> 46:35.668 This book's got a hidden agenda. 46:35.708 --> 46:37.689 That's from... He's trying to get me into the clerk. 46:37.989 --> 46:39.210 That's from The Booble. 46:40.510 --> 46:42.331 And that's from Luke 957. 46:43.171 --> 46:46.532 And that's basically... The lesson there is just follow people. 46:47.513 --> 46:48.033 Stalking. 46:48.293 --> 46:48.713 Stalking. 46:48.913 --> 46:53.495 Yeah, follow... If you see a lady you feel is attractive, just follow her. 46:54.635 --> 46:55.056 There we go. 46:55.156 --> 46:57.298 It's going to be my turn for a present very shortly. 46:57.318 --> 46:57.918 That's very exciting. 46:57.938 --> 46:59.660 But first, here is some more music. 46:59.700 --> 47:01.061 And this is something that you chose, isn't it? 47:01.101 --> 47:03.122 Yeah, this is a free play from me, Joe Cornish. 47:04.043 --> 47:06.766 This is by a band called The White Stripes, and this is the closest thing. 47:06.786 --> 47:08.547 Have they done a lot of Christmas-related material? 47:08.747 --> 47:11.730 I feel as if they have, because that whole colour scheme is, of course, quintessentially Christmas. 47:11.750 --> 47:11.850 It is. 47:11.870 --> 47:13.932 It's very Santa-related, the colour scheme. 47:14.252 --> 47:16.714 But here's the closest I could find to a Christmas song from The White Stripes. 47:16.734 --> 47:19.336 This is, I think, a B-side of theirs. 47:19.376 --> 47:20.977 This is called Candy Cane Children. 47:22.819 --> 47:23.479 Lovely stuff. 47:23.499 --> 47:24.900 You can't really argue with that. 47:24.960 --> 47:29.021 Can you I mean you could but you'd be such a be foolish be such a fool? 47:29.341 --> 47:30.982 Solomon John BBC six music. 47:31.002 --> 47:47.647 We're just coming up to 11 o'clock and we should say who that was and say that was Richard Hawley that was taken from one of the Hub sessions in fact from the best of the hub sessions this year various other shows on six music are playing tracks from the hub sessions and that was our one from that that and 47:47.927 --> 47:48.267 You know what? 47:48.347 --> 47:50.249 I figure probably nobody is listening right now. 47:50.389 --> 47:53.372 Because I think everyone's gone to do their last-minute Chrissy shopping. 47:53.452 --> 47:57.896 I'm glad they didn't hear that last thing I said about Richard Hawley, because it was just a sort of rambly mishmash. 47:57.916 --> 47:58.376 Is it okay? 47:58.597 --> 47:58.817 Yeah. 47:58.957 --> 47:59.397 It's all right. 47:59.477 --> 48:01.099 I think everyone's probably doing Kringle shopping. 48:01.119 --> 48:03.801 This has got to be the busiest Saturday of the year. 48:03.821 --> 48:09.726 It's a very important Saturday for the High Street and their, you know, money takings. 48:10.187 --> 48:10.347 Mmm. 48:10.847 --> 48:11.368 Of course. 48:11.588 --> 48:12.148 You're brilliant. 48:12.189 --> 48:12.449 Thanks. 48:12.589 --> 48:14.511 It's been a tough year for the High Street. 48:14.811 --> 48:14.931 Yeah. 48:15.531 --> 48:17.373 due to Al Gore and global warming. 48:17.413 --> 48:18.654 Thanks a lot, Al Gore. 48:18.774 --> 48:20.355 Thanks a lot, Al. 48:20.435 --> 48:21.456 Profits have gone down. 48:21.516 --> 48:22.857 There's looking to be a recession in 08. 48:22.917 --> 48:28.901 The World Banks have had to club together to try and stave off the recession joke. 48:29.282 --> 48:32.184 I don't know why this is funny. 48:32.204 --> 48:33.265 It makes me very serious. 48:33.285 --> 48:34.506 We're laughing because it's so serious. 48:34.546 --> 48:35.466 We can't deal with it. 48:35.607 --> 48:37.688 But it's funny because you're making it up. 48:37.708 --> 48:38.349 I'm not making that. 48:38.369 --> 48:39.710 This is all stuff I read in the papers. 48:39.730 --> 48:40.150 This is all true. 48:40.790 --> 48:45.532 And the High Street's had a very tricky year, so get out there and spend for Britain's sake. 48:45.693 --> 48:46.633 It is comforting, though. 48:46.653 --> 48:47.874 Buy anything, just go and buy one of these. 48:47.894 --> 48:51.235 It's comforting to give bad news in that voice. 48:52.136 --> 48:52.796 Bad news like that? 48:52.936 --> 48:53.136 Yeah. 48:53.316 --> 48:55.057 Yeah, because it makes it sound idiotic. 48:55.117 --> 48:59.639 If you talk about anything bad or give bad news in a funny voice, it does make it a little easier to take. 48:59.699 --> 49:01.200 Do you know what that funny voice is saying? 49:01.340 --> 49:01.720 What? 49:01.800 --> 49:08.043 It's saying that that's the sort of collective opinion of newspapers and stuff, and it's saying that, you know, it's probably not true. 49:08.363 --> 49:09.723 Isn't it my turn for a present now? 49:09.743 --> 49:10.844 It's your turn for a present, Adam. 49:10.924 --> 49:15.565 I'd like to give you, uh... I'd like to give you your... It's tricky. 49:15.645 --> 49:18.185 I don't know whether to... I'm gonna give you your, uh... Yeah, this present. 49:18.225 --> 49:18.646 Here we go. 49:19.206 --> 49:20.406 Now, this is a double header. 49:20.446 --> 49:21.546 There's two presents in here. 49:21.606 --> 49:22.046 Yeah, man. 49:22.066 --> 49:24.407 This is the one that I felt this one earlier. 49:24.447 --> 49:29.028 I felt it up and I surmised that it was a double CD and a book of some kind. 49:29.048 --> 49:29.268 Yeah. 49:29.408 --> 49:29.868 So here we go. 49:29.888 --> 49:30.588 I'm unwrapping. 49:31.169 --> 49:32.529 I was correct about the book. 49:33.861 --> 49:36.363 Oh, and the price is on this one. 49:36.383 --> 49:37.765 £1.50 from Bookends. 49:38.385 --> 49:41.568 And it is... Oh, I was right about the double CD as well. 49:41.888 --> 49:47.433 The book is Billy Piper, The Rollercoaster Life of Britain's Hottest Star. 49:48.214 --> 49:49.135 I know you're a big fan. 49:49.175 --> 49:50.156 Written by Chris Stevens. 49:50.196 --> 49:51.016 Have you got that already? 49:51.637 --> 49:52.978 No, I don't have this one already. 49:53.298 --> 49:54.618 I've bought it for you before. 49:54.818 --> 49:56.699 You left the price on Eamonn Holmes as well. 49:56.959 --> 49:58.680 Both those price tags are part of the design. 49:58.940 --> 49:59.240 Are they? 49:59.420 --> 49:59.980 Yeah. 50:00.120 --> 50:03.121 The double CD is the Autobiography of Eamonn Holmes. 50:03.801 --> 50:05.982 Subtitled This Is My Life. 50:06.162 --> 50:07.962 It's read by Eamonn Holmes. 50:08.382 --> 50:13.344 Now I'm interested to know whether it's divided into chapters and if it is what the chapters are titled. 50:13.364 --> 50:16.744 Because Eamonn Holmes, has he had quite a dramatic and stormy life? 50:16.784 --> 50:18.725 He must have had to deserve an autobiography. 50:19.265 --> 50:21.226 Or has he had a sort of warm... I'm looking at Ben, our producer. 50:21.246 --> 50:22.366 He must have had a crazy life. 50:22.606 --> 50:24.827 He must have had a crazy life, a double CD. 50:25.048 --> 50:28.109 Where did Eamonn Holmes, was he a newsreader to begin with? 50:28.430 --> 50:29.970 Or a gardener? 50:30.010 --> 50:31.331 What's the genesis of Holmes? 50:31.611 --> 50:32.432 I really don't know. 50:32.452 --> 50:33.973 It's all to find out. 50:33.993 --> 50:34.373 Here we go. 50:34.393 --> 50:43.318 I see you've kind of, you've really pinned your colours to the mast, nailed them to the mast, attached them to the mast in some way because you've gone for Holmes, much speedier than Billy. 50:44.139 --> 50:47.161 I've always been slightly fascinated by Eamonn Holmes, I have to admit. 50:47.181 --> 50:48.181 Can we hear some of this Ben? 50:48.461 --> 50:49.302 Can we stick some of that in? 50:50.122 --> 50:52.863 Er... Have a look in the pamphlet, Adam, and bear with us here, listeners. 50:53.423 --> 50:56.885 There isn't an atmosphere of excitement here in the studio, because we do have the Eamonn Hoes. 50:56.925 --> 50:57.705 A triple disc. 50:57.945 --> 50:58.545 A triple disc. 50:58.886 --> 50:59.566 How much was it again? 50:59.586 --> 51:01.487 It was, er... four pounds. 51:01.527 --> 51:02.107 Four pounds. 51:02.487 --> 51:03.367 Where'd you get this one from? 51:03.387 --> 51:04.908 I got that in a second-hand bookshop. 51:05.008 --> 51:05.628 We looked through there. 51:05.648 --> 51:07.029 So let's have a look at Eamonn Hoes. 51:07.229 --> 51:07.749 Yes, it is. 51:08.289 --> 51:11.330 Like, track one is called, it was my mum's idea to call me Eamonn, dot, dot, dot. 51:11.670 --> 51:16.892 Track two is called, people have got used to seeing me early, dot, dot, dot. 51:17.973 --> 51:18.033 Er... 51:18.593 --> 51:39.369 Is there one with- Chapter 13 is called my partner Ruth always tells me that she knows dot dot dot that's uh 57 seconds is there a chapter called my drugs hell uh let's let's have a look there's a chapter called we arranged it very quickly it's 19.58 seconds uh there's a chapter called it's strange how people use words that's 30 51:40.109 --> 51:41.411 Seven seconds long. 51:41.652 --> 51:42.873 This is the best gift ever. 51:42.893 --> 51:43.835 Why am I giving this away? 51:44.135 --> 51:46.579 Listen, Ben's loaded up CD-1. 51:47.400 --> 51:48.822 What track on CD-1 should he play? 51:49.303 --> 51:49.823 CD-1. 51:49.984 --> 51:54.731 I would go for... Well, a track nine is called One of the Great Secrets of Life. 51:55.191 --> 51:56.112 Mmm, let's hear that. 51:56.192 --> 51:59.514 One of the great secrets of life is to be happy in what you do. 51:59.995 --> 52:03.998 I often preach to my youngsters, if you don't like animals, don't be a vet. 52:04.498 --> 52:06.980 If you have a bad back, don't stack shelves. 52:07.420 --> 52:11.163 In short, find out what comes easy to you, what your passions are. 52:11.804 --> 52:13.765 I'm in a position where I can preach from experience. 52:14.306 --> 52:17.868 I work long hours, but most of the time it's not like work at all. 52:19.069 --> 52:21.010 Well, I don't know if I'm a schooler in 1978. 52:21.150 --> 52:22.051 Okay, that's enough. 52:22.351 --> 52:22.931 That's enough. 52:23.251 --> 52:23.912 My God. 52:23.952 --> 52:28.654 So the gist of that is, what, how is that, how can he call that part of his autobiography? 52:28.694 --> 52:30.555 Because it's wisdom that he's picked up, but it's nice. 52:30.595 --> 52:30.835 Yeah. 52:30.855 --> 52:32.696 Wisdom that's exclusive to Holmes, though. 52:33.256 --> 52:39.500 Well, yeah, but it's good, you know, for people who like Holmes, they might listen to Holmes more readily than they would listen to somebody else. 52:39.880 --> 52:42.201 It's important that he delivers the nuggets of wisdom. 52:42.501 --> 52:42.741 Right. 52:42.781 --> 52:44.403 And what was the thrust of it? 52:45.104 --> 52:47.326 If you don't like animals, don't become a vet. 52:47.346 --> 52:47.967 Don't become a vet. 52:47.987 --> 52:50.249 That's fairly basic stuff, isn't it, Amy? 52:50.269 --> 52:50.309 No. 52:50.970 --> 52:51.471 Have you done it? 52:51.591 --> 52:52.812 Yeah, I've become a vet. 52:53.032 --> 52:54.194 And you hate animals. 52:54.214 --> 52:55.515 I hate animals. 52:55.535 --> 52:56.556 You've been very, very stupid. 52:56.576 --> 52:57.577 I'm such a jerk. 52:58.138 --> 53:01.501 No, Amy Holmes is obviously a lovely chap, and we wouldn't mean to mock him. 53:01.521 --> 53:01.942 I like him. 53:02.122 --> 53:07.165 Hey man, did you ever see him on what's that Rob Brydon show called Annually Retentive? 53:07.205 --> 53:07.445 Sure. 53:07.985 --> 53:08.686 He appeared on that. 53:08.726 --> 53:13.629 He was very good at doing a little Eamonn Holmes cameo as quite a scary, threatening man. 53:13.729 --> 53:14.289 He was brilliant. 53:14.509 --> 53:15.090 Yeah, he's funny. 53:15.130 --> 53:18.652 He's got a cheeky sense of humor, but wow, imagine actually buying that. 53:19.592 --> 53:20.153 Yeah, you did. 53:20.834 --> 53:21.734 Yeah, but I gave it to you. 53:21.754 --> 53:22.675 Do you think I'm gonna listen to it? 53:23.196 --> 53:24.097 I think you probably are. 53:24.117 --> 53:24.597 I hope you are. 53:24.737 --> 53:24.958 I am. 53:24.978 --> 53:25.918 You know what I secretly hope? 53:26.279 --> 53:26.439 What? 53:26.599 --> 53:30.203 That we might do a song wars that might involve samples. 53:30.423 --> 53:31.804 Oh, samples. 53:31.824 --> 53:32.645 Good idea. 53:32.665 --> 53:33.726 Yeah. 53:33.846 --> 53:37.029 No, stuff like that is great for long drives, you know. 53:37.310 --> 53:38.050 For longers. 53:38.150 --> 53:38.751 Longers. 53:39.452 --> 53:42.995 Now, I haven't even tackled Billy Piper's autobiography yet. 53:43.055 --> 53:43.636 Well, why don't you 53:43.956 --> 53:47.178 Have a look through it during the next record and we'll read Alexa from that after that. 53:47.318 --> 53:52.761 That's the Smiths with a song by the Smiths What was it called? 53:53.101 --> 53:55.502 It was called what difference does it make what difference does it make? 53:55.542 --> 53:56.022 Sorry? 53:56.042 --> 54:09.069 I was I had my head in the Billy book Yeah, this Adam and Joe on a BBC six music by the way, and it's our Christmas special program We haven't called it special before but I'm now calling it special that could mean anything it could mean it's like awful and 54:09.569 --> 54:10.830 But it also could mean it's great. 54:11.170 --> 54:30.500 And part of the idea of this show is that we give each other presents We've been giving each other presents through the whole show and recently I gave Adam an amazing double whammy Yeah, Eamonn Holmes is 3 CD autobiography set reading stuff about his own life, which was brilliant We had an extract from it earlier and I also gave Adam what did what did I give you? 54:30.800 --> 54:33.121 the Billie Piper biography. 54:33.141 --> 54:34.342 It's not her autobiography. 54:34.362 --> 54:36.103 It was written by Chris Stevens and someone else. 54:36.123 --> 54:37.683 Well, that's always the best, isn't it? 54:37.783 --> 54:38.824 It's kind of muckraking. 54:38.984 --> 54:41.785 It's about the rollercoaster life of Britain's hottest star. 54:41.825 --> 54:42.986 Now, already there is she. 54:43.406 --> 54:45.007 It's been a big year for Piper. 54:45.127 --> 54:48.508 She's been in the French letters of a naughty lady or whatever. 54:48.628 --> 54:49.729 Have you watched any of that show? 54:50.289 --> 54:50.629 Uh, no. 54:50.809 --> 54:52.170 It is surprisingly filthy. 54:52.210 --> 54:52.810 Is it filthy? 54:52.990 --> 54:57.052 It's scandalised the world of genuine prostitutes who say it glamourises the profession. 54:57.212 --> 54:58.072 It certainly does that. 54:58.192 --> 54:59.633 It does that quite well. 55:00.153 --> 55:02.014 No, I haven't watched it at all. 55:02.374 --> 55:06.696 But exciting to be holding that book, hey Adam, and you've been flicking through it during the Smiths there. 55:06.936 --> 55:08.116 Page 142. 55:08.497 --> 55:09.677 Clouds on the horizon. 55:10.237 --> 55:16.300 After a week of convivial living at the Sandy Lane Hotel, Chris got into a steaming row with the barman. 55:17.040 --> 55:22.061 The dispute was petty, overcharges for a round of drinks that Chris couldn't remember ordering. 55:22.101 --> 55:23.581 This is Evans we're talking about, right? 55:23.601 --> 55:24.041 This is Evans. 55:24.501 --> 55:33.623 As Chris's voice rose and guests started to stare, Billy suggested they should just pay the bill and forget it, with rooms at £2,100 a night. 55:34.023 --> 55:36.424 Was the £50 bar tab worth the hassle? 55:36.984 --> 55:38.144 Chris refused. 55:38.544 --> 55:42.105 With the dispute suddenly threatening to wreck the day, Billy asserted herself. 55:42.825 --> 55:50.271 Let's not do this anymore, she said, and paid the whole bill. 55:51.933 --> 55:57.017 According to guests who watched open mouthed in embarrassment, Chris went ballistic. 55:57.457 --> 56:00.240 He accused her of undermining him and shouted at Billy, 56:02.116 --> 56:04.777 until she burst into tears and walked out. 56:05.417 --> 56:07.858 Obama asked Chris to leave a few moments later. 56:08.019 --> 56:12.701 The following day they spent a part with Billy joining friends on a yacht. 56:12.821 --> 56:16.482 That may have been the beginning of the end for the Piper Evans relationship. 56:16.882 --> 56:17.362 What a book. 56:17.463 --> 56:18.163 Does it have pictures? 56:18.463 --> 56:19.203 Oh yes. 56:19.283 --> 56:21.364 I think it's got two sets of pictures. 56:21.724 --> 56:24.826 It's got the young Billy because who can forget she was a little pop stroll. 56:25.846 --> 56:28.448 You know, what was she, 14 when she burst on the pop scene? 56:28.468 --> 56:29.028 Very, very young. 56:29.188 --> 56:29.728 Very young. 56:29.748 --> 56:30.349 Very talented. 56:30.409 --> 56:31.129 Very precocious. 56:31.349 --> 56:33.130 She always wanted to be famous, I remember reading. 56:33.150 --> 56:33.351 Really? 56:33.391 --> 56:33.991 Well, she's done it. 56:34.371 --> 56:40.215 She was one of those girls, you know, people pour scorn on a new generation of youngsters, whose dream it is simply to be famous. 56:40.255 --> 56:42.536 They don't care about what they actually do to be famous. 56:42.556 --> 56:43.797 They just want the fame. 56:44.257 --> 56:46.238 And Billy was one of those people, but she made it happen. 56:46.258 --> 56:47.119 But she's got the talent. 56:47.359 --> 56:48.940 She does have a little... She's got the face. 56:49.260 --> 56:50.080 Slice of talent there. 56:50.100 --> 56:50.501 The talent... 56:51.361 --> 56:53.224 Uh, and she's made very good choices, and that's it. 56:53.404 --> 56:54.626 I hope you enjoy that book, Adam. 56:54.726 --> 56:55.167 Thanks, man. 56:55.207 --> 56:58.111 It's, uh, it looks as if it's gonna be really valuable in my life. 56:59.773 --> 57:00.854 Here's a little more music for you. 57:00.894 --> 57:03.258 Listeners, after this, uh, maybe we'll be doing another present. 57:03.438 --> 57:04.459 Yeah, you need a present, man. 57:04.479 --> 57:05.421 I've got two more for you. 57:05.481 --> 57:06.242 I'm feeling bereft. 57:06.962 --> 57:09.904 Here's a little bit of Winehouse with Love Is A Losing Game. 57:10.084 --> 57:11.145 That's lovely, isn't it? 57:11.165 --> 57:12.806 She's a very talented Winehouse. 57:13.046 --> 57:26.413 She's got a beautiful, beautiful voice and she produces records that sound like instant classics like they've been around for centuries, like the sort of thing your parents or your parents' parents might play you and, you know, they've got a... Timeless quality. 57:26.433 --> 57:27.194 A timeless quality. 57:27.214 --> 57:27.974 That's great, isn't it? 57:28.275 --> 57:29.395 Stop it, Amy. 57:29.815 --> 57:30.616 Take care of yourself. 57:30.636 --> 57:30.936 Pull back. 57:31.096 --> 57:32.317 Whoa, pull back there. 57:32.337 --> 57:33.958 Pull back there from the brink. 57:34.478 --> 57:34.718 Yeah. 57:34.878 --> 57:37.541 Uh, maybe 2008 is the year that she's gonna sort herself out. 57:37.561 --> 57:38.501 Straightens herself out. 57:38.541 --> 57:39.282 Straightness herself up. 57:39.302 --> 57:40.423 She's still, she's still so young. 57:40.543 --> 57:41.384 She's still so young. 57:41.404 --> 57:42.705 How much a laugh ahead of her. 57:42.845 --> 57:43.545 How much a thing. 57:43.565 --> 57:44.166 How waste it Amy. 57:44.186 --> 57:45.787 How waste if I can't come back. 57:45.907 --> 57:47.228 Wipe that jam off your chin. 57:47.288 --> 57:47.728 Wipe it off. 57:47.748 --> 57:49.310 Put on a fresh pair of knickknocks. 57:52.472 --> 57:53.373 And that'll do the trick. 57:53.513 --> 57:54.473 That'll do their job. 57:54.773 --> 57:55.614 Would you like a present? 57:55.934 --> 57:56.594 I'd love a present. 57:56.614 --> 58:01.276 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music, of course, and it's our special Christmas special here on a Christmas Saturday. 58:01.597 --> 58:04.338 And I know it's naughty to be opening presents before the big day. 58:04.718 --> 58:06.699 Don't, children, follow our example. 58:06.719 --> 58:07.580 It's very bad. 58:07.600 --> 58:10.781 We're only doing this because we're trained and we're working for the big British castle. 58:10.801 --> 58:12.022 And we're not going to see each other again. 58:12.222 --> 58:14.363 You know, we spend Christmas apart. 58:14.483 --> 58:16.404 You may be disappointed to hear for medical reasons. 58:17.745 --> 58:28.751 But, you know, we're doing this to get you guys excited about the very act of opening presents, and to inspire you to have, you know, a good day shopping for those final, final purchases, or give your mind to charity. 58:28.931 --> 58:29.472 That's true. 58:30.072 --> 58:37.697 Or knitting and making things, if you don't want to become part of the awful, awful, valueless, shallow charade. 58:38.597 --> 58:40.879 This contemporary Christmas, that was a little bit strong. 58:41.279 --> 58:44.301 That was a combination of filling and very strong opinion. 58:45.201 --> 58:54.450 So I'm opening this what I thought what I hoped was gonna be the panini golden compass Sticker album, but no, it's not but I did I currently guess it is a sticker album. 58:54.610 --> 58:57.312 It's certainly very heavily sticker-based Really? 58:57.352 --> 58:58.233 This is exciting. 58:58.353 --> 59:02.597 I haven't had a sticker album for years I was pretty sure that you would enjoy this one. 59:02.677 --> 59:03.097 You know what? 59:03.498 --> 59:04.999 I bought myself a copy of this, too 59:05.780 --> 59:06.360 Oh no. 59:06.641 --> 59:07.201 What do you mean? 59:07.301 --> 59:09.664 It's the Lazy Town sticker album. 59:10.184 --> 59:12.567 And you know, the good thing about it is it comes with stickers. 59:12.607 --> 59:17.231 It's got 80 stickers included, so it's not a kind of invitation to spend money at the news station. 59:17.732 --> 59:18.373 It's complete. 59:18.813 --> 59:21.356 And Lazy Town listeners, everyone knows what Lazy Town is. 59:21.736 --> 59:25.320 It's the crazy kind of global franchise that encourages kids to keep fit. 59:26.000 --> 59:31.806 Uh, and it's, you can't really tell whether it's a cartoon or live action and it's got the guy Sporticus in it. 59:32.107 --> 59:35.190 It's a queasy mix of so many styles and influences. 59:35.210 --> 59:36.151 Wow, that's right. 59:36.191 --> 59:40.575 There's people in suits, there's people in Lycra, it's really odd. 59:41.396 --> 59:42.337 It's Australian, isn't it? 59:42.737 --> 59:43.418 Is it Australian? 59:43.438 --> 59:44.539 I think he's European, actually. 59:44.559 --> 59:45.520 I think he's German, the guy. 59:45.720 --> 59:46.021 Is he? 59:46.101 --> 59:47.983 I think Sportacus is some kind of German guy, yeah. 59:48.003 --> 59:48.604 I would as well. 59:48.624 --> 59:49.044 He smells lovely. 59:49.064 --> 59:49.364 It's lovely. 59:49.404 --> 59:52.328 Australia, you know, it's usually the Australians that come up with that kind of hybrid. 59:52.348 --> 59:53.909 Hey, don't, don't, don't besmirch the Australians. 59:53.969 --> 59:54.810 I'm not besmirch the Europeans. 59:54.830 --> 59:56.212 I'm not besmirch the Europeans. 59:57.293 --> 59:59.816 I'm besmirch the Danes or possibly the Germans. 01:00:00.316 --> 01:00:01.438 It smells like Christmas. 01:00:01.938 --> 01:00:04.780 Mmm, I don't want to besmirch anyone, I'm saying it out of respect. 01:00:04.800 --> 01:00:06.702 You know, I respect LazyTown, it's done very well. 01:00:06.982 --> 01:00:08.543 And it sort of took off this year, didn't it? 01:00:08.623 --> 01:00:11.826 I mean, we... Oh yeah, it's been taking off for some time and it reached new altitudes. 01:00:11.886 --> 01:00:15.528 Yeah, you were aware of it, I remember a few years ago you were talking about LazyTown. 01:00:15.548 --> 01:00:18.831 Well, I was ill one week and I turned on the telly in the morning and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 01:00:18.871 --> 01:00:20.212 It was incredible, it was like... 01:00:20.812 --> 01:00:22.632 you know, eating every E number at once. 01:00:23.953 --> 01:00:24.393 Watching it. 01:00:24.433 --> 01:00:25.673 Look at this, it's fantastic. 01:00:25.773 --> 01:00:31.794 I wouldn't want to advertise, and I'd like to stress that there are many other sticker scene books available. 01:00:32.614 --> 01:00:40.756 Here at the Big British Castle, we don't recommend any individual sticker book album, but this particular one really does hit the Stick It Sticky spot. 01:00:41.696 --> 01:00:45.337 It's got the scenes, and they're empty, and then it's got this amazing fold out. 01:00:45.777 --> 01:00:46.257 Look at that! 01:00:47.037 --> 01:00:48.479 Are you jealous, Ben, the producer? 01:00:48.619 --> 01:00:50.601 Are you think- You are slightly jealous, aren't you? 01:00:50.661 --> 01:00:53.885 I'm gonna stick these all over your... Are you gonna stick them everywhere? 01:00:53.965 --> 01:00:55.346 You know what I would do is frame that. 01:00:55.767 --> 01:00:56.367 Would you frame that? 01:00:56.387 --> 01:00:58.129 I would frame it where you'd have an awful house. 01:00:58.149 --> 01:00:58.730 No, no, no. 01:00:59.531 --> 01:01:01.353 Because I have done that before. 01:01:01.473 --> 01:01:04.376 It's true, and then you let it date and it sort of becomes a piece of art. 01:01:05.097 --> 01:01:08.658 I framed a sheet of stickers from a smash hits, a copy of Smash Hits once. 01:01:08.678 --> 01:01:10.259 It was from 20 years ago. 01:01:10.279 --> 01:01:16.021 And it seemed a sort of ludicrous, poncy, shoreditch type of thing to do to frame some stickers. 01:01:16.481 --> 01:01:25.425 But I'm glad I did because it looks wicked now because it's every year, you know, it's really hard to remember who the people are and every year it becomes harder and harder. 01:01:26.125 --> 01:01:44.401 But it's it's sort of I'm gonna do with these what I'm gonna go on the underground And I'm gonna stick them on the handrail of the escalator and you should stick them on some adverts as well I'm not going down that would be a dreadful thing to do and I was being sarcastic because that's a stupid thing to do stupid thing to do What do you think I should do stick them on the adverts when you're going down the underground? 01:01:44.421 --> 01:01:44.781 Yeah 01:01:46.202 --> 01:01:47.944 I usually just do that with a bit of chewing gum. 01:01:48.144 --> 01:01:56.253 Did you see the... Speaking of the handrail on the underground, did you see the YouTube thing of the guy skiing down the handrail? 01:01:57.074 --> 01:01:58.195 I've seen a couple of those, yeah. 01:01:58.475 --> 01:01:58.775 Have you? 01:01:58.956 --> 01:01:59.596 Lands with a bump. 01:01:59.937 --> 01:02:00.337 Does he? 01:02:00.357 --> 01:02:05.042 I was wondering how he did it, because if you look at the end there, there's no clean exit. 01:02:05.082 --> 01:02:06.984 There's just a big box in the same one. 01:02:07.444 --> 01:02:12.069 You know, looking at these characters from Lazy Town, I wouldn't let any of these people anywhere near my children. 01:02:12.249 --> 01:02:13.851 It's the creepiest show. 01:02:13.931 --> 01:02:15.893 If you haven't seen it, folks, you should try and seek it out. 01:02:15.933 --> 01:02:21.059 It's on, I can't remember what channel it's on, but it's on, you know, at Tea Time for Children, and it's one of the creepiest shows. 01:02:21.620 --> 01:02:23.602 Well, that's very, very signed, Adam. 01:02:24.042 --> 01:02:25.463 Well, it's not that great, is it? 01:02:25.503 --> 01:02:27.323 But you've got one more present for me coming up. 01:02:28.123 --> 01:02:28.824 And vice versa. 01:02:28.864 --> 01:02:31.064 Yes, which I will be receiving shortly. 01:02:31.084 --> 01:02:31.965 I'm excited about that. 01:02:32.005 --> 01:02:33.645 But first, here's some more music. 01:02:33.665 --> 01:02:36.386 Now, this is a choice from me, listeners. 01:02:36.926 --> 01:02:41.588 Although, you know, it's not exactly obscure, but it's from a great band and it's a sweet song. 01:02:41.688 --> 01:02:43.108 It's The Beach Boys with Little Saint Nick. 01:02:43.628 --> 01:02:51.011 The simmering resentment boiled over that September day when Chris arrived from London and switched on the telly to watch Golf. 01:02:51.812 --> 01:02:54.094 On another occasion, it might not have been a big deal. 01:02:54.695 --> 01:02:59.800 What made this different was the offer Billy had recently had of a second Doctor Who series. 01:03:00.521 --> 01:03:03.884 She was going to spend another 12 months in Cardiff playing Rose. 01:03:04.705 --> 01:03:09.910 And if eight weeks apart had done such damage to her marriage, what would a year do? 01:03:10.691 --> 01:03:14.355 Wasn't it kinder to put their relationship out of its misery straight away? 01:03:15.365 --> 01:03:16.986 How did he know that from watching golf? 01:03:21.868 --> 01:03:26.050 That was an extract from Billy Piper, the rollercoaster life of Britain's hottest star. 01:03:26.070 --> 01:03:28.491 We should credit the author by Chris Stevens. 01:03:28.631 --> 01:03:31.552 Chris Stevens has spent probably a good six minutes of his life. 01:03:31.572 --> 01:03:32.352 Six or seven minutes. 01:03:32.913 --> 01:03:36.114 And Joe gave me for a Christmas present. 01:03:36.254 --> 01:03:37.695 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music. 01:03:38.136 --> 01:03:42.179 It's our special Christmas, special, special, where we're giving each other special gifts. 01:03:43.200 --> 01:03:44.621 Time for a gift for me though, isn't it? 01:03:44.641 --> 01:03:45.742 A gift for you? 01:03:45.822 --> 01:03:46.123 Yeah. 01:03:47.924 --> 01:03:49.846 Yeah, that's true because I got the Lazy Town book. 01:03:50.346 --> 01:03:51.528 Let's just do a gift recap. 01:03:51.648 --> 01:03:55.011 So far, I've got Stealing Christmas by Brent Holder. 01:03:55.191 --> 01:03:58.654 It's an album of kind of, what do you call those things? 01:03:58.914 --> 01:03:59.634 Steel drum music. 01:03:59.654 --> 01:04:01.295 Steel drum Christmas music. 01:04:01.855 --> 01:04:11.078 My first present from Joe was a mouth harp, also known as a jaw harp, and it's beautiful and I stabbed myself in the cheek with it and I'm still bleeding. 01:04:11.238 --> 01:04:15.359 I got the Friendship Book of Francis Gay, a book full of things about friendship. 01:04:16.079 --> 01:04:45.088 uh from Adam yes I also got uh Eamonn Holmes this is my life read by Eamonn Holmes on three CDs plus Billy Piper the rollercoaster type present when you're a kid did you used to um once you'd uh opened all your presents there's an inevitable air of disappointment isn't there sure there's incredible excitement before you open them then you open them which is an amazingly uh exciting uh uh experience almost erotic almost the undressing of the presents the stripping of the naked and then the enjoying of looking up and down then just like real sex you feel 01:04:45.848 --> 01:04:47.850 slightly disappointed afterwards. 01:04:48.010 --> 01:04:48.510 Absolutely. 01:04:48.551 --> 01:04:54.696 A slight feeling of disappointment and then this is more like a serial killer than someone who's had sex. 01:04:55.176 --> 01:04:59.700 I used to organize the presents in a sort of a display. 01:04:59.720 --> 01:05:00.201 Definitely. 01:05:00.401 --> 01:05:08.008 I'd take them up to my room and I'd kind of organize them as if it was a Harrods shop window or something and then I'd take my trousers off. 01:05:08.588 --> 01:05:13.729 and do a little dance, a dance of love in front of the presents. 01:05:13.749 --> 01:05:14.849 Did you used to do that kind of thing? 01:05:14.909 --> 01:05:15.429 Sure, I did. 01:05:15.469 --> 01:05:16.049 Yeah, definitely. 01:05:16.130 --> 01:05:17.890 Arrange them all on top of each other and stuff. 01:05:17.910 --> 01:05:20.610 So it looked just like a sort of mad explosion. 01:05:20.810 --> 01:05:30.412 I tell you what it was probably pivoting on was kind of, you know, the generation game or a game show or three, two, one, or one of those games where you'd won a lot of prizes. 01:05:30.752 --> 01:05:33.333 And at the end, they'd be wheeled out on a trolley all around. 01:05:33.373 --> 01:05:34.113 Beautifully presented. 01:05:34.893 --> 01:05:36.675 Is that kind of effect we were going for? 01:05:36.975 --> 01:05:44.182 As if the year was a big game show, Christmas was the moment just before the closing credits and you were reaping your awards for that. 01:05:44.203 --> 01:05:47.786 Would you get your ma to come in in a skimpy little outfit there? 01:05:47.866 --> 01:05:50.629 No, I'd get your mum to come in in a skimpy little outfit. 01:05:50.929 --> 01:05:51.570 Thank you. 01:05:51.590 --> 01:05:52.271 You're asking for that? 01:05:52.351 --> 01:05:52.931 Another present? 01:05:52.991 --> 01:05:53.752 Or some music first? 01:05:53.792 --> 01:05:54.833 Could I please have a present, please? 01:05:54.893 --> 01:05:55.714 Okay, here's a present. 01:05:55.734 --> 01:05:58.637 This is one that you can get going during the next record. 01:05:59.097 --> 01:06:02.018 Adam has already sort of guessed that this might be a pair of headphones or something. 01:06:02.058 --> 01:06:03.859 It's in a quite large case. 01:06:04.059 --> 01:06:05.940 It's in a plastic, what do you call it, kind of firm. 01:06:05.960 --> 01:06:08.201 There's a name for those plastics, isn't there? 01:06:08.821 --> 01:06:11.823 Yeah, sort of moulded... Yeah, I can't remember what it is. 01:06:11.863 --> 01:06:13.684 These are sort of impossible to open these things. 01:06:13.704 --> 01:06:14.804 Do you reckon I'm going to be able to open it? 01:06:15.284 --> 01:06:25.029 I can see, listeners, the hairy, silly face of Noel Edmonds peeking out at me from the top of the... If television was a religion, Noel would be God. 01:06:25.829 --> 01:06:30.512 Joe has got me the deal or no deal electronic pocket game. 01:06:30.932 --> 01:06:32.333 Yeah, because we're gonna play around. 01:06:32.453 --> 01:06:35.275 Priced $9.99 as the helpful price. 01:06:35.295 --> 01:06:35.655 You know what? 01:06:35.715 --> 01:06:39.137 It's the biggest hit of the year on telly, or maybe last year, I can't remember. 01:06:39.557 --> 01:06:42.819 And if we play it on this show, the ratings are gonna rock it. 01:06:43.220 --> 01:06:44.801 This will become a granny magnet. 01:06:45.021 --> 01:06:45.841 We might get sued. 01:06:46.121 --> 01:06:47.983 Well, listen, let's figure out how to play this thing. 01:06:48.243 --> 01:06:49.223 We won't get sued, will we? 01:06:49.684 --> 01:06:50.624 Well, we won't. 01:06:52.726 --> 01:06:54.007 No, the big British castle might. 01:06:54.027 --> 01:06:54.708 It might be another nail. 01:06:54.728 --> 01:06:56.170 Matt, I'll tell you what we're doing, we're reviewing it. 01:06:56.330 --> 01:06:57.311 In the coffin, we're reviewing it. 01:06:57.331 --> 01:07:02.057 We're commenting on it in a fair way, and we're reviewing the deal or no deal electronic game. 01:07:02.077 --> 01:07:03.519 Let's have some music while Adam plugs it in. 01:07:03.539 --> 01:07:04.080 Are you excited? 01:07:04.400 --> 01:07:05.581 Yeah, but has it got parties in it? 01:07:05.802 --> 01:07:08.445 You know your face looked like the face of a tiny, excited child just there. 01:07:08.465 --> 01:07:10.107 I am excited, but have you put batteries in it? 01:07:10.547 --> 01:07:12.709 Uh, toys have to come with batteries these days. 01:07:12.729 --> 01:07:13.309 It's the law. 01:07:13.429 --> 01:07:14.149 No, they don't. 01:07:14.229 --> 01:07:15.510 That was during the Blair years. 01:07:15.851 --> 01:07:17.151 No, they haven't changed the law. 01:07:17.251 --> 01:07:18.232 I think they might have done. 01:07:18.392 --> 01:07:18.912 Oh, come on. 01:07:19.012 --> 01:07:19.793 It comes with batteries. 01:07:20.253 --> 01:07:20.553 Open it. 01:07:20.754 --> 01:07:22.575 They banned smoking and... Here, give it to me. 01:07:22.795 --> 01:07:23.595 Well, they tell by the way. 01:07:23.655 --> 01:07:25.657 You need a Phillips screwdriver to get the battery back. 01:07:25.697 --> 01:07:26.097 Oh, God. 01:07:26.257 --> 01:07:28.118 It's one of those ludicrous things they do now. 01:07:28.158 --> 01:07:31.481 You know the two twin nightmares of modern presents? 01:07:31.801 --> 01:07:38.326 If you're buying a present for a child like a plastic digger or something, it takes you 20 minutes to take all the twizzle ties off. 01:07:38.386 --> 01:07:39.607 Yeah, little metal twizzles. 01:07:39.627 --> 01:07:39.727 True. 01:07:40.347 --> 01:07:43.730 And then the other thing is- I thought it was against the law to give a toy without batteries. 01:07:43.790 --> 01:07:45.311 I thought it was too, but not anymore, man. 01:07:45.411 --> 01:07:45.851 Not anymore. 01:07:45.871 --> 01:07:47.532 They kind of changed it, switched it back. 01:07:47.592 --> 01:07:50.635 Do you tell me Gordon Blair turned it back? 01:07:50.695 --> 01:07:52.516 It was Blair struck a blow for batteries. 01:07:52.536 --> 01:07:52.636 Brown. 01:07:53.797 --> 01:08:18.480 perhaps reverse the battery law this is shocking because the other thing is I was gonna say that the other miserable thing about gifts is when they've got a battery pack that's got batteries they've got a back like the the open the door for the battery case I can't speak but it's got a little screw in it you need you need a Phillips screwdriver to open the battery flap kidding me there's no way we're gonna get this thing up and running we're shaft we haven't there's anyone got a Phillips screwdriver here 01:08:19.960 --> 01:08:20.400 No. 01:08:20.421 --> 01:08:21.361 Someone will have one. 01:08:21.381 --> 01:08:23.561 We've got three minutes or so to do this. 01:08:23.601 --> 01:08:24.162 How long have we got? 01:08:24.202 --> 01:08:25.442 We've got two minutes 45. 01:08:25.942 --> 01:08:27.103 Is it the Happy Mondays next? 01:08:27.603 --> 01:08:28.283 We've only got two minutes 45. 01:08:29.063 --> 01:08:31.224 Here's the Happy Mondays with Lazy Itis. 01:08:31.424 --> 01:08:32.444 Scramble! 01:08:32.704 --> 01:08:34.965 That's Lazy Itis by the Happy Mondays. 01:08:35.005 --> 01:08:37.306 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC 6 Music. 01:08:37.506 --> 01:08:39.806 It's the 22nd of December 2007 and this is our Christmas. 01:08:41.727 --> 01:08:43.108 party that Joe and I are having. 01:08:43.148 --> 01:08:43.449 Yeah. 01:08:43.649 --> 01:08:48.593 If you are disturbed by the crackling sound in the background there, listeners, don't worry, the big British castle isn't on fire. 01:08:49.153 --> 01:08:59.362 We've just got a lovely little fire going to complete the cosy Christmas scene and we've been giving one another presents and I've just given Adam one of the greatest presents ever bought for anybody ever. 01:08:59.542 --> 01:09:03.026 Yes, the deal or no deal electronic game. 01:09:03.186 --> 01:09:06.610 Once again, we must stress that many other electronic games are available on the market. 01:09:06.650 --> 01:09:12.297 This is merely one that was chosen at random on the way in in a desperate bid to buy a decent present. 01:09:12.337 --> 01:09:14.600 This just happens to be an electronic game. 01:09:15.120 --> 01:09:17.440 There's no, uh, uh, noises. 01:09:17.500 --> 01:09:26.342 I thought it would have noises, I thought it would have samples of Knoll saying stuff like, um, welcome to the dream factory, and come and sit in a crazy chair. 01:09:26.362 --> 01:09:26.782 Do you think so? 01:09:27.082 --> 01:09:28.603 And all that kind of stuff that he says. 01:09:28.723 --> 01:09:31.763 But there is a quote from Knoll on the box, it says, what does Knoll think? 01:09:32.243 --> 01:09:39.585 Quote, in this Palm Top deal on No Deal Game, each time you pick a box, you open the lid and see what's in it, with all the tension and excitement of the real game, the only thing that's missing is me. 01:09:39.605 --> 01:09:39.645 Ah. 01:09:42.245 --> 01:09:45.147 Which is quite a big factor in the whole success. 01:09:45.367 --> 01:09:48.069 Well, it would be much too expensive if he came with the game. 01:09:48.249 --> 01:09:48.589 It's true. 01:09:48.849 --> 01:09:50.870 Listen, we'll be playing some of that later. 01:09:51.111 --> 01:09:55.253 But without Noel, you're kind of reduced to just picking 20 boxes very quickly. 01:09:55.273 --> 01:09:55.913 Come on, I'll do, Noel. 01:09:56.073 --> 01:09:56.694 It's time for the news. 01:09:57.094 --> 01:09:58.575 Oh man, I'm already hungover. 01:09:58.595 --> 01:10:00.396 I've only had two glasses of Prosecco. 01:10:00.996 --> 01:10:02.057 Well, like an old tramp. 01:10:03.278 --> 01:10:08.261 And that provides a very good segue into telling you that was Baby Shambles with YouTalk. 01:10:08.361 --> 01:10:13.784 This is Adam and Joel on BBC6 Music coming into the last half hour of our special Christmas Saturday show. 01:10:14.165 --> 01:10:16.486 Very Merry Christmas to all our listeners. 01:10:17.467 --> 01:10:19.248 And we've been giving each other presents. 01:10:19.768 --> 01:10:24.371 I just gave Adam a terrific present, even though I say it myself, but I'm a little disappointed that 01:10:25.272 --> 01:10:33.119 The electronic deal or no deal pocket game, which I've just given him, doesn't make any noises and doesn't have any batteries. 01:10:33.339 --> 01:10:38.564 We had to go and have a little hunt, not only for batteries, but for a Phillips screwdriver to get the battery cover up. 01:10:38.624 --> 01:10:43.548 And this is a warning from history, similar to the one the BBC gave you about the Nazis. 01:10:43.708 --> 01:10:44.609 Was that the BBC? 01:10:45.570 --> 01:10:48.893 It's actually dissimilar, but same kind of words used. 01:10:48.913 --> 01:10:50.635 Could take a warning. 01:10:51.395 --> 01:10:52.396 It contains a warning. 01:10:52.996 --> 01:10:58.778 Do have spare batteries and a whole range of different screwdrivers ready for Christmas Day. 01:10:58.858 --> 01:10:59.359 Absolutely. 01:10:59.399 --> 01:11:00.799 In fact, wouldn't that be nice? 01:11:01.199 --> 01:11:02.260 Make the first gift. 01:11:02.920 --> 01:11:04.661 Some batteries and a screwdriver. 01:11:04.681 --> 01:11:05.581 A Christmas backup pack. 01:11:05.661 --> 01:11:06.022 Exactly. 01:11:06.062 --> 01:11:06.502 For Dad. 01:11:06.782 --> 01:11:07.722 For Dad, yeah. 01:11:07.902 --> 01:11:08.443 For Chulot. 01:11:08.663 --> 01:11:09.163 A mum? 01:11:09.683 --> 01:11:10.844 I should have a scented candle. 01:11:12.144 --> 01:11:14.587 Because mums love that kind of thing. 01:11:14.627 --> 01:11:15.747 And she'd have a special bar. 01:11:16.308 --> 01:11:16.808 Exactly. 01:11:17.489 --> 01:11:20.992 So here we go, we're going to review the deal on no-deal electronic game. 01:11:21.012 --> 01:11:27.117 Switching on the machine, we will remind you that many other electronic games are available, but this is the one that happened to be on sale. 01:11:27.157 --> 01:11:33.722 Now, first thing that I'm noticing here is that the display for the deal or no-deal electronic game is not that lit. 01:11:33.802 --> 01:11:37.405 It's not illuminated, so you do have to play it with a bright light source. 01:11:38.126 --> 01:11:39.847 Yeah, and so let's go. 01:11:39.907 --> 01:11:41.128 Let's let's let's play the game. 01:11:41.348 --> 01:11:45.230 Let's play it like a proper game of deal or no deal You've been randomly selected. 01:11:45.950 --> 01:11:50.292 So come and take your seat Adam Have you bought some little photos with you of members of your family? 01:11:50.632 --> 01:11:59.297 Yes, it is a photo of my wife Graham And this is a photo here of my first dog called Barbara 01:11:59.677 --> 01:12:01.720 And, uh, how much money are you hoping to win? 01:12:01.740 --> 01:12:03.643 Oh, all of it, the full whack! 01:12:03.883 --> 01:12:05.385 The full... Full million pounds! 01:12:05.405 --> 01:12:07.027 It's only a quarter of a million, I'm afraid. 01:12:07.067 --> 01:12:07.628 You what? 01:12:07.988 --> 01:12:09.270 It's only a quarter of a million. 01:12:09.731 --> 01:12:10.892 A quarter of a million?! 01:12:10.932 --> 01:12:11.613 Yes, 250,000 pounds. 01:12:11.633 --> 01:12:13.496 Alright, then, I'll have that. 01:12:13.536 --> 01:12:15.078 What will you do with that money as you win it? 01:12:15.118 --> 01:12:16.760 Bend it on the flying! 01:12:17.461 --> 01:12:18.541 Spin it on flying. 01:12:18.581 --> 01:12:20.021 Yes, I wanna fly around. 01:12:20.602 --> 01:12:21.242 What, in a plane? 01:12:21.262 --> 01:12:22.022 Flying lessons? 01:12:22.102 --> 01:12:22.822 Yeah, flying lessons. 01:12:22.842 --> 01:12:24.782 Just in a plane, I wanna go back and forth. 01:12:25.162 --> 01:12:26.003 Okay, there we go. 01:12:26.123 --> 01:12:28.763 So, uh, welcome to the, um, the dream factory. 01:12:28.783 --> 01:12:29.183 Thank you. 01:12:29.303 --> 01:12:31.023 You've taken your seat in the crazy chair. 01:12:31.183 --> 01:12:31.444 Yeah. 01:12:31.524 --> 01:12:33.084 Stand by east wing, stand by west wing. 01:12:33.104 --> 01:12:33.944 What do I do first? 01:12:34.024 --> 01:12:34.584 Uh, pick a box. 01:12:34.944 --> 01:12:36.224 Okay, I'm picking box 10. 01:12:36.584 --> 01:12:38.865 It is his picked box 10. 01:12:39.205 --> 01:12:40.665 And now let's just fast-forward through the game. 01:12:40.685 --> 01:12:44.386 Presumably we don't have to deal with all of, uh, Noel's ramblings and mutterings. 01:12:45.746 --> 01:12:47.367 I'm picking another box now, box 18. 01:12:48.108 --> 01:12:50.550 So box 10, the first box you pick, it doesn't matter, right? 01:12:50.570 --> 01:12:53.051 That's the one you've chosen, that's the sum of money you've selected. 01:12:53.211 --> 01:12:56.754 Oh my lord, I just picked that at random, I didn't even remember. 01:12:56.814 --> 01:12:58.555 That's alright, well, what logic could you possibly use? 01:12:58.595 --> 01:13:00.456 That's the thing about deal or no deal, there is no logic. 01:13:00.496 --> 01:13:01.077 Absolutely true. 01:13:01.357 --> 01:13:02.017 It's pure luck. 01:13:02.158 --> 01:13:05.460 Right, I'm picking box 2, number 18 I'm going for. 01:13:05.680 --> 01:13:09.863 Right, this game is going to continue while we hear a track that I've chosen. 01:13:09.903 --> 01:13:10.603 It's a free play. 01:13:10.683 --> 01:13:11.684 It's by Vince Guaraldi. 01:13:11.724 --> 01:13:14.706 This is the music that was used on the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. 01:13:14.866 --> 01:13:15.346 One pay! 01:13:15.526 --> 01:13:18.088 It was also used on the Royal Tenenbaum soundtrack. 01:13:18.108 --> 01:13:18.528 That's good. 01:13:18.568 --> 01:13:19.229 It's a blue number. 01:13:19.329 --> 01:13:20.029 That's a good one. 01:13:20.069 --> 01:13:21.570 Blue, blue, blue, blue. 01:13:21.630 --> 01:13:23.631 We're going to pick another box now, just for the song. 01:13:24.272 --> 01:13:25.112 Pick a number two. 01:13:25.873 --> 01:13:28.354 What have you got? 01:13:28.595 --> 01:13:28.815 Oh, £200. 01:13:29.015 --> 01:13:29.635 That's not bad. 01:13:29.875 --> 01:13:30.336 Is that blue? 01:13:31.394 --> 01:13:33.155 Can you tell what the colours are? 01:13:33.495 --> 01:13:33.735 No. 01:13:33.975 --> 01:13:35.276 This is not a very good game, is it? 01:13:36.557 --> 01:13:37.137 Splendid stuff. 01:13:37.157 --> 01:13:42.840 Vince Guaraldi with Christmas Time is here, featured in Charlie Brown and also on the soundtrack of the Royal Denon Bounds. 01:13:43.541 --> 01:13:48.743 You join us at the climax of our present giving fiesta we've had here on our special Saturday Christmas show. 01:13:48.783 --> 01:13:51.685 I gave Adam the deal or no deal electronic game just now. 01:13:52.586 --> 01:13:54.468 Which has disappointed us, it didn't come with batteries. 01:13:54.788 --> 01:13:56.790 You needed an obscure screwdriver to open it. 01:13:57.131 --> 01:13:59.273 The keyboard is not illuminated, it makes no sounds. 01:13:59.533 --> 01:14:02.797 And it says in the box it's for one or more players, but how can more than one person play that? 01:14:03.918 --> 01:14:08.824 Well, one person could deal with the banker, and the other person could deal with the boxes. 01:14:08.924 --> 01:14:09.885 No, bankers are automatic though. 01:14:11.132 --> 01:14:12.333 Yeah, it's a lie. 01:14:12.474 --> 01:14:13.535 The packaging's full of lies. 01:14:14.716 --> 01:14:15.577 That's merely my opinion. 01:14:16.058 --> 01:14:17.820 But Adam, down to his last three boxes, right? 01:14:17.960 --> 01:14:18.861 Yeah. 01:14:18.881 --> 01:14:19.982 What sums are left on the board? 01:14:20.223 --> 01:14:24.808 I've only got... 15 grand is the life I could win. 01:14:24.828 --> 01:14:26.109 10 grand, 5 grand and 1 pound. 01:14:26.129 --> 01:14:26.750 15, 10, 5 grand and 1 pound. 01:14:26.770 --> 01:14:26.850 Yeah. 01:14:31.215 --> 01:14:32.196 That's not so good, is it? 01:14:32.236 --> 01:14:33.216 What, 10 pounds? 01:14:33.777 --> 01:14:34.597 What? 01:14:34.617 --> 01:14:36.379 10,000 or 10 pounds? 01:14:36.399 --> 01:14:36.679 10,000 quid. 01:14:36.899 --> 01:14:39.301 10,000, so you've still got two reds. 01:14:39.461 --> 01:14:40.502 Five grand blues. 01:14:40.522 --> 01:14:40.842 10 grand. 01:14:41.122 --> 01:14:42.523 So go on, open them boxes. 01:14:42.543 --> 01:14:44.625 All right, I'm opening box four, no. 01:14:44.865 --> 01:14:45.525 What's inside it? 01:14:45.545 --> 01:14:46.246 Good luck, good luck. 01:14:46.426 --> 01:14:49.268 Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. 01:14:49.348 --> 01:14:50.048 Five thousand. 01:14:50.269 --> 01:14:51.109 Five thousand? 01:14:51.790 --> 01:14:53.271 I've only got three boxes left, no. 01:14:53.391 --> 01:14:53.691 One pound, 10,000. 01:14:53.731 --> 01:14:54.251 Five thousand? 01:14:54.271 --> 01:14:54.251 10, 15,000. 01:14:54.311 --> 01:14:55.272 I'm going for box number one, no. 01:14:59.876 --> 01:15:00.056 Blue! 01:15:00.277 --> 01:15:00.497 Blue! 01:15:00.637 --> 01:15:00.837 Blue! 01:15:00.857 --> 01:15:00.938 Blue! 01:15:00.998 --> 01:15:01.218 Blue! 01:15:01.358 --> 01:15:01.579 Blue! 01:15:01.739 --> 01:15:01.839 Blue! 01:15:01.859 --> 01:15:01.959 Blue! 01:15:02.420 --> 01:15:03.121 Is this good radio? 01:15:04.042 --> 01:15:04.163 Ohhhh! 01:15:04.503 --> 01:15:05.445 Ten thousand dollar. 01:15:05.505 --> 01:15:06.747 It's very popular television. 01:15:06.807 --> 01:15:07.668 Surely it's good radio. 01:15:07.748 --> 01:15:08.970 I've only got one box left. 01:15:09.130 --> 01:15:11.935 Thousands of retired people are tuning in as we speak, magnetically drawn. 01:15:12.596 --> 01:15:13.858 No, I've got my own box. 01:15:14.699 --> 01:15:15.939 Have you got two boxes left? 01:15:15.999 --> 01:15:17.040 I've got my own box. 01:15:17.740 --> 01:15:19.280 How can you just have one box left? 01:15:19.700 --> 01:15:21.601 I've got my own box and the last box. 01:15:21.781 --> 01:15:24.602 Okay, so what's the... The last box is number three. 01:15:24.762 --> 01:15:26.082 What are the two sums left on the board? 01:15:26.102 --> 01:15:26.862 £1 and £15,000. 01:15:29.143 --> 01:15:31.423 Well, that's still a life-changing sum for someone like you. 01:15:31.984 --> 01:15:33.484 No, the banker's offering me £7,501. 01:15:37.685 --> 01:15:38.246 7,501 pounds. 01:15:38.406 --> 01:15:40.208 What are you gonna do? 01:15:40.568 --> 01:15:41.909 I'm going to play, no. 01:15:42.289 --> 01:15:44.031 You're gonna not accept the offer? 01:15:44.091 --> 01:15:45.112 No, I don't accept it. 01:15:45.132 --> 01:15:45.512 No, hang on. 01:15:45.732 --> 01:15:46.453 Deal or no deal? 01:15:46.793 --> 01:15:47.414 No deal. 01:15:47.434 --> 01:15:48.054 There you go. 01:15:48.074 --> 01:15:49.195 Go away. 01:15:49.595 --> 01:15:49.936 Right. 01:15:50.416 --> 01:15:52.137 Please open box number three. 01:15:54.878 --> 01:15:55.679 Or my own box. 01:15:55.739 --> 01:15:56.660 Which one shall I open? 01:15:57.180 --> 01:16:00.323 Oh, you've got to open your... If you're not taking the deal, then you open your own box, don't you? 01:16:00.704 --> 01:16:01.765 No, I can choose, I think. 01:16:02.786 --> 01:16:03.426 I don't know. 01:16:04.547 --> 01:16:06.689 No, open the one that isn't yours, actually, first. 01:16:07.030 --> 01:16:07.971 I don't understand the game. 01:16:08.091 --> 01:16:09.272 I've watched it so many times. 01:16:09.752 --> 01:16:10.753 Forgot night! 01:16:11.314 --> 01:16:11.955 Well, I opened... 01:16:12.615 --> 01:16:13.856 I don't understand what's happening. 01:16:14.236 --> 01:16:17.939 I opened the- I opened box number three and it's the $150,000. 01:16:18.179 --> 01:16:18.420 Really? 01:16:18.460 --> 01:16:19.260 No, it's the $15,000. 01:16:19.801 --> 01:16:20.001 It's the $15,000. 01:16:20.141 --> 01:16:21.782 Please smash it. 01:16:22.002 --> 01:16:23.103 We always smash something. 01:16:23.123 --> 01:16:23.904 Let's listen to this. 01:16:24.104 --> 01:16:25.385 Smash it on the edge of the desk here. 01:16:25.405 --> 01:16:25.585 Oh really? 01:16:25.605 --> 01:16:27.166 This is the deal or no deal electronic game. 01:16:27.186 --> 01:16:28.147 I'm actually gonna smash it, am I? 01:16:28.167 --> 01:16:28.807 Yes, smash it. 01:16:28.827 --> 01:16:29.728 Of course you're gonna smash it. 01:16:29.828 --> 01:16:30.068 Smash it. 01:16:30.108 --> 01:16:31.049 It's quite sturdy. 01:16:31.189 --> 01:16:31.690 Smash it. 01:16:31.750 --> 01:16:33.111 I'm worried it's gonna break the desk. 01:16:33.151 --> 01:16:33.511 Here we go. 01:16:33.591 --> 01:16:33.851 Listen. 01:16:33.911 --> 01:16:34.192 Hard. 01:16:35.032 --> 01:16:35.152 Oh! 01:16:35.593 --> 01:16:36.053 Flippin' it. 01:16:36.093 --> 01:16:36.413 Wow. 01:16:37.294 --> 01:16:39.656 I had to protect my eyes from that stamp on it. 01:16:40.396 --> 01:16:40.656 Hang on. 01:16:41.997 --> 01:16:42.858 Oh, this is terrible. 01:16:43.018 --> 01:16:44.159 Some child might like that. 01:16:44.939 --> 01:16:46.040 I've smashed the display. 01:16:46.480 --> 01:16:47.301 Look at the display. 01:16:47.321 --> 01:16:49.282 That is dangerous, man. 01:16:49.342 --> 01:16:51.083 It's glass they've got on here, not plastic. 01:16:51.103 --> 01:16:52.144 It's glass full of chemicals. 01:16:52.204 --> 01:16:53.604 This game's a death trap. 01:16:54.365 --> 01:16:56.526 That's our opinion, not the opinion of the big British castle. 01:16:56.586 --> 01:16:58.908 Other electronic games which are death traps are available. 01:16:59.748 --> 01:17:01.309 We've attempted to smash it. 01:17:01.389 --> 01:17:02.709 It's leaking toxic fluids. 01:17:03.209 --> 01:17:04.690 Adam's right hand is melting. 01:17:05.810 --> 01:17:06.771 He's blind in one eye. 01:17:07.671 --> 01:17:08.171 There you go. 01:17:08.591 --> 01:17:09.772 Ideal gift for all the family. 01:17:10.232 --> 01:17:10.972 Here's a bit of Prince. 01:17:10.992 --> 01:17:13.553 This is a Christmas-y song if you live a dirty life. 01:17:14.173 --> 01:17:14.993 It's called Get Off. 01:17:15.053 --> 01:17:18.015 That was the purple prompts with Get Off. 01:17:18.355 --> 01:17:19.115 Get off me. 01:17:19.755 --> 01:17:21.996 How many 52 positions in a one-night stand? 01:17:22.276 --> 01:17:22.616 Yeah. 01:17:22.977 --> 01:17:23.838 Oh my lord. 01:17:24.058 --> 01:17:24.739 It's a lot of provisions. 01:17:24.759 --> 01:17:25.279 I've got more. 01:17:25.479 --> 01:17:25.840 Have you? 01:17:25.960 --> 01:17:26.260 Yeah. 01:17:26.521 --> 01:17:27.341 I've only got one. 01:17:27.562 --> 01:17:27.882 Really? 01:17:28.042 --> 01:17:28.443 Yeah. 01:17:28.863 --> 01:17:29.504 Standing up. 01:17:29.624 --> 01:17:30.325 Standing up. 01:17:30.425 --> 01:17:30.985 By the door. 01:17:31.025 --> 01:17:31.786 By the door. 01:17:31.946 --> 01:17:32.947 Often to be let in. 01:17:33.308 --> 01:17:38.533 It's Adam and Jo on BBC 6 Music coming up towards the close of our special Christmas show. 01:17:38.854 --> 01:17:40.095 Hey thanks for listening everybody. 01:17:40.736 --> 01:17:42.718 It's been a present giving fiesta here. 01:17:43.539 --> 01:17:44.680 I've still got one more present. 01:17:45.020 --> 01:17:59.509 We were just imagining during the Filthy Prince music there that almost certainly someone out there in Big British Castleland will be disgusted at the fact that we smashed one of the presents, but we were angered by the deal on a deal electronic game. 01:18:00.070 --> 01:18:02.611 It violated several rules of presents. 01:18:03.532 --> 01:18:06.414 I need not recap, but, you know, the batteries in there. 01:18:07.014 --> 01:18:07.855 And the screwdriver. 01:18:07.875 --> 01:18:09.136 But here's what we're gonna do. 01:18:09.676 --> 01:18:15.560 Even though there's no reason why we should, we're gonna give the money that Joe paid for that game to HMV. 01:18:15.620 --> 01:18:16.541 To HMV. 01:18:17.261 --> 01:18:17.901 I already did. 01:18:17.981 --> 01:18:22.805 To a little thin boy with acne at HMV who works behind the counter there. 01:18:22.825 --> 01:18:23.165 That's me. 01:18:23.565 --> 01:18:24.886 And he needs that money. 01:18:25.446 --> 01:18:27.248 Okay, so that's what we're gonna do to make it right. 01:18:27.348 --> 01:18:27.648 Okay. 01:18:27.728 --> 01:18:28.889 Now here's the last present. 01:18:28.909 --> 01:18:31.572 This is a present from myself to Joe Cornish. 01:18:31.632 --> 01:18:36.056 He's already correctly surmised that it's a DVD, but that's what it means. 01:18:36.116 --> 01:18:37.237 Will he have it already? 01:18:37.938 --> 01:18:38.639 Almost certainly. 01:18:38.679 --> 01:18:40.240 What do you buy someone like Joe Cornish? 01:18:40.300 --> 01:18:41.241 I've got thousands of DVDs. 01:18:41.261 --> 01:18:45.385 What could you possibly get him that he hasn't seen? 01:18:45.405 --> 01:18:46.887 I think maybe he has seen this. 01:18:46.907 --> 01:18:48.428 Is this a proper present? 01:18:48.448 --> 01:18:48.829 Yeah. 01:18:49.029 --> 01:18:50.350 Is it a joke or is it a real? 01:18:50.370 --> 01:18:51.892 A little bit of both. 01:18:52.512 --> 01:18:53.653 But, you know what I'm gonna do? 01:18:53.673 --> 01:18:55.093 You know what I sometimes like to do with presents? 01:18:55.473 --> 01:18:59.975 I like to close my eyes and unwrap them, and then hold it in front of my face. 01:19:00.035 --> 01:19:01.276 But do you remember last year I got you? 01:19:01.316 --> 01:19:01.996 My eyes closed. 01:19:02.016 --> 01:19:03.137 Do you remember last year when I got you? 01:19:03.157 --> 01:19:04.517 I'm so excited. 01:19:04.998 --> 01:19:06.918 I got... I can't remember. 01:19:07.199 --> 01:19:08.519 I got you a dirty DVD. 01:19:08.719 --> 01:19:09.239 Oh, did you? 01:19:09.419 --> 01:19:09.740 Yeah. 01:19:10.360 --> 01:19:11.380 But it was art dirt. 01:19:11.741 --> 01:19:13.061 The worst kind of dirt there is. 01:19:13.701 --> 01:19:15.582 I technically... Oh, yes, you got me nine songs. 01:19:15.642 --> 01:19:16.202 Nine songs. 01:19:16.222 --> 01:19:17.083 I still haven't watched it. 01:19:17.143 --> 01:19:17.443 Have you? 01:19:17.503 --> 01:19:18.383 I'm not surprised. 01:19:18.483 --> 01:19:19.744 No, I kind of want to watch it though. 01:19:19.784 --> 01:19:20.804 So, this year I got you. 01:19:20.824 --> 01:19:21.205 Here we go. 01:19:22.665 --> 01:19:23.385 Oh, no. 01:19:24.446 --> 01:19:24.946 You know what? 01:19:25.106 --> 01:19:27.307 Now, this is a Christmas quandary. 01:19:28.207 --> 01:19:30.027 This is a Christmas quandary. 01:19:30.147 --> 01:19:30.727 She's got it. 01:19:30.767 --> 01:19:31.888 Don't listen to this, Adam. 01:19:32.128 --> 01:19:33.328 Listen, I've got this one. 01:19:33.428 --> 01:19:34.188 What do I say? 01:19:34.669 --> 01:19:36.109 Do I tell him I've already got it? 01:19:36.509 --> 01:19:40.010 Listen, if he's got it, the best thing to do is give it right back to me. 01:19:40.430 --> 01:19:40.730 Really? 01:19:40.750 --> 01:19:41.871 Or should I lie? 01:19:41.891 --> 01:19:42.851 I'm going to lie. 01:19:43.391 --> 01:19:44.511 Listeners, don't tell Joe. 01:19:44.552 --> 01:19:44.992 Brilliant! 01:19:45.112 --> 01:19:46.052 No, listen. 01:19:46.072 --> 01:19:56.316 Oh, Districted, the dirty compilation art film with short films by Larry Clark and Gasper Noe and Matthew Barney. 01:19:57.096 --> 01:19:58.276 Oh, thank you. 01:19:58.336 --> 01:19:59.037 I don't have it. 01:19:59.357 --> 01:19:59.737 Oh, great. 01:19:59.757 --> 01:20:00.557 I do not have it. 01:20:00.597 --> 01:20:00.977 Oh, cool. 01:20:01.157 --> 01:20:02.078 I don't have it. 01:20:02.178 --> 01:20:07.560 Listeners, don't tell Joe, but I just picked it out of my own shelf. 01:20:09.161 --> 01:20:13.967 Before I left the house, I bought it a few months ago and it's such rubbish. 01:20:14.487 --> 01:20:17.050 I just thought I'd give it to him and I didn't care. 01:20:17.717 --> 01:20:18.678 Hey, thanks a lot, man. 01:20:18.738 --> 01:20:20.239 So I'm hoping he's going to give it back to me. 01:20:20.279 --> 01:20:20.820 That's terrific. 01:20:20.900 --> 01:20:26.824 Listen, don't tell Adam, but I'm just going to re-wrap it and give it to Ben, the producer. 01:20:27.425 --> 01:20:28.446 He looks a bit lonely. 01:20:28.466 --> 01:20:30.848 He might need some company over Christmas. 01:20:31.888 --> 01:20:32.389 Hey, who's this? 01:20:32.909 --> 01:20:35.171 It's Big Audio Dynamite with Medicine Show. 01:20:35.631 --> 01:20:41.156 Enjoy, and folks, incidentally, thank you so much for sticking with us for our Christmas party here on BBC Six Music. 01:20:41.737 --> 01:20:46.988 Yeah, you know, we really appreciate everyone who's listened, and we'll be back with you after Christmas. 01:20:47.268 --> 01:20:49.032 Have a terrific Christmas Day and all that business.