WEBVTT 00:01.499 --> 00:04.440 That's LCD Sound System with North American Scum. 00:04.480 --> 00:06.980 Hey, this is Sadam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 00:07.400 --> 00:10.461 Here with you until midday, 12 o'clock. 00:10.521 --> 00:16.782 That's the central point of the day when absolutely everything changes and you get a chance to start again. 00:17.022 --> 00:17.482 The pivot. 00:17.723 --> 00:19.883 The pivot of the day, yes. 00:20.123 --> 00:22.344 That was quite exhausting for the first track, wasn't it? 00:22.824 --> 00:26.424 Yeah, well, he's got some issues with North Americans. 00:26.464 --> 00:27.565 He doesn't like himself. 00:27.605 --> 00:28.585 And it was up tempo. 00:29.765 --> 00:31.946 Oh, I think we're going to have to calm it down a bit later. 00:32.246 --> 00:33.406 We've got some mellow songs. 00:33.466 --> 00:36.687 I picked out a couple of really pretty mellow things to play this week. 00:36.767 --> 00:37.327 What about you? 00:37.727 --> 00:40.808 Yeah, I'm very pleased with my free plays this morning. 00:40.828 --> 00:44.790 We've got some Jim O'Rourke coming up and some Tribe Called Quest. 00:45.990 --> 00:47.170 Yeah, some really good music. 00:47.190 --> 00:48.811 Some Van Morrison, that's your one, Adam. 00:49.031 --> 00:49.191 Yeah. 00:49.231 --> 00:50.251 Some great session tracks. 00:50.771 --> 00:56.553 We'll of course be resolving last week's Song Wars, which prompted the largest ever. 00:57.233 --> 01:05.604 Voting response in the history of the entire Isle of Wight of the entire Isle of Wight Yeah, oh gosh. 01:06.325 --> 01:08.167 No in the in the history of song wars. 01:08.407 --> 01:12.793 Yeah, I think we've got more votes than ever before Oh my lord, that's not gonna do me any favors though. 01:12.833 --> 01:13.273 Let me guess 01:14.194 --> 01:24.341 Just to remind listeners that song wars is where Joe and myself write a song each week with a usually with a theme suggested in part by the listeners and We battle it out to see who wins. 01:24.901 --> 01:27.382 I've I've lost every single week. 01:27.482 --> 01:32.045 That's not true seven weeks except true except once Yeah, you're eponymous on for a listener. 01:32.225 --> 01:33.946 So that wouldn't be eponymous would it that one? 01:33.966 --> 01:34.427 Yeah. 01:34.467 --> 01:34.627 Yeah 01:34.887 --> 01:39.773 Song Wars has become an awful albatross around our necks. 01:40.173 --> 01:41.034 No, it's good, man. 01:41.374 --> 01:45.219 We've got a whole album's worth of great songs and people love listening to those songs. 01:45.379 --> 01:47.041 I started mine at 4.30 last night. 01:47.201 --> 01:48.022 No way. 01:48.162 --> 01:48.582 Finished at 9.30. 01:49.263 --> 01:50.364 This morning? 01:50.785 --> 01:51.826 No, last night. 01:51.866 --> 01:52.206 Oh, I see. 01:52.387 --> 01:52.647 Yeah. 01:52.667 --> 01:54.389 4.30, that's technically the afternoon. 01:54.549 --> 01:55.150 You're aware of that. 01:55.470 --> 01:58.053 Yeah, yeah, yeah, but still I'd got home from a very busy day. 01:58.173 --> 01:59.454 I had a very busy week. 01:59.795 --> 02:01.216 All I wanted to do was watch Telly. 02:01.296 --> 02:02.318 All I had a busy week. 02:02.838 --> 02:04.320 But you have to fit your song wars in. 02:04.340 --> 02:04.940 Sprinkles. 02:05.761 --> 02:08.424 Anyway, we'll be hearing the fruits of Joe's Labour and mine as well. 02:08.704 --> 02:10.586 Christmas songs was the theme this week. 02:10.967 --> 02:17.354 So we'll be unveiling our Christmas songs and we'll be finding out who won last week's song wars where we had to write an imaginary 02:17.894 --> 02:20.478 outro theme from a movie that never really had one. 02:20.538 --> 02:26.046 Joe wrote one for The Shining, I wrote one for The Hours, and we'll find out who won that within the next half hour. 02:26.366 --> 02:29.991 But now I think it's time we played some more great music here at Six Music. 02:30.071 --> 02:32.134 Hold tight, this is the White Stripes. 02:34.917 --> 02:35.817 Hello, hello, hello. 02:36.158 --> 02:37.218 My name is Joe. 02:37.698 --> 02:45.123 I would like to go to a good show, like Billy Elliot or The Lion King, but I cannot, because I cannot afford to get in. 02:45.563 --> 02:46.203 That's good, man. 02:46.243 --> 02:47.044 I love that rap. 02:47.324 --> 02:48.965 Yeah, it's very simple. 02:49.005 --> 02:50.506 It's from the early days of rap. 02:50.566 --> 02:50.886 Is it? 02:50.946 --> 02:51.246 Proto-rap? 02:51.266 --> 02:52.627 Yeah, it was one of the first raps. 02:52.827 --> 02:54.528 That's why it's so very basic. 02:54.588 --> 02:55.629 Yeah, and the Olympic rap. 02:55.869 --> 02:56.129 Yeah. 02:56.209 --> 02:57.710 Hey, listen to this jingle. 02:59.396 --> 03:03.293 It's time to solve wars, the war of the songs. 03:16.677 --> 03:17.698 And we've got Ben here. 03:17.758 --> 03:20.880 He's not our regular producer, but we're very happy to have him here. 03:20.900 --> 03:23.222 I think Jude is a bit ill today, our regular producer. 03:23.242 --> 03:25.843 I hope you're getting better, Jude, if you're listening. 03:26.103 --> 03:26.624 We miss you. 03:26.944 --> 03:27.945 She's not listening. 03:28.125 --> 03:28.545 She might be. 03:28.645 --> 03:29.045 You never know. 03:29.065 --> 03:29.566 I bet she's not. 03:29.726 --> 03:31.127 I mean, if I was her, I wouldn't be. 03:31.447 --> 03:32.568 Jude, if you're listening, text 64046. 03:32.688 --> 03:33.348 If you're not, 03:35.390 --> 03:39.514 Uh, then you might go down in our estimation like a tiny bit of a millimeter. 03:39.614 --> 03:40.796 I should go up in mine, man. 03:40.836 --> 03:42.277 If I was ill, I'd be lying in. 03:42.318 --> 03:43.299 I would be way asleep. 03:43.319 --> 03:45.321 She should take her jobs really seriously. 03:45.361 --> 03:46.763 She should listen to every word. 03:46.843 --> 03:47.664 She should be making notes. 03:47.864 --> 03:48.344 That's true. 03:48.405 --> 03:49.045 She should be. 03:49.065 --> 03:49.626 Ben's nodding. 03:49.646 --> 03:50.767 You see, Ben would be listening. 03:51.548 --> 03:53.670 I will be, yes. 03:53.710 --> 03:54.471 Ben's listening now. 03:54.691 --> 04:04.140 Ben, I was going to say that sometimes our song war songs tend to be a little quiet so you've really got to crank up the volume because I hate the idea that we put all this work into them and then they just dribble out of there. 04:04.240 --> 04:05.962 Crank up the volume, crank up the volume. 04:05.982 --> 04:10.867 But now it's time to find out which one of our songs are exit music for films that never were. 04:11.267 --> 04:12.348 has won Song Wars. 04:12.429 --> 04:14.050 And passing me the results sheet. 04:14.170 --> 04:21.238 Before we go to the results, let's have a look at some of the emails that we've got in our very big post bag that we've had this week. 04:21.278 --> 04:24.983 And we really have had more texts, not texts, emails than ever before. 04:25.944 --> 04:28.687 Giles Pocklington, he's emailed in before. 04:28.807 --> 04:29.267 Hey, Pockles. 04:29.287 --> 04:32.171 It's just the same four people who've emailed in many times. 04:32.631 --> 04:37.813 Dear Adam and Joe, what a thrill it was to hear Joe pick my suggestion for The Shining on a dull Monday afternoon. 04:38.593 --> 04:50.498 Giles suggested that I did the closing credits music for The Shining, and now he's emailing to thank me a very good effort too, apart from the nonsensical last few lines which, if where to be honest, were utter tosh. 04:50.998 --> 04:54.019 I have to say, Adam's The Hours song was really good, no really. 04:54.339 --> 04:55.280 A vote for Buxton. 04:56.260 --> 05:00.883 So I select his song and he doesn't even vote for it. 05:01.164 --> 05:05.707 He was stroking you for a little while with one hand, then he reached around and slapped you with the other one. 05:05.727 --> 05:07.468 Bad parenting. 05:07.528 --> 05:09.529 Greetings loves, says Lucy Loftus. 05:09.649 --> 05:11.290 I wholeheartedly vote for Adam this week. 05:11.330 --> 05:13.232 It's foot-tappingly funky and clearly a better song. 05:13.272 --> 05:20.176 Joe, however, is clearly feeling so smug about his hearty lead that he thinks he can farm out ballad-based rubbish and still win. 05:20.437 --> 05:25.440 His song was so awful, it prompted my husband to stomp into the room and shout, What muck have you bought now? 05:26.220 --> 05:27.381 Joe, hang your head. 05:27.842 --> 05:28.542 Hang your head? 05:28.562 --> 05:29.063 That's a bit harsh. 05:29.083 --> 05:29.763 People are so cruel. 05:29.843 --> 05:34.046 Listen, I can't help feeling happy about the sentiment, but that's a bit much. 05:34.066 --> 05:34.907 Wait, you get this though. 05:35.007 --> 05:36.048 Martin Workman. 05:36.869 --> 05:38.430 He works for MCM Productions. 05:38.450 --> 05:40.692 There are video events and broadcast graphics production. 05:41.172 --> 05:43.434 He writes, uh, subject song wars. 05:43.754 --> 05:44.535 Both a bit rubbish. 05:44.995 --> 05:46.916 Well below par in the comedy stakes. 05:47.217 --> 05:52.120 You guys just recounted what happened in the films rather than giving a subjective comedy take on them. 05:52.220 --> 05:53.301 I'm a celebrity, get me out of here. 05:53.321 --> 05:55.043 It was like a film review with no opinions. 05:55.743 --> 05:56.024 Nice. 05:56.344 --> 05:57.765 Well, and that's in the comedy sticks. 05:57.785 --> 05:59.567 That's not even within our own parameters. 05:59.587 --> 06:00.728 Is that ironic in any way? 06:00.828 --> 06:00.968 No. 06:01.349 --> 06:03.031 He's just opinionated and furious. 06:03.111 --> 06:04.332 He's absolutely furious about it. 06:05.353 --> 06:05.873 Quite right. 06:05.933 --> 06:06.594 What's his name again? 06:06.814 --> 06:08.476 His name is... Mr. Workman. 06:08.536 --> 06:09.417 Martin Workman. 06:09.437 --> 06:10.278 Martin the Workman. 06:10.658 --> 06:11.479 Quite right, Martin. 06:11.639 --> 06:13.582 Keep those standards maintained. 06:14.022 --> 06:15.864 Yeah, that's pretty much it, you know. 06:15.884 --> 06:16.445 That's harsh. 06:16.805 --> 06:23.653 But it's harsh, Martin, because when you consider, like, we're not saying where a musical genius is, but we certainly put a lot of effort into these. 06:24.094 --> 06:26.056 Some more than others, depending on the week. 06:26.076 --> 06:27.158 Do you know what I mean? 06:27.618 --> 06:28.719 Like, sometimes you just run out. 06:29.120 --> 06:29.881 Hey, look, we've had a text. 06:30.962 --> 06:31.702 We've had one text. 06:31.742 --> 06:32.343 You can text us on 64046. 06:34.083 --> 06:39.986 That'll be more relevant, uh, when we ask you to vote for Song Wars, but that'll be the new Song Wars, this is the old Song Wars, so let's check the results, ready? 06:40.006 --> 06:40.766 Yeah, let's find out who won. 06:40.967 --> 06:45.589 So it was Adam's song about the hours, uh, the film directed by Billy Elliot Mann, what's his name? 06:45.709 --> 06:46.289 Uh, Stephen Dolch. 06:46.329 --> 06:46.849 There you go. 06:46.869 --> 06:48.290 Uh, all about Virginia Woolf. 06:48.390 --> 06:48.550 Yeah. 06:48.890 --> 06:50.691 Uh, based on, was it based on Mrs. Dalloway? 06:50.711 --> 06:53.012 Mrs. Dalloway was the... And it was a very good song. 06:53.292 --> 06:54.213 I would have voted for your song. 06:54.253 --> 06:54.533 Would you? 06:54.553 --> 06:55.233 Yeah, I would. 06:55.893 --> 06:58.034 Uh, or it was my song about The Shining, and... 07:00.055 --> 07:01.116 Oh my gosh. 07:01.176 --> 07:01.597 What is it? 07:02.077 --> 07:02.978 You've won again, haven't you? 07:03.258 --> 07:03.999 Oh my god. 07:04.019 --> 07:04.820 Do you really think I've won? 07:04.840 --> 07:05.120 Yeah. 07:05.420 --> 07:09.284 No, you've won by 86% to 14% for Joe. 07:09.364 --> 07:10.385 It's a landslide. 07:10.405 --> 07:11.346 It's a landslide. 07:11.366 --> 07:12.246 What a surprise to me. 07:12.306 --> 07:13.808 It's a very good song this week. 07:14.248 --> 07:16.711 So let's have another listen to Adam's song. 07:16.731 --> 07:17.451 You've got to imagine. 07:17.671 --> 07:19.313 What's the final shot of the hours then? 07:19.653 --> 07:20.334 Now you're asking. 07:20.954 --> 07:23.597 It's probably Virginia Woolf going for the swim in the river. 07:23.977 --> 07:25.959 It may well be to tie the whole thing up. 07:25.979 --> 07:26.960 That's how it starts. 07:27.120 --> 07:27.941 Yeah, probably. 07:27.981 --> 07:28.942 It's probably bookended. 07:28.962 --> 07:29.642 I would think so. 07:29.662 --> 07:31.624 You know, so imagine that happening. 07:31.684 --> 07:36.308 Virginia's plastic nose goes under the water and then the credits roll and you hear this. 07:36.328 --> 07:38.009 Dearest. 07:38.130 --> 07:40.912 I feel certain that I'm going mad again. 07:41.272 --> 07:45.156 I begin to hear voices. 07:45.336 --> 07:50.000 So I am doing what seems to be the best 08:00.728 --> 08:23.029 Virginia Woolf is writing Mrs. Dalloway It is about a woman's day making party plans A housewife in the fifties is reading Mrs. Dalloway A woman in the noughties is making party plans Three women with unwelcome obligations to the men In the lies that they feel they never chose 08:25.079 --> 08:32.624 All of them depressed, and wishing they could just escape like the ginger wolf with her wonky plastic nose. 08:33.504 --> 08:39.188 I choose not the suffocating and aesthetic of the suburbs, but the violent jaunt of the Capitol. 08:45.549 --> 09:08.075 It was a tragedy that Virginia Wilf felt she had to drown herself Just because she was depressed and she was bisexual In those days both those subjects were not well understood Nowadays there's lithium and lots of many friends, yes How will you fill up the hours of your lady life? 09:08.955 --> 09:10.716 Will you serve pathetic men? 09:10.977 --> 09:12.178 Will you be a wife? 09:12.498 --> 09:13.038 I just like it. 09:13.058 --> 09:16.240 Will you just read Gracia and bake your stupid cakes? 09:16.961 --> 09:18.842 Does that really make you happy? 09:19.063 --> 09:21.304 I think you deserve a lovely party. 09:21.344 --> 09:27.929 Mrs. Darling said you'd buy the flowers yourself. 09:28.009 --> 09:30.271 Sally, I think I'd buy the flowers myself. 09:30.531 --> 09:30.671 Huh? 09:40.845 --> 09:42.026 There we go, powerful stuff. 09:42.286 --> 09:44.928 The winner of Song Wars this week is Adam's song from The Hours. 09:44.948 --> 09:46.289 Yes, skills! 09:46.529 --> 09:47.830 Well done man, that's very good. 09:48.290 --> 09:49.131 I would have voted for that. 09:49.151 --> 09:49.411 Thank you. 09:49.451 --> 09:51.192 I think that's a well deserved win. 09:51.232 --> 09:52.333 That's very magnanimous of you. 09:52.473 --> 09:53.454 Yeah, I don't mean it. 09:53.874 --> 09:54.334 I'm angry. 09:54.874 --> 09:55.295 Here's this. 09:55.455 --> 09:56.756 Are we playing the stringless? 09:56.776 --> 09:58.197 No, we're going to have some real music now. 09:58.237 --> 10:02.279 This is from a real man who's made a whole career out of making music and it's one of his best songs. 10:02.340 --> 10:02.880 Here's Lou Reed. 10:05.057 --> 10:06.338 That was George Michael with Faith. 10:06.358 --> 10:08.140 This is Adam and Joe on BBC 6 Music. 10:08.160 --> 10:09.262 It wasn't George Michael with Faith. 10:09.582 --> 10:10.162 It was Lou Reed. 10:10.503 --> 10:11.964 Here's Eric Fisher with the news. 10:14.107 --> 10:16.309 That's the charlatans with Love is the Key. 10:16.789 --> 10:19.532 So, you know, if Love is the Key, what's the door? 10:20.638 --> 10:22.940 Uh, that's too rude at this time of the morning, Adam. 10:23.260 --> 10:23.920 Okay. 10:24.220 --> 10:24.541 Got you. 10:24.681 --> 10:25.241 You get me? 10:25.401 --> 10:26.402 I think I do get you. 10:26.422 --> 10:26.682 Adam? 10:26.702 --> 10:27.322 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 10:27.663 --> 10:29.264 Now listen, I'm, uh, I'm just flicking through. 10:29.304 --> 10:30.284 This is Adam and Joanne today. 10:30.324 --> 10:33.146 We just got an email from someone saying, who are you? 10:33.166 --> 10:33.967 It was a text. 10:34.047 --> 10:34.927 It was a text. 10:35.268 --> 10:35.848 Just furious. 10:35.888 --> 10:36.789 Who, who are you? 10:37.009 --> 10:45.414 He probably switched on and he, he was embroiled in lots of song war stuff and just thought, I don't know who these people are, but they're very involved in their own strange business and it makes me very angry. 10:45.474 --> 10:46.495 So he thought he'd text in and 10:46.955 --> 10:47.356 Let us know. 10:47.636 --> 10:48.757 So listen, we're Adam and Joe. 10:48.777 --> 10:50.679 We're just two human beings. 10:50.719 --> 10:51.560 We're from the 90s. 10:51.660 --> 10:52.681 We're from the 90s. 10:53.763 --> 10:57.447 We were on television once a very long time ago and here we are. 10:58.508 --> 11:03.293 I've just been flicking through the We Love Tele magazine from 11:03.553 --> 11:04.434 Which magazine is this? 11:04.494 --> 11:05.194 Oh, the Daily Mirror. 11:05.615 --> 11:07.496 And it's got all the Christmas telly stuff in it. 11:07.556 --> 11:08.677 Wicked, wicked. 11:08.697 --> 11:15.723 There's a lot of good, well, there's a lot of telly coming up on the Christmas and things like extras. 11:16.144 --> 11:19.567 Ooh, the extras Christmas special on Thursday the 27th of December. 11:20.047 --> 11:20.768 Be interested in that. 11:20.948 --> 11:21.869 That's the last one ever. 11:21.889 --> 11:22.809 They'll never make another one. 11:23.670 --> 11:24.451 No more extras. 11:25.773 --> 11:27.335 And what else have we got? 11:27.515 --> 11:28.176 What's the point? 11:28.656 --> 11:29.237 What is the point? 11:29.717 --> 11:32.240 The point is all this great Christmas telly that we're going to be seeing. 11:32.280 --> 11:36.305 But no, one of the things I'm very excited about is Knoll's Christmas presents. 11:36.365 --> 11:38.348 Now you were saying there's some trail on for it at the moment? 11:38.368 --> 11:42.272 Yeah, if you own an evil Murdoch box and get Murdoch telly, 11:42.973 --> 11:46.414 Uh, then watch out for Noel Edmonds' new, uh, trail. 11:46.834 --> 11:49.975 He's obviously had a massive renaissance, Noel, with deal or no deal. 11:50.615 --> 11:55.316 Um, and, uh, Skye have paid him a lot of money to host Are You Smarter Than A Ten Year Old? 11:55.756 --> 11:59.017 And he's kind of had a renaissance, hence the return of his Christmas Day show. 11:59.277 --> 12:01.758 Well, he's very- he's quintessentially Christmassy in many ways. 12:02.298 --> 12:04.178 I mean, his name is Noel, for a start. 12:04.699 --> 12:06.259 Uh, he looks a tiny bit like Jesus. 12:06.559 --> 12:06.799 True. 12:07.019 --> 12:08.700 Uh, he's- He's got magical powers. 12:08.720 --> 12:09.440 He's got magical powers. 12:09.480 --> 12:10.440 He rose again from the dead. 12:10.700 --> 12:11.881 That's true. 12:12.301 --> 12:17.225 And he can probably turn water into some kind of... Fizzy pop. 12:17.385 --> 12:23.129 But if you were like a kiddie in the 80s and stuff, he had a show every Christmas day, wasn't it? 12:23.309 --> 12:25.850 And didn't it come from the top of the post office tower? 12:26.051 --> 12:27.812 What was then known as the post office tower? 12:28.592 --> 12:30.714 Before the post office was sold to BT or whatever. 12:32.575 --> 12:35.596 And he would get all sorts of disadvantaged people and give them amazing presents. 12:35.616 --> 12:44.220 Well, this show's been brought back for Skye, I think, over Christmas, and he's done the most demented trail in, I think, in the history of trails for it. 12:44.420 --> 12:45.180 Do watch out for it. 12:45.540 --> 12:50.442 Now, he's obviously, he does genuinely have magic powers, because the thing about Deal or No Deal is it's all to do with luck. 12:50.902 --> 12:51.123 Isn't it? 12:51.163 --> 12:53.746 And it's all to do with, you know, calling on higher forces. 12:53.947 --> 13:01.378 He's got this weird mystical kind of weird quasi-religion that he's written a book, hasn't he, about cosmic ordering, it's called. 13:01.398 --> 13:01.818 That's right. 13:01.838 --> 13:04.402 If you want something from life, you just ask the sky. 13:04.662 --> 13:05.944 I'd like a BMW. 13:06.545 --> 13:06.765 Yeah. 13:06.845 --> 13:09.766 Give me a BMW, and according to Noel, you'll just get one. 13:10.086 --> 13:10.586 Something like that. 13:10.626 --> 13:12.367 I might be overly simplifying it. 13:12.487 --> 13:13.007 I might not. 13:13.167 --> 13:13.307 Right. 13:13.487 --> 13:14.087 It's something like that. 13:14.127 --> 13:19.869 So he's kind of turning into a sort of TV, David Icke type person, vaguely. 13:20.309 --> 13:30.893 Anyway, in his trail, I couldn't really take it all in the other night when I saw it, but there are some people having a party, and someone's given a massive present, and they open it, and Noel comes out. 13:31.633 --> 13:33.294 And they look astonished. 13:33.594 --> 13:34.975 Er, is he wearing clothes? 13:35.335 --> 13:37.677 Yeah, as far as I could see he's wearing clothes. 13:38.037 --> 13:40.478 Then there was another quick shot of Noel dressed as a nun. 13:41.359 --> 13:44.801 Approaching some women and smiling in a really creepy way. 13:45.161 --> 13:47.742 And then the final sucker punch was Noel. 13:48.123 --> 13:52.645 You know, in that way he was standing in his studio and he was standing three quarters onto the camera. 13:53.045 --> 13:54.366 Do you know that way people stand? 13:54.486 --> 13:56.127 It's the way that page three girls stand. 13:56.187 --> 13:57.428 Yeah, that you never do in life. 13:57.688 --> 14:05.918 Yes, but you do I don't know when you're trying to look authoritative news readers sometimes do it people it's basically the trail stance It's a flattering three quarters on and turn to the camera like that. 14:05.978 --> 14:10.283 Yeah, and he does that and he says I believe in the power of Christmas 14:11.061 --> 14:11.661 Oh my lord. 14:11.681 --> 14:13.582 So he doesn't believe in Christmas. 14:13.742 --> 14:13.942 Yeah. 14:14.122 --> 14:16.503 He hates Christmas, but he believes in the power of Christmas. 14:16.523 --> 14:16.903 Right. 14:17.323 --> 14:21.484 But he says it as if he's ushering in at some kind of new religious dawn. 14:22.165 --> 14:23.125 Do you know what I mean? 14:23.205 --> 14:25.145 He's doing some amazing stuff in this show. 14:25.326 --> 14:29.127 It was apparently recently voted one of the top 10 Christmas shows of all time. 14:29.647 --> 14:33.928 Personally, when it used to come on, it would be the only bad bit about Christmas for me. 14:33.968 --> 14:34.708 I used to enjoy it. 14:34.728 --> 14:35.089 Did you? 14:35.249 --> 14:39.470 Yeah, I like to see people in the forces giving messages to their loved ones. 14:39.750 --> 14:41.130 Well, he's got a little bit of that. 14:41.631 --> 14:50.773 He says, Noel takes a group of mums, dads and kids who have lost loved ones in Iraq and Afghanistan on a magical trip to Lapland, because that's what they need. 14:50.813 --> 14:51.173 That's good. 14:51.213 --> 14:52.094 I think that's in the trail. 14:52.434 --> 14:52.974 Right, right. 14:52.994 --> 14:53.954 So they're off to Lapland. 14:54.374 --> 14:56.035 But, and what else have we got? 14:56.075 --> 14:57.995 It's all heartwarming stuff, a nine-year-old. 14:58.015 --> 14:58.996 So there's sort of logic as well. 14:59.016 --> 14:59.716 There's always Santa. 15:00.427 --> 15:01.008 Yeah, exactly. 15:01.408 --> 15:01.929 Don't worry. 15:02.149 --> 15:03.110 Which isn't that comfortable. 15:03.170 --> 15:06.174 Because of various, you know, facts about Santa. 15:06.194 --> 15:10.319 I just think how much fun could it be for the families involved, you know what I mean? 15:10.339 --> 15:13.282 Like making TV is not an enjoyable process generally. 15:13.883 --> 15:20.551 And when they go off there with the crew and they have to do all their little retakes or whatever and the travelling and the knoll and 15:20.791 --> 15:21.833 I tell you what, we'll have to watch it. 15:22.053 --> 15:22.854 Yes, that's true. 15:22.894 --> 15:23.955 And talk about it in the new year. 15:23.975 --> 15:28.782 Well, you can watch it on Sunday the 23rd of December on Sky One at 6pm. 15:28.822 --> 15:30.264 That's Knoll's Christmas Presents. 15:30.644 --> 15:31.966 But right now, here's some more music. 15:32.006 --> 15:33.027 This is Balloons. 15:33.147 --> 15:35.170 Is it Balloons with Folds or Folds with Balloons? 15:35.270 --> 15:36.852 No, it's Folds with Balloons. 15:41.124 --> 15:42.865 That's Fools with Balloons. 15:43.426 --> 15:46.008 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 15:46.048 --> 15:52.132 We're with you until midday today, and it's time now to launch the nation's favourite feature. 15:54.554 --> 15:55.375 Text the nation! 15:55.435 --> 15:55.715 Text! 15:55.795 --> 15:56.075 Text! 15:56.135 --> 15:56.496 Text! 15:56.596 --> 15:57.336 Text the nation! 15:57.396 --> 15:58.377 What if I don't want to? 15:58.617 --> 15:59.338 Text the nation! 15:59.438 --> 16:00.438 What if I'm using email? 16:00.619 --> 16:01.339 Is that a problem? 16:01.379 --> 16:02.180 It doesn't matter, text! 16:04.522 --> 16:13.005 Yes, text the nation the time of the show where we, and, uh, pay attention to this because it's complicated, ask you to text us... ...about things. 16:13.205 --> 16:13.525 Things. 16:14.005 --> 16:17.827 Uh, this week's subject is... Stupid, stupid, stupid lies, you've told. 16:18.147 --> 16:23.509 Stupidest lie you've ever told, with possibly the worst consequences, like the worst the consequences the more... Yeah, nothing awful. 16:23.849 --> 16:28.332 No, we don't want to hear about, like, death or... Well, you can send them in, but we're unlikely to read them out. 16:28.452 --> 16:33.675 Yeah, or if it ends up with, like, you know, I was divorced, and I was never happy again. 16:33.695 --> 16:34.456 That would be fine. 16:34.496 --> 16:35.297 My children would love me. 16:35.317 --> 16:35.937 That would be fine. 16:35.957 --> 16:36.217 Really? 16:36.457 --> 16:36.717 Yeah. 16:36.918 --> 16:37.578 That's no good. 16:37.618 --> 16:38.238 No, we don't really want to. 16:38.258 --> 16:38.979 It wouldn't be fine. 16:38.999 --> 16:39.920 It's not Christmasy. 16:40.260 --> 16:41.541 Not very Christmasy, that's true. 16:41.701 --> 16:42.541 Send them to Noel. 16:43.362 --> 16:47.945 Noel will do a show, he'll do a little slot on his show for them, but we don't really deal with anything like that. 16:48.505 --> 16:49.846 Uh, last week, was it last week? 16:49.866 --> 16:58.571 I think it was last week, I was telling Adam and you listeners how once I told a girl that I had a bad heart in order to get her to snog me. 16:59.171 --> 17:04.594 I told her I had a terrible, and this is tempting fate in a very, you know, silly way. 17:04.654 --> 17:05.114 That's right. 17:05.234 --> 17:07.716 I told her I had a kind of a dodgy valve. 17:08.536 --> 17:11.999 And that I wasn't long for this world and she'd better get in there, quickos. 17:12.780 --> 17:14.321 If she wanted a piece of the corns. 17:14.422 --> 17:15.142 And it worked. 17:15.923 --> 17:16.864 A nugget of corn. 17:17.064 --> 17:18.525 She got a little corn on the cob. 17:18.705 --> 17:19.126 She did. 17:19.146 --> 17:20.627 She had a nibble. 17:21.408 --> 17:22.068 I had a nibble. 17:22.469 --> 17:24.070 Mmm butter all around my mouth. 17:24.330 --> 17:24.911 Okay. 17:25.071 --> 17:25.271 What? 17:25.552 --> 17:25.772 Nothing. 17:27.573 --> 17:28.173 So it worked. 17:28.433 --> 17:29.894 It did work, but I do regret it. 17:29.934 --> 17:32.316 That was a terrible, terrible, terrible, stupid, horrible thing to do. 17:32.336 --> 17:40.240 You know, if the consequences were really dire, you could string that out to a whole film and call it the boy with the bad heart, because it would be like... It would work on two levels, wouldn't it? 17:40.360 --> 17:41.801 Like a two-level car park. 17:42.061 --> 17:46.544 Exactly, or a bungalow with an extra level on top of the bungalow. 17:46.824 --> 17:47.504 Yeah, yeah. 17:47.584 --> 17:50.606 Okay, so here are some emails we've had in over the week. 17:50.626 --> 17:51.407 Hi, Adam and Joe. 17:52.087 --> 17:53.408 This is from Damian Radcliffe. 17:54.389 --> 17:57.852 I lied in primary school in an assembly held by a priest man. 17:58.873 --> 18:01.395 He asked us all, who's been to Palestine? 18:01.655 --> 18:04.979 I put up my hand without absolutely nothing to say. 18:06.300 --> 18:07.521 I have no idea why. 18:07.621 --> 18:08.142 Compulsion? 18:10.224 --> 18:11.965 Just wanted to be the centre of attention. 18:12.245 --> 18:14.007 I've been to Palestine, that's a good one. 18:14.207 --> 18:15.228 Have you been to Palestine? 18:15.448 --> 18:15.649 No. 18:15.989 --> 18:16.950 Why did you put your hand up? 18:17.010 --> 18:17.510 I don't know. 18:18.638 --> 18:19.458 I like that kind of thing. 18:19.518 --> 18:21.178 I bet, Damien, I bet you're quite clever. 18:21.379 --> 18:23.039 Yeah, that's the kind of thing a clever person does. 18:23.059 --> 18:24.219 I bet you could have bluffed it, man. 18:25.859 --> 18:45.843 Anne-Marie Adair has sent in an email saying, I faked my discus scores in third year senior school PE lessons because I was embarrassed at how bad the real scores were, but I faked them too well and got chosen to throw discus at the school sports day due to my seemingly amazing abilities. 18:46.423 --> 18:49.947 I was obviously dismal at it, but it taught me a lesson in a wonder years kind of way. 18:50.167 --> 18:58.497 Yeah, that's good That is good and presumably I wonder if she then lied about being bad discus on the day Do you think she you know what she should have said? 18:58.537 --> 18:58.717 What? 18:59.398 --> 19:00.659 She said I've got a heart condition 19:01.520 --> 19:04.923 I've got a dodgy valve, and my arm's gone limp. 19:05.443 --> 19:06.284 That's what I would have said. 19:06.304 --> 19:10.047 But the whole business of cheating in exams, that's a kind of different kettle of fish. 19:10.347 --> 19:16.051 Because I, I mean, the big British castle would not recommend this kind of behaviour, but I cheated like a man possessed. 19:16.071 --> 19:17.932 Well, you were in prison for about 15 years. 19:18.573 --> 19:18.913 I wasn't. 19:18.953 --> 19:19.654 I got away with it. 19:20.314 --> 19:20.995 Scott Free. 19:21.115 --> 19:23.296 And I'm trying to imply to listeners that it doesn't pay to cheat. 19:23.416 --> 19:24.397 It doesn't pay to cheat, that's right. 19:24.417 --> 19:26.018 I've been in a kind of a mental prison of guilt. 19:26.238 --> 19:26.938 Yes, that's true. 19:26.958 --> 19:27.439 That's true. 19:27.579 --> 19:31.301 I did a little bit of cheating as well, for which I served time and was badly tortured. 19:31.341 --> 19:32.322 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 19:32.462 --> 19:39.046 In a Spanish exam, I went and hid a Spanish dictionary behind the U-bend of the Lavi. 19:39.226 --> 19:39.586 Did you? 19:39.666 --> 19:41.207 And then asked to go to the lab. 19:41.447 --> 19:43.569 That's a different kettle of fish, though, cheating, really, isn't it? 19:43.589 --> 19:45.089 We're not after cheating, we're after lying. 19:45.210 --> 19:45.610 Yeah, exactly. 19:46.070 --> 20:05.076 Hannah Arif says dear Adam and Jo when I was about six our teacher at school asked us one day if we'd ever seen Santa Claus I was completely amazed when people said they had how jealous I was when I found out people had seen him on Christmas Eve putting out their presents My favorite story was the elaborate tale of Robert Rawlinson who proceeded to tell us how he woke up on Christmas Eve to see Santa's boots on the landing 20:05.576 --> 20:08.618 He then heard that someone was taking a shower, so he went to investigate him. 20:08.658 --> 20:09.259 What did he find? 20:09.539 --> 20:12.041 Why Santa, of course, taking a shower in his house. 20:12.341 --> 20:15.443 I was amazed, flabbergasted, and to be honest, very jealous. 20:15.903 --> 20:19.225 Although at the time I remember thinking that his mum was probably having an affair with Santa. 20:19.606 --> 20:22.287 But I didn't tell Robert this in case I burst his bubble. 20:22.608 --> 20:23.608 There's a song about that. 20:24.009 --> 20:25.510 I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus. 20:25.670 --> 20:26.190 That's true. 20:26.530 --> 20:30.473 And it's a sort of faintly disturbing song because you think that would scar you, you know. 20:30.933 --> 20:35.096 Even however much you like Santa, you don't want to see him snog your mum, because that's revolting. 20:35.977 --> 20:36.977 I mean, that's horrible, isn't it? 20:36.997 --> 20:37.258 Why not? 20:37.298 --> 20:38.238 Santa's a sexy man. 20:38.278 --> 20:40.060 Yeah, but it casts aspersions on your mum. 20:40.100 --> 20:43.022 It turns your mum into a kind of... No, what mum could resist Santa? 20:43.182 --> 20:43.302 Really? 20:43.322 --> 20:45.184 Honestly, that big belly, the bushy beard. 20:45.784 --> 20:46.425 All the presents. 20:46.885 --> 20:49.207 The, you know, the idea of living with lots of elves. 20:49.227 --> 20:49.667 Can you imagine? 20:49.688 --> 20:52.129 He's probably got big factory bits all over his beard. 20:52.169 --> 20:52.930 He probably stinks. 20:53.010 --> 20:56.453 It'd be like going out with Mr. Majorium and living in his Wonder Emporium. 20:56.713 --> 20:58.815 I want to talk to you about it later on. 20:59.916 --> 21:01.898 Here's another one from Clash77. 21:02.519 --> 21:04.221 No, sorry, it's from Rob in Birmingham. 21:04.261 --> 21:05.021 That was his tag. 21:05.502 --> 21:07.204 He's a member of one of the biggest gangs in Birmingham. 21:07.224 --> 21:08.465 He's a very dangerous man, Rob. 21:09.546 --> 21:09.886 He's not. 21:10.287 --> 21:10.927 Hi, Adam and Joe. 21:10.947 --> 21:13.290 You asked for the stupidest lies you've ever told, so here's mine. 21:13.710 --> 21:19.336 As a child one evening, whilst playing outside, I thought it would be really clever if I span around and round as fast as I could to impress my friends. 21:19.676 --> 21:21.378 He's spammed. 21:21.678 --> 21:22.218 That's not the lie. 21:22.278 --> 21:27.142 Unfortunately, I lost my balance and banged my head, cutting it and making myself cry in the process. 21:27.623 --> 21:28.644 What will I tell people? 21:28.704 --> 21:30.385 I cried as I noticed the nasty cut. 21:30.685 --> 21:31.606 Don't worry, said a friend. 21:31.866 --> 21:32.567 I've got a plan. 21:33.068 --> 21:41.795 And he came up with an excellent cover story which involved me being set upon by a group of lads from a rival tougher school and me coming out on top with only this gash on my head to show. 21:41.835 --> 21:42.376 No way. 21:42.396 --> 21:44.878 It's all right, we'll back your story up, they reliably told me. 21:45.178 --> 21:46.059 He is a member of a gang. 21:46.619 --> 21:50.902 The next day, when I went to school, word had got out and crowds gathered round me in the playground to see if it was true. 21:51.202 --> 21:52.643 Harder lads patted me on the back. 21:52.703 --> 21:55.705 Girls... Girls touched the cut on my head. 21:56.105 --> 21:58.366 And they even started chanting, Ro-key! 21:58.667 --> 21:59.367 Ro-key! 21:59.447 --> 22:00.088 In my honour. 22:00.728 --> 22:06.131 Already, I was beginning to feel the pressure as the light built up inside of me and my story became less convincing by each question I was asked. 22:06.552 --> 22:09.794 By dinnertime, I could sense my friends had grown jealous of my celebrity and were going to spill the beans. 22:09.854 --> 22:14.537 By afternoon break, they'd done this and in the short space of seven hours, I'd gone from hero to zero. 22:15.177 --> 22:22.182 I walk home from school alone and can remember the cutting comments such as, look it's Frank Bruno and ear lads, can you smell BS? 22:23.804 --> 22:25.785 To this day I've never told a lie since. 22:26.085 --> 22:26.506 Hey good one. 22:26.526 --> 22:27.266 Not sure that's true. 22:28.527 --> 22:30.609 Thanks very much for those emails and texts. 22:30.949 --> 22:34.532 Please keep them coming in on the subject of the stupidest lie you've ever told. 22:34.552 --> 22:37.294 Yeah those were just teasers to get your stories coming in. 22:37.354 --> 22:42.077 Text 64046 or email adamandjo.6musicatbbc.co.uk 22:43.599 --> 22:48.242 Now, very shortly, we're going to be unveiling our new Song Wars efforts for this week. 22:48.523 --> 22:53.687 But before that, I think we should have quite a lot of exciting music and maybe a wonderful trail. 22:53.707 --> 22:55.148 Are we having a wonderful trail now, Ben? 22:55.188 --> 22:55.909 No, another one. 22:56.009 --> 22:58.931 Hey, what's wrong with... This show's becoming a trailer park. 22:58.971 --> 23:01.673 Because it's so popular, everyone wants to put their trail in it. 23:01.694 --> 23:02.334 Is that so? 23:02.814 --> 23:03.015 No. 23:03.715 --> 23:04.035 Okay. 23:04.095 --> 23:04.476 Here it is. 23:10.828 --> 23:17.211 That's Soft Cell with Bedsitter, that's a session track recorded for the Richard Skinner Show on Radio 1 on the 26th of July 1981. 23:17.571 --> 23:19.391 The Skinmeister. 23:19.552 --> 23:21.692 That was a good version of Bedsitter, Anderson. 23:21.752 --> 23:23.633 Yeah, this is Adam and Jo on BBC 6 Music. 23:23.893 --> 23:26.854 Happy Saturday morning, we're coming to the end of the first hour of our three-hour show. 23:26.874 --> 23:27.955 We're here with you until 12. 23:28.655 --> 23:30.916 All sorts of stuff going on, we've got a new song wars coming up. 23:31.236 --> 23:32.577 We're in the midst of Text the Nation. 23:32.877 --> 23:34.958 We've got very exciting things to talk about. 23:35.218 --> 23:40.560 This has got to be one of the busiest shopping weekends in the world, isn't it? 23:40.760 --> 23:41.901 I like it in the year, isn't it? 23:41.921 --> 23:42.601 Yeah, probably. 23:42.761 --> 23:45.002 People doing all that shopping and listening. 23:45.042 --> 23:45.802 Probably no one listening. 23:46.102 --> 23:50.204 Also, films like Christmas films just suddenly pop out without you noticing. 23:50.224 --> 23:51.485 Have you ever noticed that? 23:51.525 --> 23:54.286 Suddenly, you know, they'll just spring something on you. 23:54.406 --> 23:56.287 I mean, there's Jack Claws, Fred Claws. 23:56.307 --> 23:57.447 Fred Claws, yeah. 23:57.467 --> 23:58.628 They released that too early. 23:58.948 --> 23:59.128 Yeah. 23:59.568 --> 24:01.108 And it was supposed to be a bit of a stinker. 24:01.128 --> 24:03.189 That was around for a while, stinking up the area. 24:03.689 --> 24:05.530 Uh, there's Enchanted, which has come out. 24:05.570 --> 24:07.670 They've got Enchanted Lights in Oxford Street. 24:07.730 --> 24:08.430 Sponsored Lights? 24:08.470 --> 24:09.991 Yeah, which is no good, man. 24:10.051 --> 24:10.931 That is totally uncomfortable. 24:10.971 --> 24:13.052 Well, I can't afford to put them up unless they have a sponsor. 24:13.112 --> 24:13.852 Is that the case? 24:13.932 --> 24:14.552 Mm, I think so. 24:14.672 --> 24:15.813 Ah, it's a shame. 24:15.973 --> 24:17.733 Yeah, it's supposed to be all right, I don't feel. 24:17.873 --> 24:18.813 No, I don't believe. 24:18.853 --> 24:20.014 No, it's supposed to be all right. 24:20.134 --> 24:21.414 It's done very well in the States, isn't it? 24:21.434 --> 24:22.854 It's done very well. 24:22.874 --> 24:23.175 Well done. 24:23.215 --> 24:25.175 I mean, it just seems such a tired idea. 24:25.195 --> 24:26.716 Would you like your film well done? 24:26.736 --> 24:28.156 Okay, I'm talking. 24:28.876 --> 24:30.357 Um, I was just thinking about it. 24:30.377 --> 24:30.917 It's delicious. 24:31.377 --> 24:31.577 Mmm. 24:31.937 --> 24:33.217 You know, I'd like it a little bit rare. 24:33.357 --> 24:46.721 But the most gaudy and frightful-looking Christmas film that's popped out is, has got to be Mr. Majorium's Wonder Emporiums, which is directed by the guy that wrote a Will Ferrell film called Stranger Than Fiction, which was a very big noise. 24:46.781 --> 24:51.083 The screenwriter was fated as a brilliant new talent. 24:52.523 --> 24:53.724 Did you see Stranger Than Fiction? 24:53.784 --> 24:54.645 I did see it, yes. 24:54.925 --> 25:00.170 Partly because, um, Britt Daniel from Spoon, one of my favourite bands, provided a lot of the music. 25:00.190 --> 25:00.891 Well, is that true? 25:00.991 --> 25:01.231 Yeah. 25:01.251 --> 25:01.932 What did you think of it? 25:02.432 --> 25:03.333 Well, I loved the music. 25:04.414 --> 25:09.059 Um, I didn't hate the film, but it was on the verge of being very irritating. 25:09.359 --> 25:13.503 Mr Majorium's Wonder Emporium has got the most gaudy poster I've ever seen. 25:13.823 --> 25:14.063 Yeah. 25:15.225 --> 25:16.466 Um, it's amazing, isn't it? 25:16.526 --> 25:25.355 It's like, it's a little, it reminds me that it's the same color scheme as vomit and the Tim Allen, um, picture. 25:25.595 --> 25:27.357 What's the one that he was in Santa Claus. 25:28.117 --> 25:29.339 Is it the Santa Claus? 25:29.399 --> 25:34.364 In my mind, I've got, uh, I've got someone dressed as Santa, uh, strung up in a string of lights. 25:34.824 --> 25:37.546 Yeah, sure, that's National Lampoon's Christmas. 25:37.586 --> 25:38.427 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. 25:38.747 --> 25:43.710 But no, there's no Santa in Mr. Majorium's Wonder Emporium, I don't think, but it is a terrible title, isn't it? 25:44.051 --> 25:46.432 It might be brilliant, and Natalie Portoble, man. 25:46.813 --> 25:49.635 And it's a terrible title, Mr. Majorium's Wonder Emporium. 25:49.735 --> 25:53.778 Which certainly sounds as if he thought of the Emporium before the Majorium. 25:53.818 --> 25:54.038 Yeah. 25:54.278 --> 25:57.602 We were thinking you could have Mrs. Gleesop's tea shops. 25:58.683 --> 26:00.125 You know, it's not difficult, is it? 26:01.426 --> 26:04.169 Tommy Roper Rollers can of Coca-Cola. 26:05.311 --> 26:06.172 I like Ned Pops. 26:07.373 --> 26:07.874 Cake Shops. 26:09.295 --> 26:11.777 Is there, um, is there someone called Mr. Majorium? 26:12.158 --> 26:14.760 Has there ever been anyone called Mr. Majorium? 26:14.860 --> 26:15.360 I don't think so. 26:15.400 --> 26:17.822 I mean, there's a spice called Marjoram, isn't there? 26:17.842 --> 26:20.245 It doesn't bode well, does it, for the general writing level? 26:20.605 --> 26:20.765 No. 26:21.045 --> 26:21.245 No. 26:21.385 --> 26:24.308 But anyway, if you've seen that film, do tell us whether it's any good. 26:24.388 --> 26:25.429 What could it be about, then? 26:25.589 --> 26:28.710 It's about a magic toy shop run by Mr. Majorium. 26:28.750 --> 26:31.751 He's a very old kind of Willy Wonka type person who runs the toy shop. 26:32.411 --> 26:34.752 And the toy shop decides to close. 26:34.772 --> 26:35.753 It goes out of business. 26:36.093 --> 26:38.393 But the toys come to life in order to keep it open. 26:38.874 --> 26:39.294 Wow. 26:39.414 --> 26:41.234 A little bit like Night at the Museum. 26:41.895 --> 26:42.535 Yeah, I guess so. 26:43.135 --> 26:43.776 Yeah, yeah. 26:43.856 --> 26:45.137 Well, it might be amazing. 26:45.177 --> 26:47.779 I'd love to find out, certainly. 26:48.439 --> 26:55.624 Now listen, we're going to play a bit more music right now and then we are going to unveil our new Christmas Song Wars songs for you listeners. 26:55.964 --> 26:57.906 So that'll be exciting, won't it? 26:58.086 --> 26:59.867 Here's the Decemberist before we do, though. 27:02.109 --> 27:03.450 The Decemberist with O Valencia. 27:03.490 --> 27:05.651 This is Adam and Joe on BBC Six Music. 27:05.852 --> 27:09.694 It's time for... It's time for Song Wars. 27:17.621 --> 27:19.921 Yes, it's time to launch this week's Song Wars. 27:20.322 --> 27:27.184 We apologize if you feel that this feature is kind of spreading across the show like an ugly audio rash. 27:27.504 --> 27:28.304 There's nothing we can do. 27:28.344 --> 27:29.044 It's out of control. 27:29.104 --> 27:30.665 It's like a giant moose. 27:30.925 --> 27:33.168 Well this is going to be the last song wars for a few weeks. 27:33.188 --> 27:33.708 That's true actually. 27:33.768 --> 27:41.057 It's taking a Christmas break and it will be back in the new year refreshed, revitalised and a little bit fatter. 27:41.277 --> 27:43.340 So this week's theme is Christmas songs of course. 27:43.600 --> 27:50.869 Christmas is a time when everybody and their uncle tries to cash in on the Christmas single buying frenzy that doesn't really exist. 27:51.109 --> 27:52.710 And we've never done a Christmas song before. 27:52.750 --> 28:00.994 That seems amazing to me that two such jaded, cynical tools as us would have passed up the opportunity to do a Christmas single. 28:01.054 --> 28:03.715 However, GarageBand isn't very rich on Christmas sounds, is it? 28:03.735 --> 28:04.395 Not really. 28:04.415 --> 28:05.196 There's no sleigh bells. 28:05.616 --> 28:05.796 No. 28:05.856 --> 28:07.377 So what direction have you gone? 28:08.477 --> 28:11.479 I've gone in a kind of a... I don't really know. 28:12.620 --> 28:16.044 An odd direction a panicked and desperate for 30 p.m. 28:16.084 --> 28:19.609 Yesterday kind of a direction I've gone on a little kind of narrative. 28:19.989 --> 28:20.630 Are you tell me? 28:20.870 --> 28:21.151 Okay. 28:21.431 --> 28:25.016 Well, listen, I went first last week Do you want to go first? 28:25.096 --> 28:26.237 No, no, I went second. 28:26.317 --> 28:26.538 Yeah. 28:26.558 --> 28:26.878 Yeah. 28:26.918 --> 28:28.460 Yeah, so I don't mind going first. 28:28.540 --> 28:29.081 Would you prefer? 28:29.401 --> 28:30.482 Sure, go first, do it. 28:30.963 --> 28:44.237 I went in a sort of... Hey, sorry, can I just explain to the listeners who might be new to the show, we're gonna play you two songs, one of them's written by Adam and recorded by Adam, one of them's written and recorded by me, we just do them at home on our computers, on Garrosh Band. 28:45.398 --> 28:48.479 And we'd like you to text to vote for the one you think is the best. 28:48.800 --> 28:53.923 You can text 64046 or email adamandjoe.6musicatbbc.co.uk. 28:54.143 --> 28:58.965 It's a bit like X Factor, only it doesn't really cost you anything to text in. 28:59.026 --> 29:00.086 And the music's a lot better. 29:00.106 --> 29:03.008 We don't know really, but certainly nobody's getting fat off the profits. 29:04.488 --> 29:05.389 And so, yeah, that's it. 29:05.429 --> 29:08.089 And you can just text Adam or Joe, just the word Adam or Joe. 29:08.369 --> 29:12.631 Or if you want to text some logic or some passionate thoughts about the songs, then we love that as well. 29:13.511 --> 29:14.791 So here's my Christmas song. 29:14.811 --> 29:16.612 This is a kind of country Christmas song. 29:16.632 --> 29:18.652 In fact, it's called Christmas Country Party Time. 29:19.453 --> 29:23.054 And at first, I went in quite a sincere direction with it. 29:23.974 --> 29:25.354 And then I listened back to it all. 29:25.554 --> 29:26.715 And I just thought, I can't. 29:26.855 --> 29:27.575 That's no good. 29:27.875 --> 29:30.556 So I just went demented instead. 29:30.716 --> 29:31.176 See what you think. 29:33.021 --> 29:57.013 Well it's Christmas in the country and I'm turning off the gas Now putting stickers on my face and painting on my legs We're gonna have a party and I am so excited There's gonna be some parsley and everyone's invited Those people in the city have forgotten what Christmas means But out here in the countryside we know what Christmas means 29:58.294 --> 30:18.969 Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas 30:33.385 --> 30:51.672 So come on grab your favorite light bulb and a tape of G2G Buy yourself a dirty skirt and find your way to me Oh yeah we're gonna rock this party 30:55.473 --> 30:56.855 The way that Jesus might! 30:57.075 --> 31:00.839 You're not allowed to take no drugs and you're not allowed to fight! 31:01.459 --> 31:03.361 But we can still have lots of fun! 31:03.561 --> 31:09.487 Watch your Christmas DVDs like Flash and Transformers and Minority Report! 31:09.547 --> 31:11.529 Christmas Country Party Time! 31:11.549 --> 31:13.511 Christmas Party Time! 31:13.571 --> 31:16.234 Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Party Time! 31:17.555 --> 31:21.556 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas time, rent your gear, party time. 31:21.576 --> 31:25.557 Christmas, Christmas country, Christmas, Christmas room, excuse. 31:25.597 --> 31:29.418 Party, party, Christmas time, Christmas country time. 31:29.458 --> 31:34.059 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas time, security waiver, Christmas time. 31:34.739 --> 31:39.060 There you go, that's Adam's version of the Adam's Christmas song. 31:39.900 --> 31:41.621 And it's called, uh, what is it? 31:41.701 --> 31:43.121 Christmas Country Party Time. 31:43.701 --> 31:45.962 There you go, now, uh, Joe. 31:47.156 --> 31:47.756 What are you doing? 31:47.776 --> 31:49.017 Why are you not speaking? 31:49.638 --> 31:50.418 I'm speechless. 31:51.799 --> 31:53.460 I thought I'd gloss over it and move on. 31:54.981 --> 31:56.722 I feel like I've just been mugged. 31:57.482 --> 31:58.363 Sexually assaulted. 31:58.383 --> 31:59.343 But in a funny way. 31:59.363 --> 31:59.944 Parsley. 32:00.584 --> 32:01.385 Painted legs. 32:01.645 --> 32:02.505 Stickers on face. 32:02.585 --> 32:03.206 Germaline. 32:03.346 --> 32:03.786 Bills. 32:03.926 --> 32:05.127 Gina G. Light bulbs. 32:05.187 --> 32:07.408 Sigourney Weaver, Richard Gere and a Rubik's Cube. 32:07.488 --> 32:09.470 It's all the modern Christmas experience. 32:09.850 --> 32:12.251 I suppose there is that... I mean, wow. 32:12.732 --> 32:16.174 But that did have a certain something in the, you know, Christmas's sort of... 32:17.074 --> 32:24.980 uh, meaningless in a way if you're not particularly religious and it just turns into a sort of festival of random pop-cultural nonsense. 32:25.020 --> 32:25.840 That's the subtext. 32:25.880 --> 32:30.544 So that was unifying some of those things, but random pop-cultural nonsense. 32:30.604 --> 32:31.424 That's the subtext. 32:31.464 --> 32:34.246 So that was unifying some of those things, but germaline? 32:34.747 --> 32:35.287 Germaline. 32:36.027 --> 32:37.929 It's an antiseptic. 32:37.969 --> 32:43.633 If you cut yourself putting up the tree, if you get needles in under your nails, you might want to pop a bit of germaline on there. 32:44.053 --> 32:44.574 That's all that was there. 32:44.594 --> 32:46.797 Do you think we should have some proper music and then hear mine? 32:47.037 --> 32:48.319 Maybe that's an idea, yeah. 32:48.339 --> 32:48.619 Maybe. 32:48.639 --> 32:49.821 We could sort of separate them out. 32:49.901 --> 32:51.443 I just think the air needs to be cleared. 32:51.463 --> 32:54.367 I think we need to call pest control. 32:55.389 --> 32:57.912 Get the studio fume-mugated. 32:58.012 --> 32:59.474 It's toe tapping though, come on, it's on. 32:59.494 --> 33:00.596 It's good, man, I really like that. 33:01.516 --> 33:03.138 There were some hoes that were down. 33:03.258 --> 33:04.639 Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay then. 33:04.839 --> 33:05.459 Now this is it. 33:05.479 --> 33:07.761 We're gonna mellow things out a little bit right now. 33:07.781 --> 33:09.602 Hey, my one's coming up though, listeners. 33:09.702 --> 33:10.162 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 33:10.242 --> 33:11.943 After this, we're gonna hear Joe's Christmas song. 33:12.344 --> 33:17.387 But this is from one of my favourite Van Morrison albums and it's what's the album called? 33:17.427 --> 33:20.069 Oh, it's called Veeden Fleece, one of his lesser-known ones. 33:20.129 --> 33:23.751 But I read once somewhere that it's Sinead O'Connor's favourite Van Morrison album. 33:24.272 --> 33:26.833 That's just a little Sinead O'Connor fact for you. 33:27.294 --> 33:28.675 But I hope you enjoy. 33:28.695 --> 33:29.715 It's a really lovely tune. 33:29.735 --> 33:30.636 It's called Fair Play. 33:33.659 --> 33:35.360 That's Van Morrison with Fair Play. 33:35.380 --> 33:37.902 This is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 33:37.962 --> 33:38.703 That's lovely, isn't it? 33:38.943 --> 33:40.164 He sings their tit for tat. 33:40.224 --> 33:41.425 That's not a fair deal, is it? 33:41.946 --> 33:43.487 I mean, unless it's a low-quality tit. 33:43.887 --> 33:44.708 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 33:44.728 --> 33:45.409 Just a bit of tat. 33:45.429 --> 33:46.750 You shouldn't get into tit for tat. 33:46.830 --> 33:47.310 It's no good. 33:47.350 --> 33:48.011 No, no, no. 33:48.171 --> 33:50.073 I for an I makes the whole world blind, etc. 33:50.113 --> 33:51.514 What's the world's oldest profession? 33:51.774 --> 33:53.376 Exchanging some tat for a tit. 33:53.416 --> 33:54.236 For a little bit of tit. 33:54.297 --> 33:54.517 Yeah. 33:54.777 --> 33:55.177 It's nice. 33:55.458 --> 33:55.698 Nice. 33:56.158 --> 33:58.600 Okay, it's time for my, um... Ben, is that all right? 33:59.200 --> 34:00.901 We haven't crossed the line by saying no. 34:01.542 --> 34:03.183 And we're talking about birds, blue tits. 34:04.063 --> 34:06.005 Um, it's time for my Song Wars song. 34:06.045 --> 34:08.566 We had to play a proper song there just to clear the air. 34:08.586 --> 34:10.247 It's a new kind of, um, tactic. 34:10.268 --> 34:12.269 I'm not saying that your song was in any way bad, Adam. 34:12.289 --> 34:12.669 Yes, you are. 34:12.709 --> 34:13.550 I'm not at all. 34:13.570 --> 34:16.191 You said it was stinky and it stank up the place. 34:16.332 --> 34:17.232 I didn't say that. 34:17.312 --> 34:18.653 It's just, it was strong. 34:19.093 --> 34:21.675 Like cheese, a really strong, delicious cheese. 34:21.695 --> 34:23.476 You're gonna have to hear it again before the end of the show. 34:23.496 --> 34:23.817 Oh, really? 34:23.837 --> 34:24.017 Yeah. 34:27.358 --> 34:29.579 Well, I don't know if mine's going to improve the situation. 34:30.380 --> 34:38.045 My one is called All Night Garage, and it's about kind of, you know, someone who hasn't really focused on their Christmas duties until the last minute. 34:38.085 --> 34:40.826 And, you know, last week Adam produced a superb song about the hours. 34:41.206 --> 34:43.088 I was intimidated by his use of samples. 34:43.728 --> 34:50.252 So I decided to try and raise my game, and I've put some sound effects in here, so it's a bit of a narrative, but don't get worried. 34:50.272 --> 34:50.972 It's not very long. 34:51.913 --> 34:54.715 So this is Jao Song for Thong Wars. 34:55.395 --> 34:56.476 It's called All Night Garage. 34:56.496 --> 34:56.836 Here it is. 34:58.806 --> 34:59.306 What? 34:59.446 --> 35:00.267 Oh no! 35:00.587 --> 35:03.529 It's nine o'clock on Christmas Eve and I ain't got no presents yet. 35:03.569 --> 35:04.390 What am I gonna do? 35:04.490 --> 35:06.671 I'll have to go down to the all night garage. 35:07.032 --> 35:10.914 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 35:11.014 --> 35:14.917 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 35:15.057 --> 35:18.940 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 35:19.060 --> 35:22.822 All night garage, all night garage, Christmas shopping at the all night garage. 35:22.882 --> 35:23.663 Hello there, mate. 35:23.883 --> 35:24.604 How are you doing? 35:24.644 --> 35:26.945 I've got to buy some stuff and my Christmas will be ruined. 35:28.266 --> 35:30.567 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:30.607 --> 35:32.709 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:32.769 --> 35:37.091 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:37.532 --> 35:38.532 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:38.592 --> 35:39.693 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:39.713 --> 35:40.974 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:41.054 --> 35:42.615 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 35:42.635 --> 35:43.995 Is that a DVD abyss of fury? 36:10.851 --> 36:27.042 I know it might seem like I'm a loser But on Christmas Eve, beggars can't be choosers I've got 50 quid and not much time All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage 36:34.901 --> 36:40.644 At times like this I can't help but feel I wish Santa Claus was really real I asked myself, what would Jesus do? 36:40.664 --> 36:45.127 Perhaps he'd give his dad an old bottle of booze from the cupboard Forget the windscreen ones mate! 36:45.507 --> 36:47.708 Merry Christmas! 36:50.270 --> 36:58.915 All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage All night garage, all night garage Christmas shopping at the all night garage 37:00.051 --> 37:01.193 Joe, what's this he got me? 37:01.955 --> 37:04.820 Delta Force Two and a cigarette lighter. 37:04.901 --> 37:06.544 Oh, thank you, you shouldn't have. 37:07.709 --> 37:08.690 That's your old bum there at the end. 37:08.710 --> 37:14.232 That's my auntie Doris who just happens to rhyme with top Norris There we go. 37:14.272 --> 37:15.292 So that's my song this week. 37:15.312 --> 37:29.919 That's called all night garage Do send your votes text your votes to six four zero four six or email them to Adam and Jo dot six music at BBC dot co dot UK and the winner will be Unveiled as far as I know I think on our sort of pre New Year's Eve Saturday show 37:30.419 --> 37:34.282 It's all getting a bit complicated because of Christmas and it messes all the schedule, messes it all up. 37:34.302 --> 37:39.626 We have to pre-record a couple of shows over the Christmas period, so our minds are scrambled as to the exact chronology. 37:40.267 --> 37:41.888 I don't think anyone's that worried. 37:42.369 --> 37:42.549 No. 37:42.709 --> 37:44.030 Are we going with Jay-Z next? 37:44.390 --> 37:48.073 Yeah, this is a song we seem to be playing regularly on the show and it's no bad thing because it's really good. 37:48.333 --> 37:50.495 It's got a brilliant sample by some kind of marching band. 37:50.895 --> 37:53.097 Somebody sent us in the name of the band the other week. 37:53.137 --> 37:54.178 Thank you for that, whoever that was. 37:54.979 --> 37:56.580 Yeah, this is Jay-Z with Rock Boys. 37:58.442 --> 38:00.944 What a frightful mess Jay-Z has made in the house. 38:01.004 --> 38:02.005 He's weed in the house. 38:02.565 --> 38:03.927 He's poured drinks on the house. 38:04.287 --> 38:05.308 And he's killed the ice. 38:05.928 --> 38:08.750 He's- He's- It's just chaos whenever Jay-Z comes. 38:08.770 --> 38:09.731 Don't we in the house? 38:09.871 --> 38:10.992 No, no, we on the house. 38:11.032 --> 38:12.494 We in the garden at least. 38:12.574 --> 38:14.155 At least it'll go into the soil. 38:14.275 --> 38:16.196 But not on the furniture, Jay-Z. 38:16.236 --> 38:17.137 There's no excuse, is there? 38:17.197 --> 38:17.517 No, sure. 38:17.997 --> 38:22.761 You know, rap is one of the only parts of the music industry that seems to be flourishing financially. 38:23.261 --> 38:23.721 Financially? 38:23.901 --> 38:24.582 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 38:24.602 --> 38:24.862 Really? 38:24.942 --> 38:28.705 I mean, Jay-Z is one of the most wealthy men in the world now. 38:28.745 --> 38:29.285 Sure, sure. 38:29.345 --> 38:34.689 But word on the street, Adam, is that rap is kind of losing its way. 38:34.929 --> 38:42.134 But I heard that sales of rap music accounted for something like 23%, 25% of all... That's been the case for a while, though, hasn't it? 38:42.334 --> 38:42.494 Right. 38:42.954 --> 38:44.975 I remember when people thought rap wouldn't last. 38:45.415 --> 38:45.755 Exactly. 38:45.775 --> 38:48.156 It was when I was listening to it in the late eighties. 38:48.276 --> 38:50.276 Well Kenny Everett did it because it was sad. 38:50.396 --> 38:51.056 Exactly. 38:51.237 --> 38:52.477 And that was taking it. 38:52.497 --> 38:54.678 How wrong they were and how right I was. 38:54.698 --> 38:57.898 Yeah, you're right about everything, Joe Cornish. 38:58.119 --> 38:58.779 Thanks a lot. 38:58.819 --> 38:59.079 Thanks. 38:59.939 --> 39:00.339 What was that? 39:00.379 --> 39:00.780 What was that? 39:01.100 --> 39:01.560 No, not really. 39:01.820 --> 39:03.041 I mean, you're right about most things. 39:03.101 --> 39:04.302 Yeah. 39:05.102 --> 39:08.284 What was that email that we got about Mr. Majorium's...? 39:08.344 --> 39:14.188 Yes, we've had some very good suggestions come in for other titles that are similar to Mr. Majorium's Wonder Emporium. 39:14.908 --> 39:16.189 This came in from Aiden. 39:16.670 --> 39:19.091 He says, Dr. Harkett's Supermarkets. 39:21.573 --> 39:24.755 It's weird, because they're probably quite easy to think of, but still strangely rewarding. 39:24.895 --> 39:25.095 Yeah. 39:25.255 --> 39:28.037 Mrs. Mahaffey... Mrs. Mahaffey... 39:28.837 --> 39:30.238 and her magical cafe. 39:30.418 --> 39:31.478 No, I've read that wrongly. 39:31.698 --> 39:32.159 Mahaffey. 39:32.279 --> 39:33.879 Mrs Mahaffey and her magical cafe. 39:33.899 --> 39:34.480 That's a good one. 39:34.540 --> 39:38.922 Or Marcel Toutpop and his enchanted fruit shop. 39:40.122 --> 39:40.642 That's good. 39:40.903 --> 39:43.704 I thought of Chewietel-Eggio4's wonderful acting store. 39:44.494 --> 39:47.696 That's quite good, but that only rhymes with the second bit of his name. 39:47.716 --> 39:49.076 I'd say it again. 39:49.437 --> 39:52.318 Chewietel Egeo 4's Wonderful Acting Store. 39:52.638 --> 39:53.319 Is that no good? 39:53.559 --> 39:54.039 I'm not sure. 39:54.079 --> 40:00.222 The thing about Majorium and Emporium is, you know, it hits all the vowels in a really convoluted way, doesn't it? 40:00.262 --> 40:01.603 So I don't mean to do you down. 40:01.843 --> 40:04.484 Well, I've got... But if we're gonna do this, let's do it properly. 40:04.504 --> 40:05.165 How about this then? 40:05.445 --> 40:07.686 Janine McFarla's Lady Parlour. 40:09.367 --> 40:13.790 I don't know, I'm not sure you're as good a writer as... No, I can't do it! 40:14.271 --> 40:15.292 Look, here's how to do it. 40:15.312 --> 40:16.432 Here's one from Simon. 40:20.822 --> 40:23.823 What's wrong with Janine McFarland's lady parlour then? 40:23.843 --> 40:25.163 Well, it's quite good. 40:26.843 --> 40:27.563 Do you hear that? 40:28.283 --> 40:28.523 What? 40:28.643 --> 40:31.924 I went... Yeah, that's like a disgruntled horse. 40:32.644 --> 40:34.204 Now you've got a music choice coming from this. 40:34.264 --> 40:42.506 Yeah, this is one of my favourite reggae artists of all time and he's turned the Dreadful Sting song... What's it called in New York? 40:42.786 --> 40:43.546 Englishman in New York? 40:43.566 --> 40:44.606 What do you mean Dreadful? 40:44.986 --> 40:45.986 Oh, come on, it's no good. 40:46.266 --> 40:47.027 He's made it good. 40:47.127 --> 40:48.007 Cheinheads made it good. 40:48.047 --> 40:48.327 Here it is. 40:48.347 --> 40:49.727 This is called a Jamaican in New York. 40:51.798 --> 40:53.680 She's left big gaps there, Shine Head. 40:54.180 --> 40:55.202 It was a bass gap. 40:55.342 --> 40:59.806 If you got really pumping bass, that would be rattling your jing jongs. 41:00.146 --> 41:01.548 Oh, my little jing jong. 41:01.588 --> 41:03.530 This is Adam and Jo on BBC Six Music. 41:04.411 --> 41:07.354 News from the Song Wars Vocalating Centre. 41:08.255 --> 41:12.539 We're not giving you any definitive scores, but I think it's going to be really close. 41:12.579 --> 41:12.859 Is it? 41:13.119 --> 41:14.541 Yeah, I think it's dividing people. 41:14.821 --> 41:19.344 Well, there was a lot to be said for both of those songs, or maybe a lot to be said about both of those songs. 41:19.364 --> 41:21.746 Yeah, I think there was the same amount of not much, probably. 41:21.886 --> 41:22.266 Maybe. 41:22.406 --> 41:22.947 To be said. 41:23.047 --> 41:26.449 So do get your votes in, because this week, they could really count. 41:26.789 --> 41:27.970 It's very important this week. 41:27.990 --> 41:29.911 It's really important that you vote. 41:29.931 --> 41:31.873 Because all the money we raise... Imagine the consequences. 41:32.433 --> 41:33.073 if they didn't. 41:49.821 --> 41:51.682 BONK. 41:52.083 --> 41:52.663 BONK. 41:52.863 --> 41:55.005 That's the cure, of course, with Lovecats. 41:55.305 --> 41:57.347 Hey, this is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music. 41:57.867 --> 41:59.248 Here's an email that's come in from Chris. 41:59.308 --> 42:00.369 Chris, this is a good email. 42:00.429 --> 42:01.070 Good morning, gents. 42:01.110 --> 42:09.396 I think what makes Mr Majorium's Wonder Emporium and Dr Harkett's supermarket work, where Adam's suggestions enjoyed only a strange sort of success, is the number of syllables. 42:09.896 --> 42:14.138 Mr. Majoriams has six syllables, as does Wonder Emporium, balancing that title out nicely. 42:14.558 --> 42:18.119 And Dr. Harkett's supermarket has eight syllables in total, four to each part. 42:18.579 --> 42:23.421 It seems to me that Adams were oddly weighted, which might have accounted for Joe's slightly frigid reactions. 42:24.281 --> 42:26.542 I'm a warehouse stranger, see, male, isn't joining the show very much, Chris. 42:26.862 --> 42:27.583 That's true, Chris. 42:27.703 --> 42:28.543 Absolutely valid points there. 42:28.563 --> 42:29.523 See, he's supporting what I said. 42:29.543 --> 42:30.224 Once again, I'm right. 42:31.864 --> 42:35.807 Well, I don't rub it in my face like that, like some kind of face cream. 42:35.827 --> 42:38.529 Hey, if I can't rub that in your face, what can I rub in your face? 42:38.590 --> 42:40.651 Well, that's what I'm saying, like a little bit of Nivea. 42:41.152 --> 42:41.412 Really? 42:41.432 --> 42:42.352 Would be nice, yeah. 42:42.733 --> 42:43.373 Bring her out in spots. 42:43.994 --> 42:45.115 I'm not sure about Nivea, though. 42:45.155 --> 42:48.557 It makes you look a little bit greasy for about five minutes afterwards. 42:48.958 --> 42:52.400 Later on today, Joe Cornish, exciting news from my world. 42:52.801 --> 42:56.384 I'm going to the theatre with my children. 42:56.404 --> 42:57.224 That's unusual, isn't it? 42:57.444 --> 42:58.245 Oh, so not properly? 42:58.645 --> 43:00.706 Not the proper theatre, by no means. 43:01.066 --> 43:04.467 I'm hoping that the fact that it's for children, we're going to see Tintin, so I'm quite flat. 43:04.527 --> 43:05.927 Oh, that's supposed to be a good production. 43:05.967 --> 43:06.287 Where's it on? 43:06.307 --> 43:07.168 It's basically Wickelwockles. 43:07.888 --> 43:09.928 Um, we are... where is it on software? 43:09.948 --> 43:10.769 You don't know, do you know? 43:11.069 --> 43:11.269 No. 43:11.289 --> 43:11.829 Of the theatre? 43:11.969 --> 43:18.931 It's on somewhere... I tell you, the only weird thing about Tintin is it's one of those parts that, when it's played by someone too old, just... it's weird. 43:19.271 --> 43:24.533 In fact, it's one of those parts, a bit like Asterix and Oblix, that when it's translated from the drawn to the real, 43:25.353 --> 43:26.014 It goes odd. 43:26.354 --> 43:31.459 Now, of course, Spielberg and Peter Jackson are collaborating on a live-action version of Tintin. 43:31.519 --> 43:31.859 Are they? 43:31.959 --> 43:34.181 There are several French live-action Tintin films. 43:34.221 --> 43:35.042 I think there's three of them. 43:35.062 --> 43:37.624 A couple of them big screen and one of them for TV. 43:37.664 --> 43:38.565 What about this knowledge? 43:38.585 --> 43:39.206 What about this knowledge? 43:39.226 --> 43:39.966 That's very impressive. 43:40.086 --> 43:42.088 Yeah, and I remember seeing them on TV. 43:42.288 --> 43:44.350 You can't get them on British DVD, but you can get them on import. 43:44.891 --> 43:47.513 If you play Le Francier, you can understand them. 43:47.673 --> 43:47.953 Yes. 43:48.174 --> 43:49.535 But they've got a kind of a weird 43:50.055 --> 43:51.657 Man, you can't tell how old he is. 43:51.677 --> 43:55.481 Looks a bit like Jimmy Somerville prancing around in little trousers with a dog. 43:55.501 --> 43:57.362 And it's just a bit weird, you know? 43:57.402 --> 43:59.564 Tintin makes sense in the context of a comic book. 43:59.965 --> 44:02.707 But were you to meet him in the real world, you'd think, you're a lesbian. 44:02.988 --> 44:04.269 Well, it's like Homer Simpson as well. 44:04.289 --> 44:06.651 You don't want to see a live-action Simpsons, particularly. 44:06.731 --> 44:07.912 I mean... Well, there was that, like... 44:08.593 --> 44:13.455 Wasn't there that trail, that sky trail that had the Simpsons in live action? 44:13.475 --> 44:14.135 There was, yeah. 44:14.456 --> 44:16.336 I think it was last Christmas, in fact, this time last year. 44:16.356 --> 44:17.717 It was all the rage on the internet. 44:17.737 --> 44:18.517 That's right. 44:18.818 --> 44:19.778 But I know what you mean. 44:19.818 --> 44:20.638 It is slightly grotesque. 44:20.958 --> 44:35.785 The one place where that really worked was in South Park where they didn't have live action, but they had sort of photorealistic pencil drawings of the South Park kids in one of the episodes when Cartman or someone was going door to door trying to track them down, or someone was going door to door trying to track them down. 44:35.805 --> 44:36.485 That was brilliant. 44:36.525 --> 44:37.046 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 44:37.086 --> 44:37.966 That really, really worked. 44:38.046 --> 44:41.128 But yeah, and Asterix and Oblix as well, the live-action version, who is it? 44:42.828 --> 44:44.229 Maybe that works a little bit better, actually. 44:44.269 --> 44:46.050 You would think so, because he's sort of cartoonish. 44:46.190 --> 44:51.053 Yeah, but I remember as a kid, whenever I saw a live-action version of those cartoons, it would weird me out. 44:51.673 --> 44:54.795 It would be very odd, like Freakish, like the Robert Altman Popeye. 44:55.055 --> 44:55.475 Exactly. 44:55.735 --> 44:59.876 It just shouldn't really... It just doesn't make sense on quite a fundamental level. 44:59.976 --> 45:01.156 Yeah, you can't make the transition. 45:01.176 --> 45:03.516 Well, it's like... But because you have to fill in all the gaps, don't you? 45:03.876 --> 45:08.477 If they're really real, then you mean every single detail actually exists in a world. 45:08.537 --> 45:09.297 It's creepy. 45:09.637 --> 45:11.058 I know, especially with someone like Popeye. 45:11.078 --> 45:12.418 You want to see his arms popping up. 45:12.798 --> 45:17.179 Of course, with Popples, they did give Robin Williams quite impressive muscles. 45:17.259 --> 45:20.359 And actually, it's quite a cool movie to watch now. 45:20.599 --> 45:21.600 It's quite odd and weird. 45:21.640 --> 45:23.680 Yeah, it's a real extravaganza, isn't it? 45:23.700 --> 45:24.180 A flottiness. 45:24.540 --> 45:27.502 But I'm hoping, I'm slightly hoping Tintin's gonna be quite short. 45:27.882 --> 45:38.129 Because the thing with a lot of children's things, especially Pantos I've noticed, I went to the Panto last year, in Norwich, and um, oh my gosh, it went on for about ten years. 45:38.469 --> 45:39.210 Did the kids get bored? 45:39.890 --> 45:44.412 They got pretty bored but they had all sorts of tactics to keep their kids alive and mainly selling them things. 45:44.512 --> 45:48.935 People coming round in the numerous intervals with sort of like ones. 45:49.215 --> 45:49.555 They weren't. 45:49.595 --> 45:51.756 It was mainly not to do with tic-tacs, no. 45:52.116 --> 45:53.497 It was nothing to do with tic-tac-tacs. 45:53.637 --> 45:57.919 It was, uh, they were selling them sort of glow sticks and light ones and things that span round. 45:57.959 --> 46:00.040 And of course, span spun round. 46:00.580 --> 46:05.303 Uh, all the children wanted them, you know, so you had to buy them otherwise you were gonna have a nightmare situation on your head. 46:05.703 --> 46:11.627 But I was getting to the, you know, I was thinking, boy, this has been going a long time, Cinderella, and suddenly their carriage turned up and I was like, yeah, there we go. 46:11.647 --> 46:11.987 That's the end. 46:12.207 --> 46:12.988 It was the end of all. 46:13.208 --> 46:16.891 And there was a whole other hour to go of more Cinderella. 46:16.911 --> 46:18.091 She does go on that Cinderella. 46:18.311 --> 46:18.772 Oh my lord. 46:18.792 --> 46:19.552 On and on and on. 46:19.572 --> 46:22.314 She reads Heat magazine and watches Big Brother and will not shut up about it. 46:22.334 --> 46:25.836 So my fingers are crossed for, what do you reckon, less than an hour and a half? 46:25.856 --> 46:26.877 Certainly less than an hour and a half. 46:26.897 --> 46:27.498 Less than a day. 46:27.518 --> 46:27.858 I'm hoping. 46:27.898 --> 46:30.940 Oh, I'd imagine that's a sort of class production tint in, you reckon? 46:30.980 --> 46:31.140 Yeah. 46:31.360 --> 46:32.601 Oh, I look forward to hearing how good that is. 46:32.861 --> 46:35.503 Mr. California Cops, Enchanted Electronics Shop. 46:36.984 --> 46:38.364 Mr. California Cop. 46:39.024 --> 46:39.565 That's a funny name. 46:39.585 --> 46:41.545 That's almost as far fetched as Majorium. 46:41.926 --> 46:44.987 Yeah, California Cop's a good name for a show anyway. 46:45.127 --> 46:45.927 California Cop. 46:45.967 --> 46:46.728 They're just filthy. 46:46.768 --> 46:47.668 He's a filthy cop. 46:47.708 --> 46:49.829 Yeah, they're a filthy version of chips. 46:50.729 --> 46:51.370 Okay, more music. 46:51.410 --> 46:54.671 Here is Jack Peñati for you with Have I Been a Fool? 46:58.049 --> 47:00.170 There you go, Susie in the Banshees with Hong Kong Garden. 47:00.190 --> 47:01.931 That sounds very good, doesn't it, these days? 47:02.051 --> 47:03.972 I mean, you know, it hasn't dated badly in the past. 47:03.992 --> 47:05.673 Are you referring to... Oh, I see what you mean, yeah. 47:05.813 --> 47:07.134 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 47:07.474 --> 47:20.962 And if you're a Susie Sue fan, then tune in on Christmas Day when she will be taking over the Six Music Airways from 9pm with her own peculiar brand of sort of erasible punk fun. 47:21.642 --> 47:24.685 Did you- you're not someone who reads the music papers, are you, Joe? 47:24.705 --> 47:27.027 So you wouldn't have read the- No, what are the music- you mean the NME? 47:27.307 --> 47:28.809 Well, and I- Is there more than one? 47:29.549 --> 47:31.351 Not just music papers, but music publications. 47:31.611 --> 47:31.912 Oh, right. 47:31.932 --> 47:34.334 She did- She did a shoe and mojo, and that's what it was. 47:34.374 --> 47:34.674 Yeah, exactly. 47:34.694 --> 47:37.877 She did a shoe and mojo, where she got absolutely furious and walked out. 47:38.117 --> 47:38.417 Really? 47:38.638 --> 47:40.359 And had a real clash with the guy. 47:40.439 --> 47:41.460 What- what went wrong? 47:41.500 --> 47:42.321 What was the turning point? 47:42.461 --> 47:47.284 Well, the thing is that Susie Sue was one of the earliest punks on the scene. 47:47.484 --> 47:50.726 She's there on the Bill Grundy show when the Sex Pistols were on there. 47:50.766 --> 47:51.426 Yeah, a proto-punk. 47:51.486 --> 47:52.127 Swearing away. 47:52.527 --> 48:02.593 And in those days, as a young, naive girl who didn't know any better and was just trying to be in your face, she was one of these people who used to wear a swastika on her arm, you know? 48:02.633 --> 48:06.835 The punks adopted the swastika as just something to enrage the oldies, you know? 48:06.875 --> 48:08.656 They weren't so much doing it. 48:08.676 --> 48:11.478 Didn't think it through, just doing it as a kind of... Exactly, yeah. 48:12.098 --> 48:18.944 Uh, not, they weren't being anti-Semitic so much as just wanting to put two fingers up to everyone and say, yeah, deal with this granddad. 48:19.484 --> 48:24.828 But of course it's something that she gets reminded of very often, you know, people saying, what's the deal with the swastika? 48:24.968 --> 48:27.110 And she's like, do I have to explain this again? 48:27.230 --> 48:28.311 I'm not anti-Semitic. 48:28.631 --> 48:30.513 Please don't rake up the whole swastika thing. 48:30.893 --> 48:35.977 And so of course it was raked up once again by Mojo and she just, she flipped her wig out. 48:36.477 --> 48:37.439 And exited. 48:37.519 --> 48:39.081 I love a good walkout in an interview. 48:39.161 --> 48:39.682 It's good, isn't it? 48:39.702 --> 48:40.883 It's the hallmark of a good interview. 48:40.903 --> 48:41.244 It's enjoyable. 48:41.264 --> 48:41.904 Just to leave. 48:42.185 --> 48:44.648 I think you can find that interview on the internet. 48:44.688 --> 48:45.349 It's a good read. 48:45.509 --> 48:50.376 We should do a series of interviews where the entire aim is to make the person walk out. 48:50.396 --> 48:51.017 Yeah, what's the... 48:51.497 --> 48:53.619 What's your favorite walkout from an interview ever? 48:53.699 --> 48:57.681 I'm a big fan of, uh, is it Keith Allen on that late-night TV? 48:57.701 --> 49:00.964 I mean, the TV ones are best because they've always got the microphone attached. 49:00.984 --> 49:01.404 That's right. 49:01.424 --> 49:02.705 And you can't just walk out. 49:02.745 --> 49:06.708 You've got a piece of wire attached to you and you've got a... Get the microphone off and... 49:07.208 --> 49:11.631 You know, you've got to do a bit of bumbling and fluffing before you can actually leave, perhaps the best bit. 49:12.352 --> 49:16.194 Trying to think of what to say when you've decided to leave, but still have to loiter for a bit. 49:16.214 --> 49:19.236 Because they always tuck the mic right up on the shirt and everything. 49:19.256 --> 49:21.978 You've got to like deep- You can't make the swift dramatic exit. 49:22.398 --> 49:23.859 There's fiddling to have to go. 49:24.040 --> 49:26.461 My favourite one is the Bee Gees on Clive Anderson. 49:26.681 --> 49:27.442 That is a good one. 49:27.662 --> 49:29.022 Do they have microphone problems? 49:29.802 --> 49:31.423 Uh, no, I don't think they do. 49:31.503 --> 49:34.903 Maybe they just walk out, that's the, walk out with the mics, maybe they got radio mics. 49:35.404 --> 49:47.186 I'm trying to think, no, maybe one of them, because one of them is left behind, the other two march on, and one of them is sat there, sort of fiddling with his mic, and there's an awkward silence, and Clive Anderson looks very, sort of, genuinely flummoxed. 49:47.206 --> 49:52.407 He never really recovered from that, he was, he used to be brilliant on TV, and he's still on the radio, and he never really recovered. 49:52.427 --> 49:55.388 He's having a comeback now, he's on QI regularly, and he's always good. 49:55.408 --> 49:56.848 Fair enough, yeah, he's brilliant. 49:57.168 --> 49:57.768 He's good, man. 49:58.509 --> 50:05.013 Right now, we're going to recap on some text stuff from Text the Nation. 50:05.753 --> 50:07.214 Lies that people have told. 50:07.234 --> 50:08.355 You better have some more music. 50:08.375 --> 50:09.815 And the unpleasant consequences, yes. 50:09.875 --> 50:11.556 But here's a track that I picked for you listeners. 50:11.576 --> 50:14.098 This is just a very short thing and it's from Gil Scott Heron. 50:14.118 --> 50:16.359 It's almost just like a poem that he's doing. 50:16.399 --> 50:21.662 And as far as I can tell, it's a piece, it's a sort of anti-extremism piece. 50:22.123 --> 50:24.764 And this, in this case, extremism within the black community. 50:24.844 --> 50:25.525 We'll see about that. 50:25.585 --> 50:26.185 It's called Brother. 50:28.160 --> 50:31.623 Well, it's a complicated business being friends with Gil Scott Herron. 50:31.903 --> 50:32.404 Yeah, it's tough. 50:32.424 --> 50:34.045 There's a lot of things that you can go wrong on. 50:34.966 --> 50:37.968 Darling, Gil Scott Herron's coming round for dinner on Saturday. 50:38.349 --> 50:39.029 Oh, God. 50:39.049 --> 50:41.351 I mean, he's very difficult. 50:41.411 --> 50:42.432 He's very prickly. 50:42.452 --> 50:47.657 He keeps going on about what one has to do to be black in a very particular way. 50:48.217 --> 50:50.078 And I never feel I satisfy his criteria. 50:50.138 --> 50:51.639 I don't understand his criteria. 50:51.659 --> 50:53.861 Plus, I'm trying to study for my BA. 50:54.721 --> 50:55.562 My black ass. 50:56.523 --> 50:58.784 And I don't know, he's getting in the way. 50:58.804 --> 51:01.726 Yeah, it was Gil Scott Herron with Brother. 51:01.766 --> 51:03.607 This is Adam and Jo here on BBC6 Music. 51:03.627 --> 51:05.188 Have you got any, uh, text the nation stuff? 51:05.228 --> 51:07.129 Yeah, we should have a jingle though, shouldn't we, too, Ben? 51:07.149 --> 51:08.010 Yeah, let's get back in there. 51:08.030 --> 51:08.250 Come on. 51:08.290 --> 51:08.811 Do a jingle. 51:08.831 --> 51:09.731 Do a text the nation jingle. 51:09.751 --> 51:10.972 Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly. 51:11.072 --> 51:11.953 This is your test, man. 51:11.993 --> 51:13.734 Testing Ben Scott to the limits. 51:13.814 --> 51:14.674 It's punctuation. 51:14.874 --> 51:15.775 When are we gonna make the... Come on. 51:15.795 --> 51:16.496 Oh, here we go. 51:17.896 --> 51:18.636 Text the nation! 51:18.756 --> 51:19.057 Text! 51:19.137 --> 51:19.397 Text! 51:19.477 --> 51:19.817 Text! 51:19.937 --> 51:20.677 Text the nation! 51:20.737 --> 51:21.697 What if I don't want to? 51:21.957 --> 51:22.657 Text the nation! 51:22.757 --> 51:24.658 But I'm using email, is that a problem? 51:24.698 --> 51:25.598 It doesn't matter, text! 51:26.438 --> 51:35.201 There we go, it's Text the Nation, the nation's favourite feature as voted for by readers of the Radio Times Magazine, Chat Magazine, Heap Magazine and Now Magazine. 51:35.261 --> 51:35.581 Not true. 51:37.205 --> 51:40.347 This week's subject is lies. 51:40.407 --> 51:42.148 Terrible, stupid, stupid lies, you've told. 51:43.469 --> 51:44.290 Here are some. 51:44.690 --> 51:48.193 Gem in Edinburgh says, I tell so many lies every day I find it difficult to remember what's true. 51:48.673 --> 51:51.796 My favourite was... That's the problem I have. 51:51.856 --> 51:55.478 My favourite was when I said I was a roadie for a band to seem cool. 51:55.979 --> 51:57.400 Stupid people still believe it. 51:57.640 --> 51:58.261 How could I be? 51:58.541 --> 51:59.562 I'm tiny and a girl. 51:59.842 --> 52:01.063 Haha, I love lying. 52:03.164 --> 52:11.253 Some people approach lying as a sort of life policy because at a certain age you do kind of think Well, who's ever gonna follow it up, right? 52:11.273 --> 52:19.943 You know, what will the consequences be and there's a certain type of lie when there are no consequences The only consequence would be someone thinking That person's a tiny bit sad 52:20.503 --> 52:21.404 And you can put up with that. 52:21.424 --> 52:23.646 It's all right for people you're not really interested in to think you're sad. 52:23.786 --> 52:24.107 You know what? 52:24.167 --> 52:25.628 I've got out of the habit of lying. 52:25.668 --> 52:29.311 Well, as you get older, you realize that actually there's a kind of... I've got karma thing. 52:29.471 --> 52:32.153 Yeah, and... Because I might fuck you on your BA. 52:32.234 --> 52:36.838 Yeah, I find it almost impossible to lie now, and it's almost become a problem. 52:36.878 --> 52:37.938 Well, that's a lie, isn't it? 52:38.039 --> 52:38.479 No, it is. 52:38.519 --> 52:38.759 It's true. 52:38.799 --> 52:47.307 Yeah, because I've got in trouble so many times with people asking me questions outright, and I just... You've lied about... Well, you've lied about when you're going away. 52:47.927 --> 52:48.407 What do you mean? 52:48.427 --> 52:49.428 Over for Christmas, haven't you? 52:49.448 --> 52:52.811 It's not true, no, I'm aware that out of London I'm not able to do the show, yes. 52:53.051 --> 52:53.471 Oh, okay. 52:54.212 --> 52:55.693 You see, I still think you're lying. 52:55.733 --> 52:57.795 It's going to take me a while to get over your history of life. 52:58.695 --> 53:02.318 Here's another one from, now this is weird because it's all over the shop. 53:03.259 --> 53:04.000 Oh, gosh. 53:04.960 --> 53:08.683 I created an elaborate lie to tell my sister when she was about 7 and I was 11. 53:09.484 --> 53:15.709 I told her that the family Cat and I could get inside the TV by jumping head first at the screen and hitting the remote. 53:16.049 --> 53:16.990 That's very dangerous. 53:17.010 --> 53:21.873 So Cat and I would have all sorts of adventures in TV land before she got up in the morning. 53:22.717 --> 53:24.758 It was only recently I got her to admit. 53:25.658 --> 53:25.958 What? 53:26.138 --> 53:30.199 She tried to do it when I wasn't there, bumping her poor little head against the TV screen. 53:30.599 --> 53:33.100 We're now 21 and 26 from Matt in Lancaster. 53:33.480 --> 53:33.900 Wow. 53:34.020 --> 53:36.841 That's quite an irresponsible lie. 53:36.861 --> 53:37.621 It's a little bit irresponsible. 53:37.641 --> 53:38.481 But it's a good one. 53:38.501 --> 53:39.281 Wouldn't that be brilliant? 53:39.521 --> 53:42.342 The thing that really makes that lie is that you do it with the cat. 53:42.722 --> 53:43.022 I know. 53:43.062 --> 53:45.804 So you've got an animal sidekick and that makes things more magical. 53:45.884 --> 53:49.045 Well it's a nice idea for a TV show, a bit like Jamie and the Magic Torch. 53:49.145 --> 53:51.927 It's a bit like Charlie Brooker's The Magic Noose idea though, isn't it? 53:51.947 --> 53:52.507 Do you remember that? 53:52.627 --> 53:53.668 No, what's that? 53:53.808 --> 53:54.949 In what was his website called? 53:55.009 --> 53:56.149 TV... Go Home. 53:56.309 --> 53:57.030 Go Home, yeah. 53:57.470 --> 54:02.653 He was just doing scarless, appalling, wrong children's TV shows and he had one called The Magic Noose. 54:03.593 --> 54:05.616 Where kids, this is terrible for Saturday morning, isn't it? 54:05.656 --> 54:06.316 We can't go into it. 54:06.597 --> 54:08.819 But I'm thinking of that night type of a website. 54:08.960 --> 54:10.001 You call it the Cat and Eye. 54:10.742 --> 54:16.048 And it just, you know, they go in telly and they have adventures in their telly. 54:16.428 --> 54:17.510 Yeah, that's what he was on about. 54:17.530 --> 54:18.130 That's what I'm saying. 54:18.150 --> 54:19.132 You've given it a title. 54:19.172 --> 54:19.852 The Cat and Eye. 54:19.872 --> 54:20.573 The Cat and Eye. 54:21.394 --> 54:41.530 a good one hi lads i once told the girl that i owned the town in which we lived we stayed together for three years clackus from cramlington he said when he's written like we stayed together for three years he's written the lumber four and then three years so it could be we stayed together 43 years hard to tell they're from clackus on a lie 54:42.971 --> 54:44.012 Here's an anonymous one. 54:44.252 --> 54:45.333 Understandably anonymous. 54:45.633 --> 54:48.756 I stole my two fingered woodwork teacher's car badge. 54:48.776 --> 54:50.137 Let's deal with that first of all. 54:50.177 --> 54:51.598 His woodwork teacher's got two fingers. 54:51.638 --> 54:54.060 Does that make you a good woodwork teacher or a bad woodwork teacher? 54:54.080 --> 54:56.102 It makes you a woodwork teacher with stories to tell. 54:56.122 --> 54:59.004 It's like E.T. 54:59.284 --> 55:02.987 He's like one of the mutants from Total Recall. 55:03.007 --> 55:08.351 I'm not saying that people live sort of their fingers and mutants. 55:08.731 --> 55:09.372 I got caught. 55:11.113 --> 55:12.054 You know what I'm saying? 55:12.074 --> 55:12.874 A voluntary mutant. 55:13.294 --> 55:14.215 It was probably an accident. 55:14.515 --> 55:15.475 He's a woodwork teacher. 55:15.515 --> 55:16.015 He slipped. 55:16.195 --> 55:17.336 Of course, that's what I'm saying. 55:17.356 --> 55:20.137 You said voluntary mutant and now you've made it all sound creepy. 55:20.157 --> 55:20.798 I was trying to get out of it. 55:20.818 --> 55:21.298 Oh, it's my fault. 55:21.378 --> 55:21.938 Creepy hole. 55:21.998 --> 55:24.799 I stole my two-fingered woodwork teacher's car badge. 55:25.220 --> 55:31.783 I got caught and told the head teacher that the school bully said I had to do it or he would beat up all of my friends. 55:32.743 --> 55:35.864 I played the Samaritan Dilemma card, and it worked. 55:36.304 --> 55:39.445 The bully had to buy a new voxel cavalier batch for 14 quid. 55:39.945 --> 55:42.726 But he made my life a living hell for the rest of the year. 55:43.206 --> 55:46.467 I think it confirmed the bully's fears that the world was against him. 55:46.927 --> 55:48.928 Last time I heard of him, he was in jail. 55:49.728 --> 55:51.609 Oh, the joys of growing up in Coventry. 55:53.009 --> 55:53.489 There you go. 55:53.589 --> 55:54.369 Keep them coming in. 55:54.709 --> 55:54.929 What? 55:55.450 --> 55:55.650 Nothing. 55:55.670 --> 56:01.711 I was going to say I went to university in Coventry and then I just realised that it was the most boring tactic I could come out with. 56:01.751 --> 56:03.012 Keep those stupid lies coming in. 56:03.052 --> 56:10.594 Text 64046 or email adamandjoe.6musicatbbc.co.uk to our very much thanks by. 56:10.694 --> 56:11.554 Here's the Foo Fighters. 56:12.199 --> 56:15.341 BBC. 56:20.225 --> 56:22.067 On digital. 56:22.647 --> 56:22.907 On live. 56:22.927 --> 56:24.488 BBC Six Music. 56:24.508 --> 56:25.669 It's good, isn't it? 56:25.689 --> 56:27.210 That's the new Foo Fighters jingle. 56:28.591 --> 56:29.492 They're really pleased with it. 56:30.693 --> 56:34.676 No, it wasn't the Foo Fighters, that was the, we call it the top of our, do we call that the sweep? 56:35.277 --> 56:35.817 The top of our sweeper. 56:35.837 --> 56:36.858 The top of our sweeper. 56:36.878 --> 56:38.379 Did you like the top of our sweeper? 56:38.819 --> 56:39.820 Right now, here's some music. 56:39.840 --> 56:40.801 This is Faith No More. 56:44.070 --> 56:44.650 Good lord. 56:44.790 --> 56:46.971 It's a dirty song, but someone's got to sing it. 56:46.991 --> 56:48.972 That was Faith No More singing that dirty song. 56:48.992 --> 56:50.953 That was... I went and bought that single. 56:51.113 --> 56:52.554 I was excited when that came out. 56:52.574 --> 56:54.675 I thought, this is the future of rock and roll! 56:54.835 --> 56:55.335 You were wrong. 56:55.455 --> 57:04.760 And it's a mixture of insane banging techno beats and heavy metal guitar riffs, and this is where music is going now in the future. 57:05.620 --> 57:08.601 And it had all the references to all the exciting things happening. 57:08.621 --> 57:09.302 All the references. 57:10.682 --> 57:14.685 Um, there was references to Transformers there, which of course- Were there? 57:14.785 --> 57:15.506 Oh, very prescient. 57:15.666 --> 57:17.687 Have now come back in style again. 57:18.448 --> 57:23.131 Although the Garbage Pail Kids, which were also referred to in there- Oh, they're due for a comeback, surely. 57:23.171 --> 57:23.612 You reckon? 57:23.652 --> 57:25.973 Yeah, Cabbage Patch Dolls and the Garbage Pail Kids. 57:25.993 --> 57:27.695 They'll get round to them sooner rather than later. 57:27.855 --> 57:29.116 Yeah, Cabbage Patch Dolls. 57:29.136 --> 57:30.016 Oh my gosh. 57:30.437 --> 57:31.597 Anyway, that was Faith No More. 57:31.958 --> 57:32.538 Um- Now, books. 57:32.758 --> 57:32.938 Yes. 57:33.179 --> 57:34.019 Do you like books, Adam? 57:34.079 --> 57:34.880 Book news, love books. 57:35.200 --> 57:35.580 Do you really? 57:35.600 --> 57:36.421 What was the last book you read? 57:36.921 --> 57:54.671 uh well do you know what i told you the other day oh yeah you read mrs dalloway i'm reading mrs dalloway and do you know what i was talking we were talking about paul auster the other day and i i was embarrassed to admit that i'd never even heard of him did you get the new york trilogy uh no i got i can't remember which one i got i got another one that had lots of stars all over it from various newspapers 57:55.091 --> 57:57.913 Well, if it's no good, take it back and buy the New York trilogy, because that's the key text. 57:58.033 --> 58:03.358 It's one about a husband he's grieving for his family who's been killed in an air crash or something grim like that. 58:03.438 --> 58:04.238 Sounds like a bummer. 58:04.979 --> 58:06.340 He rehabilitates himself. 58:06.640 --> 58:07.781 It does sound like a bit of a bummer. 58:07.801 --> 58:08.382 What have you got there? 58:08.562 --> 58:13.366 I've got a very, very, very good book that I wanted to recommend to listeners who like spooky things. 58:14.026 --> 58:16.588 I love A Good Ghost Story and The Supernatural. 58:16.989 --> 58:19.591 I don't believe in any of it, but I can't stop reading about it. 58:20.111 --> 58:20.491 I love it. 58:20.571 --> 58:24.072 I'm like Scoldy Moldy from The X-Files. 58:24.452 --> 58:25.192 Scoldy Moldy. 58:25.852 --> 58:26.732 I want to believe. 58:26.752 --> 58:27.513 Yeah. 58:27.533 --> 58:33.814 Because when I was little, I was brought up, you know, my parents and grandparents used to tell nothing but ghost stories and UFO stories and stuff. 58:34.154 --> 58:34.854 I believed it all. 58:35.394 --> 58:35.914 Now I don't. 58:36.655 --> 58:37.915 But I just love reading about it. 58:37.935 --> 58:41.476 And I picked up this book called Will Store versus the Supernatural. 58:41.496 --> 58:42.256 It's not a new book. 58:42.956 --> 58:45.877 This isn't some kind of awful PR plugging session type thing. 58:46.297 --> 58:47.578 I think it's a couple of years old. 58:48.278 --> 58:49.758 But it's by this guy, Will Store. 58:50.059 --> 58:55.581 If you lacked imagination, you'd say he was a Louis Theroux, John Ronson type investigative humorist. 58:56.401 --> 58:59.282 It's got a quote by John Ronson on the cover. 58:59.302 --> 59:00.842 There's a picture, is that Will Store on the front? 59:00.882 --> 59:02.203 He wasn't happy with the cover, yeah. 59:02.223 --> 59:04.724 He looks like a kind of cadaverous... Hey! 59:05.504 --> 59:07.886 Yeah, no, he looks like a very handsome Louis Theroux. 59:09.307 --> 59:12.209 And anyway, he's done a thing that I always thought would be a good idea. 59:12.249 --> 59:25.679 He's just basically set out to try and find he's dedicated like a couple of years of his life to try and find any evidence whatsoever of ghosts, the supernatural or any kind of afterlife, the tiniest 59:26.019 --> 59:31.982 Timiest inkling of any kind of reality and is that him setting out as a skeptic at the beginning? 59:32.862 --> 59:46.968 Yeah, he's a skeptic, but he's also open-minded He's from quite a his parents are quite spiritual and it pivots around when he was at a dinner party with his mum His mum says something along the lines of you know, we're a very spiritual family and he goes I'm not and 59:47.228 --> 59:48.289 And she goes, oh, you will be. 59:49.490 --> 59:51.951 And that's always sort of prickled him, right? 59:51.991 --> 59:58.376 So he decides to go and he does everything from go on a night with Most Haunted, go behind the scenes. 59:58.416 --> 59:59.617 And that's quite an interesting chapter. 01:00:00.017 --> 01:00:01.418 He does naughty sales. 01:00:01.438 --> 01:00:02.559 Who is the host of Most Haunted again? 01:00:03.039 --> 01:00:05.100 Uh, in that fielding, and Derek Okora. 01:00:05.120 --> 01:00:05.641 Derek Okora. 01:00:05.661 --> 01:00:06.821 They still are, I think, yeah. 01:00:06.861 --> 01:00:07.362 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:00:07.682 --> 01:00:14.145 Um, and you know, I'd like to reiterate, you know, obviously that program's a stupid charade, but also quite fun. 01:00:14.306 --> 01:00:14.486 Yeah. 01:00:14.906 --> 01:00:28.674 It's more indicative of how powerful night vision is, and handheld cameras are, as a kind of, you know, presentational device than it is of any kind of, and also how powerful smoking lots of silk cuts and having a weird hair is. 01:00:28.954 --> 01:00:30.235 Mostly ghostly, my friend. 01:00:30.255 --> 01:00:30.995 Yeah, mostly ghostly. 01:00:31.175 --> 01:00:51.077 that's right that's kelly calls it that yeah yeah um and yeah it's a brilliant brilliant book and it genuinely kind of scared me it talks a lot about the Enfield poltergeist and he goes and stays in an amazingly haunted pub and when i read it i thought to myself well i'm a complete skeptic but would i do would i be scared if i went he goes to stay in in some pub 01:00:51.638 --> 01:01:00.805 that is a kind of old smuggling pub and it has a bedroom called Annie's room and the owners seem very skeptical and they go, oh, you can sleep in there if you want, but you won't last very long. 01:01:01.566 --> 01:01:02.987 No, as soon as the door closes, you'll come out. 01:01:03.808 --> 01:01:06.750 Yes, there's a dark figure that emerges from the wall. 01:01:06.870 --> 01:01:08.292 You'll hear ghostly cackling. 01:01:08.432 --> 01:01:10.273 Things will touch you and no, you'll soap. 01:01:10.313 --> 01:01:11.534 So we've done the other room. 01:01:11.794 --> 01:01:13.736 We've done the bed in the other room ready for you. 01:01:14.256 --> 01:01:17.919 You know, if you're in that situation for some kind of documentary, do you think you'd get freaked out? 01:01:19.258 --> 01:01:19.558 No. 01:01:19.939 --> 01:01:20.299 You don't. 01:01:20.359 --> 01:01:22.781 You think you're confident that you would just be completely cool? 01:01:23.001 --> 01:01:23.941 I think I would. 01:01:23.961 --> 01:01:25.442 I feel as if I was asleep. 01:01:25.482 --> 01:01:26.723 Well, he kind of thinks that. 01:01:26.783 --> 01:01:27.044 Yeah. 01:01:27.464 --> 01:01:31.927 And then... And then someone comes in and... Well, he hears breathing. 01:01:32.567 --> 01:01:37.091 He hears weird breathing coming from the chair next to the bed. 01:01:37.191 --> 01:01:37.471 Right. 01:01:37.611 --> 01:01:38.772 When he turns the lights out. 01:01:38.812 --> 01:01:39.833 Tell me from the chair. 01:01:40.193 --> 01:01:41.934 Yeah, it's a living chair. 01:01:42.134 --> 01:01:42.615 Yeah. 01:01:42.815 --> 01:01:44.596 Ooh, I'm a dead chair. 01:01:44.716 --> 01:01:48.377 I'm Charlie the Chair, and I'm dead. 01:01:48.437 --> 01:01:49.337 I'm a dead chef. 01:01:49.938 --> 01:01:50.238 Go on. 01:01:50.798 --> 01:01:51.018 What? 01:01:51.338 --> 01:01:52.638 What's gonna happen to the man? 01:01:52.658 --> 01:01:54.839 He runs out of the room because he's frightened, does he? 01:01:54.899 --> 01:02:07.963 But it's such a good book, it was so gripping, and not only that, he talks to, um, like, uh, uh, exorcists, and he talks to, um, philosophers, and he talks to men what understand all the bits of the brain. 01:02:08.423 --> 01:02:11.724 So, and so he goes on a journey of sorts, it's not at all. 01:02:11.744 --> 01:02:23.566 Yeah, he talks to physicists about the areas of the brain that might conjure up these kind of, so he investigates it as if it's an illusory kind of, you know, psychosomatic phenomenon rather than a real phenomenon. 01:02:23.586 --> 01:02:25.946 I would love to have a little bit of ghost action, I really would. 01:02:26.126 --> 01:02:34.387 So would I. I was staying with some friends a couple of weekends ago and in the morning they came down and they said, we had a very bad night, you know, we didn't sleep at all well. 01:02:34.908 --> 01:02:37.068 There was, I woke up and there was 01:02:38.168 --> 01:03:03.566 Again like this guy breathing sounds they heard really right above them they reckoned and What else did they see you assume that I would assume that was just my own breathing Yeah, and my brain half asleep Well exactly half asleep And I was thinking but still if that happened in the context of loads of ghost stories and the expectation of a ghost It would still give me that the wheelies well it freaked them out, but I just thought this is so easily explain Willy explain of you love your wheelies Thanks 01:03:03.826 --> 01:03:07.510 You know, it might be cars whooshing past the window and echoeing weirdly. 01:03:07.530 --> 01:03:10.754 There's so many things that you could... It's like Occam's Razor, isn't it? 01:03:11.255 --> 01:03:12.436 It's the simplest explanation. 01:03:12.496 --> 01:03:14.178 It's usually the right one. 01:03:14.198 --> 01:03:15.840 Why would you go for the ghost explanation? 01:03:15.860 --> 01:03:16.541 Because it's fun! 01:03:16.561 --> 01:03:17.622 Because it is fun, isn't it? 01:03:17.642 --> 01:03:18.563 And what's the name of the book again? 01:03:18.703 --> 01:03:20.785 It's called Will Store vs. the Supernatural. 01:03:21.246 --> 01:03:23.829 And it's published by a book company... 01:03:24.963 --> 01:03:25.604 called E-Bree. 01:03:26.024 --> 01:03:27.165 Yeah, and it's really, really good. 01:03:27.205 --> 01:03:31.408 If you like that kind of thing, it's the best thing I've read in that kind of area for a long time. 01:03:31.468 --> 01:03:33.730 I'm a subscriber to the Fortean Times. 01:03:33.810 --> 01:03:35.231 You love a little bit of spookiness. 01:03:35.251 --> 01:03:35.951 I love a bit of spookiness. 01:03:36.011 --> 01:03:36.292 Brilliant. 01:03:36.432 --> 01:03:39.094 Now, here's the stars with the night starts here. 01:03:41.843 --> 01:03:44.264 That was Stars with the Night Stars here. 01:03:44.365 --> 01:03:45.865 It's the second track from their fourth album. 01:03:45.905 --> 01:03:47.006 Do you know anything about that, Madam? 01:03:47.086 --> 01:03:47.366 Nothing. 01:03:47.386 --> 01:03:48.427 Nothing, no. 01:03:48.887 --> 01:03:51.489 Sounds a bit inconsequential to me, but I may be wrong. 01:03:52.109 --> 01:03:53.470 That's merely my opinion. 01:03:53.510 --> 01:03:56.992 Yeah, and for the sake of balance, I would like to say that that's my single of the year. 01:03:58.693 --> 01:03:59.253 Well, balanced. 01:03:59.334 --> 01:04:02.515 A little too balanced, so you put a bit too much weight on that scale. 01:04:02.555 --> 01:04:04.176 Popped it back the other way. 01:04:04.617 --> 01:04:06.578 Do you want to say anything, or should we just do another record? 01:04:06.598 --> 01:04:06.958 What's that? 01:04:06.998 --> 01:04:07.999 Read out that thing about CSS? 01:04:08.779 --> 01:04:10.661 Someone was at a CSS gig last night. 01:04:10.681 --> 01:04:12.962 This is an email from Will Weaver. 01:04:13.022 --> 01:04:13.963 They're from Brazil, right? 01:04:14.003 --> 01:04:14.523 CSS? 01:04:15.164 --> 01:04:15.764 Are they? 01:04:16.244 --> 01:04:17.045 No, I don't know. 01:04:17.325 --> 01:04:19.387 I saw CSS playing Brighton last night. 01:04:19.407 --> 01:04:25.791 There was a nice pre-Christmas festival atmosphere, but then the gig came to a grinding halt after somebody threw a shoe at Lovefox, the lead singer. 01:04:26.211 --> 01:04:27.532 It hit a square in the face. 01:04:27.993 --> 01:04:28.573 This sucked. 01:04:28.853 --> 01:04:31.475 They carried on until the end of the song without the singer, then that was it. 01:04:31.835 --> 01:04:34.817 The keyboard player said, why would you throw a shoe at Lovefox? 01:04:35.618 --> 01:04:37.342 You ruined the whole flipping show for everybody. 01:04:37.362 --> 01:04:38.804 Someone's gonna have to either lie... 01:04:47.631 --> 01:05:16.875 about throwing the shoe uh... i don't know that the email becomes confusing but that's basically the uh... the long and short of it the leading i got a shoe thrown at their face that's terrible and and and it depends on the kind of shoe as well i mean there's some shoes that you would rather have yeah if it was a nike airmax it'd be quite nice that's quite nice because it would softly bounce off it'd be wicked and also you'd have like one quite wicked shoe yeah you'd probably sell it 30 quid yeah you could just hop around and people would think you were really cool exactly if it was a football boot that would be dreadful that would be awful and if it was a big kind of uh... 01:05:17.715 --> 01:05:19.818 Generally, it's not a good thing to do, throw shoes at faces. 01:05:19.938 --> 01:05:21.219 Why would you do that at a gig? 01:05:21.319 --> 01:05:22.000 It's insane behaviour. 01:05:22.020 --> 01:05:22.961 What peculiar thing to do. 01:05:22.981 --> 01:05:35.315 I tell you what though, there is a weird thing, and I don't know whether you get this in other countries, but whenever you go to a gig, there's always a very small percentage of the crowd who seem to be there not for the band, but just for the kind of... Just for a ruck. 01:05:35.535 --> 01:05:36.697 Just for a ruck, yeah. 01:05:36.737 --> 01:05:40.041 They've kind of bought a ticket as if it's a pub. 01:05:40.061 --> 01:05:42.644 Do you know what I mean? 01:05:42.704 --> 01:05:50.053 And they talk during the songs and they just generally don't pay attention to the band and they're just looking for women or trouble or... 01:05:51.014 --> 01:05:54.717 They just want to get into a big hall full of people and jump about. 01:05:55.178 --> 01:05:55.838 It's not so much the band. 01:05:55.858 --> 01:05:56.659 They should root those people out. 01:05:56.679 --> 01:06:04.306 There should be a little quiz before you buy a ticket for a concert where you have to answer a few basic questions about the band. 01:06:04.406 --> 01:06:10.831 Oh man, there's a horrific scene in The Wire, the police series, where it's amazing where these two gangsters are going around. 01:06:10.851 --> 01:06:16.336 They're trying to figure out which other gangsters happen to be from New York, like Central New York. 01:06:16.796 --> 01:06:23.060 and they figure the best way to find out is to just ask them a question about the New York house music scene. 01:06:23.621 --> 01:06:30.585 So they ask this one guy, like, who recorded Wiggly Jiggly or whatever, and this guy goes, I don't know, man, how am I supposed to know who recorded Wiggly Jiggly? 01:06:30.945 --> 01:06:31.206 Bang. 01:06:31.606 --> 01:06:32.546 Straight, gets it right. 01:06:32.586 --> 01:06:33.007 Really? 01:06:33.047 --> 01:06:33.487 Immediately. 01:06:33.527 --> 01:06:35.829 It's horrific, but sort of interesting. 01:06:35.929 --> 01:06:36.729 Frightful business. 01:06:36.769 --> 01:06:38.711 Well, we're not suggesting that that happens at gigs. 01:06:39.031 --> 01:06:39.291 No. 01:06:39.551 --> 01:06:43.414 You wouldn't execute the people who didn't know the answers to the questions. 01:06:43.434 --> 01:06:44.234 Absolutely not. 01:06:44.274 --> 01:06:44.975 Or would you, Adam? 01:06:45.695 --> 01:06:46.476 I think you might. 01:06:47.156 --> 01:06:48.116 You're disgusting. 01:06:48.136 --> 01:06:48.877 Maybe I might. 01:06:49.117 --> 01:06:50.638 It'll be my new policy in the new year. 01:06:50.738 --> 01:06:52.259 Here's a free play. 01:06:53.079 --> 01:06:54.440 This is Roots Maneuver. 01:06:54.820 --> 01:06:58.142 He's a kind of a Kennington guy around where Adam and I live in London. 01:06:58.863 --> 01:07:02.385 This is a single from a few years ago with, I think, one of the best videos. 01:07:02.745 --> 01:07:03.925 One of my favourite videos ever. 01:07:04.386 --> 01:07:07.788 If you check out this video on YouTube if you haven't seen it, but the song in itself is amazing. 01:07:08.048 --> 01:07:11.230 And he's doing the six mix tonight from nine, which I'll be listening to. 01:07:11.770 --> 01:07:12.430 He's a genius. 01:07:12.690 --> 01:07:14.912 This is Roots Maneuver with Witness the Fitness. 01:07:18.153 --> 01:07:30.695 Alan Williams, it was called Will's store versus the supernatural you can go back to sleep now that was roots maneuver with witness the fitness He must have been so happy when he found those sounds those little squelchy sound. 01:07:30.735 --> 01:07:31.155 Yeah. 01:07:31.216 --> 01:07:35.336 Yeah, he's amazing That's that's sonically he skills Mcbrill's. 01:07:35.496 --> 01:07:41.818 That's what they call him in Scotland skinny Mcbrilly skilly No, Mcbrill's skill Mcbrill's Skilling Mcbrill is what he's called in 01:07:43.587 --> 01:07:44.107 Somewhere else. 01:07:45.109 --> 01:07:45.409 Nice. 01:07:46.070 --> 01:07:48.332 Okay, let's deal with the rest of the Texanation lies. 01:07:48.693 --> 01:07:52.558 You are a very duplicitous and lie-licious bunch. 01:07:53.198 --> 01:07:53.679 The listeners. 01:07:53.939 --> 01:07:54.440 Licentious. 01:07:54.500 --> 01:07:55.601 No, it's not licentious, is it? 01:07:55.722 --> 01:07:57.083 No, licentious is sort of dirty. 01:07:57.163 --> 01:07:58.265 Mendacious is the word. 01:07:58.285 --> 01:07:58.785 Yeah, there you go. 01:07:59.906 --> 01:08:01.147 Uh, this is from Helen Williams. 01:08:01.547 --> 01:08:02.048 Morning, guys. 01:08:02.068 --> 01:08:04.269 I'm juggling drying my hair with listening to the show. 01:08:04.349 --> 01:08:06.590 I listen to the talky bits and dry during the music. 01:08:06.770 --> 01:08:07.250 Sexy. 01:08:07.871 --> 01:08:09.952 Anyway, I've got a bit of a ridiculous lie for you. 01:08:09.972 --> 01:08:12.093 When I was about 13, I went on a beach holiday. 01:08:12.273 --> 01:08:16.356 So I just imagined her, uh, and that she might be excited that we're reading it out. 01:08:16.376 --> 01:08:17.676 I've never crossed my mind before. 01:08:18.157 --> 01:08:18.997 She's actually listening. 01:08:19.017 --> 01:08:19.757 She might be excited. 01:08:19.778 --> 01:08:20.098 Yeah. 01:08:20.298 --> 01:08:20.718 Hello, Helen. 01:08:21.038 --> 01:08:21.659 Hello, Helen. 01:08:21.699 --> 01:08:22.339 You look lovely. 01:08:22.659 --> 01:08:23.880 She's still in the shower. 01:08:23.920 --> 01:08:25.681 You've missed a little bit at the back of the... 01:08:26.161 --> 01:08:28.923 Yeah, just dry that. 01:08:29.003 --> 01:08:29.984 There we go. 01:08:30.064 --> 01:08:32.065 Do you want me to dry it? 01:08:32.085 --> 01:08:33.646 That's okay. 01:08:33.926 --> 01:08:38.329 Actually, if you blew into a radio microphone, would a tiny gust of air come out of the speaker of the radio? 01:08:39.270 --> 01:08:39.950 It would, wouldn't it? 01:08:39.970 --> 01:08:41.732 Because it's to do with vibrations, isn't it? 01:08:42.112 --> 01:08:48.196 Well, if you went... Howard Stern did that thing where he used to go... Oh, and ladies would... Yeah. 01:08:48.836 --> 01:08:50.918 Anyway, I've got a bit of a ridiculous lie for you, says Helen. 01:08:50.938 --> 01:08:55.521 When I was about 13, I went on a beach holiday and met a guy who I had a little innocent holiday romance with. 01:08:56.181 --> 01:09:02.327 When I told one of my friends about him, and she wanted some gory details, I decided to spice it up by telling her I'd had sex with him in a beach hut. 01:09:03.128 --> 01:09:04.950 I never thought for a second she'd believe me. 01:09:05.290 --> 01:09:08.273 I'm actually a little offended that she did, to be honest. 01:09:08.373 --> 01:09:13.819 Anyway, it spiralled out of control, and she told all my friends, and a rumour went round every school that I was pregnant. 01:09:15.400 --> 01:09:17.202 Eventually, I had to tell the embarrassing truth. 01:09:17.362 --> 01:09:19.845 Everyone thought I was either pathetic, or not whole. 01:09:21.674 --> 01:09:25.535 Now, that's a whole other kettle of fish, isn't it, lying about sexual exploits. 01:09:25.615 --> 01:09:27.976 I mean, everybody does it. 01:09:28.276 --> 01:09:39.880 I remember when I was like 19 or 20 and I actually started doing things for real, late starter, I couldn't remember myself what was real or what wasn't. 01:09:40.320 --> 01:09:49.663 I'd imagined sort of sexual dalliances in such detail that they'd imprinted themselves on my brain with the same power as real ones, had or hadn't. 01:09:50.743 --> 01:09:53.044 I still don't really know what was going on. 01:09:53.744 --> 01:09:55.504 What was the dream and what was reality? 01:09:55.564 --> 01:09:56.164 Thank you, Helen. 01:09:56.764 --> 01:09:57.625 That's terrific. 01:09:57.885 --> 01:09:58.185 Trif. 01:09:59.705 --> 01:10:00.305 Hi, Adam and Jo. 01:10:00.325 --> 01:10:01.046 This is from Becky. 01:10:01.286 --> 01:10:05.907 I once told my little sister that our mum had had had a third great... Come on, start again, Cornish. 01:10:06.327 --> 01:10:15.329 I once told my little sister that our mum had had a third daughter, which she gave away before we were born, and I had found a note from her behind the cupboard. 01:10:15.909 --> 01:10:19.392 The note was written by me and stained with tea to look old. 01:10:19.632 --> 01:10:21.073 So she actually made this note. 01:10:21.573 --> 01:10:24.875 She believed me for five minutes before asking my mum who told her it wasn't true. 01:10:26.596 --> 01:10:30.939 I caught the idea about making the old looking letter from Art Attack with Neil Buchanan. 01:10:33.821 --> 01:10:34.622 Ooooh! 01:10:36.164 --> 01:10:45.913 And I wonder if Neil Buchanan said, and you can use this technique to lie to your baby sister about the possibility of there being a sibling that was kidnapped by her mother and put in an attic somewhere. 01:10:46.294 --> 01:10:46.594 Yes. 01:10:47.034 --> 01:10:47.455 Doubt it. 01:10:47.775 --> 01:10:48.156 Doubt it. 01:10:48.556 --> 01:10:48.876 Yeah. 01:10:48.976 --> 01:10:49.917 Neil Buchanan wouldn't do so. 01:10:49.937 --> 01:10:51.339 And here's a sort of country one. 01:10:52.320 --> 01:10:53.421 This is from Peter Green. 01:10:54.437 --> 01:10:55.737 Is that the Peter Green? 01:10:55.757 --> 01:10:56.438 The Green Monster. 01:10:56.618 --> 01:10:57.418 The Green Monster. 01:10:57.598 --> 01:11:00.159 Thanks very much for all your extremely lengthy communications. 01:11:00.179 --> 01:11:01.719 Peter's bombarding us with the emails. 01:11:01.739 --> 01:11:02.679 Here's another one. 01:11:02.699 --> 01:11:06.480 He said another one about fish that was quite good I was going to read out, but I can't read out too. 01:11:06.700 --> 01:11:09.081 I was going to say, Pete, don't get upset if we don't read out your stuff. 01:11:09.121 --> 01:11:12.602 It's just because it's fairly lengthy and, you know, we've got to spread the love. 01:11:12.662 --> 01:11:13.402 Takes us a while. 01:11:13.442 --> 01:11:16.604 I live in a quite rural area, consisting of country lanes, farmers, fields, woods and wildlife. 01:11:16.684 --> 01:11:19.727 As such, a herd of deer crossing the road is a familiar hazard for the local car driver. 01:11:19.767 --> 01:11:26.031 When my 18-year-old brother started driving, I felt it was my responsibility to tell him what to do if you run over a deer. 01:11:27.372 --> 01:11:31.075 I explained that it's important that you don't try to move the deer by pulling the legs or antlers. 01:11:31.355 --> 01:11:35.278 You must only move it by putting your fingers in its ears and gently pulling. 01:11:36.619 --> 01:11:37.559 The story was ludicrous. 01:11:37.860 --> 01:11:38.860 Didn't imagine that you'd believe it. 01:11:38.900 --> 01:11:44.162 However, when his girlfriend telephoned him one day to say she'd found a dead deer lying in the road, my brother imparted his knowledge to her. 01:11:44.202 --> 01:11:45.463 Spraying into action. 01:11:46.143 --> 01:11:59.729 After everyone our family had ever known had finished laughing about how a dead deer had been removed from the road by its ear holes by a young girl who knew no better to do than to do what she was told, it emerged that the smell of dead deer earwax was still pungent on the poor girl's fingers two weeks later. 01:11:59.749 --> 01:12:00.689 Dead deer wax. 01:12:00.929 --> 01:12:01.589 Dead deer wax. 01:12:01.630 --> 01:12:02.090 There you go. 01:12:02.930 --> 01:12:03.690 Lots of lies. 01:12:03.930 --> 01:12:04.691 That's grotesque. 01:12:05.031 --> 01:12:05.731 Shocking business. 01:12:05.751 --> 01:12:06.992 You should all be ashamed of yourselves. 01:12:07.032 --> 01:12:10.453 But thank you very much indeed for... Can I just do one more? 01:12:10.513 --> 01:12:10.933 Anymailing. 01:12:10.953 --> 01:12:12.154 Yeah, let's do this and wrap it up. 01:12:12.214 --> 01:12:12.834 Is that all right, Ben? 01:12:12.914 --> 01:12:13.694 You're looking upset. 01:12:14.835 --> 01:12:15.775 Quick one. 01:12:16.496 --> 01:12:17.796 It's very quick. 01:12:18.016 --> 01:12:21.698 Chris Lote says, Dear Adam and Jo, morning the worst lie I ever told was when I was at primary school for some reason. 01:12:21.738 --> 01:12:23.498 When I think about it now, I still don't know why I did it. 01:12:23.518 --> 01:12:25.279 I told some people in my class that my dad was dead. 01:12:27.840 --> 01:12:31.861 My mum then got other mums coming up to her after school offering their condolences, and I got a big telling off. 01:12:32.221 --> 01:12:37.883 That's of course done by Antoine Duenell in Francois Truffaut's The 400 Blows, famously, and you know what, I did it. 01:12:38.643 --> 01:12:45.785 I didn't say my parents were dead, but to get out of a history exam, I told Shirley Foster at school that a relative had died. 01:12:46.386 --> 01:12:47.366 A lot of people do that. 01:12:47.386 --> 01:12:49.427 Yeah, it's a good one, because there's no arguing with that. 01:12:49.607 --> 01:12:53.368 Absolutely not, but it can bite you in the bottom if they turn up. 01:12:53.548 --> 01:12:54.228 Can it? 01:12:54.428 --> 01:12:55.208 Yeah, it's not very good. 01:12:56.009 --> 01:12:57.069 His T-Rex with hot love. 01:12:59.100 --> 01:13:00.321 There's T-Rex there. 01:13:00.401 --> 01:13:04.024 That was recorded for the Radio 1 Club on the 9th of December 1970. 01:13:06.066 --> 01:13:07.107 Wow, a long time ago. 01:13:07.167 --> 01:13:09.068 Salomon Joe here on BBC 6 Music. 01:13:09.508 --> 01:13:11.750 It's just after 11 o'clock. 01:13:12.130 --> 01:13:17.315 11.30, sorry, and it's time now for the news. 01:13:18.856 --> 01:13:19.676 James Addiction. 01:13:19.716 --> 01:13:20.617 Did you pick that one, Ben? 01:13:20.717 --> 01:13:20.877 No. 01:13:21.178 --> 01:13:21.718 Who picked that one? 01:13:21.738 --> 01:13:23.119 You love James Addiction, don't you? 01:13:23.379 --> 01:13:28.003 Some kind of like early 90s goth has programmed the show this morning. 01:13:28.206 --> 01:13:32.669 You know, we're soft early 80s pop boys, we just want to hear early 80s. 01:13:32.689 --> 01:13:33.770 We like a bit of flavour! 01:13:33.790 --> 01:13:39.153 We want some softness, some patheticness, and that kind of music just frightens me and Joe. 01:13:39.593 --> 01:13:40.874 For the sake of balance, I loved it! 01:13:42.015 --> 01:13:42.675 Oh, it was brilliant. 01:13:42.836 --> 01:13:43.416 Nicely balanced. 01:13:43.676 --> 01:13:45.338 This is Adam and Joel on BBC Six Music. 01:13:45.398 --> 01:13:56.067 Now, when I'm working in my office recently, listeners and Adam, I've noticed ladybirds crawling with increasing frequency across the wall. 01:13:56.188 --> 01:13:56.828 Even in the winter? 01:13:57.048 --> 01:13:58.850 Yeah, especially in the winter now that it's turned cold. 01:13:58.870 --> 01:13:59.631 Little ladybirds. 01:14:00.691 --> 01:14:07.194 At first I thought they were cute, and then somebody told me that Britain is being invaded by a species of ladybird called the Harlequin Ladybird. 01:14:07.655 --> 01:14:15.859 They were introduced in America in, I don't know, like 10, 15 years ago as a kind of way to control aphids, but they're too strong. 01:14:15.999 --> 01:14:19.740 They've wiped out all other breeds of ladybirds, and they're becoming a plague. 01:14:20.261 --> 01:14:21.841 They were introduced in Europe in something like 2004. 01:14:21.881 --> 01:14:23.502 They've started to spread. 01:14:25.183 --> 01:14:28.384 You go on the internet, you can see maps of Britain where people have reported sightings of them. 01:14:28.864 --> 01:14:39.107 They've spread like a plague from the bottom right-hand corner of Britain, all across, climbing up Britain if you live in Scotland or, you know, North Wales, they're approaching. 01:14:39.647 --> 01:14:44.268 Anyway, so I'd only got like three or four in my office, so I was thinking, oh, better keep an eye out for these guys. 01:14:45.208 --> 01:14:46.849 And ladybirds, they're usually beautiful things. 01:14:47.809 --> 01:14:57.395 So one doesn't swat them or kill them or do anything bad, so I was very carefully putting them under glasses, sliding a postcard under and popping it out the window. 01:14:57.476 --> 01:14:57.876 Be free! 01:14:59.297 --> 01:15:06.481 I went round to my mum's house, her little office, where she coaches children, and she said, come out of my office, Joe, come out of my office! 01:15:07.082 --> 01:15:11.665 And she showed me like eight or nine little ladybirds, 01:15:12.185 --> 01:15:17.054 all having a little sort of party on the edge of the window frame. 01:15:17.214 --> 01:15:17.415 Yeah. 01:15:17.435 --> 01:15:20.640 A couple crawling across her desk, three or four on the lampshade. 01:15:20.700 --> 01:15:21.762 She's not doing anything about it. 01:15:21.782 --> 01:15:23.205 Well, no, she said to me, look. 01:15:23.729 --> 01:15:24.909 These lovely lady birds. 01:15:25.510 --> 01:15:29.451 There's so many of them, but some of my pupils don't like them. 01:15:30.211 --> 01:15:31.491 They're a bit disturbed by them. 01:15:32.071 --> 01:15:33.152 I went, mummy? 01:15:33.312 --> 01:15:34.332 Because I call her mummy. 01:15:34.372 --> 01:15:36.453 I've got no shame in telling you that. 01:15:36.473 --> 01:15:38.933 I'm not going to pretend that I call her ma or mum. 01:15:39.234 --> 01:15:40.974 Well, it's often no. 01:15:40.994 --> 01:15:43.355 I do call her mumbles sometimes. 01:15:44.435 --> 01:15:44.595 Yeah. 01:15:45.015 --> 01:15:48.576 And I said, mummy, these aren't nice ladybirds. 01:15:48.596 --> 01:15:49.656 I've read about them on the internet. 01:15:49.676 --> 01:15:50.716 They're harlequin ladybirds. 01:15:50.736 --> 01:15:51.296 They're a plague. 01:15:51.316 --> 01:15:51.957 They're a pest. 01:15:51.997 --> 01:15:52.497 They're armed. 01:15:52.717 --> 01:15:54.857 And she didn't look as if she believed me. 01:15:55.277 --> 01:15:56.397 She went, mm-hmm. 01:15:56.457 --> 01:15:57.198 You'd look at them there. 01:15:57.218 --> 01:15:58.878 Did you eat that in the 40th time, sir? 01:15:59.298 --> 01:16:00.718 It's probably what she thought. 01:16:01.078 --> 01:16:01.559 They're nice. 01:16:01.599 --> 01:16:03.299 Look, these ones are having a party. 01:16:03.439 --> 01:16:03.959 They're singing. 01:16:04.179 --> 01:16:06.560 If you listen very closely, you can hear them singing. 01:16:06.580 --> 01:16:07.480 So I was frustrated. 01:16:07.520 --> 01:16:08.860 You know that sort of frustration? 01:16:09.100 --> 01:16:13.121 It's a kind of deep primordial frustration you get when your parents don't believe you about something. 01:16:13.141 --> 01:16:13.301 Yeah. 01:16:13.641 --> 01:16:18.085 It's like, you never believe me, you never respect me, you think I'm still six, I'm eighty-four! 01:16:18.546 --> 01:16:19.507 Believe me, woman! 01:16:20.808 --> 01:16:35.321 But I was happy in one respect, but also disturbed in the other respect, to look closer behind the curtains of her office and find, and I do not exaggerate, a hundred and fifty to two hundred 01:16:36.022 --> 01:16:58.183 uh of these ladybirds hiding in massive gangs between the pleats of and it was really genuinely revolting when you pulled the uh and you know my family are extremely hygienic this kind of thing never happens we're very clean don't imagine we're some kind of Kim and Aggie type you know nasty household no it's a beautifully polished and respectful house 01:16:58.323 --> 01:17:10.912 I think yeah, my mom especially and my dad are very clean people very much Take hygiene very it's not like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre around there call abs and no people in cupboards No, it's like the Texas don't care. 01:17:11.112 --> 01:17:11.493 It's shop. 01:17:11.613 --> 01:17:14.115 It's exactly it's like the Texas delightful tea party. 01:17:14.135 --> 01:17:14.215 Yeah 01:17:14.935 --> 01:17:41.085 Anyway, there were hundreds of them behind in the pleats of the curtains and it was it was so troubling first of all The name is troubling harlequins at unsettling things anyway Yeah, you know and they're called harlequins because they've got multiple spots you recognize them because they're orangy and they've got far too many spots and Like you know insects are troubling anyway in a science of the lambs kind of away moths the designs on them are weird They're like little dice or dominoes, you know, they seem to have some kind of cryptic meaning to them. 01:17:41.105 --> 01:17:41.585 Do you know what I mean? 01:17:41.605 --> 01:17:41.965 Yeah, I do 01:17:42.045 --> 01:17:44.466 They're kind of troubling on a weird, symbolic level. 01:17:44.486 --> 01:17:46.047 You could worship them as gods, if you want. 01:17:46.087 --> 01:17:55.711 Yeah, or you could read meanings into them, you could join the dots up and make pictures and run your life by... You know, I'm overdoing it, but you get what I'm saying. 01:17:56.111 --> 01:18:04.094 There were clusters of these horrible things, and every time we pulled another pleater part in the curtain, there were hundreds more, so we got the hoover. 01:18:04.294 --> 01:18:04.954 Dead right. 01:18:04.994 --> 01:18:06.615 We hoover'd them up. 01:18:06.635 --> 01:18:07.215 Ghostbusters. 01:18:07.255 --> 01:18:09.016 Yeah, Ghostbusters style, exactly. 01:18:09.476 --> 01:18:10.577 And we couldn't believe it. 01:18:10.617 --> 01:18:11.017 We were going, 01:18:11.837 --> 01:18:12.797 Oh, I was going, mummy, look at it. 01:18:13.077 --> 01:18:14.298 Oh, mummy, look at this. 01:18:14.858 --> 01:18:15.458 Oh, my God. 01:18:15.478 --> 01:18:19.119 She was going, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, thank God you came. 01:18:20.119 --> 01:18:21.119 It was hideous. 01:18:21.199 --> 01:18:24.820 And then when I got back to my office, I was freaked out. 01:18:24.860 --> 01:18:29.941 You know, you feel all creepy crawly and it's like, oh, I did one of them getting my pants and my shoes. 01:18:29.981 --> 01:18:34.783 Plus you just conducted a kind of a massive great killing, a cull. 01:18:34.863 --> 01:18:35.343 Exactly. 01:18:35.363 --> 01:18:35.443 Yeah. 01:18:36.583 --> 01:18:39.485 Ah, but it didn't feel bad because they're evil, they're nasty. 01:18:39.765 --> 01:18:44.748 The fact that they feel like sort of intruders, they're killing all the real ladybirds, these Harlequin ladybirds. 01:18:45.288 --> 01:18:47.230 And they leave a horrible stinky stain. 01:18:47.250 --> 01:18:49.111 They're a nasty business. 01:18:49.391 --> 01:18:51.752 I got back to my office and I was terrified. 01:18:51.792 --> 01:18:54.054 I thought, if there's one or two crawling on my wall, 01:18:54.734 --> 01:18:56.175 And I don't really have a curtain in my office. 01:18:56.195 --> 01:18:58.636 I've just got a lovely piece of material pinned up. 01:18:58.796 --> 01:18:58.956 Yeah. 01:18:59.236 --> 01:19:01.637 I haven't got round to put in curtains up there after about seven years. 01:19:02.978 --> 01:19:04.339 And I haven't unpinned it for years. 01:19:04.679 --> 01:19:09.261 And I thought, oh my God, it could be like, you know, Indiana Jones is back at the beginning of Raises of the Lost Ark. 01:19:09.541 --> 01:19:11.662 Could be completely crawling with these things. 01:19:12.383 --> 01:19:13.543 And it wasn't too bad. 01:19:13.583 --> 01:19:16.885 There were about 30 in clusters behind my curtain. 01:19:16.985 --> 01:19:20.747 I thought you were going to say there was just one giant one standing over it. 01:19:20.787 --> 01:19:21.307 Like mimic. 01:19:21.787 --> 01:19:24.588 Yeah, it was troubling but satisfying. 01:19:24.628 --> 01:19:25.629 I'm so glad they're gone. 01:19:25.689 --> 01:19:42.995 So listeners Check it out because it's happening in the winter because there's a cold snap So these things are infesting Britain and they're coming in people's windows You know, if you see an evil ladybird, they can be black with two red spots as well Look closer at ladybirds and if they're evil ones kill them. 01:19:43.015 --> 01:19:43.736 Do you know who I blame? 01:19:44.796 --> 01:19:45.136 Al Gore. 01:19:45.676 --> 01:19:46.717 Yeah, thanks Al Gore. 01:19:46.817 --> 01:19:48.057 Thanks very much Al Gore. 01:19:48.678 --> 01:19:49.458 Here's Ida Maria 01:19:51.687 --> 01:19:52.008 Is that it? 01:19:54.471 --> 01:19:55.393 Oh, you never know with Ida. 01:19:55.593 --> 01:19:57.476 That's Ida Maria with Drive Away My Heart. 01:19:57.797 --> 01:19:59.599 Is Adam and Joe here on BBC Six Music? 01:19:59.880 --> 01:20:00.641 Play that jingle, Ben! 01:20:09.396 --> 01:20:10.677 So check it out. 01:20:11.177 --> 01:20:14.479 Radios across the nation are detuned. 01:20:14.499 --> 01:20:15.660 They're being switched off. 01:20:16.580 --> 01:20:17.441 Well, you know, I don't know. 01:20:17.501 --> 01:20:18.521 Some people like this. 01:20:18.561 --> 01:20:20.763 We've had one or two texts saying they like the songs. 01:20:21.363 --> 01:20:22.343 One or other of the songs. 01:20:22.604 --> 01:20:25.125 We should say, listeners, it's time for song wars. 01:20:25.145 --> 01:20:28.307 The part of the show where me and Adam compose songs on a theme and then we kind of battle them. 01:20:28.607 --> 01:20:31.969 If you think you could do a better job on the theme, then do email us. 01:20:32.689 --> 01:20:35.931 Tell us who you are and write a song and send it in. 01:20:35.951 --> 01:20:37.652 And if it's if it's as good, 01:20:38.212 --> 01:20:42.195 As one of ours, which, let's face it, can't be that difficult, we may well play it. 01:20:42.995 --> 01:20:46.197 So if you think, you know, this is rubbish, I could do better than that, then do it! 01:20:46.398 --> 01:20:46.618 Yeah. 01:20:46.758 --> 01:20:51.041 Do better than that, and send it in, and we'll... It stands a very good chance of being played. 01:20:51.101 --> 01:20:52.662 So here we go, here are the two songs this week. 01:20:52.682 --> 01:20:53.522 The theme is Christmas. 01:20:54.443 --> 01:20:55.844 Let's go first with Adam's. 01:20:55.864 --> 01:20:58.926 I'm not going to play the whole thing, but we'll... We'll play a reminder. 01:20:59.366 --> 01:21:00.727 Play about half of it, I reckon. 01:21:00.747 --> 01:21:02.228 Maybe... I quite like the middle eight. 01:21:02.468 --> 01:21:03.429 So we'll get to the middle eight. 01:21:03.589 --> 01:21:04.449 Middle eight is it now? 01:21:04.549 --> 01:21:05.090 Call it a day. 01:21:07.017 --> 01:21:31.047 Well it's Christmas in the country and I'm turning off the gas I'm putting stickers on my face and painting on my legs We're gonna have a party and I am so excited There's gonna be some parsley and everyone's invited Those people in the city have forgotten what Christmas means But out here in the countryside we know what Christmas means 01:21:31.547 --> 01:21:33.468 Christmas, country, party time! 01:21:33.508 --> 01:21:35.470 Christmas, party time! 01:21:35.490 --> 01:21:38.572 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, party time! 01:21:38.592 --> 01:21:41.774 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, time! 01:21:41.814 --> 01:21:43.095 Germany, party time! 01:21:43.135 --> 01:21:47.157 Christmas, Christmas, country, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, bills! 01:21:47.197 --> 01:21:49.439 Party, party, Christmas, time! 01:21:49.459 --> 01:21:51.400 Christmas, country, time! 01:21:51.460 --> 01:21:53.201 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, time! 01:21:53.241 --> 01:21:55.203 Germany, year, Christmas, time! 01:21:55.443 --> 01:21:56.524 Is that enough? 01:21:56.824 --> 01:21:59.286 This is the middle eight? 01:21:59.306 --> 01:22:00.266 Oh, sorry mate, shhh! 01:22:03.108 --> 01:22:04.809 This just doesn't have any singing on it, though. 01:22:04.829 --> 01:22:05.470 It's a party. 01:22:05.550 --> 01:22:10.133 Yeah? 01:22:10.253 --> 01:22:11.034 Yeah? 01:22:11.174 --> 01:22:11.694 Enough? 01:22:12.275 --> 01:22:12.975 No, it's good, though. 01:22:13.015 --> 01:22:13.616 Let's have some more. 01:22:13.636 --> 01:22:13.916 Enough? 01:22:13.936 --> 01:22:15.297 That's enough, that's enough. 01:22:15.717 --> 01:22:18.619 Who was the band who did Cotton Eye Joe? 01:22:18.659 --> 01:22:20.560 Keep it bubbling under there, Ben. 01:22:20.981 --> 01:22:21.481 I don't know. 01:22:21.541 --> 01:22:22.722 They were called Cotton Eye Joe. 01:22:22.762 --> 01:22:23.342 Rednecks. 01:22:23.382 --> 01:22:24.743 With an X. Yeah. 01:22:25.864 --> 01:22:28.186 I was sort of thinking about rednecks when I'd done that. 01:22:28.286 --> 01:22:29.247 Wow, you aim high. 01:22:29.327 --> 01:22:29.507 Yeah. 01:22:30.007 --> 01:22:30.647 Only the best. 01:22:30.687 --> 01:22:31.967 Let's hear Joe Cornish's effort. 01:22:32.668 --> 01:22:33.328 Uh, this is my one. 01:22:33.348 --> 01:22:34.548 This is called All Night Garage. 01:22:34.608 --> 01:22:35.368 Oh no! 01:22:35.748 --> 01:22:38.689 It's nine o'clock on Christmas Eve and I ain't got no presents yet. 01:22:38.709 --> 01:22:39.529 What am I gonna do? 01:22:39.629 --> 01:22:41.989 I'll have to go down to All Night Garage. 01:22:42.189 --> 01:22:57.932 All Night Garage, All Night Garage, Christmas shopping at the All Night Garage, All Night Garage, Christmas shopping at the All Night Garage, All Night Garage, Christmas shopping at the All Night Garage, All Night Garage, Christmas shopping at the All Night Garage, 01:22:58.012 --> 01:22:58.773 Hello there, mate. 01:22:58.994 --> 01:22:59.735 How are you doing? 01:22:59.795 --> 01:23:02.359 I've got to buy some stuff and my Christmas will be ruined. 01:23:02.640 --> 01:23:05.825 Is that a DVD or this a funeral? 01:23:16.613 --> 01:23:20.996 Yeah, we can't let mine play for longer than yours that'll be unfair even though it's better 01:23:32.804 --> 01:23:34.785 Certainly some good rhyming action there. 01:23:34.945 --> 01:23:37.626 Lyrically, maybe you have to get... It's a bit thinly produced, my one. 01:23:37.766 --> 01:23:38.747 Lyrically, you have the edge. 01:23:38.927 --> 01:23:40.528 Musically, I'm not so sure. 01:23:40.608 --> 01:23:42.829 Couple, maybe a bit repetitious on the chorus there. 01:23:43.129 --> 01:23:44.270 People like repetition. 01:23:44.330 --> 01:23:44.951 Teletubbies. 01:23:44.971 --> 01:23:46.091 Oh, I don't know about that. 01:23:46.311 --> 01:23:47.312 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas time. 01:23:47.352 --> 01:23:57.918 Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, 01:23:58.198 --> 01:24:00.082 Ah, let's repeat six times. 01:24:00.102 --> 01:24:00.883 This is brilliant. 01:24:00.944 --> 01:24:01.004 Ah. 01:24:04.326 --> 01:24:07.568 Okay, so that's Song of Wolves for this week. 01:24:07.588 --> 01:24:08.169 Get voting. 01:24:08.649 --> 01:24:15.333 And of course, if you're listening again, don't text, just email AdamAndJoe.6musicatvbc.co.uk. 01:24:15.353 --> 01:24:16.854 Your votes will be very important this week. 01:24:17.495 --> 01:24:22.818 Maybe a few weeks before we actually announce the winners, because next Saturday our show will be pre-recorded. 01:24:22.838 --> 01:24:23.939 In fact, we've already pre-recorded. 01:24:23.959 --> 01:24:24.999 It's a special Christmas show, though. 01:24:25.019 --> 01:24:25.380 It's a good show. 01:24:25.400 --> 01:24:26.600 We bought each other presents. 01:24:26.660 --> 01:24:27.821 It's a gift-giving special. 01:24:27.861 --> 01:24:29.482 We bought each other a series of presents. 01:24:29.542 --> 01:24:33.765 We unwrap them on air, and all kinds of shenanigans ensue. 01:24:33.865 --> 01:24:34.586 That was fun, man. 01:24:34.626 --> 01:24:35.526 I had a good time doing that. 01:24:35.566 --> 01:24:35.847 It was fun. 01:24:35.867 --> 01:24:36.988 We got a little bit drunk. 01:24:37.008 --> 01:24:43.213 We got a tiny bit tooty and... We decided it was okay to get drunk in the morning on Christmas Saturday, next Saturday. 01:24:43.473 --> 01:24:48.197 Next Saturday, Gordon Brown has announced that everybody must be slightly tipsy before 9am. 01:24:48.237 --> 01:24:50.199 Unless they have a pre-existing problem with alcohol. 01:24:50.319 --> 01:24:52.700 In which case they must be a stone called Sobber. 01:24:52.820 --> 01:24:53.221 Exactly. 01:24:53.481 --> 01:24:55.262 Now here's a track that I've picked for you listeners. 01:24:55.362 --> 01:25:02.526 This is a man who I am very fond of musically, Robin Hitchcock, and he, this year, re-released a lot of his stuff, including this album. 01:25:02.646 --> 01:25:06.468 His first solo album, I believe, after he left the Soft Boys. 01:25:07.989 --> 01:25:10.010 And the album is called Black Snake Diamond Roll. 01:25:10.070 --> 01:25:12.431 I really recommend it if you've never heard any of Robin's stuff. 01:25:12.451 --> 01:25:13.432 It's a good entry point. 01:25:13.952 --> 01:25:16.734 And this is a lovely song called The Man Who Invented Himself. 01:25:19.844 --> 01:25:22.927 That's Robin Hitchcock with The Man Who Invented Himself. 01:25:36.698 --> 01:25:52.397 decent music that's a bit now I'm just gonna go and kill just despite there are two sides to every story and yeah I hear you Colin yeah you want to be careful before you kill any kind of living thing I feel you Colin yeah what what if the living thing really really stinks 01:25:52.817 --> 01:25:53.497 Like George Bush. 01:25:54.738 --> 01:25:54.978 Hey. 01:25:56.059 --> 01:25:56.219 What? 01:25:56.279 --> 01:25:58.620 Well, no, you still wouldn't do that. 01:25:58.860 --> 01:25:59.900 No, you can't sink to his level. 01:26:00.000 --> 01:26:00.400 No, absolutely. 01:26:00.420 --> 01:26:01.081 You can't sink to his level. 01:26:01.121 --> 01:26:03.602 You just give him a different job. 01:26:03.882 --> 01:26:05.283 Maybe road sweeping. 01:26:05.343 --> 01:26:06.443 Give him the silent treatment. 01:26:06.463 --> 01:26:07.203 Cleaning the lavies. 01:26:07.484 --> 01:26:08.584 Thanks for listening, everybody. 01:26:09.364 --> 01:26:15.047 We'll be with you kind of in a peculiar kind of way next week, but we will be here and it's a good show, so do listen. 01:26:15.447 --> 01:26:15.989 Yeah, exactly. 01:26:16.009 --> 01:26:16.791 We're not going anywhere. 01:26:17.091 --> 01:26:20.660 We'll be with you right the way through the Christmas and New Year period here on BBC 6 Music. 01:26:20.700 --> 01:26:23.547 Thanks a lot for texting and emailing and all that stuff. 01:26:23.607 --> 01:26:24.429 We love you, bye! 01:26:24.489 --> 01:26:24.710 Bye!